' ) THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 23,' 1909. STATE SAYS LAVJ COHSTITUTIOHI Able Brief Filed in Crater Lake Road Case Supports ; the State Aid Act. j ' (BpeoUl Diepetch to The Journal.) ' . ' . Salem, Or., Aug. 28 The brief of the Appellants In the case of J. Kt Bears vs. George A. Steel as treasurer, and F. W. i Benson as secretary, of state, commonly 1 known as the Crater lake road case, an v appeal from the decree of Judge Wll , . liam Galloway, has been filed , In the supreme court. The brief la. very com ' - prehenslv filling sixty-two , pages of printed matter and Is full of quotations .: to sustain, the points of authorities and , arguments or tiie appellant. The allegation that the act Of the leg- lslatlve assembly making the hundred' - thousand-dollar appropriation is uncon- ' s-Ututional for the reason that it is in violation of section 7 of article II of the - - . constitution in that it attempts to cre . ate a debt against the state for more than 000, is" alleged to be nothing more. than a naked allegation of a con clusion of law; a statement of respond i ent's construction or' interpretation - of ' ' the act of the legislature complained of and nothing more. Facts, it la stated, - - not conclusions of law, must be pleaded. , ':' " Subject Unconstitutional. . f The second point upon' which respond- . I nts predicate their right of belief Is that the legislative act la unconstitu tional because section 23 of Article 4 of the constitution provides that the . '' legislative assembly cannot pass special - r local laws for laying, opening and - working highways. - Appellants allege ' that the complaint of the respondent does not state facts sufficient to entitle . . , respondent to relief for the reason that It-does not set out facts wherein said act' is unconstitutional and void or wnere it contravenes the constitution, ': The brief states that by the terms of v the act this road Is to be a state road , , from the Pacific Ocean to the Idaho . boundary, and the fact that a portion of ' It passes throug Jackson and Klamath counties does not change Its character . k from a state road to a local road or ' make the law a local or special law. J There Is absolutely, nothing in the ,Jr constitution, states the appellants, pro fit lilbltlng h legislative assembly from appropriating money for the construc tion of a state road, and the case of Allen vs. Ulrsh Is cited to sustain the ' .contention, as are,-numerous other cases . . -out of Oregon. Reference is made to the .-.case of Maxwell vs. Tillamook, in which it was held that the act of appropriat ing $10,000 to aid Tillamook x in- the . construction of a wagon road was void for the reason that It applied to and ' f operated In the -county of Tillamook .' - entirely and had no force or effect In - i any other portion of the(stata , State Hay Appropriate Moaejr.: , 'It seems therefore to be the settled doctrine of this state that the leglsla ' tlve assembly may appropriate money to , ' aid in the construction of a road wfeloh ..'., does not ' operate wholly within one coanty, and which' Is not limited to a ' particular county for a special purpose. V ' Our constitution has no provision pro ; , hibiting the legislature from passing a law granting' aid for the purpose of in ternal improvements, nor has It a pro vision requiring all laws to be general ..and' uniform In their operation.' Attention is called to the fact that respondents Introduce no evidence while ' appellants Introduce testimony showing , that this act of the legislature had a general 1 application to the entire stats ,of Oregon, and that the state road i mentioned In the act. If Constructed aa contemplated therein, will be a benent ,' to the whole of the people of this state V-ehd aid In tnedeveIopment. of the en . ' lire state. : parts of the testimony of , wltnesse are given, and this testimony stands Uncontradicted and conclusively - shows that the act of the legislative assembly, is-a general law of general application and will result in pasting benefit to the people of the entire stats. She brief is signed by William P. Iord, Jr.. Colvlg- A Reamea, W. W. Cot- ton, William D. Fenton, I R. Webster - and James B. Fenton, attorneys for the appellants,. - tV-.: ..", '' ':-. v Columbia Beach : "(Continued from Preceding Paga) couver have finished a two weeks' vaca tion in .which they enjoyed a glorious round of fishing, bathing and boating. - Mrs. Sarah E. Beam of Mllwaukle has returned homa - ' Miss Lett! Briggs returned to Portland after spending a week at the beach with Mrs. Orasle'i family, . ' -t Mra J.- J.'Wrlght "'of. Eagle Orove, Iowa, has been ' visiting Mra Beam at Columbia Beach and reports a most en joyable time. .