THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMHER 13. KC1. 13 WA-MLI HEAL INSTATE 31 11AVK a citeloinar who wtahee to ! alHJUt jaou In BuiinylJe ioib, XUtY III II I l hrBll NuUlM I'Ai'lHC ItEALTT CO, tfl Com merclal blk. JTIYft il rnii wauiiiial screes '' uruan llura have Y' raa Cell It We JiONVULLA rARBERRT. HI hamter nf Comin'W, r T ' r- ' FOR BALE FARMS UOSIRSTEAPS 47 17 FORTY eere eplenettl. land. 7 mile Baln frntu Vancouver and nrar canine taneton, rurJ delivery, telephone and only S mil to good school, store ana rliurrh; !0 acre In cultivation, fine stream runs through property, faces two county roads and all unir fane; room bouse, dairy, large barn and wagon shtd. in good conuiuon; wrnn Central Orcsoa Wa ran locate you " fres govern ment of l!0 acre, prarly all level, rtn be cleared tor plowing for II an arre: ra roaiia twins mini . or through lha land, wood for fuel ana rasa fur mature: 10 to 14 (ml (O wamr- l.aat .marietta fur artesian well" Will a-row aralna. frulla anl veg-lahlea This land la being taken very (et our mil la now on ins grouna; wny (he opportunity; It may never coma IUSINLSS CHANCT.S CO The Stroud-Kry Co. 414 Cl-smber of Commerce. CHOICE CENTRAL OREGON HOME STEADS FllKK. We liava spent months examining all Uia dlatrluts in lha Interior of urc- where luvfrnmritt homesteads are Hotel ono or TUB . IN CITY, STRICTLY MoDCRN, CWHS To IajUTLAND. . hotel clears 7l0 MD.Nl iii.y. NO DINING IUmjM. FOR PRICE. I'AHTU UURJ, ETC CALL. ON Business Investment Co. toi KENTON HLDO. MAIN TI7. 14 111! BT. Rooming-House Hotels room a room room a room room a room a rooma 21 ronma 40 rooms T I rooms f li rooma 10 room a J 4 rooms la roonia II rooma It rooms It rooma It rooma SI rooma JO. rooma 11' room a ve IIEU WANTED MALK' WANTKIW Kaleamen; many maka 1 101 to lid pr inonttil some avm more; lixk i Iran, grown on reservation, far from old errttarda rash advance week ly; ehulca of territory. Addrraa S'mb. inalun Nitraery On., ToienUh. Waeh, HELP IV ANTE Ik I KM UK t WANTtUJ lUllway mall elarka. noat. orrioa clerka-varilarai salary 4vu to iv; (laminailoua in t'ortland Nov. It: vreuaratlon free. Write (or achatl- Kla. Kranklln Inailtula, IiL 411 ii Kuohrater, N. T. - Fl'ltMlillEll 1UK)M IJiT blll" JACKET, BKIHT OOWN WOUKKBI l-ritiiaiirtit iMollUiiie lo thoroughly prllcllcrl an J llllteteli woikeia. Al lly lo Mm l(lthiaa, la vhala of al Iriatlon itcjiariinrnl. uUm, WulllUAN A KINO. The Moodv House ID AND J KKfEHbOS T. Away rrum the nulae: I nilnutra walk. Waahlngtun anil 14; juI computed; new rurnianinga o ami cold l OU ItLXT IIOLSE5 It WIIKN you tiiuva you furniture. always naad iw buy at no rent r lha aalui will an -J ouat of wot dig. Wa own our own bulMing: occupi ma tialf: llc rent on halanoar ' kltinilAN-Ali'HI.EY 'L'ltNll I .lib' CO. i HTl'tiY law In day or night clasaea; fall term oiiftil 8roL IT: I yeara' couraa with . deicrre; on yoar iHiatgraduata rouraa. fnrtland lw Htiol, V or- reeirr riH-. fnona A-ll, ' i rlNIC opafltnavfkjrounir man, with onvrgv m I sir .la. tej ii-i... ,l ...n l,. il. lira n1 ave. nml K htnrk l-hona V. !!Jl. 1 I Ati,t'iit.;..t (or new ami atlrraiiuMa on i wvaiory, oonvenlent. rooms lari. nsnt. a Ji' xjju mo.irin lioue with . aloo. coats and aklrts. lift tin U, J.laltV; alngla rooma or suites: permanent ) narrie inii iraualent. II. It an.. II ut ira, i """t a-iiii, alain nil. W A i T KlViiir to wall table. HIS Kllllna-awnrlli ivo., Harn'a lioti-L IIEU VANTEI MA1JS AMI 1 'EM ALU . 20 VRATCltNAL KMPI.oy.ENT CIATIO.N, A8MO- orthard aUut mo iraaa, aiau lev pt"- ,, il , P" 6B0. eloao in. Ws hi W.u,d?-r?VSiIr-T-,ry .hS--1!. BnUVikC:ili -t Wr d. with ModSri RsaltV rnki monii fros?a?t!' This r-rty not rallngul.h (or l,00g and can show to.. lOUt Id at. SESna U ar; 'A &bZ Grocery Store.Snap nniH)iir, aaii, mlu and j rallroada now inidur cou- Any one alas would ask 11500 bonus i,. Tunnn struotlon. Call or writ. City liualnras for a bualnaas Ilka that, but rag teaao IHTHJ;.K ii'H'u Kxehanca, room 111 Commercial bldg., ths slock and ths bualnvas laiTOiirs. can scour poalllon and Ititereel in fa ijbp uu money : set In Imi .i J Vit ' H Washing. fTva rMj,nI lor tnen and womanl J-7'.LJCnL.UL. (roe library and amuaeinrut. bath, ato; ! Id and W ash. ata. w"lf..' HOMESTEADS In ontrat Oregon on 1 ns TUB Ol-OBK. 404 Maro-tam uy better of oropoaed railroad, black aoll, water v a t t, ; ' ' a Hither neap surface, convenient to wood. ood 'H BALIv At bargain, a a'MITIT IJlNDft 10 acre tracts cleared, all ready for planting, with or without duiihh cash, easy trrma. You can't buy l.iii on earth. Everybody Ilkea Jlood. Call and get our booklet Juat j wagon roads, 160 men located In this off ths press, and make arrangements I valley last week; wo are sending out to go out In our mschlne. rou wm i party this ween. For runner inrorma nevsr regret yntir trip. Call today. It Ion call 441 Lincoln st I'hona Main CHAflN HERIXJW, 47. , lit Chamber of Commerce, , t an you beat tnatT Will Involos about l ilttoo. A FEW good claims In oentrnl Oregon, near proposes rmtiroao. ueo. a . -i w V . ... .Jlfonck, 4t Lahho Block 17 acres fine, rich land. I acres of I ... , . ' i..w potatoes and gooa Jiving mad: cloaii orchard. II acres all level Pries U00; 1600 cash, balance to suit R. E. Woodward . Box 41, over bank of Oregon City, Or gon City. Or. llnd cllrn. box hus. a'S barS- HOOD iiiVER location, straight filing. ger;brf,htUom.caa ." of'MU orch land, for 1200. a to Oreson City; nlcs young 101 flwetlsnd .bldg. Btdg. nioderg and thorouxhly equipped machine sboa and foundry, Including a valuable man ufacturing business, and ruahed with work; only shop In this section, and situated in ins heart or tno richest ar- rloultural region In ths northwest. Best or reasons for selling. For further par ticulars address Carlsy Bros, Colfax, wain. ' 1160 monthly can bs made. round floor real eaiaie btialtieaa. hair interest lo right party Izou. terma; experience un-rn-craMry. Inquire sfter 7 this ee nltiar, 1 i 6 4 U awhl ngton st rui in 414. CA.sllIKll tiiealrlcal oointiany; - also pioturo theatre! 