The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Eecord of Past Week Shows July Will Probably Run.
V Ahead of June in Amount of Construction
, - - Work Done.
Diseases of Wireless Operators.
' --.From La Tflbuna Medicate.. '
A French naval surgeon has observed
facts which he thinks warrant him in
attributing certain morbid conditions
to overexposure to the electrical wavea
Ecsema, too, has been observed, and
the author thinks that many cases of
M . A.
neurastnenia are attributable to tne cur
rent. He remarks that induced current
are a common product of the action of
me apparatus, ana intimates mat tneae
may cause trouble among other persons
than those immediately -concerned in the
telegraphic operations. ' He recommends
that operators . be provided with blue
or yellow spectacles.
'. ' . . . J
employed; In wireless telegraphy. For
the most part thev have affected the eye,
f enerally in conjunctivitis, though in one
nstanoe there, was keratitis. . .
N1 J
"With new construction in Portland
$oiarng"well -trp-towar --aHy-evrage
1 of $50,000, t little , eomfort u noraa
the fellow WHO is always reaar who
his forecast of . midsummer dullness;
lrt fact July so far gives every prom
im r oi r,ntf rlnninir June In the vol
time and character of new buildings
under way and projected.
Tuesday of this week, building per
mits -were issued to the value of $94,-
130 and for the three oays louowing,
the aggregate value of new construc
tion authorised was slightly in excess
' of $100,000. . i ,
. , The largest permit for the week was
taken out bv W. U Morgan and pro
vldes for the erection, of a three story
brick -store and apartment house for
Cook and I-ease on the quarter block
at the northwest comer of Grand ave
nue and East Stark streets. This is
To be a mill construction . building and
will cost close to $40,000. -a '
Another important permit Issued this
week was taken out nv lynn ana wu
' son for the brick work, that is the out
side walls, of the new Arlington club
building; at Park and Salmon streets.
" This permit calls for m expenditure of
11 7,000, i and is the third, permit that
has been Issued for work on that struc
ture, the first being; for the founda
tion excavation and the second for the
reenforced concrete. . The sggretrate
amount of these permits. is nearly $70.
000. which is considerably less than
half, of the architect's estimate of the
cost of the structure. ,,
' Court Considering1 Bids, f
. The county court has under consid
eration the bids submitted for furnish
ing; the steel reouired for the skeleton
frame of the proposed addition to the
courthouse. The bids ranre from $S3.-
ooo to $36,ooo. Judge weoster. and
other members of the county court ars
considering theadvisabillty of using; as
"far as possible nothing; but Oregon ma
terials and products In the new court-
house.. -'-'i. ", '
Judtre Webster is of the oninlon that
the plan jl feasible and is inclined
to sneclfv in the contraefs that where
.possible Oregon products h used in the
construction- of the building;. It was
originally planned to use Dressed brick
and tiling; in the walls, but this idea
may be abandoned and stone, from a
Iongli-cointv-- narry-be robstituti.
.Tdce Huntington. "formerly of The
Patles. is bavins- 'plans prepared for a
10 room. ' $10,000 residence, which he
nronosos to erect on a ouarter block at
Tburtnan-an- VWorlawt'iBets. -Willam-
'ette Heights. The building; is to be
"two wd a hlf stories Mtrh. f modm
Rnerllsti srcbltect'irn and Till b fln
Jwhod throughout in the best' of selected
"Will Be Tins Church.
Plnns of the proposed ' Caholic
cfmrch t Twelfth and F.ast Pine
rtrepts ( have been completed and bids
fo the entire contract are inw being
s"bmltted to the Architect When com
pleted this will : be one of the hand
pomppt churches in the citv and will
cot not for from . , . ; . ..
The contract for the ewtlnn df the
rnny.lner bulldinnv cn tlfth street bc
!''" Msdlnon nnd Jefferson, has been
let, and work of . excavating for the
fonnlnlon.i8 ..under-way Tills Ja to
be a three story brick. 60 by 100 feet,
and will cost approximately $26,000.
