The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 21, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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. 10 Pitt OOOit
Only 'Those Having , Secret
Code Able to Get
" dumber.
The postof flee telephone bu been
taken out." That U what tho central
girl says when you ask her to hitch
you on to Postmaster Young orany of
. Ms acoommodatln bunch of letter dla-
tributers these days.
And It Is, officially. "'L'Z
Some time ago it was found that so
many young women wanted to. ask the
general delivery If they had received a
letter from Reginald, or so many old
men wanted to know the. weUht of a
ton of letters, or so many people from
Seattle wanted to know how many peo
ple could read in Portland, or something
about as sensible, that Postmaster
Young asked the department to give
him a telephone girl to make It pos-
. sible for the rest of the office to attend
ta business and distribute mall.
The. postof flee department evidently
. did not care, about answering; so many
questions,, so It wrote back that the
best thins; to do tinder the circumstances
' would be to haoK up-. It suggested that
the telephone In a postof flee was for the
exclusive use of the office employes In
talking to substations, transacting offi
cial business and similar "talk. Any
thing other than that was superfluous.
Accordingly- the poor little central
. rlrl is .compelled to tell a falsehood, by
order of the postal department. Maybe
rot, however for officially there Is no
telephone, from the outside; but there
Is one from the inside. '. ,
That la the trouble. If you want to
talk over rttis -postof ftca teieprione-fbg
only wav to do It would be to go to the
postofflca Even then It might be pos
sible, even probable, that you would not
'AO SO.: .. " " ' -
.North, Beach
(Continued from Preceding Pace.)
Miss Hellene Kavanaugh, Kails pell.
Mont! Mra. N. K. Webb. Chlcaao. I1L:
'.' Frank E. Gates, Santa. Barbara, Cal. ;
Mrs. At. E. Bpauiauigr, Miss Marion
Howell. Miss Alice Bartlett, Ocean
TnW MTaali Matsi A Mawmafl IPvaa.
.'. A (U V VT MD. i iUl El. flUUO AW W UlCMIt y " "V
no, Cal.i Mn. Ralph W. panlela, Eu
' dera Daniels, Denver, Cot! W. E. Rook
er, Kansas City, Ma; II. K. Dent, Mrs.
tu v. JUart, Vancouver,-wasn.; wrs.
- Q. HowelL Skomokowa, Wash, "W. E.
Smith and wife, MoCormach, Wash.;
Daphne WMet. Pe 11. Iowa.
V..---'--.;-'.- Kaokaey Oottagv. -Mrs.
' Ed weird AldenBeala, M. A.
Gregg, B. B. Board man, O. C. Buff, W.
1 H. Lawson and wife, Melvln D. Fell,
t "W. i. Dolph, XTna C. Smith, Henry Ma t-
t new, Mrs. jt. ju. f ora,.K. is. uoya jr.
nd wife, . F ; . ,Ford, E. u. Kruse,
Oeorge W. Hansen, J. D. Marfield, E. C
Murfield, H.. M. Dlckerson, R A. 8ul
11 van. Jamee Q. Banders. Mis F. F.
, Gibson. -C. .A. ' Burbank- Jr., .Julian
v. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Hursey, Florence
E. . Burbank. Raymond O'Conner, C D.
I Moorhead. Edward B. Goudey and fam-
; ny, Arthur Langgutn and wire, A. c
MCMlcken, Miss Bertie .Jones,, w.- u
Jackson, all of Portland: F. A. Basel-
v-.tlns, , E. So.Haseltlne, - South - Bend,
- , Wash.: L. W. PetUse. Chleago, lit; John
... G. V.. Hleber and wife. Spokane. L. O.
.Btioiuiey, uorvaiiis, m. tt, jjioya ana
wue Trenton, n, j.-. ., -
. - Sunset KoteL
iTrank Strahan. Eben McFarlahd. Eve
. lyp Snow, Mrs. Ti J- Snow,: Lula Enow,
M,' Wasaay, Lillian" Gardner,"'. J.; J. Ken.
Vf. iiedy, ; George, .B. Van: "Waters," C: BS.
t WebsterL. . B MurU.j 'Mrs. E. B.. Mo-
f Farland, Alex Gevurts, . l,uelle Geyurt,
Mrs. V. w. ward, ttaymond ward. Mrs.
J. Shannon, William Connelly, E. P.
Ward, Mrs. W. F. McKlbbin, Mabel Me
' Klbbin William Wattera,- Mra Walter
H. Ward. Florence wara, w. K. waro,
Mrs. J. E. Poney, Clara Habekost, Ches
ter Courtnev. Ed Covell. all of Portland:
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKertcher. White
Salmon; Miss Nlcolal. Uos Angeiesv cal.;
Ralph McGlbbtn and "wife, Leramle,
"Wyo.j Mjss Dorothy Poney, Newark, N4
J.: Mra-George I. fhompson, Mae
Thompson. - Mildred - Tnompson, new
York. 'N. Y.
' Hotel Saltatr. ; V:
. Guy W. Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.'
' Bailey; Albert Krause, E. B. London, C.
E. Power, Miss Elise McElwei, Henry
Hint, Mrs. H. H. Straubv Mis Edith
Eckert, Henry Jennings Jr.,, Mr. and
- Mrs. G. W. Baldwin and 'daughter,
Mabel B. Orton. Floyd J. Keyes, Beatrice
- Orton, Nellie E. Leroy, Margaret Deroy,
Mrs. Charles Jennings, all of Portland;
... r -. C ... .V 1P.t.a1 U-.DM.M
Wichita, Kan.; Mrs. ueorge r. titer.
Billings, Mont, .
