10 l-i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL.; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 8, 1909. HELP WANTED MAIJE AND . FKMAXE S . . 10.000 POSITIONS -Fet- graduates last year: men ana we mwrUira barber traae In weeks; bel to K"?'jr"-(:,ni; fre: rtU for talor Mo!r WANTED AGENTS . WANTEDTo pay men $125 ".onthly J V . Til avII AotnK71 very 'j nursoay; no "" w"-r"r carrying miuiji. vmi ..- r c-!! nit isna nor month: you can, too. Small bond required from thoseemployed w rue pi tuny mu - - - , , r , dltl income. C. C Boorea. Sec y., box ' U. Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS earn Zia $50 weekly, selling latest stvlesMexiean and Swiss em broidery wafst patterns, drawn work, etc- Catalog free. National Importing Co. dJ D. 699 Broadway. V. Y. UlNTS. men or women ; new eum- nf PrOPBIU"nt lion ' " -- i . .-. a .lnn V. I , t . , I cooicer. ureal ior yvu - Nat l Mfg. v P.. 3itn St., uayiun. umv. SALESMEN WANTED To book busi ness in me most promising, puyuiai. paylns; proposition of the present Out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery co., aaiem. .'r, AGENTS sell our Wilson dress hook. Dressmakers and tailors buy in quan tities; big profits; sample hook 2 cent tamp and particulars. Barrett Co., 204 Ti- ' ilein sv, rww mifc. AGENTS Do nothing till you hear from.ua; our goods go like wlldrire; 400 per cent profit; samples free. We give credit, protection, and pay freight isoxoaor w, umcago, WANTED Salesmen who can Bell trees: fin territory; good terms; splendid opportunity for right man; references required. Address Oregon Nursery com pany, saiam. or. ' tute for elot machines; patented; sells on sight for 81. Particulars. Gisha vompany. ahoctw inn CHEAP patent household articles are money , makers today. We have live ones. Samples, f roe, Leltner Brush Coj Detroit Mich. 7 AGENTS Big money easy made; the right dope; easy sold. Call 426 Board of Trade bldg. EMPLOYSIENT AGENCIES 85 . C, R. HANSEN & CO. Employment Agency. Established me. Mais and female help of all descrip tions promptly supplied, free of charge to employers. . Ladles' department S4SH Washington t. cor. 7th phones Main and A-2692. Men's department, 26 North Id at, phones Main end A-1624. ' San Francisco office, 87 and at 4th St., near Market. "- - I Spokane office. 424 Front sve.' , Remember Hansen Hires' Help - CITT OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Street Bntraj.ce City Hall. Male and Female Help 1 Furnished Free of Charge.) Main 8555 i1 A-6614. 1 HANLEY & TAPLET EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters Cor . R. R. work. N. Zd St. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE ' THIS MERT Rooms single an baths, phone ezchan nunea. mmr men tenants P X 9 ARPER. rl sk-ailtltsm central rexerrea. nrtvs.tA luiuriantly fur- locatlon; gentle 126 I3Ui st Mala it N. Jlsjtst Private family, has few T ytlWtiaUlC . Ul ...Hi. - . guestar have privileges of lawn, etc.;. se- I I l i. T, . . , v. . nAnK t'a a H Kton; terms very reasonaoie NKW.MARKRT" HOTEL. Now under new management at 205 H Wash.; have nicely furnished rooms, 12 per week and up; located in liearfbi! Business aistnci. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS v WEST SIDE - TUB SUTHERLAND Newly furnished Housekeeping rooms, hot ana cold wa ter, electrlo lights, gas range, free baths and phone. ICta or "W carline, corner tun and TUurman. Phone A-41 (4. LARGE nicely furnishd rooms, with private bath, fireplace and all mod ern conveniences, also two smaller rooms; good home cooking. 84 Flan ders, near 17th st. Tte Yamhill furnished rooms; phone, bath, etc Per manent and transient New management EXTRA fine furnished rooms, for 1, 2 or more persons, bath and phone, 8 blocks from P. O. 42S Main near 11th. i'hone A-2882. FURNISHED , rooms, nicely furnished front room, ' suitable for two gentle men. Phone, bath and light 34& Main, near Park.- NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2, tl to $1 per week; nice yard and surroundings. Aster Mouse, ut ana LARGE, lovely room In refined home; running water, bath, parlor; every comfort, $12.60; gentlemen only. 656 uusan si. NEWLY furnished rooms, en suite or - single: steam heat, hot water winter and summer. Apply flat 10, 44 Mor rison st ' -- ' . ' HANDSOMELY furnished front suite; ground floor; close in,' with gas, bath, pnone anq piano; 1350. call Main 71Z4, ONE large alcove room, suitable for 2 or 8; also cozy single room, 10 mln tites' walk. 883 Montgomery, near 7th. dcrn, private home; suitable for two. CT Trinity place. Main 6337, A-4744 i'OUH laree newly furnished rooms, free pnone. Data, moderate prices. , can Iter to a. m. z za, cor. Maaison, TLY furnished rooms, reasonable; I!0! location; quiet street: walking HsAiV Call and see. 66 N. 14th st tLHEP out doors!-, Comfortably fur nished tents, beautiful lawn; summer rices z up; rooms also, zzi 13th ft ICELY furnished rooms, close In. 651 . . . 11 I . 1P..1.U. ton, near leth. iients reasonable. TilE TjujiPLE-343 Yamhill, oppo site Hotel Portland; nicely furnished rooms, f.ou ww up; imngient. TWO pleasant-rooms, walking distance; reading ana oearoonr; gentlemen only. in per montn. 411 kqbs st -v PLEASANT room reasonable: use of . parlor, phone and bath; desirable lo cation, ciose in, a(i aatn. Hotel Mason vZl Fr- phone and bath. BACRY HOTEL, newly furnished1 rooms, free phone, gas, modern; conveniences. nice location. oo ist. PLEASANT furnished front room for 1 or 8 gentlemen; home privileges; very i"RONT room suite of furnished rooms; also one single: reasonable Tent; good location. 