The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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couriiums TO
Executive' Hoard Decides to
; . Accept JlrooKIyn
Sutftfcativc Question on tLc Sunday -
School hessoa by Rev. Dr. T. S. Linscott
The city iMcuilvn hoard r(Tdr
, afternoon accepted th.- Urooklvn awr
-over which two city ailiiiiiilinttiona
have wrestled for many month. In
veetlgatlon and ramonatrance und In
siectTon trip followed one another In
rapid aucreaalnn for many months. One
of the laat acta of Dr. lane regime
was to reject tha tube aa being drfeet
Ive and not In compliance with tha
Plrat White Temple, Twelfth and
Taylor,' Rev. J Wltli.-omb Rmusher. Ll.
D 10. "One Accord " prayer meeting
m rvlc.B, 10 10 and 7 41; Hilda school 11;
V 1. I'., I 10. Topics. "Huay Hera and
There." -Old Kool. Young fool Which
la tha rtlfaor Kool?"
At It-la Rev. K. A. Smith, 11 and I:
S M., :(; H. V. 1'. I'., 4S.
Highland Alberta and Klxth, Rev. H.
A. ltHirmrd, jaior 11 and 7.10, 11. .
K 1'., 4:30, S. .. 10
tvilwnud Tacoma and Kleventh, Rrv.
I. W. Thurston, paalor. 11 and , 8. H
10: Y. V. V.. 7.
Calvary Kaat Kliil'th and (irant. Hev
J N. .Motiror. 11 and 7:30, . 8, 10; II.
i . r. v.. so
Immanuel Jones Hall. Ulbba and
Front, Hev A. M. Minaker. 10 0 and
.XJInletere, Sunday school teachers and .4 hers In tare ted are Invited
wnia ini journal urieny ineir vital aa to the aorta
particularly If they eonaldar them of value In their work.)
Tha International Newspaper Ilbla Study club la for tha) Durvoae of Pro-
motlna la an unfettered way amuna 'the niaaeea. a wider atud of tha Bible,
tha baaal truths of Chrlallanlty. aud (ha problems which -enter Into avert.
Mildred .", B. E. Eroertck. It and I;
" ' ' ,' " ''
' Svaagailoel AaaeelaUoas.
Flrat EnslUh East Sixth and Mar
art. IT. V. Culver, 11 and J;0;V. p. 4
Ural tl-rman Tenth and Clay. K.
Bang, 10:41 and T:4; H. 8.. 010; Y. J.
7 p. m. Topics, "A Divine Heal to
Human Petition." "A C'all for Appren
tice In tha Beet faying Hualneee." ,
Memorial Fat eighteenth and Tib.
1 1 w eatsa u blubb bjb uuibjuib w bib. : ia a. wan m,m asa .w v we a j. -
nana life. It la Mmnoixl of all thou who loin a local club, and Lake na tha I aaorria Jtsvsriing. 11 ana a, a. a,
simnie rouree Herein ouuiaea. barrma? obit ordained eiarervmen. All wna urt
not Joined are warmly Invited to du ao and to compete for tha prises.
Wreona may join tha club st any time during tha year, but muefc of
co urea, anawer the tt queatlona hereinafter explained, to qualify for tha
prlaea and tha bark queatlona may be obtained by addreaatng Ihla office.
This paper haa secured the right to publlah tha International Sunday
School Leaeon queatlona by Rev. tr. LlnscotL which have arouaad ao touch
Intereat elsewhere, and they will appear wakly In both tha Saturday and
Sunday laauaa of Tha Journal. One of theae nueatlnna each week la ta ba
answered In writing and upon theae anawers tha prUea ara to ba awarded.
M. . Choxoh atoata.
IT1H Second. Rev. E. II. Mowra. .11
and I; a. io; K L, 7.
-Montavllla .
11 and 7.10,
Hev. Allert
S. H.. 10. V.
DMlf luationa.
'At thi meetln of the board when thai ""v "
reJectloa of lh conduit wna voted a " ' f . ; '..J'- :?
riot among tha contractor" waa aiuioei
precipitated when Anton Oleblam flrat
. attacked Chairman JI. M. Katerly of the
sewer lnveatlgatlng committee with bla
' tongue and then tried to reach the e
clty official with tile flat
By the action of Mayor Slmon'e board
the firm of tllblaoh, Paqui-t A Joplln
will receive $250,000 In full payment
for the ennatructkon of the' bin tube,
but they will be compelled by the mayor
; to Indemnify tha city agalnm poaalhlA
; flawa by giving a bond in the um or
$60,000. Tna -ontractnre Imvo agreed
to file thla bond. v
- Reporta of the afreet cajimttlee. read
at tha board meeting show that the
Oregon Haasam I'avinK company baa
materially reduced Its prlcea. Hlda at
tl.7a and fl.80 per aquara yard were
11 received yeaterday from the company.
The price hitherto charged wla from
11.10 to $2.00. The rate of $1.76 la
' made for the bualneaa aections and the
$1.80 rate Is for tha streeta of the out- I
aklrta. The bids received Vcaterdaj
from the Haa nam company were referred
lor furtner consideration.
