THE OREGON DAII,Y JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY. 24," 1009. 13 L STORKS AND OFFICES 11 FINE STORE or office." block from P. O..; good display windows, reason able rent, leaae. Cal; for Mr, Spath, Bay City Market, cor; 4th ana Yamhill. FIRST class outside office nout lop rent in new bulldintr; steam heat, electrio ana gas light, with janitor aerr Ice. N. Ev cor. 83 and Madison. FEW nice of f loea In the Couch and Chambers bldg. E01 Couch bldg. FOR, REST HAULS 50 ALLS for rent any nights, the Drew Duuamg, ids ia si. EXCHANGE- MISC. 23 BELL or trade 4000 shares Black Butte m tiling stock for horses, harness, sad dles or anything: of value. Courtois, 14 Buchanan bid)?. FTNANCIAl, 01 HALL, 91 Grand ave. East 4448. . . r WANTEDTO KENT 7 WANTED Room and board in prlyate : family on the west side, north from Good Samaritan hospital; reasonable: no other roomer. W-11 9, Journal. WANTED by young couple, 3 or rooms, ' flat or cottage, furnished or unfur nished. Main 9343. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 . WHT buy; a second-hand rvehlcle when you can get a new one from an old : established wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost. - We , are located outside the high rent dis trict, own our building and can make the price. Exclusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, delivery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be aure and see us before, you buyv It may , save you money. R. M. WADH A CO- ' Itt Hawthorne ave., between let . - ' and 2d Sta ' Horses! '. Wagons! We have a, ear of mule and horses - that arrived July 8. Any one wishing horses or mules please call and" Inspect them.-;'- :r-r- y-..., ---,. We have I or 4 good horses i If you are going camping; also several wagons ana ouggies ana names. 420 Hawthorne ave. ' Teams Wanted At nee; t months to 1 years work; free water and free barn. In city. Phone Woodlawn 2106, or call at works. Columbia bouL and Dana st ' LaKGiET. THB DIRT MAN. I i $ t , v f MONET for everybody. If you want $ to borrow privately without delay, $ Here is tne place, if or a loan on your piano and furniture (without remov al), storage receipts, life insurance policies, jewelry and diamonds and all - valuable collateral, at lowest f rate in the city, on easy weekly- or monthly installments; . ail . business strictly confidential. i U. 8. REAL ETfBJ A BROKE R- &.v.s ; AGU CO.. Room 13 Hamilton bldg. f none Main zus. - , l e i 1 ' II1 I ' M i Ding. .. i i 181 d St.! ! I WE can place first mortgage and build ing loans. ... COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT. v Board of Trade bldg. MONET loaned, salary or furniture. Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 9483. LOANS WANTED 80 WE can place first mortgage building loans of $1600 or $2000 at 7 and S per ecu I. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT, Board of Trade bldg. NOTICES Zti MONEY TO liOAlT Hutton Credit Co. 27 We are the only company In the city of Portland organized and Incpr- B orated under the laws of the state of regon, loaning money on furniture, pianos, etc, without removal, storage receipts.- real estate contracts, salaries; also confidential loans made to ladles; no inquiries anywhere. . Loans of $10 to $100 may be obtained from us on short notice and at very small cost to the borrower. It wUl pay you to investigate our new credit plan it will save you money. Ask about It when you call. - Huttoh Credit" Co. " ' - M3 Dekum Bldg. II I 8 - 8 I I $ $ $ MONET LOANED ON TOUR SALARY PIANO. HOUSEHOLD GOOD8, -JTW. . CONFIDENTIALLY. OTJR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. - OUR PAYMENTS EASIEST. CALL TODAY AN. BE CONVINCED. bred Hambletonlan gelding, a gentle- I man's good one, sound, city broke, hand- I " ei"w uiiBumm sorrev-snipped . from Iowa. J- 291 Glenn ave., Hawthorne; car. STATE SECURITY CO, 308 FAILING BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO P. M. WEDS., SATS UNTIL ' S P. M. $ 1 $ I $ $ $ A STANDARD bred gelding years old, weighs better than 1100 - lbs., city broken; can show a 2:30 gait; by Love- jaco juftrs, in :su. - inquire at 606 Al- pma. WILL sell at a bargain 1 set-of light aouoie narness, 1 set or neavy Jfoston backers' harness and 1 road cart. 60S PHATTKL LolNR. Installment loans on pianos. furni ture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insur ance policies, salaries and all kinds of securities. . NEW ERA LOAN A MTO. CO, ,. 