The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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WA.STfcD Two ilprliiM bend Iron-
nmU nxnti. Apply
Arthur at
L'aiI :JTTiioui av or F: Mlta. Anderson,
LADIfcrT tailored walata, shirtwaists.
la' warnro
tide. Third end
era ! body Bnd three Krls ' ret-n Underwear, infants wararuue..
Myii.g transfers n t.orc.! n I t i "r. U.lln
r-,,. now aid; Hwdy, reliable wulr .'II Hons. 617 Mtfnt
M.vrili'Miblds;. . j1ti.
iTlm vantki mai.k and
fashionable dreea-
ladles' tailoring. latest fash-
Uiinlmm,r at Main 10111.
MAN'tatlorrd skirts, 1. your own mi
terlal; aulta and coutumea. Ttia Ellts
Tailors K, U.h ...... Itlh at
$87 Alder at., uvm you money; gat in
Una; take membership; small expense,
free reeding rooina fur men and women,
free library and amusement tath. etc.
" mala and female help aupulled;
cur poalllnna for our members; we
mk iWui tt"'t i ep yu f
ljdy manager In charge. Main 73,
or A-8065. -
furnished noonrs
east biuk ,oa
NEATLY furnlahed room far ret 40$
K. Market at, aur, Urand eve. phone
Kaef 40 IS
FT'RTcTfi 1 (k-D room, "hoi and cold bath.
1:111 I Oliver
housekeeping rooms
iioi Hi.s ron rent,
of Mr a. limiraa Oxlev. 4:4 Hacramento
1., i-oriiaiKi
SKWTNO don by the day.
'fa I. or 110.
DKH1 It A BLK furiilehed. alao unfu
nlehed rooms: alnala and an aulia
qulei; very suitable for alnala gentle
men; reasonable. Kamm bldg, J at an
line ate
The Moodv House
Away from the noise; I mlnutaa' walk.
i-i.rr. L.i .1.. ....... nA u ititirn to
. ... w ia .mulnv neo- meaning-ton and Id: luat eompletea; n
Pie working for concerns employing ' furnlahfnaa. hot and cold water, ateam
r.rca numb r of You n mkjheaL elwtrle llfhta. calj bella, bath,
aevrral hundrt-d !o)lira .every monlh , lavatory, convenient, roomi Ura. Htht.
worklna vour arar hours. No oaptu L . airy ; alncle room a or aultea; permanent
fan between 11 a. m. and I V- m. H2 and trunalent.. H. 14 and ft par week.
Chamber of Commerce. 1 rhone A-T731. Main MI. .
T-V ..II IA-1 . ii:.-
new, clean; alao one alncle for light
noiiaoKeeplnc; cloae walking niaiant-e
low rent; beat location. 444 Va & burn
aide it.
flat. $10: Blnle rooina,
ItA Mrliet at.
tl 60
roean and A merlran plan.
H.O00 IOKrriUN8
For a-raduatea laat year; men inq
men "earn trade In P
to a-cure poaltlona; rradiiatea earn lis
to 12 weekly; expert Instructor; toola
i' ... n.ial.i Moler Byatetn
of Colleres, S W. 4th at.. Portland,
Vi a vVer." I "l "k ,-W.atilaara m M 1 A And f
mala, for an old eslabllahed fraternal
' Insurance order; llleral contract to pro-
ducera. A. buttowb, i ' '
4fS Sth at. Office hnura 1 to a P- m.
ik.,-i,M Vf.i ml to travel or
office work, permanent mbh.i".
' axpena? to make 15 la e and a UfaUm.
nnAll n' free carticuiara.
t'yment Co.. KK-74. Pajademcal
iv" mUa niht clasaea In ahorthan
booVkeepln. Entllh. etc p"":
tea position.; low tuition ratea enroll
. tt .i.amm nuaineaa univeivij.
wnr.t.r block. Phone A-M4I.
worcesier nn . .
PRIVATE lessons in shorthand and
ypVwrltlnt. day or vwl"-.,
wet hod. 104 Itth at. Phone M. 90.
SdTRSER wanted at Independent Laun-
dry t:o.
VTtRKKR at Independent IunarCo.
"I'v-Krn tnT "North Pole Discovered."
krDr Cook: blrireat aenaation in
world-, hlat. Complete atory of dla-
' anN,U.Tt.r0UBeP flr-f f d
body wants It. ''"V. 'h.n, only
loi fo? mfninr Standard Book Co.. 881
Wabash ave., cnirag".
and buttons of President arts visiu
Good money to be made U ABad9
& Mfk. Co., 14 S. Main st, A-ob An
Keles. cat.
sidNMEN WANTED To book busl
BA.d Vhe moat promiBlnK, popular,
ayine proposition of the jr-nent. oui
,Vi"?Ph wAklv. . Address Capital
City Nursery Co.. Salem, or.
m-uto snmethlna new; noining
like It ever before sold Our pat;
ni an women buy. Tour profit
Urie WWtTYor particulars today.
THrP 'ft VCentervllle. Iowa.
Rooms slnale and enaulte, private
hatha, phone exchange, luxuriantly fur
nlahed. moat central location; a;entle
men tenants preferred. Ill llth at
Main M94
Now under new management, at 105
Wash.; have nicely furnished rooma, II
per week and up; located In heart of
business district.
TAKE a walk to Stl 7th at and aee
what a pretty place It la to Ret a
room: have one with running water;
aultable for one or two; alao pretty
HOTEL, PORTLAND. European pla
only; II. 16 day.
H KiTVf: I E K K. Kuropran. th and Alder
alngle or enaulte, at reaaonable prioea;
modern convenlencea; opp. the Plaia.
WASHINQ1X)N. Alder and 17th ets.
The Norrla Absolutely new, all out
side rooma, atrictly modern conven
lenceg. 4 to 7 weekly.
The Bismark
Alder, cor.
Sth Mrs. Mae M C-
CullJugh. Furnlahed rooma, day, week.
monin; reaaonable.
i. Mr
TWO, furnished front rooma, private
family, free batha and phone; gen
tlemen only; walking" distance. Call
488 Burnslde st.
NEWLY furnlirhed housekeeping; and
aingle rooma; ateam heat, hot water,
electrlo llghta. Apply flat 10, 414 Mor-
LARGE front room and back parlor.
'J &u..,.iru, BUI LBUIU -m t
be arranged for light housekeeping. 147
jm si.
NICELY furnished front room, private
lawny, auuao.e ror one or two gen
tlemen. IQH N. 16th off Washington.
