WANTlUD TO KENT TJIC OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1D03. -Mat 1-1. 1 J l Jt .i.-.. .... . t rou SALE miscellaneous 10 -WIS ar la touch l(H , everel pari la nuiiliif u rent deelrable homii lii.r ....I or ! ids. If your piece te l" trill, kindly call and ue of phone lis In 111 r i UK tloLHik.U.AUiEI.TBOM CO.. lol t'orlr tj. 1 . 1 (f Portland, Or, fcal'ONUlJ rtt HAI.y cheap at a sacrifice, 1 t'ulun.lu grapiiophone In Al condi tion, almost I,, lung VlluJr, fr loin tuna; nj eiurt reooida; 1 solid break liuin, Morning lllorr ehape, I fral t feet rroa mouth tf horn; 1 fine nickel eaael. 1 reorder and mall ,., .u ' " ourti, or maaina your own r tern couple without , n . T.. 4 . . , . . 1 - . . - . . iv.uw, . .'. lu mm imi i. .'I . ( 11 n cmiaran require lurnianaa iiouaa. Of ,,,1.. i.ri. fur all In.ltidlna- I nil treble aelal.bor4.ood. year. ; e l'h IL ind I brJ U 1 Dot. rell.nl rare a..ured: might pgrcoa.a. 5!? L a.,uSMti Journal. n.,ii ,r ,h. i t . ...t t.-i . . ....... . . a. , - 13 H-ion. ikilDDLE a"d gentleman. daalrra nl-rly furnlai.ed front room with tnual be no small children; leie give particular! In ana war. P-lOa, J'nlrnaL "... VAM fc-Tj tjrU daak ruoiu deal ground floor between Front and 1 1 It. Btark and Ankeny P-19. Journal. WANTi-."l--l "u " furnished" liouerkeeplt. rooms, nrar ohooL, Mala 1191. Mn yvioler. lore, which mil III1I1 not uaiut lone: prloe lt. or If Ukm with the grapho- phone lf for all. Owner sick, must rlL iti k. lat at. N. liOJtSl, VEHICLES, JCTC, IS Good ' Horse: Bnys -1 P bay horses, and , 104. 1 ian bay horaaav I and f. 1100. Japan , black horaaa. and , III. po grays, mart end gelding, $ and ,-aowu. pan blar pan aorral Ma . bay pan bar geldliip-a. a and., rk geldings. If and 11, 10(0. rel geldings, I aad T. 14 1. r geldings, I and 11. 1400. r aeldlnra. and.. 110. i an mulea, T, 1210. bar mara, y, liio. roaa jraMin. I. 1100. pay arivinc 409 mara. I. II 00. (bay drivlna- mara. I. 1100. I a pan. aood ' laundry ' horaaal aach. I poniaa, rood onaa. - 11 rami wagonavt ti . .i- , ' country liack.Y -t 4 . . .. . bakary wagon, urreya: 4 burrlaa.' ' furnltura waaona. xtra flna 1 aorlifa- waaona. caoaclty a wiib. HA W TOOK AVB. flTABUCI JNO. tiO Hawlhorno ava. - - WIlV buy a aaoond-hand vahlola whao you can arat a new on front aa old aalabllahad wholeaavla houaa. 44 yaara la Oragon. at almoat tha him ooat. Wo ara located outalda Iha hiali raat dla trlct, owi our building and can maka tha prloa txclualya aianta for tha old rallabla Una of Mlohlgaa Buggy Co. fina Vehicles, delivery wagona, top bugglca, .un.hniill mnA tmm- mtmm-tmm Xim mummi ' m nil mmm. .1 m h.fi. w... k.i. I . mam mi m VW.W.W f W. . I J ava you money. .... R. M. WADB CO, 1 11) Hawtljorne ave., between B. lat I . . "d li 8t JEAM horaf-a, Avolgh I860 lba., aound, trua and fat; now heavy harnaaa, all complete; pclca )18S; pair boraea, weigh 1710 lba.. bay1 and black, nice, rangy -'pair; suitable for bua or light truck, $rlca $100; pair matched bUcka, horau and mara, weigh 1400 lba, nice ranch team; nice aorrel mare weight 1100 lba, I yeara old, rldea or driven, geatla for family use, city broken; pair nice amall marea. bay and gray, make fine expraaa pair, ah uiia siock win do guaraitaa and will give aatlsfactlon. Call 60 Washington at - ' 1 WANT to aell all: 1 bay mare trotter. Lady- Linn, 7 yaara old. registered. 1 atalllon, Leo Trotter, registered, tha I pretuest ariver in town ana gentle; aiso Imported trap, 1 aulky and buggy, har ness, eta. For full particulars, call 41 N. 4th at. Main 1929. M EARLY 100 Cords Four-Foot Wood miles from Portland, 1H miles from shlpplns: point; bot first class. uut win i sold cn SKA 1. IIHOWN, heap, 7u wetland bldg. "I x ron balk. Thoroughbred bull terrier pup; maka bat of Watch Mloga, T'hona Woudlawn lll. Inquire X Kaillch. nwxiiawn. ur. roa HA lb i dreaaara and commodtia, 1 ehlffonlar. secretary, Iron beds, gas range, refrigerator, carpets, filngor nacnine, a ortire cnaira. . aiaaa rronl rajmoara. IHg K. AMrr. ' 1JH fiAUv-Heturu A. H. ticket to Mil. waukea, M ia, via Ogdm and lenver. gooa to urtooer II. not: jiila lm much will offer and give your addreaa. M-Hl, Journal. t . .m. AHJ J '111 ' muiujililus ana bicycle a clea. new xcha tiange. n re- eeoond band. buy. pair. Agencies far Thor and Yale Motor. ryrlea. Ana Rlnve r . M lih A.gxos - m , . V)H A LBA wheel, chair. raJalng (iiiti irtTfjH Mnn av ra p or flniitni anil. able for Invalid, ill ITnlem ava. St. WE pay the highest spot cash prtoea for draaaed vaaL hnn hl.laa mmmm butter, cheese, furs, wool,' caacara. hay) rain, write wnat you wish to aell, luby Co.. 114 Couch at, Portland. Or. lib Wlrih,; get more for your aeconi nana lurniiure or aeuina it Auction Co.. HI 1st M. iii. PKUalPT attention and hlgheat prices uflm ivr luruuura. - iiiwinjirna . up o, j unnu ave. EJist bzo. ' WANT ch arge of rooming house mar- pout oirctx' iur wi'NioiPAt. liuM'aC Baalcd piHuaala Mill ta received b tha uitderalgiie!, addreaard or doll are- to lihu at (lie flrat National I'anH a North It and, or., until II eeiuck noon. luaeday, Noveitiber I. 1I0. for Ihe pur chaae uf aarlee A bonds of Ihe