,v;.,. . k '- ' Kotal. WMUlMSifc ;f ' i '
M. H. Marquit, Mrs, Gk I Warner and
son, J. B. Gardiner and . wife, all v of
Portland; X E. Toutaey, Mrs. Addle
Youtsey. Barnes, Kan.; W. J. Clark,
Nora M." Clark, Greenleaf," Kan.; Mr.
and Mrs. R- W. B. Hamer, Forest Grove,
Or.: J. P. Softstall, wife and two chll-
ren, Theodosia iiuan, juaun Hummer,
.MvtlLs Idaho: M. H. Crandall. wife
and son. Silverton. Or.: Arthur K. Pear'
' teon, Boston, Maaa; F. J. Cowan and
, wife. Vlnita, Okla.; Mrs. J. IJ. Crumly
and daughter, Chehalis, Wash.; Harriett
Jonea, Paton, Iowa, j -
Xrs. ; Chamberiala's. '
- AJlce M. Amesbury. J. W. Carey, Miss
Anna Bulltvant, Mrs. W. Bulllvant, Etta
Jones, Mra W. Simons, Stella Simons,
all of Portland; WUite Huggms, ' Mrs.
J. M. Wood,- Harry M. Wood. - Hood
. River, Or.; G. Vf. Roche, and wife, Mrs.
Vf. E Morrison, Spokane, Wash.; A. J.
' ' Powell and wife. Overton, Neb. . v
. KoteM SbalboZB. . ,
jr. B. Tanner and wife, Mrs. ' P. S.
' Hanson. Howard Ward, Herbert George,
MIfs- H. Noonan. Frank Carsoa, K11th
Stahl, Joe Nudage, Guy Thatcher, Wil
liam Fries, Allx Lindberg, G. K.
Howett and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. a.
Borensen, S. H. Borenpen. Mrs. Georga
E. Morse, Mabel E. Morse, Wayne It
Stuart, all of Portland; P. F. fcnyder.
Kelso, Wfiah. , -
Korth Beach Xnn, '
H. M. Eng-leman and wife, Anna
Bolger, Elizabeth K. O'Keefe, , A. R.
Courtnpy Jr., J. C. Burns, H. S. Adams
and wife, D. Watt and wife, Mrs. P. E.
Brlgham. all of Portland; Jean Har
grove, Poplar, Wyo.; Margaret Albrln,
Pony. Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ed
wards, Seattle. Wash.; Charles M. Jones,
St Ixiuts, Mo.
John F. Parrott, H. S. Adams and
wife, Beth U Smith, Eva Clark, R, Wil
liamson and family. Mr. and Mrs. C P.
Sargent, all of Portland. - , .
Taylor's Botet ;
W E. CheUls, Frank M'-Cauley," Frank
Shlves, Mr. and Mrs. R. Browr William
8. Shlvas, Frank A. Shlvas, Clyde Goo
ley, Agnes iChristensen, Mabel Christen
sen, Mrs, M. E. Sharrord, all of Port
land; Mary E. King, Mrs. Z. N. Vaughn,
Eliabeth Vaughn, Boise, Idaho; Mra
R. Miller. Robert E. Miller Jr., Spokane,
Wash.; Marian P. Stover, Washington,
D. C; W. Hiat Harper, Kan.: ; D."M.
Roberts, Nellie S. Roberts, Alice Rob
erts, Gresham. Or.; Alen Roberts, Grants
Pass. Or.; Albert E. Egge, Pullman,
Wash.: Thomas Brown and wife, Goble,
Wash. V 1 .- . - - v
Cloudcap Inn
Hood River, Or., Au. . Thaar
rivals at Cloud Cap Inn during the week
W From PortlandMrs. J. R. Pevereaux,
Dr. Gustav Baar, Miss Baar, Dr. E. De
Witt Connell. John W. McMurray, -J. . H.
O'Neil. E. C. King. Mrs. Char es A. King,
John Stock, W. R. Mackeniie Mrs. W.
R. Mackeniie. William A. MacRae. H, p.
Mrs. B. F. araTd
Fn , Kramer, Mra. .
Beebe, Mrs. H. I Plttock. MrsTKate
T.UE.Swanse, Richmond, -Va.; Miss
Grace A. Hilt Milton, Mass.; Miss Car
rie Bruce, Cincinnati: J. Bishop Putnam,
New York; W. E. Curtis, Mra W. E.
Curtis, M1M ElsU Curtis, Washington,
D C . Leslie Butlr. C. H. Vaughn. Ralph
CaldweU. J. & D. Pelrrennet. Mrs. Pelr
ennet, R. W. Itebblns, J. Adrian Epplng.
L. E. Faust. Hood River; Miss Jessie
Nelson, Wtniamsburg. , KAn.; W. JS.
Mawhorter. Galesburg lit; . Gertrude
Beaton, Duluth, Minn.; Dr. ,Touse E.
Vandervoort, Battle Creek, Mich.; Mra
Mae Franck, London, Eng.; Miss Cora
Emery, New York: Miss M. Jenkins,
Miss Virginia Jenkins. Pittsburg.
i . -''' v t -.'
I : . r '(''' ,i .
9 A new down town hotel Steel aod
brick structure, furnlstod at a cost af
S 150.CG3. Erery comfort and eontenl
ence. On ear lines transferrins to all
parts of city. CmnlLua ir e eta ap trains
and ttaameriv'v '. , " r "
hotel steuaut
Flrati-'Whlta , rempie. Twelfth "and
Taylor, Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher, D.
