4: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, EVENING, - JUNE 19, 1909. LEII! SAYS ill I REVISIT ACOUA In Letter From Paris, Worn . an Charmer Tells of His Plans for the Future. ' f '.'.:' 1 v 'v " .Sneclal DliDetcb lo Tbe Josrnal.) ' Tacoma, Wash,, Juns 19. Josua Klein, the emtio nhilasoDher,'mental healer and religious leader, who was alleged to have held two Tacotna girls captive la tils chalet la the Swiss Alps, and who was tried In Tacoma on the Charge or attacking -with a knife and threatening to kill Miss Dora Culberson, aunt of one of the young women, and later deported by the Immigration department as In sane, has been heard from In Par'8. here he was taken. In a letter to his attorney here, Klein slates that he will return to Tacoma, and will establish a colony of followers or nis reiigiun. Klein states that he Is holding a con vention in Parla of all those who are " gifted with his own stylo of radio-ac tive thought vibrations, ana mat 101-lowina- this ha will Journey to India, whera he will be received with open arms and pocketbooks by the seers ana mystics among the rajahs of that coun try. Then, some tlm In February, he says, he will come direct to Vancou-v.r- or victoria. B. C, and thence to Tacoma, after ho has been pronounced sane.- ' - -j ' ' . , Klein is willin to return to Miss Dora Sauvageot, Miss Ross Karaaelt and their relatives any money given to him nAn, k. thm in his account on one slight condition:- They must first snd him an affidavit that his reiauun; with anv of them were -onlj that . of physician and patient HAPPILY EVER AFTER, : AFTER HALF CENTURY (United Press teased Wire.) ' Can Francisco. June 19. When tlm liner Mariposa arrived In port yester day sha carried Mr. and Mrs. E. TV. Cod dlngton. who - were returning tr0.mtua honeymoon spent In the islands ot the Kouth seas. Their marriage In this city thres months ago was the culmination of a romance that had Us beginning 48 vears ago In a California mining camp and marked a happy reunion after separation of pearly half a, century.. Coddlngton and Miss Maty Burner were boy and girl sweethearts at Green wood. Eldorado "cowrty. In me early days Of the state. When the clvti wk broke out Coddlngton hurried to tha front as a volunteer. , In the years that followed ' both were married and both were left alons by- the deaths of their life partners. v--m yr'" Returning to Greenwood slx months ago,- Coddlngton learned of the, death of the husband of his boyhood sweet heart, and renewed his suit. The couplo will spend week In this city before returning . to their mountain home. GERMAN SINGERS TO M foMPETE FOR; PRIZE New Tork. June 19. During the net few days continuous .waves of sweet melody will emanate, from Madison Bquare garden. The mualo will be fur nished by hundreds of singers gathered from far and near to take part in the triennial festival of . the Northeastern Federation of Oerman Singing societies. In the Opening concert tonight a chorus of 7000 will sing the chorals in Mai Bruch's ''Fair Ellen.0!; Mr Onrinne Rlder-Kelsey, soprsno, and Claude Cunnlnghsm, - baritone, are ' to be the'sololsts, with Irs. Rlder-Kelsey i and Daniel Beddoe, - tenor, - ss the soi lTtMs. In the evening Mme. Schumann-. Metnk will sing her first concert In New York since her touf through Germany. The kaiser's prise"' will be competed for Tuesday. This Is - to be the big event of the entire ' festivals Five - so cieties are to compete for this coveted; trophy. They are tha Concordia of, Wilkesbarre, the Germania of Newark, the Kreutser Quartet club of New Tork, the Junger Maennorctior or FMiadel- phia and the Arion of Baltimore. , t CHURCH j v Baptist, ... First White Temole.' Twelfth- an Taylor, Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher. V. IX 10. "One Accord" nraver meetln services. 