..1. Wil fJTS SlfJPSflfJ TAKES lASKS DAMAGES ll U U 1 I I i II I W I S.l-A 4 ...... .. .... -'vIV. i Miiiiiiiiiri 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 fir nniTinii niiinn Lfluuiiiuiii nun ur did mil i'fl PUT OUT RED LIGHTS Proprietor of : Scott Hotel J Pacific Export Lumber Com- uctuiuntii. jnas jjiie ne- pany Takes Grievance Into cause of Reverses. United States Court." Attorney Serves Notice on CJiier Cox, Sheriff Stevens and. Constable VIOLATED CONTRACT ho,T-r't? MASTER HAS his room .t th RrAt V......I i . -1 I . - ---- "-v" iiwmi JHL lllUl Y' "Mim im conrents or a bottle of .a.uauum, xib wt round ahnrt i afr clock this morning by a chamber- him In hi. room Wr. iji . ------- . -, , - - v, i , v in. Will IS ftS VU In Mn tlnAiiknUi. ........I.i .a ....wtto .i vnim uy rne tteo cross Wagnerljuai 3ood Sam.rlt, - i o cjock wis mornlnr bv a atX. I . 4-1. fc. .. a . . - r - . : - "mil VI L1MS UHIMI Wnn TflAH A Aka.hr.1rA.. - At th time was chartered to Carry Lumber to That Law Must Hp FnJ.B5t.S2U? Siul? r i - - . . , , , . wmiuaujiwi UT j j.- t: a " lfLri F- ! ZeiRler t the hospital failed lUrUeU 10 UlIIUU , 5" ? shortly after 10 o'clock. He China, Starting Before July 80 Captain Refuses to Set Sail and Snit Follows. " Attorney Henry C King this rtofning agf 'whoe Wh? 5J" "L!" of Started moral (-ruaiul. . tnlnit (hi JSL l!0nf?5? .."llth ago women -of the under world who have lh h8. VZJL .. f.m.: Polios Col that housis of "SvU repute with "fKiiTSS. S.'SS 12 TO. "f voln. nnnrtiuvtavrt nn 'lh..t .1,1 I .mn.,..,J! ." V- .L - ' - llll. 1. I HI -.ar." T" " " I i-7..rj T " wrawwuraen arter being I ,1 , . . ' ' li . V ? room, Jus.twnen he took I in" steamsmp tsuveria was li the latfriiiniim . imimABi, v. - , . i . . . . . lata ..at .. -,iVi. r. P"-'"1 i umoa m ins ynuea states court today hi. act t'nlht W,th ? tnflQnfby ths Pacific Export Lumber company Mr. Simpson was a man 87 v.r. f 600-.i.Th Suveric was f who cams hers six months a '1"."' A'S?" e.um,r dep. Arrival inook. ; juviuuii tram x itiar , , ,o ujmoicui or m sieamrr . Jle aDl1 hu family I returned last niKht from a month's visit to Two Har bors, Minn. H expected to return a week ago, but was prevented by wash. "s,.in XhAt fect'on of the country. i1-Wll,C!,ptaLn J,M- EUioott and tarn- merU left Seattle , this morning for. a POl I trt t . HffhtaViin. . .l. . BeiuiJ to" AsJorU. roul. Iron hhl?iLmpJa."rr,v?d at ' St Johns "". wntjre sne wuj load lum ber for - San 'Francisco. f vJ'. ior, wnicn . arrtvAd au uuuer, two cartoads of ml- from o. SUt-W lon or coai rHin.r .n linn.... i . . th. -.- """"r- ar lo .come from The famifv i -a.lf . T.V. i i " . JL1 vessels at Duluth, Tiouui. ull oincers or ths local ona and Edna MorTagpan an(, CHfton win. Mr. and Mr. wn... ?.r Wlldey were alio MtoS.V "w . T ho .t.am.. IT.1..I . . hul uu ivi wnicn was to hv left this morning at 9 o'clock for Saa Francisco, will not leav? until to morrow, as the Tosemlte' which w,U tow her, had not finished loading, : " FIRST fJUMEE STEAniER ARRIVES A Vlim mai IIUUBC. vi.vvu rcjiuw were being conducted on 'the east side of Fourth.' street. - between Davis and, Everett streets and demanded -of him as an officer to do his", duty and see that the . law. ...ins these nl.ce. . h xibeyed. He then sent notice to Sheriff supposed' to be the reason for his sui cide. The inpy bottle of the poison Harms who was called with the patrol wagon this mornlnav The remains were oeya mtnea snt notice to eneriri laaen to tne Tuneral parlors of Dun- VnTi.t. Ii,; .t,iAVT. 15tevens and ConsUble Lou Wagner to ning . McEntee ft OilbaSgh, whan they sroSrly ? sfSd bill of larfma- th tXalffirVa Wlin. w,Un r vlce. PT ErVstXldlaw is' the loW take the matter up with Mayor Simon Wisconsin. , , , of the Suveric, a British ship of i '. fternoon..';.; i , tons burden. ,? Attorney King received an assurance from Chief of Police Cox this morning ..lav am wvutu viiav -i i a imui". not annoyed by these people but did not get a definite statement that the women would be ejected. Chief Cox called at tention to the fact that the women were not operating In rooms opening on the learning that this notice had been sent out, slated that he would certainly be i;rnn tn .nforr. thn Iawi.