THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY . EVENING, JULY .15, 1909. V V : III) iI.Cj BUTTER r.1ARKET FN ST THIRTY CENTS Advance o2c Pound Quoted by City Creameries To- Supply Smaller.- TODAY'S WHOLESALE- MARKETS. V Butter advanced 2o pound. , 'V , Salmon run i better. -- . ; New barley sold at 130.60. -y Some new wheat sold at f 1.05. '.. t Loganberries sell high. ' -Potato market is easier. . - J' Goina local celery coming. .J Apvicots coming more freely. .M- , ' Butter Advance to 30o Pound. .--v.. J City creameries today -"quoted an ad . Vance of 2o a pound in their best grades of butter. This put the price up to too aa compared with, yesterday's. jnar-. net at Zoc. ; tu mantel stanas even firmer at the higher value than it did at tha lower one. although, considerable trength haa been -noted In that line for some time. Creamery men aay that the run cf cream la till falling off while the. demand for butter is increasing. supplies in cold storage are very amall Jn comparison- 'With previous yeara at liia period and some dealer are pre dic ting" the highest price In year for Che coming winter.'". ' r - - : T , .-, Zgga Are Higher Bat Ara Holding. ? Egg market Is. high but value are holding. - Soma dealers ar atill selling at 28o a doaen, although others aay they can readily secure 29c Tor all the; ,' receive. RecelDts are light, althougi , soma Interests are receiving more than their proportion at this time. - - Chickens are firm but unchanged In , prices. - Cheese market la firm at tha advance recently quoted by thia paper. ' ' Watarasloii right Wanes Warm. :' "There I quite an interesting fight In the- watermelon market at thia time. Evervone la. loaded , to the aruarda with , high priced supplier and because of the cool , weather heretofore ruling, - have been unable to unload to any advantage. ft.rtnera.1 nriee alone- Front street at this time stands at Ittc a pound and the trade Is ratner anxious to sen i mis iigure. It la estimated that over SO cara are at nreeent held in thia citv by wholesalers. Cantaiounes are scarce and higher with aom stock moving at 13.28 a crate. ' togaifberries Sell Klfher. - y- Loganberries 'were sold - aa- high aa $1.75 a crate along Front street this mornln sr." although, many Bales are not mads above $1.60. However, there was no trouble in disposing of the best qual ity even at a fractional advance. - Haspberriea are coming very freely but-the price for best ia atill holding around. $125. although soma off-quality rotate Market Z Zasler. ; With,, larger- offerings by the, outh and Increasing arrivala . from ,' local patches, the Front Itreet potato market ahowa a shade of eaalnesa that ia caus ing some Interests to cut values. c a pound. Sales along the street are be ing made from $2 4 - $2.26 for beat California stock while the local goods range around $2 becaOae of the small lses thus far offered. Onions are steady with, male good at former prices. , . Brief. Hot of wholal Trade. New -local celery la offering but some mall bunches did not bring more than $0c a doaen today. Better slses at $1. i Apricots from 'southern Oregon are coming quite fair with excellent quality noted. Bales at tl.eO01.lS a box. : Market for chi ttlm bark Is quiet bnt values are unchanged. t Run of fish In the Columbia 1 1m- ?cl?llnr to a" local dealer who has just returned from the east brewers of that section cannot realise that the Oregon crop of hops la really aa abort . n j. . , . . Dressed meats ot aUJtIndsremaln Cucumber are a drug 6n the market and the prices are down again. Eggplant from The Dalles is being of fered in slightly larger lots. .Price flown to J So a pound because of the In active market -' ; . . , Soma very fancy Lambert cherries were offering this morning around 10c a pound. . "; '; ",- FROXi STREET ' QPOTATtONa ' i H Stots,.Wol and Hid, , HOPS 108 crop, choice, 11 Ua; prime to choice. HOllVfcc; prime, lOHe: medium. 10c: -l0 contracts growera refuse to sell), 1416o Is offered. WOOL 1S09, Willamette valley. 