THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY .10, 1S0S). V V U. S. ENGINEERS AT TILIUOI! Major Mclndoc and Assist ant Engineer Polhenius Inspect Bay. ;; i 'TO On board of the Sue H. Elmore,' when he arrived this morning, were Major - Malndoe of thecorps of united States engineers ami ..Assistant Engineer J.. S, Polhenius,' who mUe, the round trip on ...' the Elmore lor the purpose of making a - general , inspection - of Tillamook Bay, " with a view to future Improvements, V hlla there. Major Mclndoe and Mr. Polhemus made a careful inspection of the condition of the channel and other important features of the bay, and It la the -hope of- Captain Schrader- of the .' steamer Elmore that they will look fa vorably upon certain Improvements that he-says would bo of great benefit not only to the bay Itself, but to vessels w h lchjf qjln and out pf Tl la mook har- T At the preseftt time, according to Cap tain Schrader. the depth of the water at the high stage is 9 or 10 feet and at . , the low stage it has about three. feet, and as a-result-vessels , drawing over .' . that cannot get over the bar on, the same night that they leave Tillamook. : The captain thinks that there ought - to be at least six feet depth at low ' water, and the mSlorlty Of vessols that ,7' Usually put into Tillamook harbor could leave the latter place and get out over the bar the same night. The Elmore arrived at Couch street dock this morning, having , had. Tine . weather on her trip-up from Tillamook. She had 80 passengers and 600 boxes of cheese, v BF4VER AND BEAR , .- -. ! ' ' : ' f ' - - rrlze of $50 Awarded to F. K. Mag j,.: iter for Name of New Ships. V Announcement of the winner in the naming contest of the two new Harrl- m an -ships,--which-- are being -hu 11 1 -at Newport News, Va., was made' yester day in a' letter from R. P. Schwerln, ylcs president and general manager of tha Ban Francisco'. Steamship company, to, J. W. Ransom, dock agent here, in . witch F; K. Masters of tha Oregon Launch company was awarded the prize . of $50. The names which were selected were the Beaver -and the Bear, partes symbolical of tha states of Oregon and California, - "..- ' - ''- Considerable dissatisfaction With' the result of tha contest i being; expressed, people having understood that both ves- - sels wera to M given names distinctive of Oregon and tha Oregon country. ; . George Taylor, t of Taylor, Young & Co.. said this morning: t'l do not care - because-4t-1 n terest a me, as far as the gaining of tha prise Is concerned, but I . certainly "did understand ' that names .were to -be given to tha vessels which would oe typical or uus state ana tno country, surrounding, and , how they can' ' mak the Bear, which is a part of tha coat of arms of California, significant ,ls-mora than I can ee , 5 ' 1 - "I am not the only ona .who things vthe same, for I have heard several make the same general remarks that I have, V and It' does not seem fair,, under , the . conditions of the contest, that tha prise .' tshould have "been . awarded for a nama ' that ;was -?.not entirely .typical lof. tha state ofr Orefiron.- A. faV as the ' name Baver Is concerned, It seama to have -been selected more because :,it was the name of the first steamr on the Pacifio " coast,- and that was not In this harbor any mor than It was in the harbors of British Columbia. " I believe that I voice the sentiments of tha majority -of renple here when I -make these asser- -V TIUVKL STUX HEAVY m;. .,. -,. - . ' Many Peopla VWteh ' to Go to, J5an ; franciuco py. steamer. ' Travel on the'llnein between here and San ' Francisco - .still "' eonefnnes very - heavy,, the Stal f California going -lown the river . this movning with a "f full Ust of caUfa rasacngttis, and mm ' steerasa tlmn;UHuai,A,' ' . ' In ail. tliej-atata varrifd ,SRl paReen gerR, Home of 4h Muifrnnm having as many 4s.U - perpji in . them, every . berth on th -upper Hrtfi-nmln decks hav j lng ben sold out four any before she was due to 1t - fiserHtlons are ba ing made a long" ways ahfad, alt of tha finnpr dppkf and thre nuarters of th -rr.stn deck accftiimodatlona birig" taken' -ror nxt weoK.- . for juiy 2 tney ar t all'gorm. nnd for" fngifit T U of the main saloon ' and a - good part of the ' . upper deck are takert. ' ' " - The tha atata consists of 400 tons of paper, SQO tops rf flour,- 200 tons of bran, 800 tons of shorts and 400 tons of miscellaneous freight. " " REIORTS i FKOM II AWAII Arrive on Steamer, Iiurline and Are t Sent to Washington. ? - ' . l (TJtiltpd Pre If(1 !Wlr " "i " 1 San Francisco, July 10. Official re- nnrts nf tiia wnrlt done. In Mawnii hv the Ignited ; States -engineering corns, arrived todav on the uteamer Lurlina j and were forward sA immediately tot ana were igrwraea immoaiaieiy 10 parnassus, Ger. snip. .. . . .Banta ttosa Washington.. The reports contain Inter Jordanhlll. Br. bk. . .1 .. .Gnayn estir)g data relating to the shitping of "Walkure, Ger. ss.... New Zealn Honolulu,. " th healthy, condition of . Duouesne, 'Fr. bk., ....... .Point PI of whlchr is attested by the following flg-1 urea AiTKH(a ; rniwing tonnage ior ( the year. 920,000; gross value. $63,862,-4 40. outgoing tonnage, btiu.uou: value. $41. .162,840. Tonnage- between thla and other lalawd porta, 820,000; Value, 122, 000,000. ,. -r: - .- ;- I"'1 1 1 '" - i- . Tender Armerla to Alaska,'.