10:10 and 7:45: Bible school 12 T. P. IT., 8:16. Morning, Children's Day services; evening. "BaptiBts and Mas onry." Masons Invited.- Smith. 11 and 8 :48. Morning, Arleta Rev, JE. A. 8. 8.. 8:45: B. T. F. U Children's CSP" exercises: evening. 4 urHJiii xour race 10 me orviiwrui Highland Alberta and Sixth, Rev. R. A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and T:30: B. T. P. U., 8:30; 8, 8., Iff, Children's Day ex ercises. Bellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev. IX w. Thurston, naator. 11 and : H. b 10; Y. p. V..1. Topics. "What Bap tists Believe"; evening. Children's Day, Calvar-wEaat EMirhth and Grant. Rev. 3. N. Monroe, 11 and 7:30; R 8. 10; B. Y. P. V., 8:80. .. , Immanuel Meade and - Second. ' Rev A. B. Mlnaker. 10:10 and 7:30: S. 8.. 12 B. Y. . P. V.. 8:30. . Topics. ."The True Christian Principle;" and "The Power or uoa. Grace -Montavllla: Rev. Alfcert H Patch. 11 and 7:10; 8. 8., 10; Y. P, u, tit. v - v - ' Central East Twentieth and Ankenr: Rtv. W, T. Jordan, 11 and 7:30; S. ,8- :30. Y. P. v., :10. Topics, "Transfig Uratlon." and "Ascension.". university Park Rev. A. B. waits. s. B.. 10: 11 and 7:10. B. Y. P. U.. :30, Topics, ."Testimony of the Water," and Men ins size or urassnoppers. Sunnvalda merman tirortv-flrst and nawtnorna; Hew C Feldmeth. 11; . o. Bt Johns ( German WRev. C. - Fe I ti met h. a 8., 9:45: services 11 and 7:30. Second Seventh an4 V.nnt Ankenv. Rev. T. D. Frlor. 10:30 and 7:39: Bible scnooi. lz: B. Y. P.' U.. 6:38. todics Uood crounds for . Golna- On." and 1 Bolvlnar Llf e s Problems." . Bi, joont-Riy.. jonn tienizirn, li.so and 7:30: 8. 8 10: Y. P. O.. 8:20. Morn- uif sermon oy nev is. a. jLonara. - Chinese Mission 3 K! it Dak street 8. 8.. 7: Dreachtnr. 1. bv Rev. ' Funs Chak. -. First German - Vnurth anI Mill: nev. j, Kratt. li and 7:302 a. o.. :4S Second -German Morns street and It oav'V avenue: Rav F" Rnantiinn. 11 n A a a a.jk . Faat Fortv-fifth rMt-nnra Vmmt Msin; Rev. B, C. Cook. 11 and 7:80: " kboui, v; a. i. jr. u., s:e. Lenta Rev. J. V. Keaeorlr. B. S.. 10 11 and T:80: B. Y. P. TJ.. 0:30. Morninar ermpn by Rev; John BtuUlen; evening. vi u oujaiers, - . .... - Mount Ollva RAvanft, an V, Rev. B. B.B. Jbhhson. ' 11 and 7:30. - Bweaisn--oyt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erick Scharatrnm lA-iR and t.ii- B..8 , 12: B. Y. P, TJ. :30. f i union Avenu r:3SIon (Bwedlsh) Third .Knott and Vim-n.ini" r. t Scbwedler, 11 and 7:30. Topics, "An vpen ipor,- ana "Jesus and tha Poor. First Twelfth tnl iur- wv Ttrit. nam Hiram iOUlKPS. 10:39 and 7:45. J hemes. "The finnlal Mlailnn h iiiurcn; ana -a eimpie alth."- a Mixpah east Thirteenth and. PowalU fiarry jueeas, 11 and 8 Jfci.. T. TOPICS, "A Its Explanation,, and "Responsibility In a Great Trust." ? ' Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:80 and 7:45: p. D.r iiuu.i, t opics, l ne cnurch whiph His Bodv." and iTh flv,,i t. v, Proof," Installation of naator. at sift FoiirlhJ-lrira an rtlKK.. -r .. ld Msx;kensie. lb?20 ani f-Vft "a ai'V H. S. 10- Devoted Life and 'ENDLETON LOSES . - NEAR BEER SALOON (Roeclal DlRDitch te Tbe Joarnsl.l Pendleton, Or;, June- 1. Pendleton Is to lose one of Its . near beer saloons as a result of the Increase In license by the -city council. When the applica tions under the new