EIGHT KILLED WALL STREET BEVERLY TOO IK tetate Militia Will, Be Or dered Out This Afternoon to Quell Strikers at " Mc- ; Kees Ebcks and Schoen Tille,, Pa.; More, Troubled (Special Dlapafc to The Journal.) Pittsburg. Aug. 23. Twenty even men were arrested tbis morn ing ana are now unaer guara in iwx car Jails "as the result of the dis covery of a plot to blow up the plant of the Pressed ' Steel Car company at Sehoenvllle . and McKees Rocks. This latest phase of the strike sit uation has 'led to the Issuing of a general order to troopers to ahoot to kill" at the slightest sign oP vio- lence. : ; , '. -v-, y Pittsburg. Aug. tS. The streets" of HcKh'i Bocks - and Sehoenvllle, the oena of last night's violent rioting, when eight men were killed and SO In jured, are practically deserted this afternoon except tor the state-constabu-, lary and deputy, sheriffs.; No ope la being allowed to enter the town unless they can satisfactorily explain their mission. ... , - ' ' . No on Is allowed to loiter on the streets, said even the reporters are kept moving. Sheriff Gumbert fearing more rioting- this afternoon, will ask Governor Stuart to rush state militia troops her President Hoffstot this afternoon de clared the number of Injured would not xoeed SO. The continuation of the fight between his company and Its employes. Ms said. Is largely due to theinterferj emce ol outsiders aiaea iiy.i(iui7 ' Pittsburg, Aug. it Following last .night s nouns, wnen eign ow eores badly hurt. Sehoenvllle and.'Mc- i .rises kocki wnere ma bis v t constabulary la patrolling, the streets, . J i 1 11 .MritMra tt l L.m The strikers are sullen and threatening mryA 1. la v.rv tsmhahl A thlLt Governor Stuart today will call' out additional troops of the state mllltla to assist the constaouiany, wno r uu I six, It is believed the exact number of fatalities will be Increased when a house Ito house canvass is made.. Scores of I Injured strikers who were shot - down lty tne troopers wnen ine noiing buai i- I . 4 J .1 K w fvlana mr A It is believed that a number of these were fatally injured. Today the Pitts- w kila1s . smwilatl vlrfi man I UU Iff IIUByiLSVIBJ CSX a vivnvvw vrevsa irho hav called to have their Injuries The dead, bfffciallr reported to the COrvnrr inia rnurnniarioiiw. - DEPUTY SHERIFF HARRT ' EX UER. f ; "V ' '!V--f HARRT MIIXHAZEK, a strikef. TROOPKR JOHN 1 WILLIAMS. V TROOPER JOHN C. SMITH. f THREE UNIDENTIFIED v WHITE HEM. ' ' - ' - - ' t During last night's rioting mounted SEER DUE AT J. I TODAY Wireless From Kaiser Wil V helm Says Special Diet Is ; Necessary Because of Har- riman's Delicate Physical Condition. f . - V mi m (Continued on Page Five.) i AS ZONA AIRSHIP TOO Local Man Builds Machine and Travels EighVMiles Without Mishap. . Douglas," Aris., rAug. St. J. W. Wil liam of this city holds the 'territorial record for aerial flight. In a "glider" of his own construction he covered eight miles between Niggerheud moun tain and Sportsmen'!, park in this city without mishap yesterday, completing his trip amid the cheers of a-large com pany of witnesses. - Williams has been working quietly on his machine for several months, HAWAII I'JILL HOT ViSlTOREGOIf MBSBaBBJBJBSBSBBSBSBSBMSSBaBBaaBa . , Meeting: of Wizard and Pres. ident , Taf t at Pelican Caniiot Be. Lodge (Special Dispatch' to The Journal) . Klamath Falls. -Or, , Aug. H."No, lr; Mr. Harrlman Is not coming to Peli can bay." said Colonel W. H. Holabird upon his return from the east. He . denies that there Is anything to the re- tort that plans had been mads for Mr. larriman and President Taf t to meet ' at the Oregon home of the railroad king. He says that all rumors that Mr. Harrl man is returning from Europe to come to Oregon for : Bis health are : ground less. - .......;..:-. , t - Colonel Holabird hs gone to Odessa and Pelican bay, where he will remain . for several ' weeks superintending the many imormremtnti that are being made, .