10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1003. HUOR DIVORCE: ma mm FITTING SLEEVE ON WATER MAIN UNDER ' THE WILLAMETTE ON THE EAST SIDE HUSBAND DUSKY mam east KILLED; 16 After Four Years Woman 0. 1?. A X. General Freight Learns Husband Has ' Ktliiopian Wood. Agent Talks of Con- V - editions.'.- 1 , i PERSONS ii nr. HOOD I , . , i I UtD Influential Tort land Men . Will Ask Government to '.Transfer Tart of Cascade Forest Reserve Propose Oreson Stone for Building i t x ' Mount Hood Is to be mad rational park If the plans of Influential fort land men can carry It out At a meet Ing if the trust of the chamber of .commerce this morning the matter of asking the govemraoit to tranafer that fart or in t.:aaoetie rreat reaerve wnicn Deludes Mount Hood and ihe district immediately around It was taken to and a committee appointed to brine; the matter to the attention' of Uie federal government. ' ' At ort-arnt Mount Hul and the dl ttlct near the base .of the mountain are a (art of the national rea-rva, and are therefore under general rovarnm-mt au nerviaion. It Is believed. liowv.fr. that I; "this district should be male Jnio a natlooal park similar to thai at Crater Uko. which was made out of a forest teserve, that the mountain will be made more accessible to tourlitt. (he roaus will be kent In better condition and there will be lens danger of destroying trees and breaking up any part of the forest country that surrounds the base of too mountain. - , . .Propose Oregon ajrone. : A resolution was also 'passed at this morning's meeting asking- the county rout to accept bldi fla Oregon stone for the countr courthouse provided suitable f stone Is offered. It is claimed that tho court has not Included Oregon stone In t (he list of what it will accept and It Is i claimed that there la no more sense in f going out of Oregon to secure building; t stone than there is In carrying coals to jvewcastle. - It developed at the meeting: that tlte chamber Is In oorrespondenoe with three i of the largest harvester manufacturing ' concerns in the United States in an ef i fort to hare a threshing and harvesting ' machinery factory in Portland. Portland is at presentthe largest distributing point for farm machinery in the west ana for this reason it is ciaimea on era exceptional advantages as a manufactur ing place lor tnis mna or macninery. , , right fo Publio- Docks. . ; , The chamber U'not going to drop! the fight for public docks built by the City. A letter was read from Mayor Simon this morning requesting that a commit tee be appointed for municipal docks. The letter stated that If thin committee could show the mayor that the docks were needed and would result in good tn the rltv that he would not oddosb the sale of the dock bonds. A committee of i 1 which C F. Adams is chairman and C : F. Swlgert S. M. Mj?ers, H- H. Haller. ! iC. E. Kerr and H. Wittenberg are mem I ben was appointed to make the Investl- nation. ' "' , ' . i t . The Traveling Passena-er -.Agents as- ? anelallon enliated the aid of the- cham '? ber in a nlan to have the railroads f issue universal mileage books. It Is f said that at present the mileage books f are not interchangeable on various roads.s The changes would llow the S carrying of more baggage and do away I with tlie necessity for exchanging script i at the ticket offices. - t The National Annie show of Snoknne was Indorsed by the trustees who agreed to. do' what they could to aid It. -Many Hew Members. Fifty-eight new members were'1 ad mitted to the chamber- at this, mbrn inas meeting: f They 1 were1: .niP;1 C. Lovey company, .Traveling Passenger! Agents, association America, W. f Markelle, the Poulsen-Ratcllffe Realty company," R. C. Chiaro, Mount Hood . Land company, Goodrich, Kir.g & Good- ricu, Murray s cook, f rani j, ttiggs, Vogler & IieVaux, Independent Cracker company, Pacific Portland Cement com- any, R. L. Donald, J. S. MoCullogh, .! J. McCallum, Pacific' Laundry com pany. L. B.. Menefee. The Hudson-Gram company, J.- R.