THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. SEPTEMBER 18. 1009. id. mine of CLEARING f Y. 3Ta A. O nter of Eelis- ','' lous and Athletic. ' Activities. ' A tlrtrlaf houas for the reform, re llftoua and educational force of ths cltr as well as a renter of athletic activity." la the way the new building fif (ha Young Man a Chrlailan Aaaocla lion la dea.-i.lwd by It. W. Stone. he general ewretarv. Aa Indicate) by Una Itkmonl the new building la to bv a xrl of brailuuurlora for organisations t Nat ara working in harmony with lha ohjecta of lha association and will ba lm lull a center of religious Ufa in l'urlland. I da bulldlnir la to he the official , headquartera of at leaat two relirloua denomlnationa, (ha Baptists and Metho dist Nwmi havo already been re served on U.a third floor for these de- nomination Three Haptlat offlclala. Pacific Coast 8upcrlntf-olnt Wooddy, Piute Superintendent Parker and City Superintendent Bentslen. will occupy or firre there. Dr. Wooddy has oversight of all Haptlat churchea In tha states of Oregon, Waahlngton, , California, Mon- tana, Nevada. Arisona, L'tah and Idaho, Tha Methodist headquarters will ba conducted by Htahon Smith and other ... officials of that denomination. Tha , Pacific Chrlatlan Advocate, tba Metho dlet paper, will ba edited (here and (he - general bualneaa of tlv church trans acted. . Be Idea these denomlnatlona tha build ing will ba headquarters for the Y. M Kv. Andrew J. Montgomery, it:30 and l:t; 8. M. II. - j i i('t .Munuvuia, er. j. m, ijunmng. Hi H. m, ia Ai...liav A, Hurt. It and T:. Krnllworth Kaat Thirty-fourth and nu.tstona. Kev. A. livblnaon, 1U & illliard Avenue Rev. John A. Town Sand. Mervlora 10:10 and t.le; first, third, firth Hundaya, 0. L. i:4. Trinity Intkota etrel. Hey. A. Roty. Inenn. 7.46 p in : C, JC t:4s; B B. 11. Alberta JNInetvrejth and WYgant, Rev. John OvelL 4 p. Hi, Service In ttrandiftavlan laiiauaK Vornon Wyeant and Kaat Nina. .a. . I.-.-. ,1 . 1 I , 1 aa..w ucuin n pi g. 8.. :4; C. JC, 7. Suggestive Question on the Sunday School Lesson hy Rer. Dr. TJ S. Linscott prealdlna alder, II and s; , IS. ppa-1 eolleclloa of aeveral bota, ass relating rial CMiurerelioa til eel In , I". It. 10 aod Advent Christian Second, btwean Kail and ML Wallace filiaiiard. It) and 7.J0. iaitngitnar tha? made a aum Volunteera of America HI flurnelde I companv could nut mart. 8. Congregational. Flrat Madison and Park. Rev. Luther It l'yott. I). 1,: Bar. Ouy L. Mch, aaaiatant; 11 and 141; H. K. :(. Topl.-a, "lha Oreateat Work In the World." "Ratllea of Ufa and How to Win Them." Laurel wood Rev, W. IL Jtfyere; 11; Sunnvalde Kat Taylor and Eaa( Thirty-fourth. Rev. X J. Maub; 11 and :o: m. v., jo; is., Tonica, flurprlees In tha Life of Faith." 'h'ha Waata of I'ncooked Oame." St. John a Rev. U. W. Netaon; 11 and b; h. m., io. Unlvaralty Park Haven and Dawaon, Her. a. vr. Rigfra; tj ana i:io; morn Inf aertnon by Rev. A. J. Ftoleoai m JTor cat Urove; R. R, 10: C. Jt, :I0. Haanalo Klreet Kaat Heventh and Haanalo. Rav. Paul Kadar; 11 and 7: 8. fl . 10; C. K. 46. Highland Kaat Sixth and Preacott. Rav. B, H. Bollinger. 11 and 7:46; H. 8., 10: Y. P. C. K.. :48. Tonica. "Tha River, of Calm," addreag to young men on a familiar expreanlon. . " Plrat CJarman Kaat Beventh and ?tantn. Rev. John H. Hopp;10.I0 luid :S0; 8. a. :18; C, E.. :30. Pilgrim Shaver and Mlaaoun -avenue. Rev. Daniel P. Thomaa,.!! aad 7:S0; a 8., (:(. - . - ..-( . ' w tMtnlater Buadav achool taarbarg ad jthara laterealed are Invited ta writ Tba Journal briefly their vlewa aa to the wenh of thaaa mieaUu&a, lurllrlilula tt lli.s Ihaaa ill valua In Ihalr Wora. 1 1 n jniersaiionai ivewepaper uioia amar cub r'wrnw w f meting la aa unfettered way taunt tha aaae, a wider etude f tha Pit 1. ia beeal (rutha of Chrlellaiilt r. and (ha probleme rnlch eotar let every etrert. 1.10 and I 10. I'lvlne- Truth Center 101 bill I. Una, Rev. M Mlnard, 11; av o., i. lojuu, ' Know t nyer.-' New Thuiiaht t-aat Thirteenth and Tail no. a. R.v. P. J. Gr-. Church of Naaarene Kaat Beventh eonectioa or eeverei tioiaa, agareaating nrtPflnil f m r 1 1 w loJ. A few dae ao 1 1 I J I 1 1 I I f I I I H N I 1 1 tie M.a tHar,k filod a aull to cxUlmU a M f f I It I I I i I HA l 111 few liun.trr-4 and while none of II It I II I I 1 1 'II fill III tlx ohhaedona waa larae In.llvMuaJly. WMliUUII LLIIU UL IVILL AID GEIID rhlrU the i tnuaL of I tblaa' balL r far tb I Non-Keclarlan tMd reliowa hall. raa aniH ana Aiaer;-1 :e, up to ata lilble atudlea; 1:11, acrlptural dlaoourea tur i nrietiana. Death Roll of the Northwest TBI. Marr'i Pro-CathearmL Plfteonth (Copyright Wi by Rev. T. 8. Unacott. Oregon and waahlngton, Incluil-1 and Pa via Moat Rev. A. Chrlatle, D. l In tha city, college, railroad and Indus- I Low mm. I. I and . Hlah maaa and I September II. 1(09. trial branches tir Chat organisation. 