THE JOURNAL ag, I.VDEPKNDKNT KIWSPAPfa. c a. Acrsos....... ..Pablfckee PabHabee every amine iexeept 6B!a) and every SwMiar moraine at The Journal Bnlld lo, nrta ana XtmfclU streets, Portland. Or. Entered at tlx jwatofflce at fortlsnd. Or., tor trsnsmUales tbnuura "Jx aulk a eeeoad-elaae Butter. . ' . -. -- 7 TELEPHONES MAIN TITS. BOHB. A -9051. All departments rmchtd by tbM Bomber. Tall th eperator the department 70a want. Bity-my require; th Waters tltat Hrered. The leaks had been stopped. A very large number or people are wash these shores teem f with fish I The waste was shut off. The city's going, and all should be acooramo- iaai win, some day be the food of supply was ; conserved vby saving dated as well as possible, every nation on arth. Nothing J thirteen fourteenths of the water the ' : that nature has to give is lacking! place had been.'- using. The pro-! The rest of the world will warm- 'COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SMALIi CHANGE In M6XiC0. -ftfid it. in all WltViln r3oh I nrlflfni fa nArfAf-tlv 9a9t.A a,lW t f 1 ivmnotMaa wHH ih'm Pltt n "ft . A of those Who know how to extract meter arrangement, for it li mRtinr Greece as tealnst Turkey " The ..t en , WMn Uk,n a yacatlon this It from ffl ft Jttf V Anvfrnnmanf nA I lSfm lAaa than Kaa 11 TV.v I nnf a9 i'clanf alAnnMa a fMflAA I . r m -we a UMU1VUV I - KUUU WAV A - J. UfI O UBO I A01UAAVS, OIVUgUIU V Vj A VVU I ' S . . to concert It Into commodities of been a saving both to him and to and belongs to It by- geographical noSii mnt ! p-: Furnish cars commercial value and utility." : jthe city by stopping the waste. (historical and racial . ties. V Turkey 1 .. ' ,.,' Mexico contains Immense and ap-l . woonsocket ' has no waste, and U Incomparably stronger than Greece debt in a ?p . some or lta big vHTvnuj mexnausiiDie peas or coal, me average per capita consumption and can no . doubt, whip the little I , i i. on ... . I . . .. . . . . . v . ... .1" Th ruler of Pat-aia mat? ai' .nnDnnni miiKciTiTm i '""b Diij m ucBBiiuisiic preuxc- i 4 khuous. iueieneas uenver una arcniDeiaro or eariv civilization ana i in - ck.un ' . uKiuii Mil - " I , . - - - - - "1 7 ' I " ' - T . I J . Brnfimi. c.r iw. Rnmrirt Baiidinc. viuus uai me worm s coal supply I waste, ana tne average consumntion or Bvronic. song, but the nowera I ' ?iM?f,tb "w w-08 Bo" wilt soon be exhausted. Our fatuousjis 800 gallons. : Doea any thinking should make Turkey keep her hands Lament'" tS to,Sajr 7 be,the gov Boiidin. Cbieaco. v. I . : j m...i... j w .. ..i. . I ernment tomorrow..- - l wtsDuii icvniu uuu uaio aujr uuuui auuui waica I vll sua let vreie g wurs 11 uJ- .tbaryi Jf "0,!?! deIoPment of these mines and the h the better system' for Portland? longs. Mtariraa. a. td. lurdy a Co, m rieat progress of the United States by put-lis It bettor to have a system of me-i JaSaib. SiJt'T" a"rn"n,eot ting a prohibitive, duty on coal, so tered economy, or a meterless one Better rruiC published monthly auroes; why not for the water T " ' ji,-.' n;J; ,. a 1 a... . i.' --..- Men who itood by AMrich or Cannon that our coal barons can plunder J of reckless waste? Since the per (at Hood River, as everybody knows! should not ta reelected to oongres itoBlTi'STSL?.ri Ameriean consumers, but thls will I capita consumption Is more' than by this time, becomes better Better . . I Ka a a j . , ! 4-1. . j ..In iil . 1 : . i I -. . . rurj - , . dailx, ,t, 1 uv "-uus ouuw uaA uu ihciumui unco uuim as great in unmeierea 1 il. wiiu eacn succeeding issue, me 1 etue Monday, ' maybe wt w ...5.oo 1 os oo.... .so i coai in unnmitea . quanuties win as m metered cities, how long would July numoerfbeing larger and nner zwurwina. ' . bumdax. 1 come AeroBs the line if needed, with a complete system of meter In than, any of Its predecessora. ffo- f weren't Intending to go to Se- youd better (w rwr. , DAltT AND ST7NDAT. .KM t One awnta. . .05 'Thav'll all hau. i 1 j ... but a femall. revenue-duty, Jf any," to Portland postpone the . day when body who raises or. Is Interested In j the next 20 yer that Portland wa be paid, to supplement our own out- Portland will be compelled to build fruit, and especially In better fruit, j 6 ?n. ?ctiy the right place. yuv ouu jiiuiec. uu. uiij mmu'pui-iuuiuuuu;uuuu prucureu, interesi I can auora to oe wunout ceiier lionalre coal barons but the people carrying pipe lines to Bull Runt , I Fruit OREGON SIDELIGUT8 La'Orande will have a $ 10.000 cold storage plant . . . .' a a ..... . - . f. More Minntaota people have 1 pur chased orchard lands In . Rogue . River valley. ' a ' a ' Weeton normal" school building has beer? gutted and the ' furniture sold la WaU,a Walla. . . , m . -A A 'chair In Prlnevllle was made by some aoldlors at -Camp Folk, on Squaw creea, an labs. r .1, ,? REALM FEMININE, D , , Discretion of speech Is' more than eloquence; and to " speak agreeably to him with whom we deal Is more than to ; speak In good words or in , good order.FrancIs Bacon. -a ' THE TOURIST CARAVAN from their extortions. Iron la also found In two Mexi can, states, and a profitable steel In dustry, is in operation in Monterey. The mountain slopes of the Cordil leras are heavily timbered, . largely with very valuable-hardwoods. Oil wells are becoming a. valuable na- D" T tionai Rt Th rtu i I mncn n a day one of mammoth proportions. - Ag A THE LOOT OP CITIES; WRITER in the Technical World Magaifne . asks: "Why la It that a man working for a private employer can accom- Tanlcfoot Br Miles Overholt. John 'YI11IT mav 1va m. 2f!t,ithey. Tant .because of their smashing windows, but It Isn't likely. a The tourist tide la on and will grow S,h?.ni3rV.