TUG OUIIGON DAILY JOURNAL, 1'ORTLAND. MONDAY HVENINO.' SEPTEMBER 13. 100!i. 13 FURNISHED FLATS 50 SALE MlSttI.LANhC.lII IS .KAN. modern horn Itk furnished TUB CRYSTAL CATTKHY. T flat: t rooms: quiet. 1 l 1 1 y surround. J High bred I'otiUn klHnia I font islanoe, adulla, III walking dl I ft Itti room furnished flat, walking distance, 1S per mouth. Jtlona Ji- (J; rrfurmrH remilte.1. N. Park. for aie i'lt.S'lr.ULI lower flat, 1 room a, bath; walking aiatance; jo, inoiuumg (a a, star, phone. 434 Jefforaon,- summer resorts. ETTER Investigate Columbia Beaeh th aeaald rap I 'a I or In northwest. tOU M1IIA THI IT COHMNI, hoard nf Trad bldg. from registered irta winning alixtlt fata twardml. fole, tiieeaiv whit registered male, at service! fee II at ttina of acrvl.-e 1'hnn Main till I'o ifn1 X r.t tli-Mama and ctiiiiiiole. t chiffonier, eet'retarr, I (run be!, a range, r trig era tor. crM, Singer machine, f office rhalra, glass fiuut cupboard. IS! K. Alitor. eXotOHOTcLka and bicyolee. new and aecond hand, buy. sell, enhanae, r- la ml otor- APARTMENTS 3 EV. furnished baacment rooms; ale aulta of Uu-m rooma wim bain, uotn mnee fro. I24 Maraball at. 1 i flTWeaimlualer. illi and Madleon ala (unfurnished apartrnnta; alao elegant ranalant room a. STORES AND OFFICES .11 IR8T claae outald of flea rooms for rant In naw building: strain heat, leotrlo and (a a light, with Janitor arv . K. K. cor. -3d and Madison. 'OH RENT Stor room. 407. Kaat Waah, corner Grand ava. Phon baat 6S4. C-H49. OR BALK By owner, atora building and living rooma attached. nth at. Ill K. 1 J OR RENT Beat dalicatoeaen aUnd in city. 551 Morrison. Phone Main 1ZI W nice office In the Couch and Chambere bldge. 101 Couch bldg. OTiNER atore. Id and Salmon, 111 Id afreet. Apply pair. Asenclna for Thor and Y cycles. Apex Hloycle Co . Ill IHh. A-II04 ULH rKKNaJilCRFFR typewriters LOhT AND IXIL'ND St supplies 7,a Fog Vlalbie macblneei rent. Inepaotlona! fireproof safe. N. M. llaytar Co., to llh at. Mala till. lifnTTlLl5TaTiroaT'tlerenS "mrrauf. limit Oft, 11; medium height an weight. middle aga, gray. nai. W.J01. Jour. FOR BALE English pointer Lit. It. fl.at prlae beuoh winner) the beat field dog In Oregon. Woodlawn 1024. Address owner lalB Madrona aye., Portland GOOD 0 foot round top taut. el age, everything comp litlre. ISeV Waahlngton at fete' will eata, aao- ilft filnerr aewing -machine, perfm-t or- aer, wun bk Bliacnmenia. vail K.- Morrlaon. I'OI'Il room furnlahed bouae.' and barn. Price, 22i. Foot & Irving or Ocel- rent at, COCKJCU SPANIEL PU1'& ror aala. at room I, H let at Tt J. !. f-On 6AI.IC Fine Mallard deooy duoka. rnone r-aat I2t. WANTED MISCELLAXEXjrS 5 X)R RENT MISCELLAXEOC8 83 TABLE) cheap. a tall a, 111 N. 14th at, corner Ollaan. WANTEDTO RENT VANTED To rent a well furnlahed cottage, .walking dlatance: beat of eferenreal no children. K-191. Journal. .VANTED to rent, a 8-room aottage. with chicken and oow room, within t eni car line. ywiirnai. VANTEID Deak room or ahare office with aome one alone. R-lll. Jour nal. Phone Woodlawn III. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. Iff WB pay the hlgheat apot caah prloea for dreaaad vaaL hoaa hldea. tfil butter, cheeee, fura, woo aaoar. hay, o aeii. Horses-Wagons :i aid laraess- ' I apan bay fcoraea, 6 and I, 1800. 1 tnan bar horaea. S and I. 2100. ' 1 aDan black horaea. I and I. 2160. 1 atian e-rava. mare and aeidina. I and , iuuu. 1 anan black aeldlnra. 10 and 11. 1080 1 apan aorrel geUllnga, 5 and 7, ,2600. 1 apan bay geldlnga, I and II, 1400. 1 apan bay geldlnga, 6 and a, iioo, 1 apan mulea, 7, 1260. 1 bay mare, 7, 1210. 1 roan gelding. 6. 1800. 1 bay driving mare, 8, 1100. 1 bay drlvlna- mare. 7. 1200. 1 anan of a-ood laundrr horaea. 1000 eacn. I ponlea, good onea, II farm wagona. I country hacks. 1 bakery wagon. I aurreya; ( buggies. I furniture wasona. t extra fine 1 anrlna- wironi capacity a iona. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLK8 INC. 420 Hawthorne ave. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can set a new one from an old eatabllahed wholeaale houaa. 44 years la Oregon, at almost the same cost We are located outalda the high rent dla trlct own our bulldlna and can make the price. Exclusive agenta for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehlclea, delivery wagona. top buggies, runabouts and farm wagona. Be aura and see us before you buy. It may save you money. .... , 121 Hawthorne ave.. between J&. 1st and 2d Sts. HANDSOME chestnut mare, iflne trav eler. 7 years. 16 hands. 11E0 lha.. sa.fa jor laoy; one rasi green trotter, 4 lyeara, 16 hands; - one handaome fast I mare, 5 years, natural pacer; must be sold to close estate. Hansen, Old Irv- I In a; ton race track. I JUST arrived, a carload of horses from Condon, Gilliam county. Or. Horses range from 1000 to 1600 pounds, from 4 to years and all broke to work: come (and Inspect this stock If you want something good. EOS Alblna ava. RAT. Tr (' h.an fn'n trnnA aa.. I with harness, four wagons, gasoline iwuua aaw; win sen separate. Uall 21 reari si., montavuia. i . FOB BALE A young team horses. weigai auuu ids., ana 2 smaller Horses. w mwh ior rwu esiaia. if is. grain, Writs what you wiah Kuoy co.. Ill coucn St., yortiana, ur. LE WLsK; got -more for your second hand furniture by aalllng It la Ford Auction Co., Ill 1st M. ml A-I4I8. WANTKU Railroad ticket . cheap, to Chicago or further seat, for fair com- picx.onnl young man. W-20S, Journal. PROMPT attention attdhTgheat prices paia ior rurnitura rtawtnorns ur. Co.. 14 Urand ave. Eaat 1204. WANTED-Ona or two aulta of aecoiv hand clothe; one oarduroy; sis 84. journal. WANTED Two pair coaster wagon wheela and axles. 