401 jeirerson LARGE, newly furnished room, use of hath mn roBnnhl. Tab. 91A vovk i nurman 1KICELY furnished front room suitable for 3 gentlemen; fine location; rent TPasonaoie. zv tutn. A'tKY pleasant upper front room, best residence district, walking d'Htance. Main 3312. 361 10th. NICELY furnished front rooms. Take depot Morrison car to 21st and John son 15 N. ?let wt. ST. GEORGE. 301 1st., furnished rooms, housekeeping and transient; gas. batn.. phone. ?HE-ECREKA rooming house, transient rooms, close to depot; rent reasonable. 60 H N. 7th st. CLEAN, out Klrfe room, quiet place, best - location; phone, bath, J2 week. HH Tamhlll street t V . . . 1 : : jsicbbi lumisnpa rooms, sleeping or housekeeping; all modern. 328 Clay M. Main 2". Sr1RF.E neatly furnished rooms for rent, separately, til, 18, $6. 30SVt c ollege st. IS per month, 2 large furnished front rooms, suitable for 2 men. 567 2d. Main 8470. j ' MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th. modern fnrnlshed rooms, single, en suite; trnil-nt ' TVO nicely rurnlslied rooms. 5 minutes walk from . P. O.; rent reasonable. 283 4tn ei. Hi 12th 1 well furnished front rooms. all conveniences, reasonable. Main HM3. PRIVATE family. Bice large front room wlo board, quiet place, Close 4a. East 8M. -T l- -; - . :. KlCELY furnished rooms also housed keeping,' rates rp"ao Liable. 265 Lin- coin 1X)R RENT Hotel,' furnished. 835 per month to responsible-party. 666 Hood. I ICE attractive rooms. 81.50 to $; free phbnti. lgT:tB, bath.i-etc. 2 fi. 14th t ?TICE modern, room tap; walking 4ls- tan"e, i or r people. aa mverett. IT. i: A SAN t . rooms for gentlemen. . W, 1 rk: price 8. Call Main 9000. "il K Sad Hotel 81.50 to 83 week. No ?ni4 lst st. ' f If l. im!1.1 fc.via for men oj.ly. 831 tji'iau at ... HOTEL LENOX ndrotnl. single or en suite, at reasonable prices; modern conveniences; opp. the flasa. WikiL furnished housekeetlna- room a 2 rooms 86 month: 8 for 212: front of cottage, s large rooms, fie; 4 room lower uat, sib. Apply 364 si, Zotn. w. car to FURNISHED and unfurnished suites of housekeeping rooms: clean, sanitary. convenient very cheap, 14, 5 and jjriuioin.il a ruum. ane xairoioni, ia and Upshur. ' FROM private party, loan. of 11600 on suburban home on west side, 3H miles out property worth 83000; will pay 7 per cent; no agents, u-14", journal. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, en suite or single; steam heat hot water winter and summer- Apply fiat id, 494 Morrison st. TWO housekeeping rooms, clean, well furnished, running water, all conven iences; 16th or 23d St cars; 814. In quire 888 N. 24th. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 208H 3d. fur nished rooms, modern brick building; take S car from Union depot south to Taylor st. Kates 75c and u WASHINGTON. Alder and 17tn sta. The Norrls Absolutely new, all out side rooms, strictly modern convua- lencea. n t weeKiy. TWO clean, comfortable rooms, price 85.50 and 8460; easy walking dis tance. Phone C-1039. Address 421 Hal sey st. cor. E. 6th. The Eismark WlKLf Cullaugh. Furnished rooms, day, week, month; reasonable. 715 WASHINGTON, corner 2d. Most desirable rooms, convenient business center; private home, bath, phone; tran stent, permanent ' NICELY furnished rooms, close in, 651 Everett st, 8 blocks from Washington, near 16th; rents reasonable. , FURNISH ED ROOMS 1 '.. EAST SIDE 53 NICELY . furnished rooms in private family, bath, furnace heat gas- phone, etc., all new furniture, 6 min utes waiK to steei Dridge, irom. i tu to 8160 per week. 824 E. 1st North. 1 . ti fltS f.Arl rnnma In fin. V. i. m a .......... Q uv .I.1AII1L.LVJ, CTMJ I Bi Sellwood 1326. PRIVATE - family, large front room. bath, phone; will give breakfast and dinner: furnace heat 314 Holladay ave. . NICE large airy front room, suitable for 1 or 2: close in: 210 per month. 29 E. 7th st. TWO furnished rooms In a private house. 81.00 and 81.25 per week. 70 E. lOthc N. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, pri vate family; easy walking distance; reasonable East 4954. 585 E. Taylor. FINE front room, suitable for 2 gentle men: east side, walking distance- ref erences. Call forenoons. East 4565. 20 Union ave., near Oak, desirable front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, 82.60 weeg. East Z4T FOR RENT--Nicly furnished room; I. Belmont St. - ' FURNISHED room, bath, phone, rea- sonable, private home. 408 K. 11th. B. FOR RENT Furnished room on first rieor. 416 E. Aider st. cor. etn. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 DESIRABLE furnished, also unfur nished, rooms; single and en suite; quiet; very suitable for single gentle men. Kamm bldg.; 1st and Pine sts.; reasonable. TWO unfurnished rooms; gas and wa ter, 28! single room, 31.50. 340M Front st. 8 CLEAN unfurnished housekeeping lUVIIIBt BXA.UU, X1U tUUUrVU, ,OI near 4 th. TWO unfurnished rooms for rent: no children. 88. Main 7426. 834 Sher man st. ' THREE nice unfurnished rooms; rent 316; on "W" carline. Main 3787. HOTELS 04 THE CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park; Eu- ropean and American plan. HOTEL PORTLAND.. European plan only; 38.' 38 day. BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with, board In private family,, goad home cooking; large closets; all mod ern conveniences; walking distance; no other roomers.