The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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3Irs. Tom Killean Finds Un
welcome Visitor IIus- .
- bajid,Kas.IJiiiL:3i,;
When Mrs.VTom XXllean looked 'under
tier bed la room 201 In the Harrison ho
tel at 9J9 last evening; she found a
man there and at once started scream
ing. Her screams quickly brought her
husband on a run 'from a block away,
and he- reached the building- Just as the
man Jumped from the iecond story bf
" the hotel Into his -arms.:"f'-f"--:;'
Killean grappled with the man,who
Quickly said: "There's a man choking
her up there, quick! Around this way!.
we may get mm. ai ma nui ict
leased the man and started to- the aid
of hie wife, when he was told we man
had Jumped from the window and had
a gray suit, -and then Killean realized
that he had had the culprit in his arms
. and let biro go. - ,
Then started an: exciting chase. In
" which Mr. Killean was Joined by Bert
Thomnson. the Dronrletot of the Hotel
1 Harrison, They followed' the, man for
a block, lost him, out were again put
on the track by a man who had seen
htm- TUTblnti'BaJl-trte4r:a--ftllr
rescuing rnira- ana jriau,-iuey csjjiureu
him, i Just as Patrolman Stark Lytle
came along to assist . . . .
Mr. Killean is the-manager of the
Oregon Cooperage company, ana naa
been out all evening with his wife and
child and had ' Just returned. ; ;He went
with bis wife Into his room, the man
in the meantime Biding unaer tne oea.
- Then, with the little girl, he left for
the drug store at Third and Harrison
streets, and on returning - heard the
screams of his wife. Mrs. Killean was
iitt Fmovinar her wrans and - had
turned her back to the bed when she
- . heard a noise ana saw tne man emerg
ing. She uttered- scream after scream,
and the man dashed through the second
story window, breaking the crown off
his straw hat. and fell into Mr.. Kit-
At the police station the man gave
his name as Earl Mcintosh, and told a
fairly plausible story. e eaia: i
was found in a bad position and I know
it. 1 11 tell you tne truin. i nave
i liter- hr. fnr whom I was looking.
' iHincd that she had gone to that hotel.
and the chambermaid told me she was
in room 203. 1 wanted to get nor out
. of there and went into the wrong room,
and when I found I was in the wrong
room and heard the people coming, I
hHm nxcitprt and iumDed under -the
. "bed. The reason I didn't come out right
away was because I aiqn l , want to
frlshten the little girt."
Mcintosh was booked for trespass.
and on searching him it was found that
he had three watches, one a man s nunt
ing case watch, one a silver watch and
. one a lady's gold watch. He -had, two
noA fountain Dens, many keys ' and
several trinkets, and. the police believe
that they have arrested a smooth room
worker one who has been responsible
for many of the petty thefts In rooms
in the-city recently. -
The man also had a ticket to Omaha.
Neb., in his pocket, and a railroad pass
to Seattle, lie is a wen aressea, intel
ligent appearing young-man, -although
at present a trifle battered as a result
or nis encounter, uiucer our uju,
who made the arrest, rives all credit
of the capture to. the, promptness of
Proprietor Bert Thompson of the Hotel
Harrison and Air. Kiuean. Air, jtuiiean
missed notning irora nis rooms.
: Portland, Or., July 11. To the Editor
of The journal Believing that the city
of Portland is sadly in need of a new
Jail and other municipal quarters to re
place the present dilapidated and inade
quate accommodations at Second and
Oak streets, several weeks ago I mads a
tender to, the authorities, through my
ugent, J. A. Taylor, of my property.
which consists of 25x95 feet lying be
twee the present Jail' building and the
fire engine house, both of which the
- city owns. . . .
Should my property be acquired, the
'city would at once be in possession of a
. quarter block of what should appeal to
the public as the only logical location at
present available. The main feature of
my offer Is that I shall give the city a
clear title to my property In exchange
for a free grant lease of 30 years of the
waterfront at the foot of Stark street,
on the west side.
Improved and convenient 1 municipal
quarters are a present necessity The
authorities . are -Jielther.uslag . or im
proving the waterfront. On the other
.;hand, I would -at once Improve it with a
modern concrete and steel dock at heavy
cost, and use It for business purposes
which would benefit the community. At
. the expiration of - the lease terms, of
course, the ' permanent improvements
" would revert to the city without cost.
It has been 'suggested to secure a Jail
site-on the outskirts of the present cen-
tral district, possibly on account of the
lower-valuation of ground there.- It is
a question, however, whether It would
be economy to be cheap In uCh a mat
ter, especially with the present oppor
tunity remaining open.
Apologizing for encroaching on your
space, but realising that this subject is
of public concern, I indulge in the privi
lege. I remain, very truly yours
t - ' " " H. PETERSON.;
' M -T"ln,e - Hubbard, who died at
frf kU ,tw w?ek? was the founder
' .tli"flrt Sunday school in Seaside
' Ai mueh. t0 D,ake Possible the es
tablishment of the first church there. -
".was through the sohg services on
Sunday evenings and - readings from
A'1??6 sermons by. Mrs. Hubbard
that the need of building a church was
brought to the minds of Seaside re"
A??ti U,7- Uabr had Jived in Sea
side for l years previous touhat time
in,fi- r"Ident both of Portland and
22.5k . Bhe wa.", tb Une of her
-death 6t years old. . .
Mrs. Hubbard is survived by her
husband, C. T. Hubbard-and five chil
?e .J", abbrel ofVortland, C. S.
