The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Totd Topics
Bungalow v................ Marie Doro
Olphoum , , Vaudeville
Grand . j .Vaudeville
v Vantages , , , ............... Vaudeville
Agtar . . .-. ....Vaudeville
Strte i v..- ....."The Blue Mouse"
i Oali....B,,.,,.,,,.Th Bickett Family
Circus. . ...... Twenty-flfth and Raleigh
Tli Journal at Resorts. . 4
City subscribers, 'going away.
en their vacations, can secure . 4
The Bally and Sunday Journal e
of our agents at the following e
resorts at the regular carrier
rates of 15c per week or 5e
month for the Dally and Sunday; e
lOo per week or 46o per month 4
for . The" Daily Journal. 7 v ;
Those wanting ; The Journal '
mailed should caU at our off lea,
Fifth and Yamhill street.
Seaside, , Or.: Frank Kennell,
agent; ' headquarters at Lewis ..
Co.'s drug atore. " Delivery to any e
point on beach. '
Long Beach. Wash.: Byron B. e
Toombs, agent. Delivery to all .
points on ths beach. ,
Gearhart Park: Richard Kruee, e
agent. -
Columbia Beach; XX tan-
don, agent :
Ilwaco, Wash.: Iula Cohan.
news agent. JHwaco railroad.
' Breakers: J. M.. Arthur, agent -
Collins ; C T. Belcher, agent.
Carson: Chae. Bay wars, agent
, Beavlews F. E. Btraubal. agent w
' Shiperd'a r Springs: ' Mineral 4)
Springs Hotel Co., agent
- Hot lake: Hot Lake Sanltar-
lum. agant .: 'j ,
Wllholt: F.W, McLeran, agent"
Discus Patent MedicinesIn discuss
ing the question of patent medicines
before about 76 members of the Lenta
nge, jairons wi inuuawji
rday, the fact was brought oui Dy
u I Vnuni the lecturer, that every
body present' used or had used patent
maiiioinaa m r. yniintr rtnu as, uauat vu
; the "Evils Resulting from the Use or
-patent Medicines." The range is oon.
, slderlng tne question di-ww "J""!,
clnes. in order to have formulas of all
"patent medicines printed In full on the
bottles op packages. If they decide that
this la a wlaa requirement
; Tuesday, juiy- ii, nas peon
of the Eangellstlcal association. It la
' to be held at Jennings Lodge, oij tha
Oregon Electric railway and will con
tinue till August's. Ministers from
"an the districts In" Oregon and, Wash
ing will be in attendance. Hotel ac
commodations hava been provided for
through a huge tent Which will be un
der the charge of Rev. Theodora Schauer,
a DltUul of Twontr 9r Cant on
claims 'filed and approved, having been
ordered by- the United States-circuit
court for tha district of Oregon, cred
itors are notified to present their
books, certificates of deposit or other
evidence of Indebtedness, for payment
of the above dividend at the office of
IK. .... mmwmam QuiAit mnA
Washington tretiif Portland, Or, t
MX. D. nUKVAHU, af r.
tM.WsK i Iks Tit). . riiiarantasi A
X ivdh: v a va, ins a lis . v mb waa vw . ssa
Trust company.
Portland. Or., July 6, 1809. ,
Civil Servloa SzamliMkHona Tha
TTnued States civil service commission
snnounces an examination to be held In
this city September 1. to secure eugibies
for the position of deputy collector and
clerk, and atorekeeper-gauger In ,. the
Internal revenue service for the dis
trict of Oregon. Applications of those
desiring to take this examination must
be received by the comminsion at Wash
ington, D. C, on or before August 4.
Mother Saves Mayes Tha ract that
Roy Hayes, arrested on a charge of
larceny, is the sole support of his
widowed and aged mother caused Judge
TiAnn,, A h. I.nlnnt him wh.n
his case was called In police court this
' morning. Hayes was charged with hav-
In. irn ,R m mil nf nnnirtv nftrtlnv tityi
Joe Blumenthal, a storekeeper, Jndga
lng the good- behavior jQf Hayes.
wew xorit ooaty The New xork so-
olntv of OrAffon wilt hrtM its re-ulitr
mommy mor viiik mrayrrow, x uwaaT.
rvBimiK B L viiv icwuriita in Mr. anu
Mra. Charles B. . Hand. B01 North
Twenty-first street comer Reed. Take
S car north to end of line. Ar garden
pnrty will be held If the-weather per
mits, and light refreshments will be
served. Visiting New Torkera aa well
a a residents of tha otty and atata arn
cordially invuea. , - . ,
ne man living at 648 Columbia
street was fined 110 on a charge of
disorderly conduct by Judge Bennett
this morning. Sexton was arrested by
Officer Ellis who found his horse tied
on the sidewalk at Seventeenth : and
Washington streets. On remonstrating
with Sexton the latter became abusive
and was arrested forthwith.