--f,0B- tht Crater lake read la built, Jt will double on that account a .a.'. . Evelyn , gets 500 a month. butof a. w o raniria , wnraj b)bku uii Liiaa ai a tniirsisa is aaan's . . it . . . . ona desert last Monday, says tlie Loa-I noor chhrl hawa an .Ai fi k L1?.-? Angeles Times. Anyone who visited I on this pittance? co Dllsh more than ' flovon ' tlmaa u i the Arizona .-desert' at this time' of the aa a j, I year win readily siiaae jianaa witn inei ; eaiem journal: Now the lawmakers as a man doing pre-1 -nim.n ,, h ort.NDMt. t.iiri , i:. ii..,."wn,e. ciselv similar work for the rltaf I ed auerv "Who wantia to be a cameir i lng to - for( th.; n.V.n.. . " - 1 ijiih 1 1 1 inn in Tin it ri . iirnnnrfinni - a ir I - J v. .... . . , . i . r - w .vuui-ta JhrtHB DEAN of the University of rIcultural . poeBlbllitles. . . including work done for the ea.-, Itry l'I differt life! TT!- V"?, 1 .Missouri is coming to Oregon Doth temrerata and troDlcal onefcuy cost een times as much as we come into the world when we are nvhen the Torwita Are Gone:" walls to spend his vacation In fish-Z? i.!! the same quantity of the same kind M" - i -.i l v. 1 1 o v. 1. iuu- 1 , . . 1 --- "y I --i-ra oe ireea. ana rueL inn ihti iu6 , BunuiiK. . , unual increase In the railroad" mile- , wr private em- on w roruine . goai ano ran oown and blrda. and all that, 7-, h: t 1 . , I change our clothing. Wears only on I The mayor is not favorably dlsnnaed most answers mignt truthfully be: I our way to the tomb no matter how you I to the nrorosition to It lsnt SO--to that extent." But liStJK 1d. J1L,ild,t?vi I f.hd an, hour..' -.But it would not -make fhe Power of the lo., . I ID you ever 'ston to think , hat would happen if. Without warn. ,,Jng. all the pins of every kind in the world were .f to dlsaooearT .. .""""iinouB - ghaBtty. : 'skele 10ns long held at bay by ploa would C : . J ""n in broad daylight to flaunt Peat bliaht-la 'Douala. county? then HfUlV tor? .Hhe-eyes of our' a fruir Inspector appointed;, but better '' afarest - mends lovers. ' A late than never, - - - - - 'em'nine world bereft of pins!, . - - J perchance it would be a beautiful Man f rom . ftaat with two married 1 "Prlng day of tth unrt whixh mov n daughters and families, 15 persons. I womankind - blossom out In oroverblal bought farms In Cove neighborhood., J purple and fine linen, . Prat! tha Salem'!, i' well betted 'town: there nM"' Fl": ware practically no drunks, and very tral s of hata rirXU T llftle Tttolsurous conduct durins; the behind v-.S' ar1mnt. nd hair loft whole- three day. of .the iCberry fair, nlna: In the twinkling of an aye the boasts the Statesman: . marvelous ; coiffures f today reduced wai-aningieaa masses of "switches" and "rats", and "DuXfs"1 - Revelation. Team hitched to hay rake near Hat Vf boy that perforated his ey ran away: ooy cauitni unaer lines, 1 -viinownif; 11 is moment of su ini uerioraioa nis ooav in "over iu kwu iriumon r places wnen .... ''7 "W-m UUW wisp of hair that WMtnn 1MAdrf Tr la eanortarl that I allv aenlr wwZJKt. rr5.'.?"T """'"!' more bear have been seen-this season 1 baldness. Think of the croud ertinJia ' jerforated his body in" -over 100 Pjeme triumph foi the plain sleter with ! rmrn-Uffcenee'w MnMrl ,Mk rfA n.giAV will MIVIVAF I ItJt.- I. v . i f10 V1" - W CiUtH ' - : m , , - - ... -wij . Al LriB ill L I m wiin fF Ita . i . ' : -' . ' 1 "8.11 V err a tar K a. .js - a n n M.H B Aaaau, tfm' . V. . kaabaa - at iWa I TH Bwtl IlUa-. ft T !f . , '". ul I it """Mwy reaucea to mere shadows of Umatilla. -Not -long ago 45. were count- their former beauty trimming all ed in one day. During the brief ah- pinned on. Can't you see the sadVaru senoe of 'the herder, on caused the inas of aklrti .niJii.1,," on certain facts ascertained by the New York bureau of municipal re- elation of Agricultural college presl- Lge, and transportation , facilities dents is to hohMts ; annual session Imnr- Ja k- aw Inifrt ,and,aJf,ng W,T ih,Sr the government keeps itself In a led.,rgnlsu.'Ud,tlie'del. po6ltIon to control every principal gales wl l spend their vacation sea- raroad , the connt son on the coast; All over the Th tTnit star. 1. east there Is a riovement of tour- there 4re lir,t opportunities .onough 'earch; ong tem these: Rubber lsts In this direction. Portland ob- v .a , v- bose that would have cost other nnr- servation cars are now taxed to . ac- wm inhibit it for decades to come p?"6? 