HOUSEBOAT "Wlndemuth," conducted
at nreaont as a refreshment olace nea
Rosa Island, will shortly be moored
at the Oregon Yacht club for the fall
and winter aeaaon. A limited number
of bachelora oarl aecure accommodations
with flrat-class table, or will take club
or bachelora. Phone Hell wood 1016.
tWo furnished or unfurnished rooms
with or without board; modern house,
corner Belmont and 4th ata.: fines
car service In city; very reasonable. Call
at nouae or phone today. Main 1510.
NICELY furnished rooma with board
family, eaav walklna distance; home
cooking; rates reasonable. Ill Harri
son at.
NICE la rga fend single rooma, with bee
of table board; reasonable; modern;
easy walking qistance. 441 jerrerson
FURNISHED room with or without
board; good home cooking; walking
oistance. zz nth st. Main 8010.
THE Beverly under new management
noara ana rooma. centrally located.
Cor. Park and Yamhill.
TWO large rooma with board, t blocks
from East Blue High achool. 106 E.
inn ai. .rncne M-zaiss.
OOOD room and board aultable for 2
gentlemen, 15.60 per week; walking
Qistance. 408 Main.
NEWLY furnished window front room
1 or I; bath, phone, with or without
ooara. 370 H ZO.
TWO connecting rooma with board for
64.9 Yam'
TWO girls can get free room rent for
answering- uhone and tandino- office
evenings, ngnon rtouse. 1st and uait.
' iy ONE1, anywhere, can start a mall
t order business at home; no canvaas
Irg; ba your own boss. Send for 1
booklet. Tells how. Heacock. 1132 Lock
port. N. ' Y.
" AGENTS make $5.00 daily se'ling out
11 piece kitchen set and other fast
p.lIinB: Vpeclalties, all money makers.
Holme & Co.. 117 W. Wilson st. Holly-
wood. Cal. ; , -
FP.EE coupon proposition; cnfP-'i
.e.iers, u. y'"Lu'"," Louis.
Vi 1 1 1 1 1 ri J.
si?ns and novelty sign m---
niff nrni iih. inuonuv- " .
iwhav m ' 1 .t-: T-
Cir t twrrptPT. a dT.-'VTS 1 it lti mate PUir
atltute for 1 Wnes, Ktjd;
n. nn Rieht for II. Particulars,
Oisha Co.. Anderson. Ind.
WELL furnished and atrictly clean.
llaht. tunnv ' ronmi' mnnm hnn
465 6th. Phones: A-7772. M. 1782.
DINING room now reopened at the
Olympus, nicely furnished rooms, by
day, week or month. 141 16th st
NICE large, well furnished front room
. for 2 gentlemen, excellent location.
288 11th st, near Jefferson.
NICELY furnished rooms in an excel
lent location, close In. 289 11th Bt,
near jerrerson. Main 6215,
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms
en suite and single. The best In city,
cloae in. A-6280, M. 6436.
C. R. Hansen & Co.
Main office, 28' N. 2d at, f0'""
Ladles', department, 7th and Wash, ats.,
upstairs, Portland.
424 Front ave., Spokane.
' - J7-89 4th st San Francisco.
Wstehllehed 1878.
Free Employment Office
Fourth Street Entrance City Hall.
Male and Female Help
Furnished Free of Charge. .
Main asps: a-qm.
WANTED IOO more hopplckers, best
yard In Oregon; fine camping Bunu
pay 60c Jr box; ocrr and boarding
nouse. Appiy w ymmc
CO., headquarters for R. R. work.
UK N. 2d st.
NEWLY furnished, modern Bleeping
and housekeeping rooms, privileges,
12.50 and 13. ' 684 Id st.
HOM.B for men or bachelors, alcove,
suitable for 8, clean, modern, conven
lent. A-7772; Main 1782.
FURNISHED rooms, best residence dis
trict west side; walking dlstanoe; Up
w unit;. oj n. tiBj. Bt.
4 gentlemen. 122.50 each
hill. A-8871.
NICE room with board for 2 in strictly
moaern private noma; very close in,
Main 4504.
WE art now ready for bualness; good
room ana ooara. 14.00 per weeK. 74
ftiftcanam il
A NICE elegantly furnished room, with
table board. In rjrivate famllv.
Yamhill st.
NEWLY furnished rooma, with or wlth
out board; phone, gas, bath, etc, 115
12th, 00 r. Washington.
FIRST-CLASS Uble board with table
board; southern cooking; within walk
Inr distance. 349 Sth st.
ROOM and board. 149 16th St., between
Morrison and Alder.
Hlflltrl Tdahifl ,27 Hood. Room and
nUllCl lUaUU board reasonable ratea
lly. for 2 gentlemen. 196 11th st
ROOM and board, 5.60 per week.
wasnington st.
WELL furnished room with board. 395
Hotel Mason - lift sk
FOR RENT 8 modern furnished rooms;
running water, both phones, walking
FURNISHED room, good board, two
gentlemen. nroni-ra
187 12th St.
POTTER HOTEL, 282 2d st. rooms
31.60 per week: transient. EOe to 11
FINELY furnished and well kept rooms,
very reasonable; phone and bath, close
In. 448 Yumhill st
NICELY furnished rooms for' house
. keeping; bath, phone, gas; good loca
tlon. 611 Everett st . . ,
NATIVE Oregonlan, good scholar, wide
and valuable acquaintance in atate, Ai
references, 20 years' experience In real
estate, wants position In office on sal?
ary, or would take interest J-190, Jour-
. rial.
SOUTHERN IDAHO preferred, as man
ager or assistant department or en
tire, general merchandise rnan, 80. no
boozer or tobacco; hustler; aatiafactlon.
Casady. 407 Jefferson.
POSITION wanted by all round Diacn
smlth; German 29 years old; S years
experience; don't drink, smoke or chew;
1ob must be steady. George Laue. Lake
Park, Minn., box 88
313 13th st. Nicely furnished rooms
modern conveniences; aultable for one
or more persons. -
i nicely furnished sleeping rooms, also
housekeeping rooms, 3 blocks P. O.
193 West Park.
MAN and wife In business during day
want furnished apartment with pri
vate family with one or two meals
daily, where 6-year-old girl can have
mother's care during day; must be close
in on west side near lltn and Morrison:
references wanted; will pay well. Phone
Monday, Main 8560, A-3475.
FOR RENT Three or four furnlahed I CHOICEST home furnlahlnga at post
houaekerfdng rooms, yarq ana now. tivaiy j m imri'ia, i n""'r
hi (Iran: lie ana III niDIIIO. nillllllT, ivmun voire tr .