ordinance were pre sented to the council last evening, It was found that W. F. Ri-lnard, who has been conducting the old Gagen stand on Court street, had not made application for a renewal of his license. Reinard has since explained that he intends to go out or Dusmess. The licenses were all referred to the license committee and will be acted upon at the next regular meeting. The new license ordinance goes into erieel Jnbllee of Lake Erie CoUtege Painesvllla, Ohio, June 11. Alumna and friends of Lj&k Erie college have Kaiuerea nere in isrga numoer ror tne annual commencement exercises,' which will also mark the. fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Institution. Bishop J. Mi Thoburn will preach the naccaiaureate sermon tomorrow. Mon day aaening the Coburn Players of New York will present "The Canterbury Pil grims." Tuesday will be alumnae day. There will be conferences on educational topics and eoclal service on Wednesday, followed by an outdoor procession and tableaux. Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus of Chicago will be the commencement sneaker, and President Mary E. Woolley nt fmint UnlvnkA iwllaa will ih. - address of congratulation In .behalf of the college. . BU11R THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed-wttting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum mers, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any mother her successful" home treatment, with full Instructions. Bend no money, but write her today if your children trouble you In this way. Don t blame the child, the chances are it can't help it This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with tirlne difficulties by day or n) gh t The Cause of Colds, "Grip"and Head, achris quickly reached by Orangeine Health RestoredSickness ; f Averted. Thousands know ; it why not you ? l Hawthorne Pjrk.--Twelfth. and East 7:80; a- ft. 13? C K., :80. " r oroes - peuwooo and Gantenbein; Dan Ua IT A A. . a -4 - - aa. 10: C7 S" 1:80. 9 1 9i B- ' Piedmont '' Cleveland and Jarrett: ev.g j. b. Bnydor, 11 and 7:30; S. 8, yninsse I4tu Ffhat. 7:48t 8. t-4ii 5 weatmlnster East Tenth- and Weld !... a&WVjltwtfj . and Marshall Street Marshall and Mnvtk Seventeenth ij Rer. C. W, Hays, 11 and Mount Tsbor--Belmont and Preltv man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and 6. B. 10. Sell wood East, Seventeenth nd Spo kane: Rev. D. A. .Thompson. 11 and a, a. a, iv; J. u, 1. Anabel Rev. A, Hurd. 11 and T:48. Third Kast Thirteenth and Pine! Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. 10:30 "2 Zl4.5 Topics, "The Gospel of Go" and "The rcat High Prlest .. . ,HopM,ntavU1' B,v 8- 8- Wnita, 1J and. t30, , v - ... . ,a . Kenilworth -East Thirty-seventh and illliard Avenue Rev. John X Town send.' Services 11 and 7:30; a 8.. 10 a, vn. . . Trinity Dakota street. Rev. A, Rob inson. 7:48 p. m.; C E , 1:45; 8. 11. f r', 1 SCethodlrt. v Taylor Street Rev. Banlamln Tn. D. D. 10:80 and 7:45; S. 8.. 12:15: E. C :45. Topics, ''Berylce,". and !The Up. wsrd Struggle." s A . , Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rtv. Jnhn H. Cudlipp,-. D. D. 10:80 and 7:45; 8. 8., 12:15; E. L., :45. Children's Day ser vices - In.