-Wetherbee, Allison-Wood company, Donald H. Smith & Co., Board of Trade Realty company, W. M. Conk , Un & Co Consolidated Realty & Trust company, John B. Easter, Jennings & r Co.. F. E. Manchester, Charles 8. Riely, ' Smith & Everett, Contractors' Supply company, John B. Yeon, A. G Emery . company,. pacific State .Adjustment eoniDany.. Kortonlai Hotel company, W. 1 C.. Cameron,.; University Lumber j Shingle 4 company, Portland Laundrv t vuiiiau,, Aint-ncnn ueniiemn 'Tailors, John H. Haak. Mann ft Montgomery, i FtJiart-Ferguson Timber company, J, Hi Lei ?h ton, Oregon Trust company, C. J. Culllson Real Estate company. James C. Cox. West Coast Engineering , company,- C. E. Shepherd, E. D. Klngsjey. import A Manufacturing company. John I estel. E. R. Thomas. E. L Cooper Co.. Tho StmiiH-Pu it Jollvet. Paul E. Cleland Investment Portland Railway, Uffht A Power Company Files An nual Report at Salem; Net Income for Year Is $852,900.65. (tea Baras f Tke Joamal.) Raleni. btDt. 14. The annual report of the Portland Railway Light Power company waa fllrd itb the state rail' ruaa romniium una mwi niui. a sutolus of that corporation on June I lui. was ltll.V4l.tO, after paying a per cent dividend on SS.000.vuu of pre The total revenue from transportation during the year ending June l, was , tl7,iu&.01. . The total operating reve nue of the railway department waa IMSs.tfil.&l. The income of the streetcar corpora H.n (mm rails a va !(. oorratlna ex penses for the year, waa l,l$.7l,t and from. all loun'rl I J. 211.01. 1. 1 h net Income was S..td8.8&. There waa a surplus from last year's operation that mada Urn aurulua thla year. The company sutfered a deficit this year of 1117.49. on account or tne fcstacaaa no- tel. and another deficit of 1214. on the Estacada park. The Oaks returned an income of 11489.13: the Vancouver ferry l.iJ4.6: the light A power de partment returned an income of 8I1,- The railway company paid 126,100.41 rental for the use of the bridges in the city of Portland and county of Multno- maa- - - , The total number of passengers car ried In the city of Portland between June to, 190S. and June SO, loa. wss (8.236077. The passenger r revenue amounted to 12661,550.84. The average fare for revenue passengers was 61 centa and for all nassengers. Including transfer farea, was 4 cents. The car company operates 1S4.08 ml lee or rail road In tho city of Portland, and nearly 218 miles altogether, including side tracks snd switches. The caah and cur rent assets of the corporation are II, 156.842.46. Additional equipment was purchased during the year to the amount of $206,758.7). and total expenditures for additions and extensions for rear amount to 11. 4S5.5S5.46. Durlna- the vear nine persons were killed by the Portland Railway, Light A Power company and 176 were injured. No passengers were killed, however. The aggregate salaries paid during the year was Ji.40.,743. " There are Z07j employes of the company. Because the blanks for reports furnished by the In terstate commerce commission were de layed in reaching the Oregon commis sion the latter body made an order to day allowing the railroads operating in this state until October 15 to file their annual reports. - The time for filing was September IB. The Portland Railway. Light A Power company will be first rai'-ad corpora tion 10 mane a repori mis , ear. . M . I iff I I i n i in if in II 'it 1 1 1 : I Ill I IB I w,; ' . , -''nltrd rrM Laaed Wire.) , San Francisco," Sept., K. AHer liv ing happily fur 14 year and becoming the mother of four children, the old- eat ofr whom Is It years, Mrs. Elisa beth Davis has brought suit asaloat r hutiliand on ths arnunds that he drfraudfd her Into marriage, aasertlng mat lie waa white, when In reality negro Mood was Infused In bis veins. Davis is the head of the Davla Ex- preaa company-and la In comfortable clrcumatancea. . When a marriage license waa Issued to mem uavls gave his color as white. Divers began the work of clamping a huge iron sleeve over the broken water main under the Willam ette yesterday morning. The tinder half of the big sleeve was 'slipped over the fractured tube and the other side of the clamp will be riveted on this afternoon. :' : ' S . . 1; , STEPHENS SCHOOL OPENED TODAY Stephens school opened today with an attendance of 863. The total opening attendance of all the schools yesterday was ic,64. -rnia, ir added to that or the Stephens school which should have opened yesterday, would, bring the to tal to 17,t27 or 208 more than the num ber registered on tho opening day In September last year. As four schools have not been opened yet the record for this year shows a substantial growth. The number of pu- pns wno win attend tne unopened schools Is estimated at from 1200 to 1500. This would bring the Increase to aimost jsuvu, or close to n per cent. MIIMDS I'll CAUSE DO OELtV raffle Jf en Promise to Handle Livestock .With. Disjlatch. Transportation arrangements made this morning with the Portland Fair A Livestock association -by the North Pa cific Terminal company resulted In the sitlve assurance that all stock com- WM ID ONLY 4' A FIGUREHEAD company. Porter Brothers, Oregon Trunk Line, incorporated: Columbia Brtda-e cher company. Oanther. Ii M. Fan- Wants His Ring Bark, i Replevin proceedfngH have befen 7h1htT IS T Fltsg?rald. a memtt? ?vtr aTd,tr,2. 