196 cost tne - A w ,;' ";- , J . in a" Nnder wise,. patriotic laws and ad- c c,cg repairer was paid at the 1 a. i luistration--but there are abund. ' " 11,0 per iour. . ine city . h?v ??t?vE"rf,pe n?1" f7 are t,re ant opportunities too on either side PW 70 cents apiece for wardrobe of It Their time Is their own and 0f Us, In Mexico or Canada, for any ooks soldto private purchasers for they seet diversion in seeing the who cho08e t6 ca.t .g-tha,. ,ot wftn 6 cents. Gas mantles, sold at retail 1 atAaM rgra. A v-.AV a) -. wvwu. . are ..en xor piacea 01 those C0untre8, iu wmcu iu spena tneir this writer waa r..inr hi. .na.tim ir."", 'uB". " l"" fcM"' " .''I'uory on mm to rise an .hour - - - - - " M4H WVRWIVU I AV'W AIV11I kliTI gltUt W VVlUVt I 9BI 8AFETT RAZORS. time and money. . j- Visitors Of this kind are a large commerciaLjisset1.LiThe-pnce1 abanr Jdoned farms of New England have become profitable from the expendi tures of those who hurry from. the SEEKING CLEOPATRAS IHOSE at 20 cents cost the city 40 cents by wholesale. Forty-five cent brackets cost $3. A piece of ground assessed at $4300 cost the city $247,053., It 1 Tacoma,- which all people like, grows Net long ago tiaureiy if not very rapidly. PoIk7a dl. was presented with riory anves n a population of 116,000 a safety raaor by increase of 7600 over the estimate a hub who, x navel" ,. . , ,, v me with an undy- L,T,hA 5?.P?1"tl?B f& Sk",v.?0'fd'n in a bate. Thel .. inis is sus- raaor.-- hi-- said! j Ef clous No odd hundreds and fraction. fa-? -I ."J thrl.?ma?"Ue-rr " U b? "'00 face, and ao far it a a. iitl-1-.Sf:-OW-w.asiir-ialta Madeon. wll! Dromlae made for ... to fLrve even years In the pni promiae made for tentlary for marrying a score or more ll- " naan t cutlwarnan. hut ! him n anything. Safety he has had. " " appliances are al- M ad- .a a .Ua. 11 I ZSr .rt"I W"?It..oId. man Weston! . Of . " " waiaara na s me Deat un. Conal(1arln WHO go Tout for Cleo- cost the city $8.25 a load for haul- rt.lif7oV.a?.tvr band. -: H. patras have their tronblesV The ,nS "rt that a private-citizen could m?f ?f m0M' nu.ker apyway.jmdJ W o bionuil hii man In the hospital with a bul-?t hauled for . $1.45. And so cpTmti. .?.?J1 H??4 of th ProP stand- he blundered-he walked from mighty pin. but a 1 r fKvAiia'li iiU siK4AmA. throurh a Inn or lint cities for a summer In the country, now what he did not know before This Is an extreme example, per- "States mi 1 I?PtJL n"" gthm to the golden sundown town, - , , is a greater is her dwindling Bermuda farmers and gardeners are sailants shot Mm. That thv tood i absolute and undisputed sway, as ilcAlc..ed J! LJj.yJ-' 1 n11 continue but 1 have a.sort o' iikin' for the 01 . - . . . 1 - 1 . . . -.v. wucrurv me Hifiv raaor. until t ... " checked. That is why I shall contir?u Bni qp ta MnuiM . .. t 1 t . . , . . - . . almost abandoning their former over him for a few moments as he Tammany has In New York. The Re- ona that is'not liffYcuit to 30 tnnrty business of growing vegeta- writhed in agony on the pavement. Publican gangs in Philadelphia and uiea ana imiia IOr tne wew yorg andi we know. That they crept upon thaoiner c,ue8 ao mo same, lrr greater uoain vi a uarm -oi anmu. , uwKoanas; pettlooata hanging: torn - . ' - - .rnfflaa-dragirlnt:- seams rent asunder. Agness correspondence pf Gold Beach and cherished wardrobe secrets ruth- Pagle supposed to be "sarkasm"): Our ,e""y dlscloaed to public viewT streets have this week been crowded al. - ,-.-- most to the point of congestion whll , "r ,50ur8 this is only a dream, but the lobbies of Hotel Rumley have been uen t the .mere contemplation of such ao Dtea as 10 necessitate ine noiamar 1 r. v"'"""jrvuw your aDDreeiarinn nr. Of manv tannortant eonferencea of mlnIJft humble pin? Pins Were enaraa mrA e pin? Pins were scarce and If the people Wnt a railroad 1 rnera and capitalists in the open air. I PruPt11 paper during the Revolu ' - a. a V. Jt'on but what would one stray panel ..--'. ' - . lof them be worth n . . i 1 01 lant nnnntv raaiiv i- : v . " iiiw to the coast thev Bhouli ",K"?.,u"(:.,i"e" ! "'or,t to a row . . . - i. 1 fB wuuki () niB.nnina niavn unei say so by tbelr subscriptions to the hona aro when "thi .,n'-,?.I1r' Stock of the comnaiiT that purooaea to I JrJlUn 5?' P?!1 V". rl.d. and allwas go-right ahead and build it, says the to ivi their " wi2 7jJuK? "i?"1 Guard! The only way to secure a rail- p?n?hence tba tlJZZ XtlJL? road is to aet In and throw uo the rrade r?Tn"ct n? . T'n. money - and lay the ties and rails.,. 