The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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A Safe Ia?cstmcflt
.100 Feet Fast of Union Ave
mi- I'vioN AVK AND K. 7TII ST
ilMUl.'U foot lot togalbrr Willi loom
h, ., ha vine all modern conveniences
emit . a-iclrln llghte. rlo.i full
... in iu.a.-in.,ut: will at-ll either or
t-mh lota.- place has well kept I4"
and great profusion of tce ami other
ehruua. peg nvurr ai nmurii
to., ror. Xd and Taylor and arrange
liint. ,
Two Beautiful Homes
rtn la a new g room bungalow, mod
sen in avrry way. 'la Cloveruala a.ldl
tioii nnr riolmnnt No one ha lived
in It yt. Just finished. Price only $S6oo
witn very iinerei urmi
Also a S iory H room houaa In inn
Mm neighborhood, built ft year ago,
tan be bought for $J2ou If taken
Good terma. Coma and see u about
t (I. '
, ' Voigt it Golden
824 H Washington St., rom204.
toft l owner, pretty home T
rooms, corner. Un, full cement baae- i
plent. Walnut Park, ITOOti; terui.
New room liouae. nicely finished,
cement h.tnnicnt. lawn; fruit trees, close
In, $360; terms.
Two lota on corner, exclusive resi
dency dint riot. Walnut Park; lament
walks, sewersge. water connections;
13600. terms.
40 Abington Ding1, rnonc ,isin miv
Here lis
The chance to buy a corner.
UfxlJl, rr only f'iuO, close lo
carline, bull Hun wfn una grail
ci street. Trm 14'' do 11. 1 1
per mi ntli. Cull or phono today.
H. S. ttecsmair
107 Villa nr. Phone Tauor 18.
kit .William ftva.
I'ltutia Leal 111. IMIII.
t room modern huusa, $ Minnesota f
ate. I'riv $l4d. tarma
5 room house, lit
I o (i . term.
Fgigo at Prtoa
room modern houaa, kll Height
ITlca IJimo, tarma.
f mom hotiaff. on Tillamook, rloae to
I'nlini af. J'rUa II7o. irrma,
Corner I'rorwriy on WHIUino ava.;
rltolco titration: now bullillua. l'lla
1 10, mill. I'aylna It per cnnl. If-,1 j
for 6 r. Trrma; anap. 1
M tfl'fS'
On t100 tot with alloy; 7 lar rooma.
with bath, and S tolleta, full comrnt
Vaiiemnt. Iron fnce. porchea S aldua,
furnaoo haat built In cupboarda, dfn,
larga bay window. acrwned Ihrouitn
out, f0 mlnutaa out. 6c faro. For only
13200 and flnn uruaacia rarpei iiiito
to parlora thrown In; $1700 oaah. This
la an exceptional lar(c"ln In a home
way from crowded city and yet with
all modern comforts.
8. T. WA1.KKR, 04 Corbelt hAg.
Good Ihiys
S room cliai(t: crini-nt foundation;
aoot plumMnx, lOOxloo corner; ISZ&u,
SttU rnn.
6 room iniMlrrn bunKalow, lame cor
ner Jot : kooii locality; only liti.
AmoIIiit etiay IiuiikaIow. lot 0xl7,
with unlive trt-ca, 11375.
6 room iiioilmn bunanlow, nrar'lJiur-
lhurM. very neat; I a loo, $&ou cash.
o room cottait. porn-Iain lath, gaa,
full baaemcnt; rloaa In; $iwoo.
ItOftxloo. cornar; iir Handy road; S
hjocka from whero ooart'-r lilocka are
held at ttiliOO. Mv nrlia 127(10,
Only $300 for et front lot on beau
tiful Alt. Tabor; terma.
f. M. Mciklejohn,
S0 E. Washington; Kaat 1116. n-1187
A Beautiful Home
t room . and reception hall, atrictly
modern; flna location on th Weat Side,
close to car; worth every cmt of $3600.
but $$800 takes It; $800 cash, balance
time, . -' . ,
.The Globe Brokerage Co.,
404 Marqunm mag.
land and muat sacrifice my little 6
room home, suburban. So fare: wired,
tinted, rmih and toilet; open itrate; ast
front; close to car. A fine Charter
Oak range and aome linoleum goe with
It; -all for only $1480. I87S caab, bal
ance monthly. Fee my exclusive ajrent
at once. Mr. Walker, at 04 Corhett bldg.
S1900 Buys This
A S room bungalow, atrictly modern;
1 block from Hawthorne ave.; full lot
and lawn that coat ma $130. lOvery
thing new and modern; could not be
duplicated for IJ500. Will sell for
$1$00. Will take anything reasonable
down, balance on time.
I also have a .modern B rVm bun
galow, Just being finished; could make
small cnaTife.a , to ault Dtiyer. uno
block from J3i:lmont at, for $2100; same
Call up owner, CKarles Berry, A-29J0,
from 6 a. m. to 7 a. m., and 12 to 1 p.
m.. and 8 p. m. to 8 . m.
; Montavilla Bargains
7 room house, modern plumbing, con
crete basement, electric liirhts, Improved
treet 1 block of car; $1800, terms.
60x100 lot 4 blocks to car; well lo
cated;. $300, terms.
Owner. 629 Lumber Exchange bldg.
9 room house, all modern; furnace, S
baths, 2 toilets, and first class in every
' respect: In walking distance, close to
. Kast Side High school. This was built
for a home and you can get. it at a
bars-air from the owner. : Room 16,
S70U. Washington St. Main 4970. '
OWNER will sell for net price and
terma the following realdence sites,
for limited time only:
east of 1'nlon ave. car; south front; 60
xlOO; $760.
ROSE CITT PARK East front. 60x
100; m hlock to enr; $485.