'Partrnent for the ItZZ? ttt dlond ring valued at !"L from Miss Helen Knowles, Pacific State Telephone & Telegraph l!.iheTf,r., tnerln? "a an engage ment bend. letter they fell out . i. i said, and the girl I. declared to have refused to return the diamond Tester! loM h.y e tputv l o'",w Klernan told bef of the court proceedings the girl refused to rive lt up to the officer CLEARS THE C031TLEX- IOX OVERNIGHT lmplea, Xaaa, Ernptionj, Etc, ciakikly Eradicate by Vew kla mewily. Ever since Its discovery, poalam. the new akin remedy, has. in Ita extraordi nary accomplishments, exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the eml- ..m " no gave h to the world j i Jim cureo tnousands cf A story of bad checks, dlscouragltig debts and pawned wedding presents, 'n terepersed with ' a young wife's com ments on the duplicity of her husband and her theory of man's unimportance in marriage, was unfolded on the wit ness stand before Judge Cleland In the circuit court yesterday afternoon bv Mrs. Freda R. Ackerman. Her hus band. Sidney J. Ackerman, is the man with the debts and the checks, and the man who put up the wedding presents to cover his retreat. "It is generally understood that when a man gets married he is only a figure head," said Mrs. Ackerman, and she seemed surprised when the spectators, mostly men, responded doubting laugh ter. "Why. Indeed." she insisted, as a smile In turn crept over her face, "that Is all he is. The wedding presents near ly came to me. personally: they are mine. Sidney gave me his Interest in all of the few that came addressed to both of us. and he asked me to write tnrjiks, because they were mine." The question of ownership arises be cause Mrs. Ackerman is trying to re cover 170 worth of sliver and J50 damages from R. E. Gale and Arthur Schubark for holding possession of the property under a bill of sale from her husband. Bhe says she gave her hus band authority to sell the furniture; which was also hers, to settle Tils debts when she went to visit his parents In San Francisco in April of last year. She torn nim to store the suverwars. The witness said she had no idea of the extent of- her husband's debts at that lime, and not. until afterward did he learn how he had passed checks when he bad no funds In the bank. After she left he sold or pawned every- ming. in- suver mciuoea. Bhe met him in 8an Krawlsco while she was away, she said, and he told he he had stored the silver ss he promised. When she came bark In August she learned that noa fng to the show next week will be han dled promptly ana properly. . .. It had been a question in the minds of the fair management whether or not the railway company would be able to pro vide- tne requirea numoer or cars. , n will' take over 100 cars to handle the livestock which will be shipped into Portland from Salem and Seattle while other individual shipments- will make the total run into larger futures. Twelve cars of finest stock are coming irom Denver, where the stock show of that section la in nroaresa this week. . The securing of the assurances of the terminal com nan v tnat ail stock can De properly cared for iirts a Dir loan irora the minds of the fair management. An entry bearing considerable Inter est was received tnia ' morning in tne shape of a big Belgian stallion, fierce, owned by J. M. - McKay of Woodburn. Or. The horse has never been deiaaced In Europe or America and is a wonder ful prize winner. Opposed to him In this class will be a horse of tha ame breed entered by A, C. Kuby. - Themis, as he Is called. Is also an undefeated champion and the twa will probably cause the Judges much worry liel'ore the blue ribbon In their class is award ed. Although their-fame hm proceded them all over the country, this wiil be the first time the two big stallions will meet Five other entries in this class, among: them two of tlu nl, horsos owned by H. C. Campbell, will a'sO be shown. . W. H. Wehrung, president of the Port land Fair & Livestock assoclitloii. made i a trip or inspection to tnu irac yes terday afternoon, which convinced him that the time made by the Daaars, trot ters and runners will be fha -fastest ever. The track is In beautiful shape and fine records are expected. "The track is In the kind of shape that means good time." said Mr. Weh runi this morning. "It Is alive, springy. perfect and the horses will go their best. A thoroughbred - horse - knows a -good track, and the minute they step foot upon the ground Monday, you will see some real racing. ll TO DAVE DI6 CELEOBATIOH Streetcar Service Will Be Inaugurated Next Wednesday. -trial,, an4 itK. rr k.J I O' II ,7 . 