Ill Biienrer t Moneavlllaj
14 uifurniahrd housekeeping rooma,
- .. A . . . . , . 1 . . 1 .... .
auiea; unwriui vitiuk,
rlean. ciiaan. lIVk UusaUl at
r: flan.
illl. too R. Oak
PR RTTTR NfrSl I ED houaekeaping rtMMita.
gaa. batrt ana inonei oioaa "i.
t a.
Eaat 1414.
ahW 410 Eaat Everett,
iom Stanton at. V ear 11.26 week up,
clean, furnlahed housekeeping rooma.
bath, laundry, furnaee heat, yard.
EXCLl'SIva L18TIN08.
I room, atrictly modern furnished
house, earn side, 10 minutes riaa. cnoit.
location; 150 per month.
a room, weal eiae. iurnineu, .
utes car ride; III Pr monin.
7 room, west aiue, rurnianeu,
utes" car ride: l!l per montn.
room, strictly modern, furn snea.
weat side, 10 minutes' ride; year isasa
Hie Souther -Albertson Co,
201 Corbet hld Phone Main ana-
ruga, linoleum; comt-leie iianuaotne nn
jng room furniture, llavlland china, fin-
eat I'nlveraal coinbinra woou-gas range.
Also other furnlahlnga. Used one ytar
Practlcnlly perfect condition. Worth In-
vestlgatlng by anyone desiring moat se
lect furtilahlnga lione, after Hept
Kaat 4IH.
KtJUNlTl'RE of 8 room liouae for sale.
Including piano; rooms ait rented; a
snap If takan at once. Call. Phone East
1718. between I ana II t. ID, I ana
p. in
lice T
I1.. t.. ' -I--... t l.h- i
close In, house full of roomers; 111
ever expAiSea; rant 120. It iC 8th St.
or phone Kaat ts4; no agents
HOI SB for rent and part of furniture
ror aale; close In, a beautirul .home,
very cheap. lo Multnomah St., between
I'mon anq tirnnr) avea.
'UHN18HED eompletaly. 10 rooms, bath.
nasement, garage, stable;
WHEN you move you always need new
rurniture. ,.
Buy at no rent prices; the savings
111 exceed cost of moving.
Wi own our own building; occupy
one half: collect rent on oam...-.
Grand ave. and E- Htark Phone K -
10 ROOM modern home, large
c. a,.k V Waah. ats.. 110
per mo.; furnished house and furnished
1000 H Belmont st
ROOM modem house with gas. elec
tric light furnace heating, large at
tic, concrete basement; lis per m""
ncludlng free city water, one ui-j
from car line and achooinouse.
l -. Vmmt i Q t H Bt.
wuiN n einH tha house you will
want a nice piano. We rent new pi
anos at 14 and 16 per month; all rent
... .nnii) toward Durcnase.
Hherman Clay et to., opp"'1' t......
ONE 4 room modern, for 110 per mo.
1 I room modern, for $12.60 per mo.
One I room modern for $16 P" mo.
Take the Mt Scott car, get off at Mil-
i q byc, niitr 8Pix u'l ., .. .
ROOM cottage. Montavllln,
6 rm. cottage. Maegly Junction J0-00,
room cottage, Portsmouth. .... Jg"?
room cottage, barn. Richmond. .116.00
HA TF1 B-r.n 186 U 4th st
BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and bath. new.
strictly modern. stm ana
s. Sunny side; rent 122.60. Inquire
Main 2240 or 2908. or call 516 oregon
lan bldg.
COTTAGE. rooms, large yara.
t 115 at 421 E. 46th S. Inqulre
nwnr Main 2240 or 2908. or call 618
Oregonlan bldg.: will rent or sell.
ONE acre with Binall house, "uu
r east side suburb; near school; $10 a
month. Apply 864 N. 26th at: 16th
street car to 26th st. 1 block south.
rent 111 aao-
rl flee. If twken Immedla tely. 14 Salmon
7 HOOM modern flat rent 320: 4 roomi
rented, rental income 310; reasonable
for cash. 700 H Thurman, ror. I8d St.
WHLL furnished 6 room cottage, 335; 7
room cottage, 326; house, several
acres. 810; lower flat 4 rooms, $16; un
furnished cheaper; furnished housekeep
ing rooms, $1 week each and up; all wast
side river. 864 North 86th at. W car
from depot, Third or Morrison to 26th;
block north.
TWO well furnished ( room cottagea,
$26 and $26; T room cottage, $26; low
er flat 4 rooms. $11: unfurnished cheap
er: furnished housekeeping rooms, $1
week each and up; all weat side river.
184 North 26th st. W ara from depot
Third or Morrison to 16th; block north.
FURNISHED 5 room house, lot (0xl(0
near 3 car lines, 20 minutes' walk to
town, fine lawn and rosea. Inquire
365 Sacramento st.
AN 8 room house partly furnished, on
Klllingaworth ave; or will sell fur
nlture; adults only. Woodlawn 2017.
A very nicely furnished 8 room house
in Nob Hill district $70. Hartman
Thompson, Chamber or Commeroe.
.Horses, 'Wagons'
and Harness
' 1 sian bay nor sea, I and $, 1104
1 span bay horaea, I and 8. 1108.
1 aim a black liorsaa, and t. tllft
1 span grays, mare ana getding, I
I. loiia
1 anan black geldings. 10 and 11. 1018,
1 span sorrel geldings. I and 1, 200.
1 span pay geldings, a ana .
1 span bay geldlnga. ft and 8, 3100
1 spaa muies, 7, iit. .
1 bay mare. 7, I860.
roaa sjeldln. ft 1100, '
bay driving mare, I, 1160.
1 bav driving mare. T. 1100.
1 snan of aood laundry horses. 1006
earn. "
' 1 ponlea, good ones.
11 farm w a gone. : V
8 country haoka.
1 bakery wagon.
2 surreys; ft buggies. .
$ furniture w a iron a '
$ extra fine I aurlng wagona. capacity
a tuna. . :
420 Hawthorne ave.
fOK KENT furnished. house, gas,
bath, piano: one block from carllne.
can at 826 E. Ash and 20th st.
Ji a month for a 30 room furnished
house. 165 Warner st. Stewart Park,
Mount Bcott car,
FOR RENT 8 room furnished house,
16th and Tillamook, or will sell. See
owner, 346 Morrison at.
20 6 room furnished house: bath
flowers. No children. 877 Oberlln
st., Portsmouth.
FOR RENT, 310 Nice well finished cot
tage. inquire 861 E. 13th St., N.
FOR RENT Modern 7 room nouse. a
minutes' out: l diock io ;
tores. 4 blocks to new scnooi;
Phone Main 2218.