4i ADington Diag. MONET advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest pay ments: offices in 64 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms HORSES and buggies for rent by day, I Orst Tolman, 817 Lumber Exchange. v , NOTICE OF -RECEIVER'S J3ALE. Notice ia hereby-given that, pursuant to an order duly-made and entered by the circuit court of the- state of. Oregon for the county of Multnomah, in the suit of. the Merchants. National bank, plaintiff, vs. Stockmen and Traders bank, defendant, the undersigned re ceiver of the said Stockmen and Trad ers bank, defendant, will receive bids for all of the property and assets of every nature and kind belonging to the defendant, such bids to be received by me at my office in Prairie City, Grant county,. Oregon, up to ana jnciiunng Monday, the ninth day of August, 19PS). The property offered for. sale consists of all of ' the bills receivable, bonds. notes, overdrafts, accounts, office furnt (2), in block numbered "A," Prairie City ture ana rixiures; iota one i ana two Land company's second addition, ac cording to the duly recorded plat there of In Prairie City, Grant county, state of Oregon; also the property commonly designated as the Copperopolts mine, lo- n.ta.1 at n,hiirir lnoi.rha, . vri.h nil of the machinery, fixtures and other personal property usea in connection with the oneratlon of the said mine, and also all other property and assets of said defendant, a list of all of the prop erty offered -for sale -and particular description of the real property being filed in the office of the receiver at Prairie City. Or., and also on file in the office of A. F. Flegel. attorney for receiver, 402-408 Falling building, Port land, Oregon, where the same may be inspected oy intending purcnasers. , Terms of sale will" be one-half (V of the purchase price In cash on the: first day of November, . 1909, '- ftnd one-half (H - in cash on the first day of May, 1910, or, If . the. purohaser prefers, may be paid in cash on approval of the court, all deferred payments to be secured by a bond to be approved by ' the said court; all bids to be received subject to the approval of the said court and the sale to become absolute upon approval by the court. ... ; ,' , - Dated July 1, 190., ' v , JOSEPH ft. POLAND, Receiver. ANTONE knowing the whereabouts of John D. Nichols please call up Wood lawn 2120. PERSONAL 22 tute All diseases of men, women ana children treated and cured; rheumatism, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, goitre, par alysis, tumors, skin and enronio dis eases successfully treated; diseases or women a specialty; eye, ear, nose ana throat department; ' all medicines fur nished to patients; latest improved elec trical treatment. Entrance room 2z, third floor Raleigh bldg., Sth and Wash ington sts., Portland. Or. PERSONAL 22 DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon, makes spe cialty of surgery and diseases of wo men and children; charges moderate; consultation free. ; Phones. Main 4047, A-2411. 606 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sts. . , Men Cured Quickly Modern electrio treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc W. L Howard, M. D.v 304-8 Roth chlid bldg, 4th and Washington. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, eta; German, ungiisn. kronen, epanisn. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co, 229 1st St. ' - week and month: BDeclal rates ia pusiness nouses ; tn and 'Hawthorne. HORSES shod. Stewart McBrlen. Handmade work If oref erred: hath pnones it uurnsiae St., oor. 10th. DRIVING mare, buggy and harness; aiso span or una mares, f 1400. . 828 isu ma si. nortn. MORTGAGES, contracts tor deeds or other real estate securities bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. B. Noble, $16-317 Lumberman's bldg.. 6th Start pnones. o purnaiae si., cor, letn. TO LOAN Several amounts at 7 per DRIVING mare, buggy and harness: I cent on good city property. Call at Offices of C. F. Pf luger Sc Co., rooms 4- Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HORSE, harness and lfrht firm wam ' I QUICK fnoney on all kinds Ot security; cneaor rnone b-ioji. or Tanof 1844. 1 tywiuiius tuuiiuniHm, cuuubuu irrH RAT.Rima nn .r- rate; no waiting; see us and save money, - 1 " - ---- J " vt Oft no R.,,ill ti ,1 tr s montns old, inquire at 170 Front, i --- , . n . . . . aa j i . ' i wm, muiic v on ai&iiivnuB una j,rci won anJ harnesa Phona 2i 1 4. , I ' . A tuipnabl. Interest 1 lor long 'or AwS' "-I : ' v TT s , . 1 snort WB& A. v, jawwwa, uiamona, oo; traae Z6 Washington St. mr mini irngiin, JO,WOUrntU. GOOD horses ror sale; Oregon Horse Male co.. N. 17th and qulmby sta Hh.ST harness at lowest prices at tei ier narness jo i ri. etn si MONET to loan on all securities, any amount, chattels our specialty; abso lutely private, moss v. uaea, su Ben ton bldg. SADDLE horses to let. T. Hughes, 285 mm. main (; A.-PX0U. LIVESTOCK AND POtJLTRT 33 MONET to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates: fire in su ranee. W. Q. Beck. 313 Falling. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm croperty. fire insurance. McKensie ICO., Gerltnger Did g.,- 2d and Alder, pun sai one milch eow and one young neirer, cheap. 1128 B. Franklin. FOR SALEAUTOMOBILES 44 FOR SALE A motor car. a. home an I Cowllshaw. 606 Commercial wheela, fully equipped for housekeep- j SALART LOANS Strictly confidential; i. Vi . .i V.V. r " i I easy to get ana easy to pay. I. i, : ' "iJr'' isewton. til cucnanan Diag. rope. 287 Montgomery St.. city. Mr.. 4?J MONET to loan on Umber claim or city property, long or snorx time, easy lerma. nwm b, ilij morrion ex. MONET to loan on city' and suburban property, aiso ror ounaing purposes. DIOCK. AUTO BfHlNGS. We make reliable auto springs, test ea oerore purcnasea. leaner JUros. 