Basket Ploalo Thnrsaay A basket etc-'
nio In tha grove near Mra Charles Prank
Mauser's country home will be given
by the Mount Scott W. C. T. U. next
l id m TVil nlAnfn will ti. .1... ' -
as the regular monthly meeting of the
with their baskets. -
On Charge' of Barglaryv-WUllam
Calnea and James Dunn were arrested
by Detectives Craddock and Mallett on
a charge of burglary. Tha couple are
charged with being freight car robbers
and are accused of. breaking Into cars
and stealing a quantity of goods.' The
case against them was continued until
tomorrow. The complaint Is sworn out
by E. B- Wood. ..... . :
Helped - Klmself -Itr W.
Baker, a
contractor of 7 First
street. reDorted to tha police last even.
"lng that his pockets were picked at
Third and -Yamhill streets and $5.60
taken. - He waa helping a woman on a
streetcar at the time and Is unable to
state whether he saw tha people who
took his money,
Child Faiafully Bumei LttUe Ger-Iand
trude Johnson, the- 8-year-old dauehter
of L. S. Johnson, of Lents, was severe
ly burned about tne body through her
"clothing catching on fire while playing
With matches. The mother, hearing the
f reams of the child, arrived lust in
time to save the child's life, .
One had tetter go without shoes, or
with their shoes out of repair, than to
let their eyes ge when they need atten
tion. Feci free to consult us at any
Urne. Dr. George Ruben stein, expert
Dtlclan. 189 Third street opposite Ba
ker theatre,
Olynrola Beer, bottled exclusively at
Olympla, Wash., Horseshoe" on label,
none other genuine, becoming" mere pop
ular every day. Family trade a special
ty. Phones, Home, A-t47. Pacific. Mala
Pacific Tent and Awning Co Welt
made tents, awnings and sleeping porch
curtains. Large tenta a specialty. IT N.'
First at, between Burnside and Couch.,
- I' - v--- ,
' Vovea to larger quarter, third floor
Merchants Trust building, Flxth and
Washington, Dr. Harvey W. Freeze,
neurologist eye epeciallat .
Spirited game cf Baseball, .patrolman
Bales, right fielder for the police base-
Talented Women
V - f
lllllil . vl
' - V 1
I ' ' . ' " -
- : :S: S-; '
Anna Meredith,, Upper Picture, and
, Mary K. Taylor, Lower.'
The populaT..ldea that one star makes
a proauction does it apply to the
dramatic organizations sent out by
Charles Frohman, who is admittedly
the greatest theatrical . producer in the
world. "Tha Morals of Marcus," In
which dainty Marie Doro is to be seen
at the Bungalow Is the fourth of the
Charles Frohman productions t be
sent to Portland within a few weeks
and Just as It was noticeable such great
artists as Otis Skinner, Ethel Barry
more and John Drew were surrounded
by men and women of experience and
great talent so Miss Doro who makes
her stellar debut In Portland has as
her associates a comoany of brilliant
actors and actresses. With Edwin Arden
as leading man and Marie Wainwright
In an important role It would seem
that Mr. Frohman was giving good
measure indeed. '
In addition to tha star, and Mr. Ar
den and Miss Wainwright who have
achieved International fama there are
several other members of tha company
who are known to Portland theatre
foers and whose return to this city will
a of social as well as artistic Interest
Marion Abbott who brings the modest
rola of tha French bonne into promi
nence by her delicate artistry, made her
first Journey to tha Pacific coast with
James A. Heme In "Hearta of Oak"
and her last trip overland was with the
tame actor In Sag Harbor" In which
she made a conspicuous hit as Ellxubeth
Ann. She will also be remembered here
as Mrs, Lorlmer in 'The Moth and the
Flame,' with Herbert Kelcey and Effia
Mary K. Taylor, who is the Judith
Malnwarlng of "The Morals of Marcus"
a role that calls for the most delicate
of treatment has been identified with
a number of Shakespearean roles andf
witn tne old Maaison square, theatre
successes. This Is her fourth trip to
successes, 'inii u ow xourcn mp 10
rjw,?i:TTBrTTtnTltM 6r one of them. I told him he
May Irwin. Her latest success before
Joining Miss Doro was as tha governess
in 'The Mollusc."
Anne Meredith, the Dora Ordeyna of
tha coming nlay, made her first appear
ance on the stage aa Florenca Hender
son In Tha Boy a of Company B," and
ao great was her success that her sec
ond engagement saw her In tba leading
role of 'Tha Virginian." Last season
Miss Taylor was with Miss Doro in 'The
Richest airl." Miss Meredith has a
very wide acquaintance in army circles
and In every city where aha visits she
la tba object - or mucn social attention
from the officers and ladies of tha
service. 1
Mildred Beverly's Interestlnsr stare ca
reer includes an engagement with Mra
seasons with Chauncey Olcott and a sea-
'son with Andrew Mack. She has a very
wide circle of friends in San Francisco,
Portland and Seattle.