- the morning; evening, "Grind ing the Seed Corn," v, . " Sunnvaide Fast Yamhill anit Ttil,fw. riftlJL-.W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:80. J. E. L., 3; E. I. :15; a 8.. :50. Topics: 'The Sure and Blessed Care of God for His Own." and 'The Beloved Disciple leaning Upon the Bosom of His Mas ter." . ,., , . . , Bt Johns a. H. Dewart; 11 and 8; l., 7; a s., ic. v EDWorth Twentv-slvth tM Rev. Charles T. McPherson: 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10; E. L.. -7:1. Morning sermon D V L. D. Mahone: evenlna-. MAArum Kv a. v. lyocaiian. Dooscing uie Church. vniensry r.asi Pilntn and Pine; Clarence True Wilson, D. D.: 10:80 and 7:80; a 8., :45. Topics. "The Lord's Prayer - f1.!'1' TThe RUlous JteiB vi uue. SufgfestiVe Questions on the Sunday : ' School Lesson by Rev.; Dr. T. S. Linscbtt ' fMlnistera. Sunday school teachers and others Interested are Invited to write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions," narttrularlv it thnv pnniiM.r them of vajua in thalr. worlcl ?v , The International Newspaper Bible Study club is for the purpose of pro moting In an unfettered way among the masses, a wider. study of the Bible, tha haaal truths of Ohrlatlnnit v. and tha Droblams which enter Into ever man's life. It Is coroposMt of all those who Join a local club, and take op the slmp'.e course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who have not joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prises. . Persons may join - the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the 62 Questions hereinafter explained, to qualify ' for ' th crista and tha hark AiiMtiAni.mjtv ha nbtalnal Hv addreaslna- this office. . This paper has -secured the right to publish the International Sunday School Lesson queatlohs by Rv. Dr. Llnscott, which have aroused so much Interest elsewhere," and they will appear weekly In both the Saturday and 81nday Issues of Tbe Journal. . One of these questions each week is to be answered in writing and upon these answers tne prizes . are to do awaraeu, Conaltiobs or the contest. S VA 1. Each contestant, or his or "her family, mast be a subscriber to this paper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Btbls Btudr club and this local club. - 1 . - t. Each contestant in this local club must answer each of the written ques (ions for 52 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14. and the answers must all be la tht possession of this paper within two weeks of the close 01 this period. ' .,. ... , 8. Each question most be answered separately, and the paper written on one siae oniy. r.o answer must exceea suu woras in tengtn ana mav ne msa. Each answer must have the name and address of tbe writer at the bottom Af Ka . 4. The answers must 'be delivered to This office, and they will be cqllated at tne close of the contest ana rorwaraea to neaaquarters ror independent ex amination by competent examiners- The prizes will then be ' awarded ac cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of Tbe International .,;., ,' Tne Prises. ' First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. Second Series A stiver medal to each of tha nest flv-a contestants. Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price 15.50, to each of the next five con testants. - Fourth Series The book "The Heart of Christianity," price' 31.50, to each of the next 35 contestants. 1 , Each medal will be suitably, engraved.' giving the name, of the winner and ior wnat it is Awarded and in like manner each Bible -and book will be inscribed.-. . . . . . All who can write and have Ideas, are urged to take tip these studies re- i.iuicii 01 ine aegree or ineir raumuun, i me papers are not vaiuea irora an educational or literary standpoint, but from tha nolnt of view of tho I Llil DC I 1 ' 'JL ink' s Registered -V. 8. rU Office A Delicious D Balder made by scientific blending of the best tropical fruit. 