port of Itay, In the emu, of IIOO.ooo, In aa, nomination of tlouo each, bartig Inter eel at the rate of I per centum per an num, payable eeinl-aiinually on the first daye of January and July, at the United Bteiea Mailonal bank of Portland. Ore- Run, or the Hanover National bank of aw York City; each bond to be dated at the date of delivery," aad dnllverlee to be made In lota of to each 'or some multiple inereor: ine term or ins nrsi II bonds lo be 10 years, and the term or each succeeding lot of I to be cal culated and increased So that II bonds ana no greater number ahall come oue on each and every year after the ma turity of. tha first II bonds and until the whole Issue ahall have matured: Port InooiDorated under, and bonds authorised by general law of the legis lature ..of the atata of Oregon. Pro ceeds of bonds to be used In harbor 1m- firovetnents. Assessed valuation of port s l .114.101. proposed 'Issus of bond la only Indebtedness, Kntlra aeries sold to one bidder under one bid. Certified check for l&ooo must accompany each bid. to be forfeited In case bidder dors not comply with terms of his bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Address undersigned at North 11 end. Or., for prospectus. , Treasurer Board Commissioners, 'port of Coos Us y. - EluALKD bids will be received by the A MAT KlU WEM.n at I'KOh llH I r'U aacayare, ana- iy 1 1 i ll tietniat 9 4 V m. in t. I't 'It 1 l.ANU atialytl. l ll.oratot y, .- Worceater bl.lg , Id and dak. M M. MuNTANA" aaaay of fli . atioraToty and oreatln)work 111 M'irrleon. ia.i:cTuoi.vhLi ATTOH.NKiM IptAUINATION of titles a specially) collection deuL A. J. Chrlatophareoa. Q L. alatthewa. 411 Tl'irhanan Lldg. hALKIOH P. THiailJlTfci. 4v.-lYo hawk bid. 1ft and kiorrlaoo. Tala- pnone ftlaln 111! UAIliUTT aiLT.lL BABBITT mstal. Bolder and typo mataL W. W. lilanav. manufacturer. 414U Ooldamllh at.. All'lna. Alt order promptly attended to. Proa a eg boualit anorerined Pliona KsstSH. IHBLV.-i C'AltUS IIOWBL PA VIS COMrANTs10l Id at Ulank books m'f'a: asta. for Jones' Improved Louse-Laaf ledcera; see tha new Kureka leaf. A-I1SJ. Mnln 111. JjTjKAN towels daily, coMibT truan, soap. ' month. Portland Laundry 4 eounty eourt at land Oregon, until 10 a. m, on Patu day. -September II, 1 BOO. for furnlabU to Multnomah county 100 blank recoi books and II printed record books. Tha eounty reserves -tha right to reject any ana au oiaa. .......... FRANK B. FIELJiH, , County Clerk. Wanted To the courthouse, Port- n d Couch gti II per Towel Hiipply Co lh l-none iu. lUpld Ad- of Trade. Mala dictation, copying. POUT LAND Multlaraph areeaing to., IMI IS. Circular letter TJIfcTT TOIL whereahouta o to Ford A-I44I. rled .couDla. Delivery. 1L, A. Ctrader, General HIGHEST Dries for CODfiar. tlffaa piiK. bar. J. Love, 111 Columbia. Main till. 6POT caah paid for -your furniture; prompt attention alwaya given, g. 104T EXCHANOE furniture house. 10 1st jnain mil, - nuy ana aell everything CABII for household goods. Savage A Pennell, 846-847 1st at. Main 110. I DO lace curtains. 40c a oalr.. Call for nd deliver. Tel. Woodlnwn 1131. FINANCIAL; 01 know Miss Joale Dunther or PhllllDS. laa sard of worked In Portland laundry, Any ' Information will bo appreciated. Oeorge Ounlher, general deUvery San rauciBcp, PKlliiONAli 22 DR. ALICE A, ORIFF. Dlseasea of women and children ex clualvely. Women are often aaved se vere surgical operatlona by consul tin ma. Nervous dlseasea of children specialty. All the latest electrical treatment given.- Correspondence so licited. No charge lor consultation Phones, Main 1928, A-S607. 'Office room 10, Grand Theatre b4dg,'Wash' ington ana arK. f I I I I f t I I t f I I I I f f MONET to loan without delay and new Studebaker runabout flrat class every way: set rubber ' trimmed harness, all goes for $100; also Bailey speeding bike and harness, near ly new, 1150 cost $296. In storage at 60 Washington St. FOR SALE: Cheap, two good teams, . with harness, four wagons, gasoline wood saw: will aell separate. Call 17 Pearl St., Montavilla, OWNER will aell you a good 1260 lb. 8-year-old horse; gentle and true; get him at Mallory's stable, 9tb and Burn ' side; cheap. buy strictly confidential on real estate, furniture and planoa (with out removal), atorage receipts, life Insurance policies, jewelry and diamonds and all kinds of securities, at lowest'rates in city. un easy weexiy or monthly pay. menta. V. 8. Real Estate A Krok-erage Co., room 12 Hamilton bldg., 181 Id st Phone Main 2084. Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for dlseasea of the prostate, nervous debility, piles. etc. w. l. Howard. M. rt.. 104-6 Hotn chiin bldg., 4th and Washington. 5 A MIDDLE aged gentleman deslrea tha acquaintance or. lady between 86 ana 40; must bo very neat, good figure, fond or uieatre, etc, and no incumbrance object matrimony. Address in conn denco. A-200, Journal. $81188$ 118 1 I II $ $ i f f MONEY loaned, salary or furntfure. Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 9482. MONEY TO LOAft 27 SNAP $150 buys big rough team of very way. Call stable, 19th and W8hi., lmii of tin to i Ington slo. HORSES and bugglea for rent by day, week and month; special rate to business bouses. th and Hawthorn. EastTl. ' .. ' - ..; " $126 ; buys 1 span good young work - mules. Owner, Rodney and .Stafford ats. Phono Woodlawn 1848. FOH SALE heavy wagon and harness. Price -$46. Corner Hoyt and Wood- lawn gta., Arista. ; Hutton Credit Co. , We are the only company In tha city of Portland organized and Incor porated under the laws of the atate of Oregon, loaning money on furniture, planoa, etc, without . removal, storage- PORTLAND, Oregon, Matrimonial . club. - ror lovers or nome ana ramnv wei meaning, sober people, large Hat Seat- tie people careruuy geiectea; men II, women iree. ' uetaua iuc. Mrs. H. ti wuuur, M" Vfc it. DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon, treats women and children excluaiyely; consultation free and confidential, 606 Common wealth bids;.. th and Ankenv sta. Phone mam ui; A-ani. khkumatism, catarrh, asthma, bron chltis, goitre. . paralygis, epilepsy. uiiiy, luiuuia- aiiu ait BKin uiaeiuteB successfully treated. Columbia San! tarium, Kaiei gh bldg.. Portland. Or. DISEASES of women, children, nervous diseases and maternity cases given special attention. Women's depart ment Columbia Sanitarium, room 12, Raleigh hid., Portland, Or. receipts, real estate contracts, salaries: ' GERMAN books, magaslnea, novels, etc.: also confidential loans made to ladles; German, English, French. Spanish, no inquiries anywhere. oweajen ana iwiian aic.jon.nea: ror HORSE, wagon and harness for sale, eheap, or -will aell separately. 805 Front FOR 6ALE-1 X good delivery mare, 7 yeara-old; cheap for canh. IIS N. 1-th iijOOD delivery horse' and grocery wag- 100 mav be obtained from us on short notice and at a very mall cost to the borrowed. "' " v Hutton Credit Co. r ' BH Dekum bldg. Schmale Co, on; eheap. r Call 838 Mississippi ave. GOOD horses for sale. Oregon Horse Sale Co, N. 17th and Qulnaby sta. UVKSTOCK AND POULTIir 85 Money to Loan In-sums of $10 to $100 on furniture, pianos, salaries, ate., on short notice. If you want thej cheapest rates and easiest terms to be had in tha olty call on us. Tou can pay the money back In small weekly or monthly payments. No pub licity; no oNjlay. ;' State Security Co. 108 Falling bldy. eign- books of all kinds. Tl let St. DR. SANDERSON CO, Savtn and Cot- KL. ClU, CO. Stat tuners, boo sell era office outfitters, enalnecrs. dmiightmen's supplies. 183 Id eoc-.A Mer, i R FIN LEV, taxldarnilati head, whole mount and rug work apecialtlea. 149 Columbia. Portland. Or. I'hone A-I84I. WarreS c6n8trTT?tioi? cb - sidewalks ana cross- ai'il.l H. wrinkles, superfluous lialr re- nmra Mfl lllll, : r leldner ' JlOl hKIIOIJMKl-l-Dflr" lie I.ABTO nianllea Blttta. 11H10 TK-itllKIUI M. 8. SMITH, teacher of piano, ill Hal- a i n T I u i iim.rviiurr eouraa. ETtll ItuLl I uli N7Vfo lTirTeacTie r. pi pO Bevel k. A-4II0. Ill pine St. Main loll. L7i;ia- -jTc-Ht i f z. trTii7rtcir.rrin pnerman St. ffmne Main lay. fl ANo7vlolln. cornel. inanduUo, Pro K. A. Bnilih. lit llth st. ; MIUIK8 MK, J. W. BUTLER, colored, trained O8TTOPATIII0 rilVriUIANJ DR. LILLKOELLR PATTKHBON, ape- clallat on n.rvn acuta and chronlO dlaeaaes. 117 K.nlnn hide-. Main 8041. "in-. (i ana Morriaon. Main nn rAl.NTH, OIL AM) QLAM RAHML'S'RN CO, 'High jahit. ne. cortil AV T", Standard" M. A-IT7I REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Aipbabeticaiiy Arranged fur the Coavenlenea of Journal Headers 600,000 PORTLAND 1912 A dollar wlaaly Invaaled to rortlnad real eaUte to-lay means dollars lo the Inveetor In Ilia near future. pouUnd yet In Its Infancy. No city ot tha Parlflc eoast kaa a brighter fufure. Kxlenalve d-vel-iptnente are now In progreaa. Valuable In'ormallon tmn be obtained f rum any of Ihe below named realty dealers. v - l'AI.NTI.XU AND PAPK1UNU Street paving. Ileok bldg. Ings. 117 I TIN1 roofing, autlerlns:. repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losli, 811 Jeffer- on st. main it, . SUN tiCiOS Hule sells Chinese goods, embroidered alike, . dressing gowua, rattan chilrs, matting. 70 nth st ; TIIW RARBErt ASPHALT PAVING CO, TnimnA nffln. AHA Wnwnmmtmw JAS. Mcl. WOOD & C bldjt. 11 kinds of In su ranee, surety bonds. McKay bldg OAIU'ET CLEANING WE do carpet and rug Weaving. Work called for and delivered. 988 E. llth I t N. fhone woodlawn 2114. IONE CARPET-CLEANING WORKS Work guaranteed. Tela. East 160: B-22J4. PACiriC Wall Tlntlnr Co. uses waah oia nrocesa only, jtooms, any color. to it. do. woodlawn ins. 11 to FOR boat work, prices right, "call P. A. Ioane. 104 lnlon. Both phones. J PATIINT ATTOKXEY8 R. C. WRIGHT. V. m. and foreign rt enls; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum rmxTiNQ Welch-Carsftn Printlnc Co. Doera of elavar thlnva with tvrta and inn on paper." 263 ramniir st 1J1B EAGLE FKINTINO CO, not In trust: close flcures. rood work. 18 uuseell bldg.. corner 4th and Morrison, OGILREE mtOS.. printers Cards, blll- nennw, etc. Alain 146 let st. CHLHOPOD1STS PR. O. O. FLETCHER, D. C, proficient chlrODodlst and foot soeclallat. Why uffer Q. R.7 80S. Ali-ky bldg. Main a f Q4. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING- Mrs. M. I). Hill. 4 29 Fllcdner bldg. CLEANING AND DVEING 1ultL'c STENOGKAI'IIER , Miss Densem TXiT bM REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans; estab. 1883. 14SH 1st st, room 11. KUHBEIt STAMPS AND HEALS WE have 10 years' experience in clean. Ing and dyelnc business. 81.60 nar ult Call up and give us a trlaL Har vard Cleaning Co., 747 Northrup. near 23d. Phones A-S320. Mnln 4911. DYEING, cleaning, pressing-, renalrln hats cleaned and blocked. Mafn isi! Portland Cleaning Co., 486, Washington STENCILS and office stationery, nlngham Co., 281 Stark. Main Cun-1407. SAFES HAM ADDBtta. TILgrilOWt aar. A, AS ,.. ....J18 AMegtoa tUda . ........ ..Hals J A-Awl eeafl-SUele Ceeaaaar US geeeae It Mala Sb4 A IV kraaakae ewadlrl.. M UtXt Blag.. ..Whi dear Belgkta. Mala HO rtarwerfktaakeaaeej Ceaieaay, las.,. IS Lafarette Big....! aad Week. Mala Ceo A Ck. . a...... M OarUtt Bldg Mala 00a. A-aM CWela A Herb MS Ckaaieer ef reaairej.. Mala 181 Ma, tX ?. Ce, (Weedetar) Koraa.ter sad Yskoa SaUweea rt OelOark altera Asm? tikk Waahlngta gt Mala Sad A40M , (Merge A. (Oolotilaatlua) ube bldg , Mala ir Rehweea 0v. r. llrrtagtoe ar) I Werewter JUdg Mala 0 Jaeetavauae Ce. '. IJ irutk ft.. ..Mala saga, A-antl (BeUe Oraet BerkaWr. Ihnerl Klillngawarlh, W, U M fhamher of rMasMree.. ........ .Mala 70T A Macler , f rbaatber at Coai roe Mala aad A-'' Keaaer W ri IRJAH n... Otflra aa Melickla A-lel4 tea BIO Us Oe. 414 Ablagtoa Bldg. .......Mala XU A Tea Boretei IM geeowl St. I ..Mala aad A-IM0 sa Beal Betata C, Tke..... Craad .re. asd Muilsostak....Baai , 4l4 Parrlah, W.lktae A Oa ....MO ATder gt .'.Mala - Saaiaili laeeetawai Cueiaeay IJ b.llllngwortb An..,', Weodlawe I0lt salk, neone I kurk kt Main W. A-8J08 u OerUnger bklg Ualn WSOShlelda, J. H. ellag. O. C Coraer 17 Ik aad & Beuseal Takes 104 WfUwt, B. T. M Corbett bldg . Mala IS ' wkiie. k. r !uiii:;;";;ii:;;""":"!4 uu iuh. m.u a-ui DANK8 FBST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Or. CAPITAL -AND SCBP1.CS . 1,000,000. UNITBU BTATM MATIONAL BANK Ok PORTLAND, OK BOON. V ' ' Nortliweat Career Third and Oak gtreeta. , ' V - . . Cbsdacto a eaaeral Baaklng Mubwaa. LUtAl l ItMUKU Available ta AU ptias tke Doited atales and ICurone. Uuuakuua aad Manila. OeUeeUeas suae on (avarabM i w , Prasldeat..... . 0. Al.sawoklH tiaablar .....B- W. 3 Viae i'raaldvat .-..It UA It Alt M kg Aealalaot Caahler. ............. w,' aw WHlUItg luliUDl Caaklar. .A. M. GKHkLAN-AalKKfCAN BANK Per Ua ad. Or. Osroer klitk and Waahlogtea Sta. TranaarU a general backlog bealaaea. Uratu aauwd araUakle la all. tke principal mUlmm mt ,K. Ilnl( MUU .Hal ktllU OA CaoA lUl f t DA 14 CB MVlSge SO dtlea ef tke United Vlalee and kimvee. kale depuett vaalu. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ouBia BBOTUKUa, Cbamber ot Co mm. re Bnildlag. Mnnldpkl. Ballroad and Public Berries Corporation Bonds. D OWNINO-IiOPKINB COMPANY Eetabliabed U 92 BB0KKB3. 8TOCKB, BONUS, datAlN Bought and Sold for Cask and oa Margin, Private Wires. kVuona )l to B04 Ceuck Building. 1'konaa Mala 889: A-SbSV GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD THE Mosler Safe Co, lOJj 8d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargains in second hand safes. KKCOND-HOND CLOTHING IL W. TURNER, Dyer Carpets dyi-d a j CLOTHING wanted; highest cash price specialty. 605 618. A-2618. Jefferson st. Main paid. Phone M. 1851. Prompt attention. COAL AND fVOOD NOTICEpSInSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. II. 7S GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.00 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load $3.60 . Deliveries made September 1. Turn In your orders now before the rush. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 8119. A-7001. SEWING MACHINES ARTHUR 8. DICKINSON repairs all kinda of sewing machines. 22 N. llth St. Main 6999. LEAVrXO PORTLAND. Aataland Paaaauser . . . Oottege Grove Paaaenger aoaaia Liiniiied California fctxpreee Baa Praacleeu Kxpreaa WK8T 81DB. Corn Ilia Paaaenger .,. . Hberldan Paaaenger For eat Grove Paaaenger For eat Grove Paaaenger foreat Grove Paaaenger , SOUTHERN PACIFIC , 1:18 a. BL , 4:15 p. nt. , 0:00 p. m. 1:49 p. B. , 10 olgbl 7:30 a. a. 4:00 p. aa. 8: BO a. B. 1 :U0 p. m, 6:40 p. ARBITIMa F0BTLAN9 t:80 a. nu - oger :0 p. su j ai.ai, . 0:80 p. Sk, 1 , ...a . a.. Oregon Binreae Cottage Grove Paaaenger Bbaata Limited Itoaebarg Paaaenger . Portland EzoraM WWI a ea - CorvallU Paaaenger ................ p. - ,- Bkerldaa Paaaenger . 10:80 a. na, - Foreet Grove Paaaenger. a. mu Poreet - Paaaenger.. . ..119 a. B. 4 foreat Grove Paaeecger 4:40 p. m. SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Machine Repairing Co.. 336 1st. M.2102 PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st YAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All kinds ' of fir wood and nice coal bv sric nr ton. Phones E, Hli, B-1867. E. 6th and Main sts. ton Root Pilla. sure remedy for de layed periods, $2 per box or boxes for t. x. js jrierce, Atisrcy blag, UB6 Morrison. SO UTH Portland 6 lab wood Co. Main 1163, A-8842. Blockwood, $4.60; dry inside wood, $8.80; green slab wood, $2 and 33.60. Mtnwiin wean, nervous or despond- NEER & FARR. dealers in all kind SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. 