THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, '.PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY JSL7, . 1903. BREWED 10 CEYLOil Great Center of Tea Culture Plant Makes Its Eaisers Uich Dime a Day Is High ' Waire How the Leaf Is -Picked and Cured. . , Leaving Ceylbn with its spicy ' and pleasing prospects, Its tea1 leaves and ita discontent. Mr, Haskin will tomorrow set out on the road to. Mandalay.. tlo will describe the 8hwe Dagon at Rangoon, be oldest shrine- In the world,' and the happy people who abide around and about It. 4 happy not so much by reason of what they hare, but almost alto gether because, they don't, want anything and are glad of It. Br Frederic J. Haskin. : Washington. July 17. A. fungus j growth which appeared on the leaves of , ceyion cones putnia w e, within a decade almost killed a great (Industry, caused Ceylon to become fa i moui as a Droduoer of tea. British Li..t. rlnr rilustnr. made exDerl t merits In the early seventies, and the ' ruult vu that Derore many years wu elansod great tea estates repla ! Kt,ntHnm . TfkAiLV "CeV '. im fa miliar to the markets of the world, 1 and many merchants of the younger generation are unwrt vi ,ww , . of the Industry. ' " i In the streets of Colombo one sees fackages of tea houna tor me waier ront In strange looking carts drawn k hii hnmniwi bullocks branded with Tsmil characters for decorative effect and lor trie cure oi raumaum. not until he begins to ascend the moun tains toward the quondam capital of the Kandyan kings that the visitor sees tea trees growing and coolie wo men and children picking leaf tips that make the tea of commerce. The tea In dustry is picturesque.-' From the time the tea tree appears above .the soil un til the dried leaf reaches . the lighter that takes It to a cargo boat In the Co lombo harbor. It exists In an . environ ment all its own. v , i , Trees Pruned Back to Shrubs. Upon the rocky slopes of the foot hills, where there seems to be scant nourishment for plant life, : the tree flourishes and would grow to a height of IS or 20 feet were H hot for the pruning that reduces it to three feet for the better development of Its pro- . ductive power. It is stated by plant ers that the peculiar action of the cli mate upon the rock that crops up, on the hills causes It to disintegrate and form a sort of soil " upon -which the roots of the tea plant thrive. It is al ways April in the Cyton mountains, if one Judges by the . fickleness of the skies. Swiftly formed clouds precipi tate sudden showers, and the sun shines through the storm upon scenery that 'defies the bent efforts of the painter In words or oils, uocoanut groves ana banana patches dot every little Pialn and valley, and the . thatched huts of Sinhalese or Tamil natives nestle amid the tropical foliage. Here and there are tiny terraced rice fields. Irrigated from mountain' torrents whose rushing waters are often heard above the noise of the train as It moves slowly up the teep incline. - - ; '"y"r- ; V Tea Q rows la tat sails. As the higher hills are reached the rice fields disappear.- The regions in which tea reigns supreme are moun tainous and occupy approximately one- seventh of the area' of the island. Al though Ceylon " is only a few degrees from the equator the tea country boasts cool nights througnouc me year. itae a th altitude. Increases the climate becomes more temperate, and at Nu ware Eliya, 6200 feet above sea level, the mean temperature 1. 67 degrees " Tea planters-who -TesMe-4n-the birh- lamds ana now ana uun muwr uun to Colombo upon business or to enjoy social contact with members of an Eu- Don't Wear A Truss ropeaii colonv lareerthnn can be found In the country, are prosperous overlords whose dUy- life is not unrHce that --a southern planter In the United . States In ante-bellum days. They' watch tea quotations aa an American business man watches the fluctuations of the stock ; market, and complain of - hard times over their whiskey and .soda, but they live like princes and are addressed as "Master" by the armies of Ceylon ese and Indian coolies, they employ. . The Say's Work of the laborer. At o'clock in the morning all , of the employes, many