- VV URII UUtllTO I. .13111 tu iu. l.uini RECORDS SHO 17 STEADY GROlVIfJ ireakinff the law." ' Aiiuniej n.ii)K DitiiQa uioi was - l i : . a.. i.l.k Thers will, be no housert of ill re- vutt running In open viola tlon of the Taw Innff ji T am " In Pnrtlnnd. " I wlU keVp aft this long a. there 1. 7a?d AV.i.t a house of this kind left, In the north hiamson th s afternoon .n off ln.r. fall n 1n th.lrl - .rJJ.."!?"r,ernoon City's prosperity than It. nn.w iu AiniUM fOUtmutnr W1. ;nd U If the officers I to do their K?3l. ? "rnon. "which amounts v rum. aS crateV decorated, earth duty. Ihn :prl7f.thar5n4?ur? Jo? VoU&Z0 f$?Shout figure, ware 16 case. "etal an investigation is startea wnicn win postoff Ice, money secured from th. ..i. wranner tnha?n saT U..k. mpany to carry 3,000,000 feet of liim- Der to(jhlnee ports. Under the char ter mrtA h. on n . -a . 4K. U.t,T.,.l. - - "111. V . VWF V. T . (V. WU. to sail rrom this, port on or before July Th. Yfflrt PvnAP. Tmhi nvnw.w alleges In the papers filed in the suit that the cargo of lumber, was -loaded u uniB Linur iw t.iie uaie or sail Ing and that the master of the ship re ru.e. Trt lfMLva tfcf. nnrt nnA fuses to furnish the shlrDer with. . rent tons puraen. EUROPEAN CARGO Steamer Falcon Arrives From San Francisco With Bonded Freight. With . AnlV . 11. 1. li.o w n4 frt. . few i hour, aft.r h l.ft th. nM.n .Gate, the American-Hawaiian steamer r in, v;apiain cscnage, arrivea nere mvmfn. Hla Bllfl n . M York a rvfl F.riTn.n fr.li.Vit . ner cargo, wnicn sne received at Ban consists of 800 tons of general merchan- unuoi irau oaiina vius Dy tnat .t.am.v t .kl.h .1 . 1tn . . . bond from Europe, and the other 660 tns-ia-f rom-New-Torkr being" nrrtscel . , i i.iiiwiuhw( iw. , jiuKmi pari she carried . as her- deck j load... ' The: oonaea ireight Is as follows: One oc- rum, .8 crates flecoraten, earthen ware, 15 cases manufacturetKmetal, an investigation is started wnicn win postofcflce. money secured from the m i shut up every one of those places.' of euimps, from tharent of tin. Vm Thousands Of people, learning that the sale ot money ordeVsv2?vtlrfl? the north end had opened., visited the totals $4,67 1 80?-as Mat 1 l jfTJ red light district on Saturday night. The for the same month In iliOS, fhimt.ll moving trying to keep a semblance of The Increase ' of June receipts over order, but making no attempt to arrest n- oi me viomior. or iiib.ikw. - .' It Is reported that Tony Amaud, a saloonkeeper. Is said to have secured a IIIUIIUIAI1T VI LI Id .Ul 111. WUIHCIli It Is said that he has secured a lease or m i women .. eliiflfn. without board. Estimates of the num. tier or women wno tried to secu . In the district are placed at 1 : to 160 and It Is stated that' 1 : went to Arnaud and offered substan ' tial bonuses for quarters. BENSOn (M CALL 'EXTRA SESSION last I Mr. of wrapper tooacco, a... packages. rarhollc acid. 30 cases wine. 12 cases glass, M.A. . m.nnf.Miii-Ajl to I. ..... v. . rt ....... o . tjaifiii. earth and 100 barrels of currants, the to The steam schooner Tahoe. Captain I .1. li i..";. ,""'' tver """ni oi.u BiriVTO lira Hill TAn- st year was IlO.ftaa n is a? 1 iiiK.n ia.t irht .- . .i. r. w?m?2? ua .P l?Vch aoo5." aalct caro made up of 670 tons of cement Convicta RAlae Game Birds. . From th Seattls, Times, A novel . experiment i. m development at th Ttf'.Kr.n .i.i.n eral penitentiary, near . Tacoma, , where the convlcU are rearing Chlnesa pheasi Ant. .nil Pnnsn H.M. i a . . c-.