11 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 27. 1909. n FOR SALE SUSCELLANEOTJS 19 L-Weekly On second-hand Machinery, Engines, j , Boilers, etc., at great savings. , New and second-hand, any kind and size, at extremely low prices. A All sizes and lengths, for re-use or concrete. . rl. ; - ;v "I-Beams All sizes and lengths, cut to order, at a saving of almost one-half. - For relaying and reinforcing, in all sizes and lengths. Pulleys, SI . ' Boxes, Etc If it's made of iron, we've got it. 347-35J Gltsan Street, Corner Eighth. The House of a Million Bargains. EDWARDS COMPANY EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. The- following and many other goods very cheap: $3.60 Household Treasure 1.2S Pining Chair used 2.18 .70 ' 12.00 Refrigerator 20.00 Gas Range 9.00 10.00 19.S6 22.00 21.36 89.60 4.76 s.r.o 7.00 9.60 9.60 .60 10.00 55.00 o&8 ttange 35.00 High Oven Range 86.00 Coral Wood Range 70.00 Home Comfort Range 9H yards Carpet Runner Carpet, 8 feet by 8 feet, Brussels. Art sauares. viii, wuui Ingrain Carpet, 11x12, wool .. 1 ts , 1 , jsrusseiB itujiBi, mm C. C. Art Square, 8x12 Brussels Rug, 8xl0- Your credit Is good. EDWARDS COMPANY, 185-181 First Bt. Seconi-Hand Motorcycles 1908 Indian Twin. 6 h- P-; $166. 1908 Indian Twin, 6 h. p.; $160. Agency for Thor & Yale Motorcycles. 1909 Yale single, belt drive, 3 V4 h. p.;$176 1908 Indian single, 2 h. p.: $110. 1908 Thor. almost new, 2 4 h. p.; $126. 1908 Apache, 24 h. p.; $100. 1906 Yale belt drive, 2 M. h. p.; $60. 1905 Columbia. !H b, p.; $30. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 126 12th st. A-3308. MOTORCYCLE, 1909 loop frame, five horsepower Indian, $30 worth of ac cessories; lias been ridden but little; perfect condition; owner has no time to ride; at a bargain. Main 6481. 610 Salmon st. BARGAIN 4x3 reversible back camera. rapid recillnear lens and shutter; uses plates or film pack; also good de veloping outfit and exposure meter; complete. $16. W-81. Journal. FOR SALE At a bargain: Drill, vice, pinchers, pliers and set; all tools pertaining to machine repair work. Call Monday between 10 and 12 a. m. 409 E. Morrison. Ol'R great stock of general merchandise and fixtures must be closed out within 10 days to make room for other goods. Will sell at any old price. 171 2d, cor ner Yamniu. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new -and second hand, buy, sell, exchange, re pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. 126 12th. A-3808. WILL SELL SHOE SHOP. Small repair shop, with modern ma chinery, everything complete. 602 Waah- lngton st. Diac phonograph with 15 records. $15; rlth reversible feed. $8. Call 283 Grand. STEEL range, perfect condition. $15 if taken at once: pnonograpn wun io records, $12.60. Call 394 East Clay. CHEAP Showcases, desks, carpets, fnr- nlture, Wa also exchange good. i:J anl 1 A ' rrunt u main ptob. FOR SALE CHEAP Steel range, suit able for restaurant or hotel. Call at 617 River St., Phone C-1998. SELL or trade, beautiful electric art glass dome for dining room, 24 Inch, with fringe. 8-87, Journal. WANTED Household goods, ladles' and fentlemen's clothing. The O. K. Store, -813 Vi Front st $10 New Home sewing machine, good ' condition; a bargain. Call 686 Wil liams ave. East 214. CHERRIES for sale on the trees in any quantity. E. W. Pearson, E I8th and Fremont. ; FOR sale or trade, 'one atereoptlcon ma chine, complete with rheostat, arc and curtain: a bargain. Phone Tabor 1301. SALMON net, all "complete. '60 feet, good for steelheada, very cheap. Call 3 maacciay. SAFE, new and 2d hand, low prices, easy terms. Davis Safe and Lock Co.. 6S a st. FOR SALE A Spits dog; may be seen at 104 12th st., near Washington. A LOT of good second hand doors and windows cneap, at Everett ana parit. CANDIES, p j rest, sweetest, lowest prices; 1 lb. lOo. 380 3d. City Market $10 New Home sewing machine with all attachments. tail 883 m. Morrison. FOR SALE Full-blooded bird dog pups. Phone A-8946. HIGHEST price for copper, brass, rub- ber. J. Leve. 188 Columbia. Main 6198. SPOT cash for your furniture: prompt attention always given. Ease 1017. CASH for household goods. Savage 4s Pennell. 348-347 1st st. Main 360. $30 will buy large house tent, suitable to live In. R-84. Journal. NEW $500 piano for sale; cash or terms. 651 Market st EXCHANGE furniture house, 208 laC M. szu. py. sen everyimng. DOUGHERTY typewriter for sale. $12; cost $45. v-gi, journal. DIRECT action gas range, almost new, cheap. 461 Prescott st TYPE WRITER, visible, easy terms. B-8, Journal. 20 SEWING machines, $4 up to $15; sale or rent 288 Grand ave. SPOT cash paid for second hand cloth ing. can toast lost. U-ZQ44. FOR SALE Well bred Spits dog, 7 months old. 1685 E. Yamhill. SHINGLES Wholesale and retail. a E. Gilbert. 114 Front St. UASH for second hand furniture. B-2044. E-1061. 