of whom are wo men and children, are assembled near the tea factory by- the blast of a horn. Divided into gangs and assigned to taskmasters or "canganes," those who are to work in the fields are sent- to their tasks. -Under the supervision ' of a "conductor," corresponding ' to - an overseer, the taskmasters are ' kept on the alerfca . When the-day's work is-In progress the owner. or superintendent, returns for his chota hasarl, or "little breakfastat:rhia :c bungalow.:.; After ward- he visits the factory, and later in me rorenoon ne inspects tne neids. At II o'clock the planter ' has "meat breakfast," and hia afternoon is usually given up to attending to his corre spondence or other office work Inclden tal to the conduct of the business. At 4 o clock -the horn or tom-tom musters the. coolies JTrom the fields,- and -after the "time" of each is marked la the check rool they go to the "lines" which correspond to the "quarters" of old fashioned southern plantations."; Experts Paid 8 1-3 Cents a Bay. During the first two years of Its Ufa the tea tree undergoes rigorous prun ing at the hands of experts. As there are between 8000 and 4000 trees to the acre the pruners- are an Important factor- in plantation Work. When the leaves Are ready for pluck n the nick ers, mostly women and children, invade the fields. The women .are trained -to select the delicate leaves at and near the top of the shoots, and for this skilled labor a food nicker receives. 86 cents in Ceylon coinage,, the equivalent oi 0 i-4 cents m American money, xnis Is considered high pay In India, and many coolie women emigrate- to Ceylon to find prosperity. In the coffee days Infant mortality' was high in Ceylon, but nowadays, because the children have a value as tea pickers, under par ental direction, the parents are careful to rear, them and add to the family earnings at the rate of J or 4 cents a day for each urchin. Sucklings are taken to ' the tea fields bv their moth- era, and when they get large enough to endanger their lives by crawling about wner tney mignt tumble into mountain chasms, the mothers make hammocks fos them out-of 'their "cumblles" and awing them to the branches of trees. Nurses cannot r be employed by tea- - wnere a bum a say is Wealth, -; and the 'opportunity to save money -and return nome to become landowners. jaraii cooiies irom soutnern inaia ro over .to Ceylon in great numbers to earn a few cents a day more than the wngm ui a woman, ai nome me Tamil Seta one or two cents a day, and there ran occasional famine during which no may starve. In Cevlon he mav earn a dime a day. There is no famine and there is plenty of fruit He lives cneapiy. sends - money home to theln feed poor relations, contributes to the support of a few of the hundreds of Insatiate gods of his country, and saves money with whtclr to buy real estate, j aiwiuugn ne, rareiy carries out tils plan to return to India. - , What Chanoe Has South Carolina In the "meahtime his clothlna- con. slsts of a loin cloth and if he sleeps on the bare ground it is what his fore fathers have enjoyed and it is all that hla nnaterlt will aalra - IT a n strikes. "Master" pays him more than he has ever had. If he shirks his work he Is docked, v Labor- prices -in -the orient form a key to the problem of why tea can not oe promabiy raised lrt south Caro lina to compete with oriental products. The British in Ceylon, are well con tent to allow the brown brother to re tain his standard of 1 living and his ideas as to what a working man should earn..-, .. -; . :. , , rour leaves From Each Bongh, The two tenderest leaves, where the planter la picking especially fine tea. and four leaves where the standard of excellence is leas rigid, are plucked from each bough.' The baskets are dumped on mats-at the "factory" and sorted to eliminate coarse leaves acci dentally plucked. Withering, ferment ing and rirtng are the .next processes 10 which the leaves are subjected. How Sea Za Made Tit for Use, Tea leaves -are withered bv being spread thinly upon layers of Jute fiber in , the factory. When it is withered to the right degree of softness and flaccidlty abhute takes it to the lower floor, where it is rolled by machinery to eliminate the tannin and v moisture, A mass of soft lumps comes from the roller and a "roll breaker" breaks these and sifts the . small leaves through a wire mesh to a cloth. . Spread out in wood frames and covered by wet cloths, the tea leaves are alloWed to ferment till their become conned tinted, and the brighter the copper tint the more choice f ermentation, which is a most necessary factor Jn making the the company being unable to reach an agreement with either as to the price to be paid -for the land. -.