-Main 4810. LARGE room, nicely furnished, with board, man and wife, or, 2 or 8 gents; modern; piano; 6 minutes' walk. Phone Main 8207. 330 H 10th St. WOULD like 2 people for large front room, with board; home eooklng; mod ern conveniences, v-107 N. 16th st Phone Main 6618. WOULD like 2 people for large front room: home eookins:. ' easr walking distance 429 E. Davis. Phone E. 6418. SUITE nicely furnished front rooms, 1 side room, meals, free - baths, free pnone. use or piano, tin yamnui. NICELY, furnished room with board, suitaoie ior i or z: Close in: rates reasonable; private. 27 E. 7th st, N. GOOD board, with or without rooms, . rates reasonable. Phone East 8346. zzi orana, corner salmon. HOTEL IDAHO, 627 Hood st, board and room 14.26 per week; 21 meal tickets 3.t; peas ii per week. NICELY furnished rooms, best home cooking, bath, phone, reasonable rates. Inquire 288 4th St. ROOM and board, one or two, reasonable,-walking distance. 624 E. Mor rison street. TWO furnished rooms with board In private family, near city halL .304 Madison. HOUSEKEEPING, rooms, well fur nished at lowest 'rates; electric lights and phone Included. 801 H Water st, corner Columbi-. A MIDDLE-AGED lady with good sub urban home, wishes to care for one or two children, mother's care. 683 Bldwell ave., Sellwood HOTEL Ohio. Front and Madison. Xur- nished housekeeping rooms; also other rooms, reasonable. Phone A-4880; Mam &861. COTTAGE, 6 rooms, 314, furnished 820: cottage, 7 rooms, iiO, furnished ' 326; .... 1 tin . 1 . V. .J tl f . a rvuiu luwar xim, aid, urfiiut3u MVt all west side river. Apply 364 N. 26th, ,t wr wem w go til, nuriu x uiuca. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and In suite, also 3 and 4 room suites, bath, fas and phone; rent reasonable. - 117 N. 8th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suitable for two; cheap; light gas. bath. 647 4th st. "8" car to Lincoln. Main 8280. THE COLLINS ESJLr- new management Fur nished housekeeping rooms. 81-78 MP- 1K4 Sherman. South Portland 81-60 week up, large, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; parlor, laundry bath. ONE neatly furnished housekeeping room, suitable for lady; private fam lly. Phone, gas, bath. 826 6th st CAMBRIDGE bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Furnished housekeeping rooms; very desirable. Apply room 36. 3 ROOM furnished housekeeping suite; also one small sleeping room. 334 itb st, cor. Market. Phone A-3078. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur nished room suitable for light houae- keeplng. 348 Main, near Park two light housekeeping, rooms; also light housekeeping room In basement. IS per montn. 536 Yamhill NEWLY furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms: bath, phone and home privileges. 684 3d. A-19Z7. ONE and 2 nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms; good location; gas, phone and bath. 611 Everett. THE ANNEX, 144 H Front st, cool, light housekeeping rooms and single rooms; gas ana Dam. LARGE, well-furnished housekeeping rooms; very reasonable rent 81 nrst sr., near oiarit. NICELY furnished room, with large pantry, convenient tor nouaetteeping. io. boo iztn st. THREE 'furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light free, 82 76 per week. ZPB .r runt su 816 Completely furnished suite; gas range, laundry. Phone Main 5178. 146 N. 16th st FRONT suite housekeeping, rooms, prl vate family, on carline, fine location. 264 14th st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 4 TWO or 8 nicely furnished down stairs housekeeping rooms, private family, reasonable, all conveniences, phone, bath, sewing machine, lights, large kit chen and pantry; good location, close In. 6 E. 8th st. S.. between Ash and Anlt- eny. Phone East 4834 V FOR RENT HOUSES' 12 FOR KENT A 2 story 8 room house with full cement basement and all modern conveniences, on E. 8th st; good car service and full -lot for 818 a month. This Is the cheapest rent onerea in the city. Also an upper moaern nai on Kearney st lor rent at a Bargain. Farms of all slice for ease. Geer & Mattoon, 106 Ablngton bldg. Main 2181. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 WHEN you move yon always need sew furniture, ,,,- Buy at no rent prices; the savings '111 exceed cost of moving. We own our own building; occupy one half; collect rent on balance. ., MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO, Grand ave, and E. Stark. Phone 15. 392P. 6 ROOM cottage, bath, electricity, barn. , corner lot 816. - - 6 room bungalow,' new, 822.60. 4 room cottage, partly furnished.' 815. 7 room house, walking distance, $12. ( room cottage, shade, fruit, $12.60. : HAirit.uu, loon 4 in st. FOR RENT Suburban 4 room house, 8 acres, fruit garden, good ' well, new chicken house; yards, outbuildings; 1 block west Courtney station, Oregon City car, 8o fare. Phone Red 42. Mrs. Mciees. WHEN you find the house you will want a nice Dlano. We rent new pi anos at 34 and 36 per month; all rent money later applied towara purcnase. enennan nay tc to., opposite postoiiu- $400 'cash takes furniture of a modern steam heated flat I room, rent 840, furniture cost ' 8700 , 1 month ago, 8 rooms rented for 850, must sell at once. Apply flat A. 54 Washington st - Wanted to rent ROOMING nouse, fine furniture. 