Gottlieb SpHlman Jr., of 41. Davidson
avenue committed suicide yesterday
morning by drinking carbolic acid after
first having tried to cause death by
stabbing himself In the heart Tha dull
condition of tha knife used prevented
the first attempt Spillman killed him
self In the loft of a barn at the rear of
the house, the spotbeln the same aa
that chosen by his brother, Ernest Spill
man, who killed himself two . months
The dead man was SI years of age
ana it is tnougnc ne became aesnonaenl
and mentally unbalanced, from brooding
over his brothers recent-aulclde. Ha
told a friend. Rudolf Graf, of his in
tended suicide in the morning;, but de
spite a watch kept over hint, managed
to reach the barn unobserved. The
young man is survived by his parents
four sisters, who live here, and by
ball team, waa Injured by being struck
in the eye by a pitched ball, while play
ing at Thirteenth and Davis streets, 1
yesterday afternoon. He was knockedj
unconscious, oui recovered ana was soie
to go home without assistance.
Steamer .resale Barking, for Camaa.
Washougal'and way landings, dally, ex
cept Sunday.., Leaves Washington street
dock it I a m. . . -;
Ladles sample stilts and -skirts at
one-half to one-third regular pricea
Lang. (11 Marquam hldjt. Take elevator. :
J. O. chaefer aj Oot, merchant tailors,
corner-Sixth and Washington streets,
Raleigh building, rooms 10 and 1L
' W. A. Wise and associates, painless
aentiets, Third and. Waahlngtoav
Americas Sank a Trast Ojl glxtk ;
and Oak, paya Interest on deposits. -
Abendrota, Jeweler, tit Waab near I
It la reported that a company owning
11.000 acres In the southern part of
Harney county will sell it off In email1
tractav '. V- i
- ' ') ' : . ' :
Minneapolis Eealty . ftoard
Members Arrive Here
- Traveling In a special Pullman, en
route to the A.-Y.-P. " exposition, tea
Minneapolis - Realty Board, 80 strong,
will arrive in Portland at 7:80 o'clock
tomorrow morning and will remain a
part of the day sightseeing as guests
of the local organization of real estate
men. v . 'J " '
President Fries, Secretary Rountree
and the executive board of the Portland
Realty association will meet the train
bearipg the Minneapolis party and es
cort the members to the Commercial
club, where breakfast will be served.
After breakfast the party will board
the observation car for a ride over the
city. The party is composed entirely
of Minneapolis realty operators and
their wives.- They will leave for Seattle
tomorrow night, and while there will be
the guests of the Seattle Realty asso
ciates. .;-:!-'y ;--.
"Be not fashioned according to this
world, but be ye transformed by tha
renewing-hand of your mind, that ye
may prove what la that good and accept
able and perfect will of God," was the
text of yesterday morning's sermon by
Rev. James D. Corby of the First Uni
versalis! church. The sermon waa
preached in Union hall, on Grand avenue,
and was heard by a large congregation.
The speaker did not fall to talk plain
ly and to the point regarding the pres
ent modes of dress for-both men and
women, although that- waa but a minor
thought In developing his theme.
1 might say," said he, "that we are
going through a period of positive ugli
ness in modes of dress. Men as well
aa women, aubmit to extreme styles and
carry around unbeautlful and unbecom
ing modes that make something fearful
and-wonderful to behold. It Is positive
ly refreshing to nee a person dressed
with neatness and becomingly In con
trast with the many who are as much
alike as crackers from a factory." .
The greatest problem before us is the
development of youth Into higher forms
of power and service to the world; It Is
the transformation of those who stand
with folded hands Into moral regenera
tors and social redeemers. It Is one
thing to live In a city and mark time
while the drum beats for great moral
movements, but It Is another, and in
finitely larger thing, to be a good sol
dier of Christ fighting the good fight
with Tilood-red earnestness, believing
that right Is right Since God Is God
and right the day must win. To noth
ing less than that I Invite you.
"The faculty of Imitation Is strong. It
Is easier to follow the crowd. Glide
with the current like a dead fish and
you need have no conflict When Paul
writes to Timothy, his beloved helper,
he-congratulates nim on being fashioned
bv the loving loval faith -of his nrrand
m other, Lois, and his mother, Eunice.
The same law operates today. If chil
dren are "hot fashioned religiously, mor
ally and socially in your home, you may
be sure some one less kindly disposed
will set the fashion they will use.
"There haa been Hi good deal of ad
verse criticism- of Pasco, but the old
town la Improving wonderfully now and
she Is about to' come Into her own. Irri
gation is proving to be a wonderful fac.
tor In the upbuilding of . the southern
8 art of tha state of Washington," said
. A. Allaton, Pasco, Wash., at tha Ore
gon yesterday.
-Arthur Margreider, Tonopah, Nev.:
"Yesterday waa a great day for me. I
met an old time friend at the union
depot whom I had not seen for 30 years.
Used to go to school with him in
Moberly, Mo. Now he is ths president
of a big 'manufacturing concern in
Moberly, while I am still answering" to
the call of the wild and the lure of
gold." .