'r.,; "The";in"haV.r,K"T. .V'. ' ' ' ' I Eac,t to, the garden of Eden," says the' " The pillars of the foundation of the I Beientlflo American; "and its prototype new Crook county , courthousa were Mn nature ia the thorn." u found ta h tinalnr outnH and altn. I US that tha moat attKluit mi gfther loosened from their back walls, historic man. are found accompanied bv ao that prykig away the latter could be Pins made of bone, ivory, bronse. cop easily done with a small bar, says the par and iron. The pin. you aee. Dag Review. It is thought the architects' had Its place in woman's life from Eve mistake In puttina In. too llaht pillars down to the present dav. ... can -be remedied at-no great expense. I. 9 course .we are not superstitious. a I out we cannot reslsl picking up Dins un tne points toward us. How many company to run no more log- on the ,tira an Z-Zt JZZ wer yi?n Willamette river, says the Euaene Rea- S"? w PKked P ao-flrm ister. It is a treacherous logffln- LS"?, w "J c0m9 stream and they have lost many loaa Iv ..A,P.po"1'neht s?t?.- of today so during their many drlvea, and now that following mZ KO Luck they have railroad connections. -they will Pii iiii?, J2Vd h,r be able to supply the Wendllng and f2?m.A i-H.i'v0 ,Der,- the Springfield milk, by rail. ffiJ&XJ ,k , ' . ' Uh.tato lo hairpin is to -riiie a Toledo., aava the Itarlar. la annn , tn I frlan i -.. ' have . electric lights, a creamery, cold I The tiairnin Kae tun knmn 'tA. iL. storage, etc. a better water system", and to hereto heights outside the regular In fact wake up and get there. Toledo sphere of lta usefulness jut a plain baa long been asleep, but is now being wire hairpin too. At the very busiest aroused Into activity and will endeavor time of day. In a middle-west city, ona to keep up wjth the other towns in of the fuses In a streetcar blew out. ireeon. nw veopie are coming Jn on I The motorman hunted In vain for every train, and" a larger number than t proper material with' which to make the ever before are locating here. other markets and "are waxing rich embankment to view him aa he stag- or ,eM degree. The party name Is out of tha tourists that annually gered to -a1 spot where aid could be nothing but a mere device to .get the visit that district.- Half the popu- had we know.' That 'a family Is necessary votes; the purpose Is ; latlon of Europe looks to American heart broken over this frequent In- Pander. , travelers as a large factor In their cldeat of human life, we know. Why la it? When will the people r subsistence. It is the capitalisation But all the rest, for the present, of clUea And out how to stop this vi ner scenery mat nas maae swit- in blank. It Is mystery for which enormous loot, and do it? ' , serland one of the thriftlest'of coun- the explanation is sought The hour J Mayor Simon and his advisers and tries. Parts has spent $265,000,000 J was one when all but policemen and J assistants, if is reported, are mak "and Is to expend as much more in belated buaina nonin nhnnM h ing inaulrles into municlnal exDendl beautifying, herself, and expects to been at rest from-, day's honorable j tires, with a view to shutting off recoup the sum by capitalizing it as j toil. There Is little to call men of I unnecessary expenses, and in this 1 an attraction- to . tourists. ; There proper purpose to the streeU after ta8K they should have the cordial : 1 areulties inrCalif ornia,: Iros Angeles midnight. ThemTilr- lessto call 8nPPrt of every, taxpayer and good -among, them,-that-practically exist women. there. There was as little citizen. To do this does not mean -on commercialisation of , the visiting for the two men who" were out with tbat the expenditure bt large sums . population. ,s It Is . stated on'what a loaded and concealed revolver as 'or improvement and development Is aumuniy inai vaiiior-jan incident to their business. The not necessary, uonesty ana econ , nia's revenue from tourists Is greater whole occurrence was a violation of mT ,n municipal government do not uiaH mat irom any single industry i the canons of orderly living. Men I involve niggardliness or fogyism. in tne state. . - and women who adhere to those Let the motto be: Millions for The commercial value of visitors forms : are rarely if ever mixed in honest improvements; not a cent or is not merely the sums they spend iaurh rwMirrnra Thuu' 1 graft! In traveU ; Many of them invest in hate them fill Uhe newSoanera everv PTOerllJaodsjiandstries. Qth-JdaiLwIth stories of- homiHdA and The American vice-consul at era buy bonds securities "and city tragedy. Those who Beek tho CleoH Yolctfliania rePrU details of the ex property. Others become delighted patras must expect the fate of thejtra bn,?et fpr subsidies for Japan- : , mm m country ana seuie. Tne whole effect is the vitalizing of the , forcesof . business, life and thrift. It ia all a potential reason for Ore gon to render her magnificent mown tains, sea coasts and valleys" access! bie. She, has a wealth" of nature as set almost incomparable. How un fortunate, for. the sake of Oregon; that Crater lake, one of the world's greatest -" wonders, should .be inac cessible to the country's traveling