InateaH of adontlna- the report of th
Street committee and readvertlslng for
UIUH Ur UID HIIIUTrmriii 'l v,
, snd Twentieth atreeta the board voted to
let tha contracts to the naruer Aapnail
company, providing that company ac
cepta the work for $1.874 a afluare
yard. Heretofore the company has
never made a lower bid than $2.15,
' "I have made a special study of
children,' satd Carter A. Sbelourn,
Wyandotte. Pa., at the Oregon to
day, superintendent of a cnildren'a
home in that city, "and I am firm iu
the belief that the habit of crying at
any and all times la taught uncon
sciously by parents, or, rather, the
mother.' Children should be taught
that to cry will not bring them sym
pathy, men tney will learn tnai 11 win
avail mem noming; 10 wnimper upuii
the slightest provocation."
"The seasons are growing colder,"
said Professor A. C. Bechtold, Almyra,
N. Y., at . the Nortonia. "I have ob
served for years that in the south the
' weather conditions have undergone a
wonderful change during the past 10
years, - the same as the north. The
south Is growing- cooler, while the ex
treme north is gradually growing mora
moderate. I believe that future gener
ations will - suffer from cold In the
southern states, while the warmer cli
mates will be what Is known now as
' the cold countries."
Central Kt Twentieth and Ankeny;
K.-v. W T. Jordon. 11 and S; H. ..
:SA: Y. I IT. to
Cnlveraltv Park Rev. A. B. Waits.
R R. 10, li and . H. Y. P. V.. 7. Ser
mon bv Hev. John Hentilen.
bunnyalile (tierman) Korty-flrst and
Hawthorne: Kev. C. Feldmeth. It; M. B.
S if,
fit Jnlina (German) Hev. C. Feld
meth. 8. 8.. :4B; aervlcea 11 and 7:30
Second Seventh and Kant Ankeny;
Rev. 1L 8. Hlack. 10 ao and 7:S0: tilble
,-hnnl ll! H V P IV. .30.
tit. Johns Hev. C. U tlwen, 11:S0
and 7:30; R 8. 10; R Y. P. V.. t.iO.
Chinese Mission 3tl Oak street
8. 8.. 7; preaching. 8. by Hev. Fung
First German Fourth and Mill:
Rev J Kratt 11 and 7.30: 8. 8.. 9:45
Second German Morrla afreet and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Hauermann. 11
and 7:30; 8. 8., :46. '
1-st Forty-fifth street Corner East
Main; Kev. B. t . iook. ii:io anu i.ou,
Hihle almnl. 10: H. Y. P. U.. :4B.
Unt-Rev. J. V. Heacoek. 8. 8.. 10
11 and 7:30: R. Y. P. U.. :30. Bermona
by Rev. F. E. Dark.
Mnuni niive Heventh and Rverett
r ii n n .inlininn 11 and 7:30,
Swedish Hovt and Fifteenth; Rev.
Erlck Scherstrom. 10:45 and 7:45;
a a li: it Y. P. r.. 6:30.
'Third Knott arid Vancouver. Rev. R,
Schwedler, 11 and 7:$0; 8. 8.. 10.
OoBdittoaai of the Oontost.
1. ECach contestant, or hie or her family. aat be a aabooHber ihla
paper, In order to qualify for membership in (he International Newspaper Bible
Btudr club and thla local club.
I. Each eonteatant In thla local club muat anawar each of tha written quea
tlona for 1 conaecutlve week a, commencing Sunday. March 14. and the anawers
ouai an oe in me possession of this paper
of this period.
Kach question muat be anawared separately, and the nanar written on I iter. J
Vntted rreabyterlan. f
Tba Church of tha etrangera Grand
avo. and Wasco, Ray. H. Karl Du Hols,
10:10 and I; 8. 8., It. Interpretation
lorine ami every Sunday morning.
rirai main ana
Monfjomtrv. Rev.
Frank l. Undley, 10:30 and 7:4$; & ..
One BldO Only. No anawar muat lrM4l lOn wnrrfa In l.n.lh tnJ mas ka laaa
Kach anawer muat liava Ihn name atwt alilpaaa ,,e t V. a m, rlia. mt t ha knllom
vi ine anawer.
It; C K., 0:46.. foplca, -oul Bavins na I "?n-?Jr,n-rVn ' Fellows'.
aa T.. r a aj i.i. . f IJP.mtlt gn 1 jT. I Fl Sinn M ingal fin atr-i f A
iday. March 14. and the anawers 1- -"f -rwuucer, xiang uui. 1 ur Hihl. uH , lT riM,,P.i
idtliln two waaka of tha eloae gn." "iblestudea. 1. 1, scriptural dsci
mini juibi nirty-sevontn ana lht
Tenth and Sherman. J. C. Waatergard,
piealdlng alder, 11 and ; H. a).. 10. bp.
rial conference tueeilnga, 10, 11:10 anJ
9 VII.
Olive Pranoh Mlailon Corner Benund
and Ankeny atreeta; meeUnga ovary
iiignt bi a o cioca. aiao bu ml ay at I p.
ni. A. Wella. auperliitendent.
Advent ChrlatlAB Hecund. Itween
nan aiui i.nuioin. . vallate Bhepard,
10 10 and f:i0. ,
Volunteers of America 13$ Burnalda
Street, 1:10 and I SO.