-T -ji-" uucm ror ine mar. that ?lSi2fKhf P1-1.80"?'-" diversion nt LifllfXf th,r minds from the pall nm,I,"l1Jlta a?d "ve mall in- -Trf M'.HL i" aev."n the ' j v . nawspapera ana S?rnSv!ind whlch h enriched them ru.iiiuSiapn, rna vocal and in- i. h.. u j , ' re.uir ot Ht.f.. m- vV tir,Ula """th United e",.M.r"hi Hopkins, whose f or th. ;,K.n.T.T i"? "ec?'y xund P.n. j" "rig-mat stock. tiKSwllo.,tw regarded the lh? ",VS5"Sr? 5' Yer.le than kiJ. i..... 1 reru nanaiing the biSTiS! ha. h.. . -Xji ww im pemienuary has a goodly array of both ducks and pheasants ready for the market ' " IT! til hAsrtnilMa. . J - m . iiik T- tZ ""lr pirot Kouen Th. Vnh.MRhtaf?i--? .obUIned. than ii no V,' T -"metning more irT. rhlnaa. hi 1 -5 ug Jun)U-where kn5lne4!Si,1S,-.h?" fr yer een well rioVKiV: ""u"..auc? ed as - u nioy win can in wtlii Ki?k" ,to th retreat whertTthey have b I2mP.,aKrd b? tha hnter. 7 arfTeiy1'? haw.i?a" Prisoner. ti.rv u". eounn peniten- ;ndMfrarP'on7 ifSSZtf" Tacoma Maru Is Unloading at Tacoma One of Five - Freight Carriers. :' ' (United Press Ixaied nrira.. . Tacma, Wash.. Aug. 2.-Twenty.foUf Osaka fihoshen Kafsha steamer Taiom. Maru,ton her maiden voyage, has ar rived In thi. nnrt an I. f.T.? .." . . r- w..va . uiauuaiKlUK I Ht cargo of oriental merchandise. The Ta- uu. raaru inaugurates tne ocean erv of tae Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound rallrnarf kuln. ik. i a - - - u -- , . . n a.,w maun a rieel of five cargo carriers that will handle reach this coast, her American port of Call hajnar flaatti. mu. i-iki v . - tha third vessel of the Japanese Mil- . a. niuiuai. reaay o prepare for loading on her Initial voyaga , , , . - v . .vw .tu. are G. A. R. VETERANS TO ? ; GO TO SALT LAKE ment at fi.lt Tlra nttJ , mP! larae numbers. Ranmu f th. rnent beln. heir) an far a... .1.1.... ( from this state will far outnumber wiuav .iiBiiainB- lormer encampments. - - . . . iuiiumi. navo . aireaay acu cimm iw me iriD. and it . I. probable that additional cars will be needed. - ... The Oregon delegation f will ' leave Portland at p. m. on the evening-of " ij ,- N In Ttall. ... have n.rfi.j . y omcer claims to MnhP'hrI Si WJ?"- m?tr with no... .1" nm ana aecom- the' morning of August- . Department Commanrlet J- Y fihaw mA a a. General O. A. . wnilama win t,.. . . - - - - .. ....... . . lirau L II O uF(uan. itepresentauve. or the Ore- ton O. A. R. have been named official- t . esvss i ti 1 1 1 w m i r.nna Kwan maki S. PnnnliL YT.rwi.fi 'plvnf noni.i nr.k....1 Salem: Bt M. Brown. Oreron City; W. B Blanchardr Brownavlfle. 1 Besides uitma mioim ucBiur . iibbi commanaera. n r snHt it! tn aata in (h. k..At - w--. w whv aa 1,11a VUUTDlllllin. These will attend quite' generally, and ue.iues, mr win oe manv -visitors irora ui ra.11 kb or me uregon O. A. R Th. annual annvanHa. . au ; en's auxiliaries of tha O. A. R. will be .ima in bhji LKe city at me same time a. tha ae.alnn nf th. ri A d ..a j i d largely attended by Oregon women. Mrs. Mary E. Chamberlain of Portland, president of the department of Oregon. Women's Relief Corps, will head a large delegation from that order, and Mrs. Ella Q. Hlmes of Portland, department president of the Ladles of the O. A. R.. Will t.k. With h.r a n.imha. n' - entatlves and visitors to th. oonven- t-iun. nnno ninrin rnn UUUt) TLIIIji TUIli URGE CROWDS Commercial Clubs Prepare .Entertainment for Deyel- I opnierit Congress. : ' (StMctal Dtopatcli to The Journal.. ' Marshfleld. Orj Au- -i Th. rham. bers of Commerce of Marshfleld . and North Bend are receiving renoru from points, in Oregon and Idaho which promise a big . attendance at the Oregon-Idaho Development . league meeting to be held In this city August 80 and Jl. Connresanmn H.wlev la .TiwiaH tO h. hara tl M.lra A A A J - -, . -w "". auuuiTD. miiu other prominent men have promised to come. It is hoped that a special boat mere war oe no trouble about trans portation facilities.. Local neonle will put forth every effort to make the stay pf the visitors pleasant. The, enter tainment of the delegates la in the hands of the Young Men's Commercial Alii 1 a Wm a a.o X. 9tlJi a i t . . X'"" i.