180 Vfe Urand ave.. riorin. HIGHEST price for copper, hraaa, rub ber. J. Leva, 186 Columbia. Main 1118. SPOT caah paid for TIIM JOI'IINIL maintains a It and uund liureau tt aid lbs publio la the roerr er Joel article. Jf reu im an Iti In. Inoulre at once at (lie L and luund liuru of 1 he Journal, and a reuure will l.e nie.ie ui iruur loea. If uu should find any article of value and wlali te rind the rlshlful owner, leave it at the Loal and round tluraau of 1 he JmirnaL , , ' ljuk V km 1 u id,, nleliL' between Id an lamblll or 4th and Taylor, a lady' email sold waleh. atama blrturaa is back. Call 811 ln ton ave. south, corner Harrison, or pboos Jtast 171; liberal re- ward Ll'XL'JdOL'a apartment for ladies a the Mjorman Kuaalan baths, corner f4hrnian and root sta. Tha moat up Id date baths In the city. Open dally I rn to 11 p. tn. Main 111. ' t,OrtT Jeraey hel ttr from Forllam lita.t rtietura ta J. Rholln, aaal and oi Davenport. Main TIT4. DiOTICEfl 80 PORT OP COOH BAY MUNICIPAL. HON DM. Sealed proposals will be received b the underalanad. addreaaed or dellvere to him at the Plret National bank at North Bend. Or., until 11 oeloca noon, Turaday. November I, 1101. for the pur chase of series A bonds of the port of Coos Bay, In the sum of 1 600,000. in oa- nomination of 11000 eaob, bearing lntr- eat at the rate or I per centum per an num, cavable aeml-annuallr on the first eat at the rate of I per centum per an aunt, fiavehl uml. annually on the firs days of January and July, at the United H la tea National bank of Portland, ure- your furniture: prompt attention always given. E. 1017 EXCHANGE furniture house, 101 1st Main zg. uy and aeu everytning. lalp CASH for household goods. Savage aV Pennell, 146-847 1st at. Main 860. I DO Uce curtains, 40o and deliver. . pair. Call for Tel. Woodlawn IIS 2. FINANCIAL 61 I I I I I $$ M I I I I I f 8 I MONEY to loan without delay and atrlctly confidential on real estate, furniture and pianos (with out removal), storage receipts, Ufa insurance policies, Jewelry, and diamonds and all kinds of securities, at lowest rates In city. On eaay weekly or monthly pay ments. U. S. Real Estate A Brokerage Co., room 12 Hamilton bldg., 181 d st Phone Main 2084. I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 8 I Ron. or the Hanover National bank of aw York City; each bond to be dated at tha data of delivery, and deliveries to be made In lota of 10 each or soma multiple thereof: th term of tha first IB bonds to be SO years, and Uis term of each aueoeedlnar lot of li- to be cal culated and Inoreased so that IS bonds and no greater number shall coma due on each and every year after th ma turity of the flrat II bonda and until the whole laaua ahall have matured: Iort lncomo rated under, end Don a a authorised by general law of th legis lature or ins stats ot urrgon. rrw ceeds OX bonda to be used In harbor 1m- firovements. Asaeaaed valuation of port I4.II4.S0I. Proposed . laaue of bonda Is only Indebtedness. , ... Entire series sold to ons bidder under one bid. certlrled cnecg tor aooue muai accompany each bid.' to be forfeited. In eaae bidder doea not comply with terma or hie bid. Right reaerved o reject any and all bids. Addreaa undersigned at North Bend, Or., for prospectus. J. O. GRAY. Treasurer Board Commissioners, Port rLIlSONAL ML ALIt'K A. litlirK, Plseaaes of women and tiblldren ei rluelvely. Woman are often saved se ver surgical operations by consulting me. - Trvou gleeaaos of chUdroii a ei-iila(iy. All the lateat electrical treatment given. Correepondenee so il oiled. . No eharae for cneuliat Ion. lhonea Main Hii. A-l4o7. tifflce room II, Urand Ubeatrs bWg Waah In I ion and Park. U BIC TEACHERS M1KH BAHLKM has resumed her plan . ciaag at J IS. 16th at. b. IMione U two I teacher of I'lano. rtn-n. MkIh tI40. C'onrvtory totn T-J -- . ; -r - . . - . . .- " ' " Men Cured Oulcklj. Modern elect rio treatment for diseases sf tba prostata, nervous (lability, pliee, eta. W. I. Howard. M. IX, IU4 Rotli child bldg. 4lh and Waahlngton; A NT LA ORlffK. " UUS1NESS DIItECTOKY AMAVEJLS WFLIJI ft PROKU8TKU aesayara, ana lytical chemlata. 104 Wash. M. 7101. FCiKtEaNI) aitaiTtinal laboratory, iii Worcester Hdg., 8 d and ak.M. lino. MONTANA aaaay office, laboratory and ore teatlng work. 1B .Morrison. ATTORNEYS EXAMINATION Of titles a speclaltyj oollertlon dept A. J. Christoiherson, O. L. MaHhewa. 411 Burhanan bldg. RALKIGM P. TRIMBLE. 401-4 10 STo hawk bldg.. Id and Morrlaon, Tale- phone Main I2SI. rl TllIKI.HOaN. vlulln leather, pupil Savclk .' A-4110. 114 pine st. Main lull. IA. In A. t lva.li it, violin teacher, it dhnrnian at. l'hone Main la. PIANO, violin," cornet, inkmiulln. H. A. Smith, tl llth et. ' Prof NURSES MRS. J. W, BUTLKR, colored, trained nurae. Ill Northrup at. Phone A-7771 ..... r . , r-m OSTEOPATHIC rilVHICIANS DR. LII.I.K niTI J.K PATTERSON. D claltat on nervea. acute and chronic diseases, 117 Fan l on bldg. Main 8111 Dlt. F. J. HAIirt A A O.. 107 Mohaw bldg.. Id and Morrison. Main 1126 PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F. 15. BEACH ft Co.. Ploner Paint Co. Window gUss, glaslng. Ill IsL Mala 1114. RA8M168E.V ft CO.. "High Standard paint. ne.cor.Id ft Taylor. M. A-17T1 PAIXTlNCi AMI PAPERING PACIFIC. Wall Tlntlnv Co. uses wash aula Drocaaa only. Rooms, any oolor. ii to mto. woodlawn iie. ARCHITECTS K. J. HEFTY, arrhlteot and superin tendent. 