8 room Hat 3660,. fine furniture 13 room house only $700.:. Mrs. Koonts,-387 Ab lngton Din g. Main 7781. FURNISHED completely, , 10 1 rooms, bath, basement garage and stable; rent 3&; sacrifice, u ly. 349 Salmon st taken immediate- FURNITURE room flat, practically new, at bargain; everything complete. low rent owner. , iat aav waaning- ton. Main 1833 WEW furniture of new 6 room flat for sale at - bargain by owner. 424 Col- lege street Main 6887. Apply mornings. FURNITURE of 8 rooms, good location, walking distance, all modern; low rent' 624 East Morrison. M-nus, FURNITURE and lease -of housekeep . Ing apartment house at a bargain, on account of- sickness. East 4670. FOR RENT One 6 room. house, Mt Bam,, d ni ...... O Pall wv. u k t. wiuucj , ' yvi luuituli v. . , and see Geo. Cameron, Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg., or phono M-8DUU, A-KZ71 FOR RENT Cottages and houses, mod ern or not $10 to $18 per month, 6 to 10 rooms. Apply J. Tressler, 1458 E. Gllsan st; Montavllla car. Phone Tabor 163 BUNGALOW 6 rooms, bath, station arv tuba atriotlv UD-to-date: 222.60. Northeast corner E. 86th and Main sts. inquire- Main 2908 or call 516 Oregon lan bldg. : -, ,- ' FOR RENT 8 room celled house, bath, ground 100x100. 8 blocks from pied mont car -barns, rent $12. 12 W. Car- penter st, near Patton ave. Main 7528 THREE room tent house Council Crest addition, suitable for winter resi dence. Inquire at three tents near onarKeys orrice on Crest drive. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, large yard, block and half south of Gray's Crossing. Inquire Whittn, mount scon canine. COTTAGE 6 rooms-, large yard, fruit trees and roses; $16. 421 E. 46th st. south. Inquire Main 2908 or call '616 Oregonian bldg. FOR RENT I room bungalow, 200 oi8t, 313 unrurnisnea or i lur nished. or would exchange. Phone Woodlawn 1779. HOUSES and summer cottages guarded against lire: "better be insured than sorry." Columbia Trust Co, Board of xraae bldg. 7-ROOM modern cottage, large grow ing garden; workshop: car 2 blocks. Beautiful home. 940 Ellsworth- corner i. 31St 6 ROOM modern house, full basement. 3 lots, fine place lor -chickens; rent $14. F. J. StelnmeU & Co, 198 Morri- SEPT. 1-r Modern 7 room bouse, shades, grate, gas, stationary tubs, large lawn, choice location. 718 E. Bumslde. $12 5 room cottage, chicken house. car- den; Sellwood car, opposite west Moreland track. Phone Sellwood 69. 695 W. MADISON 10 room house, yard. r lowers; rme neighborhood; house good shape; 25. 454 Jefferson 8-ROOM modern house, newly tinted, close in on East Side, $18 month. 189 ft 4th. A-5624. Main 9183. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, moaern conveniences, in pri vate cottage, beautiful location, bath, electrlo lights, sink, pantry, linoleum, nice yard, phone, wood range, gas plates. i montn. i iv xi. oaimon st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms at Arleta rooming house, $8 per month; sleep ing rooms, $5 per month; will also board, room and care for elderly people or Invalids, reasonable price; 1 block south of Arleta station.- Js'o. 72. Mt Scott car. THE GAYOSA furnished housekeeping suites, modern. summer rates. . Eiast otno, THE ROSLIN'nMhWt housekeeping suites, modern, also gen tlemen'a sleeping rooms. j NEWLY furnished ' housekeeping rooms, - beautiful location near the river, Tine neighborhood, modern conveniences, gas for cooking, reasonable rent 582 E. 6th st; Sellwood 133. . THE LAMBERT. 23 ft Union ave. Light housekeeping and single rooms; electric lights, bath, phone. 201ft Stanton St. V. car 31.26 week up. clean furnished housekeeping rooms. patn, aunoTT. rurnace heat yard. LHOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleeping rooms, BiiiKio oi suite; nicely tur nlshed. 131 H Union ave. East 642. FURNISHED roo-is for light house keeping; also single rooms, modern nouse. 83 is. iotn. rnone East 168. NICE CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite. . 86 Vi Un ion ave. Phone B-1041. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cen trally located In Alblna. Phone E. 6840. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $16 month. 20 E. 6th st B-1759. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, In- quire 3i E. 7th, N. 7 room house, $15 per month. 641 2d, cor. - cntnonn SIX room house, $15. Call 173 Hamil ton ave. PLEASANT, homelike room, with board for two; come and see. 649 Johnson. A-4681. NICELY furnished rooms with board in private home. Main 8174. 76 N. 14th. LARGE rooms, suitable for 2 ; also room for roommate, separate beds. FRONT room and board for two ghtle men. 64 N. 16th st. corner Davis. ROOMS with board! 149 15th, between Morrison and Alder. Main 8412. Six Boarders in One Week From a Journal Want Ad WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 WANTED Place to board and room by a young man on the east side; close in; state price. B-14". Journal BY young couple and baby, in private family, with home privileges. Phone Woodlawn 1S88. Smith. WANTED Room and board In private family. W. C. Fields: 148 E. 19th. TWO young ladles, employed, wish room and board. W-144, Journal. YOUNG man -wishes room and board In t Sellwood. 0-148, Journal. . . Portland, Or., Aug. 6, 1909. Journal Publishing Co., Portland From the following ad, which ran in your paper for one week, I got six steady boarders: HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE furnished housekeeping room for rent lower floor, Jront room. . 433 Everett st. SINGLE housekeeping rooms; walking distance. The Newcastle, 3d and Har- rison wts. 8ROOM suite housekeeping rooms, 2 beds, nice location, rent reasonable. 