The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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Portland & Asiatic Company
Expect Much Oriental ,
' . .
Space for ' Flour Taken on Steamer
Rygja Nearly Two Months Ahead
' ef . Sailing r Date Henrik " Ibn
' Will Also Carry Flour and Lumber
What la looked upon, as th harbin
ger Of a particularly good oriental traf
f lev was th booking this morning Of
space for 200 tons of flour to be sent
to Japanese ports on the first, Portland
& Asiatic steamer leaving In September.
The vessel which will carry the flour
will be the Rygja, which is due to arrive
from Chinese and Japanese ports about
September C and will i sail about Sep
tember It or 1. It Is expected that by
the time she arrives a full cargo will
be In readiness for her.
J. W. Ransom, dock agent of the com
pony, said this morning that business,
as far as shipping was concerned, was
beginning to look " brighter, and he
thinks that this shipment of flour being
booked so far ahead argues well for the
business this fall. In fact, he said that
ha expected a larger oriental trade, thaJt
usual, from Inquiries that he has had
regarding ... space on the company'
ateamars. , -
About half a million feet of lumber Is
In t readiness to be loaded on the- Hen
- rlk lben, which Is due to arrive hare
in a day or two from China,, and they
expect to have about 1000 tons of old-
' .wheat flour for Japan and China, to go
by her, By th time the lumber and
flour is loaded she will probably have
other "freight to complete her cargo.
She r'11 leave for th orient about Au-
iust 17. - .
The SebaKwfIl be due tot arrive about
the time th Rygja leaves here, and a
continuous service to Chinese anil Japa
nese ports will be kept up by the com
pany, and If business comes up to their
expectations it may become necessary to
-, put another steamer on th run, , -'
. ' HAS BOUGH TRIP ' '-. .
Steamer X B. Stetson tVlth Cargo
From New York Rons Into Gale.
Th steam" schooner - J" B. Stetson',
Captain Bonfleld, which arrived at th
Columbia dock .at 11 o'clock on Satur
day night la unloading liar freight to
day. She brought up about 300 tons of
th cargo 'which cant to Ban Francisco
. from fiailna Cms on th American
Hawaiian steamer Columbian. It Is
mostly general freight from New York.
. captain Hontieid said that th part
of tha trio from Humbolt to CaDa Men
docino was the roughest he had ever
seen on trie coast, the northwester blow
ing In a frightful manner. After leav
ing Cape Mendocino, however, ha said,
th weather was all. that could be asked
for and th ship made a good run
from there. .
The steamer will go to Grays harbor
to load- about 900,000 feet of lumTJer
tor San Pedro when sh has finished
unloading her. -
.Two Lumber i Carriers, Schwarsen
," belt and Hawaii Finish Tomorrow. .',
Two of the lumber carriers wrhlch are
In port, loading for foreign countries,
'will b finished tomorrow, and will
probably leave down In a day or two.
One of them, the barkentlna Hawaii,
will go to Aukland, New Zealand, with
abouf 1,150,000 feet of Oregon fir, which
is being dispatched by the Pacific Ex
port Lumber company, and th other Is
the German ship Schwerxenbek, -
The latter has on board nearly 1,600,
0 feet of lumber, which is being sent
to Port Natal, South Africa, by tha
L Lumber -company. - i - ..-
Arrangements have been mad for th
Port of Portland towboat Oklahoma to
take the Hawaii down to .Astoria either
Wednesday night or Thursday 'morn
ing. No arrangements have been mads
as yet, lor the Bcnwanenoea.
Steamer Breakwater Carries Largest
H Number for Long Time.
- Among the passengers' on the steamer
Breakwater' from Coos Bay were "Chief
of Police Carter of Marahfleld, who baa
come up her tn connection with th
case of the counterfeiters .who were ar
rested on th vessel on her last trip
up. Captain Moorse, superintendent of
th liver steamers' on th Mississippi
for the Southern Pacific, -was also a
passenger on thf steamer. He came -up
from-Coos Bay, and. after a few days
spent her In seeing the city, he will
go on to Seattle to take In th exposi
tion. -.,' ' v -.'
2.' An extraordinary number of passen
gers came up on (ha Breakwater, there
being over 100. She also had about 200
tons of general merchandise.
A Astoria, July ' 1. Wlna v north.
. weather clear, . sea smooth. Arrived
down at 8 a. rtt Steamer Johan Poul-
. sen for Knappton. Left up at a. m.
Steamer W." B. Porter. ? v
Astoria, July 18. Arrived at 4:20 and
left up at a.. m.Ptamer Breakwater
from Ooos Bay.. Sailed at (a. m.
Steamer Alliance for Coos Bay. Arrived
In last night and left up at 11 a. m.
Steamers Klmore and Vosburg from
Tillamook. Sailed at 2:20p. m. Steam,
er Nome CHr for Ban Francisco. Sailed
. at ( p. m. Steamer Atlas for. Ban. Fran
cisco. : .
San Franelsoo, JulyU. Arrived at 8
aJ m.' Steamer Asuncion. Arrived at
' a. mr Steamer Rose City from Portland.-
Bailed at T p. m. Saturday
Steamer Cascade for Portland. Sailed
at 10 m. Steamers Falcon and North
land for Portland. - ,
San Pedro, July a 8. Sailed Schooner
K. K. Wood for Portland - .
. Tattoos h, July IS. Passed out French
steamer Bessie Dollar, Comox for China.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday; high water
' 2:10 a m., .$ feet; 2:25 p. m., 7 6 feet;
low water 8:05 a, .00 feet; 1:21 p.
tcl, XX feet. .. -
' . i.. m i . C it
i . .. - -
' Rolla Edwards and family arrived in
town this morning on - hekr way to
Seattle from Oakland. Cal. 1 After visit
1ns ths exoosltlon. they will return here
for a visit with Captain George F. E-i
wards, one or tn inspectors or steam
vessels, who Is a brother of Mr. Ed
wards. ... ' , -.
