The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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nr niiinirnr
III I'llli II V'L
in i ii i mi in
nini Ann t I
1 1 1 1 i y ui
found that Tom 8hlh-kai and Ml mill
lary eklll nuii be recognised, lis bald
many Mb office and Jo the year list
wu m commnna or an army or
wall drilled troeoa Quartered near Tlent-
At that tlma fha VAun. emnemr had
yielded almost entirely la lha Influence
ef lila tutor and friend Kane Yu-wel.
the radical reformer and dreamer or
dreenia L'ndar Kaag'e lafluenre, edlota
promulgating lha moat radical and
alarum r form a wera baina- laauad
whol.aaTe from lha throna. fh. do- Tol TmnUm4lA.. a.lZZ!r'm. "T" ""Tf' "
eeer empreea waa aarnaat la her oppo- XAvai luiuiigmuvu oci l ivy I "" iiwmw out n. timon
anion, but the amparor did not head oar
'III soon HAVE
hor, but up to the present tlma tt has I A starts about Monday or Tuseday on
bean difficult fur the harbormaster telthe tender Columbine
do It Juatlee on account of the lack of I A raport to lit Merchants' Exrhange
a pro par patrol boat. - . - I t.ila morning stated thai lha lrram-n
pars Moire lajiie rf'Arvor waa low,l
liu Falmouth yesterday, U a badly
diiiaaod romlltliin dua la a colli at on
' 1 1'art of hap earao waa tettlaonad. aha
Steamer Sua U. Jt-lmora WUI JVo4lw"" , ner way to inn port wiin.e
n n la VmlU Tureday.
On aooount of having leat H?ml I Francisco y.aterday morning for tlua
days In having . repairs made to her I , ,- Xw
rnlnga. Than a eunuch of tha pal
see, ao tha awpted atorr runa. told tha
amparor that lha amoraaa dowaa-er waa I
piomng to murder mm. it waa Known
that aha had tha ninnnrl of lha no-
rrui viceroy or cm nil. lung "L.U.
Bad Xaoaaant to Murder.
The amparor and Kane- Tu.wel re.
olvad to take bold action, and thev
called Yaaa Shlh-kal into their eonfl-
a em a. They told Mm that they would
Imprlaon tha empreea dawiitr In tha
Bequlres More Jlen for
Winter Honths.
On Wadnaadav the teniamafta
"II (a; Woika will aubmlt a bid for
not arrive: at Couoa atreet dock until repairs that are to ba mutt on tha ten
Monday nlaht or Tuesday momlna. and I dor Columbine. She will have soma
will not anil statu for Tillamook, until I platea, and will be r loaned, painted
ana unuargo a a an era! overhauling;.
Weditenday nla-lit
Accordlnar to Charlaa O. fltlmneon.
rent of the California A- Oregon Coaat
Hteamahlp company It will ba impoeal-
djo rnr too minora jo oaten up wuu her
ached ule tbla trip, as aha sot out of
Bemlei XJnere true
Ti Y--.1I nf Vnnrt Qhth
JU1U OUU A an v a u.u.u Bummer palioa. whara aha waa than llv- ImmlirralJon Inanrrf nr TUrhnur n.
Kai, the Man VtllO Coilld veroy'v in" Tu.thwuraT1tha,r2l lievr Storage Paaeng-ra Should
N0t ObeV EomOntiC HiS-Jjwwad n obcSlenca to ht amparor an
w " J. . , Peklna. . Oo tha way to hla armj
tnrv nf tllft FomiCr lllSil "H"""1!,1" droppod in for a aocla
lOr Ul UIC fuuuu J1,o" call on Viceroy Tuna Lu and caauall)
iroralaea of reward. Tuan
rcniHraea nai na nopaa tha viceroy I
would ba at home for tha net two or
jnreo aaya aa ha had an angacamant
XmpMaa Held Whip Xaad.
Tuna Lu
Tie Takrn on Regular Oriental
Liners Chinese Go Via Seattle.
to Arrta
nora too laia va nar iui run oowq 10 1 Rraakwatap rnaa Rv a
II1'?:" .WiT?. rhj. i! SeoTw'rd.S?.n,f.-:;:' i J o"r Tuftda; mornln . and .1 CuJ"'-'' il
leave again Waneaday nTgnt. It la a- Ao Tillamook rranolaoo. . , ,,pL II
will run on her regular tlma.
Juat befora a he waa about to leava f or I g"l Ja. orient "ePt- o
riii.i. i... T. ...). .1.1,1 . ..,,.1. 1 "eija. orient Hpt. 101
of tha tubaa blew out of her boilor. and l1'1'" ' Octobari
Mgruav Mntn vna w Depart. 1 1
It waa neoeaaary to aend her down to tha
wuumette iron
they were replaced.
