THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PpRTLAND, SATURDAY - EVENING, AUGUST H, 1909. I . I l A. a l-- T - 1 . , JM. hi II .1 tl. liJI.11 m 27 1 " NOTICES - f ; jiuuiuhb -t- houses. VEincms. etc. YC-UNO team and harness, gooseneck wair, complete 'ltO. 3"8 lgt at. GOUU liurs-- Tr Bale; oi-egon Horse Pule Co.. N. 17th and Quimbr sta lihST hri at lowenl prices at Kel Jer Harness Co.. JjiJl- GOofT delivery horse for sale. Call 833 Mississippi avenue, ' LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 FOR SALE Extra young Jersey cow, ltv. heifer rnir: a. rood one. im - Hariin, 1701 Base Line tit. Tabor 37 8. MONEY TO XO.VJT MONET loaned on your furniture, pianos, etc., without removal, storage receipts, real estate contacts, salaries, also confidential loans made to ladies; no Inquiries anywhere. - Loans of 110 to 1100 may be obtained from us on short notice and at a very small cost to the borrower. t It will pay you to investigate our new credit plan It saves you money. Hutton Credit Co.. i ITTTAM A T T?. 100 HEAD milk cows at Htllsboro,' Or, Aug. is, 1S0. n. BirK-ner. Ilk irriR. sale COW. -Call B2S Kirby st. good , fresh ml OR SALE-r-Frewh cow. (rart St. "W.-w." car. C90 . TaG- FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 FOR SALE or exchange, three autos. one single , cylinder CadHac 4 pas sengers, one Olds delivery car. one Auto car 4 passengers, .all In stood repair. East 74th and Base Line ., Phone Tabor 62 WANTED Motor, 60 cycle, H. P.. alternating current; - must be -cheap for cash. - J. J. Beauregard, Vanoojuver, Wash. no j. " vnn RALE 2 Mclntyre high wheeled autos. been run about 100 miles; can be seen at 632 Alder at, Barnard-Clark Motor Vehicle Co. -- - . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 MUSIC for band and orchestra; repair- W.' York & 8ons eelebrated band In struments. 88 H M t ' : A NEW Columbia guitar and case for ale; H'coat. CaB Hi Vfc .Tuniail at,, ruwm s. FOR SAL-raSCTXLANEOUS 19 rf-a BIT V sY HWfW A Il"TJ. Nic 12 horepower Union engine, -ll ..-til Ap QA raBAnrflrR! ' vmia muuLii i mxu j w a would exchange for Improved city prop- " . f Fiurvlaw.' Or. , ' " v m Vtw Taff-rinn at . rltT VI a W V V mrmr.j f - - f - FOR ' SALE Complete marine - steam 1 z- J f " SALARY LOANS, , FURNITURE LOAlvS, fiAINO J-UAPI3, LOWEST RATE3, EASY PAYMENTS. HOURS i A, M. TO 6 P. M. ' WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL P. M. BTATE KECURiT I tu, . .08 FAILING BLDQ.- I I ' I THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. .aa un 1.1.1 AnM. ti n n Washington. The recognized bank or tne wage, earner, a. cir, uuu-mccvv' tain money of us on bis note without !15 return to us ......f 00 a month SO return to us 8 00 a month 50 return to u $18.85 a month Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. Soecla! rates on pianos, furniture, etc. MONEY TO LOAN rLoans from $500 to $50,000, interest ft io-i- por wih timber lands, farm lands, city lots. Mortgages bought and sold, small loans can be paid In weekly and monthly pay ments, reducing principal and interest BLAIR ft RUSSELL. "'40l Ablngton bid g.. Portland, Or. fnone Main zvio MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. EXCAVATION AND FOUNDATION. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whlddfn & Lewis archi tects, 701 Corbett bldg., Tortland, Or., until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday; August 23. 1909. for removing trees, .etc, .... .1 fikiiniluHnnH. and for such other work as called for in specifications, tor tne essi wn -new courthouse -to be erected for tn county of Multnomah, state of pregoru Plans and speculations may be ob tained at th office of the architects. no proposal or ma win do conmi unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the county court of Multnomah county, certified by a re sponsible bank for an amount, equal to 10 per cent or tne agrei i"ui''"" ... A,ia(,. n unA llnuidated damages In case the bidder neglects or reruses to enter ini coiivr. B"".r'., vide a suitaoie oona lor in iimi.,. et ma IH wnrk in the eVeil. . . - t i-A him. ' The right to reject any wa u wu. is nereoy reservea, . - . - ATTORNEY W. from Kmrooni Board of Trade. WELLS PROEBSTEL. asnayera ana- - I i. ,AlU tA7 ah Af 7 fkUll PORTLAND analytical laboratory, ill ... ... . ... I . , A worcesier niqg.. !iq ana .. MONTANA assay otfice, laboratory and ore -esting worn. iog wmii.m,. BABBITT metal, solder and type metaL w. w. ciancy, iiiiiuia-i"i - Goldsmith St., Alblna, All orders promptly attended to . . Drosses bought CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME.. .... i u.. .1.... that 1 1 n n 1 p 1 ) . Ji: in 11C1.U7 ' v .... r mentary articles of incorporation have 1 1 . 1 t . nor.A if t h A lie II llieu ciiauRin v ...,.-w - - Goodvear Company to the Goodyear Shoe Company. , MARK. GOLDSTEIN, . 