94 Grand ave. .. $36 bed lounge, good as new. Call '283 Grand ave. EXCHANGE MISC. 25 EXCHANGE Light manufacturing business, can easily clear $10 a day. $800. All or half Jnterest. What have you? Realty Brokerage Cd, 808 Board of Trade bldg. - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ' Manufacturing business, exclusive ter ritory; a money-maker;, what have you? Look this up. Botsford, 779 E. 29th. BOX BALL ALLEYS 3, good as new) to trade for launch, auto, ral estate, of other property of value. S-61, Jour nal. . - - - WILL trade first-class phonograph for good bicycle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 850 Alder st - WHAT have you as firs, payment on lot Balance $5 per month. 0-8, Journal. ., . GOQD organ for typewriter. Main S362. 1 EXCHANGE -MISC. 25 MONEY TO LOAX ' , 27 y.n.EtiYiM0orntBv'r"RAr old , Hutton Credit Co. , Wa are the only company In the r " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 6 city of Portland organised ana Inoor- . ---i r , -i y m-i.i i. i. i. i.-nu-.-j-iiT porated under tha laws of tha state of HAVE you a second-hand trunk in good Oregon, loaning money on wrnlture, condition that you have no use for! Pos etc. ""' J$2lu Give slse, lowest cash price. Where can receipts, real tate contracta, aalar es I call to see It. N-83, Journal. ; noln" ieMyJbe? WANT Housekeeping or furnished ins of "$10 to $100 may ba obtained room in exchange for paper hanging, fTOm u, on Bnort otiee and it a very tinting or carpenter work, H-8J, Jour- gmaU cost to tha borrower, , - "al. - . ' - - ' , It will -pay yu to investigate our new WANTED A second hand planer in credit plan it will save you money. ?;ood condition. State slse, kind and Ask about it when you call, ce. Address It M. Black. R. R. I, TJ.. f r .Vancouver. Wash. HllttOn Credit L.O. ABSTRACT of title Would buy set of ' BH Dekum Bldg. 1. Washington, Oregon MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or or Idaho. F-410 Journal. other real .gtate securities bought on WANTED Bull Terrier puppies or city property or lands anywhere In young male bulldog. Phone A-8306. Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble, WILL take little girl to room and board 316-8 IT Lumbermanjsbldg., 6th ft Stark. $12 month. 416 E. Alder. LOST AND FOUND 21 i I FINANCIAX. 01 txST or stolon; small gold puree, con- 1 1 t t t 1 I il t l t t t t 't i t t t 1 talning keys, wa-ch and pin - valued J,,,., ,,,,tJ as a keepsake by owner. Liberal re- MONEY for everybody. It you I d.t.t0 Ncedlecraft ouTadW ir. CTace. Wtr ' I ' S' Bman gold wh; wild rose f a loan 6n your pUno and furni- $ i 4 deln with '.b- " t?,v J ture (without removal) atorage f i iwrnthJeer"f.v46d iT,muhS i$ receipts, life insurance policies, $ t ", receive, more fthan jewelry and diamonds and all val- $ yl" of watch as reward. n uable collateral, at lowest rate In $ FIVE lady barbers, 66 4th st, between the city, on easy weekly or month- $ Oak and Pine; prompt service, shop i ly Instalments; all business $ thoroughly antiseptic. Massage a ape strictly confidential. $ clalty. . Ut 8. REAL ESTATE A BROK- $ LOST or stolen, from Montavllla, sorrel ' ERAGE CO., $ pony, with white hind feet and cropped Room 12 Hamilton Bldg. $ mane. Finder please notify F. Hughes, Phone Main 2084. 131 Third St 8 Montavllla, Route 1. ilttiiiiiitititet! LOST Gold nugget stick pin; crowned I l HH I 1 I 1 I I I I Ml ( M w,tn aiam0nds, on 24th or Johnson. Whi can place tlrsi mortgage ana imilil. Return to 670 Johnson. Liberal reward. COLUnM'BIA TRITST roMPlVT WILL party who found white sweater Board fif Tl hM Jacket Thursday night on Ross Island wAWr t , ' , -i call up A-1132 and secure reward? 5?m llwahlngto,nrybld0rr MatoMii tOST-Silver mesh purse at Ma.onlo! i m 11 "asnington bldg. Main 488. ha,, wejnesday. Finder return to , . Journal office and receive reward. LOANS WANTED 30 F6trSTD Stray black pony, one white r,r." r.VXT " 7 --l - - -....-- nin(j foot; pav for keeping and ad. WANTED A loan of $2500 on inside 196 Blandena. 7 per cent " Pr0Prty- W1U SEWING machines for rent and ro- Also want a loan of $4000 on a Urge . PL-" lifilbf'tio'" l8t" Cr- wheat ranch, improved, in Sherman Co.. ket Phone Main 2102. Or. LOST June 19, nugget anchor stlck- REALTT BROKERAGE CO., pin, valued as present Reward $1. 808 Board of of Trade Bldg. T-88, Journal. . - WANTED $100, 2 months, pay well. FOUND Gold watch, on 4th st, near $400, 8 per cent, 1 years, Salem real- Alder. Owner can get same by giving, ty. $16,000 wanted, 6 years, 7 per description. Address X-87, Journal. cent realty security. Hedln, 430 Wor- ' L. NELSON lost a bank book on Ladd cester bldg. ' A Tllton bank yesterday morning. Re- HAVE client waiting ti borrow $900 turn to Journal; reward. 1 on a flrst mortgage of $1800 he owns QUARTZ ledges and lost money lo on " room house and 4 lots in Monta- cated; a certainty; a late invention, villa, title perfect; will pay 8 per cent x-5 Journal. and Villa" aVe M V Cm1 E" "tb " LOST-Blg female bulldog, whlto and "l"! av' . M- Y'-r : brtndle markings; reward. East 841. wajied To get In communication tr, ...x-ri gm'."n h.nwn AnZ V.mnin , with individuals that have money to Ftihii I.Tiwnod 02 female. loan on gilt-edged securities, mortgages Phone Sellwood 802. to be psld off by monthly installments, TENNIS rackets restrung and repaired, state Interest Striotly confidential. Portland Gun & Bicycle Co., 161 1st. N-075, Journal. " Ji " ' " WE can place first mortgage building PERSONAL S2 loans of $1600 or $2000 at 7 and 8 per ...