09. STORES AND OFFICES 11 , FOR RENT Four story brick store building, with cement basement 40x100; II Front Bt., N., lately occupied by American Chicle Co, - Apply to Fred Mckel. 761 Park ave. Main 2985, I IKdT class outside office iwotus tor rent In new building; steernw heat electrlo anj gas light, with Janitor ser ice. N. M. cor, lid and Madison. ' ; TWO stores, 10x100 each, between Sal mon and Main on 2d. Inquire at 214 Jd Bt. - ' ....... i , JEW nloe offloea la the Couch and Chamber bids;. 601 Couch bid FIXAXCLIL 1 51 t ttts 2 2 8 MONET for everybody. If FOB KENT HALLS 69 HALLS for rent any nights, the Draw building. 162 2d at. .. -rlALL. 81 H Grand ave. East 44. FOR ftENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 AC TO house, Washington. rooms ror Main 107. rent , ; 474 WANTED TO KENT J HAVE many Inquiries for vacant houses;. Hat with ma. . Melklejohn, 880 B. Washington stj East 1115. B-1487 HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 WHY buy a second-hand 'vehlcls when you can get a new on from an old established wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost i We 'are located outside the high- rent dis trict own our building and can make ''the price. - Exclusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fin vehicles, delivery wagons, top buggies, Irunabonts and farm wagons. B aura land sea us before you buy. , It nay leave you money. , v . - R. M. WADH & CO.. -' ' 21 Hawthorne evs between B. 1st , ... .i ..and Id fits. - -. -Horses! agois! We hay a ' car of mules and horses (that arrived July 8, Any one wishing ' (horses or mule please call and Inspect hem. , - a We have t or 4 good horses; If you are going camping; also several wagons ana ouggies ana narness. ' v 430 Hawthorns ave. SSI you want iu uur i u v, privately , wjluuul ueiajr. here Is the place. For a loan on your piano and furniture (without remov al), storage receipts, life Insurance policies, jewelry ana diamonds ana all 'valuable collateral, at lowest rato in the city, on easy weekly or monthly installments; all business trtctly conlldentlaL & REAL ESIjvIE A EROKER- - AGE CO.,.-.- ... Room 12 Hamilton bide. J ;".- Phone Main 1084. 181 2d at' i i i t s ai n i st ' - ' - T T WE can plaue first mortgage and bulld - ing loans. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT. J' Board of Trade bldg. MONET loaned, salary or furniture. Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 8488. LOANS WANTED WE have client that wants 83500 for 6 months, secured by good bond an4 mortgage for 810,000, - due January, 1810; ' will assign mortgage. Pacific Realty Co., 820 Bwetland bldg. ' WE can place first mortgage building loans of 11600 or 82000 at 7 and a ner cent - -v....,, . COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT, Board of Trade" bids. . - WANTED About 12400 to Improve sub- uroaa property, security 86500. X-116, PERSONAL S3 COLUMBIA Surgical and Medical Insti tute All diseases of men. women and children treated and cured; - rheumatism, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, goitre, par alysis, tumors, skin and chronic dis eases successfully treated; diseases of women a specialty; eye, ear, nose and throat department;' all medicines fur nished to patients latest Improved elec trical treatment Entrance room 22, third floor Rateigh bldg., 6th and Wash ington sts.. Portland, Or. DR. ALICE A, GRIFF. Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vers surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty.- All the latest -electrical treatment given." Correspondence solic ited. - No charge for consultation. Phones, Main Si it. A-6607. Office room 10, Grand Theater bldg., Wash ington and Park. - ' ' ' DR. LEWIS, Physician and surgeon, makes spe cialty, of surgery and diseases of wo men ana cnnaren; cnargea tnoueraie; consultation free. Phones, Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Commonwealth bldg, eth ana nueny sts BUSINESS CARDS Ccyecant Contract Company - Inventions.- improvements, processes, novelties created to order. Rooms L 2, 8 and- 4 Hoyt blk, 127 V ,3th st. between Washington and Alder. A-8418. , P...O. box 37. Portland, Or. ; HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 10 Id st Blank books m'fg; acta for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; - see the new Eureka leaf. A-8181. Main 183- CLEAN towels dally; comb, brush, soap. 11 per month. Portland Laundry. ToweL Supply Co, U and Couch sta. Phone 410. -PORTLAND Multigraph A Rapid Ad . dressing Co., 727 B. of Trade.. Main 7028. Circular letters, dictation, copying. THE J. K. GILL CO. stationers, book - sailers, office outfitters, engineers'. draught men s supplies. l so cpr. Aioer. F. B. FINLET, taxidermist; head, whole mount and rug work speoialtlea. . 848 Columbia Portland. Or. Phone A-1848. WANTED 1600 oh" my " residence, val. Jied at 12600 very conservatively. Hedin;-48 - Worcester.