(mra ana roe Norm Bend Commercial club.- The entertainment feature win be characteristic, of the Place. , ... The Coo. Bay to Boise railroad will be one cf the chief topics of discus slon at the business sessions of the meetings..'. :: .. .... .... CHINESE WOMAN IS , 4 ORDERED SENT H0HE hin r niinT rt KltLt OlIUI r 10 ERA,'!!! Grants Pass 3IanF Have Been Acc: ,' C lOUedijiK Jl 2l,tr WM in ; the federal of ifln tm .'r!f, Ior lne ""Portatlon Lh.ilD. T.?i ; Chinese m young- woman Th. liii V u f"0"'ana "everal yeara The girl is weak minded.- She could Produce no nnrti float. .it i this country, or .any , evidence of ever h.vlna- hart nn. . . v Observation Car, Portland ana uottaffe (.rove. That RniltVlaa-Wk TB.lla. A ' " .' . Jv sT-n ' Y. caiaiu jb iiuw running - . "- vmi uobrvmn rori- ana ana cottage Grove, leaving Port- auu, Euuinoouna tram l, at 8:15 a. m.. returnlna- nn tr.n I . Rran MrthiLaiV j a i rn " -ollga - - .-wvuillt 1..U p. III. ):' , ' A Nucleus. " - v '-.''''a'' - Ftm M. A.; P.'' V";: filr irthnr rniia. rn..t. ' amusing story of an illiterate millionaire " wijoi-wie aeaier an order for a conv of rv hnni. i .11 i. guages treating; of any aspect of Na- PO 1 eon 'a aariM.. TJ. V. L . a. I tut nil a case In his library. He was somewhat taken .aback, how ever, when in a few week, ha i-a.ivi messase from th. Ami.- that v. - v. a got 40,000 volumes, and was awaiting iii.uuuuuiw 10 wnetner.ne should send them on as an Installment or wait ir a complete sec (Special Dispatch to T Orant. Paaa flf . Anar. maMaffa raoalv.il li.ra lab of the accidental killing c wnue exploring-. the Ureg' Grants Pasa1 According u Ellis was crawling throi passage when his rifle wf, - Arthur Vineyard and Eli hunting trlrl ' On account 1 condition ' of the telephone detailed Information .can b. arty is expected , to arrlv, ody tonight Botn Ellis and Vineyard married men.' They were 1 by their wives. . Ellis 'was interested -in t drug store of this city. P a few year, ago from Da 1 DROWNED ON Et OFvWEDlj , (United Ere Ual Raattl. Ana. T air. V. belnr drac.eri for tha hor G. Calvert of Bellingham, ; Baiurday night before the in n. wu o marry on -Calvert came to Beatt' Mis. 'Agnes Pierson. his f la: him several days and wan and Mrs. H. C Plies, wh. i east shore of the lake. ', return to Bellingham that t ' Piles and Calvert went f S!lA th. twn wnman alttfnr. watching them. Plies was wharf In the sun whan h double up from a cramp- reached the drowning ma ! F.arller In th. rf.v r'ah' fn th. l.lra anrt WaA mmvA I swimmer rrom drowning. 21 years of age. AVanamaker Bays Pi, St.. LntH.. Ana-. l.Th. who.. H.en tint., war. h dreds of thousands at - tl Purchase exposition In If sold to John Wanamaker 'iiicu iAinaeu ua iu cars . Xuls.' . Sl. th. WnrlA'm f.l- .11111 v . 1 a v. . . v. . 1 nil which ia valued at illO.OOi storage. It was the pror orean romnnv. Itm alee for ue In a church or anf ture outside of the conv? a wanamaker store in Jfnnn WlillamMOrk. Mm that .l 1 nrl 1 ICk inna A I j i . Vinwat. a . . . . J munin I , , y.o va poncy fft liini c-iictiiuit. StlOWS a aOOd SUbntAnt Inl nna-a I Whloh h im linlnttAlna- Cin l, I , T ovs-v UC1 I V " T. . ...vwvAa ma, VA .( DPI iHnnnriin rt.A W l . I A i-tlr rTV.I. i. I, aTi a. . a.i - . . . - sssvmhi lur year. I . "IO t . jitbi - icip io mis i. .aia mar n. n. eecuren j ms r .nows Detler than anything else port, hut from-now on she . will come 11 rooms which he has sublet to the could show that tha, growth of Portland Ker cegulsrly with caroea from Ban y."1 ?i .2V weelS this price In- is steady and substantial." ' 'ruruana Francisco on the Richardson llrte.: the ding their board or at $18 a week " . . Wy steamer having been chartered by thout board. Ketlmates of the num.