-. - . v . ... '. . - , fTJn!t4 Press teased WlrO New York, Aug. 28. A wireless mes sage today from the Kaiser Wllhelm stated xhat the vessel would dock this afternoon instead of tomorrow morn ing. The message stated .that the con dition of E a Harrlman on board is not reassuring, -and that he had been confined to his cabin. He had not eaten the regular foods, but had been nour ished with specially prepared viands suitable for his physical condition. As soon as the Kaiser passes Quar antine, a ferryboat will meet the vessel and take Harrlman off. ' He will . be rushed to Jersey City and taken In .his private oar to his home at Arden. Tomorrow the directors of the Union and Southern Paolflo railroads will hold a meeting to aeciare dividends. ( o change from the dividend declared last year is expected. - - . Owln to the state of his health Har rlman will not be present at the meet ing, but his views on a number of mat ters to com before the directors will be considered. ' . " COOSBAyiWlE TO HOLD DREDGE Protestations Are Plentiful v and Hawley Has Wired ; j : ;War, Department BUSY TO BE BIDDING Agent , of Foreign , Blank Book : Firm Entertained So Lavishly He Forgot to . "Break the Combine" of Local Bidders. T 8oee!al Dlniatdi to T lonm.l 1 Marshf ield. Or., . Aug. ' S3. Coos . Bay people are making a strong effort to retain tne government areage uregon which has been at wonk on tne harbor. Major Molndoa on stopping here, stated that - the dredge - would be taken away before the rainy ' season stated and this aroused the people to. action and Con gressman' W. C Hawley who has been In this city, was appealed to for help. The people have subscribed $21,000 for running the dredge. and the port of Coos Bay has guaranteed 150,000 mors for It's maintenance. - Congressman : Hawley has wired to the war department, these facts together with a protest against tne removal oi tne areage. It is held that the dredge was built , for use on the Oregon coast at. the instigation of Coos Bay cltiiena and should remain here. - The channel - in the upper bay has been . dredged part way down but au tne snoais nave not yet been re moved and it the dredge is taken away, the work started will be left in an in complete condition. The dredrings have been used to fill streets and low places in the city and' without ifs further use portions of the elty - will be left unfinished.'' It was the understanding ox uie w nay people mat me areage .wu lo remain nere as long as money for Its maintenance was ; furnished. These arguments are being presented by the neople and the commercial bv1la in the hopes that there will be no change in uie ui BBem .rnuigements or ' tne dredge, the work of which has so far osea largely oenenaiai to the harbor. LONG DRAWN OUT , ' ; , SUIT UNSETTLED v (Sslem Boreas of Th JoTinia.) Salem. Or.. Aur. 23. Jwln William Galloway decided finally today - in the Parkersvillo drainage distrlot cass that the Parkersville district was not a prop erly organised corporation according to the laws of this state and therefore tha condemnation ' proceedings brought against the Wattler estate for a right oi way ior a aitcn were not regular. . Litigation relative to the matters in volved in this suit have been In the Courts for a great many years. ' It will be carried to the supreme court before finally determined. . The dispute orig inally arose over the condemnation nro. ceedlngs brought to acquire a right of way for a drainage canal in the eastern part of Marion county through the place belonging to the Wattler estate. IBS SICKI) S E B PISTOL ROUTE ' .BSJSMSBVaSSBBBBBsjBBBBBaBBBjBB . Despondent . Oyer'' 111 Luclv, '.. William Kennedy Takes , . . -His Own Life. Clatskanie. Or.. ' Aur. is WIlILm Kennedy,-aged SO, alone, sick and de spondent, blew out his brains in his room at the Orand Central hotel here at 4 o'clock this morning. He died be fore help could reach him. , Kennedy was to have been married In three weeks to a local young woman, and it is thought this had much to do with his despondent condition. For some time his health had been falling and recently he had been unable to work as usual.. . . i - , .. '- , - The coroner made' an Investigation of the case, but the intention to end all by Kennedy was so clear that an inquest was not deemed necessary. . The body Is being held for Instructions from Ken nedy's parents, who live at Marysvllls, Ohio, t - - That lavish entertainment by members of the local book trust, whereby the agent of a St. Leu Is firm was wooed away and prevented - from bidding, played an important part in the plan of the local trust to gain the contract for furnishing 100 blank books to the coun ty, became known today. Frank H. Beverly, local