-. ---" cent. DR. MARY LEWIS, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Late Chicago Women's hospital, treats Board of Trade bldg. diseases of women exclusively; advice WANTED From private party. $1750 tret and confidential. Phones A-2411, on first mortgage valued at $3600; 6 Main 4047. Office 606 Commonwealth per cent acreage: A. G. S., Gladstone, bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. r- LADIES Ask your druggist for WANTED Loans on improved subur- Chichesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. ban property; first class security. For 26 years known as best safest Gates Young, 187 6th st. Always reliable. Take no other. LOa.VB-$10.0667$l0"00. $1200; $100", Chichesters Dismond Brand Pills are city realty security. Hedln. 430 Wor- Sold by druggists everywhere. cester Bldg. WOULD you marry if suited? Matri- WaWtkd hi roxnniiHit.ia n.rf'U. ums, monial paper containing hundreds ad- wtiSnli''tS l$u?SS! mPahrriZble vpoeunDi 'old $25 per month. Telephone East 649?. 0".?' Aft?'' maW' seafd WANTED To borrow $1200 for 90 days free. D. K. Qunnels. Toledo. Ohio. upon chattel property worth $4000. DON'T give up hope because your Will pay 8b0 for use. 8-86, Journal. nerves are weak. Smith's Sex Glob- I WANT a loan of $2500 on .gilt edge ules make men and women strong: Inside residence property from private never fails; restores manly vim and party. Phone 5761 Main. vigor. $1 a box. 6 boxes $5. Laue- WANTED To borrow $26,000 at 7 per Davis Drug Co.. agents. cent on city improved property, 2to GOITER and cancer specialist; goiter, $ years. N-61 Journal. cancers and tumors removed without WATjTirn ta'nnn k ,. . , the knife; asthma, catarrh, chronic and cent nn hnnn2 tliA VnJ,?i private diseases, impotency and diseases t-i",; U" pa,d' InluIre tst of women permanently cured. Dr. & Taylor- Voose, 241 1st st. NOTICES 2a NEAT, respectable middle aged working woman desires acquaintance honor- IN THE matter of the estate of '"T" A Jount?"0'1 obJe0t mat- Charles W. Henry, deceased. Notice r'mony- A-85, Jo"- Is hereby given that I have this day WOMAN'S EXCHANGE In new Quar been appointed by the county court of ters, 186 6th st., near Yamhill. De the state of Oregon, for Multnomah Holous lunch for ladles and gentlemen, county, administrator of the estate of U to 2:30. Pies, cakes, etc., and needle Charles W. Henry, deceased. All per- work for sale. sons having claims against said estate LADIES Ask your druggist for are notified to present same to me with Mumm's Female Wonder. For 26 the proper vouchers at my office, No. years known as the best safest, most 260 8tark street. Portland. Or., withtn reliable. Relieves when others fait For six months from this date. sal: by Laue-Davis Drug 0. .1 , CHARLS I$'?ENRT' GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.; Portland, Or.. June 23 1909. German. English. French. Spanish, EXCAVATION. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for- Blds will be received for excavating elgn books of all kinda Scbmale Co., basement on southwest corner of 6tn 229 1st st and P'iS aD0 600 ya"lds an(1 REFINED, legal widower. 88, with boy Sk1 ?50Wrard" on. Trurmn at. near rwU1 meet or correspond with work- 27th st Bids must be n by July 1. ,' -ji'o,. wtaow; no objection to child. I. A. Peters. 417 Fenton bldg. Lettfrs answered or returned. Object unvi-v Tf rmv or matrimony. F-81, Journal. MOMEYIO U)M 27 YOUNO man of good appearance and . t , ' . . position wishes to meet young lady j MONEY LOANED ON YOUR 8ALARY !etw"P " J,.nd 25; bJeCt mtrTmony- ! PIANO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ETC.. M-81, Journal. CONFIDENTIALLY. KNOW thyself; a pen picture of your OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. life from cradle to grave, send birth OUR PAYMENTS EASIEST. date. 10 cents silver and 2 cent stamp. CALL TODAY AND BE CONVINCED. Magno, 113 4th ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. STATE SECURITY CO., LADIES! Dr. La Franco's Compound, 808 FAILING BLDG. safe, speedy, regulator. 26 cents, drug HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. gists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La WEDS., SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. France, Philadelphia, Pa. ! I ! 1 MARRIAGE paper, highest character, THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. incorporated. 13th year, 6000 members. 402 Rothchlld bldg.. corner 4th and paper sealed, send 10c. L. L. Love, box Washington. The recognised bank of igfto, Denver, Colo. ma'clHnfsl fnVVloc-TO Jl "?A1tl: '.ecurUvneJ' f U" 0" hl WUhUt 1" - rateglvei "parloV. Grand $16 return to us $ 4.00. a month Leader. 