The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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-. - - ... 4'
Join Our SevAng Machine ClutPay $t a Week
i iiTiHrunml AVhite Salmon- J acKsonrille J ail- Inmate At-
V Kinffen-LYle Route Kot tempts .auicidef. With.
f ... " J" ... . I T1 . 1 i
Favored by Legislature. uianKet nope.
IS T WbiMat Dlsntch to Te JournaU J (Special Dtapatch to TU JosroaU
it Bristol, Wash, July U.--That con- .Jacksonville, Or., July 18, James
filderable interest Is tsjcen in the pro-Wilson trJed t commit suicide in a
: cosed state road along the Colunib a cu of the county Jail last night He
J fiver, connecting Underwooa. w i made a rope from a blanket, attached
i addition. White Salmon, Bingen ""lit to the roof of hie cell, and, standing
style, was manifested at the Bristol e- upon a box, kicked It from under him
In last night, notwithstanding "'jl He took precaution to Ue hla hands
eouraglng letter received and rMJ W I behind his back. At the opportune mo
1Seretary Val Barker front fa V ei nment, however, fellow prisoner
I wy Commissioner jooeu m- f""-- ---ireacnea tnrougn me ceil oart ana with
"Replying to your; letter of Jn.. j Wilson was unconscious for several
: relating to state roaa -A thi minutes.
;tnat we gii "V- ir:;;T frim
Court Decides" Eight-of-Way
Cases Shall Not.Inter
fere With Progress.
J White Salmon to Lyle, it runsnow irom
Ja point Just back Underwood, by the
J way of Rattlesnake to Goldendale. This
; chalks wis made upon the represent,,
J tlons made by your board of .county
- . J aMIHTT' HTlBTle
(Continued from Page-One.)
ns maoe ir J""'.""'",,, 't. .n.f. I raiment and sallied forth.. As a result
jrommissioners ami yur -wto that he has a bet on that he will appear In
fime matter wis thoroughly dlsi blue and white at the ringside-tonight.
1 m5li T, Moresentative and your when those of the Oregon bunch who
3 cussed by your rPWSeniauv v. j alio from their chaneronuM will
:. the orof !0f,Td the Rt ' "I .W?-.ft52
members "who represented you In Moore is going while Dr. Harry McKay
:1907 survey, s now made. Is is familiarising .himself with the past
iMmnUfo and has been approved or w msiory oi tvoibbbc ui ii n nn
highway board? and we epect to wager that they will be the leader of
iwrcsslnS'torllM construction of a large delegation. -.v..
Ifive or six mile of this road In the Baksr City to the Trout.
tnear future." i':v. nv.r Baker City worked Its way to the
ti., Mint, inirrariMi eauiom.j I a . i - . .
4,. v .-- ; " i.w .nimrflBl orsran-1 trw"1 nniiun circles wnen it
.-to corresoond with fyifon. became known that the Queen City of
1 -"fT". Am.vYa".V.t!, hlahway with the Inland Empir. had brought the Blue
In I Mountain District brass band and it
. me. .ruuw ."".: Vu-iJ -VU.r. Hnn
:5 t?5 mentioned by Mr. I was immediately seised upon to give a
' 5av,nlJT tathe event of fall- concert at the Howl Alexandria; the
- Snow changed, ana, n in " : .t- - I i..rfinr i !..!,,
, a . karia r f ion id secure a . v.w v. , wai. uihui.
Joad. romfses of funds and WiU levins, district deputy of the lks
trk Mm itiX by -Several members for Oregon, Is leading the Baker City
m "theluo Secretary Brker, Dr. H. contingent rapldl Into popularity and
riV tnfiui- ."ct Burdoln nd hae combined with the Portland delesra-
Vh.riM m TtwnoS were appointed altlon and other Beaver lodges In a re-:tt-.oA,m.T.d
r Preliminary sur- UpUo, .to be held Wednesday, night at
-vey of the porupn 9i(.lvp-. .hX woVn-,"rt,'" a. XiZi
4 That tVpfl flt rUCtlOD OS ini o i uis buutu. uwao yi u nwoo V J
Iphone line wa under wnr'drtlon which have made a big hit. will be dls-
- i . Maatinv mn inurnru bhvi j i liiuuibu.
; "...I iniffh loBvlna considerable un- thronged
' finished business. incinainn m . i -i visuors, wno preccaea vne special irains.