3I ana sxpenars werkly. 1500 caah security retiulred, fully aeciired. Y-107. Journal . male and female help supplied; ws as- cure ttoaltloiis for our membsrs; we Tilt: kit UTAH .-"kit. Itooms single and anaulle, private uaina, pnone eat'hanaa, luxuriantly iur- marnvj, moal central location; gauue. men tenants preferred. 12 llth St. Main M4 N K V WAftKhT HOTlcL Now II H.1-r .1. . r,., aft f OS It. Wasli.: have nicely furnlahed rooma, 11 pr weli nnd up; located In heart of l'"Hlnn )t Irt and see wnat a pretty place It Is to got make apeclal effort to keep you st work. ''"i , wU" '""nlng water; Eady manaser In char .a. Malu T4II. '"''hl 'or one or two; also pretty ... i.i.ii ipartor. nnvT Tjrrv a cnAUTMti nnnsn n7ntrFTEArr;rin.ulehmeni. i ooo ouo Until you Investigate this. 40 rooms. timber. Good cabin, 7S0. K-lll. Jour. rial. WANTED Homestead .U. fl OOVEHNMENT LANtt - OPENINO UNDER CARET ACT. relinquishment In southwestern Oregon. M-ltl. Jour nal. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 Conrad-Valier project, Montana. 70.000 1 . ...... .,,.,... acres of fins grieiy prairie under Irrl- W ndy llttls business that gallon Draw'ng October ,.1101. Must . foln to for only 600. rVa-iater for draalnr before October 7. " hen "your chance If. you havs Can register by mall For Information """"'J- m.R""a.Bma'1 ronuna. and blanks Write W. M, WAYMAN. Va- I t""" II bid ai full; cheap rant; 12100. This Is ths oast rooming no use ouy inn nas -oeen on tne markut xor soma lima. ui coo- cord bldg., 2d and Stark, OF er. Montana, or 114 Security Bank PARTNER wanted; must glvs refer Idg.. Minneapolis. Minn, ence; experience not necessary be- IJ Va.. Cra. TUUi- yond ability to show Jand, etc.; will Aiuvc auu j-tu luinnlM J 150 month at start, e OWNINO A SMALL PIECE OF 1 14 8 H Stark st. LA XI IN OREfJON T WERE 18 YOUR WANT euhg man to manage modern OPPORTUNITY, 180 PKR ACRE; 10, 1 ciw ;tor.; experience not necessary. 20 OR 40 ACRE TRACTS; BEST LAND if hitneat: hut mutt Durchaae Intereat in v . -I t I II - ay i ttfi - s-TbTIlT I . . t . . ir vfnc.vjv. - i'ali -wu" vmii tU8ina. xour money la ruiiy 3curea. V MA fl r S IiCiA LjJ yy , 111 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1 1 LT'Y' ."""f"; '.r. '"",'.. i" .7' ITHEK HOOD FARMING AND monthly: furniture cost 11000 S months an l FRUIT UANUS. laa-o 10, SO and 40 acre tracts for sals on j month easy terms, practical rruit men nave bought hundreds of acres and are devel oping. Soli rich shot loam, abundance of moisture. . Call and get . our book let, just off the press, and arrange to fro out In our machine. Chapln A Her- low, SS2 Chamber or commerce. WESTERN HOOD APPLE LAND. for 1600; 1260 down. Ill per Agent 11 N. 6th St. 1750 RE8TAURANT. 1400 trade for team. 1700 grocery, snap. IDAHO R.EALTT CO., 202 H Jefferson St MOTION picture films, scenic. Biblical, drama, comedy, for sals from lHo foot up; first class condition; independent films to rent 12 rer reel: terms on ma chines and supplies; write for special price on latest Independent film service; no license; no trust; no graft; straight business. Laemmle Film Service, 114- ii p wens Fargo biag., Portland CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Nice store on Russell st; cigars, to bacco, candles, homo baking and soma groceries; Includes furniture of S living rooms; rent is 120 and is paid until Oct 1; pries 760. Will Invoice about I860. ome quick.- QRUSSI A ZADOW. 117 Board of Trade bldgth and Oak. MEN WANTKD iWjrelees teliKrcpiiy. .railroad teiexraphy; e;lv ii-urnrd; frond waues; day and svenieir classes. regon College Telcsraphy. fl tth at. COUCliMAKERS and niattreaamaliTrs. . I A , A. ... k.. b. A . , . I U wA.b . u ewu UIH.IIII.I, V ' t m. ror rle-iit men. I'urtlanil Furniture atfar. t-Q., ll Macadam rosd. Fultuncsr. inaoa i-tiriiTioNS For grsdustes last year; men and wo raelflearn barber trade In I weska; tP I Slt,5' or "ults, at reaaonal to aeciirs positions; graduates earn 1 1 I nlln eon vnlen"ee; ot.rt. th to 26 weekly. eipert Instructor: tools I WABiUNiituN. Ai-Ur and 1 HOTEL LEWOX- ."SaVVt-ll single or ensulte, at reaaonable prices; e finia. free; writs for catalog, ?ll. eta Mol.r Byststn Ths Norrls Abaolulsly now, all out . Portland. I slda kmiihm, i m, nn v-n DAY snd night aUsms In shorthand. J I'""1'. 14 to 17 weekly ARB you satisfied with your prusent InoorasT if not learn to operate mo tion pictures; opera tore earn lift wee ly. Particulars 614 H Waahlnglon. BOYS about 17 yeara aga for wagons. Apply ai e a. m. mommy. OI.DH, WORTMAN KINO. WANTED M en to clear laud on con- tract: will furaiah tenia, toola stumn pullers, horse, powder. McCoy, 114 N. ltn. evening;. 6 to 7:30. COFFEET cocoa wlUn snails, Ic; rice, milk. Be; Boston baked beans, 6c; fresh fruit, 8c; quality best Owl Rlcs nucnen,, ot tn st SOBER man of good character can so- curs naif Interest In pavlna broker's office; experience not necessary. 803 Bwetland bldg. .