Hubbard of Bandon, Mrs. Hattie RveS
da and Mrs. Jessie Williams of Port
. Jano. .v i--.F--1 , -
Foreign Kotes. ;
U ma, Peru. A Latin American
congress of historic Uterary studentS
has invited the students of that class
in Peru to send delegates and the gov
ernment has resolved to accept the in
! endin best historical
' La Pas, "Bolivia. We learn ' from
Aries that Fir John Jackson and C. W
Kdwards with -a corps of engineers and
foremen for work have arrived at that
fort for the commencement of the La
Pas and Arica railroad. Jackson is
also - undertaking important works of
wharves and -docks In several Chilian
ports. ......
Pan tin go. Chll. The smallpox con
taplon Is increasing alarmingly, having
entered some of the families of the up
per classes, who considered themselves
immune from attack. -
R'.o Janeiro. The condition of strikes
continues without change in some of the
lnt-rktr states. The police have made
160 arreats for- riotous disorders In
franf oa. ', i . . V -
I'ommerc-lnl notes from " Uruguay
w marked Improvement In business,
the valus of gold having fallen consid
erably in the last week.
V , -;i r Baptist.
First White, Temple, Twelfth . and
iyjur,- iioir. w, w nucorno iwougner, u.
- is, -une Accord prayer meetlnn
services, 10:89 and 7:45; Bible school 13
l.iJT. V-. "."ID. LOM'I
1's Supper observed.
Ease.'f "Rainbow at
A Life of
J". f 't In seriea
of "A Trip to
Arleta Rev. B. A Smith., 11 - and
. Highland Alberta- and Sixth, Rev. B.
. umniFu, paauir. ana a. x.
P. V.. :30; S. a. 10.
Sellwood Taeoma and Eleventh. Rev.
p. W. Thurston, pastor. , 11 and ; 8-
Cal Var-V Via m Xrtwnt mwtA nrant Ttav.
j. j. Monroe. - 11 and ?:80t S. S. 10; a.
X. F.-U., 6:3.0..-.,
Xmmanuel MnmA ' mnA RAAtmA - Rv.
a. a. w-mager, io:so and 7:30; 8. B., 12
Grace Montavllla; Rey. Albert E.
Patch. 11 and i-sat R. s. in- v. p
rfcentral East Twentieth and Ankeny;
f;; W. T. Jordan, ,U and 7:SQ; S. &.
x. jr. ci- o:u. ' - . - , -
University Park Rev. A. " B. WaUt.
as.. 10; 11 and 8: B. T. P. TJ..-T.
Sunnyslde (German) Forty-first and
nawiaorno; wev, U elOmettt. 1IJ S. b.
Bt, Johns f German) Rev. C fld
met h. 8. 8.; tf:46: services It and T:I0.
. Second Seventh and East Ankeny.
Sermons bv jc . rrir -in-mnA
3 mi Blbje" IchobT, j iB.: T7TrT7.f :30ff
. - jcvot. ju. uwen, it:sv
Chinese Mission IS2U Oak street
S. . 7: BrAahlnv. t nv v,in
: ---7 .
First Germaa- Fourth and Mill;
Rev. J. Kntt. .11 B O a.ii
Second RtnillVnrn mi'rJt
and 7;30; S. S., 8:46. - , . . f
"tort1-"fJLl street Corner. East
vvook. 11 and 7:30;
Bible school, 16: B. T. P. tf., :4B.
Lents Rev. I. V. Kiiv.b b a in-
, , ... 11 . - ,
BHntoOIirer?eventh " Everett;
B.,R Johnson. 11 and 7:30.
Pr.'Sr:"0 nd Fifteenth; Rev,
8. S., IS; B. T. P. TJ- T, . " '
Third Jinntt mnA Vn..,.. X, T
n ss. uuiiniainirn. iii'aa , sinn . 1 m k. 1
Schwedler, 11 and 7:10.
First Twelfth and Alder! io n tun-
sermons by Rev. Paul r. Briirr.v
tor: of the Metropolitan Presbyterian
church, Washington, D. O.' .
mizpan itast Twelfth and Powell:
R Harry Leeds, 11 and ; & 8- 10;
Caivary Eleventh' and Clay. Rev.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10-Xo n4 7-jk-
BIMe school, noon. -
Fourth First and Glbbs: Rev. Don
ald Mackenzie. 10:30 anil 7:30. fit A i-
C EU 6:30. .. , , ., "'
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Taylor: -Rt. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30:
SvS v.12 Topic,- "A Visit to Jacob-i
WelL" No evening Sermon. . T :
Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln;
E?vV,Hrrr. H; Prtt- 740; S. H.,
10: C E.. :30l . ..
Piedmont Cleveland ' anI ,i
Rev. J.: jE. Snvder. 11 and 1-n- a u'
11:18. . . '. ' '
Chinese 146H First 7:5s 8. 8.. t-45.
Westminster East Tenth anil wm.
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte. Revi J. .a
P. McGraw.D. D., preaches at 10:30.
Topic, "The Liberty of the Christian."
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth: Rev. C. W. Ham 11 H .
2' r?eXmonJ&7. R,v- rftul W. McClintock
01 nuiuon. iiima. no evening service
OUTina AUKUIU'-- - -- v -
Mount labor Belmont and Prlty
man: Rev. Edward M. Share. 11 ui a
S. S. 10. . - . - - ,
-- Sellwood East Seventeenth and 8do
kane; Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11' and
8; B. H.. 10: C. Is., 7.
. Hone Montavllla. Rev. J. a ntmnix.
Anabel Rev. A; Hurd.- ril and T:S.
Third Kast ; Thlrtnentlt .'
Rev. Andrew J. Monta-omerv. lo an
and7:i5: S. 8., IS. , . -
Kenil worth East Thirty-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson. 11: S. S..
13; Y. P 7.