- . ." Mrs. J. N. Pretzman of Vancouver has closed her camp fur the season after spending the - midsummer In boating, fishing and surf bathing. - , Mr. ana Mra ueorge.m. nayner ana son -of Portland are spending a week fishing. .- ..,-. i. .;.'''..- Mra O. I. Ferris and son, Earle, are registered at Hotel Columbia.' -. Mra Pamelia F. Benson and two sons. Gilbert and) Chester, are. among those registered-at the hotel. v . t Mrs. D. A. Dolan and Mr. Hopkins ana mother, all of Spokane, are at the hotel. Attorney Baker of Portland and his family- returned from their-outing at Columbia Beach,- Mr. Baker established the fishing record. having landed 81 Jierch and black bass from- the Neacqxlt n less than one hour. - . Mr. and Mra A. J. Stalnaker of - Orcharda Wash., ' have - Just" .returned after spending two dellgnffu weeks of tent life at the beach. 1 -v-Mr. Stalnaker, piloted a fishing party It miles up the Lewis and Clark river. The trip consumed two - days and 100 rainbow trout were caught- .- - v v. M. I Miller of Orchard has been , rusticating hera. Mr. and Mra J. A. Stranahan of Port land returned home recently after a two weeks' stay hera -, - ' Pearl Stradley Is-erecting a restaurant and confectionery on Fifth street. -sr D, Hagerman has located his bams 'site on lot 9, block 4.. ; - Honorable C P- Sonnlcksen of Hood River will build his summer horns on Seavlew boulevard, near the corner of Fifth street.;v-. - - Milton and B. B. Saunders are putting In a complete line of rowboats and canoes In Keacoxle creek and Smith's 'laThe Astoria Automobile club will - The Cause : of Colds, "GripM and Head-' , ache is quickly reached by Orangeine - - (Powdtrt)' " ' Y". ; I Health Restored Sickness , Averted. Thousands know it why not you? make the new road through Colombia Bpach Its short cut route to Seaside, and Hotel Columbia will be kept open all winter as a-roadhouee for the conven ience of club members. . ' Plans are being made at the beach for the entertainment of many guests on LAbor day. A baspball game is sched uled and another clambake. - ' The attractive souvenir of Columbia Beach in the shape of the little putch maidep In bathing attire has , found popular favor with . Columbia Beach guests." ''"''".' " - L' Dr. E. A. Myers and family of Port land have been registered at the hotel, and, they with others pronounce the pleasures enjoyed Justifiable of a second outing. W. E. Ingalls of Portland has been an amused and enchanted visitor. ; . - Other visitors are Mrs. Wines and p. I Oordn of Portland and T. M. Doran and family of Hamilton. Mont Cloiidcap Inn Hood River, Or Aug. 28. ArrlvaU at Cloud Cap Inn: From Portland Judge ; William B. Gilbert. Mrs. William B. Gilbert Miss Dolly Martin," Mrs. George D. Schalk, 8. 8. Baldwin, C A. Morden, Mra R. U. Sabin, M. U Curry. Mrs. M. JU Curry. F. W. Freeborn, New York; Dr. Krank B. Klstner. Mrs. Frank B. -, Klstrter, Heppner; B. Biernecke, Mra B. Bier necke, Walttr Blernecke,., F. W. Bier necke. New York; WUs Van Horn, Mra Willis . Van Horn, Ned Van Horn, Miss Marian Van Horn, E. R. Pooley, J. Adrian Epping, Mra J. Adrian i.p ptng, Dorothy Epping, Adrlenne Epping, A. .W. Rahles, Mrs. A. W. Rahles, Mrs. Marlon MacRae. Hood River; U Bald win, Mount Hood. i . . ; ;'. CHURCH SLRVICLS antlst. First White ' Temple, Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougner, D. D. 10, "One Accord" prayer meeUns; services, 10.80 and 7:45; Bible school 13, Y. P. U... 680. Morning sermon by Rev. F. C W. Parker on 'The Land of Op nwitv . K-.vntnr sermon by Kev, H, W. Foulkes on "Ths Golden Age. "The Supreme Christian Attribute, The Scarlet Sin of the Bible. HighlandAlberta and Sixth. Rev, B. A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and 7:10; B. Y. P. l' :30; . 8.. 10 ' ' ' Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev. ,D.-W. Thurston, pastor. -11 nd: & 10; Y. P. V., 7. Topics, "He Will Not Forget," "The Gospel Invitation. - Calvary East Elgnth and Grant Rev. J. N.- Monroa U and 7:30; B., & i0; B. T. P. U.. 0:80. Immanual Jonca Hall. - Ottba and Front Rev, A. B. Mlnaker, 10:80and 7:80; S. S.. 12; B. T. P, JJ, 0:30. Eve ning sermon by Rev. F. C. W.Parker. Grace Montavllla; ; Rev. Albert B. Patch. 11 end 7:80; 8. S- 10: Y. P, U., 6:30. Sertnons by Rev. W. H. Hurl butt and Rev. John Bentsten. - Central East Twentieth and Anksnyf Rev. W. T. Jordan, . 11 and I; 8. S. 1:80; Y. P. U :80. . University Park Rev. A. B. Walt. 8. S., 10; 11 and : B. T. 'P. XT.. , T. . Bunnyslda (German) Forty-first and Hawthorne; Rev.'C Feldnteth. 11; S. 8. . St Johns (German) Rev. , C Feld meth. : a"S.t 9:46: services 11 and 7:80. Seoond Seventh and East Ankeny. Bermons by Rev. F. E. Dark, 10:80 ;and 7:80; Blbls school, Jf, B. Y. P U., :30. v St Johns Rev. C U ; Owen, 11:80 and 7:80; B.8.. 