agent for Geory D. Barnard A Co., 'appeared, at the courthouse this morning and ad mitted that the hospitality of some of hia rivals was responsible for his failure to submit a bid last Wednesday. At that time six local firms submitted uni form bids of $14.40 ' per volume. The firm represented by Beverly sent a cer tified check, with a letter saying that their agent would bid. But Beverly did not hid. He waa not there, either in person or by letter. . This was thought peculiar. Inasmuch as he had been very keen after the business and had assured the county clerk that if bids were called for he could break the . back of the local combine. - Today Beverly told how It was. "He met one of the leading members of the trust, he said, and was treated like a king. ' Time passed rapidly, and the nour ior placing tne Did rutted by.' The eountv clerk has rejected all the bids, as - they were -mil like . peas in a pod and expensive peas, at that. The court- is ' believed to be figuring on a new way vo oeat tne comoine. ,Wm . , I 'I Ill .,, , I i , DRINK OF WHISKEY . CAUSE OFKILLKG ELEMENTS DEFEAT PLANS . : OF AVIATORS IN FRANCE "' .in nii'i i r-u'Jium""" ' ' ' """ '"""'"i ....-oww f r 1 . . f ; i .9 .,' fZZZZZzx ,k y ' Hubert Latham,' at the wheel of his y Antoinette Monoplane, In which he remained in the Air 9 minutes and 4 7 4-5 seconds at IUielms Saturday. , ' .. I. :-" Hanford, Cal., Aug. 13. Lee Phillip, an Indian, is in Jail here, following an altercation last night ' over' a. drink of whiskey, during which It is alleged he snot ana instantly suuea Jim Aionsa, another Indian. - After Alonza had been killed the man attempted to escape to the mountains. A posse pursued the Indian for threo hours and surrounded him on, a ranch, a short distance from this city. The man. showed fight but when tha officers drew their guns .and covered him he surrendered and made no trouble. He was immediately brought to Hanford and placed in JaiL Both men were employed as sheep shearers on a ranch near Hanford, where tha shooting occurred.. ' - DUKE DE ABRUZZI UIIIIIG NOME Now in Himalayas Hopes to See Miss Elkins Before She Leaves Europe. .' (United Press Leased Wire.) Rome, Aug. !. The Unions today published the statement that Duke de Abrusst will soon return to Europe from his mountain . climbing expedition ; Into the Himalaya mountains. He hopes to sea Hiss Katharine Elkins before shs leaves Europe. Abruszl 1s now attempt Ing to ascend Mount Everest, the hlsrh est peak in the chain, and he will re turn as soon as he finishes his self im posed task of reaching the summit. WESTON ENTERTAINS . DISTRICT. CONFERENCE (Special Dispatch to Tb lonrnaL Weston, ' Or., Aug.x 13. The fourth district conference of the Methodist church. South, convened yesterday and will - continue its ' session for two or three days. 'President Martin, of Co lumbia Junior college., of Milton, is pre siding. Quite a number of ministers and lay members are in attendance. COHlir LAUD AS RIGHT-OF-WAY Deschutes Railroad Company Asks Crook County Court to Fix Damages. Madras. Or.. Auev II W. tt niu and wife, who have a place two miles south west of Madras, Were today served with summons in a condemnation milt bv Deputy Sheriff J. C Robinson, for right of way of the Deschutes Railroad com pany over .their land. , y , There was a wide difference between the price offered by the right of way agent and that asked by the owner of the land. -The case will come up for consideration at the October term of the circuit court In Crook county - . ( Railroad engineers have commenced to set grade . stake for the , Harrlman road, and it is presumed construction work will begin in a few days on both sides of Willow Creek canyon, north and south of tola plaos. ' (United. Press leased Wire.) fcParls, Aug. 2S. With three passen gers on board in addition to the pilot, M. Capaxsa, the new dirigible balloon Clement-Bayard Was wrecked- in a net work of telegraph wires today, and tha jossengers were precipitated into the Seine. The big . aerial craft sank in midstream where it struck after crashing through - the wires and a clump of willows. No lives were losL Early In the day the ascent was made and - the dirigible was headed toward London where the aeronauts ex- gected to descend before nightfall. They ad flown but a short distance when the winds drove the big gas bag into the telegraph, wires. The silken cover ing was - ripped and most of the gas escaped. Beyond control, the airship crashed "downward into a clump, r of willows, which' caught In the cloth and tnt Wa -t)&a'. -ThewhalrlgW-tnig-- Into"-. he Heine ana tnrsw us terrmea iHnn gers Into ths river.