THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, . "JUNE 21, 1909. 13 12 WHEN you movt you always need new ; . furniture. . ' Buy at no rent prices: the savings Till exceed coat of moving. We own our. own building; ' occupy one half; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FUBNiTURE CO.. Grand ave. end K. Stark. Phone K: 2929. FOUR room house, $10. ti room house, I m, - - 6 room house, $12, ' 8 room house, $15. 7 room house, IIS. 6EBRAY & HART. 684 Dawson st Phone Woodlawn 8124. WHEN you' find the house you will ... want a nice plana We rent new pi anos at $4 and $5 per month; all rent money Inter applied toward purchase, Bherman Clay & Co., opposite poetof flee. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 WILL rent to desirable party for the summer a 4 room well furnished flat, on the west side, within walking dis tance, for . $25 per month; references. W-66, Journal. - - . 190V4 12TH Flats, each containing de sirable reren tine; rooms; brand new furniture; wood elevators; etc See to IM"wiete, 4J(.0W ana 9 10. COMPLETELY furnished 6 room cot- tage, bath, etc, nice garden; terms reasonable. Phone -Main 68.. 255 room modern house, furnished, lawn and roses.. Inquire Haverstlo Gal leger, 12g Lumber Egchange. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 ROOMING house: nlcery furnished tt room house; a money maker; clears 1200; snap, $2500; swell furniture 11 housekeeping rooms; bargain $900. Mrs. jnoontg, V43 par at. . o iBia lb rrurniiuremr ciaia, mi good location for. rooming house; 1 rooms; present .roomers more than pay rent. - . ": -.. :. GOOD 40 room rooming house, good business. Ions; louse, furniture for sale;, a-.bargain IZ taken quick. , Eait 601 Columbia. Furniture 7 rooms, com plete;. includes carpets,, stoves, book- cage, curtains, siqepuarus. cm.; rent io vv nuuMQi ugni, oiuuviii, tuns xww. . every room occupied; transient and . permanent rooms. s1,' Journal. NINE room house for rent and furnl- ture for sale very reasonable if .taken at once. 629 Glisan St. 11 North th Furniture) - of 10 .room house for sale, -rent $25 per month. .Apply zs or m jsortn itn. FURNITURE 6 room modern cottage, rent $15, nice yard, fruit trees. 1161 is. Madison st., near ia. 243 5th st. Furniture at bargain, S rooms, all-rented;- gas, bath, phone, urge yara. Kent iau. 128 12th st. 6 room cottage, large yard. hade, garden; rent only $18; furni ture $225. Investigate. 77 PARK 9 rooms, all occupied; well furnished; choicest location. Bargain Tor cann; no agent,. - c t FIVE room flat for rent furniture for sale. Call forenoons, 284 Park, or phone Main 902. A 129 14th Small rooming house for sale by owner, cheap for cash, if taken immediately-. MUST sell good furniture, 9 rooms oc cupied, cheap for cash; no agents. M 9. Journal. . FOR SATjB One set of furnlture.V 529 Raleigh st. T SUMMER RESORTS. FOR RENT At Seaview. Wash., one 2 room, one 3 room, one ( room and one 6 room cottage, all cle. nd neat end completely furnished with beds and bedding: everything ready to keep house. Good water, nice green lawn, rosea and shrubbery; 3 blocks from the ooean; rent very reasonable. Call or address Mrs, P. A. Johnson, Seavlew, Wash BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach ine seaside capital or me nor tn weal. Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT Ona 4 room and one 1 room house at Sea view. Call &ain Ol 10. OCEAN PARK lot for sale, 2 blocks , from depot, $85; owner. Main 6858. FOR RENT 4 room cottage on ridge, ' Beavlew. 459 Northup at. - FOR RENT FLATS 13 S room flat, light, pleasant rooms, mod ern, choice location, on Bunnyslde carl int. E. C. Minor, 1005 . Belmont .Both phones. FOR RENT t room modern upper flat, 67$ 4 Glisan st. Inquire W; Winter, Xuil et oiods. t-none A-opua B62 EUGENE, near Union, I room up- per rial, new ana moaorn, sis month. APPiy nown siairs, MODERN 5 room flat, 10 a month; 8 room rial ana nam, . I2y Wil liams aye; MEW 6 room flat, 471 Park st Inquire 468 Park st 6 roomb up pes flat, electric light. -68 Ptotit st: $18. Call 260 Stout st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FIVE room modern flat, clean, nicely furnished, piano Inoluded: references ... I . J SVC A. T, 'CLEAN, comfortable furnished flat. I rooms, yard, walking dlatanoe; refer ences. Main 1415. APARTMENTS 43 FOR RENT Nica 4 room apartment. unfurnisnea. newiy tinted walla l electricity; private; bath; $14. 504 Borthwlck it. JEFFERS6Nt AN Modern $ and I room furnished apartments; every convenience; $20 and up. 44th and Jef ferson. STORES ANp 01 WWWfa- OFFICES 11 FIRST class outside office rooms for rent In new building; team heat. flectrle anu gas light, with Janitor awry ce. N. E. cor. Id and Madison. OFFICES in Rothchlld bldg.; light. neat eievaior service xurnisoea. Ap ply superintendent, room 1( 4th and Washington sts. 6T0RE, 30x46, "best business location on Iftwer Russell street, 8, Collins. Phone bout TWO offices for rent, newlypapered and ' painted; nearly all furnished. 