Willamette Iron at Steal Worka. wheralGeo W. Elder, Ban Pedro ......Sept 14
In a short tlma It will ba necaa'aary
to put on a number of new watchman
Hue H. Elmora H.kl
buo ti. cimor ........... . ...flrpt. IS
Breakwater. Cooa Bay ..Bept. II
Kansaa City. Sen Franolaco. ...dept. Il
.ToT.raT,?yTfo;.. Ha I nghtomuStmenffiC. ''barbour" I UMeo Will Bring Second Cargo of ESanF"''''-'' l4
VwtV.en?-po"h".l0 !rml,'n lnctr. thia mominVl Tan Bark for Looal Firm. I ori,nt iL 10
$W'!JlZnirT , w"a bir Th Tdd. tional ToTVaWiu'b. TequlrJd wut" 7?n cargo'
plot and took himself to a place ofon account of tha Increaas in tha off. I 1
' St!?Iy-. mPr" l?wner heard tha ahora ahlpnln which la" to Taylor. T
China Is anaeavorlrif to da
velon an army, nereioiora i Wun,,i,a anjt ; T .w " I . " w " v .uuiiiuuii men wui I aieamar iaaco is upeciea vo arrive ner
ol was to bo fea bNVnW.a5: -.!?? Cal.fornia. ThU
newa. aroae In tha night, armed her
of tanbark con
itw..H I ngnea to i syior. roung m uo ino
A Hat of about 10 additional men will J steamer Casco la axpacted to arrlT hero
m a-a rit to aaaocUta a amparor at dawn and gave him auch a I vine .imi.iinn I. r...... .1 ' .i." ' will ba tna aecond cargo of iui nature
. .... pm. a scoldlna: as ha never forgot to his drlna but the will tU iT-i-.V .5 that Uia Caaco haa brought up here.
Wltn na ran a anu iu. .
nesa cltliena But a change
il- ,colUnf M h6 .never ,orot o " but "h-7 will bi reuirVd to Vms up to that,
1. I ISKt ,k6. e5P.,MM har ,n tha tha atandard set by thVinsnwTor Yim- ff
aha had tanbarlc on her last trip. I Los
(Doltad fx Leaaed Win.)
Angeles. Bapf 11. Th Loa I
wm,n" ."'"r.. 1 empFeaa dowager" aeiaed : tha Veins of w iboard to' watch"0.":, her outw.7d cargo aha will "load wheat 'or. m... m-Un, to
e necessuy iw !"' T power and held them until aha died. I force will be ram,ir.H r; .k,T. VA.Tifand lumber for Ban Francisco. I which tha ralaa of
to eopa with Internal diaoraara That incident la known in history aa tha I montha. ' I Other a team achoonera which ara on I In tbla county.
ami to a-iva pauaa of tna con- ? mn nnka to thai . in regard to tha ateatnara plying lne wy UP ner 'rm Dn equanaaiion.
and to V i-- a 3 9Tt,?nry social Instincta of Tuan I ragularly between Portland ?S rtri-..1 ara the Kichardaon eteamer Wellesley. It la announced that
e alderauona or an j anin-aai. who pleaaantly roaslped ovorlporU. Mr. Barbour aM Th. hV M which left for Portland Thuraday night realty board will
a vader. A bavy China wouia w I a aian ox, tea with hla friend tha vice- I aee no reason why thay should not I with 10,920 sacks of oamant and a large I instances where
rather not hava at preasnt, '!;! vJ , , ' icarry ateeraga passengers, aa. do the I amount of canned goods, and ha I "a ',a wiinm i
. " . w-.-Jl tha A L.Jo -.' later Tuan again proved steamera running between Seattle and steamer J. B. Stetson, which left Ban Ulura lass .than
e , jaaiouay a " ' hn SJi. " JS . "'wtlon and caution the far east and ween San Francisco Francisco the aama night She haa nouncea by tha etate
m. nnarera will protect their I in obedience. The Boxer rebellion, nrlv. land Jiimti.i. anH V).tn... n u. u ...w. or thru '
aald that thin la tha only time I lnveia i w... TT..
ier can ret It For I jiuwu
ba held Monday, at
property valuations
effected by the state
wui ba discussed.
members of tha
present aff Ida vita of
certain propertlea bays
last month at a
. tna valuation ao-
ahoraa. Tomorrow air. nuin
will explain tha nd of an army
and tha work that haa bean dona
to establish one.
nrotl .in.i k. k.rk. ...jI.....!. .1 V I r ' - ....
i1n..( iT.i. i..T . r I T;r "i It nuiuTO in ma reasoi I loaoa or aapnan ana penermt m arena n-
Sfanhu; mA 'i'Z'jlLSV by the that they did not do ao, waa on accou it diaa. all of which will coma to Oak
Mi,n ir.?rj.5S-irtkd ,n, antl-jof tha fact that tha Harrlman people .treat dock.
fklKiLf "JL'f ""o?4. Yuan waalwlahad to deflect tha Chinese passenger I .