-- - This project was started - over two years ago and considerable . construc tion work has been done. One of Spen cer's representatives stated yesterday that it is the intention of the company to push the work this year and com plete the plant before the first of Jan uary. Machinery is expected some .time next month. It Is the intention of the company to furnish light and power for Eugene, Junction City, Corvallis and bther . upper valley cities, a , r The theory vanced by Kepler in 117. seventy of gravitation was ad- years before Newton announced his dis covery. (. , 9 J Soat Oet a Blvoroe. . ' A western Judge granted a divorce on account of Ill-temper and bad - breath. Dr. King's KewUfePUls would have prevented it- They cure Constipation, causing bad breath and Liver Trouble, the ill-temper, dispel colds, banish head aches, conquer chills. - J6c at Woodard. Clarke Co. - ... THE: STRAXGER V WITHIN OUR GATES s- ; "It doesn't seem possible that there la so much undeveloped territory "in the United States. , Why. to a resident of Vermont who has never been away rrom tae msw iungiana states me vast- ness oi - tne great west is - realty ai palling.' Hyde,; Rathdrum, Ray P.' Stewart, Wapi, ArIronar-With irrigation wexan raise oranges and lem ons as easily as does California, that is in certain portions, of the state.- .Of course, tip in the White hills I dott't suppose we could raise "em, neither can we get water lor Irrigation purposes there. Our state will eventually make California sit up and take., notice, a See If It doesn't"..- '-- "ChJco r will -be the leadlng' clty oif northern- California, all right1' said A. D. Beeeon a the Imperial. ' It is already the best city and is growing faster than anyof. them." -'':;'.---'-' -j '"'-'.': "The sugar beet is making the south ern, part of Idaho and northern Utah," said Hiram A. Snow, Bnowvllle, Idaho, at the St. Charles today. "I remember when the people In that" section were almost destitute. - Now but few of them are considered in poor circumstances. : .,.. - '' ' '. t't ' v W. R.' Sanders, Challls, Texas: "There cannot help but be plenty of prosperity for years to come in the United States. Things never looked better for the far mer and the future the distant future looks exceedingly bright. The south ern planter Is very prosperous this sea- "There seems to be' good in every; thing if you look at things In the right light"; said Victor Brown, Bay Center, Wis. 'The automobile dldnot alto- ? ether take the place of the horse, but urniahed -eraployment-f orthouaandl of men. All the labor-saving devices help, to save labor on the Job for which It was intended, but It makes labor in other ways. I'm-not much of an an archist because I am not a peaslmlst MFITS ffi A ':-."'.- ."v , - . ., i ,.i - ?, . ji- Are Always in Excess of Other Investments ol Whatever Character, Considered From Any Standpoint In the Saturday Evening Post of July 7th . Mr. Isaac :Marcosson; speaking of trust 'methods of retailers, describes how every applicant for a po sition as .clerk in-the institu tion under discussion must un dergo a thorough medical ex amination. The reason given ' fo thig-is that every sound ,rnan . is worth ,buildi?ig up in business, while the weak or diseased man is not A man who is ill, or weak cannot be perpetually cheerful, and a good clerk or successful business man must; be. Be sides it takes time to impart business methods to beginners and if their health is such as to contract colds or debility .from slight exposure, it is ,a ques tion of .only a;short time till the individual-will have to go to bed or lay off from work at the expense of alt the time and efforts to develop his 'useful-, ness.. v's it Insurance 'companies, rail-, road companies, and, in;' fact, all institutions assuming' risk or employing-men are rapidly adopting this line of reasoning. One of the most frequent causes of rejection by the U.' S. Government and large insti tutions like railroads, is Varicose Veins of Men m merous Instances, because my method of curing this ailment is known to be permanent and complete. 