1 cssea enema and eend -1-, ltflnrmria . . ' . a "'ner her hufband sine they met In Bsn IgrrK.nts of ye., ndln(r Th, Kranrls,. and doea not Itnow where he t-rribja Itrnfng attending Km l n ' Th evldenee was finished this stopper w rr.g proof the very ut la 1 eeriCTJS skin ff-i i . ' some of them. as pimples, rasa, herpes, hlackh-ada 1 ' a-ae. barbers ll- ,te, rultm show1 BrltJah IinWmairr IaaD. flr aa vera!bt applieatinrt, onlv a1 VajuwiveT. R C Rept 14 Mulr Wlt senall juaMlty belog repaired to effect ! ll'"nalre. of ghefieH. England, - " t. Kiiainf sema ia 1 in j-in-t- wu uninnea tnis Itb the first anMteaikM. ; morning and the argument waa becun, of l. ,rT.i. ' 'Ithe defenae contendm, that Ackerman or n curative, propert leu at ! ed- an Interest In at least part of the ,utt. j prewnts, and had a right to dlrpoa of Tnoe who bh Knai. the fnliMK- akla tmoblea hn i. mediately eorare one of th. apecta I rent r kaga rratly adopted to mm e-vrt, -,ed a,otfc th mt regular tl Mr a. ay 1, oeZ t.n4 la Pertnd at t Fkldmo,, I "f Wnndard. -Clarke Co aa eeT tea-!lr.g 4n,t stor-a. M'T'''1- ,'-r rnme!tai pyrrm,m r ' f-e f ckarg writing r r, i t t Km.rrry laib-ratorvea. II U t Tweatr-lJu itrwt, itr dl. , . . - , J na r-r i n f-nweni. weni inaan yester la the Hotel Vinnrer. He im con fin4 in tfce dty MIL where b bee k'pt up a SFere-at of shrieks end rr-ame. Muir Wlleoa was a fnrmer nwnhrr f rarliatwenL Inuring th last fmpar It Is said he waa to hare a rrmerratv candidate t rontet Fhefflei!. hat awing ta torn differvwa '---. the IniLn nf the party and I kHtswir he waa tvot ae!etdL it a atat-I 4 that he thin aiatl tha Ikw4a! 1 ea4l ta hTlnr I at l-j rrha- werit frni th .TTatlT part He I " rec roate atvmt avl on i wvtjtex gaioed wide rexste prewar, Ml Mr. Wehruna was Immensely pleased with the way ha found the work done at the track. James Unsworth, an inexpe rienced man, had been put In charge, but he has done wonderfud work, and In fact has done better than many e nrofcaaional track man would have done Especially good records are looked for from Sir John B. and Sherlock Holmes, two 'crack : trotters entered. Mona Wilkes made a record of 2:04 K last vear. and if the two. Sir John S. and Sherlock Holmes, only keep up the form they have already shown records will be lowered. PRESIDENT MOFFAT WILL BE JIERE SOON General Manager Talbot of the Ore gon Electric company received word to day that George Barclay Moffat, pres ident of the Oregon Electric company, will leave New York the last of this month and be here early In October. There have been rumors of a honi issue for extensions by the Oregon j Electric for some time, bat Mr.- Talbot said this morning thst the company had not determined upon tnia issue an i did not know yet whether the bonds would be isaued or not. "Mr. Moffat usually comes here In June snd I go to New York In October," sstd Mr. Talbot- "This year he was here In June, but has decided that he will come nut again next month be cause he likes Oregon so well. Of course his trip Is connected with the business of the road, bet It has no direct significance with referene either to a bond Issue or to our proposed ex tension- SEATTLE CONSULS TO ENTERTAIN BRETHREN (Cat rreae Laaad WTr , FUle. pt- 14. All foreign, con avis oa the Pacific coaat will b enter tained by the foreign conaula of feat tK which Bernard Petty, British -!- consul, la chairman. - at tha fair grounds tomorrow. Aside frem a 'a ner at the exposition and a etghtsng trip ahovt the grounda daring the day. several special feature have bee put or iiirwwii a gse i ipuve place for each natlo baa beea renrd. "All of tb lHrfl ennatils bare. ben o kind la I'tiJIri their aid la helj- A eat make tee eipoatxn a aoerea aail a-s J Vr. rv' y. "t at it has ht decided, to ' mi a. .a s et ar Wednesday will be tho red letter day for Kenton, "tho jnodel ' stockyard town." For 'then. Kenton J Is to be formally tied to Portland by 16 minute street car service. . And all Kenton to going to celebrate the event. , , . i- "Literally mind you.' not'- figura tively all Kenton la going to jump up In the air and. crack its heels toe-ether once, twice, thrice, and then throw Its hat high, in the air and ahoot hole inrougn u,- said ueorge w. Heusner, of the Kenton Land company, tho Ken ton Traction company and other Kan ton companies. ,' The Portland Railway, Light 4 Power company rails nave jufi oeen extended from Albina and TUlsworth to the geographical center or Kenton. Kenton Traction company rails by looking the layman cannot tell tho -'difference, where the Portland rails leave off and the Kenton rails go on will carry ine anxious passenger on rrom the center- of Kenton to the stdfekvards: and packing house district, nearly 1 two mile further, for the additional sum of nvo cents. . .