- Frank Sinclair, Oklahoma City, Okla.:
"We have cut out the cyclones and
bllssards In our country and the entire
state of Oklahoma has been awakened.
Pretty good country down there, I can
tell you."
"While walklna- down the street yes
terday there were a couple of dogs fol-
lownf -nd when I
met a man wno
could have 'em both If he would catch
them. I don t 'know whether he Is still
chasing them or not I do know that
they were not my dogs." said Barney
Williams of Egerla. Ark., at tha Per
kins. "I hava noticed that there are not
many alfalfa mills in this section of
the country," said A. 8. Merton, Poca
tello, Idaho, at the Oregon Joday. 'The
grinding of alfalfa for feed la becoming
a great Industry In Idaho, Utah and
Colorado and the feed la of the finest"
DeLoss Webb, Xiynn. Mass.: "I went
down to your police court yesterday for
the purpose of being amused, but I
dtdnt' enjoy the proceedings worth a
cent Why doesn't Portland have a de
cent police courtroom, I wonder. . You
can't near a thing because of the noise
on tha street Seems to me as if the
station waa In a mighty poor location."
"From outside appearances, tha new
Seward hotel la going to be one of tha
handsomest In the entire northwest"
said Daniel Fryberger. a prominent
hotel man of Lincoln. Neb. 'The archi
tectural work la beautiful and I have
reason to believe that the furnishings
will be Inst as elaborate. I hope It Is a
Thomas .McNutt Burlington, Iowa:
"When I decided to make this trip to
the coast I thought that for once I
would get all the fish I wanted to eat
Somehow every easterner feels that
way. He seems to think that you are
long on fish. But up to date I haven't
seen any more fish' than I would have
hsd I' remained at home. ' Where ar
your fish, anyway?" ,c
Barton Ay lea worth, Bagga,' Wyo.r.
"There la no more Hole-!n-the-Wall
gang. Moat everybody haa heard of tha
outlaw Tracy who terrorised the coast
states for a time. Welt his -pais have
aiaoanaea, oui i aon't Know where they
wen,t It Is a mysterious proposition."
. "Soma day. after I accumulate enourh
money to do so. I shall erect a boarding
noun wnero rr aursi win DO satis
fied. There will be home cooking, no
HI smells, plenty of nlpes and tobacco,
books and pianos. There will be no
children and there will be a fashionable
nelhborhood,' said "G. W. . Johnson,
Jacksonville, Fie., at the Imperial. -
The second trial of the case of John
Welch, administrator of the estate of
Michael Welch, against the Barber As
phalt company, was begun before Judge
Wolverton in the United States dlstrir-t
court this afternoon. .
At the first trial of this case a mntw
for the defendant waa returned, but upon
appeal to the United States circuit court
tne judgment was reversed ana the case
sent back for a new trial, Welch met
his death in tha asphalt plant of" the
defendant company in lower Alblna, and
the administrator brought suit for dam
ages, alleging negligence upon the part
of the defendant
uiATT ERHORij ill
Brings General -Merchandise,
to Balfour, Guthrie
and Company. .
Only - BatT Weather Encountered
While Rounding Horn Bans Into
Hall Storms Saw Nothing of
'Missing Bark" Brodrick Castle. .
With generally fine weather, except
when, rounding, the Horn, the. British
ship Matterborn -made the trip from
Newcastle, England, to Astoria In 140
daya, and tied up at the Centennial dock
yesterday morning.
: On the way - across the Atlantic the
Matterhorn had strong northwest trade
winds, but the weather was generally
pretty fair until aha arrived at Cape
Horn, when she encountered heavy
weather. She rounded the Horn. 69
degrees south, which was pretty far
down' for that time of the year, -and
ran Into vary cold weather with plenty
of hall. ' After getting Into the Pa
cific ahe had light southeast trades and
good weather up to Aetoria.
When asked if ha had seen anything
of 4he Brodick Castle, Captain R. L.
Salter said that he had sighted only
one sailing vessel bound east, and tbat
waa a bark, but he passed too far away
to make out her name. This Is not the
first time that Captain Salter haa been
In Portland, as ha was here seven years
ago in the British bark Ancenis ' and
has friends among nearly all of tha
captains of sailing vessels which ar
here at the present time.
Unloading of the cargo, which Is com
posed of pig Iron, China clay, fire brick,
coke. Venetian Red and some more mis
cellaneous freight, will begin tomorrow.
It comes here to Bairour, uutnrie &
Co. ' She carries a crew of 83 men all
told. . . .
Will Take Captain ElUcott on Six
Weeks' Tonr of Inspection.