1 but I will guarantee "under a forfeit of any s reasonable amount that after my treat- limejitrJliisriditioiiny patient who has previously .been rejected on this account the product. t necessary tea, is induced , by the breaking of the AfterTlrirty Year Experience I Have " Produced an Appliance for, Men, , 4 Women or Children That Cures Rupture. ' , ' , : I Send It on Trial. " If yoa have tried most everything else, come to me. Where' others fail is where I have my greatest success. 'Send attached coupon-today-and-I wilt The above is O. B. Brooks of Marshall, ; ltllch., who has beea eurlng Bup-' ' tare for over 30 years. If Bnptnred write him today, And you free my Illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing my Ap pllsnce and giving you prices and names of many, people who have tried it and were cured. It is Instant relief when in. sap cells in the leaves during the roll ing process.- To make green tea the fermentation is checked so that no change in color takes place, apd black tea is made by allowing it to continue for a time. ' v The modern process of firing tea Is to spread it thinly in wire trays which are Inserted into a machine called a desiocator -where a current of hot air is turned upon the leaves. The leaves emerge from this process quite brittle and dry. This is lru.the parlance of the plantation, "made tea,'' weighing about 2S per cent as much as it did when It was picked. It next goes into bins with wire mesh lids, where it cools. The next process consists of sifting in a machine whlck sorts, the leaves Into various grades known as Broken Or ange Pekoe. Orange Pekoe, Pekoe, Pekoe-Souchong and Dust. , Bow the Tea Zs racked. ' After being 'factory bulked." that is to say, nanaiea in scoop shovels a s ' act uall v bappened" in hu- Announcements in the daily nress and the comment oi spe- will be promptly accepted -This I cialists all over the country U I concerning my cures for Blood Poison NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNLESS CURED. - "Talks on Blood Poison" that you frequently see advertised by com petitors was first copyrighted by me through Attorney A. J. O'Brien in my , little booklet, "Private Dis eases of Men," ten years ago and. has taken wide range, and many unsuccessful attempts have been made to duplicate the treatment, but the original secret is still mine ' and can be obtained from no other man and from no other source. The 0 Vital Weakness of Men appears in my latest book of 950 pages that, adosns .the i.desk-oi many specialists of the country. . In the treatment of nerve strain or : ' .--" ?and the long train of distressing complications,, such as .loss of memory, despondency, gloomy forebodings, specks before ' the eyes, bad dreams, as well as the prevalent forms of INFECTIOUS DISEASES. - RUPTURE, FIS TULA, PILES and all pelvic ail- -xnents of men are handled by me with consummate, skill and success acquired through years of research and experiences To- thei ndividuai seeking relief from any of these disorders It' is simply -question of whether he desires service from a recognized authority or from some . one of less experience and ability If you will come to me I can' demonstrate to you how I am taking broken down wrecks of hu manity from every walk of life and making them " as vigorous and healthy as their- fellows. -1 -don't care what has caused your trouble or who has failed to cure you, I will cure you completely and per manently or not charge you a cent for my services. My little .booklet contains valuable points thaUyouL; ought to know, and if you can't call, write, for it, J . will . 'mail it under plain cover free from public observation. Consultation and Examination Free Our fees for cures are lower than the general family physician or surgeon and pur services far superior. Medicines furnished -': '"'';: ''..