QUARTER BLOCK East and south
frontage suitable for apartment houae;
8 blocks S-S car; close In on east side;
Phone Main 6588. "
I 'l x DM Kit K. Portland a mat beuiitl
ful an hui H; atre-la gradnd, water
nmlna lalil. A few choice lola ami ror
aale on y terms. New, mixtern t
room bungalow. 11700. $Jo0 down, $1$
per month and Interest. Acreage. 13
acres, all clear, near i arllne; fine for
rutting Into acre tracts; $:'tioo ln
proveinenls In orchar.l and berries;
$.126 per acre. 10 aerea neir car. all
clear. Into orchard, berrlea juw1 fit rut
produce, $.11100. Improveuieiita, $ofl per J
are. 7H acres near ear, into orci arn
bcrrlfa. etc., $2510, mprvementa. ti"
H.. K. Allen, omltuera atatlon, ll
Scott cnrllne. I'hone Tabor 1 426 or
Tnbor 1 4 1 N
$50 PER ACItR.
1180 acres, K miles from city llmlta.
fine dairy farm cloae to Portland.
600 to ton acres- clear or cultivated.
Rich bottom land, almoat all level.
All could ha Irrigated.
Klne. large limine, 2 big bams, silo.
Will be worth $S00 per acre within
( yea re.
$I5.f0 cash, balance to suit, t pef et.
P. RKIMKUS, 70 Corbett bldg.
Two of the finest homes in Mt. Ta
bor; cement sidewalks, lmnrovd streets,
unexcelled view, nice yards. 1 block
from car, running on street paved all
the way In; price $8000 and $9000,
terms; one on corner 80x100 and. the
other on 100x100; let us take you out
so that you can make your choice.
212-218 Commercial Club bldg.
Phones Main 8699. A-2658.
$1700 Home
8 room, nouse. basement, bnth. toilet.
pantry, closets, hall, 1 porches, nice lot,
east front, high ground. Improved
streets, lawn, fruits, nice roses, car-
den, etc.
Henkle & Harrison,
811 Gerllnaer bldg.. 2d and Aider sta.
W i t h cement walks,
curhs, graded streets,
Bull Run water; close
to carline; no taxes;
title perfect.
$10 down; $5 Month
Will buy one of these
' choice lots. Only a fevx
left. .Take M-V car at
Third and Yamhill to
the corner of Villa ave- '
nue and Hibbard and
see ' .
Or Phone Tabor 189.
$2400 18 acres, a acres clear, rest stump
pasture, t acres potatoes. 4 pear, 12
peach, 8 cherry and 46 apple trees, $
years old; all kinds berries. Chicken
house, small barn, good well, woodshed,
story and a half. 18x24. rustic house.
3 porches; near ! German churches and
school; 100 rods to graded publlo
school; mile to depot; on new county
road; all level: no rocks. $1800 down.
H. L. Kocher. Sherwood. Or.
Sunnyside Special
t room cottago with 2 lots, fruit trees
and flowers, 2 blocks from car line;
price $2000.
, Speer & Co.,
' - - 1000 Belmont st.
. Why Pay Rent?
Here is a modern 7 room house, street
Improvements in, electric lights, good
Vactiutnt, 1 block from car; on)y $.300
down, $16 per month; prl: IJSOO. '711
y.otioma bldg. Phone Main 3510.
New modern 8 room house near Rich
mond enr; street Improvements In; small
price with balance paid $25 par month.
m Kotneniiq mag, .pnone Main 8610.
Want a Home?
Modern 5 room house, 4 lots; price
$2600; $1000 cash, .'balance $25 per
month if taken at once. The lots alone
are worth the price; S blocks to Al
berta enr. 711 Rthchlld bldg. Phone
Main 8510.
NO money needed for a home, I furnish
both. If you have a house started I
will complete it for you, or If you have
a lot I will build a house, or If you
have a little money I buy the lot you
like, build the house you like, you pay
monthly payments.. Money at 6 per
cent per annum. ,
; 121 Main st.. Lents.
KEW, ? room house and 3 lots. Kern
Park, only $1160. $100 cash. Neat
. room house, close In, 45th st.. $1050
Another cloae by for $1300. These will
ell fast,
s. j. McCarthy.
; - : .Abi n gton bid g.
Best lot in new tratT fine homes sn.
ing tip all around it; $126.25 cash will
nanuie it, balance easy terms.
S2-3S LaJayette bdg.. Wash, and 6th
. - Phone A-7083.
HERE'S : a good, big,- square, modern
house situated on view lot, close to
f rood car service, for $3200. $1000 cash,
las 8 rooms, combination fixtures, and
Is a bargain. Two fine fir trees on lot
S. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett bldg.
$100 Cash
Balance easy terms; 2 blocks to car
Jtne; leaving town, must sell quick.
rnoiicB niam iuzt; raoor 1338.
. $750 Cash
Large lot, 1 block north Hawthorn
ave. . l his is cheap.
602 McKay Bldg.
$900 CASH
Will buv corner lot 60x100, with cot
tage; all kinds fruit trees, berries and
rose bushes. Call at 1472 Winona st.
Woodlawn. Or.
One 5, one 6 room house, modern,
1850 each.- $3600 for both; good loca
tion, worth more; might take trade for
first payment. Owner, room 26, 14234 2d.
iiUST sell modern bungalow within
next 10 days or lose business. Bun
galow partly furnished; $1900, $600
cash, balance like rent. Inquire 310 E.
45tli, 1 block B. of Hawthorne car.
SlY new 4 room partly modern cottage.
furnished complete, $2100; $1000 cwsh;
sras, , electricity, water, 50x100, lawn,
cherry trees, paring, cement walks.
D-202, Journal.
FIVE room bungalow; new, modern;
everything neat and tasty; full ce
ment basement, lawn, fine neighbor
hood; Blghtlv. I want to sell at once,
am going away and will sell for less
than cost; 1 blocks to car, 15 minutes
from center city; terms to suit. A
dandy home. This is. the best bargain
in the city. Call anv time; take Al
berta car to 994 E 18th- St., N.
11 lots and a new 7 room house In
south Mt. Tabor district, and one of
tne liveliest growing communities on
carline; 20 per cent less than present
value for cash transaction. VRlues will
Increase 25 per cent over present prices
upon completion' of Hawthorne avenue
309 Corbett bldg.
Mount Tabor View Property
Here's a home and a good buy
150x160, good house, fine shade and
fruit trees, a splendid home for some
one; will be worth $5000 next spring:
$4000 now. Have, buyer for one lot off
this tract
Prettyman ave., COxllO, best view lot
in Mt. Tabor at tnis price, $1800.