The ground floor will ba divided into
three 1 foot store rooms, and the up
per stories will bo divided into living
rooms and apartments. r t
r J. 8. WinsloW has taken out a permit
for a two story, four series frame flat
building to be erected on East Wash
ington, between East Nineteenth and
East Twentieth streets. The approxi
mate cost of the Improvement is 48600.
The Blake-McFall company has let
the contract for excavatlnsr for the
brick salesroom and warehouse to be
erected bv . this firm at . Fourth - and
Ankeny streets. -The cost of tha . ex
cavation will be about $804)0.
Bert Haney has taken out a permit
for the erection of a two story fram
residence on , East Fifteenth", between
Thompson and Brasee streets. ., Th
building; will cost $4000.
Another $4000 dweAing to be erected
at once in a high priced east side resi
dence section is that of A, K. Holromb,
who is prenarltia to build a handnnmt
home on Hawthorne -avenue."' between
East Thirteenth and East Fourteenth
streets. The building; Is to be a two
tory frame of modern construction.
Mrs. I. A. Beall is building a mod
em' cottage home on East Twenty.
fourth street, between Glisan and Hoyt
at a cost of $3000.
M. Patterson has taken out a . ner-
mlt for a one story cement bloak dwell
ing to be erected on IDerbv street, near
Wlnchell. at a-cost of $$000.
- Many Swelling; Houses. '
On East Couch; between East Twen
ty-ninth and East . Thirtieth streets,
tawin iteming nas broken ground for a
two a tory frame residence which will
cost $2800. ., i
M. J. Merrick will erect a $3000 resi
dence at East Eighth street, bet ween
Knott .and Graham streets.
J. T. Ennls has taken out permits for
the erection of two two story cottages
to be erected on the ; block on . East
Tenty-thlrd street, between Alberta
and Bralnard, each to cost $2260.
- John Harbka has let the contract for
a one atory frame cottage tp be erected
on Eaat Seventeenth, street between Al
berta snd Vernon. The building will
COSt- 12000-.; & t., n n- -!
2 Captain A. P. Pearson has had plans
drawn for a two story frame dwelling
which he will build on East Twenty
seventh and Freemont streets at a cost
of $3600. - - ... -I
R. Dingle has purchased a lot at
East Twentieth and Everett streets on
which ha la preparing to build a mod
ern two story frame dwelling. ?
A. H. Hickman la building" a hand
some one snd a half story bungalow
on East Fifteenth street, near The
Alamda. The -building; is a frame
structnre with . pebble stons front and
will cost $5000.
- C Morris is having two
$4000 residences built t ih.
Kast Forty-fifth and Brasee' streets,
one a two storv structure of modem
design and the other a one and a half
"y iruiiwiuw.. air.- Morris plans t
? . r ,mPvemenis in that ais-
n'ti man Bummer. - ;
til H : .
ii':M.Ji-!i' ; . ' r-
- 'ft mm
New Apartment House at St, Clair and Wayne Streets, a District Rapidly Filling Up With Modern Brick
-N ' -'..,' Apartments. ' ' r -' 1 "
Railroad Commission Will
Visit Coast Cities for First
Hand Information. ,
3Iichiffan Lumberman Is in
- Portland Ostensibly to
; Close $1-,000,000 Deal.
- M. H. Kelly, .of the Wrlght-BIod-
ett company of Saginaw, Mich., one of
the largest concerns In the country
owning timber. Is here from ; Duluth.
: ostensibly. It is understood, for the pur-
pose of closing negotiations for tha
purchase and Bale of the Benson Log
ging company's large tract of timber
near ; Clatskanie, on which the com-
pany is aupposed to be holding an op
tion. ..The transfer, if made, will in
volve close to $4,000,000 and will ba
. the largest ever closed In this district,
the timber covering an immense tract
; In Columbia county, including some of
the finest bodies of fir to be seen anv
where in the world. . , "
B. Benson, owner of the immense
. tract, recently disposed of his sawmill
at Ban Diego and the log rafting branch
of the camp at Clatukanle, so far as
, it refers to the Ban Dleo nlsnt . r,.4
retired from active, business .to recover i
' bin. hfl.)th . whiff, harl rtnt v.f
. - , ; , ..." f"- . vuv
best for aome time. For several weeks
he toured California in his touring car
and returned to Portland last month
much Improved.