- . In Order to ret saloon furnishings and supplies. for her Alaska ,f rip, the light house tender Armerla ia- expected In to- . -dar. After obtaining the necessary fur nishings, which will consist of curtain, chairs, etc, and all tha supplies heeded . for a trip to Alaskan waters, tha Ar- - merla will leava for Puget sound, which : will ba about the fifteenth.' On the twenty-fourth or the - twenty-flftl aha will leava Seattle for Alaska, with Cap tain J.iJl, Ellicott. lighthouse inspector, on board, who will make a. tour of In- - fpectlon -there. . . f t ". ' - - - Xotlc to Mariners. Captain O. H. Ewart, of the eteam schooner Bandon, reports to the local . hydrographic office that on June SO, . 1909, he discovered a pock off the en , trance- to CoquUle . river, Or., with a depth of 8 feet at high tida - This rock . bears west by north (true) from five foot rock, distance 4 mile, Captain , uuuna iitH ui, 11 irinfr tjiweeti asa rock and Five Foot rock to run within 100 feet of the later and riot to haul to the westward until the entrance to the breakwater lsvcll open. MARINE IXTSIXIGENCB Begular I.Inrs ' ue to Arrive. Roanoke, San Pedroo .July 11 Argo. TillamoQk . ;.... .July 11 Breakwater, Coos Bay.- ,,,.Julv 11 Falcon. San Francisco.. July 12 . Rose City. San Franciscft.. ... July 12 Alliance, Cooa Bay ......July 1 George W. Elder. San Pedro. ... .July IS SUte of California, Kan Fran.. July 19 Henrlk Ibsen, orient .......... .July 22 Belja. orient ................. Srpt. 14 Begnlar I.iars Pm to Depart. ' Alliance,-Cooa Bay , , . . t. . , . . July. 10 Roanoke, San Pedro ....... ..July 11 Falcon, San Francisco ....,.. .J.ily 13 Argo. -Tillamook.. .July -14 Breakwater, 'Coos Bay- . July 14 Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro. July 20 State of California, Saa Fran. .July 24 Henrlk Ibsen, orient .......... Auk. .' 17 RygJa,: orient - . . . . .Sept. 1 '' Vessels xa For. . Leyland Bros.. Br. sh.r. ..O, W. P. Donna Francespa, Br. bk... .. ... .Astoria Cb'irchlll, Am. sch.. ........... .Astoria "Alliance, Am. as, ......... .Couch atrect Sua H. Elmore Couch street Ah'ena, Am." ack ....Astoria W. F-x Jewett, Am., sch....... ... Astoria Washington, Am. ss. . . ......I.Linnton AT THE TIIEATEES ; Last Time "Servant In House'." ' Tonight at 8:35 o'clock at ttie Bun galow theatre. Twelfth: and Morrison, the last performance of the Interesting drama, ''The Servant In the House," will be given by the Henry Miller Asso ciate Players. ; , ; ; -.v. " ' - Marie Doro Next Monday.' The attraction at the Bungalow the atre for four nights, beginning next Monday, July 12, will be tl charming American actress, Marie Doro and her splendid company, in her latest success, "The Morals of Marcus." . ,;;" "The Bridal Chamber." Most mystifying of illusions Is "Tha Bridal cnamner, wnion is me ieature illusion on the vaudeville program at the Grand this week. Alblnl, the mas ter magician, has never Invented an Il lusion mora perfect. A Three Second Dresser.' Pressing In three seconds Is the spe cialty of Miss Eva Mudge, at the Grand next week surrounded by a fine vaude ville bill. - Miss Mudge Is the best quick change, art list on tha stage. - - - " . ,. . . Seemingly''-,Snpernatta,ir-Ph'nemena ''The Marvelous Svengsll'Trio. known In-Europe as past masters of mystery, will close their engagement at- Pan tages theatre tomorrow nlght.-r Silent thought transmission- Is , accomplished by this wonderful- trio. , . Las.t Week of Bickett Family" At th Oaks the world's famous Bick ett family give free open air per formance on the flying trapuze. Dona telli'a and Miss Bessie BuU pln, soprano appear In a concert pro gram. ., -' , ' Musical Comedy at the Lyric. Tonight Is your last chance to see the Imperial musical comedy company In "The Mifflfflff Of Mullvullubullullu" at the Lyflc. - There are a doten big song hits .and , clean, clever comedy, ? v Biff Bill at Orphenm.- l" ' Only ; three more performances, to- nlghU Sunday .. .matinee, .and .Sunday night, your last opportunity of witness ing this wonderful bill at-the Orpheum this week; Included In tha program are a number, of star acts, , - - Neotsfleld, Br. mi. ....... ....O. W. P. Brati loch. Br. bk. . Oceanic Compeer,' Am. aa..... Rainier Mabol Gale, Am. scl. ..Aaiorla Matterhorn, Br. sh. .......... Astoria Suverio, Br. ss. ..-.-. l,lnnton Btate of Calif ornla,Am. as.. .Alnsworth J.. Marhoffer ............ ..v.j. Columbia Glenalyon, Br. , ah Oceania C, s. Holmej. Am., sch, ...!.. Astoria Carmel,- (Am. ss. -r. ......... . Oak Point Wllllam H: Macey. Am. sh.". Tongue' PL Gulf - Btream.-fir.-blt-s-n-i-.-. . .Elevators Schwa rtzenbek. Ger. bK. .Inman-Poulsen Bhna Tak . . . . . ... .J. ....... . .Columbia Hawaii, Am. schr.- t . ,. .'.Inman-Poulsen Bessie Dollar Hr. ss. .Llnnton , Sn.Xoata to o4 tmnber. - Welle16y, -Am., ss. ..San Francisco Carlos, Am. ss, . : . . . r. . Ban Francisco Cascade. Am. ss, Sun Francisco Olymplo, Am. aa . ......... 6 an Francisco Inca, Am. ; sen.. ........ .San Francisco BowdoJn, Am. atr. . . , . . .Pan Francisco E. H. wood. Am. ach . . ..San Francisco Marhoffer ...... . . . . .... .San Francisco H. B. Bendtxen, Am. sch. San Francisco Johan Poulsen, Am. as... .San Francisco Irena" Am,- sch. .-..,. , ,San Francisco Geo. WFenwlck, Am as., San Francisco M. 8... Jjollar, Br. ss.,.. ..China 8uverlc, Br. as. . . . .