D. 10, "One Aeeord". PrTr !?e,tln.''.
serrloea, 10:80 and 7:45; Blbl school til
Y. P. U.. :0. Topics, s,Iruts to Crack."
"Glaolera and Icebergs," fourth In a
aeries on a trip to Alaska.- Baptism and
organ recital precede evening service.
Arleta Rev. B. A. Smith, 11 and f,
S 8.. :5: K Y. P. V e4.
Highland Alberta and Sixth. Rev. E.
A. Leonard, pastor. It and 7:30; B, Y.
P. V.. :30; 6. S.. lfl . .
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev,
D. W. Thurston,, pastor. 11 and : 8. B.,
10; Y. P. U., 7, Topics, ."Contentment.
"Saved by Grace.' '
Calvary East Eighth and Grant, Rar,
I. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:S0; S. (L AO; B,
Y. P U.. :0.; M
Imnianuel Jones ' Hall. Glbbr and
Front, Rev. A. B. Mlnakar. 10:30 and
7:0; a S..-H; B. Y. P. U.i
- Grace Montavtlla Revi Albert - EL
Patch. - U an -7:l0r B. -8 XOi'Y. P,
U.,t:S0. - Sermons . ty - -Ra- R.
Chamfrney' and Mrs.' Brfe. B. Johnson.
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny;
Rev. W. T. Jordan, U and 8: S. S.,
:30; Y.' P. tt, 6 :S0. . Sermons by Rev.
John Ben tlen. ' Topics, "The Riddle of
Llf ." "What and Where Is Heaven?"
UnlTtPrsity Park Rev. A. B. Walta,
a S., HTT 11 and 8; B. Y. P. TJ 1. V- ;
(funnysicie (Uermin) tony-iirn ana
Hawth6rne; Rev. C Feldmeth. Ill a 8.
8:45. . . ,
St. Johns (German) Rev. C - Feld
meth. 8. S., 8:46; aervioea 11 and 7:30,
Second Seventh and East Ankeny:
Sermons by Rev. F. E.J)ark. 10:84 and
7:30; Bible achoot 12: B. yTp. U ;30.
St' Johns Rev. C. L. Owen. 11:30
and 7:30; S. 8., 10; T. P. U.. 8:30.
Chinks Mission 858H Oak , street
8. a, 7) preaching, 8, by Rev. Fung
Cbak. -
. First German Ponrth and ' Mill;
Rev. 3. Kratt 11 and 7:30; S. a, 8:48.
Second German Moms street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Bauermann. 11
and 7:81 8. " 8., t:46.
East Forty-fifth street Comer. East
Moln; Rev. B. C Cook. 11 and 7:30;
Bible school, 10; B. Y. P. TJ., :48. No
evening service.- Sermon by Rev. J. W.
Lents Rev. J. T. Heacock. 8. 8.. 10
11 and 7:80; B. Y. P. U., 8:80. 8ermons
by Rev. A. E. Patch and Rsv. B. C
Cook.- ' .
Mount Olive seventh and Everett:
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:80.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev.
Erlclc Scherstrom. 10:45 and 1:45!
& a. 18; B. Y. P. tt, 8:80.' .' -''s
Third Knott and Vancouver; Rev. R.
Schwedler, 11 and 7:3; .a 8., 10. No
evening service. . Sermon by Rev. B. C,
Cook. j ' . - ,.
" J 3?x ssbyterTaa. '.
First twelfth and Alder; 10:80, 7:45.
Topics.- "Our Father's House," "For
eigners."' Mlzpah East ' Twelfth and Powell;
Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and 8; 8. S, 10;
'Calvary Eleventh, and Clay, Rev.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:80 and 7:46;
Bible achoot noon. Topics, r The
Crown of Christian Service," "The Main
Thing Amonc the Many." - '
Fourth First and GIbbs; Rev. Don
ald Mackensie. 10:30 and 7:30. & B.. 18;
C. E 8:80. ,j - " -
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Taylor;-Rev. E. Nelson Allen. 10:80:
8. S.. 18. Topic, "A Visit to the Oty of
Naiareth." No venlng sermon.
Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln;
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; a 8,
lOijC. E.. 8:S- - -
Piedmont Cleveland and : Jarrett;
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:80; a a.
18:15. ' - ..- -s
Chinese 145U First 7:45; 8. S.,1-45.
1 Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte. Rev. J. A.
P. MoGraw, D. D., preaches at 10:80.
Topic. "Stewardship." No evening ser
vice. '
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; .Rev. C W. Hays, 11,8. a,
X0.. . . - ' ; . - - !-.
Mount Tsoor cieimont ana rrvttr
man; Be v. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and A
8. S. 10. - . . ..
Sellwood East Seventeenth and BtM
kane; ' Rev. D. A.. Thompson. U aad
s; a. iu; u. ju.. t. . .
Hone Montavllla. Rev J. a Dunning,
11' ST 8. 10. ' - - '
Anabe'i Rev. A. Hurd. 11 and 7:45,
' Third East, Thirteenth and Pine:
Rev. Andrew1 J. Montgomery. 10:80,
and 7:45; a a. 13.
Kenilworth East Thirty-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; a a,
U; Y. P.. T. -
- Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
send. Services 16:30 and 7:30; first,
third, fifth Sundays; 8. a. 11:40.
Trinity Dakota street, Rev. A." Rob
inson. 7:45 p. m.; C E. 8:46: a. a, 11.
Alberta Nineteenth and Wygant, 4
p. m. Service In . Scandinavian lan
guage. -
" ". ' '. Methodist. ' ' ' ;
' Tsylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D.; 10:80 and 7:45; 8. 8, 18:10,
Sermons hy Rev. Fletcher Homan.