220 4c; eastern Oregon, 20 220. - TALLOW-rPrime, pejr lb. o: No, I and grease, 2(92He. - 1 SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10O16a each; short wool. 25040c: medium wool, 60o Oil escn: lona wooi, iy;w . "wn. CHITTIM BARK Old, C i 6 Ho; new,' i8o ja, HID. E8 Dry hides, 1401o lb.; rreen. QlOe lb: buns, green salt. a p par io; kips. to;. calves, rreen. 10 per lb. MOHAIR o. xioxto. Butter, Zgg and IHmltry. "' BUTTER Extra creamery, A- atnre. 20a. 80c; BUTTER FAT Delivery; o. b. Prrt-J landSweet cream, iimo; sour. oc. EOOS Candled, local beat, 28 2 9c; uocandled, 28c - ' .-. CHEESE! Fancy -i full ' cream flats, lUc; triplets and daisies,. It Q 17c; Toung Americaa, 1717o. ' POULTRY Mixed chicken, 14c; fancy 1 hen, :.1416c; rooster. old, 12c; springs, 18zoc; geese, SOT 9c; turkeys, alive, 16018a; dressed. 13 0 t8c; ducks, 18o; pigeons, squabs, $2.00 doaen; dressea poultry, lKls .higher, : Orata. Flo as ana Hag. , BARLET "r- Feed, $82J5; rolled, . vraElAT Burins crlce. " new Track. Portland Club, $1.1601.20; bluestem, 81.26; red Russian, $L12; Turkev red. 1.18 i.b; vviuamette vaiiey. i.i, MILL8TUFFS Selling price . Bran, 126.60; mildlinga, $33.00: shorts. $80; chop, $28031; alfalfa meal. 820 per ton. . FLOUR Selling price Eastern Ore gon patent straignt, (B.sooa.vo; export. $4.70; bakers, $6.OO0.26; vat ley, 85.BOrgTaham.7-H $6-o; whole wheat, $6.10? rye, 6s. $.6; bale. $3.0. OATS- Producer price Track, . No, 1 white, $40041; array. $40., HAT Froauoer' price New timo thy. Willamette valley fancy, $16.00; ordinary. $14.00018.00: eastern Oregon, $16:50; mixed. $11.60011.00; clover, $11.60; . grain. $13.60014.00; cheat, $1 4.00 16.00; alfalia. $14.00. CORN Whole, $36; cracked. $37 ton. - rrmlts an Teg tables. '-' - FRESH FRUITS Oranges, Med sweets. $2.6002.75; Valencia. $2,760 8 nr box: bananas. .60 ner. lb.: lemons, $507.60 box; grapefruit '$3.00 44.00; pineapples, Florida, IZ-OV ) aosen; strawoerries, local. ll.bO&pl per crate; cantaloupe, li to; loganberries, $1.6001.75: raapberrics, $l.O0&1.26; cur rants. $2; Jtoval Anne cherries, 406c: peaches, 80c $1.60. -- - - POTATOES Old. -selling, $1.1601.60; w, $3.0002.25. - - - . VEGETABLES New turnips. Ore gon,. 12e doa; old beets. 82.00; ear rots. 41.25 aacl; parsnips, $1.2601.60; cabbaare..' local. lUo lb: tomatoes, local. $ 1.2S0ll6Ohothouae-$Z0 2 ; California. K . si. uo - crate; Deans, bc - 10; cauliflower,- I1.2S do.; peas, 6o per lb.; horseradish, 10c; artichokes, (SO 76c per doa.; green onions, 10a per doa.; peppers, belL Florida,-8506 crate; chili (); head lettuce, 20e doien; hothouse, $1.00 per box; radishe. 8llcdoa. bunches; celery, $1.26 At: eggplant, lie; asparagus local, 8090c doa; rhubarb, lo per lb; corn, 25c doaen. ONIONS Jobbing California, red, $1.26 per sack; white lc; garlic, 11 c per lb. V ,. r- APPLES $101.00. ' 1 Oraeeriea, ants, Be SUGAR Cube, $6.25; powdered, $.10; iTS JULY DELIVERY Sells September Heavily and V Influences Bear Senti ; ment iii Former. 4 f CMcago, July 16. Today' , 4 ; wheat market was remarkable . for the. sensational fluctuation 4 In July option. Tha market opeh- ed 1 Ho higher at $1.28,. and ad vanced another cent before the Armour crash caused it tor drop to 11.11. From thl it made , . recovery of a cent at the closing. a CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. ' Jul V IK. Jnlvll Tj .. 10A9 July v!2H 12HA ,89 Bept. .,...110 112HA !., Dec. ,,,...108 B 109 1H ' $25 iy; ,.,....,iiu Chlcaaxi. JulV IS. Armour araa a. hno.i ever me provision aing gets Dusy with his selling lieutenants the market gen erally takes on a bearish tinge for awhile at least Today's closing of the wneai pn -was xc aown ror the July, while other deliveries lost from 1H' to le from yesterday's price, Mr. Armour's activity- in the bear camp was not wnoiiy thecause for the disaster to July prices for the provi sion man generally was a seller of the September and It was this influence that brought about aerioua liquidation and iruiii uucing in tne JUiy. , While f oreitrnera "were Inclined ' to aee higher prices for wheat still, they looked askance at the enormous advance of the July wheat here yesterday. Liver pool opened to Id above yesterday and closed with a net advance of to Kd. - While the cash wheat situation Is fully aa- strong s during' yesterday's iraaing,, wnen inis lorcea tne July op tion 7c -higher, stilt there was no ex citement in the buying of spot grain to uhjt una quDuuou were aoout as pre- Cash wheat prices No. 2 -hard win ter, $1.2801.86; No. I hard winter?"