-.-.i - .-...: Mayor Simon and the cltv . fathers. the governor and other state, county and city officers have been asked to take part in the Kenton's jollification. D. k O. Lively, with the Portland Union stockyards, known aa "the mavor of Kenton." says that it is unfortunate for soma of the public officials that they naa aireaay maae otner arrangements for - scendinr Wednesday "unfortunata for the officials, not for Kenton.'N ex plains Mr, Lively. '-.r-r.-w - "For no matter If the governor and the mayor and the aldremen of Port land, and a few others cannot come," said Mr. Lively, "we are going to have the finest time ever heard of anywhere, i The coming of the street cars to Kenton is just the signal for us to start things mere, ana u . foruana ana eattie ana a few other 'old heads' do not look out the first thing they know they will wake up some-fine morning and find that Kenton our Kenton has , sllppej oy tnem. - ' "We -are going to have a model town In every"respect. Nice, clean hotels ana Doaraingnousea, ureny nine col lages, with the prettiest rosiest yards you ever, saw, for tnose employed at the stockyards and the packinghoui There will be a round thousand men employed and they are going to havo tha nretfieat and best little town in the. muntv to live In If we can make Kenton that Ana we tnina we can. Mr. Heusner said: "We will use Port land Railway. Light & Power Co: cars and pawer temporarily. As aaon as we see just what rolling stock we neej we . will place an order for the latest with the best manufacturers tn the lanJ When the packing plant open . In 30 davs we will furnish our own power, In a very few weeks we will havo our Kenton line extended on from the stock- yards two miles further to tne sawmills and factories of the district Factory sites are in great demand ana every Indication points to the district becom ing a great pacaingnouae a.nu , manu facturing community." " ; "The Kenton traction line n, not a part of our company, said president Josselyn of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Kenton is cut of Portland city limits and, of course, there will bo two five cent fare from Portland to tho stockyards." " -:' ONE WATCHMAN HOLDS UP ANOTHER ELECTRIC ROAD ; for sraioii Franchise Granted by Ore- , : gon City for Exten sion Southward. WOULD (ME II TALLEST III CITY Spalding . Building Will - v ' Probably Eise to lo r 'Stories. ', Instead 'of a It-story steel building Coverlua tha I -aid Quarter block at Third arid Washington . streets, the probabilities are that the' big structure will -be 15 stories hlirh and have around dimensions of 160 by 100 feet. It Is known that F. a Spalding, who recently . purchased the Ladd corner, and who la about to erect a 12-story steel office bulldlna on the site, la na. gotkitlng with Mrs. Marie Smith for the purcnase or tne adjoining to feet, on the ncrth with a view to lncreaainar tha f round dimensions of the building to 50 by 100 feet and adding three stories to Ita height The current report is to the effect that Mr. Spalding's local representative has offered Mr a. Smith 1115.000 for . the lot but that she Is holding lt for 1125.000. The Friedman Packing company, which controls a tnrea .ana naar year-lease on . the Smith property, has recently been ap proached In - the Interest of Mr. Spald ing a-nd asked to name a price for Its lease. 'It la currently believed that tha deal for the purchase of the property will be consummated within the next day or two and that as. a result of tha tr mi- action, Mr.-Spalding will erect on the tnree iota tne finest and largest office Duuuing on toe racinc coaat. B. B. Miller of New Tork. Chicago Portland, general freight agent of the O. R, A N't Is In Portland, after a sum mer spent In the east on general busi ness for the llarrlman lines in Oregon. While Mr. Miller's headquarters are in Portland and Ma hmn. la nnmlnul I here, lie has bean away so much of the time in tne past year that rumors have arlaen that Ills headquarters would b changed to either Chicago or New York. I don't know," said Mr. Millar thla morning wntn asKa concerning tins report "I liave been In the east a little oval 10 nee writ tit ll- !.,, in tne past year snd It's impossible to say't Juat yet what will be done. Portland laVY my noma ana It is the place where 1 want to live but there are ao many niattera that call me to the east and keep ma there that 1 cannot Ull what may be dona, "Moat of the really big things, of couraa. Originate either in New York or Chlcaao. For intunr. thi v-r th- have come up tho Leachutes Un,- iiw null uu . Mirni nn. I n. mh,i mh.