caravan, MEXICO , HE Mexico Record furnishes in terftsting Information about the developing 1 nil net rim "nf Kaf country, which It says "has al wayg been the land of opportunity. $0 it-has,- though opportunity 'has made far better offers to most peo ple in the United States, and tr- haps In Canada. Yet Mexico, well governed, should grow into a great republic that is, far greater than j it is now. . $ i Gold was the lure that drew the j conquistadores, the first white peo- . pie, ? to Mexico, and vast quantities fof gold were found, and great jsmounts remain to be extracted, j But great an Eldorado as Mexico thas been, a nation is never founded on mining camps, and in the last .few decades, under the strong rule , of Diaz, Mexico has become a coun try of agriculture, of stock raising,; of other, mining enterprises besides those seeking..god,' of varied Indus tries, of all arouncT development.; The Record Is a booster newspa per, but It no doubt speaks within the bounds of truth when it says: "There is wealth beyond the dreams of Spanish avarice In th mines of every mountain state of the repub lic; there is wealth to satisfy the hope of the Saxon Un the rich and ft-rtila soil of every mesa; the for ests are only awaitiDg the wood man's ax to yield their inexhausti ble stores of material for everyjiur 'posa that tian'8 ingenuity or neces- Mark Antonys, If not; on their own, steamsaip lines to Europe and they will fall on some sword, in pne North and South America, which form or another. has been submitted to the diet by the Japanese government . for the THE METERLESS WATER TOLrl years , 19 10-191 4 1 Inclusive. The totals for the five years aggregate HERE IS a . cause for every 'ef-1 $20,174,000. This does not Include feet. - Nothing . Is accident I what Japan regularly' pays In sub- T Gravity causes water to run (sidles, but Is an extra budget, and down hill. There is a reason I the report furnishes a text for sub why the grass grows and flowers sidy argument In this country. It bloom In springtime. There are Is a slim foundation, however. .The reasons why it takes more- water to Japanese have little productive land, supply the population of an unme- and must be a manufacturing and tered than a metered city. In 44 trading people. Japan expects war metered cities of the country, of again, la afflicted with the big navy which a list appeared In Wednes- microbe, and many merchant ships day's Journal, the average consump-i are subsidized with a view to mak- tion of water per capita was only J lng them auxiliary war Tessels. But 65 gallons la 24 hours. In 23 un-1 If there is to be a subsidy as well as metered cities It was 200 gallons, or la navy contest between the nations, more- than three times as muchr-Of j where will it end? The subsidies the metered cities, Woonsocket used will be Increased continually, by one 29 gallons. Brockton 32, Charleston and another, by all. and who pays? 32, Fall River 36, Gloucester 36. Subsidy and navy building contests Sioux City 43. Of the unmetered I will Tlnally break some of the na cities Denver used 300 gallons perltlons and Impoverish the rest; we capita dally, Camden 280, Wheeling would better keep out of the game, Z44, Bridgeport 236, Buffalo 233 After all. It makes little difference and Columbus 230 I who does our ocean ireightlng for Th.ere la easy explanation: of the us; If we can find better employ- contrast. Denver used more than I ment otherwise, and we don't need 10 times as much per capita aa Ian Immense navy because no power Woonsocket, because the Woon-1 would attack us- if we have but a socket water consumer, had his wa- imall one. Thus we can grow rich ter measured and paid' for "what he while the rest, are eating their own goC while the Denver consumer took heads off. e - , . . - ' it by a flat rate and was thereby li- . --. 1 ' . '1 y ' ' censed to waste; One case among i; Presumably the Northern Pacific many, in Portland's recent expert- railroad needs no advice or sugges encel, Illustrates. v A certain saloon tlon in the matter, yet it will do no was paying a fiat rate of $2.50 per harm. In view of experiences on past month. , A. meter was installed. The water wasted and used at the place the first month . under s the meter regime aggregated : a "value of $14. Of , course it was . not consumed- most of -it was wasted. That con sumed the second, month under, the meter ' arrangement . cost the pro prietor $1, and no more. The sum was only 40 per cent of what it had been, under the flat rate. According- to the , meter only about one " ; f n Is Protection 1 a Matter of Local PoliticB? , Once I knew man wno was a ooosrer in an eat ing house. He used By c. E; s.Wooa T ... ' r .1 t i t-rctiers irotn tne rcople RftfiafAV' rKnkAtaM laa Ma.Axt C to sit at a lunch lr,M ,a.. . Xl'ZVL I'. " 11 Snnrlt-ii.a1dt ,or thft protecUve duty on.wool because whirh h.U . KZvl l0e question or protection is not on in lta J?r? h ' Pr