$l.l4 1.2J: No. 1 northern spring, $1,260 1.84? No. northern spring. $f.25l.a0; No. aapring, $1.201.25. ' w as. Ranffe Of Chicago prices, furnished by .'vV-' iV-i' WHEAT. . .' . " Open. High. Low. Close. juiy z -139 -lim, H9 Sept. 112 1121I0110 U!R .....aU91k 1U" 108 108 -B 1X0 Tl C A 6 6 B . 48 42 B 42 B J0951 May .....11 . 112 H . 110 - wunn. July ..... 72 72H Sent. ..... 6 . S7 Deo. 66H 6 May -.,.,- 6714 - 67 s - ' OATS. July ..... 48 48 Sept. 48 ; 48 Leo. . . . . 41 - 48 ' PORK. July 2100' 2110 Sept. S105 2117- Jan. , 176 vl800: 2095 2100 170 117T 1174 2107 B- .J726 1180 . 1188 1171 B 1152 B 1150 A 1115 B LARD. July ...,.'1182 - 1186- Sept. 1177 1180 Octr .... - ' t RIBS." July 1167 ' 1167 114T 1142 1112 Sept ...... 1160 1160 Oct ..... Ill 1117 fruit or berry, $5.86; dry granulated, $5.76; conf. A., $5.85; extra B., $6.86; golden $5.26; D, yellow, $5.16; bar rels, 16c; In. If barrels, 30c; boxes, 66c advance on sack basis. (Above prices are SO days net cash quotations) v SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a. 18 rer ton; 60s. $8.60; taole." dairy, 60a 16.60; 100s. $16; bales, $2.25; extra fine barrels, 2 a, 6a and 10s, $4.6006.60; lump rock, 820.60 per ton. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. Ie; No, 1, 6 He; New Orleans head. 6X0 To; Creole, 6o. HONEY New. 15e per lb. . BEANS Small white. $7. large white, $.35;,pink. $4.00: bayou, $6.76; Lima; $5.25: reds. $6.50.--;,' ' XCeata, risk aad yiorttloma. ' HAMS. BACON. 'ETC -Portland pack (local) ham, 18c; -breakfast bacon, 16 I4a: .boiled ham. J3 034o;l plcnloa, 12et cottage roll, 13o lb.; regular short clears,-', smoked, 14ic; backs, smoked, 14 c; pickled tongues, 60c each. . ; i -1 v- ... . DRESSED MEATS Front street hogs, fancy, 10c; ordinary. $o; veals, " extra, H01Oc; ordinary. 80; heavy, 70$c; mutton, 7c;. lambs, 7c. LOCAL v LARD Kettle leal, lye. Ko per lb.; 6a, 16e per lb.; 60 lb. tins, 16o per lb.: steam "rendered, 10s, 16c per lb.;. 5s, 15 e per lb.; compound, 10s, 9e per lb. , - CLAMS Ha rdshr!. per box, $2.46; 'raaor clams, out of season.1 ' FISH Rock . cod. lOo lb; flounder. 60 lb.; haUbut to per lb.; striped bass. 1'c per lb.; catfish, 10c per le; salmoa, Chinook. 10c; bluebaok. 39o lb; herring ( ) per lb; soles, 7o per lb; shrimps. 11 per lb,; perch, o per JM torn cod, lOo per lb.;' lobsters, 15e lb.; fresh mackerel, ( ) per lb.: erawflsh, 3 So per doaen; sturgeon, ( ) per lb.; black bass. 20a per lb.; Columbia smelts, ( ) per . lb. 1 eT -r smelts, 6e per lb.; black cod, 7c per lb; eraba. 4 ) per doaen; dressed shad, 2c per lb; shad roa 15c per lb. , , - - - - - - OTSTERS-i-8hoalwater bay, per gal. ""i. $1.60; per 190 1 sack, $5:01ym ela. per gallon, $1.40 per 100 lb. sack, $: 01.60; canned. (0c can, $7 , doaen; eastern Jn aUelL $1.76 per 100. . yalsts. Ooal OH, Ht. - . UNSEED ' ; OIL Raw, but, - Te; cases. 76e; boiled, bbla, tie; oasea, 7 So; per gallon, lot of H gallons, le less; oil cake meal. $87 ton. -, ; ROPE Manila, 8c; sisal, 7c lb. ' BENZINE (6 degrees, caaea. le per gal.; iron bbls, ll per gaL TURPENTINE In cases, 44o per gat WHITE LEAD Ton Ktv Ta per P ; 6C0 v . lota, 6c per lb.; leas lota, 'HviRO NAIL8 Present basis. 1 1.46, SEATTLE PRODUCE MARKET - j V ..' - '. - . ' 1 tTJnlted Fresa Letaed Wlrat : Beat tie. .Wash., July .15. Butter Washington ' creamery.. f irata, 30e; ranch, S6 f 26e: Oregon. 18c; eastern creamery. 28029c. - Eggs Local ranch, 28c; fresh east ern, 27028c; Oregon, z noc Cheese Cream brick. 17 018c; wheel swiss, 21c; block swlss, 19o; limburter, , 1417c:. new Tillamook, jlHQlic; Tillamook Young Americas, 18c; new Olendale, 16c;. Wisconsin twins; 170 18c; Wisconsin-1 oung Americas, is 16 c. ' - - - - - . - Onions Green 25c per doxen; Aus tralian. 3V4c per lb; new red Wetherafleld. fl.ll per sack: yellow onions. $101.60 per sack. Potatoes calilornis. new. 3B2 Me: lo cal fancy, 2 fee per lb. , . New York Cotton -Market. High. Low. . SHRDLTJUL v : Open. iKh. Low. Close. 1237 . 1237 Jan.- HOUR BE . Uo7 1257 -1158', .1261 '1251 1261 1254 - 12B8- Mch.