Auk us about property to be platted;
fins view. Call 164 E. 49th st today,
or pnone m. bdio Monday,
room modern house on corner E.
31st and Everett sts.; lot 60x100, within
2 and 3 blocks from t carllnes; a real
bargain at the price. $3660, terms.
ii. f.
212-213 Commerefnl Club bldg.
rimnn main sft, A-ZBB3.
I HAVE a 6-room cottage, close In.
with bath, toilet electric lights and
gas; lot 50x100; on car line; $1000
down, bal. to suit; must be sold by Oc
tober 1. Owner leaving city. ,
8-room house with 210x140 lot; fronts
on Madison st. near 20th; $5000 cash,
bal. terms. See
426 Lumber Exchange. ,
Irvington Home
A small 8 room home In Irvlngton
district, much cheaper than other prop
erty In same neighborhood; $6600, $1500
i tim i mm terms on oaiance. Jr. & Jr.
Loramemaj s rceaity uo., 408
chants' Trust bldg.
$1600 (total price) buys 6 room house.
run concrete nasement gas in base
ment lot 50x100, nice lawn; rose hedge,
bearing frutt trees and berries; H block
irom car. 33d st
Nice lots and acreage at Fulton Park
and Capitol Hill and Alder Springs, on
Oregon Electric; $450 and up; 6c fare.
319 Commercial bldg.
7 room bungalow, modern In every re-
fpect, paneled dining-room, beam 'cell
ngs, eastern plumbing; this property is
located on E. 18th In the heart of Irv
lngton; 60x100 lot. east front; $6260,
which is $1000 leas than any similar
house In Irvlngton. We own this prop
erty; you. pay no commission.
420 Swetland bldg. Main 1151. A-2482.
Find Out About This One
A beautiful home, close to business
center of St. Johns; corner lot, 100x100,
all set to fruit: fine new house of 6
rooms. Will sell at a bargain; $700
will handle it. Neal Brown, 709 Swet
land bldg.
Forced Sale
One of the best modern 6 room cot
tages on the east side; paneled dining
room and kitchen; full basement; new
furnace, gas and phone; lot 60x100;
fine lawn; fruit and garden; cement
walk in front and around house: 1400
Mer- j uown, Daiance nue rent, xzs per month.
ii j wu naub a. iivmo t;Lii oa onaver
near Union ave.. N. for particulars.
ONLY $250 ''cash for modem 5 room
; Bargains in Homes
l!aovA beautiful, modern a room
houaa, furnace, sleeping xr-lt,
, ret'rptiuii hall, largo light tin. ma.
Urn, everything roinlrli. elu In.
$4180- A modem runvenlaut 1 room
reklleiua with furnaue, nice
. targa etiinmixlinus ruotna. beautl
ful ttiii.) walla, fine roars and
Uwa; ornrr lot. .
I I at ra of around, all In eult
Vation and g room S.Uitenxt
iHiuaa, rhli ken houaa aitl l-arka,
fruit I re a and roses, similes.
rioor coverings and loo cMt keiis.
at Wgteun station or i minute I
walk to 6o earllna. .
IJSOo -A new modorn. room idas-
lored hotieti. eoay and oomfurl-
aniaj. Archer sisilon; aaay
114004 room cottage, modern, alld-
lug doors between dlnllig-tootn
and parlor, plllara between hall
and parlor, elect rlo lights, full
ixiaeineni, o. I
$1359 room bungalow, new full
baaeinnit. raaeutloav nail: ool.
umna betweoo dlnlng-riwiin and
parlor; 1 block KJlllngaworth
ave.; easy terms.
$$00 A dealrable homo In South
Portland of 8 rooma. plastered,
electric lights, porcelain buth,
etc.; on i sides, etc.; on
IJOOO A real bargain, a 8 room house I
ann juuxiuu corner, on Improved
, atreeia- in rurtsmoutn ; lurgs
Hearing rrult trees, barn, poul
try liousul and rtma.
$1000 For a niece of ground 9x1I0
feet at the corner of Mmlrons
end Ilelluvue sts., In Woodlawn.
wiir. a room house, modern
plumbing, etc., which will rent
.... ior s month; this is a snap.
Idu this is. your ohanos to get a
I room cottage and foil lot 4
blocks from station. In nice dls-l
mot; easy terms.
The Dunn-Lawrence Co.,
$4 8 Alder st -
Look These Over .
t47R $176 csah: 1 room houaa. Intl
$850 $100 cash: 4 room houaa. mrnw I
$1800 $200 cash: 6 room hoftae. Sell.
I wood, close to car.
81460 .I860 eaah; g Mnm mnHitm 1
nouae, n Diocg to car.
$1700 $600 cash: 4 room house, ea-
ment basement; wood In for winter, In
Alberta. .
$20008200 cash, new modern 4 room
bungalow, 44th and Hawthorne.
$2000 $600 caah, new modern 6 room
bungalow in Alberta
$2600 $600 cash, 7 rooms, all modern,
' ,' For Sale
81x100 a' corner lot with a
fine S room houaa with ! porch
ea and flue cement baaement; t
, blrnk front KlUliigawiutlii 11600.
- 60x100 A fine corner, bn JJd
' and ...... street; a good 4 room
, house, 1 block to can 11800, $709
'. caah. . . ' -
, -
46x100 A fine lot with south
. front; 4 ronnt houaa; 1$ minute
"ride; 1 block lo car.' A snap,.
$1000. - ;, r t, ,
46x100 A fine corner, new
room houaa. on carline; $1060.
46x100 Corner.'' $ ' rooma: ea
rned t walk, graded street; 1 block
to fine car service; minute ser
vice; $1700. , - , . .
- $0x10080 feet from Killings
worth; atrlotly modern, new bun-
fa low. fins baaement T feet In
he clear; never occupied. One.
of the neateat houses In Portland,
$2200; 4 blocks to ear. .
100x100, on Union ave., $0 min
utes' ride. A flna and strictly
modern 10 room house; has gas
, and electric light; everything up
to data; street Improvements
pa,ld; $6600. . ; , -,
10x120.. close to Union ave.;
street Improvements paid; f 1600.
80x100 A fine 'lot. and 80 feet
from car. on good line; ownef sick
and leaving state. vTbls Is a bar
gain; $860.