101 Oerllnger Mdg. DAIIBITT METAL BABBITT metal, solder and type metaL W. W. Blanev. manufacturer: 414 H Goldsmith St., Alblna - All orders DrrnnDtly attended to. Proaae Dougnt and refined, l'hone East 111. nUSINESS CARDS MONEY loaned, salary or furntlure. Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 9482. MONEY TO LOAJT 87 Hutton Credit Co. Ws are tha only company In the city ' of Portland organized and Incor porated under the laws of the stats of Oregon, loaning money on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal, storage receipts, real estate contracts, salaries: alao confidential loana made to ladiea; no inquiries anywhere. I Loana of 110 to 1100 may b obtained! . - . - j. . . I xrom us on snon nonce ana ii a very small cost to the borrowed. Hutton Credit Co. 612 Dekum bldg. IN the circuit court of th state oi rtrevon fnr Multnomah county, George W. Temple plaintiff vs. OllU May Temple. defendanL Summons. To Ollfe May Temula. th above named de- tenaant: in in name or mi eiaie oi oicb", rou are herebv reaulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In ,tns above entitled court and cause on or before the 20th day of September, A. D. lSOl, said day being more than lx weeka from the date or me iirsi nubllcatlon of thla aummona aa per order of court, and If you fall to appear and anawer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will apply to th court for the relief prayed for In hla complaint, to- wlt: For a decree of tha court declar ing that the marriage contract' hereto fore solemnized between aald plaintiff, George W. Temple, and the defendant. Ollie May Temple, be cancelled, an nulled, set aside and held for naught, and that plaintiff be forever freed and releaaed from all obligations to the defendant on account or said marriage contract, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable, This aummona is published In The Oregon Dally Journal, a newspaper printed and published, and having a general circulation In Multnomah coun ty, Oregon, once a week for six suc cessive weeks, pursuant to an order of the Honorable W. N, Gatens, one of the judges of said court, duly made and entered on the list day of July, A. D. 1909. and the date of tha first publica tion Is August 2nd, 1909. OObKHBI IUUHU, Attorney for Plaintiff. HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. Blank books m f c: axis. Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see th new Eureka leaf. A-81M. Main 181. 101 Id st. ' for Jones' CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. 11 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co., Ith and Couch sta Phone 410. PORTLAND Mult graph ft Rapid Ad dreselng Co., 727 B. of Trad. Main Tvll. Circular letter, dictation, copying. FOR beat work, prices right, call P. A, Doane, 104 T'nion. Both p hones. PATENT ATTORNEYS R. C: WRIGHT. V. B. snd foreign pat- ents; infringement cases. 04 ukum FRINTINQ Wfclch-Carson Printing Co. "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 768 Yamhill SL THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In trust: closs fl cures, rood work. I Russell bldg., corner 4th and Morrison OOILBEE BROS., printers Cards, blll- heads, etc. Main 168, 146H 1st st. THE J. K. GILL CO. Statlonere, book- aellera, office outfitters, engineers. draughtmen's supplies. 188 Id cor. Alder. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Miss Densem 5,7m W" b,tU REAL ESTATE F. B. FINLEY. taxidermist; head, whole mount and rug work specialties. 841 Columbia, Portland. Or. Phone A-1848 Warren construction CO. Street paving, sidewalks and croas- Inga. 817 Beck bldg. flng. guttering, repairing and I jobbing. J. Loslt. 212 Jeffer- TIN general jobbing, son st. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg, J AS. Mcl. WOOD & Co.. all kinds of In- surance, surety Donas. McKay oiag CARPET CLEANING WE do carpet and rug weaving. Work cauea ror and delivered. Hi. st N. Phone Woodlawn 2124. IONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Work guaranteed. Tela East 860; B-2236. CHIROPODISTS DR. O. O. FLETCHER, D. C. proficient chiropodist and foot specialist wny suffer Q. R.T 806 Alisky bldg. Main R76Z. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, 4Z9 Flledner bldg. Second at, North. S HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates to Business bouses, ith and Hawthorne. ait 7i. REASONABLE, V standard bred fine young driver. aeldlng-. sound, cltv nrose. sii uinn ave. iiawtnorne car. .-A FINE carload of horses at the Union stockyards on sat now; will be only m oay m ma yarns, toma at once. 1126 buys . 1 span good young work mules, owner, nodney and Stafford sts. Phono Woodlawn 2843. FoH SALE Heavy wagon and harness. rice no. corner tiovt ana wnrut. lawn sts., Arleta. I WANT to buy a horse weighln f about 298 a 1100. Phone Woodlawn 77 HORSE, wagon and harness for sale. cheap, or will sell separately, 806 Front - FOR SALE 1 gentle horse, good trav eler, weigm uvu pounas. aaa John son st. t GOOD delivery horse and -grocery wag- cn; ciic. an naa Mississippi ave. GOOD horses for sale. Oregon Horse caie uo.. in. i nn ana tjuimby sts. Money to Loan In sums of 810 to 1100 on furniture, flanos, salaries, etc., on short notice, f you want th cheapest rates and easiest terms to be bad m the cltv call on us. You can pay the money back In small weekly or monthly payments, no pud 11c! ty; no delay. State Security Co. 80S Falling bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rotbchild bldg., corner 4th- and Washington. Th recognized bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist Engineer or employs can ob tain money of us on his not without security. 