1 Ask. your grocer, for the package J bearing this trade mark cogency of their reasoned ideas. (Copyright, 1909, by ' Rev. T.t 8. Lin- . - scott, u, i.. Jons 80, 1909. : Review.. . Golden Text With rrcjl. nower a-ave the anostles witness of tha resurrection of tho Lord Jesus. Acts lv:S3. . - The following. review is planned for all who are taking up these Bible stud ies, whether having actually studied the 11 lessons here reviewed or only a part of them,. Even If this is the first les son which has t captured a reader's at tention, it can be made a profitable les son In itsotf. The date and title of each lesson, and where found, the Golden Text and one question for each lesson follow: April 4 Acts x:l-48, Peter and Cor nelius. Golden Text, Acts x:3a. In every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted ' of him. ' - verses 1-z can you give a good rea son why God today is not. as well Dleased with a devout . Roman Catholic as ha la with a devout .Protestant, or viceversai -1-.?. ' Aoril .11 I. Cor. xv:12-28. Easter Lesson. Golden Text. I Cor. xv:20. Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept. Verse 12 can you mention a sina-le nation or tribe or people in the past or the present that has not believed, or does not believe, in life after death In some shape T April 18 Acts lx:l-80. The Conver sion of Saul. Golden Text. Acts ix:4. He fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why per aocuUst. thou, met Vrss..l-a How do you. aeoonnt for stU's bitter hatred for Christiana be fore Ms conversion, and that after he became a Christian he showed such a spirit of lore toward those who 'were ot Christians t This question is to be answered In writing fey members of the dub.) April 25 Acts xl-19-30. xil.2S. The Gospel In Antioch. ., Golden Text. Acts xl:26. The disciples were called Chris tians first in Anifoch. verses 29-so Should the Church of Christ 'today be a. practical brotherhood, caring for one another, and helping: each other financially, and in every other way as the need may be? j ous Gospel," and' 'The Harmony ' of Liire." and cantata. ."Fitn ana fraiss. Thlrd Mareuerlta hall.' Marguerite and Hawthorne; Rev. J. L. Acheson, 11 ana .?:; o. ., ,!. , . - , tmitarlan. Church of Our Father YamhlU and May 2 Acts xiil:l-12. Paul's First Missionary Journey -Cyprus, uoiaen Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. Text Mark xvl:16. Go ye into all the 1. Eliot. D. D.. mlniater emeritus; Rav. wona ad preach h gospel , to every 1 K,' A. Baker, assistant. 11. a 8., :45; cr5?i"r , ; , , .. - I kindergarten, 11; memorial service for " iauy u "V4i j 11 I juawaro Everett Hale. arles to foreign countries and Into new districts; is it equally the duty or ait men to help support such missionaries? May 9 Acts xlll:13-62. Paula First , , Christian Bolence. . . First Church of ChrlstT-Scottish Rits cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdala. 11 Missionary Journey Antloch in Pisldia. I and 8: 8. 8.. 12. TodIc. "Is the Unl Golden Text Acts xlli:49. The word I verse, Including Mn, Evolved by Atomic 01 tne i.ora was puDitsneq, tnrougnoui 1 r orcer j , . . . all the region. I. Second Woodmen's Hall, East Sixth Verse 14 If a nrofessed Christian I and Alder. 11 and K. a.. 12. TodIc. does not attend church and act like a I "is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved Christian when away from home. Is he a by Atomic Force7M , caa (alt 1 1 1 1 at iiviito, i,v war . UAn. I. . n . W . . Mav is Aria iv-i.s pBv. Ftrat Evangelical Aasocistions. Missionary Journey Iconlum. Golden I First Engllshr-East Sixth and Mar Text. r"s. xcvlts. All the goas or tho 1 net, . wuiver, it ana ,:; ..