1. 1 aermon. 11. Veapara, Inatructlon and! Jtevlew. . ili.h . l. .,. k I . 1"V..'4,S . , mt. . . . Oolden Text for tha Quarter So in cnarga or tneao orneea. - Tha auditorium of the new build! will alao be a meeting place for nu oua oreanlsatlona not directly connec : with tha association The Portland M latrlal aesoclatlon will hold Ita regul not k..-i- ...Tii.i ..I. .A.t,fA f-laravauaa. All ka bar a I New Church Voclety (8 wedenborgeit) aot lned are warmly Invited ta da aa and ta compete for lha pitaeev I -rK,rv.e,.l' ' Alder, Knlghte of I'y- Peraona may Join tba club at any lima during lha ear, but Mmraa anawar fia it ouailluu haralnaflar amulalnadu IO Uallfl nrlaaa tnn tha Haca miaal Inni tnav laa ntilaltia4 hfe addraaatlia Lhla affloa. - Thla iapr Eaa aecured the fight lo publtah lha International etuaday School Leaeon queatlona by Rev, Vr, LlnacotL which have arouat aa much Intereat elsewhere, and they will appear waraiy' la both the baturday and Sunday Isauaa ef The Journal. One ef these queetlona each weak la to be answered In wriung and utn theae ana were the brlaea ara ta ba awarded. . - OoadltkMai af u Ooneae. , I. Each eontealant. or hla or bar family, anast be m aabaortaer tkla riper, in order to qualify 'for nemberehlp la tba International We warper JiiUU tudr rlub and thla local club. ; I. Kach conteatant In thla local club must anawar aacit or the written qoee tlona for (t conaecutlve week a, commencing Sucdav, March 14. and the answers must all ba In the poaavaalot ef thla paper vltbio two weeks Of , tba aloae Of thla period. 1. Kach queetlon must be anawared separately, and tha paper written ort one Hide only. No anawar must exceed S00 words In length aod anav be leea Kach answer must liava the name and address of tba writer at tba bottom of tha answer. 4, The ana were nuit ba delivered to thla office, and ther will Ka collated at the close of the contest and forwarded to headquartera for Independent er amlnatlon by competent examiners. The prlsee will then be awarded ae ro rain g to the highest number oc marxa, won by memoara or Tua laurMUOUi Newapapar iilbla Atudy club. . . Tka niaaa. 'J First Serlea A gold medal to each or tba flrat five eonteatante. ' Second fierlee A sliver medal to each of the nest five oonteetanta. Third Berlee A Teachar'a Bible, price 44.10, to each of tba next five ooa teatanta. . ; ......... ., , -,, Fourth Series The book Tba Heart of Cbrtatianltr," prloa tt.9. to eaab w4 sof nmt so Tonieeiania. "- I Eaoh medal will be suitably engraved, giving tha name ef tha "'winner and for what It la awarded and to like manner each Bible and book will ba In acrlbed. i , , AH who can write and have Id eaa, art urged to take up. thaaa etadlea re gard lea of tha degree of their education, aa the papera are not valued from an educational or literary atandpolot, but from tba point of view of tbw .ueai7j u. inrir reaaonea lufm. In addition tu sarvlna lha reotla of I Allakyl'""! nm-K aau thoae intervaiiing re- iwMn mat own anil tnia city, the una extended south ta (he airlnga and on tj tne Lsutu I'tairia oouuiry. F0UK WKDDINfiS IX ONE DAY AT .HILTON caoertal Dtspeteh la Tee Joajraal.l Milton. Or.. Bent. II. Tour weddlnn tl.e record -here for elngle day, took place Krlday. At If o'clock Claude ReaU and Mlaa CTva rooioa of Hudson Bay. were mar- rieo at ihe come of the bride a parenta. A. weidli.a dinner waa served, after New Board of Trade Will Ad- vanco Interests of Orow- lnx Section. - . . i. .. ii iTiim Ritu in mi r a-raar ma mtnr r liui an nra. itoutn IU. Kev. James auw, v. O. vailed Acta xl i0 I Auguat nf I lw mass, . nign.maaa and aermon, I The fnllnwina- vi. Mn k. .a inatruotloni mer-ll0:10. Vespers, benediction. 1:10. I . i .,.; I den Text: r. . , n . . . . . . aa . i, ni iu iDBIlun all llaDll. UZ aaal aa IB" Rev.' 'jH. "Bl.""1 r&?almn.SaWTo i hA!'-. PLV. . ilTL?" i -saaak m . i no ug l m. i if iiria 1 1 r ma r-ri i aggnn Hnn waw - ?' VT. ."Jf -"ST" r'erKm,i?.:i- where found. U,o Oolden Text: and onek.V.r.a Jo ha developed, thue firing i to every local church' aeveral preachers who oould divide - the preaching between them, paying; only one a aalary, who would thua have plenty of tint to act aa pea tor? I Theae. T:li-J4.' Paora l to the Theaaalonlana. Ool- I Theas. v:l(. See that none for evil unto any man; but that which 'la good. 11 tan tha real truth aver ti.a ehs.Mi ct thM h..iMin-7 10 , question from each lesson follow: urt to a true man. and . should BSSZB f JTru?h';V,ThLraa.8h iT8.rV:iourtnV6t,U,,,o- fAn.VM ttrUto& KttttifK J HlghUS,.,eS. and" Sr' I0"(2 Stover laoenVa .halVn!- Vnlw Ut tUErSKr tfttfFZ??? J P VeV.rr7fttran to 1:. figs of other r- .$J'jT ttn 0.7 ."s.rsa.t Lvtomi'a.m.