815 return to us 1 4.00 a month 30 return to us I 8.00 a month 60 return to us ......111.15 a month Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. special rates on pianos, rurnuure, eio, CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture. warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance policies, salaries and all kinds of securl lies; real estate loans from 13000 up. , NEW ERA LOAN ft MTU. CO, 416 Ablngton bldg, MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest pay ments; offices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms f 1 rs t Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities nought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, 316-817 Lumbermens bldg., 6th & Stark. MONEY to loan, any amount, on furni ture or any Kina oi security: chattel mortgages purchased; quick service. Room -320 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. NOTICE of stockholders' special meet ing. Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to a renuest made In writing, by stockholders owning more than one third of the capital stock of tha company, a special meeting of the stockholders of the Smuggler Gold & Copper Mining company of Portland, Or., will be held at the parlors of the Columbia hotel. In Vancouver, Wash., at 1 o'clock p. m , on Saturday, the 26th day of September, 1909. Said meeting Is called for the Durnoses of devislnsr ways and means of raising funds and raising funds to do assessment work on the mining prop erty of the company, and to secure by mortgage on ine property, or oinerwisn. the payment of the funds thus raised; and to secure th payment of all. out standing oDiigauons or tne company oy morteasre on the property of the com pany or otherwise, and to do and au thorize the doing; of all things necessary or proper to carry Into effect said pur pose. Dated this llth day of September, 1909. M'KINLEY MITCHELL, President WANTED To know whereabouts of Miss Joste Gunther or Phillips, last heard of worked In Portland laundry. Anv information will be appreciated. Goorge Gunther, general delivery, San Francisco,' Cal. CLEANING AND DYEING WE havs 20 years' experience In clean ing and dyeing business, 11. SO par suit Call up and give us a trial. Har vard Cleaning Co., 747 Northrup, near 23d. Phones A-6820, Main 4911. DYEING, cleaning, pressing, repairing. hata cleaned and blocked. Main 1612. Portland Cleaning Co., 486 H Washington H. W. TUKMJSK, uyer carpets dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st. Main 8513. A-2513. J. W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans; estab. 183, 146H 1st st. room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and offlc atatlonery. nlngham Co., 231 Stark. Main Curr-1407. SAFES THE Mosler 8a Ce Co., 108 8d St. Safes at ractory prices: repairs, opened; bargains In second hand safes. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY , . Alphabetically Arranged fog th Convenience of Journal Itaa.lera 600,000 PORTLAND 1912 A dollar wisely Invested la Portland real aetata today means dollar ta tha Investor In lha near future, Portland I t in Ha Infancy. No city on tha Pacific ooaat haa a brighter future, - l-atc-nalve develoumenta era an la progreas. Valuable Information can be obtained from any of th below named realty dealera. MaMaV A DDE gag. 1 ILgrBOKg agar, A. A J' Aaiagtea Bldg ....Mala liai a-eaaf raaggteele Oeaeasy ....IM Beeaad It. ..Mela aa4 A-ISM rabakar ft Beeadtrt lot McKay Stag-.. .WUmSm BetfBta. lUta Hi gattacwerta-gtecaaaaa Ceapeay. la.......... IB Larsalt Blg....tB aag Wee. Mala Oeok ft CSv. M, , , M Certett Bldg Mala Bfta, A am Cassia ft Berto Ut Ce saber af OaaiBMrea, X.aUla ! Mae. 0. T. Ce. Weedetoca lUekaetae sag Tskoa Sellveael 6: 1 Oeldaakaildfa Areaey 193 44 IT aeblagtiMi ( Mala aea Houck, Oeorg A (Colonisation).. .... .41 I abbe bldg ...Main i-j HeUreoa Ce.. . ft. (Irvtaslea 'fart) 1 Woreealae ldg Mala JaDtagtM Ce. 144 riftta It ......Mala . ftSt (ell Creat. erair. uorer Kllllngaworth. W. M ! Chamber of Commerce ..Main"; Kate. A u..'w ' '. . .. ' t Ckaaaaer ef CvasMrc atala a4 Ker A Cl. D. ri.l.kt, nraoertrk Of floe ea llelgbts A-ISI4 ug BIH Laag Co, U AMogtoa Bldg. atala 141 UU ft Toa Borstal 104 Second Bt Mala aa A-14S Oregoa Beat BaUte Ck. The Orang Ave. a4 Multaaaaak....BaM St. OrTtaJ "rrus, Watkiaa A Co- 230 Aider 9X. aiB !"" l"ats.eet Ceaapaay 1 Killing. wortk At. ..weo41.a tt1 Veals, Oenrge 1 . 