FOR RENT One 5-room nouse ana
hathroom. onlv 812 ner month; water
paid; garden: lot extra large. Address
96 Byoee.
FOR RENT 8 room house in Williams
ave addition, close io two """
20 ner month. Main ur
Worcester bldg,
NEW modern 6 room upper corner and
6 room lower corner Hats, walking
distance. 26 is. Alder: reasonable rent
James E. Slggln, 141 H 1st st Tele-
phone Main 7842.
MODERN 6 room upper, outside flat
shade trees and ' porches; rent rea
sonaoie. 773 H Missouri ave. W car,
A PLEASANT 4, 3 and 2 room flat;
moaern, orignt rooms, wanting aits
tance. Call afternoons. 235 H Hall st
O TV rrkrv m arn Hi ineo lntar r rllna
cheap to right tenant 1337 Corbet
st. inquire imviason jjros.. 4 7 3Q.
200 down and 320 per month will buy
a 5 room house, near Aioerm , u
nion: rjrlce 31700. Geo. A. .houck,
Labbe block .
FOR RENT Modern 6 room house,
1 a vera vti rA Innulre Mr. Turlays, lis
blocks south of Grays Crossing, Mt
Scott car.
FOR sale or rent at $10 per month,
room bungalow and acre, at Lenl
WANTED By strictly sober young man,
room and 2 meals a day In private
family at reasonable rates. S. Hass
le r, West hotel, 61 N. 6th.
WANTED to rent grain or dairy ranch,
cash or on shares; will buy if suited.
R-192. Journal.
YOUNG lady desires room and board
with private family. R-193, Journal.
room bungalow and acre, at Lents,
near school. Mrs. juiax jxiejrcr, tr. v.
Lents, Or.
FOR RENT Small chicken ranch, good
6 room house, barn, "well, near car
line. Apply 409 76th St., N. Monta-
vuia, ur.
HOUSE of ifi rooms, near school, In
Irvlngton, newly tinted; open Z till
6 p. m.. Sunday. Apply 459 E. 10th N.
FOR RENT Two room cottage, 100x;
100 ground, on Marquam Hill; 36 a
month. Call Main 8458 or 9368
FOR RENT 2 room house, 35 per
month; Brooklyn st, city water. De
ment A Krider, 242 Madlaon st
NICE furnished front room with fire
grate, all modern, centrally located.
22 N. 11th at.
YOUR choice of 2 nice rooms, business
men preferred; private, modern home.
84 10th st
NICE front room, furnished, bay win
dow, good for 2, walking distance.
448 Yamhill.
EXCELLENTLY furnished front rooms,
fine location, light, airy, cozy. S88
Columbia st.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms,
west side river: rooms, J7 month: 3
for $12; cottages, $26, $35 and $10;
flats. 4 rooms. $12. $16: front Dart cot
tage, $15 and $20. Apply 364 N. 26th,
W. tar from depot. Third or Morrison
to 26th. block north.
6 ROOM modern house, 866 E. Flan
ders, near 28th; piano, fireplace, gas
range, etc.; beautiful home, no children.
Call G. Howerton, Troy , Laundry, or
at house Sunday forenoon.
LOOK up the-Beaver, 12th and Mar
shall, for housekeeping rooms, noted
for its cleanliness; as to prices. It can
not be beat. S or 16th at oars.
FURNISHED front rooms, all modern
conveniences. Phone A-2840. SO 16th
st. north.
SITUATION in private family by young
colored man. excellent dainty cook,
'general work Including laundry, $20 to
$25 month. U-1K4, journal.
YOUNG man, 28, desires prlnclpalsMp
of small school or position in rural
nchool; good- referencea furnished.
M-1M. Journal. .
ODD Jobs; man employed mornings till
8:30 wishes odd Jobs or day b work
ef any kind. C. F. Freeman. 68 S. 7th
St. Main oofo
WIDOWER would like home for son 11,
daughter 13, where they would be
needed to do work suitable to age.
0-198. Journal.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rates
reasonable, warning distance. 435
Main st
FURNISHED rooms, from $2 up, close
in; business district 266 2d st, near
FURNISHED rooms with or without
board, or for housekeeping. 737 North
nip st.
POTTER HOTEL. 282 Vi. 28th st, rooms.
$1.60 iid per week; transient 60c to
$1.00. Phone Main 8353.
THREE nicely furnished modern rooma
for housekeeping; heat light, bath;
moderate. 388 6th St.
Large front alcove suite, completely
furnished, all conveniences; no chil
dren. 163 N. 16th.
FURNISHED housekeeping room $2
week; bath, gas, phone. Also 2 un
furnlshed rooms, cheap. 448 Columbia.
FOR RENT -6 room house, corner, with
range and gas 'plate. 115 Glbbs, cor.
Hood st. Phone M. 2436.
MODERN 5 room upper flat, light and
airy, water and telephone free; adults
only, ill, call 526 Mill at
loit kent Elegant room upper
Irn ,11, . . . Y
.in., juv ill n l. , uu l L 11. m
quire noma pnone a-boh.
7 ROOM flat, gas, bath, etc.. good loca
tion, one block from car. Apply 794
isi si., corner uioos:
MODERN house, also flat, 190-192 Mc
Mlllen. Inquire 188 McMillen. Main
$22.50 per month each, two nice 5 room
nats, with, modern conveniences. In
quire 369 N. 23d st
LOWER flat, partly furnished; no chil-
aren; reierence. rnone Mam 1030.
263 7th st
$16 5 room modern flat 771 Missis
sippi ave., L car. References.
LARGE modern 7 room flat 498 Mill st,
near 14th, west side. Apply 367 16th.
MODERN 6 room flat, large porches.
Sellwood car, East 11th and Harrison.
2 NEW 7 room flats, 10 minutes' walk
from P. O. Apply 434 Mill street
BEER, $1 doz. (net) large size. Wines
and whiskies our specialty. Spring
Valley Wine Co. Main 589, A-1117.
GOOD modern 6 room houBe, good loca
tion, fine view, reasonable rent. In
quire 749 Mississippi ave.
SIX room house, 437 Thurman st, large
yard, hot and cold water. Phone
Woodlawn, 1262.
UPPER four room modern flat $14. 811
wiiuams ave. woodlawn 1502. '
FOR RENT Flat 433 Larrabee st
Phones E. 6364: Main 7006.
Modern 3 room flat $8.25 per month
729 Williams ave.
8 ROOM house, 609 Everett st; walk
ing distance, $35. A-4943. Inquire
260 N. 23d st . , .
FOR RENT -Two modern new 6 room
houses, 772 S. 2d st. Apply next
house, 770
$K 3 room cottage, large garden. 836
E. 8th, near Bhaver. i.enneay, eao
Union ave.