-. WANTED 2 first class bench csrpen ters. canable of worklna to details. McMlnnvllls Planing Mills, McMlnn vllls. Or. ANTED Vaudeville acts: singers. Dlanlata. eta. Call todav. I2IU Wash. in r ton, or phono Main SI 58, or Tabor nil. bookkeeping, Kngllah, eta: we guaran- TUm Drm... 2I1U Alder.-eor. tew po.mone" low tuition rat: enroll 1 IIS DlSI32rK . ih.rrM.i ow. Eclectic Huslnss Unlveralty, 121 Culljuch. Furnished rooms, day. week, Worcester blook. Phone A--I44I. month; reasons ble. . furnished front room, private L.-.w.',, ..-rp F,' family, at. It. l. for one or (wo gen- 'V,Ain l r' tlemen. 10 4 N. 14th. of f . Washington, aaih'",0" trio light, (uriiaow liea liner, lara-a at. lie, concirle bear men I; lit per tnontb including free city water. Ona bhx'k from car line and ai'lioolhouae. JiltO Kaat Taylor near Hat Oth st vilkN" you find ths houae you "win want a nlcs piano.. Ws rrnl new pi anos at 14 and II par month; all rant money later applied toward purchaae. H (term a n CI a y at t 'p., op poalle poalo f flee. OiOOM coltaas, Muntavllla. IIO.06 I rnt. cottasn. Maralvi Junction llO.OO' 4 room cottaae, I'ortantouth .110. t roopt cottiia-i. barn, Klchmond. .$16.00 lluW 4th st. tiCVvJALOU', i rooma and bath. new. strictly modern, llth and E. Main sis , MuiinyelUe; rant 1J1 60. Inqulrs . Main 1140 or 1101. or tall (11 Orogon- Ian hide;, C'OTTAiI I rooms, lame yard, fruit trees, IIS. at 421 13. 44th S. Inquire owner, Main 1140 or Stol. or call 111 treeonlan I'ldx ; will rent or sell. ONE acre with sinaU bouse, fruit trees; oast aide-suburb; near school; $10 a month. Apply 114 N. llth at: llth." street car to llth st. 1 block south. I'UH KK.VT I room houee Iil WiTllains avs addition, close 1 to twd csrunes, per month.. Mala 124, or call 120 Worcester bldg. view modern room bouse, 11...... . ... i ... 1 .1.- MARKER wanted at Indlm-.7?rLa VVKlL " t urnUhod an J auiotly' clesn; Hi" Stlm H..0 "M oeuwow iigni, tunny rooms; modern house. I r-r, . . . 1 ni i... ' -7TTI, M. ITl. I . rnntn houaa. near Alberta and rvuui now reopenea at met union; prloo 11700. PRIVATE lessons in shorthsrM and I KlCELY furnisned'f gypewriting, aay- or evenina. rmmj method. 104 llth at. Phone M. 490. itr. Cn - I llshti tunnv rooma vnnuuit . t,u,irn.l,i,i Tnnilrv C0.I0" "" fnones ; ... ' . DlXlNQ rwl WANTED ACEXTS lis- booK. limy in S. nt ires. . oena 1 eA,t k i "a ana 1 - CAFETERIA EXTRA SPRPTAI. For sale A half Intereat In nna of the best confectioneries In Portland. only 12000; will guarantee clearing 1600 per month; Al location, long lease. In vestigate. GIBSON HOLLIDAY, 4-t uerimger Diag, CLEAN-CUT youns: man to take half interest In profitable brokerage bus.1- nu. fhfa will nav mmeA ..In.., a nA Call for our rree oooxiet descriptive I mon.w . ruiiv nvnnH b.,hq 7 n. 1 ku - .j . . r, " . rt of this Ideal section No better of Trd bid jr. ' tne plTce. ' " "'ln yOU iQ "ea hJiiaJtmtilnV REAL ESTATE Owner want, partner NICE, clean stock of groceries; good FOR SALE-WVell established real es tate office: office nava well anil there Is good reason for selling: cen tral location: biar list of nronertlea: good furniture. Price way down: in vestigate this. Inquire at 212 Allsky 1rmtm Rnv VOW nrlree - ra alvannlne 10 anif larre lievelnnment work undea war I rnoney Call and we will gladly show you. VANUl'iy WAlilUN, show land; requires very little f anarmtU vnan a. n nl... 01 fl monthly. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. 616 Chmb"f of Commerce, POSITIVELY the best business oppor - tunlty In Portland for a good, clean. reliable man with a business firm of Fruit Farm Do you want a fine frnit farm of S001 "ian.lln: 1500 c- Spencer & 16 acres, close to the city, for 1100 nr acre? good as others are asking 11000 1 BEST established general merchandise per acre ror; tr so come and ret oartlcu- ousiness in southern Oregon; stock Jars. I defy you to find Its equal at greatly reduced; best bulding and loca- the price., Woul take modem home In tion in city. For particulars apply, 252 Portland. as part pay., Neal Brown, 701 Id St.. city. ' At anl.Uit. - J Tz '" 1 - ' 1 11 . . Stock Ranch A 28 room hotel, nearly new and newly rurnisnea ror sale in uottatre Grove, Or for rn aH nr on tarm. tTnw Infr... 1348 acres in valley. 90 miles from I matlon writs in HnfAl Draliam Cntt. Portland, for 111 ter acre; good one and Grove. Or. should sen ror more monoy, out owner vnn a t.r Mnvina- nlntn "a,ifi.tiii trrtnA I " T . s. " " ' - . n nil am nn main lino rallrnad tnwn fixtures. 2 wasrons. one home- rent is $25, Including 6 living rooms up stairs; old established corner on the west side; will invoice about $1750. fiRUBflt JL "7 A TWlTJU 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4tn and Oak. WANTED Boy to help on wagon; room, board and some wa-es: prefer hoy-wlthout home. Phone Wood. 130, BENCH hand and plain makers, si an cutters for sash and door work. Ore gon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaughn. WANTED A young man to maTts hlm self usefuftaround a grocery store. J. N. Bristol. 600 Washington St. MEN wanted; now Is the time to learn to operate an automobile. Apply 62 N. 7th st, corner Davis. BOY, over 16 years, for grocery de - livery; references required. Call be tween and 7 p. m. today. 856 N. 17th. WANTED Married man to work on farm; must understand cows. Phone Sellwood 445. AGENTS for -North Pole DlBoovered.,, by Dr. Cook; biggest sensation In wnrM'a hi.inrv romnlets story of dis covery. Numerous photographs. Every- Doay wants, it. re- xirei IH n. ; msJto 1300 a month, mi II Vnu aret half. . Outf 10c for malllnir. Standard Book Co.. 181 Wabash- ave., Chicago. ' ' AGENTS wanted; new patented speclaj tles needeil in every home: easy sell ing kind: big profits, $5.00 dally esally made. Specialty 8als Buresu. Worth- Irt. Inn HI Inn SALESMEN WANTED To book btiai-' ness In the most promising, popular. ..i n . nMimaiilAii nl the nreaent. Out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital t A tfA.iir at OlymDUS. nloalar fnm laliit rooma h.l t .1.1 't,f...i. ' ." 