191 H Morrison St. 45 N. 5TH. near Couch, splendid jobbing FEW nice offices In the Couch and Chambers bldg. 601 Couch bldg. FOR RENT HALLS CO Foresters' Hall ST., day nights and week days; for conven tions; reasonable. E. Darnlckel, Bee., 364 Morrlaon. Main 2128. WANTED TO RENT Toung man -engaged in newspaper work - desires quiet room with, southwest ern exposure, In house with modern conveniences, situated within walking distance of the . postofftce; boarding nouses or hotels need not answer; state terms and howjnany In family.- P-68, journal. We Will secure a renter for your house free of charge. Phone vMaln 1799. Hickman & Hindle, 218 Lumbermen's bldg.. corner 6th and Stark. AiAN and wife wish furnished apart ment or flat ,of 1 or 4 rooms, west ide preferred; . references. . B-80, Jour rial. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 HORSES and bugglea for rent by day, week and month: special rates to business' houses. ' 6th and Hawthorna East 71. $35 buys a good ranch or express horse, -.- Sellwood 1332. f- 1088 Gladstone ave. ' GOOD horses ror sale; Oregon flora 4ale Co.. N.ilTth ana Qutmby sta . BKST harness at lowest prices at Ke ler Harness Co.. 49 N. th st FOR SALE Standard bred mare at Freemont and Borthwlck. FOB RENT HOUSES . -HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 1ST. rses for Sale .We have on hand several, good deliv ery, draft and buggy horses, which we will guarantee; also S or A plug horses. CONTRACTORS TAKE NOTICE. We have some 125 or-150 head of horses in eastern Oregon which we will sell in car lots at very 'reasonable prices. Call and let us figure with you. ' : Hawthorne Stables ; 420 Hawthorne ave. , : - WHY buy second nana vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the same price as you would pay for an old one? We are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the p.-lce; -driving wagons, bug gies, delivery wagons and farm wag ons. - -' . . w , ,'. .V, , R. M. WADTB ft CO.. izz mwtnurne rve. 20 head of young well broke horses, ' weight from 1050 up; price $76 up; also heavy draft horses, cheap.' Park Adams' new bam, 4tb and Columbia sts., VinimivAr. TXasaK - - . . . 7 GOOSE-NECK wagon, 2H ton -capacity, . in first class condition, cheap. Co lumbia Carriage Wagon Works, 130 wnr m. Main itsvs. HORSES shod. Stewart MoBrlen. Handmade work If preferred; both phones. 415 Bnrngide st, cor. 10th. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 35 FOR SALE 1 Al Jersey cows and fine ' family driving horse cheap: must sell. f oing away; 2 blocks west Tremont sta Ion. O. F. Foster. Take Mt- Scott car. FOR SALE Dairy of 13 cows, milk routes and everything complete; long lease; close . in. For Information call axi luano si. JERSEY cow; will have calf In August; owner going east. . Webster St.. cor. Delaware ave., Ockley Green. Henry Hulsapfel: .V' . . HAVE quit the dairy business; will sell our cows very reasonable. . Model uairyw, mile northeast MontaviUa. SOME first class fresh milch' cows very cneapr jersey duu. 1480 . Macadam .' Aiain Bsi. ' FOR SALE--a fine fresh cows. 728 Insly ave.. Sellwood ear. -' si., runon. wain 6981. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 BEAUTIFUL- mahogany piano; must sell; going away; will take monthly payments. 75 N. 9th. ' PIANO for sale, cheap; in good condi tlon. Call at 574 Hoyt St.. cor. 18th. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 WHITE steamer, 40 h. p.. good condl tlon. $1000. T-61, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GENERAL, BULLETIN ON SE0OND HAND MACHINERY, ETC, New or second hand; anything In the line of pipe. Send us yoor inquiries and save money. Relaying, or for reenforced concrete purposes. Gear boxes, or anything In similar lines. New or second hand at a saving of from 10 to 50 per cent, in alias from 4 inch to 24 inches. Anything In CABLE reenforced. Again we say At prices that save you money. ML Barie & Sois S47, 151 Glisan St.. Cor. Eighth. The House of a Million Bargains. NOllCE, PICTURE THEATRE, Si 14 independent reels each week; pic tures that will get you the dollars at prices to suit your purse. Write or call. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE. 115 12th St. Portland. W. 2d South, Bait Lake. STEREOPT1CONS, moving picture ma chines, travelogues, and slides rented. evening entertainments furnished to lodges, cnurcnes. winter co., tba etark. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and second hand.) buy, sell, exchange, re pair. Aeeneies for Thor and Yale Motor- cycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. 114 18th. A-3S08. ABOUT 40 tons of hays ready to cut for sale or trade on Council Crest. Jo seph M. Heely. 214 Board of Trade bldg. CHEAP Showcases, desks, carpets, fur niture. We also exchange roods, kit ana us rroniii Main s. HOUSEBOATS FOR SALE. Two houseboats for sale. Telephone F. A. spencer, jcucnange is, WANTED Household goods, ladles" and gentlemen's cioinmg. im u. tn. etore. lis-illtt Front st ONE railroad ticket for ' sale to Los An- aeles. Including stopover. Inquire at i 7T -rnnrman si. WEA11 wood saw In good running or der. chean far cash. Star Wood A Coal CO., 84 Id. SAFE, new and Id hand, low nrlces. easy terms. - Davis Bafe and Lock Co.. 86 Id st. NEW double sliding seat rowboat, 21 H feet long, 2 sets oars; half price. 