- AU suoceeded in swimming ashore, while the airship sank to the bottom. A swarm of boats are now hovering over the spot where the airship sank, attempting , to salvage the air vessel. ; ' , . ' (United Frees leased Wire.) ' ' Rhelms, Aug. 2S.--Ow1ng to ths high winds -and intermittent showers .pre vailing here.- Saturday, . the - aviators were unable to make-a ' showing until Just before dark . when ; the wind fell to a dead calm. - . Immediately tha sky pilots made their machines ready. Latham made the first start, followed by Lambert, Som mer, Cockburn, De la Grange and Four nler. - ' Six ' aeroplanes wers in . the air at ones and It was a wonderful and Im pressive, spectacle. Then Le Febure, with a Wright bi plane, Bunau-Varilla, Tlssandler, Far ller, Bleriot and Paulham joined the flight . of the mighty birds. Latham came down first after finishing the second round and the others gradually dropped out until only three Wright machines remained afloat These areo planes alone completed the required three rounds. . - Owing to heavy ground yesterday as the result ef continued rain, the first competitors declined to . start In the elimination race for the coupe interna tional d'avlation. , Official Classifications O-rvsn. The of flclal classification in ths SO- kilometers Speed test Is: Tlssandler (Wright bl-plane),. 28 mlnoteS a9 1-6 seconds.' ' ,' v.. -. Comte De Lambert (Wright bl-tlaneV jo-minutes' 2 seconds: - '. ' Le Febvre (Wright bl-plane), 29 minutes 2 1-6 seconds. The classification In" tha 16-kllo- meters speed test run at the same time as the 80-klloraeters test. Is: . Le Febvre (Wright bl-plane), 8 mln utes 88 1-8 seconds. Tlssandler (Wright bl-plane). 9 min utes z l-a seconas. Lambert (Wright bl-plane), t min utes S3 2-8 seconds. , Latham (Antoinette monoplane), 1 minutes 47 4-5 seconds. ' Paulhau ( Voialn bl-plane), , 10 min utes 60 seconds. Sommer (Farman .bl-plane), 11 min utes zt z- seconas. Cockburn (Farman bl-plane), 11 mln Utes 44 seconds. . . - Bunau-Vartlla (Volsln bl-planeV IS minutes u l-o seconas. COAST Spanish Steamer Ushant Goes. Down in Terrific ; Storm French Steamer Menarangra Also Report ed Lost With All Aboard. CHANCES TAKEN III MARRIAGE '- sawssaasssssSssss-ssssMsa-Swasss ' 'She Was Born, . Chewed Gum and Died," Not Good Epitaph, , Says Phelps fUnlted Press Leased WlrO Los Angeles, Aug. 23. "Heaven Is not above, nor hell below; both lie beyond the marriage altar, Is the significant warning-' to. young; men offered by the Rev. Arthur Phelps, D. D of Los An geles. . . Dr. Phelps last evening occupied Dr. "Bob" Burdette's pujplt at the Teinpla Baptist church. ; He announced as his theme the, trite phrase, "Getting Mar ried." He said: V ' "The Bible says:; He that flndeth a wlfefindeth a good thing," you notice It says Ylndeth, not- 'chooseth.' There's a, great element in chance in marriage, like prospecting for gold, or investi gating a nornet s nest. T vtnt A Kfl V AM 1 man: Don't marry a girl gum, and died." I want to say one thing to a young ' a girl whose epitaph 'She waa born, chewed In the Want Ad Section of The Journal Today 69. 19 46 73 50 45 14 38 Advertise for v . help ' ; Advertise for. situations - 'Advertise furnished rooms for rent " Advertise real estate for sale -.--. . -: " - if-.-' AdvertUehlnislness - s -chances :., Advertise houses for rent .- Advertise flats for rent 'Advertise housekeeping rooms for rent. The Journal "Want Ad" De- partment maintains a free bu reau to assist the public In the recovery of lost articles. NEGROES- ALLEGE HELD IMAGE Former Georgia Senator Ac- cused 50 Negroes Make the Complaint. ' . (United 'press Leased Wire. I ' Atlanta, Ga,Aug. $3. Former SUte eenator . James M. Smith, millionaire planter, and once a candidate for gov ernor of Oeorrln. la uniuI . . ing agents to kidnap negroes, who are s uu- puunauon in Oglethorpe county and there held in peonage. KIh,v.ch.ar.e.,'aln8t Smith were igni wnen tsm Rouse, a negro who Is alleged to be In the em" ploy of mUh., was arraigned on a chkrge of kidnanlnr. Aconi-Sin- tt.Z testimony produced at the hearing the ; tX.. . . 