Soma time during the last week of
thia month Captain J. M. Elllcott light,
house Inspector of the Thirteenth dis
trict will leave Seattle on the tender
Armerla, for Alaska, where he will make
a complete Inspection of tha stations
The captain will be accompanied on
his trip by his family, his son, Charles
G. Elllcott, and his daughter, Miss Jo
sephine Elllcott coming up from San
Francisco, where they have been visit
ing, on the Rose City tonight, to Join
the" rest of the family here. Captain
Elllcott said this morning that he ex
pected it would take about six weeks
to accomplish the tour of inspection, as
he was going to make It a complete
one, going up as far as .Nome and St
Captain Elllcott expects Captain H. T.
Mayo, secretary of the lighthouse board,
to arrive her on the 20th and the fol
lowing day they will go to Puget sound,
where, they will look over the books in
the district offices, which will take
them a couple of days. Captain Mayo
Is expected in, the Twelfth district the
latn ana win come up nere xrom can
fornia on the 20th.
' The tender Armerla will go to Tongue
Point Wednesday to finish taking on
sullies, ana tsunaay ane win leave ror
Seattle, where she will take on coal and
Spplles for the Alaska stations, prior
her leaving for those waters.
Mathlorna Will Soon Begin Dredging
at Carey's Bend.
After having her boilers washed out
the snag boat Mathlorna, will proceed
to Careys Bend, where ahe will dredge
out a new channel.
The old channel swung way out
around a gravel bar In the river, going
close to the right hand bank at the
bend, and It Is the Intention of the corps
of engineers to make a new channel
which will be more direct, cutting
through the bar toward the inner side
of the bend. This will not only make
a more direct channel but It will make
It much easier to navigate steamers
running through there. The mouth of
the old channel wlllJbe filled with the
gravel taken out of tne new one at that
point . As lt.Js Quite an undertaking,
It is expected that some time will bo
required to complete the work.
The Mathlorna Is at present tied up
at Salem where she is having her boil
ers washed out. The river there at pres
ent is two feet above low. water.
Will Take Eastbonnd Freight in
Time for Regular Schedule.
The steam -schooner Falcon, which ar
rived in San Francisco on Saturday, will
be held there for the regular schedule,
taking the cargo of one of the American
Hawaiian steamers from Sallna Crux.
Mexico, and arriving here with it about
the 18th of July.
The Hoqulam Is bringing up a part
of the freight which was due here on
tha 4th of July, and the Stetson will
take that part of the cargo which could
not be got on board of the Hoqulam. The
former Is expected to srrive here the
Htn and tne stetson win do in a
couple of days later.
-Unon her arrival here the Falcon will
take an eastbound cargo and leave for
San Francisco on the 22d In order to
arrive there In time to catch the out
going liner which leaves for the Isth
mus on the 27th of July.
Madison Bridge Cleared.
Captain Speler. city harbormaster,
said this morning that the Madison
street brldse had been cleared, and all
eoulnment removed, such as tools and
otfter things or tnat aesenpuon. v-nnsiy
Smith, the watchman, nas also been re
leased and the bridge turned over to the
contractor, Robert Wakefield, who will
proceed with the work of tearing
Astoria, July 12. Condition of tha bar
at I a. m wind normwesi, u miles,
weather cloudy; . sea smootn.
Astoria, July 11. Sailed at 8 a. m.,
steamer Yellowstone, for San Francisco;
sailed at :I0. a. si., steamer Northland,
for, San Francisco; arrived at 8:30 a.
m., and left up at : JO, steamer Break
water, from Coos Bay; sailed at 7 a. m.,
steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay: arrived
at 8:80 a. m and left up at 2:30 p. m.,
steamer Nome City, from San Francisco;
arrived down at 1:15 and sailed at 2; JO
p. m., steamer Atlas, for San Fran
cisco; arrived at 4 and left tip at 6:30
p. m., steamer Argo, from .Tillamook;
arrived at .6:S0 and left up at 7:16 p.
m., steamer W. S. Porter, from- San
Francisco: sailed at B:1S p. m., steamer
Mabel Gale, far San Francisco.
Eureka. Jul? 11. Sailed at . p. m.,
steamer Casco, for Portland; arrived
at 4 p. m., steamer Cascade from Port
land. Table Bluff, July 11. Passed at 8
p. m yesterday, tug Hercules with log
raft . .i "
Tides at Astoria Tuesday High wa
ter. 10:15 a. m., S.4 feet; :4J p. m.,
feet Low water, 4 a. m, .2 foot; 1:40
p. nv, 8.8 feet. " ' -; . -. i
The steam" schooner Noma City ar
rived this morning from San Francisco
with SS passengers, 880 tons of general
Large $150,000 BuiWing to
Re Home of Popular
Stock Company.
Manager George L. Baker of the Ba
ker atock company haa completed nego
tiations with local capitalists for tha
erection of a new "theatre, which will
become the permanent home of that pop
ular theatrical organisation.. While Mr.
Baker Is unwilling yet- to make public
the location of the proposed new play
house, he says It will be oentrallly lo
cated and will involve an investment
of about 81S0.O0O.
. Under the contract that Mr. Baker haa
with the builders of the prospective
theatre, he Is to take-a 25 years lease
on the building. So far as advanced, tha
plans provide for the completion of tha
building by January 1, 1810.