Grace Twelfth -and Taylor, Rev. John
H. Cudllpp. D. D.. 10:30 and 7:45; a 8..
12:16; E. L, 8.45. Mr. M. C. Reed will
speak In the morning on "Fundamentals
In Christian Evidences."
Sunnyside East Yamhill and Thirty
Tlfth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30.
8. 8., 8:60; E. L.. 6.46. Topics, "XUa
Suestive Questions on tke Sunday
ScKool Lesson by Rev. Dr. T. S. Linscott
Ministers, Sunday school teachers and others Interested are invited te
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions,
particularly If they consider them of value In their work.1
The InternatteneJ Newspaper Bible Study club Is for the purpose of pro
moting In an unfettered way among the massea, a wider study of the Bible,
the basal truths, of Christianity, and the problems wbich enttr Into ever
man's life. It is composed of all those who Join a local club, and take up the
simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who havs
not joined- are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prises.
Persons may Join the club at any time during the- year, but must, .of
eoant, answer the 51 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the
prizes, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing this office. -
This paper has secured the right to publish the International Sunday
School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Linscott, which have aroused so much
interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly In hotb the Saturday and
Sunday Issues of The Journal. One of these questions each week is to be
answered In writing and upon these answers the are to be awarded,
... . ConditloM at tha contest. ,
1. Each contestant, or hla or her family, uit I' a subscriber to -this
paper, In order to qualify for membership la the International Newspaper Bible
btudy club and this local club. '
2. Each contestant In this local club must answer each of the written ques
tions for 62 consecutive weeks, commencing-Sunday, March 14. and the answers
must all be In the possession of thla paper vlthla two weeks of the close
of. this period. i-
8. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on
one side only-- Ko answer must exceed S0O words In length and mav be less
Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom,
of the answer. .::.--, ( " .;-. .-
4. The answers must be delivered to this office, and they will be oollated
at the close of the contest and forwarded la headquarters for Independent ex
amination by competent examiners. The prises will then be swarded ac
cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International
Newspaper Bible Study club. - - . . ;
. " . Th Frlsea. ... ;
. "'First Series-A, gold medal to each of the first five contestants. ,
Secona Series A silver medal to each ef the next five contestanta
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price $5.60. to each of the next five con
testants. - , i
Fourth Series The book "The Heart of Christianity,-- price 81.60, to each
of JTie next 86 contestants. -
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner awl
for' what it 1. awarded and la like 'maftpereacn. Bible and book will be In
scribed. - fc- . , Jj.....:."
- All who can write and have Ideas, are urged to take np these studies r
gardlens of the degree of their education, aa the papers are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of the
eogency of their reasoned ideas. . ' , n, , . - ..s y.,
(Copyright, l09. by Rev.' T. a Lin-, life for ever so good a cause, when he
; scott, u. v.) " it wui oo no gooaT
August aa, 1909.
slonary Jawrsgy
Tho Riot In Ephesus. . Acts xlx., 23 to
Golden Text He said unto me, ' My
grace is sufficient for thee, for my
strength Is mads perfect In weakness.
?r' "' - - si- Was Paul's flrat imnulse risrht to
verses II-Z7 Does the aueoessrui m among this angry crowd T
presentation of truth always mean a
war witn evur
When the general welfare of the peo
ple is Injured by the business ef the
few. Is it or not the duty of tho state
to make such business illegal T
' Can you give example where the
spread of Christianity as in thla ease,
has closed up Injurious business enter
prise? -
What Is the general v influence ft
Christianity upon business' enterprise?
Should a worker for God cease his
efforts if he sees he t hurting some
person's business? ' , , v ;
If the spread of Christianity hurts a
Class of business men, hould we com
pensate the losers?
If Demetrius himself had become a
Christian would it . havs been in his
business Interest In the long run?
Can a man be ttne and honorable
who protests, for business reasons,
against the application of Christian
principles to the community?
Verses? 28-29 How much Sena's br
reason is there In an excited and angry
Individual or crowd ? -,
Which 18 generally the mors unrea
sonable, If not insane, an angry Indi
vidual or an angry crowd?
Was it the danger to their business,
or their religion, which most stirred the
anger of these people?
which Interest most Influences the
average man. his business or his re
ligion? ... V,
.. Verses 8U-1 enomu a mm n on
Who were Oaiua and Arlstarchus. and
what Influenced the ly illegal arrest?
duuuiu i man ever reiuae 10 ran i
life for a good cause If, by so doing, he
can conserve Its interests? - -
What principles should guide us In
lAviuiiiif . rioKs tor ma tusa uvu.
which Is always the cause of humanity?
When nhnnlH wo anil nihn should W
not be governed by the first Impulse?
Verse 38 In the usual riot or mob,
what' proportion .of the. crowd - know
What they are contending for?
verses 83-34 What old Alexander
want to say to thla nob? "
Why did ths people erf-down Alex
Can any man reason correctly .who Is
Dtinaea oy religious prejuaicei
Verses 85-41 How do you estimate
the character of this town clerk? . :
Are we under as muoh obligation to
take rood advloe from a heathen or an
infidel- as ws are from a Chris tl an f
(This . question must be answered U
wdttsf by members of ths club.) : : -
' Who was the goddess Diana supposed
to belaud what did her worship stand
Was' ft superstition pure and simple,
or Is there any ground for belief that
the Image of the goddess Diana did fall
dAwn from heaven? ' -i.
Is It ever wise to act when under the
Influence or anger or passionr m
' JJOT1S H Vltwil fioiticil ..iiafc vtiB
level headed man an disperse a mob?