309 2d st ' THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, light and phone; adults only. 410 Jeffer son st - , TWO nicely, furnished suites of house keeping rooms, m private family. 402 4th st -i . v - - FURNISHED suite of housekeeping rooms, no children. 821 7th. M. 1799. WELL furnished housekeeping; water in rooms. 328 Front st. near Market ONE furnished room for light house- neeping. a iv-ltn st MCE room fox nlre man: housekeeping: 370 12th St. . Main 43(4. 8 S 4 ROOM cottage and 7 room modern house, close to car, $10 and $16 per month. Phone Main 2218. SIX room cottage, electric lights, base ment E. Pine, foot 22d and 28d 316.60. Phone East 3749. FOR RENT 6 room house- gas and electricity, on carline, 1262 Haw- tnorne. ib per montn COTTAGE. 669 Going, corner E. 14th; 812. E. H. CahaUn,, room 827 Cham- Der or commerce. FOR RENT Two 6 room modern cot tages, just completed. Inquire 700 yuimoy st. FOR RENT 6 room bungalow, mod- - ern, von jgaet loth is, io; 3 blocks rrom car. TWO nicely furnished front rooms on ' first floor, near 8 carlines; rent rea sonable. 415 E. Alder, corner 6th. FURNITURE 9 rooms, complete.. Wash - ington .st; roomers pay house rent; nest reason ior selling, main iii. BOARDING HOUSE for sale Reason , able: parties going away. 77 W. Park., between Stark and Burnslde. FURNITURE of 6 room flat cheap; new in September; modern, rent $33; price 3Z50. .60 N. th St A-3B3M. FURNITURE of 6 room flat Including fine piano; will sell at sacrifice; reasonaoie rent.- mo itn- 11 2K rjih tskea furniture of 7 room modern bouse, rent $18, near base- ball park. 828 vaugnn et- GOOD furniture of 8 room house for sale, $300; no agents; rent $$6; modern, close In. M-149, Journal. MUST sacrifice furniture 8 room cot tage; ' rooms all rented; fine yard; rent 330. 243 fttn st FURNITURE of 6 room 'flat for sale; nap if taken soon. Address 487 Davis st Phone Main 1586. A MODERN oottage or bungalow of from 4 to or f rooms, by young couple; no children; -lurnlshea .or- un furnished? sleeping porch -or -porch large enough for bed. - If you have s neat and modern heme, will lease If de sired. Please state definitely what you have. Best of references, j-ij, Journal. ' , WE HAVE standing, wants for 14 un furnished and 10 furnished bouse or flats. ' '- HARTMAN THOMPSON, V . Chamber of Commerce. T ' WANTED-? By young couple, 4 or fi -room cottage or flat;- 16 -minutes' want from p. v. x-140, journal. EXPERIENCED carpenter would finish cottage, or other work,-. In exchange i lent. tfi-ii,, tfvm list. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room. Mt 1 labor district; - rererences. . L 146, Journal. ' WANTED Houses and flats. Hartman A Thompson, Chamber of Commeroe. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 PAIR well matched - horses, weight 2400 lbs,: low heavy chunk; new breeching harness,, all complete; price 8186., Pair bay mares, weight .1100 each, good workers; price $180. Pair big gray horses . and harness; price $190. Pair nice bays, suitable for de livery or express; price $136. One Slack horse; price $80. Big bay mare,, trott ing bred; price $125. Five head cheap farm horses, from $50 up to $75. , These horses are all sound, right out of bard work, will be . guaranteed,. Call $06 $ front rooms, housekeeping, very de slrable location, close in, good Income over rent 314 6tn. NINE room house, extra fine furniture, 3276, balance 815 monthly; will trade Hatfield, its y, tn. 22 ROOM rooming house for rent and furniture for sale; good location. Phone East 3376 SEVEN room house for rent and furni ture for sale at a bargain. K-i4, Journal. COMPLETE furnishings modern- 6 room flat; party leaving city. S30 N. 18th st FURNITURE of 3 room cottage for sale. itti wneeier; cottage tor rent. FURNITURE of a first iclass rooming and Doaraing nouse ior bhic. u. ONLY $376. furniture of 14 room home Tor sale; rent 3ZQ- tan at sua q at. NICE furniture of lovely 6 room flat . . . . ,tl ,ani Close in; a simp ior flaw, iviq.ni naia. FURNITURE of a coiy 6 room flat cheap or will rent 686 Everett. FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale, house Tor rent can a-3,s". FURNITURE of 8 room house, rent $12. 824 4th. Phone A-4067. SUMMER RESORTS. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, housekeeping tents, furnished rooms, reasonable, nicest yard at 'Seaside, nice camo rrou n d s. Fannie Austin. Seaside, Or. BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach the seaside capital of the northwest COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade bldg. A COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. Call 843 N. 19th st. Main 4191. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT New, modern flat rooms, light airy, 2 fireplaces, fur nace, large lawn (owner takes care), sleeping porch, finished floor, 774 Kear ney st, to responsible parties without children. Phone Main 8749, or call 772 Kearney St. ONE 6, one 6 room modern upper flats; walking distance; reasonable- rents. James & Stgglin. 141 Vi let st Main 7842. WEST SIDE, 6 rooms; gas, bath and I run pftHgmeni, m. inquire zps forter FOR RENT Four room cottage. Call ! at oo uoiumpia st., or pnone Main STRICTLY modern 6 room upper flat nice porches, front and back, shad trees. $18. 