Divine Truth Center 11. Allsky
bulldluar. Rev, Thaddeus M. Mlnard. 11:
H a. It TopIo "The Word." "
New , Thought Raat Thirteenth and
Ten I no, I. Rev. P. J. Green.
Churoh of NBsarene taat - Haven th
and Couch. 11.
Second Church Near Claremont ave
nue, w. w. L-orree. naafor. ll and
a. n., id: ciasa meeting, T p. m.
Flrat Free Metbodlat 13$ Kaat Ninth,
V,v Ji, Mi t-tnr! " nd $; a ,8., 10;
New Church Society fRwedenboraen.
Kleventh and Alder, Knights of Py-
luiaa nail, wy service and aermon. 11
Non-ectarlan Odd Fellows' hall.
mr vnriauana.
L. Acheaon, 11 and 7:30, 8.
10. Evening topic, "Oarnered Grain.
luartera for Independent
Church of Our Father-
Yamhlll and
b,na.penn g." rV.. w. O Kllot Jr.; It e v. T,
"ha" International I KI,ot, IX !., mlnlater emerltua, 11,
Sunday school will r nan me Mcntem-
ber 19. No evening service during Oc
tober. ,
f - .
Christian Bcienoe.
Flrat Church of Chrlet Scottlah Rite
4. The anawera muat ha delivered In thla nfflcau anil IK.v Ka enllatad
m iiiv tiui. oi ine corneal anil rorwaraea io nnndi
ilnatlon by romoetant esamlnara. Tha nrlaWa
cording to tha hlgheat number of marka, won by mem bars of Tba"
Newapaper Rlble Htudy club,
xne i-rues.
Flrat Series A gold medal to each of tba flrat five conteatanta.
Pecona Series A silver medal to each of the nest five conteatanta.
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price $6.10, to each of the next five con
tea ta n t a.
Fourth rl Tha honk "Tha Heart a - ai a . ....
- -- ., . , u, ,w m ,W V, V av
pf the next IB conteatanta.
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and
ror whet It is awarded and in like manner each Bible and book will be in
All who ran write and have Ideas ara nraeit t- t.v. ... ,v alnU Aluer, 11, ; . u.
gardleaa of the degree of their education, as tha papers are not valued from I n,on 8uDt-nce.
an eaucationai or literary atanapoint, but from the nolnt of view of the
cogeney of their reasoned Idea a. I imited SvaarelioaL
Ockley Green Gay and 'Willamette.
Rev. J. Boweraor 11 and 7:4$; 8. 8
, Ha, t.lU. , '
First East Sixteenth and Poplar.
Me v. ti. a. oecK, it.
on the whar,
Tlranclvwlne AnnlTfraarr.
West Chester, Pa., Bent, 11. The llld
I anhlveraary of the battle of Brandywlne
was celebrated today with patrlotlo
erclsea held on the historic battlefield,
where on Reptember 11, 1T77. for the
flrat time the Continental army carried
the stara and stripes Into battle.
Qhlo Governor to A.-Y.-P. .
Columbus. Ohio, Bept 11. Governor
cathedral, Morrison and Lownadal. ll;Judson Harmon, accompanied by hie
-J?' ,? ia- Leeon sermon, "Bub- I affi grrg,,,.! to ,aT the city te
sta nee.
Hecond Woodmen's hall. East Sixth
LiessoB aer-
morrow for Seattle, to take part In the
ceienraiion ot unio nay at me Alaska
Yukon-Pacific expoaltlon.
unit ran
ll IT. Lamson Too IJusy to
Serve In Official
( Capacity.
R. B. Lamson, last remaining mam
bar of the Lane administration on the
city water board ' haa resigned. Al
though Mr. Ummn handed In Ma resig
nation to Mayor Blmon (wo weeka ago
the fact became public today for the
flrat time. -
Mr. Lamson gives-aa hla reasons far
realgnlng that his private Interests will
not longer permit of hi til sarvlns In an
official capacity. Ills Place on the wa
ter board will be hard to fill, aa hla
long term nf service under preceding ad
mlnlatratlona made him thoroughly ac
quainted with the noeda of the city, and
hla views always had great weight with
the other members -nf the water board.
It has been said that Mr. Lamson de
termined to retire because of difference
between him and the new administration
of Mayor Simon, but the outsolnat offi
cial today denied that there wag any
iiuui in una aiaiemeau . ,
Call to North Ymnblll Pulpit.
North Yakima. Wash.. SentL 11. Tha
Rev. H. L. B roadman of Oakland, Cat
ties accepted a call to tha Flrat Recital
church hare. He will guceeed the Jtev..
Whitney. . '
Presbyterian. ,
i . . 1,, v. - T Trril our coivairj alone io De ui inconuYo
ii.aTlJmk?. 1030 Vm Toolci" for u" to undertake It?
L'i "'EiJi Viiana-- '"iVitiSl th"r Ifound for the opinion
"The Religious Census, Letting d me ave .ometlmes ru-he1
(Copyright 101 by Rev. T. 8. Linscott.
U. U.)
September It. 1001.
Close of Paul'a Third Missionary
Journey. Acts 21: 1-17.