Chapter xx., 1 Do - Christians la
these days show the love they, have one
tar another aa thov our MY
Lesson for Sunday, August 89, 1809
Paul on Christian iiove., , l cor. xiu.,
hi tMih,n and others ln'.erested are Invited to
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions."
particularly if they consider them of yaloe in their work.1 :
incomparable Word. Its Powor. Its per
eon sermon oft "The. Habits, Customs
and Conditions of Palestine.
Bohns-S-jH, Powart; 11 and 8;
S?B : : l0- S T'WTTia Tawrnlng? ermon
by Rev. John Fllnn. Reception of mem
bers? Evening topic. "Paul'p ; Supreme
Wct enary-ast Ninth and Pine; Clar.
nce True wiison, xj. "v
ReJ. W.'Mcbouga of 4 Mount Tabor
THnltyEaBt Tenth and Grant; Lewi
F. Smith; 11 and 7:45 E. L., 8:45; a 8..
10. ;:- V vv s
-n tral Vancouver avenue and Fargo
central r. V Mamlltnn. 1ft:0 and
TWfVnie."'JiSeeking ? and Finding" the
gnirit " " ' vv '
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kai; 11
n-T.-A Rev: ' H. H. Brvants ' 11
and 7:30; 8. 8., 10: B..1.: 8:30.
NnrvOKiftu-i"'11"" x ,i i loon vii wuu
DavisTRiV- H. P, Nelsen., 11 and 8; a
rVorwegian-Danish Vancouver ' ave
nue and kldmore. Rev, C. J. Larsen,
11 and 8: 8. a. IS.
8weai8h-B6rfnwtesr-W)d- Treae?CRev7
John Ovall. 11 and 8; sTa.40: B. I. 7.
Services conducted by the - deaconess,
Miss Olivia Bostrona.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt; G.
waasa; 11 and -7:80.
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
Rev. E E. Hertxler. 11 and 8; a a. 8:45;
Japanese Mission 181 North Fif
teenth. Rev. Eilsen Rlbara, 9:80 and
8:80; -8. a, 8:80,w.- !
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Ta
coma. Rev. Lester C. Poor, ll and 7:80;
XeTi. 8:80; B. U. 8:30. t
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty
ninth . and Powell, ' Rev. Ernst , Leon
Jones, 8. 8 946; 11 and 8. E. L. 7.
MonUvllla East Pine and Eighteith
streets. Rev. Harold Oberg 11 and 8;
8. 8 10; class meetins; 12; E L., 7:15.
Woodlawn William J. Douglass, 11
and 8; S- 8.. l; E. L.. 7.
University Park Dawson and Flake,
Rev W. R Jeffry. J-. 11 and 7.30.
African Zion Thirteenth and Main,
Rev W. Matthews, 11 and 8.
Mount Tabor East 8tark and Sixty
first. J. W. McDougalL- 11 and 7:80.
patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter. D. A. Wattera. 11 and 8 a a. 10;
Woodstock J."D. Voca, 11 and 7:80;
a' a. to; bl u, 8:80.
' " .5 ' .;; , .' CathoBa.
; St. Mary's, Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie,' D D.
Low mass, 8, 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon, 11. Vespers. Instruction and
benediction. f:45. . - . .
- St. Joseph's German), Fifteenth and
Couch Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. O.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon.
10:80. Vespers, benediction, 8:80. -BU
Francis. East Eleventh and Oak
f T. n. . .' , , .
and 8:80. High mass and sermon. 10:80.
Vespers, instruction - and Benediction,
7:30, - . '
St. Lawrence's. Third and Sherman
Rev. J. C. Hughes Low mass, ff. 7 and
V:U. ClIKn H1BUBV &I1U . ri mvu.
Vtspers and benediction. 7:80
- Aananslon. : Montavllla. - Rev. J. P.
... ...U1. . , . a ' ma S In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood. :
SC' niricH a xtiuQievuLa anu oir
n xa T h. -u fi Ul-V.
mass and sermon, 10:80. . Vespers and
benediction, 3:80. . -
St. Michael's ltallan. Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low ' mass, 8.
High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers;
and enedlctlon. 7:80. - -
. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. A. ; Daly; Low
mass, 8. 8 and 9. High mass and ser-
mon. . v 9vra tuu vuucu.uwvq,
Holy Rosary, East Third and union
Very Rev. A. 8. Lawler. Low mass, 8,
7 and o.iv, meu umvv auiu bo mvu,
10.30. Vespers and benediction. 7:80.
oacreu xirnis ituiwnuRiw ivt, . ui
gorv Roble, O. a B. Low mass, 8. High
mass ana lerniun, iu.4u. vcpyvt. v4
benediction, 7:80. . '
Holy Cross. University Park Rev. J.
P. Thillman, C. 8. C Low mass. 8:80.
High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers
and benediction, 4. .
- Holy Rsdeemer. Portland and Van.
couver Rev. Ed K Cant well, C- Sa R.
Low mans, 8. High mass and sermon,
10:80. Benediction. 4. ..
SC Andrew's, Ninth snd Alberta
fisv. Thomas Kleraan. Low mass,. 8.
Leo (Sellwood), H. C Ebellnc, 10:30;
S. S., :30. -
St. John's Peninsula avenue and
KU Patrick. Rev. C. Buechler. 10.
Grace English Rodney and Ivv. Al-
bins, H. C. Ebellng. 7:30.
' ' - " '. Chrlstiaa.
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon: Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D.'D 11 and
8; Bible school, 10. Rev. F. L. Cook
will assist at both services.
First Corner Park and Columbia, W.
F. Reagor, minister, 11 and 7:45; a 8
Thomas G. Plcton, 11 and 8; a 8
9:46; G E, 7 p. m.