16th and Bumslde. VlVE seated automobile In first class condition for -sale or trade for proper ty in or near city. 107 Idaho st. take Fulton car. FOR SALE One Stoddard Dayton run about; In very best condition; can be Been at tsi water St. oan on improved city nroo- Wm. MacM aster, $02 Worcester ertr. nioca. MONET loaned on. diamonds, watches, iewelry. Holsman Co- lewelers. 149 d st QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. -- King, 4 wasnington pldg. Main 6100. MONET to loan on all kinds of security.' w. noil, room . wasnington piag. SUMS of $1000 upward on real estate. Goddard Wledrlck, 110 3d st. LOAN" for the asking, salary or chat- ISAAC L, WHITE, money to loan, fire Insurance;- 831 Sherlock bldg." FOR SAIE MISCELLANEOUS 18 tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. FOR 8ALS Fox terrier pups from my ceienratea mien wnicn took special . na ursi prise mx r oniana aog snow; registered pedigree: will be sure to .please. or money returned. Rockford icenneis, nooa Kiver, or. .LOSt AND FOUND 21 THE JOURNAL maintains a Lost and ACCOUNT leaving for Europe will sell recovery of lost articles. If you lose . magnificent . Chickerlng grand -at a anything, inquire at once at the Lost sacrifice; piano almost new and perfect; and Found Bureau of The Journal, and especially selected at time of nurchasa. la rwnni will ha maila vnuv it ppiyi commercial t-iuo mag. i-none I you should find any article of value . mnm pvu. I ana wisn to una tne rigntrui owner, I WISH to sell a steel range, gas. '"; " at the Lost and Found Bureau ranse. carnets. refrigerator. . rlana I of The Journal, front cupboard, S Iron, beds, 2 dressers LOST Dark sorrel horse, weighs about ftnd commodes, bookcase and desk oom- 1100, barbwire scar on right front f-lned. iron cot cpuch. 386 E. Alder st foot Reward, Leander Lewis, Base Lino UOTORCTCLES and bicycles, new and L ""nvi". or, box Z3. Phone second nana, buy; sell, exen ange, re- Tabor 1899. pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor- T LOST Lady's gold watch, Saturday cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. H6 12th. A-II06. 1 evening, small, monormm, , F. A. G.; BLICKENSDERTER typewriters and r. . uHiaorj v, im urana supplies; Fox Visible machines; rent- v i reward, y ' . ale, repalra. inspections; fireproof safes. WANTED Information regarding build. N. M. Hayter Co., 90 6th st Main 6476. ing known as "Castle.8 Marauam'a FOR SALE Fine houseboat 8 rnm. I -aqurcae v-ie, journax nicely fumuhed. with woodshed and I LOST Gold f raternltv plenty of wood and row boat A snap diamonds; return to W, at $Z75. iui cornett piqg. Main T491. 1 r ortiano; reward, DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure remedy for de layed periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes for $6. TT J. Pierce, ilt Alisky bldg., 266 Morrison. hospital v DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of .women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by. consulting me. Nervous diseases Of children a specialty. , All the latest electrical treatment given. Correspondence solio lted. No charge : for consultation. Phones. Main S9J8. A-6607. y Office room 10, Grand Theater bWg Wash ington and Park. . 1 . . BC'SINKSS DJUIKCTOIIY . ASSAYERS ;v,- v:t:f'';-.-' WELLS sV PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana. lyticai cnerniats. i95k waen. xa. nana. PORTLAND, analytical laboiatory. tit Worcester bidg.. 8d and Oak. M. 6980. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ATTORNEYS ATTORNEY W. H. Fowler withdrawn from m mens & Emmons , to 1023-6 coarq or xrauo. DANCING MAPLE DANCING PAVILION. 16th and Washington sts., dancing every evening except Sunday, Admission free. 6 cents a couple. Pragp's orchestra. ELECTRICAL .SUPPLIES Morrison Electrio Co., fixtures, wiring, t repairing. 391 B. Morrison. East 3128. PACIFIC Electrio Engineering Co. Motors for rent or sale. 212 2d at ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, eupirfluoos hair . re- ; moved. Mrs. Hill. 429 Fleidner. GASOLINK ENGINES SEE Fairbanks-Morse new 1909 2 cycle and Sheffield., i cycle launch engines, finest and best gasoline marines, offered; also accessories;- free catalor-ues; low prices. Fairbanks. Morse c Co, 1st and atark sts.. Portland. Or. STATIONARY and marine; eleotrle equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail: engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 18l Morrison. HOUSEHOLD NKKtrS 28o LASTO ' mantl" Barretts. LEATHER & FINDINGS . CHAS. L . M ASTICK , ft CO- 74 Front leather of . every , description., tap tnfra.- flndlnm.'.' . J. J. HlKdHHiUMER, patents and pen . slons; officer. 20 Labbe bldg.; M. 7836. BABBITT METAL BABBITT metal, solder and type metal. W. W. Bianey. manufacturer. 43444 Goldsmith st,1 Alblna, All orders promptly attended to. Drosses bought and refined. '. BUSINESS CARDS Covenant Contract Company Inventions, lniprovamants, processes, novelties created to order. Rooms 1. 2, 8 and 6 Hoyt blk. 127 hi 7th St.. between Washington and Alder. A-8418. P. 0 pox , yortianq, ur. HOWE. DAVIS COMPANT. 