186 Madison. ".' S FOR SALE Fox terrier toy pups. 369 Clay at. Home phone A-4812. CANDIES, purest sweetest. lowest prices; l in. ivc. ttv a a. city juarket $10 New Home' sewing machine with an atxacjimenig. van aa a, Morrison HIGHEST price for copper, brass, rub ber. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. Main 5198. SPOT cash for your furniture; prompt attention always given. East 1047. CASH for household good a Savage ft Pennell, 84&-S47 ist si. Main-jso. FOR SALE Nearly new folding bed and mattress; also Iron bed. 367 Id st FOR SALE IS ft launch. fully equipped, c Amos, root ot stars: OFFICE furnishing for sale, everything r -. in w OA Anaa 20 h. p. gasoline or gas engine; first- ciasa; snap. - twp Ltixv la aireev. EXCHANGE furniture house, 208 1st. ; M. 4290. By, sell everything. -20 SEWING machines, $4 up to $15; sale or rent. 283 Grand ave. ; SPOT cash paid for second hand cloth Ing. Call East 1051. B-2044. SHINGLES Wholesale "and retalL ST E. Gilbert 114 Front st. CASH for second hand turn! ture. B-2044. B-1061. 94 Grand ave. FOR SALE House boat. Call at 171 N. 4th st. after 1:90 p. m. EXCHANGE 3HSa 25 FOR SALE Or will trade; group of good Nevada mining claims. What have youf A-043, Journal. HAVE good shotgun for sale, or will trade for camera. Phone Main 89. W ANT El MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED A few fonts type for boys' printing press, new or second hand. io&tt it st . y , ,.... WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 A MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban , home, would like care of 1 or 2 chil dren.. 8S3 Bldwell ave., Sellwood. FJNANCIAX. 51 t I , I I - ' . - ' MONEY for' everybody on - short notice. We have it, and will loan it . to you st a reasonable . rate, ?ulckly and without delay, on your ewelry and diamonds, pianos and furniture (without removal), stor age receipts, life Insurance policies tod on all valuable collaterals. We uy first and second mortgages' ana contracts. ' Time as long as needed, with option toTopay in easy monthly or weekly -' payments to suit your circumstances. Call U. a REAL ESTATE & BROKER AGE CO.. Room 12, Hamilton bldg.7 111 3d st Phone Main 20(4. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT. 11 PER CT. INTEREST 12 PER CT. Good eecarlty on 4-story brick build ing to be erected on th and Glisan sts., on lot 100x100; 8 stores, 100-room hotel; right on terminus of new bridge and new Unlou Depot at a cost of $75,000; $40, 000 already . subscribed; need ,$35,000 more at $100 per share. See plans and particulars at room 26, Hamilton bldg., 131 8a- si. m. K.iesenaani WE, can place first .mortgage and build- tug imni. - ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . Board of Trade bldg. MONEY loaned, salary or furnltura Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 9481. LOANS WANTED 8U WE can place first mortgage , building loans of $1500 or $2000 at 7 and 8 per sent ., .COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . Board of Trade bldg. SIONEY TO LOAN 87 Hutton Credit Co. Wo are the 'only company In the city of Portland organised and incor porated under the laws of the state of Oregon, loaning money on furniture, pianos, etc, without removal, storage receipts, real estate contracts, salaries; also confidential loans made to ladies; no Inquiries anywhere. , . Loans of $10 to $100 may be obtained from us on short notice and at a very small cost to the borrower. . It will pay you to Investigate our new credit plan It will save you money. Ask about It when you call. Hutton Credit Co. 612 Deknm Bldg. i i i r- i $ MONEY LOANED ON YOUR SALARY PIANO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ETC., CONFIDENTIALLY. OUR RATES ARB THE LOWEST. OUR PAYMENTS EASIEST., CALL TODAY AND BE CONVINCED. STATE SECURITY CO., SOS FAILING BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS., SATS. UNTIL 1 P. M. $ $ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of the wage earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us $ 4.00 a month $30 return to us '. ..$ 8.00 a montn $60 return to us $18.35 a montn Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Spental rates on pianos, furniture, etc. nuiTTirr. IiiiM9 furnl ture, warehouse receipts, horses. lnsur;J ance policies, salaries ana ait u securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTO. CO, 416 Ablngton Dldff MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest pay ments; offices In principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms first Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. MORTGAGES, conjracts for deeds or other real estate securities bought on city property or lands anywhere in Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble. $14-117 Lumberman7! bldg.. 5th ft Stark FOR SALE CHEAP Grocery fixtures, including recapituiator for keeping accounts, 1 horse and various items Address $1 E. 10th st. N. Phone E. 1260. WB loan money on Jiamonds and Jewel- ry at reasonaote imtrei ir wui short time. A. ft M. Delovage, Jewelers, zes wasnington si. MONfiJY to loan on timber land or short loans on city or farm property; easy terms, noom o. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. U. necn. am rmiini. flOO.OOQ on mortgages., city or farm property, fire insurance, McKensle ft uo., uerimger niag., q ena MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED it fOTiUlT W A M ATM A WAY. ROOM 10, WABlllINtiiUf" oijUU. r 1 . - -A . . " . SALARY LOANS Strictly confidential; easy to get and easy to pay. T. A. Newton, ell Hucnanan oiog. LOANS made on real, chattel or col lateral security; $100 and upwards. Room 608 Commercial bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. . King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 1100. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. w. Hoil. room . wasningion piog. SUMS of $1000 upward on real estate. Goddard & Wledrick, 110 2d st LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel The Loan c-.; 4io uexum. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fire insurance. 831 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on improvedCity prop- erty. boz ueKum tsiag. 8MALL LOANS. 722 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICES 26 PROPOSALS for Armory and Drill Hall Sealed proposals', plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope. "Pro- fiosals for Armory and DrMl Hall Build ng, Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls. Or.," and addressed to the secre tary of the Board of Regents. E. E. Wilson, at the college office, until 2 o'clock p. m.. of June 23, 1909, for the construction and completion of a brick and concrete armory and drill hall build ing, at Corvallis. Or., in strict accord ance with the plans, specifications and instructions to bidders which may be examined at the office of the secre tary, at the college, and at the office of the architects, Bennes & Hendricks. 67 Labbe bldg.. Portland, Or. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Female Boston bull terrier, white breast short- tall; has been nursing puppies; reward for return or right information, r argo eaioon, mi Bin LOST A 1-stoned diamond jointed link bracelet Liberal reward for return to 84 16th st. N. Phones, Main 120, A-5072 LOST Sapphire gold link bracelet in Holladay'a .addition or at 3d and Stark. Reward. 289 Alder st Phones 1631. . LOST Lady's gold watch and chain, boy's picture In face, finder return to 77 e. salmon St., ana receive -rewara. LOST Large cameo setting in front of Olds ft King's 6th st entrance Fri day. - Phone Sellwood 468. QUARTZ ledges and lost money lo cated; a certainty; a' late Invention. X-6, journal. . - $20 bill lost by poor cash girt fii kindly, return to Journal office; finder re- ward. TENNIS rackets restrung and repaired, . - , a . 1 1 t . r 4 roruana uun nivycig jy.t ioi si. FOUND Large dapple gray horse, 1400 lbs. 888 Burnside. PERSONAL .22 DR. O. S. DOVE, teacher of phrenologv. Office, 203 Goddnough bldg., cor. $th and Yamhill sts. - DR. KRAMER, woman 'specialist; ex- aminations free. 861 Mies. Wdlwn 1671 PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular IPC 3H 1st MAY ANDREWS teaches card reading. 285 6th st. Phone Main 7648. BAT.M OF FIGS for all female diseases. CfOfllsao. Mala Silt .- 22 DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. ' , . - Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women :are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty.) Morphine habit cured. All the latest-electrical treatments given. Correspondence solicited. Nrf charge for consultation. Phones.- Main 8928, A-6607. Office, 'room 10. Grand Theatre bldg., Washington and Park. t v;- Men Cured Quickly Modern electrlo treatment for of the prostate, nervous debility, piles. tc Vv. X Howard, M. D.. 194-1 Roth chlld bldg, 4th and Washington. ' .r i nv T TPWfff Late Chicago Women's hospital, treats diseases of women exclusively; advice free- and confidential. Phones A-2411, Main 4047, Of flee 60S Commonwealth bldg.. . th and Ankeny. t t ATTEND THE GRAND OPENING of ' the Sherman Russian bath on Satur day, June 26; the only original and per fect Russian bath on tne racinc coast. Front and Sherman sts. Main 451. J. F. ROBISON, corn doctor, removes corn without pain or any danger of causing blood poison: satisfaction guar anteed. Room 43, 262 Everett at, be tween aa ana m, roruana, ure. GERMAN books, magaalnes, novels, etc.; German.' English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of aU kinds. Schmale Co St 1st sf'- ' AZA HOLMES RIBBECKB school, der matology," manicuring and hair dress ing, special rates given.. Parlors Grand Leaner. otn si. MEN rDr. Ketchuni will promptly cure all your ijirlvata sexual ailments; ad vice free.. 170) 3d, near Yamhill. Main 8770 1 USE Bassett's, the original native herbs - for rheumatism, constipation; 60 tab lets 25c, in black boxes, at all druggists. LOST ' powers restored by Beecharn's Kola Nerve Tonlo Tablets, 25a a box; 5 boxes $1. Latie-Davls Drug Co., agta. MADAM A. A. LUCKEY will e found at 201-203 Columbia bldg. Electrlo baths and massage. Main 2011.' MEN'S special diseases treated; modern methods; confidential. Dr. Vose, tlH Washington st, LEMON Blossom for all female diseases. Cures when others fail. Laue-Davis Drug Co., agents. MISS ETHEL WARD Corn and in growing nails, specialist 164 West Park st. A-4606. BUSINESS DIEECTOKY ASSAYERS PORTLAND analytical laboratory. 