Kern Park Rev, B. M. Patterson. 11
and 8: S. 8.. 10; C E 7.
. a bPiiwooa -i-.ieventh and Umatilla.
10:30 and 7:45. 1 lLr-Tlln. . 4
and 8; a 8.. 10; C E.. 7. , .
Tnlted Brethren la Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison!
O.K.UcX)ozAli.n and 8; are!!
10: C E., 7. -
r ,i i i ai-.t. . . . . . . , . ?
avauiuci itiiu Jnecnduic Itev,
Oscar A. Martin. 11 and 7:80; a 8. 10:
Third soutn Mount Tabor; Rst. C
P. Blanchard. Bible sohool, 8.
. Anstnl - 13a . T..AM.M a.l.t.. . .
. . . " -. - - , nvuvi-viguui ana
Mildred. Rev. B. E. Emerick, 11 and 8:
XTaiii..K Tr.mnnt D.. TT W. m t M
fer, Bible school, 8 p. m. .
- Alberta East : Twenty-seventh : and
Mildred. Rev. B. E. Eaaertch,.ll and 8;
8. SM 10. ' r .
: Xrangallcal Associations. '
First Knarllsh Isat Strtk
g.So''-'11 nd. ,:,0; y
First German Tenth and Clay. F.
Bens. 10:45 and 7:45: S. 8.. 8:80; VYp:
7 p. m. Topios: "Temptatlon.'V 'Ques
tions and Answers." ,'. ..
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tin.
belts, Morris Heverllng, 11 and 8; a 8-i
10.r i ' ;,... .. . .- ' '
' H. U. Church South.
i71. S,c30n1.- KfV.EH. Mowr, 11
and 8; 8. 8.. 10; B. L., 7.
TTnlttd Pre
The Church of 'the Strangers Grand
ave. and Wasco. Rev. a. Earl ru Rnia.
10:30 and 8. 8. 8. 13. Interpretation for
me new evory nunaay morning. ;
FirstSixth and Montgomery, ' Rev.
18; C. E, 8:48. fopics, "The Overcomer
and His Weapons of War." "Hein From
Heaven for the places and Periods of
Third East Thlrtv-Sevenfh n-nA riavi
Rev. J. L. Acheson. 11 and 7:30; 8. a.
":'"..:'';- TJnltaruub"
Church of Our tamhlll and
Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.: Rev. T.
L. Eliot. D. D.. minister emeritus; Rev.
N. A. Baker, assistant ,
High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, In
struction and benediction. 7:80.
St. Stephen's, Forty-second, and East
Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt. iow mass,
8:80. Hlgn mass ana sermon. ie:so.
i St. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
Valley road. Rev. F. Dillon, a J, Low
mass 8 and 9:80; mass, sermon and
benediction 18:80. . . - , .
St Stalnalaus, Maryland and Falling.
Rev. C BeroskL Low mass 8, high
mass and sermon 10.
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett, Dr'
A. A, Morrison, 8, 11 and 8. 8. S., 9:45.
St. Matthews First avid Caruthers,
Communion and sermon at 11: no 8. 8.
in summer. Rev. W. A. M. Breck. ... No
services during August
Pro-Cathedral of St 8tephen the Mar
tyrThirteenth and Clay, Rev. H. M.
Ramsay, 7:80. 11 and 7:30 p. m; a &,
:45. '
St Andrews Portsmouth, ll and 8;
S. a, 10 a. m. . ;
St Mark's Twenty-flrst and; Mar-1
ahull. Rev. J- E H. Slmnaon. 8. H and 8:1
8. 8., 8:46. Celebration of the holy
communion at 8 and 11. Matins and
litany at 10:15. ; , ; , '
Bt John's Church Multnomah and
Taylor, 11 and 7:80; a 8.. 10.
Church of Our Saviour Woodstock,
11 and. 8. Archdeacon.. Chambers . will
officiate. -
St- David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot; 7:80,
holy communion, lL No evening ser
vice. ' ' ' .'; '' ,
Good Shepherd sellwood and Van
couver, Rev. John, Dawson. 8, 11 and
7:30;a 8., 8:45. '
.Ascensicn Chapel Portland Helghta
a a, 8:80. ,
"Grace Memorial East Seventeenth
and Weldler. Rev. George B. Van Wat
ers 11 and 8. Service held In the new
parish house. .
St Paul Wood mere. Rev- J. C For
gythe; 11 a. m.; a a. 8:45. ' -
All Saints Twenty-fifth and Bavler,
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington, Commun
ion and sermon at 1L No evening serv
ice. "- '
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good
Samaritan hospital. Rev. William R
Powell, chaplain; service, 715 p. m. ..
-:' 'jrr';- i m .'''"'", -' . V
' OonfTeffattonal. ' .
First Madison and Park. Rev.
r.uther R. Dyott D. D.; Rev. Guy L.
Dick. asalsUnt: 11 and 7:45; a H.. 8:45.
Morning topic, "An Old Poem of Love."
Union service In evening, with Rev. - J.
J. Staub.
Laurelweoa Kev. w. it Myers: 11
S. a 10, C, E. 6:80. ! - r ;
Sunnvslde East Taylor 1 and ' East
a, 10. Topic, "Woman Of Great Faith."
- Bt. jonns itev.' u. w. neison; .it ana
8, a 8. 10.
University Park Haven and Dawson,
Rev. G. w. Riggs. ll and 8:8. 8.. 10:
C E, 6:30.
Hassalo ; 8treet East Seventh and
Hassalo, Rev. Paul Radar; 11 and 7:30.
B. S., JO! C E.. :30.
Highland East Sixth and Presoott
Rev. E a Bollinger. 11 and 7:46. a a.