-?s: - - i cuayti wi Distorn oi cut rrtriouH oiooa. i -hi CHURCH SERVICES Kt. Patrick's. Nineteenth and Kavler Rev. -K. P. Murphy. Low maaa, 8. High mass and aermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 1:30. St. Mlehael'8 (Italian), Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low maaa. 8. High' mass and aermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams and stanton Kev. w. a uaiy. iow mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and sor- motv 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Baptlat. First White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor. Kev. J. "Whitcomb Brougher. D. D. 10, "One Accord" prayer meeting aerrlcea, 10:80 and 7:45; Bible school 13; T.P. U, 4:30. Topics, -A Strenuous Life: Or the Pace that Suoceeda," "Joy Rides: Or the Pace That Kills." Arleta Rev. E. A Smith. 11 and 8; o. a., i:io: . x. r. u., a:t8 disqualify him from getting another, orljhe name of tha Lord Jesus was magnl- rrom success when in another poal- l "ea. tlonT I Verae .38 Why Is It that God has con- July 11 Acts xvl:l-40. - Paul's Sec-1 dltloned all extension of human Drotrress ond Missionary Journey The Philip-1 and betterment. Including aalvation plan Jailer.- Oolden Text: Acts xvl:3l. 1 Itself. UDon the seal, ahilltv. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and I ness. of those who already enjoy Its thou ahalt be aaved. benefits T ' , Versa 18 In what class do you put I August 23 Acta Brlx.-Sx tn ' -r-r-t thoae who. knowingly, either directly I Paul's Third Mliinna-v w iiKiimciij, inuiii uy n.o b.hb u. imoi in cpneaus. uoiaen TexL II Cor. fallen women? ..... xll:8. He said unto me. My grace is juit is Acts xvn i-io. r-aut a Dec-1 sufficient ror thee; for my strength - ' y " '-"-. ii .v I . i . : f-. i i - : .'-a"' i " fBoerUi fitepatcb ta Tba JearaaLI Band. Or, Sept 11. Central Oregon publicity work baa received a decided "boost" from tha enrnllmant of tha which the youn, oouple left for Seattle Bend board ot trade In tha Oregon De Oil their wedding trip. , . v I . . ' wvimai, vBUO, riuw ROW cJaa, Willi- Ing In cooperation with this central organlaatlon. the Bend hoiiatera ae ill distribute news of Ihe many atlractlona At I o'clcM'k Mlaa. Rana lflrk and Vj. raer Taylor of Athena were united In marriage at Ihe home ef the Rev. Levi jiminaun ot inia city, unly a few relay livea were present. Mlaa Kva JU-Unr and Sergeant Fred vni-m. nuiinajr or rort vn walla, were united In marriage at the home of their country offers to those who seek new home or advantageous invests monia. ', .. . . Ihe Oregon Development league la an the bride's parenta t Locuat station I aoclatlon of Mahout 136 local publicity bear here, at 8 .o'clock.. Air. and Un I burtaua throughout the state, cuntral- Whlthey left for Seattle on their honor- I llrg the entire work under the man- moon. i lagement , of tho Portland Conimarolal a a a n'alnl. I ,t . . I nli.k 1 a. . la.... - ... I I I .. .11- I . I V . l-annil Moms ernj I mw jiai. ,vumf . riui iiwai jnun jimp ot una city were married by I orgamaauona oy supplying tne names inm ivev. nu at me Adventiat church. ne young couple will reside here. Hop Pickers Neetlod. (Dnltod Pteaa Leasad Wire. I ( ' CnehaJIa, Was ft.. Sent. iiTrnl... mora hopplckars can - be Immediately I and the (adjacent country, dwelling par nraaaaat lnl1 aarvlna 1 . V. . ni..i.-ii- . . I . . i i . n. . . . . ot all those who are Interested in the lo cality. Several hundred sui-h names have already been placed on tha mall Ing list of thetend orgnnlxatlon. - The H.'Tid organlaatlon baa published an attractive leaflet outlining eome of the oiiportunttlea offered by the town nressed Into service In tha Chha n. hi-' I i ilia rlw 11 rr n tha . mrwmt m nnsnual J trtel there are many acres of hops that development that.wlll follow the advent 1 aa 1 1 1 najihahli, Kaa aiinl I jt a. . C I - . . .. . . . i . . . . K - . V 'I k Vt w X aiti. w k a I raiiroaoa. jn aaauion nena le " - -v.. ti, w vira nere, lastu upon as ne canirai point or tne compared with what It formerly waa. Is I great Deachuteq Irrigation segregation, cut In two. the total number of pickers land Is tha key to. the Immense tracts la more limited than ever. .. , 'of wheat lands now -being ecu led utx fEEE TO Y01H.IY' SISTER fA r ft to You and Every 8 later 8ur - v orlng from Woman's Allmonts, ; - I aa woman. - '. .-, ' . ', ,' ' , I know woman's snffarlafg. . 1 kave f oond the evra. I will mall, free of any charga, my tm traae -sal with full Instructions to any aullarar f-mn woman's aUmenta. J want to tell l women about thla eare-esa, lay reader, for yourself, your T Uag hter , yuur mother, or your sister. I want to , mmu jyra now ta ours yonrs.Tes at fionve w1U oat the help of a doctor. Men Msast nndwstaod women's sufferings. What we women know ttm iserlMM, we know better than any doctor. I know that my'home treatment la aafe and snra " ro.r"?7 kwi". Ha. VfLm. f"l , nsns. rrahna, tsasty m MaM rwnate, Mnrtst sr font Tsnsn. tr Srartftt; alas eelas h basi, teat sat) kevttt. lMads In hallan. sirw.issii, eraeli teettsg at Ike Hiss, ajtlisektwy. Owln tstty. ld flsssti. sssnssss. kWsst. sa klaSte traaklaa akara -- " Holy Rosary, East Third and Union j ond Missionary Journey Thessalonlc j Is made perfect In weakness. Verv- Rev. A is. Lawler. Low mans. 