-" . from our laboratory for .the con venience and privacy of our pa tients; from $1.50 to $6.50 a course. If you cannot call, write for our free self-examination blank. Many cases are cured at home, HOURS 9 a. n. to 8 p. m., and Sundays from 10 to 12. 1 St. Louis Medical Pa 230YamJiilI L,U. - Street Portland An Electric Wonder Doctor's Invention Cures When All Drugs Fail , There Is no heed of ruining your- stomach with drugs', trying to conquer a Fain or overcome some chronic aliment. , No need of doctor and drug bills, or here is a remedy that helps nature -cure. , - - Tou know that electricity Is life the mysterious force" that digests- your food and converts It into blood and bone tissue and muscle, and supplies the brain with power to think. It Is electricity that keeps your heart going, your blood circulating and the various . organs - performing ' their functions like so many machines. - '. t - X - If you are sick of weak: if vou have rheumatism. lumbago, nervous . debility, loss of power, or stom , ach, liver, kidney or bowel trouble;. It means that some part of your body machinery " needs . electric energy. Electro-Vigor will restore It Electro-Vigor is a sclentlflo appliance for saturat Ing the bodywlth electricity while you sleep.. It Is . not like electric belts, faradio batteries and r other shocking machines you may have seen or used. Elec- tro-Vigor does not shock or burn. The ; current Is powerful in Its action, but Is soothing and pleasant - to- the nerves. - For- hours at -ar-tlme Electro-Vigor -sends, the -glowing electric fires coursing through the nerves and vitals, renewing ; their energy -- and f giving to every weak organ the power to-do Its work - Let me prove to you that Electro-Vigor- dees all I claim for it . What better evidence could you ask . for than the testimony of honest men and women whom It has cured T ,'. '.'' v- y .-- - Xyons, Or. Electro -Vigor has strengthened my weak back. It has cured m kidney trouble, t am no longer troubled with 9 aia and stiffness for JBlee-tro-Vlgor has limbered ms np and I want to take this opportunity to thank yoa for your careful at tention to my case... v.. .: xonrs tnuy, , .. - GET IT FREE Cut out this coupon and mall it to me for my free 100-page book about my treatment This book ' Is beautifully Illustrated with T pictures" of y well - bullt robust men and -women, ' snowing now Eleo- tro-Vigor Is applied, and explains many things you should know regarding the cause and, cure of dls- e- , . :. . z I'll send the book, fclosely sealed, aosoiuteiy Tree, At N DR. S. A, HALL CO. ; 7 . Ul Beeoad Av Beattle, Wasb. -. ' frease send me, prepaid, your ' free 100-page Illustrated book. , " , 4 , : T-S7-09. , . Nust,:.,a...,;;,..l.l A.11rms . . . . t .,! as f f Inn nrrv ih iiucm im nnnn a Kiivi ii i ilii in v run I uuw i VISIT OUR FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 291 MORRISON ST. (UPSTAIRS). Bet 4th and 5tb Sta. A GREAT COLLECTION, OP LIFE-LIKE SUBJECTS DEMONSTRATING PERFECT , AND DISEASED CONDITIONS OF MEN. Quickly, Safely and Thoroughly WEAKNESS OF MEN, VARICOSB VEINS, HYDROCELE. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, SORES, ULCERS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, KIDNEY, BLADDER AND REC TAL DISEASES. PROSTATE GLAND DIS ORDERS AND ALL CONTRACTED 1 SPE CI AL DISEASESOFMEN - r:T CONSULTATION AN EXAMINATION if REE. If you cannot call, 'write for question list and free book. f; . ,...' , MEN: IP IN TROUBLE CONSULT US TODAY Hour from 9 a. m. to 8 p. aad Sunday from 10 to 1Z z jher Oregort IM Institute .. : Morrison &U Bet 4th and Sth,- Portland, Oregon '-'"1 0 to In each packed in The chests are secure uniformity- In arade pound of tea, the product is chests lined with lead. nlarri UMn rvnlvtiYtf nl.tfnrm. mn ha they revolve 2500 times a minute while i rtne tea i--pourea-m. Tnis serves to snaite it aown ana tne run capacity or each chest Is utilised. Sinhalese girls are employed as packers and label era, ach wearing In addition to the skirt of her ancestors a white "Brownrigg" Jacket Introduced