"All the details connected with the
lease have been agreed upon," said
Manager Baker thia morning, "but I am
not yet ready to announce who will fi
nance the proposition, nor- where the
new theatre is to be built I am pre
pared to say, however, that the deal will
go through and that the . Baker atock
company will have an elegant new home
by the first of next year. We expect to
conclude the negotiations and sign all
papers connected with they enterprise
some unn mis weea."
By a recent order of the city atrthorl
ties all wooden theatre buildings will be
tabooed after two years from now. Thia
will mean that the new Baker theatre
will be of fireproof construction.
merchandise and 100 tons - of : barley.
After delivering her bassengers at
Couch etreet dock, she moved up to
Oak street dock to unload some as
phaltum. She will load 860,000 feet of
lumber at Tongue otnt ror can ran-
Dorsey B. Smith, general manager of
the Open River Transportation company,
went to Big Eddy this morning on the
steamer J. N. TeaL He will be back
about Wednesday.
With a full list of passengers, the
Breakwater, captain aiacgenn, arnvea
last nlrht from Coos bav. She made
one of the fastest passages of tha sea-
sun, leaving vuob uaj uar Kb p v uiuv
Saturday afternoon and arriving in 25
hours' time.
Fred J. Clark, secretary of the Mer
chants' exchange, has gone to Nehalem
on his vacation. Ha will be gone a
couple of weeks.
The river at Portland will fall alowly
during the next few daya and pass tha
flood stage of 1S.0 feet either Friday
or Saturday.
Sagnlar Itinera Dae to Arrive.
Roanoke, San Pedroo ....July 11
Argo, Tillamook July 11
Rose city. Ban rancisco Juiy i
Hoqulam, San Francisco July 14
Alliance, Coos Bay ........... .July 15
Stetson, San Francisco , ...July 16
Breakwater, Coos Bay . i. . . -. . .. .July 18'
Falcon, San Francisco July 18
George W. Elder, San Pedro July 18
State of California, San Fran.. July 19
Henrik Ibsen, orient July 23
Selja, orient Sept. 11
Secular Liners Due to Depart.
Roanoke, San Pedro July 11
Argo, Tillamook July 14
Breakwater, Coos Bay .....July 14
Alliance, Coos Bay ..July 17
Oeo. W. Elder, San Pedro July 20
Falcon, San Francisco., July 22
State of California, San Fran.. July 24
Henrik Ibsen, orient Aug. 17
RygJa. orient ...flept 1
- - Teasels m ipora.
Leyland Bros., Br.-eh ". .."..O. W. P.
Donna Franceses, Br. bk... Astoria
Churchill. Am. sen Astoria
Sue H. Elmore .....Couoh street
A I vena. Am. ack Aatorta
W. F. Jewett Am. sch..... Astoria
wasmngion, am. ss. i.unnion
Neotsfleld. Br. O. W. P.
Brabloch. Br. bk , Oceania
Compeer, Am. sa Rainier
Mabel Gale. Am. scK Astoria
Matterhorn, Br. sh. Centennial
Suverlc, Br. sa Llnnton ;
Olenalyon, Br. sh Oceanic
C. 8. Holmes, Am. sch Astoria I
Carmel, Am. sa Oak Point i
William it. Maccy, Am. sn. . xongue u
Gulf Stream. Br. bk Elevators
Schwartxenbek, Qer. bk. .Inman-Pbulsen
Shna Tak Columbia
Hawaii, Am. schr. . . .Znman-Pousen
Bessie "Dollar. Br. ss.. ........ .Llnnton
Matterhorn, Br. bk. Stream
Sa Seats to Seed Xramber.
Wellesley, Am. ss. ..
Carlos. Am. sa
Cascade, Am. sa ....
Olympic, Am. ss. . . . . .
...San Francisco
...San Francisco
...San Franclaco
. . . San Francisco
...Ban Francisco
...San Francisco
; ;-. San Francisco
inca, Am. men. ,
Bowdoln. Am. atr. . .
E. H. Wood. Am.-ach-
, San Francisco
H. B. Bendlxen. Am. sch. San Francisco
Joban Poulsen. Am. as.... San VTanclso)
Irene, Am. sen ..San Francisco
Geo. W. Fen wick, Am ss..San Francisco
M. S. Dollar. Br. sa China
Hazel Dollar. Br. aa... Japan
Sa Soute With Cement and OenaraL
Poltallock, Br. eh Antwerp
Waver tree, B th. ........ Clleamereport
Fibln Chevaye. Fr. ba Antwerp
Crown of Germany, fit. bk. .. .Antwerp
Genevieve Moltnos. Fr, bk. ... .Ant were
Marechael de Castries. Fr. bk. .Glasgow
General Fatdherbe, Fr. bk...... Antwerp
Gael. Fr. bk. London
La Rochalsquelln. Fr. bk. ..... Ant wero
ne, Fr. bk Cherbourg
Bossuet Fr. bk... Antwerp
Krnest LOUve. Fr. bk Ham burr
Crillon, Fr. bk. . . , . ... .Antwerp
Sa Boats to &ead Grata.