621 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. M. o. WELLS & PROEBSTEL. aesayers. ana. lytteai cnemists. i04H wasn. M. ibua. MONTANA Assay Office, laboratory and ore testing wont. ib jaorrmon. ACCOUNTANTS a A. MOSER, Public Accountant ' Auditing, investigating, accounting for estates, systematizing, supervising ac counts and all branches of expert work. ROOMS 9 AND 10. 26UVi 8D ST. ' Phone Main 2482 EL H. COLL1S ft CO. Publio accountants and estate agents, commercial, county and municipal audit ing, investigating and systematizing. 124 Worcester block, phone Main 6667. ATTORNEYS J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, patents and pen sions; offices 20 Labbe bldg.: M. 7885. BUSINESS CARDS Covenant Contract Company Inventions, improvements, processes, novelties created to order. Rooms 1, 2, 8 and 6 Hoyt blk, 127 Vi 7th St., between Washington and Alder. A-1418. P. O. pox BVI, rortianq, ir. HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 10 Id et Blank books m'f'g; acta for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the pew Eureka lear. A-aiii. Main ins. CLEAN towels daily; coinb. brush, soap, $1 per - month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co.. th and Couch sts. Phone 410. , THE J- K. GILL CO, SUtloners. book allara office outfitters, enalneers'. draughtmen's supplies. 133 Id cor. Alder. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. lngs. 114 Lumber Exchange. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losli. Ill Jeffer son st Main 1424 THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD ft CO., all kinds of In. urance. surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., -proprietors of the Elec tric Cleaning Works: carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and compressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty: work guaranteed Phone Main 1671 and A-2872. 170 Grant st To T Pneumatic Renovator Co. By C It suction and compressed air we clean carpets, rugs, furniture and draperies. Duntley's Electrlo Vacuum Cleaner. Main 8682. 6 0 2 Swetland bldg. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING COC compressed air and steam cleaning, mattresses sod feathers renovated. East 280. C-1260. IONE first class carpet cleaning, guar anteed. 21sf Holladay. E. 360. B-2236. J. HUNTER, mattresses, feathers reno vated, carpets refitted. M. 214; A-4416. CHIROPODISTS DR. O. O. FLETCHER, the people's fa vorite chiropodist and foot specialist treats all Ills of the feet without dan ger of infections. See him and take no chances, auo Aiisay ctj g. main WM. DEVENY and Eatelle Deveny, the only scientlfie chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Flledner bldg. CLEANING AND DYKING SUNNYSIDE Steam Cleaning and Dye Works, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1067, B-ZUai. zuo oi,ii st. P." C. SUIT CLEAfONG CO., 418 E. Morrison; ayeing, pressing ana clean ing ;neat work. H7"W. TURNER. Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty. 60S Jefferson st Mala 4Hi m iw . .. CLOTHuitt cleaned and pressed, $1.69 per month. Unique Tailoring Co. 101 Stark st 2611. A-2511. . EDUCATIONAL LAUE'S Preparatory School of Phar macy. 148 2d st. Portland. Or. COAL AND WOOD Sfeel Bridge Fuel Co. . Special rates In quantities on cord wood, slabwood and block wood. Call us for prices. Prompt delivery. Phones C-1'7 8, East 424. V. D. SMITH delivers nr wood direct from cars to you; all wood A No. L out of big live trees, fiist growth, thick bark; special prices In large araounta Phones B-16,86, East 4418. PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot" of Curry t. O K WOODTARDS 415 E. Morrison, under entirely new management; first class fir wood and coal at right prices; prompt delivery. East 6206. B 1692. YAMATO Wood & Coal Co. All kinds ot rir wooa ana nice coat cy sacic or ton. Phones E.- (1$, B-1847. K. 6th and Main sts. SOUTii Portland Slabwood Co. Mala 1161. A-1141 B'.ockwood. $4-60; dry Inside wood, $1.60; green siaswood, $1 ana s-j.tu. KEER ft FARR, dealers In all kinds fir and hardwoods, tie blocks a specialty. 10s Water st Mala 4586; A-4647. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS, bonded representatives. Interstate Adjust Co., Gerllnger niai- DEi'S anywhere; "we get the money.1 Wells Mer. Agency. 703 B. or Traoe. , COM3USSION MERCHANTS WB PAY SPOT CA8H for dressed veal. IHfS, UCCl, pOUllf J, WWV.w. , . cheese, hides, furs. wool, cases ra, hay. 1 grain. . Write Us what you have to sell. I CONTRACTORS ANp BUILDERS sssSsjspefcsaissssasSjBisat. mm M.S.1W ai T. ARDERN. contracting bHcklsyer, brick mantels, etc.; estimates given. 