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town-
Send. Services 10:30 and 7:80: t first
third, fifth Sundays; S. 8 11:40.
Trinity Dakota street, Rev, A. Rob
inson. 7 :4t p. m.; C E.. 0:46, S a. It
Tavlor Street-Rev. Rninmrn Tnnn
D.- D.: 10:80 and 7:4B: S. S.. u-in'
Communion 1 in morning. . Evenlns
topic, "Pluck and Piety." ,
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rer. John
H. Cudllpp, D. D., 10:30 and 7:45; S. S.,
3-.16; B. .ju., :4o. Dr. Fletcher Homan.
president of Willamette university,
preaches in morning. Rev. 8. H. De
wart in evening.
Sunnysld East Tamhlll and Thirty
fifth; W. T,;- Euster; 11 and 7:30.
Service as a Command of Christianity."
The Holy City." illustrated with ntr.
eontlcon. s-''.- '
bu jonna h.; h. uewart: 11 and ;
U. 7; 8. S., 10.
EDWorth Twenty-Sixth and Ravlm'
ReviCharles- T. cPhernf- lland-8: t-
Religion." "Why -We Are Alive."
Centenary East Ninth, and Pine; Clar
o.. iv: ea. la., ilia, -jodici. "KMfvrta,
ence iru nuron, u. v., iu:is and 7:45;
K. TU, .J: B. 8., 9:45t sermons by Dr.
George B. Pratt , Topics, "What Is
Flthr "Diamonds in the Rough." '
i rinuy jchbi unis ana urant; jUewla
omiin:- it ana t:4o: -Hi. JU, :45; S. S.,
TodIcs. 1 "The Greatest Rnmn fn
Loving God," "St Paul'ln Rome," with
stereoptlcon Views.
Central Vancouver avenue ana Fargo
street . Rev. C, L. . Hamilton, . 10 :30 and
46; 8. 8., 12; K. L.. 6:30. .
Chinese Mission Chan Sine; ITs5r -11
and 7:30. -! , . . - '
Ijaureiwooa Key. jb. it. Bryant: 11
and 7:30; S. 8., 10: H. I:30. .
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and
Davis, Rev., H. P. Nelsen, 11 and- 8; , a
Norwegian-Danish Vancouver
nue and Skid more. Ray. C. J. Lurun
11 and 8: 8. a, 12. v '
Swedish Borthwlck. and Beaeh. rtm-
John Oval!. 11 and 8; 8. a. 10; E. L.. 7.
Topics. -I'Rules ,rf or -Cfcclstlan - Life."
First oermaa nrteentii and Hoyt: tt
Waasa; U and 7:30.
Second German Stanton and RajIh, 1
Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8: a a. i ti'
Japanese jMission in worth - Fift
eenth, Rev. Ellsen Rlbara, :30 andi
80; a S., :80. -
Sellwood East Fifteenth nA . i.-
coma. Rev. Lester C Poor. 11 and 7:30
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirt.
ninth and Powell, Rev. Ernst-.
Jones, a a, 9:45: 11 and 8, K, L. 7
Montavllla Mohle and Hlbbard. Rev
Harold Oberg. 11 and 7:30: R ft., in-
class meeting, 13; J. I. 8; E L., :4B.
WOodlawn William. J. Douglass. 11
and 8; S-S.. 10; E. L., 7.
University Park Dawson and Flake.
Rev. W. R. Jeff ry, J 11 and 7.80. ,
' First, South Forester HalL 171 U
Second. Rev. E. H. Monroe. 11. 4- i, .
7; S.S.. 10. .. , -
Aincui ion a nirxeenui ana Main.
Rev. W. Matthews. 11 and 8. - ' ,
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first J. W. McDougall. 11 and 7:80.
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter.D. A. Watters, 11 and 8; a a, 10;
Woodstock J. D. Voce,' 11 and 7:10:
a a. 10; a u, .-80.
, CathoUo. - -
8t Marys Pro-Ckthedral, Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. t.
Low mass, , 8 and S., High mas and
sermon, 11. Vespers, Instruction and
benediction, 7:45. . - .
t Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and
Couch Rt. .Rev. James - Rauw, V. O.
Low mass, 8. - High mass and sermon,
10:30. Vespers, benediction, 3:30.
St Francis', East Eleventh and Oak
Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, $. 8:30
and 8:80.' High mass and sermon, 10:89.
Vespers, instruction and . benediction,
7:30. ' . - ,.
St Lawrence's. Third and Sherman
Rev. J. C. Hughes.- Low mass, 6. 7 and
8:80. .Hlo-h mass snd . sermon, 10:30.
Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
Ascension, Montavllla, Rsv. J. P.
Fltzpatrick. Mass and sermon f In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St Patrick's." Nineteenth and Savler
Suggestive Questions on
Scnool Lesson hy
Ministers, Sunday school teachers
iwrlta. The Journal briefly their views as to the, worth of these "questions,
Dartlcularlv if thev consider them of value in their work. 1 ' .--. -f
The International Newspaper Bible
moting in an unfettered way among
the basal truths of Christianity.! and
man's life. - It la eomnoaMl ' of all those
simple course herein outlined, barring
not Joined are warmly invited to de so and to compete for the prises.
. Persons may Join the club at any time during the year, out must, of
course.' answer the (2 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for, the
prises, ana tne oacx questions may oa ooiainea Dy aaaressing mis or nee.
This paper has secured the right to publish the International Sunday
School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Linscott, which have aroused - so much
.interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly in both the . Saturday and
Sunday issues of The Journal. One
answered In writing and. upon these
i Oonoltlos
1. Each ' contestant or his or her1
paper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible
Study club and thla local club. . .