The old lady I make tha trip back to China, go by way
Mrs. Alice KolV lady commander of
Maccabeea and state oommander of
Koyai Meighbora or Boise. Idaho, who
nas Deen sojourning at seaside, on.
www ww Haened 'with pardonabla -eagerneaa" to Sf Pui.t and and glva theirtradr tS '. A"t0rU B'Pt Arr1ve a
By Frederic J. Haakhn , forPaTi?i""ut'ofthreKlter V kdr,,v fc,J inlimirUMti mu&iX 1" tha night, steamer Elmore:
. ' r ... . .. h !?r,,?DeTf out. of China, and she Issued I "It seems to me" said Mr. Rrhnr lit S:S and left ud at S a. m..
Washington, oepu I "rr"Lorar" xor ths murder of all for- "that tha steamera making regular trios Yellowstone, from San Francisco; ar-l , M. Brancn. who,t
. lout of her onnM lV k mt.r. I rvA a-n a m atMitir cViaater. I oen or romana ror mo
Taan'a Brilliant Kova.
pasaengera out of thia port to mater)-
Sept 11. Arrived down dur-1 and Raattla, Waah.. for tha past few
arrived i weeas, is visuing me ramiiy or W.
ateamarl Paine at 411 Rodney avenue.
b. m. urancn, wno naa Dean a real
nt of Portland for 10 ymara. haa been
from San Francleco; sailed at 7:0, appoiniaa superintendent or tha weat
...... ..i i. ..fiMrnml. tha moat InV
1, ion of the Prince Regent of
China in the aarly days of his rule was I Tuan Bhlh-kal made soma dla nnlally leaaen their exDenaea. aa tha I steamer Eureka, for Eureka: left no dur-1 division of tha New York under-
the dismissal and drgradation f-.u"' hla own account promising the foreign- Chineae are probably tha easiest diss lng the night schooner Honolpu: sailed writers wltu headquarters In Ban Fran-
Shlh-kai a man regarded by dlslnUr- protection if tha gunboats would ot people In the world to handle on a at 1:80 a. m.. ateamer Quiault for Ray c'eo. Mr. Branch left for hla new
eted forelgnera as the hope pf China keep away from hla part of tha coun- ateamer. They ara not only very in- mond; arrived at 10:45 a. m., ship Ber- oma laat Thuraday. Hla family, will
and by, eelf-eeeklng ultlander as I the try. When tha ordera for the massacre expensive to feed, but they also handle Hn, from Alaska. go to two or thraa weeks,
curse of their Uvea. Tbla incident ra- came ha pretended to believe that the their own baggage. . San Francisco. Bept. 11. Sailed at Mr-- H. Berry, vice president and
called what was perhaps ths mos ra- algnatura of the empreaa dowager waa "As it is now the Chinese of this 11:S0- a. m.. steamer Kansas City, for manager of tha Vancouver
moui pollUcal cartoonof the last een- forced, and he sent his own messenger city having more In common with tha Portland; arrived at I av m., steamer Dally World. Vancouver. B. C arrived
tury that one which appeared in to Peking to verify the seal. The mes- Chinese of Seattle, and the latter place Roanoke, from Portland. tn Portland the other day. accompanied
"Punch" over the title "Dropping the senger had instructions to open tha or- being closer than San Francisco, nearly London, Sept 10. French bark Notre by her two sons, whom she Intends to
BUM aanlotlnr tha VOUn German em- der and. If It waa nf thm mmmm ok..-... k. n.. k..l, rki.. - rwm Al Iran, tmwn An.wam fnr Pnrt. nut In rVtlltmhla. nnlv.rkltv .
J M,...----r3 , , . . . ' , . - - .4i , w . v. j vwo ...a. Q V - 0 WCVA VHillQ SUCH I ,w u . . . w . , ' ft " r - -
peror on the bridge or tne mip w j 10 iae ptenty or time ror hla homeward I by the a.y of Seattle. Of course. If I land waa towed Into Falmouth badly
n the nllot Prince Bismarck, the iron I Journey, SO as to arrive after tha r.lfha steamera nut nf hra hatii41 n. I damaarad hv collision. Part of earao
Chancellor, going down tne laaaer.. i or me trouoie. That bit of disobedience I sengers. It would make It harder for I Jettisoned. ' I Impure mood runs jrou down makes
When tTince j-nun, iinuuB "'' ",,n nowever, ny tne empress I us. but rrom the point of view of ah Eureits, Bept. 10. esjiea. steamer ueo. I you an easy victim for organic diseases.
nr. Jbioer, tor ruruiu. .. . . TWV TtlnnA Ttltt.rfl nuHft.a tk. I
Ho n civsi nfmrr Nam i fi Nskt i tkn m t r i r- : - r -w i
mrtSS? AfiZm. for ortliid; blood cures tne cause nuuds you up.