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vesners and benediction. 7:30. Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. Ore- gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon. 10:30. VesDers and benediction. 7:30. Holy Cross, University Park Rav. J. P. Tblllman, C. S. C. Low mass. S:S0. and Berea. Oolden Text: Psalm Verses 33-37 When the reneral wel i,a... ma. a i t i-1 a . i - . . . . . . . t Jar. IX. 1 II J wuru UCaVO A ll.U II. ally heart, that I might not sin against tnee. Verse 2 Is It necessary for adopt all Paul's opinions, deduction and prognostications in order to be well I christian Lore. Oolden Text: I Cor Pleasing to God T - - lxlli:ll. Now ahldeth faith tvnrva 1n July Z6 Actsxvii:ie-34. Faurs see-i theae three; but the greatest of then hm MMlUaafaBsl aiaBBlliai ftft AllS SSAi Jamea P. Schooling, pioneer,, who I x i , J . . a .. r . lin r . h t rt t.,h. died recently at ma Dome at Harris-1 -v prove so yon uw you can cure bar?, Or. ' . X.. x -r - surely. Bemember, that, M aW sH M stibwtg to ... aj.. v.. , L--va. a-r7:.. z--.L ..-p?? 'tovpi.iyoii , idprih vniaici ui t iai.i wruui ww muunin, ia wiu van yononiy noons uioeniaa weea, or leas snan two eenta a day. It Harrlsburg. Or., Sept. 18. James A. will not lnli-re with vour work or oooupation. Awl Met fw aaas sat) sMrm, teU me how yo ,.,,,, ,h- nmA tha nlatna bv nUer If yon wish, and I will aend you the treatment for your owe, entirely free, in plain wrap Schooling, who crossed the plains oy pe, by return mall. I will alsosdyoafrwrft, my brik-ltOtUII't IKI irDICti HOilSH" with ox team In 1883 and figured In the early explanatory illustrations showing whr women suffer, and how ther oaneaallrnur theioaelTaa Ii . " - .f1:" injurou or mi i building Of tne Oregon empire, aiea at I .J"' autuiu ti h, ana ltmra o iwnsi Rir sertwT. xni wnen tee aoclor eays-a- buslness of the few. Is It, or not the I hi. hnm tn thla cltv Sentember 8 at on must have aa operation," you an decide for yourself. Thousands of woman bananml duty.?,f .5 "Ut to n,ake ueh bul- the age of 78 year toetnselres with my be remedy. It cures il sM m jmmt. It Bonan st lahrt, I will explain a US to I ness illeaal? I X. v- i- ui..a.i I simDla home treatment which srwuwltlw atwt jrfT-nll til.aJ oi.w-i 7 I Auruat Si I Co. xlll-lt An . Mri.D"'"a.r ,7-i .11 Painful M IlTWnlaj Miinatr . i us wee. rt I a r i , a . . . r , Highland Alberta and Sixth Rev. EL I .. v, ..i a .. . ' " "."'.n".'""?''.7v""V .". . . Sellwood-Tacoma and Eleven Rev. iwma.T 8. Hig nf"; 'ne8B' jj. w." tnurston, pastor, iii ana s; e. 1 10:30. Benediction 4. " I io wauvu nw aw w..... ..aa.-. . . in- v p ti fTniii "Th,.arH. I vi. a jJI".- It... , ,t 1 1 . M m , . I September E Acts xx:3-38. Pau I J III. u . ness"; evening sermon by Rev. F. C. W". . Parker, on "Land of 'Opportunity" Calvary East Eighth and Orant, Rev. J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8 10; B. . -,t Y.wP. U., 6:80. Immanuel Jones Hall. Olbbs and " Front, Rev, A B. Mlnaker. 10.10 and i ' 7:30: S. S.,' 13; B. T. P. U.. 8:30. Grace Montavlllaf Rev. Albert " 15. Patch. 11 and 7;80; S. S., 10; T. P. U., 8:80. Topics. "Unselfish Seeking"; "A Saved Woman." ( ' ; Central East Twentieth and Ankeny; ' Rev. W.i T. Jordon. 11 and 8; 6. S.. 8:30: V. P. V.. 8:30: mornlnar sermon . by Rev. F. C. W. Parker, "Land of Op " portunlt'i evening topic, "Paid In Tour - Own Coin." - .' 1 University Park Rev. A' B. Walts. S. S., 10; 11 and 8: B. T. P. U,. 7. Top . los, "Recommended by Christ,, "A Re asiuring Answer." . Sunnyside Germkn) Forty-first and Hawthorne; Rev. C. Feldmeth. 11; S. 8.. - 9:45. -... ' . 8t. ' Johns (German) Rev. C. Feld- meth. S. B.f 9:46; services 11 and 7:30. i Second Seventh and East Ankenv: , ' Rev. H. 8. Black. 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school, 12; B. T. P. U 6:30. ' 1 St Johns Rev. C. L. Owen. 11:30 - and 7:30; S. S.. 10; B. T. P. U.. 6:30. ' Chinese Mission 353 Oak street. 8. 6., 7; preaching, 8, by Rev. Fung ' ChRk. f First German Fourth and Mill; r Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:30; S. 8 9:45. Second German Morris street and Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Bauermann, 11 r and 7:30: S. S.. 9:46. East 1 Forty-fifth street Corner East Main: Rev: R. r. Cnnk. ?. 11:15 and 7:1MIj Bible school, 10; B. Y. P. U., 6:46. I.en ts Rev. J. F. Heaeock. . 8. 8., 10; 5 11 and 7:30; B. T. P. V., 6:30. Sermons t- by Rev. John Bentzlen. Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erick Scherstrom. 10:45 and 7:45; 8. S., 12; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. r Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R. I Schwedler. 11 and 7:30; S. S-, 10. Top- Call." Woodstock Forty-first and Holgate; inr hannlnass and develops IWV. 1 lUllllo niOl UU WUW llinna. -n. I .V. aaaaia iaa - i t.l 1 , itrueUmi tnd benediction: 7M i philosophy, a life devoted to the plea- things through Christ, which strength St. Stephen's. Flrtv-second and East surea of ssnaa: or the Btolo. Christian J.alor.v'W-.WalOWam? a life devoted to th, ser-lmembSrs 'St. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell Moo of others, and to ssf Amlalf (This j hours, to a political speech, and get vauey road Rev.,', uiuon, a. J. Iw a ana :su. juasi. sermon ana of age. when he surted to Oregon, where he passed the remainder lire. He toon up a aonauon i east of Harrlsburg. to which aa.Ka, 1, n . 1 1 t ntim tftTIA i-na. thin a thnusand acres of land. I MRS. Ma SUMMERS. BaxHt I In 1873 Mr.. Schooling moved nis ramuy Vm I to Harrlsburg where ne resiaea until Of his ... " """'"r jva .u'iraw iwjrou in womb ox vonr own tooniiiry wnonowana wiuglaauy i a , . I tnll any snffnmr thnt tlila Sa "- - r ,r be added ;. P-ump and robnst. Jet! Ma m ym MUran. and the free ten day's treatment iayoiiiaLao tia hM I ana au-uay, aa wuu may ivm see tow oner again, annrass . Notre Dame, Ind.. U. 8.A. aaaeaoD, a. .UU ...I Kakaaaatttan 1 H U II St Stanislaus. Maryland and Fahlnar ---Rev. C. Seroskl: Low mass. 8. lilth mass and sermon. 10. Low onastlon must bs answered In wrltln .ure?. P 'novo. u;t tasts a . . - i innarpr inin iu m innypi D nHBSWll VI hall. UIU a,. Methodist. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Toung, D. D 10:80 and 7:30; 8. S.. 18:10; E. L.. 8:80. Sermon by Rev. George W. Gran nls and M. J. Fanning. Grace Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. John H. Cudlipp, IX D., 10:30 and 7:45; 8. R, 12:15; E. L., 8:45. Sermon by Rev. Mark Leo, publisher of Immanuel'a Witness. Sunnyside East Yamhill and Thirty fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 9:50; E. L.. 6:45. St. Johns 8. H. Dewart; 11 and 8; 15. L.. 7; 8. 8.. 10. Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savler, Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; E. L., 6:46. Sermons by Rev. L. D. Mahone and Rev. M. C. Reed. Centenary East Ninth and Pine; Clarence True Wilson. D. D., 10:45 and 7:45; E. L., 6:30; S. S., 9:45. Sermons Dy m. j. canning ana Kev. H. c. Reed. Trinity fjast renin ana orant SeDtember 13--Acta -xrl:l-17. Close August 1 Acts xviii:l-32. Closer of (of Paul's Third Missionary Journey. Paul's .t Second Missionary Journey. I Golden Text: Acta xxl:14. The will of Oolden Text: John xvil:33. In ' tho I the Lord be done, v - world ye shall have tribulation, but be I Verses 8-9 Should Christian parents of good cheer; I have overcome the I train their children from infancy to world. I know God, to be skilful in prayer,,' In Verses 3-3 A goodly nroDortion of I faith and In good works 7 tha membershiD of the church have the I Lesson for Sunday. Bentember 36 ability to preach; ought not this ability 1 Temperance Lesson. I Cor. x:23-33. Ministers, Punaay school-teachers and others interested are Invited to write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions," particularly if they consider them of value In their work. a- ! a . aa. Missionary Journey Farewells, n,?,r .1 trma In the atate it which" tofrt-tatura ,ad. .a member of the aa-ath Tn - F I CI VJ COUHCIl II1Q BtHWI ilUOlU. .11 IUVB enein me.- i . .v. ,.ji.. n H . ike u Verses 7-U Why Is It that church I il, Martha n WhMlinV and ember, will' listen, unwearied.. tmin,TnJfJ ''j A. Schooling, Harrlsburg. Or.; Sousan E. London, -Cottage Grove, Or, and W. A Schooling, Portland. Or. . ' The funeral services were held at the Methodist Eplseonal church. South. September '7. Rev. E. B." Jones Officiate Ing. The funeral was In charge of the Odd Fellows, of which order he was a member for many years. OREGON HOTEUS Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Holy com munion at 8; prayer and sermons, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 12:15. , St. Paul-Woodmere. Rev. J. C. For sythe; 11 a. m.; S. S., 9:45. Bishop Morris Memorial cnapei, now) Samaritan hospital, Rev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m.; ward services, 3; prayer and sermon, 7:15 p. m. Xintheran. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:30; S. S., 9:30. Swedish immanuel Nineteenth ana Rev. F. E. Dark, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; , preaching by J-'. Brougner at s. i, ' "- Tresbyterlan. First -Twelfth and Alder. Rev. Wil llami Hiram Foulkes, 10:30. 7:30. Topics, "Broken and pnbroKen wets, 'fesslm Ism." . - -v Mlrpah East- Twelfth and Powell; Rev. Harry Juieeas, ii ana ; s. S., 10; C. E. 7. . 