3. Each contestant in this local club must answer anh nf ths wrlttan ones.
lions for S3 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday,1 March. 14, and the answers
must all be la the possession of this paper vitnln two wteks of ths olost
u una penoa. ; - . : ..... , .., . . . , ., -
3. Each question must , be answered separately, and the paper written on
one aiae oniy. o answer must exceea
Each answer must have thu name and
Of the answer. . -
4 The enswera must be delivered to this office, and they will be collated
at the close of the contest and forwarded to headquarters for independent ex
amination by competent examiners. The - prises will then be awarded ac
cording 10 tne nignest numoer of marks,
wsajysr. xiuv niuuj uauiv ' 4 - . . . .
- - Th Prises. -. -. " 1 . .- - -
-. First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestant. '
S.t;ono,Se,r,r ,iveF n'1 o f01 ,of the next five contestanta ' '
T,rd Series A Teacher'a Bible, price $6.fi0, to each of ths next five con
testants. '-!: " " '; - -": . ,' ' - .f
r .Fourth Berles The book "The Heart f Christianity,- price 11.80. to each
of the next 85 contestants. - 1 , -
Each medal will ha sultsllv nmv,A vtvln A
f-Ofhatl-1- awarded -atvd -in - tlkA -
- - 7 . -
ji, 11 write and bave Ideas, are nrged to take up these studies re
gardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of. the
cogency of their reasoned Ideas. .-. , ,: . . ,
August 1, 1909.
(Copyright 1808 by Rev. T. 8. Linscott
' JW. U.) .-
Close Of Paul's mlaslnnsrv. tnurnev
Acts- xviii:l-22.
t Golden Text In the world ye shall
have tribulation: be of good jcheer; 1
nave overcome the world. John xvl:33.
Verse 1. What remarkable thing had
immediately nracedad Paul's tirt fnr
Corinth? . ... ,
There is no record of a vision or anv
Special dlviae instraction, for rani go
ing to Corinth; but Is a rood mam as
much guided by Ood when he is not
oonsoious of it, as wnen he is, and why
(This qusrtion anst be anawered U
writing by members of the dab.) ,
Verses 2-3. What was tha itraMInn
between, Aqulla and Pault .
How do you account for it that there
is an affinity between men of the same
trader ...-:.-.-,..,.;-. .
Have labor men a nerfect ria-ht to
band' themselves together for' mutual
protection against the undue demands
of capital?
Has capital a moral right to- protect
itself against labor? . 1 ,
Have business men a right to protect
themselves against undue competition?
Paul worked at his trade as a tent
maker for a living. Is there any sug
gestion in this that modern preachers
should do a slmjlar thing? ' (-
A large proportion of the membership
of the present day Christian church
have the latent ability to preach; ought
not this ability to be developed, thus
giving - to every local church several
preachers, and the work being divided
between them, would be better done
than at present, and each preacher
make his own living? .
- Verse 4. Is it the duty and privilege
of every adult Christian, to be engaged,
at least every Sunday, in some specific
spiritual work?
ruiniit.n niinsv tBohr
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these question."
particularly if they consider them of value In their work-l .T
Rev. E. P, Murphy. . Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 3:30. ' ' ; . -
St, Michael's (Italian). Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. , Low mass, 8.
High mass and-sermon, 10:30. Vespers
nnA hanrilrttnri. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary William
and R tan ton KeV. W. A. JJaiy. jlxiw
a i .mi b. Hish mass and ar
mon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction.
Holy Rosary East Third and Union
Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low mass, f.
7 and 8:30; Hlgn mass ana wmou,
10-80. Vespers and benediction, 7:80.
Sacred Heart Mllwaukle Rev. Gre
gory Roble, O. a B. Low mass, 8. High
mass ana sermon, v.v, ,OTyv..
benediction,-7:30, . . -1
Hnw fiross. Unlvers!tyPs,rk Rev. J,
b Thliiitiin. R. 8. C Low mass, 8:80.
HIah mass and sermon, 10:80. Vesper
and benediction. 4. : ' .
Holy Redeemer, Portland - and Van
couver Rev. Ed K. CantweiL C. S3. R.
Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. - Benediction, 4. ... .
St Andrew's, Ninth, and Alberta-
Rev.. Thomas Klernan. iow mass, .
Ul.h msjia and sermon. IV. Y cnirei , iu-
...?.... i.H hsnxdir-tion. 7:30.
at Stephen's. Forty-second and East
Tavlor Rev. W. A. Waltt. iuo.w mass.
8:30. tiign mass s.uu oi m,..
St Ienatius, Forty-second and Powell
r ... . . A n is.,, . .
Valley road. Rev. F. Dillon, s. J. low
rn... and 8:80: mass, sermon and
benediction 10:30. . .:
8t' 8tatnsiaus,-iaryiaaa "tTT
T?.. r. Raroakl. LOW mass s, aigo
mass and sermon 10. - v-
Trinity Nineteenth and Byerett 7
A. A. Morrison, 8, 11 and 8. S. S., 8:45.
- St Mattnews - WM',';VW ""'"j
nnnmiinimi and sermon at 11? no e. a.
C p., w. A. M. Rreck.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen, the Mar
tyr xnirteentn ana tiay,
Ramsay. 7:30. 11 and 7:30 p. m; a a,
' st Andrew's Portsmouth. and S
St Mark's Twenty-first and Mar
shall, Hev. J. E. H. Simpson. 8, 11 and 8;
a s!. 9:ii. Celebration of the holy
communion at 8 and 11. s Matin and
litany at 10:30. . .
St John' Church Multnomah
P.Jl 11 an4 7-Sft- S ft.. 10.
Ak.,,t. neOnv Saviour Woodstock.