10; Y. P. U.. 6:30. - - Chinese Mission 35H Oak . street a 8.. ,7; .preaching, .. by .Rev. Fng Firsf Oerin'an "Fourth" and Mill; Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:30; S. 8, :4. Second German Morns - street and Rodney avenue; Rev. F Bauermann, 11 nd 7:80: S, 8.. :4 '- ' East ' Forty-fifth street Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. . 11 and 7:J0: Bible school. 10; B. Y. P. U, :4I. No evening service. - ' ... v Lenta Rev. J. F. Heacock. a S 10: 11 and 7:80; B. T. P. U 8:80. Sermons by Rev. John BenUlen and Rev. F. B. Mlnaker.:' ..' , -,-- .- - Mount Olive Seventh ' and Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson, 11 and 7:80. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erlck Scherstrom. 10:45 and . 1:45; a S U; B. Y. P. V., :80V . Third Knott and Vancduver: Rev. R. Bchwedler, 11 and 7:30; a a. 10. . No evening sarvlca i'. t i;j ' - " :'i " '' ' ' ' v''"' Presbytenaa. '' Y .--'.' First Twelfth and Alder; 10:80, T:4S. Topic, ' "The Angel - Of Hl Presence." Evening ' sermon .by Rev. William H. Phelpa .assistant pastor, on "A Pound of Ointment" - 's"- " ''"- . Mizpah East Twelfth and ' Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and 8; & S, 10; C E. 7 " ' ' ' ' : ' '' - Csi'vary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:30 and 7:48; Bible school, noon. Topics, "When All Doubt Disappeara" "God Loves You." Fourth First and Olbbs: Rev, Don ald Mackenzie, 10:80 and 7:30, . & 8., It; C E '80 Hawthorne , park Twelfth and East Taylor: Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:80; O., 11. Topic "A Visit to the Sea of Galllea." No evening sermon. . - Forbes Fell wood and. Gantenbeln; Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; a a. Piedmont Cleveland 1 and Jsrreft: Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:80; a 8, Chinese 145 H First 7:45; a S.C-46. Westminster East Tenth and Weld ler; Rev. Henry Mareotta -- Rev, J. A. P. , McGraw, D. D.. preaches at 10:30. a a, 12. "Psul's Inventory of the Christian's Wealth.", No evening , serv ice. : '-' ' . -'" . Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev. O, W.Haya 1L a a. 10. - " ";" " : , "-' -Mount Tabor Belmont and Prttv man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and i a s. 10. -' Sellwood East Seventeenth and Spo kane; Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11 and 8; a B., 10; C B.. T. ' Hops Montavllla, Rev. J. S. Dunning, 11: a S- 10. - A ..f T? a TTntV4. i1 and 7:48 ' Third Scast '.Thirteenth and Pine; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. 10:80 and 7:45: S. 8,11. . " .k . Kenllworth East Thlrty-saventh and Gladstona Rev. A. Robinson, 11; a a, 12: Y. P, T.. - . . Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town send. Services 10:80 and 7:80; first third, fifth Sundays; a 8, 11:40. . Trinity Dakota street Re. A. Rob inson. f:4 p. in.: C K :45j S. a. 11. Alberta Nineteenth -and Wygant, Rsv. John Ovall. ; 4 p. m,- Service la Scandinavian -language. . " Ketboatsii y:rr:: Taylor Street Rev. Benjamra Young. D. D.: 10:30 and 7:45; a 8, 11:10. Sermoas by Rev. H. D. Kimball. - Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John H. Cudlipp, D. D., 10:80 and 7:46; a 13:16B. I. Sunny side East Yamhill and Thirty fifth; W. T. Euater; 11 and 7:30. 8. 8h :60; E. U,' :46.- ' St Johns a H... Da wart; 11 and 8; E. t, 7; a S.. 10. - Ep worth Twenty-sixth and ' Savler; Rev. Charles T. McPherson: 11 snd 8; n a ., a. in T. 7 1 S Tnnlll ,rh H f Stilling tne Tempest" "The AH Import- Centenary East Ninth and Pine; Clar ence True Wilson, D. D,: 10:45 and 7:45; E. L, 7: 8. a, 8:45. Toplca "Secret Faults jfersui Sine" ; "Llfs Through frinlty East Tenth and Grant; Lewis' F. Smith; 11 and 7:45; E. L.. 6:46; a 8, 16. Toplca 'The Secret of the Chris tian's 'Power," -Illustrated sermon. Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo street Rev. C L. Hamilton, 10:80 and 7:45: S. 8.. 11: E I, :45. Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal: 11 and7:o. . ' . . Laurel wood Rev. E. H. Bryant: 11 and 7:30; 8. 8, 10: E. L :80. -Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and Davis, Rev. H. P. Nelsen, 11 and ! a a. 10. v ' . - Norwegian-Danish Vancouver ave nue and Skidmore, Rev. C J. Larsen, John OvaiU 11 and 8; S. S., 10; E. L.. 7. i ri uerman r ji irenvu nu xzvjri, var. A. Waasa; 11 and 1:80.. , ' Second Grman Stanton and Rodney, Rev. E. E. Hertzler. 11 and 8: a S., 0:46; E. L., 7:30. - . ... , Japanese mission n . fnonn ii eenth, Rev. Ellsen Ribara . ;80 ' and 8-80: 8. S., 8:80. - '- ' r.,' - coma. Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30; 'The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty ninth and Powell. Rev. Ernst Leon Jones, S.. 9:45; 11. and 8, E. L. 7. Montavllla East Pine snd Eighteith streets. Rev. Harold Oberg, 11 and 8; 8 8 10; class meeting, 12; E. L., 7:15. Weodlawn William. J. Douglass. 