-. . . ,,.. .Seattle Hasel ..tollar. Br. - ss. . . . .Japan Xtx Koute With Cement and asnaraX ' PoltallockrBr. ah, .....,.. . Antwerp Wavertree, B. ch.. -i . . . , Elleamereport p-ibln Chaviye, Fr. bK,. Antwerp Crown of Germany,- Tir, bk.v, .Antwerp Gonevleve Mollnos. Fr, bk. . ia. Antwerp Marechael de Castries, Fr. bk.. Glasgow General' FaldherteFr. " bk., . .Antwerp Gael. Fr. bk. .. . ...... .. .. . .London Ta Rocha.1eque!)n,.Fri bk. . . Antwerp P na, Fr. bk... ........ ..Cherbourg Bossuet. Fr. bk.j . . . n (Antwerp Ernest Legouve, Ft, bk. .,.. .Hamburg Crillon, Fr. hk. . . . . . . ... , Antwerp Xa Kouta to load Oraia. te Peller. Fr. bk...., .......... . .oubtln Ias Hermlte, Fr. b. Newcastle. N. 3 W. Neallly,' Fr. bki-. ............ kLlmerlck ornil Bart, Fr. bk, t. . .Hobart tsbeth, Ger. sh. ......... .Pan Diego Michelet, Fr. bk. .... Fleetwood Turgot, Fr.-blv .... j .....,...., .Hull Andre Theodore," Fr. bk. . . . . . . .loulqua Montcalm, Fr. bk. .Adlaldn Col. VillebolB Mareull, Br. bk., Australia Bayard, Fr. bk ..Australia Vlncenneav Fr. bk. ............ timprick Bldart Fr. bk. .............. .Nagasaki Marechal Castries, Fr. bk;.... .Glasgow Pierre Iotl, Fr. bk. ........... Falmouth Manx King, Br. -ah. . . . . . r. . ,. .Antwerp Colony, Br. sh ..,,..,.,.....,.,. London David D' Angers, Fr, 'ship. .... .London Altalr, Br. bk. .Newcastle, Eng. Crown of Germany, T.r. bk. ... .Antwerp Bkliio Chevyae Fr. hU. ..... ,w .Antwerp Gael, Fr. bk. London Cen Fardherbe, Fr. bk. v.. .-v. Antwerp' Hoche, Fr. sh. . .. .Newcastle. X. 8. W. Matterhorn, Br. bk. Newcastle, Ensr La Rochajaquelln, Fr. bk .,4.... .-tHull Pottaloch, Pr. ah . . .Antwerp Wavertree. Br. bk ... . ;, . , , . .Ellsmere Leon Blum, Fr. sh. .... ....... Hull Rene. rr. bk, ......... ...;. ...'.Hull f Scottish 31na. sh.'...:.n Franelsco Marshal d'Noalllea . . . . ;.. Antwerp Parnassus, Ger. shin...... .Santa Rosalia laymas ainno . rhmuesne. 'Fr. bk.. ...... ..Point Firla Gleftholm. Br. ship .U . i, Honolulu Ea Boat With Coal. Hoche, Fr. bk Newcastle, N. S. W. Tolnville. Fr. bk. . . .Newcastle. N. 8, W. Bongalnvllle, Fr. bk.. ...Swansea 1 Cil Cantor, en Jtoute. V Atlas, Am. sSj ,San Francisco Asuncion. Am, ss. .,... 4 . San Francisco A rgyle, . Am. ss. ........ , .San Francisco syi -;..;' s . . , ft.--. Aberfoyle May Retnrn.. " It is rumored around the -waterfront that tho British ship Aberfoyle will come back here as soon as aha leave Molendo, Peru, at wrut:n placet she ar rived on June 80, being out 78 days from Astoria, having; left thera , on April 18. - -. "' -. ' ; f v, Captain Muelln, master of the Aber foyla,' is ona of the beat liked skippers on the beach, and many ..would be .glad to- sea him back again.- CLASSIFIED AD EATES 'yrz Effect May 1. 1901. j: . ; . - ' ' ' , ' - AH, Previous Hates Canceled., ; ' '',' ' . CASH ADS: . IS words or leas 15e cer Insertion: 16 to 10 words, SOct 11 to 96 words 26e. -4 Lost and Found. Help Wanted, Situa tions Wanted, To Ren't Ads and Wanted to Rent ads, three insertions tor the price of two ' - All other classifications seven Inser tions for the price of tin. Manicuring and Matbkge ada 10a per Una -. - " - - : .: CHARQK ADS: y . - Other than contract. 79 per counted line. . . Open space contract to be need in 11 months: - - 1 1.000 lines. ,a per counted line 8.000 lines... ......6H0 per counted line 18.000 lines or more. 6c . per counted line AH. classified advertising charged by tha line sctual count. ADS RUN BY THK MONTH: ' i 1 month., ...... 11. SO per line per month f ( months. ..... .11. 5 per line permocta 11 months.... . .fl.zo per una per monin - COUPON BOOKS: Cash on Deli very of Books:' 7 160 line book. .....6 Vie per counted line 600 line book, i.-.. . 6c per counted line J000 line book. ... r.4V4e per counted line Coupons must accompany copy, or ads ' will be charred at the regular one time t rate of 7e per line. 1 ; . , r COUNT 6IX WORDS TQ THE LINE, j Should any ad appear Incorrect on first Insertion.' The Journal will not ba responsible tor subsequent insertiona. The Journal's business office is open from 7:30 a. xa. to 11 p. m. dally, except Sunday, ' . rhones Hain7173, A-6051 WEATUEII KEPOltT " The British Columbia low pressure area has increased In size and moved east to Alberta. This disturbance has caused light rain In western and north ern Oregon, Washington and northern Idaho. The barometer continues rela tively low over New Mexico and rela tively high ovtfr western Oregon. The Minnesota-disturbance has moved east m iirinir Michigan and a hleh press ure area has formed over the Atlantic. states. Heavy rains have ianen in re hrnfika and liirhter amounta are report ed In the adjoining states.- Rain, heavjr in places, has also ianen in tna east gulf states. The temperaturea over the upper Columbia river drainage area ara silently -above normal, i The Indications art fo fain in this district tonight and fiunifay. ' , The- river at Portland will fall below the flood stage of 16 feet about tho 15th of this month. Thla la the last river bulletin of tha season. . ...' , : Temp. .. Max. Mln, Preclp. Abilene.. Texas.. .vl00 Baker City. Or.. )78 Boise, Idaho. , . Boston, Mass. Charleston. 8, C, Denver. Colo.-... El -aso,.Tcxaa. s. . 98 Flagstaff, Arte.. . ... Galveston, Texas... Kamloopg, B. C. . , . . Kansas City. Mo,,, . Lawistonr ldabo. Los Angeles,' Cal. . '. Marshfield, Or. . ... Montgomery Ala... New Orleans. La,. 