11 and 8. -Archdeacon Chamber, will
at rfavi's w.eal - Twelfth and Bel
mont, Rev, Henry Russell Talbot-, 7:30,
Mimmnntnn: ll. communion ana
sermon, by Bishop Scadding; no evening
Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van.
couver. Rev. John Dawson, 8. 11 and
7-80- 8. S., 9:4S. ....
Ascension Chapeli Portland Heights.
8 8. 0:30. -,.'':" -': '--'.' -'-t'
Grace Memorial East Seventeenth
widir. Rev. Oeorce B. Van Wat
ers. 11 and 8. Service held in the new
parish bouse. 4 1
St Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. C For-
sythes 11 a. m.; S. S-, 8:45.
l n ftalntn Twentv-f if th and Savler.
Bmj Rot Eda-ar Remington, Commun
ion and sermon at 11. No evening serv
Blsbop Morrl Memorial Chapel, Good
Samaritan hospital, ttev. wuuam .
Powell, chaplain; service 7 p. m. .
.. Oongregatloaal.
' First Madison ' and Park, Rev.
lather R. Dyott D- D.l Rev. Guy I
Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45: 8. a. 8:45.
Topics, "The Religion Demanded by
Modem , Life," "What Is ths Church
for?" '
Laurelwood Rev.J W. H. Myers; 11
8. S. 10, C E. 8:30. '
Sunnyslde East Taylor Snd East
Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub; 11: 8.
8., 10. Topic, The'Experience of Some
Religion"; no evening service. ,' j ,
St Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and
8 S. 8. 10. MX x
' University .-yark "Haven-and Dawson,
Re..O. W. 3-figgs.. 11 and 8; 8. S., 10;
C E.. 6;30; l)v. V. B. Gray preaches in
morning, f j J . -
Hassalcw fi rest Est Seventh ' and
Hansalo, I'eJ Pstil Kader; 1J, and 7:80,
B. 8.. 10; CK . 6 .30. -
Highlan-ii-l 'd-1 Sixth and : Preseott
Rev. E. 6 nbiiViKer. 11 and 7:45. a a.
10; Rev..jf"jn. iV( kson, missionary from
Ceyloil, lnfii0friAnitu Y. P. 8. C E., and
choir condir- ..evening service.
First :.Mktmin j:ast Seventh' and
Stanton, Rev. John; II. Hopp; 10:30 and
:!.-&" a :lt. C. E. 8:30. -.
' Plyroouth Shaver and Missouri ave
nue. Bev. Daniel P. - Thomas; : 11 and
7:30. ... ' v
Synod East
' Norwegian
tne Sunday.
. R.ev Dr. 'TV S.' Linscott
and jthere Interested are-Invited tt
Study club Is, for' the purpose of pro
the masses, a wider studv of the Bible,
the Droblema which ent.r into ever
who loin a looal club, and take UD the
only ordained clergymen. All who have
of these questions each week is to be
answers the prizes are to be awarded. ,
of the eontest. - -r v.- :-...--;
family, jnnst be a subserlbe to this
30t words In length and mav be less
address of the writer at the bottom
. ,
won by members of The International
mitKM - aanV - ihm u-k.i.--4.i-u- iiw
. u,u wuu --w WW"
Why did. Paul, In the beginning, In
Corinth, confine his work to .the Bab
bath day and to the Jews?
Verses 6-. What effect did the vis
Paul' "d Timothy have upon
If a good man Is ever so much In
earnest msy the visit of another -earn?
est man intensify hi spirit?
When a man does his very best in
preaching and falls to make converts,
is he entitled to as much , credit as if
he had great success?
Did 'Paul blame himself for his fail
ure, and that the Jews resisted and
blasphemed, and ought a-man of God
always take a similar position in like
Circumstances? .
Verse 7. Ha It ever been n the past,
and is tt today, sometimes . necessary
for a good man to leave the church, and
start a meeting of his own?
Verse 8. tJs belief in Jesus an Intel
lectual effect, or is it spiritual and
-Verses 9-11. What nfethod did God
take in this Instance to tslk to Paul?
Why is it that so few Christians
have any experience of tany special
message from God?-- i ' . -
, Do Christians speak as much as tney
ought - for Christ today, and is there
any fear of being hurt by speaking for
him? , -V , . ' -
Verses 11-17. Can anv man exueet.
even in these days, to be unflinchingly
falthfur. to ooa, ana not man some
nnnl snsrVT
How. do yoii estimate the character'
of this man Gallio, and what is there
4n him worthy of Imitation?
Verses 18-za. Bum up tne errecis 01
Paul effort as reveaiea in tnis les
Lesson for Bonaay. August . iso:
Paul's instructions to the Thessalon-
lans. I Thess. v:12-24
snd others Interested are Invited to
Grant: Rev. sO. Hagoea 11 and 7:30:
8. 8., 8 :80t 'Professor H. G. Stub, D. D.,
of St Paul, Minn.,-, preaches in morning.
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving. 11 and 8; S, B-. 8:45.
Betania Danish Union - and Morris;
Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8: a S.. 10. .
Kt. jam s j;nriiaa west park: tan
Jefferson; J, Allen Leas, 11; 8. 8., 10;
u. u., i p. m. .
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; a 8., 3:45.
8:80.. . .
Zion's German Chanman and Sal
mon; W. H. Behrens, 10:15; 7:46; a A
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 and 8;
o. b., v:iv a. re. v..-- (-,.-;..
Trinity - German . (Missouri Synod)
wiiuams ana eeiiwooa; J. a. jRimbach,
fi-iR a fit ll- 7. an .. ... ..