10.- Tonics. "Our Business." Th Well
Fixed Man' '
First German st Bevsnth and
Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:80 and
7:80, a B. :16, C. E. t:30. ..
Plymouth Bhaver and Missouri ave
nue. Rev. Daniel P. Thomas: 11 and
7:30. - .
XAtheraa. '
Norwegian Srnod East Tenth and
Grant: Kev. O. Hagoea. 11 and 7:30:
S. a, 9:30. .
Swedish - immanuel jvineteanth and i
Irving. 11 and 8: 8. 8- 8:45.
Betania Danish Union and Morris:
Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8: a 8 10.
St. James' English West park and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas. 11; a a, 10;;
L, L., 7 P. m. - .
United Norwegian 45 n. Fourteenth; i
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; & a, 8:46.
8:80. -.. - i . - ' -
Zion'a Oermtn -Cnanman and Sal
mon; W, H. Behrsns, 10:15; 7:45; a &
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, -10:30 and 8;
S. S 9:30 a. m.
Trinity German f Missouri eynod)
Wiailams and Sellwood; J. A. Rim bach.
9:16: 8. S.. 10; 7:30..--
Swedlah Auguatana Rodney ' and
Stanton; Rev. C. A. .Tolln. 10:45 and
7:45: 8. 8, 9:30. .
Swedish ' Mission Seventeenth and
Gllsan; Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11 and. 8;
a 8.. iO; Y. P.. 6:30. i
EUm Chapel Mlchlfran avenue and
Skidmore. Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; 8. a,
Immanuel German Corner 16th and
;ii'.-.; if .;.;v: 5...)' Christian Solsaes,
First Church of Christ Scottish Rite
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11;
a. b i. v-j.opic, "Miaa. -
Second Woodmen's Hall. East 8lxth
and Alder, 11;. 8. 8 13. Topic, 'Mind."
Vnltsd gvangeltcal. "J , ,
Ockley Green Gar and ' Willamette!
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 8; & a, 10;
First East Sixteenth and Poplar,
Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 7:30. S. a. 10,
Topics, "Poor but Purs," "Ths Divine
Magnet" .
Second Fargo and Kerby, Rsv. C G
Poling, 11 and 7:80.
8t John's Ivanhos and John, Ret,
a P. Yates, a B.. 10.
First German Tenth" aad Stark
streets, O. . Hafner pastor. Services
10:46 a. m. and 6 p. m.; 8. a. 8:88 a. m.j
i. a., i y. ru. k
- - VnlvsrsaUat.
Church of the Good Tidings Union
halL corner Grand avenue and East Pine.
Rev. J, D. Corby, 10:45; a 8.-13. No
preacning service August 32.
'"" arrleaos' tjnruroh. .
'Sunny side. Main and East Thlrtv
ttt th. Lindley A. Wells. It and 8;
Bible school, 10; C XL. 7.
Lents, Center street Myra B. Smith.
li ana s; ruoie scnooi, la.
. BCseeUaneous. .
First Spiritual Society, Chrlstensen
halL Eleventh and - Tatanili streets.
.11. 1:80 and 7:45.
" Swedish Corps Salvation Army 4S9
Burnside. 11, 4:30 and 8.
Mediums' and Ministers' Associates
Auditorium bulldlhg, 11. 8 and 7:45.
and Shaver, Rev. Aug. Olson, 10:45 snd
o . i'j vrii j n. nri iiiiiri iiv Knv y m na
ander, . , .. . . , .
Millennial Dawn Odd Fellows halt
corner Eaat Sixth and Alder, Bible lea-
inn i ll aifiri rtjasi i a
Latter Day faints' (Mormons) East
lerun ana nnerman, j. u, westergara.
presiding elder, h and 6; S. a. 10.
Olive Branch Mission Corner Second
and Ankeny streets; meetings every
nlsTht at 8 o'clock, also Sunday at 3 p. m.
A. Wells, superintendent
Advent - Christian Second between
Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Bhepard;
10 : ? 0, and ... 1 ;3 0. .
Believers in the Atonement Odd Fel
lows' hall. East Sixth and East Alder
streets. 1:80. 8:45, 3:16.
Volunteers of America 185 jBurnalde
Street S:30 and 8:30.
Divine Truth Center 201 Alisky
kin ' sruptions.
fiea, etc., are due
Most dlsflrurlns
scrofula. nlmDles. rashe
to imnure blood. ' Burdock Rlcuul nit.
ters la a cleansing blood tonic. Makes
you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clear
skinned. Itching piles provoks profanity, but
profanity won't cure them. Doan's Oint.
ment cures itching, bleeding or protrud-
Ing piles after years of suffering. At
.ny drug store. - - t
If you haven't the time to exercise
regularly. Doan's Regulets will prevent
constipation. They induce a mild, easy,
healthful action of the bowels without
griping. Ask your druggist for them.
25o.. . - '. -'
Stops earache In two minutes: tooth
ache or pain of burs or scald In five
minutes; hoarseness, ens hour; mus
cleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve
hours Dr. Thomas Eclectrio Oil. mon
arch over pain.
8 th and Morrison, Opp. FostofSce.
Perhaps you do not feet
inclined to buy 8 piano
right away, but still bar
the desire to have a good.
. piano in your home.
Rent a Piano
. Come to our store and .
we will rent you a reliable
new piano and will allow
all rent to apply on the
purchase price of any, new
- piano in our stock. - J1-
.. j ,
If Not, Husband of a Victim
of Auto Accident Will
Sue City of Seattle. -
(United Frees Uued Wlral
Beatle, Aug. 81. Ths body of Mrs.