- The lighthouse tender Armaria left
. yesterday for Seattle, where she will
spend the rest of the week , In loading
coal and supplies for Alaska stations.
Dr. Prlchett of th. lighthouse board
la still in the city, but nothing definite
. could be learned as regards the results
of his trip to Alaska, where he was
looking into the advisability of using
scetyline lights In the Inland passages.
They are uaed with great success by the
Canadian government up there.
At 2 o'clock this morning the Sue H.
Elmore arrived from Tillamook, with
a large list fit passengers and general
freight ,
The gasoline sloop Condor arrived
yesterday from Waldport with shingle,
hides and empty gasoline drums. She
will go down again tomorrow with gen-
ral merchandine, -
Poreey B. Smith of the Open Rlve-r
i Transportation company will go, up to
Celllo this afternoon-to check up th
line. - . .
The time of the steamer 'J. N. Teat
has been changed and she will leave
from now on at 1 o'clock Monday,
v Cupids hav erred before, but it is
here first written where one escaped
s prosalo Jab to the jaw. ' - m.
In connection with the Intended Jab,
C. C. Rose, Cupid of the Multnomah
county marriage licenses 1. e., deputy
county, clerk in charge of the Issuing
of the' necessary certificates has been
quoted as declaring: , -
"This Job of cuplding is no dream."
And a gaunt, muscular agriculturist
from Fairview, Or., is quoted as say-
,Dill be billy-b'Jiggered if I'll give any
of these city chaps the nam and ad
dress of my girl. I lost on once that
away. .. .. - " . - t -Remembering
that mystery clouds tha
affair, the curtain rises with Cupid Rose
leaning over the marriage, record book,
?en nicely poised. Talking - to hire it
he aforementioned muscular farmer.
"Tour, name, please," politely from
Rose. -
"John Hansen," responded JTWsarm
r, "and a good name, too.'MT
. "Indeed it Is,", concurred R6se, "And
now your age." ' .- ..
"Thirty-fiv still a youngster," quoth
the farmer. -Several usual questions fol-
Dr. R. W, Anderson, president of th
North Albfna Push club, has called a
meeting 'for this evening in th fir
hall at North Albina and Kllllngsworth
avenues to discuss the advisability of
Improving, tha park recently purchased
and of the purchase of 'the lots lying
between - Jefferson high school build
ing and Kllllngsworth ' avenue. .
The school authorities will be re
quested to purchase the lots to prevent
their , falling into commercial hands.
Were wholesale buildings and store
rooms to b erected In this locality, the
rear of the store with the customary
boxes, barrels, refuse and garbage would
be piled before the Jefferson high school
and the pupils environments would be
far from pleasant The tract could be
used to ad van tags as recreation grounds
tor in scnooi. , - ,i (-
The matter of Improving the oark or
tha 20 acres recently (purchased which
Is the neucleus for a -park will be the
principal discussion '. of the evening.
Petitions hav been in circulation for
some . time and many -signatures bavs
been obtained. The ' Push chub will
endorse the petitions and they will then
be turned over ,to the . park . commis
sioners. - ' . '.i
Th residents of north Albina point
out that there have been arrangements
mad for giving band concerts in tha
park and something should be. done to
make it possible for. those who attend
the concerts to enjoy themselves at the
park. - . - - '
Wednesday and Friday mornings. This
arrangement will get her to Big Eddy
earllar, , and give them more time to
handle freight. ' . .
Twelve hundred saeas of barley and
(00 sacks of wheat were brought down
to Celilo this morning on the Twin
Cltlea and will b, here tomorrow. A
cargo is also accumulating rapidly for
the steamer-Inland Empire, which goes
Into service on th twenty-fourth of
July.' "'" '.
Th launch Eva.-Captatn Amos, broke
her ahaft and . lost the propeller 14
miles down the river yeateraay.
Th Bailey Oatrert turned away ovew
100 people yesterday for her- trip to
the Locks. -, ' . ' ;:;
Th artillery tender Captain James
Fornanre went down to , the Port of
Portland drydock on Saturday- to be
painted. She will be turned over to the
auartermaster's departmevt sometime
uring tbe week. r . ,, . - T, j
' Bfralar XJaers Su to Arrtv.
Argo. Tillamook '. . Iu! !!
Breakwater., Coos Bay . -. , , v. . , . July IS
Falcon. San Francisco. ..... ....July IS
Oeorg W. Elder. Ban Pedro. ... ,July 18
Bute of California, San Fran. .July Is
Henrllc Ibsen, orient ...........July 22
Alliance. Coo Bay..... ..July 21
Roanoke, 8an Pedro ......... .July 25
Bone City. San Francisco .......July it
Rygja, ....... .... Sept 5
Selja. orient .................Sept. II
Bagalar X.iaers 2a to 2jart.
Alliance, Coos Bay .,... ....July 17
Geo. W, Elder, Ban Pedro... .July 20
Argo, 'iflllamook ............ July 21
Breakwater, Coos Bay i.. July 21
Falcon, 8an Francisco .....July IJ
State of California, San Fran,, July 24
Roanoke, San Pedro ........... .July ST
Rose-City. San Francisco..., ...July 21
Henrik. Ibsen, orient. .......... -Aug. , 1
RytJa,-orient Sept. IS
James D. Lacey of Chicago, president
of the James p. Laeey Timber Lands
company, arrived In Portland yesterday,
accompanied by Mrs. Laoe and their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.- and Mra
Victor Thran. t They are staying at th
Hotel Portland. .