Golden Text The will of the Lord
be done. Acts 21: 14.
verses 1-1 Where waa Paul bound
for 7
Had Paul clearly received Divine In
structlon to go to Jerusalem or waa hi
simply gratifying his own desires? (See
Acts 30: IS. 23-21.)
If a devoted man haa a longing to go
io a piace. or to ao a tninr. is u sate
for him to conclude that the longing
is or uoar
Because there Is danger involved in
a Journey, or an enterprise. In connec
tion with our religion, should we allow
our chivalry alone to be the Incentive
A Inn
Misnah East Tweirtn ana rowen;
Rev. Harry Ieeda. 11 snd 8; 8. 8., 10;
C. K. 7. Topics, "The Christian Meth
od," "Stephen m the Presence or
Death." . . ,
Calvary Eleventh and Clay. Kev.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:30 and 7:45:
Bible school, noon. Topics. "The Way
Into a Larger .Life,"
unnnecessarlly Into danger?
Verse 4 If Christians have to tarry
In a town should they hunt up the
followers, of Jesus?
If these disciples were told "through
the Spirit" that Paul should not go
up to Jerusalem why did he not heed
If there is no record that Paul had a
AaAiMa, ui, I ii tnere is no rm;yru ma i r uni ii-u a.
According ta His dlpect ca fTQm 0od t(J to Jeru.
I 1 . V M a. 1 . a - I 1 -
Fourth First and Glbbs; Rev. Donald ".Bi.uI2..""i-."r." .1
. ... -A. OA a n .1 -.On Q a 1 - r I Willi WIIKl k I i CpD Ul-JIUIIIB MIU, HHtlL&lt
mmiiciura, ! "u ,.v. a,, a.., a., . I ti,., T. ntn- -i
, B. S. Oebhardt, Wells, Nevada: "Con
trary to most beliefs, there Is consider
able vaiuaDie larming iana in inevaaa.
Within 60 miles of Wlls there are
nearly 00,000 acres of land that is now
' producing tha finest hay .and grain
, grown anywhere. Our fruit, too, la
the finest flavored in the world. Of
course, it is usually pretty late, but
It Is all the better when it does ripen.
Old Nevada is good enough for me."
"I arrived in Portland laat Tuesday
and haven t been warm since." said N.
M. Potter, Wayesville, Kansas, at the
Imperial this afternoon. "And just for
that reason I like the country. It has
been so hot in Kansas during the past
two months that I suffered terribly.
The next time I come out here I am
foing to wear heavier -clothing. Maybe
shall stay long enough this time to
become acclimated, however. This '
country sure looks good to me."
! T. L. Peyton, Key West, Fla.! "There
Is no country immune from grafters.
Just now Florida is infested with the
colonization grafter. You can't turn
around but what you will run Into a
colonization scheme. And most of them
are grafts of the very worst sort. They
preach and advertise oranges and Dine
apples and the money that can be made
In raising that sort of fruit. Twenty
years or experience has taught me
that there Is absolutely nothing in rais
ing either."
E.. :30
Hawthorne rark Twelfth ana east
Tavlor: Rev. E. Nelson Allen. 10:30.
:45; 8. 8.. 12; c. K.. 6:t. Topics,
Athens and Mars Hill. "Some Reflec
Ions on the Mount of Beatitudes."
Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbein
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; 8. S.
: c. E.. 6:80.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; & 8.
Chinese 145H First, 7:45; 8. 8., :45
Westminster East Tentn and Weld
er; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and
f:30: 8. 8.. 12: Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30.
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays. 11. 7:30
8. 8., 10 . Topics, "An Overlooked Cause
for Thankfulness," stereoptlcon views
or Blaip
Mount Taboi" Belmont and Pretty-
man; Kev. jt-awara j. unarp, ll and 8;
b. a., iu.
Sellwood East Seventeenth and 8no.
kane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 8;
a. a., iv; yj. a., i.
Hope Montavllla. Rev. J. B. Dunnlnar.
ii ; o. o., io.
Anabel Rev. A. Hurd, 11 and 7:45
Third East Thirteenth and Pine:
riev. Anarew j. Montgomery, io:so and
7:45; 8. 8., 12.
Kenilworth East Thirty-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson. 11; 8. 8.
12; Y. P., 7.
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
send. Services 10:30 and 7:80; first
third fifth Sundays; 8. S., 11:40.
Trinity Dakota street, Rev. A. Rob
inson, 7:45 p. m.; C. E. :46; S. 8.. 11.
Alberta Nineteenth and Wygant,
Rev. John Ovall, 4 p. m. Service In
Scandanavian language.
Vernon Wvirant and East 1Tfna-
leenm; Kev. oeorge W. Anns, 11 and 8:
ar. K., ",U, Vj. XU, I,
that Paul was doing wrong In going?
is there danger thai good man may
be led by pious impulses, to do unwise
things, which they could be saved from
U they waited to cool off, and to ret
the mind of CrodT (This question mnst
be answered in writing by members of
the club.)
If It should prove that Paul was
wrong in going to Jerusalem, which
finally led to his martyrdom, would
that In any way lessen owr respect for
him. or lessen his influence upon the
Verses 5-7 Should tha - .hfM-- .t
X,b,thken, to church and to .11 fo G "a. TiL
liglous gatherings? I lul .lt" 9 1,
onouiu a
of Christians,
or at the railway station,
wnen bidding good bye to one another
Second Fargo and Kerby, Rer. C C
feel a. free to geT down on th.l? knee. Poi,nV L1
-ncl pray, a. ihey .T. m stand am" L nIvnh,;? Md
shake handa?