74 E. 7th N. Phone B-2304. E. MELTON Ofriee- store fixtures; general Jobbing. 67 1st st M. 3190. RYAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. 640 Williams ave. East 4008. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, uprfluoua hair re moved. Mrs. Hill. 429 Fleldner. ELECTRICAL SUPFIiTE! ' Morrison Electrlo Co.. fixtures, wiring, repairing. 291 E. Morrison. East 1128. PACIFIC Electric Engineering Co. Motors for rent or sala 111 2d st GASOLINE ENGINES BEE Fairbanks-Morse new 1901 1 cycle and Sheffield 4 cycle launch engines, finest and best gasoline marines offered ; also accessories;, free catalogues; low prices. Fairbanks, Morse ft Co, 1st and Btark sts., Portland. Or. STATIONARY end marine; electric equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. HAT FACTORY HATS cleaned, blocked, 60e; specialty bleaching panamas. 64 Id, between Oek and Pine. . HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 26e LABTO mantles Barretts. LEATHER & FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, -tap mfM. flndlnaa. . LIVERY AND SALE STABLES HESSIAN stables Hacks, livery, board ing and sale; furniture-moving. Ill un ion a v. Phone JO. 8681. nlsht M. 108. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and ebronle diseases. 117 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. DR. F. J. BARR, A. a O.. 207 Mohawk bldg.. Id and Morrison. Main HI PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS RA6MUSSEN ft CO.. "High 8tsnderr paint N E. cor. il c Taylor. M. a-itti F. E. BEACH ft CO Pioneer Paint Co. Window glasa glaxlna. 116 1st. M PAINTING AND PAPERING PACIFIC Wall Tinting Co. Washable process only. Price per room from $3 to $4.50. Phone Woodlawn 2158. J. F. SIMPSON, painter and decorator estimates. Phone Main 2078 FOR best work, prices right call P. A. Doane. 104 Union. Borh phonea PATENT ATTORNEY'S R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekura. PRINTING THE EAGLE PRINTING CO., not la trust; close figures, good work. S3 KUBBeU PlQg.. corner m mq murnyjn HAMILTON Print Shop, commercial printing. 7 Raleigh bldg., 6th and wasningion sia. OGILBEE BROS., prln ters Carda bilT heads, etc. Main 1868. 146 H 1st st PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER Miss Densem 5W 601 Marquam bldg. REAL ESTATE j W. OGILBEE. real estate and loans; stab. 1888. 145H 1st, room 11. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO all office stationery. P. D. C Co.. 231 Btark st Tel. 149T. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mf. Co. n-tiw. JAMES t. MARSHALL MFG. CO- new and old showcases, cabinets, store end office fixtures. ib uoucn. . ztos BANK FIXTURES. BHOWCASKb. BIRDSALL. HAMILTON BLDG. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS roSTER ft KLBISBR. signs; the largest slaa swkers in the northwest. 6tb and gTtrett Sts. nxine rnv. nx. oo. nwut -uw. "BION8 THAT ATTRACT" Portland Blia Co.. ams ssa a. mmi 4H t 1 KOst SAFES THE Mosler Bafe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened, bargains in second hand safes. SPRAYING MACHINES THE HARDIB MANUFACTURING CO. u.nBAtiirri of hajid and rui... sprayers, nossles, rods. etc. 83 Front St.. Portland. Or. STAGE LINE SHERIDAN to Tillamook; through stage every day; let class accommodations. STOVES COLUMBIA Stove work, manufacturers and Jobbers. All kind of sheet metal works, ft Unlou re. East SSS8. TURKISH BATHS TURKISH baths, 300 Oregonian bldg.; ladles days, men nights. Main 1938; A 1938. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. P. D. C. Co., Ill Stark. Tel. , 1407. BLlCKENSDERFER typewriters. ITi Buchanan bldg. H. N. Ross. VETERINARIAN H. H. THOMPSON, IX V. -Office Haw thorn stable. 420 Hawtfewn . Pboses Cant 607: B-lgea. WHOLESALE JOBBERS gVERUISO ft FABBBLU Drodoce sul eae BiiMloB nrrbat. 10 Front at, fertlasa, Or. fBou mm 119. WADUAUS ft CO., whoirule grocers, suae, laetarere sad eommUaloa swrcaaats. lS na us u a ar;Knt a. tvt DIBTB1BUTORS or FINK CIQAB8 POBTLAND. OK. ALLEN . A LEWIS OKOLKH1K8. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Corner of Seventk sad Irring ata, a MVilMV A-llOv. C. 0. PICK Trsnstar ft Storage Oo., lefrice aid eonrmodloaa 4 story brlek irareboase, e jur at irua rooms and flreoroof vaults for oablea; sorthwest eoroer Sd and Pine ate. I ahlpnwnt. Main 6B6: A-1908, GENERAL TRANSFER Piano and fur. niture moving. O. F. Hussey, 270 Aider. inon aiain zns. INDEPENDENT baggage ft Transfer Co Storage. 124 Stark- at. ,. Main 17, A-l. INDEPENDENT ft TraasfM Co. 6lar age. 824 Stark Mala eOT. . .. REAl ES1AIE BIRECB?J REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED FOB lliS CONVENIENCE OF JOUB-NAL KKAUi.K8 f--: -:;; sco,oc;portlakd:"i912vw Fealty values have gone up stendily for years and win continue to Increase from year to year. The man of good Judgment will not. delay securing a home of bis own. . It is poor economy to pay rent The same amount you pay In rent paid on your own home would - prove a profitable Investment Talk It over with a realty dealer. XAWB ' Atlas Lead Company.......... Raker. A. ' A... ...... Bron-ltl Compaay potwm tn-atepaei insoa Company. Inc..... rwk 4V On.. B. 6L. ...... a Herlow. ., , . Columbia Trust Company (Westmoreland). Coaat Bealty Company Puna-fawrenee Coesnaay.. ....... ........ East Morrlaon BeeKy Oa. Onlitaebmtdfs Agcney.. , rrolhrnnk Co.. T. B.. (Irrlnirton Park)... Hawthorn Realty Co.... faeobs-StlDe Ce.. ........ (Belie Crest r'Hnerwirtt. W. It. "ntr ft Msefcey - Kaay ft Co.. D. . (Belybts property).. tang. W. H. 'n ft Toe Borate! Moore iBveatBMBt Co.. nrr - Hei Ktat Co.. The.'. O. w. p. Land Co. Immlarstloa Bame..... Ptrrica, Watklns ft S.. i, Balstinv L. O. (Batetoa. Bsigbts).... emmlt Invearment Company. . F-nai. eorn it. Shir Reel INtate Co........ miitids. j. a.. T. Walker , White, B. P., FIRST BATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. . , CAPITAL 8TJBpr,tIB. 81.B0O.fl6n. " U SITED STATUS NATTOl " BAWK OP PORTLANTt. OBTOOW. k BTortbwest Corner Third and Oak Strata, r asaeta a General BanMns Bnalmaa. DBAFTS ISSTIBO Available Is All Clrlae of fh Halted States and Knrwr. Honrkng and Manila. CoDeetlona mad on favowMeHrie President ...J. C. AlKSWORTH Oaahler E. W CHMKfB Tie President B. LB A BARNES Aaalatant CmtMT.. W. A. HOLt Aaalatant Caahler A. M. WBIQHT GBRMAN-AMVmiCAM TIAltK Portland. Or.. Comer BWtS and Waahlrgton tta. Tranueta a general bonking bnalneaa. Draff Isul avalUbl In all tb erlnettwl eitlea of tb United Btatas sad KaroiM. Four pw eent tntenet paid en sarlnga ereoonr. Safe itepoalt vaolts. BONDS AND DrTESTAIKNTS. OT OB BIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Mnntctnal. Ballroad and DOWJflNO-HOPKTNS COMPAITT Eatabllilied 1 )2-iBROKEB3. BTOOKS. BONDS. OBArN Bongbt anil Bold for Ch and on Margie. Prlvat Wires. Rooms 101 to 204 Conch BntMlng. Pnonr Main SSti: A-2887. GRAND CENTRAL LBAVfNO POBTtAITD. Roaebarg Puwnser , Cottage Orov Paesengar , California Bxprsas laa rranehee tm WEST BICB. Corn Tils Piaaongor hHdas Pasnr Pormt Orov Passenger pnrast Orov Pmger , Porert Orov Pen?e ..: a. i . A-1H n i . T 4(1 p. m. . 1:S0 sight a. nv a. .. 4:10 .. s-no .. 1 iflO B .. S:ft o Canadian Pacific Railway Co. f. P. R Bhovt tine via Bnokane.. T:00 p. Tla Beattle. Victoria ft Vancouver 8:00 p. Rtimaa . .Itf:iO am Northern Pacific. LBATTNO PORTLAND. . ' ABBIVINO PORTLAND. Portland ft Beattle Brprees :1l a. m. It Wo." 2 Fiprwt .... . Portland-vanconver Bnecial 10 00 a. m. j I North Coaat Limited via N. Bank. Puget Bonnd Limited s on p. m. (' Portland Seattle Express No. t Eirpree 12:1" . m. II rnget Soond LlmWu...... North Cot Limited via N. Bank 8:45 a. m. 1 1 VaneonTer-Portland SpeHal 1 . Oregon Railroad LEAVING PORTLAND. tlantie Erpre S"" a. Sno-Spokane-Portland 7:nO p. Chicago-Portland Special a. Eastern Enpreaa 6:00 p. Airtoria Colnmbia River, leevrog Portland. , Arrlrlng Pwtjae't AatoH A Seaside Eipues :ne s. m. V Portland ft Rainier ? Rainier Ixieal 1777. p. - M Portl.Bd A.orla P.a-ngr....l J J. Aatorla ft Seaald Expraa S:On p. at. II Portland ft Rainier J-oeat. iStC"' Rainier Local 9:90 p. m. fl Beaaldo ft Portland Expwhwi 10 . Spokane, Portland Seattle Railway. ' PT.r.TENTW AND HOIT STREET PASSflNOVB BTTtO'. LBAVtNa PORTLAND. ABBITINO PORTLANt). Inland r-tVin Espres . i:45aim. JJ From Chleaao. Bt. Pnl. .05?'f' Villi! Por Chicago. St. P""l OmXba. Kaiwaafj Cltv, Bt. Imf-. Walla Wally. Pasc ctt"n SSk w.n. wan. r..v Ron-.f """T.'lTu'IIJ!''"" Oranddalle. White Balmon. Stevenaon, lj "' intermediate atottona. Tjneoaver and laMdUts stattass. 1tJi''l"'Ti -.vr-om.b.8:v,n.:; r& &rJrs92 C&U&. ,MI dale, Whit. Salmon. Stevenson and T.nwr. Llnd. Paao. Roosevelt. Oranddal . White M Inland Empire Express :60 p. - Salmon. Btv.non and Vneonf. I ... 'mil. a.t Colnmbia Blver local for VaBeodvee Ca- I Prom t-toM-.?;!: m. 4:1S n. m.l mon. Cams. Vancouver and all Intermediate Whl?i Bainwn. Lvl., OoMendale Oranddalle, atatlona. , , .- Cliff and all Intermediate atatlon. I Colnmbla River Wnl nooe Jefferaon Street Depot. Portland to !" T:4J a. at. I I Tall.e to Portland '"" "'2:11 " 2 Portland to Palla. 4MM1 p. "Jl DaDaa to Pand. Portland -Oawea'n Bnhorban Tearing Portrand. . nv. S-IW :80. T:SO. T:40. :H. 10. and p. m . 12 Ml. :OS. 8:90. 41S. 8:0. T:B. 10:10. 11:80. " Portland By- Light Power Co. Cm leave Et Water and Mwon streets, POR OREGON CITTt 4:08. :SS a. m.. and every 80 minntea after B minute after the boor and htf tumr n and Inrlndfne BH p. m.. then t 10-08 11:08; laat ear 1HW midnight, flresham and Intermediate pnlnts THn) frfin S:R0, 980. 10:50 a. m.t lg-.BO. 1 n. 4 -KO 8:80, S-SO. T:50. 11:90 p. I Fah-n nd TronMnl e.W T:4, :4B. 10:48 a. m.l 11:48. 1:45. 1:45. 1-46. 9:48 p. m. S:Sa i. :48. 4:48. Time Card Leaving PortlaBd 8lem Int. Staa. loenl ..... nillaboro-Poreat Orov local .. Salem. Int. Sta.. local...... Hlllaboro-Poreat Grove Loral., Salem-Tnalattn only, limited . Blllahoro-Poreat Orev local Salem. Int. Btas.. local ... Blllaboro-Portat Grov local Salem. Int. Btaa.. local .... Balem. Int. Sts.. Joe1 ... HUlaboro-roreat Orov jrnesl W1lonvllle. Int. Bt.. lor! . Hlllaboro-Poreat Grove, local Salem, -t. Staa.. kieal Salem. Int. Staa.. mo1 . . ... , 9 Ti a.m. . 7:00 a.m. . 