5th st , $30 return to us $ 8.00 a month DON'T be !onsome: Join the only re- $50 return to us $18.36 a month liable marriage bureau in the world; Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries, send 10c for June papers. Box 261. Seat- 1 Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. tie. Wash. , " CHATTEL LOANS. FIVE lady barbers, 66 4th st., between 1 Installment loans on pianos, furni- Oak and Pine; prompt service, shop ture, warehouse receipts, horses, lnsur- thoroughly antiseptic. Massage a spe- ance policies, salaries and all kinds of clalty. securities. MEN Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., all your prtvate sexual ailments; ad- 416 Ablngton bldg. vlce t f efe-, f70W iA- near yamhill. Main MONEY advanced salaried people and 8770. others upon their own names without USE Bassett's, the original native herbs :ltt&rAfi8liZit&E: for rh.umatl.m, constipation; 60 Ub- ."elf0; byPgetCUn" VtSS lts 28c, In black boxes, at ,11 druggists, first Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. VERNAU'8 Pennyroyal and Tansy Pills, ! WE loan money on Jtamonas and jewel- tr STue-Dvls'lSruV Co" anta ry at reasonable Interest for long or E!l5i Laue-Davls Drug Co.. agents, short time. A. & M. Delovage, jewelers. DR. O. S. DOVE, teacher of phrenology. 269 Washington st physiognomy. Office. 203 Goodnough SEVERAL hundred dollars to loan in bldg.. cor. 6th and Yamhill sts. small amounts; some chattel. Smith- SOUTHERN gentleman, 51, comfortabip. Wagoner Co.. Chamber of Commerce. would marry, confidential. F., box MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. Corr. League. Toledo Ohio. building loans; lowest rates: firs in- MISS ETHEL WARD Corn and In- tu ranee. W. Q. Beck. 312 Falling. growing nails, specialist 164 West $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm Park St. A-4606. property, fire insurance. McKenzie & GENTLEMAN wishes acquaintance Co.. Qerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. working girl or young widow; object MONEY to loan on timberland or .will matrimony. Address Box 715, City. make short loans on city property. LADIES Reduce your work by half on Room 5, 221 H Morrison. wasn day by new method. Write for $2000 to $3000 TO loan on good city real particulars to P. C. Plngrey, Chico, Cal. estate. ... . ' LOST powers restored by Beecham's Room 7, Board of Trade. Koja Jjerve Tonlo TableU, 2 60 a box; REAL estate and business chances; mon- 8 boxes $1. Laue-Davis Drug Co.. agta ey to loan on chattels at reaaonable By mechanic; acquaintance of working rates. Room 208 Allsky bldg. gri or widow; age 34; stranger in SALARY LOANS Btrlctly confidential; city. R. W. Shields, General pellvery. easy to get and easy to pay. T. A, THE only original, perfect Russian Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg. bath on Pacific coast Corner Front PRIVATE party has $7000 to loan on and Sherman, Main 461. lnlPrvd gnX ProPty; will, divide; MEN'S special diseases treated; modern no agents.. P-87, Journal. methods; confidential- Dr. Vose, TO LOAN $10,000 to $25,000; also from 126 H Washington st $2500 to $6000. Charles HlrsteLSH 3d NURSE would like confinement case at st room 8. hotn, or take baby to board. Mrs. R, SUMS of $1000 upward on real estate. 1288 E. 16th st N. Ooddard ft Wledrlck. 1U 2d at . CEMON Blossom for all female diseaaea HAVE $800 to loan on good real estate Cures when others fail. Laue-Davls security. Courtols, 1421 Union ave. N. .Drug Co.. agents. - LOAN for the asking, salary or char MAY ANDREWS teaches card reading. tet The Loan O., 410 Dekum.' 236 6th at Phone Main 7548. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fire MTsS GRANT, 201 V, 3d st. manicur- ineurance. 331 Sherlock: bldg. curing, chiropody, facial massage. MONEY to loan on furniture, diamonds, PACIFIC Introducing Club tor lonely etc. p-7 2, Journal, - single people; circular 10c. 2H 1st, QUICK loajis on all securities. . S. W. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseaaea. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 8190. (60 Glisan. Main 9211. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. FOR adoption; healthy girl of 9. . G-4X. W. HolU room .Washington bldg. t Journal. 7' 22 READ OF A WONDERFUL CURE BY MAGIC CELL FOOD. Portland, Or, March 20, 1908. 1 was sick lor six mourns iuiu nut. uio to work. I was examined by several ent and returned without any im ement. I was then advised to try 1 rt.11 . T .un. , V. A tr.fi f ment and used it as directed, and in two lore, at ana no morriDjii m.i. EMIL J. PIER80N. THE MOST- WONDERFUL BLOOD INVESTIGATE 2 Call or write for descriptive circulars nd addresses of parties healed, at MAGIC CELL FOOD CO. 222 Market St, Portland, Or. Wanted Five hundred people t. call t the Center of Right Thinking, receive free booklet and an explanation of ne work conducted by Mr. and Mrs. award Olney. Parlors, suite 21 Buell partments. 14th and Salmon. Hours DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children ex- me. Nervous diseases of children No charge for consultation. , Main 3928, Ar6607. Office character, some accomnlishmenta, who Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for diseases BUSLNEISS DIKEUTUKY ASSAY ERS Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 6980. 