-.imny 'f that Christians are not' as
willing to be seen talking to God. .or
& raying, on the street, as they are to
s seen talking to their fellowa?
Verses 8- Who was Philip, and for
what one thins- la ha Hi.nn,,i.,.j
this gosnel .torv?
Should Christian r,a-a,nta ,Mla ik.l.
children from Infancy to know God, to
be skilful In nravar n faith i.
good works?
Is there not a way for lumnta t
Flrst German Tenth and Stark
streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services
10:46 a. m. and 8 p. m.; 8. 8., :10 a. m.;
Y. P. S.. 7 p. m.
Church of the Good Tidings Union
hall, corner . Grand avenue and East
Pin-' Pa, T T lA'.K a O 1
train their Children mn tK.t tha Tonlo. "The TTelnftllnaaa nf Ruin- tha
waaii u. iaMjiz-n wirn Amn hit. eow- j jruiia uver uommnfi "I ninaraL
caiiii.- m juki z:.s -xour sons and your
daw?Lhiteur", ah.?U Prophesy?" Mends' ttn-h.
WhlCh I B thaa mnia alaaWl. . - t I V-IMW-.
a son. or a n,iahi iai a -- Bunnysiae, Main and East Thirty
uality and soul.avln r tXl "h. Llndley A. .Wells, 11 and 8;
maklnar? "" Bible BChOOL 10: C. E.. 7. -
Verses 11-12 DM thl n-t. Lents. Center street. Myra B. Smith,
Agabus (See Acts 11: 27-281 tofn with 11 na "i "D1 ecnooi. io.
the rest of the saints in saying, that
the Holy Spirit told them thai Paul MlsoaUanaons.
ought not to go to Jerusalem? . First Snlrltua.1 Society Thriafanaen
note thlf hn?hWL; conillsA?.ntI?' HP" haI1- Eleventh and Yamhill streets,
pose that both parties to thla loviiia-ln t.jc
COSurDD7sroWX.r,f?th th Swedish Corps Salvation Army-430
Suppose Agabus and the others were Burnslde 11. 4:30 and 8.
right in persuadlna- Pan nnt t t '.i "w.5ra"'. .
IonaalorrV ht ik,i L:,';," Z. meuiuma .no aiinis.ers Association
he ouarn?'tJ , L wLf i.,iylLthaJug,hl Aud,tor,um building, 11, S and 7:46.
ne ougm to go, what would be Paul'a I ..ji.i. .
utv In th c rcnWitann.? ."i"" ".""""'" mwi-ii
if . :aw - ana onaver, ev. Aug. uiaon, 10:46 and
from dod for us. are we under nhiia-a.
tion to obey whether our lud
concur or not?
Verses 13-17 Can voti ra11 In all
history a greater example of fortitude
nd bravery than here displayed by ?
Latter Day Saints
ormons) East
Lesson for Sunday. Sentemher
90 Review.
fMlnlsters. Kunday school teachere and others interested ara Invited t.
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions,"
particularly if they consider them of value In their work.
i,m ui-h mnum and aermon. iu:aw
'ot' Tmatiita TTnrt v-aecond and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, 8. J. Low
mass, a ana :av. mnw aciiuu,,
benediction. 10:80.
St. Stanislaus. Maryiana ana rau in
Rev. C. SerosKl. LOW mama. o. xxikii
mass and sermon, iu.
"I have spent 20 years in San Fran
cisco and would never be contented
anywhere else were it not for the fact
that I am afraid of earthquakes." said
C A. Streamer, at the Oregon. "I am
now making arrangements to take the
next best city on the Pacific coast
for a home place. That is Portland."
, Cony Island to Blake Merry.
New York, Sept 11. Coney Island has
completed arrangements for Its annual
Mardl Gras. which marks the end of the
season at the famous resort of Gotham's
pleasure seekers. The big carnival will
begin tomorrow night and will last all
through the ensuing week. One of the
new features, this year will be general
masking. The carnival procession will
be over a mile long. More than lono
persons will march, and 250 horses will
draw the floats, which will be crowded
"mi yicu. Kins urrs-cn aa tmiriTS nev. jnnini v 'rhnmac a a ..-
fairies, angels, soubrettes. corvohees I rally dav with n.iiira- hl ' o'' o.' ,:
Another feature will be an preaching after tne Lord's sunner at 11
111. OUIl CLT IT la Kin ahaH
, First Madison and Park. Rev.
Luther R. Dyott, D. D.; Rev. Guy L.
Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45; S. 6., 8:45.
Topics, "A New Religious Era," "Edu
cation and Success."
s..urieo1;waodii:t3v6.w- H- Myers' "
SunnVslile East Tnvln,. on ttb at
Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 and
v:30; 8. s io; C. B., :80. Topics,
The Church In Rattl lrrav".na ih.
Losing Side of Life's Game.'"
St. Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and
8; S. S., 10.