"r Portia!. m"' BrlU,b t,mr Jantt -Doan'a Ointment cured me of eesema
Astoria, Bept. 11. condition at tne" "7' ""a j.n
mouth of the river at 8 a. m.. moderate. I cure was permanent" Hon. B. W. Mat- I
Elidor Will Slide Into River at 8 1 wlna nonnwest is mues; weatner i thews, commissioner utoor Btaustica,
This Afternoon. 1 Tldea at Astoria Sunday Hlarh water. I
A J.l 1. IVI. - . . 1.4.10 m m ft 1 1 -K ft n m. SSi D.mI.I.. IV. h.w.1. rm I
. v.i.n tmd been president of ths I waiwupu and member of tha f.i..tai,.iii v.. . 1. J' . 1 n, . n.nrr I lor tnem. x cents a box.
tri ih. hoard of fereim affslra I council. - Net be ns- a achnlar .-.A Z I tii " i rC' rv1"i-," "i.""TI aw"" naiinn
and waV prmeticaliv the foreign imini.: of the literati, he "was not eligible for Mayor WmVn"
Wen WIU VlleVb VIIW Bwaaavv xrt. y y a w a s - - " -v- -1Z.VCJI I
Varicose Veins-me&
, By Aly Orlfllnal P.Iclhod
and Men Restored to
If you want a rsal, prompt par
fact and reliable cure without .
pain or eoniineiaent to your room,
la It pot about tlma to- com-,
manea looking at the logical.
f radical and Plain fact side of '
tf If I could ba paid one half
tha money that la apant on these ,
fake electrical appllancaa, that
positively never cured a single
wall developed case in a hundred ,
years, I would be willing to treat
and eura every ease of Varicose i
Veins in the ststd free. .
, Prejudice from ens cause or an
other praventa many naq front -doing
thslr duty toward th.m.
salves In this respect Prejudice
la an unraasonsbls and a a tout
enemy to overcome, but If men do
not overcome It It will overcome .
them and blind them to rat
beneflta In mora wave than ana. "
Punlahment from neglect of duty
eometlmte cornea alowly. but It
comaa aa surely aa wilful neglect
brings woeful regret
My office haa been located at
Its present ouartere. without aua-
panalon or change of addreaa, for
over II years. It is founded en
tha rock ef permanency, with a
reputation that Is a protection to
patients against fraud or uncer
tainties. , .
Moderate ehare-aa. faithful nrn-
, feaalona services, fair deallnga
nq apeeay curea ara responsible
for my Immense practice, and no
noneai man la too poor to take ad- ,
vsntsre of my method of iruimmi mnA ha futi-' m.i.j -..
.bealth. r
Mv IDecbltw la Chronic arirl Nervniit Tii
Im , ar f - w " awayva wvaBf aViWVU
'Poison, Piles, Fistula, Sores, Ulcers, Skin Affections, Blad
der and Kidney Disorders, and I cure them to stay cured
forever. '
I would like to sea and talk lo every man psraonaliy who eontem-,
-,; bu. Lf T,!!t !" Mnpraetlcabre write rae fully. My
yst6in Of trtAtmint hv mall im Vka mnsr mnm..m... Vrl
a", a . - M'v"i PUWVeaUI gillUW Ua AW tj i
business address on our envelopes or packages; everything in plain
envelopea and aacredly confidential, ft ours? - $ V nut I ni.
to ia jLuurvaa vorreapooaenoa to
Cor.TamlUH 4 2d Sis. PORTLAND. OIL
irpT a bouai wtxa bx vad
. : tnrucas oxrsxo. .
at the age of-17 burdened wiOi . the flowaf r, whn ahe came to the realize- benefit to the city and to the company
sole responsibility of the government tlon that If It had not been for Yuan I running the steamers, it seems tome
t ih. .mi rhlneaa emolre. saw f It I Shlh-kal her ordera vniilil it
to dlsmlse Yuan Bhih-kai from the pub- I ed In the partlUon and extinction of the
llo service, the diplomatic world was I Chinese empire.
shocked into expressiona or rrgrei au i d uin waa soon promoted to be
even of remonstrance. in tjriun nu Tiuoruy vnmu. ine provinos in which
American ministers in reaing am ni i ,piit is anuaiea ana tne most im
actually protest against the action, but portent In the empire Hla well-drilled
they expressed their regret and dlsap-1 army continued to be enlarged and
prove! by hypothetlcally suggesting that I waa a tower of strength to him. He
that It would be a good thing."