11 r" omitn s rarm ror indefinite periods of time without pay Many , ?erroes whs allege that they were kidnaped were present at the hearing and testified that when they made any effort to leave they were Put In chains.' - v After the trial Attorney &foore said l,?Tt!?0,' Prosecute these men to the limit as it is one of the plainest cases or peonage tnat I ever have come In contact wltn. I represent about 60 inenR. wno worxea on me rarm, and who are now living in constant dread of . being captured and taken back on some slight pretext" . REIDlAWi Will POSITION Report, That Ambassador Has Resigned Emphati 7 cally Denied.. . (United Preia Leased Wire.) , London, Aug. 23. The entire crew, numbering 26, of the Spanish steamer Ushant,-, were drowned to day when the Teasel went down off the Brittany coast In a terrific storm according to dispatches just received here. The same storm is reported to have wrecked' the Dutch wlndjam mer WotUlle, off the Cape4 Verde islands, and all the members "of the crew also are reported to have gone down with the vessel At the same time a message- was received stating that the French steamer Menarangra ,had gone down and that all of its crew and passen gers were lost. The number of pas sengers abroad the vessel Is 1 not known. The Menarangra is believed to have been lost between Madagas car and Capetown.ln the. same storm that recently wreoked the Varatah CAIIIIOillll LETTER The Deposed . "Lieutenantw Charges, Amongr. - Other Things, That Uncle Joe Conspired with Aldrich Against House Tariff Bill. IIOTED PAIIirillG FOUIID III FRISCO Lost for 50 Years, Murillo's "Lost St. Jerome" FinaP .','E,.rly:TurnsrTjp.'v - s e Esteban Bartloma Murlllo was w born at SeviUe, Spain. In 1117, e He was the greatest ecclesiastl- S cal painter, of Spain and his 4 paintings command fabulous . prices. Ths ost St Jerome," or as named bf Murlllo, "Hierony- e mous," Is one of his materpleces. a e Until found In Ban Francisco, the painting waa believed destroyed. v . (Cnlted Preas Lsaaed Wlre.1 ' Ban Francisco, Aug. '23. After being lost to the -world for 60 years, the fa mous painting, commonly known as ths "Lost St. Jerome," a Murlllo, has been discovered In San ' Francisco. : The painting is now in the hands of rela tives of the late General Otho Cressup Ord." United States army. Tha painting with another by the same master was sold in Paris In 1860. The paintings wsre sent to Mexico and then all trace was lost. .. .. v ""'-.Ji,.' While visiting relatives in Mexico, in 18S2, General Ord came across the alnungs in an oia monastery in mexico !ttv. - He Immediately recognised the superiority of the work and through the Influence of Mexican government of ficials purchased the canvases. Examination provm urara w uu Murillo's "The Virgin of the Napkin," and "Hleronymous, ' as named hy the master, or "St. Jerome, - as it is Known h.t.. anion the artists. Ord purposed to nang xne ous in ms office. "The Virgin of tne jsaptun" was stolen, when ne returnee; o meunuea States, however, he Drougnt wiin nim the "Ijost BU Jerome. , i . FATHER BELIEVES HIS SON MURDERED Cd1U4 Freaa Leased Wlre. Ran .RafaeL CaL. Aug.- IS. An In miut win h held today over the body Of Waiter uowiea, me iivru wu ftf Pctuuma caDitaiisi wno aisao- teared a week ago ana wnose poay was ound with a bullet noie tnrougn tne temole on the marshes near Novato VfltArlslT ' ":- ' - When found the young man's body waa lying face downward wiin a re volver belonging to his- father- in his hand. Nearby was a small stack ' of ashes where some papers had been burned. - - . . ' This, leads many to oeueve mat tne ?oung man ; committed suicide. His ather. however, believes that Bowles was murdered and asserts that the outh had one Bitter enemy. He has ad detectives engaged for the nast week tracing down clues and Bowia father- averred - today that ther have run -across clues which Indicate that his son waa kidnaped and taken by fores to the marshes in an. automobile. (rotted Press Leased Wire.) ... London, Aug. IS. -It was emphatically denied here today by attaches of the American office that Ambassador Held had tendered his resignation to' Presi dent Taft. . . - .:. -. It waa stated that