Consummation of the sale of "the
timber would Include, the - transfer of
me ugging railroad and camp equiD-
' mnt nnM. rf . I. a ... 1 . .
w. MID UIU0V uvuiuicm IVHIPmB
jii i-aciaio nonnweFi logging operations.
31. W. Hunt and I. C San
ford Plan Fine Business
, Block Up Town.
Alt Who
Would Eryoy
good health, with its blessings, must un
derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the
question of right living with all the term
Implies-TWith proper knowledge i of what
is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
merit, of contemplation and of effort may
bef made to contribute to living aright.
Then the use of medicines may be dis
pensed with to advantage, but under or
dinary conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu
able if taken at the proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. bj3da thatlt is
aliks Lnportant io present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one perfect
laxative to .those 'desiring & i,:iT-'C'
Consequently the Company's Pyrup of
Tig and Elixir of Senna gives general
eatisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy the genuine, manufactured by tha
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sals
fry alj leading drupgisto. v-- --
That an eight story reenforced con
crete building will, go ud at once on th.
80 by 100 foot lot at tha northwest
corner or Park and Morrison streets
seems, practically certain. - M. WV Hunt,
who has operated extensively In
land rtalty for the past two years, pur
chased this property about two months
aao from H. M .ir. .i...
iias been on the lookout for a desirable
tenant to occupy a building- which he
inwnaa erecting on the site. It is now
underatood that a tenant has been found
who will take a long lease on the
ijiiijvicu Duiiaing, ana that Mr. Hunt
and I. C Sanford. whn h
chased sv half interest in the property,
will Imwiutlo,.! . . . . . '
7, " ""'-vciy yrvuvBa wiin tne erec
tion of a building which will be one of
in" uinaaomut structure In th n.
town business district. T
Mr. Hunt paid $160,000 for the nrnn.
erty, and a half interest In it was sold
to Mr. Sanford for 176 onn -
Rumors of other new building enter
prises for that immediate district ar
frequently heard on the street and in
the real estate offices. One of the most
persistent of these rmnri. la ,n - ,v.
effect that Joseph. M. Healy is contem
plating rating the three story framo
Duiming; at the northeast corner of
, Park and Morrison streets and replacing
It with a modern 10-story steel or con
crete structure. Another is that the
owners or me, soutnwest corner of Park
and Morrison will remove the frame
building; there and erect In its stead' a
building in keeping with tha importance
of the locality and the value of the
property. ..
It 1 safe to say that within a year
irom me completion or tne olds, wort
man St ' King building on the- Pennoyer
block, not a frame house will remain
standing on Morrison street between
beventn 'and Tenth streets.
Architects Travis and Wilson have
completed the plans for a modern two
story f rams residence to be erected by
Attorney Bert E. Haney on East Flf-
leenta street Detween Tnompson and
Brasea.r The building Is to be a one And
a half story six room structure and will
cost $1000. .
The same firm of architects Is at
work on tits plansfot a two story brick
tire engine house for the cltyi-Which
will be erected at Fifteenth and Mont
gomery streets. : ; .
-; r - Mnch Bnlldlng at Eugene. :
fSoeciil Dlsnstrk tn Thm ln.rn! I
Eugene. Or., July 10. According to a
report Just made by Building Inspector
V. McFarland, 196 new residences were
built in. Eugene during the yeax . end
ing June SO, and $51 elncafie' office
lniDm,fxor w" established. April 1,
Th vrage cost has been about
$1500, though many have cost between
$1600 BJid $10,000. - - -. . "
-Defects fh glass Insulators, due to Im
perfect annealing, ere searched for by
revolving the insulators tn a beam of
polarised light
"" v--r-'-v;""," '.