Baby won't suffer five minutes with
Th n-amn drrdock will ha filled and I croup If you apply Dr. Thomas Eelee-
J. Speier. harbormaster, membara nf tha her numna triad at the Willamette Iron I trie Oil at once. It acta like magla
" .'"' ivr 7.i ,L: .ft., tha aath iv. il."t"- "puioi, iini uuiuwuwr, raeraoori or me I ner pump, inaa av mo rmiirimii
would not be changed. That ended the I "ijerthe th of the emperor and the I executive board and city council and & Steel Works, probably Monday.
dlplomaUo "lncidenV' . . . I WVthe ne re-j prominent people lntereated In the ehlp-1 With 880 pasaengera und abou
1CV UJ -vsa ivi'wu " v vv w- i - - - - - " a ufVll
Tuan Shlh-kal Is ' the strongest and j ?I,a,.hi"-Xn;I,y, uPon the occasion
aoiest man in vnina, ana lorn, weu in- w .uunm. uiiuiuaj-.
fnrmad neraons still hone that he Will
be restored to power, even as was the
The rail of tha Mighty.
Ding of Portland.
. xne boat win be launched at the
yaras of o,, F. o raham, . who built her.
unuer mt superviBion or uaDiain Hneier.
and she has oeen built with a view not
only to speed, but also for room. She
...... tl Kim. Chnnm aftar hla Mm. 1 nan Came tne rail. Tha atira- .a. ..i- . "
P. "iwirr,-.-.." i-mtfal ln vairi 7- ."ril""y .!, oui ibo iur room
piete aegraoation ana tumum m. wu "(T-rr. V. ' k. i-.Tv "V "everal was designed especially for patrol work
of the moet prominent diplomatists ao h" the Jeatha of the em- on the river and It la thought that there
credited to. Peking goes so far aa to Pwr wd th. empress d jwager, , re- will not be enother boat In the harbor
predict. with confilence that the day of jiw In the Pf rhe into the em- that will equal her In speed. She Is 17
ruans restoration a nm nr uioijiih.. uui mm me reet long and 7 root beam, and Is
10WVfr' fpl2,0B 0f th nJoritT SZo? dlmmSdlieldvdr?o If,'4 The equlppedwlth a 8S-40 horsower Speed
that his day is done. Snefrota L JdiX nrdarinithS Pn way engine furnished and installed by
Slaa and Tall of Tuan. taUonf YuajTshlh the Rober Machinery company. Under
The atorv bf the rise and fall of Yuan not dV wherannUat. i"l w?f ord nary circumstances ehe will be ex-
Shlh-kal is not only an entrancing nl- with the news that the dowager had
ographlcal romance, but it la also an only fainted and was not dead ThJrS fhh.' ni..S
ill dresaed to hTfa Ti ..taJie ad; Prevent breaking Easily, afid she will
SO shl Should .urvivl hin?dtoafit-d,khfr;u f c8-t about 10 people, although she will
Illuminating commentary upon the un
certainties or pontics or uninese poll
tics In particular. Yuan was born SI
that oart of China which la eubtect to I Ooma tlma aft th. I . All control of the engine is at the
the destructive overflow floods of two rulers, the' widow of tha lata r"."IC? .ZLK?rX"-l' .Z i"? "VT
"China's Sorrow." as the Yellow river Peror. who is now the emnrass d0 "17 Vi'Zul".T.Z St l". Vf,""ffi""rJ
Is called. He was
of humble orleln and found the edict and th. iMtVSki w: na .n l".L ..U?'L-01 ? ?,a
poor, but he was possessed of unllm- across its face the word "kill," and aent IRT. fa- TS.'SS-SJ SSf!
itea amoiaon. jnina is an essential de
mocracy and.
ere and actors
China Is an essential de. it to the prince regent, her Wcthe:
with ths exception of bar- law. Under the necullar code T of the huft F f hnit ? Pnrt orfnA ZIaLI' IDS
!L K theL' hd'en ""to Chinese court, the emnrea, dowage? thhu &Jr$lHi? ince-.
the third generation, any man may as- person of great power and whose opi sh side and onTfoyward makPnV it
Dire to the highest dos tlon in tha land, ions must be reaneeted Th 1 ?n. siae ana one rorwara. making it
ki . . - . I . - - . aaawv J I mmm SI V Tri tTmT in Slylfl nUT llT nam M ha la.