- glutton OI a PSUlHm " : ' " V D"u " s
1 Bristol and Bnowdw routes. I pressed with the showing of tha Ore-
3unins a .nnounutiq ue wmuiu
I b pass of his interests at once and
return with the party. ., a '-
'George Bronson, - - who was rearefl
lara-ely under tha guidance of "Doc"
Corneliua, and la now an elocution In
. .woman' taxks . ..
(Continued from Page One.)
' ' ' . ZZy m . I at Vtsts hll KsWltt AantllMMi hv 4 It aa
Johnson, 'tor "l0V,"lrdl. before women to assist In their reception' pro
itht my heart la weak . Klln. -rstwhlle mine feost
eared and
into favor as one of the most popular
Harrlman officials, announced today
that he would return to Portland to
night ,
St V-Ti this Tstory. I of the Esmond hotel, also app
It 5.7wV. 'born In Flensburg, Schle.wlg- left h a th .register.
. , D,C MJIW IBIII.r I ..Dill. BllDI ' ,.IP nvlKVU li
term or the circuit court is now in ses
sion, with Judsre R. R. Butler presiding,
Several right-of-way cases for the
Deschutes railroad were up for trial.
but Attorney Spencer for the company
secured a stipulation that railroad work
was to go on. The cases are to go to
trial next ran at tne regular term to
aacertaln the assessment of ' damages
due the property.
There has been but ono Jury trial, jn
which J. B .'Hosford and Judsre E. V.
Littlefleld." both of Portland. s were on
Sosing attorneys. Thercase was awelp.
rilling affair, both sides claiming the
arm - got caugnt in tne - wen inrougn
the carelessness of the other party.
Attorney Hosford for the well-drillers
secured a compromise verdict.
Scott Johnson Confess?! Mnrder. -Santa
Rosa. Cal.. July II. Chief of
Police Fred J. Rushmore today received
a message from Sheriff Henry Hager
of Elkton. Md., Instructing him to hold
Boott Johnson, who surrendered to the
Sonoma county authorities last week.
confessing a murder committed in Mary-,
lano. i ne waryiana oincers win pruu
ably leave Immediately for the coast to
get the prisoner. . -.
business Devices
UAlit.ln. . March
. n. mtwA that was my I
? business for yesrs after I came to the
United States in isn.
. tad innlna WomM.
i . m mv health failed. My
-heart was broken by the death of my
5 sweetheart In Germany, and I tookto
- making a living by duping women. I
-canti remember the names of half the
: women I duped, nor of all the women I
a ( ... . t ami Ymvn tnAm
;waaspent on others and I did not profit tho full confidence of the Wen-Informed
5 "Thfirst woman i married wae Mr. I of the World and the Commendation of
KnvZmber 1905. She gave me $500 on 1 the most eminent physicians it was essen-
- . i w aaarTaVI - -
To Eftijoy -
Ithe day of our marriage, and I cejej.1
her in New York two days later. ; I slm-
sply dian t wee er.
, "My second ; marriage was to Mrs
nn. a, nnnnctt at San Rafael.
Jin rember. i0T I left her after two
J weeks and went to Portland, w., where,
under the nsme of John Mad-on, court-
Ced 10 women at tne " V",',
tthem bv advertising In two daily PPr
think I got 00 ana vers to those,.ad
' j Claims lortland Ttctlm,
t "I remained In Portland two months
fout only marked one wman. Her
-name was Elisa Jones. I remember
correctly. She had been divorced from
hr husband and owned a third Inter
est In the largest coal yard In south
5 Portland. - I got $ 1800 from her. but I
Sfel sure she would have f'ven tne
;?5,000 If 1 had asked her for It I
Illved with her two weeka
3 "At the same time I was - courting
2n1ne others. One of these was the rlc
J wife of a sea captain who ran a steam
jer between Seattle and TJome. She
wanted to leave her husband and marry
I ; "j took' Mrs. Jones to Oakland and
-left her there. Then I went to Los An
Sreles and on to Memphis, Tenn., where
It married Mrs. BTtha King. I left
ther In XoulsvUle. Ky In May. 1907,,
' Did Tary Well at Bt. SVonla.'
I J -This was the end of my matrimon
lal adventures until I went to St Couls
?Usl year-and Tnaertedag-aiMn a news
i paper. Then I met Mra Minnie Allen,
- Sfrom whom I got 1.00; Mrs. Catalina
iBaughman, who gave me $160, and Mra
Alice Richardson, who loat $400 and a
diamond ring through her acquaintance
-with me. A head nurse at one of the
'hotels In St Louis gave me $204. Her
first name was Catherine, but I can't
- remember the rest of It I did not
J marry any of these women, although I
. was engaged to all of them and several
Solhers whose names I cannot remember.