- WANTED 11000 realty security. Main -1940. MONET TO LOAI 27 Teams Wanted At once; T months to i years work; free water and free barn, in city. Phone Woodlawn 2105. or call at works. Columbia bouL and Dana st LANGLET, THK DIRT MAN. FOR SALE Ona (-year-old driving ,4; mare; styusn ana souna; owner, left -City; for sal at a bargain. Phone East - gQ4. C-1477. - JWILL sell at a bargain 1 set of light tfimi Ms hantAsiBi 1 at Vasww tjib4-mh ackers harnea and road cart (05 iDina ave. iORSES and buggies for rent by day. weea . iiu uiuukn; special rates to business houses. 6th' and Hawthorne. East 72. - . HORSES shod. Stewart & McBrlen. Handmade work if prof erred: both honea 41S Burnslde at. eor. 10th. harness ; ft! DRIVING mare, buggy and also span of fine mares, 1400 pounds. 828-880 17th St N. LARGE . team and harness for cheap; years old, weight 8200. at 808 Front st sale CaU 6NAP Thoroughbred Jersey bull for sale cheap. Apply Star stables, Front and Clay sts. . - v A BUNCH of horse from southern Ore gont from 1300 to 1500, at 60S Alblna a.ve. . ; FOR SALE A good delivery rnare 7 years old, cheap. 118 N. 18th st - BUTCHER cart for sal. Phone Tabor 138.' FOR 'SALE 1100 pound mare'a.nd bolt tnquirw at 170 Front. . Hutton Credit Co, W are the - iw!t . mmranf tn tisi city of Portland organised and Incor porated under the laws of the state of uregon, loaning money . on furniture, pianos, ate, without removal, storage receipts, real estats contracts, salaries also confidential loans made to ladles no Inouirlea a.nirarht .- - Loans of 810 to 8100 may ba obtained from us on short notice and at vary mall cost to the borrower, - It will pay you to Investigate our new email ptan it will save you mousy. ask about.lt when you call. v 'Hutton Credit Co. V ' III Dekum Bide. - IfONET LOAnW 5n TOTJr'sALAR PJANO, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, JSTU s CONFIDENTIALLY. OUR RATES ARB THE LOWEST, - OUR PATMENTH EASIEST. CALL' TODAT AN. BB CONVINCBD. . STATE SECURITT CO, ' 808 FAILING BLDG. :. -HOURS I A K TO Plt WEDS.. SATS UNTIL I P, M. I I t t THE CRESCENT LOAN" AGENCT. 408 Rothchild bldg., corner 4th and Washington. ; The recognized bank of tha wags earner. A cierk, bookkeeper, machinist engineer or employe can ob tain money oi ua on us note without security. , 815 - return to us f 4.00 a month 830 return to us .8 8.00 a month ISO. return to us ......$12.36 a month vonnaentiai; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, eto, 2 months old. , GOOD liorses 9tr rnarnn Uaa wmtw v.Um n. inn anq wuimpy Sta LEST harness at lowest prices at SM- FOR BALE 1 bay horse; very gentle; IJriuo dU. KMU 001 ia St. sJADDLH horses to let T. Hughes, 185 16th. Main 7I; A-6140. LIVESTOCK AND POCLTRT SS ssswsasssjss sassssa.sfcM, , isa,,, sn, issts,i1s.,s. , st, ONE Durham-Jersey, 1 Durham, fresh, cheap; or will exchange for beef cows. 6. E. 20th, near E. Stark. Sunny side CHATTEL I11VR . Installment loans on pianos, furniture. warehouse . receipts, horses, Insurance policies, salaries and an kinds of securi ties; real estats loans from 83000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTU. CO, 416TAblna-ton bldtr. MONET advanced salaried people and ethers upon their own names without security; cheapest .: rates, easiest - pay ments; offices In principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms oret. loimen, ait Lumntr icxenange. MUKiuAUtH, contracts tor deeds or other real estate securities bought on city property ' or lands anywhere In uregon or Washington. H. EL Noble, 816-817 Lumberman bldg., Bth 4b Stark, FOR SALE 8 fresh oows, some large ..fu,."IU"t some extra good jerseys. 1480 Macadam st Fulton car to Ida- TUO BC ...... 6t pastured, comer McKenny ave. ana uewson st. i. . 'lomiinson, ; gEraerson st Phone Woodlawn 167. FOR 8AIJ& AUTO3IOBILES, 44 ATJTO RPRTKOS W make reliable auto springs, test- mu oeiore purcnaseo. leaner Jros 38th and Burnslde. OR SALE One Stoddard Dayton run about; in very best condition; can ba f een at 181 Water st FOR SALE 51ISCELLANEOUS 19 (WILL (ell glass front cupboard, 1 Iron r beds, .2 dressers and commodes, iron lui, sceei range, gaa range, carpets, re Bingerator, winaow ana door screens, smaU; screen-, sale, fine mahogany 1 a;yection bookciae. cheap. 885 E. Alder. VJOTURCXCLEiJ and bicycles, new and .second hand, buy, sell, exchange, re- lvr. Agonctes xor inor ana xaie Motor- cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. 126 12th. A-2804. -1CKEN3DERFER typewriters and upplies; Fox Visible machines; rent- repairs, inspections; iireproor safes. SAFES Fire and burglar "proof, .all sires; second hand safes and vault yoors cneap. juavis care st lvocic Co., 66 8d , TTOR SALE OWtLVSH'f. ' Logging and hoisting enarinea. RAILWAT EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st at 15 pel , all, re N.rM. CHEAP Showcases, two o&sh reals. ters, furniture. We also exchange ... a . a , . . a.m., . s r . ..... s;wu. hi uq tfft front. Main 8488. TYPEWRITER L. C. Smith visthir : used about 1 month; splendid oondi- v 'tf casn. w-iutt, journal. WANTED Household SOOda. ladlea' an . gentlemen's clothing. The O. K. Store, tli-218H Front st - .WILL sell gasoline launch on install iJ ments,' fully equipped. F. C J, 848 . CI. O III St. 8 H. P. gasoline launch for bsIa. ih.,n Inquire Union Launch yards, foot of miii. tj- 1 .... - ... - CANUltS, . p j rest sweetest lowest prices; 1 lb. lc. 880 6d. City Market SHOWCASES. " soda fountain, i oounl : ters and shelving, gold cheap. 