". v .-'
66x400 Overlooking Wtllametts
boulevard; a fins lot of bearing '
fruit trees and a beautiful loca
tion; $1650. .
80x100 150 feet from oar, clog
to Union ave.; $850. .
' 26x100 A nice lot; Just think
of It.. only $176. - .
' $S 1-8x100. with large t room
house; a good lot; $475. ,
yon bali: jucAL estate ia
Apartment House
Let 100 ft. r 104 ft, ItulKln.g 11 by $0
'net Per Month. .r far
Plii'liS $ 4 00 Taxra ...,,IOO4
lliel ...., 40 00
Water , .... 16 00
Light ..... lutiil
Garbage ,., 4 00
Jaultor ,. ... 61 00
liieuiaiu-e ,, ili.ot
1117 Po Tllmeg 11,. II. 641 00
Total yearly' expene
Rig I room apta at 1T 16
rxine 4 room ants, at .. 17.60
Six i room ants, at . 47.60
On room In basement '
$Jt 68
. .:$.
80 00
......... ..t
....... ... .
1.690 00
$.$:$. oo
Remember we ' have fine acre '
tracts and cjose In, cheap. If you
are looking for a fine residence
, In Walnut Park, Piedmont, Irv
lngton. Hawthorne, east or west
side of river, we have got them,
and If vou don't see It advertised
coma to room 617 Rothchlld. bldg.,
4th and Washington sts.
Everett & McLeod,
Per month ,
Per vear .........
Expenses, per year
... . .
NET YEARLY PROFIT. .. .7. .$7,167.09
Investment $47,000.60
; " , D. M. -Baker,
101 Corbett Bldg. ' -
13100 You want for a fjne, con wnlant
. , suiiurunn nome. uooa 1 room -'
wood fiber, plaatered liouee, and
good barn, all new, 10 aerea o(
.excellent landlloae to R It. sta-
1 tlon. and but 46 minutes to the
- ' city; Improvements alone, eoat
$2o0. and this land ia easily
worth $2000. "--'
411-41$ Ablngton Bldg. 106H $f St
tl aores, 1$ la cultivation.
One mils from Mount AngeL
On 8. P. Railroad, cloae to station, , 1 .
Fine, level, rloh soil ' .
Running water all roar.
No buildings,! t mile to high son ool :
1 and academy. . . v . . . .
Close to publio school. . ' .
$86 per acre, half caah. '
Also 7H acres adjoining, same prfssj,
P. REIMKRB, T09 Corbett bldg.
Fine Income Property- -
Two story building on fins East Bid
corner; will psy 8 per cent net on $10.-
000. Two fine store rooms below and
two modern ( room flats above: $9500; ,
$2600 caah, balance, to suit
The Globe Brokerage Co., -
mt warquam jaiog.
For choicest best view lots In Port- .
land, Improved and unimproved; for
well Improved 6, 10, 16 and 20 aero
tracts on best road, on east aide close
to Portland. Address owner, Elsie
Bcnntnar, Koute 1. pox 18S.
226 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts.
Packing House Townsite
Do you want lots In First Electric
addition which adjoins this townsite,
also adjoins the new carline to the
racking House? This addition is lo
cated between the two carllnes. and vou
can get your choice of 100 lots with Bull
Run water before the prices advance
October 20. 1909. Only $5 down and 85
a month. A. C. McDonald, agent, Penin
sula station, on St. Johns carline. Phone
Woodlawn 813, residence Tabor 1740.
If VOU have a. nnrflnl titaa n n.V o .
kind of an Investment or a home or
business property you want, I can de-
VelOD It to VOnr en t Ira uH.f.nflnn
You'll find here a homey little private
mi iiaiiBaci Business, its not
66x100 lot, close to Richmond car, on $3200 New 6 room 2 story house, full
E. Taggart st Price $1125 now; cash basement stationery tubs, two toilets.
$100. and navmenta to suit I f Ironlne ohlna
. . Kitcnen, alcove on dining room, electric
ligms, linoleum on kitchen, and bath;
Hero 1s a modern 7 room house, street two blocks from carline; built for a
improvements in. electric lights, good home, but must sticjlflce; $500 . down
woocmpiii uiwk inim cmr; wni f duv will nanuie.
aown, i6 per month. Price $1800.
Three lots, 6 room house, 1H blocks
from Montavilla car; price $1650; $700
casn, Daiance monthly payments.
Modern 6 room house and 4 lots:
price $2500; $1000 cash,' balance $25
per monthr If taken soon. The lots
alone are worth the piee; 3 blocks
For sale- 6 acres, all cleared, near
Rocfcwood, on Base Line road; close to
school and electric station; small house,
$1600. . .
A very choice lot 60x110, on Petty
grove ave., cor. Taylor st; fine view of
city; building restriction.
711 Rothchild Bldg. M.
BUSINESS calls east for 2 yeflre or
more; I do not want to rent, will sell
my fine home In West Piedmont verv
cheap; 7 rooms, full cement basement,
gas and electricity, tinted walls, finest
plumbing; this house Is new, only 4
blocks from Killlngsworth ave.. 6 blocks
from new high school, 2 blocks to Ken
ton canine; easy terms. G-205. Journal.
For bargains In real estate read mv
list under heading "New Today" in
this caper. For anvthlncr In the real
estate line call on
$2-33 Lafayette bdg.. Wash, and 6th.
Fiione A-7083.
NICE 8 room house, gas. bath, toilet,
extra choice fruit, now bearing, 100
foot front, corner lot, 80 feet deep; 18
minutes from 3d and Morrison, 10 min
ute service. Must sell. 83200, worth
4000. $1700 payment takes it. Phone
Sellwood R33.
Small Cottage
$2000. 1
5 rooms, desirable location; lawn and
fruit: terms. A pleasant home and
would rent readily. "Phone C-1366
house: nrice $2750 if sold this month:
balance $25 monthly; corner lot 60x100;
fine lawn, 6 fruit trees, roses, berry
bushes, etc.; modern bathroom, cement
basement, porches, halls, big closets,
buffet pantry: this house is at 310 E.
60th, only 2 blocks south of Hawthorne
ave. Take Mount Scott or Hawthorne
cars. Also furniture, etc., for sale.