"Then, going to East St Louis. I
. met Mra Msry Prick, but she waa too
smart for me and I did not get a cent
- jfrom her.
; "All this time 1 was living under the
'name of Msdson, and the police of
Portland were looking for me under
Sthat name for deserting the Jones wo
,man. I didn't appear on the streets
jmueh In the daytime, and easily eluded
;tjie detectives. -. .
"After leaving St Louis. I met Mrs.
pCltsabeth Jackson of lola, Kas., and got
?1400 from her. I then skipped out to
v Hot Springs, where I met Mrs. Birdie
. : King, but Instead of getting money from
, "her she got money from me.
, J.t ', Career at Baa Tranolsoo.
' "Leaving Hot Springe 1 returned to
' San Francisco, where an ad for a wife
"brought me too answers. I married
" -Mra Leopcld and got $520 from her.
iAfterwarde I went to Stockton and mar--ried
Mrs. Tretheway, who finally had
- -me sent to prison. At the same time
. 1 was corresponding with Ida Mitchell
vat Ingleehhs, and it Was a letter I wrote
t iu her that, disclosed my duplicity to
3-Mra. Tretheway,
1 ., "Mra Joeephine Hennlnger of Oak
Hand answered my- San Francisco ad and
- i got 2u0 from her. ...ii...
''After my marriage . at Stockton I
went to San Diego, where I met aOer
man spinster named Katy Heone. - We
twent to Los Angeles and Were married.
M got the license in the name of Jxhn
Anderson. I left her at 12 Pacific
-a venue. Long Beach, on the th of the
'present month. I told her I was go
Jng to Germany.
I "Short Xdfe and a Merry Ona" j
"I went to San Francisco 09 July t
llo meet Minnie Catcher, with hn 1
3iad been corresponding. It was she. It!
ftm. who put the detectives onto me
iid had Mrs. Tretheway prosecute me,"'
- "1 want to say that f married all1
these women just te have a good time, i
The doctors told me . oidn't have long'
. live, and J found pleasure In duping 1
vomen who were willing to marry, tne'
or money I didn't have. I am only'
Vorry about the Heone girl and Mrs. D;
jionnett. , If 1 live long enough. I am
Vuing to give the Heone girl back $40 i
got from her." j . . - , 1
, : RESORTS TO roisoN;
(t?Btte Prwn Ln4 Wln.4 !
Chlcasu, July .Unable - to find
Vork and reduced to a state of hysteria
lv intense hunsr. Clarence Rugglea
f IVnvfr was rt-moved today to a lion
t'ltsl, . where effurts are being made to
-eave Ms li'e. RiiKgl-n. who is 49 years'
t age. came ta t'hlcag-o four weeks
is, and a slnol tfaobers ex
it, mi nation. It I" retried that he ailed
f an.l wes visable to find other
uj e.ttit,
tial that the component parte of Syrup
of Figs and' Elixir of Senna should he
known to and approved by them; there
fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub
lishes a full statement with every package.
The perfect purity and uniformity of pro
duct, which they demand in a laxative
remedy of an ethical character, are assured
by the Company' original method of man
ufacture known to the Company only.
The figs of California are used in the
production of Svtud of Fin and Elixir of
Senna to promote the pleasant t&ste', but
the medicinal principles are obtained from
plante known to act most beneficially.
-during the pres
ent week we shall dem
onstrate the desirable
features of the twenti
eth century time and
; money saving devices
" which we carry the
most modern office
tools manufactured.
this is a general in
vitation to all business and
professional men to visit our
store this week; and please
bear in mind, it is as much
to your interest as our, to
do so. :
" we can prove this
assertionput us to the test !
interesting demon
strations daily in our Third
street show windows.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for gal
tar all leading druggists.
Tou can positively wash away all
those Itching skin diseases which come
up In Bummer time. Tou can wash
them sway with a soothing lotion of
Oil Of wlntergreen, properly com
pounded. The Instant this mild, soothing liquid
Is applied that awful itch Is gone. Eo
sema sufferers all over the world, who
have used the Oil of Wintergreen Com
pound, have testified to the merits of
this Oil as compounded In V. D. ' D,
If you are suffering from summer
rashes, poison Ivy, poison oak, straw
berry rash, or the more severe forms of
Brlckly heat you will find this D. D.