'i n on v ariHtnoranv in that nr aiohAi. ntnr. nrnrriAr nr tha lata. aamwi.M. ..- rr"'' fcW ?w" v- uo
arshlPi But of all profession, not act- thoroughly, acquainted with Yuan Shih- eu.,p.Pl.h7,S., ZiT
Kara, part m the coun which overthrew I Th.?; h... i.i. . .
ually undef the ban. as barbera and n.
tors, that of the soldier Is lowest in the
esteem or tne people. Tuan nhtainarf
x only a mediocre education, taking but
That imnllea a lwlr nf ui.k
In China, would seal the doors of high
vtiw Manual nix nui me geniua lrur
,ther to his political disadvantage. Yuan
adopted the army as a profession. Even
In China times change and men change
also, and In the fullness of days It was
vairn is mne nasi tune ey fke yeas to
: . aavs your taatA extraotad lf anas
la the aaossslty and have
Dona aa there la leea tremble front
jn.3 ar other tnmblea,
leatdeml aai aTaaagm
tl Tears SatahUaae la rerttaad
tTe wni give yea a geod irk geld
er pom la I a erewa fee ....... B
M-lar Crawaa
lis aridra taana
t-14 er enamel fllllags
r IW T" ua
1 w . a . m ,.., ..... a ' J9m
tAlHm' r.a ""
-o4 rob br plate gjDa
" a ear rad rehb gtlatee ...... A
i imi extraeuoTie... ...........
fatrtaaa evtrartlea fraa whaa a lata
e ri '.g work Im rdarad.
WarK guarantee for 11 yaara.
m Viisc vmm co, be
Ta rmmf 4a-, M ami Vuk, mm
Ctrl koare A. BL te W.Xf.
aaoAya. Sa i. 11
raaee m aal BCala 93M
hla brother's real power, called a meet
ing of the grand council. Yuan came as
a member, but was turned back at the
sates. He didn't need two hints and he
hurried to Tientsin to be out nf him'.
way and In the shadow of foreign pro
tection. ,
Taaa Had Khenmatism.
The grand council told the prince
that Yuan must not he ktllad- that tha
foreigners would resent it with war;
that a man might as well be dead as be
without office; andHhat bia brother's
will would be practically carried out
If Yuan were removed from office and
Stripped Of his hnnni'a Whurninnn tka
famous edict dismissing Tuan Shlh-kal
from all his offices and positions of
honor on the ground that ha had rhanm.
atlsm in his' leg!
mot a Oxaftsr.
Being assured of the aafetv n4 hla
neck. Yuan retired to his native nrov.
lnce of Honan. He Is that marvel of
morvels. a Chlness official who la not
a grafter and he Is, therefore, without
the consolation of gold which buoyed
up Li Hung Chang in his disgrace.
Yuan Is poor. He Is honest. Ha la ahia
He is fearlesa. He Is patriotic. These
are the qualities which fitted him for
tne great career ne haa had Hla ii.-
cretlon In obedience, however, proved
ma uiunMio ruin, ic may De that he
will again be called to the helm nf tha
btiid oi siaie. ucn mma-a nannan in
China but for the present he accepta
his position with characteristic Chlrese
(United Frees Leeaat Wire.
Cherbourg, . Sept 11. Archie and
Quentln Rooaevelt sailed today on tha
St Louis to reenter achooL Mlaa Ethel
Rooaevelt remains with her mother to
await tha arrival of Colonel Roosevelt
from his hunting trip In Africa.
Excursion Rates and Trains
Via Oregon Electric railway for Ore
gon state fair. Salem, Or, September II
to il. l lee.
Eighteen regular daily trains. A de
bate anarial aervica naraaaai ta km.
la Ita rv t m jwmv. 1.1
Lfectotily. This company baa within tha
OCmaadB or t na t..f Ihroan
who annually attend the state fair. It
t im round uip, ged SepteBBhr tt
te II; l for the rwand trip Thers
ay. September 11. Portland day.
Pupils of Lincoln High
- School
In erder u aerva them cali-kly wltk
weir text b-ke aad avoid eotigevtloa
tit Third and Alder etr-t aiora.
l'J-r-.f' -l eomreay-wia have a
tf a'f erhnol books a sals
TJITJ "I 1 h e, rear Aide.
There haa long been felt a. need for
bout 1700
tons of general merchandise, the San
i-rancisco k nrxiana ateamer ttose
City, Captain Mason, left thia morning
ror Ban i-rancisco.
With freight from the orient the
Portland & Asiatio steamer Selja will
be due to arrive here about September
20. -
It is expected that the Port of Port
land'a tug Holyoke will leave Cooa Bay
today with the dredge Oregon In tow for
tnis port.
R. C. Hart superintendent of the thir
teenth lighthouse district is in Seattle
looking after repairs on the tender
Major J. B. Cavanauah of the corns
of engineers Is "making an inspection of
the Snake river at Five Mile Rapids.
The Umatilla and the Drill scow are
working there, and It will probably be
auoui a monin oeiore iney are through.
Major Cavanaugh la expected back
aoout Monaay.
With 760,000 feet of lumber for San
Pedro, the steamer Olympic, Captain
Hansen, will leave down thia afternoon
at 4 o'clock.
With lumbar for San Pedro, the San
Jacinto will leave this afternoon from
Prescott. v
The steamer Shoshone will leave this
afternoon for California, with a cargo
of lumber. ,
The pilots expect to start out on their
Every Vcrnan
i laiiiiaiisa a sanaia kbaw,-
. epeui uie won asms.