1 . Secretary WA NTED -Adolph ; Blnswanger. to hli aavaniage, to curr--ji"nu . x' Newsom, P. O. bo- 173. PrlnevllleOr. Tr,.lln.nt loans on nlanoa. furniture. warehouse receipts, horses,- Insurance SoUcles, salaries and all kinds of eourl real estate loans from $3000 up. ' NEW ERA IX) AN & MTU. CO '!''. V 416 Ablngton bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and ethers upon their own names without security; cheapest ratea easiest pay ments; orncee in prinfipai wu,. yourself money by getting our terms tlrst. loiman u .urnu-r M-.-m . -Ar.n.Tv Inlnln, m T .t and - Found Bureau to aid the public. in the - . . . I 1 If vnil ln anything.' Inquire at once at. the Ixst a record will be made of your loss. If hM finA mnv article Of value and wish to find tha rightful owner, leave it st the fcostr ana ouna xiui- or xne journal MORTGAGES, contracts . tor deeds or other real estate Mcunim eit nroDerty or lands anywhere In Oregon or Washington. 1 H. B. xjoble, tlT.1T Lumberman bldg.. Bth fctark. LOST A black cocker , spaniel jlog cushion gone from heel of right hind foot; has been lost since July ; will pajr-110 for his return to 619, S.fin st. N. Phone East 1078. LOST South of Whittaker St., 1 gold curr linn, auu nnisn, greou Kerurn z t-oroaii or viiuii i Kewara. Prlckell. t6 Clinton gfc. Portland. .v' '!"T T l iJiiga j.weT.ra VORNITtJRE of office and houe uoar- .rgga.. ly new.- at sacrifioe; desks, Chairs, ., .. . . . .ni-iu7 rugs, typewriters .stoves, dlshes.JDooK; v ft ,.Tottir 1 cases, sewing ijiaouine, i ooua, t- n -n-v ill Vm. llnsr. ware, tools, etc.! going f'Ti -nma ui .- ... r...; Viin wnii.. .- -M.Min' ma. 1 no on mortsaaea , city or farm " . " . ; . . . n.uine4 McKensla FOR BALE 11 ft launch, 43. n. Pin -x"f.v; wJ-m nd lAld.r. mnA -order, make 7 owner 1 -- must sell. , . ; ; v - SALARY LOANS Confidential, easy to For Bale boathouse. will take Jt ft get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton, $15 boat. Price $19. 1 Call 108 Graver st Henry bldg- 4th and ua. tVm lrk C . ta m. I a - a.' I.- AT A - n Ati A Via - - .m . . , AW ml. V. ; ll I TT1 nonogram -A. Ca JReturn to Wftif LOST Gnt's umbrella, plaster Paris nanaie, in Meiers r raui er please return to journal - liUS J. DIUCK nrauv !. i VH monogram A. y. -. iveiuru w St. KBwuru. ' i Laree Tent Fine 50 foot round top tent, tncludlni MONEY to loan on chattels, without re- movaL absolutely private. . Room 808 A 1 t K1.4 - V - ' , H1IO" J tent. Including MONEY to loan on lmprovea city prop- seats, -lights, eto.! cost $600; will sell erty-Wm. MacMaster. swj worce.wr for $150. particulars Main i 1 wv , . . Washinsrton st. . - I QUICK loans on all securities. B. W. FOR SALE- A fine Scotch collie; will King. 46 Washington bldg. Main 8100. maae gooa nrra uu , COlll , will I ' .mi. ..y.w.. good kome t JoyfY to loan on "all kluds of security iT.j T.1 I "5i . if, - .-..i,im. kM LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. ne Loan yo., tn ncnuni SUMS vf $1000 upward on real estate. r j A . tXTtAwinir IIS ll t ISAAC L. WHITE, nionev to loan, fire laaurtincfj. max ongnw;ti NOTICES 26 .-- .t.- . OTimn ttffiwa IT IT T u. rAii.. a. th HtAtA nf uregon ior jauitnoman i-ounij, . T - 1, T n .nil H.wlr-rf.m 1. 1 . - k w M WD' I'.l Miiiu pany, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. George W. Leonard and M. J. onard, defend- y ,viriue O.U vawuuhwj,- jwb giuor. gmvi aim viucr VI wm, . ' . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . mnr sentlal than price asked.. D-14J, journal. - FIRST class eras range, with elevated . be sold by Monday noon; . bargain. C7 M. 12th st... N. FOR SALE a W. 41 caliber sis shooter, with belt and scabbard; A-l condition. trice n. mjuir a. m . PaIt V. 1 il : . DENTAL" chairs, engines, vulcaniier, oj f Ice ! and' household furniture. X4 raw machine, wall Diate: oargain.. Iivn 1 w.ihln-tAn. VV-inno Main 1882. MOTORCYCLES and .bicycles, new and i t Wnv ni V 1 Mnlnr. I .flcu. Aner H levels Co.. 128 12th. A-8808. I Rt BLICK ENSDERFER typewriters ..' and I oruer, oecree ana oraer 01 suio supplies! Fox Visible machines; rent- out or tne above entiuea court la. ino . T 1 . . Ml M . I,-M !. aantaa -ta WVi-fc 1 1 MM tl II vi xrt. n KtiX t JbfAln t7 Tdated tha Sd dav of Auruat 1909. upon .haViTi sVetia-ildg" - " BW.?' w i.ii i sm-nfT KH Ball BL UeUlKB W . JsUliail U 0UIU Ul ri tt nf ' . 441 - ' . IT LJ 1 ''-" V- ' J - I - i nnn - lL. ik .., iVtt . 