Byron Mausy, ths well known piano
dealer of San - Francisco, accompanied
by Mrs. Mausy and their son, Charles,
and Miss Marjory Mauiy, arrived in
Portland yesterday and are now at the
Cornelius. ,
Colonel C. C. Saughter. a prominent
cltisen of Houston, Texas,' is at tne
Nortonla with his daughter and a party
of six. en route to tn --exposition.
. Colonel Saughter is so delighted
with Portland that he will remain hers
a week.
'Ths Sparrow won the handicap yacht
race on the river yesterday.' th For
if Aft finishing second, and th Syna
mox third. Th Sparrow won by 1:35
actual time,' th 1:14 handicap giving
her a lead of 2:41. .
Two races were pulled off in on, th
For N Aft defeating the Synamox
by IS minutes In tha race ror-the cham
pionship of 1808, which was not decided
until yesterday.
By winning yesterday ths Sparrow Is
entitled to the handicap cup given for a
rsrlea of five races, th Sparrow hav
ing taken thre of them. , -
. - " ' ' . :
j Donovan Beats Ralgh Roe. '
-Ban Francisco, July 19. Pat Done
van, the sensational athlete of the Gaelic
club of this city, today holds th world's
record for throwing the 66 pound
weight for height At th club's an
nual games yesterday, Donovan hoisted
the missile 15 feet 3 7-18 Inches, half
an Inch higher than any previously re
corded verfonnancc. - Ralph Rose
dropped tfUt of tha event at ,14 feet 1
inch. ; - .' ' ' , , - ) -i
Strangler Wins Match.
" (Speeltl PHtMitrh to Tie Journal.) '
Stevenson.-Wash.. July IS. A red hot
wrestling match was pulled off here
Baturdsy ' between- etrangier smun or
Portland and Ed Bevts of this city, the
Strangler winning the first and third
falls. Davis took the second fall In
less than on minute. The first fall
waa won by Strangler in 45 minutes
and 15 seconds, and the third in 21
minutes. - - .
Henley Champion Here. " '
Loo Bcholes. a former winner of th
Diamond- sculls at the Henley regatta,
the claaslc event of the -world in the
single rowing event. Is visiting in Port
land on his wsy home to Toronto from
Nelson, B. C. where he won the single
sculling event July 1. Bcholes Is ac
companied by his fsther, i John F.
Bcholes, a famous athlete la his Urns,
ask Piraoui
v . i ) ii ie ,""
lowed. All were; satisfactorily . an
swered. Then: ...
, "Now the name of the yeung lady."
said Rose. . '.. ,i - v -
"What young lady?" th stranger
wanted to know.
. "Why, your young lady." said Rose.
""Lookee here, young fellow, don't you
fool with me. ' I d just as soon fight as
eat, I would. I'm a wildcat, that's what
I am. And don't you think I'm going
to give you the name and the address
and the telephone number of my girl
and a nicer girl sh is at .that I did
that once for a city fellow and lost the
girl. Why, I'd Just as soon give you
a right powerful Jab as not."
Cupid in th case bristled and was
ready to - fight, meanwhile explaining
that the name of tiie girl was necessary
to properly fill out the record. -
"Well, that's oueer," murmured th
countryman.- "You fellers don't s'pose
I'm goln' to take my girl out a-nuntln',
do you?" ' ' ' -
Then it was discovered he wanted a
license to .hunt. , , ' - 4
Mr. Rose la here further quoted as
making two statements.' First, he said,
"Golly, but that was a big fellow!" and
later, In a small voice, "Well, I'm , a
pretty husky lad myself."i
- Two new, sites for a city Jail, muni
cipal court and emergency hospital, both
further south than any heretofore sug-
gested, have been offered to Mayor
lmon, who this morning made a tour
of inspection of .the locations so far
mentioned. While no decision- on site
can yet' be ' announced, the i scales are
tending toward a location - north of
Washington street or at least not -further
south ..than the block diagonally
across Fourth and . Jefferson streets
from the city , hall. " ' -'f - ,
-One of the new sites offered Is a lot
50x100 feet at the southeast corner of
Fourth and Mill streets, priced at $11,
006. ' This tender Is made through the
Ross-English Investment company.. The
other proposed site is at Second and
Columbia streets, at the southeast cor
ner, 150 feet On Second street and 100
on Columbia. The price of this is 250,
000 and tha offer comes from the tie wis
estate. ' . -
Mayor Simon confirms the report that
the 25 foot front adjoining the present
city lall Is now offered to the city -for
0 Instead of the 260.000 previously
demanded. This reduction brings the
roperty forward aSstrongcandldate
for official favor. One difficulty in
utilizing the" present sits at Second and
Oak would be the necessity of renting
outside- quarters while tha new Jail is
under construction. ., ' . . -
Councllmen Lombard. Menefee ' and
Watkins, members -of the street commit
tee, accompanied the mayor this morn
ing in a visit to Union avenue and East
Seventh street, where protests have been
numerous - against the laying - of hard
surface pavements. The East Seventh
Street improvement has been up many
times, many, owners desiring to put
down macadam, but protesting that they
are too poor to pay th cost of hard sur
face work, while a smaller number are
fighting for hard - surface. This is a
problem for" the new street committee
of th council to pass On.
David Lamora, sentenced more than
a" year ago to spend a year on tne
rock pile, after having been; convicted
of a statutory Crime, was pardoned to
day by Presiding Judge E. C. Bronaugh,
on condition that 'he marry Mrs. Fran
ces Meyers. . Lamora was tried and
nnnirln. 1 .Uaw M lfi.i V ... . nt Man
tenoed to serve a yaar'a term in JaiH
He appealed tne case to tne supreme
court and in November the decision of
the lower court waa ainrmea. Home
time later the supreme court denied
Lamora another hearing. He gave him
self up to the authorities, and has
served about six months. The woman,
sine the trial, has been divorced from
hr husoana.- .