. Compound a sure relief from the
itch. i , .
Skldmore Drug Co., Portland; J. C.
Watt Vancouver, Wash.; Jones Drug
Co., Oregon City; Delta Drug Co. Hills
boro. Or. - -4- f
Eyes Deserve
The Best .
No ;
Risk tV
Here K'J
CXMXC8 op xtmon.
One charge covers entire cost
examination, glasses, frames.
Sight Expert
2d floor Corbett Bldg-, 5th and Morrison.
Also all Standard Tools, Cutlery
and Builders' Hardware '
t 4.
Oregon-Hardware Co.
107 Sixth St., Near Washlnzton
Wghf as well have the n
sole Portland agents for Jail grades of STANDARD SEWING llACHlNES At agency prices
they'd cost you $50 and up. Our prices run up from $18. Come in and let an expert demon-
stratot show you how to use the machine and where the STANDARD make excels all Others
W mimmi
$7.50 Suitcases $5.35
No need to carry an old or battered suit
case ".with you Jon your vacation : trip
when "a good cowhide suitcase sells Jor.
this small sum. 24-inch size, made -yvith
heavy, protected corners, bell-riyeted,
linen-lined, shirt-fold. Reg. (J C ' ?,
$7.50. Special for this sale; DO 00
sorts.; We were never in such good
shape to supply your . vacation needs in
these Hnes.-rWe are sole Portland agents
for the famous INDESTRUCTO
TRUNKS. We also have the sole "
agency for the HARTMAN WAR1V
ROBE. TRUNKS. Ask to see them.
1 1 ,
BAGS, ETC., at temptingly low: prices.
The "Indestrocto" With a Brodc
Guarantee An Insurance Policy for
Fivo 'Years A Warnlng". to Bag
KBge Smashers A Registered Num-'
ber to prevent loss In transit
Weighs - much less than other
trunks of equal carrying; capacity.
Saves Its price many times over in
doing away with excess -baggage
charges--The lightest, roomiest
handsomest, trunk made. The fea
ture of our window
- displays' Demon'
strated at your con
enlencelnour trunk
section. Come in to
day and get a copy of
"TheTravelogof tho
Globe Trotter" wltb
rum .-ja -
"i Nil
$ Oxfords $2;39 Pair
'Air the new and wanted styles of foot--wear
are included in this lot Low shoes
: that possess both style arid comfort in.'
the highest degree. Values, too, are bet
ter than you'll find in most stores when
we sell them at the regular prices. Now
they're phenomenally good. -Vici kid, '
brown kid, gunmetal calf and patent
leathers; ankle-strap pumps or oxfords,
light or heavy soles. Reg. f nl
yah to $4.00. Choice, pair. .3)0"
WOMEN'S OXFORDS m black kSd or;
jivhite canvas, odds and ends,"sizesi up to'
widths mostly A A-A and B. Worth
up tb$5.0Q the pair, i Special Q Q
for this sale only. , . . , y C
pair of White Canvas Oxfords sold.
Silk Gloves 50 c to $t.0050c Handkerchiefs 19c
As usual, Wednesday is the best day of the week to buy small things for women's wear. Neck
wear, Kiooons, oioves, nosiery and numberless other little things are brought forward by this
1 store and offered at special prices for your profit. Take advantage of the many great bargains.
GLOVES, with , dou
ble finger tips. Come
in all shades, the most
popular colors that
match . t h i s season's
gowns. Special, the
pair 50, 75, 91.00
edo meshr Russian
net, hexagon mesh
or with chenille
dots ; colors navy,
green, brown, black,
etc, -45c At
....I 7V
$3.00 Parasols at $1.98
Extra good quality Parasols, fitted
with directoire bandies, finish td with
hemstitched edges and fancy embroid
ery. Colors white, gray, black, cardt-!
nal and combinations. Reg. di QQ
$3.00 values. Special .....) Is 70
Ree. values to $5.00. -Special-82.08
Reg. jyaluet lo$LJ5SpecUL$3.08:
Children's Pants at 19c
Sizes 18 to 34, knee pants,; lace- ; i A
trimmed. Worth to 50c pair laC
51.75 Sttk -Gloves at 73c
Lone Silk Gloves, in black or white
I only, not all sizes., Reg. vat 79.
to $1.75 pair. Special at .7.. ... JC
val., yd.
Embroideries Mc Yard
or lijien, initial, hand
kerchiefs that self reg.