8Al-J-i AH , A- 4Jcar 1 01 wuiy, isvv, nna iurumi w u, fount-,i.n in, ub monmi. win aui-id.u cohib ana aioouremouui ui uiw count OH COBi:, f puu. rnonq A-,tuii. i iuic, nnu uiv cvwi u HARDWARE, tin cranltewar atock, wi-t eommandinr ni to- aka ile-of AO per cent below Invoice, Addreaa wmwiowmm . -Mcnuw w, A THEATRICAL trunk: something new.., -.,. n,,fhnt nnrtr ana atiraciivBi wu m. wu.iui izi northwest " ouarter (V ; 01 Call at 189 -Tont. - ; - - northeast quarter (U) of. section thirty FINE trombone for sal at a bargain, (30), township three 8), north , of range with sole leather case, $21 cash; oon- one (1) west of the w. M la Mult fldentlal. B-128 JournaU nomah county", state of Oregon, north- ONE prise winner Buff Orpington rooj. west garter (14 ) of northeast , luarter . W-A1 AW . I I Mh I .... t Trmt..A-4k . i ix i Towiuiriin tnrAn (si. nunn . ui . i hiikq -17T Porter st. - ' north of range one 1), west of the w! OMAHA telephone bonds, at $17, with M.S .southwest quarter (U) of the north- stock. 2QS Wells Fargo bldg. - . weat quarter ( ft ) of seotlon thirty-three CANDIES, purest, sweetest, . lowest (38), township three (3), north of range prlcesnlb" 10q 330 3d. City Market two (2). west of the W. M. ; lots J "Jy -tvu-B' .' in niialneaa course t will sell 'elht (28) and twenty-nine (29), In block "tt Vn fo?e2. ? Arcar. Journal! nineteen (19). ta ienlnsular ' ..addition IKflA Rlnvsr aewln- machine, with at-1 . Morrison. - mnt Call 283 E RUSTIC hanging baskets. 95 N. 18th. if a rt nrmtrnn. uronrrilne to tha r- ). 1 !-. A sj ooraea piai inreo(r rivr. $.ww or aectioa mirty-tnree m wwnamp i .... 3g three. (3). north, of range one (1) west WAOTB-CEIANEOU8 O SLW j Tlnction lrtV-thre; (88)' s.-iWlis-sili''.i i ' wis-' - - - i . 4UM o nA4K ronos na i 1 i Rd Place tn Trade v . w:o.?. wi.j tt?rthh (h of v v v - line flurmwcai uut ,- i w-knA w vnm a T T XT rtTTO W - . 7 v . X 11 iv. -ru w v - - " pavi tna nisrneaT, one iwr Dfscuiiu ui ...4..w mrA nlfVilncr lAT iTrnnt it tt,Ma t m Phone Main M70. r ' (1). west of the W. M, beginning at the WE pay . the highest spot cash prices corner of section "ineteenusjwenY a ..i vna ki ..i I 1 20V. twentv-nino (29). and thirty (30), ON HOUSE. quarter (14) of the northwest quar- r second hand ter (14) of section thirty-two ; (32), 187 Front, st township, three-(3) north of range one . r ' - (1). west of the W. M, beginning at the ,t h nrices corner of section nineteen (19), twenty for dressed, veal. hogs, hides, eggd,i uuj. tweniy-nmo ,""'ylv" ' butter, cheese. Mrs. woo, cascara, hay, in township three (3). north of range grain. Write what you wish to sell. one. u). west oi tne . uu Ruby Co.,- 284 Couch it, Portland, Or.jnlng thence west on the section line be- -.: . v a nA W I iween aociiona uiuwvrt-u -j tablet Isd couple of parlor bo? bowl- 0 )fr?bec northea.t. UV A11;-- -Fh0 M a 84 8" H erly along the .right bank, of the Wll Washlngton st, r : imtt RTnuh 12.29 chains to a point WANTED Small Job printing shop In thene east 65.14 chains to the section cityt . would .consider half . Interest. une between sections nineteen (19) and P-147, Journal. - . twenty (20), thence" south along said feE 'WISE; get mere .for-- your second section line 10.68 chains to. the corner hand furniture by selling It to Ford of sections nineteen (19). twenty ,(20). Auction Co-Van 1st M. 8961. A-244S. twenty-nine (29) and thirty (30), and TO MSSSi-. Mln At SPOT cash paid for your furniture; tett quarter ( 14 ) of the northwest quar orompt attention always given. E. 1067 ,er u . an the southwest quarter EXCHANGE, furnltureV house, 208- 1st. j (i) of the southeast quarter (14) and second LOST AND FOUND 21 i PERSONAL 22 RHEUMATISM. caUrrh, asthma, bron chitis. goltr paralysis, tumors, . skin ea; aiseaaes - ,,' ear, nose uiu mrui uotri...i -- mea icines iui um umi . i" - ,"T,, improvea tiwintm v. bla-Surglcal and Medical Sanitarium and inritnr k nirinci iuuiii . vu Raleigh bWgr., th and Waahlnton U? yortjana, ur, , . a T-n a. nTII1 m ami iKiiiirAti ar lllHsaUf-i Dl WU1UOU ataau clusively. Women ara often saved, se ver surgical operations by consulting tne. Nervous diseases oi eoiw specialty. All the latest """"'.'J treatment (given. Correspondencespllo- . . - k. . fnm , ..nmllliatlOf PhH Main 1928. A-6807. , Office room 10, Grand Theater bid, .Wash ington anu rai Men Cured OniCklY r. l-.i-f.-1. tMitniint for- dlseaiiea !ttVtT2&il child bldg.. 4th and Washington. GERMAN book a, magaslnes, novels, eto.; German, English, French. Spanish. Swedish and lUHan oicuonarie.; eign books of aU kind. Bchmale Co, 22 ISt St. H. Fowler withdrawn tt Kitmoni to in- ASSArEKS BABBITT yiETLX BUSINESS CARDS Ccvenaat Ccatract Ccmcany Tnu.r l!ni; imnrAV,HIBn OrOCttSSOS. i.i . . ... ...l.r llnnml 1. 1. . . m ii, v. 1 L- 1971X. Tth nt. hfetWMn Washlnaton and Alder. A-8418. P. a pox avi. fortian . jr. HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 10 2d St. Tia V.....I-- w'r-a . o-1 for Jacar lannroved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-81. Main 183. CLAN"towla dally; comb, brush, soap. $1 per month. PorUand Laundry Towel Supply Co $th and Couch st rnone -tin. . . .1 V. . WaIIa r wl,. mrmmm mr lBTttllR- su ppllea. Economical Ll't'ng Co., 2114th, HOUSEHOLD NKKDS tBe LABTO mantlew Harretta- LEATHER & FtNDLNG- CHAS. Lk MASTICK CO. 74 Fro at. leather or evary . aeacripiwo., w mfrn. f Indlnva UVERi' AND 8ALK STABU!