778 H Missouri ave. Tak L car. CALL on Hartman & Thompson at Chamber of Commorce for your wants. ? ' ROOM house, on Knott near Missis sippi ave, 614- Inquire 806 Thurman. HOUSE, 104 hi 17th st, rooms. $16 a month. Inquire Lowengart 628 Irving. 2 CHOICE flats for rent. 6th and Wasco, 8 blocks north of Holladay. Call Main 1505 or W. Reldt 401 Rothchlld bldg. SIX room, strictly modern Independent 11th and E. Harrison. Sellwood car. Sellwood .69. NICE 4 room flat modern, nice location, $18. 71 23d, corner E. Stark. Call 127 E. 16th, near Morrison", ' ' WANTED Houses and flats. Hartman ft Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. $206 rooms, good condition; E. Ever- ett and 28th. sellwood 69. $2C i room modern house, walking dls tance 510 West Clay st 6 ROOM house for rent In good condi tion. 368 Graham st FIVE room cottage, 410 E. Everett st Phone Woodlawn 602. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 COTTAGE, well furnished, $20; unfur nished, $12; west aide. A"ly 864 N. 26th st "W car west on Morrison to 26 th st, north 1 block. FURNISHED 6 room new house, lot 60 xl60, fine lawn and fruit trees, near 3 carlines. 20 minutes' walk to town. 365 Sacramento st SIX room neatly furnished cottage, good locution, walking distance, reasonable. 892 Hall, bet W. Park and 10th. OWNER leaving large beautiful home, furnished; lease responsible adults part. East 6222. 600 E. Oak. NICELY furnished 8 room house, with piano, walking distance, 650 Taylor. can at once. FURNISHED cottage, 214 per month. 967 East 16th st Take Alberta car. - WENTWORTH hotel, ,663 Hood, board and- room, under new management reasonable rates. . - What Could Be Better? It is always the same with Journal Want Ads -no matterjwhat I want, a little a'd. in The Jour nal, two or three insertions, will invariably bring the desired results. . MRS. R. E. PEARMAN, 663 Hood St., Wcntwbrth-Hotel, v WANTED Houses and flats. Hartman & Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED FLATS B0 CLEAN, comfortable furnished flat; 3 rooms, yard; walking distance; refer ences. 696 Front si. Main 6415. AFARTMENTB 43 FURNISHED and unfurnished 4 room apartments. -Westminster apartment stn and Maaison. JEFFERSONIAN, modern 2 and 3 room furnished - apartments, fzo up. 16th and Jefferson sts. STORES AND OFFICES 11 151 Front Street Ground floor, 3 doors from Morrison st, 1 to 3 years' lease. H, C. Mattlson, 161 Front at, upstairs. FOR RENT 4-story brick store bulld ing, cement basement 40x100, 31 Front st N.;, lately occupied by Ameri can Chicle Co. Apply to Fred BlckeL 761 Park ave. Main 2935. FOR RENT Part of store, lights, wa ter and phone furnished, J15 per month; good location for . plumber or fialnter. See Sunday p. m. at 80 Kill ngg worth ave. FIRST class outside office rooms tor rent In new building; steam heat, electrlo an gas light with janitor aerv !, N. E. cor. 3d and Madison. FOR RENT Furnished office, free phone, waiting room and 2 entrances. See Barnard. 623 Worcester. 8d and Oak MUST be sold at once, one fine team suitable for ex Dress or laundry. 1 de livery horse, 1.1400 pound work horse, 1 driver, 1 cheap farm mare, 1 camel back express wagon. 3 old farm wagons, 1 8 -spring wagon and harnesses; will ex change for cows. Kenilworth Transfer Co, 809 E. 28th st, Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. : '- horses; VEHICLES. ETC. is ' Horses, Wagons and -, . Harness. . 1 spaa mules, weight 2600, $500. 1 span mules, weight 8000, $376. 1 -gray pony, -good single or double, $70. ,,..... 1 spaa mares, t years, weight 2800, $500. - epan geldings, JO - years, weight 600, $276. ' . ' -1 span geldings, 8 year, weight 8000, $450. I black gelding, 10 years, weight-1100, $90. - - i : 1 bay gelding, 7 years, weight 1200, C1.I.B 4C ... tEA ... ! ' ' ( camp wagons.- , - 1 1 seated hack. 2 surreys, canopy tops. '' ' : 5 heavy farm wagons.. l, . ' , 1 light farm wagon., " , 2 carts (one double).'. ... ; , 1 bakery wagon, $85. '4 delivery wagons. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. " WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one from, an old established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost We are located outside the high rnt dis trict own our building and can make the price. Exclusive agents for ths old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fin Vehicles, delivery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and -farm waarnna Be sura and see us before you buy. It may save you money, R. M. WADE A CO $21 Hawthorne ave, between JO. 1st . . and 2d Sts. GOOD delivery horse tot sale. Call 833 jwisnisBippi sva. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 GOOD farm team, weight 2400, with new farm harness, 8160. '. 1 good work team with harness. $135. 1 big team, about 8800. S good buggies, 1 light farm wagon, S express wagons, single or double; 8 sets double driving harness, t seta work harness. Peterson's Stables, 14 Union ave, corner Ash. - -. FOR SALE 1 new brougham, cost $1600; will aell for $660; 1 single trap, cost $225; will sell for $126; 1 set dou ble harness, hand-made, cost $276, will sell for $125; 1 single harness, cost $176; win sen for aizo. -n. journal. MUST be sold at once; 3 new Clow rub ' ber tired runabouts; full leather, rub ber tired Moyer top buggy, used some; McMurray speeding bike buggy, used some. American Exchange Warehouse, 186 Madison st. FOUR -choioe fresh , cows, cheap; big. . rich milkers. Would exchange for beef cows. Brown house rear butcher shop Ockley , Green, St Johns car. WANTEI Highest - prices paid for fresh cows, beef cows and calves. woodlawn 1650, or (j-149, journal. GENTLE fain 11 v cow, Jersey and. Dur- nam, ana can; gooa ncn mug. ju. 4tn ana noigate; woogstocK car. FRESH young cow and calf for sale. 604 Howe St., Woodlawn. Phone wooaiawn 7&. Mrs. Morns. YOUNG Jersey and Durham cow and ' calf, 6 H gallons rich milk.., 780 E. TWO fresh cows, one $35. giving 8Vi gallons milk. 1594' Division. Phone Taoor 1699. FRESH cow, Jersey, Durham, 6 j ears old, 6 gallon milker, perfectly gentle. laDor sf2, , TWO extra fresh cows, gentle for lady. Monday afternoon. 