9-00 a.m. 8:8.1 a. m. :15 a.m. ,10:2ft a. ft. .11:00 a.m. . 1:80 p.m. . 1:00 p.m. . 8:48 p.m. . 4:10 p.m. . 8:0O p.m, . 5-XO p.m. 90 P. . -4A p.m. TRANSFER AND STORAGE OLSON-ROR TRANSFER CO. . . mwA . 1m. m . aafe. nxanes. ... annvl narked . and sblppeo. BO0 Oak t Main 847: A-2247 . TRANSPORTATION OPEN RIVER CO. OAK ST. SOCK. , Freight received daily for all points on Columbia and Bnake rivers as far as Pasco. Kennewlck and Lewiston. Steamer J. N. Teal leaves Portland 1 a. m. Mon.. Wed. and FrL, arriving early at The Dalles and way landings. Pas sengers may board steamer the night before. Through connection made on Wed. trip with Upper river steamers. For information telephone ft. 8. Whit ing, agent. Oak Street Dock. Main 896a ANCHOR. LINE eusaov vxa rowDoirorKa-r California, July 11 I Columbia, July 18 Furnessta. July 17 CslednnlH, July'34 - SALOON, B67JO AND 78.33. BEOOsTO CABI1T, 4a.60 AND S45.00. TXIKD ClAaS. SSTiO AND 38.7S For book of tour and reservations, apply to HENDERSON BROS., 21 S.her mil Bt. Chicago. -or to local agents. ADDRESS. - ; ; ; ' IELEPHOSB. MMeao Iiemtwr Kicfeange. ...... .....Bom WW, ....all Ablnirtoe Bldg.. .Main J4M: 1-Wt ....110 SmmmI St .....Main os A-I.'.W 86 Lafarette Bide... .6th and Wash.. unn rvwett BMr. ........ ... Main tas. ' i-W rfeamber ot Commence mrim '"-i ..84 rourth st Board of Trade Bid. ..220 Lumber Exchange Mate 166a. A-415S Aider ............Main 8S13. A-Z?l( ..404 Kaat Mnrrtoon. .B-18U Waahlngtee "t ...Main and A-sOM . t Wntwte rW... ..Main e 1021 Bawtborns Are.. Conner MtB.........T419 '..ti rtfti Bt. ... ...........Mais 80a, A-3B1I Berkeley. Dover.) .8? Onmtr of Onwmeree..... . VtB . T (tinyf of Commere......Maln ft A-Wie . .Offle oa Bebrbts ..A-1T4 ...414 Abtnrtoa "bldg... . 104 flewnri Bt. . . K. '. . ...81SH Waablnrtoe St. .Maln2!R . . . ... ......... .Wain ft A-15 ..Mala ft A- Orand Ave. and Maltnomab....Kast . 0.1 Pint and Alder its.... ......Main 66s 150 Alder Bt Jatala l4e . Amerloan Bank. 6rb sad Oak its..... Mala 164 ,1 gmtnrwamrth At......' Wno-fin-wn Nt .i4 BtrV Bt. . ..Kara SO. .rwrtt Third Bt: . . Mara wrm ..Male MM ' . Mala BS ......tOA Oerllneer Bldg....?.. ..604 Corhett bids'.,, tiihh Bids...., Mara TU4 A-1S4I BANKS. Pnblle Bervlee Corpora Tn1. STATION TIME CARD. Southern Pacific. ARRIVntQ POBTtANf. r ,.. T:ll a. m. Cottage Orov Paangr 1:J2 ,- Roaebnrg Paaaenger .? . Portland Exprea 11 :1 . WEST BIDE. - CorvaTll Paaaenser -f 'i? m' BherMan Paaeenirer .....In-jm a. m. Poreat firove Paaaenter. nn a. a. Pnrwt Orov Paaener ....lltMa. m. Poreat Orov Paanenrer -o" a- m- f I m. i m. f m. I m. tIC. P. H. flhort Line via Bpokane. D no a.; m. m. II Tla Vaneonvw. Victoria ft Beam n-m p. m. - T1 .! wnmHW wnn wnm.- , -i -i t:0 n-.nn :! lo-so s. m. p. n, p. m. p. m. p. m. ft Navigation Company. ABBIVIXO PORTLAND. m. Soo-Snoknne-Portland m. I Oregon Fxprea m. j Chlrngo-Pirtland Special Bi. I Partflc Expreaa ..; - a. in, a. ra. p. m. p. m. T:20 B:nn I f POR TANCOrTTER ' Ticket offlc and waiting 1 I I end ard WaMngon rreets. A. M. a-15. 8:50. 7:25. .'Oa. 1:19. .18, 9-Rn. :. 1 1-S0 l:Sn. 1 P. V 11:W. 1:10. tm. t-m. "MB,' 14:10. K!lO. 5:IW. 8:30, 7:08. 7:40. :15, It fi lo:s,". u:.i". fl On third Monday la evsry aaotb last car rl lenvra at T:08 . m. 1 1 Pally ent Bnnday. 'Rally Trept Wnnu Oregon Electric Railway Company. Arriving Portland WnaotTtll. Int Sta.. meal Rltlboro-Foret Qrave, meal .. Salem. Int. Staa.. local ..... Ttlllanoro-Forent Orov. local Salem Int. Sta., local . :M a. . 8:80 a , 8:41 a. .10-00 a. 10 M a. Hfllsboro-Foreat Grove, local 11:18 -.... 1:18 p. Bxlem Int. Btaa.. local Ttlllrhoro-Foreet Grove, local ...... t.M p. Salem. Int. Sta.. oca! ;W Knlcm-Tnalatln only, limited ..... 4:48 p, RtUahoro-Forest Crov local.. ..... B;nn p. Salem. Int. Sta.i Wal ......... 8:O0 p Rlllshoro-Foteet Grot" local ...... 7:50 p. m. Palem. tnt. Staa., local . Srsn p Salem. Int. Etna- local .10:40 p.m. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, -comb, brush. soap, fl per montli. Portland laun dry ft Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sta Phone Main 410. A-4410. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco & Portland R. S. Co, Only direct steamer, oarllght tailing. From. Ainsworth dock, Portland. a. to. S. S. State of California, June B8. S. 8. Boss City, July 8, 17, eto. rrnni Lombard t..Sn, rranclte. tla. m. - S. 8. Boss City, Jose AS, July 10. S. S. State of California. July 3. r.' V. Ranaom. Dock Agent. M, M Alior. dock: M. 1. Roeb. city ticket agent Ui Third t. Main 40S. A-1402. COOS BAY LINE The stesmer.'BBEAKWATER Je.ivee Portland Wednesday at t p. m frotn Ainsworth dock for Worth Rand, Karsb . field and Coos Bay points, i'roignt r ceived until 9 a, in. on day Of llinj. Passenger fare, first claee, 110; econJ class. 17, Including berth and mal. In. ouire cltv ticket offlc. Third and Waa.i. Ington sts or Ainsworth dock. Phone Main It. ' NORTH PAOHC S. S. Cc- For Eureka, San Fraucist n ! .r-. Angeles direct --The stcam-h,- I: noke and Elder atf- every 'I'm- - '. 3 P. m,' Tickrt office TJ ; - AUer. Thoncs M. IV. r ! A ' . ; . II. Ul')o, .' m. m. ra. m.