-. nations; are Idols: hut the Lord mads I :a0: B. B.. 10. . ' the heavens. I First German Tenth and Clay. F. Verses 1-9 Was lh nnhallef of the I Bens. 10:45 and 7:45: 8w 8- :I0: Y. P.. T Jews a matter of the Intellect through Topics, "Divine Lessons on Prayer," and lack or evidence; or was it a matter or the hearts that la a raault ot thAil- ra. belllnn anliul fiitAr V.. May at 'Jerusalem. ac-alnst GodT 23 Acts xv:l-85. "The Dana-era of Drlftinc'1 Memorial En at Eighteenth and Tib betts, Morris Heverllng, 11 and 8; 8. S . TJnltA BvangeUoal . ', First East Seventh and Stevens, Rev, iu; The Council Golden Text Acts xv:ll. We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Cqrist we shall VkA Iflvoa .van m tk.u Verapat' S-17 In 11-tiul niwrlani-a nf H. A. Deck. 11 end 7:46: 8. cinA hi. iiuiin.a ... mmI,,. I Dreachlne: lsv Rev: C. CI. Pol I nr. slve proof of the will of God in the Becond Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C C matters which the experience covers? roiir.g, ll and 7:80. t.. May 30 Jus. ti:14-2. Bellevina and 6t John's Ivanhoe and John, Rw Dnina-. nnldan Taxi- Jll 11-2(1 Vnlth I C. P. YateS. 8. 8.. 10.. without works is dead.' . Ockley Green Gay and Willamette, verse 14 Can a man have true faith I Key. j. Bowersox, it. ana 7:4; . In God if he is not filled with love to his fellows and doing mil he can to help them 7 - - l June 6 Jas. 111:1-12. The Power of the Tongue. Golden Text. Prov. xxl-28. vv iioso Keepetn nis mouth and his tongue 10; C. E., 6:80. Topics. "Moving For ward," and "Vigilance Xof Our Youth." keepeth his soul from troubles. , Verse 2 Is the control of the tong' the key. to the control of the entice Friends' Church. 8unnys.de: Main and East Thirty- man? Give your reasons. June IS Heb. xI:l-40. Heroes of Faith. Golden Text Heb. xl:l. Faith is the substance of things hoped, for, me eviaence oi tnings not seen.. Verses 1-8 If a desirable " thing Is firmly possessed by faith, does that give as much or similar satisfaction as tne possession or tne thing itself? Lesson for Sunday, June 27. 1908 Temperance Lesson. Rom. xlil:8-14. Ministers, Sundsy school teachers and others Interested are invited - to write -me journal orieiiy tneir views as to tne worm or these "questions, " parucutariy 11 iney uunaiaer mem oi value in intur wora. Trlnttv Fast TantTi an4 r-. M. r. emun: u ana i:o; 8. Iewls 1 II . 17! T . a-flA T3 ... 1 I , , . .v. vueig win preacn. Central 834 Russell. Raw r r. tar.' llton. 10:30 and '7:48; -& 8.. itT R i" f:80. . . ,7- - Chinese Mission Chan taina- iv.t. and 7:30. ' " ' " Vancouver Avenue 11 and T:80 Laurel wood Rev. E. h. Rni- and T:30: a 8., 10; E. L.. :20 ' - Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and Davis; Rev. C. J. Larsen, u and 7:48; S. 1 3. Swedish Borthwlck anrl Ha John Ovall. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10: B? fl t First German Fifteenth and Hon-' a. A. Wassa: 11 and 7:80. uTt' U' Becond German Stanton and Rodney Japanese' . Mission 121 North Tit. Sellwoo-7Esst Fifteenth - a. m. The cjinten-Keiry Memorial Thirty. ninth and Powell. Rev. a J. Kesteril and 8", 8. 8.. 10; k U, 7; J El! ' " , Montavllla Mohle and Hlbbard Rev Harold Oberg, 11 and 7:30: 8 a 10 class meeting. 13; J. I. 3; K. . 6-41 ' Woodlawn WUllamJ. Doiiiiass! 11 and 8; a 8., 10; E. L.. 8:80. ' 11 University Park Dawson and Flaka, Rev. W. R. Jeffry. JT. 11 and 7 30 African Zlon Thirteenth and 'Main. Rev. W. Matthews. 