'Calvary- Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:45: Bible school, noon. Topics. "What Is Manr" "The Moving Power of Fear and Faith." Fourtli First and Glbbs; Rev. Donald Mackenzie, 10:30 and 7:30. B. 8.. 12; C. JHJ, 6:30. 4 . Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor: Rev. K. Nelson Allen, 10:30, T:45; B. 8.; 12; C E, 6:46. Topics, Visit to Old Corinth." "Going Up to Jerusalem," first itf a series of stereop tlcon sermons. Forbes Sellwood and Gaatenbeln; ev. narry n. rraii; ii ana ,:3U; s. 8.. 10: C. E.. 1:80. . Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 13:15. Chinese 146V4 FlrsL 7:45; S. 8., 6:45 Westminster East Tenth and Weld 1st; Rev. Henfy Marcotte, 1ft 30 and 7:10: S. 8, 12; T. P. S. C. E.. in. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev. C W. Hays, n 7 sa il 8.. 10. ' Mount Tahor Belmont and Pretty man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 6 a. e., iv. P. smith; ll and 7:30; E. L., 6:45; 8. 8., 10. Va.aa..,,.. , n HWM VT7, III UI -llMiwuari .TCUUO EL J 1 1 1 nBrEIII . . - . n. n r street. Rev. C. I. Hamilton, m an nnrf Irving, ll ana , a. a., 7:45; 8. S., 12; E. L-. 6:45. Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11 and 7:80. Laurelwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11 and T:30; 8. 8;, 10: E. L.. 6:30. Norwegian - Danish Thirteenth and Davis, Rev. K P. Nelson, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10. Norwegian Danish .Vancouver ave nue and Skidmore, Rev. C. J. Larsen, 11 ana o; a. n. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev, John Ovall. 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; E. L.. 7: Topics, "A Meeting With Jesus." "The 1 Wea. a Ola. . V. . I . . J aii. all u iiio UIL. OI Vjr Ofl. First German Fifteenth- and Hoyt; v. a. waa aa; it ana :3U. Second German Stanton and Rodnev Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; 8. 8.; 9:46: E. L.. 7:30. Japanese Mission 121 North F!f- ii'fnm, i-iev. eiusen KiDara, :30 and b:iu; H- a., 3:3U. Sellwood EaBt Fifteenth and Tacoma, Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; J. E. L, 2:30; E. L., 6:30. The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty ninth and PowpII, Kpv. Ernst Leon Jonee; 8. 8., 9:45; 11 and 8; E. L 7 Montavilla East Pine and Eighteenth streets, Rev. Harold Oberg; 1 and 8 8. S.. lOj class meeting, 12; E. L.. 7-15 Woodlawn William J. Douglas: ' 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; E. L., 7. tnlverslty Park Dawson and Flske. Rev. W. R Jeffry. J.; 11 and 7:30. Afrlran Zlon Thirteenth an Rev. W. Matthews: 11 and 8. ' Mount Tabor Kant St.rir ai. first. J. W. McDougall: 11 and 7:30. Woodntock J. I). Voce: 11 mil ?.a. 8. S., 10; E. L., 6:30 ', Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen- , . r-a a n'.n . aai . n " i a-'- naiirn, i ana s; m. XO, E. L.. 7. Ients Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W oyu Moore, ii and 8; 8. 8., 10; E. L., Sellwood East Seventeenth t.a linn. tane; Rev. l. A Thompson. 11 and 8 8. 8.. 10; C. EL. 7. Third East Tblrteenth and Pine; SAX. m.XCTSCO HOTEI.S - - Jr""..-"'i ii i- i l m,Ji-1 I - i . STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Stmt, abovs Union Sqoara . Jast smst Btel St. Friarn Eorr'pean Plan $1.50 a day p Amencaa Plan 13.00 m day tmt aj 4 Mck 'i cUi I a. raritiat at r at ttM SO. Eaanr eastart aa4 cm. "nM. Oa carfcaas ti laSuiua al a.w n'- "jrwuiaoa ana vtnaa saa ai Wa4 tm iMMauat wtia nMsaf imm 1 1 EplsCOpaL Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett 1" s. 11 and 7:30. 8. b.. A. A Morrison. 9:45. ni. .-nannpw n. r irsi ana caruthera Communion and sermon at 11: 8 8. ia 13 ai- x i a i a . , r" v ' " a ii. a l. n. xr(JC&. i-To-catrieorai or St Stephen, the winyr i nineentn ana cut. Rer. H. M. gRamaay. 7:30. 11 and 7:80 p. m.; St. Andrew'a Portemouth. 11 -and 1; 8. 8 IS a m. Archdeacon Cham bers will officiate. 8t Mark's. Twentv-flrat an! Vata. shall. Rev. J. E. H. Simptwm. Holy .eucharlst, 8 and 11: 8. 8., 9:45: matins .and litany. 10:18: evensong. 7:8t. - r-aa.Mk rx Ik.. a . . a ' ,"n1 - Archdeacoa Chaattera villi j vi i icaaia- St. I-artd's Kaat Twelfth and Bl- mont Rev. Henry Ruaawil Talbot. Holy commualon !: araycr and aermon a. i II and 8: B. :&. i St. John's Cburcb Moltnwnah and Taylor. 11 and t.3: H. 8 ia. Oond PHepberd Ilwnd and Taa-jeo-jver Hev Jeba twwaoa. K 11 and 7:1; 8. 8 . i . I f.ra-aa U.naiarl.1 r. . lai W Hd lev Rev fWr B Van Wat- ters Prayer sn4 rrmsn. n and tt: H a, 11 li: set um held in the new per tab bowe Analoii Ctvapet Pnrtlaml II4ghta Betania Danish Union and Morris; Rev. J. Scott. 11 and 8; S. 8 , 10. St. James' English West Park and Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, 11 ; S, S 10; L. L., 7 p. m. United Norwegian 45 N. j?