0. P. n. Rhort line vie Bpoaane. ... 7:00 p. m. C. P. H. Bnort tine via Spokane.... e:"o a. m. j Via Seattle. Victoria Vancouver. . 8:00 p. m. Via Vancouver, victoria Beatiie.. e:o p. m. Via 8uma 13:18 a. m. Via Bumaa and Seattle.. 7:00 a. a. I SHOWCASES of every description; bank. oar ana store nxiures maae to order. Tne Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO. new and old showcasee, cabinets, store nun , n-p uamigB. ij v-uuen. rn. Ziuo BANK FIXTURES, SHOWCASES. BIRDSALL, HAMILTON BLDO. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS ent use Scxold Pills as a bracer: re stores lost vigor; price i per box. I noxes ror a. 1. j, fierce, gig nio sr. Alisky and hardwoods, tie blocks' a snar-lnlfv. 806 Water st Main 4698. A-4547. THS3 CRESCENT LOAN aGENCY. -402 Rothchlld bldg, corner 4th and Washington. Tha recognised bank of the waare earner. A clerk, hnokkaener. I machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money of ua on hia note without I aw.t.wl.v trun tsAun iresn cows, neavy ncn 1 tit return to ua .... 8 4 00 a month milkers. 1480 Macadam road. Fulton ; I30 ilturn to u. i:::.'.'! too a SoSth yer to iuii t. go return to us ....,.$11.36 a month FKESH cow, calf, 8 blocks northeaat Confidential; no unpleasant Inqulriea. schoolhouso, Mra. Cobb, Lenta. Mount . Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. neon car. ' FOR SALE Good milk, cow, rabee, L car. 89 5 La.r- MUSICAX INSTRUMENTS 84 MUSIC for band Mid orchestra; repair ing ana exenange. uoaa. to. lorn, j, W. York A Sons celebrated band In struments, 88 H Id at IttOp A. B. Chaae now upright jplano, $185; 'another, $65 organ-$27. 43 , 1st, corner Ash. FOB SALEAUTOMOBILES 44 FOR SALE OR TRADE 7 passenger automobile; city property; will, take or allow difference; fine livery car; will earn - $20 per day. Merrill, 7th and Oak. Afternoons. . v CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on planoa, 'furniture, warehouse receipts, horsea, Insurance Bolides, salaries and all kinds of securi ng; real estate loans from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTU. CO, 418 Ablngton bldg. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures aieeases oz men. oiooa ana skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, Diaaaer ana puea. xti isi st, fort- 1 iana. - . . I.nST vitality rmmtnr-A hv TSr T nrmnam' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 26c box, 6 boxes li.as. Btipo, xayior urag Co., 289 Mor rison, bet. 4th and 6th. COLLECTIONS FOSTER & KLEISER, slums; the larg- b mgn niuicera n ine nortnwest; 6th n nvmii blb. jrnone T1V. 1LX. 66 Home A-1166. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 15D6. SPRAYING MACHINES DEBTS anywhere. "We get the money." welts Mercantile agency, 703 B. of T. MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure an your private ailments; aavice rree. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m, 1704 3d, near ininnni. main miu. CANCER cured without tne knife or ca In. American Cancer Co.. perma nently located room 21, Raleigh bldg. fortiana. ur. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest pay ments; offices in 86 principal cities; save rourself money by getting our terms Irst. Tolman, 817 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE 2 Mclntyre high wheeled autos, been run about 100 miles- can be seen at 632 Alder ot, Barnard-Clark Motor Vehicle Co. ' FOR 6 ALE Four passenger automo bile. In good condition, for 8300. Owner, call Woodlawn 1675. S PASSENGER 24 horsepower tourin MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or ; other real estate securities bought on city property or landa anywhere in Oregon or Washing-ton. H. E. Noble. 816-317 Lumbermens bldg, 6th A Stark, MONEY to loan, any amount, on furni ture or any Kind or security; chattel mortgages purchased; quick service. Room 820 Lumbermens bldg, 6th and Stark. MRS. SOPHIA B. BEIP. teacher of men tal therapeutics: residence 608 Alle gheny st. ot Point View station.. St jonns car. USE Bassett's, the original native herbs for rheumatism, constipation; 60 tab-1 lets 25c. In black poxes, at au drugglets. .DANCING BUMMER dancing lessons 26c, includ ing: lauias ana gentlemen s teacher with music. Professor Wal Willson's school,. 886)4 Washington st, bet W. Park and 10th sts. RIN6LER'S dancing school, thorough instruction, best, teachers; all ball room and fancy-dances taught Grand ave. ana a. Morrison. SECRET AGENTS (gentlemen, ladles) experienced eorporatlon. criminal. An. meeti difficulties. Phone East 4663 THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of hand and power sprayers, nozzles, rods, efce. 22 Front St.. Portland, Or. STOVE REPAIRING LEAV1NO PORTLAND. Portland A Seattle Expreae 0:16 a. a. Portland-Vanconver Special Pnget Sound Limited ":0 p. ta. Yaeolt I'aaaenjrer ... Oj P- - North Coaat Limited, via Sound 12:15 a. m. North Coaat Limited, via N. Bank.. 8:43 a. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC ARRIVING- PORTLAND. North Coaat Limited, via Sound..... 