1 ', -'
Diamonds Defeat Hillsdale.
Ths White Diamonds of North Port
land won from Hillsdale yesterday, 12 to
10. There was plenty of heavy hitting
on both sides, but tn Diamonds . out
slugged their ownonents.
Tiny , Pinhead 1 Pimples Filled and
nurtTremendouslv--TrietJ Every
1 thing in VainHis Daughters
, - Scalp was Crusted Both Found
.MIv is a great pleasure for me and I
consider it a duty, to Inform you what
Outieura has . done for me. About
twelve years ago. I contracted an erup
tion of the scalp consisting of small
pimples, about tha size of a pinhead,
which filled after a few days with pus
and which hurt tremendoualy I tried
everything. , but in Tain, ' Finally, I
washed my bead with sulphur and ap
plied a carbolic ointment. . After a few
days ths pimples disappeared, only to
com back again in week. This I
suffered for ten years and then I saw
an advertisement in the paper of the
wonderful cures by Cuticura. I bought
cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuti
cura Ointment and a bottle of Cuticura
Pills and after three weeks I had used
only half the Soap and Ointment and
my head was as clean as ever before.
After the first application it was simply
surprising how it improved. -
"My daughter used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment for scales on the scalp and
after having used them three times her
bead was clear and the hair became as
soft and fine as silk. Since then she
uses nothing but Cuticura Soap: for
(Shampooing. , -
, "la con sequence of tut having used
Cuticura Soap for shampooing, I no
ticed that my hands which almost al
ways were cracked from,' handling us
dressed wood, lime and stone, became
white and TelTety. Formerly I used
glycerine, but one night's treatment
with Cuticura Soap arid Ointment does
more for my hands than a week's treat
ment with glycerine. I hope ail suf
fering people will at least try the CutU
cure Remedies.' , Herman Becker, Ft
field, Wis., November 9, 1908," i
v -
Millions of women throughout the
world use Cuticura Soap and Ointment
for ecsemas, rashns, itchinga, irritations,
inflammations, chafing, pimples, black
heads, dandruff, dry, thin and falling
hair, sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and
for the toilet, bath add nursery.
CuUrar Rented are KM Uiroiwhnst the wnrta.'
Potvtt Druf S Corn, Pol. Pmps.. 135 Colum.
bits At.. Boo ton. Mai.' WCv'Irwra Booklet,
mailed trea tell H you M4 to know about th
eaime ni treauaeot at llimn el Um Sals. Scais
aad Bur. ... .
In Effect May 1. 1J02.
- All Previous Rates CanceleX ' .
,: " , i . CASH ADS! - ;
15 words or leas Ho per Insertions 1 II
to 20 words, 20o; 21 to 25 words 25c
Lost and Found.Help Wanted, Situa
tions Wsnted, To Rent Ads and wanted
to Rent ads, thre insertions for the
price of two -
All other classifications seven laser
tlone for ths price of six. - '
Manicuring and Massag ads 10O per
tine, - - - - - -, -
Other than contract, 7 per counted
Una ' - -; . . .
Open spac contract to be used in 12
months: - .
1,000 lines.. .......e per counted lias
3,000 lines .10 per counted line
10,000 lines or more. 5s per counted line
All classified advertising charged by
ths line actual count - . ,
1 month ........ f 1.80 per line per men th
months., . . ... 11,15 per line per month
1) months. ..... .11.10 per line per month
-: ; , COUPON BOOKS:, :.
'Cash on Delivery of Books.
250 line book, ,. ,..!tis pr counted lin
500 line book.,.., .5o per countedtln
1000 line book...... 4 He per counted line
Coupons, must accompany ocpy, or ads
will be charged at tha regular en time
rat of 7o per lin. -v--;.-, ---
1 Should any ,'ad appear incorrect on
first Insertion, Th Journal will not be
responsible for subsequent insertions. '
REPORT promptly to the want. ad.
manager falfur to get, returns or ex
perience with fraudulent or dishonest
advertisers. ' " ' v-
The Journal's business office is open
from 7:30 a. m. to H p. m, dally, except
Sunday.-.; --.;.-.-..,. . . , -.-...v..
Phones Main 7173, 'A-6051
A weak high pressure area overlies
the north Pacific states and a large high
pressure area is central over the lake
region. The barometer Is relatively low
over the Dakota and along the east
slope of the Sierras. A disturbance of
considerable energy is passing to .sea
off the New England coast. During the
last 24 hours showers and thunder
storms have occurred in Utah, northern
Arlsona, New Mexico, 'western Colorado.
Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and
Saskatchewan, and light rain has fallen
in- the .Atlantic and gulf states. The
temperatures are above normal along
the east slope of th Rocky mountains
and below normal on the Paciflo slope
and also In the states east of th Mis
sissippi river. ,
The Indications are for generally fair
weather in this district . tonight and
Tuesday. . - .'
, ' -'" . . Temp.-- '
- ' i '. . Max. Mln. PreHn.
Dnr vnyt ur. .... in
Boston, Mass....... 8
" 40
. 74
'. i
- ' 72
n T2
' 2
- ,72
' 6!
. 60
' 60
' 80
. .28
- 0
k"1001."-' ?