SIX room modern house, corner E. 10th
and Shaver sts. Phone Main 6287 or
Main 7311.
CLEAN, modern hbme like furnished
flat; 3 rooms; quiet, sightly surround
ings; walking distance; adults. 695
Front st.
FURNISHED lower flat. S rooms, bath;
walking distance; $30, Including gas,
water, phone. 424 Jefferson.
WHY buy a Second-hand vehicle 'When
you can get a new on from aa old
established wholesale' house, 44 years In
uregon, at eimoai the gam coat. .. w
are located outside tbe high rent die.
trlot. owe our building and can'inak
tbe price. Exclualve agents' for the old
reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine
vehiclea. delivery wagona, tog buggies,
runabouts and farm wagons. . Be sure
and see us before you buy. It may
save you money.
121 Hawthorne ave., between B. 1st
and Id Bts.
TEAM horses, weight 2860 lbs.; sound.
true and fat: new. heavy harness, an
oomplete; price $i86. Pair horses,
weight 2780 lbs., bey and black; nloe
rangy pair, suitable for bus or light
truck; price 8300. Pair matched black
horse and mare, weight. 3400 lbs.; nice
ranch team; price $190. . Nice gentle
sound mare, weight 1100 lbs.. 6 years
old. rides or drives, safe for family use;
city oroaen. . i-air nice amau mares,
suitable for express. Call 606 Wash-
ngton at.
MUST sell at once 'nice small team of
well matched ponies, big plug work
horse, cheap; 11 00 pound mare, a well
bred 1100 pound horse with plenty of
speed and style, new steel tired runa
bout and 2 sets of double work harness;
any or all of this stuff will be sold very
cheap. ,809 E. 28th st W.-W. car to
Gladstone ave
HANDSOME chestnut mare, fine trav
eler, 7 years, 16 hands, 1150 lbs., safe
for lady; one fast green trotter, 4
years, 16 hands; one handsome fast
mare, 6 years, natural pacer; must be
sold to close estate. Hansen, Old Irv
lngton race track.
JUST arrived a carload of horses from
Condon, Gilliam county, Or. Horsea
range from 1000 to 1600 pounds, from
4 to 6 years and all broke to work; come
and - Inspect this stock If you want
something good, bus Alulna ave,
MUBi.O far band and orchestra- repair
Ina and esohanne. i,aa. E. York, J.
W, Yolk aV atuua calculated Land lo
airuiiients. 81 II at.
FIVE paaaenger 4 cylinder 86 h. p. 'ul
Mitchell, guaranteed In the bent of
condition throughout; cost new tiif;
bargain lor $1100. .
Five passenger 'Tourist !4 h. p., In
flral class order, on year old; $760.
Mitchell runabout, '08 model, 14 It, p.,
guaranteed without defects, 1650; all
guod tires, .,
Five passenger one cylinder Cadillac,
In first claaa running ordr, $500. This
Is one of the cars thxt take you the e
and bring you batv It la not very fast '
bui sure. , ...
Brand new Auburn, '09. 4 cylinder. 30
h. .. eelllng uric new lllOO: will Boll
at a genuine bargain; sea It
Five passenger Franklin, first class
running order. $800.
We will sell any of theae cars for cash
or terms . to reaponalble parties, and
guarantee them Juat as represented.
Call before buying and you will find ,
just what you want at the right price, ,
831 Everett 'St. 1 ' '
Ult SALE OR TRAllE 7 paasenger
utomoblle: city property; will take
or allow difference; fine livery car; will
earn $20 per day. MsrrllL 7th and
Oak. Afternoons.
WILL trade Bulck auto for good lot.'.
I paaaenaer. . model 10. 1909: cost'
11060: In first class condition. C-197.
AUTOS stored, washed and polished at
Vaushan's garage. 64 Union ave.. N.: ,
also a full line of oris, Urea and sup ,
plies always on hand.
FOR SALE 2 Mclntyre high wheeled
autos, been run about 100 miles; ean
be seen at 681 Alder at, Barnard-Clark
Motor Vehicle Co. ...
16 FOOT launch, fully equipped, with .
' top. cushions, etc.. to 'trade for small
runabout automobile, fhone Main 1461.
WANTED Small automobile; must be
cheap ror cash. Call or write Hun
ter's grocery, r ront and Glbbs sts.. city.
FOR SALE Good motorcycle, fine con
dition, ror particulars phone Sellwood
1 6 3 "
18 H P. Stoddard-Dayton; top, tools and
supplies; good order; looks like new.
F. H. 8haw, 1220 E. Salmon. B-1468.
FOR SALE Four passenger automo
bile. In good condition, for 8300.
Owner, call Woodlawn 1675.
GOOD 4-cylinder, 6-passenger auto for
sale or exohange.
Trade bldg.
Room 7, Board of
CALIFORNIA motorcycle. $40. 244 2d.
FOR SALE Contractor's" outfit, con
sisting of 1 snan bav mama, ft veara
old, weight 2600; 1 span bay mares, 5
years old, weight 3000; 2 sets heavy
work harness: 1 8 1-3 Bain waa-on. iRak
Macadam st, Fulton.
NEARLY new Studebaker runabout,
first-class every way; set rubber
trimmed harness; all goes at $100; also
Ballev eDeedlna' bike and humane nr.
ly new, $150; cost $295; in storage at
CAd TU..l.l.-t, - -
FOR SALE Driving horse, buggy and
hanAaa SG R nla . A ,
Tuu, Lcam Ui worn
horses, weight 3600 lbs.; 2 express wag
ons. Address 6th and Klllingaworth.
Phone Woodlawn 1937. '
THREE mares, 1100 to 1200 apiece, 1
good work horse, 1100; 2 farm wag
ons, buggv, 2 sets heavy double har
ness; set buggy harness. Cor, 11th and
Taylor sts.
ONE fine large horse for family, deliv
ery or ranch; good bugirv and harness.
separate; must sell. 14 Union ave. In
quire for Dr. Grey.
FOR SALE or trade, 7 passenger auto
mobile, city property; will take or al
low difference; fine livery car; will earn
$20 per day. Merrill. 7th and Oak, aft
ernoons. FOR SALE -2 dressers and commode
1 chiffonier, secretary, 3 iron .Jeci.-i,
gas range, refrigerator, carpets, Slngee
machine, 6 office chairs, glass front
cupboard. 385 E. Alder.
THREE tickets .to Minneapolis, good
until October 31; male, medium, mid
dle age, dark hair; female, slim, short,
dark hair; boy, slim, light hair. P-192,
MOTORCYCLES and. bicycles, new and
second hand, buy, sell, exchange, re
pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor
cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.., 1 26 12th. A-8,106.