7:00 t, ra. North Coaat Limited, via N. Bank... 8:K0 p. m. Portland A Seattle Expraaa. ........ 4:00 s. a. Paget Sosnd Limited 8:80 p. av Vancouver-Portland Special.. ...... .10:80 p. St.. Yacolt Paaaenger 0:00 a. m. OREGON RAILROAD A NAVIGATION COMPANY. LEAVING PORTLAND. Atlantic Expreee 8oo-8pokane-Portland ...... Chicago-Portland Special .. Bait Lake Kxpreaa. ...... ... Oregon-Waahlngton Limited 8:00 a. m. .... 7:00 p. m. ..,.10:00 a. tn. .... 6:00 p. m. 6:!15 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. , Boo-Spokane-Portland ............... 0:00 a. m. : Oregon Express ................... 8:40 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special 8:00 a. au ' Pacific Expreee 6:80 p. m. . Oregon-Wiiahlngton Limited 8:0Oa. n. ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER t. RAVING PORTLAND. . ARRIVINO PORTLAND, Aatorla Seaalde Bxpresa :00 a. m Rainier Paaaenger P- Aatorla Paaaenger P- - Ralnler Paaaenger ..... J:f? ' Seaalde Special. Batnrday only 2:30 p. m. Portland A Rainier Paaaeager. t:18 a. (a. Portland expreaa ................ ..12:IS p. at. ' Portland A Rainier Paaaenger. ...... 0:20 p. na. geaalrie A Portland Paaaenger 10:00 p. m. 4 O 1 .4 fi.m.w ..I. 11-11, . m. YOUR stoves repaired at home. A-4797. Main 3581. your own DOGS TRAINED WILL Lineman Frank Johnson, who GENTLEMEN wishing their dogs trained worked In finokane In Anrtl. wrltA I " " ..." "uiitips Clay Aliens . , u I H. . Stewart, the eastern field trial win- WOMEN, use Femoids when others fail: I ner ana trainer, by communicating with sola ana guarnniena oy ine Auspiuna 1 tne xainrain ivt-unBis, iotn ana Ul vis ion THE NEW SCHOOL TWENTIETH CENTURY Garment Cut ting school- patterns cut to order; a specialty of tailored akirts and cos tumes made to order; nothing their equal. Chicago Contume House, 388 Morrison at. Pupils taught. M. 243S TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIERS OREGON'S best taxidermist expert In all branches. C. M. Harris, 496 Wash. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Drug Co, 106 N. Oth st. Main 8106. LEMON Blossom for all female diseases. Cures when others ail. Laue-Davls Drug Co., agents. DR. ALTHEA TAYLOR, healer through j sta. Phone Tabor 136'. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES pavcho-magnethi law. Columbia. Main -474. 448 Morrison Electric Co, fixtures, wlrlnn repairing. 291 E. Morriaon. East 3128 bar in first class condition. $600 Knott' st " - -.'-' 231 FOR SAI .MISCELLANEOUS 10 BLICKENSDERFER typewriters and supplies; Fox Visible machines; rent - a is, repairs, inspections; fireproof safes. N. M. Havter Co.. 90 6tH st. Main 661ft. FOR S'ALE Le-dles' f. c. ticket, boat or train to S. F, inc. Lob. A., Salt laxe, uen., to (Jen. Kansas. Urn. Uct 91. u. riiatt, oi r, 76tb. ilUST sell my oqulty in 4 lota, JOOxlOO. or win exenange; wnat Dave you to offer: no reasonable offer refused. A- 3501, journal. , . WE LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M- Pelovage, leweiers, 269 Washington st. ' COZY home, built to order on your lot Rental terms. Plans and figures flee. Investigate.- Investor, Box 4084. SEVERAL small sums to loan on sat- isfaotory security, short time. Prud- nomme. use tjnamDer or commerce. LADIES Use Dumont'a Sanitary reg- uittioroj correepunuence aesireo. j-ieu. journal. - ECONOMY foot and scalp' specialist; bunion skeptics Invited. 167 Park. A-2678. . ' mjmuul, dooks pougot sola and ex. changed. Jones Book Store. 191 Alder, PACIFIC Electric Engineering Co Motors ror rent'or sale. 213 2d st GASOLINE ENGINES BRO-CAPSO QUININE for cold and la grippe. 8100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance, McKengle ijeningBr niag, zn ana Aider. BALM OF FIGS for ell female diseases. K60 Gllsan. Main 9216. BUSINESS DIRECTOEr" knjuu so root round top tent seat. rrnge, everyinmg eompiete; will Htlce. 826 M Weshlnrton st JiEidINGTONr Standard typewriter, tab- - mawr atwtnmtni, new, cneap. 1147 B. Harrison, near. 89th . St. . . LAUNCH. 10 H. P, 22 feet for cost of" engine $326. Ray's Gas Engine boa- pltsl. Phone Sellwood 84. FOR SALE woman's first class ticket. ; cheap, to-Tucson, Ariav, good till Oct jo. A-zut, journal. I DOZEN registered homer pigVns, will rell cheap. Address T. DeLano, route MONEY to loan," large loans a specially, building loans;- lowest rates; fire In surance. W. G. Beck. 311 Falling. ' SALARY LOANS Confidential easy to get ana easy 10 pay. r . A. nwlon, i Henry bldg., 4n- and Oak. MONEY to loan on improved city prop- erty. Mm. MacMaster, 101 Worcester block. . QUICK loans on all securities. B. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. $100, $800, $1000, private mortgage mon- ey; no agents, yvara, Iiy AIMky bldg. MONEY to loan 'promptly; any amount ARCHITECTS H. J. HEFTY, architect and auperln tendent. 