1 enJ.eJ' 1 '': '
- ; ' - it
Oalveston, Texas. . . '24
Helena, Mont...... 80
Honolulu. H. I. ... 80
Jacksonville, Fla. . , 84
Lewlston, Idaho.... 78
Los Angeles, Cal.T 80
Marshfield, Or. . , . . (4
Montgomery, -Ala., , 80
New Orleans, La... 80
New York. N. Y.... 82
North Head, Wash. 62
N. Yakima, Wash.. 10
Oklahoma, Okla. ... 90
Philadelphia. Pa.... 84
Phoenix, Arts. ..... 85
PocatU, Idaho..., 8S
Portland, Or.. 71
Reno. Nevada.. .... 84
Roseburg. Or. ..... . 72
Sacramento, Cal..., 88 ,
Salt Lake, Utah. ... 84
San Antonio, Texas. 84
Sn Franolsco, Car; TO
San L. Obispo, Cal. , It
Seattle, Wash...... 68
Siskiyou, Or. ...... 66
Sitka. Alaska 58
Pooka ne. Wash. . 70
Tonopah, Nevada.. 86
Victoria, B. C 66
Walla Walla, Wash, 76
Washington. D. C. . . 84
: 0
; 0
' .02
M. Ws A. Oregon OrSp Camp, No. St 75,
Mondays Salllng-Hirsoh block, 10th
and Washington ata
M.W. A. Evergreen Camp. (466. meets
Wdnesdaysvnlncs, Aiisky bidgv. Id
and Morrlaonr sta.
C. W. DeterinsK 86, and Manr Ellen
Merrlckl 80.
. Art Kardy, 15, and Nelll E5. Paham-
dany, 20.
Rudolf Wilde, 21, and Emily Koike,
Fred K. Wilson, 21, and Maris Ross
dell, 2L
Amos Fields, over 22. and Mattie
Blackwell. over 18. ; - -
Wedding card, v. a. smith c
Washington bldg, corner 4th and
wasnington sta.
CLARKE BROS., florists: fin flowers
and floral designs. 189 Morrison at
MAX M. SMITH, florist 169 Ith at. op
posite Meier-ft Frank-a Main TI1J.
FULL DRESS suits for rent; all else.
Unique Tailoring Co.. 80s Stark st
BUROAID To Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Burgald, 869 East Sixth street north,
July 16. a daughter. i
WOODWARD To Mf. "and "MrC" James
H. Woodward, 781 Front street, July
12, a son. -;. .': 7
KNORR To Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
B. Knorr, 564 H Twentieth street, July
8,- a' son. - .:
CORMACK To Mr.; and Mrs. James
Cormack, 171 East Thlrth-seventh
street, July 14, a son.
BARTEte To Mr. and Mrs. Walter D.
BarteL 210 Benton street. July IT. a
aon. -. - . -,
RAY To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bay,
corner Third aad Harrison, June 80,
a son;
JOJAC To Mr. and Mrs. K. Jolae, S
Edwin street. July 17. a daughter.
LIE July 17. at Portland Sanitarium,
Judson William Lee, aged 68 years.
BAHLER At his residence, 141 Union
avenue, July 18, Samuel Bahler, aged
62 years, 4 months and 10 days, be
loved husband of th late Mary Bahler.
Funeral will take place from ths sar
tors of th Eaat Side Funeral Direc
tors, successors to F. 8. Dunning, East
Alder and East Sixth streets. Tuesday,
July 20, at 2 p. m. ' Friends invited. In-
lerment, ose ixy cemetery,
GIBSON In this city. July- 18, James
Gibson, aged 65 years. - Ths funeral
services will be field' at the family rest
dence. 686 East Madison st. st 2 p. m.
Tuesday, July 20. Services at thegrav
under the auspices of George Wright
post G. A. R. -Interment River View
cemetery. -
HERREN In this city July 18. at th
family : residence, izt wst lztn - st
I. N. Gilbert Herren, aged 22 years. Fu
neral services were held at the above
residence at 11 a. m.. today (Monday),
Services were private. - - - - .
undertakers and .embalmersi mod era
tn every detail. Seventh and Pine. Mala
4 SO. Lady assistant. , , : '
east aid "undertaker.
Lady assistant. B-1288: aat
781. 4S0 Eaat Alder.
J, P. Ftalcy & Sea M.aiUf
Lady attendant. Main . A-16f. '
ZEULER-BTBNES COs undertakers, tfi
Russell: East 108. Lady assistant
id'ENTEE-ERlCKSON CO- undertakers;
nay ass t. n Ainer st. tfoin ptioaeM
Phone C-2114 and A -4444.
EAST SIDE funeral directors, success
ors to F. S. Punning, Inc. J. eJ,
kDWARX HOUaXAN, uudaitaierT-li
Id st
PACTC Title & Trust CC 7he leading
abstractors. 204-S-S-7 Falling bldg. ,
HAVE your abstracts made Dy the Title
ft Trust company,. 7 Chamber of Com
LAWYERS Abstract : Trust Co, room
. Board of Trad bldg.; abstraeta a
Specialty, i -
itkh 960 Acres ,
Of -fine fruit and dairy land; some fine
timber and some improvements; only 30
miles from Portland and can be bought
for .115 per acre next week only, ..
90 Acres
In Clarke county, fine house and -barn;
fin springs and orchard; 20 acres
cleared; 21000 worth of - timber; only
22600 and can give terms, .
40 Acres
In Clarke-county, Wash.; I acres bear
ing apple orchard, 8 acres under culti
vation; watered with springs; rolling
land., Prtc $860.', v-v , ' '
, 60 Acres
In ' Clark county, Wash.; fin black
loam, on third level land; 30 acres un
der cultivation; watered with springs;
fin bearing orchard in good condition;
good barn; and lumber, for new house,
to - miles - to school and post office; IS
bead of cattle, fine team, i sets of har
ness, chickens, hogs and all tools go
for 34500, $2600 cash,, balance to suit
at per cent s;f .-., : 'iir-:o.r',
Coast Realty Co.