UnJVemltV Pftrk WaVPn ann rtflnrenn
C.eE.a6:30' Rigga: 11 and 8: S' B" 10,:
llnsaalo Street Kaat Seventh an
Hassalo, Rev. Paul Rader; il and 7:45:
S. S.. 18; C. E., 6:45. Sermons by Rev.
tjuy- uicK. assistant pastor of First
Curcfl-, TPlcs. "The Way of Escape,"
"The: King's Bounty."
Highland East Sixth and prescott.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger. 11 and 7:46; s! 8.
6:45. Topics, '"The
'Joys and Burdens of
10: Y. P. C. r
Plains of Peace,'
School Life."
First German East Seventh and
?n;t0Sn'sl5Jhcn 10:30 a
Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue.
ballet girls.
automobile parade with a thousand
frorgeously decorated motor vehicles in
Skimmed milk has been proved a val-
lng sermon at 7:30, "A Running Start"
si. Mary s Pro-Cathedral. Trtrtaanth
pable food for laying hens, according end Davis Most Rev A. Ch'rlstie D n
to experiments at the Virginia experi- Low mass, 6. 8 and . High mass and
ment station.
mt M.tlA
Ckaxvs&s hc SvsUm
IHspds aids and lieadowhcs
dueo Ccas5lvo;
"Ads tvaway. acKsXrvJly as
Bcs3 WcuWsrnctv atvdCVv!t
rcxL Jcvl Qtvd OVd.
To C s b4rv4jcc. c5JcU.
au-s buy CctiviiTAc.
Fig Syrup Cq.
W 3 trfy. evfjlajr pnot 3 per tottla.
;'" .. vespers. Instruction and
oeneaiction. 7:45.
c,nhJS;pn Gfrman- Fifteenth and
Cmch Rt. Rev James Rauw V G
Low mass. S. High mass and, sermon!
10.30. Vespers, benediction. $:$0
St. Francis East Eleventh and Oak
-m s:bo. High mass and RArmrin in-ln
ei.pera. Instruction and benediction,
R5 n rtPCf'!'- Th,'rd n1 Sh-rman
Kev. j. c. Hughes. Low nuu a 7 .
18 30. High mass and sermon,' 10 30
(e.pers and benediction, 7 80
I Ascension. Montavllla, Rev. J p
i Fltzpatrlck Ma, ana .ermon, I In
i f S?'"U0LSI"t,'r;.10f h" Precious Blood.
. lrirw " Nneteenth and gsvler
I K,"v E P- Murphy. .Low mssa. 8. High
i&in,onVTon- 10 '- V"Per' "a
ft. M 1 CTl.ll.- rra..-,v
j Mt-Jr It -FBtrT-idow' masa. "
i Ulch tna-- and sermon 1-Irt ia.-.
and n '
Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt Low maas, holy communion; 11. 'No evening sar-
! tl J 1?' "an?7J:r3C0,?-iMS,.tnir
Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van-
7?30V;es. 8eV9-46hn DliWBoa- 11
ar3B,ez?Tial- East Seventeenth I
and Weldler Rev. George B. Van Wat
ters. Pravar and aermnn ii Ii a.i,
house115' 8ervlce neld ,n the new Parish
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights.
B. o. , s : 3 0.
taU ainti?-J Twenty-fifth and Savler.
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Prayer,
litany, and sermon at 11. No evening
St Paul Wood m era T - te
sythe: 11 a. m - a a o is T
Bishop Morris Memorial 'chapel. Good
a, uuipiuu, ev. wiiiiam R,
Powell, chaplain. Holy communion.
7 a. m. ; ward servioea. a nravo- an
aamn . , . -, 1
u.tMVli, 1,1, JI. HI.
i-urweirian Mvnnn h.aat Tantt, a
n-et. ?a'T-
S 8 9-30 a-agoea, n ana 7:30; j
Swedish Immanuel NHnat.-ntt,
Irving. 11 and 8: fi i s n-.r. ""u
Betanla Danish Union ' and Morris: !
Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10. i""rr'"' j
ol. jamHi hnir an iva.1 !.. x
iic.cvu. j. jiien i.eas, ii; a. B, io;
United Norwegian 4K V fnu-tauik.
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7 -an- a a o .c'
9:30. '
Zlon's German Chapman and Sal-
iiiun, w. n. rsenrens, iw:l5: 7:45; 8 S
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
x.iiiun xvev. a. i-rause, 10:30 and 8; ;
Trinity German (Missouri synod)
tt.ii. oeiiwooo; j. a. -ilmbach.
eweaisn Augustana Rodney and
Stanton; Rev. C. A. Tolin. 10:t and
i. in, o. d., v:6v.
...Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
Glisan: Rev. B. J. Thnren. 11 an,, a.
a., a,-. w. 1. a . .
Ellm Chanel Mlchliran a van a a a t
oniumure, nov. a. j. inoren, ji; B. g
Immanuel German Cnmer 3Rth an
ijeo (aeiiwooai. h. iz. Khoiint- in. 3-.
e C Q.on m
St John's Peninsula nvenna
Kilpatrick. Rev. C. Buechler. 10
Grace English Rodney and ivy, xi
bina, H. C. Ebellng, 7:30.