while 'Ambassador Reld would remain away from the of fice for six. weeks he would return and con t i np e ? his work here , throu ghout the winter at least. V-;'"' - It Is known that Amhitauilnr D.l would like to retain the ambassadorship intendent of tha division of salaries and " Postoffice Needs More Room, i '. ' ' (Spedal'Diapatch to Tha JonrnaL) ' ? froeser. Wash.. Aug. It. The nniN ters of the' postofftco nave, been Inade quate for a long time,, and Postmaster Henry has 'finally succeeded in Inter esting the ' government in securing a larger room. H. B. Hall, assistant super- m but his reported differences with Presf- allowance has been here and secured five dent Taft. it Is said, prevents his ask-1 proposals for a new location for the "J . 3 grosser postonica. , (Cnited Press Leased Wire.) Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 23. C. N. Fowler, ' who formerly was chair man of the committee of banking and finance in the lower house, and who was refused reappointment by Speaker "Joe" Cannon, today ad dressed an open letter to Cannon. Since he lost the chairmanship of the committee. Fowler has been a prominent insurgent. In the letter he said: "Do you suppose, sir, that I did not. fully appreciate the probable consequences of my act when I un dertook to play a part to secure re form la the banking laws? - "Do you suppose I was not aware of your Ignorance, .. prejudice, inordinate conceit, favoritism and putrid prefer ences? Like all characters possessing absolute power, malice is the mainspring of your every action. Fowler then recited that Cannon op posed Fowler's plans to avert the panic "Totl literally hooted at the Idea of a panic coming, end you said in an ad dress -What' in hell , does this howling Wall street amount to The country doesn't care, what happens to the damned speculators.1 Everything is all right out west and, around Danville.'" Iagnaa with Aldriok. - - - - Fowler then accused Cannon of con spiring with Senator -Aldrich against the house tariff bill. In reference to his charges. Fowler said: "I have gone into these details-to lay bare your contemptible false pretenses, to exQose youri duplicity, treachery, perfidy to the legislative body over which you preside, whose bill you are bound to defend, not destroy." Fowler followed -with the declaration that It looks like Cannon and Aldrich conspired to obtain high rates In the tariff to discredit President Taft lie said: ... i" -- ;-. - "Though - the scheme failed it exhib ited "Cannonlsm in its highest perfect ed development, I challenge you to point out, in all our political history, a more dishonorable bit of business, unless perchance you cite something from your own career of which the people are not yet aavisea. ..... - . .. . jrowier conciuaes nis excoriation or the speaker by the statement that If tha Republican party wins the next con gressional election it will only be upon the grave of "Cannonlsm." INTERESTS" PLIIII PiriCKOT'S DEFEAT Scheme to Place Congress man Scott in.Taft's Cab inet ottes to-Liffht.' (Waahtngtoa Burnt ef Tha Journal.) Washington,'- Aug. S3. It became known today that a definite "frame up" exists to get Congressman Scott of Kan sas into Taf t's cabinet -as secretary of agriculture.' : Scott' Is- an organisation man attached to 'the cannon machine. The ort-anlsatlon is ' against Pinrhnt. hence Scott.- as secretary, would mean that the head of the department would be hostile to Ptnchot. The supporters or 1 bcoii s" ennmaacv roceeded on the-theory that Wilson Is o ' retire, which Wilson's friends say Isn't true. Many believe Scott's can didacy Is a plan of "the Interests" to defeat PlnchoL ROOSEVELT KILLS FIRST ELEPHflflT Accompanied by Only One ' Gun Bearer Strenuous -' One Gets Fine Specimen. (Cnlted Prs Lraaed Wlf. . KalrobU Africa, Aug. J3.-Y'Inne! Roosevelt," who with bis party Is hunt ing near Kenia, killed Ms flrat elophsnt Saturday -while hunting In thf. Jnsi'!, accompanied by only his ntlve gjn-bearer. The elephant wan a rnssnlf Ir-enl l,tj!l. The animal was aklnned ami li hi in i now being prepared f"r hlpm-nr t, t ! SmithaonUn Institute, by Culn!(m. and Heller. Roosevelt todav bewnn a huiit . Luke MWPM. Kermtt JCmiv!f la ti i ,'-r Ing near Uuaao Nyro, wlte h ; . t to shoot as big m us hia fii. tr .,' , t along ths laks snores. ft-