220 Lumbar Exchange. 2d and Stark 8t
' That's ths way we sell lots at
see. It's cheaper to llv In your own
home than to pay -rent. Let us ex
MONTHS proposition. It's a winner
for you. -"-- . ' i ,:
See our beautiful lots ' for only
1160 and up; 2 down and 12.60 a
month. - - -.
Also build homes and sell on your
own , terma No forfeiture if pay
ments deferred account sickness or
Iqss of smployment
Com in at your own convenience,
bring this sd and we will take you
out In our automobll and show this
splendid property. , ; , .
418 Corbett Bid- 5th and Morrison.
tt. A,,t J . IIVsB 4 Aani m ' Vimn
with an unobstructed view for. ( miles
uplnd oown ins nver two u
from th courthouse? House waa built
for a millionaire on a shoe string. This
house and three lots Is worth 212,000.
Come end mak up an offer, aa we need
th money.
One new bungalow, $2000. -,
..SOT Barasid sit. City, .
On th Oregon Electric Railway, ( cent
car fsre, in Portland proper, inside the
city limits, 18 minutes' ride from the
business center, all full, lota 80x100 feet
each. Improved streets and sidewalks;
lv anit mountain view unsurpassed.
no stone or gravel, all In grass plot'
prices I00 to uw per lot. nu per
fect Complete abstract of title to date
furnished' free to every purchaser. . Take
th Oregon Electric car .at Front and
Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and
se for yourself. ,A h
r oxrOxxitHnr nan, - ;
401-21 McKay Bids. . Fhon Mais 1069.
xasnro mojtbt. . r
We refer to the man who Is neglect-
Ina- to Invest In some on of tha small
farms we have for sal at most reason
able' prices and terma - Many of them
are within rrom is to zo miles or row
land.-, Alao city homes, large and small.
WhT not -seyour metier to best -ad-
407-40 Ablagtoa Bldg. lOflVa Third St
auua aiaa. - -
WEI have buyers for close In east aide
properties up to 82600. Ws hav buy
ers for good Income properties under
88000; also buyers for rooming houses
and business chances at reasonable
prices. Keystone. 212 A 11 sky bldg.
BUwGALOW, 5 rooms, new, modern,
paneled dining room, beamed celling,
beautiful Dutch kitchen, garage.- large
r-T-ch, fine neighborhood; only $600 cash,
balance like rent. 205. Lumbermen's
bldg.. 6th and Stark. - s
t room, new, modern bungalow, coat
22600; 2200 takes it room cottage,
81200. 107 Mllwaukl at. Sell wood
car. woodlawn .
FOR SALE 6 room cottage, completely
furnished for housekeeping, gas. bath,
phone, nice yard, all stock In pantry.
All goes for $250. 663 Albina ava,
Woodlawn 1480.. .....
FOR , SALE H acre, ( room house, 1
block to carline, adjoining school; ed
ucated, fenced, young, fruit; outbuild
ings. 576- .w, J. iuner, owner, wil
lamette, Or. . -
FOR BALK By owner. 2 lota, store
building, t story. 18x26. suburban
property; no offer refused; must sell
st once; Investigate; anap. Call at 126
Madison st
FOR SALE 7 room house on lot tOx
100, barn, woodshed, chicken house;
all new; cheap."- Owner , must leave
town. Inquire 1124 E. 26th at. N. Take
Alberta car.
FOR anything tn Portland reel estate,
100x100 corner. 2 - blocks from 6 mln-
at car service, 6 room new modern
house, 22400, 8500 down, 215 -a month.
YV all. x," vct.jw., .... ,v ... ,m uiu.
MUST sell my beautiful 26000 modern
- 6 room home, large grounds, loads of
fruit, center St Johns, for 82900 only,
wade rteat on nwHima pig.
FOR SAL IS A few -choice -residence
lots on east side, from 2200 up; must
be aold at once; cash wanted.-, C. Carl
son. 141 N. iwin st.
850 down and 215 per months room
new Duni.iv.i .in ii.iwnH
Realty Trust Co, 226 Vt Washington
at., room 616. . . '
MODE1.N 6 room house, 22, foot lot
street improvements In and paid for.
Price S2000. Owner, 761 Albina ave.
FOR sal by owner, a nice home, lot
60x100. 899 Height av., .between
Mason and SKIdmore,
FOR bargalne In realty aee North
Coast Development Co., 426 Board of
Trade biag.
S ROOM cottage, 2 lots, some fruit
trees, oh car lin; 21500. . Hatfield,
165H 4th St.
Tillamook Beach Journalf Watch !
NEW bungalow, 6 rooms, st improved
Terms or canp. mono .ytoiwibwh zva.
CK furnialiea home xor sai,. Vail st
24 Kerby st , . 4
V Breed Yoir
foney- .
606 Board of Trade bldg. , Phone Main
. : .','$.600
INGS, LOT 524100: 2200 CASH, BAL
Here Is a Snao
For this week; 10 acres Hood-River
fruit land, miles from the town of
Hood Rtver; all In cultivation; rasp
berries, blackberries, currants and cher-
re; a acres of strawberries; b isew
town and SDltxenbersr aDDle tree: !
room house, barn for 8 bead of horses;
good living well of water. Prlc 24000;
If taken at onoe; 21400 cash will handle.
Holbrook V Ross, 765 Alberta, cor. -23d.
r-none wooaiawn . :
Is almost found- 4n Woodstock property,
a beautiful 6 room modern house on
the rldae. "W.-W." car. : 100x100. bear
ing fruit, garden, view equal to Port
land Height, at 1-2 th pried A bar
gain, easy terms, utner gooa ouy. -
Woodstock. " Belrwood-i77.