Polttica but one .of , oco- said Vm ? nomlca In this generalisation he la un- Starved doHbtedlr r,8ht. ut I think he is w-ong until ha i,n,.j I ln nl "conomic position, it it De good another anSSnr, conomlce .for Oregon senators to pro Snathe? ?eaUr tect Oregon wool then it Is good eco and awltor! nomlc tor Louisiana senators to pro- cotton, Kentucky senators to protect to bacco, Pennsylvania senators to protect steel, and so on donn the protective tariff list. By vindicating the protect ive tariff piecemeal you vindicate it as a whole. ' If the ' protection of tin Plate. steel rails and cotton fabrics be had for uregon then the protection of wool, hops and other Oregon, products must be bad for Massachusetts and other states. If protection of Oregon wool be sound economics then protection of beef trust learner is sound economics... XrftcaJ evil. Like all safe robbery it ia, in satiable and grows both in extent and in degree. I take it that no one is now J".- -ui,1-.."',l.. bedtamrled at V .S V 8 .' rara ins ax, l Iron JL fnea .l nd "Protection of the American Labor- Ja?rlIu?? 51 repair and a long wait aeemed Inevl .t.a,br!?J .wn lady ventured to ask: ''Will this helo your" The motorman looked and aaw a large, elegant wire hairpin, which he time in ac cepting. Tha blow-out ' was mended with It and the car proceeded on. Its way. thanka to a woman's hairpin. -Less heroic, but still very useful, was the service rendered a little actress by a mere invisible hairpin. In a hotel, on the road, she borrowed an electric Iron and prepared to , press her much KirL in connecting . the ew out Unwilling to ask er." The tax mm Intah. i.rM rt l Jr.. v? 11 reoairecv she started on a "1 L?"lt. A"" WtM or rent 'and the SS'kSkaTO"?-. J.0"" Letters toTfaa loo rail .ahonlil ha " i eae side of the papc only and tboald bt ae j eoinpaaled by tha em ma aaa illdraas ef the writ. The am vlU not b eaed ( tba fa not to be. DBdcntoM aa lodominr n,. vE-. I poliUcs, not sound economics.-Is what er Uaawnta of correspondents. Utters should I ba decided every item Of the tariff, and ce asaee ss onet ss poasiMa, Those wba wish I LIle necessity lor inoae wno wisn tneir bal.- totters returned wbsa sot asad aboakt ia I own items protected to stand In with rloja poetire. I the othersais the strength of protection Cm-rasDoadenta art aerified tbat utt.N I in tha natlnnil lii,tnu Pntn. ''rTtJ'K ""rIt: tb- 1" a carhnta political -Int.nceof how cratteo ef tta editor, be act dors to tbat limit, falsity enda in Injustice, how one false - Te an r.,u . I step leads to anotner. it was oegun Jjet AU ITilI Together. - j with the deliberate intent that It should Portland. July II. To the ICdttnr at 1 be ln realltr a subsidy to the protected The. Journal The writer hereof ' Is an j manufacturers, hence Its name, but it unknown quantity , in , Portland. Haw. I was justified on the plea that we must tag arrived here five years ago "broke " bull.d anp "ir ,""i1t industries to make ?i yo"."f h0.Pful' j othar and soma spread like d mildew. Little bv little. i Will SPlnt. . The only .alternative 1 aa i tort of huah maner. ethers have scviuea to De to oecome landlord ' of I oeen let - into- the plunderbund till now cheap lodging house." thou ah nntv I the multitudinous graft threads tie down temporarily, he honea. ' As -nAinrA t.. I the consumer aa Gulliver was bound has come In contact with manv hum,. I helpless by the myriad threads of the . - - I Til Mhtl.n. . Pnn.Mnv.fl n n Ia.IIw sers. ana some tourists. In . averv : iv . v.......v..., case he has found opportunity to aiva V,?KPIi,,ct,.!'fc " 18 lntnd -""j, , v. Z (otherwise It haa - fto purpose) either ,frln.t'n "rdln Vef n Portland'' ihut out foreign made , competitive ..." hbs oeen i articles or roree their price so nign that appreciated by all. and ln tont in. 1 tha domaatlo article can meet tha com. stances, proved profitable to the writer. I petition and realise a safe profit, natur. The tourists and hOmeseekers Yush" la I ally tha domestic producer . will make upon us ana wui be more in evidence ln I lnax prom an ne can. Ana we nave seen several weeks . Th. ' . I in this last revision farce the old spec- beauties; and advantage, of Portland .th "JZ.S Ln "d ano environs, what baa keen done to "v : .r7Z JnVi TwJ .U a .I5ilue.ntlal Cltle'1 Th higher tha rate the less Importa- r" fw " r you go-1 tlon there win ne. tnererore tne leas lng to do toward the 500,000 In 191 f revenue to tha government, but the now aoout an lnrormation -Tjureao in t nearer-- monotwnv-will it M for- the tba union depot, the city hall, or even. I domestic producer and the greater his I . 