- fTnir Plllf liri fl George J. Richardson. ; , . THE REBELS (Continued from Page One.) "ratified by the legislatures of" three 'fourths of the several states or by ! conventions In three fourths thereof. as tne one or tne other mode of ratlfi ' cation may be proposed, 'by , tha con ' gress.". In the present case the amendment : originates with the congress. There is , no need therefore for summoning a na- - (Cofttlwued from pagi One.) portions of the eity early trvrl.v anrt ' .. .uv isrsona nave been kill.il nd wounded: ln Barcelona alone are believed to . be true. In other cities tatihiS?' 0f ctalonla th death lists have been proportionately heavy ..Mon ,v,c.torle ' the Moors, who Si?m,beleK,n8: the . Spanish amy at Melilla, are reported today and the troops are said to have lost heavily hiltL". Mad.rW. where a mob thai at Barrlnr,. -.n. tlonal convention. It rests with' con- the continuation of the war in MnrnaiS? aress to decide whether tha methnrt rf will h. rli.T XfaVa5?n. Morocco, ratification shall be bv th. .tat. Wl-I Hundred r L-...Je loay- . . lature or by a state convention. In I in various cities throughout Bbain anil thl. raa. M..KU ha. rt.t.rmln.rt that I a ara-a " . "l . Ul ?P"1 and the ratification shall T bv eelalatu It B.I . MBCUUOM took place with the determination. --. :-: CrOwaros JTsad. JTOt snira i 'After th governor of a state receives Thousands .of the resolution nroperiy certified he sub mits It to the legislature. Here his runctlon ends. He need not even sign the ratification act A governor of Now Hampshire once vetoed an amendment. It was never fnllv te.t art In th. ..,... uu ii ia nmu oy me srare department that his action would have no effect' After each house of the state legis lature nas rauriea tne act the question is ciosea so rar as that state is con cerned, it can never reconsider its ae tlon. If It falls to ratify, however. It can reconsider us action and ratifies. tion later will . be effectual. Three rt.ie. luempiea ro witnaraw their rati fication of the fourteenth amendment but they were prevented by congress. There la no limit within which a state may take action on amendment7 after ii nas Deen sunmuted. ir three fourths of the states fall to ratify the income ia amendment immediately it will be COm. effective .-hanavaa Iha AM , , . , i V ' ' vi v., own If it is not for an Indefinite number of t?r1. 1 M- in I K at ins. a lh 1A atota . - ------ --- vsiaw nvAir DCUKIO ran nea an amenament submitted In ' Twelve BUtes Can Block Xt. ftion of the income tax amendment. It 71 ny iuiure ume any one of those jwouid he adopted as aoart of the con- uiuimii, ' . . When a state ratiffe. .n .m.wm. ha state's secretary of .tat. ..nH. . 'erLixiftn ranv nr ina .ihiai. .a a i. etary of state of the United States. rhe federal .wratarv rf ..... . a ...V.i-'.kI aji. r "."'." " !.v,i mo uu.y vi uBiermining wnen a -tifflcient number of ratifications have een : received. ' , As soon as he receives a sufficient mmber he Issues a proclamation de claring that - the amendment has been idopted. No action Is required of the resident When adopted It is printed n parchment and after being tested by she secretary of state Is deposited In i he naf. with th. enn.tltutlin . .i ,v- I - . . ' 7 "..v vv, vi iinenaiDBDis. -: '. He' Preference, :' ; From the' Washington' Star. iVi " aalrart .h. . .1 1 . 