MARVEl wMrllaa Sore?
a L' JO UM U I
a ! WTT ft'VwiV IS
rearenwsMiwiL fKr'J t ,.
it h rmnncx ftupply Vm
ABVaL,. aoiMDt aa
etoar. but aaad Itacnn tar
Uluatntad book-araM. ftStM
full nartlealara and rflrantiAn. itw
valuable to ladles, MAHVKt OOl.
s man Dm., pan msa.
ror sale by etldmora Drag Co., Waodatd,
vnurke co.. aae iauie-Daia orog Oo. a atnraa '
an adequate patrol service In the bar- survey of the river between here and
Vflfllllll J
Sack Cap.
sole bsars (MIDY1
tha aamsaVaa';
e-im if cowtfetfttlti
' w . ... eeo i raat rear rraatlr InrmuH Ita naaaa.
"-TT ! e- laciuiiea ane la imw prepared te
the Wemao s Cxcbaage.
r aafi ' Here Is a book that will k?:: 'Aiff a ' i
I 6 pW agalnat ths pit- !, Vit? V-l X fc 1
i f T f falls of physical weakness. i( I .-Tw . Si, T.'
,W. 'LaW.s J It will show yqu the road to .t?; 1 (::. -.Vi'St 1JT J'.'
. a ' i iam ( f happiness through physical L-ll CI 1 v'V 'XlX -tV
V" Vs. --yA perfection. It tells you J j$a. KrVT i3-stV'-!
A 1 4 XS-mVcklfyLA bow to overcome early phy- ' IT. ?,. HaVt: lZ&?lZLJX.-.7: ,1
I 3S&&yJ alcal decline by using Na- tuljji :T.T -
,a, yyyzyy f ture'strue restorer. This i 'JJ3lir::C -Z?.it&'; '
Even though your ease may ba one that some
other doctor la able to euro, and though hla cure
oe aDsoiuteiy tnorougn and permanent there tt'
yet good cause for your coming to me for treat-J
ment The aervica I render is entirely unlike
and batter than the ordinary. I have devised
new and gcientlfia methods of treating men's ail
ments Id all their phases. I cure eases that others ,
cannot cure, and cases that others can cure I
cure In lesa time and without pain or possibility
of Injury. All Br forms of treatment have been
perfected along tne lines of nature's require .
menu and ara In exact harmony with the natural
recuperative forcea. Therefore, toy curaa ara
painless, prompt, and thorough. . "
Contracted Ailments
The aerioua results that may follow neglect
of contracted allmenta could scarcely be exag
gerated. Safety demands an abaolutely thorough
cure In the leaat possible time. I have treated
more eases of these disorders than- any other '
fihyalcian upon the Pacific Coaat My curea are
horough and are accomplished in less time than
other forms of treatment require in producing:
even doubtful results. I employ remedies of my
own devising, and my treatment Is equally ef
fective In both recent and chronlo cases.
I Treat Men Only
The vast multitude of men who have taken
my treatment have not been disappointed. They
' know that I dd not promise more than I perform.
To them X have actually Illustrated In the cure
of their own cases the truth of what I claim,
namely, that my treatment la as certain to cure
aa it Is that my patient engages my services
and follows my directions. My success la dua
not alone to education, experience, skill and '
scientific equipment but to the faet that I limit
my study and practice strictly to dlseaaes and
weaknesses of men. To male ma red lea alone I
have earnestly and sxcJaslvaly devoted IS years
of my life, and on them all my faculties are con
centrated. ; ,
' I 111,7
The -Xnyaalatf Spa.
Pay When
Varicose Veins
There la no neces
sity for Surgical
operations l n tha
treatment of , Varl-'
cose Velna. This dis
ease yields complete
ly to my- milrf and
painless method, and
reeults are far bet
ter than were ever
attained by the hareh.
ana aangerous prac
tice of cutting. But
one week la required,
and seldom Is It even
necessary to detain
the patient from hla
Our Museum Of
Anatomy la now open
a largest and
finest on tna Coaat
Admission free.
X do not enavrgs to edvioe, examination er dJavsoosla. Xt yov an roe
a. private talk with sua, yea win mo be arg-ed to bee-ta treatment, zf Im
possible to oall, write. Hoars, A. X. to JT. K.J luadagr, 10 to JU
the DR. TAYLOR co.
234 Mojriion St., Cor. Second, Portland. Or.
slcal decline by using Na
ture's, true restorer. This
book Is free to .every phy- ,
alcal weakling, for It will
guide you aafely to the
I muat eay that your Electro-Vigor haa been
of great service to me. I waa broken down In
health and life waa misersble, but after applying
the Electro-Vigor two nlshta I commenced to lm
frova and have been Improving right along. When
visit Seattle I Intend to call Opon you and let you
aee what the result has been in my case.