La Peller. Fr. bk oublln
Le Hermit e, Fr. b. . -Newcastle, N. S W.
.in.- m v. I. . i
i.flaniy. r . ui ............... Liimeril'a
Cornll Bart Fr. bk...., Hobart
Lisbeth. Ger. sh, San Diego
Mlchelet Fr. bk, Fleetwood
Turgot Fr. bk Hull
Andre Theodore: Fr. bk. Inulque
Montcalm, Fr. bk. Adelaide
CoL Vlllebols MareulL Fr. bk. .Australia
Bayard. Fr. bk ..A ... .Australia
Vlncennes. Fr. bk. ..Limerick
Bldart Fr. bk Nagasaki
Marechal Castries, Fr. bk Glasgow
Pierre Loti. Fr. bk. . . Falmcrith
Manx King, Br. sh .......Antwerp
Colony, Br. sh.. London
David ! An gars, Fr. ship. .... .London
A Hair. Br. bk. ...Newcastle. Eng.
Crown of Germany, Pr. bk. ... .Antwerp
Bahin Chevyae, Fr. bk Antwerp
Gael. Fr. bk London
Cen Fardherbe, Fr. bk. ...... ..Antwerp
Hoche, Fr. ah. . . . . . . Newcastle, X. S. W.
La Rochajaouelln, Fr. bK Hull
Pottaloch, Br. sh...... Antwerp
Wavertree. Br. bk Ellsmere
Leon Blum. Fr. sh Hull!
Rene, Tr. bk , v Hull'
Scottish Glens. Br. ah. ...Sam Francisco t
H. D. Troop. Br. bk Yokohama i
Uarwhil tf'NnatlUa Antwtra
Parnassus, Ger. ship Santa Rosalia
Jordanhlll. Br. bk Qoaymss
Walkure, Oer. sa New Zealand
Dunuesne. Fr, bk. . ....... .Point Plrle
IGlenholm. Br. ship Honolulu
ga oin wna soai. .
Hoche. Fr. bk.......Newcaetle, N. 8. W.
Jolnvllle. FT. bk. . . .Nswaastle, N. 8. W.
Bougainville. Fr, bk. .......... .Swansea
" CU Carrier en Soute. .
Atlas, Am. sa...,,,,,,, ..San Francisco
Asuncion, Am. ss.,.i...San Francisco
Argyle, Am. aa...........Saa Francisco
Soma public-aplrtted 8easlde cttlaens
have provided a fund for maintaining a
S2-candle electric light every 159 feet
along Ocean avenue from the railroad
to the boulevard and from the north
end of the boulevard- along Its full
length to the Seaside house. . - -
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea-Remedy is today the best
known medicine In use for the relief
and cure of bowel complaints. - It cures
griping, . diarrhoea, dysentery, and
should be taken at tha first unnatural
looseness; of the bowels. It Is equally
valuable for children and adulta It
always cares - . --.
Band Leader Rosebrook Pro
tests Against Reduction ?
of Appropriation.
Claiming " that' they hava been kept
away from more lucrative positions by
the action of the mayor in laying plana
for five park concerts and tha new
administration cutting them to three
a week, the association of Federated
Musicians have decided to take the ques
tion up with - Mayor Joseph- Simon in
hopes that he will reconsider his action
and restore tha five concerta a weak
plan. - .-.-." r'
. D. C Rosebrook was employed to fur
nish music in the nark this summer
and - early In the spring, secured tha
engagement or a number oi musicians
of the city on the SsaumDtion that thero
were to be five concerts a " week. FchH
this 84600 was aoDroDriated to be paid
out for the services of 82 men and a
leader. Rosebrook himself claims h
could have had an engagement ' moro
lucrative wni.e most or tne men seeureu
by him claim that they could have
obtained highly lucrative positions in
Seattle, Oakland and other' aoast cities.
Now the aDDrooriatlon haa been cut
down to 83300 and arrangements made
for but three concerta a . week. Thia
means the loss of $10 every week to
tne musicians ana or possibly si to
the director. Concerts are to be given
at 2:30 Sunday afternoons at the city,
nark. Tuesday avenlnxa at Chaeman
Square, Third and Salmon streets, and
Friday evening at Holladay parley en
tha east aide. Terwllllger park, Colum
bia park and the plassa block at Park
ana jerrerson streets nave oeen elimi
nated. Tomorrow a deleeatlon from the asso
ciation of Federated Musicians and also
one from the Federated Trades' council
is expected to call on Mayor Simon, ask
ing mm to reconsider ma action -ana
grant tha full number of concerts.