11 and 8- S- 8 , 10; E. L.. 7. v t UniVerslty Park Dawson and Fiska Rev W. R. Jeffry. J., U and 7.80. African Zion Thirteenth and Main, fev W. Matthews. 11 and 8. ... Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty, first J. W. McDougall, 11 and 7:30. , Patton Michigan avenue aijd Carpen ter, D. A. Watters, 11 and 8; a a, 10; E'Woodstock J. P. Voce 11 and 7:30; a a. io; e. u, i'tv ,..;o;v:;-;. ,q-- '; ;' jongTeatIDnal. ".. First ' Madison and Park, Rev. tAither R. DyottD. p.; Rev, Guy U Dick. assisUnt;. 11 mnijAb; 9. 8.,- 8:46. K.rmnnM hv Rv. D. T. Thomas and Rev, C E. Oakley. . lAureiwooa xvev.. vy, wi 8. 8. 10, C. E. :80. - - J 4 . Sunnyslde East -Taylor and East Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub; 11; 8. a ii. nv.nin I'ThA Christian , Paradox of Gain Through Loss." . - St Johns ev. u, w. eison? auiu 3, a a 10. ' M University Park Haven and Dawson. Rev. G. W. Riggs. It and S; B. 8 10; 'Hassa'lo v Street East ' Seventh " 'and Haasalo. Rev. Paul Radar; 11 and 7:30, & a, 10; C. K. 8:10. . - Highland East Sixth and Presoott Rev. E. a Bollinger, 11 and 7:46. a a, 10, S. P. C E., 8:45. Morning topic, TK. Ualn Rnftn W nt TVAl HArvfrA!" evening topic "The Awakening of Tor key," a stereoptlcon sermon ly Miss t rances UBge, a lormer (msmuimry. Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:30 and 7:bu, h. d- :i, -. E4. av. Plymouth Shaver and Missouri ave nue. Rev. Daniel P. Thomas; 11 and 7:80. ' --.--..."'.-'--'. v' r " -.'-- - ' . '. . ...:;-..' ' pathoPo. - ;. ? , St 1 Msry Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev, A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6. 8 and t. High mass and sermon, 1L Vespera Instruction and benediction, 7:45, - .- - 6t Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and Couch Rt Rev. James Raaw, V. G. Low maea. 8. High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers, henedlctlon, . 8:30. St Francis'. East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J." H. Black. Low mass. 8. 8:80 and :I0. High mass and sermon. 10:80. Vespera Instruction and. benediction, 7:30. - . - ' - y ' St Lawrence's, Third and Sherman Rev. J. C. Hughea Low mass. 8. 7 and 6:88. ' High mass snd sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. , Ascension, Montavllla Rev. J. - P. Fitxpatrlck. Mass and sermon In chapel of Sisters of ths Precious Blood. 8t Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler Rev. E. P, Murphy. Low mesa 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:S0. -")$Ar .' :';''' - St Mlchael-s (Italian), Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low maaa 8. High mass and sermon, 10:80. - Vespers and benediction, 7:80. , Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low maaa 6. 8 and . - High mass and ser mon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:80. - Holy Rosary, East Third and Union Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low xnasa 3, 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sacred Heart, Mllwaukie Rev. Gre gory Roblc O. 8. B. Low masa 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. .' Holv Crosa University Park Rev. J. High mass and sermon, 10:30.; Vespers and benediction. 4. . M Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van couverRev. Ed K. Cantweil. C 8a Ri Low msec High mass and sermon, 10:80. Benediction. 4. . ' St Andrew's, Ninth -, knd ATberta Rev. Thomss Klernan. Low masa 8. High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, In struction and benediction, 7:30. 8t Stephen's, -Forty-second and East Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt uoy .tnasa 8:80. High mass and sermon. 10:80. St Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell Valley road. Rev. F. Dillon. A J. - Low mass ( and I SO; masa sermon and benediction 10:80.,. - ' '. . ' St Stainfclaua Maryland and Failing. Rev. C Seroskl. Low mass . 8. high masa and sermen 10. -. 2 :' : - . - V-, " v- ; ' ." Vpisoopax, Trinity Nineteenth and Eyerett.nr. A- A. Morrison, 8, 11 and . a 8, 1:45. St Matthews First and Caruthers. Communion and sermon at 11: no a B. in summer. Rev. W. A, M. Breck. No services during August ' Pro-Cathedral of Bt Stephen the Mar tyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. ;M. Ramsay, 7:80., 11 and iM p. S S- -St An drew'sl-Por tsmou th. 11 an d 8: 8. a. 10 a. m. Archdeacon Chambers will officiate ' : 4 ; shall. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson. 8. 11 and 8; a 8.. s:4. "jeieoranon vi umj communion at 8 and lL Matlna and litany at 10:18. , .. . r fit John'a Church Multnomah and Taylor, 11 and 7:80; a 8.. 10. . . L Church of Our Saviour Woodstock. 