- HESSIAN stables Hacks. II yery. board ing ana sale; mrniiurr-m ". v -Ion ave. Phone K. ntrht M 30 MOTOliS Bought, repaired and exchanged. WEIDENTHAL-GORLINER ELECTRIC WORKB, 4 823 Mlasldh st.. Ban Francisco. Cat RE At.' ESTATE BIRECTORI REAL ESTATE ' AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETIC A I I.T ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF JOUKNAL KAixi3 '? v.f; SCO,0CG ' PORTLAND 1912 : Realty values have gone up steadily for Tears and win continue to Increase from year to year. The man of good Judgment will not delay securing a home of his own. It is poor economy to pay rent. The same amount you pay In rentpaid on your own home would prove . profitable investment. -Talk it over with a realty dealer. TELEPHO.tS OSTEOiVAXUIC . PUYSICIAJ.8 . DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and eh"'.0 dlseaaea 217 Fenton bids?. Main 8941- PORTLAND Multlgraph Rapld.Ad- dressing Co., 727 it. ot -iraae. main 7023. Circular letters, dictation, copying. THE J." K. GILL ca Stationers, book- draughtmen's supplies. 138 8d co. Aider. LK. F. J. BARK, A 8. 0. 301 Mohaw bldg.. 8d and Morrison. Main m MUSIC TEACHERS M. C SMITH, teacher of piano. 468 BjW mon. main iiiv, b , . - LADY will give piano lessons very rea- sonable. 663 Morrison, rnom m. k. TH1ELHORN.' violin teacher P"!' Sevclk; Ar4160. 884 Pine st. Main F. B. FLNLEY. taxidermist; .head, whole mount and ru wora. iukhuuii Columbia Portland. Or. Phone A-1848. WARREN PIANO. Violin.. Trombone, Samaphoaa . . . a f.K mi i irn rrm. pwiuii -. - .. . IX)UIS A. CREITZ, violin teacher., ail CONSTRUCTION" Beck bldg. Street paving, sidewalks and croi ro- Ings. 817 Beck bldg. . -TIN roofing, guturln g. repairing end general lobbing. -J. Losll. lit Jeffer on st. Mala 1424 PAINTS, OIL AND CLASS RASMUSSEN CO.. !B!h 8andard- palnt, U.K. COT, in It Trinr. m THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office. 404 Worcester btdg. TTS i rPrurHs M. fn' 11 Irinrt of In. surance, surety bonds. McKavbldg. BUIUllllllK UIIUIIW XV. wa. . . . . . . . . m ..... i evi. n won luinninu. CARPET CLEANXNQ STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO, ; eomnraaaad air and steam cleaning. mattresses and . feathers renovaUtt East 3 80. C-IZ60. . nun i xi, uiaiirvwBi ,wv vated. carpets refitted. M. 314; A-4416. R. a WRIGHT, U. a and foreign pat- gnu; inirmnTjinfjpi v CARPET WEAVING WE' do carpet and rug weaving-. Work called for and delivered. 988 E. 11th st N. Phone Woodlawn 2134. CATERERS N. N. NONKEN.jpaterer. take charge of ' VOUUlllli UUUUQkV, u k.W, SlU, sonaoie rates, id u etn. rnum a. iu. CHIROPODISTS DR. O O.' FLETCHER, D.- C; proficient Akt.nIU mnA f nut TlAXlAl1t W h V suffer Q. R.T ; SQ AlUky bldg. Main 87. - - - ' -' -: CHIROPODT AND PEDICURING Mra M. P. Hill. 431 meaner oiog. CLEAMNO AND DTEINQ r uw k.-k OA r -mm vnsi4an Is Mlas s. VTA f liT-P sV Vss vavis av v vi-m- Ins and dyeing buslneaa. 1 1.60 par Bill U aB-AA Alf MaaVB f if ss A (at vard Cleaning Co- 747 Northrup; near 28d. Fhonea a-dszo, wain pxi om. - - -t - n BUNNTSIDE Bteam' Cleaning and Dye Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1067, B-3087. 305 a 64th a- ; li w. TURNER, Dyer carpets dyed a specialty. 60 Jefferson st. Main iei.. v- . w. ; v CO AI AND WOOD K M a amwr a-X. e iiTy1rV ln ti Lilt. aAXUfanouir we.. - ton Root Fllla, aura remedy for da Uyod period;, 2 Pr box or a boxe. for Morrison PRIVATE hospital for women: any ' physician you cqooso. . vmw 60th st Mount Bcott or Hawthorne aye. cars. Phono Tabor ; 89. Dr. Isabella Mackle. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and akin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen gianas, kiu ney, bladder and pllea. ; 181 1st st- Port land. "LADIES I Dr. La Franco's Compound, - safe, speedy, regulator. 25 cents, drug gists or mall; booklet free. Dr. . La France. rnii-eipm. tri WANTED Good second hand pool table: also couple of parlor box bowl ing alleys. Phone Main 8458. 6261, Washington st. DESIRABLE company found for lonely people, either sex;-600 to select from; ladles free; - circular m 10c. Portland Introducing Bureau, aie jmeaey mug. LOST vitality restored ty tr. Lorenss' Nerve Tonlo Tablets, 2 So box. boxes $1 16. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co, 289 Mm rlaon. bet. 4tn anq on. MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cureJ ail juui ui, w . ..v.. vice frea 170 V id, near Yamhill. Main 8770 USE Bassett'a. the original native herbs leta t&e. In black boxea, at all drugglata. MAKE-MAN TABLETS." a nerve tonic; DU11U1 Ufc J D ...... , . . V. w vvw. - -"CT ' Pharmacy, 186 Morrison, west approach. WlLL some one cured of asthma give nrescriotlon to poor woman sufferer? G-145. Journal. r ' AZA HOLMES RIBBECKK school, der matology. manicuring, hair dressing; soeciai ravc ivc,i. jicuv. ,. . " , WOMEW, use romuiae wnen vLiivra sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug Co.. 105 N. 6th St. Main 810. ' MEN'S special diseases treated; modern methods; . conndentlaL, . Drv Vose 12614 Waahlagton st. LEMON Blossom for all female disease. Cures when others falL Laue-Davie TiHia 1 .rnl, H r BALM OF FIGS for all female d eeu iisan. -main waim. BUSINESS DlItECTOUY 'ARCHITECTS - Main 4290.