Telephone B-2617.
A corner lot, 50x100, In good resi
dence district, where building restric
tion Is $1250. This lot Is close in. On
good canine, lft minutes ride from heart
of city; close to good school. Here Is
a snap, people, investigate. Price $575
11 uxen ai once.
Phone Main 7581.
Good Buys .
129 acres east of Aurora, 75 in culti
vation, balance open pasture; first-class
sandy loam soli; rood house, fair out
bulldlmrs: on main road, e.lnna to school:
step out of your way; come In and see : price, including farm machinery, $9500;
605 Commercial Block. -
If you are looking for a home or in
vestment property my business Is to
get what you want Whether you wlwli
to buy or sell come In and have a con
fidential talk with
32-33 Lafayette bdg., Wash, and Oth.
Phone A-7083.
Drop'in and. See Me About
Our Cheap Irrigated Land
"Easy monthly payment, no interest
Office 10 a. m. to 6' p. m. and Tuesday
and Thursday evenings. "VV. ;R. Riley,
room 2V Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st.
$2-33 Lafayette bdg., Wash, and
Phone A-7083.
of a mile from Hillsboro.
Fine level, block, rich soil.
All or partly In cultivation.
Close to electric and steam line.
United Railroad will pass the door,
5 acre tracts, $170 per acre and up.
Ten per cent cash, $10 per month.
Beautiful location.
Select your tract at once.
P. REIMERS. 709 Corbett bldg.
A New 5 Room Bungalow
STi. LOUIS man has Just built a beau
tiful modern cottage on fine lot
50x100 in Montavilla: offers same at
actual cost; is obliged to return east;
$2150, $25 a month w ill handle At. A.
N. Searle, E. 76th and Villa ave M. V.
ar. Bee It today (Sunday).
AN Ideal place for bungalow, on Im
nroved street, watpr and vr on In
price $1000.
Speer & Co.,
1000 Belmont st.
6 room Queen Anne nti kiwiaa
full basement, fuji plumbing, fl ne shrub- ?or $500 down, balance monthly; fae-
Dery ana trees; beautiful home; $3500- ln ease, au moaern ana large rooms,
easy terms. Mrs. Lent's Agency 286 block from Alberta car; high and
Washington, rooms 406-7. sightly; lot 50x100. This is a bargain.
BRAND new 8 room house, sidewalk, rhone A'l5el P'Mllr .
etc.. beautiful. retrle !,.-...' i - eV"'1".".
$3500: one third ,Wn r "'u'I"lJ KOom 31, ZbS KtarK.
, . - - -, v. i , 1 1 (v 1 1 a
irni. w. ij. Tnomas,
146 5th st Phone Main 6869. Residence
phone C-2347.
Make an Investment
Westmoreland is bound to go ahead
have choice lot to sell; requires littlo
cash. B-207. Journal.
: M Acre t My.'le Park
I block from m- 900. $200 cash Gil
more Millatt, '?6 Lumber Exchange,
2d and Stark.
OWNER compelled to sell two lots, 40
xlOO each, close in: walking distance:
la-R fine; Improvements all In: near
Falling school: or will sell anv part of
It for less than market price. For
terms see owner 268 2d St.
HALF acre $10 down and $10 per month
streets and water in, near carline 5
cent fare, 35 minutes' ride, 10 minute
car service. O. F. Land, 244 Front st
Phone M. 2002.
$1500 for a fine full lot close In, all
street Improvements pai3; will make
you a fine home.
$3600 $500 cash for a fine now 6
room modern house in good location.'
$6500 For an elegant 7 room house,
easy walking distance; easy terms.
F. FUCH8. 221 Morrison st
$2750 Will buy this fine, sightly, 2
acres, all set to fruit in full
bearing, with house and other
buildings all ready to move into.
This will positively not be for
sale but a few davs.
412-413 Abington Bldg. 106 3d St
18 lots right at Portsmouth, close to
car. all set to fruit; price is reasonable;
also 100x100 with 7 room house and 10
full -bearing fruit trees and lots of
small fruit. This Is a snap at $2600.
Can make terms on any of these. Neal
Brown. 709 Swetland bldg.
half cash. bal. good 'terms.
43 acres south of Needy; 23 In culti
vation, balance slashed and well seeded;
good large house and outbuildings: good
fences; close to school: 4 cows, 2 har
rows, 1 plow, cultivator and mower;
price $3800.
345 acres near St Paul: about 250
clear; some fine oak timber; on bank
of the Willamette; old buildings; price
$40 per acre,
A. F. Will
Aurora. Or. '
Are You Looking-
10c a nice-comfortable home, -close to
the business part of town, atj,a bargain;
7 rooms, fruit trees, close to car and
modern. Prise $2W)0; $140tr cash, bal.
like rent. See us. 332 Lumber exchange
Lot 60x100, improvements In,' faces
east, i blockg from car; on E. I4th, near
Prescott st Price $700.'
212-213 Commercial Club bldg.
Phones Main 8699, A-2663.
, Holladay Snap
House with 8 large rooms, 2 bath
rooms, hall and pantry; bigger house
thanr it looks from the street; No. 411
E. nth St., fine location, 2 blocks from
the Broadway carline; furnace, grate
with a dandy mantel, paneled library,
bath fixtures, cement cellar floor, ce
ment washtubs, house papered through
out; was built for a home and repaired;
It's a bargain at $850 less than its
worth, and $1000 will handle It, 6 years'
time on the balance. PhonesEast 92 or
East 728. C. L. Boss, 320 B. Morrison.
How Is This?
$200 down, balance like rent Prloa
$1100. 4 room house, corner lot; street
Improvements paid; 20 minutes walk
down town; just the place for a grocery
store. 784 Pacific st.
Look I
Fog sale, 6 acres all ' cleared, near
Rock wood, on Base Line road, close to
school and electric station; small house;
$1500. 711 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Mala
A Sunnyside lot, new 6 room bunga
low, only $2850; good terms; investigate
621 Board of Trade bldg.
A Real Bargain
8 room modern house on 85x138 near
West ave.. 2 blocks south of carlln
cement sidewalks. Improved street, nice
is-wn, apove graae; price $4250, terms.
m. rv palm - JONES CO.. .