: Beginning October ' 1 the -'colossal
freight rate battle between the inter
state commerce commission' and the. HUV
and Harrlman railroad systems will be
resumed, v The' commission,' .according
to advices received here by W. W. Cot-;
ton; general attorney for the O. R. &
N. will make a complete tour of the Pa
cific coast and the- commercial centers'
west of the Kocky mountains. , The pur
pose of the tour will be-to get first
hand information reaardina the trans
continental freight rate situation
Etpoxane, Portland, Seattle, Ban Fran
claoo, Lus An galea and-Salt- Lake City
will be among the western cities where
th hearings of the interstate commerce
commission will be held. The first stop
will propably be made in Spokane. Oc
tober 4, where further testimony will be
taken on the supplementary petition of
me cposane cnamoer or commerce
against, the transcontinental railroads; :
Other cases of a like nature against
tun ana tiarnman hang lor, decision on
tne cposane litigation.
' Two cases will be riven a heaiinr In
Portland, that of the Portland chamber
or commerce against - the O. K, & pi.,
which alleges unfair discrimination in
the matter of freight nates, and the is
sue Detween tne Astoria cnamoer' or
commerce ana tne. ureal Northern lea
turlna Similar alleaations. , ) - .
The Beattle and Tacoma' chamber of
commerce, and the Seattle transporta
tion bureau will be given a hearing for
tneir complaints in beattle.
At Ran Prancisco the commission will
hear a number of cases. Including the
oral arguments in the San Francisco
and Los Angeles switching rate cases.
At Reno there is further testimony to
sa. taken In the case of the railroad
commission of - Nevada against . tha
Southern Pacific, and at Salt Lake City
the case of the Commercial club of that
city against 15 transcontinental lines,
In which the commission Is asked to es
tablish new and' reasonable rates be
tween Salt Lake City. Offclen. Provo and
Chicago, tha Mississippi river and Mis
souri river common points,, will., be
opened. t . . ;
These hearings will' likely consume
several months time and will be very
teoious ana involved in an tneir details,
While not officially given out. it is re
garded as proable , that the Northern
Paclfia and Harrlman lines will pool
interests in the northwest and make a
common fight to retain their present
scneauie or rreignt rates to cities on
tne Racine coast and to spokana.
a, M.:&-St.-P, Prints Beau-
-tiful Pamphlet of Lo
cal Views. 1
If It be true that every laugh makes
a man a aay younger and no good ar
gument to the contrary has yet been
presented it will be easy for - any one
to' live a year- longer at a very -nominal
expense.: Think of it! $65 days of re
newed youtn zor trie price or a circus
ticket I Who ceuld withstand such W
barsrainf When tha small bov nerV
snaoes his -father to take him to - seeV
tne big show the youngster does not
know that he is. giving to his parent a
new leans of life. . . .,.
It may be said that there are not two
persons on this earth's surface who
wui equany enjoy a given runny action
or a witty speech. One man will not
see the point to a. story that to another!
appears the most laughable thing im-
aginaoie. , An incident tnat in action
almost convulses tha onlooker with
laughter will not appeal at all to the
tnira party to wnom tne incident la re
cited. But let 10,000 people witness at
the same time 1000 funnv actions and
queer-antics and It will ba Impossible
to find on individual In tlve tM
aggregation or 'spectators whose -ribs
nave- not reen tickled with , laughter
ira wnoss sense oi numor nas not been
excited. '
The Hagenbeck-wsllace shows, whth
appear here soon, carry on their lists
of entertainers , a troupe of laughter
making stsrs a collection of artists
wnose wnoie existence is devoted ts
the task of provoking laughter. -If
there are neoDle In wnrM
do not want to laugh let thera be
wamea mat inev are courting disap
pointment In this direction If tklw
visit the Hegenbeck-Wallacs - shows.
They will ba compelled to laugh not
once, but a hundred times, -for the laugh
ter-maktng kings who travel with these
great shows have sworn an oath that
no one will escape them. - . "
W7iy not laugh . and . live an extra
yearT The expense Is nominal, the en
tertainment la excltlnv mnA ,(
devoted tp the enjoyment is well spent
Tou awaken the next day with added
uS"JuyT,J, 'T"111" problem of
life with lighter heart., eager to con
front the difficulties snd overcome
tfaem. . For thM tnan whji t-..-.!.. -.11 1 , -.