- Buv and sell everything riau foi", household cooda Savage et Pennell. 146-347 1st at Main I BO. FTNANCIA1, 01 $ $ MONEY for everybody. If you want '":Q'i tha nuarter ( ) of- the southwest quarter H) of sectlon thir ty 30), lots one 1) and two (3), ill section thirty-one (81), lots one (1) and the north nan ot tne riuti quarter (4) of section thirty-two ($2 1, all in . township . three (3), north, of range one (1), west of the W. M., in Multnomah county, state of Oregon. ! Now, therefore, by Virtue of said exe cution, Judgment, order, decree and or der of sale and In compliance wltn the commands or saia writ, i win on i ue day, the 6th day of September, 1909. at IB o ClOCK a. m., at me itviv uw. vi mu f H. C D1TTRICH, ; Architect. . 605 Worcester bldg. .Phone Main bdi. tfnwAAl ' '-PROMPTLY XMdlAl DELIVERED v i-.u .v.nii, 8787. - Foot of Cnrrr'ift Viuin Wood & Coal Co. All kinds of fli wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones El 818. B-186I. . E. 6th and Main sts. teriTtTH Portland Slabwood Co. Mala 115$ A-8843. Blockwood, $4.(0; dry tnalde wood. 83.60; green alahwooLl (3 m a a sr A ana ov. JCjJI OS ffi-JTVn waiuviai a aiuus in T 4CQ AAKAT ... avB VY tlCi BU Win wyw, s - COLLECTIONS DEBTS anywhere. We get the money." ot Traae. COLLECTION'S, bonded reoresentatlves. interanaie nujuni vu.. vreimiKpr mun CONTRA CTOIIS AND BUILDERS RYAN BROS., hardware and plumbing; Fa WaTltl !.-.. 17V IS . AAA " If V TV It 1 mil l wct. a- wwwct. DANCING. Sherman st phone Main 184. -ME ' - 1 ADDBESa. ' .w tll AbiD-toa Bids. . ...,,............-"-- , . . , . ...... - u Bmnd Mala and A-2!V unnfurit umpiui ,,".--"---' Brob-ler 4 Benadlet..-..i..t...t...-..Ka MKT Bldg... .Windsor Helghta. Mala & BDttarwertti-Btephensoa Compaiy. I . Lafayette" Blg.,..eie sad Wash. Mala wn s s -a- 1 Uela A..fl&!Ui Coos A Co- B. B. " , ,.,. Charts Hertew............... ......33 Chamber ef Comerert.......,.Mata 18.J East Morrison lUalty Oa...... ......... at Morrlsoe ,.................-.." nn., p. T. Co. (Woodato),........,......-.BW ynkoV""V" 171 Ooldaebldfs Aceacy ....,..,.,.....,....... "Waahlngtoa Bt. ...Mahi - and A-8M8 Bolteook Co..' 8. limngtoa rar).. ,-1 WoroaaUt. Bldg...,.i...,.......Maia Jt-.tla. CS.............U.. ............. rifth......... ststa sS. A3M1 .. 4 . ..i. 4BeHs CrasW Baraale.. Dow) .... .. ,.v - - lfmi,.. ,. ii. m ..323 Chamber of Commree...i Ms1n . ; n5,rrL.W.' Chamber of Comaaree...Mala and A SM k..r a 6o"d. a VH;ib priitT).,,..oic. Hrigtts Ung Bin Land Co. .Vi...,....,........-1 81V "V";"' TI Mall A Von ............ 6na - ........Mais sad : Oran, JUU but. O. ne...............0a Maltaoma...'. J -. rarrlab, Watklua Co...,...., e- "" w , Balatoa. . Q. .ia Halahlsl.r American Bank. k and Oak a.i...aala is VfiRO-rlinaer Bid .....k.....Maln 4 Baltag. P. C...... Jl........a Corn- 87U and H. Blot - r.iui. B. r... PAINTING AND PAPERING rIHt t ' "OHAI. BANK, Portland. Oregon. ! - W4 . ' . mm . rt u Vi 4 K AtA i- , -? ' Ar4AmJa OUAUUD tAwtw u: FOR best wora. prices right, call P. A Loane. I union. pom p'i MIIKD BTATKS ' NATIONAL BAKU 0 POETLAMD, ORBOOM iorthwaat Comer Third -aad Oak ."' 4 - - Oondoets -a-General Banking """ V ' .BOTbh terms, the Onltad Butas aad Europe. Baofhong aad Manila. OoUectloiiS made jhEKH ' vice rraauMsi.,,, ...... i. SuaiaHT. UKU iiuuini,... - ; PATENT ATTOHNJETS 1 . l BBMAM-A1IEK10AN BIKIAJ Om ?.C.,f1. rtdoal eonnta. Bate dapoalt vaults. . . , PRINTING THB EAGLE PRINTING CO- not la ....... i . 1.... . , Russell' bldg.. corner 4th and Morrison. 11 I UKK uni'll) nrlnlura . (r bill heads, etc. Main mt. ist su PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER JT. R HUGHES, $08 - Failing bldg. fnones M.. mils, a.-v4. res, ca. ama, Mice riATtciam 03 Marquam i.AJj. f v-jwui Main i4. bldg. REAL ESTATE Jn W. OOILBEB, real estate and loans estab. I8)i. 14BH st.. room n. RUBBER STAMPS AMD SEALS ALSO all offloe sUtionarr. . P. I,a Co, 381 Slark st. Tel. 148T. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co- 10 Id st Safes at taouirj vl iw, i , , . Oyeneq. parpiin in irn.j htiu w, SECOND-HAND JXOTHING Clothlnr wanted: highest cash prloe paid. Phone M. 1861. Prompt attention. SEWING MACHINES ' s-aaVlaaa MnalJI all VImJIi DJJ W li'aVjr 304JiIS t7pS.l 't AIKUW! Machine Repairing Co.. 888 1st. M.3108 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every fleacrlptioa; bank. DfLr KUu vur A a atas w iiiwmw mt -i sib si - rrf LffllHV W . , XXXXil m IXl-LUJ am'aiii am r xwa . new and old ahowoaaaa. cabfneta, store - i a A ii awA a nO QiTlca Tixiurusl, - ip u-'i,- rt. nvi "feANK FIXTURES, flHOWCASSa mPnSALU HAMILTON HI. IX.. SIGN A1VD . SHOW CARDS .