109 2d st, Blank books m'f'g; agts. for Jouss' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-31S3. Main 183. CLEAN towels dally; comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. ' Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co Sth and Couch sts. rnone tiu. PORTLAND Multlgraph & Rapid Ad- dressing CO., ill a, oi Traae. Main 7628. Circular letters, dictation, copying. THE J. K. GILL CO. StaUoners. book sellers, office outfitters, engineers'. draughtmen's-supplles. 133 3d cor. Alder. for women, any Office 800 E. ave. cars. Phone Tabor S9. - ur. isaDeua Mackle. ' PRIVATE physician you choose. Office 31 60th st, Mt. Scott or Hawthorne LEGAL advice and consultation, Robert Grey, attorney at law. Practice In all courts in Oregon. 408 and 407 Ablng ton bldg., Portland. Or. Telephone Main 2181. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and ok In dls-. eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 1st St., Port land. DESIRABLE company round for lonely people, either sex; 600 to select from; ladies free; circular 10c Portland Introducing Bureau, 816 Alisky bldg. BATCHELOR, 24 years old, wishes to correspond or meet, lady or widow same age; one child not objectionable; object matrimony. G-118f Journal. 312 Mrs. SoptUe B. Seip Mental and Spiritualist Scientist. Allskv bldg. LOST vitality restored by Dr. Lorensa1 Nerve Tonic Tablets, 2 So box, boxes $1.26. SUpe, Taylor Drug Co- 289 Mor- rlson. net. 4tn and Btn. F. B. FIN LEY, taxidermist; head, whole mount and rug work specialties. 249 Col umbla Portland. Or. Phone A-l 843. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, gutter ing, repairing and general lobbing. J. JLOsll. XI 2 Jailer, n st. Main 1424 LIVERY AND SALE .STABLES HESSIAN stables Hacks, livery, board ing and sale; furnlture-moylng, 123 Un. Ion ava. Phone E. SKHt. nlbt M. 806. THE NOBBT SUbleST-Boardlng. livery . and sale, 12th and 'Flanders sts. 8. Grant Phones Mala S020, A-8329. REAL ES1A1E DIRECTORY. REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETTCAl'l.T ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF- JOURNAX. READKiS Wam U seo,oo portlakd:; i 91 2 -:o Realty values have gone tap steadily for 'years and will continue to increase from year to year. The man of good judgment will not delay securing a noma of his own, It is poor economy to pay rent. The same amount you pay in rent paid' on your own home would prove a profitable Investment Talk it ever with a realty dealer. NAME DsksF, A. A ..,.....'., . '..,, 1 Brong-Stecle Company Brubaker A Benedict,.,.. Butterwcrtb-StepbeMon Company, I do Cook ft Co., 8 Cbspla ft Herk " ADDRESS. .........213 Abingtnn SIdg. Columbia Trust Company (Westmoreland) East Morrison Bealty Co........... Fine, T, T. Co. (Woodstock)..,... Ooldscbmldt's Agency .i..',.. Bolhrook Co., g. B.' (irrlngtoa Ptrk); Jacobs -8 tlo Ccw-.... TELKPnONI Main 343; AS1 110 Kecond St. , Main and A-2r- 02 McKay Bldir. ...Wlndwr Hctgbts. Main At ,83 L(ojrtt Big.. .,6th ana Wai. Mala KA, .A.V.-., Dl. U.I. OR, A.AOa ll,,ltWvu UIVt,,.,,l,,t,MWW. w, www-v .822 Chamber-of Commerce..... Matn Jl'l ,84 toartta Bt... , . Board of Trad bhlg a. a asW1 Xtva L livtl WUII s s e - SeUwosd 671 .Mala and A-SoR$ 1 Woreeater Bldg ... ........ .....Main 830S .....148 FUtb St.... ....Mala eBaV A-8HU KocbeatBT and-Yokes. ....... ....258H Waablogton St.... (Bella Crest. Berkeley, Dover) RiUlogaworth, W. M....... ...............823 Chamber of Commefee, Kaapp Mackey T Chamber of Commerce. Keasey ft Co, D. E. (Heights property) ..Office on Heights .. Lang Hill Land Co. ..........41 Abfn(toa Bldg. . Mall' ft Ton Boratel... ..,...,.........,14 Beeood Bt. ...... Moore Inveatment Co........... .813ft Waablngtoo 6t. Oregon Beat Estate Co., Tbe. .... ............. Grand ATe, and Mnltnontsh, O, W. P. Land Co.. Immigration Bareas.Ti. Aioer eta.. ParrUh. Watklna ft Co...... 260 Alder St .......Main 4!7 Mala and A-2ul .....A-1S74 Mala 2333 .Mala and A-14TO .Main and A-27ul Soc ST. 01T(9 Mala boos Main 1044 Ralaton, I O. (Balaton HalgbU)....,.., ......American Bank, 8th sad Oak BU..... Mala 164 Summit Inteatment Oomoanr..... I2 Killlngawortk Ats..,, ...... Woodlawa 1611 Bchalk. George D.....T.T... ........ ......24 Stark 8t... ..........Main 8U2, A-2-3 Shields, J. H....... 306Gerlinger Bid Main 8430 Saline. D. C.l...... ...... ........... ......... Corner 87th and BV Belmont.. ...... Tabor 104 MOTORS MOTORS Bought, repaired and exchanged. WEIDENTHAL-GOSLINER ELECTRIC ' WORKS, 623 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. MUSIC TKACHEKS " 46 M. C SMITH, teacher of piano. 422 Sal- mon. Main 7840. riegmners specially. LADT will give piano lessons very rea sonable. 652 Morrison. Phone M. 6228. I THIKLHOKN. violin teacher. pupU Sevclk; A-4160. 384 Pine st. Main 3048 PIANO. Violin, Trombone. Saxapbona Prof. O A. Smith. 28 18th st OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAKS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on . nerves, acute and chronic diseases 217 Fenton bid. Main 8861. DR. F. J. BARK. A. & O. 207 MobawS bid.. 3d and Morrison. Main 3134 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES POULTRT KNOWLEDGE' FREE. Conkey's book on poultry for this ad. Pacific Seed Co., 201 Front at. THE BARBER ASPHALT PA VINO CO. Portland of nee, 404 ' Worcester bldg. JAB. McL WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of in surance. surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. compressed air and steam cleaning; mattresses and x earners renovated. East 80. Oll!60, J. HUNTER, mattresses, feathers reno vated. carpets refitted. M. 314; A-441S. CATERERS N. N. NONKEN, caterer, take charge of weddings, banquets, parties; etc. Rea sonable rates. 