7T or "'""iil-liJLijltLJi g-OR sal. or rent al l0 Ut month, i fiJLh. large, well furnlahel front room room bungalow and acre, at Lenta, for gentlemen, excellent location, near school. Mrs. Max Meyer, P. O. I4 llth St.. near J.ff-r.nn - a re KEW'LY furnlahed. modern aleeplng I ROOM house. 601 Everett st; walk- snd . housekeeping rooms, privileges, I Ing distance. $3$, A-4913, .Inquire 64 Id st , a N. 13d st. City Nursery Co Salem. Or. for men or bachelors. aloova. I Lnn uruT iCae s mom nnnna Take i . . . . i 1 yacen, luuusui, cvpiw "L. car IO Aieacn street, inquire is lent A-7773; Main 172, , Rorthwlck St. Phone Woodlawn 711. FURNISHED rooms, ibeat residence dls- FUK KENT Two modern new . room trlCt Weat aider welkin rll.l.nA. tin I. a - a-e ca A iHn to date. II N. list st " hoV.TOH " - w TVoKrKLC-ety l&h&r$Xl 'Kffi . J&J?f III moderate. 388 6th st. ' ,T .! ,' " i " SIX room modern house, corner E. 10th and Hhaver ata. Phone Main 1217 or 02 1 Main 7111. , IF YOU have a place to let try ua.. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE'ra w.nt.l .wmII..! rntiDon offer In city, commonwealth . siuaio, . em i vw niceiy xurnisnsa rooms, i new l Hartman St Thompson rent department. ann AnKeny. iwern, mo a uentraoie sleeping chamber or f'ommerce. Um'."ar. -nons oe ii wood lit or call ill hi .n--,nnma ... ith -.h trava. EIPfX)r3IElVT AGENCIES 65 IT 1ik awtt I buvu i-3isiiLrvi iiuutii it-n , niceiy iurnir.nq doum- Main 3Z8. rw ., wvawnia ew,y w 145 ' Front st.' CT- TT O f I "V ""S.. rooma. IU. SVtO St. COr. . R. Hansen & CO.' Davis. Phone E. 4061. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. LARGE front room. bath, phone; will Main office, 28 N. Id St. ' Portland. I breakfast and dinner; furnace heat Ladles' department, 7th and wasn. sis., i an iionnnay ave. upstairs, .rortiana. A NICE modern dwelling. E. Main and IZd. Phone H-115B. j 424 Front ave., Spokane. 87-89 4 th st, San Francisco. Established 1878. WANTED Strong boy to learn trade. Portland Wire & Iron Works. 2d and Everett WANTED Iron and wire workers at Portland Wire & Iron Works. 2d and Everett WANTED A delivery boy for a gro cery; about 16 or 18 yeara old. 415 bin st. R99ArOVSSbROrSrC HOME work for a good needle woman, J&JIPM- BRICK BUILDING. I one who wants steady work. Call 28 la old and wanta to sell at once terms; find out' particulars . of Neal Hrown, 70 Bwetland bid. 20 ACRES, V, mile from Beaverton, good - 6 room house, big barn, chicken house, all fenced, on main road; give your of fer after we show you this. Must be sold. " PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO, 818 Board of Trade bldg. BROADMEAD. , 6, 10 and 20 acrs tracts, the most productive and fertile land In the Wil lamette valleyi Inquire COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade, bldg. SEE this 22 acre fruit, gao.n and oairy ranch ; b room plastered house, barn, water, stock, etc.; one hour from rortiana. 30uu cash required Call Angeles Trust Co., 326 Washington st. room 417. ; ALL kinds . of Clarke county. Wash, xarms. . . . MURPHY & CASWELL. 230 Stark st Vancouver: office, 712 Main st good paying place, cheap, on account of death, to quick purchaser. N-198, Journal. i A Snap in Country Hotel Anyone Interested for price and par ticulars call East 895 between 5 and 7 p. m. PARTNER wanted able to invest small ammtn. ill wnwmww I. Mtll.kt, k..,l. . u ..... v,, , , , j . .i iciimuia oueiiitTBfl; MV t ' rf.alr ..t.-v aln M.r.1... .',. man used to farm produce. Particulars ii noaro or 'iraae bldg. GOOD LEASE, ONLY $600 DOWN. BALANCE $35 A MONTH; FOR QUICK 208 FENTON BLDG., 84 6TH ST. GO OUT to Westmoreland see the great home building movement now taking place. You'll see the reaaon for it Westmoreland ia tha nlaoa for vnur home. v COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY , Board of Trade bldg. Roomin er-Houses Two of 30 rooms each, rents $125 snd lion; locations Ai; roth money makers; don't buy before you see these prices; rlitrht rood terms. Oreic-nn Adluatmenr Co.. 64 hi 6 th st Front. WANTED Live man to collect and so '. licit; married man preferred. Apply at once, 409 Macleay bldg. CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourtht Street Entrance City HalL Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge. Main 8555: A-56Z4. FURNISHED rooma In a healthy loca tion. Phone Sellwood 133, East 47, NICELY frnlshed rootii HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 CHOICEST home furnishings at post. lively rine bargain; best quality ax- o.a .msI K.IK li so ner weeir at it 7?' p mf minster. Wilton velvet camets. Brussels Prpvieurn k , . v..,u I rugs, iinoieum; complete nanauomo oin- ! fgDen'veav h0t Cld '"f " f rxAlture,. &avlld chin, fin- Icnv UJiivcrBai coiiiuiiitru, etmu'sa. iiaj. Also other furnishings. Used one year. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 1 Practically perfect condition. Worth in- 1 . . "V . ,. .. . vesiigaung by anyone desiring most se HANLEY TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT CO.. headqt 28 N. 2d st, EITUATION WANTEP SZALK 3 TWO unfurnished connecting rooms, 'ect furnishings. Phone, after Sept 12. s natar ..,n .l.n Ana .In.U lA. II.V.I FjIRt 47fi1 headquarters for R, R. work. I houHekeeplng; close, walking distance; 12 ROOMS PARK STREET. tow rem; oest location, 444 as. Burn- u ro0m house, on Park st; rent Is Side St. It SO- naarlv all rented, and furniture la SOUTHERN IDAHO preferred, as man ager or assistant department or en tire, general merchandise man, 30, no 3-ROOM flat 10; single rooms. $3.60 1 good and a bargain at $800. Look at monin. iu Mantel St. 1 mis toaay. OKU8SI 2AUUW, HOTELS 34 I 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale. boozer oe tohaoon- hustler- aatiiifaction .. ,,,"v'-' r IKMl i UKM Ot B room nouse tor sale, Ca8ldy.Jo7 Jeff ?rson 8tler- Batlafactl0n- THE CALUMET 'HOTEL. 160 Park; Eu- .including piano; room. all rented; a WANTED First clasa experienced tail or. Moyer Clothing Co.. 1st and Morrison. 4S0 acre wheat farm, 3E0 acres plowed. IH miles ; from station, several springs, house and barn; 128 per acre; would take first class city property. Inquire 228 Morrison. - - . ATTENTION, FARMERS! - Pleasant View Farm, near city, of 60 acres; new buildings; high state of cul tivation. Call 1276 E. Stark, or phone Tabor 111. SEE our list of close to Portland Ore : gon and Washington farm lands. MURPHY A CASWELL, 230 Stark st - Vancouver, office 711 Main st GARDEN LAND. 5 and 10 acre tracts, close In; lots of water; terms to suit Inquire B-2406; Tabor 1580. ALL GOOD ONES SEE US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trae Bldg. FRUIT LANDS 45 Restaurant Lunch Counter Just the place for 2 lady cooks or man and wire; rent 112.60; only 1125, part casn. uan t4j ctn st WE are headquarters for business chances of all kinds. When von want to sen see us, as we get results. Should you want to buy. see our list, for we may have Just what you are looking for, Barnard. 622 Worcester bldg. GROCERY, FINE LOCATION. ONE OF BEST IN PORTLAND. AT IN VOICE. OWNER RETIRING. 208 FENTON BLDG.. 84 OTH ST. 22 room-. rooming house, near Washing ton st; long lease; brick building; clearing $160 month: 11250. terms. Agent 16 Hi. 6th St. GROCERY for sale; about 11260; daily sales 120. Location and trade desir able; three modern living rooms; lease; low rent. Owner. Phone Tabor 1313. HALF INTEREST IN DELICATESSEN Male or female; snap. Little monev requirea. tjumore &r Mlliatt, ZZS per rexenange, za and stark. WANTED A few men and women hav ing from $100 to $500 to cooperate with well-known Portland business men in financing a local manufacturing In dustry. Opportunity for big orofits. M-195, Journal. HELP W A NTEI) F1MA LK 2 HELP WANTED. Union Laundry Co., S01 Second st smith; German 29 years old; z years I ir ii V 5?. sxperlence; don't drink, smoke or chew; - "'y' j' 8. day- : lob must be steady. George Laue, Lake I BEL EDERE. European. 4 th andAltler. ropean and American plan. expert lob Park, MtnnH box 88. ODD Jobs; man employed mornings till I 8:30 wishes, odd jobs or days worKi ROOMS AND BOARD. 15 snap if taken at once. Call. Phone East 2788. between 9 and 11 a, m., 2 and & ' YAMHILL ST, FLAT. Modern 8 room flat, rent 145. with $66 worth of rooms rented to young men; furniture is nice and a bargain at $650. ; GRUSSI & ZADOW, 117 Board of Trade Bldg., 4tli and Oak. of any kind. C. F. Freeman. 68 S. 7th I NICELY f urrrtahed rooms with board, . a. a- . r, r- mr I fflTtlilV A a mr w nr ai 1 L-1 at aa A Iw4n w- " r 3-c ; TOoking;' rates reasonabli ill 'Haxrl- FURNISHED completely, lo rooms, bath. CARPENTER does house and bungalow ..' rBle" reasonaoie. zs warn- Kaaern,,.. rul.. . -tabie; rent 13S sac- hnllrilne- bv day or" contract. Plans free, reference given. Campbell. Main 3293. FOR SALE Real estate business with good list of city and country proper ties; also good list of buyers, with of fice furniture, including typewriter; Is well advertised; rent cheap. $125. Phone Main 6522. WANTED Working women to buy hot home cooked food to take home; home made pies and bread a SDeclaltv. TTnl. versal Delicatessen, 369 East Burnside. WANTED Young ladles to study tel- ttgrappyi, gooa positions wnen com petent; day and evening classes. Ore. gon tjouege Telegraphy, 83 6th st WANTED A position as cashier In restaurant Can give hnd. W-202, journal. CARPENTER work, building, repairing, prices right; work guaranteed; expe rienced workmen. Phone Tabor 1395. CjARPENTER a'hd builder, new and re- Dair work. 48 Woodlawn 1238. Failing at Phone PARTNlER wanted in candy manufac tuting business, with an experienced man: chance to learn trade. Call 248 Stark st. ROOMING house, stores, restaurants: buy from us; we guarantee them and protect our buyer. Modern Realty Co., room qui, iui aq st. $850 TAKES money making confection ery: lone lease, etc. The best of rea sons for selling. Suite 7, Board of Trade bide. - PARTNER wanted on poultry farm; own 30 acres of land near city on carllne; want man "with some cash to manage, same. I am from the east and know how to market products. P-186, Journal. ' STALL FOR SALE. - WASHINGTON OT. PUBLIC MARKET. Central location, long lease, good busi ness, money maker. Good chance to get into business in a busy place. 212 AitsKy ping., aa ano Morrison. IxiRLS Chocolate and cream dippers, packers; new, clean, light, sanitary factory; fine opportunities. F. F Har adon & 8on E. 6th and Couch sts. SMITH PREMIER Employment De partment Stenographers - registered with us placed In lucrative positions free of charge. 881 Yamhill st WANTED Two experienced hand iron ers, one body lroner and three girls in mangle room. Apply at Pacific Laun dry. 231 Arthur st - GIRL for laboratory work; must have good references and live at home. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., . Ninth and Hoyt. 8d floor. WANTED Basement and light excavat ing to do. ( all at barn, 30 i Front st Phone A-1613. WANTED A girl for light housework Immediately. 693 "2d st EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work, In town or out. Y-208, Journal. ELDERLY man would like position as watchman. N-199. Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 LADY DRUGGIST, experienced and ca pable, graduate and registered in Ore- fon, wants work; Portland preferred. R 91. Journal. WANTED Parties capable of selling stock in a home manufacturing enter prise and willing to Invest a reason able amount Our proposition will bear the closest Investigation, Q-192. Journal. BRIGHT young man or lady willing to learn brokerage business, can secure half Interest on easy terms. 302 Swet- land bldg. APPLE LANDS $50 to $80 per acre; particulars and literature. Paul E. Cleland Investment Co., 620-522 Board of Trade bldg. Roseburg Orchard Bargain Tew acre tract In Harding orchard tract planted in apples, 3 years' care cuar&oieea, uwner leaving America, Big reduotlon below prt-sent prices. Ex cellent terma Address Owner, G A. P.. 64 Union block. Portland. ' 10 acres r fruit land, opposite to Hood River; 4 room house and good barn. $1000; $100 down and 120 a month PAUL K CLELAND INVESTMENT CO BpartT of Trade Bldg. CMPQUA VALLEY FRTIT LANDS DONNELL 4k PARBERRY. 131 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1471; A-I7S1. HOOD KIVER ORCHARD TRACTS improved and unimproved, 5 to 1000 acre. Write for free booklet. DEVLIN FIREBAT'GH. 611 Bwetland bldg BIG snap; 20 room money making lodg ing house. -rent 165. Price $900. An geles Trust Co.. 826 V4 Washington at . room i i . WANTED Man from Missouri to buy International Cigar Selling machines, exclusive territory, $800 up. 703 Board of Trade. CIGAR STORE, Confectionery, Ice cream and soft drinks; one of the best located in the city, $500; guaranteed to be clearing $6.50 daily. Agent 15 N. 6th st POOLROOM $1260 by owner. 1015 Bel mont st; a bargain.- ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 58 WANTED Vaudeville acts, singers. pianists, etc. Call today, 626 V, Wash ington, or phone Main 8458, or Tabor 1317. LADIES at home day or evenings, ap plying transfers on porcelain, 4)1.60 oos. upward: steady, reliable work. J21 Marquam bltlg. MRS. HOWE'S agency wants expert- basement, gauge, stable: rent $35 sac- NICE large and single rooms, with best ?f'c " tak'n '"f of table board: reasonable: modern: 7 ROOM modern flat rent $20; 4 rooms easy walking distance. 442 Jefferson. rented, rental Income 150; reasonable FURNISHED room with or without ror casn. iwn i nurman, cor, st. board: a-ood . home cooVlnvr: walkinrlSIX room flat for rent, furniture of 4 distance. 229 18th st. Main 9010. rooms; light, airy. bath, gas, eleo- THE Beverly under new management triclty. 135 W. nth st. . Main 2325. Board and rooma. Centrallv Wm. FURNITURE of 5 room flat, including Cor. Park and Yamhill. fine piano; will sell at sacrifice; roa- NEWLY . furnished 4 windowed . front V?X 1? room, l or without board. bath, phone: with or atUH Zd. GOOD room and board suitable for 2 gentlemen. $5.50 per week; walking distance." 409 Main. NEWLY furnished rooms, with or wlth out board: nhone. sras. bath. etc. 115 12th, cor. Wsshlngton. ' FURNITURE of 3 rooms, lower flat, at bargain; rent HZ a mo, close In. 269 V$ Montgomery. : t , TWO housekeeping rooms complete. near 1st and Aider, cheap, lYiautre 127 1st st. ; FURNITURE of 10 room house for 231 6th st. isle. H(htrl Tdahfl 527 Hood. Room and XiyiCl 1U4UU board reasonable rate ROOM and board,- $6.60 per week. 653 Washington st. , . FOUR-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale; walking distance. 384 Park. FURNITURE of 9 room house for sale. House for rent 72 W. Park, owner. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 WELL furnished - housekeeping rooms, EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives les- west side river; 8 rooms, 17 month: 8 eons for 50 eents. Special attention 'or -. $12; cottages, $2, $36 and $10; to beginners. References. Main 6416. flats, 4 rooms, $12. $16; front part cot .... ' tage, $15 and $20. Apply 364 N. 26th, SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE Y-l r?mpw Wrd or Morrison AND FEMALE 23 r LOOK up the Beaver. 12 th and Mar- PERMANENT bosltlon wanted bv man .Bn.a.for..hou arwl wife on farm, cnnahle of tftkine r Cleanliness; :aio prices. U can Phurn W-900 Jfoiirnot I not w ueai. a or loin st. cars, FIVE room house for rent furniture for sale. 27 E. 30th st. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 WELL furnished 6 room cottage, $35; 7 room cottage, $26; house, several acres, 410; lower flat 4 rooms, $16; un furnished cheaper; furnished housekeep ing rooms, $1 week each and up; all west side river. 864 North 26th st, W cara from depot. Third or Morrison to 21th; block north. -- - ' DRESSMAKING 184 Sherninn. South Portland, tl fin 40 I week up, large, clean, furnlrfhed house- Keepmg rooms; iparior. laundry, bath enced Ik In of all kinds. st. room 507. 826 Wash. CASH grocery and feed store; partner wanted; solid business; money fully secured. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, good bakery in coast town; good for man and wJlc. uum( on Homestead. W-187, Journal. WE have rooming houses everywhere, any price, any size, from I to 110 rooms. We have what you want can and win piease yon. facirio Ateauy co, Koom zo. awetiana oiag. i NINE room rooming house, Al furnl ture: good location; rent $30; a snap for $275; terms. Agent 16 N. 6th st. SALOON Steady partner wanted; ex perience not necessary; no trouble to clear $200 month. Call 248H Stark st $2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 60c 192 3d st. Just above Baker theatre. RESTAt RANT; paya 1200 monthly; lease; fine location; must Sell; price $700. Owner. R-197. Journal. THE only original. perfect Russian bath on Pacific coast Corner Front and Sherman. Main 451. A GOOD, honest sober man can get ..f?" "T'"1 " "oa peyin business; 1225 reoulrert. Spencer St Co.. 102 2d. EXPRESS wagon, horse MRS. LENTS' AGENCY. ROOMING HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. I8IU Washington st. rooms 406-407. ROOMING bouses. See my list before you buy. Mrs. Koontx, 227 Ablngton bldg. Mam 7741. , MINING STOCKS OS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE ttTVTVTA an,! In.jt.l.lnl a..Va. ..1 , vj aim i.iuuau ia, .iuvm, . iciv phone and other bonds bought and sold. tj. . Fietcner, 125 Ablngton bldr. IF YOU wish to buy or sell raining Rose City Prlntery, new management1 "tocks. csll 9n J. B. PurcelL 268 Stark st. room 19. HELP WANTED SIALIC' WANTED Younc man with one or two years' experience In Iron shop. - Ap- piy 4 uavis. BOY to sell papers. Can iro to school. Inquire news stand, union depot BOYEl wanted. wMh and without wheels; good 'wages. 32 Alder St. e.MALL tracts fine fruit and berrv - land, close to Portland, I acres uo eaay terma. Shaw aV Zietrler. 420 Lum bermen's bids.. Ith and 8tark. U'R special barraloa la Hood River Mooler frttlt land, from I acres up ai'H'-eiaa Ptanley Kant man. Mosler. Or IX) It KENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT -Cat tls ranch; very reason- a Me: all yow make. V-14T. Journal. will sW 1 f'orrin60 hT50e down 'i'la" n ! WANTED-Coiin-rck! man to carry ontn. 24 2 Madlsn'et " 10 "er excellent side line. Call 110 .llth st 40 ROOM house, wdl furnished, rent $140; Income 1100. must selL $2(00 Hatfield. 145 4th at. ' FOR sale or trade, my equity In hotel of It rooms dotnir good buslnesa Address J. C. Lambert OalclanH o. WHAT hac. .nil I a We have large list st,. rom 613. ell or rxchane-ef 211 Washington WANTED FARMS 88 WANTED Te reat dairy farm for eaah. H T. 1 No 1. box fl, Troutdale, Of. HOMESTEADS 7!"rK hr1ee1a and I relltvislBb f''A H bottom land, en stream. rer PnrOaAtd, 14 Malacy bldg, 24 aad tfrr II 6 OR 10 acres 1 mile from Tlgard all tia fnllt Und- l2i Pr acre. Main lil. TWO barbers anted. Ill Burnside; steaoy joo. i,aii at once. TWO good solicitors; good proposition. enterprise cleaner, ua ana lsotthnip. WANTED Al metal poilaher snd boys to neip in snnp. Apr'y itn ana Alder. GIRL for general houaa work; I in family. 771 K. Taylor st nwnw B-1711. WK a ecu re positions ror our peclal fremherehlp Y. M. C. A. FINISHERS on parlor furniture. a nd fpehsr. carman Mf g. Co. "THE I NCH counter in good location. Call! CH EF headquarters and helpers. at la a. m. 226 1st room 11. j fmla Wine Depot 144 Id. Call- FC'R 8AI-E I chair barber shop, good trade: nwn.r ali-t wint a 451 rt ir yea own a lot 1 will build ton' a i"wte cn trrr Pbone Main 4444. rw3, SALF-BUcksiiiiti and wasonehow .i . - ThoToaa. (Vnt.rrllle. Wash, latre 204 Macleay kUg. MATTRESS makers wanted. tpehor. arm an Mfg. Co. llth aad EKHAND boy wanted. to i tn t i v tier echstse WANTED Mea to have their shoes half sld for te HI 21 st WA NT FA) Pr w'itb sbetL Jones book tore, 211 Alder st LADY going away wishes to sell 2 months' tuition in Holmes Business college, very cheap. 701 E. 8th. WANTED Experienced operators on overalls; also girls to J earn trade; paid while learning. 76 1st st WANTED First class family laundress Monday each week. St Louis agency. 24a H Washington. Main 2039. GIRLS wanted for laundry work; steady positions, good wages. Troy Laundry Co.. 201 E. Water. THE E. B. U. is the new school that is setting a higher pace for thorough work. 29 Worcester block. LADIES' tailored waists, shirtwaists. I CAMBRIDGE Bid.. 3d and Morrison French underwear, infants' wardrobes. I stt?. Furnlfthed rooms for riousekeen. Suite 23 Cambridge bids.. Third and ling; very desirable. Apply room 36. Morrison. I TWO nicely furnished housekeeoinir MAN tailored skirts, IS, your own ma- rooms: bath, gas. phone, walking' dis- terial; suits and costumes. The Elite tance. nice location. 611' Everett. Tailors. 646 Wash., near 18th t HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single arid PLAIN sewing .done at home. Inquire - suites, walklnsr distance. The New- of Mrs. George Oxley. 426 Sacramento castle, 3d and Harrison. St.. Portland. . I ONE suite first floor rooma l A SIX room modern house on E. Ankeny carllne; piano, fireplace, gas range, etc, beautiful home; no children; ask for Q. Homerton, Troy laundry. ' FURNISHED 5 room house, lot 50x150. near 8 car lines, 20 minutes'. walk to.. town, fine lawn .and rosea. Inquire 865 Sacramento st. ' WE HAVE 3 of the nicest furnished places In town. Hartman & Thomp . son. Rent Dept., Chamber of Commerce.' SEWING done by the day. Phone Tabor 1580. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE WANTED Competent rirl for general housework. 662 Myrtle at. corner Chapman, Portland Heights, TWO ladies wishing $26 weekly, euil to day room 301 Goodnough building, opp. P. O. Hours 10 to 4. WANTED Middle ared woman, as ELEGANTLY furnished room, suitable ror 1 or z sen tlemen: 10 minutes walk. 833 Montgomery. LARGE, well .furnished front room. suitable ror z. in onvate ramliy. 161 I5tn st, cor. Morrison. slnttle room 18: bath, laundm an4 phone. 