- Mar . July Aug. 8eoU ... 1Z1 ... 1240 ... 12S0 ... 1260 .... 1251 .1261 ...1249 a a ... 1251 ' ' - ' I 088 .1218 1239040 1242 1241 ft O 1282 A 1232036 - 1236 . 1236 12S5 123502$ 1237 I - 1237638 .... ,1234639 .123$: 1239141 Oct Nov. i?e& ; DISCIDIA1E ': III PURCIIASIIIG - '-; : - - aBsBsMSJBjjSBBSBjBaaanssn . Killers Pick Out Only Best Stuff but Hold the Trice x Down. Even on These. PORTLAND Thursday Wednesday . , . , Tuesday Monday , . Saturday ...... LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. .... - - - 210 - S7C 0 ., 80 1090 .. 129 152 497 497 667 267 869 815 88 - 22 Friday 128 , 10 - Portland Union Stockyards, July 16. As exclusively predicted In The Journal yesterday there was a decline of J6o in the - srlce, of . cattle, steers ; of select qaallty going aa low aa $4.25. although aome. few aales were reported at i $4.40 and. $4.50 f However, today killer are not willing to pay over, the lower price. Following the ; heavy run of cattle In -.the yard yeterday , buyer became unusually Indepencont and therefore tooli their' leisure about picking up sup plies, J The run today , was only fair, but,-added ta the -heavy showint-of yesterday, made quite a bearish argu ment : against the high:- values which have ruled ao lone ' -. , Today's run of cattle Was 210 head. compared with 1090 yesterdayt 162 Tues day, 4 1 7 Monday, zzb Saturday, no Fri day and 843 head a week ago today. . Best Orada Continue Wanted. ; Wiile buyers seem to have- taken snap judgment of the big showing, of supplies - 4n- order to beat down Ibe price, this comes aa a natural conse quence following tne very high' values which have been forced upon killers for ao long a period. Demand In the yarda la atill one-sided and, while some neglect of poor quality ia shown, beat stuff is wanted at the prlcea listed. unia applies both to steers and cows. Hop Quotations Are HemlniaL While The Journal is not ouotlna- any change in local hog quotations to day, tha values listed are Of a nominal tature because there are no hog offer ing. With interior buyers- paying as high as $8 for supplies at primary points, mere is little oouot now that the nrice here-would be forced to $9, but as no arrival are shown and no actual transactions are made, tha nlae. Inv of that market at that riorure wonM be a " trifle premature, although the onaneea are to t that the advanca will be made. . - - . ,j Bo few hogs SDDeared in the vinli uunng me iasr z nours mat tne as sistant secretary of the yards feeli ashamed to make them pubfla . During the cast week the run was: Winu day 80 head. Tuesday 129, Monday none, Saturday 83. Frldav 122 and last Thura. day 60 head. ... ,. .. Sheep and Xamtt Tlnd (food Oamand. The few Sheen and lambs now eemln forward continue -to find a ver mnA demand and lambs have sold up to $6.25 auring me paai z nours. ouays run or livestock comnarea ay a run of livestock with this day in recent years as folloi ows: 1909 190$ 1907 210 870 816 824 208 6(1 4 ....... ... 62 ... 20 178 100 1905 ... 72 . Ji A year ago today there was a firm tone in all lines of livestock but values were uncuuiigeu. - -, Those who Bupply. tha aiarks. W. H. Jonek of Corvallls came for. ward with two cars of cattle. .Townley brothers of Welser had a load of cows on the market today. t. m. ucnieppy or romeroy, wash., is one cf the latent additions -to- the live stock shippers to thls-'market He cam In with a load of cattle. . 8. L. Overton, prominent shipper of Brownsville paid a personal visit to the yards and right away sold a load of cattle. . Townley & Ross of Welser fared quite weit wtit -mettTooi- toao or cattle even though general conditions were a trifle siaca. . , - - Tard's BepreseutaUT frices. Following are representative of latest transaetions In the yards and Indicate demand, supplies and quality offering: : i STEERS. . , . r '. ' ' s NetWt 1 steer 1,090 II steer , , ....,..,.,28.089 Price. $3.86 4.35 4.40 - 4.40 za steers . , . 76 steers 13 steers j.95,660v ..13,655 4.40 a steers 22 steers.. 16 steers 24 steers 10 steers 1 steer . 2( steers If steer . ... 6,075 . , ...28.850 .17,696 ' 26.666 - 4.00 - 4.36 .r 4.36 4.25 4.60 4.26 ... 