646 m. Maaison. GOOD cow for sale, cheap. Phone Sell wood 16. FOR ' SALE 6-year-old splendid fresh milch cow. M-140, Journal A STYLISH roan horse, gentle for lady to ride or drive; harness, rub ber tired buggy and saddle nearly new, $166 if taken at once. Mrs. Swanson. Can be seen at Peterson stables. 14 ronton ave, corner Asn. TEAM of work horses, weight 2600 pounds, nearly new harness; taking on real estate and must sell at once, as I have no place to keep them. 866 Clinton st. W-R to 28th st STANDARD bred driving mare, 8 years old, city broke and lady can drive; also good rubber tire buggy and har ness, or will exchange for Portland lots. Phone Main 2218. PAIR horses, weight 2900 lbs, sound and true, new heavy truck, harness, collars. ' Also pair, weight 2500 lbs, horse and mare, rood breeching harness. Ca.ll Exposition Stables, 19th and Wash. BEAUTIFUL bay trotting mare, weight 1100 lbs., ride or drive, new Stude baker runabout rubber, trimmed har ness, all complete; price $180. Call 606 waanington St. FOR SALE Team of mules, 8 and 10 years old, weight 2100, harness and 2tt inch Studebaker wagon, 3275. W. S. Ross, Beatty, Or. Take United Railways car. 2:10 TROTTEKT beautiful bay mare. years old, 15-3, 1050 pounds, to close an estate; safe for a lady to drive. Hansen Country Club, Rose City Park. FOR BALB AUTOMOBILES 44 FOR SALEA motor car, a hqae on wheels, fully equipped for housekeep ing; something new; the only one of its kind: 60 h. p., hill climber; must sell at once; the owner going to Eu rope. 287 Montgomery st, city. 1908 auto car,. Runabout 14 h. p.: fully equipped with glass front and top; $560 cash; a bargain: leaving town. C O. ARNOLD, The Norton.' 12th and Morrison, city. FOR SALE 2 Mclntyre high wheeled autos, been -run about 100 miles: can be seen at 682 Alder st, Barnard-Clark Motor venicie uo. EXCELSIOR auto cycle, cheap. Hum mer Bicycle Co, 6th and Stark sts.. or 1171 Alblna ave.' Phone Woodlawn 661. MOTORCYCLE, h. p. Magneto Twin Thor, nearly new, at a bargain, 8325. 925 Klrby st. MUST sell my ( passenger autos, $1200, and $1300, sacrifice. Z-146, Journal. A KING RED colt 8 years old. seal brown stallion, standard bred and registered; for sale or will exchange for Hertland property. 605 Alblna ave. FOR SALE Camping, laundry, grocery, baker, butcher and milk wagons; also buggies, harness and saddles. No. 1 Stables, Front' and Market. Main 4156. HANDSOME sorrel pacer, .sound, fear less of all objects, safe for lady to handle, new Studebaker buggy and hand some harness. Phone Main 1222. EASTERN Oregon horses, 3116 lb. team when fat 8600; cheap -for cash If taken today. Owner has to harvest wheat crop. Phone East 2741. FOR SALE 1 good driving horse cheap; also good surrey and cart; will take trade for good top buggy. 1028 E. Waib- ington st. fnone Tabor 1337. MRS. L. E. JUSTON offers for sale her tam, carriage and harness, on ac count of leaving the city. For particu lars can no in. union ave, BAY mare, 5 years, harness and rubber tired buggy, good as new, $176; must sell at once; goin away. Mrs. Rice. 14 Tl.in. Bum MMRA 1.1. BLACK mare, ride or drive, harness and rubber tired runabout; Just the thing for family use, $136. 14 Union, corner Asn. yeterson atapies, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 G. C. RIDER, maker and repairer of all kinds string instruments; high grade violins, old and new, for sale or ex- change. 241H let st, room 13. I WANT to trade 21 volumes new In- ternatlonal Encyclopedia, perfect con dition, as first payment on lot What have you? V-141, Journal. FIVE trombones, almost new, solo leather case, complete: $21 cash; con- fldentlal. B-126. Journal PI A NOLA Fine " condition, cheap; also Washburn guitar. L-148, Journal. WOULD like to buy good piano cheap for cash. K-140, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE 27-foot launch' and flno engine; complete equipment; good boat house; one of the best outfits on the river; will sacrifice it taken at once. 8-140, Journal. ' UOTORCYCLEB and bicycles, new and second hand. buy,, sell, exchange, re pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor cycles. Ape Bicycle Co.. 124 12th. A-330S. FOR SALE gasoline wood saw, 4 h. p first class oondltion, cheap if taken in next 10 days. Phone Tabor, 1883, or call 46 E. 76th. Montavllla. TEAM, harness and camp, wagon. $126; JU1 in 11 vis, -uj.ui nta miu imu kiiv money. Can be seen at stable, Union live, ana abu o u. FINE, large team. 2600 pounds, for family, delivery or ranch: buggy and harness separate. Room 84, 23 k Union ave, east side. ' - $60 21 foot launch hull, 6 foot beam; can see at ferry landing In Mllwau kle. Owner at 646 Taeoma ave.,- Sell wood. evenings. I P.iK thoroughbred English hull ter- rters, dog 18 months Dltcti 1 year; prise winners. Inquire 149 4th st, after P- m- 11. - FOR SALE Almost new Bucks' large range; reasonable. Address r 1st an Columbia, sts., near Jefferson. . Tent hin - ... , CHEAP Young; standard' bred roadster, large, souna, city orose; a gooa one. Will exchange for lot , 291 Glenn ave.; Hawthorne car. ,a, . ,-WEn T3 H-nnalKL 1 and erring wagon, for short camping trip; will givo best of care; state price. U-1U, journal. ' SMALL store suitable for barber shop, shoe repair, delicatessen, etc , Inquire 505 Jefferson. Rent reasonable. FOR RENT Store building, living rooms, barn, splendid location. Call 201 E. 34th st. See owner. 