11 and 8. Archdeacon Chambers will St'Davld's-iEast Twelfth ' and Bel mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot; 7:80, holy communion, 11. No evening ser- Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van couver, Rev. John Dawson, 8, 11 and 7:30; a S.. 8:46. - Ascenslcn Chapel Portland Helghta B. 8.. 8:30. - ": ( ' . Grace Memorial East Seventeenth and Weldler. . Rev. George B. Van Wat era 11 and 8. Service held In the new parish house. : ' . '. All Saints Twenty-fifth and Savler. Su festive Questions on the Sunday 1 ScKool Lesson by. Rev. 'Dr. T. S, Linscott 'i.Mfnlstera Sunday school teachers and jjthers Interested are Invited te write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "Questioaa particularly if they conelaer them of value In their work-1 The International Newspaper Bible Study club is for 'the purpose of pro moting In an unfettered way among the massea a wider, studv of the Bible, the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which en tr into ever mon's life. It s compoerrt of all those who Join a local clubhand take up the simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. AH who have not Joined are warmly Invited to do so and to compete for the prlsea- - Persons may Join the club at any time during ths year, but must. of course, answer the 61 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for- tna prises, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing this office. ; This paper has secured ths right to publish the International Sunday School Lesson questions by Rv. Dr.- Linscott which - have aroused so much Interest elsewhere and they will appear weekly in both the Saturday ' and Sunday issues of The Journal. One of these questions each -week Is to be amwerr In writing and upon these answers the prizes are to be awarded, L ,- ' . : ; ; Oomoitlowa of the contest. ..; '.': ' ' 1. Eaoh contestant,' or his or her family, jnnst be a subsoribet to this paper, In order ;to qualify "for membership In the International Newspaper Bible Study club and this local club. , , 1. Each contestant in this local club must answer esch of the written' ques tions for 2 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14. and the answers must alj.be in the possession of this paper? vlthln two weeks of the close Of this period. ' - k 8. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on one aids only. No answer must exceed 500 words In length and mav be less Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer. -' : -; 1 ...'' ; . ' - .... 4. The answers must be delivered to this office and they will be collated at the close of the contest and forwarded 'o headquarters, for independent ex amination by competent examlnera The prizes- will then be swarded ac cording to the highest number of marka won. by member of The International Newspaper Bible Study club. ..i.'-.m...' ' . .'...' - i. .; r "-'.: '';-.aa Trlzaa ' . ',? ' - r? V"v-!'y; v ' First Series A gold medal to each of the first .five contestants. - ' Second Series A sliver medal to each of the next five conteatanta ; '- Third- Series A Teaoher's Bible price 36.60. to each- of the next five eon testanta Fourth Series The book "The Heart of Christianity," price 11.50, to each of the next 86 contestants, - '" " .' - .. -., " .. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and for what it is awarded and lit like manner each Bible, and book will be in scribed. - . ,; '-,.-' ' . ".;.- '- All who can write and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies re gardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an educational or literary standpoint but from the point of view of - the cogeney of their reasoned ideas. .,-. ,-, -. . . N. A. Baker, assistant 11. - Toplo, "The Forward Call." , . ; Copyright 1900, by Rev. T. S. Linscott ..... D. D. '-:V Anrust 89, 1909' Paul on Christian Love -I Cor. ,11:1- 13.' .:.::. -., . Golden Text And now abtdeth faith, hope, love,' these three, but the great est of these is love, ! Cor. 13-13. . . Verse 1 What. Is the utmost which can be claimed , tit the gift ; of, elo quence T : :! 'ir ' Why is an eloquent man without vo like a brass band , with cymbal accom paniments 7 .' ''"'''-"" Will eloquence without love make a man acceptable to OodT ; Verse 8 Is there any necessary moral praise due to a man who has the-gift of prophecy and has , intuitive knowl edge of mystery?....: ' . Is there any more necessary praise to be accorded to a big - man than to a little man? '-:-i :." !; : ' ''-''-' If God give a man the faith so he can remove a mountain' and he at the same time is wlthont love, what good Is the faith to hlmT r. .,' ? Verse 8 Do some people give liber ally and suffer personal inconvenience, who have no real love in their hearts, and If so, what la It which prompts to these aeUT " -- " - If a n-an gives when- it can be seen, and doe not give when it cannot be seen, ' Is there any- love in ' his heart or any real merit in his charity Should, the church refuse to accept of money for the gospel or for charity, from those who clearly give to be seen of men? , -,--,.' -: --v- " . -'v-. Do those who give without love, but to be seen ' of men, reap any benefit from it, or does it hurt themT - - - Can you conceive of a man giving his body to be -burned for his religion with an impure motive, or without love In hla- heart? '-?