4.25 4.25 1.60 8.60 1.86 1.80 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.60 l.OO 1.26 1.25 1.00 8.60 .11,885 1,190 .27,616 .17,596 COW8. 3 cows . ........... $.200 10 cows . . ....... ....10,(50 6$ cows , . 16.880 14 cows , . 31,610 1 cow 1,000 cow . 1.885 62 cows . . ...........48.670 -7. cows . .3o ; cow . . 1,026 J cow . . 1.0J0-, SI cows . ............ .66.083 ' 4 cows 1,982 11 COWS . ......11,466 8TAOS AND BULLS. f J bull i,uj 1 bull 1,025 -J bu -i . L135 1 bulls ........,., -2,026 I i stsgs .....,.,,1 3.960 r. J hulls 1.016 1 hull 1.486 . MIXED CATTLE. 1 yearlings ........ 4.926 14 yearlings..;.,,,... 20.814 CALVES. $ calves ' 1.425 10 calves ........... 4,371 62 calves ........ , 17.836 86 calves ........... 11,166 O-- SHEEP AND LAMBS. 126 lambs '. 3,825 118 sheep 12,(60 129 lambs 12.(36 II yearling 126 lamb 8,216. 116 sheep 11.160 $2.26 1.25 2.25 - 2,25 125 1.26 2.16 . 266 S-76 $4.00 - 4.00 . 4.60 6.15 $25 $.15 . 4.40 4.00 6.25 S.66 following is tne general llveatock values tn the yards rang of .Mors Best -east or the mountains. $8.1508.60; good. $8.008.26;: - fancy Willamette blockers, $8.2608.36; stock. ers, 37.00 07.26. - ; Cattle Best steers weighing 120& round. $4.2604.60; medium steers, 4.25; Ppor steer. $3.7504.00; best oowa $3.2603.60; medium cows.: $8.00 3.36; bulls,. $2.206 2.75. - . Sheep (sheared) Best 'Wethers. $1.76 4.00; " ordinary, $3.6003.76; spring mmcs. n.vo.; straiant owes. 0 3.60? mUed lots. $3.360 1.60, $3.26 'i v'Hog Advance In East, r Chicago, July 1$. Receipts: ' Hogs, 12,000; cattle, 2500; sheep. 16,000. HOgs are 6c to 10c higher. Left over yester day, 4700. Receipts a years ago, 25, 000. Mixed. $7.6608.05; good heavy, $7.9008.15; rough heavy, $7.7007.86; light' $7.46 08.(5. a Cattle strong. . Sheep weak. ''"- v a . , .- Kansas City. Wit, July 16. Receipts: Hogs, 6000; cattlar7000r sheep, 3000. . Omaha, - July 15. Receiptee Hogs, 8800; cattle. 1(0$; sheep. 6600,. ' : . JArrrpocl Wheat Blarket. ; - ' Liverpool.' July 15. Wheat opened 16 Id higher, closed t'oSd up. S . " ' s Open. , Close. Jaly.,.. Ii I d 9 7d Bept 8s 10d 8s 10d Dec. .......$ (Jad .8. 6U JEW AD1IGE HELPiriG : STEEL Bars Eise $1 a Ton and Cor poration's Common Stock ; Moves Up With Buying. -, , 1 - .! I New York, July 15. The advance ofj $1 a ton In the price of steel bars and generally healthful conditions in the steel -trade, forced recovery of U. S. Steel Corporation shares In the stock market today and put the general mar ket in a sounder condition. . Steel common waa really the only Is sue that showed any degree of tntereat In : today's unusually dull session.'' It was extensively supported by the Mor gan crowd and closed 1 points above the final price of yesterday while pre ferred gained point - Readlng common sold ex-dlvidend 2 per -cent today and considering recent events waa quite strong. Colorado Fuel & Iron received its supr port from the same part lea boosting the steel share and It closed a point-above yesterday, . s --r , . .-.... Harriman shares ware very quiet but fairly steady with fractional 'gains in both Southern paclf lo and Union Pa cific. .,, - Promise of success for Atchison bonds did not-ln - any -wayffGt-tha stock, for if anything, Atchison was slightly weaker than yesterday. . Iron Age says that a more cheerful tone prevails in the whole iron trade; The fact that Canada Is expected to draw gold from the United States and that more funds will likely go to Argentina,- was one weakening influence today. .v : ..;, v-.i,.. Rsnge of N. Y. prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. ' . SI s DESCRIPTION. ArnaL Copper Co. Am. car & c. , do Df A '. Am. Cotton Oil, c Am. uoco., c a Am. Sugar, o... Am. Smelter, c. - do pfd 127' Anaconda M. Co.. Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison,- c . . . . . B. A O., c. Brooklyn R. T.,, Can,-Pacific, c. Cen. Leather, c. . C. A a. W.. c. C M. ft St. P... Ches. feObio ... Colo, F, & 1.. c. Colo. So., e do 2d pfd -do- 1st of d.. .ft CornTFroducts, 0. S2 22 22 - ao pia. Del. at Hudson.. D. & R a., c . . . do pfd. i93 n,rie c ......... , do 2d pfd Aa lat of d. . . . . 36 O. Northern, pfd. 150 llL central Int. Met, o. . . . . do pfd. .. ...... L. N. ........ U. K. & T., c. . . do pfd. ....... Distillers Ore Lands Ma Paa. . .i , 166 '.ft 142 38 76 '725 Nat Lead ...... N. .Y. Central ... N. Y O. 4 W.... Nor. W, c.,.. 122 132 61 1 do Did No. American . . No. Pacific c... P. Mall & a Co. Dam . T 152 29 gOSlIl. XV . P. O.. U AC. Co. 188 116 Pressed S.-3ari cf 41 48 ao pia ....... Reading, c do second pfd. do first pfd.. R. Iron it S., 0. do pfd . . Roich Island, c . -do pfd 154 166 H St L. & S. F., 2d p ao nm pia.. St L. 8.-W., e. do pfd ....... So. Pacific, c... 60. Railway,, e... "do preferred .. Texas 4 Pacific. T., S. L. A W., e. do ureferred ,. 73 17 66 133 14 70 $1 61 (9 Union Pacific, c. 14 u. a. KUDDer, 0. do preferred . 88 114 U. 8. Steel Co., c ao preferred 126 waoasn, corn 1 do preferred t. W, Union Tel... Wia Cen a, com. do preferred .. Wheeling Lake.. Westlnghouse ... Utah Copper ... Third Ave. Cons. Gas. Big Four Great West, B. K. C Southern. do preferred .. Alton, common . 'Si' '85T8r 18 13 18 1$U 140 189 45 45 (8 Total aales. 694,000 share. - -ex. dlv., 2 per cent Ex. 01 v, 1 per cent. BOSTON 4JOPPER MARKET (Furnished by Overbook Cooke Co.) Boston, Mass., July 15, Official bid prlcea: . AmU lOUrNev Pnna 1 91 lz Alloues 40 Mrahnuu ... i2 Adventure-.... (rNipplsstnr . 11 Atlantic .... 8 IN. Rnttm . nni Aria. ComL .. 28 E. Butte ..... 11 2 Bo. Cons. 14U I Osceola .us Butte Coala.. 22 HlShannon ..... UU. Cat A Aria... m Cal 4 Hecla.625 Tamarack ;.. (2 Trinity ...... H Centennial . . 3 Cop. Range.. 79 Franklyn 16 United ....... 9 Tenn. Cop. , 7 Utah Mln. . 47 V. S. Oil ..4..ll U. 8. Mln. . 4 Gtroux ...... Granby . ....lOOAi ureen can.,,-. 9i Victoria ..... 4 Wolverine ...147 Ainss. v 1 Mich. 9 Mlamf ......15 Yukon Gold... I Florence ....J. 2 - Spokane Mining Exchanfre. (Furnished by Overbeck Cooke Co.) Spokane, July 15. Official prices: M - rT Bid. Ask. Almeda ................... 4 . 431 Cop. King , 4 3 4 Gertie ...... .'.rv. , ' ' iu Hum. Bird ( ' ' J Hjmotheek 6 u lot Coal ,., 7( 80 t 4 Idaho & c R Lucky CaL ........ ....-! I.; ........... Missoula, .... '.v Nabob r n , Rambler ... i.,,......'. 11 (0 83 $ onwwsnoe -Snowstorm Clll.l V - ,. Tamarack ........ wonder ....... North Franklvn ' Kansas Otjr Wheat Market. Kansas City, July 15. Wheat closing: 1, WZ- I1!9 . September. $1.01 asked; December, $1.02. Tcilay' Treasury Statement; Washington, ' July 16. The treasury report toaay, snows: KeceiptA 12,646,- 774; disbursements, $1,453,009. if. Oood. reports from Bohemia mines every week, says the Cottage Grove Leadef. '- . - -. t .-.. ... .- - r,- ... . ' t ' ... ' HEW BARLEY JIT HIGHEST PRICE First Sale Is 3Iadei at $30.50 Ton Above AH Opening Values for Generation. ; Worth west Crop Weather. ' Oregon Falri tonight and Fri day; westerly winds. -.Washington Fair tonight and Friday; weaterly winds, v ; Idaho Fair tonight, wanner southeast portion. Friday fair. " First new barley of the 1809 season has been nurchased bv local people at $30.60 a ton, the highest opening ever recorded In this market in the memory of the present generation, wnne tne buyers state that this price'ls extraor dinarily high and that the extreme value waa paid . simply because it waa the first shipment, still there Is practically no old' barley offering under $31 and $32 from first hands, and therefore the new crop is really cheap. - t - 7" It is expected that soma small aales of new crop wheat will be reported here within the coming week. - Several sales have been reported at primary points on h kaala nf 11 (IK hllahnl for blue- atem. track tidewater but the voluml of business Is very limited. . Oood Harvest Aasured. rnvnn Hitv. Or.. July 16. As har vest time approaches the anxiety of the early season has disappeared and the rancher of the John Day valley, and. in fact Of Grant county, are connaent that bountiful crops are now assured. Considerable alfalfa haa been cut in v,a inhn H.V vwv and It Is a heavy crop. Within the next week haying will be in progress and it has been sev eral seasons since the crop has been aa heavy aa It will be thia year. Grain ia showing up in fine ahape and a heavy yield is assured. - The fruit crop Is exceptionally good nrl it is thouahtN that there will be mar than can be used bv local con sumption and that there will be a great amount or it smppea to narney ewmnj this year. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks. Clearings Year ago today 111,302,168.86 l,u,9U-as Gain today.., Balances today. Year ago 245.623.63 136,607.60 175,484.66 VaooBUh Banks. Clearing today Balances today .- Seattle Bank. Clearings today ,..JJ...J Balances today 911.022 61,004 .$3,213.8:2 . 402,21$ CORNELL TRAINS WIIOHMl Famous Handler Will Com mence Work Tonight r on Club Athletes. Roger Cornell, trainer of the Port land baseball teams, will coach the Multnomah track squad that takes part in tha national champlnnahlpa at Seattle thr second weelr-in August, corneu closed with the club yesterday, and active 'practice of the stars will com mence at b:u ociock tonigni. Cornell la one ot the greatest ath letic trainers on the coast, and haa an experience extending over 20 yeara If there la anything Tn any of the men, he wlU bring it to the surface. For It years he' haa trained the famoes Olympic club of Ban Francisco, and has turned out any number of champions. Including " the ' great -team that won so many points at the world's fair tn 1906. He trained the Lowell high school for two years, including the season It defeated the University of California varsity; Oakland high two yeara, Lick high two yeara, polytechnic nigh two yeara. Nevada university one year and Nevada high one year. He trained the All-California football team and the -Reliance and Olympic football teams. Hla training has not been confined wholly to amateur teams, but 'some of the greatest fighters- In the world have sought his services. Including Jim Jef fries, Stanley Ketchel; Toung Corbett, Jimmy Brltt, Sam Berger and Al Kauf man. - Jeffries tried to take Cornell east with him, but the-trainer did not want to leave the coast. The Cleveland base ball club is' making an effort to secure "Doe" from McCredle. but Manager Mac Is going to hold on to7 him. Now that Cornell has been secured, there Is a likelihood that Oliver Huston, the famous University of Oregon sprin ter, will Join the club. Huston needa a trainer, and when It was announced that the club intended to a-et along without a trainer he concluded not to run an) LIFE CONVICT BETS 873,000 ' fSpeela! TOapitrb to The Jmn-aaLt Walla Walla. Wash.. July IE with a life sentence before, him.- and llitl chance of pardon, a convict In the state enltentlary has been notified that he as xauen neir 10 (j.uuu. convict No. 884!, whose uncle recently died in lows, is the lucky -man. . . - Hla name will not be riven out hv the authorities, aa the convict does not wish to have the fact known.' Dates of Im prisonment and the exact nature of his crime, which, was murder, cannot be But. prisoner No. 8841 is an unlucky lucky man, and will probably taever bav tne spending oi tne rortune which for. tune haa so unkindly given him. PERSONAL ; , r ' S.d Morton, who Is well known imim Oregon lumbermen, today assume his duties as cashier and bookkeeper of the St. Helens Mill company at SL Helena Mr. Morton formerly occupied the same position with - the - Columbia . - mills, at Knappton. - -i W. II. Smith, a prominent attorney of Hawaii and legal representative of the Hawaiian atanogany company, which is furnishing Ohio railroad tlea for the Santa Fe company, ia visiting Portland this week, before taking a trip to Seat tle and the eastern states. Mr. Smith is. accompanied by Mrs. Smith. . , Work on coal and oil orolecta In Jack son county will be done hereafter by 1 contract. - .- . '. I SAY BRADLEY IS HOT 111 TOILS - 'A -z Photographs Received From ; Idaho Falls Said to Show a Different r- Man. a Photographs of George Bradley, ar rested In Idaho Falls. Titahn. nn . piclon of being the murderer of Pa trolman J. W. Git tings in Portland In December, 1907. which were received by District Attorney George Cameron to aay, ieaa person who knew the ac cused murderer personally to declare that the man arrested is not the one wantea. 