-ouneentn ; Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; H. S.. 9:45, V.lnn'n German Chaoman and Sal mon; W. H. Behrens, 10:16; 7:45; S. 8. St. Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton. Rev. A. Krauge, 10:30 ana b; 8 8 980 Trinity German (Missouri synod) Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rltnbach. 9:15; S. 8., 10; 7:30. Swedish Augustana Rodney and Stanton; Rev. C. A Tolln. 10:45 and 7:46; 8. 8., 9:80. Swedish Mission Seventeenth and Glisan; Rev. B. J. Thoren,,ll and 8; 8. S.. 10; Y. P.. 6:30. EJlm Chapel Michigan avenue and Skidmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; 8. 8., 10. Immanuel German Corner 15th and Leo (Sellwood). IL C. Ebellng. 10:30 S. 8.. 9:30. St. John s Peninsula avenue and Klloatrick. Rev. C. Bueehler. 10. Grace English Rodney and Ivy, Al bina, H. C. Ebellng, 7:30. Christian. Central . East Twentieth and Sal ffion; Rev. J, F. Ohormley, u. v.. 11 and 8; Bible schCol, 10. r Topics. "The Chris of the Book." "The Supreme Question.' First Corner Park and Columbia, W. F. Reiiaror. minister. 11 and 7:30: S. 8. :45. Topics. "Fellowship In Further- nce of the Gospel." "Why I Believe That Jesus Is the Christ." Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Thomaa O. Picton. 11 and 7:46: 8. 8. 9:45; C. .. 7 p. m. Topics. "Require ments for Christian service." "Borrowed Religion" Kern Park Rev. A. A. Berry, 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10; C. E-, 7. Topics, "Order, "Rules for Success." Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla. 10:80 and 7:45 Mrs. i Anna Majry Henrjr. v (Sceetsl Dlspatcb to Tba Josrnsl.l Oakland, Or., Sept 18. Mrs. Anna May Henry, who died at Old Oakland Tuesday, was buried at the Odd Fellows' cemeterv here. Mrs. Henrv was a na- Word." "Moralitv No Substitute for Hal- i f ive of Switzerland and came to Doug- vation." I las county about 30 years ago. She was Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib-1 born August 19, 1810, being 89 years betts, Morris Heverling, 11 and 8; S. 8. land 28 days old on the date of her 10. (death. She Is survived by four chil dren Mrs. D.; J. Herstine of Oakland. iC B. Church Couth. ' J O. is. Henry and Mrs. jjunian or uuiara. inia juu-ii, aiiu m duii ipoiuiiis u rvuu- i HOTEL QREGON f . CORNER SEVENTH, AND STARK STREETS ? X Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per " Day and Up European Plan WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. I tM4x Centrally Located Modern Improveinents 171H Second. Rev. E. H. Mowre, 11 .vlvania. . id 8: H in- v. r. 7 isyivania, and 8; 8. S., 10; E. L.. 7. Xree Methodist. First . tfhurch East . Ninth and Mill. David M. Cathey. . 11 and-8; S. S., 10; Second church Efest Flatvlers, be tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth BiieciB. jnev. wiiDur jn. corree. 'll and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; class meeting, 9:0. Olive Branch Mission Second and AnlTAtlV A - TITaallaa l. a :v r. 11 DuiiciiuLciiamiu Meetings every evening at 8; Sunday at 3. United Presbyterian. I PILOT ROCK PHONE COMPANY DEFUNCT (floeelal Dispatch to The Jonrnatl Pendleton. Or.. SeDt. 18. The. Inter state Telephone company, better known as the Pilot Rock company, ts now In the hands of the receiver, following the filing of a second suit against that company by the American National nann. Attorneys Fee & Slater, representing the bank. filed an application - ror tne appoint- Imperial Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh ind Washington Phil Metschan ft Sons, Props. IS SiffiaiS8 Rates. i $1.00. $1.50. $2.00 mm Woodlawn Rev. O. M. Melllnrar. 11 and ; a. tt., in; t. TTaltaa Brethren ta Okrlst. First Kaat Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. O. E. McDonald, ll and ; 8. a. 10 C. E.. 7. ' kadVal Slxtn and Mechanic, Rev. Os car A. aiartin. ii ana i to: s. r. is- C. :3. TNta Honth Mount Tabor: Rav. C P. Blanchard E1hle achool, 3. rVcofxl feast Twentv-etahtli and VII. drd. Rev. H. K. Emerkk, 11 and 1 Blble ajrhool. ia. Fowrth Trvmont. Rev. H. E. Schof fer. Bible achool 3 p. m. Attierta Tveatv-earrenOi anS Mildred, Rev. b. E. Emerick, 11 and $ 8. 10. Trerrwuit Wltwlofn and Curtis strata Rar. IL C. Shaffer, (nanlna m-il at 3:3a and I. vaacalVaal AssoeiatUna, - Flrjt Erif Hah Fast SlTth ad Mar bet, r. B H and Jj; y. p. a : II P. I a Flrat tWTa Tti mA r"la. V 10 41 and T ; 8 8, .a; f p Xk Saint a. Twenty-r.ffH and Sartar. tae a4 the Crae of tiaAU Tt lis The Church of the Strangers Grand t ment.of a receiver. The suit was for the ana vvasco, Kev. s. Karl Du Bols, ana b; b. a., ix. interpretation I V lur lire Hi-Hi every tranaay mornings First Sixth and Montgomery, Rev. f '" ajinaieyv i:tv ana 'i:e; a. a., li; C. &., 6:45; morning sermon by Rev. James A. Brjeer on "Tho r,- ri. cipleship"; evening tonic. "The Church V Man." , ,r, I ..MX ..,rii -rtv, Third-East Thirty-seventh and Clay; . WT' n VIZ iZa ii ti. Rev. J. L. Acheson, 11 and 7:80? 