81 N 8d. vv huj j.o ouy ciamonas or any is sewing machines, from 84 to 88: - Irophead, 610 to 818. 288 Grand ave 3 TICKETS to Omaha, mala andfe l male; medium. Main 7287. - 12.60 Wheeler Wilson sewing ma- cnine, nil attaenments. ass is. MOrrn. , GAS range nearly new.; bio. A-aioi. Phone Main ALL furnishings 4 room cottage; lo yuan, n, 4u11.1v. j-ia, journal. - -RUSTIC hanging baskets. 96 N. 18th. WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS 5 ' WANTED A good second hand office aesx; give Dest cash price. F-180, Journal. - - i .WANTED Wide track wagon, 8 inch. a. iiar- 1 Inch tir. In rood PAna.ii T 111 I1A R1.4 w 't. Blv SlDV slU ANTED jSecond han. knk- m... T-ka au Jt X-129, Journal. ' y , ilIGHE8T price for copper, brass, rub ber, J. Leve. 186 Columbia. Main 8198. SPOT cash paid lor your J furniture: prompt attention always given. K. 10S7 EXCHANGE furniture house, 208 1st . mum inn, ruy ana sen everytninr. WILL pay 112 for gent's wheeL aood t . . V, ham T , condition. F-l 2 2, -Journal. CASH for household goods. Savage renneu, S4S-I47 1st st Main 149. 'iu juuam ueverat amount at 7 per v ctnijaa wn oiit -property, jail at offices of C. F. Pf luger & Co., rooms 4-6 Mulkny bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. QUICK m6ney on all kinds of security; everything "confidential: reasonable rate; no waiting; see us and save money. noom sue, rtotnenuq Diag. WE loan money on Jtamonaa and tawai! ry at reasonable Interest for long or wran lima. Aat. m. seiovag jsweterSL 2 Washington st MONET to loan, large loans a specialty. Buiiami luinii lowest rates: lire Uk snrance. W. Beck. 812 Falling. (100,000 on mortgages, city or fans property, fire insuranoe. McKensle 4s vom wrnnger Diog., to'and Alder. SALARY LOAN8 ftriotlv eonfldenUal; easv to cat and suv to nmr. Newton, HI Buchanan bid. T. MONET loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry. , Holaman Co., Jewelers. 148 3d st QUICK loans od ail securities. 8. W. King. 46 Washineton bide Main Sina MONET to loan, any amount on good "vunif, xieoin, sw Worcester Diog. MONET to loan on all kinds of security. ; -W. Holt, room-. Washington bldg. ' BUMS of 11000 upward on real estate. Qoddard A Wledrlck, 110 24 st LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel, x ns juoan uo., 414 Dekum bldg. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, tire insurance. 681 Sherlock bldg. LOST AND POUND 21 THE JOURNAL maintain a Lost and Found Bureau to aid the public in the recovery of lost articles, if vou ir.. anything, inquire at once at the Lost and Found Bureau of Tha Journal, and a record will be made of your loss. If you should find any article of value and wish to f ftid the rightful owner, leve it at the Lost and Found Bureau ui Alia luurnu LOST On Portland Heights car, Sat urday evening, July 24, black silk um brella, silver mounted, with Initial L Sn?r5v'aJ.on,-i "ewrd 'or it return to 810 Board of Trade. 1 FOUND Near Second and Washington, Sunday ;20 p. at., email purse. Ap ply to Major J. E. Baxter. U. S. Army, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., describing purse and contents.-- LOST Return ticket to Wlnfield. KasJ Issued by Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. Finder please return same to 200 Grand a ve Laura Wickoff; liberal reward. LOSiT Lady's gold watch, hunting case. lust sumewnere oetween weecn and Ifi. 44th and Hawthorne.. Letter L. on cover. Return., to Journal office. f Re- ward. ' . .' -' - - . . LOST OR STOLEN 5 rings' from 70U" -a Pine St.. July 6. $60 reward will be paid for their return to The Journal office; - no questions asked. . ' FOUND Place to have mattresses ran- ovatea. J., main oudd. LADIES Ask your druggist for . Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 . years known as .best safest Always reliable... , Take ' bo other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills ere sold by druggists everywhere. r - Men. Cured Qulcldy Modern electrlo treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous- debility, piles, etc. W. L Howard, M. X., 804-4 Jtota cnna tjidg., 4th and wasnington. GERMAN books, magaainea, novels, etas Qerman, Engnsh, .French. Bpantsn,' Swedish and Italian Tdlctionaiies: for eign books of all kinds,. Scbmale Co 62 1st st - . DR. SANDERSON CO, Savin andot- ton Root Pills, sure remedy for de layed periods, $8 per box or 2 boxes for IS. tT J. Pierce, 814 Allsky bldg7 265 Morrison. PRIVATE hospital " for women, any .physician you choose. Offlcs 800 E. 60th at, Mt Scott or Hawthorne ave. cars, phone Tabor 889. Dr. Isabella Mackie. ' ' DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands.kid ney, bladder and piles, 181 1st st, Port land DESIRABLE company round for lonely people, either sex; 600 to aelsct from: ladles free; circular 10c, Portland Introducing Bureau, 616 Allsky bldg. Ill Mrs. SopUIe; B. Seip Mental and Spiritualist SolentUt AIlBlf h flf. ' ' LOST, vitality restored by Dr. Lorenas' Nerve Tenia Tablets, 25o box, 6 boxes $1;26. SUpe, Taylor Drug Co 28 Mor- rison, pet 4tn anq stn. ASK your druggist to show you Seely Egyptian Lotus Perfume, or send ua 86o for y ounos botUs, Seely Manf g. Detroit, Mien. LADIES I Dr. La Franco's Compound, . safe, speedy, regulator. It cents, drug gists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franca. Philadelnhie. Pa. THE best facial massage and ahampoo In the city, oc; laaies oniy. unor bldg., Morrison and Park sts, rooms BO an1 81. MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure all your private sexuai niimmin, u vlce free. 179 Vs XL bear TamhilL Main B770. MISS GRANT moved from 2d at to VHts eta oetween uu sun s-u sts. Room 2. MainjTOB, Warren construction ca Street paving, sidewalks and cross In BfIlBeckbldg:: TIN roofing, guttering, repairing end 4. SBII. A IN roofing, gutu general Jobbing, an Bt Main 1424 CARPET CLEANING STANDARD" CARPET CLEANING CO, compressed air and steam cleaning, mattresses - and f eatbera -. renovated, East 280. C-1250. J. HUNTER, mattresses, feathers rent - vated, carpets refitted. M. 814; A-4416. UOUSEHOLD NEEDS 86e LA8TO mantln Barretta - - OSTEOPATHIC PUYSICIAA'S DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe . ciallat on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 861. DR. F. J. bABK. A S. bldg.. 2d and Morrison. 207 Mohawis Main S! Ml'SIC' TEACHERS 40 M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 482 Bal . mon. Main 7840. Beginners specialty. LADY will give piano lessons very ra- sonsble. 852 Morrlnon. Phone M. 6222. t. XHIH.LHUKN, Bevel k; A-4160. violin teacher, pupu 834 Pine st. Main 8045 PIANO. : Prof. Violin.' Trombone. Uaxapbone. Q A. Smith. 882 18th at .REAL, ESTATE BIREGTRY REAL- ESTATE AND TIMBER DEALERS- ALPHABETICAT.LT ARRANGED FOB THE CONVENIENCE ,OF JOURNAL KEADi.R3 " 500,000 PCRTLARD 1912 Realty 'values have gone up steadily for years and 'will eontlnns to Indrease from year, to year. The man of good judgment will not delay securing a home of his own. It is poor economy to pay rent Tha same amount you pay in renttald on yewr own home would prove profitable investment . Talk it over1 wta a realty dealer. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES POULTRT KNOWLEDGE FREE., s " Conkey'a book-on poultry for tula ad. Pad fto Seed Co., 20f Front st PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS RASMU6SEN ft CO.r High Standard ' paint N.E. eor. 2d Tavlor. M. A-1771. F. EL BEACH ft CO- Pioneer Paint Co. Window rlans. eUHng. I St 1st.. M .1384 PAINTING AND PAPEBING G.Raylo?ell CARPiET WE AVTNa : WE do carpet and rur weaving. -Work called for and delivered. 188 B. 12th t N. Phone Woodlawn 2124. ' 1 -. H CATERERS K. K. NONKEN, caterer, take oharge of weddings, banquets, parties, . etc Rea sonable rates, 76 E. 8th. Phone E. 1768, CHIKOPOD1STB DR. O. O. FLETCHER, the people's fa vorite chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all ills of the feet without dan cer of Infections. Sea him and take no chancca. 806 Allsky btdg. Mala 8762. CH1ROPODT. AND PEDICURING- Mrs. M. D- Hilt 42 f llaner bldg. CLEAN INQ AND DYEINQ WE have 20 years' experience in clean ing ana ayeing Dusiness, (l.oo per suit Call up and give ua a trial; Har vard Cleaning Co., 747 Northrup, near 28d. Phones A-oazg, main ii. SUNNT6IDE Steam Cleaning and Dye . worjea. ciecuunKu reuairmii ajiu UTeina. Work called for and delivered. 1067. B-20S7. 206 E. 84th st H. W. URNER, Dyer Carpeta dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson at Main 6616. A-2611. CLOTHlbd cleaned and preaaed, 81.6 per monu wniquB auoring vwu ! Stark st - COAL AND WOOD darceaJ PROMPTLT DELIVERED Call a'.alu 8787. Foot f Currv t. TAMATO Wood ft Coal Co. All kinds ol tir wooa ana nice coal by sack or E. 6 th and ton. Phones E. 818. B-1867. Main sts. ' WANTED To know the whereabouts of Willi am riaaaarx win give i-w- ward. X-124. Journal. USE Bassett's. the original native herbs .K.nmatlam eonatlDatlon : 60 tab lets 26c, in black poxes, at au aru' WOMEJi, use Femoids when othsrs fall; sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug Co. .106 N. 6th st Main 8104. SELECT society psychio research; will oonsiaer appiioM iu,iuiiv r!olonlsatlon nlan. X-116, Journal, LADT mana(er wanted to assume charge or ice cream pwiwri puin, Ital requireq. noroo pntine vi SOUTH Portland Bleb-wood Ho. .U.ln .8168. A-8842. Blockwood. )4.60; dry Inside wood, 18.60; green stapwood, 68 and 42.60. NEER ft FARR. dealera in all kinds fir and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty. 106 Water st Main 4696; A-4647. COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS, bonded representativea Interstate Adjust Co.. Qerllnger bldg. DEBT8 anywhere;-"we get the money." Wella Mer. Agency. 702 B. of Trade COMMISSION MERCHANTS YOUNG lady or. gentleman with' some mm f b.i mm muusr fivr in crwiu 10r. noma pnne vy-ov. THE only I original, perfect Rusalajn . h.ih on Paclflo coast Corner Front an A Rhcmun. Main 461. GRACE SHERMAN, man louring, scalp and racial veaunenia. him awn1 son. suite A MEN'S special diseases treated; modern metnods: connaeuuai. vosw 884 H Washington st 1 vncs BOMilER Electrlo facial and ScalP creatraenis, oounpou. - lunwi 14. lolU Morrison. trunv Bloaaom for all female diseasea. Cures when others fall. n, Co.. a cent a NVALIDS or convalescents can receive vnod care in nurse s suDurnan noma. w ooa l awn LEJ AS Shampoo and seal RENE treatment 80 N. 7th st Main 171 t PACIFIC Introducing CJub . for lonely single people! circular ion. Illtt 1st TT.Yriri Ma MOT Soaln and facial treat . r a 1 1 rt tic BUSINESS WEECrOBY ASSATERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, un, lytlcal cnemista. u wu.ma. m. ihi. PORTLAND analytical laboratory. W( 422 orcester bide..- 8d and Oak. M. 6180. MONTANA assay offiee, laboratory and ore testing work, m Morrison. ATTORNETB ATTORN15T ' W. H. Fowler withdrawn from Emmons 4k mmniODf to iujj-s TvUAB. L. Board of Trade J77 HIRKHHEIIiER. oaten ts and oen- Slons: office 64 Labbe bldg.i M. T88A BABBITT METAL H. , Woltrlng.., 148 lst LOST Solid gold watch, black silk fob, M. on fob; return to Journal,, receive reward. - . - NOTICES 20 SARAH AHPEL ESTATE Notice of final settlement Notice Is - hereby given that the undersigned executor of tne last win ana testament of sa.reh Ahpet deceased has filed in the county Oburt of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county his final report and ac count as such executor,-and that said court has appointed Monday, the 20th day of August, 1908, at o'clock a. m.. of said day. and the courtroom of aM court in the city of Portland, Or.,' as the time -and place for the settlement of said account and the -hearlna- nt ob jections, thereto. , .-. .,'.' - uatea ana ursi puoiisnea July zz, 9' WILLIAM R. ELLTSL 1Ctmi. WHllams, Wood ft Linthlcum. Attorneys. BABBITT metal, aoldsr and type metal. W. W. Blaney, manufacturer. 484 Goldsmith st. Albina. All orders promptly attended to. . Drosses bought and refined. . 1 ' BUSINESS CARDS THE BARBER ASPHALT PAYING CO, Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. McL WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of In surance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. Wp PAT SPOT "CASH for dressed veal, hogs. , beef, eggs, poultry, butter, cheese, hides, furs, wool, cascara, bay. Rln. write us what you have to sell uby ft Co.. 264 Couch st. Portland. Or. , . P AINTINO CONTRACTORS. Interior decorations; . frescoeing; esti mates"fumished on all first class work tree. fhone woodlawn 41. FOR best work, prices right call P. A. ' Doane. 104 Union. Both phonea PATENT ATTORNEys ft. C WRIGHT, U. & and foreign pat . ents; infringement' cases. 604 Dekum. PRINTING THIS ad and (1.26 for E00 cards. Ryder. - Ptg. CO., N. Main 668. E.- cor. 8th and Burnslde. THE -EAGLE PRINTING COv. not In trust; close figures, good work. 28 Ruesell bldg.. corner -4th and Morrison. HAMILTON Print Shop, w Tirlntlnv. V . TlalAlcrh hlAw- Vashlngton sts. commercial 6th and OGILBEE BR08.. printers Caraa bill beads, eta Main 1668. 141 H 1st st PfBLIC STENOORAPHER Miss Densein IXLyXT" bld,r- REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE. real estate and loans; estab. 1888, 146 H 1st. room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO all . offlcs stationery. Co.. 281 Stark at Tel. 1407. P. D. CL SAFES THE Mosier Safe Co, 108 2d st Safes at factory piioea; repairs, lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safee SECOND-HAND CLOTHING m.tkl.ri k1vk. n. -U , VII IN B ..'o -. . vonil J -1 lug paid. Phone M. 1861. Prompt attention. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Machine ttepainng co 3t 1st. M.Z102 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every desorlpUon; bank. bar end ators natures maae to order. The Lutke Mf. Co. He James i. Marshall mfg. ca. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 288 Couch. M. 2708. "Bank fixtures. sHowcASKa RIRDBALL. HAMILTON BLDG. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RTAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. yt imams ave. luaai 4UUS. DAN CINQ MAPLTfi rA vcrvn t a vtt mv 18th and Washington sta.. dancing every j.-u.i.K wttpi ounaay. Aamusion rree. o cents a couple, rrasp's prchestra. DREAMLAND Dancing Academy. 7th ana uait; open wsa. Sat, Sun. nights uumigr piuatns; ladies rree. ELECTRICAL SUPFLIEH Morrison Electrlo Co, fixtures, wirin repatrinsr. PACIFIC 291 E. Morrison. East 8 Ing, 128. Elactrln IT.iiln-a,l. Motors ror rent or sale. 218 2d st ELECTROLYSES moles. wTlnklee, mperfltioos hair roovea. aira Hilt 429 Fleldner. GASOLINE ENGINES BEEFalrhanks-Morae now 1908 1 cycle finest and best gasoline marines offered: also accessories; free catalogues; low prices, Fairbanks, Morse ft Co, 1st and Stark "sts.. Portland. Or. STATIONARY slid aaanae; eleotrio" squipments; launches, accesBorlea. wnoiaaaie and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 MorrUon. LEATHER Jt FINDINGS MUTirir leather .of svanr tnfra findings. ft CO 74 Front . description, tap LIVEIty AND SALE STABLES HESSIAN stables Hacks, livery, board- ."a ua bub; xumiture-moving. in un ion av Phone R 8Bj. night M. 806. THE NOBBT Stables Boarding, livery and sale, 12th and Flanders sta S. urant.- fnonea Main 8020. A-6229 MOTORS MOTORS ' ' Bought, renal red and exr-hnna-ad WTEIDENTHAL-GOS LINER ELECTRIC WiJKKS, 622 Mission st, San Francisco, Cat PERSONAL ! 22 1 MISS Snowden, formerly i4S 4th: now at Tourny bldg.. room 202. A-6671. MAT ANDREWS teaches card readmT 225 6th Bt. Phone Main 7548. ' MARION CORELLI TEACHES ' ' " PALMISTRT. 