' a Joke when seen -in the proper light
taken from the philosopher's point of
Booklets graphically illustrating the
great resources and remarkable beauties
9t -Pprththd .and tbs ; Oregon.; oountrs
hays beeh' received by the' local repre
sentatives of the Chicago.. Milwaukee
and St Paul railroad.' Portland is
described as the gateway to the west;
the view is of a narrowed -path leading
directly to the Rose city, with. Mount
Hood serving as back ground. Beside
making the announcement that in usini
the O. -R. ' N. tracks Into Portland
the new road will give equal, freight
rates from 8eattle, Tacoma' and Port
land, the quiet intimation is mads that
it will hot be , long until the present
name, Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul,
la changed to read, Chicago, Milwaukee
& Pacific Coast.' ,v ;, -
'Neither must it bo inferred i from
our temporary use of the O. U. & N.
tracks that we have abandoned any
plans the management of this company
may have entertained to ' build their
own track into Portland," ; said Henry
S. Rowe, general agent for the C, M. &
St P- this morning. "Wp regard Port
land as fair territory for our business
and we shall do everything we possibly
can to win the favor of local business
Interests. It cannot be expected that
we could do -. everything: at once,' but
when it is remembered that In-three
years a line costing $100,000,000 cross
ing thres of . the , highest mountain
ranges In tha country and two of the
largest t rivers, has been constructed,
some idea of ' what has already been
accomplished, may be gotten."
By recent arrangements with '' ths
North Bank road the Great Northern
has been able to secure , a division of
tariff satisfactory to ths management
of - the road,- and concessions equally
satisfactory have .been secured by tne
C, M. sBLP, from ths Q. R N. r :..
5. Bnildlng Permit.'".
8tar Brewing company, J4-4 Tirst
street. ' between Main and Madison, re-
Sair two story brick saloon, $1000; R.
. Prink. East 81xty-eighth. street, be
tween Glisan and Hoyt, erect one and
a half story frame dwelling, $2000; A.
R. Pearson, East Twenty-seventh
street, between . Freemont and ' Klicki
tat. erect - two - story frames dwelling,
$2760; H. J. Ahrendt Eaat Seventeenth
street, between Wygant and Alberta,
erect one story frame dwelling $2000:
D. M, Watson, " Cornell road, head of
Northrop street, erect -two story frame
dwelling," $8000; C M. Zadow, J Kast
Yamhill street, between Twenty-fifth
and Twentv-slxth. erect two story f ram
dwelling, f $$500; St' Vincent's hospital.
comwi roaav oetween uiuan - ana
Hoyt streets,- er ect five story brick and
reenforced concrete hospital, $150,000:
Rt, Glllan, East Seventeenth street, be
tween Clackamas and Wasco, erect two
story frame dwelling, $4000. - --:
Journal want sds 1 cent a word.'
Committee Decides -It Must
' Be Asphalt f6r East 7th
' Over Protest. .
Despite the repeated protests of prop
erty owner along East Seventh street
against the. paving of that thoroughfare
from Thompson to Klickitat street with
asphalt the street committee yesterday
afternoon recommended such action to
the council. Proceedings were begun
for an asphalt street several months ago
and the council after much discussion
acceded to the wishes of the property
owners by rescinding .' the proceedings
and beginning new ones for a macadam
improvement -
Tha committee rescinded tha ' mats-
adamJl proceedings .aaain . veaterdav.
Councilman Menefee objected vigorous
ly aociaring mat tne people wno must
pay for a Hard surface are .poor ...And . to
put in such an expensive Improvement
would confiscate their homes.
Another right is expected In the coun
cil when .the matter comes up before
that body. ' At a former meeting many
women came to the city hall and with
tears in their eyes begged to ba allowed
to build a macadam street ' Opponents
of macadam say that East - Seventh
street is in a hard surface district and
that it will spoil the appearance of. tha
district to break the paved area with a
macadam strip. ; 7;1,; ; ,ijz vj: .