- oeaiue aareement. the r uirMii. iin line and many other matters that af fect this rart of tha country very large ly but tha have to be arranged ror In tne east.' it Is necessary ta have anm one ther who is familiar with condi tions OUt hero from ntrmin.l mmirl.n,. and I aoem to be tha one that la ex pected to gO,' Mr. Miller expects to have tn eii again oext month haouu n the r.. opening of tha merger case and the rata cases. He-said that he had not die cuased rate matters at all on his last trip back there but his time had bean taken up with general railroad . mat ters. . n - , , Asked concerning the report that tha y- . at in. would cot its rates on grain because of the order of tho Waahlng- , ton state railroad commission compell inr.th Northern Paclflo to do so, Mr Miller said , that nothing; waa decided WOODSTOCK III NEED"; Of HATER "tSpedal Dlapatek to-The Joamal) Oregon City, Or, Sept It. -An elec tric line extending from Oregon City to I Mullno. nn tha Xfolalla river ha 1 cured rreinrhlae frnm. he .. kUv . 1 PeOOIO of WOOllntnoV Aa nnl .... ell and seems likely to be built at once. ( with Engineer Clarke of the city water x ne ummaie terminus or mo line IS I uei. mnr uuinct la not in urgent thought to be Silverton. j need Of additional water service. Those -' Tha-franchise allowa tha line nn. I residents who have risen in 'thm mlrtrllA rate on a level with -Main atreet. in I ' fhe night to get a drink Tor a crying bicwi vt M.rvm ina niii oacK: irora ine I v u. . . e wc .uruu tt wain ev uri oiwH to tne nearest nyarant are particularly anxious to dispel . the Im pression that the water board seems to nave oDtainea, according to a communi cation from President Ben Rlesland of the Seventh Ward Improvement league. iur., mesiana.. wnose letter to the mayor and water board waa filed In the city auditor's office this morning, says most emphatically that his district is in dire need ; of Bull Run water and it would be decidedly unfair to supply the newly annexed districts of Mount Scott without first attending to the wants of uia intermediate aiaincts. r "We have in that part of Woodstock which has been in the city for the past IT years," reads tho letter, "many beau tiful homes and we who., reside In this district feel that we are entitled to con sideration before the territories that have Just -coma Into the- city, .or, at least, wnn mem. ( -. ? ;. - "Our property lies between tho Wood. mere system and the city proper. It looks to me Jlko poor engineering and oaa Dusiness 10 circle our territory aa though it were a forbidden district and supply., all our surrounding neighbors, leaving us 'high and dry.' We don't ob ject to the "high,' but We do object to the 'dry. . -, - v- - - --.. .. .. una urged by Mr. Swift, who has been active In promoting the project. Surveys will now be made from tho top of tho hill to water level and the business dis trict and from Mulino on to Silverton. BODY OF KLINE RESTS AT ALBANV (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Corvallis. Or.. SeDt. 14 All hnalnena houses in Corvallis were closed between S and 10 o'clock this morning in honor of the memory of Simon I,. Kline, whnu death last Wednesday shocked the com munity. The funeral was delayed until today, awaiting the arrival of eastern relatives. The Scottish Rite ceremonial was held by . high degree Masonic friends at midnight in the Kline hnma Sunday and last ntaht Tha hodv. ac companied, by relatives and Intimate "I haven't seen a Mnv nt the' nnt.. V. understand ' that tho Northern Pacific has not yet received a copy of tho order Itself." said he. "Wa can t tell what WO will do until wa aturiv tha order and find out what the attitude 1 of the Northern Paclflo Is. . It la pos sible they mar contest It and th.t me will not have to make any change, Nat- many wa - am going to protect our selves and we will meet the competi tion of the other roads if necessary to protect our own business. But all that must await further Information on our part" ,; -...'