1 1 .. .V. I - hi- . v i v i v. yuuin, has your greater admiration, poetry r mualcf" ; . ... ( "JMuslc'' aaswered Miss Cayenne; "It 'j impossible , for the melody of any opular' song to be as absurd as the oras. v - .. . ,- , REFUGEES ON WAY TO FRANCE .Liari"'1'A1us"' Thousands of refugees are arriving on the French frontieF having fltsd for their lives from Bari fes-''-uf lerTn08.1 to escape; are" hiding In the cU? UnaWe thWh?V'r .lhe W0l"ded are found by Thni. -hK are fluJcWy dispatched th f ti.r -:-ir..-5neir wy to . . j 1 ""'"'' Kiener, money a"d .hAT.e n forced to throw FrVrTch wople"" QWltr OI tne thJht?..r hrJ?' Aha insurrection is Prlm1.rd"" a!art law by countrv nn.iar a Tii... .VTZui '1"u " uav.tvo.iAsi BIllO. Th.r. I. v - ... 1flXn'1S ther0ireTend'er: as thy Carllst movement ljdead. TARIFF BILL IN HANDS OF SENATE , ilkka. auiM sa-nlrJ. sk FrKila , ..t.a.. "V" ioCalera and piarrhoaa,-Rem-iy wit you when ttaryng; on roar trip n!s summer. 1 cannot be obtained on oard the tralnai or steamers: Changes r water and slims he often attsa sudden tucks of dlorrhoei, and it is best-to e prepared., ; Sv . -: '-,,iZ 4 (United Frew leased Wire.) Washington, Aug. 8. Th, tariff km was reoeived by tha senate frwrn ths htmse at io o'clock this morning'. . , ' Senator Aldrieh Imm.iix.i. ....' aL. oonfsrenoe oommltta.'f'hniiH iaA v- fors ths Maartsj and read. t Ther house, todav adontea tha Of tha COnfar.no. aommtlHse. . -.a Plifilpplne tariff WO.-'-- . :. i - r The reading of the r.Mi. V... raqulred 3 hours and 85 salantes.- senator Daniel then. . n h.t,.te ths Democrats, armed that tha report was bos .egauy nerora na senate, be cause, he said, t wasr not eomsidarea by a properly . aonstltnted eoaunlttee. ia anaiOTUw', anigaB 07 XnS ' OOm- same jiot harlnr bee allowed to ahare la its prsparatlon. ,. T ' " " . v- J A' Eugene. blacksmith has been sued 7i.I , ' - "u. or sate or an eight legged mounted calf, an elaht! lecsed mounted l.mh. and i ii pi- for Vie sum-.of 100.,He has ions back to HJaoksmlthlng, a Wiser . .nrt PJT1, ia.n' "u0" freak are not worth looking at anyway. - a .... . , in.. i nailln. k- I J i , - . , . I L. irciur an. will go IO "-""J n.i mir, wnere sne win load 800, vw ui juniuer ror oan xnego., MAY CHANGE LIGHTSHIP Captains AVish Vessel lVIored to New - ' fositlon. A . petition has been sent to Captain hiAi ghthouse Inspector for ..... viiovi ivjv. uy vatiuub uu.piains wno come regularlv into the harbor, to have th. flnlnmhla llo-ht .kili.j tain Ellicott favors the shifting of the aj.uiBiiiif iiu win BUDmit rne petition wim in. recummenaauon to tne - light house board. ' , : It Is desired that the llt?htshlp be moved rrom her present pesltion to a point one and one fourth miles almost rtlreo.tlv auutamnl .kink will ... v. a. . . . . " ... . . . v- i n . . v. v iter in a oirect .me with the Cape Oisappolnt meni ugnr. ir tne light snip were In this nnsitlon thav rnnM at.ae dlaall. . . 1 - . -- ... ..... . I . UV. VI, Tnr tha 1 O Tl. niAanavln.mAn. II V-. . - r -.-a..K""aiW"l. "Rill aim have the lightship astera, giving tham a rore ana ait range, which wbuld give them a direct course through' the beat water in the channel. In case the light ship is moved the whistling buoy in the v. viiauiici, wiiii-a is rareiy usea, will jiu.cu uyer mio rne sourn cnanneL In 1 1 tni am aaa-1 A I. iL . If t j . a. . . W it amc w mi mo iirjh on: uapa juisat a.a v a-MU IUO ; J SAILORS DIIOAVNKD Three of Loudon HJU'g Crew Swept wveruoara on, cape Jiorn. -Advllea ra..l,.ri K.. . Um. 1 ., ... ... v, J III. .l V. JIK-JJ LS Exchange this morning from San Fran cisco state tnat the British ship Loudon i""1 '"i" monieviaeo yesterday, leaking slightly. While off Cape Horn she ran into heavy weather. . durlnir Which her rtAnlr. - j v .: , . yea -" v: v wiu ner sails lost. One officer And two sailor. wc. w awrpi overDoara , ana drowned during the gale. She I. Knilnrt frte Tb,.k1l. UV. 1. i e.nn Ulllrall.n OI 1 . . w. . h. j a n ,el1 ' ron xown avriiva Alii 11 u. v . V . , OLEXHOIJkt; IIERE First of Grain Carrier to ArriTO In '' ' Port. Ttia flr.t nf th. ei a i . 