203 Gerlinger bldg. A-1261. STATIONARY and marine; electric eoulomenta: launches. ani-.asni-i.. wholesale and retail; engine repairing' Relerson Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. s Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOYT STKRET PASSENGER STATION". LEAVING PORTLAND. Inland Empire EipreaS; .......... ... s o a.m. YxiT Chicago. St. rnni, uimin,. ain... .t7. St Lonia. Walla Walla, raeoo. nooaeveii. Granddallea. White Salmon, eteveneoo, van- mover and Intermediate ataMona. North Bank Limited , 8:40 p. at. ror Chicago. Ht. rani, timaoa. m St. Loota. Spokane. Bpragne. Kitaviue. una. Pbbco, Kooeevett. oranaaanea. emw '""" Stevenson and Vancoover. Columbia River Ixwal for Vancouver and Ca mal 4:10 p. ra. White Salmon. Lyle. Goldendale. Granddallea, Cllffa and all Intermediate atatlona. i ARRIVING PORTLAND. 1 from Chicago. St Paol. Omaha, bnu City, , St. Lmle. Walla Walla. Pgsea, Boosevelt. i Granddallea, White Salnjon. Stevenaoa, - Vaa 1 coover and Intermediate autiona. ' North BanksLlmtted.. :Se a. ra. from Chicago. St Paol. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louie. Spokane, Sprague- Bltsvllle, Llnd. " Paeeo. r Rooaevdt,. (irandrtanee. Goldendale, White Salmon. Stevenaon. Vancouver. Inland Empire I preea 8:80 a. av From Cliffs, Granddallea, Lyle, White Sal mon, Camaa, VancoavarjBand all Intermedia ta .: vtatlons. ..,., ..!.. Colombia River Loeal 19:00 none Jefferson St reet Depot i Portland to Pallas 7:40 s. ta. I Dallas to Portland 10:18 a. aw - Portland to Dallaa. 4:80 p. m l Dallas to Portland 1-J- - Portlana-uawego nunutn, u nr. . i.ip ...... .. u.., w.w, v w, . .w, . .-v. a-HMa, av;au in(j p. m.. 18:60. :OQ. :". ' 11:80. ra leave Corner Seventh and Irving sts. PHONES 'a-IiV 9 LEATHER & FINDINGS CHAS. L. MA8TICK leather of every mfrs. findings. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co, of flce and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof valuts for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shlD ment. Main 696; A-1996. p OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO General transfer and storage, safes. pianos, and furniture moved. nacfr . L- J .. .. OAA A.. 1- . m. m " aiiiiT-vi. 6vu .t. mn.in oil, A-Z347 r.at Water and Morriaon arnn OREGON CITY. a. a na a. m.. and every 80 Inntea after 6 i,'lnut after the boor and half hour to and Including 8:06 p. m, then to 10:08. 11 .-OO. laat BO :80, 40. Portland Ry., Light & Power Co. atreeut, car 196 midnight -., "creebam and j"'""''. V 8:60, :B0. 10:60 m.; 12 0. 8.60. 8.80. 4. 8:60. 7:BO. T:4B.. ... 8:! loT a. m.I :- 3:- 8:4B 8:46' P. P. i FOB VAWCOtrVBB. Ticket efflee end waiting room Second and ; Waablngton atreeta. r A. M 6:16. 6:60, T M. 80. t:X. :I0. 10:30. 11:60. P. M. 12:80, 1:10. 1:00. f:80, :l, $ ' On third Monday la every month laat ear ' lea ina at 7. OS p. m. . ....... '. 'Dally except Sunday. Dally excepli Monday, f tEAVXNO PORTLAND. Balem Int. Btaa. ioc- Oregon Electric Railway1 Company DEPOT FRONT AND JKFF83RSON, Illllaboro- o.i.m.Tnalatin nl.m Int. Btaa local. INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage. SU Stark. Main 407 A-4189. TYPKWRITEIiS rS-Fort Grove loca eaiem A . t-1 nillaboro-Foreat y Salem Int. Staa. local. . - . . HlHaboro-rove.. - rriliuhoro-roreat 1 ES.fi'-i,,;! ?:? Sa. local. WZZTi Grove local SM?.SVocki A CO.. 74 Front I - description, tap FOR sale or rent aecond hand and r- j built typewriters 882 Yamhill. LIVERY" AND SALE STABLES' HESSIAN stables Hacks, livery, board ing and sale; furniture-moving. 121 Union ave. PJpone E. 3582: night M. 806. on gooa security.- sv wore ester bldg. - . . . . . . 1 . . . ii Tl LOAN jer the asking, salary or chat tel, ine ixi an vo.. ei oekufa bldg, MONEY to loan on all klnda of aacurltyT W. Holl. room , Washington bldg. 6CMS of $1000 upward on real eslata. tjoqiarq at wieoricg lie gd at FIRST class ticket to Chicago via Rio jranae ror.Baja. female, young, dark. J-". j-.uriiai. I.M'IAX motorcycle in good condition; will aell at a bar rain. The Rumnu th and Stark. 1XR SALE English bull terri 4 months old Weodlawp 217. VOSE BON prlso ier Dunny. stock; cheap. lano. good er III upright rl, rle-r, regular I4S0, sacrifice for $226, Montgomery, ilO Smrer sewing machine, perfect er der. with all Fl Mortiaon. atUchagenta. Call 111 - C4-CkiiH APANlL Pi I a. -Tnr aala. at tvona 8. 1114 1st at J I xtOMlw-ki ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fire ill ener Insurance. ' Mock bldg. LOST AND FOUND SI THE JOURNAL maintains a Lost and Found Bureau to aid the public ta the rvooTtrr or kw art ic lea. n you lose) anytmng. inquire at onco at the Lost and round BurMi of The Journal, ar.d a record will bo made of your loaa, if you should find any article of value ana wisn to find the rightful owner, leave It at the Loart a rut Found Ruiun of The Journal. LUaLRIuVS apartment for ladles at tho f herman Ruaautm Kat ha enma. Sherman and Froejt sta. The most ep to date baths In the city. Open daily 9 a. m to U p. m ' Ma'n IM - r-T :iy, very W'U st reeaonabie ca;-: 1( rrrcea V purt. evjeeleai low eat 1 lb. 19c. til 14. Oiy Market Thiireilar. 8 B-. bar k aara.ea vi .iiit negatives er peaten h r.a. Liberal reward If returned to Journal e-fftce. LOST Jersey heifer ftrm P.'-tUny) Hgfct; retnt to 7 ebolla eaet sod f L-atenjxrt-t Mala 124. lips ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuni nlnghnm Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap $1 per month. Portland Laundry av Towel Supply Co, th and Couch sts Phone Main 410. A-4410. TURKISH BATHS TURKISH batha. 