75 K. 8th. Fhone is. 1768, CHIROPODISTS A MIDDLE azed a-entleman of rood Dro. fesslon and business would correspond with a lady from to 40; object mam- mony. T-li, Journal. ASK your druggist to show you Seely's Egyptian Lotus Perfume, or send ua zno ror 4 ounce ootue. eeeiv xaanxs. Co.. Detroit, Mien. MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure all your private sezuai -aliments; aa vice free. 170 3d. near TamhUL Main 8770. WILL auto driver who took party from 228 Washington Sunday at z:sv call at No.- 2- J.4th St.. N. Phone Main 3588. MECHANIC would like to meet maid or widow lady, between 25 and 86 years of age, object matrimony. jour nal. USB Baasett's, the original native herbs for rheumatism, constipation; 60 tab lets soo, in" oiaca poxes, at an oruggists. nfAlfPV r a,Kam sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug Co.. 10b N. etn st. Main viuk. LADT manager wanted to assume oharge of ice cream parlor; some cap ital requireo. wome pnone tittB TOUNO lady or gentleman with some capital as manager for ids cream par lor. Home pnone t-iooe. THB only original, perfect Russian bath on Pacific coast and Sherman. Main 481. Corner Front MEN'S special diseases treated; modern metnons; eonnaentiax - ur. vose, izbh wasnirton st. wltli Cole, Hotel pin. set "THE New Standard Encyclopedia," 111 FOUND Place to have mattresses ren- , volumes, me latest issue, cost I . ovaiea. J. -jhu woltrlng, 848 1st a bargain. . rnone tnis evening 6ast mn-m tvoo. - i fc . TT-r-o rrl -j , J - ,1 I DAI J I O MIU UU1 g IBJ ail uses secona nana saxes ana vault LEMON Blossom for all femsla dlseasea Cures when others fall. Laue-Davts Drug- CO.. agents. INVALIDS or convalescents can receive gooa care in nurse s suourpan noma Woodlawn 888. IRENE LEJAS Shampoo and scalp treatment. 30 N. 7 th st, open from to 8. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people: circular 10c 229 H 1st ALICE HA MOT Scalp and facial treat- mem s, chiropody. 350 H Mors n. R. 15. NOTICES - 26 mi , icuuuu iiuig win wjiu T&Ull I , -1 i i , i i i M .- ,f doors cheap. Davis Safe & Lock Co 88 2d NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT "FOri 8 ALE OR REJJtT Loararlns: and holstlns- enarlnaa RAILVTAT EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st st CHEAP Showcase, two -cash . ters, furniture. We also exchange gooda 218 and 313H Front. Main 4486. - aiVJJ ACCOUNT. In the county court of the state of Oregon in and for the county of Mult- regis-1 nomah. In the matter of the estate of J. w. irorner, deceased Notice is here by given that Alton Rogers, ad minis HAMMERLES8 pump gun and Rambler trator of the estate of J. W. Forner, de- bicycle for sale, cheap. Inquire 117 U ceased, has rendered and presented for , Front, St.; proprietor rooming house. settlement and filed In this court his BED springs, tightened, furniture and ttmofn.stat.f 'ifffw" stoves repaired. Phone Main 2122 1"? 2L?" ,itrthJ "a,dKJ.WJ 3H Montgomery. Ira C. Crosby. JIn'5' ? tti 1 n ?fS2d' ltth . . " rv j . . ". .. . day of An gust, A. c, 1909, at the hour W71f0Mh?itfUSle.,u,', ot nlM 0'c,ck n the forenoon; or clfen1t0Bntoi''n Tb a Btat ? Mn thereafter as the same can be v.?"'" H ,nt Bt- ,;, hro. In the courtroom of thin court In 25 fluff rugs for sale at 780 Washington the courthouse of Multnomah county, in at, all bargains and very attractive, the city of Portland, and above men- jusin sua. A-mjt. tionea county and state, has been duly FOR SALE A njew sail boat with 300 na regularly appointed by this court square feet; In Al condition: cheap, Ul as the time and place for the - T26 East Main st - - hearing an settlement of the said ac- '." cakdies Djr.L count at which time and place any per- 'riSZri lbPlct,3307rtCHy M.Tktt' nfrasted In said estate may appear uL-ti.,, v " , " and We or make any exception or ob- , ' Q'd gold. 328 Washington yt, taent, and may contest the same. 2( . sewing machines, from 34 to 28: Dated at Portland, county of Mult- droynead. 210 to 315. 283 Grand ave. I nomah, state of Oregon, this 3th day of ma-IJuiy, a. xi io. ill. 60 Wheeler ft Wilson sewina-i . chine, all attachments. 333 R. Morr'n, RUSTIC hanging baskets. 85 N. 13th. . WANTED MISCELLAXEOl 9 0 j CtTT Tat vnilS siSkfAMr1 Baasat 4,MlnM AW. aw l- t vl e-mvMva assviial awl lllVUIV Vg B - - - j 1 1 1 - f-ora Auctionco, or you u get lesa 1 NUTlCE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ALTON ROGERS. Administrator of the Estate of J. . W. corner, deceased. - . Attorney' foy said Administrator, 414 ,oneii cuuaing, r-ortiana. or. Phones A-2446. Main 8851. WANTED W Ids Uack wagon, 3 inch tire. In rood reoalr. gill, 819 21st st. - 3 inch.! . a. liar- Ing The annual meetln of the stork- holders of the Coeur d'Alene Develop ment Company, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing yeas, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the Company, rooms 601 to 504 Chamber pf '.'HIGHEST price for copper, trans, rub- . , her. J. lyeve, l Columbia. Main 4188. SPOT cash p'd for your rurnlture: company, rooms oui to 604 Chamber or ; prompt attention always given. E. 1067 Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, on EXCHANGE furniture house. 