7- , 1 " l- . ..... v. i amiii ia r riers coming here for new crop load. ing arrived this morning at .Astoria one is ma jriiisn snip Glenholm, which saUed for this port from Honolulu June 30. She was chartered some time ago .y .ar,aor? ac uo. to. carry wheat to United Kingdom ports.1 This Is the first one of the fleet of t 1 . ' v-m w v,vi 1 j 1H.11 wnesi which has shown up here yet but It 1. .iiievicii luo.1 urners win soon rouow, MARINE NOTES and-ox7gen i Sffi iSK? f, v.. , iror a complete set- , . ' 'nine rMlfeV saloon InenV a ST 'ffjt ULL & GBBBSI1 ; I MAIL ORDERS AND j INQUIRIES WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENT fl - rn Se'asbriGlear From .now on eTerr,Pe?rigerator inut ; .tock will how a nbtit'eable'prfcc 'redtSctldtt" Tlte Jin, nt the moit modern and best : , makes-the McCrth "Sanitary the eonaVo 0tbU i . , j us.iut.iiucic is mc range ot sues and styles that assures the' right set ' firalvanizen irnn white .nimal an.t t. c. .u- . .. . - " y ua.-ajjass unco, oce tnese in tne casement 11 rt r i ' . .. - .. ' - yi"" Avtuiajciaiur a. ,,,, ,,,axu,BU $16.50 Refrigerator at. ... . ....... . . , . 13.20 $18.00 Sanitary Refrigerator at...;....., ,f 14.40 $21.00 Sanitary Refrigerator at. ........ . .$ 16.80 $27.00 Sanitary Refrigerator at. .'. f 21.60 $31.00 Sanitary Refrigerator at... ....... .$24.80 r?Vx 2an!"y Ketngerator at..... f28.0O r w vs Ava Mnpiua l.tl JJJT;i4lur t $26.S0 Grand Rapids RefrigeraifJY at. ,'. ; $29.50 Grand Rapids Refrigj-ator at."..;;! $32.50 Grand Ranirle Pefri.. a . $48.00 Leonard RtGt.VilVVA $75 00 Leonard Re $78.00 Leonard RefriaeratX, $105.00 Leonard R.f. 7. '2 .l ' V .'T ----- , ""5-i"ui i .... UPHOLSTERY MATERIALS AT HALF AttD vLESS THAN HALF REGULAR VALUES , A large assortment of fine and medium-priced Furniture Cov erings new last season,- but novr discontinued by the manu facturers fabrics that ran ere in nnV frntrv 9 wrA tio yard. ? Lengths of from 15 yards to 7 yards. All are to be Closed OUt at half anrl less than half remits r , TnI,,,'. T..L. uay a dnu v v canesaay s . saie in .iJrapery .Dept., Sixth Floor. MIDSUMMER BEDDING CLEARANi Xhe auantlties nf earh ar. limited -U. -i - . attrac ive, T.k. .advantage'. mhT ffis 30 BairS. of $1 Sf) value, in 1.. ' f-. UdJJ tJIC -w- . .v.v.vu-Huaini iics oiankets-STST tan, to close out at,. pet pair,.,,..........,. .v............f. 28 naif! of $2 1(1 value, in .1.tr.M-ni..... ,. a . V JnI, anrt li lt. -..V" ' .""CC IaBket .... aaaau uiuv, iu iiojc uui at, per pair.. I It 8t"ctly."AH-Wool Blankets, 66 inches by' 8 fa, Cm&v Out flt t.a-r naif J J J ej ' i Sairnple PalLterns GoGairts to be:Clbsed Out jyr TldtejrtL! regular values during a. three day,' sale-Todav. ' A - - J -'" ''""'- .' . 7. ,c1uti',ui"e ana up-to-aate models to ding and reclining stvles and the carriair. :i ' patterns. Note the less-than-half valueg at wh en some f th... . offered . 8. " tuning styies ana tne carriage , t-n !M5 ,Fol5,n 0-Cart for. i..,.g 1.95 $8.00 Op-Cart with cushion and para- 13.B0 Folding ijo'-ba'r't, 'with "paras oT and cushion, fori , , , i ij-k $9.50 Oo-Cart with cushion and para sol., for a- . vv $14.50 'Folding Oo-Cart. : With cushion ana parasolt ior t!6.00 Folding Oo-Cart amir ousnion. xor with parasol l.45 114.80 Reclining Oo-Cr wttk cushion and parasol, for 7.25 $18.00 Oo-Cart Jwrtn parasol and URh- lon, for..'-.ai.....a..S8.25 cuamon i sad.vv uo- Mjjiivinierwu ia learner S5.25 L- cloth nd with parasol, for. ..88.75 I2J.80 Reclining Oo-Cart with uphol stered seat and back, for. . ...89.75 19.S0 Reclining Oo-Cart with uphol stered seat and back and with par asol, f or .v.,..,,".. a ......... . . IQ.flK $34.00: Reclining Go-Cart 'with uphol stered seat and back and with par vasoi. for -816.50 Astoria. August a-Arrlved at 9:85 a m. atAflnaavf- Caiaala frrm Cm T?