212-213 Commercial Club bldg.
Phones Main 8699. A-26S3.
I must go east and will sacrifice my
7 room house, on carline; come out to
day and if you intend buying a home,
will make you a price that will surprise
you. Call at 31 N. Taylor st, Laurel-
$2100 $600 cash, $15 per month, 6 per
cent, mv home: Ooeirt R mnm ,,,
modern plumbing. 100x100, large lawn! ! wood, Mt. Scott carline. You don't need
iwni". Hiiittu (.tain, iruu trees. I'hone mi cawi.
Woodlawn 2392. T?rsAi"rnrT'r. mhnrhn hn. h..n
Four Room House Bath
And basement lot 60x200, $1800; $250
rash. Gilmore & Millatt, 226 Lumber
Kxchanpe. 2d and Stark.
ABSOLUTELY the bent buy In Irving
ton; artistic bungalow, 2 lots, hard
surface streets: everything Ideal. Get
our figures. Owner. 44 K. 20th St.. N.
iXH SALE New S room cottage, 1
block south Alberta car line; will take
piano as part payment. Inquire of
rwner on premises, 1009 E. 22A st N.
modern; beautiful view to eat; near
car; only $2500. Mono mnli
S. T. WALKER. 04 Corbett hid jr.
l-'OI'R room cottage
FOR SALE Real estate business wit
gtou list or city ana country proper- rustu 0 room modern nouse, finest cor- low aown. Daiance line rent,- buys a
ties, also good list of buyers, with of- , ner lot in Vernon.; must sell bv Oct. 1 ' new 6 room bungalow, right on car line,
flee furniture. Including tvnewrlter- (c- I Cash or time. Inauire fitnnrtnrrt Pioirio s. ' L'5 minutes out- hns cement basement
well advertised; rent cheap; $126. Phone I Packing Co., E. 8th and Main. Phone i modern plumbing, fireplace, yQiing fruit
M. 6522. East 125.
FOR SALE, by owner, a beautiful mod- F(R SALE Corner lot on Columbia
ern 5 room California bungmow. cor- I boulevard, E. St. Johns; 1 block from
ner lot 50x100. furnished, for - $2900. : carline; or will trade for stock r"n
cor. E. 9th. i or address owner, F. B.. 990 E. 26th
v. . 1
1, .
trees, all conveniences, with Xi. upr.
ground fenced; price $2950. See owner,
171 :ld St., near Yamhill.
...J. New House
5 rooms, pantry, bath, attic, full base
ment, complete plumbing, lot 60x116:
eaRt front, lawn. sidewalk, graded
street; near car. price $2100, part caah.
See owner, 209 E. 76th St., N.
The best remaining vacant lot on the
Heights, 60x112 feet, surrounded by fine
residences ana nas a view or tne river
and mountains which cannot be shut
off; one block from car; cheap for
cash; price $2750.'
212-213 Commercial Club bldg.
Phones Main 8699. A-2663.
$260 CASH.
6 room bungalow $2400 It's a new,
6 room strictly modern bungalow, good
basement east, front close to. Alberta
car; beamed celling and paneled dining J
If You Have
Anywhere from $100 to $1500 ia cash
and looking for a home, we can show
you the best snaps in, town. Call at
832 Lumber Exchange.
ROSH CITY PARK...100X105; ast front:
cleared; ltt blocks from car; cement
walks, street grading and water paid;
$1170, $420 down and $20 per month.
See owner, 638 Worcester bldg. Phono
Main 7470.
LOTS, 60x100, 1 miles from city hall,
... 12 minute car servicer $100 up; $26
down, $10 per month. Take Sellwood
car to Holgate st. 100 ft south on
Crookem ave. - Telephone East 3105. E.
Crampton. ' '
Splendid Home
A new, modern, extra well built 7
room house, for sale by owner. 766
E. Glisan, near 24th st.
WELL BUILT, modern 9 room resf-
room built In buffet stationary tubs , T imJS Vi4 i aifi
eood attte- wall, tinted t win and filled with roses; right, on: carline;
" - "a. 1 nn m niitat DrlnA V ? I?nfl ' Afin naeh
S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett bldg.
good attic; walls
you to look this up.
Woodlawn 1379. 18th and Alberta sta
with terms. 481 Oxford St.,
BANDON BY THE SEA All kinds of
THIS is a bargain New 5 room strictly
modern cottage, half block from car-
line; price- $1750; $250 down and $15
per month; will take vacant lot or a
first class ritv anil ennntrv nrnn.pli. 1 FOR Y3w ,.u ...... B w. .
for sale by Chandler Holmes Bandon. em 6 room bunealow. ln kiwi no mortgage on your furniture as first pay-
Coos county. Or. P. O. box 146. j front. Deal with owner and nr. nnm. I nicnt. Take the Mt Scott carline, get
. I 2 . . . . ---- - ' 1 off nt- lli aril ava gaaalr' m In a . V
$600 lxt ofixloO; $128.50 down. $17.50
month, includes graded street, curb
ing. ' coping, 6 foot cement walk, trees
city water. W-204. Journal.
1 . . ' " " - v. . nnu Bit,
I mission: terms. T-21 1. Journal.
FOR anything in Portland real estate,
Board of Trade Bldg.
$660 equity for $400; modern cottage.
leaving town must Bell. H V.
! 2 lots
bath, flreplare,
electric lights, on carline. Jisoo noo
ruii, iiniHrn- Aia nun, 1 1 . james ' , . i A- . w i .
Clock. 252 Alder phone Main 1274 : ' "
TeST aide rottaee. 5 rooms, bath. gnu. j Cheap HoiTlC
IR"J.S:"c"0,l,.;?I.', Two lota, t n,Sm. near car.
a; Aompion. Hainng.
WILL take lot as first payment
room modern bungalow. Iut(h kitchen
f 6
$1500. Owner 827 Board of Trade bldg.
Main 84.
ind acreage of all
Tl'i- ttSue. 605 Comrr.errlal hldg
TEN roim houe: well
right, terms eaav. M.
Veetmnrerand. on geHwvd
F.ifiMS, ranches
sixes to exchange for citv Dronart.