--. . 1 -r - h'-'" What is the only thing which recom mends us to God in and of Itself? Verses 4-7 What proof can you give that love is long suffering and kind? If we really love a person will we ever speak of him to his Injury, no matter what the provocation may be? What la it in love, which tends to patience, politeness, kindness, ,- gentle ness end hurallltv? , - . May a person be c6n trolled by love and be envious at the same time and If not, why not? - Does love always make a man think of "the ; other fellow" before himself? What does lov.e take all, its -pleasure from? -.;. .. . . . - Verses s 8-13 Can a despondency - or doubt . or deDresslan. ' or hopelessness. or any other bad feeling, occupy the Heart tnai is riiiea witn iovbt ' What will be the relative values or oses in heaven, of ' faith, hope, elo quence,, knowledge, love?. ; What is really the sum total of an thlnga, or that which stuns up la it sslf all the blessedness, nobility, and bapptaass, that the mind oan eonoeive, or tba heart crave, and why la It so? (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) Lesson for Sunday, September 6. 1809. Paul's - Third Missionary ;. Journey rMlnlsters.- sundiT- school teachers and others Interested ara invited ta write The Journal briefly their views as to the. worth of these "questlona" particularly if they consider them of value In their work.) . Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Prayer and sermon at It. No evening service I 8t Paul Woodmera Rev. 4. C For sythe: 11 a m.; 8. S..v9:4. - . Bishop Morris Memorial .Chapel, Good Samaritan hospital, Rev. William VR. Powell, chaplain; service, 7:16 p. m. ' InXbxtiM : y'-yf Norwegian Synod East ; Tenth and Grant- Rev; a. Hagoee, 11 and 1:30; 9:80. i - '- Swedish - Immanuel Nineteenth and Irving. 11 and 8; 8. 8- 9:48. 9 - ' Betanla Danish Dnion and Morris, Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8: a Bu 10. St James English West Park and Jefferson; J." Allen Leas, 11; 8. a, 10; L. L., 7 p. m. United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth: Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; & S 9:46. :80. .,.',.-- ... Zlon's German napm an .and Sal mon; W. H. Behrena. 10:16: 7:48; a ta St Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton. Rev. A. Krausa 10:30 and 8; a S... 9:80 a. m. ' Trinity German Missouri Synod) Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbaeh. 9:15; 8. 8.. 10; 7:30. - Swedish Augustana Rodney and Stanton; Rev. C A. Tolln. 10:46 and 7:46; a a. 9:80. v - ) Swedish Mission Seventeenth and Glisan; Rev. R J. Thoren. 11 and ; 8. a,' It; Y. P., :8t. - - Elim Chapel Michigan avenue, and Skidmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11; a 8, JO. . -- -V ' A - Immanuel German Corner 16th and Leo (Sellwood), H. C. Ebellng, 10:30; 8 S 930. ' Bt John's Peninsula avenue and Kllpatrlck. Rev. C. Buechler. 10. . Grace English Rodney and Ivy, At bins. H. a Ebellng. 7:30. - y - i'- . nirlstiam. .. -' Central East Twentieth - and Sal mon; Rev. J. F. Ghormley, V. D, 11 and 8; Bible school,. 10. Rev. F. L. Cook will assist at both services. Special song service in the evening. . First Corner Park and Columbia, W. r. Reagor, minister. 11 and 7:48: a a, :45. Topics, ."Laying New Founda tion a" "The Excluded Christ" , Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott: Thomas G. Pic ton. .11 and 8; a a. 9:46: C E.. 7 p. ted. Kern Park Rev, E. M. Patterson. 11 and 8; a 8.. 10; C E 7. Eellwood Eleventh . and Umatilla 10:80 end 7:45. v Woodlawn Rev. G. M. Mailing; 11 and 8; a 8- 10; C. K.. 7. -.- ... , . ' Vailed Brethrea ta Ohzlst. ' First East Fifteenth and Morrison, Rev. O. E. MoDonald. 11 and 8; a S. 10 " C E - 7 ' Radical' Sixth and Mechanic - Rev. Oscar A. Martin. 11 and ?:30; a"a, 10; C. E. 6J0. - !:':--( : ' Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. C P. Blanchard. Bible school, 3. Second East Twentv-elrhtn and Mildred. Rev. B. E. Eroerick, 11 and I; Fourth Trem'ont Rev.' H. E. Bchof fer. Bible school. 8 p. m. r Alberta East Twenty-seventh '" and Mildred, Bev. H. E. Emerlch, 11 and 8; a io. - . - r; "Bvangelleal AssocUtJona First English East Sixth and Mar get F. B. Culver, 11 and 7:30; Y. P. A, 5:30; 8. B.'.MO.. - . . First German Tenth and Clay, F. Bena 10:45 and 7:46: 8. 