11 and s twa' ration Michigan avenue and Carnen. ter. D. A. Watters. 11 and 8;a8?lol E-aJ- : Top-tcs."Bendlng the twig Tha Use 1 and Khaolnc tha Tree" anrf of Doubt In Attaining Faith." Mount Taoor East Stark and Sixty first, J. W. MeDougall, 11 and 7:30 Woodstock J. D. Voce, 11 and 7-20-V 8, 10; E la,- 3:38. ' ' -' ' ' ; Catholi. ' ' ' St. Msiry" Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev. X Chrlaiia r n i Low mass.. I, 8 and . High mass and sermon. . II. benedfotlon, Rev. C 'Sefoskl.' "Xow mass 8,; high mass and-sermon 10. . , ' . l 8t Francis'. East Eleventh and Oak Rev. J. H. Black, Low mass.: t. 8:80 and 9:30. Hltrh mass and sermon, 10:30, Vespers, Instruction and benediction, St Joseph's (German). Fifteenth and Eouch Rt Rev. James Rauw, V. G. ow mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30, Vespers, .benediction. 8:30. St Lawrence's. Third and Sherman Rev. J. C Hughes. Low mass, 8, 7 and R:20. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Ascension.' Montavllla. Rev. J. P. Fltzpatrlck. ' ! Mass and sermon 9 in ehapel of Sister of the Precious Blood. St Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savler Rev. X. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon 10:39. Vespers and benediction, 3:80. st Michael s (itaiiani. Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:io. , : Immaculate Heart, or Mary, Williams and Stanton-t-Rev. W. A. Daly. - Low mass. 8. S and. 9. High mass and ser mon, 10:80. Vespers and benediction, so. .... Holy Rosary, East Third and Union- Very Rev. A. P. Lawler. Low. mass, 8, 1 ana- b:bu. rtign mass ana sermon, 10:80. vespers ana nenenicuon, f.AV. , Sacred Heart . Milwaukle Rev. Gre- a-orv Roble. O. S. B. Low mass. 8. Hiah mass and sermon, jo., vespers ana oen diction. 7:30. ho uross. university r-arK ttev. j. P. Thillman. C. 8. C Low mass. 8:80. High mass and sermon, 19:30. Vespers nd benediction, Holr Redeemer, fortiana ana Van couver Rev. Ed K. Cantweit C. S3. R. Low mass, 8. - High mass and sermon, 10:30. Benediction, 4. - t - St Andraw'a. Ninth : and Alberts Rev.1 Thomas Kiernan. Low mass, . 8. High mass and sermon,' 10. Vespers, In- atruction ana oeneaicuon. i:u. St. Stephen's, Forty-second andyEast Tay loTF-Rev. w. - A. want w fflut, t-art Hiarh mass and sermon. 10:80, St Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell Valley road. Rev. F. Dillon, a. J. Low mass 8 and 9:80; mass, sermon- and benediction 18:30. - Vespers, instruction and dren's Day .V. . .episcopal. - Trinity Nineteenth and Everett, Dr. A a Morrison. 8. 11 and 8. 8. S. 9:45 Rev. George W. Smith, D. D.. will preach in the morning. . , St Matthews First and Caruthera, Rev. W. A. M. Breck. 11: 8. S., 10. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar tyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. Ramsay, '7:30, 11 and 7:30 p. m; & &, 1:45. - - ' , ' " St. Andrew! Portsmouth,; II and 8; 8. B., 10 t. nr. ' Archdeacon Chambers will officiate at all the services. . ; St. Mark's Twenty-first and. Mar shall, Rev. J. E. 1L Stmpaon, 3, 11 and 8; 8. 8. 1 0. ; , 'St' John's Church Multnomah . and Taylor. 11 and 7:80; & S., 10. Church of Our Savlour--Wodstock, Rev, 3. C. Forsythe. 11 and 7:80, - - Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van couver, Rev. John Dawson. , 9, ll :: and 7:30; 8. 8, 8:46. : i - Ascension .Chapel Portland Heights, 8 S 9 '30. ' ? ' sC David's East Twelfth and Bel mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot morn- ins; prayer ana sermon, ii: evening. 