8. fi. One yw ago last Apnl I bo- 10. .Evening topic, "Garnered Grain." gan taking Cascareta for constipation. In y - rl 1 , . . the course of a week I noticed the pile Unitarian. l t I begaa to disappear and at the end of six Church of Onr F-afhar. TmiHII : I am. Ira tng :AA tint aennhlfl eno at all ' f w V r,vv-Jr,E.ll0t Jr-: .?ev- ,T- Cascareta have done wonders for tne, I s. gh?fttX$Jir&" entlrelr cured and feel like a new nu.": jiaijaer, wapoieon, u. THE CORNELIUS ' The House of Welcome' CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS Single $1.50 and up. Double $2 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. ; Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C W. CORNELIUS , Proprietor ; H. E. FLETCHER . Manager mm- Ing service during October. Christian Soieae. ' ' First Church of Christ Scottish Rita cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11; I 8; 8. S., f2; subject of lesson sermon. .nailer. . i Second WoddBien's hall. "Eaat Sixth ana Aiaer, ii; ; tj. 8., 12; subject of I Ifmmnn laminn. -Vf altar " I Pleasant Palatable, Potent. Taste Oood.1 Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50c Never sold In bulk. The gen uine tablet tamped C C C Guaranteed to ' ante or your money back. ; - . 820 Every Vcman HOTEL PERKINS , nm Ajrs w-ASHzaroTOiT ts. In the heart bf the business and shopping district. Tho most modern, and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. Local and lopg-dlstance phones In every room. Rooms with private bath, an sul'e and single. Sample rooms. Elegant cafe. . atnsio daCy daring lnnoh, dinner and after tha thea tre, by the famous Marks Orchestra. , Boa meets aU trains. Bates 1 and up. , KOTSTa Txmxan oo. - -.-. T. 9. atlctardeon. Pres. X, O. gWJTXJUTO. se'y , trmted BvangalloaL 1 Ockley Green Gay and Willamette. 1 Rev. J. Bower sox, 11 and 7:46; 8. 8, j io: u. ix e:io. ' First East Sixteenth and Poplar. Rev. H. A Deck, 11 and 7:30; S. 8., i nreacninc oy Kev. J. u. roiinar-i rre- sldlnsr elder. t second r argo ana K.erny. Key. c c roung, ii ana v:su. 8L John's Ivanhoe and John. Rev. C. P. Tatea. & a. 10. Baformad. . First German Tenth and Stark streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services ID 4 a. m. and s d. m. : tL b t:io a. m. : T. P. 8- T p. tn. . . . . t tTnlversaUst. ' Church of the Good Tidings TTnlon hall, corner Grand avenue and Eaat Pine. Kev. J. i. corbv. 10:46: B. a. ll Topic, "The Enemies la . Tour Own Household." s .! .wuhit .:. MMiiaisstsu ana saonio snow f rail .X"?; sa- - est Moat ConrsalauC ,N' ' .V'Oi.T' "f Ia.l.ainr, Uk)tm taiatfcrfc V' '9,r,'Zi If bananaotsorplyths V ' .L..r.-Q " KAavafw aampt bo lis. wi?rV Dtaar. bat (and l Lam a tat yJk - . V " raiMl aook-aba. Ttslvas W H S inmja, - . i in toll rartlaalanSBdrttrartinntt valuabla to la.!lr. at h BVEI, a B. asa sTm aat lsau gor ssla by Bkldmora Prttf Co.. Wood are. Clarka Co aaa Lane-Osvls Drag Co. . stuesfc ' Frisnas Chtutsa, . Punnrslds. Main snd East fifth. Llndlev A Wells, 11 Bible school. 10: C R 7. Lentaa Center atret. Myra B. Smith. 11 and I; Bible achool, 16. Thlrtr- ana s; First SDiritnal Socletr -Christ en aan hail, Eleventh and Yamhill atreeta. I 11. l:ia ana 7:4a.. garMtlah Corn Salvation imr 4ia I mnuiot. it, i i mma a. Mei-tuaia' and Mtntaters Asawrlatfon I -Aali'onoTn hajlliiBs. ll I and T:l. e o i.n rra Hiuion at taaiseiirl I ai fhirfT, Rev. Aug. Olson, and a Latter fVsr a;Inta f llnr.nna'VF.a.t I Teofj a4 thermaa. J. C. aiierj ard.' Phone Main SOU Oo Onr Work JUght,"' Pasadena OSTRICH FEATHER UC2KS Manufacturers ' TTers. Olaanere aad Oorlars, Willows and Fompoas, Cleaning and Lryeing Btraw ana alt Hsta -We Say Old reatbars Frotm tadaaar Kate 373 Watthfagtoa St. 1 PAkKtrt's HAIR BALSAM . rii'.'aa i f aa taa. aaafe -a I f. miaas a Irranara . rnsaFtk r. ia to p. ii a o i i a -r flair its Ttmtaf.1 Oc (am tattwaa . a- ' " ri-T-, C" J f 1 1 - ia PORTLAND, 08. ' Zaropaaa Flaa Xodara . . JUstanraat. Lv !rLAiil raTa asV. VS. cost o: 4 MXX.XaXOr OOTaXAXS Readqaartars fo Tonriats aad Com. tnaroial Travalara Special, rates made to families and single gentlemen. Tbe management will be pleased at all times ta show rooms . and give prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablishment ta ta hotel. M. C Bowers, atg. r . X I I TU aaaLJ W f asa a I aaa jaaaf Br.a n-.WORTOMA HOTEL OPT WAaTCUrOTOaT ST. Portland's Only Roof Garden Amarieaa mataa ta ramUlee aa Xarepeaa Oat Bms Kaate AU Tralas amsas aaltea. wltk B-ttbm, far TravaUag Mas srs2ssrrz5szisxrxxsxxrsssrzsxzis2xzszsxrrsstxrxsa n H O T E Lt.,;I JtL- VV4 a.W iSitf 'ZrtlVl' 5 Ws aaaets aj M M M C0H TENTH Aim AIXEQ STS. M aa Bgaare wart af Arta-tm ClaK w, !aOBTZ.AVS. O B X O O V. V. M l Bta aaa ara Cltlll, aiaaagat. M