8.. 9:30; Y. p. U. m. Topics, "Deliverance From ." "False and Live Nobility." ILf airmnTf A 1 tTcs Sl4 TT1 ektaantk A iniv fbetta' Morris Heverling. 11 and 8; iw. - .... . Ohxlstiaa Bcienee. , " "..: First Church of Christ Scottish Rits cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale. 11; 8; S. 8, 12. Lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." Second Woodmen's Halt East Sixth reid Alder, 11; 8. 8., 12. .Lesson ser mon, "Christ Jesus." t ' - ' . Tnlted EvangelloaL OcklevGreen Gav snd Willametta Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 8: S. S.i 10: C. E... 7. At 8 o'clock a special meeting In the interest of Rev. J. R. Dun lan and wife. Rev.' T. Monford and wife, who have been appointed foreign . mission aries.'- .":';. ' , First East Sixteenth and Pools r. Rev. H. A. Deck, Hi Morning sermon by Rev. I. Dun la p. Evening, arewell serv ice to Rev. and Mrs. I. Dun la p. Rev. and Mrs. T. Monford,- mUsionaries to China.-. - .-. . ' - Second Farro and Kerb. Rev. C C Poling, 11 and 7:80. , - . . x. : St John's Ivanhoe and John, Rev. C. P. Yatea 8. a; 10. . - .' ' ' Reformed. ., , First -.German Tsnth . and Stark streets, G. Hafner paator. Services 10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.; a S 9:30 a. m.; Y. P. 8, 7 p, m. ! f '.-TJnivertsallsrt, .-" Church of the Good Tldlnrs - Union halL comer Grand avenue and East Pine. Rev. J. D. Corby, 10:46; 8. 8... It. No preaching service August 23. , ' Prlends' 7hnroh. ' - ' Sunnyslde, Main .and - East Thirty fifth. Llndley - A. Wells. 11. and 3; Bible school, 10; C. E, 7. Lentc Cnter street-Myra B. Smith. 11 and "8, Bible school. 10. . ' ' v , a6l8eeUaaeona, : First SDlrltual Bocletv. Christensen hall. Eleventh and . YamhlU atreota 11. 1:30 and 7:46. Swedish ' Corns Salvation Arm v 410 Burnside. 11, 4:80 and 8- Mediums ana Ministers associsuob Auditorium building. 11, 3 and 7:45. ' Swedish Free Mission Mississippi and Shaver. Rev. Au sr. Olson. 10:46 and 8. Evening sermon by Rev. A. Y. Shas- anaer. - .-- - v ... . Millennial Dawn Odd Fellows' halL corner East Sixth and Alder, Bible las son, 1:30; services, 8:16. Latter Day Saints (Mormons) East ten in ana snerman. j. c westergara, nrestdlna elder. 11 and t: 8. 8.. 10. Olive Branch Mission Corner Second and Ankeny atreets; meetings every night at 8 o'clock, slso Sunday at I p. m. A. Walla superintendent Advent Christian Second between Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Sbepard; io:80 ana t.so. ; Believers in the Atonement Odd Fel lows halL East Sixth and East Alder , l.ttA .1R .,K . wawbB, .w, t.lll, O.iW. Volunteers of America 288 Burnside street 8:30 and 8:30. - , ... ' Divine Truth Center 201 J'Allfrtfy building,' Rev.. Thaddeus M. Minard, 11; 8. 8., 12. Topic, "What Went Ye Out for to Seer ' ' ' - - - ' - ' 1 New Thought East' Thirteenth - and Tenlno, 8. Rev, P. J. Green. -, Church of Nasarene East V 8eventh and Couch, 11. - - ' ' ' 1 -, Second Church Near Claremont ave nue, - W. --N.'- Coffee, pastor, 11 and - 8; a a. 10; class meeting, 7 p. m. First Free Methodist 383 East Ninth, Rev. D- M. Cathey: 11 and 8; a a 10; Y. I. M.. 7. Pretty Wedding at Forest Grove. (Special Dispatch to the Journal. I t 'v- . Forest, Orove, Or.,' Aug. 28. A pretty wedding oeicurred In this city Wednes day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. F, McGlU. when their daughter. Peart became the bride of J. G. Rich ardson of Payette ' Idaho, Rev. Arthur J. Folsom officiating. The parl.irs wra prettily decorated with evrrsrci-tn at' I sweet peas. The brtiie was i-i-anntiu gowned in a mulberry travpiinar .-t, and was attended by Miss Carna Av,- tln. Angelo Richardson of Pnrtiai'.i, brother of tho groom, was bat nn. After a honeymoon trio Mr. and Mra. Richardson will reside at Payette. ARRANGES FOR RELAY ' LV BIft AUTQ RACE ' (Special Dlaoauh to Tit looraaLI Pendleton, Or., Aug. 28. H. J. King ston, representative of the Philadelphia Press was In this city yesterday ar ranging for a relay of his big Tare from Philadelphia to Seattle, which starts September 10.- J. W. McCorm mach, the local automobile dealer has agreed : to carry him . and his message from- La Grande across the Blue moun tains via Pendleton to Walla Walla. Mr. McCormmach will use a new 1S10 D. Franklin car to make the, race. ,fi'V'' ..-.'j 1 ip m -n " '"'',r' . "" ;".''.'.,'.' VVfll Entertain Realty Men. 1 ' (Special, DUSK tch to Tti JonroaL) Forest Grove, Or., "Aug. 28. Judge W. H. Hollls. president of the board pf trade of this city,' has called a meeting of ' the association for next Tuesday evening, when a committee will be ap pointed to -make arrangements for the entertainment of the realty board of Portland, which , will come to- Forest Grove during the first part' of Septem ber. The Portland association includes the .leading real estate men of the me tropolis. A number of them have never been to this city, and It is the aim of the citizens of Forest Grove to show them there la something doing -on ths west side, . '.