300 Oregonlan bldg ladles days, men nights. Main 1938' A-1938 On Baying and Selling Poultry or Birds TneTt is noary la Buyiae; tad SaQifif Potdtry or Birds. f bettar wgy to irt la toock wit Uo PeopU yoa want to raadi Uvu tkronxk owx Ltfi WAkt Ada. Yow, wktt art aar cooatry rsAuUrg, UlaJk taut rrer. Get la tow wtU Ua pecpld U towm. AVad yoa, who arg U towa, raack U peorJa U tka country by UOiii Uuna wlutt yoa wast la a L'tlla jrat Aa. Waetaer yoa waat to Imj r eU, It Is a anixtty too lavortmgut ta kwy a little Wat AA rejularTy tm tmr Wast A4 para. , It iaaai Maary rtamlta. VETERINARIAN S:o a. m. . ... S:4S a. m. . . . . 7 :40 mi nt. .... 8:30 a. m. 8:60 a. m. S:6S a. m. ,...10:10 a. nt. ,...11:80 a. vo. ,...18:16 p. m. ... 8:00 p. n. ... 1:18 p. aa. ... 8:S0 p. ra. ... 8:46 p. at. ... 6:15 p. m. ... 6:" p. m. ... C:20 p. m. ... 8:26 p. m. ...11:00 p. m. . ..11 :15 P- aa. IRRtVINA PTIRTT l Wft ? I , - . Wtlsonrllle Int. Staa. local... 8:KS a. aa, nillrjoro-Foret Grove local....,..., T:R0 a. m. t Salem Int. Staa. loeal............... gv a. aw - Hlllsboro-Foreet Orove local.,. 0:88 a. av ' Salem Int. Staa. local ........11:00 a. m, niilaboro-Foreat Grove loeal. ...... ..11 :SS a. m. Snlem Int. Staa. loeal. .......... ..,.18:06 p. Bk " Salem Int Stne. local 1:16 k B, i Blllahoro-Foreat Grove local., ....... 1 :80 n, na. ; Hlllaboro-Foreat Grove local.,..,.... :M a. m. Dataaa la CaW u 1 ' mm : Salem. Int Staa. locai ... 8:00 s. m. niiianoro-aoreer urava loeal... . a-ss - Salem-Tnalattn only, limited...,...., p. m. RIHahoro-FoTeat Grove local. ........ B:M p. n. 7 Salem Int. Str.a. local g:1S p. m. Rlllaboro-Foreat Grove local......... g-10 a. m. . Salem Int. Staa. local S:JO a. aa. Sa'em Int. 8taa. local. .10:40 p. nt. nillarmro-Foreat Grove local.... .....11-00 p. aa. TRANSPORTATION )aVJirVS OPEN RIVER TRANSPOR TATION CO. CIASSIFIED AD BATES: In Effect May 1,' 100ft. . DR. GEO. KIRKPATRICK. veterinary surgeon. 41ft Union ave., hospital Petterson's stable, 14 Union ava. East 4018. B-2198. i H. R. THOMPSON. D. V. a Office Hawthorne, stablea, - 420 Hawthorne ave. r-nones r.ati a: M-1JSV. UCMANb' VETERINARY HOSPITAL- Dr. Johneon. 13111th. M. 1141. A-42IT. WHOLESALE JOBBERS WADHAMS A CO Vholeaale grocers, manufacturera and coffee roaatera ath and Oak eta. Oak St. DocR"kK1,, pfeoaes Mala S9Sa jk-swrr. yiXlOSZ KXCXZTSU DAXLT FOB Lowlaton. Idaho. Faaco, Waah. Kennewick. Wash. Thai llallaa ' And nnner Columbia and Snake river StJatnor 3. N. Teal leavoa Portland 1 a, m Mon- Wed. and Frt.. arriving atrlv at The Dellea. Passengers auay board ateauner the night before. M A. Gi'.NST CO.. DISTRIHtTORS OF FIVE (flOARS rvniLAsn. OKtt. KVERDINO A FaRRELL. contmiasioa mercna Portland. Or. Phone ATi.FV At.rvvfs nnru-tnir" TRANSPORTATION ; Read and Answer Today's Want, Ads. NORTH PACIFIC S. S.Co. For Eureka, San Franciaco and lom Arreleo eJirfct. The steaiBahins Roa. nok ano t-kact gaw rvery Taesday at 8 jk an, Ticket ffica 132 Third, sear Aider. aPaoaoea M. JJ14 and A-1J14. ,' I li. YOUNG. Arat. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BBivAK WATER leave Portland Wedneoday at I p. m, froea A Ina worth dock for Vorth Bead. aCarsa fkeld aad Cooa Bay poiata. reigni re ' MtveA until a m. m oa air el aattllna. II rat claea. lie; sweooa berth and aneala. la- Ice. Third and Waakv Inst on eta- or Aioa worth dock. faeaB Mala 14. - IELU produce and ! pM,n.C,,1 t, flr nta. 140 Front st , 7. Including Main 179 Bt-' quire city Ucket oTr Kaa Franciaco A Potlaa4 8. S. Co. From A leworth dock, fvtttana, 9 a. na. a. Ituu oty, mvm ar IS a. 8. BM Cttf, Sevteaakee aPreak pier 40. aag rrauaetse. It a. aa.t a. a. bwo cir. ar- ia, Oct a. IV a. Ktiau City, T- S6. Oct. ft. I W. Kn'i.'Ofli aVa-ert. Mala J, AlneworVH ilivf : M. I. ptche. city f'k e4 agent 141 Third st, Mala 41. A-14C2 AO PrvrloaBi Rates Canceled. CASH ADS:' Is St IS words oe lees 16e per ineerUoai 18 "na, aw; ax te as woros, sne. loaf acd Foood. ' Rrlp Wanted. glttutVee Wanted. To Reel Ada aad Wanted a rat Ada. three IrjaeiUoos lor tke srice ef tea, AH other vlaaalflcaUoM seven laaarttene lor the price of atx. UanlcarUg aad Maaaage ads 10a see tine. . CBABGB AD8: .- " Other Oil a etmtract. 7e per ream ted Ina Open apaee eostraet te be need tn II av-nrhe. l.eoe Hnee. ............ ..Oe - per caaatad i, l.eoa Hnee....; 8ae CMC tm-A llae ' lO.oai Una er atoee ae awe eoaatd tin. An elaaalfled aarertlalu caaraed kr a Umt sctnal eoaat ADg RCN BY THB MONTH! 1 varata. ............ .61 ner Itae pa bmi maetae It t F-r Nae fr a- 13 saaatke ,...l M er itaa ker cocpoa aooK; Caah eat DeRvery ef aVanka. jr0 frae ewt ............e pmr iwnul re line a.k............rV a wu-A ) loon li d, bo g e mf.4 I Gnaamae aaev taweMu awe. r a4a 1 be ct arreal al the raajm aaaa Uaaa e at i 11 La. cot. kt iiz wo in to rug Lr. t twie-a, V e n-mt ta. I'.l a he- rva,.ii al FVaild ear ad er a. -tv Te 1 -1-, foe -1, - Sri-t'kT a.iR,,f m re ar 4 av. fa'lw ta r-t rmimf mt ee ,ie-l,M ettia I .t at ar 4mt . , at T'Se Jarv : ken Ian .f ta a.' a f. ai T a. am. a ae p. aa- e e.-rt k t. riioncs llhin 117?, A-