2 STORES for rent In new concrete building. Call Main 1505 or W. Reldt Room 401 Rothchlld bldg. ' FOR RENT Store room, 225 Morrison ' st, near 1st Inquire Norrls-Baker Co., 223 Morrison St. GOOD office room, excellent location, first class building. Fletcher, 225 Ablngton bldg. - ' - ' (51 Morrison Store, 40x22, with base- ment same stand In city. area, best) delicatessen GROCERY, drug o notions: fine store. 11th and E. Harrison Phone Sell wood 69. ' TWO stores, 20x100 each, between Sal- mon and Main on 2d. Inquire at 233 Id et t ' FOR SALE bv owner, store building and 7 living rooms; part cash. 291 E. 49th. FEW nice offices In the Couch and tjnamoera pings. tvi coucn oiqg. STORE for rent fixtures arid safe for sale. 64 N. th st -.-' FOR RENT HALLS Co HALL8 for rent any nights, the Drew building, 162 2d st WANTED Good aheap team, farm wagon and harness; trade in some furniture, balance cash. 1173 Missls sIdoI ave. " HORSES and buggies for -rent by day, i i rA rrt nnth . anAAlal MIM A business houses. 4th and, Hawthorne. $76 I0-year,-old horse; perfectly gen- tle; will anve single or aouoie; weighs 1200 lbs. Call at 267 Flanders, VERY-stylish, up to date driving horse cheap. This la a good goer. , Frasier A McClaln stables; ask for Mr, Bolter's horse. - ;" ' -1 ALTIMONT mare, good traveler, good disposition: must nave good home. J. M. Bennett 651 d st Main 8774; morn ing . HORSES shod. Stewart A McBiien. Handmade work if preferred; both phonea 415 Burnslde st. cor. 10th. J FOR SALE Livery and sales stable; a bargain if taken at once; two year lease. 605-Aioina ave. iea.BC. tun Aimim , - - . TWO teams of Spanish burros with har ness and wagon, $200 for all. 14 Un ion KTfl., corner jb FOR SALE Horse, wagon and harness, cheap. Sunny side Fuel Co, $6th and Hawthorne ave. 8150 set buggy harness, Wase trim mings; Portuguese leather, , $60. 62D Rw.tlanfi IM4fir- ,lL?J ' A large ranch or express horse, for sals - cneap, . 4ft r union ave., upstairs c. TWO horsea for sale cheap, city broke; good for camping. Phone East" 760. AT Union stockyards, 60 head of horses, just arrived; - all young, from $20 to $60. WANTED Farm team - and wagon, cheap for cash. Phone Main 6179. GOOD -horses rr sale; Oregon Horse Bale Co.. N. 17rn-anq wuimoy sta FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 A No.. 1 duck 'lake and bunting reserve - for rent Inquire of P. E. Walker, Holbrook. Or. WANTED TO RENT i.a. STORE wanted ' for nickelodeon. ' down - town- location. O-lIz, Journal. ' - 7 r BEST harness at lowest prices at Kei ler Harness Co.. 49 N. th St. A GOOD team and wood saw- for sale cheap. Inquire E. 53T Beacon TEAM mules. . 1050, good workers; one 1800 horse. B46 k. Maaison. FOR SALE New road wagon and bar , nesw, cheap. 328 Hall at. 8ADDLE horses to let. T. Hughes, 26$ 16th. Main. 6876; A-6160. ' WHITE Spits puppies for sale, 2 months old. Take St Johns car to Vancouver ave. Oo 8 "blocks north to house, 1417. FOR SALE Panorama camera, will ae cent any reasonable offer. Inquire at It. S. Ball at Sons, 229 Morrison. FOR SALE An A-l Decker soda fountain. In use 2 months, will dis count on cost $500. Phone A-2418. ONE French range 8 feet long, good as new, at a bargain; aiso 12 gas ranges.' 267 Flnnders, near Sd et ONE - 6-foot hotel range, with double oven; also chairs, furniture, eto. Klegman St Son. 86 N. 8d st TICIvETS, 2 middle aged ladies', elderly - gentleman's, Canadian Paciflo to Chi cago.-' jwy, journal. A SNAP- Wlll sell or trade SU H P launch. With boathouse. Can Mnn- day, Woodlawn 1249. GENT'S bicycle, 811; ladles', 89; fine condition; also small boys' wheel. 333 Montgomery. Sunday. $XR SALE Saturday Evening Post route over 200 papers; will sell all or psrt P-160. Journal. - FOR SALE Thoroughbred etaghound. - 11 months old. Price $26. D. F. Bird,' general delivery. ' - . FOR SALE Cheap, steam wood saw In good condition. Factory, East Taylor SMITH. PREMIER typewriter In per- feet condition; ;call at 101 H N. 3d at.; oniy THOROUGHBRED Airedale terrier pup piea Phone L. V. Woodward, Sell- ILLUSION, suitable for fairs,' etc, bit money maker; will sell cheap. N-Hs! CANDIES, ' purest sweetest lowest prices: 1 lb. lOc. 880 3d. City Market 15. sewing machines. - frnm . t A i ta. drophead, 610 to $16. 288 Grand ave. SIX canarv birds f or sale, also singers, at 176 Grand ave..-or nhnn, pi 8)5.00 Singer sewing machine, with at- taChmentS. Call 9S W. Vfnrrlann CANARIES, one male, two females and breeding cage, 610. P-142, Journal. f OR SALE Glasscock baby Jumper and . walker. 820 Ivy st. Phone C-1849. $15 for new $22.50 Cyclopedia of . engineering. 1299 Corbett st NVALID tricycle. In good condition; win pen cnea-p. - gug ist St. FOR SALE Tent house, 12x25; price $20. 642 Marshall et . NATIONAL cash register, geod as newl tnoiri, lutq anq toyt. GOOD new guitar, for sale. or exchange. Rellwood114. K0BT10 hanging basketa- 96 N. 18th.: