THE JOURNAL AW INDEPENDENT RBWSPAPEB." A SUICIDAL PROGRAM C I JACKSOS. ..rsblleher FuMlabed1 y rnlns lexrept 8aBd7) nd tTerr CnmUy SMrnlnf at The Jneroal Build in. Fifth ul XamhUI ltrrtm. IMrUiad. Or. N SPITE of the defeat' of Ful - ton, la spite -of the defeat of Lane, in epjte of every consider ation of sanity and la spite of I fniflffhM annn m tknt -..ft.. - . . tmnmiMioa taroa the mails aa awxnd-eiaat j ly warning, the Oregonlan Is bent " y"- V y Upon driving Oregon people, back to telephones mm Ttn. boms, A-6061. i legislative election of senator. It 'ThVuTro. -T I says. "Furthermore. If t any Reoub ..i.i i ii. 1 11 1. lleAn fanrlM-ta tn tY TTnttA o ...-. roSXION ADVERTISING- REPRESENTATIVE. J -.v.-wi f""5" tartota''KMm.c, Br,.nn-ir BatidtB,. senate, or any Republican candidate ra nrni iwnot, New iwi-ua voroa i lor tiie legislature enoma. so pledge Himself (to direct selection of sena- ni in. London. Buaimut tor by the people) no Quarter should Joorntl' KncUnb , . ... . aentatr . H. I. Hrdr A Co.. HO rM v S'"u iiiu, yunncr. t will DS rrnet. wh anbecrlptioae and - adTarttwinaotf i 111 Of MMIM. Bntldlnc Chleaao. It Journal la t the attire cf Tba Snbaetintlaa Tonna auil ar la air addrfM to tba Called 8tata. Cauda or aleilco given him." . It says the people's se lection will be "cut out", .and the election of senator will be by the legislature. v It Is a mighty dangerous program to attempt." The, American citizen DAILY. . ' 7 Oat reer......-..fg.oo f Or, axth.....3 JW BCNDAT. ...ts.80 Oaa month.......! J thinks he is as caDable aa the avnr- I "-smf va. a a-L vs YS0 A AA a DCUO' I tor. - He thinks It Quite as well to Ana' fear.-. ..87-SO OM BMlt. .9 .as do It himself as to get somebody else 'to do It for him by proxy. In Oregon- he has had the privilege, and it will be found when- the test comes that be is not going to givS It np. This is shown by the rote In the last election In Oraaron whn "S 6 9,0 0 0 electors voted to direct the PORTLAND'S PURE MILK SCARE I legislature "to " elect the people's - Jl 1 . ' y.r . ii I nhntoA fni -son a tt mnA Kf S1 AAA O fT,B,"l AVAAttAriAA ' TILaT.. Ji It1. I a, ". . - ' j- Human nature is so eon . stltuted that all see and Judge ' better in the affairs of other -men than' in their own.- Terence ".-,. w v. liwiwm,.;, rui uauu uiix votea against it. The measure A supply scores 80 .points' out of gwept every county in the state over jfTL Possibly 100. That is the whelmingly. It was a vote that way It is catalogued ; In . the came from the foundations- of the records at Washington, D.rC,,' ac- state's electorate, and It will come cording to the statement of Dr. Fris- again. It expresses what is la the selPof-Kew Torkr-nOw,4n,:porUand.J heart of the averaee man aid la' n . Dr. FrlsseH" Is a lecturer at Colum bia university and an eminent au thorlty-on matters of public health. A need in this city, he v says, is -a laboratory for bacteriological analy sis of milk. . , H. '.;,, s-.'-.. ;i warning td all- who have sense enough 'to -see it, that the men on Iete, will , lose its vitality, and we think the people are not going to al low that law -tn h& o BtnaMn. me sou, in ine snops. at tne forge lated. Statement No. 1 slmnlv ana in me counting nouses are not means ; that the DeoDle. shall elect going Toconiess memseives puppets, i the United States senators, and bav- lucapauie oi lmeuigenc political ac-iinjr now' that. Dover it seem 1m- llOn. .i , . -. . i nrnhAhlA that tfinv will anrrsnifar It ne canaiaaie ior unitea states j and return to the old svstem. Tf senator Who comes out against the "assembly" candidates refuse to Oregon method pf choosing senator I make Statement No. 1, they may be win oe jeiiien. because ne oia aoi defeated bv men whn wlll . dn o. utvor ii, uuoa was oeaten, ana ror even if not brought forward by' an uu uiur reason, necause ne auan-1 assemblv aonea n arter oetng nominated, Cake was beaten, and for no other reason.! Hogs sold atS9.1& oer 100. In the wistory win repeat Itself. r If the Portland market yesterday. ' A 7cu COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SMALL CHANGE How about enforcing that weed lawT Now for some real summer maybe. ' It Will llwavi K Mnimf T..m. tn Lota or burdocks , and, thistles . re- When, if ever, la Portland going to viuuuara nuisance T When Eyylyn stated that sne was no uu cniio. - ane told no newa. v , . ,v . . vuo iwvuis ui vun Mwuwcwa ill gintiBibarr m fluwii ... j,. ; uuu vwv - i vuab iuubc tuiu mo hj jj , ubcu tu I r"? . ' iwuia win turn ouii you imuHcwur pany iaai party, win oei reeaers and after a process of fur-1 ucaiou. ,: nueuever ane itepuoiican liner lattenina: will be aealn thrown I Another th na- ahnnt Pnt-iinn- pkrty. takes the position that the on the market as f inished pork. The f wer. tov 10 urar1 p.opl'thi UU B UBUUIO cannoi D8 irUBtea.Wltn I incident, la ttl lataat -nhonnmanno In I - the selection of their public officials, a season replete with the, unusual In bii? thSS'hi. LVS teL b5 and that tthe. selections must - b I h v--.-.,- w-1 . fSffi-114 Prtr.'.-.TW la, one of made by a few proxies, it will drive adherents from it by the thousand, is, Again certain alienists of more or Mr raft be SiFtl .Sntr'V,,"1 Whenever a candidate, for United less repute are testifying that Harry hM been. downward? " . ywyi.i .hm. w ". . piaiQ '.VUVOOl bn alrebl ni that - plow tne are unworthy of electing hlnr sena- to spend money for that purpose, ridea. ieti Va his eye tor and that it must be done by an other alienists of equal repute would l"-t2U on "0,n th inner circle, he will seal his political no doubt testify that he was insane. I . doom. Whenever a legislative; can- Such .testimony may not always be I AlanU. .ked: -when KM.).t,. i.ii. t. ot. L--'t-i-iI-J x M Proper to blow aoupr ThJa will rang well up amo aslced newapapera. people's wishes, but that No. 1 declares that he will not re-jly If not always bf doubtful Quality, spect the people's wishes, but that - .', 1 i ' ; he will vote ta suit himself, he' will I - Wheat has taken a big tumble dur- tremendously enhance the chances! rag the month, but as It is still of his own defeat. If it persists the above the dollar mark, farmers who program for destroying the initiative and referendum and returning to legislative election of senator will make Oregon the theatre of the hot test campaign the state has seen in have big crops are not worrying much. Now . the men that held fast to I their hop yards and took care of I Ber.aon - won t run for rovemor and Colonel Hofer aay he doesn't want the ulu' a ne job won t go a-begging, a . a Only three mlnutee' i-lde now throusrh tubea f rom Jersey City to Broadway. New Tork. This beata that old Hoboken ferry and the Broadway horse care, : An Income tax ia really nothing new It has been reaorted to several times years, and in it somebody will get the are glad they did sor-at leaet and a. not considered fnconstitu?1 baaiy hurt politically. to the builder who will come with hla railroad. ' There are lands that will rnmtk nnAur' hoaw WirnAmtt l Portland ought to have a better and DeoDl4s who, will be multinlled score. . She has the best water sup-1 .iimi.i.H ii imn. Vi .u ui uuj. Aiie.wiBaom oi maklnar. If onlv tranannrtatlnn will providing that supply has been a Come to them. tuousana times - coniirmea. ine wisdom of providing an equally ex cellent mlk supply would have a similar sequel. " 1 , . " From one border to the other, the tension, for railroad building in the state is so taut that organizations of citizens are in full career of them 11 Abulletia recently Issued, by the BelTeB attempting the onttruction bureatt of animal industry at Wash- cf lines. These are conditions to ingtod,- D C4 marshals mafl:facts m-w h .,, .itin mnni.. to emphasize , the. importance of a pre8ent performances on the Des-J . 4v "tx . chutes with a degree of wonder. Of embodies the results of experiments courBe, if the gentlemen ' are deter- with milk at the Washington : sta- mlned to build two railroads up the w'i -a J "yf t ' 8nger t0 Deschutes, there will be none to say which the public Js expbsed from an nay. - But why squabble over terrl- impur milk supply is almost beyond torT and possibly build none when conception" It .say. , that t'tuber- the calI for the ailroad comes from culosis among dairy cowa is one of every hnitop. forest and field In Ore- 11,1," l. Wh ;! SoitrThelstate has a little more public health is exposed,: and that than 2000; miles of . railroad. It every effort should be; madefy ought to have, and ?vould pay heavy -. . Hy..wia-i, ,,u- dividends on 6000 miles. inanity at.neart to correct inis great timber, they clear off brush and young trees," and one man is quoted who says they have enabled binTto clear up hht land at a cost of only' 15 an acre. He "puts' them Into a five acre lot, and lets them stay In- it till the entire piece Is clean. They will girdle and kill young trees four and five inches in diameter, and I they will "get some substantial re- ion. "how" the New York American. ward for their faith. .. ' w':.V delphia North American, regarding- Mr. laite interference In tariff revision. But he may- do. some good. -. ' T. "'- ' ' " " ' -"..' v'v ' .- ' A Chicago paper advises Mr. Aldrich not u come west this aummer. Tet he would be aafe enough. - The west t-rr laeaa but it wvmuu i. lyncn aim on mat account. -s - .'-v . .. a .'..,'. "' The New - Torlt World calls a remark vi -nni -nonsense." That , narwtr OREGON SIDELIGHTS . - Travel on the new Wallowa railroad la heavy, Hlllsboro now has nearly five blocks of - cement sidewalks. , Ihilon church aervlces are successful and Interesting In Falls City. , , I M W,e REALM "I -j Summer' Kitchen Helps. AM 5 years old and have live, on a farm nearly all my life as well v as-' having :.don my work alone a great deal of the time. About : 78 ' oeoDle" are attendinir the I least one or two days ahead. ; In sum- summer normal at Laurel wood. Wash-1 mer I always set up early., at 6. and Ington county. , J many times 4 o'clock, and do aa many of " - " I Bea, aucn as taeaing me cnit'Kene Central Point is crowing- rapidly an-Jani skimming the milk, aa I can before becoming a town of importance In I Dreakfast - . southern Oregon. . .. . . It Is wash day" I always put the "u"r o ine water win t reaay to Corn, at ' which ; considerable' is he- Ina" raised there: la 'looklna. fine In Weshlngton county. , . ,. A Hubbard ' livery team go to washing as soon as breakfast is oyer, ;, if j have no help I stack . my dishes la, the. pan and let them stand until I get my clothes on the line, whlcn Wan,, -" room 10 cool on , Deior w-mnino; frightened at an auto and ran aw.y toitir&nt2mlaiM.?t&t& throwing the occupants out and break- ?Z X?' T1." bL'hf, em tTJL Inr th hn.rv ail ti nlwoi uvi th l . washer, provided there are "."-..e,?.,ig.? au M P'eces. ay me no stains. If there are anv 1 limn by riLuss ovaanoLT. Ha wn a mMk lllll. man ml aK he got aboard a MonUvllla car at Bee- Mm,1,11 ip2S2iM Ll JUrht .u. tsnA an Tut-tm. -.v. i ailMr 'U 9l KOOd many thintrm that -v ne. i ... . ine trot A.DO&rii a Mnntnvllla ai tuey Aiae orusn uetter man grass. ond" Morrison nobody rrSiiS fth. I - l-w ansusjr thlriga ihat Aneu wool is vaiuapie, and they are slightest attention to him. But when v sure breeders." i ' - T l the ar got out going In good shape thai An arrlcultaral exnert exnintn. ih.i The goat has also been a very nse-J-1"1" man a4 the paper bag he carried I high 'prices for farm products doesn't ful animal in nwmn u .(. , Decam,a tne center of interest. S V, rrr pronts ror the rarmer. IUI animal in Oregon, In portions of J just after the car had crossed the but can he show that they Which he has done-a KOOd deal of Morrison atreet brid.a a eoum. S.i f ?" iine, greater cost to the con- land, clearing, besides' producing an '"iKiKl." -2U th annual crop of mohair. In the thf f Sn'klcSd rtUmftJ faet vithnut -imnii.hin. -...v,i I """". ' vw uuna railroad, re- V. ZZ.:,X Vrrvy 'z'hw t XX" -r:tXX X- nS-r?? owntowr, station, of auiuiu, i.iucoin, i-ne, uougias, 0f natural r - history. after' he had Coos and Other counties, the sroat has I watched them for a while, -m. tk. rbeen 'a ereat heln to th nnnnU whn th?y're crawfish, though; I dunno." r r -- " " Crawflah noth n' ". aM . -. I ... ,mnn .." ":r. are gradually clearing up and de- righted .mt, a. h. peirld at C put' wm.f YhrirTK ? yeloping those regions. The goat "Theirs flying- squirrels. Lota of 'em every suit of clothea Whieh therallroad vaauiw aiuiii, - a LfiTOiUOUli UWI1BU. II t-l I "1 haua hAM said the meek I cheaper to borrow a nickel to carry himself uptown. to his office and instructed his eec re- He returned evil." It says that "the milk sun- plied to the . Sltj ' of Manchester showed from S to 12 per cent of the samples examined to be affected -wttlutnbercle-.bacliu.v': It. says that "if . the ; public were thoroughly in RECLAMATION WORK s EVER DID any, country nnder- take finer work, remarks the East Oregonlan, than did. the United - Btates-when congress formed of the . dangers to which It J established the reclamation service is exposed from use of impure and I and provided for. the watering of . infected milk the demand for milk the arid lands of. the west. Secre- f of improved-purity would rise to the tary of the Interior Ballinger visited magnitude of a concerted national the great reclamation project- In 5 . movement". , It adds that "under western Umatilla county last week - our.-present 'conditions of civiliza-iana gouhtless gained valuable in r tion the importance of milk, is sec-formation and - became . Impressed ond only to that of "air and water." 1 with the Importance of the work : What an ; improved milk supply! He has also visited or will soon visit ; will do for the public health is 11- all the other reclamation projects luqtrated through lives saved by Dr. and so will .be prepared as he other- - Goler of Rochester, N. Y.. He led wise could not have been to make in that city a movement for pure needed recommendations and exer- - onilk and reduced the mortality else his official power and influence . among children under E years from Jn behalf of this great work. . 7451 for the 10 years ending inl We have had occasion to criticise i8o, io 460 ior tne 10 years end-1 congress at times for its sins of ' lng In 1906. The number of child! commission and omission, but some : lives saved was 2486, among which congresses have done some notedly 1664 or ez.6 per cent were children I commendable things, few If any of "nnder' one year.4-; - ; ?' -V ' ' ''''."""H -lch' are more deserving of 'praise . Tne case or a volunteer pure milk than the passage of reclamation law. society at Leeds was equally pro- j The country . also ewes- -debt-, of auctive or , ma saving results. Jt 1 gratitude to former President Roose . effected a saving of 25 per cent! velt, who was a forceful and prob- among ine cniiaren using the so- ably an-Innuentlal advocate of this cletys pure milk as compared with law. In '.cpnsequence of it, millions -those living in the same residence of arid and hitherto valueless lands , districts at the same ages and dur-' have . been made productive. Mhou' lng the same season using, other milk rands of families have been provided supply. Scientific literature abounds with new homes, and the wealth of with a multitude of examples of slm- j the country has been greatly : and liar import. Many a guinea pig has permanently increased, -fi1 , been killed by the simple inocula- And the good;work is "only -fairly - tion or nis ooay witn tne dirt found begun. - Still other and perhaps even in the bottom of basins containing larger projects .will be undertaken, milk. ; The dirt carried germs and and besides this action on the part tne germs proancea disease that de-jof the government has induced or - etroyed the plgs.Just'as it destroys j stimulated a large number of pri me lives or numan oeingsi Port- vate enterprises. - In this one project land ought to be catalogued higher In Umatilla county 22,000 acres of than 80 points out of a possible 100 former . desert have been nreoared in the pure milk records at Wash- for the highest grade of agriculture. Ington. Possibly It is a record as In the course of time the Hermiston good as the average city, but It country will provide homes for thou- ought to be better. DESCHTTES ITEHIOIAXCES sands of families - and the project will be one of -the 'fertile spots of the" northwest. . ' . 5 - r ; And this is only one of many reo- nnnffVT v tc-ti v-. 1 . uui is oniy one or many reo- C JVl lamation project. ,that have 'been av va v v itaiii vaUB UUllUlLlg wbere none was - built - before. Is this eagerness for the Des- successfully undertaken , or are in contemplation. The 'people of the west should certainly appreciate this Trtn. k. -Ta I " "' which It has Inspired or suggested. money to be spent and tt roads I - - . h""1: ! ?! wbvol,,PrUon THE GOAT 13 THE FRIEND OP road built? --.'., There is room In Oregon for all has long been an object of ridicule, a butt of cartoonists and paragraph erB,4who; represent; him as feeding on tin cans or east off clothings but the truth thus' exaggerated is to his credit" and the advantage f his owner. His proper habitat is in the edge of the wilderness, in a new country where he does a useful part in clearing up the land and aiding man in its cultivation and develop ment. . " , '. .. .THE STATE'S PROSPERITY "A' S A WHOLE Oregon has made phenomenal material progress during the five years beginning with 1904' declared W; W. Cotton in Sunday journal. "Throughout the entire state of Oregon the people are more prosperous and contented than they have been since I have known any thing of the state said Tom Rich ardson. - "To my mind. the state as a who!ewaa .never so, prosperous." was the statement of Theodore B WUcox. "Throughout the Willam ette valley the towns are enjoying a degree of prosperity hitherto un known," was the declaration, of Sen ator M. A. Miller of Linn county. The voice of these is as the voice of all. There is no discordant note The whole state rings with a "hum of prosperity such as was never heard before. Everywhere the citi zen is busied with plane of enlarged activity, enterprise : and r' increased profits. , Cities are being beautified. streets paved and - homes enlarged Every household is brimming, with hope and every, shop .and.; business piace is supercharged- with optimism. Every community is a carnival of ac tivity and every day": grand cele bration of the, general -welfare. The horizon is roseate with i brilliant promise, and the sky aglow with the sunshine , of a transcendent prosper ity. The wheels of . the mills are arwhlrr with actlvitv." the farmer's binder- Is ?-. garnering a r. harvest ' of gold, the transportation - agencies groan tinder -the burdens of transit and the : timberman's ax fills the woods with a cheery echo." 'But, alas and alack, the Sell wood Republican club says "We denounce the initiative and referendum as a menace to our business prosperity." the roads the magnates may desire to build. There are vast expanses of virgin territory that have never fK-hoed back a locomotive -whistle. There are primeval forests of enor mous commercial and industrial im portance that stand untouched for lack of transportation. There are ports on the seashore that are clam oring for railroad communication and offering vast volumes of traffic -;-MAN- E LSEWHERE, AS well as in Ore-i gon, the goat has proved him self the friend and helper of man. especially of the man who is clearing up a farm in a "new country." The Milwaukee Wiscon sin says that "the problem of clear ing off cut-over land in northern Wisconsin has been greatly simpli fied by the Introduction of Angora goats." Though tthey "do not pull up stomps nor cut. down standing The Journal is in receipt of some thing less than a -cartload of alleged speeches on a variety of subjects In the senate by Senator; Chauncey M. Depew. '. Life is' too. short to read them, and the capacious waste basket yawns Sot them. Why the aged New York senator is .burdening the mails with bis alleged or pretended speech es at -this time we do not know unless the mails are being weighed on Borne of the railroads. '..-"- " The Oregonlan thinks few or no Republican candidates. for the legis lature wlllf subscribe to Statement No. 1 again. If. so, this may be the worse for such candidates. Unless Statement No. 1 can Jbe maintained and' made effective, the primary law will become in large measure cbao- me Honestr-thwa- ain't.' little mam "They an I know what they are." lnterrunlad another Interested onlooker. "They're tne new, style of locust that eat the Kansas crops . once , in a .'While,; . leased to live in Kansas myself." H -They-eouMnt-'be- caterpillars, could they, George r inquired a demure little woman of her husband. New," said George, "caterblllars out by DOlirinar clear hnlllna- wafer nv.r Roseburg News: The ' publio-: thanks thS?l them In warm water. . are due Mayor Hoover for the Ice wa-1 done f . -miI.,! ter that can be had at the city foun- SVa i0'.hlCt , tain by all who aae thirsty free of a .1 ?w.. Jn,,?ute. ,anl it -then- re- ' charge." By his- order 100 pounds of ice irZJVtLZilii: are placed under the fountain and, the one T rieF wt. .n7i Io-kV..- ""uu" water from .It 1. decidedly refreshing. 0DSj SXJ'fX'Y.L . : , . : '' ,v'-' washed does not have to be Ironed, I A new lnaustrv that rives nromla -f I fold wnnmt a rv... ..m. -m i itH- developlng into an InstltuUon ef much auch as the sheets (hang them with the importance was launched . In ' Central selvedge down), towela, dish towels and Point last week by recent arrivals from most of the underwear. If the towels Walla Walla, who will engage in the are crash, fold them in , the rinse water manufacture of cement blocks and jnow and run ti.m (hmmrh h .,.. --a have- their plant - In ; full operation they will not need to be Ironed. Vou and, are turning out cement building had better sit ond read 'than stand over blocks at the rate of 400 every 21 houra the ironing board working on unneoes- Forest Grove News: That the initial I ??. y Ironing early and find that trip Bunday evening of the late car I V1 or 11 doe" not need to be done in one fvnm P.trfl.nJ th. TP1..-...I- 1 OHV, Rll VOU I'ftn l.ntl whll. In thA Railway company waa patronized v be- "l0!?111? nd do, other , work the rest yond expectations Is shown by the fact 01 J, day..'-?. .. " . that there were 43 passengers on boar -' J prepare my vepp tables the evening and the trip was made in 63 minutes. Dor wmie It la cool, and I often cook The new schedule Is bringing many '2em.while I am getting my breakfast eastern people here who are quietly ST while I have a fire In the morning, looking oyer the prospects of the town. ar? many things that are ivt as 4t -, . v e a v good cooked In that way and then all Dallaa Itemlaer: Sixteen inn are now neat (Aefn? t.noon 1,nouh working at the rock crusher,-this being - "In mv churnlna- T ikl .. -.111, a full crew, and they are bavins- a hot .i.t" . .JiJ5"."-' t. "A'T.. .m,.nt .w. r ..-ir i nu mn aa nine or tne VtMn? ;.rwn7,: L,51?.." P"?l- - Then I stir the on-ih. cliy stVeetranS thiwork TtaTS Ifu" have rnVny cowa BLn?r varv nv txlnt mialiAl with vlr nH "..AT .. - P!Rny COwa . Butter 1 eoonomyT " "v-,;" lr"" "weet eram. , - . . e a , , Alvln Brown of Forest Grove, 80 years old, recently walked from that town to Portland. The Newa - saya -AT. Brown walked across the plains to Oregon from Missouri when but 17 years of t age. When he was 71 yeara of age he walked to Portland and even then his friends and- acquaintances thought. he was per forming a remarkable feat, and It was; but to walk from here to Portland at 0 la a distinction which falls only to one in a generation. , ... ; a a ; Or John Bennett, a prisoner in the Hlllsboro Jail, the Argus saya: "Bennett ia the party who ahot at his wife aome two or three weeka eo-o. near Thatcher. and of whom it is said that he shot Z2 times at his wife's cousin with a ii caliber revolver with the cousin not 22 feet away, and W. H. Lyda thinks the 'If the corners of . vnur mnnih '.ac : ailtMV,. PIU11.. i'.-r.T "Crr t st st . - Beads Again. PARIS has a .furore for bead neck laces and ; ropes. . says the ' London Globe. They are made of every, conceivable kind of bead, some of them" very eostly-ancTrare; and broughr7rom remote parts of the world, where they are probably the currency of the realm, and the sole dower of native brides. Some of -the old Venetian beads are really beautiful. . Others ' of - clouded glasa come from Florence, and are to be had In exquisite colorinra and with various shining finishes. Long ropes of heavy cut. jet cabochons, with clat tng taseele at the end, are remark. feet away, and W. H. Lyda thinks the ""comma, nnisn ;to aome gowns, whole transaction lasted aboutvjs mln- The7 ar TTn aulte looae, not looped utes and Bennett will soon have spent 'f"1"! ,a . n'r, w,y thelp wsight 12 days In limbo. Bennett is a pretty PU,T ""'p place. As to .beads fair sort of fellow when not imbibing " "flulns in evening dress there is a apple jack and Lyda states that be is a pretty iair mecnanic MONEY IN CONSERVATION JSy Jo SLomaksr, Chairman WaaLinjiton Conservation Commisnpn :. 5 The first national conservation con- have got a thousand-legs. Those things rreM of tb United States wlU be held have only two. I guess they're some I under the auspices of the Washington fe-lnit n'V . - . 1 y -. . .. . . v.onaervuon aasociatum, ana in con- kind of a oyster. , Oystera don't kick with their front lege." volunteered another passenger. "Wonder it they are some- kind of an eeir - - - - An aubum-halred rirl who hsl ' been listening intent'y, arose and started to section with the Alaska-Yukon-Pacif io exposition. Seattle, Wash., August 16, 37 and 28, 1909.. The congress prom isee to be tna largest and moat import ant gathering of eminent men since the tyTurSdlnae1.!0 EST 2F- paper bag I """ fc w,u "m national in every re- "Well, you ninnlea haven't you fig- "f1, a the results of the congress ured out yet that those things will bewUI probably form the foundation for rrogs oy tne time you decide upon I international resolutions, aa the meet sometningT just now they Sre tad-1 lng will no doubt select delemtea tn poies, as any or you would know If I represent the United 8 Utes at the eon. you naa ever waaea in pond." I serration eonfartmna la k. . Th. Then she left the car Th tn-cV little man shook his head emphatlcaly and put the tadpoles -back In the baa. and the students- of natural history drew their conversation to a close. . That the sun Is losing its heat ia th luWon. Hague during the coming autumn. where he problems of conserving the natural resources . or the entire civil, ised world will be considered. L. Conservation combines an education' al and financial campaign. lor preaerv lng, protecting and perpetuating the in come producers or lana ana water, it Includes Irrigation, water. forestry. mining, farming, g-ood roads and other means for transportation pure food, and public trforals aa some of the defin ite toplea for discussion. Those sub jects will be handled at the First Na tional Conservation congreea by n recti cat men who underatand the neceaal- ties of the present , and the require, orients of the future. ' - The consideration of conservation has passed the academic . stage and reached the' plane of commercial activ ity where it demands a practical ac verdict of a scientist It sure Is, Doc. But if you will sit down on an iron railing most-any day now at about tn minutes to in tne arternoon you will observe that it la being found again lirenjr regma-ijr. Letters From tlie People Letters to The Jonraal abooM ba wHttaa aa eoe side at tba paper only and boo hi be ae enmrwaiaa oy toe eema ana sadreae of tba writer. Tba name wU! set ml U Dia writer aaka that It ba withheld. Tba Joeraal not ts be onderataod aa Indocalnt tba vtaws or , itenMBts of corraaaaodeDta. Lettera ahoald ba made aa brief aa poulble. Tboaa who wlah their lattera ratarseS wbaa sot oaed aboold la. ekwe imatace. ' - Comapnadeots are notified that httara a. eaedlag nn worda Id Worth nay, at the die. eratioa of tba editor, ba cut dowa ta that limit. - A Teamster's VieW.' , Portland, Or-, July 34. t-To the Ed itor of The Journal. I saw a piece in your paper about the ' passf ng of an ordinance giving- the eops a little more authority over the teamsters. I. am a teamster, . and of course 1 don't see it ail, but for God's sake keep tne cops wnere they. are. I have seeq few Instances where teamsters and eops clashed -and never, once was the teamster to' blame. I once saw a eon follow a teamster from -Front street to the end of Morrison bridge and abuae How to utilise the remaining natural resources of our country . in order to Insure present and future industrial prosperity without endangering any. of the legitimate channels of trade, la an Important question. . This should come before the people In a national conven tion, for an exchange of matured ideas, ana calls for immediate action. Thi man withTnoney desires to place It where an Income may be certain re gardless of changing political condi tions. The investor must have the. as surance that the natural resources of a community will not be waated In the coming quarter of a century, before ha purchases 20 year Improvement bonds of a municipality. -i - Practical -conservation .'Is . a 'financial question requiring a financial solution. Waste baa entered into the various ave nues of the life of the nation, state, county and. city and penetrated . the homes of the common people, the pro ducers of wealth.' .: Extravagance has characterised the 'utilization - of the gifts of nature in ' foreat, stream and field and the natural laws, applicable everywhere, indicate results In the pay-1 ment of penalties. If nature Is robbed of her products without annual remun eration, she becomea nonproductive in a lew years.-and' all -her auhWtB in greater rage for them than ever. tt st at Clierry Deaerta. "' ; GHJSRR T, TAPIOCA Stew a quart ef ." cherries with a teacupful of sugar -and a very little' water.' Soak four tablespoonfula of tapioca . for . an hour or twe- In. cold water, add it to the fruit, and cook slowly until - the' tapioca is transparent; ' turn into a wetted mold and atand In a cool place for a few hours and turn out when firm. Cherry -Blane Mange Scald -the milk. the Industrial and financial world auf.ladd uarar to taste and to a quart of fer. " - ' milk add two level tablespoonfula of ' The Wrat HiHi..i r....-.u. cornstarch, dissolved In cold milk; stir . National Conservation eon- and cook till smooth, cool, flavor and grass win consist of men of national put tn a circle mold: when firm turn reputation, drawn from the different out and fill the center with cooked and Mora I sweeienen merries.- eerva witn cherry fields of theuaht and inrinairv ban 10,000 prominent Individuals, rep-Mulc' boUa aowB w,th usr. tne nation, atate, city- and country of activity have been invited to participate in that congress. Many of our leading men have written let ters of acceptance and announced their intention of being , present at in session of the congresa Nine sessions K st Browned Chicken. V pa ROWNED CHICKEN This Is a f very good way to prepare chicken when young ones ' are small and high ia price. Slowly eook a hen, which are to be held and the deliberations haa been cut up in plecea, until tender; closed with a religious meeting In then Vlu-C baking pan with the thlck- whlch all church dignitaries ar tn ?neH well-seaeoned gravy poured around unit, and work for Xtical ,. rtnlt eaUrelyi Sift tinn . . I ruiiwi oraaa crumoa over piece or . . . . . - I iimibcm Biu uivwu "in'uv hrii un dour Among those exnect1 In b1i-.-I in nvn. niih. nn mutir with h - dresses at the congress are Honorable "alnder of the gravy poured around It. R.-Balllngei-aeeretary-f the In- c-.-.-.Ml H , v terlor; F. H. Newell, of the reclamation V , 7 . 'T"' service; Gifford Pinchot. chairman of - Slflrns of Growth. the Joint committee en Mun.ii-. eeitil' C. h. P.-nrLvnvr. ak. between states and nationi, Booker T. YI New York's "400.- has leased Ihe Washington, of the TuskeaM in.H.,. I 111 . . ,v . .v. Howard Elliott prea dent nt b jn-h. I 1 . - - - - ..- iiu, uutiuinR mi www .ruin tnnui ior tliti . f.VBi4wa- Pnpany: James J. I the use of the women auffragw assoclav. mil, or ine ureat Northern Rallwav company the great railroad builder and western , pioneer ' in development, and numerous others from various sec tions of the United States. . J" About 75 colleaea and nnlnnii. will be represented bv. thai nnu. presidents or delegates, and at least lour times as many commercial and clvto organizations. The governors of many states, and . their conaarvatinn commissions are expected to be pree- . na many wiu oeuver addresses: tion of the state and nation. J pi Where the Corn Goes. From the Kansas City Journal People often " wonder, particularly; those who have traveled for hundreds of miles through the corn belt, what becomea f the corn which Is grown every year. In the year 1908, when the total crop was 2,8,000,000 bushels, 241,000,000 buahela Were - consumed in flour and grist mill products, 8,000.000 Knah.l. In Km m,.f. a.- . . VThe magnitude and Importance of 9.000,000 bushels for malt liquors, 17 1 !e 2n?enrfUon ovmnt s so great 006.000 -bushels In the production of that delegates are tO be oreaent rrnm m nnn nnn i i .- b -- a. aaa avvi SM ""a ava w W V W VVVV WW I IfJlaj X VT trie Hawaiian Islands and from Alaska, glucose, 190,000,000 bushels for export Honorabje H. . T. Freer, 1 governor of and 18.000,000 .bushels- for seed, makm Hawaii, and Ralph P. "Hosmer, chair- a total of Il8,000,00e bushelaor-l9.I m? the conservation commission, per cent of the entire crop. The remaln- i1 ' tn ,s1an,- lug 80.7 per cent, or-2,118,000,000 bush- oouth Carolina and Tm .i. . i. -... v.. .. .. , . , . . .ouu-. v iim.w vwu u.m BlUJWIl a, ... "--l- .tium me : continent to I tireiy ior reeaing. There la something more than mere sentiment behjnd the movement that arouses the people of, the nation to such concerted action. Everywhere the object lessons of useless waste -have Impressed the financial student-.with the fact that a check Aiust h ma. In the downward course to financial bankruptcy. It is the time for refor- Bal my Iriace (Contributed to Tba Jonrjal bv Wall u... v. . v- . .,.- "-""": - i.uiuv. ywv. Mxm proaa poen a resolac faatura ef this column la Th. journal. . the Dally W1.M .all V.... Ji. . 1 This Date in History-; 1753 Dr.-John-.-: Warren. -American patriot and brother of General Joseph Warren, born In Roxbury, Mass. Died In Boston. April 4. 181S. him just bcaus he -had the authority, the reign of terror. I thought at the time that-a crack on I ki m... ti y. , . ... , . i " . u. ..vot v iw". . i xwa u - ,u5, Ui p "na wivjn an i not" appeared In New Orleans. Iron- roller would-help soma.. I don't I igiiAlexander DuHnaa. the a say-the teamsters are always In the tig-ht. Put yourseir. on' wagon and have a load of shipping- and -one or maybe two or three depots to ' make, and let a cop make you drive around a block when you only have a few mjn utea left, and - see, what you would say. I have been stopped at Front and Morrison streets a time or two myself; once when the street was clear, a cop made me drive from Front street up Morrison to First and turn square around and back again to Front before I could cross the bridge. Such fool ishnesa Let the cops stay where they are - - A SUBSCRIBE, j 1824 Alexander' Dirmaa, the younger. born in Far I a . Died November 37. 189S. 1830 Paris , declared In a state, of siege. ' ' i - - - . 1861 James H-l Adams, . ex-governer of South Carolina, died near Columbia Born 1811. .' . - ' - 1881 First . message sent over - the Atlantic caWa v 188J John Judson Bagley. sixteenth governor of Michigan, died - in San Francisco. BornMn Medina, N.-T," July 24. 1823. ) 189 War declared between China and Japan. .'i -.-; .-'.";.:--. 18Si A monument erected by the state of Iowa to commemorate the inaa- order that financial orosnarl I .,.k v"' V1". oc continue throurhout th. e ; '---J:7.. " PPV wt. 9 j - fa. for sacre Park. of 1857 dedicated at iiioicn. mai oeaca ana n..- alone, wiU hit the spot, and make our Arnold's I troubles cease. : So let us sing of uaimy peace, and raise a Joyous din 1897 James R. Doollttle, ex-tJnlted f and keP on singing till the p'lloe corns B ta tea senator from. Wisconsin, died at I up n3 run " in. 'But, sometimes Provfdence. R. I. - - I when the stars awlnr low t -.' .v19 Typhoon at Canton, China, sank I (3own to dream upon the bleaslnga that Cn'n4, veasel Tlng-KIng, drowning wU1 f!w from peace, as 'In a stream. 200 natives. f Good Advertising;. .' From the Burn Tlmes-HeraM 4 The amount of good advertising re ceived by Burns on account of the cred- itaoie anowing made during the Devel opment congress is worth thonaanria a the town and county for the single dol lars which It cost. Addison Bennett in the Portland Journal gives a solen oid write-up of the event and every, where along the line aa the visitors were returning- home, to Portland. Salem. Boise and Coo Bay, they left , with the newspapers strong words of praise for this section and its 'people. tr..-. A f Jtl , . i . - . r "ix I juiouuuiuj comes along, and! I anchors in my breast, and from mil L' heart the glad sweet song of peace e;oear' galley .west. For when wa a. " . " . w our swords and guna, weU wrangle Jut the same; and. of the powers th stronger ones will climb the weekefa frame; then there - will be no can non'a shock, no hoata ef armed til loota; but we must Just depend on talk to settle our disputes. Where now our armies guard the -land, and march te beat of drum, a host of lawyer shams will stand, and talk us blind and dumb. Ere thla goes on for many aun we'll know that peace Is punk; we'll rustle up the swords and runs, and auch -discarded junk. , - n" ' nepyrBt. ts. r fffC Jfh Oaorga Matthew Adama) MUX U4fa,