1 T. M 0 .06 0 0 0 . 0 i 0 T. .0 0 0 0 0, 0 T. .14 0 T. 0 0 - New York, N. V.. .. 78 North Head, Wash. 6 N. Yakima, Wash... -T Pklahoma. Ok!.... 98 Pluladelphia, Pa-. i. 78 Phoenix, Aris 100 Pocatello. , Idaho .... S2 62 ,66 '. 78 60 76 62 ' 67 48 66 64 ' 68 ' 76 , '60 ' , 60 -68 1 64 ' 48 . 66, ' 64! 62 62 48 --68-- rortian '.ur.,,.,M 11 Reno, Nflv. : . , . . T. Roseburg, Of. St. Paul. Minn. , . V, 80 70 8'4.i Salt Lake. Utah..-.; 8 San Antonio, Texas 100 San Diego, CaL 6 San Francisco. Cal. 60 Santa. Fe. N. M.. ., 86 ' Seattle. Wssh. 64 Siskiyou. -Or.....';, 60 Spokane. Wash..-., 78 Tonopah, Nev.. ..... 84 - Walla Walla, Wash. 88 Washington, D. 83 WilHston. N. D. . . . . 74 4 Turn, Arl -. . . . .104 1 MEETING NOTICES 41 OREGON LODGE NO. 18L A. F. A, M. Special 'com munication this . (Saturday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Masonic temple. M. M. degree. . Visit ing brethren cordially Invited. By order. W. M. .-'-. A.. J. HANULAN Bee'y. J" M. W. A. Oreaon GraDe Camn. Na.. 97S Mondays. Selllng-Hirsoa block, 16th end Washington sta. - M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 6466. meets Wednesday evenings, Allsky bldg., 8d and Morrison sts. ' BUSINESS CARDS WEDDING cards. W. O. Smith A Co, Washington bldg., -corner 4th and Washington eta." CLARKE BROS,- florists; fine flower and floral designs. 389 Morrison at, MAX M. SMITH, florist. ISO 6th St.. op- - posna Meier - r rantrs. J-Mtm.Tlit. FULL DRESS suits for rent: all sixes. Pulque Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark at. BIRTHS FRITSCHE To Mr. : and Mrs. W. Frltsche, ' East Stark and Forty-third streets, July 8, a daughter. - VETSCH To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vetsch 430 Hawthorns avenue, June SO, a daughter. ''' ' GIUBUS To Mr., and Mrs. Oeorga B. Glubbs, 685 Kearney street,' July 8, a daughter. - a . , , DEATHS ROBINSON July 7. at 1107 East Tay- - lor street, Haran jane Kobinson, aged 68 yeais; diabetes. ' McAFE-E July 8, at 291 Bell avenue, ' Agnes. McAfee, aged 67 years; cancer Of the breast, . ir j LIPMAN July 7, at 184 St - Claire .-sBtreet, - Solomon Llpman, , aged 80 yearst valvular heart disease.- r - KENNEDY July 9. corner Forty-third and Holgate streets, Patrick Kennedy, aged 9 years; cancer of th Hp. SWICKEL July 9, at 8S9 East Thlrty f fourth street, Conrad Swlckel, aged 77 years; heart disease. ? . . : - WOODWARD Julv , at 685 East Ash street, Frances Woodward, aged 71 years; pneumonia.: - .v: - . --. - TRAVIS July 7. at ; 461 Fust Clay - street,; Josle Travis, aged . 68 years; Uremia. . . v SEAMAN July ". T, at 34 Villa, avenua. Julie Seaman, aged 56 years; aortic regurgitation. - KRETZKR July 6. at 805 Elrey street. Frederick A. Kretserto aged 69 years; apoplexy.- - FUNERAL NOTICES M'AFEE July 8. at the residence of her "daughter. Mrs. C. J. Eager. 291 Bell avenue, Archer Place, on . the Mount Scott carltne, Agnes McAfee,- aged 67 years." beloved wife of Roger McAfee. Fronds are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held'at Hplman's chapelThlrd and Sa mon streels, at 1:30 p. m. unday, July tl. n thrill nit 11 t ' "" . ZWICKEWt . th residence of "hj dauphtfr, Mrs. :R. - E. Bondurant, SS sni-a.V aA...U aAAt .TlliV ft , Oonr&d Zwickel. aged .77 years. Funeral serv ices will be held Sunday, July 11. at 1 p m. at residence. Funeral private. r V FUNERAL DIRECTORS r: DUNNING. ITENTBE, GILBACOIL - undertakers and embalmers; modern tn every detail. Seventh. and Pino.. Malq 3U. lHQy anniatmii.. 1 E'riITh cast s side undertaker. LEKUtlLady assistant. B-1888; East 7 01. fjq nitiBt. jvnicr. 3, ?. Flnley & Son 0 Lady atts noant. aasin . a-i. , liBLLER-By RNES CO undertakera, 179 - I , m - .AOS T Kusweu: rai. woo, x w " " M'ENTEE-ERICKSON CO., undertakeraj lady ass t. 409 Alder st. Both phones ' ' : nnsio riTV t'K.u WTiiHY. , - - ' Phones C-1114 and A-4444. EAST SIDE funeral directors, success- ors to F. B. ounning, inc. a. oa. o-' EDWARD HOr.MAN. .undertaker. 120 Id st . - ' -' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS PACIFIC Title ft Trust Co., the leerfllhg R. W. Schmeer an4 wife to Peter MenriK cenrensi, iuv .. i. v. .. . . . -861 150 2,600 . - 09 1.609 . ' . 109 -u.; 1.100 1.000 -'eoo too 4,000 460 Frank Howe and wife to C. I- , Dlven. lt 11, djoc,1(, ntiiwiy addition .-..- ..... j. L. Sanborn and wife to W. B. Bust et at lot 18 and south Of lot 19, block 1, Willamette 8. a Arnold to William B. Ruat , et al, lot 22, block 13, Burrage IPA William BRuRt and wife to S, S, 1 Arnoia, lot ia ana suuia yt . 1 -a tk TUniamotta . . ....... n .r t AMK . n A wtfs) tit n si L Straus lot 41. block 26.. Rail-, , way aauuion ;,.... . James W. Cook and wife to Her- man Maunes jois ana j, uiuvK William L. Smith and wife to Mary 1- puree, ioi t, oiuc ti. Lincoln Park Arleta Land Co. to Walter D. tfresgy, iot ii, . uiuti ji, n R. E. Coiilee and "wife" to W A. - Armstrong, lot 6. block 1, Res ervoir Park ................. WlLlam U- Smith and wife to . . rt , , . 1.. D 1 1. Maeglv Ulehland. . . . i , Clara E. Morey to Herman E. . Radftmacher, lot 1, - block 11, , Rosedale annex .i..,,. 78 ? 0. 64 , ' 11 88 AO . ri. 72 68 0 78 S '0 88 83 T. 7 - .0 88 82 0' 70 66 0 88 70 - .80 88.1.!l621-,.21 74 . 68 0 64 y 64 '" 8 -' 70 93 ...... ; 80 JiEh ESTATE TRANSFERS Fred fci -Frulht and wife to Charliw H. Osborn, lots 23 and : 24, block 6, Lee Bow Park addi tion . .... .r. ,. , Eugene Hotfh and wife to Ballou & Wright, lot 1 and south V, of lot 4. block 96, Couch addition. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Wlllard -A. Roberts et -aL east 88 feet of lot 4, block. eV Sun ' nystde .Third addition ....... . The Lee-Bowdler Co. to Tred H. Frulht, lots 11 to 24, block 6, ; and lota 10 to 17, block 6, Lee ' Bow Park addition ... ...... . John Klosterman and - wife to Henry wagner.- 328 acres la D. L. C of Joseph Smith, section ' 26, township 1 north, range 1 west , .'. ...... 3. C. Roberta and wife to L. Christensen, lot 6, block 18, ' Hanson's second addition Frances F. Eshelman to Frank J. McCarthy. 40x92 feet beginning Jn west line of east Thirty-seventh-street,-120 feet north of northeast corner of block 8, Park View addition .......... Claude D. Starr and wife to D. D. Jackson, south 40 feet of lot 6, and east of aovth 40 feet of lot 6. block 16. Central Albtna ' addition 1.-: Richard- Shepard and wife to , Kirk M. Sheldon, lot. 18, block 27, Whitwood Court H. B. Nicholas to -Margaret .Walsn, . IqU jr.. and. L... block.. z. Willamette addition, bond for deed ...... ............ .'. . . . Eugene Hoch and wife to Allan C. Peel, east half of lot 2. block . 68, Couch addition Herman Baumann et al to Louts . Guthw lots 1 and 2, block ,1, Strube'a addition ... J ...... .. Frank J.-McCarthy and wife, to H. E. Noble, same as above . . . 400 10,000 96 4,000 I 6.000 900 , 1.150 ...' :. V- X 1,350 , '" 650 - S7I . . 10,000 , 1,500 ' 1,160 HAVE your abstracts made nv tha Title gc Trust company, 7 Chamber ofCom- merce, LAWYERS Abstract k Trust Co., room Boar4 of. Trade bldg.; abstracts a specialty. . - . 1 .. NEW TODAY MAP! One Acre Land Near Swift's new townsite, two blocks from the streetcar line. This acre has streets on three sides of it Can be cut inter lots without further expense. Must be soJ4 within, the next five days. Sortie ine will get a bargain. It will pay you to investigate. Phone Woodlawn 1714 or call at 211 West Killingswoifh avenue - - DIRT. CHEAP ' That's the way we - sell lots at GREGORY . HEIGHTS. Come and see. It's cheaper to live In your own home than to pay rent. Let us ex plain our FREE RENT FOR SIX MONTHS proposition. Jf a Winner for you. - .- '"'' - . " Sea ouf "beautiful lots ' for " only 1160 and up; 16 down and $2.60 a Also'"'bu)td homes "and seV on your own terms. - mo lorienure ir pay ments deferred account sickness or loss of employment Come In at your own convenience, bring this ad and we will, take you out In our automobile and show this splendid property, v . .' - 111' ----- LNVESTnENT.C0.U" 411 Corbett'Bld (th and Morrison. FOR" SALE A, SNAP! $2500 ,A 5-room bungalow and corner lot. Est 19th and Going; easy terms. f 1600 Remodeled "house, good barn and lot -50x100 feet. V 20 East ' 13tU 'street: north; or will 'remove - barn and deduct $200;. small cash payment balance on easy terms. : THE ROSS CO., . - 87 GRAND AVE. ! : . B-2434, East 2672. A RARE IN VESTMENT BlocTc in wholesale district bounded by "1st, 2nd, Ash LancJ Pine, is how on the mar- j ket.'.cr ' PORTLAND RY.. OOMT i & POWER COMPANY Geo. J. Kelly, Land Agent. CAPITOL HILL - -..- - - ' ' , On the Oregon Electric Railway, f cent ur fare. In. Portland DrODer.. Inside the I elty limits, 13 minutes' ride from the business center, in run wis ouimu ieei each, improved etreets and sidewalks; city and mountain .view unsurpassed, no stone or gravel, all In grass plot. Prices 1200 to 1400 per lot. Title per fect. Complete abstract of title to' date furnished free to every purchaser.- Take the Oregon Electrlo car at Front and Jefferson streets for Capitol Hill and see for yourself. , - t. ... ' :- ' ' cruoHissrr u bjhth, '.-.' 401- KeKay Bldf. aoae Mala 104. $io,soo 100x100, one block from steel bridge. Terms. ' - . , "" jSaltmafsh & S nod grass I02-S Lumbermens Bldg, 6th and Stark. TBT OWWER, .CEEAP Five room bungalow, Just finished, $1900 tJOO down; bath, toilet, lava tory, boiler-, china cloeeU. wiring, baae ment, 4Sth and Harrison, near Haw thorne. I'hona East 6647. NEW TODAY. P A PM THE IDEAL RESORT No other resort, has so many natural features Lots $25 EASY TERMS NO TAXES . ;. -NO INTEREST : 100 lots " sold in ten days. Silctz , Development Co. 218 Worcester. Bldg.' " Phone Main 8103. . . ' 960, Acres ? of fine fruit-and dairy land: some fine timber and some Improvements; only 10 miles from Portland and can be bought for lis per acre next week, only 90 Acres In Clarke county, fine house and barn; fine BDrtngs and orchard: 20 acres cleared; 11000 worth . of . timber; only neon ana can give terms.,. . - . 40 Acres In Clarke county. Wash.: S acres bear ing ippi orcnara. s acres unner cultiva tion; watered with springs; rolling land. 60 Acres . In ' Clark county. Wash.; fine : black loam, one third level land, 10 acres un der cultivation; watered wnn springs; fine bearing orchard In good condition; mile to school and postofflce; 18 head of cattle, fine team, 2 sets of har ness, chickens, hogs and all tools go for $4500, 12500 cash, balance, to suit si e per cent. Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark St A Fine Home in Irvington Park Lot 50x100. fine new house. 