146 11TH ST. BALM OF FIGS for ell female dli su uiisan. Main tiim i II On Getting a Salesman or a Position as Salesman . t The life-blood of business is ths men that make the -smoke come out of the chimneys of the factory the Salesmen that more the goods. The business men of this city read this newspaper and follow our Want Ads for help. If J yon. are an employer wanting a 1 V liye-blooded Salesman, ask ; for , one here. If yon are a Salesman. wemuosj at uTe-oiooaea . linn to , work for, ask for the position here. Start right by turning; to our want aos now- Read and Answer Todays Want Ads, r08TKB ft KLBIBBk slcos; the largest sirs Bussrs u toe noruwMt. ota ana Krmrt tts. Pfanpe PriT. Bt. Bo. flum. A-llflB. "81rtN8 THAT ATTRACT" Port laud Sin Co JUT Btrfc. PmHrlf 15BB. . rams ATMxzas,'"z:r::';.Z' : :rtzxrnovt Baker, A. A.. .,,.... i.Jlli Abinctoo Bla.......,...Bfln 243S; A-1 Hrong-8teele Cottpanr .110 Second 8b ,,..Mtll ud Brabskrr A Benedict.. DOS McKay Bids. ...Windsor BMgBta. Mala Urn Battenrcrtb-BtepbeasoB Compaoj, Ins... ....... So L(jtt filg....tfc and Wsaa. Mala sOS Cook ft Co.; B. B...,.,..,............,.......J03 Carbett Bldf. .Mala 08, A-KM Chspiri Heriow....... ........ .... .........82 Clumber ef Cemmaree.... ....... .MU 152 Columbia Trust CoaiDany ( WMtmonUnd) . ... 84 Fourth St.. Board ef Tnde Bldg Bast Morrison Bealty Co... .,.........'.404 Esst Morrison Wl Fine, D. v. Co. (Woodstock). ......MKocbttor and Tnkoe. ....... ...,,Bllwood T? Ooldscbmldt's Ageacy ....................63i, Wasbingtoa Bt,., ...... Mala end A-SOSS IJolbrook Co., r. B. Clrrlnxton Fark). ........ 1 Woreestor Bldg Maia B39 iacobe-Stlne Co... 143 Fifth Bt .' ..Mala O608, A-2811 (Belle Crest Berkeleir. Dover) ,. Kiningswortb, W. B..., .......... ........ ....82S Chtsiber of ComBMres. ....... '...Mahl 4Wt Knano A Mseker T Chamber at dimiMtri Main and A-bjiIS Kessey A Oo D. E. (Heights pioperty). ...... Offlcs a Uslibts A-1474 tang Bill Land Co. .........................414 Ablagtoo Bldg. ...Mala 2358 Msll A Tob Borstrt.. ' ..........104 Second Bt .......Mala and A-14 Moore Iortstmeiit Co.......... ................ SIS Washlogtoa Bt Mala and A-SJitf Oregm-Bel-B!stats CO.; The.T.;.......w7.i.Orand. Ave. eag Vnltaomab..,.Sast 87. 0-lH'B O. W. P. Land Co.. Immigration Burees. ...... First aod Alder Bta.. Maia sdng Parrlsiw. Witktns . Com....fmX AMet Bt...... ....Mala 2B44 Balaton, L, O. (Rafeton Heights).............. Amerlcsn 'Bank, 6th and Oak StS.n...Msla 164 Baramft Investment' Company. ......... ...,....12 KilllngBworth Ae..........Woedlawa ISlt Bchslk, OeorgB n...................M.......84 Btark 8t.. ............ ...Mala BV2, A-t3U ouieias, j. a.,,..,..,,,,., ...... ...looueriingor iog .....aiain Biltog, . 0. , walker, a. T. .;.........v.........e04 Corbett bldg ........... White, B. JT............. ..,;.!.....;,. ......M UWB Bldg.. ........... .'.....Ooraer 87th and S. Balment...... .Tabor 104 Mala 6M8 .Mala fUe, A-1241 BANKS FIBSX K:' "OHAI. BANK, Portland, Oreroa. 'r.:Zi .,; ' :::i: ':A ' "V;.-". ' . CAPITAL 8UBPLC8 ILBOOMM. UN1TBD 8TATKB NATIONAL BAJCK OF POBTLAND, OEROOft. : :., ;.: . ,' ' NortkWBSt Corner Tblrd and "Oak glfBstav Conducts a General Basking Boaiaese. UKAFTS IS8CHD Available ta AS Cities ef the United States aud Surope, Hongkong and Manila. CoUeeUoaS Bads ea tavorabto tsrms. Presldeat.. jTc. AIN8WOR1H Caablsr ........K. W. 6KaMKIi Vic Proaldent. R. LIA BARMa Assistant Cashier A. HOLf , AaslsUnt Cssbler... .A.M. W&iaBI ) GEBMAM-AMCBIOAM ' BARK Portland, Or. Ceraer Blxth sad WasMngtBa Bta. Transacts a funeral banking bnsiaass. Drafts Issued available la an the pttastpal .lt-. h. Tlnl.A ft,. mnA Kama. KVin. M Mmnt 111 lnriB BalA am UVlrtl eonnts. Bate depoalt vaults. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS OKBIS BBOTHIRS, Chamber ' of Commotes Building. ktanletpal. Railroad and Pnblln Btrrlce Corporation Bonds. D OWMINQ-aOPKINB COMPANT Kstabusbtd lBBsBBOKIBJ. , BTOCKS,' BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cask and ea Margin. ' PriTute Wires. Booms 201 to 204 Cench BuUdlng. Phones Mala 83S; A-B8JT. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD LEAVING PORTLAND. Ashland Psaseiurar ........ Cottage QroTe Passsnger.... Bhasu Limited tjauiornla sixpress ............... Baa Francisob Express WB8T BIDS. CorvalHs Psasangar Bnsrwaa Passenger Forest Orore Passenger............ Forest Gtots Passenger. ........... Forest OroTe Passenger SOUTHEKN PACIFIC ".. i AUUVIH9 ruaius."" Oregoa' xpreas .......... T:80 a. Bfc. Cottage Grore Passenger...... 10:40 a, Shasta Limited 8:J p. BU Boseburg Passenger ................ 6:Su p. BV Portland Ei press..... ..U0 a. av WEST BIDS. T:30 a. m. I Corranis Psassoffsr ................ 8:88 a. at 4:00 D. m. I Bberldaa Passenget 10:80 a. Bu 8:00 a. ' m, I Forest Groe Paaaenger. ...... 8:00 a. at. 1:00 a, m. I Forest Oww Passenger u:ou a. so. 6:40 p. m. I Forest Prove Psasepger. ............ 4:40 p. Ba, 8:15 a. m. 4:18 p. m. 8:00 p. u. 1:40 p. m. 1UM sight CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL WAT CO. a P. B. Short Line rla Spokane.... T:00 p. m. I C P. K. Bbort Ubb via Bpekaae.... :oo a, as. VU Seattle, Victoria Vanooovsr., 8:00 p. m. j Via VaneouTer, Victoria A Seattle.. 