- - - - - - -Mif. . a rrniBHH - - - - - -- !. rVBla-H m 8kA-a.OS, . "W sasj-ia . ker- la tba aortbwtst. Bth and ttteratt ata. fBrnll jjrriT. mm. no. nms; -i 8iaNS THAT ATTRACT' PortUo4 ftlaa Cv Ml -t.aa -SJ4f lROa. - SPRAYING MACHINES THB HARDIB MANUFACTURINO Ca Manufacturers of hand and - power gprayers. nossies. roaa, eta . It Front St.. Portland. Of. TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIERS. OREGON'S best taxidermist, expert I J an mwmi'i'M' t . . . -now ttmiii. SUMMER dancing lesson JBo, including jaaies aua irnuauieii m, nun muBic - x i u i . ,vm - 386 Vi Washington st, bet W. Park and 10th St. ' "? - - - . " - MAPLE DANCING .PAVILION. 16th and Washington sta. dancing every evening except Sunday. Admission free. 5 cents a coupio. rrap a orcnimra. TRANSFER AND STORAGE DREAM LAND Dancing Academy, 7th and Oak; open Wed., Sat. Sun. night for summer months; ladles free. GASOLINE ENGINES SEE Fairbanks-Morse new 1901 t cycle and Sheffield -4 cycle launch engines, finest and best frasollne marines offered; also accessories; free' catalogues; low S rices. Fairbanks, Morse Co, 1st and tark ete.. Portland. Or. STATIONARY snd marine; electrla equipments: - launches, accessorlea wholesale and retail! engine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co.. 1 8 Morriaon. , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIED Morrison Electrlo Co,' flxtnres, wiring. - repairing. 291 E. Morrison. East 3138. PACIFIC Electrlo Engineering Motor m for rent or salei 31$ Id st ELECTROLYSIS kn.Mw. nrlvatoW xvlthnilt d-ila'T. t - , ik. .Inns Vr, m Innn nn VOllP piano and furniture (without remOY- ai;( aiorasw rcceipi hl-t iubuiv pollctes, Jewelry and dlamonda and rate In the city, on easy weekly or $ COunty court house in-Portland, Multno monthly Installments all, business $ mah county, Oregon, sell at public aue strletly confidential. ; ' '-" I in. sublect. to .redemption) to the i i . . i i i . l..-.,ah 1- V-a rA 11 h right, title and Interest which the with in named uerenaants tor enner oi mtnu had on the 20th day of June, 1908. the Amfm. i ha inrtrnsrA herein foreclosed. i . i. . ,1 in. anil tn thm. ur wiiicw mat. ii . -- - above described property or any part tnereot, to bm 1 1 " i m . ment nrrtfr and decree, interesta costs and accruing costs. , - - 1 U 1 T U'J U-.i a:v,o'o7V2f a vss sh 0 cent . . ; : ' . COLUMHIA TKUHT UUMr-AJJII, XSOara pi x rau, mun. PRIVATE loan of $1000 Eli U1 Jf VUlia t- . U. a REAL ESTfB ft BROKER ' Pmiis 11 Hamilton hldr. $ Phone Main 3084. i r ll 3d st $ $ $ $ 3 $ 3 t " I 8 $ muMii HHiiiry .it lunuiur Room 11 Wsnrilngtop tldg. Main 9483. LOANS WANTED SO HOLES, wrinkle. uprfluoua hair re ' moved. . Mra Hill. 439 Fleldnar. rr 1 tn lU 1 A 1 ll . ' J . - - - " , . - years w ,.it.. .. ---i-. T cer cent payable semi-annually. E' 111 Tn.iin1 . WANTED $400, second mortgage on imn.Au, nidnnca. nrocertv: pay 8 it-nil ui jnumiwiiin" - . . - Dated this 6th day of August, .1999. tr. t..,i.Jl,..i.f ?,h IQrlQ . r a, e,nl,nllur ith. 1909. - w SEALED proposals are Invited forhe ! construction of a steel hull, single . .. .. i, v tfta Pnrt Pnrtlnnil Bids must be presented at the office of tne Jrort -ot roriiaiiu vj i. i. w Thursday; the 16th day of August, 1909, ann an oiu inusi uo a. v . 1 1 1 i. . . Uj certified check In favor of the Port of per cent, u-ni, j.iunmi. 0.rtif le check In favor or tne rort or WANTEI A loan of $1100 on modern Portland for 5 per. cent of the amount - 5 room cottage, east side,' Q. . B. Pia, plans and specifications are on Cllne. Tabor 114T. " file at the office of the Port of Porl- a i 1 "iui jft-d ftrul wiu be furnished to proapec- " MONEY TO LOAN 27 tlve bidders providing security for tho lI-u-A -in i -,,-1 - - - sum of 8160. The Port of Portland re- 1 rd,ln.ev4PeC,alt5r, 0,, SjfcS'l Ji sps On Getting the Best Office Man or a Position as Office Man , t Leaks and wastes tap t&B Uf from any business. Tner are uiually traced to poor Clerki. Why not employ only the substantial tort? 0or Want, Ad , give yoo a selection yon choose the on you want from scores. And If you are ' a Cleric, yon want to work with a firm ' -of the highest Class. Ask for the place in a little Wnt Ad, that Employers both read and use. Success to the grown and grower result from a watch upon our little Want Adt. Read arid Answer Today's Want Ads. CO. Corner PHONES M'l of Beventk aad Irving sta. 5. 6. PICK Transfer Storage Jo., ofr mit aie . w .n.. ...; i .., .71 BablMl v BOrUlw" ww sswai sd sja rianos and furniture nmrrd and packed tu( Mliwv.