308 13th st . . TWO .furnished light housekeeping rooms with gas and phone. 244 Vt f sell st. East 6840. TWO finely furnished housekeeping rooms. Dot i-iveren mi. fnone M. HIZZ.- FURNISHED Two or 8 housekeeping njiiiiiB, L-w8c in. ano LommDia st A very nicely furnished 8 room house In Nob Hill district, $70. Hartman 4k Thompson, -Chamber of Commerce. 19 a month for a 30 room furnished. house, 166 Warner st, Stewart Park, Mount Rcott car. ... i - - . . . Hitl Mocon t; rooms 'wo 1.0 Up per Week. Free pnone e.nd bath. NICE room for light housekeeping, bath, gas, phone.- 103 '10th. Housekeeping rooms, rumished. all -modern. 695 Front st Main 461. THREE eJegantiy furnished housekeep. nouseKeeper. oy wiaower with one .kiu T"i aar T . . , I ' iiiiiu. n-j V9, rfouinai. WANTED A girl for general house. ttUOMS Suitable for 1 or 2, modern, walking distance to business center! land fort lano academy. Mam 4573. ing rooms. 428 Hall st work, good cook. ave. Main till. Apply 111 Mellnda YOUNG ladles wanted to act as nurses at the baby home- Call A-62S7 or Main IH1. - v COMPETENT girl for general houi NICELY furnished rooms for house keeping; bath, phone, gas; good loca tion. ii cverett st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 211 13th st- modern eon or more persons. 14 unfurnished ' housekeeping rooms. making I suites; cheerful outlook; ni.:a-'.f:Kr,rom" clean, cheap. 1111, Russell st East veniences; sultahle for one j E222. 0 E. Oak. Z7u 8 SlkiuB?n!:bipiBMff &Zt5u<i lilTnTlft blocks P. O. bath, laundry, furnace hest ya work. Apply 111 East llth st Phone i -i. ; : . . : . East 2007 iulm cnoice or j nice, rooms, business 11.26 week up. g rooms, ard. THE LAMBERT 22 Vi' Union ave.. sln- FOR RENT 8 room- furnished house, 16th and Tillamook, or will selL See owner. 846 Morrison st $201 room furnished ' house; bath, flowers. No children. $77 Oberlln st, Portsmouth. FOR RENT, $10 Nice well finished cot tage. Inquire 861 E. llth st, N. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW modern 6 room upper corner and. 6 room lower corner flats, walking distance. 16 E. Alder; reasonable rent James E. Slggln, 141H 1st st Tele phone Main 7842. 5 room upper, outside flat: 1 MODERN shade trees and norches: rent raw nonable. 772 H Missouri ave." "L" car, A PLEASANT 4. I and 3 room flat; . modern, bright rooma, walking dis tance. Csll aftemoorm. 215 H Hall st VIA nisairaanlna eAAni aw mm bib WANTED -Quiet girl for general bouse,! .41 loTh ii "" "'"n Dome-1 modern; slso sleeping rooma work; good home, good wage. Phone J vi-Dx.-Tmii.-T- , . . 12 FURNISHED housekeeping c-1290. rv.n, zx,?-mz&9i-u-wtT. ga-. GOOD woman for cencral housework, 1 llf l?th at I Tsmhlll sts. Tsnor 1803. OTV .AAn. iMA.-n n , . 1 , 11 a?AA . w, ,. iiivu. 1 uui.,u - a V.I 1 1 1 m, cheap to right tenant 1117 Corbett st Inoulre Davidson Bros.. 47 Id. MODERN & room upper flat llxht and In family; good wsges. Feat ISlt WANTED Girl for general housework, small fmlly. Csll lot Park st llRIGHT girl to attend rleanlna- office. ' II per dev. Call Main 42M. WANTED 1 rirat class lroner. J body lroner. Phone Richmond ttl. CHAMhERMAltS. hotel work. Call li i-iertry ping- tn ana . a a eta. WAXTEI Good reliable irl for get era I hmtwnrt. Vain 1 (14. WANTEIi Girl for general housework. Call morntnr, 4l Kt mss inc.11 iron i rooms, au modetvi conveniences. Phone A-2140. It lift st, nortn. airy, water and telephone free: adults ionly. $11. Call $25 Mill st rooms, hot for rfnt Plmnt a E. Sid andt flat liO. 150 24th st north. i- quire liome pnone A-Q11 IX)R RENT BOUSES 12 FURNISHED rooms with or without board, or for housekeeping. 737 Norttv j hor 19. NEAR carllne, I room bouse, with bam. aiao room mtraeni ovuse. cnone Ta- WANTED I 1y poileher at onca. Pearl Iun1ry iil Rueaa t EXPEP.IKSCED r-anta finisher wasted. IM P'lrt st , pvnii 4 GRL (or waahiig d.ahea. . 11 JaUdT eoi wt. WANTED Giris la j.rc-as shlrta. .i lrt FURNISHED bous for rent reaaonahla. Adults. Arleta, Or. Phone Tabor 20. RENT I bran saw room modern houaes. reaaonahle. at Id and Grwrer line and work, lit Savler. enr 14th. I FOR KENT room cottar-, modern. OMt. iarse room, free phona, bath and! T K Main t Phone Kt I3g. JE I MOLEh. ror rent II l rut hers st UUTtL EMPRF-BS, H tlh. Ith st earl Inquire 72 Id St. H. Flnpheimer. Arrrf Rooma Mrs. C Strihltna. I . Ad A.lW.iU. ii 14 iat per week tj. FOR t)L T6IL1E rooms. 11.60 wee-k; Bear car. f ROOM flat gas. bath, etc, good loca- lion, ona diock iron car. Apply 711 lirt at., comer Olhbs. $22.60 per month each, two nice I room I flats, with modern convenleneea. Ia- qulre 2t N. lid st LaOWER flat partly furnlahied; no chll- Pbone Mala -191. dren: reference. 241 Tth t laODEKN' 4 room flat, walking diatance. ' I aq eu LaH;E inoderw 7 room 41 Mill at, tcar I4th. weat side. Apply H7 14th . ... c , . ... . - . - , , 1 , . - . 1 - Ml . ' I ' r,rv. e I n i 11, larae Trcnf A depot to gtarh. blTclr weet Mrs Lank. 1 HOUSE, rear of 1041a 17th st- I rooma I iwiennA car. M.t nth . it.i" . ntnLi ramianMi mam r... r-.H. .... f 11 mimtp, inotiire aza imnr e 1 - ... - - 1 . ' - T-rie vr Twn. faa fin at - I ll I Un-rn i mArn hlui.. Ill ET Ctk St Key at 44 E. wtTnn St. FVRNlSHi,D room, nine clewn, sultabla tt yeetitrtan. f a tn1. I4t College I gix THE NEW LAM) tat ill rnetith rH (! E Clay t Jt-t 1st S'. room houae for rent. 111 per E Clay. f"ROOM cettage. Hi North list at X NEW 7 room fiata. It rolnuta' walk from P. O. Arr-ly 4I Mill street 41$ IrraUtte t Ft "Ft RENT Fist rh""- E 4?54: Mats 1 rw.m flat -11. ii t-ee wiontti 2H Williams ave.