'ELLS & PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists. 04 "A Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA Assay Office, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ACCOUNTANTS H. A. MOSER, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Auditing, Investigating, accounting for ROOMS 9 AND 10, 2504 3D ST. Phone Main 24 82. K. H. COLL1S & CO. Publlo accountants and estate agents, commercial, county and municipal audit ing, investigating and systematlsing. $34 Worcester block, phone Main 4617. and auditor; Investigations made at ARCHITECTS H. C. DITTRICH, ARCHITECT. 606 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 8461. ATTORNEYS' J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, patents and pen sions; ollicec xv LDDe oiag. : M. tut. BUSINESS CARDS Covenant Contract Company Inventions, unuruvc-inenlu, processes. novelties created to order, lioums 1, 2, 8 and 6 Hoyt blk, 127 Vi 7th St., between Washington and Alder. A-3418. P. O. box 897, Portland, Oi. HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 1UK 2d st Blank books m'f'g; acta for Jones' ! Improved Loose-Lent ledgers; see tbe pew Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 181. CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, i $1 per month. Portland Laundry A i Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. i Phone 410. THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book sellers, office outfitters, engineers', d rau ghtmen'a supplies. 133 3d cor. Alder. ARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- lngs. 817 Beck bldg. TIN rooring, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jeffer son st Main 1424 THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland otnee, 404 Worcester Diog JAS. Mcl. WOOD A CO.. all kinds of lu- eurance, surety ponds. McKay Diig CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., proprietors of the Elec tric Cleaning nurks, tif ucauvu and laid, both dry and compressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty: work mamntend. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672. 270 Grant st T Pneumatic Renovator Co. By e, la auction and compressed air ' we clean carpeta ruga, furniture and draperies. Duntley s Electric Vacuum Cleaner. Main 8a82. 602 Swetland bldg. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. compressed air and steam cleaning. mattresses and feathers renovated. East 2 80. C-1250. J. HUNTER, mattresses, feathers ran-) - vated. carpets rentteq. M. 14: a-4ib. CH1KOPGD1STS DR. O. O. FLETCHER, the people's fa vorite chlropodiHt and foot specialist, treats all ills of the feet without dan ger of infections. Bee him and take no WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only sclentiltc cniropoaists in the city. Parlors 802 Uerlinger bldg., 8.- W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. u. Hill, 4Z9 Plledner bldg. CLEANING AND DYEING Pan Co Vesta Club 173 W. Park, will call for and deliver. 8UNNYSIDE Steam Cleaning and Dye Works, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. elng. abor 1 087. B-2U67. 205 E. 84th st Morrison; dyeing, pressing and clean- sooclalty. 60S Jefferson st -Main Dr month. Unique Tailoring Co. 80S Stark st EDUCATION Tj macy. 148 2d at.. Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS Interstate Adjust Co.. Gerlinger bldg. Wella'Mer. Agency. 708 B. of Trade. COMMISSION. MERCHANTS hoga. beef. egga. poultry, batter, heestk, hides, ftirs. wool, eases ra, hsv. ELECTROLYSIS HOLES, wrinkle. ajuperflnous hair movea Mrs. mil, 42 Fieidner. . : . PERSONAL --J"'""'"' COAL AND WOOD Steel Bridge Fuel Co. Special rates in quantities on cord wood, slabwood and block wood. Call us for prices. Prompt delivery. Phouee C-1773, East 424. Call V.alu 8767. Foot of Carry t O K WOODY ARDS 415 E. Morrison. :. under entirely new management; first class fir wood and coal at right prices; prompt oenvery. n.ast ttzoft. B 1D2. YAMATO Wood & A6al Co. All kinds of fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. Phones E. 818. B-1867. E. 6th and Mam sts. I SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Main I 2163. A-3842. B'.ockwood. 14.60: dr inside wood, $3.60; green atabwood. tt UJ1U i.DV. NEER & FARR, dealers In all kinds fir and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty. 805 Water st. Main 4596; A-4547. DANCING MAPLE DANCING PAVILION. 16th and Washington sts. dancing every evening except-Sunday. Admission free. 5 cents a couple. Pranp's orchestra. DANCING lessons, 25c for beginners; waltx, stage dancing, etc. taught daily. Prot Wal Wiilson's School, 886 V4 Wash; between W, Park and 10th sts CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS E. MELTON Offtec. store fixtures; general Jobbing. 67 1st St. M. 3190. RYAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. 640 Williams ave. East 4008. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 'ra luccino uo., nxrures, wiring, repairing. 391 E. Morrison. East 3128. I f AelMt Meiint js,ngineeritig Co. Motors for rent or enle 213 2d st GASOLINE ENGINES SEE Fairbanks-Morse new 1909 2 cycle and Sheffield 4 cycle launch engines, finest and best gasoline marines offered; also accessories; free catalorues; low prices. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 1st and Stark sts.. Portland. Or. STATIONARY and marine; electric equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. HAT FACTORY HATS cleaned, blocked, 60c; specialty bleaching panamas. 64 3d. between Oak and Pine. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 25c LA8TO msntie Barretta LEATHER Ai FINDINGS CHAS. L MA STICK & CO., 74 Frost leathe-- of every description, tap nnfri. findings. LIVEKV AND SALE STABLES HESSIAN stables Hacks, livery, board ing and sale; furnllure-movtng. 182 Un. Ion ave Phone E ar.R2. night M. 305. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. DR. F. J. BARK, A b. U.. 207 Mohaw bldg.. 8(i and Morrison Main 2ms. PAIMS, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" paint. N.K. cor. 2d A Taylor. M. A-1771. F. E. BEACH fc CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. u intjpw glass, glazing. in jst.. ai.ua, PAINTING AND PAPERING PACIFIC Wall Tinting Co. Washable I process only. Price per room from $3 to 4.f0. Phone Woodlawn 2158. FOR best work, prices right call P. A. Doane. 104 Union Both phones. PATENT ATTORNEYS r C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PLATING. j PLATING, gold, silver, nickel, bronze, i Electric Repair Co., 6SHi N. 6th St. ' A-114S. PRINTING THE EAGLE PRINTING CO., not in trust; close figures, good work. 38 Russell bldg.. corner 4th and Morrison. HAMILTON Print Shop, commercial printing. 7 Raleigh bldg., bth and Washington Bts. I UiilLBtii liKuS., printers Cards, bill I heads, etc. Main 185S. 146H 1st at PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MisTDenseni Vim M9a4r9quam bid REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE. real estate and loans; estab. 1883. 145H 1st, room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND StiALS ALSO all office stationery. P. D. C Co.. 381 Htak St. Tel. 1407. SHOWCASES AND F1XTUKES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store1 fixtures mads to- order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES 1. MAKSHALL MKU. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store end office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 3703 BANK FIXTURES. 6.MO W v: a.iKa' SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLK1SKR. algna; tbe largest alga makera In tbe northwest. 6th snd Everett sts. Pbone Prlv. Bx. r.V Hume A-1158. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Port laud .-iga Co., 2S7 StSifk. PoWflo lSOei SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes. SPRAYING MACHINES THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of hand and power prayers, nozzles, rods, eta 22 Front St . Portland. Or. STAGE LINE SHERIDAN to Tillamook: through stage every day; 1st class accommodations. STOVES COLUMBIA Stove works, manufacrnrere and Jobbers. All kloda ot abeet metal works. 8S fnlon ave. Fast .tp28. TURKISH RATHS TURKISH baths, 300 Oregonian bldg.; Jadies days, men nights. Main 1938; A 1938. TaTEW: ITERS FOR SALE Bllckensderfer typewriter; good as new, at your own price. Y-88, Journal. ' - ALL makes r;nted, repaired, sold. D. C Co.. 181 Stark. Tel. 17 P. BLICKEN8DERFER typewritera 412 liucnannn bldg. H. N. Ross. VKTEKtNAKIAN H. ft. THOMPSON, D. V. . Office Haw thorne atablea. 420 Hawthorn art. Phase East 697: B-1308. WHOLESALE JOliliKKS BTERDING ft FAUKKLL, produce and com. ussloD merrbanta. Iu Front at.. Purtlasd, fm, I...... U,1h 1 7t4 WAUHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocers, mean. tactnrera and eomatuwloa marcbanta, 4tk nd Oaks at.' U. A. UU.NST CO. DISTRIBUTORS UK FINK C10AB8 PORTLAND. OR. RE At-ESTATE vBIHtECIORY REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABET ICALLT ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OFs JOLRNAL READt.Ra PORTLAND 1912 Realty values have gone up steadily for years and will eontlnus to Increase from year to year. The man of good Judgment win not delay securing a home of his own. It is poor economy to payirent The same amount you pay in rent paid on your own home would prove a profitable investment Talk It over with a realty dealer. ( , NAMS Biker. A. A Bronc-Steele Company BnKerworth-Btepbensoa Company, Ine Cook t Co.. B. 8 Chpln ft Herlow Golutla-Trtit Company (WtmorelDd) . Coaat Realty Company Dnnn-Lwreaea Company Et Morrlaoo Realty Co Goldacbmldt'i Agency - llolhrook Co., r. B. (Irrlngton Park).... Hawtborns itealty Co Jacoba-Stlne Co. (Belle Crrat, Kllllnrawortb. W. M Knapp a Macker. Kraaey Co., D. E. (Helghta property).. Ung, W. H Mall ft Yon Boriitel Moore loyeatment Co Oregon Real Estate Co.. The O. W. P. Land Co.. Immigration Bureau.. Parrlah, Watklna ft Co Ralaton. L. 0. (ttalatoo Heights) .Summit loyeatment Company Bchalk. George D Stir Real Kitite Company Shlldl, J. U Baling, D. C Walker, 0. T Wblta, B. F BANKS F1EST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL SURPLUS 31.800,000. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Nortnweat Corner Third and Oak Streets. Condurta a General Banking Bualneaa. DKAFTS I8CED AyatUble In the United Statea and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collectlona made on fayorabla fr.: Prealdent J. C. AlNS WORTH Oaabler H- W. BCHMKLB Vice President R. LEA BAKNE8 AaalaUnt Caanier W. A. HOLg AialiUnt Caanier A. M. WRIGHT GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland, Or. Tranaacta a general banking bualneaa. clHea ot the United Statae and Europe, eoiinti. Safe depoilt yaulta. BONDS AND CtHIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commaroe Building. M Municipal, Railroad and D 0WNING-H0PKIN8 COMPANY Batabliahed STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cain and on Margin. Private Wires. Rooma 201 to 204 Couch Building. Phonea Main 335; A-233T. GRAND CENTRAL SOUTHERN LEAVING PORTLAND. Ashland Paeienger Cottage Groye I'aaaenger Shafts Limited California Kxprria San Francisco Eipreaa WEST SIDE. Corrallla Paasangfr Sheridan Passenger Forest Groye Pusenger Forest Groye Pssnenger Forest Groye Passenger 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:UO p. m. T:45 p. m. . 1:30 night T:20 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 8.90 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT CO. , " OPR. Short Una yla Spokane.... 7:00 p. m. I C. P. R. Short Line yla Spokane.... 9:00 a. m. . . ... Via Seattle Victoria ft Vancouyer.. 8:00 p. m. Via Vancooyer, Victoria ft Seattle.. 8:35 p. m. ' t- 12.15 a. Via 8nmas NORTHERN i.iexvINO PORTLAND. Portland ft Seattle Expreaa 8 16 a. Portland-Vancouyer Special 10:00 a. Poget Bonnd Limited 8:00 p. No. 2 Exprees ' North Coaat Limiteo yla N. Bank... 8:46 a. OREGON RAILROAD LEAVING PORTLAND. Atlantic Express J 19 - m- 8oo-8pokane-Portlind T:00 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special 10:00 a. m. Casters Bs orees 8:00 p. m. ASTORIA LEAVING PORTLAND. Astoria ft Seaatde Expreaa Rainier Paaaenger - Astoria Paaaenger B.lnl.r l,H,niir 8:00 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 2:30 p. m. Seaatde Special. Saturday wily Hnolune. Portland ELEVENTH AND HOTT. LEAVING PORTLAND. ' Inland Empire Kxpree. . .. .... . .. s: a. m. For CTiicago. st. raui. . viuu. St. Loula. Walla WalU. Paaco, Rooaeyelt, Granddallea, Wblta Salmon. Steyenaon, Van eonyer and Intermediate atatlona. North Bank Limited. ............. 8:40 p m. For Cblcase. t. Paul, Dmaba. Kansas Uty, 8t. Uula, Spokane, 8pragne. RItayllle. Llnd. Paaco, Rooyelt. Granddallea. Wblta Salmon. Steyenaon and Vancouyer. Columbia Rleer Local for Vanconyer and Ce- m,i 4:15 p. m. W hite " Salmon, Lyle. Ooldendale. Granddallea, Cliffs and all Intermediate atatlona. Jefferson Portland to Dallaa T:u a. m. Portland to Dallas 4 :15 p. m. Suhurhan Leaylnc Port! and 7 m 1:50. 2.05. 8:30. 4:1B, 6:90, Portland Ry., Light & Power Co. C ra leave Kaat Water ana Morriaoa t rs lesve OBKGOK CITT. 4 06 8-86 a. m.. and every 80 minutes after B nilniitea after the hour and half bou'. to and Including 0:0ft p. m., then to 10:00. 11:05; laat car 12:05 midnight. Gresh.m and WedUte.lntt-f :00. 8-50 B0. 10:80 a. m.; 12:50, 2:60. 8:50, 4:50. 5:80. 6:50, T.'BO. 11:20 p. m. Falrrlew and Trootdale fl.56, 7:45. 8:45, 0:45 10:45 a m.; 12:45, 2:45. 3:45 . 4:45. 5:45. 6:45 p. m. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway- Company LEAVING PORTLAND. Salem Int Staa.. local..... Hlllaboro-Foreat Grove local Salem Int. Staa.. local..... Hlllsboro-Foreat Orove '': Salem-Tualatin only, limited Hillaboro-Forest drove local Salem Int. Staa.. local..... Hlllsboro-Foreat Orove locsl Salem Int. Sue., local Salfm Int. Stas. local........ Hlllboro-Foret Grove local Wllsonfllle Int. Sts.. oca Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local Sara Int. Stas. local gAern Int. Staa. local . :25 a . 7:00 a . 8:00 a . 8:55 a . 9:15 a .10:25 a .11:00 a . 1:30 p . 2:00 p . 8:45 p . 4:11) p m. , 8:00 p. ID. . 6:3iv p. m. , 6:20 p. m. , 8:40 p. m. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Corner ot Seventh and Irving sts. Mnlii tK A-11U9. C O. PICK Tranafer ft Storage Co.. office and eonmodlona 4 story brick warehouse, separ ate Iron rooms and fireproof vanlta tor val sables; northwest corner 2d and Pine ate. Pianos and furnltnre mnvrd and packed for abtumvnt. Main 5: A-IOSfl. OLSON-BOB TUANSFKB CO. Genral transfer and atorage. aafes. plane, and furnltur moved, packed and ahlppad. 200 Oak st. Main 547; A -2247. INDEPENDENT Baggage & Transfer Co. Storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. A-4188. TRANSPORTATION OPEN RIVER CO. OAK ST. BOOK. Freight received dally for all points on Columbia and Snake rivers as far as Pasco, Kennewlck and Lewlston. Steamer J. N. Teal leaves ' Portland 2 a. m. Mon.. Wed. and Fri., arriving early at The Dalles and way landings. Pas sengers may board steamer the night before. Through connection made on Wed. trip with Upper river steamers. For Information telephone A. B. Whit ing, agent. Oak Btret Dock.' Mala asM. f ADDRESS ; ' TELEPHONE .."in Ablngton Bldg. . .V .Ma, 8i 11 ....110 Rceono 8t." -Mala ,.A-2jv.j? ....35 Lafayette Big th sad W aab. Main ... Corbett Bldg....'. ....Mala ....8S2 Chamber of Commerce ."i'AC ," 17w ....84 Kourtb St Board V41.' ....220 Lumbar Eaebange ......Mala 156S; ....248 Alder ...........Main WIS, -'-! ....404 gaat Morriaoa. ........... ,..vi..'.,.8-4l , ....258 Si Washington St.. .......Mala snil 4-30.13 .... 