In Ceylon In response to the efforts of Lady Brownrigg to Induoe native women to wear. something above their waists. ' Between games of golf and cricket hunting expeditions In the elk and ele phant -country, -and -race nieetlnga,-the Ceylon planters are now berating the American congress for having put an Import duty upon the product of their picturesque plantations. CREAMERY REOPEtfS . IX COLUMBIA COUNTY all others fail Remember J use no It I fnul on trial to prove what I say i f u r. luu .it vaw jwar-ana once havln en ' my Illustrated bonk ni read It you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mall today. -It's well worth your time whether yoa .try my Appli ance or not. TBXB ZXTOKXATZOV OOTTPOV 30 Brooks Bldg, Marshall, Mlchl C. El Brooks. , - PImm wnd m r mall In plain npp.r your illustrated book and full information about your-Appli-tnce for the cure of rupture. - ; Kama -. .. ............ ........ , afllrs . .. .............. i ?n i Stat e. . . . . "7-, '., . .". - - 8peelil Dlspetck to Tt Jonrn.L) Mist, Or,- July 27. The creamery be longing ' to the Nehalem Valley Cream association of this place will open' tor business : August t, with Fred Mann, formerly-of a Portland creamery, and K. if. Messing or tnis city aa managers. I The creamery has been Idle since No-1 vember, when the former manager 'ab-! sconded with ' several handred dollars, ! leaving the association in bad sfasDe i financially.' '"The creamery will- cover! almost the whole' Nehalem valley with milk routea The Nehalem -valley ssl well - ss- most of Columbia county is last Decerning a dairying section.- , CONDEMN LAND r FOR P0TOR CANAL ' (Special Dtepat to Tie lmmal Eugene, Or July J 7. The Pacific Ught A Power company, beaded by W. 8. Spencer, a millionaire tobacco- man ufacturer of Cincinnati, has begun suit in the circuit court here to condemn right ef war for the company's pro posed power canal at Triangle lake, SS miles west Of Eugene. The suits are against the Oregon & California Rail road company and Thomas H. Wat kins. MY SPECIAL "7 . MEN'S , ii ii DISEASES There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For twenty-five years I have devoted my entire' time and en ergy to the treatment of men's diseases. ; . My methods have been perfected by actual experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as d basis. I am the i only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements due to inflammation ot the prostate gland, which depress the entire nervous system, and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me forempst among spe cialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the larg est practice of its kind in the west. ' Every afflicted man Is Invited to write me a description of his case. Buch is my knowledge of- men's diseases and so perfect are way methods of treat ing them, that ii ant able to effect cures in all ordinary cases without see ing the patient in person. All correspondence strictly confidential. Those vis iting Portland may feel free to call at my office, for personal -consultation. " SB, TAT&OX, The leading npeclallst.1 eS f t I .n a. a A A A A A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A WW f f WWW ff f f tvTtttTTT x DR. V II LEE The Great Chinese Doctor j loans n miun rare ism He is called the rreat because he cures all aiseases without resorting to the knife. Call Sand have a free examination. xie win you the ' exact nature ef your trouble. He I treats successfully every form of female oom Inlaint. all nrivate and blood diseases, can- i nfcp, - tutrai nliL-tu num-'r heu matlsra and - all . disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys. T He has had great success In curing consumption when the victim Is not T too mucn .run aown dt tne aisease, ana win stop ntnrorriwTO m " in credibly short time. Hebrews his own 'medicines from Chinese roots,v herbs, buds, barks and Vegetable teas, all of which are entirely harm less, and whose medicinal properties are unknown to American doctors. He used In his practice over too different Oriental 'remedies. Hundreds f testimonials from grateful patients. . - y- -y- :Y(WJ CAN - The vast multitudes of men who have taken my treatment have not been disappointed.