' Swedish " Aurustana ' Rodney ', and
B tan ton; nev.- u. A. xoiip. io:u and
7:4: B. 9:90. ,
Swedish - Mlsflon Seventeenth and
Gllsan: Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and 8;
8. 8.. 10: Y. P.. 1:80. , -
Elim Chapel Michigan 'avenue and
Ekidmors, Rev, a. J. 'Tboran, 11; a a,
10. - . . -
Immanuel German Corner 15th and
Leo (Sellwood), H. C Ebellng, . 10:30;
a 8., -:80, - .; .
St John's Peninsula avsnu and
Kilpatrick. Rev. C. Buechler, 10.
Grace English Rodney and Ivy, At
oina, n. vj. juweimg.
(Jhrlstlaa, .' - , '
Central T2ast" Twentieth ""and 8al-
mon; Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. D., 11 and
8; Bible school, 10. Rev. F. L.-Cok
will assist at both servlees.
First Corner Park and Columbia, W.
F. Reagor, minister, 11 and 7:45: 8. 8..
0:46. Topics, "Life at Its Best," "Christ
Mocked"; song serv roe in evening.- - j- -
Kooney Avenue noaney ana jK-nott:
Thomas G. 1 Plcton, 11 and 8; a a,
:46; C E., 7 p. m. s - . .
Kern Park Rev. E. M. Patterson. II
and 8; a 8.. 10: C E 7 Topics, "Th
Master's Call." 'On the Upgrade to Suo-
Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla
10:30 and 7:46.
Woodlawn Rev. G. M. Melllns: 11
and 8; a 8., 10; .C E.7. :
Tnited Brethren la ChrUt. f
First East Fifteenth and Morrison.
Rev, G. E. McDonald, 11 and I; a S
10: C. E.. 7. - .
Radical Sixth and Mechanic. Rsv.
Oscar A. Martin. 11 and 7:30; a &, 10;
Third South Mount' Tabor: - Rev. C
P. Blanchard. Bible school. S.
Second East Twenty-eighth and
Mildred.' Rev. B. E. Emerlck, 11 and 8;
Bible school, 10.
Fourth Tremont, Rev. IL a Bchof
fer. , Bible school, 3 p. m. : -
Alberta East Twenty-seventh and
Mildred, Rev. B. E, Emerlch. 11 and 3;
a a. 10.
, :'.'";.',:V. United rresliyterlaa. , . 'I ;
Th Church of th Stransera Rev. J.
A. P. McGraw, D. D. f - ,
First Sixth ana Montgomery, Rev.
Frank D. Flndley. 10:30 and 7i46: 8. 8.,
12; C. B., :46. Topics, "Why Did GOd
Send UsHls 8onr "God's Two Great,
Words Come and Go."
. Third East Thirty-seventh and Clav!
Rev. J. Ia Acheson. ll and 7:30; a a,
ryangelloal AsseelstJoas.
First Enrlish East Sixth and Vu.
get, F. B. culver, ll ana 7:0; X. P. A.
6:30; 8. 8., 10. .
- First Gerrsao Tenth and Clay. F.
Bens. 10:45 and 7:46; B. 8.. :t0; f. pH
S .m.
emorlal East Eighteenth and Trs.
neiis,. juorris jtieveriing, n ana I; S. 8
v. . j . .
Chrljrtian Science.
First Church of Christ Scottish felts
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11;
3. DM 1 i.. 1 DD1C JLjOV.
Becond Woodmen's HaTt East Sixth
ana Aiaer, ii; . z. Topic, "Lova
Tfnlteg Eyaagsliost
Ockley Green Oar - snd Wltlsn,t
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and I.- & ft in'
C. E.. .7. Topic. Trayer."
First East Sixteenth inil fnnl,
Rev. II. A. Deck. 11 and 7:0. H. H i
Topics. "The Hidden Life." "The Chris
tian's First Study."
Second Farro snd Kerhv. 7v f n
Poling, 11 and 7:30.
St. John's Ivanhoe and 'JTohn.
C P. Yatea. 8. 8.. 10. -
'-.' ' - Unitarian, "'.-.-. 1
I - Church of Our Vn.t'.v Ttmflll mrA
State Board of Agriculture
v Promises Best Show in
State's History.
Premium list - and Instruction to
exnioitors just issued by the state board
of agriculture . havinc in ehara-a ths
state talr promise for Oregon this tall the
uesi ana largest annual state snow in
tne nistory -01 tne state.
When the fair ODena' at Salem, "nr.
September 13, to -continue until Septem
ber 18, $16,000 in premiums for live
stock, agricultural and manufactured
products will be offered. Numerous ad
ditional classes-have been added to the
premium list of this year, made possible
by a recent legislative appropriation of
Amonar the new classes will lut tha
eaucauonai department where students
in the common schools and high schools
may exhibit their work. Money prUes
will be offered. ,
Lookins . toward the comfort of th
Visitors, -larger and more commodious
quarters have, been built and other
cnangea m&ae. cfjicr among the 1m
provements will be tbe Increase in .res
taurant facilities. . . ". .
Printed announcement la made In the
premium list ana catalogue by W, t
juaupcav S Jjrestaent 5 m, D. Wisdom,
vice -presiaentr and f. ai vvelch'- secre
tary. 01 ins iair assoclatwin. mnmm
ing new features of the fair. Every as
surance isgiven the publlo that the
forty-eighth annual show will be the
largest and best in the history of the
state. ....,. .. r......
The premiums this year are divided
up among a numoer 01 different depart
ments. Taey are: agricultural prod
ucts, art. bees and honev. bova' denart-
ment cattle, cereal foods, county exhibits,
umry uivision, eaucauonai, riorai, goats,
textile department misses' department
pigeons, poultry, Scotch collies, sheep,
,vouiimis ana wooien gooaa
xue speca program contains : some
fooa events, xne prises range from
Clin ... ,r.,,i
tfwu w t9vug,. . ,
L. Eliot D. D.. minister emeritus; Rev.
r, A. jaaaer, assistant. .1
K formed. . .