1 Thouirh the nimiu a that nam Seputy District Attorney Thad Vree nd. Patrolmatf Circle and Detective Our New When installed in our new location at Sixth and AVashington streets, with new and complete equips ment throughout, our fa cilities for handling Com mercial Business, Savings Accounts and Trust Bust ness will be unsurpassed. You can open an ac count 'with us without re-, strictions as to amount Youf patronage will . be appreciated. -MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 247 Washington Street Location SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMKNT .OF The Empire State Surety Company Of New York In the State of New York made to the Insurance Commisaloner of ' . CAFXTAZ Amount of capital paid up ., Surplus nrooMB. Pramlnma ralvH rfurlna- the year.... ..... 3814. 280.98 Tn tares L dividends and rents received Income from other sources received during the year Total Income BznvmsxacsvTa. Leases paid during the year, Including adjustment ex- penses, etc - 3308. 43(1. us Commissions and salaries paid during the year ....... HS2SJ Taxes, licenses and feea paid during the year AMli sIt Amount of all other expenditures .., 198.889.70 -TotatxpwdltuTwa- v,in isf rul estate owned a Value of stocks and none ownea Loan on mortgages and collateral, etc. Cm m v. i Kanka Anil nn hand. ............. Premiums In course of collection and In transmission ' lTJ-JI! !1 Other aaseta .....,...,....... T3.393,37 ToUl admitted asset . . ; ; -. -UABnmia, - Gross claims for loases unpaid .................. Amount of unearned premium on all outstanding risks Due for commission and brokerage ............. i.. AU other liabilities ................... ...v....... Total iiaoiuues ,. ... .i Total premiums In force December 31. BXTSXJrXBS XM OUOOX FOB TU TXAB. Ores premiums received during; the year Premiums wunwo nurun uiw 7mr. ......... . ................ Losses paid during the year Total amount of premiums outstanding In Oregon Dec. 11, 1901 The Empire State Surety Company : - ; By DANIEL STEWART. Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney In fact; W. J. CLEMENS. General Agent. Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland, Or. Wffill NATIONAL BAMi CORNER FIFTH AND STARK f PAYING BILLS BY CHECK The simplest, safest and most systematic way to pay ilh is by check. You have a receipt for every dollar you spend. .. We invite you to call and consult our officers about opening an account. We pay 4 per cent interest on twelve-month and 3 per cent on aix-month certificates of deposit Hawley. all of whom knew the ac cused murderer well, assert that tne Idaho Falls suspect la not the mur derer. They attaert tha he ms.u the description to a irreat extent anil t possessed ' of the same name, but ie not the one wanted. Detective Tom Coleman lerl texts v Tor Idaho - Falls, armed with extraditiua papera : - -. . Vessels to fanama , i Collector of Cuetom Malcolm la In receipt of a, letter from the commis sioner of the bureau of navigation, de partment of commerce and labor, stat ing that he- has been advised by tha war- department of - a, ..request by tho government of Panama that all ship captains clearing for canal none ports be furnished with an extra copy of the manifest, for the customs authorities of that country., Bitulithic Pave ment Brings Satisfaction AMD SWHAHCES TKB TAltm or AStrrmio rxorxtnrt KOll THAR AWT OTaUB ..,v , . - ATWJIaTXi . BECAUSE It Is durable, never cracks, makes no noise or rumble from peaalng vehicles, collects no dust or mud. , Furthermore, It gives a sure foot held for ' horses. Automobiles will not skid. Warren Construction Company SIT Bxcnr. bkihk. osT&urn, ouoojr. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commission Merchants Stocks, Bonds ... .. Cotton, Grain, Etc. . 2 1 6-2 1 ? Board of Trade Baildrns Members tfclcigo Board of Trada Correspondents of Logan Bryan. Chicago, New Tort, Boston. We have the only private wire 'Connecting Portland w Ha the eastern exchanges. on the 31et aay of December, lfO, the State of Oregon, purauant to law: .i 500.000.00 140.llfi.14 during year ... 40,721. BS 9,031.88 t 884,038.89 ..IIIUII f-803,170.88 f T j f i l , 88,991.18 . 69S.S18.UO 257.0IB.Z4 151.710.88 81,311,014.48 ..1171.195.05 .. 41t.194.88 ,. 43.888.11 ; 44,63S.8 1901 877.899.11 83fi.178.91 ...I 1,I17.0 1.069.43 1.137.87 2.198.11 EMS