24 Stark at Male at A:8-l bhlalda. J. H. llUrllnger Bldg Mala lallBg, D. C Carnar 7lk aaa B. BeUBeat....M...Ta'aa walker, ft, f. B04 Corbett bldg Mais aea wwt.'irrrT::::::x::::::::::::::: SL Bias".:.::: :::::.Maia t mmi RANKS 'IRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Or. CAPITAL SURPLUS 11,500.00. UMlTgp gTATEg NATIONAL BAKK Or fOBTLA.ND. OBKOON. ,'. KorUweet Curoer TWnl aad Oak Sueeta. . Coodoets a Oeaeral Uauklus Bmlueea. liUAriB HUJUBU AvatUbl An,P tbe tT til ted gutes aud Burope. Uuugkuog aad ataalla. CollecUun sua as iia U. LalA BABMlkg Aaelataot Cetbler. w. a-. ve AealeUDt Caahier A kt WBIUBl " rrrealdeat. Vice frealdant gBMAN-AMKBlCAN BABB rertlaaa, Or. Trauaacu a general banking bueUwaa. elUea of the United klatee and gurvp. euaatr. safe depoelt vaulu. . Garner Blstk aag Waabuurto gta. ' lAafu Issued avauakla ta all taa srtaclpai imw per ceat tatereat said aa aav BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M OUBia BBOTUXBS. Clumber at Commeree Building. Manlelpal, Bailroed and Public Service Corporation Bond, .4.. U. if D OWNINO-IiOPKINB COMPANY BaUblisbad II 93 BROKBBS. STOCKS. BONDS, O BAIN Bought and Bold tar Cask and oa atargn. rrlrata Wires. BoMna Bui to 104 Cauch Building, fbooas aula UBi A-X8X7. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD SECOND-HOND CLOTHING CLOTHING wanted; highest cash price paid, phone M. 1 861. Prompt attention. LEAVING PORTLAND. Aabland Paaeenaer Cottage Grove faaaenaar lockouts uESra-;- Baa Francisco Bxpreaa W EST SIOB. Corvallls Piaeenger Sheridan Pasaenger Foreet Orove Psaaenger Forest Orove Pasaenger Forest Grove Paaaengar SOUTHERN PACIFIC SEWING MACHINES ARTHUR S. DICKINSON repairs all kinds of sewing machines. 22 N. llth St. Main 6999. SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Machine Kepairmg Co.. 385 1st. M.ZIOg SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank; bar and store fixtures made to order. The I,utke Mfg. Co. .. 8:15 a. m. .. 4:i p. m. .. S:00 p. aa. .. 1:44 p. B. .. I Ml night .. T:80 a. s. .. 4:00 p. m. .. 8:60 a. at. . . 1 :00 p. nv .. :40 p. m. ABBITIBa PORTLAWO OregoB Kxprees "",i'!n i eL Cottage Grove Pasaenger i-aa e. bv 8baata Limited ......... J:J J" Boaeburg Peeiengar ---" f - Portland Bxpreaa U a. SJ. WEST BIDS. , Corvallls Paaaengar .f:X BkU. U..un,., ........10:80 B. BV Karat Giave Paaaenser. B:0 a. sa. Forest Fomt urove raaeenger Oi"" Paaaengar , 110 a. aa. Orova Paaaecger 4:40 p. am. v Ju n' CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. P. B. Short Lin via Spokane.... 1:00 p. n. I C. V. u onort una via npoiine. . :00 a. BV. Via Seattle, Victoria ft Vaacoover.. $:00 p. m. I Via Vaneoovar. Vlctorta ft Seattle.. J:P.a . Via Somas 11:15 a. m. Via Somas and Seattle T:00 a. H THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and. old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. BANK FIXTURES. SHOWCASES. BIRUBALU HAMILTON BLDG. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER, signs; the larg est Biarn makers In the northwest: 5th and Everett sta. Phone Priv. Ex. 66. Home A-1165. - COAL AND WOOD MnTirC SPECIAL 1U11UL PRICES ON SLABW00D PERSONAL 22 DR. LEWIS, Physician and surgeon, treats women and children exclusively; consultation free and confidential 506 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sts. Phone Main 4047; A-2411. GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. 11.75 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. 12.00 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load 13.60 Deliveries made September l. Turn In your orders now before the rush. Tiie Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3U9. A-7001. Oarcoal PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portlaud Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1696. SPRAYING MACHINES LEAVING PORTLAND. Portland ft Seattle Expreaa 8:18 a. . Portland-Vancouver Special W:O0 a. B. Paget Sotrtid Limited 8:00 p. am. Yacolt Pasaenger P- m- North Coast Limited, via Sound ":l a. m. North Coaet Limited, via N. Bank.. 8:45 a. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC ABRtTINO PORTLAND. North Coast Limited, via Sound TiOO a. Sk North Coast Limited, via N. Bank.. 8:50 p. am. Portland ft Seattle Expreaa 4:O0 p. am. . Paget Sound Limited 8:85 p. am. Vancouver-Portland Special 10:80 B. sm, : Yacolt Paasenger :O0 s. m. OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANY. LEAVING PORTLAND. Atlantic Eipresa Sro-8pokne-Portland Cblcago-Portland Special .... Salt Lake Expreaa............ Oregon-Waahlngton Limited. . 7:30 a. m. . T:00 p. m. .10:00 a. ax . 8.-00 p. m. . 0:45 p. m. ARBIVING PORTLAND. Soo-Spokane-Portlaad ............... 1:00 av at. Portland Expreaa 8:1 a. (a. Chicago-Portland Special. .,, 8:00 p, am. Pacific Expreaa 0:80 p. sm. , Oregon-Waahlngton Limited 8:30 a. m. LEAVING PORTLAND. Aaterla A Seaajda Expreaa Rainier Pasaenger Aatorla Paaaengar Rainier Passenger Seaside Special. Saturday only , ASTORIA ft COLUMBIA RIVER. 8:00 a. m. 1:10 p. m. :O0 p. i. 0:30 p. m. 8:80 p. SI. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Portland ft Rainier Paasenger......- S:18 a. am. - Portland Expreaa ......lSilB.aaw-. .-. Portland ft Rainier Paaaeeger,..,,,, B:S0 p. n, Beastde ft Portland Paaasnger..... ..10:00 p. am. ill Seaeldc Special. Banqay only .iu:ia p. m. THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of hand and power sprayers, nozzles, rods, etc. 22 Front St., Portland, Or. STOVE REPAIRING YOUR stoves repaired at your own home. A-4797. Main 1681. THE NEW SCHOOL Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway , ELEVENTH AND HOTT ST MEET PASSENGER STATION1. LEAVING PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express ............ 8:45 a. s. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansaa City. St. Lonia, Walla Walla. Paneo, Booaevelt, Granddallee, White Salmon. Stevenson. Van cosver and Intermediate atatlona. North Bank Limited. ............... B:40 p. . For Chicago, St Paul. Omaha. Kanaas City. St. Loole. Spokane. Spragna. Bltrville. Llnd. Paaco, Rooaevelt. Oranddalle. White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. YAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All kinda of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones E. 818, B-1867. E. 6th and Main sts. SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Main 2163, A-3842. Blockwood, 84.60; dry inside wood, $3.50; green slabwood, f2 ana iz.mi. TWENTIETH CENTURY Garment Cut ting school; patterns cut to order; a specialty of tailored skirts and cos tumes made to order; nothing their equal. Chicago Costume House. 388 Morrison st. Pupils taught. M. 2435. TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIERS NEER & FARR. dealers in all kinds fir and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty. 806 water st. Main 459fl, A-4547. COLLECTIONS WIDOW lady under 40, refined, well ed ucated, good musician, would like to meet a -gentleman of refinement and means, ono fond or motor riding and theatres; object matrimony. w-205, Journal. DEBTS anywhere. "We get the money." weus mercantile agency, ,ua ts. or T. CONTRACTORS LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 FOR SALE Two cows, giving 8 gal. - each: reasonable: others will ha fresh soon. K. Williams, tn and Olbba, Mar quam rim, fortiana, ur, YOUNG fresh Jersey Durham, steady, rich milker, for sale, cheap. 95 E. gotn. Biinnysiqe car, TWO extra good I large fresh cows, big ' - - .... . , sou Sellwood 1171. WO eaLra. ornod milkers, 709 Harold st wood car, fWO cows; one will be fresh In 10 dayi 998 E. Yamhill. Tabor 1803. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 "WUSIO for band and orchestra; repatr- li.-ig ana exennnga tnu, tu rork, J, ,V. York ft Bona celebrated band in struments. 8H Id st FOR SALE A fin naw high grade pi ano, 300; also a number of fine old violins. 16 Russel blk., 166H 4th st PIANO, Vose ?rlce 1286. H 4th at A Son, cost 450: sal R. M. Gate wood A Co, FOR SALE- -AUTOMOBILES 44 FOR SALB OR TRADE 7 passenger automobile; city property; will tak or allow difference; fin livery car; will earn ZQ per day. Merrill 7th and ua. Arternoona LOANS made on city and suburban property; mortgages and contracts j purchased. Cowlishaw, 506 Commercial U1R, WE LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage, jewelers, Z69 Washington si, MONEY loaned on timber land, or short loans on city property. Room 6, 221 H Morrison sr. RHEUMATISM, catarrh, asthma, bron chitis, . goitre, paralysis, epilepsy, dropsy, tumors and all skin diseases successfully treated. -Columbia Sani tarium. Raleigh bldg.. Portland, Or. DISEASES of women, children, nervous diseases' and maternity cases given special attention. Women's depart ment Columbia Sanitarium, room 22, Raleigh Md., Portland. Or. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. Duiiaing loans; lowest rates: lire in surance. W. G, Beck. 312 Falling 8100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fir Insurance. McKeniie A CO., trnger oiag., icq ana Aiaer. SALARY LOANS Confidential eaay to get ana eaay to pay. r. a. newion. u n,iT UIU. , VIII IIU V' MONKY to loan on improved city prop erty. Mm. MacMater, 101 Worceater block. QUICK loana on all aecurltles. S. W Kina. 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100 tloo. 1600. 11000. r rivals martf ita man. y: no agenta. Ward, 110 All iky bldg. MONEY to loan promptly; any amount on rooa security. 430 Worcester bide-. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. W. Holl, room I. Washington bldg. LOAN for tha asking aalary or chat tel. The Loan Co- 414 Dekum bldg. SUMS of $1000 upward on real estate. goddam ft- wieqrick no id st ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fire, insurance, isipnerioca oiag. FOR SALE 1 Mclntyre high wheeled But os, been run about 200 mllea: can bo seen at 111 Alder at, Barnard -Clark yntnr vehicle IX) H BALlv our paaaengar automo blla. la gnnd rondlttnn. for 1100. tWTer. rail wwwiiwb IS7. C ALlFfiR.VTA motorcycle, ttf 144 2d. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS II HOBE-MADR rnreei i,a Jlly. Mrll at. 4:1 rery raaaonaTMa KllcaJtat at RANGE 4 "hear. Wawtliain car A VI 1 1 Ea, pureat, sateeteet, leweet frWe-. 1 Th 1 4V. f City V a r k t IWO flr,a lta. Kliilrgeerorik aa Ca rord at, lit. Can let . Irrtr.g at LOST AND FOUND St LOST Square, fin mesh paras, be tween Bungalow and Ith at. I frame diamond a. turquole setting, pleaa re turn ia A & aUelobach A Co. Reward offervvl. - LOST Pafkaae of IHatH fllma, Sept I. left on Pu' Johns car. near Holla- day or Wlillama ava. Return ta Jour nal ang Tciv rawara. LC-PT At Eaat Sid a p. depot Aug g geld Bad ard; return to Journal purse containing geld and Kewi II. allver silver tola. efflc LST Pay mare, at 4lt! and Keily ava, Mortdav at I p m. Flader retara t" f 1an et. Revrard FU N I fa k a re and 1 tla. containing Ttiona C-J141. I ahlrta GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.; German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co., 229 1st St. , DR. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cot- ton Root pills, sure remedy for de layed periods, 82 per box or 3 boxes for 15. TT J. Pierce, 216 Alisky bldg 266 Morrison. MEN When weak, nervous or despond ent, uss Sexold Pills as a bracer; bet ter than whiskey; price 31 per box, 6 boxes for IS. T. J. Pierce, 111 AUsky bide. WILL erect modern 5 room bungalows. stiuu ana up to suit. Address khs jdi vision. Phone Sellwood 1079; fine ref erences. m. cramtrorn. DANCING SUMMER dancing lessons 26c, includ ing ladies ana gentlemen s teachers, with music. Professor Wal Willson'a school, 8864 Washington st, bet W. Park and 10th eta. RINGLERS dancing school, thorough Instruction, best teachers; all ball room and fancy dances taught Grand ave. and E. Morrison. DETECTIVES SECRET AGENTS (gentlemen. ladles) experienced corporation, criminal do mestic difficulties. Phone East 4661. DR- WALKER, specialist; quickly cures 'diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, aorea, ulcere, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and plies. 181 1st atPort- lano. LOST vitality reatored by Dr. Lorensa t Nerve Tonic Tablets, 26c box. boxes 11.25. Stipe, Taylor Drug co- zl llor rlson, bet 4th and 6th. DOGS TRAINED GENTLEMEN wishing their doga trained lor tne coming rieu trials hunting season can have tbe services of John H. Stewart, the eastern field trial win ner and trainer, by communicating with the Lathram Kennels, 45th and Division sts. Phono Tabor izt. OREGON'S best taxidermist, expert In all branches. C. M. Harris, 495 Wash. TRANSFER AND STORAGE n.iM. Rlnr Local for Vancouver and Oa- mn 4:18 p. m. White Salmon, Lyle. Goldendale, Granddallee, Cliffs and all intermediate atattons. ARRIVING PORTLAND. From Chicago, St. Peal. Omaha. Kansas City, St Lenta. Walla Walla. Paeca, Roosevelt, Granddallee, Whit Salmon. Stevenson. Taa eouver and Intermediate stations. .4- North Bank Limited 8:80 a. sV t'rom Chicago, St Pant Omaha. Kansas City. St Louie. Spokane, Spragne. Rltsrllle. Llnd, Paaco. Rooaevelt. (tranddalles. Goldendale. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vaneoovar. - Inland Empire I rpreea. .......... .. 8:80 p. sm. From Cliffs. Granddallee. Lrla. White Sak mon, Camaa, Vaneoovar, and all Intermediate tattoos. Columbia Rfver Local.,... 19:00 noes Jefferson Street Depot Portland to Dallas.... T:40 a. m. I Dallaa to Portland............ 10:18 a. ah Portland to Dallas 4:80 p. m. I Dallsa to Portland ................ 8:05 p. m. PorUand-Oswego Suburban Leaving Portland a. m., 5:80. 8:80, T:80, 7:40, 8:00, 10:28; ; and IP. m.. 1150. 1:05. 8:80. 4":1B. 6:30. 6:25. T:48. 10:10. 11:30, ; if Corner Seventh and Irving Sts. i t 69 'mirtiNEC Main 69 X UUH1.I) A-l II C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of- iico einu wuuiiiniiuui) a story orlck warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof valuta for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ment. Main 696; A-19. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage, safea. pfanoa. and furniture moved, packed and ahlpped. 209 Oak st. Main 47: A-8247 INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage. 3 24 Stark. Main 407 A-4169. TYPEWRITERS Portland Ry., Light & Power Co. r rm leave Beat Wafer ana Morneou nrvvia. " rOR OREGON CITY. 4:05, :85 a. m.. and every 80 -"tnotea after B minutes sfter the honr end half honro and Including 1:05 p. m.. then to 10:05. Jl.-OB; Isst car 12:05 midnight. . Oresham and Intermediate points T:O0. r:Bne 8-BO 9 60. 10:50 a. m.: 18:00, :oo. :ow. . Blno! 6:50. 7:B0, 11:20 .P.- i .... .... cirvtew and Trontdale 8:0o. 7:45". s:o, :4! w3b a! m.: 11:45. 1:45. 8:45. 4:4B, 5:45. 6:45' p. xa. FOR ANCOTJTEB. Ticket office and waiting room Second and Washington streets. A. M. :15 6:00. 1:23. 8:00, 8:89, 1:10. 10:80, 11:80. P. M. 12:30, 1:10. 1:50, 1:80, 1:10, 8 -Be. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50, :80. T:08. 7:40. 1:15.. 9M, 10:8b". 11:48". , On third Monday ta every month last ear', Icavea at 7.-O0 n. m. Dally except Sunday. "Dally except Monday.'' OreRon Electric Railway Company PKPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. -NON SMUT" carbons, ribbons; repair- 1 wileonvine Int Sua local, ing. Ross. 413 Buchanan. Main 754 Hllliboro-Foreat Orove local FOR eale or rent aecona band and re- DUI1I typewruera. sag lamnlll ALL makca rented, repaired, aold! Cun ningham Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. TOWEL SIPI'LY CLEAN towela dally, comb, brush, soap, 1 per month. Portland Laundry ft T- I U,,r.nli I ' t Q , , a r, 1 unci . , , . j wv., v-vuuu aitB. Phone Main 410, A-4410. TURKISH BATHS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly curs all your private ailments; aavice rree. Hour 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., 170 H Id. near Tambiu. Mam Bi7. CANCER cured without the knife or naJn. American cancer (.., perma nently located room ii Raieign bldg Portland. Or. MRS. SOPHIA B, SKIP, teacher of men- tal therapeutics; resiaence log Alie- Jheny at, at Point View station.. Bt ohne ear. .'SB Bassett'a, th original native herb for rheuma Uam. oonstl pation ; 10 tab lets !Se, In blsck boxes, at all druggista WOMEN, use Femolds when other fall: old and an i a ran teed by th Ausplund rrus Co.. lftl N. Ith st Main 1106. Le MON Bloeaom for all female dlseasea. Cures wbea others falL Laue-Davla pmg Co, agenta. CADI Ka l ae IXimont a Sanitary reg s la tors; coi raapoodeoca daalrod. J-lia, Journal. ECONOMY A foot an nd acals apclalit. Invited, ill Park, 1571 School bocka bought sold bunloa skeptics ehani tnd ex- Jonea Rorvk Store, I'll Alder. BALM OF FIGS for all femala all 41 Ollsaa. Mala Ilia, Morrlaon Klectrlc Co., flxturea, wiring, repairing. zi r.. wornson. r.ast BlZg. PACIFIC Electric Engineering Co. Motora for rent or sale. Ill 2d st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair raw moved. Mrs. mil. 4Z5 neianer. G ASOLIN By LAMPS Alrllght hollow wire ayatem. mnntlea, suppfiea Economical Ll't'n i Oo, til 4th, GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; eleetrio equipment; launches. acceaaoriea. wholesal and retail; engine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co., 14 Morrison. LE.4TUER FINDINGS CHAS. L MAS TICK A CO, 74 Front, leather or every a ascription, tap infra, flndlrg-a. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES HTSSIAN artsMea Hacka llvary. board- In and aale: - romltore-monna. Ill Trilnis are. phene K. Ill: rt M. ll. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS tie LA8TO snaaUrs Battetta TURKISH baths. 100 Oregonian bldg.; ladiea (lays, men nlghta. Main 1938; A-1938. . VETERINARIAN - - . ,ui PORTLAND. i,r.T.iy.' . e.an n. ... 8:45 a. m. .. 7:40 a. m. . . 8:SO a. m. .. 8:50 a. m. . . 8:58 a. si. ..10:10 s. ..11:88 a. m, ..12:15 p. m. .. :0O p. . .. 2:1R p. s. .. 8:80 p. m. .. 8:45 p. .. 5:15 p. m. .. 6:35 p. . .. Ct20 p. a. ,. 1:29 p. a. ..11:00 p. m. ..11:18 p. m. Salem Int. StaJ. wca.. Hillaboro-rorf-t Grove local.... .. Bam WJ 'e loci I . : Sw:;::;: Kro-VorpGv. local. . . . . f.-'r onoveii:::::: Piaa sv - ' ' mA. t- aa lrmafHIl . . . HniaVoreat Grove toc.1. ftaletn Int. Staa local... STrltlLJo-roreet Prove local. ARRIVING TORTLANBL ' WllaonvlllR Int. Staa. local :(W a. sm, HIIIsboro-Foreat Grove local......... 7:60 a. am, Snlera Int. Sta local... 8:00 a. U. Rtlbirioro-Fnrest Orove local......... B:B5 a. m. Salem Int. Btaa. local .........11:00 a. m. H'llsboro-Foreet Grove local. ...... ..11:29 a, am. Salem Int Staa local ,.13:OS p, au Salem Int. Staa. local. .... .......... -.l5 em. Hillsboro-Foreat Grove local...,,,.., 1:80 p. am, Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local......... 1:55 p. m. Salem Int. Staa. loea,. ... ........... 8:05 n. m.. Hlllaboro-Foreat Grove local 4:35 p. m, 8alem-Taalatln only, limited ., B.-0S p. sa. Hlllaboro-Forest Grove local B:25 p. xa. Salem Int. Staa. local............... 8:15 p. am. nillnhoro-Forest Grove local. ........ 8:10 p. am. Salem Int Stas. local... J f...... 8:90 p. am. Saem Int. 8tas. local....' ....10:40 n. m " Rlllatm-o-Fnreet Orove local.. 11:00 p. au; TRANSPORTATION w OPEN RIVER TRANSPOR TATION CO. CLASSIFIED AD BATES In Effect May 1. 1904V. , DR. GEO. KIRKPATRICK. veterinary aurgeon, 42 hi Union ave., hospital Petterson's stable, 14 Union ave. East 4016. B-2898. li. R. THOMPSON. D. V. 8. Offlc Hawthorne staples. 4 20 Hawthorne ave. Phones East 697; B-1369. HUMANE VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. Johnson, 131 llth. M. 1141. A-4117. WHOLESALE JOBBERS WADHAMS A CO, wholesal grocers. manufacturer and coffee roastera Ith and Oak sta Oak St. DocK 7'- rhoaea Main B9o. rBXiaaTT aVZCSZTEO DAXLT TOl Lewlaton, Idaho. Pasco, Waah. Kenne wick. Wash, Th Dallea . . And upper Columbia and Snak river POSta'mer J. N. Teal leave Portland 1 a "ion. Wed. and Fri- arriving arly at Th Dalle. Pnaeengera nay board ateamer th night bafor. M. A. OCNST A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGAR8 rUKTLA L, ORB, VERDI Nil A FaRRELL, prodtto and oemmittion marc riant a 14 Front at Portland. Or. Phon Main 171. AT. I FN l FW1H OROrFBIrs. COOS BAY LINE The ateamer B BEAK WATER leavaa Portland Wednesday at P- aa,. xrern Alnavorth docB for Worth Bead. xaArak- gteia mMA oeee Bay seuia iraijai re I reived until I a. m. ay f aaJliag. I rave, rtret rlua 114: second clavsa. 1 7. Including berth and me lav I Br an Ire city ticket office. Third aaft Waak- inartaa sta, ev aiaavns 'atala 14k An Previous Bates Canceled. CASH ADSi 15 words or leas 15c per IneartJoBt 14) to SB wort) a, 20e; 21 to 25 words. 2Bc. Lost and Found, Help Wanted. BttnaHnM Wanted. To Rest Ad and Wanted te Beat Ada. three laserttoaa for the price of two. ATI other elaealflcatlDBa aevsa liieal Hoiai tar the price of etx. . ktaaicarfbg and Maaaag ads 10 per line. CHABGB ADS: . . Other thaa enetract, V par roeatag Baa, Open syeee atiat so be aaed la 12 aneerhe. 1.000 Unea e per eeamted haa .On Hnea B per roe a ted Bee 10. ono II see nr aoore Be per coasted pee All classified advartJadng caarged by U ha act ami eeaat ADB BCN BT TBS MORTBt 1 aaenth. ........... ,.f1.8 per Da pe amaarrg 'r weiki f I 25 per Bae per aaeeik . 2 ssoatka... 11.20 per llee per aaeata TRANSPORTATION Saa FVaaclBco at Portland B. H, Co. NORTH PACIFIC S.S.Co.1 pro A Ins worth clock Pocliasni. v a BL waaeaa cixy, seynaer sau Angcjcs airrct itc aicatnaip stoa- i For Eureka, San Friadsco sad Losi . i j t t i v I am, ooka sad Eider tail every Tacaday at I p. id. Ticket office 112 Third, near Aider, rboatr, M, 1314 and A-lJU L YOUNG. Agent. rroxa plae 4V0, Baa rraaeta-. 11 aw bbi a. a. a see kr. er at i wry. T. Bajii Ranaoni. dock Ba, Oct. IV ml. Mala 111. corroN BooKst . Peek ea Delivery ef Bra tW Itne bnek I la per eaaae4 fee be keok. ....... ...Ac per eeeeted )' lean Bee e k 4t per eeaee4 ie CMneaa seat sceeeapeaf eetr. ar a 4a i I he ekarged at tbe rag mar ante tiaae sale eg le par Ure, oorrr six vrotng to thb us. traeakS eey eg ertiiar teenceit ea re ta. arrttee, Tbe JruJ mtu ee ha eiainaili. tar aat teoetteeam If fc I a, iie-i ' l, e Che areet eg ,. aliare aa g reteres er irUeie aIlk gteee- eet er a net arre" TVe leareafa aniaa efrw la 1 -e a. em. k 1 p. am. aat.j. ee-aa4 g-. .r. AlnrwoMh ok: M. J. Rorb. city t- Phrmf "fflll 71 71 A -1)1 agwet 141 Third at. Mala 41. A-I4l AliUaiJ s-lMtl A-V Ji