First German Tenth and - Stark
streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services
19:45 a, m. and I p, o.; 8, 8, 8:10 a. m.;
x. r. e, i p, m. ; ,
Church of the flood Tldine-s TTnlnn
nail, corner urand avenue and East Plua
Rev. J. D. Corby, 10:46; 8.. 8., 12. Rev.
A. Eugene Bartlett of Chlcaxo ' will
preacn, .-. ,
' K. B. Church atouth.
171 U Second Rev. XL H. Mowre. 11
jTrisnda' Church.
Sunnyslde, 'Main and East Thirty
fifth. Llndley . A. WeUs. 11 and 3;
oipte scnool, iv; u. Si., I. - '
Lents, Center, street Myra B. 8mlth.
n ana ; juioie scnool, 10.
!: .. v''''",ilsosUsnotta. .
First Spiritual Society, Chrlstensen
hall. Eleventh .and Tamhlll 'streeta
ii. i:80 ana 7:46.
Swedish Corps Salvation . Army 410
Burnslde, 11, 4:30 and i.
Medium' and Minister Assoclatlo
Auaitonum Duuaing. ll, 8 and 7:45.
Swedish Free Mission Mlssisslnnl
and Shaver, Rev. Aug. Olson, 10:45 and
. tiev. a. a. nuixer or cnicago
preaches In the morning.
Millennial Dawn Odd - Fellows' hall
corner East -Sixth nhd Alder, Bible les.
son. 1:80; services, 3:16. ' -
Latter Day Saints (Mormons) East
lenm ana enerman. j. u. weatergard,
presiding elder. 11 and 8- S. S.. 10.
Olive Branch Mission Corner Second
and Ankeny streets; meeting every
nim ai s o ciock, aiso nunaay at p. m.
A. Wells, superintendent
Advent Christian Second between
Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Shepard;
10:30 and 7:30. ' '
Believer In the Atonement Odd Fel
lows' hall. East Sixth and East Alder
streets, li30 2:45, 3:15.
Volunteers of America 285 Burnslde
street 3:30 and 8:30.
Divine Truth Center 201 AKskv
building. Rev: Thaddeus M. Mlnard. 11;
8. 8., 12. Topic, 'Our Father Which
Art In Heaven.','
New Thousrht East " Thirteenth and
Tenino, 8. Rev. P. J. Green.
Church of Naxarene East Seventh
and Couch- 11,- communion. Baptism
In Second Baotist church at 8.
Second Church Near Claremont ave
nue, W. N. Coffee, pastor, ll' and 8;
o d., io ; class meeting, 7 p. m.
Oriental Bug Sale. 7
For the next week lovers of oriental
rug will profit by visiting Atlyeh
Bres., 34-Washington street This -ex
clusive rug firm has an unusually -at
tractive sale starting Monday morning.
; Special inducements will be given to
Factory and Warehouse Men "
' - , who are ready to
;Tj' - . , build at :
, . " OWNERS ' ,
Open Letter to State Univer
sity Kegents Protests Ac
cepting Carnegie Gifts, '
Pendlton. July 31. Board of Regents,
State University. Eugene. Or. Gentle
men: Tne recent visit to - tne state
of the president of the so-called Car
negie Foundation for the. Advancement
of Learning, Indicates that your body
has taken seriously senate Joint reso
lution No. 12. nassed by the last legis
lature, and has applied thereunder to
have your Institution placed upon the
list of beneficiaries of Mr. Carnegie.
As a private citizen of the state, yet
vitally Interested In its good name, and
hopeful 01 Its ruture, l desire to piace
myself on record in protest of placing
the commonwealth or any of its in
stitutions in the category of either cyco
phant or mendicant - -,--
l want to see me young men ana
women of the state (trained - under
teachers who are free, whose discus
sion of civic problems will not be fet
tared by golden nromlses. whose lips
shall not be- sealed by visions of a
pension from alien sources, ' The. state
is able .to maintain Its educational sys
tem, and to pay its Instructors rea
sonable salaries. - Let. it do that, ana
maintain the courage of teacherf-jind
tn tnnepenaene--or its- Bcnows.
So far as 'the joint resolution above
referred to Is concerned I have at least
charity enough to believe that the legis
lature acieu -wiinoui appreciation oi lis
signification.- It Is one of those ap
parently harmless things which some
interested party presented to the com
mittee, and It. took its course without
much thought of discussion on the part
of- anybody upon the floor of either
In any event Its terms are such that
It is not mandatory upon your body.
The discretion is still. In you, and I
am sure that- unon consideration you
will hesitate to act upon It and will
at least pass It over to the next legis
lature ror iuii and free discussion.
To my mind the situation ia a srave
one. Not only Is the independence of
OOSTX.T axtd ounmra mahooabt
rinurzTUBB, axmisstiiv bugs,
Sale Tuesday Next -
We are Instructed by owner to sell by
auction the- -handsome - furnishings of
his residenoe consigned to Baker's Auc
tion House, 152 Park street, for positive
sale, comprising haadsome parlor suit
In real mahogany of Victorian period,
olid mahogany Library Table. Chlnnen-
dale period, elegant Axrninater Rugs,
large velvet rugs, lady's parlor desk,
fine mahogany rockers, with silk plush
cushions, fine dining room set with
chairs in real leather seat upright piano
(only used six months), hall tree,
couches, all brass and Iron beds; silk
floss and - other mattresses, birdaeve
and fine English oak dressers and other
bedroom furnishings. Steel Bangs, gas
range, linoleum, lawn mower and other
useful lots. The public- are Invited to
view the goods tomorrow. Sale Tues
day, 10 a m. sharp, v ;
Thursday Next .