7 rooms, just completed, and built of concrete diocks. trice fw Email payment down and balance $25 per month. '.., -.) COAST REALTY CO. 220 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. Fortune Asleep -' 114 ACBZS, S miles from the heart or the city, one or the finest ranches in Clackamas county; , 62 acres clear, balance timber. . THB HOST SC!M10, riNST EXaETATIOXT TO BB TOVSV ASOTJITD, FORTIiAbTD. The land la all le-eJ.-i Fine house and AT large--barn, other nice outbuildings. WIU ZBIVO A rORTu JTB 1ST A TEW TSARS, IT bTCTBDITISBB. : Near the Oregon City Electric Una. Only $38,800, H cash, balance B- years at per cent. Our op tion at that price is or short duration, a T. niVOEB GO room 4- Mul key . bldg.,. Second and Morrison sts. Do not phone, but call. BEAT THIS! 160 ACRES, cruising 4.00,600 feet yellow fir in Tillamook county; price f leoo. Must sell, i need tne money. - J. M. KERR & CO, - . 868 STARE ST., BOOK 10. ' . FOB SALE RKAL ESTATE 16 I ROOM home near 28th and Belmont -. sta. for 14700: complete and perfectly modern; fine porches, faces east. Owner leaving city and vlll not rent. This is "lnslda crtiDerty." and has best car serv ice la city. Terma can be arranged. - 82 Chamber of Commerce. NEW- 3 atory 7 room house on K. 17th at., close to carllner full basement, ererythlng modem lot 60x100; 12S00; l&oo down, oaiance au per roonin. - Spencer ;& Co. joi eeeona or. 100x100, between Hancock and Broad way; faces east; iizuo wun an im provementa, cement walks, curbs, city water all in and paid for. This is the best buy In the city today. Baltmarsh A 8nodgrsss. 402-S02 Lumbermen bids., 6th and Stark. - FOR BALE For-cash, some very fine lota - on - Monts villa, carllna; look to your own interest and - buy now; Just east of the Ladd farm on 60th, 6Sd and East Ollsaa sta. - J. Tressler, 1463 E. Ollsan st. GOOD buy, 2 blocks from liUingsworth. 1 block from Williams ave., 1 block from paved St., 7 room modern bouse, 12600; $300 down, balance like rent. Wade Heal Estate Co., , (14 8 wet land bldg. ' - . -'-. -. '" -. - ' . $400-'i-i.-4"- -- ' $10 A MONTH. " " . Two room house, fine lot 60x100, nice garden; Investigate today. GUmore, $27 Lumoer Exchange. a Piedmont h 3Pei ' S fine lota near cars, I1S00. Cc f,, if on Alnsworth, west of Piedmont, 100s 100 (1000. Woodlawn Ills. . '- t - For Sale Pietecnt 100x100 within block of 2 carltnea, f room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. Apply to owner. Main 4tl. A-1452. FOR anything in Portland real state, COXUMBIA TRCST COMPANY. Board ef Trade bldg.- FOR 8ALK Nw modem . t room house. Alberta oar Una - A snap. PIgel Co.. SJS Morrison. - Phones: Matn iits. a-. WE have all kinds of trading proponl tlopa to offer. Fori anything In tha real estate line see Margulls Jb Schu- bsch, rom 2', vimra of Trade, ONE corner lot, 18 minutes' car rlda, en 500 $90 cash, $7.60 per month. 211 Ahington bldg. : - From Owner 3 S room cottage on payments; give-terms and location. 8-M, Journal. FOR SALE i'hap, small bousa on 2 lots. 144 Cherry st. Reservoir Park, t blocks north Kern Park atatlon. Ill Scott car. i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 A' HOME 'AT A SACRIFICE IF SOLD i - AT ONCE. i -. - Attractive,-' strictly', modern, ' hlRh grade well built,, 10 roomreslUKnce, do signed for beauty, convenience and com fort; located on Tillamook -street at end Of East 86th street, very, near carline, In high 'class ' residence district,, with Bull Run water snU Improved streets; hoifta has full basement, furnace, oak floors,- beamed ceilings, large fireplace, built In buffet, bookcases, sent, etc., clothes chute to basement, woodllrt, lav atories on both -floors, extra toilet. In basement. Built by architect for home for a client who could not take same for flnanclaT reasona. If taken Immedi ately may be had at the very low price of $8000; small cash payment and bal ance monthly. Information from C. L, Horn, .architect, room 11 Madison- bldg, 260. 3d st. - -: ... Notice to Purchasers la LEE - BOW PARK. The above tract has been taken over by Fred H. Frulht, the owner, and war ranty deeda will be issued to persons now holding contracts of The Lee-Bow. aier uo., ana - to all purchasers alter this date on payment of balance due or purchaseprice. THERE ARW BOMB EXCELLENT LOTS LEFT HERE WHICH WILL. GO AT A KAJK4A1N. - Call on ma at 43 Chamber of Com merce, or H. S. Cheesman. sales agent at E. Ollsan and Hibbard sts., Monta rilla. Fred H.-Frttiht,- owner.- a 1300-2460 will buy a lot In Lee Bow Park; $20 down. $10 per month; 60x100 ft., with cement walks.' curbs, graded streets and water malna. - Come out to morrow and see for yourself. Take M. V. car. at 3d and Yamhill sts., and jfet off at cor. Villa ave. and Hibbard, st and sea. H. 8.- Cheesman, agent, 107 Villa ave. . EAST Madison at ' homa, $7000: room Sj perfectly moderns-lot 60x100. in elegant lawn, nign ana sigimy, m fine neighborhood and only one block from Hawthorne avenue cars. Go sso the house at 729 E. Madison. Price $7000 and very little cash needed. i y CHAPIN & HERLOW, " , V . 1 - 382 Chamber of Commerce. SUMMER home, ,1H acres river, sits, beautifully wooded; boating and flsh Incr on tnlniit.ii' olv trnm - Alnrtrla car. 16 minutes' from railroad station; only 40 minutes', ride from Portland. Bea Henry C. Prudhomme Co., 634 Chamber of Commerce. . . $660 60x100, Thompaon st, cement walks, curbs, water and all improve ments in and paid for. restricted dis trict, on carline; must ' be sold; $25 cash, $10 per month.' Baltmarsh & Snodgrass. J02-S03 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Btark St. A HOUSS for $360 down, balance eaay terms. It is a ( room bungalow with fireplace, etc, on lot 60x140; new and only three blocks from "A" car. - Fine view of MUHood. A bargain and a snap,. .) CHAPXN & HfcJKCOW. $32 Chamber of Commerce. . " -$125' ' ' IS A MONTH. . High, sightly, level, building lots; Be carline; water In. GUmore, . 