- - CALEFOK5IA . HOTELS V HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO - . "-"i-je. TZ3 't aH. ai .1 , W'i a kail , btMrtl 81 net I adUVc UNIUN sgUABE JUST OPPOSITE HOTEL ST. FRANCIS EUROPEAN PLAN SI .60 A OAT UP AMERICAN PLAN $3.00 A DAY UP f A now down town hotot Stisl and brick ttruoturt. ' Furnished at a cost of $150,000. Ewj comfort lad conienl moi. , On oar llnoa trinsforrlns to all porta of oltj. Omnibus meets all tralsa and atoamert .,... HOTEL 0TEV.ART OREGON ; HOTELS ' If. B. Chorob South. ... -171 Second. - Rev. K. H. Mowra 11 and 8; S, S., 10; E. 1. T. Vatted Tresbyterlam. - The Church - of the Strangers Grand ava and Wasco, Rev. S. Earl Du Bola 10:80 and 8. 8. S. 18. ; Interpretation for the deaf every Sunday morning. . First Blxth and Montgomery, Rev. Frank D. Findley, 10:80 and 7:44; S. B., 18; C. E., :46. Toplca "The Grace Treatment Applied to Thorns in the Flesh," "Lost I Salvation's Day." Third East Thirty-seventh and Clay: Rev. J. L. Acheson, 11 and 7:80; 8. 8, -: tmitariaa, ' Church of Our Father Tamhlll and Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeritus; Rev. . " The Seoret of X.ong Zaire. A French scientist has discovered one secret of long life.. His method deals with the blood. ' But long ago millions of Americana had proved Electrio Bit ters prolongs life and .makes it worth living. It purifies, enriches and vital Ices the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve oells, Imparts life and tone to the en tire system. It's a godsend . to weak, sick and debilitated people.. "Sidney trouble- had blighted my life for months,'., writes W. - M. Sherman, of Cushtng, . Ma, "but Electrio Bitters cured me entirely." Only 60e at Wood ard. Clarke Co. .. " You cannot make a good cup of cocoa but of .poor cocoa; a poor cpok couldn't spoil Cocoa F a, c t ; No. . 9 " The forjowing- Ig'the firrt known cocoa advertise ment! appeared ton the 16th of June, 1657, in the , London Public Advertiieri "In Bishopi-Gate Street in gueen'8 Head Alley, at a Frenchman's house, is an excellent West India drink called chocolate, to be sold) - also unmade at reasonable" ratea! . ' .' '. iM.iparaQUil in the maldng. Fragrant, ) delicious, nourishing. Less ; than one cent a cup. s , I Don 7 ask merely for cocoa , ask for GhirardellPs. 1,. - houel Oregon! CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS J Portland's New arid Modern Hotel. Rates $ 1 per J Te e.-m4 T T- T?1irAnss4t IJT S . a AJaj tutu uieuut vwau evsu t - 1 WIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO.; Props; Centrally Located 1 -V ' Modern Improvements Mperial Hbtel - EUROPEAN PLAN - V Seventh and .Washington , ,v Phil Mettchan & Sons, Props. " w ' if,' '')' : : iVont" Sistaaoe Vhona ' la Bvery Boom. , Rates, $1.0q $1.50, $2.00 ' f r ;'J. - .iaiaUjlii' ) ".'. - ""- - few - lttt-i' mil HOTEL PERKINS , j , ru-xH. jjto washhtotow bts. ; In the heart of the business and shopping district. Tho most modern and up-to-date hotel in the North west Jaoral and long-distance phones In every room. Rooms with private bath, en sul'e and single. Sample rooms. Elegant -care. . .',,..-.. . . XnJto dally during lunch, dinner and after the thea tre, by the f anions Markee jOrohestra. - "Bis meets aU trains. - X and ap. . .v.-." hotsk rxsKors co. r. J. alchardsoo, Vrea. X Q. BWJBTlajn, ee'y THEaiGp RNE.LIU S - . The House of Welcome" i CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS f Single IJS0 and up. Double $2 and up. Our omnibus : Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel C W. CORNELIUS Proprietor H. E. FLETCHER Manager TtlH PORTLAND PORTLAND, 08. Baropaaa Plas ' " .' Modern - -: Bestaoraai. coax oirx miiaio J POT.TaSita Xeadqaartera fot Tourists aad Com mercial Travelera 6peclal rates mad to . families sad single gentlemen. Ths management will be pleased at all times to show rooms - and slv prima A modern Turkish bath es tablishment In tds bolel B. a Bowers, Mr. aff NORTOMA BOTE! iSI ) BXXTXSTX OTT WASMZSQTOa ST. Portland's . Only Roof Garden Amerlaaa - Bates to ram!!! and Boropeaa - Oni Bus Meets All Train ample Suits. With B-.ths. tot Traveling Mas E fi "An EOTELcf Cl'IEt tLEGANCt' ""aa iYn si Anaaa4 St Vt4 eTTI fTI 1K V IH O T I SHWA I S COS. TOnti AND ALD ED STS.. S-J II On Square West of Arlington Claa. w. V. S Jn ooenea and surpassed ae hotel in toe K'rt i. vceev 1 sot leave Port,, nd bt'lore lfn,. ing over t.u c.. -arming J ...st. ,-. JLurov' -" Etii.eiit c-i t,i connectian. t ) f. ample t..! . Haiti awerl . tu': .i I W A It 9, Oliavlt X C, MrOBTLAIB. OBMOI. V.' 1C C I. A tt 1