.. . ... . , , "The wheat business thlg year pronn Isea to be good. I think the outlook for uuatnrsa on tne u. . & n. js such that we can bo reasonably assured of a good " year. The wheat crop la In, there la no danger of any loss -now and lt will " figure to almost an average crop.' I think It la 15 per cent greater than that of last year, which was 40 per cent less than average crop. Prices are going to be good but not very high nor very Tow. Tho wheat Is of a good average quality. I can aee nothing to prevent a good but not a remarkable showing'. About the Portland-Seattle agreement with- the Northern Paclflo tr. Mil lee said he expected it would be settled al most any time but that until it waa nothing could be done about nubltahina- . through freight rates to Seattle Via, the Union Pacific and lh O. R. ft N. ' ' - "Our temporary Dasaenaer- ntnMnn there is ready now,"" he said, 'lend our permanent one will be ready In a year. Tho freight facilities both there and at ' Tacoma are In fairly good shana and wa are prepared to handle business any time. But we can't go ahead with the final arrangements until we settle ' the contract and It Is signed by Judge Lovett and Mr. Hill." . Today the police records tell the. tale of one of tha most amusing holdups In the history of the depsrtment - E. L Osborne la the narrator, and lays the soae at the corner of Ninth and Qtlaan streets, with the time about mid night The bold, bad man In the caae Is a negro rendered, foolish with liquor. Osborne, who Is night watchman at tha City laundry, Ninth and Flanders streets, wss religiously covering hla beat about midnight when the dark man steooed from a shadowed doorway and ordered him to hold up bla hand a. - ! Osborne, seeing no revolver displayed. started to argue with the would be hlghwaymsn. luring the course of their roe vet-eat I on. George PiacgwelL living nearby, heard their voices and joined the circle -Oehorneear'iainefl to mecsweu mat tne aerro had tried to bold b Ira up, and the egre protected. 'I'm a detective, oe aio to unorn. "and I want to knew what right rna have to eater the City laandry. I think I will place yo under arreat" Then OatKM ne showed his night watch. man'a badge. The nerro raa and made hla eecapa. OeSorae aald today that tne ansa aaa drank. friends of the family went hv aneeiail. 1 feel tnat ocnaitions call for my tratn to Albany" wheyre RbblV ! tlve the Portland conducted funeral- service prior to Interment, in the Jewish cemetery.-, -j'..-' .-'..: CLEAE UP BROW V KIDNAPING CASE southeastern part of the olty with Bull Run water, the choicest part of the dlsi trict will not be cut out I am a reni dent and property owner and am fully Informed on tha anhiect .mutter nf th! in company with a Japanese who gavel letter, and am wUling to stand back of PERSONALS S. J. Smith, -connected ' with a large Irrigation project at Celilo. is in tha Jcity on business ; connected with that enterprise.. . , , . . , R. 8. Hyde, a member of the Wind River . Lumber company of Cascade Locks, Is on the city. , He is accom panied by hla little daughter. J. A. Sterrett snd wife are in I"ort land from MaAllster, Okla. , Mr. Star rett Is here for the purpose of making Investments in Portland realty, A. J. Putcher, traveling freight agent for the Harrlman lines, with his wife, is registered at the Cornelius. Judge T. H. Crawford of La Grand ica,jnt.Qi7u n t tiiti iniirariau' Charles T. Karly and wife are In the -city from Hood River. Mr. Early is one of the prominent fruit raisers 'of. the Hood River valley,', t ,- Two of the. head officers of the West ern Fraternal association with head quarter at Los Angeles, Cal., are In the city. They are Supreme President J. I. McLaughlin and Supreme Treasurer J. E. Brock way. Mr. McLaughlin waa last week elected Junior vice commander of 'the Spanish-American War Veterans at the. encampment at Tacoma. A. H. Blrfell was accorded a Joyous welcome last evening. It being the oo- , I LI. V. . nnM4H ' . H -.-. the seventh ward and the , of six months to his native heath true state of affairs as exlstlnc In tha district lying along the edge of the plateau, consisting of parts of ' Wood stock, Lexington. Ivanhoe and other ad ditions . adjacent to East Forty-first street have never been properly placed before the board. ' I hope that ltr the general scheme for supplying Clearing up the famous Brown kid naping case, which for several days stirred Portland and Astoria, Or.,' Mrs. reme nrown .was arrested last nlKht nis name as uaimoto, with whom the woman has been- livlnar for aeveral weeks. The two were taken Into cua- tody by detectives in a rnnmlnr hnnM at 654Vi Williarnaavenue, and a statu tory charge placed agslnst them. Mrs. Brown it was who several weeks ago wired the Portland police that her t-year-old girl had been kidnaped by a former lover, who had promised to de liver It to Its grandparents in Boise, Idaho, and she strongly suspected that the man miaht be In Portland with h babe. . . Reading In tha nanera . the n.,t that he waa wanted, the man in h case, a pastry cook at the Portland" ho tel, went to police headquarters and ex plained aatlafactorily hla agreement with the woraan as to- the delivery "of the child. The same dav the woman sent Oklmoto and another Japanese from Astoria with a letter to the nr. w i" ii. 1 1 r i r lk 1 1 1 1 a mm Iff Turn tne gin over to the oriental. 