- They .know that I do not - promise more than I perform. To them . I have actually illustrated in the cure of their own cases the, truth of what I claim, namely, that my treatment Is as certain to cure as It is that my patient ' engages my services and follows my . dlrecuJhs. My success Is due .not alone to education, experience, skill and scl entlflo equipment, but to the fact that I limit my atudy and practice strictly to diseases and weaknesses of men. To 'male maladies alone I have earnestly and exclusively devotfed IS years of my life -and on them all ,my. faculties are concentrated. -. , - ' . 5 .' OBSTKUCnONS My treatment Is absolutely painless, and perfect results can be depended upon in every instanoe. I do no cutting or dilating whatever. . The DR. IOTLOR ''C& ; :' ;-: . . .' KOTJB A. SC. TO- F. M. Contracted Disorders Every - - case of contracted dls- -ease I treat Is thoroughly cured; my patients have no relapses. When I- pronounce s case cured there Is not a particle of Infection or Inflammation remaining, and there la not the slightest danger that the disease will return in its original form or -work Its way Into the general system. No con tracted disorder is so trivial aa . to warrant " uncertain methods of treatment, and I especially so licit those cases, that other doc tors have been 'unable to cure. X have the largest practice be wse I. tevarlablx fulfill or My Colored Chart showing the male anatomy and affording aa Interesting stflfly la ansa's dis eases free at office. Juried; Vcricose Veins -v . Wllnout using knife. . ltrature or caustic, 'without pain and without detention from business, . x cure-- varicose - vems- In one week. If you have sought a cure elsewhere and been ' disappointed, or if you fear the harsh methods that most physicians employ la , treating this disease, come to me and T will cure soundly and per- ' manently by a gentle and patn- less method. Don't delay. ' Vari cose Veins has. its dangers and brings Its disastrous results. If 4 you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. !- specific ' biood poison no . dangerous minerals - to drive the virus - the. interior, but harmless, blood-cleansing - rent--' edies that -remove the last pois onous taint- ' - Corner Second snd Morrison Streets Private Ent 234 Morrison, Portland, Or. rtUTDAY, 1 A. It TO i F.K . ; '. JPR, WING 37 North Fifth Street m Portland, Oregon ' ' ' ' ' - ' CURES WITHOUTDRUGS TOU0 KKW, KISSL1 AOSO A9 OU v XXH . , Suffering from the effects of indiscretion or excess, caus ing Nervous Debllltyr-Mental Weakness, Vital Losses, Ca tarrh, Indigestion, Constipation, Blotches, Pimples, Ringing in Ears, Palpitation' of Heart, Despondency, Lost Ambition. Unfitness to Marry. Weak Back, Rheumatic Pains, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, are guaranteed a safe and speedy cure by modem methods and Drugless - Healing. , Charges always moderate. No exposure. Call or write. ,. -DR. T. J. PSKCX, 316-31 7 AHsky Building, Portland, Or" YOUNG f 1VII1MG s- MKDiqNK ca Wonderful 1 reme died from wits N i sjro moOTs cure Cancer, Nervous ness, Catarrh. As thma. Coughs, La Grippe, Throat, Lung, Liver, Kid ney and Stomach Troubles; also all Private . Diseases. i Consultation tree. MT Taylor street, bet Id and Id. Portland. -Oregon. FOR WOMEN ONLY ut. eanaerson s . tompouns 6avln and Sotton Root Pills, the best and only reliable rem edy for rXKALB TBOTSBX.ES AJTD ZBBXaUX. ABITIBS. Cure the most obstinate cases In ( to 10 daya Price II per box. or t for JS; raalled 1n plain -wrapper. Ad-i dress T. J. PIERCE, lis AUsky bldg. Bold by all drugglsta ' hy Journal .Ads Brinff Eesult? Every Uonian uuensiea sna raoaia snow about th wxiDdflrfta MAKYI1 Whiriioa Spray Iks i pew WM SrrkM JXJea est Moat ConTOTle It b. cannot anrnlT the M tttiL, aouept as euwr. bot MDd stamp for II Inatralad book .W Tt ataM fall Dartlealan sod ln-anna in. valuaslatnladiea. .IIIKVIt Cha B. SM ST KBtV ISSIt gor sale by Skldmore Drag Co., . Woodard. i : Clr Co.. snd Laoa-rXTla Drag Co. S tor. mm m. J a cj'i. it HJfy READ THE SUNDAY JOURNAL LARGEST, BEST SUXDAY PAPER IN THE OREGON COUNTRY A'