Tavlor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D 10:30 and 7:45: 8. B., l.:io. Top
ia "Tha rhnrrh" "The Upward Pull.
Qraoe Twelfth ana xayior, xtev. jonn
H. Cudllpp, D. D., 10:30 and 7:45; B. H.,
ii-iK- v i. !4S. todics. a mom in
the Flesh," "A Question of Privilege."
Sunnysldt! East yammn anu iiuriy'
eifth- w t. wnster: 11 and 7:o: B. a.
Q-Kn-'n! T. 8:45. Topics. "The Funda
mental Principles ana Truins uiving a
fiafa Foundation Upon Which to Build,"
evnnina-. last stereoptlcon sermon.
St. Johns S. H. Dewart; 11 and i;
E. L.. 7; S. S., 10.
Epworth Twenty-sixth . and Savler,
Rev. Charles ,T, McPherson; 11 and 7:30;
8. S., 10; E. J-. 6:46. Topics, "How to
Get Into the Kingdom." Baptism and
reception of members. Evening sermon
by Rev. J. T. Abbett.
Centenary East Ninth and Pine;
Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:46 and
7:45; E. L., 6:30: 8. S., 9:45. Topics,
"The Outs and Ins of the Christian
Life," "The Bible."
Trinity East Tenth and Grant- Lewis j
F. Smith; 11 ana v:u: m. l,., o:n; p. o.
10. Topics, "Communion Service, 'Sal
vation, Full and Free."
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street. Rev. C. L. Hamilton, 10:30 and
7-4K- B. S.. 12: E. L.. 6:46
Chinese Mission cnan Bing Kai; 1
art 7-9A
Lau'reiwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; ll
and 7:30; 8. S-. 10: E. L-, 6:30,
Norwee-ian - DaniBh Thirteenth an
Davis. Rev. K V Nelson. 11 and 8: S. S
10. Sermons by visiting clergymen. The
cornerstone of the new church at Hoyt
and Eighteenth will be laid at 4,
Norwegian Danish Vancouver ave
nue and Bkldmore, Rev. C. J. Larsen, 11
and 8: S. 8.. 12
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach, Rev.
Tt.a ..... 11 o . a a in. t t n.
j '.j , 1 1 1 r n. 1 1 . 1 x auu o, a., a... a v, ,j. aj, , ,
Topics, "The Mission of the Church or
Christ." A Happy Life."
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt
u a. waasa: 11 and 7:30.
Second German Stanton and Rodney
rtev. S- Hertzier, 11 ana ; H. s., :4t
E. Li.. 7:30.
Japanese . Mission 121 North Flf
teenth, Rev. Eilsen Ribara, 9:30 and
8:30: S. 8.. 3:30.
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel fit. Francis
European Plan $1.00 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Hew steel and brick structure. Furnished at
cost of (200,000. Every comfort and con
venience. On carllnes transferring all over
city. Omnibus meet! trains and steamers.
Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco
Big Band Concert
Sunday, September 12, 1909
Fair 75c Round Trip
Trains leave East Water and Morrison 5:25 a. m., 6:55 a. m.,
men cvcijr uvui, guing ana returning.
You Should Not Miss This
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
"i-i- "in oi Mary. Williams
c-.aaiiiun nev. w. a. Law
!"" ' High maaa and aei--
mnn. Iu 10. ernera mil kaaauu.
' . - a-K,,wu,vaavaa,
Vr TnTE,Mt Third and Union
i t?.d "iKh m " B-xmon.
10 1. m.ra and ba-ai t-ri . ..""
Sacred Heart, vniwankio i-
rnrv Rohle. ) 8. B. Low nasa. " Hlati
anaas and sermon. 14 16 Vaaoars and
Hnlr Cnai. t'nlveralty Park Ra. jr.
t TbtHmaa. C C Lc maaa. m lV
and betted irtlna. 4.
Roly Redeemer. Portland and Van
eoever Rev Ed K Canrw-11. C M K.
77. r--', Hirt maaa Sad araaoat
e- AruireWa. Klntk .ail at
T3a- -w T -a "" inTXB-
..S.r" on. 1. Vewoeca. ln
atrct ana tfcwictioat -v . r
at. ifhrm m. t irty-sacoavd atd East
Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; J. E.
L.. 2:S0: E. L..,
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty-
nintn ana foweia, ttev. Ernst ieon
Jones: S. 6.. 9:45: 11 and S: E. L.. 7
Montavllla East Pine and Eighteenth
streets. B.ev. Harold Oberg; 11 and f;
o. u. 19: class meeting, 12; e. l., T:15.
wooaiawn v 1111am j. uougias;
ana t: b. .. 10: n.. u.. 1.
University Park Dawson and Flska,
Key. w. R, Jerrry. J.; 11 and 7:30.
African Zion Thirteenth and Main,
Kev. w. Hitinewi; 11 ana s.
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first. J. W. McDougall; 11 and 7:30.
Woodstock J. D. Voce; ll and 7:20:
u. o., 10; e. I. :.
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 1;
E L. 7.
Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev W.
goyd Moore. 11 and ; 8. 8., 10; E. U.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Dr,
A. A. Morrison. . 11 and I. 8.
PL Matthew's, First and Camthers
Communion and permon at 11; no H &
In summer. Rv. W. A. M. Brack. Sr
men by Rev. A. E. Dalrymple of Ba.
mall'a Inetltuta.