- . , . ' General transier ana luragB. sales, nfanos, and furnlturs moved, packed and Pi.. mo nlr at Main 847? A. fair niiiu J. ahlnr NTPEND!NT Baggage ft .Transfer rn fitoraaa A-4149. ' TYPKWIUTKItS t.L makes rented, repaired, sold. P. f C. Co.. $81 Stark. Tel. 1497. ELlCKENdDERFER typewriters.' 418 Huahanan bldg. H. N. Rosa BANKS v. BONDS AND IJTVISTMKNT8 v M OEBIB BROTH BflL Okaaibaf ', ef OsaiBwree Building. ' Mr-'p'V lUllroed and Poblle, Berries Curycntiom Beads. D0W7tW6-!0rKIl'8 COiiPAltY Batabllalied 18BS BB0BB8. . . v. -STOCK a BONDBL OSUUHBoaf-i sad Bold foe Caaa and ea Ifargla, . ; . : wST Booms BMto 4 CSacfc BttUdlng. Phoaae Mala, 83SJ A-8887. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD' Oregoa Bxpreas T; Cottage Grove Passenger n f S" Sbaata Umlted !? Koaoburg Paaaengar J. - Portlauf Kijweaa.............. U-00 WEST BIDS. ' CorvalUs Passengar "".S1.! ? 2" Bberldan Passenger i ?' roraat Grove Paaaangar.... .?; Forest Gr-. Paaaenser.,......,....! -- roreat Grove Paaoeniar i........ 4;H0 p.'na. Alii land Paaaeniw J 'J a. Cottage Grove Passenger..... " f- SbaaU LlmlMd ..........." J;0 Calltornla Bxpreas .,....... iJht Baa rraacisoe. xp-w.........." CorvallU Passengar Too St Sat roraat Grove Pang.... f-'S t Forest Grove raaaong-r -;-- iwat drove ""... CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. - 1 -.--. , - . fa fti m i fi m Mnrt a .ins win atrMi fx nw a P. B. Bbort Un- A 1 I v, VomTrer. V Worl. Beattt... Vta htttln Victoria 41 - u atUe...Uw.i... t Via. Boisas Mwt ' H M i !ii 1 ; 0:00 a av. S:33 p. m, mil a NORTHERN PACIFIC v.siavrwa POBTLAHD. Portland Beattie J"7'"" S'lH a. m. pomano ",;,. 7. ..vl0:O0 a. sa Portl.iid-Vancov.t tJ"'""" oo p. aa. Paget Bound Umlted, M lB Z Sort- -Wr W.-Ba'nk::: :4 a. . , nniTnrwfi Mn.TT.iri W- ' a . . . no. m ttipim.,,,....,......."....' - . "t vih -.. it wim M. Bank.. B:M D. aa. Portland A Seattle Express......... 4:00 p. sa. Facet Bound Limited.. g:83 p. m. Vaneoover-PortUnd Bpeelal. ...... ..10:0 P- , . ' v iinriuv.' ...... M1AVINQ POBT-ASD, - am. a.lfta. B AOanU sprees ...." f-00 Bi. Cbleafo-Portland PeM ! :00 p. m. NAVIGATION COMPANY. . . , auttiviMi ruaiuuiii, Soo-B pok na- Port land ............... : a si. Ore (ton Bxpreas (lc-o-Portlnd SpwcUl... :tK P "V Pnetfrc Epr a ay , ft HTOKIA 4B VV4-U4UUAA aa onTANS .1 . . ABBIYINO PORTLAKB. Artori. 5: - ............. 1 - ........ J Paaaencer .,H Paaaenaer .tVrdaVif Portland A Ralnlar Paaaensar a. m. Portland Bxpreas ....... 12:15 p. . 4 Portland A Rainier Paaaenge 8 W P. m. Braalde A PortUnd Paaaencer 10:00 . ' Seaside Spaeial, Bandar enly.'...., ..1Q:1 p. aa. . . on rtni k Nattls R.ilwav Vntb 'and box btbkbt pabskngftr btattow:, -Isl?;".- . 1 ABB1VIN0 POBTtAl elTlll rBillMlilr ... , ..v. iniAa va- f '40 U Be Granddalles. Tl , . uOooa. . eon vet aii htwnjM,b " - ,.M . Kortk ".D,.""i,:T-p,ii- Omaha. Kanaas city. For Chicago, Voraitne. BUavlUe. land, t- 'gJ'Mr.Vdd.u5.. WUte Bao. ColamM. Blv- I-c-l .4:15'--iVivle!i'ool6eBdale, GraaddaUeS, White Balmoa. .J,,.,. .t.tkme. rVm .nn ... , , - . naiirtirA hi. n r im -t. T. V. Anmiinv . vy, s rmm Rt. Paal. Omaha. Kansas City. St, Loala, f Walla Walla. .. Paaco. Roosrralt. Granddallaa, White ' Salmoa. Bteveaaoo. Ta. coQTtr and IntarmadUte . stations. , . . Berth Bank Umlted................ ' 8:90 a. m. From Chicago, St Paul. Omaha. Kansas Cltr, St Loala, Spokane, Spragna, Bttsvllle, Lind. Paaeo, Boosavelt, Sranddallas, Goldaodale, White Salmoo, Btavansoa. Taoeoaver.' Inland Empire Expreaa. ............ 8:10 p, Dw From Cliffs, Granddallea, If la, WhlU BaW bob, Camaa. Taneoavar, sad all Intermediate Colombia River' Ieal...........'..l-0 i 'f-' ' .... t:40 s. salDanas to Portland.. i... ...... .1t18 a . Porta j"8abVrbVia;vlng BtBO. e:8flk T;f 10:281 rorw tM i 8:80, 4:1B. :30. s:ao. 7:o, 10:10. aaiow. ana d. m., i-w t . T . . -. Pnrtland Btm Ught A Power Co.: .. - ... Water and Momsom -. r ""--0 0BEG0N CITX. 1 u v.. arr 80 -hmtos aftef 4:09. :W,",7;' kot and half boot, to and B ln-t a the aoaran UMllM,t 100 a. m l e-aa e- Mttlftll 8:40 P. su Oregon Electrlo Railway Company i' ' PEPOT PBOHX ab, Jiurraa-un. V ...a-MITT.lND. '"! IiKAVli'Y' . 80 a. m. galea, Int. St... J'ViSi::::: Siio n uni.knn.roreat rov ...... -, . m Sal." m int. Btaa. local. "'"'""';'''"" FOB YAHCOTTYBB. , . " . n.l eM ana wain nata 11. 11 in sad WaahlnrtoB rtreota. ''- . A. it. 8:16, 8:80, f S, B'JB, BllB. . "pM.1- 03:80. 1:10. 1:80, 1:80, 8:10. 4:80, 6:10, 5 R0. 4:30, Ttfd, T:40. Billl, 9-0, 10:S6a, 11:48. Oa third Monday la .every axmfk last ees learn at T:06 p. aw ' Dally except Bonaay. "uany aeept woaqay. T:40 a. m. 8:B0 a. xowKii surriiY CLEAN towels - dally.comb. brush. aoan 81 per month. Portland. Laun dry Towel Supply Co., Bth and Couck ts. Phone Mali TURKISH BATHS TURKISH baths. - 800 Oregonian bldg.; ladles days, men nights. Alain 1938; A. loan.. .. -. y ' VEIEIUNAKIAIf tlR. GEO. -KTRKPATRICK. veterinary surgeon,-- 42ft Union ava, hospital petterson's stable, l union aya to. 4Ul, B H . THoWruN, 1. V. a. oftloa tlaar. two albl. iUO Hawthorn- ara Paeoee gat Ml7t B-IW- HUMANE VETERINARY HOSPITAL p" Johnson. 