Thomas Jefferson Casey, for the last
four years bailiff of the municipal
court and arrest docket and transcript
clerk, haa at his own request been trans
ferred to the night relief, following a
disagreement with Police Captain Bailey
of the day relief. The cause of the
trouble would not be told by either
Captain Bailey or Patrolman Casey. jr
ficer Circle of the day relief has been
appointed to the position of clerk and
baiuir formerly neia by uincer caaey.
James Emory Custis and wife (nee
iJora Dolphins wens), who were mar
ried by Dr. A. J. Montgomery at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wells.
981 Water street have returned from a
honeymoon trip to the A.-Y.-P. exposi
tion and the sound country, and are
now at home to thalr fr.lenda at 1021
Front etreet. " '
This la the oast Urns at the year to
have your teeth extracted if sack
la the aeoessUy and hava
Dona aa there fa less trouble from aore
gum or other iroumta.
presidsat aad Manage. .
, 13 Tears SsUbUaaad la Vertlaad
Wa will give you a good Stk gold
or porcelain crows for ........ f S-94
Molar Crowns B-O0
22k bridge teeth S.O0
Gold or enamel filllnga 1.00
Sliver filllnga M
Inlay filllnga or all klada ...... 1.50
Good rubber platea 6.00
The best red rubber plate ...... T.M
rainless extractions..
Painless extractions free) when pit tea
or onage worn is orasrea.
Work guaranteed tor IB years.
The Felling Bldg.. td and Wash, art a
Of floe hoars A. M. to I . K.
Sundays, to i.
Fhoaes A and Mala M3
E. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
Fhonei Uom9 xim
First and Oak
, . P, O. Sea view. Wash.
Mrs. J. X. rertar, Proprlater..
Electric lighted, hatha modern and up
to data throughout Station at entrance
to grounds. Fine bathing bach. Con
venient" t fishing rock a Good home
cooking, pleasant rooms, and rates rea
sonable. Special rates to famlllea
IL 1
WllGUT 8:15
,,. DAY NIGHTS- ';
At DnafldovvTlieatre
Phones Main 11T. ' A-4224.
' '"T.-Charles Frohman presents
Tha Charming American Actress
. Marie Doro
In the Pellghtful Comedy,
-The Morals oi Elarccs"
Excellent Cast" Complete Production
. Prices 12. 11.60. II, 50c.
tyric TKeatre
TONIGHT and All This Week'
Sam S. and Lee Shu- .
bert (Inc.) ' Present .
The 'laueh that lasted a whole
year in New York. The complete
elaborate production will be seen
here. .' n;-
afAXK , A-lOaO. Hate.
Bx. Sunday a and HoUOaya
THEATRE ;-ms-smsc
Waak: of July la am Wataoa'a Tarm-
ar v irons, "rrrrramea," sinm u
ruling la "Otol Man." Griff, okrode
and Malvsy U "A Theatrioal aVgenoy,"
na Oraaaon, MBanka-Braasaale Sao,"
Orchestra, Pictures. - -
WXZX 07 3VJ.T la, 0.
Evening perform
ances, 7:t0 aAd
1:16. Prices 16
and 6o. Box
seats 6 cents.
Cartta Bay,
Baa ft Broaha,
Barnaa Be mis g,
Telegraph roar
-. rra Bauer
Matinee dally 2:30
Admission 16 eta.
Advaneed YaudevUls..
Btnrs or ait nas.
. Tail PBBimca TBOTPB,
6 Wonderful Acrobats a
Special Added Attraction
Character Impersonator ; and - Prapery
The Stoat Beautiful Act la Taadevllle.
Carrying a Carload or special Scenery.
Matinees dally, 16c; two shows at night
- io ana zc.
- A Sensation,
A picture that thriFs the beholder, t
Of tha World'a Famoua Aerlallsta
The Bickett family
For two weeka commencing July Fourth
Donatelire Famoua Italian Band
Corner Taaghm and Twenty -fourth Bts.
Tacoma vs. Portland
JTOT la, X3, 14, 15, la, 17. IS. .
Games begin week daya 1:30 p. m.;
Sunday. t:8 p. m. .
Admission Bleachers, J5c; Grand
stand, 60c; Boxes, 26o extra Children:
Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 6e.
J Boys under II free to Bleachers
ilidsnmmcr Carnival
jTTtT is to at arcxrsrrB
C Y. AL.C AtHletle Parle'
Select Attractions Jo Shows New
Features Nightly.
Innes famous Sand
Under Auspice ot Multnomah Club
Multnomah Field
BveaiBfi ef Xuly 13th and 14th
The Present Kavana Tobacoe Crop la tha
. Beat tM Tea Tears.
else can you du
plicate .
-pay any price
you like.
If you like a
mild 3 for 25c.
cigar try
Caballeros, Box
of 25, $2.03
Fits your ey.i crrplt 11 M
Blmless Fye (jlea wl'h
style no plf It'1
Eaine s vou rT 111 r l t'i I r.
Absolute Ft 0'
First Vuslity.. fSrww'n.l l.r.."
BOi Bsknm. Cor. ad Jt. I "
IVA T)U f a fWV
aVt s f