208 1st. Auut " VEoRaP VoTitA Main 4290. , Buy and sell BeorUry Coeur?dln.F- Depnt Penneu, 345-847-1st st Main 34fc , 1 Portland. Oregon. July 8. 1108. r-ist MISS Snowden, rormerly 145V4 eth: now at Tourny bldg., room 302. A-&871. MAT ANDREWS teaches card reading. 23S th st Phone Main 7548. MISS GRANT, scalp and facial treat . ments. 201 U 3d st A-C495. BALM OF FIGS for all female die oso uiisan. aa.rn.ia uu DR. O. a FLETCHER, the people's fa vorite cniropoaist ana loot specialist, treats all ills of the feet without dan ger of infections. See him and take no chances. 805 Alisky trrdg. Main 8743. CHIROPODT ANI PEDICURINQ Mr a M. u. mil. z mieancr bldg. CLEAN LNO AND DYEING WE have 20 years' experience In clean. ing and dyeing business, 81.60 per suit Call np and glvs us a trial. Har vard Cleaning Co., 747 Northrup, near ISA. ynonea -a-onzo. main null. SUNNYSIDE Steam Cleaning and Dye Works, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1067, B-zuot. o to. setn st. IL W. TURNER, Dyer Carpets dyed a -specialty. .606 Jefferson st. Main JD18. A CLOTHES cleaned and-preasecL i.t per month. Unique Tailoring Co, 808 Btara n. - Wood COAL AND WOOD PROMPTLT DELIVERED Call Main 8787. Foot Of Curry et.' TAMATO Wood A Coal Co. All kinds of fir wood and nice coal bv auk ton. fiionaa r aia, x-asi. ti. eta and siam sis. SOUTH Portland SlabwoOd Co, Matn 2153. A-3842. Blockwood. 34760; dry Inaide wood. 83.60; green aiabwood. ti and 2-p0- NEER, ft FARR. dealers in all kinds fir anor narawooas, tie diocks a specialty, 206 Water st Main 4586; A-4647. COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS, bonded representative. Interstate Adjust Co.. Gerllnger bid. DERTS anywhere Wells Mer. we get the money.' Agency. 703 B. of Trade. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WE PAT POT CASH for dressed veal. nogs, peex. eggs, poultry. Dot tar, cheese, hldea furs. WOOL easeara. hav. grain. Write ns what yon have to sell rtupy at co.. i uoucn St.. Portland, or. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RTAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. 640 Williams ava East 4008. DANCINQ DREAMLAND Dancing Academy. 7th and Oak; open WedV-Sat; Burt sights ror summer montns; ladies rree. T: O On Buying and Selling a Baggy, Carriage or "' Run-about . What ft lift to God1 out of 4oori Why not keep t horse and some sort of vehicle ? Maybe you hart hofse tad are tired of the samo kind of buggy or Carriagn. Many people havt Just What yon want and wlU be glad to Sell at ft bargaift. Put our Ltttlo Want Ads to work. If you hgvo what you don't want, theso tame little workers will go to the very people who are looking for what you have to Sell. Xaybo on has a metutge right bow for you. Look ..... -, Read and Answer " Today's. Want Ads. : .- '. PAINTS, OIL AND GLAS3 RA8MUSSEN ft CO.. "High Standard" paint. N.K. cor. 2d Tavlor. M. A-1771. F. E. BEACH ft CO- Pioneer Paint Co. Window vlass. arlazln 185 1st.. M.1334 PAINTING AND PAPERING G. Ray LoycII PAINTING CONTRACTORS. Interior decorations; frescoeing; esti mates furnished on all first class work free. Phone Woodlawn 41. FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane. 104 Union. Both phonea PATENT ATTORNEYS R. C. WRIGHT. U. a and foreign pat enta; infringement cases. 804 Dekum. PRINTING THIS ad and 21-25 for 500 Cards. Ryder Ptg. Co., N. E. cor. 8th and Burnslda Main or6. Walker, a. T..,. ......... ....OM Corbett bldg ...Mais 68M l,."...,.a- Labbe Blag. ...... .......Ualo T834, A'll BANKS IEST M ' "-ONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. ' . I CAPITAL SUBFtrS 81.800,000. UNITgO STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREOOII. . ' Norttweat Coroat Third and Oak Btreata ' Oondncts a General Banking Buslneaa. UBAIT8 ISSUED Available to ATI J p1""' the Colled Btates aud Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections made ett 'wable terms. President , J. O. AlNSWOBTH Caahlcr B. ftC.HMh.KK Vice a-reaident ..........H. LEA BABNtS Asalaunt Caahier. ............... A. HOl , Aaalaunt Caablar......... A. M. WRIGHT GKBMAN-AU EBICAN BANK Portland. Or. Corner Sixth and Washington gta Traaaacts s general banking business. Drafts laaoed STSlIable la all the principal cities ot the United States and Kucvpe. Voat par cent Interest paid os savings ae counts. Sofa depoalt vaulta. ,' BONDS AND IXVESTM3ELNTS M OKBIS BEOTHEHa. Chamber ot Commerce Building, . Mnnlctpal. Railroad and PoMlc Service Corpora tloa Bond. TsOWNrNO-BOPKINB COM PA N Y EatablUhed 1882 BBOKEBS. II STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and oa Margin. Prlrate Wires. Booms 201 to 204 Ceoch Building, f-botws Hals 8SS; A -2887. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD BOtJTHERN PACIFIC. - LEAVING PORTLAND. Aahland Paaaenger Cottnga Grora Pasaeager Hbaata Limited California Express San Francisco Express WEST BIDE. Corrallla Pasaeager Sheridan Passenger Forest Grare Paaaenger........ Fur eat Grora Paaaenger........ forest GroTB Paaaenger 8:19 a. m. 4:15 p. tn. 6:00 p. ni. 7:40 p. ni. , 1:1W nlgbt 7:20 a. at. 4:00 p. m. 8:S0 a. at. 1:00 p. m, 5:40 p. m. Oreson ExDreaa Cottage GroTa Paaaengar. Shaata Limited Koaeburg Paaaenger Portland Expreaa AltKlVIKO PORltANO T:80 a su .........10:40 p. nu ......... : P ......... : p. sa. ll:uo a. aw WEST SIDE. Cottrallls Paaaenger ................ 8:J8 S. m. Sheridan Pasaenga ........... .10:80 a. su Porast Gtore Paaaenger.... .. 8:00 a. m. Fortat Omn PaBaenger,,M,,t,Mjti.llU a. m. Foreat GroTS Paaaenger. 4:40 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. . ' . n t i .i. av.. ttoo a. a I C P. 8. Snort Line via S not tne.... IKWt. a. Vis Seattle. Victoria ft Vaaconrer.. 8:0O p. to. Via VaneonTer, Victoria ft Seattle.. 8:1 p. as. VU Bumas 12:18 a. m. VU Bamas and Seattle 7:00 a. aa. NORTHERN PACIFIC i.iiTTNn PORTLAND. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Portland A Seattle .xpMf Portland-VanoonTer Special Pnget Sonnd Limited No. 2 Exprea....s, North Ooaat Limited via M. Bank. , 8:18 a. at. .10:00 a. m. . 8:00 p. m. .12:18 a. at. . 8:49 a. o. No. J Expreaa TK a. Si. North Ooaat UmUed Tls N. .Bank.. 8:00 p. ox. Portland ft Seattle Ezpreas.. ....... 4:00 p. .xa. Paget Bound Umlted. .............. 8:88 p. ax, VsneonTar-Portland Special 10:80 s. xo. OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANT. LEAVING PORTLAND, THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In trust; close figures, good work, 88 Russell olds:., corner 4th and Morrison. HAMILTON Print Shoo, commercial printing, 7 Raleigh bldg., Sth and wasnington sts. OGILBUE BROS., printers Cards. bTTT heads, etc. Main 1BSH. 148H 1st at PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Miss Densem lln r9quaD8 tidg. REAL ESTATES I. W. OGILBEB. real estate and. loans; stab. 18HS. itaH 1st., room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO all office stationery. Co.. 381 Stark at Tel. 107. P. D. C SAFES THB Mosler Safe Co 148 2d st Safes at laotorr nnoes: reoalra. lockouts Opened, barratns In second hand eafea SECOND-HAND CLOTHING Clothing wanted: highest cash nrlce paid. Phone M. 1851. Prompt attention. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Machine Repairing Co.. 335 1st.. M.2102 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made te order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. Thfe James i. Marshall mfg, toT new and old showcasea cabinets, store and office fixtures. 283 Couch. M. 1702 BANK FIXTURES. SHOWCASKi" BIRDHALL. HUMTT.TON PLDO. SlGN AND 8HOW CARDS sxaSsaaaMssVss roma klbxsee. itm; - irrert iin mrm, rii"iwr rn. rvi. rr. nttmm A too. SHiNS TIUT 1TRACT' PcrU4 higm C-I awe ana- -a. tta. -A-. 1 BLsl Atlsntle Express ....... Boo-Bpokane-Portland .... Chicago-Portland Special Eastern Expreaa ... 8:10 a. m. 7:00 p. to. .10:00 a xa. . 4:00 p. m. ABBIVIN4 POBTLAKTX Soo8pokan-Portland .....f......... tW a. a. Oregon Express T:20 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special. ........... 8:00 p. sa. Pacific Expreaa :00 P. na. a HTOR1A A. COLUMBIA RIVER. inn PORTLAND. ABRIVINO POBTLABfO. Aatorta ft Seaside Expreaa. Rainier Paaaenger Astoria Paaaenger d.i.i.. p.oanirir B.Me Special. Batnrday only. 8KM a. si. 1:15 p. mJ 8:00 p. m, 0:20 p. m. 8:80 p. m Portland ft Rainier Passenger....... 0.18 a sa. Portland Expreaa .........12:14 P- sa. Portland ft Rainier Paaaenger 6:20 p. m. 8eaalde ft Portland Paaaenger... ....10:00 p. xa. Beaelde Special. Sunday only 10:18 p. an. bmiIma. Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOIT STREET PASSENGER TAT70!. LEAVING PORTLAND. O T lai Wftilsl WUH. JTsiasw, Ornddallea, . WhlteSjlmoB, StDSoa, minr ana North Bank """"''a-'-.":.' far Chicago, ox. 8t Lonta. Spokaae.- "P,r Paaeo, Rooaerelt. Oranddalles, Sterenson and VsneoeTer. Vao- ... 8:40 P- xa. Kanaas City, BltartUa. Und, Whits aixBoo, Blrar Local for Vanosorer and Oa. ...V " . Colombia maa f," . ...... ,.m- . Cllffa and au rowm-J"" ''-" Ooldendale. GraoddaUea, ARRIVING PORTLAKtY. 11 trom Chicago, St PasJ. Omaha, Kansas City, St Loota, Walla Walls, Paaeo. Roosevelt, Oranddallea, Whits Salmon, SteTeBsoa, Van eonTer and intermediate sutktaa. North Bank Limited................ 90 a. m. rrom Chicago, St Pant Omaha. Kanaas City. St-- Louis. Spokana. Spragne. . RltSTllle. Und. Tasee, RooaeTelt Granddallea. Ooldendale. White Salmon, Stiranaan. Vancoarer. Inland Empire Express. ...... 8:50 p. tn From Cliffs, Oranddalles. Lyle. Whtu Sat. mon. Camas, Vascoarer, and all tnurmadlale atatlona Colombia Rlrer thecal ..........18:00 boos . Jefferson Street Depot ' . .. rM.. 7:40 a. xa, I Dallas to Portlaad. roryiQ ---- - 4.,5 m. I DmlUa to Portland . . k..ui. Portl and a portiana-v"-, a n-t a-SS. 1-n 10:10. 11:80. .A n m.. U:OU, aio. . jtms i ............. toOb as. Portl j and a. m., 8:80, 8:80, 7:80, T.aO, SO, 10U( PorUand Rf- Wgtit & Power Co. , Water ana somas " TOR OBEQON CITY. titi" The bonr snY hdfSVS ?ncTBdrD,r:W?. to 10:08. 11:05; la.t :50 rea-Td. W S-50. 10:50 a. m.; 120, Z.oo, s.oo, e.ou, !)- In? ..T: ?:4?, .""- . . 1 AH. .K M '- :. B.0 8:45. 