We shall sell by auction the contents
of 10 room house, removed to Baker's
AnotUm House, for anything. Sale at
10 o'clock. Stransera and others fur
nishing will find it to their advantage
by attending these sales. . -
bakes m soli Auctioneers.
House of 10 rooms, private residence, i
for rent and fine furnishings for sain.
Apply to Baker Son, Auctioneer!"- -
Tuesday, 10 A. M.
,211 Flft St.
The fine furniture" from a'f-room
house on Belmont street win be sold on
Tuesday together- with other fine fur
niture, such as extension table., chairs.
carpets, dressers In blrdseye maple and
goiaen oas, metai Deas, sux-lioss mat
tress,' White sewing machine, drop head:
Majestic range, kitchen cunboard. steel
couch, , rockers of all description,-, por
tieres, and In fact everything to com
pletely furnish the home.. We also have
a lot of trimmed hats. - latest styles,
which-must be sold at tola sale.- And on
THURSDAY at 10 A. M.
We have a lot of cheap furniture to dispose-of,
as well as some of the. very
Ford Auction Co.
Ill First Bt
Phones Main 89B1, A-244S.
Splendid location, with deep water frontage
and the best of shipping facili
c ties are offered -
our scheme- of education in - jeopardy,
but the whole future of the state us
touching the -character of teachers and
of teaching, and the attitude of edu
cated men and women- of the future
upon civic and Industrial Questions, ia
at stake,- - -.,
It matters not what other states have
done or may do. Let Oregon maintain
her dignity, her Independence, and- as
sure to her youth in the highest insti
tution of her educational system. a cur
riculum and a faculty courageous, free
and untramelled. i .
iiction Sales
Wilsons Auction House
Comer Second and Yamhill StvC
Monday, Wednesday, Friday -y,
v Each Day at 10 a. m. 1
- We wlli sell a fine assortment of rtr
nlture, etc., consisting of parlor, Ubrnry,
diningroom, bedroom, kitchen and Office
furniture in golden oak and mission ottk,
etc., carpets, rugs, bedding, pictures and
kitchen utensils, etc. -
.-.-v- . Auctioneer. I
Of j Office Furniture, Rolltop
Desks, Large New Hall Safe.
r On Monday, & p.' tm.. rooms 303-S1S
Ablngton block, we will sell the office
furniture and fixtures of the Lee Bowd-
ler Co., real estate, consisting of 4 large
U-toBjdesks.:ftjibmryEta.oles. i deK .
chairs,"' 18 Ofnce' -thair,- 1 -.letter- f He,
large settee, S hat tacks, 1 bookkeeper's .
desk, body Brussels rugs, 1 new hall
safe Costing 1260, 1 large waU map ot
the city of Portland.
The above goods are all nearly new
and in .first-class condition, .NO RJ3- -
',. i - Auctioneer.-
We Are Still Selling Out the
At 186 First Street Everything
. t - w If w - . .
at xiau trice.
Although the stock Is somewhat brok
en, we still have itrme choice pieces
v& . . u .u. ui.ui u, lit,, i uu 1, -. WUll,J,
china cloaets, hall seats and mirrors.
shaving stands. . mahogany and weath
ered oak chairs, musio cabinets, cellar-
ettes, smokers, screens, brass costumers,
pedestals, magasme racks, pictures, mir
rors. weathered oak and blrdeseve maul
eentertables. desks, library set In nils
slon design, with Spanish leather seats,
Davenports, etc.; also a complete line
of high-grade steel ranges,' large stock
of carpets In - Axminster, Roxbury,
Brussels and ingrains, portieres, lace
curtains, crockery, granlteware. In fct
everything you yant in an up-to-date
home. ' ' 1
Don't miss your ohance, as these bar
gains will only last a few days more.
. ' J, X. WlJLiiSUJN,
- 1 ' " Auctioneer."
JTOTICE If yon hay anything to sell
call us us. Main leas, A-4343. -
Special Auction '
Sale of Fine Furniture
at Residence
Ws are instructed by Mr. Charles
Stern (on account of u departure for
San Francisco)- ts sell by' putrlio auc
tion at his residence No, '70! Northrup
attest, between list and S2d,.. on (to-
morrow) Monday, at 10. o'clock a.' m. ell
the valuable furniture, carriets, etc, in
cluding In part elegant Parlor Carpets
ot pretty design. Easy Chairs and Ma
hogany Sofa, Couch, solid oak Library
Table, Chairs-, Rockers, fine - sectional
Book Cases, . mahogany Table, Phono
graph,", very handsome -Dining Room
Furniture, "Buffet, round Extension Ta
ble and Chairs In leather dining room
square Hall and ' Stair Carpets, . large
Ruga, Dishes, solid brass and handsome
brass Bedstead, complete, oak and white
blrdseye maple dressers, . ladles' Desk,
Chiffonieres, -Iron Bedsteads, with
Springs, Mattresses, etc., Andirons,
Stands, ' Rockers, upstairs furnitures '
Hamper, Bath Cabinet, fine Steel Range,
Gas Range, Hose, Kitchen Furniture and
some choice roses, etc. Sale , at resi
dence. No. 703 Northrup, 19 a. m. (to
morrow) Monday, August 2. Buyers are
requested to bs . present at 10 a. m. as
toft. BBjewUlEomm6n
gOOdS. (
- 8. L. N. GILMAN. -Auctloneei-
Mill, , . ,
"', '
and Seventh. ' Rey. W. O. Eliot Jr.; Revt T.