Ball it Kbner, 411 Lumber Eirhann
built: price I IVVl-OTliPO an t n Ih. St. n..' r i.
I,,..,. ... . ..... .... -' . . . .a , r m i j
MC.Minn. , li.n Diiv Hir..f Af gkmrn-wm . -
F I X room house.
On E. 15th street.
Room .106 Oerllnger bldg.
110x100. walking distance, on west
5 1.6,', n,Vlew- MJ, Mnt'a Agency.
" " T IVUII1B IMf.
off at
' owner.
Millard ave., ask" for Joe Nash.
50x100. 9 room modern new hmin
fireplace, cement basement, wash trays,
fine view; onlv $2750.
621 Board of Trade bldg.
iOU lmjw, bai. monthly, per
! cent, buys i cnoice ouuaing lots, witn
paved streets, walks ana water in and
fpaiil; car block. Price $1500; beats
any location on east siae ror tne money
i Jas c. Logan, 826 H Wash, st., room 404
I 1' k'R VflTICR 11 70ft bllva nlen S nvrni
A MODERN 6 room Queen Ann cottage. ' proved corner lot. lawn, roses, fruit
east side close In; best car service; j tr.-ts. street graded, cement walks. 1, " . . a,u'. i.iiiB weeir , I, ...u a far nn e: 3id mt
only. P-20. Journal
i-k to car on
1'KM.ENT A KRIDER, 242 Madison
Owner, room -
irarv near car. x.,50. I $1000: I av i'vtbi hirruln llSOll TnrnTS:
eary terms; might take lot 8200 fo . i c, n.r.i..
si imnrnvMl. atnna sidewalk nwer all
Ipiiid. near business center; terms. Gib
son & Holliuay, so 4-6 Oerlinger bldg.
or at cottage. 1066 E. Taylor.
$400 for
26. 142'
first payment.
2d st.
$200 buys new 5 room bungalow, bath
basement etc Woodstock addition'
National Realty & Trust Co.. $26 W
Wash, st
TWO choice corner lots In factory, dis
trict. E. Alder st. 50x200 feel; 20
per cent less than value, for quick cash
. 309 Corbett bldg.
A BARGAIN New 8 room bungalow,
1170 Burrage st, 100 ft. from iKill
Ingsworth ave.. walking distance, new
high school. Take St. J. car to Greeley
St. Owner at 1095 Maryland are., terms.
5 ROOM modem bungalow, on E. $8th
st.. 3 blocks from S. 8. car; $756 cash.
oaiance mommy.
618 Board of Trade bldg.
Station on place, electric line building.
Will pass through place also.
All or partly in cultivation.
Finest orchard land In Oregon.
$120 per acre and up.
M. cash, balance $10 per month.
P. REIMERS, 708 Corbett bldg.
s $26006 rooms, K. 19th N. ; terms.
827 5 07 rooms, E. 30th N.; terms.
$.S50 6 room bungalow, Sunnyside;
129006 rooms. E. 17th N.; terms.
$3000 5 room. E. Yamhill st; terms.
606 Commercial Block.
' Can You Beat ;rhi5
6 room modern up to" date bonis, on
E. Belmont st, only $1000 4caMh;" bal.
like rent .132 Lumber Exchange. '
WILL double In value; 3 lots; walking
distance; cement walks;' gas, water,
5 room house; price reasonable. 2
1.1 1. .n 4 O .... f . a
WE WILL build you a modern bunga
low, full basemont and A-l plumbing,
6 rooms, for $1600, 6 rooms for $1800. L.
F. Clark & Co.. 411 Couch bldg., 109 4th
$700 100x100, corner on K. 27th st, 2
I blocks to car; $150 down, balance
DEMENT KRIDER, 542 Madison st.
commission. 205 AMngton bldg,
room liouee. I lota, arnrl.-d. t '.n v. mrA.r- t
l oioegn !iinm are- si r,.n im tnu u.n.ia.H .
W-tl. Journal.
reap at t?SO
MilbKRN 6 tonm cottage, fine lam n.
rhciir roaea. rmlt and berried. Terms.
1 fi I.I. wiy ow-a lrwt direct trt the hur-
er on easy terma iwj. A. H"U-k
st 1"!5 Maryland ae, terms.
PAYS over in per cent: new store
building; leased to tenant for nm.
bungalow, I ber of years. Price 11250. terms. Y-211
THREE lota, exl00. room house, all
furnished, with rlano. Must b sold
et once; Hns. Min tm.
tir:i;RAL t-eantlful hillside site on
lVriUiwI Heights tvr sale by owner.
" i t en. on fi'jg ; nargaine
rnnrn 1 h' r-l-k
Ills A f:a acre.
ftrf ear
puin , e ia wi a.ia-.o 1 rh. 4 room i
i rvm bo-ee. rrtca $!.. 49 I jb- ( win refit for $. Rose. Laarelarmvl.
I Mt rwtt car. a
ONE 6 room hotie- and lot for sale at
. ,4t tc"' Kaata-rn 4k Western
Lumber Co.. for Information. J. jtn.
room house, In. on car
frult trea. lawn. Iiioe. term.
iSa Chamber of Commerce
Investors sre urged to investigate this
proposition In acreage close to Portland
that I can sell st a figure that there
can be money made on the transaction.
V-210. Journal. '-
$600 down, easy terms on balance, buys
' nice 8 room house, cloaa in where
Talues are advancing, noar oniric serv
ice carline; modem; price $7809. Port
land Homes Co.. 204 Morrlenn st .
Lk! tT' . t "Lr""" 'R SALE New, mdeen room ho,.. i $6 down and $5 morthly. fln ts rjoaa"
fcchooL Roaa. LaaraXwnod. Mt. file. T4 Hlght sre, corner FrW- to car; price $260 r' sa, Laarelwo
Mt Seott cur.
.Ta t rA bewae
l VMA ItKACH liT at big dta
cfe i ; have atom ctolce onea. 0-2''.
y r i
$;' ..ii'f la ifc tr-m-r Wtwwt la wn
? t.t-fca or i?i P-1t MJf
g 1;.. -M 109A.fR fMiwgaltaa' . rtai
LiT rar prirty lta f igel gr Cn. llV OWN
t-t Morrises at. P"hor Mala 21l. em wert
A-4 iJorr..L
l i-LI M H I A BEACH U)TB at a big dla
.-..urn, . 'inp cnoice onea O-209
ER fiat of g imni cloae in
eat sldo; a money maker. T-211.