89 p. au Via Sumaa ...12:10 a. m. yia Bumss ana nestuo. ...... ...... i:wi. as. NORTHERN PACIFIC LEAVING PORTLAND. , - ARRIVING PORTLAND. Portland aj Besttla Expreae.. Portland- Vancouver Bpecuu Paget Bound Limited No. S Express North Coast Limited vis N. Bank Q.1V M. ....I0O 8:00 ft, m. ,12:18 a. m. . 8:48 a. St. No. t Express. TMW a. sa. North Coast Limlied via N. Bank.. 8:50 B. aw Portland A Seattle Express. ........ 40 p. ta. Puget Bound Limited. .............. 8:88 a. sa. Taueourer-Portland Special... 10:80 ft. sa. OREXJON RAILROAD NAVIGATION COMPANT. SPRAYING MACHINES THB HARDCE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of hand and . power snrayers, nossles, rods, eto. 22 Front St.. Portland. Or. STAGE LINE MT. HOOD stajro line connects dally with O. W. P7 car, leaving Portland 8:46 a. m. for Boring. STOVES COLUMBIA Stove works, maaufacturars and Jobbers. All kinds of sheet metal worse, 88 tTnlon iTe. . East 8B28. IKANbFEit AND MTOKAUl, tEAVINU POBTLAND. AHanMa Erorert ....... goo-Spokane-Portland . . . Chitaao-Portland Special Eastern Express , 8:lS a. at . 7 KX) . . .10:00 s. as. 6:00 ft. m. ABBIVLNO PORTLAND. x - Boo-gpokane-Portland f :80 . St Oregoa Express T:20 a. aw Chicago-Portland Special 80 p. sa. Pacific Express . 8:00 a. sa. ASTORIA LEA VINO POBTLAND. Astoria A Seaside Express. Rainier Passenger Astoria Passenger d.lIm Pawnnf Be aside Special. Sstnrday only. ; 8K0 a. at . 1:18 p. m. . 6:00 ft. - . 8:20 p. a. . 2:30 p. ta. COLUMBIA RIVER. ARRIVINO POBTLAlfu, Portland A IU inter Passacxer. ...... ft:iS a. SW Portland Expreae .........12:16 ft. s. Portland 4V Rainier Passenger....... 8:20 ft, Sa. Seande PortUsd Paaaenger 10:00 a, sa. Seaside Special, gnnday only. ..... ..10:16 p. as. Bpokane, PorUand A SektUe Railway ELEVENTH AND BOTT 8TBKET PASSENOKB gTATlfrNf. taiTIKd PORTLAND, 'tfS OnUb. VK.mS CI St Liol. Wall. Walla. . Pco. Booserslt GrVnddalles. Whlt. Salinonter. ; Vaa- coueer and tamdlate statloos. - ' , Nortb Bsnk Limited B:o ft. ex, Tot Chlc.ro. St Pant Omaha Er,s City. St Louis, Spokane, Bprague. Bitrnile. Und. PasoBi)seTSltranddallea. White salmon. StsvBBSoa and VaaeooTss. - Columbia BiTsr Local tot Vancon w and 0.. White " Salmon.' " LVlBrldeBdaie," braaddsiles, riift" and aU Intermedlste atartone. . ARRIVING PORTIAWTV. - rrom Cbieago, Bt Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. , Louts. Walla Walla, Pases,- Beosmlt Granddalles, Whits Salmon. Btsresxase. Taa eoaver and Intermediate statlona. - Nortb Bank United StM 8. at From Cbieago, Bt Paul, Omaha, Kansas Otr. St Louis, .Spokane. . Sprsgue, Bitsrllls, Und, Pssee, BooBsvclt trranddallea, Goldsnaale, Wklte Balmoo, Btereoeon, TaaooBTUS. Inland EmDirs Expreas. ............ 6:fX) ft. ta. From Clixta, Granddalles, LyU, White Sat Bma,. Camaa, Vsaeouvar, sad aU ta termed! ts stations. Columbia Klver Local. .......ItrOS 1 Corner of Berentk aad Irtina sta, PHONES aV" ft a PICK Transfer 4k Storage oe,, ertle aad Bonrmodlous 4 storr brick ware bo use. aepaf ate lroa rooms and fireproof vaults for eat ablest Bortnerest eor dot xu ana rus at. plaDoa and furniture moved aad packed tot shipment. MHln fB: A-iwe. OI.RON-ROE TRANSFER CO. n a 1. 1 IrttnifA, AnI llnrfl,. pianos, and furniture moved, packed and SnippeOi Zt'B W Bt- iwnni all; A-IiAl INDEPENDENT Baggage 4k Transfer Co. storage ize ntarg. Maia 407, A-4169. Txriiw-UTKItS RENT AN OLIVER TTPEWRITER From trie manuiacturers- ror S3 mnnthlv' Oak stand and ribbons fur. nished free. 888 Ankeny. M, 6278. A-2486 ALL makes rented, . repalreo. sold. D. C Co.. Hi Btara. lei, mi. P. BL1CKBNSDERFER typewriters. -418 ttucnanan Diog. n. n. rtoss. TOWEL SUPPLX CLEAN towels , dally, comb, brush, soap 21 per month. Portland Lauo dry A Towel Supply Co, 9th and Couch Sta rnone main tii, atii .,..... ........... . efefl orson Street Depot "'::'." ..ct:::'', , r'.'..-.'.' Poland to DsTtas........ t:40 a. m. I Dallas to PertlSBd........ ...10:18 a, sV Poland to ffiss.........'. 4:18 ft.". Delias to PortUsd... 6:M ft. av Plaad IHwego Suburban Leaving Portl and a. 8:80. 6:80, 1:80, 1:40. 80.. IO:2S 1?1M. 8:80. 4:18. 6:fo; 8:28. T:4g, 10:10. 11:80. au f - - t is leave St PorUand Ry-., Light Power Co. Water and HorrUou strseta. wta nRiflOM CITY a nil. I ll a. m.. and ererr 80 minutes after s Ihtos after the hour and half hour.' to and IncTudS P. ov. th te 10:06. US Urt 8 M mI 10:60 e- 1800. 8:60. 4:60, sn Trtd.:M. T:46 8:48. ... . , n .j ah a-aa a:aa. area. 8:40, 10:48 m.i a a e. m. FOB VANCOtrVElt Ticket office aad watting seeta ' waamngtoa strseta. A. a7.-:UV 4:50, T:28, 8 KM, 8:80, 8:18, 10:80, 11:80. ' , - r. M lj no, 1:19. 1:00. ansa. stio. 8", :SO. 8UO. B OO, SO, 13 jo:, iim", Ob third Monday ta leaves at T.-O0 ft. m. Dally except Bandar. Dally except Monday. r6. f:40. 6:14. 800, M TURKISH BATHS TURKISH baths, S00 Oregonian bldg.; ladles oays, men mgiiua. main is; A- VBTERtN AKIAN H. B. THOMPSON, D. V. a Offlcs tborne stanies. w aswinorus are. Beat Bt7; B-1300. Ba. , LEAVINO POBTLAND. Hilleboro-Forest prove meal.. Balem Int Stss. local, HilUboro-Fotest Gfove Jocal. Salem-TualatUi only. Bmlted , , n B,.a ual. ............. Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local Salem Int. bibs. J"-v"t IHIiaboro-Foreat Grove kwal Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local HlUaboro-Forest Grove local Salem Int. 8ta local....... Wileonvllle Int. Stss. local.. Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local. Salem Int. Sms. Vocal. Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove Jocal. Salem Int. Stas local....... Hlllaboro-Forest Qrove local. Oregon Electric Railway CompanT DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. 6:80 a. m. . 6:40 a. a. . 7:40 a. m. . 8:30 a. D. . 8:50 a. m. . 8:66 a. m. .10:10 a. ia. .11:85 a. m. ...12:15 ft. m. ., 2:00 p, au .. 2:15 ft. m. .. 8:80 ft. m.. .. 8:45 p. ni. .. 6:16 p. m. .. 6:85 p. m. ,. 8:20 p. m. .. 8:25 p. m. ..110 p. ni. ..U:15 p. m. ARRIVING PORTTiAlm WtlBonrtlle Int Stss. local......... T:20 a, BV HiUsboro-Forast Orov local, T'AO a. as. KjaMTW 1UI. DIH, ... .............. B;W U. Hillsooro-Foreat Grove local.. 8:84 s. at. Salem Int Bta. local.. ....... ,..,,.11:00 a. I HnuiuM.niM.1 iimm Lu.1 - v , Salem Int Stas. local. ... U2:o5 p. av, Salem Int. BUS. local 1:16 u at Hillaboro-Foreet Grovs local...,...,, 1:80 p. m. Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local.,,..,,.. 2:58 p. a. BhIcib Ipt Stas. local 8:05 p. av KIUaboro-Forest Grove local., ....... 4:88 p. aa, Salem-Tualatin onlr. limited.,......, 8:08 ft. av HUlsboro-roreat Grove, local.. ....... 8:28 p. as. 8alem lat. Btaa. local.......,....,,. g:jg Hlllsboro-Forest Grove looal. ........ 8:10 p. av Salem Int Stas. local.......,,....., 8:30 p. av Salem Int. Stas. Vocal. ...... ........10:40 ft. m Hlllstwrs-Forest Grove local h:00 ft! av TRANSPORTATION HUMANE VETERINART HOSPITAL Dr. jonnson. 131 lotn. M. 8841. A-4287. 3 WHOLESALE JOBBERS WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers. manufacturers and coilee roostera 4th snd Oak- sts. M. A. OUNST A CO. .DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CI OARS ' PORTLAND. OB. EVERDINO A FABRELL. produce and sIssIob swrcbaais. 140 rroot at, Portlsad, Or. Phone Mala 178. ALLEN A LEWIS GROCERIES. TRANSPORTATION Ban Francisco 4 Portland 8. S. Co. Only direct steamer, darllght aalltnga. ' Prom Ainaworth Dock Portland 8. a. nv, 8. 8, Boss City, Jnly 81, Aug. 14, eto. S. 83. State of California, Aug. 7. Prom Lombard St, Ban Tranclsoo, 11 a. nu, B. m. stats of California, unly 3L S. S. atose City, Ahg. T, 81, eto. -I. V. Eanaom. Dock Asrnt. V. tea, Ainaworth Bock; at J. Books, city Octet assat 14J Third V Mala 40J. A -1402. . . . . OPEN RIVER CO. Oak St. D00K ."iKJaw Phones Kaln astMX, A-S527. rMIQBTt BECXirXD DAILY TOBj Lewlston. Idaho. -. . ' Pasco, Wash, v Kennewick. Wash. The Dallee And upper Columbia and Snake river Steamer J. N- Teal leaves Portland I a. m. Mon., Wed and Fri... arriving early at The Dalles. Passengers may board steamer the night before, i. NE5, ni an n is 11 ii MUM. mini, 1 IfmTFSTARU M CRUtuiMl ' : SAILING JANUARY 20. 1 9!0 tor1aifeiraj5pa8i.McditcrTanean.Orito Kosting onfyf 400and upfor 73dayj. Cryist Drpt.WSite 5T3rLin,V'Y..rTft,ente COOS BAY LINE 1 The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m from Ainaworth dock for STorta Send, Kaxsn. fUld and Coos Bay points.. Frolght re ceived until 8 a. av on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class. 818; second class, $7. including berth and meals. In quire city ticket office. Third and Wash ington ota, or Ainaworth dock,, .Phone Main 268. -' y . - NORTH PAOHC S. S.Co. For Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct - The 6tearnships Roa noke and Elder sail every Tuesday at 6 pi m. Ticket office 132 Third, Hear Oder. Phones M. 1314 and A-1314. II. YOUNG. Agent. CLASSIFIED AD BATES In Effect stay L 1908. ; ' ' All Prerioos Bates Canceled. - , , CASH ADS: 1 IS words or lees 18e per Insertion i 18 ts 80 words, 20e: 21 to SS words. If. Lost and Found, Help Wanted, Situations Wanted, To Sent Ads and Wanted ti Beat. Ads. three Insertions for the price ef twe. All ether classllleations sere a tossrtkaas far . the price of six. ' Uauicurlng and Uaaaage ads 10e per 11 os, CBAB0B ADS: ' ' Other then coo tract Te per counted Una. Open space contract te be need la 12 Bionrha. 1.000 llnea.. ...0e pee counted line 6,000 lines... ......... ,..64 per counted Use 10,000 lines or more Re . per toasted lit All classified adTtrtislag charged the Hue actual count ., . . i t AOS atClT BT THE MONTH 1 BBonth. ............. 21. r per line per xaonffc 6 months. ............ 81.39 per line per naontii 18 months.'. . . .l.ia per .luis per xsoota COtPOM BOOKS: ' Cash ee Dsllvsry of Booka , 2!M line book, ........ .60 per eooatrd Hoe 6' line bouk... ....... .Ac per couBted i'i 10OO Hoe boo ....4i per cont4 line. Couuons must acootneanr copr, or a 4a I be charged at the regular ooe time fate ef le per Use. OOCXT SIX WORM TO THS ShoeSd sny ad appear Incorrect ea ft-et ti. sertlen. The Journal will But be rsiMl;..e lor euheeiiiient lnaertloos. i REPORT promptly lo the want aie-- failure to ret returns or eertei,!e w!ta t . Blent or dishonest ariTertte- The Journals l4Jae i la r f f :SO a. a. to 11 p. m. Ui:r, i . it.. Phones 3rain 717: A-