1LI . . . . . . " I . - .lJt . V. x in,aaiuta, in vne postorriceT " ' nwwo1 v v.v... n um uo vuuvuincn Such a bureaa shonld hava. Ht.r.t I It-is trua thera may be competition concerning side trip, and alra atrlrtlw m.?n ' the domestic producers. . but tunlUes In Portland and vicinity. J tha domeatlo producers not to cut each r-eopie naing tnrougn thM western I nthera' throats, hut to wet tomthrr ani country do not and cannot see tha lateece the. helpless consumer. This Ia country" from trains, as Is possible ln I exactly what haa happened and-we navt eastern and middle western statea The! thj trusts. ' ; writer, for instance., had been readme? I An true economlc Intent and od River literature hefora m... If"01 ? proiecuva tanrr is to take occasions, to remark, that care should be. taken next Monday to provide enough cart and engines to take all who want to go from Portland ,to Seattle in comfort, as well. as in safety. On- many similar occasions cars have been packed and jammed with humanity,, many of whom had to stand; and on some occasions nu merous people who wanted to go were left behind.- It is to be hoped that this. will not: be the case either - i ' ,j-vvi vwijr . twuui. vus uubi Luis.wiu uui, ua ins case ejlincr fourteenth aa much water was de- Monday morning or Monday1 night. soma Hood River literature before cross ma- tne continent ' and while - naaalna? nooo Kivev-one rina- moralng in 104, said to his Wife5: lan't it a dirty shame to invite a White man to get off in un canyon! Borne' of the western audacity you read about!" " We, like most tenderfeet," could not aea wealth and the possibilities of Hood River, White Salmon, Deschutes, On tario, Payette, etc, etc. . Coma, now, Jr old and new tlmara. Get busy, pull together for a greater. ircner. runiana ana uregon. - A LOVER OF PORTLAND. ' " - 1 " 1 i i ... ; T W. D. MexkenzJe's Birthday, , " Rev. WillUm Douglas Mackeniie, president of tha Hartford Theological seminary, was born July It, tl. at Faureemlth,. Orange River colony,-. South Africa. Hla father had gone from Scot land to -South Africa aa a' missionary and had become prominent ia tba public life of the colony. The son .entered the University of Edinburg in ;lt$t and after completing- hla course thera studied for several rears at the Uni versity of GotUnren In Germans. Aftef completing his education he. became a minister oi tna congregational church. by la th money ef the consumer and hand it to the producer. It la a viola tion Of that natural-ria-ht of a man to spend hla own money where he can buy cheapest It la productive -only of vuuit;ii uiiiv njunnnesi . .. i emui iit I i..i.,i.,. . i . , . . . . . loaricallv Drainn .hn..M T.n. TVkiV 1 ."". ?'". worK .ana wno orv lf'ltcnntur4,.iiC .,iAV k:. .now .D"t wiay still be carry oFeKrodVct toSrVnow- that hair- -Inri Trnii, th ali,Sth.ef !.ta.te' J'na.ara a means W protection to wo aanai tiZZT' JJlottl1,r- Pttes "man, hut it is o. During the annual againBt ureron. ... burrlar seen In a pertain tnwn ur.u hinfci h.V eK".. v'Pr5in who nlht when a school teacher there trl . - Llf -."'? ?f fhla coun- locked her door she took the extra the ShJ?!,. .r ltLwhoieii" dmti P"utlon of slIpDlng a wirer hairpin a?ft.. teU-mwLtrd. betwen ihe 0,,er the handle of the knob and down fta ra i. eJL. f.u .r' er,whe5 through the key. Then she. said she h. U2nt,ii . wlth the worId nd Pou,d alwayg.go to bed feeling perfect- the millions- of consumers can buy in ly secure. , . tha cheapest .market, and -notbe-len- .1.. V:..:..l ; forced tribute payers, r I have received -Nw. hw would wi" m without !ii 5 f i i"!- 5Ppsa a printed olna! What were life if we could not pamphlet Intended to show to. his con- say: "Oh. Just pin it. And what stltuents that Senator Bourne advocated would become of ill the stale beer if an increased duty on hops, and I sup- it were not used to cleanse . the pins poB-atmarpamphreta went out front -wUh-Joefora-thavi -re -coated jrlth inT all the protective congressmen atHhe The way some of them behave at tlmesr taxpayers eXDenae ahowlna thalu nn. Btlrklnv nut in th haik ann nilnln, miv uim. nisi iDeir particular share In I moat oigniried exits rrom streetcars and tha trrm ft wo k.l. . t. - . 1 1. - . i l i . t. . . . . tne ETart was helna- talran : oara ' r. But how about the consumer? Who Is taking care of hlmTr No ona " Nor will till he wakes un to fls-ht nr hla I also notice that the press Is claiming DBimiur ouurne ms creait or origi nating the idea of the -corporation tax. i wouia not. oe too nasty if 1 were he for in unite of the i red -rasr-tnahitll character of the word , corporation this ia win some oay orand its originator, whoever ha be. as either a shallow thinker or a demaaroaue.. ImnMr nik,. ui.jmii.m w iV m every tnougntrui and fair mind are:,., - - -v . , - First It tavea tha artificial fgWAM but not the natural person and, la there- j.ure a aiscrimination. Second It taxes the bualnaaa rlnna In a corporate 'form and doea not tax the competitor doing business aa a partner ship and is therefore ufi lust. . Thr ia an attempt to avoid this In the law which will only introduce further ln justloe and arbitrary discrimination. - Third It Js put on the ground of a tax on the franchise, The franchise