131 18th. M. 6811. A-428T. WATCHES EXPERT watch repairer, work guaran tee! 3 years; low prices. J. Keller, Z83tt Burnslde. - . . MUOi-b-lAU. JOURKRS WADHAM3 ft CO.. wholesale grocers, . manufacturers and code roasters. 4Ut and ua aia hi. A. el' MIT CO. PIBTRl-t"tt)KM UP riNK CIO ABA . . ruBH-anu. un. KVKK1XNO A KAUHBIJi, produce aad eaaa mlaaloa swrrhani. 140 IroBt eL, PertlaaA Phooe main 1 19. Or ALLEN A LEWIS GBOCEklKB. TRANSPORTATION IVORTII PACIHC S. S. Co. Knm PiimV, Sin Franciacn and 1 .01 i Angele direct The steamships Roa ' coke and Elder tail every Tuesday at 8 p. nH Ticket oHice 132 Thfrd. near Alder. Phones M. 1314 and A-1314. H. YOUNG. Agent. . S. lem-Tnalatln o;."' ; 9:BS a. . BMem Int Btaa. local- ;;30.10 m. n. HlUaboro-Fweet Grove 7,;;,ii:S5 a. IB. Palem Int. Btaa. .SV P-Hlllaboro-Forjat Grove wcai...... w Balem Int. Btaa. local. VA !"" J:15 p. m. Hlllaboro-Foreat .'8:90 p. ra. Hillaboro-Foreal Grove local r"";; p. Balem int. iitl,, BUS p. . Wllaonvllla Int. ".SSi"".. 6:83 ttniahoro-Poreat Grove local... laloS:::::::!? I S: galem int. DV i local ...... Ii:" m- niii.lwii-rorwt Grove wcai 9 JEFrEBBOIV. -' ' 'v . - . ABBIYIN0 POBTJJJtB. . WllanBrllle Int. Btaa. local....,..,., T:T0 a. m nuiaooro-fl-oreat uroi uicai. . . . i:bu a. m. Balem Int. Btaa. local... 90 a. m, . HUlaboro-Poreat Grove local.. 9:K5 a. tn. ; Ralem Int. Btaa local.. ....... ....ll:r'0 a. m, HHlaboro-roreat Grove local.. ....... 11 :25 a. an. . Balem Int. Btaa local...... 12:0S p. Bk Balem Int; Btaa. local...,..,,...;.. 1:15 p. m. i Hlllabore-roreat Grove local.......... 1-30 p. m, Hillaboro-Forest Grove local......... 1:55 p. ru. " Snlcm Int. Btaa. local. 8:06 p. m, rllllsboro-roreet Grove local. ........ 4 :S3 p. m. Balrm-Tnalatln on If. limited......... 6:05 p. m. Hillaboro-Forrat Grove local., B:23 p. m. Salem Int. Btas. local 8:13 p. to. Hlllnboro-Foreat Grove local. ........ B:10 p. tn. Be lem Int. Btas, local..,..,...,..... :20 s. m. Baera 1st. Btas. local... .1:40 p. ra. . Hlltaboro-Forest Grave local., 11:00 p. m, 1 lllANSrOBTATiqit OPEN RIVER TRANSP0R- . - m. a MHm AW TAI1UN ta Oak St. DocKge-l" i rbones Mala 896 A-3627. . TBXIOHT BECXXYXS AXY TOB Lewlston. Idaho, , Pasco, wash. . : .! Kennewlck. Wash. . The Dalles And upper Columbia and Snake river t earner X N. Teal leaves Portland 1 a. roT Mon '-Wed and Frt. arriving early at The Dalles. Passengers may hoard steamer the night before. - COOS BAY LINE The steamer B BEAK WATER leaves Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m.. trora Alnsworth dock tor Vorth Bend, Marsh, field and Coos Bay points. Freight re ceived until a. m. on day ot sailing. Passenger fare, first clasa $10; second class. $7, including berth and meals. In Antra citv ticket office. Third and Wash ington ata. or Ainswortb dock. r Pboae Main ta Ban Francisco- & Portland S. 8, Co. Oaly direct ataauer. SairlUht yalllosa. . Kronj Alnsworth DocfcPortland, n. a. m. B. B. State of California, Aug. 81. B. B. Boss City, aug-. au, aep. ii aASSIFIEP AD BATES - la Effaet May 1,' 1000 ' ,' ? : ' j.-' l" mmm mmmm mm .j-" ' . ? AH Previous Bates Canceled. . ' ' CASH ADSi - . - . IK m.r-A - 1 lib, r . Inrt1nn IS tn 90 awrda. ZOc; 21 to SB words, SAe. , . Ijmt and Pound. HelD . Wanted. Blrnatlon. .-.-.-. n . , . A Tl ' . . .. 11 ... . Ads, three InaerUone toe the price of two. All ether elaaamcauons sevea jnaertiuna roc the price of six. Manicuring and Massage ads 10c. per Has. '. i - I CnABGB. ADS: . ... Other than contract, Te per counted Una. Or'tt space contract to be used In 12 iimn'ha. 1,X) llnca. e per eountnl line 8,000 linee.... ....OSc r conr.twl lliia 10.000 llnea or mora 6c pwr coiiuti-il Uw All claaairied atlrertialng chargad bj lit liu actual eoun. . f. . . ; ADS BtTH BY TUB MONTH; 1 month.. .81. SO per line pr smnit, 8 montba .....11.25 per line pr bhi. u 12 montba 1. P' P" awnih COUPON BOOKS . Caeh oa Delivery ef Booka. Til line bonk.., ...I1 P" cwtnfcd Una BiKI line bouk..... ... V" cit.1 1 louo. line bo a V" "'' Cnnpona it accnmpetir coir, or a.1 : I be charted at the rasuUr one tlma rata of w per line. ' COUNT SIX WOEPS TO TUB LINE. ithoold any ad appear Incorrect on f!rf !i acnlon. Tha Journal will cot b m.mii lor nhi;'fi,nt lnrtlofia. RKl'OKT pmni''lr t th wurt at r. -t failure to f-t rmrna or rirnu., . i B. 3. ose y, aug-. aa, Beg. . i laiiu J' From Wer 40, an ranc.aro i. rn. , u. "V." fr,. ,. T.8o a. m. te 11 P- m. dai.jr B. 8. Sosa City. Aug. 21. Sep. 4. R. . state - of California. Au. 2a. J, m. Banaam, Doea. Aaent. M. MS. lnw.-ia r Sock: U. J. Booha, city uct.t agent. la Third l'honeS 213111 St. Mala 404, A-140X Au f -- i !., 1 1 '- L A-