-Yours truly,"
114 E. Burnslde st. Portland. Or.
"I am getting about very nicely after - using
your treatment There Is no doubt about Electro
Vigor curing eey one who uses It correctly.. The
appliance haa given me rd eatlafaction. for all
traces of Rheumatism In my legs end til pa have
entirely disappear-!, and I feel a, different maa al-
loa-einer. assuring you-or my wllllngnaes to t
esamead your treatment at ell tiroes. I resjiala.
lous truly "
111 ffarrtson ave, Astoria, Or.
Gantltnen: It Is II davs tnday einee I began
oelng Electro-Yf ror. and although I have not gU.a
It proper attention tt baa brought me wonderful ra.
suite. I aleap better, eil better, my food dlgaats
b-tter and your Eleetro-Vlgw haa eured me ef ens.
stipe tlon. There la not a symptom ef mv eld tron
fcle but yielded te the effect ef tha current and I
Save rained three founds la II days.
, I em rrmmmdlrr ht to every one la thia frt
ef the country end many talk ef eerurina It aona.
I woeld not take Ite wetgM la gM lf 1 eovld at
get another. ar4 you ara at liberty to eee my mm
and lve tny eddrae te tnrM who na rail mr, ma
'"LI1Aa.,,4a, i1 ,'',5r lve say tlma la telling
what It baa done for ma- ,.
Ye-urs It't.
BeuU Ka.'t, tea It aioial. Or. '
future of strength and vitality It tells how
other men Buffered end how they failed to get
etranrth from drucs. which ' tear down
bone and muscle. It tells bow they found their eure
In Electro-Vigor, which Is a natural method of re
storing. It is free. If you know you sre not as strong
as nature Intended vnu, a rod for It today.
Electro-Vigor builds up broken-down men, restorea
youth and vigor end makes men look and feel strong.
Tt will cure every case of Rheumatism. Nervnue De-
blllty. Week Stomach,
Iver Troubles,
Kidney and
Lame Back. Sciatica. Varicose Veins, Neurasthenia snd
everv evidence ef weakness In men and women. It will
not fall: It cannot fall, as It Infuses tn - the weakened
parte the force of life -and strength.
Call or-Send for This Cook Today
If you can't call, cot out this coupon and mail it te
ma I will Bead, you nay 100-page book, prepaid, free.
Cneultatlon free.
Office Houre rl a. m. to I p. m ; Wednesday and
Saturday until I p. nv; Sunday. It to 12.
Bing Chong
mmn ooctob
cures all diseases of
men and women by
use of the famous
Chinese herbs.
orrrcs xovbs
I to 11 a. m.
to I p. .
'Office, room 1 1,
364 Aide St
er 133 1st UX.
ii a. ra. to i
m.. a to 11 p. m. 835 riaadezs Bet,
tta sua na.
in a noon ATZsrvx, ssArrxm, vux
Please e-nd me. prepaid, roar free l-pere Ulas
t rated boos. a-U-ei
X"V l a 1 ' A a
- "1 V'
A II 1'' " r.? -.-....; -
Weaderfal reme
dies from SCZmBS
Cancer, Nervoue
neaa. Catarrh, As
thma. Coughs, La
Orlppe, Threat
Lung. Liver. Kid
ney end Stomach
Trooblee; also all
Private Dtaeaaea,
Consultation free.
47 Tayle atreet,
bet Id and 1A
Portland. Or roe.
Tha well known & K. Chan
Chinese Medicine company,
with wonderful herbs and
roots, haa eured many suf
ferers whan all other reme-
v umwm Mura, cure eure
female, chronlo, private dla--mJ
eases, nervouanaaa. hioi
n.S.I.CM hroanukiVn
and diseases of all kinds. Remedies
harmless. BTa operation. Honeai treat
ment Examination for lad lea by kbs.
S. X. Chaa; - -
. tbs va.xai.Bai axoicnn ra.
Saiva Memeea st, bet. let aa4 Sa. ''
an i
1 fcav need rotur valnabLe Cascareta
and I find tbcm perfect CooWnt do
without tbeta. I hava used thetn for
soma tuna for indirestioa and baliousneea
and ara now completalr cured. Kecoca
Bend them to evrrrone. One tried, von
will saw ba without them ta thU
lamilj. " E4 ward A. AUrx. Albas, N.Y.
fleeaaat rvdatatta, Prt. Taaea Oond.
Ie t-ad. kewr Sicken. V. eaka er Grtna
lCB.Ue.S0a. Nrwtoid labc k. Tbara
Sins taaM ataatpad C C C Imarewie I A h
care ee yoar mieay beca. fev4
2 1 Journal Adlets Tay BieTtst
J t m-'-m e kam