Buys 100x100 ""near Woodstock carline.
balanc 110 month at 6 pr eent; price
1600; 01576 for cash. Call at Carl
Hermes, ' Mgr. Woodstock Realty Co,
oirio z block ast, Vt diock soutn xrom
WoodstocK station, open nunoays.
Whv work for others when, we ean
give you possession of 20 acres of the
best land in th famous Klickitat fruit
belt at 135 an acre? Only 5300 aown,
terms on balance.
622 Worcester Bldg.
22600 takes a rars little bungalow on
large lot, improved street near Haw
thorne ava.; fireplace, beam celling, pan
eled dining room.- plate rail, modern
plumbing, gooa basement; only tuu
cash required. W. M. onklin Co.. 407
Wells Fargo bldg, or 1046 Hawthorn
ave. .
Cheap Lots
' This week you can get some as cheap
as Ills; near Dusy AiDerta st.
111 Chamber of Commerce .
or 27th and Alberta.
Don't Buy Real Estate
Until you hav consulted the Summit
Investment Co, 122 Kllllngsworth ava
They hav th bargains on th Penin
sula and will give you a square deal
Phone Woodlawn 1617. - ' - -
1 acres, house, barn, rood garden and
about 60 fruit trees; stream of water
runs through tne pisce. near roruana.
west side. Miller, 416 Chamber of Com
COSY 4 room $7&6 bungalow -on-fin
60x100 lot block of M.-V. car; native
shade; Bull Run water; good neighbor
hood: high, dry and. healthful: you can
pay 4tu oown. an mommy; iuii price,
only iu. eee coruana nuraee v.o.
94 Morrison st
1. r,mmm Mra 11 1 AA HnmY
on Atnsworth, west of Piedmont, lOOx
loo, f !.. w ooo lawn in.
Make Me an Offer
For my new modern I room cottage, 2
blocks to car. Owner. 242 E. 76th st,
or 40 E. 60th St. Montavuiai
6 rooms, lVi stories plastered house,
facing east, 14 blocks of Alberto car;
lot 24x102; to go at 21200; worth 11600.
Inquire at 1141 Vernon ava t
I AND 10 acre apple orcharda Kasy
r terms, low prices. Best thing on th
market today. One year's crop will pay
for the land, so lAimoermens oiag.
5th and Stark sta
. .1... fm t . land tn awillthrtl lTM
gon for sale at a bargain by owner. Big
money xor cnviuutaia. : ,. ,M.t-wi.
H-108. Journal ;
A SNAP. . i
- A business lot for sale by owner In
Bt Johns. Any reasonable offer win
b accepted, k-ioi. joumat
FOR sal by owner, cheap, beautiful
new 7 room new oungaiow on1 fort
land Helghta; 2 block from car. . Phone
Main 7877.
FULL lot. cement walks, paid;, water;
8560; payments; restriction. Zells
GossStt. 7 W. Killingsworth, St Johns
MODERN 4 or 7 room house, a desirable
home, nu cun payment, oaiancs
monthly. - Owner, phone Woodlawn 179.
Dcimcll 4& Parfceiry
Real Estate.
Room 288 C of C
FOR SALE, by owner, cheap; 7 room
house. 484 Marguerite st, Moota-
vllla. Phone Taoor izt.
FOR SALE Houae and corner Tot" on
' Alberta carline; good business lo
cality. 1047 E. 14th st 1ST.
tsSO huvs 4 room house end choice fix
100 east front lot block from . Al
berta csr. owner. io ti. uta im,
FOR t SALE 102x100, cleared and
fenced. Inoulr owner. 1145 E. 21st
NICE 6 room -cottase. lot 60x118, for
sale by owner. .Call 289 Morris, cor
ner willisms.
INVESTORS, go to the Owners' Realty
Assn. - Buy direct of owners and save
com miss! on. ios ADington biag
FACING river, native trees, exceptional
view, 6ellwood car. Iecompta Phone
Sellwood .
LIST your property wltjj Steel at Co.
, J15 Morrison st Phone Main 2143,
Tillamook Beach ?oZs?ttti
22000 7 room house and lot modern,
west slda Inquire 242 6th and Main.
LOAN'S on real estate. Hanlinir, Reyi
nolds, 813 Chamber of Commerce,
WE TRADE anythlne;. 11. K. L-e Uo,
. til Board of TraJ. Mala tail.
' S iv ' ,
Beautiful new- ,7 room , tu-to-dst
bungalow, full lot, fine view, tiy
tn, near car; ;'300, , j .
Four room modern bungalow, 3 Work
to car, best plumbing; L'pton 1 ai k ,
218002200 cash.
1 story 7 room house, Kern lark.
blocks to car, 81300, terms.
New 4 room house, woodstm-k,' block
to car, full plumbing, lot 100x100; 2-4 j'J.
212 Allsky bldg.. cor. Sd and Morrison.
Tbe Best ca tHe Peninsula
100x100. beautiful building site, large
Royal Anne cherry trees, pears, plums,
prunes snd grapes, all bearing, building
restrictions, graded street and cement
walks. Bull Run water all in and paid,
unobstructed view of Willamette river,
4 short blocks from St Johns carline.
close in; price 82800; easy terms; worth
dousle the price asked. Summit Invest
ment Co., 12s Kllllngsworth ave.
8old in small tracts on the Install
ment plan; nothing like this before; ev
eryone ean buy. - Call and se th Tim
ber- cruisers Land Co., 16 Board, or
T.rade bldg. ' '
FOR SALE 4 foot wood delivered at
residence, the following prices: Oak,
26.60; old growth fir, 24. 76; second
growth fir, 13.75. Kirk Hoover, 813
Water st Phone Main 7461. A-6446.