- - - - . , . . . . . . . . ... av 1 nu P flm .nil. IMflRh ahln fllenhnlm trnU Honolulu.'' 1 -4 '.' X . . tr-an.M Am... . .lu-. 1 a, ., steamer Shoshone from Port-' land. . ' .- . ' Ban Pedro; Aug. i. Arrived, steamer George W.. Fen wick from - Mukllteo via 'I Columbia river. . Arrived yesterdav.il 0i7a.iuci numiuKc liwi roruaua, A.tnriA- -AtiBiftt. 1 -ApvIvimI . ... r. and left up at 7 a. m.; steamer Break-11 warer rrorn .oos oay. nanea at 5 a. m.,1 i steamer eureka for Eureka via Coo. I Bay. Arrived at 1 and; left up at 6. jn- I rTa steamer Tahoe . from .San tanclscp. Takal 10 IA7TB. 0 1.D rx' OOaClT - CO&BET-f. Bt7n.9nrn ' -Ooft .fifth andtrison- artg. , . j-oaTiaAJtD, o-aor A. ! I. MILLS . . . . . . Preeldei CLvAJlENCB S. SAUt'CL,; Asst Mgr. rcBomans: 8ailedat 7 a. m., steamer Alliance for Coos Bay. Balled at 9:16 a. m iteamer J. Marhoffer for San Francisco Sailed t 2 p. m., schooner Lootie Bennett fori Kahulul. Sailed at S.t0 p. tn, eteamer; A.uwiun ror san rranctsco. Arrived at 4 and left up at 6 p ro.,- steamers r on iuu uiympio rrom . Ban jfran CISCO. 'j- ,vv ' San Frandsco, July l.Sa!led f at n m . . ..a m u 11. h . . n steamer Northland for Portland. ship Loudon Hill from Port Townsend for Dublin. DUt into Mnnln.MMi l.alrin. slightly; -Deckaswept and lost sails. heavy weather off Cams Horn. -v -e Astoria, Augus J. condition at tha mourn or rne river at 8 a, m., smooth; wind northwest IS miles: wen the. clear. Title, it Aalnria ui.k .... . ' a i'.- T.T.".'1 .-"e'I ...) a,- iu .i icwr; i;ji p. m., 3 teet raer. l.'teet: 8:27 m., t.Z feet. !'-.' --v'' a.-';- : ALOXG 1TIE WATERFRO.VT v. V 3... ...c-;' . ti- thU .afternoon, will load 875,000 feet of lunii-aer at R.tnla anrt T n . . . .. 11.1., . J San Francisco. " . , .. ' rVr'lh rassengers and freight, the) J-lE.. vr 1L, Elmore. Captain Schr.-i 4 OUR SHOWING OF THE Quaint' For'ratoire $ld and $22.50 VALUES in PORTIERES at $ia00 P r: 2 Deserves Particular Mention r v Peonle who are intert'ctfri in iKi: nniiar 1 --vv ... .av uuaillk CUili popular style of furniture will find no better orv more varied selection than in our T.rctr.t display of living-roora, dining-room, library ana aen pieces in tne layored turned-oak. The majority of these pieces "are the produc tions ' of L. and J. G. StickleyunexceUed for Wfirlftriaflisllit. frtr rinroctor n andi. for comfort iThe steadily' increasing- aemana -ior tne nuainr t-vip is nccnran -nf "T- - w w w v -W -h W . UA1VV V" "a a. " . . . - . ! us pop.ijiar.ty. asujne. practical tunnturrIO" 4-Vi A nAfVl.. J 1 L . 1 . -f . ..'7 we iiiuait uscu luuins in me iiome ! BUfi UUK BHiUOIVIJ i'pTJUlt IJI A, ipecial lot of Fine: Tapestry and Velvet Portieres-onc t' 1 only of each pattern.-. Sale todav and TuA . CQUCH COVERS-$li2;50 VALUESPECIAI W Fii e Imoorted Couch Cnvers a Tl j, . "v outtmi nictue. iar. UUi uvcrs' at aDove almost half values anp Tuesday..', -i- . f Qranitewaire rBara Jui anven(dozen interesting items in the Gray Enameled Ware uiiucu iui iuuy s ana uesaay s buying.,. IScjUdles at, each ......... 10 juarreserve Kett esat.-earh zn Mixintr Bowls at. earri 1 2S ' Lipped Sauce Pans at, ea.25t : Lipped Saufe Pans at. ea ?ttiv uAiug uuwis at, cacn. .aiuc SOcjWater Pails, 10-qt. size. .35! 60c Water Paill, 12-qt. size'.A $1.50 Straight, Sauce Kettles, , qt size, at, .each ....... Sl.f $1.90 Straight' Sauce Kettlrs- size, at.acn sit i i new patent Stael TiwCn that 1 .tteet;n .' .. '. ' :. ' ". I lly raising ThJ sim tne are no theronly-kteel con(Dartment:,- OUtfthe box. Extra havv Pr r l. i.-.' yos. io see one ot these? couches is to aptreciate their fnnviinc'u' ' r one sjdit extends to the width of the full-size bed. and bracito be adjusted. : It is ' - . "lA t 1 pouch made that has ' a box .ffcC t?-? 5t i V.TVieie'ar. alert .J- .. -.t - JfWr ."-aJ: .. ' '