227 .Lum- per Excnynge. $2660 for new 6 room bungalow, modern, with fireplace .etc. Three blocks from "A" Mir and haa lot 50x140: only $3!0 needed at present by owner Fine view of Mount Hood that cannot be obstruct ed. This is a snap. - - - CHAPIN 4 HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. Choice Seaside Lots A' few finely located Iota at Beaalde; close to depot; 6 minutes' walk, to ocean;: sell reasonably or exchange.. 16 N. Btll St. lOOvtOO nti Gladstone, ctteao. 150x100 ft. and a nice house, nice troes and flowers, cheap, in jvenuworin. . 100x100", house andruit trees, $1250, Call and flee C. W. Noyes, 789 Kenll- worth ave or pnone Bcuwooq ibi 41 kki K mom. cottage. Bouth front, Bush stV hear East 21st; only H block to Brooklyn car line; oiierea ai muw rlflce to close an estate. See , A. H. BIRRELL CO., -202 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark. ' WE BUILD ARTISTIC HOMES. , ' See us for plans and easy payment methods. . - ( , , , .BUILDERS' COMPANT. ; 420 Mohawk bldg., ...".--.' ' " Afternoons, Main 2669. - . Only $2400 r ' Vnr s room hnusa. cement bssement. large lot and fine fruit trees; 1 blo:k from Williams ave. car. Miller, 416 Chamber-of Commerce, .Stnn T.no1c. Listen! , -'-"IF - f' - v.w n .1 B wnAn. T. rti,.. n.a, itni1. ner of Union avenue and Killingsworth . amsaa. ..AAA J TW TlrnA. IT., f2ffu; iivvv uuffu, uuiio 11 w lawn 1822. - - FOR SALE 4 foot wood delivered at residence, the following prices: Oak. $(.60; old growth fir, $4.6; second growth fir, $S.76. Kirk Hoover. Sll Water St. Phone Main 7451. A-644S. GOOD buys- Modern 8 -room house, closets; good Income; convenient for boarders, roomers or flat; near O. R. & N. cars hops. .622 Delay st. cor. Morrla; term s: good location. FOR SALE One choice lot (0x90, good liwitlnn , PrlcA ISfirt- 1250 down, bal ance $6 per month, 7 per cent; street improvements in, ... rnma fiMt ONE acre at Montavllla, fenced, 3 room houan, fine orchard In full bearing: only $1250; $250r down, $17 a month. WebB. a 41 enerioca oing. FOR SALE -Chicken. ranch. 2 acrea H mile from carline; all Improved ana eoulnncd for business. See Howard Crosts, Tremont station. Mount Scott car MODERN S room bungalow, tinted, gas ana eiefino iixuiirn, iiw uuwu, ja monthly.. Owner 64$ East 2 1st st W.-R. ar IRVINGTON choice lot paved atreet, 17th. bet Brasee and Knott Owner, East 63S8. MODERN s or 7 room house, a desirable home, small cash payment, balance monthly.' ()nr, pnone wood lawn it 99. $960 buys 4 room house and choice 50x 100 ft. east front "lot. block from Al berta car.- owner, ms e. I6tn st. re. $1250 cash or Vt cash. ( room cottage. iif Alnsworth ave. Phone Wood lawn 2001. - Dosnell & Parfcerry Real Estate. Room tfl of ft INVESTORS, go to the Ownera" Realty Assn. Buy direct of owners and save commission, zuo ADington piag. FOR SALE By owner, ... lot cheap if taken in next few days. - Phone Wood lawn 1205. 1 $EW E room house for $50 down and - $16 month,: near carline. Mrs. E. Weltes. general oenvery, city, Jl SNAP 4 room plastered cottage and , z extra line iuu riK"t ui xiita, f vvv. Webb. 841 Sherlock bldg. " ODERN room house; If you want a swell home at right price, address Owner. K-8. Journal. - FOR SALE: Killingsworth. business quart -r block; must be sold. See owner, 54 H 4th St. - ANYONE wanting to buy, aell or rent real estate, can its juorrisan. Main 41S. ' FOR SALE -By owner S room cottage. choice corner. T&xmoi on easy terms. tii-ooing st. BEA UT I FL'L modern 7 room -house, cor. ner lot; reasonable price; terms. 1210 Missouri ae.. North Alblna. . 15 acres, under cultivation, one mile, from Montavllla; tull at a sacrifice: terms. 82 Davis. $900--Vernon corner; two fine lots on 22d St.. 4 room house, two blocks from car. Owner. X-100. Journal. ' FOR SALE 8 room modern house on 2 lots. 60X100 each: ll.OQ cash. 1973 E. Yamhill st. ' LIFT your property with Sfcl & Co. Morrison, st. ' r"hone iiain 7141. A-4b9. - . AN 8 room house, il.iod location, at Sv- slde. Apply room 20 Ruysell hirl. WE Tit A DE anything. H. F. l.e b Cow SZT Board or Tra in. Main St. . POfl SALE 3 room cottaae and Int. i;utf. 1a beck, llift MUwaukia il FOU SALEHEAL I.M.U1. in 2, LOTS, 50x100 each, cli.s. t. t. t west Oregon Lity; Ikie bulla. v& ... )4ou eacu. . 40 acres, 15 acres .IrV-jOUltlvaUon, nil level, 5 acres 1 orchard. 'S ruouv lnuw ,., barn, otluT buildings, team, n ,K. n. buggy harness, 2 cows, yiiilli't, i'ln k ena, -tools, house furniture. 4 mli from Oregon City. . Vrlce tsSUO. tennn. Sckooley & Catlell 509 Main Street. - .' Orcgoa City. 6 KOOM modern houso, lot 7&xl DO, u.l t Joining Piedmont; lot In - fruit trees anil carden;. thla Is a snap at $2700; .easy terms. - ' . 8 room house on Stanton str ict 75 126; near Union ave. ' - 100x100, corner on Maryland ave.; the best buy in North Alblna; part cash will handle. ... ... ' . . 2 lots on Humboldt St.. near Denver ave.; EoxlOrt, $5a0 wch. part cash, balance-terms. 