400 - acres i excellent - ran ire. well
watered, 275 acres level land, balance all
gooa sou out roiling, improved rancnes
adjoining,, , mile from school. It miles
from .Vancouver, 6 miles from railroad -town..
This would pasture. 200 head of
stock.'; If you are looking for a money
making Investment do not fail to see
this place. Price 15 .per acre; cash. ,
Citizens -National Bank bids'-,
Vancouver, Wash.
Splendid 5 Acre Tracts
We have two 5 acre tracts close to
Troutdale crossing on ths O. W.- P. .car
line. Both on good county ' road.' 3
minutes' walk to car. One tract Is not
cleared. Price only 21250. The other
tract adjoining this hss 3 seres cleared,
small house, larae barn and good well.
Price 31850. $600 cash will handle
sither tract, balanc to suit.
" S acres, S minutes' walk from Gates'
crossing Off O. W. p.. 10 cent fare, on
f ood roads,' 2 acres fenced and. in Cul
ivation. Price 21550. Terms to suit
326H Washington st. room 204.
HOOD River fruit landa limited; apples
can be ahipped anywhere; the price of
apples Is continually advancing. Or
chards now net 2500 to 31500 per acre.
Can be increased each year. Orchards
that are selling .for 81000 per acre will ,
bring 82000 par sere within two years.
We have all kinds of landa from logged
off to highly improved tracts, at prices
from 280 per acre up to 31500. Call
on us for complete information.
232 Chamber of Commerce. .
FRUIT lands In the famous Hood River
valley, send us your nsme and ad
dress for our Hood River booklet on the
Vanderbtlt orchard land company's tract
of 1006 acres platted to 10 and 20 acre
tracts; will be sold on essy terms.
232 Chamber of Commerce.
ON the threshold of Portland you will
- find Primrose Acres; must be seen
to be appreciated; 1 and 2V acr
tracts, 3550 per acre and up; your own
terms; Primrose now being graded and
walk built from Multnomah station; de
scriptive matter and Information at
Queen Investment Co.. 410 Falling bldg
.WE have some attractive buya in Port.
Board or Traae Diog.
600-ACRES stump land for 111 per
a-cre; right in midst of farming eom
munlty only 4 miles from river and
railroad." N-110, Journal.
6 and 10 acre tracts on Section Line
road. 2260 an acre: adjoining tract
sold last week 1400 aa acre. Owner.
Phone Main 6807.
22 acres of land In Yamhill county to,
trade for Portland property. Improved
or unimproved.' Phone owner. Woodlawn
203 or Woodlswn 1663. '
FOR SALE 3 room houseboat sll fur-
l 1 . . n J In mnnA nnditlon! Will
exchange for vacant lot Phone A-153 i.
FARMS, ranches and acreage of all
Ball at Ebner. 431 Lumber Exchange.
FOR EXCHANGE 40 acres for good
rooming house; no agenta. N-187,
YOU can trade any kind of properly
ax loiv nonni vi x i tmp.
: wa5kted--real: estate s t
t tT nin.rt with ua: vt sell for
you In short time for cash. -
nXr.Y ivn OTTrv-TC!! HirAT.TY CO C
ruA A A- - . .
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
rUnh'V. homes and building lots our
- greatest need we can sell them.,
tioara ci i rau? mug.
WANT corner lot or 2 , lots for o
3800 -er-- siooo apiece; goon uw
nt air.nia-. must b bargain. jL
LIST your property with Real Hea
Co.. 622
w orcefter
AA ...t. 1 ,ur. buvs I -
acres, only 8 miles from Woodland.
Wash, 20 mues norm or "
N. P. railway; soil rich, land well wat
ered, close - to school.' covered with
i w mail tlmhcr! when cleared
pru.n w.ii . . . . . . , -- -
would make fine dairy farm or. suitable
fw r'."'? "1"
FOKfI-Al.Ktt jimrin nwvi. .
. 1 1 arAttAimnA Wuh hut In
a mim .. -------
sight of the town, cruise 3,000,000 feet.
for fiZUV, II xniB Mm nwi " v.ib.h
where will you find onet, . , . .
. i- . aa riii au.ll a M ari-e farm.
half Improved, new 6 room house and
furniture goes with It level land, on
county rosux, a mim srvm . i.-., .m..
O. ti. 1 rN r.. wuwii.nui . w " i. .
We have the finest collection of larg
and small farme in Clarke county.
.hlM, w will be r leased to take yo
Out to see. These farms are near th
electric carline and not rar rrom an-
eouver. All tne new ranroaas , are
heading for Portland, through van
eouver, and any of these farms wlu
prov a fine investment
aiunmi v. .7 at
230 Stark st
Vancouver office. . 712 Mala st.
130 acres, 15 acres in cultivation; fair
old hous and barn, good Prin; J""
well, between 700.000 and 1.0uu.0m fet
of good timber; this land Is all fi
farm land; surrounumg lani m e-m
for 20 to 3100 an acre. Look tin '!
and you will find it a snap. 6 nil"
from'oreaon City and. 2 nules from
railroad station. PrUe 33M9 an aer
32400 cash, balance at 6 per cnt
E. P. Elli:tt & Co,
Stratten BMf., Oreron Cty,Qr.
Farmers, Attention J
60 acres. 4 acres cieHretl. -"' i
Ings. Bee owner, 12T6 K fr.
Tabr 161.
60 ACRKS. 5 gonm.i I
cleared, new riNirn hii
real transpnrtatlim; otUi
an t
acre; ror quirn
of owner; two-tluria Cu
Ostrar .'-r, Wii.ti.
Tillamook' i!e2ch j'.v