1 Woroeater Bldg .....Stain Bsne ...1021 Hairthorne Aye., corner Mtk..... Tabor SIS ....148 Fifth r. '. ..Mala 8e, A-2S11 Berkeley, Doyer) " ....323 Chamber of Commerce. .. . ... T Chamber of Commerce.... ....Office on Helghta ....414 Ablngton Bldg ....104 Second 8t ...,3184 Waiblngton 8t.., ....Grand Are. and Multnomah.. Flrat and Alder Sta MO Aider at Walt 4MT ..Mala and A-14) A-5I4 ... .Mils '2883 ' .Mats and A-t4:W ..Mala and A-270T ..Kaat T, C-1708 ..Main Mais 1044 ..American Bank. ta and Oak Sta..... Main 1M ....129 Kllltngftworth Aye... 204 Stark Ht ...Woodlaws 11T .Mais 892, A-ZSttl Mais n Mala 8434 170H Third 8t ... ....80S Garllngar Bldg ....Corner 87th sad X. Belmont. ...Tabor 164 . .U.la RSS1 ....904 Corbett bldg ....8- Labbe Bldg '.Mlin 7884. A-1S41 Corner Slitk and Washington Bts. Drafta laaued arallable la aU tha prinelpel Four per cant Intareat paid on aaylngs INVESTMENTS Public Serrlca Corporatloa Bosda. 1892 BHOKBRS. STATION TIME CARD PACIFIC. ARRIVING P0RTLAN1 - Oregon Express T:30 a. Iiv Cottage Groye Piaaeoger 9:30 a. m. , Rnaeburg Passenger . :8u m- , Portland Express 0:SO a. nx . ' WEST SIDE. Coryallla Paasenser 8:35 p. m. ; Sheridan Paaaenger 10:30 a. m. Forest Oroya Psssenger 8:00 a. m. Forest Oroya Passenger 11:50 a. ra. Forest Uroys Passenger 4:40 p. m. . , Shasta Limited 9 30 p. m. m. I Via Sumaa and Seattle. T:00 a.. PACIFIC. ARRIVING PORTLAND. No. 2 Expreaa I. North Coast Limited yla N. Bank.. Portland ft Seattle Expreaa Puget Sound Limited Vanconyer-Pertland Special T:00 a. 8 .60 . 4:00 p. 8:35 S. 10:80 p. NAVIGATION COMPANY. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Soo-8pokane-Partlaad 9:00 a B Oregon Expreaa T:20a. m. Chicago-Portland Special 8 00 p. But; Pacific Expreaa 6:00 p. an, ' COLUMBIA RIVER. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Portland ft Rainier Paaaenger Portland Expreaa .., Portland ft Rainier Paaaenger , Seaalde ft Portland Paaaenger Beaatde Special, Sunday only . t:U a. .12:13 p. . 6:20 p. .10:00 p.. 10:16 p. & Seattle Railway STREET PASBENGBR STATION. I ARRIVING PORfLAND. From Chicago. Bt. Paul, Omaha, Kaness CJtr, St. Lonls, Walla Walla. Pasco. Rooaerelt, Graaddalles, White Salmon. Steyenaoa. Vaa couyer and latermadtata sutloos. North Bank Limited f :S0 a. (a From Chicago, St. Faul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Spokane, gpragne, BItaTtlle, Llnd, Paaco, Rooaeyalt. Granddallea. Goldendala White Salmon. Steyenaon, Vancouyer. Inland Empire Eipreaa 8:50 a ta From Cliffs. Granddallea. Lyle, White M mon. Camas, Vancouyer, and aU Intermedials stations. Columbia Rlyer Local 12:00 Street Depot Dallas to Portland 10:15 a. sa Dallas to Portlaad 8:80 . am and a. m.. 6:90. 6:30. T:!. 7:40, 8:60, 10:2S :5.T:45. 10:10, 11:80. FOR VANCOCVEH. Ticket office and waiting room Secoad as4 Washington streets. A. M :15, 6:50. 7:28, 8:00, 8:88, 8:10, 10:30, 11:60. P. M. 12:80, 1:10, 1:60. S:S0, 8:10, 84 4:S0. 5:10. 6:50, 6:30, 7:05. 7:40, 8:15, 6:24 10:33", ll:4f". On third Monday la every month last eat lea res at T :06 p. m. j 'Dally except Bnnday. Dally except Moods ARKIVIN'CI PORTLAND. Wllaonvllle Int. Staa.. local 6:06 1. n Hlllaboro-Foreat Orove. locsl........ 6:80 1. Bk Salem Int. Staa., local 8:40 a. a Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local. ....... 10:00 a. sa Salem Int. Staa. local 10:55 a. m Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local 12:16 p. ra Salem Int. Staa. local 1:18 p. m Hillaboro-Forest Grove local 2:60 p. ra Salem Int. Stas. local 8:40 p. B Salem-Tualatin only, limited 4:45 p. as Hlllsboro-Foreat Grove local 8:00 p. s Salem Int. Staa. local 8:00 p. m Hlllsboro-Foreat - Grove local 7:20 p. m Salem Int. Stas. loral. 8:2 p. m Salem Int. Staa.. local 10:40 p, as . TOWEL SUPPLY . CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush. ; soap, tl per month. Portland Laun dry & Towel Supply Co.. th and Couch sta Phone Main 410. A-4410. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco $ Portland S. 8. Co. , Only direct steamer, daylight vailing. From Alnsworth dock. Portland. 8 ,' ra.'4 B. 8. State of California, Jon 96. 8. 8. Bose City, Jnly 3, 1?. eto. - tTrom Lombard Sfc FranrtarK. II a. Sk ;. .. b. b. stosa city, a an so, uy . 8. 8. Stat of California, Jnly 3. 1. V. Eaasom, Dock Asenl. M. S0. Alnfwnrtti dock: M. J. KoelM. city UcUtt aguul, 142 Third a Mnlo 403. A-1403. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BBEAKWATER leave Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m from . Alnsworth dock for Worth Band, Marta field and Coos Bay points. rIgit re ceived until 9 a. m. on day of sailing, Passenger fare, first else. 110; . second . class, $7. Including berth and meal. In. quire city ticket ofTIc. Third and Wsah. ington sta, or Alnsworth dock. Phoes Main 261. - ANCHOR LIHE OZLSaOW Tia X.02rQOT8aT California, July I f Cniun.Ma, July l Furnsssla. July lTit:alfd'inJa, July BALOOW, 67.0 AKD $7350. SECOND OABIir, 4J60 Alfp 511 0, TttlJtD CI.ASS, T'lJJ.a ASO f 1". : For book of lurt fi." l ron-t '.... . apply jto HKNli:it.s . Lit", ii ..f man SU Clilcsgo. t) it l".t ....,