- The committee also favorably recom
mended the passage of , an ordinance
making the whole city a cement side
walk district If this is passed the day
of the wooden sidewalk is done. Coun
cilman Rushlight objects to the' ordi
nance on the ground that it will work s
hardship on the small property owner.
lay mat MM
FisiMt, monscrj & CO.
f1,',i" V''1", -V ,,'r-.'- ''(f-'V'' '' "'J',: V'vl-,b-iri'' I v.'' :.-i'.s,
The. Big Paint Store"
Haccfaclnrcrs and Jobbers Everytbisg la Palnls
.-fr. Sr.xCNs. ,
In your hardware buying. Remember
i that every penny really saved in that
.direction is as good as two earned. Tou
can save many pennies by making; this
- store, your- headquarters for fine tools,
kitchen utensils ana general hardware.
Our prices are always below the regu
- lar, though our qualities are always up
to the standard, ..The more money you, .
spend here the more you save, figure
jit out , ' y
43 Third St. Bet Pine & Asa
trirr D ah iua -
jj ufisi iBMSa . SL SAsrtffesaa!
!AI I v
771 . ' 1 1. i i m.iwmropfitwTDRfNn.(Biiiifi 1
., i , i"rH LtT(Jt3iSTAIR0imBlC0N1lvjL
.,y.k. ' -Kf 1 RAIUNCiflHt DUPOITC! ,1 -i T
r " hORTlANn Hronnn :
to "wno Tomi zoucra
' ' n 'I wr ' I '
- II . . . . I 1. . I
O. Jaggeir " - - J. '32. Uaxoa
B91 East Morrison It.
Phone East 8128 B-1828
The Independent Foundry, Co.
TWENTY-THIRD AND YORK STS. Phones Main 2323. A424
John A. Melton
CASpsarrsa astd bvxxssb
Factory and Offlsc ISS Becond
street, near Mala.
' phones: Mala 1T$J; A-XTtI ;
Office and Stors Fixtures built
and remodeled.
' Altering; and repairing
bouses. : -
and Countsrs buflt.
Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Pounders, Machinists and BoOsrmakerst
Building snd Structural Work.
Office and Works
Xawt borne A venae and East
Third Street-
Phone East as. '
" The one best place in Portland to buy. ' Geographical center and most de
sirable residence property in the city.
Seeing is believing. Better go and see the many choice residences nndsc
Construction and ths improvements going on. .
Pleasant to talie and does not gripe or nauseato
Cures Chronic Gpnstipation Stomach cxnd Liver Troublo
Stimulation Without Irritation.
ORINO Laxative Proit Syrup Is a new
- laxative syrup combined with the de-
licioua flavor of fniit, and is very
i pleasant to take. Jt will not gripe or
sicken. It is much more pleasant and
effective than Pills, Tablets or Saline
. Waters, as it does not derange- the
- 6tomach, or irriute the Kidneys, Liver
j or Bowels.
I ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup will
, ; positively cure Chronic; Constipation,
' ' as it restores the natural action of the
! Intestinal tract.
If you are constipated : :. ' . ; .
If your tongue is coated ; v "5
If your breath is bad .
If your eyes are dull . .
If your head feels heavy ....
If you have heart-burn - , (
If you are troubled with belching
If your food does not assimilate
If you are too thin " v. t.
If your complexion is bad -
-', . . -t '. -.' --. - i '- '
..-..,.- : fc :'! ' v,.:' ' ' " ' 7K' . l- ' t'
. Your sFomach, liver and - bowels
need stimulating, fcnd you should take
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup. ' ;
Clears the Complexion.
ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup stimu
lates the liver and thoroughly cleanses
the system and clears thoT complexion
of pimples and blotches. . It is the best
laxative for women and children as it
is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe .
or sicken.- ;
C -GBflDflnTEE
. Thin People Take- Notice.
De Tea Assimilate Teur reesf
ORINd makes you assimilate your
food so you will get the fall benefit of
what you eat.
Talie ORINO taxatlvo Fruit Syrup and If you
arc not satisfied your money will bo refunded
Prepared only by FOLEY CO., Chicago, III.
cold Ar:D ncccr.irizriDLD cy.