BLICKENSDERFER typewriters 1753
supplies; Fox Visible machines: rent
als, repairs. Inspections; fireproof safes.
N. M. Hayter Co.. 90 6th. st. Main 6628.
FOR SALE Pony, with new saddle and
bridle, $75. F. C. Post, Firland sta
tion, Mt Scott line. Elm St., near Lincoln.
FOR SALE New furniture, wagon, dou
ble harness and new roadcart: nt a
bargain. Fountain Hill Greenhouses, 30
61at st Phone- Tabor 1089.
FOR SALE-l-Cheap. two good teams.
with harness, four wagons. raHolina
wood saw: will sell seDarate. OaJl 27
Pearl st, Montavilla,
SLIGHTLY worn ladies' clothing pur
chased or sold on commission. Also
furs. Immediate purchasers. - Telephone
(Sunday evenings) East 4663. Will call.
FOR SALE English pointer bitch, first
prize bench winner; the best field dog
in Oregon. Woodlawn 1026. Address
owner 1615 Madrona ave., Portland.
Have Harris the taxidermist mount
your deer heads and birds. Perfect work.
495 Washington st. Main 3600.
CHECK for $25 good for payment on
Sunset Beach lot, good as gold; will
sell, very cheap. For particulars, BB-10,
Journal. 1 .
FOR SALE A young team horses.
weight 3000 lbs., and 2 smaller horaea.
or exi-.imnge ior real estate. 14 JB.
Second st. North.
FOR SALE A good work team and
good .roadsters; a bargain If taken at
nnof Annlv 729 M ' Wl.nn m a
Johns, Or.
SNAP $150 buys bigi Touch team.
weight 2700 lUs.. rirht out hard work
Exposition Stable, 19th and Washing
ton sts.
THREE-ROOM furnished flat, walking
distance. For particulars call A-2663.
181 Sherman, ' South Portland, 11.60
week up, large, clean, furnished hOuse-
Keeping rooms; parior. launary, path.
CAMBRIDGE Bldg., 3d and Morrison
sts. Furnished rooms for housekeep
Ing; very desirable. Apply room 36.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments of 3
rooms; other rooms, with or without
board. 168 10th st
TWO single housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance; 1 blk. from car line. 314
6th at. Phone A-1548.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, suitable
for 1 or 2 gentlemen: 10 minutes'
walk. 333 Montgomery.
LARGE, well furnished front room.
suitable for 2, in orivate family. 151
15th st, cor. Morrison.
WELL newly furnished front rooms:
bath and gaa. 35 N. 17th st. Just off
MODERN furnished room: phone,
electric lights. 31 N. 17th st.
Arriba Rooms. Mrs. C. Stribllni
mwauw 146 1st. 11.60 pe
finREB man wants place to do light
. Janitor work morning for good room
and board; will do anything. Jorgheme,
Main 6 4J 5. .
CARPENTER does house and bungalow
building by day or contract Plans
free, reference given. Campbell. Main
$293. . .
. t DrxTTcu "r.rir niiiiniiie repairing.
orices rleht work guaranteed; expe- OUTSIDE rooms, $1.50 week; near car
rlenced workmen Phone Tabor 139f,. j line and work. 535 Savler. cor. 16th.
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished house
keeping rooms; rcifonahle: west side.
18 16th st.. N. H. G. Bowers.
ilTCATION In Frrall hotel. city or
couitry by xctllt-nt colored meat and
rsatry cook. Journal
FOR RENT 8 neatly furnished house
keeping rooms; upstairs; rent 116. In
qulre 629 Thurman st,, or A-4021.
suites, 1, 2, 3 rooms,
central. Main 4469.
$7.50 monthly,
per week up.
MODERN rooms, bay window room;
nhone. bath and heat 320 S. 7th Bt.
HOTEL EMPRESS, S8 6th, 5th st car
depot to mark, block west. Mrs. Lank.
LARGE, modern room for three or four
men. 13 per week. S3 1st st.
CARPENTER and builder, new ami re-j NEWLY furnished room for rent for
NEWLY furnished single or housekeep
ing rooms; near S car line, in mod
ern private home- 252 gherjdan st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms: bath, gas. phone, walking dis
tance, nice location. 611 Everett
$22.50 6 rooms, gas, bath, wash trays,
e-ood neighborhood. 84? Front St.
Main 6323.
NEAR carllne, 8 room house, with barn.
also 6 room modern house, r none la
hnr 10(1
FURNISHED house for rent reasonable.
Adults. Arleta, ur. rnone xaoor cvv.
FOR RENT 2 bran new 6 room modern
houses, reasonable, at 2d and Grover.
FOR RENT 6 room cottage, modern.
749 E. Main st. Phone East 1368.
HOUSE for rent. 335 Caruthers
Inquire 72 3d at- H. Binsneimer.
FOR RENT An 8-room house. Inquire
49 9th St., North.
HOUSE, rear of 104 -17th st. 9 rooms,
$12 month. inquire azg Irving gi,
HOUSEKEEPING? rooms, single ind
suites, walking distance. The New
castle, 3d and Harrison.
ONE large furnished front room on first
floor, private family; bath, light
laundry, phone. 816. 808 13th.
NEWLY furnished front room, large
window, 1 or 2; bath, phone, with or
without board. 870 2d.
talr work. 48
Woo'ilaww 1236
Falling st Phonei on). or two. 463 6th st
W ANTED Bae-m-nt and lieht r-xcavat-ing
to do- ( all at Imrn. 202 Front st
Phone A-1618.
FIRST CLASS driver, widl a,viuaintd
with city. w!h position X-186.
week. 301 1st at.
LLDEHLT roan lik- position aa
watchman N-l. Joorra'
IRVIVOTOS Large front and rfou-
! hie room, with fine sleeping porch;
1 KMALE 4 splendidly furnished, all modern ' ap-
. 1 polntments. moderate; references. 692
A WIDOW lady In Montarll'a would Schuyler. ,
llge j er J rnii'irni i v j niceij mr 11 leuro 1 new
to school, lie per monin. ibii ai :ji , and modern, aieo 1 aeeiraoie sleeping
ONE suite first floor rooms $14, one
single room $6; bath, laundry and
phone. 3 08 13th st
TWO furnished light housekeeping
rooms with gas and phone. 244 Bus-
sel 1 at, East 6840.
ONE front room for housekeeping on
lower floor, easy walking distance. 433
Everett st
HOUSE, 104 rear of 17th St., $12 a
month. Inquire 628 Irving st.
$14 Modern 5 room house. 444
st. Key at 466 E. Sherman St.