NTW 7 rw- ey terma. on car-1 F tr!e irttl.lrr IL F Lai Ar Cr7
l" 114 F. tett) at Wwl,ieii 1446 It7 Foar of TrV. y,, Q
tVliVKR 1.4. 461. c4. $:. V I Wl sTeSde let vlw itta!
H I tarma. Call $64 Abington bids. .
caaa Tt.oae hiato
OWNER going east will sell a corner
f lot at half prle 2 ITlocVs from str-et
car. $250, half cash. A. N. fearle. Villa
ava and ttrona St. open Sunday. M.
I er.
I 1 H TtU want to bar the beat 8 room
2 story modern house rn Rose City
Park atletrlct? If sc call at room if.
at T 1 t'T I IPHH W I.
$550 Cash
Lot . block 18. Wsverlelgh Height a
502 McKay Bldg.
oest nuy.- s&o to jso per acre will
be worth $100 In 12 months. See Paul
F.. Cleland Investment Co.. 620 and $22
Board of Trade. Write for booklet.
New 6 room bungalow on paved street,
with cement walks, 2 ft above grade,
cement H basement, laundry, heater
tank, wood! I ft. floored attic. 2 bedrooms
with window closets: balance of price
t$195A) can be paid $16 per month. Call
61 6 Abington bldg. tomorrow morning.
FOR BAIJS Good modern room house,
(can be made 10 or 12 rooms) close
1n. on -west side, within 1 block of
6 atOOM modern bungalow, lot 80x100,
fenced; $500 cash, balance monthly.
418 Board of Trade bldg.
THREE lots on 2Sth. near Knott, for
sale at $1300 for the 3; $700 cash, bal-,
ance time. Room- 618 Henry bldg.
Phone A-7077.
GOLD prospects in Siskiyou motinlalns;
owner too old to work, wiif .iv.
good trade. lawless. 204 Abington bldg.
school and 8 car; 10 minutes' ride to WK. HAVE good, new homes on 1 lie
business district: beautiful view. Price
$4500. Owner. 1029 Kelly st
$4250 Magnificent residence Site,
west slope of Mt. Tabor, unsurpassed
view; H block from car. Terms $15M)
cash, balance at per cent J Rax worthy,
7 Marshall. -
east side for sale on- terms: first In.
rta 1 Intent $26. Room 61 Henry bid g. '
WORTH more $$. Choice lot No. if
Brocton Addition, onlv $358. J. Clark.
1036 Alblna ave., Portland. Or.
ACrorNTS adjusted. baoks opened.
rtd and cloaed per month, reaaoa
re tern, savtlsfactioti guaranteed.
W-tlt Journal ,
BI VitALi'WS. 4 a I rwotna. $) to
l(9. all new. eaey rma. Call 111
CLamber of CeramrrM bldg.
Home for $750
Nlre lot with new room hnnsa, st
Tremnnt, close to car Una Miller. 414
Chamber CnmWrr. -
Anscre of trniind, S room furnished
house, on carline; rloae In; mod place
for chicken ranch; only 11400 so
cash. Jam A. Cook. 251 Alder at
Phone Vein 1274.
FOR PALE At Weat Portland. V mile
eonth of Multttomah station on Orereo
electric, a 4 room Nus with lot lftsle,
price only HSO OetiHli Vir'ft. bog ta.
FOR SALF Modern 6 rora bi-rrslow;
buffet. Htrh. bathroom, atatlonerv
rwba; wear Kll!'narworth carbarns and
Malt School. T-218. Joumsl I
$2000 room house, electric lights full
plumbing, good baaement small barn,
roses, cloae to' school, etc.; at block to
car; $1160 caah, bal. 1 years. See owner.
at it Taylor St., uturtiwinm.
FOR aaiei. ehean. block, 7 room a ad
2 t room houses. Inquire $94 E. Lin
coln NFW modern 4 rwi bwiw for sale r
trade; terma T-114. Jaiinui
$12004 room cottage, 2 lets. In bearing
iruu , ireee, fit; an ienceo: goou
ctilcken house etc; $42$ cash. bUnc
yu-y. Ross. Laurel wool. Vt. Scott car.
Ii0 casn. new a room nungaiow,
hlock to car, fine location, electric
Ha-hte, set laundry tuba, ote. Thte is a
finirr. Ttoa, lA'irnwwrvi. vt. jiwittrar,
EaST" 12th and Powell at., lxi-;
cH. Ilnce I rears. pr cut
14 txoarl or Trfam g.
FOR SALiC Irtrton. me-tero J r"n
hosae, let 6-Ele. e--t f-ont $JS.
pert c''h. 447 B 11th S, belaeen
$6 eaah, l.t per mrtfih. g roma
$ lota, rloae to oar. I lie. Roaa, Lav
rslwood. Mt fVtt car.
FIVE room house, close n, east side;
Tot xt0; $650. terma A genuine
no. Ppencer f- Co.. 1S$ Id at.
FOR basement and all kinds of axea- ,
vatlng call st Columbia barn. I(2
Front st. Phone A-16U :
HAVE a few residence lots In Kenton, . .
clae t" car; cheap, cash or install
menta. F-206, Jotirml. -, ;
$of.O csh. new modern 7 room house, I
lots: I Mock to car. $2300. Ross, Las.
relwood. Mt- Scott car.
fF YOU own lrt will build 4rna a house
on t-rma Kaat ana a ' Co.. $0$ Ablng
tiJHi Mitn $;ii. ' "
Fl'il'R or fiva haat reMnee; centralis
located at bargain prlceaa. 11 Lajn.
km-t bMj'
R'xiM co;tr' on go st, near -
nloa ave, x haap. , laqelre $4t &.
Ptsrk et -
friX rcan bo a., all or prtly furn.ha.
at 1Mb. sad liawtrtof-ftc ave, ($ Haw.
T T f
lii aLv Ixt ftw.i roeaTaiial t
ptlcw $16s. CaU 1 E. 224 at, N.