'This he refused tn do, with the result that the babe was riven to the Juvenile authorities, and finally claimed bv Ita father, whn haa been divorced from the woman for some time. The esse of the woman and Japanese waa today continued In the municipal court .' every word I have said." PHONE MAGNATES OUT AFTER 17. 0. e (or laeas," More than ti wer'-e.t veeae'a nf Ua are Bow equ!rt-d Willi a tr- lei'grafr.y. GOVEPMrKXT TPTES TO ANNUL PATENT In the federal court this morning the T'nited fftate figured as plaintiff and Elbert K. Brown, alias Alexander R. Brown. Mr a. Km ma U Vtatann and Frederick A. Kribs were defendanta. The complaint allerea that defendants com bined and ronaplred to defraud the gov ernment er a portion of the public lands by fraudulent affldavlta ef nmnfa of hoiteetead etrv and sJtlement made by flrtltlona persona Pefendan's ftld a rt In abatemerit la iwhleh the Blleratloea ef complain ant are denied and purpnae to ahow that the land in floret Ion waa reenlaJ-lr- filed apow fev IWendaat Brown, who received a patent for the same and who there after conrered the land in the other named in the eortlal"t The plea irte erarued by Attorneys Tanner and Oeartn f'W the d-feti'laala while the tm-rni. meat s end ef the eontroverar wa tlrea care ef hv Itrtct Atfereee MrTo.irL Jw"r Pb will later reader his decla toaw la the matter. a - - - Thotjsh It ta ermoe fn e'her 14Hn porta, the rat is ter.r e n n Mv1ra. a1 In hf r'-r Ut ,ag Ber sf pears as an et .4 mc (Pnlted Preas teaaed Wire.) Omaha, Sept 14. The New Tork News bureau today authorises tha statement that considerable progress has been made toward consolidating the West ern Union and the American Telephone a- Telegraph company. . The telephone L-ompany utut oevii iryini o ootain Con trol of the Western I'nion for several months, but the terms have not been sgreed upon. Recently negotiation were resumed. It Is undestood the telephone company Is seeking to secure the tJould and Sage holdings besides buying beavllyi The report, coming from a Wall street sgency, is regarded as fairly authorita tive. . .. Scotland. ;.- Mr.; Blrell was, met at the train oy mttinuvra pi trie rwiiy oonni, the St Andrews society and Clan Mas leay, and headed by bagpipers playing Scotch airs waa escorted to the Oregon hotel where an informal reception and welcome was tendered the home comer. A luncheon' waa aerved at 'which speeches of welcome were made. Mr. ' Blrrell was accompanied on his visit , by his two daughters. Misses Esther and WInnlfred. and all are much pleased to again be at home. . r , New Corporations. 't , Br Journal Leaaed tialem Wire.) " Balem. Or., Sept. 14. Articles of in corporation were filed in the office of the secretary of state today as follows: . Burlington Lumber company; prlncl- pal place of business, Portland; capital stock, 160,000: Incorporators, George P. Holman. H. P. Cone and T. W. B. Lon don. ... - -.... . .' "i '- Californi Jnda Dies. (t'nlted Preas Laaaed Wlie.) " Chi CO. Cel.. Bent 1 i. Warren Snlna. Judge of the superior court of Butta ' county, and one of the best known men In .northern California, fell dead at hla noma in rovnie yesieraay. MS. HART'S SON A GREAT NEWSPAPER 3IAN Mra Rate S. Hart' chaperon of the pretty California Iortola girls, la one of Pan Francisco's moat notable women. In her quiet way Mrs. Hart failed to tell that she was the mother of Billy Hart for years one of the moat valuable men ln the employ of W. R. Hearst BHIv" Hart was known for Ms clever marine storiee from London to Pan Franrlero and there are few shipping men nf the o1d daye" of windjammers ha io not recollect Ms hamoroua sea yams. Mrs. Kate Hart has been for years a powerfil factor among womanly women. She baa a comprehensive, av five mind that has been veed to good ratiae among women who think a'l stady. ,. - Mr a. Hart u1d tdir ef the Porto la gtrU' reception In Oreaon: Thte la te areet etata fre ever Tl"ed jta4de ef l'll!fjrtil " There aaymg a daej for a ("allfernian. At arr"'atioei has been fft-d ta Te"a"t f a re'-rt ee a ee-rrt p. ea f-r jrolutirg amrrorila from U aJr. ' r"It Tallis!"- J A oraat PhvalMae . .H. ov - . Oranteioe Formula re. to evetTonewitk aay medical skill or aaedicaj saoae." Oran geme . faranda Siaes 12 . ea I 4 Or Sa S-, ...lu . . - I I p ,Ui frttant. m4 aaaamka. ' J Ttaa. aa4 Saa - raw aefs promptly aad thoronchly forC-Ua, Crip, tiaadacba. Nee. ralrta. laativaetiaa,, rata Fag, Offaea CU aad frgaa AT ALL DRUGGISTS 3