Pro-Cathedml of St. Stephen, the
Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H
M. Ramsay. T:. 11 and 7:2 p. nv;
B. & :44.
St. Andrews, Portsmouth. 11 and
1; 8. 8.. 14 a, m. Archdeacon Cham
bers wilt official.
St. Mark a. ' Twenty-first and Mar
haU Rev. J. E. H. SlmpBon. i, 11
and : 8. 8, 4t Celetorattoa vf the
fcoi v communion at I and il Mattaa
and litany at 1 It.
Charch of Our fta-T Troodato-k
It aad (. Arpexleataa rh-i-ha .,-. 1
tt lm vtd-a East Twelfth a-. TJ-l.
moBLa Hrr. liearr Jtoe-eU Taibot. t 14.
Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per
Day and UpEuropean Plan
Centrally Located
Modern Improvements
Imperial Hotel
Seventh and Washington
Phil MeUchan & Sona, Props, -
fiona Slstanca Pliona
la Every Boon.
Rates, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
xtrxM in wABinaroTOaf bts.
In the heart of the business and. shopping distrlot Tho
most modern and up-to-date hotel In the Northwest,
Local' and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms
with private bath, en sure and single. Sample rooms
Elegant cafe. 4
Knslo daily during lunch, dinner and after the thea-.
tra, by tha f anions Xarkee Orchestra.
Has meets all trains. Bates fl aad np,
T. J. ltichaxdson. Pres.
In Q. SWSTTaAJrD, leo'jr
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev. j. F. Qhormler. D. D.. ll and
Bible achool. 10. Tonics. "The Hit.
preme Book, "In the Likeness of Hla
Resurrection. " .
First Corner Park and Cnlnmhla w
F. Reag-or. minister. 11 and 7:4S- a a
9.45. Toplc, "Strength for a New Ad
vance, "Jesus Lifted Vd.1' Violin solo
The Holy City," in the evening.
Rodney Avenut Rnltwv ami VCnntt-
Thomas G. Plcton. 11 and k- ft a'
:45; C. E., 7'p. m.
Kern Park -Rev. A, A. Berry, 11 snd
8. fi.. 10: C E.. 7. TODlca. T)rrtr "
"Rules for Success.'
Sellwood a Eleventh and TTmatllla
10:30 and 7:45.
Vi oodlawn Rev. O. M. Melllnarnr. 11
and ; 8. 8., 10; C. E, 7.
United Brethren Lb Christ.
First East Fifteenth and MorHann
Rev. O. E. McDonald. 11 and I: 8. a
q h-, 7 I
Radical Sixth and Mechanic Rev. Oa- I
car a. Martin, ll and 7:10: s. sl ift-
C E 1:10. '
Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. C1
uiancnara. Btnie ocnoni, .
' - - " ! ' ' ' I
,i r -
' "- j
lr- J
' I L
"Tha House of Welcome"
Single $1.50 and up. Double $2 and up. Our omnibus
meets all trains.
Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel
Proprietor - Manager
Second Eaat Twentv-eiahtk an4
red. Rev. B. E. Emerick. 11 an
uwie ecnooi. is.
Fourth Tremont. Rev. TT VL l-kf.
fer. Bible school. I p. m.
Afberta East rweMy-seventh and
Spanking does not eura children f '
bed-watttner There Is cenatltutinnaj ,'
caaoe for this trouble. Mrs, M. tHira-BBet-e.
bos W. Notre Dame, Ind.. wi
end free to any mot her her succssf-i '
home traatoint, with full Instruct wine,
f-end no money, bat write ber today '
If year children treruhle yoe Is ttaie war I
Don't blame -the ehlld, the eane are
It can t tvel It. This treatment ale .
ciree edulta and aged eacie tre-iKlad I
Willi au-ice dilncultiee by day or lugfak
AFHRNOON, StPT. 13, 2: 15
r i
A Few Good Seats Left They
: Ara Free at Our
Toilet Goods Dept.
Saafopeaa Flaa .
ooaT on unuoi ooiXAma
Kaadq natters fo?
Tourists and Com
mercial Travelara,
Special rates made
to famlilea and
Ingle gentlemen.
The management
will be pleased at
all times to show
rooms and give
prices, a modem
Turkish bath es
tablishment la ta
B. O. Bowers, Kg.
y -2i5LSL.
I "T ' " " i"
iijtmti on was:
Only Roof Garden
aVaBerteaa " Bates to xajnlllae
aa luopau On Baa Meets All Trains
tasapie aTnisee. wltb B.-vtAa, for Travallag Men
'iuiiuitausuiitnuiixi KznxnzKZKnzzxzzznxzx
. ee e-waed aad eerpese4 by B
S- bwaal la the Sit.-r. X M
vet laaa ye Portlaa kef era laaakw M
tr tbas aa.rmiag k4etlry, M
ImrMa, Bvoalaeat eafe la N
wurtna. e Maaple reaea. M
Betel . See ara bs aaeete aOl N
" yiteaoc-
Ose gaa West ef AJtiagtwa Clab.
4BTtiAVB. O 1 l fe
liwiis, Pi
. OabABKB.