444 E. 8th
FOR rent or for sale. 4 room house on
railroad land. 812 E. Irving st
SIX room house for rent
month. Cal! 1265 E. Clay.
115 per
A NICE modern dwelling, E. Main and
22d. Phone B-1139.
7 ROOM cottage. 185 North 2lBt St.
BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach,
tne seaside capital or the northwest,
Board of Trade bldg.
HORSES and buggies ror rent by day,
week and. month: special rates to
business houses. 6th and Hawthorne.
East 72.
ONE 1000 pound horse, first class for
delivery or ranch, single or double at
bargain. Call Sunday sure; St Johns car
ti McKenna ave.. In Orchard.
NEW, furnished basement rooms; also
suite of three rooms with bath. Both
pnones rree. 6Z4 Marshall st
THE Westminster. 6th and Madison ata
unfurnished apartments; also elegant
transient rooms.
FIRST class outside office rooms for
rent in new building; steam heat
eiecinc ana gas light, with janitor serv
ice, in. ta. cor. 3d ana Madison.
FOR RENT Store room. 407 East
wasn. corner urand ave. Phone Eas
4654. C-164.
FOR SALE By owner, store building
ana living rooms attached. 291 E.
4in st.
FOR RENT Best delicatessen stand in
city. 601 Morrison, h-none Main 1268
few nice offices in the Couch and
jnamoer oiags. dpi couch bldg.
lUHNhR store, 2d and Salmon. Apply
213 2d street.
STABLE cheap, 3 stalls. 123 N. 14th st.
corner unsan.
2 SUITES of housekeeping rooms, new
ly furnished. 290 12th St. near
TWO finely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 67 Everett st. Phone M. 8122.
TWO well furnished
rooms: very reasonable.
247 Hall St.
FURNITURE of 8 room house In three
housekeeping suites, everything for
$350; rent $30; close in, west side. Phone
Main Units.
SKE THIS! At sacrifice, a modern flat,
mahogany, solid oak furniture;, rent
$2D 266 Clay, pear 3d Bt
SIX room flat for, rent furniture of 4
rooms; light,
triclty. 135 N.
airy. bath, gai
18th st Main
FURNITURE of 9-room house. Includ
ing fine piano; will Bell at sacrifice;
reasonable rent. Owner. Main 7766.
Read! '$175 buys furniture of
t jink-
modem i room corner flat;
cash. $75 on time. 631 Everett
FURNISHED Two or 3 housekeeping
rooms, close In. 30 Columbia at
FURNITURE of ft room flat Including
fine piano; will sell at sacrifice
ColntnMa St.
room a phone Sellwood 119 or call i;
T-vrrRfENCTtD t.lano tearher glv.a lea- E. Hth ft.
on for 6e ee-its. Fi--iaI attention LaKGE neatly furnlahed room.
it Krr1"Trr Rfrerxe Main 415. , mo;ith; half block flteej bridge; use
XLTlfKLf woman nanta to rare rot or piano 1H Cl-kmaa t C-U72 .
Invalid or keep house fw tlderlr rou- KC'R ren.. nicely furnished houae-
Je 4t;j Wash, at Mra M A j keeping rooma. 4 E. tb st. cor
LXI K.HEM'H' lade will work fore- ; Tavl Phone E. 4-l6
nmM, er enimKereex; fast djLAKOK front room. bath, r.hnne; will
Ft ecHitf J-lt. Joiiral. brikfast and dinner; furnace heat.
yriTrSa Udr les um ed GnnilH H"!liilir ir
w fr ii wan. jn 1 7 rti-n hMJ'UJi rrt-mm In a healthy Jw-a-
f.l f.VI AS"
Ma'a 1M.
aaeta wrk by nay;
tnonlng and cl atlrg Jaaia
LTaI'Y e'en-rar-be with -e errl
rNe wtthes .lKa. J-l4, Juraal
Phone Keliwond lit. Eeat 4724,
Pt-iUK-ftfujH fat It ret, famltart
f'-r e 1 'k ng- 1,4 Park
M' FLT frfiiaKe rwm. a-as ar4 hath,
lit ret week, at 6T3 C BeiBwat at
V'LKAN. well furnished
roms: reaaonable rent.
dable rentt !66 14th
rooma. lower flat
st bargain; rent 812 mo, close In.
SSR th it I FURNITURE of 3
WE are In touch with several parties
wishing to rent desirable homes on
either East or West 8ide. If your place
is 1 or rent, mnaiy can ana see us or
pnone Main on.
The Souther - Albertson Co.
203 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or
WANTED To rent a well furnished
cottage, walking distance: best of
rererenceg; no children. K-l2. Journal.
WANTED to rent a 5-room cottage,
with chicken and cow room, within 6-
cent car lire. w-it7. Journal.
ONE unfurnished room, ground floor
j water;. must be convenient: price rea-
sonaane: on canine -im, journal.
TIlREE eiegantly furnlahed housekeep- J
tng rooms. 418 Hall at
rumisned a room apartment or houset
ny lamny or sauits. lyin, journal
218 14TH t cor. Clay, clean, light 1
and t room sultea.
THE LAMBERT 23 Union ave, sin
gle nouaekeptng rooms. $126 tip;
modern: alao altering rooma
J FU RN TH rllTToue. keet frg roofna.H ot
and roM water, gas. l E. $14 and
YarehUI s Tbot !.
fi"WTLL" roeekee( is
caancrete baiidi
ee(iBg roosns in aew
ag. Pbotis C-1142.
im- ji'"i""' -1 with aim one alone. R-ltl, Jour-
TWO housekeeping rooms complete. ni) p,nn Woodlawn Ml.
n?is. Ald'r 'aP' " HOUSE, cloe In, Weat Side, by Oct
127 let at . , t;5 to 13 rent Main 4M4
MAKE aa effer; furniture of aa 8 room ... -
house; 4 rooms pay rent 412 E. M11L HORSIS. VEHltXES. ETC IS
East 228. i I 1 1
ri'RNITURE of 1 room bouse for sale. pvR gALf: Heaey wi ron and hamesa.
. 231 Ith at . Price 4S. Corner Hoyt and Wood-
FURVITURE of room bona for sale, raww sts . Ari 'ta.
HoMSe for rent - 72 W. .Park, owwee. fOR, SALE 1 a-enUe horse, gorj trav-
FIVE room heuee for rent, famlture eler. weight lit pounds. it Johs-
for sale. 17 E. 3th at son ft
Wlf.L rent furniture of 1 rooms or will GOD delivery bora aid grocery wag-
sell cheap Main MM. en: cheap. C! a?l Vi'siprf v.