2 choice lots on Maryland ave.; oppe--site Overlook! $S00 each, terms. RICH KT-BYRNK COMPANY. 916-618 Swetland Bldg. Beautiful 6 Room House 'New,, modern, reception hall, electric lights and gas, 4 large closets,-donKls fiooTmididingT'fuir-bBecmimrr"lHitri-"' dry trays, woodllft, piped for urnace, cement walks.: south front shades and fixtures; must be seer to be appreciat ed. It is a beautyi $3300. $S0O cash, balance $20 per month - and interest. Open. Sunday, . - . , Hawthorne Realty Co. - 1021 Hawthorne avenue, cor. 34th St. ' ' Tabor 616. LOT With View of mountains, ulty and river, facing east, ho .drawbridges, tm graded street, view can riot be Obstructed and only two blocks to car. This will, be worth a -thousand in couple years, but can be bought now for $500; $150 down, .balance easy. ' - CHAPIN ft HERIX)W. S 32 Chamber of Commerce. SIX room house. Highland Park, $15u0, $100 down, $20 per month; snap. ,. $1860 $600 down, 0 room house. f 2600 $500, $20 monthly, 7 rooms. 2850 $500. $20 monthly, 6 rooms. $3600 Modern room house, furnace, near steel bridge... . , 43U Worcester - bldg. - - MT. TABOR lot with fine view of the City for $00. Has some fruit trees, street improved and good neighboring houses. Regular 60x100, and threa blocks from car; Out of town owner wants money. " CHAPIN & HERLOW, - 232 Chamer of' Commerce.' Creston Real Estate For nice homes and small acreage on easy paymenta take Mount Scott car to. Creston, third station off - Hawthorne ave. Q. H. Tnvlor. LOT 150x100 for sale. 589 Savier. --ACREAGE 80 acres on electrlo line; part beaver dam; a snap. " 10 acres at Beaverton; house and fruit trees. 1 . r. 40 acres fruit land, Jo miles from Port-" land; good town, on railroad. 200 acres, 1 mile from good town on S. P.; fine subdivision project; on coun ty road; well watered. . House and 2 lots at University Park; a bargain-. - M'DONELL. SHARP &' MAGINNIS, ' 827 and 328 Lumbermens bldg., -' 6th and Stark. WrHITE SALMON BARGAIN. $80 " per acre for a - choice, protected piece of fruit land, spring water of your own for Irrigation; very finest of, soli;- money spent improving this would make a- wonderful -profit. . Neighbors are asking $90 to $100 per aero for similar ground. This la a real bar gain, i. , CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. V A BIG-;-BARGAIN -' -100 acres, exceptionally good soil; 50 acres In crops, 84 acres bearing or chard, 3 acres English walnuts, house and barns, aprings. and . creek: 13 miles from Portland; Southern Pacific station on place; onlyv$i0 per acre, rice James A. Clock, H52 Alder t. Phone Main 1274 Hi JKCHKH on Oregon Elctrlo and neaf Fouthern Pacific railroad; 8 milos frowi . courthouse; nearly all cleared and plowed, ready for planting. vFlne jlruck land. - Also a good proposition for sub division. " Price right. One third- cash, balance 6 per cent. See Henrv C. Prud homme Co.. 8.1S Chamber of Commerce, 12 ACRES on Salem line, to trade for good city nroperlv. $18 ABINGTON BLDO, VERY choice swale land, unimproved, 2 miles from Beaverton; soma tim ber, on county road; by owner; vary reaonan(e. czo jiny. TEN acres In fruit and berries, new hodse; will tradn for house and'lot. 7 WE have some attractive buys in Port land acreage, , COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . Board of Trade bldg. EXCHAXGfi KE1AL ESTATE 24 Choice Seaside Lots &, ftn.ltf ntaitA lotn- at fipAsidft. Close .to depot -five minutes' walk to Ocean; sen or enrtmnKT-. u cm EXCHANGE MyTiKKiern 9 room house, ; .1 , . ., 1a.. 1 Afi.nA H.iVl 9E1 t IfTTftLCU UI" . . '. . aw., .'.' J - , n , ... beautiful lawn and Fhrubbery for well . . . . . ... n . M,inn.. 9,B nr.. improvea iarm near jtv. uttuiu. . ? vi cester bldg. ' , ' ' ' I liAVE 2 lots at Bay Ocean Park, .worth $2000; will trade for Portland, property In Alberta addition. What have you? J-5S, Journal. TO EXCHANGE A well ,. establish! f arm - or city property.' 618 Board of Trade. ' ;' , ' , . FOR sale or trade, 85 acres unim proved land In Yamhill county, near school and atatlon. Inquire , of. F. J. TO EXCHANGE for real estate or auto- mobile, new 3-root launcn, ana poat bouse: 14x50 feet: new 25 H. P. limalley engine. 201 OerlingT Mdg. TQ, JGfi-Ci I AN J E for lot cr launch. m.r equity In 15 ' acres f tne Hood Rtrcr-' " fruit land. Main 2fiP5. EQUITY of $1 3 00 In -j 'acre, ML Tatr,' not over 3t0. R-10l. Journal. -- WHAT I offered in, the shape' ; land for a $17Q0 first mortgage? , . Jouriial. ... ' . " 1 1 . - . ' . . WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED Real estate Arm In Pwt- land to nanoie kpruo orchard tracts. Benson Investment Co, Medford, Or. .. OWNERS having lot. with or without small house on. within SO blocks of river on east side, writo me tirlca U you Want to -sell, C:g4.J-Mirai. . n , - .rv..- u..,-tfii onnA iU JlttVts WUJ I OL - - . ... houses if prices are rMmli,c; only. Saltmat-ar -Sno-litrass, 80I-30S Lumbermens b!Hg.,Sti a i.itarhst ); CASH for 'propertv 9n' !, : where. If you want to buy. U or ex change addreon' 'orthw-Nin.m Buin-as A BTi c y, M Ir? na jjti) H J.l inn. , VVSTxkT-"To ik":hirie: 5 acre cu nf line i first - payment en rti .!f .-, rlo?s In. O. A. Gvahtisn. J0H CU-v-l.?;id a v. . '; ' . . Clii li K lionie ami )"! i are t-st n-d we ran I com'viwa Tics r c ' Pan r, J:r.!ir.! of Tri-i '..:- LI .ST y-ur j r, -Co.;- h.i .. IOU SAI K I .. " A t T, r;-"ir; ' -' : Con Miii '! . I