: ulariy for up to 50c
ea. Special for Wed-
Corset Cover Embroidery and 27-inch
Flouncing, in Swiss or Nainsook. , Reg-"
ular. values to $1.00 the yard, in v
Special... ..............;.. 40C
Torchon laces 5c Yard 1
4rMachine-Torchort Laceredges or inser
.tions, i to 2 inches wide. Regular,
values , to;! 15c the yard Special f
at, the yard ........DC
$1: Ribbon Belting 4Sc
Comes V to 2 iriches wide; plain or '
fancy. Reg. values to $1.00 the J Q
Sircf. Special ....... t ..tOC
egular values to 35c the yard. A
Special . . . . . . , . . . . . .......... 1 JjC
Bathing Suits at $1.89
Good fast-color Bathing Suits for
women, well made, nicely ; finished.
Reg. values to $2.75 each. t t OA
siw ..$l.oU
Child's Hose at tic Pair
Hose, in pink, cardinal or 'black, all
over or boot lace. Reg. values 11
up to 45c Special ..... . . 1 1 C
50c Women's Vests 29c
LWith umbrella knee, pants to match.
The' vests are low-neck, sleeveless
style; Pants are ,knee-length.
Worth to 50c garment , Sp'l
Fancy Dress Goods SaleV-SkirtsCulFrfe
Every yard of fancy dress goods infiour magnificent stocks go on sale in this offer.' There are
thousands of yards of the choicest fabrics in every pattern and weave. Light or dark shades,
light or heavy weights, and all grades reduced. ': WITH EVERY SKIRT PATTERN SOLD WE
CUT THE SKIRT FREE of CHARGE. We also cut skirts free with each pattern sold in sale goods
or any goods regularly priced at 25c or more the yard. This applies to either wool or wash goods
$2.75 House Dresses $1.89
Linen Coats at Third Less
, Theses house dresses re in charming- models,' made of
fast color percales, chambrays and ginghams,' plain solid
colors or stripes, checks, figures, etc.' This season's best
models and about 250 in the lot. Regular price $275 to
$13.50, reduced like this: r V ' 7 f
Regular .: $275 f OQ 'Regular' $7.50 C
values at.....'.9AeOs7. values tt...... .
Regular . $3.85 fJO CQ Regular $8.50 tC Oft
.4arfeVa values t....,),.?WtU
values at.....
Regular $4.00 ' 0 OQ
values at..,.'...eyaWeO7
Regular $5.00 0 CQ
values --.'at. j.....e!eJ7
Regular $6.50 A ACk
values at. , . . . i. .vte1
Regular v $9.00 f OQ
values tt... ..-,. UeO H
Regular $12.50 CO CQ
values at .l.fO.DiJ
Regular $13.50 (0 10
values at.,,.,...e?felr
LINEN COATS, in ; dressy," handsomely lace trimmed :
models for special occasions or plain. tailored effects and
duaters for street wear, driving, motoring, etc. Regular
values $3.00 to $25.00 at...... ...... ONE THIRD LESS
WOMEN'S SILKT COATS, superb lot, strictly tailored '
1 coats, splendid for auto rides, te or Very dressy models
j for evening theatre and afternoon wear. Reg- tjOO 'JC
ular values up to $60.00 special it... ......... qLt. I O .
:'", ."::'.;'-5.' 1 '
Child's 65c Skirts at 39c
Women's $1 BrWer59c
Children's White Cambric Skirts, made with ruffle '
and trimmed with tucks 'and C lace, 'sizes from 6
months -to 3 years. Regular values up to 65c q a
each. Special at ................... . . . . . . iJaC
Regular , values up to ; $1.25 each. Spe- nn
dally priced at QOC
GIRLS' DRESSES, a special lot in pretty plaids or
plain materials and in all the nevfr styles, sizes; 2 to
12 years, regular. values up to $2.75, alirf.' nn
pretty new styles.." Special .Oleaj"
Regular values up to $4.00 each. Spe- Ao no -
cially priced at, each .;...50
WOMEN'S DRAWERS with wide flounce, -trimmed
with embroidery -edge and insertion Reg-1
ular $1.00 values. Special for Wednesday at, f A
the pair . . , ..'".;. .". . ; v . ....... t ... jmM aJ
WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS, chemise effect, with
empire body, wing or eIbow:sleeves.rReg. Pi A ...
$2.75 values. Special at, each . ...el j .
GIRLS WOOLEN SWEATERS in gray, white or
cardinal, sizes 6 to 14 years.!- Special for OA '
Wednesday at ...................... .OLt!iU