Elizabeth Aline Colvln. one of the vic
tims of yesterday's ' automobile : disas
ter,' la which five . persons lost . their
lives by being hurled ' from a trestle
into the bay, has been recovered, mak
ing four bodies brought from the water.
The corpse of Mrs. Colvin was found
about 20 feet from the wrecked - auto
mobile, by men. who had been working
ror many nours ,witn grappling noi.
. John Cnlvln. hiijibftnd of the dead
woman,'1 said today that, while he hsd
hardly decided what course he would
fiursue, he ' expected to consult a so
ld tor on his return to Vancouver, and
that in all probability he would file a
suit against the city. His action, he
said, would be determined by the find
ing of the eoroner, who will hold an In
quest this afternoon. It is claimed by
officials of the street department tht
a red lantern has ben burning nightly
at the dangerous curve on ths bridge
to warn vehicles to mow aown ai mm
point, but after the accident no . trace
of this light could be found, and it is
declared by relatives : and friends of
the victims of the accident that the city
has been negligent in not providing
adequate safeguards at the place, which
Is known as ."aeaaman sf urve. -
R a.. 12. Tonic "Come Unto Me.
New, Thought East Thirteenth and
Tenlno, 8. Rev. P. . Green.
Church of Nasarene East Seventh
Seoond Church Near Claremont ave
nue. W. N. Coffee,' pastor, , ll na a;
8. 8., 10; class meeting, 7 p. m.
N. P. Will Run Train
tween . Yacolt and
Portland. . .-
Beginning next Sunday August zi,
the Northern Pacific will Inaugurate a
straight passenger service between Ya
colt Wash., and Portland, bring the Ya
colt train, which at present runs only as
far as Vancouver, across ' the North
Bank bridges and Into the union station
at Portland. ' This gives Vancouver an
extra train daily each way, with Port
land, besides accommodating the people
living on the- the Yacolt branch, who
heretofore have had to connect with the
a P. & S. trains for Portland at Van
couver, -t - ' - . ".
, Undes the schedule which is to go into
effect the train will leave Yacolt at
6:30 a. m.. Vancouver at 8:28 a. m. and
arrives In Portland at 8 a." m. Returning
the train leaves Portland at 8:15 p. m.,
arrive In Vancouver at 4 p. m.. and In
Yacolt at 4 p. m., thus enabling people
living on the Yacolt branch to spend a
dav shopping In Portland, leaving home
after breakfast and returning before
supper.' .'. - . - ..'.. -
. .(Special Dtspatek ta Tht Journmt) '
Hood Rlvr,i Or. Aug. tl. Professes
E. "E. Coad. appointed county' school
superintendent of Hood River county
by Governor Chamberlain at ths time
Hood River county was created, has sent
In his resignation to the county court,
in order to devote his entire time to
the superintendency of the city Schools.
Mr. Coad has been In charge of tho
city , schools for the past year.
Fortune Telling
Does not take Into consideration ths one Miential to worn-
, an'i happiness womanly health.
The woman who neglects her health is. neglecting the
very foundatios 1 all' good iortuas. For without health
: love loses iu lustre and fold is but dross.
1 Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally he
regained by the use ntDrJPieres's Favorite Preaoriptioa.
- Ttta premertpdom a, op erer 4TO years.
een carina efeleafe wesJr, pmim-wrmcktd
vm, by th AdflsTres's of thounmnitt ; -
mad thla torn la ta privacy at their Mowa
- without thmtr hariai to aabmlt ta ladilh
eat qaaatioataia an4 attaaalraiy repotf ,'
: aaat examination.
BIck women are Invited to eontult Dr. Pierce by letter frtt.
AU oorrespondenee held es sacredly confidential. Address World'! Ditpeniery
Medioal Assootation, JR. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Da. Pibbcb'i G&bat Family DocToa Book, The People' Common Sens
Medieal Adviser, newly revised np-to-dsts editioir 1000 ptfes, aniweri im
Plain Englub hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married,
ought to know about. Sentw, in plain wrapper to any addrets oo receipt ef
21 one-coot ftamps to cover mailing only, or is cloth binding for 31 tamps.
Portland's New and Modern Hotel.' .Rates $1 per t
.Day and Up European llan i
Centrally Located
Modern Tmprovemente
Imperial Hotel
Seventh and Washington
-. ' FbH Metschan & Sons, f rops.
tonf Distance Phose ' Rates, $1.00, $1-50, $2.00
la Every aoomv ,
fy J Uv;-,:
Hi,-, "
:' frl fk& jrw
Tlie Perkins Hotel Grill
Announces music daily during luncV dinner
and after the theatre by the famous
i Markee Orchestra,
1 . ; The House of Welcome" -
Single tl JO and up. ' Double 2 and up. . Our omnibus
meets all trains.
:'. Portland's Newest and 'Most Up-to-Date Hotel ;
, Proprietor
aTajopeaa Han
-' Xedera
Kestanzaat, .
Headquarters f os
Tourists and Com.
menial Travelers.
Special rates made
to families and
single gentlemen.
The management
will be pleased at
all times to show
rooms and give
prices. A mousro
Turkish bata es
tablishment la tu
B. C Bowers, Mgr.
Only Roof Garden
aVaerloaa Bates to rimlllrt
aad Baropeaa Oar Bos Meets All Train
Sample Suites, with Bntbs. tot Traveling Wn
One Square West of Arlington Clul).
Just Opened sod inreawtt -v
BO hotel In the Hortn.-.ii, 1-j
bo leave Portland bun Jr.' -Ins"
over tills ciririi tf l,.itt.. , .
K-itel fcoward tu u:a' .
W. K. IT WAR It,