10:40 a rn.J ' 45 p. FT) It VAW()J VgS Ticket erfles snd waiting roost ateeoed and Waablngtoo streets. A. f.-:I5. :80, 7:25. 80, SdB, :10. 10:80, 11:60. ; - :. , P. M. 13:80. 1:10, f:Bf. 2:80. i;l, 80. 4-10. 8:10, 5:50, 8:90. T.-OS, 7:40,- M, 10:33. 11:48. On third Monday ta every month last ear leavea at 7:06 p. m. rtallv HwDt Snndal,. DaflT ascent kfaaae. SPRAYING MACHINES THB HARDIE MANUFACTURING ea Manufacturers of hand and power sprayers, nniin, runs, ate xx from n., ronnnq, or. STAGE LINE MT. HOOD state line connects daily witn o. w. r. car, leaving Portland 8:45 d. m. for Boring. STOVES COLUMBIA Stove worka. rieera AU einoa or SS i:nln a-a. Eaat 8SSS. oafailaiia sad total worka, TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush. soap. 81 Per montn. Portland Laun. dry ft Towel Supply Co 8th and Couch sta fnone iaic tia. A-44ie. TRANSFER AND SIOliAUE OREGON MRAHSFEU CO. Cmner ef 8 -eats and lrriaaj sea HONES tm - LEAVIWO PORTLAND. (Utera Int. Staa. ca'---V ; Hlllaboeo-Poreat Grora local Salem let "tea. ",1114 Hlltabore-roreat Grora local.. . Salem-Tnslatln only, llxoltea Salem Int. Staa. local- Hntaboro-roreai a.i.r. int. Staa. keal. tinDJmai GroTS local..... Sales Int. Staa. local. Oregn Electrio Raflwaf Company DEPOT FRONT AXD JEJTERSOIf. HIllaboro-rorMt Otots local.. Salem Int. Stas loesl.. . . . . wnTtii int. I.1;'- Hlllaboro-roraat Groae xoeai.. 8lM Int 8:as.. local....... nillahoro-roreet Grore local., a,lm IntStaa ", ; milaboeo-roreat tirrm oci.. 8:80 a. to. ,.. 8:40 a. m. ,.. 7:40 a. m. ,.. 8:B0 a. m. ,.. 8:50 a . ,.. :55 a. m. ...10:10 a. m. ...11:33 a. m. .12:15 p. m. ,., 8:00 p. ax, .. 2:15 p. m. .. 3.39 p. m. .. 8:45 p. ni. .. 5:15 p. ni. .. B:: p. m. .. 8:20 p. m. .. 8:25 P- ax, ..11:00 p. xu. ..uas ft. xn. ARRIVINO POBTLAITO. WtlaonTllla 1st Staa local......... T:20 a sa. Hlllaboro-Eoreat Grore local......... 7 JVO a. sa. Salem Int Btaxv local... ............ SK0 a. xa. Hlllaboro-roreot Grore local... 9:85 s. B, Salem Int Staa local ..........11:00 a. xa, Hlllahoro-roreat Grove local.. ...... .11:21 a. aa. 8alm Int Staa. local. .............. 12:6 p. St. Salem Int. Staa. local. .... 1 :13 p. m. Hlllaboro-Pomt Grave local.,,,,.,., J JO o. m. HllUboro-Foreat Grora local... 2:55 p. . Salem Int. Btaa. local............... p, m. Hillabore-rorast Grore-local...,...,, 4:M p. m. Salem-Tualatin only, limited...,..,. j 6:08 p. ax, HUlaboro-roreat GroT local... 8:28 p. m. Salem Int. Staa local S:15 p. sa. Hlllahoro-Foreat Grore local.,.....,. S:10 p. as. Salem lot Staa, local...,......,..,. 8:2 p. m. Salem Int. Staa. local .......10:40 p. xo Hillaboro-Poreat Grore local 11:00 p. TYPKW'KITERS ALL. makes rented, re paired soli iT C Co.. 321 Btarh. Tel. 1487. TURKISH BATHS TURKISH baths. S M Oregonian bldg. : ladles oaya, xn " 1938.- ' , , - ' --. 1 VETERaNARLlIf fBorno aiau-. . - Eaat MT: B-1SS8. HUMANE VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Dr. Johnson. 181 lith. M. 6341. A-4287. lOI.KSAI JOUHllS C. O. PICK Trssafer ft Sujrage ue. fflca aa4 mndw a storr brick araiwa-nwa ate Iroa rokipa and ftr-proaf raults for rmk satuea; aortn-aa eorBOB. m im nae era, tni and rnrnirare mrrd aaa skd a ahloxoeot Mats SCO: A-19Q- . OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. 1...m1 , pa r, mfT mtA . 1 n- . .. pianos, and furniture moved, packed and nippeii. ivy .iita: eu main nf; tf Independent Baggage ft Transfer tjo. toraga ait biara, Mala 407. A-4K8 ' ' . TYPivn.UTKRS RENT AN OLIVER TTPEWRITER From the tnanufacturere for 33 montlily. Oa stand and ritbons fur nished frea til Ankeny. AL. 4i?4. A-ltJi WADHAMS ea. wholesale grocera manufabturers and coffee roastsra 4th and Oak sta TRANSPORTATION OPEN RIVER CO. al. A. CNST a CO. . DISTRIBUTORS OF rlNR CIOAU PORTXAXP. OB. tTEKUING ft rARBKLL, pmaeae aod eaaa. Bxtalos swrchaaia, let) great Bt- fartlaad. Or. Pbose ataln ITS. - ' AIXEN ft LEWIBSROCEKIES, TRANSPORTATION Ban Francisco Portland S. 8. Co, l Only slract ateaawr. dayllgbt tailing. " rrosn Alnswortn Bock lortlaad, t. a xo., Sk at B-oae City, Jnlr 31. Aug. 14. etc St. 8. State of California, Aar. T. From Zombardl ttt, San ITaaetseo, 11 a m Et S. Btats ef CauforxOa, July 31. ft. ft. Jtose City, Aug. 7, fit, eto. I. V. Iiiwb, Daek Agent K SOS, Alia rb eoek: 1. Roaha, city ageal, M Ibird at ktala 4v2, A-J404. , Oak St. Dock AEi,tUlv ' Phones Main 2960. A-36i7. . ranoHT riciitxd baxlt roa Lewiston, Idaho, . Pasco. Waah. Kennewlck, Wash. The Dalles And upper Columbia and Snake rtrer polnta . Steamer J. Jf. Teal leaves Portland 1 a rn. Mon.. Wed. and I rl., arfiving early at Th Dalles. Pssaengers may board etesmer the ntitt twfora cobs day Linn The steamer BREAKWATER leares Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m., !;n:q Ainsworth dock for Jforts fcund, l'im. field and Coos Bay points, i'reli I r celred until a m. on cay of ,n.:rv passenger fare, flrat claaa, 110; . class. !? Including berth and men!' 1 r quire city ticket ortlt-e. ThlrJ ana v. , Ington sta, or Alrmworia dova. 1 a Wain 24. NORTH PAGFIC C. 5J. C For Eureka, San Franciro a Angeles direct The ttcam noke nd Elder sail evcy 'i u 8 p. ra. Ticket ctr:ce ! J 'I ' -Aider. Fnone M. 13U ; . 1L VUW; 1 ! I