FIVE roots houee. fie rent, furniture GI horaea for eale. Oreaen Jlotse
for sale. 17 K. $0tk t . , Pale Co, N. 17tk and 3utmty its. j
LADY'S handmade $65 saddle for sale
at $15. Never used. Best of material,
best of workmanship. 330 Front st, cor
ner Market.
I WANT to buy a horse weighing about
1100. Phone Woodlawn 787. 1298 E.
14th N.
REASONABLE. fint) young driver.
standard bred gelding, sound, city
broke. 291 Glenn ave. Hawthorne car.
RETURN tickets.. Salt Lake City, male
and female; one or both, description,
medium height young, dark hair, limit
Oct. 81. P-180, Journal.
POWER tabling for sewing machines,
shafting, hangers. transmissions,
cheap If taken at once. Call 286 Kan
Rafael. U car or phone C-2275.
FOR SALE First-class ticket for lady.
good description, to St. Paul, Chicago
or Toronto. Q-195, Journal.
ONE first class ticket for young man
to Salt Lake City, good till October
31. cneap. can or aggress 4.0 Murnswe.
PLEASURE launch for sale, has full
equipment, including top, cushions,
etc., for 3200. Call 195 Glbbs st .
ONE lady's and one boy's bicycle, choice
$8; both in good condition. 833 Mont
gomery. FINE National cash register with A
and B drawers; good aa new; cost
3275; only $165. Q-196, Journal.
100 FIRST class Edison records, good
as new. at 10 cents each-.
Clay st
Call 394 E.
LIGHT 83 lbs. racing bike, good as new;
two-minute harness, $76. Squires,
Country club race track. Also road cart.
FOR SALE Low spring wagon. H.
Johnson, Wiberg Lane. Montavilla
car, 3 blocks north O. R. & N tracks.
A FINE carload of horses at the Union
stockyards on sale now; will be only
2 days In the yards. Come at Once:
$125 buys 1 span good young work
mulea. Owner, Rodney and Stafford
sts. Phone Woodlawn 2343.
$125 BUYS team fat horses, suitable for
small farm; good- breeching harness,
$26. 606 Washington st
GOOD 60 foot round top tent seats,
stage, everything complete; will sao
rltlce. 626 Washington st
$10 Singer sewing machine, perfect or-
der, with all attachments. Call $83
E. Morrison.
LADY'S first class -ticket to Mlnneapo
lis; young, medium; limit Oct. 31. S
190. Journal.
REMINGTON typewriter for sala. as
good as new; price $60. Call 231 Tfvf-
WANTED To exchange my fine gold r
watch for a heavy brood mare. D-196,
HORSJ2, wagon and huggy, 2 harnesses,
cheap. Inquire 411 E. Morrison.
WANT to exchange a splendid top, good
for a laundry wagon, for a brood
mare. D-196, Journal.
FOR SALE 1 large safe, 2 floor show
cases and 2 wall cases. Inquire at 31
2d St.. N.
LARGEST, best 8 gallon cow In town,
third- calf one week old. Three other
heavy, rich milkers, reasonable. Would
exchange for beef cows. Brown house,
reir butcher shop, Ockley Green. St.
Johns car '
FOR SALE Two cowb, giving 3 gal.
each; reasonable; others will be fresh
soon. 1. Williams, th ana Ulbba, Mar-
quam mui. yortianq, ur.
FAMILY tow cheap, or will exchange
for horse, wagon, or anytning i can
use. 809 E. IStn St., W.-W. car to Glad
stone ave.
TWO good milch cows, 1 will be fresh
FOUR room furnished house, and barn.
Price, $225. Foot E. Irving or Occi- X
rent rt -
WANTED To exchange a diamond or
diamonds for household furniture. D
194, Journal.
For sale, at room 3. 63 1st st
J. Lee. -
In 10 days; call Monday
and Yamrllll st
wil R -4tvl
Tabor T80. . v
FoE SALE 6 cows, all good ones.
Call 717 Amherst st Phone Wood
lawn ISsl.
eVERY fine yoang fresh Jersey Durham
cow, very gentle, a t- sout B. Bun.
nyslde ear. .
FRESH cows, 1 Jersey and Holatein;
all My ncn mngers. b4s. Maqtson.
KwK SALE High-grade Jersey cow.
Cooley. big ani Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Ladles' descriptive ticket,
Seattle, Chicago, via C. P. R. V-204,
Journal. -
COLLIE pups. $3; 1 Jersey bull. Kreger.
.'nr. r i . . , , rtnui'ii, . . ... , , , j
GASOLINE wood saw and team, or aoo-
aaate. V-J08. Journal.
Two oil heaters. In good order. 201 10th
- St. 'comer Taylor, Phone Main 4394.
WANTED To exchange a lady's gold
watch for a separator. E-191. Journal.
TWO long narrow tables, 1 kitchen ti-
pie, l 3-noie gaa piate. Ill aa t
RANGE Cheap.
Woodlawn car.
425 Klickitat at
FOR SALE Lady's ticket to Chicago.
K-193. Journal.
FOR SALE Good so lb h cow for family
e; gentle 141 tnton ave, N.
LARGE fine beef cow, 7 let and Barr
road. Motitarllla Walk north.
IH I College st.
bred much ' coat a.
CHICKER I NO urrlaht rUoA, slightly
tiaed. 1; temsay uraaa, .; or
gan. $28. L'reuira, 48 1st at. corner
FOR SALE A fine new high g 'de si
a no, 2ee; also a niroo,r or rine
CANDIES, purest. sweetest. lowest
prices: 1 Tb. lfte. . 236 3d. City Market
TWO fins lota. Klllirgaworth and Con
cord st, I170e. Calf 18 E. Irving fi.
WANTED Tq exchange diamond' for
good launch. J-170. Journal.
GOOD milk separator for sale cheap.
Call at 761 Grove st. Men 'avllla. Or. -
TICKET te Denver,, descrlpttoe medium
sed gray, titwr ii. Jo-imal.
Km feALri I tickets to Salt Ijike;
male iixl re-maie journal.
1 R..j rog, ii 4th at
PIANO. V"M a- r a. eot $, aU
ir rz k- m. oeiewooa a
tH 4th at
FOR SALE CHEAP A fine toned vle-
Ua. ftl 2d st Call evenicgs
FOK an eper'nv-il. practical Burse;
reaaonable. phone Main 441.
TICKET te Omaha, first elasa, mala or
letrn'e, creep, z-jna, journal
Bi'fTOS bull ter-rlee ruu with French
bat ear yo,re F'twoM f2
iiy. very reaeonahie
V,r. at
FTn rSAi.E ne Uailad decoy ducks.
eTtews Last X24.