Is the Creation Of tha- Btata nnl nt tha national government. ' - s. .; Fourth-f It falia Upon the share hoi,l5r,t .win ult In double taxation. Fifth It Will In theveai nf all ful corporations be passed on to the public. . The tax will be worked into the price. It will be one mora hurdan on the already poor consumers. -. i . I ami moved to write this letter be cause I consider tha protective tariff one of the areat dralna from the nnokata of the many, to the pockets of the few, and the time has come when the con sumers must unite as a free trade party. For the action of the people's renreunt,. tlves In -the discussion of tariff re iurm jusi ciosea in congress shows that the Democrats are diilta aa tntu.h T.rn. tectionlsts as their Republican brethren. It is neither partisan politics, nor econ omical It is local politics. -"vc such, one mlarht almost be temnted to believe ' that tha beer . wasn't always . a ia IK. nnt mm nr 4ne.flHiniiiT nr in, , ' stole beer ,lt must require when in 1900 we used something like 7,000,000.000 or dlnary toilet pins, 11. 000,000 hairpins, and almost as many safety pins. . "Oh dear!" alshed her husband's, wlfa. - 'I can t find a pin anywhere, I wonder where all the pins go to. anyway." That's a difficult - question to an-, awe1 replied his wife's husband, ."be cause they are always pointed In . one uiicvuuu nuu ucnuru.anuiiicri - i inn, top a. mntnanT nr t na . vi natiaa of pins in use today and how Indispen sable they are to un. - Then let ua onco rooro -give honor where honor is due, and raise our voices In a mltrhtv naean ' - '- W - WJ. -;" ; v v ; Novel Cake peoeipts. f Gab. Hi witnout putter, mux, or eggs ': One pound of fat salt pork (no lean ' . Or rind) 'chopped very - fine, one half pint ofs boiling water poured Upon It, one pound ; seeded . and chopped ral.ln. tma .it. .... , ninn e- mI.wah chopped into shreda. two cuTfuIs of Buxar. iirown,- one tuoihi- w aiomasei vuv ieB.SBuuiijLU.1 vl Rim put in nJUtluinril, . 1 : flour to mix like fruit cake, one ounc of ground nutmeg, one ounce of ground . cloves, two ounces of ground cinnamon. rJBKe SlOWiy. ;.. -,r ., - - For sevefal .years he preached ln Eng land before doming to America. , From 189 to 1905 Dr, Mackensle was profes sor of systematlo theology In tha Chi eago Thaolpglcal seminary. Since 1S03 he has been the head of the Hartford Theological seminary, one of the fore most Institutions of lta kind ln America. ' ' This Date in History. ;. 1718 William Burnett was appointed colonial governor of Massachusetts. - 1786 The United States concluded 4 treaty of peace with Morocco. 181S Comer stone of New Tork uni versity laid.- , ; K . .' 186J The . Confederates , evacuated Jackson, Miss. ,- . : 1U5 William. Marvin was appointed governor of Florida. ' 18o President n Johnson vetoed the Fteedman'a bureau bill. - . 1868 Admiral Farragut and officers entertained by tha queen of England. TKe 187$ Don Carloa . nreteniler v en1 tha . ii,.... v.. r . . 1 Jjenorea, ana strana Bntfn ' an invaaion of shores, and gravea 4 1895 Five thousand miners t r Ish-pemln;- Mich., went out on a strike. 190a Commander Peary sailed from New Tork In search of the north pole, 1907 Governor Davidson of - wiannl sin signed the two-cent passenger fare 1908 The American ' battleship fleet reached Honolulu. Can Eat 'Clams. - ' i From the Baltimore American. Congress refused United. Statea Com mlssloner of Education Brown's request for IS000 to study a certain nhau nr shild llfe, but granted 815,000 for a scientific study of clams. ; .' Mr. Taft's Sermon. ; f .. ' . From the Atlanta Conetltution. Mr. Taft tireeohpa In hi, mm. 'j.... hla party sleeps during th sermon. ' (Contributed to Tie Joor.inl by Walt Mason. . tba famous Kansas poet... Bis prase poems are a reseller festore ef this eoluma ln Tba bally Journal) ..'..-, . ....... .-i, , - The youthful bard. With flowing Hair, whose life Is f fee from pain and rare, la always singing of despair, and dead men's bones; he likes to wail of lst Lenores, and stranded, ships on rocky o'er which the March -.wind roars - and shrieks and moans. But; when tne bard Is old and fat, and haa no hair beneath his hat, he cuts out all such stuff as that his song Is gay; he finds that Chunks of rhythmic gloom, that touch the e-rava- yard and the tomb, th passing bell, and death and doom, don't often pay. For people in this world below are anxious" to forget their woe; they'd think of love, and fame, and dough, and things like those; when they're in need of extra grief they'll send away and buy a aheaf; they'll surely never fjnd relief In poet's throesr And ao the bard who'd, hit the spot must dish up glad, amusing rot, and leave the Verse with " sorrow fraught to laureates; and If with hum- ' ble themes he 'toys, and makes an opti mistic noise, ' and harps on jamborees and, Joys, to fame he skates! (Coprrleht." 19f. Br A jry. - George Mttbew ads ma.) ' . . . . . . , . , J - ... '