8; communion, 7:30 a. m.f 8. S., S;46 a. m. . - v - - - - -. - - v AU Saints' Church Twenty-fifth and Savler. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington; No church services Until further notice. Grace Memorial East Seventeenth and Weldler. : Rev. George B. Van Wat ers. ' v St Paul woodraera. Rev. J. C For sythe; 11 a. m.; S. 8. 8:45. . , . i .. ;-,.-v-;.'-X--:. . 7 -i... ' Congrerational. Flrmt Madison and Park, Rev. Dick, assistant; 11. and 7:45; 8. 8., 9:45. Morning, Children's day exercises: even ing sermon by Rev. Guy L. Dick. Sunnyslde East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth. Rev.; J. J. Staub; 11 end 8: 8; 8. 10; C. E. 7. Topics. "Chil- and "Character Building: St SUlxudai, Ui-ilaj.d iod Faliit. - i,tiv.-siL.v.ikriia Rev. O. W. Rlggs, 11 and 7:48; 8. 8., 10; C. E, 3:80. Sermon by Rev. Ft B. Gray. Laurelwood Rev. "Vv. EL. Myers; 11 S. S. 10. C, E. 8:30. 7 Hassalo Street East Ssventh and nassaio, nev. iaiu riaaerj 11 and 7:30, 8. 8., 10; C. E.. 8:80. ( . , Highland East Sixth and Presoott Bev. E. a Bollinger, 11 and 7:45. 8. 8! 10; C, E., 8:45. Topics. "Harmony Out o vumuBion una coosuiig ana Boost ers." ' '..' I St Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and s, n. a. iv. First Uerman East Seventh and Stanton, Rev. John. H. Hopp; 10:J and ,- r-iigriro enaver ana Missouri ave nue, Rev.' Daniel P. Thomas, 11 and ' Xatheram, .. Swedish zmmanuel Nineteenth and trying, ii ana s; a. is., :. Norwegian Bynod East Tenth and ursni; rcev. u. nagoes, ii and. 7:80: 8. 8.. 9:80. Betania Danish Union and Morris: Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10. St James' English West Park anil I Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, 11; 8. 8., 10; United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth; I lArwn. ax ana .:av; t. a., t:4S. i Zion's , oermsn-Chapman and Sal- m n TIT XT D.k.an- .A..C. t . 1 r . . m St Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton; Rev. A. Krause. Annual mis sion lestiyai tn Hawthorne park, serv ices 10:80 and 2; services In German and English; preaching by Professor nonoerger. , ' - ( Trinity German , (Missouri- Synod)-' wiiiiams ana eeiiwooa;, j. A. rtimbach. Swedish Augustana Rodney' and Btanton; rtev, j. -a., xoun. is:4 a: 7:45; S. 8, 9:80. Swedish Mission Seventeenth and unsan: nev. a. j. rnoren, n and 8; i Elim- Chapel Micht ran avenue and Skidmore. Rev. B. J. Thoren, ll; B. 8., St John's Peninsula avenue ' and Kllpatrlck. J p. m. - Immanuel German Corner- 15th and Leo (SelHvood), H-lC Ebeling, 10:30; S. 8., 8:30. , - Grace English Rodney and In at 1. 1 IT et V. . 1 1 u r . m j 1 uiuo, a, s xjuciiiis, i:u,, V . Christian. - - ? Flrst--CkJrner Park and Columbia, W, F. Reagor, minister, 11 and 7:45; S. 8., 9:45: C. E-. :45 P. m. Topics. "The Mas ter's Missionary Frogram," and "Giving at XJIXi. - - 1 .-7 ' . Bodney Avenue Rodney asnd ICnott? Thomas G. Pleton. 11 and 8: a a.. 9:45; C E., 7 p. m. . .i . - , ' ? Central East Twentieth and Sal mon: Bev. J. F. Ghormley. D. D. lA-xe and 8. ) Topics, "Lessons from the, Old est Testament," and "Lessons from the Newest Testament." ' Kern Park rlev. IS. M. Patterson. It and 7:45; S. 8.. 10: O. E.. 7. j Bellwood Eleventh and Umatilla, 10:80 and 7:45. Woodlawn ll and 7:80: Clark ? W. Comstock, ; ,- fifth. Lindley A Blbla school. 10: C. E.. 7 Lents. Center street. Myra B. emun. 11 and 8; Bible school, 10. - , .w tralvsrsallsi. . Church of the Good Tidings Union hall, corner Grand avenUe and East Pine, Rev. J. D. Corby, 10:45; 8. 8., 12. Topie, The value of Routine in Forming Char acter." ,. - -. - - SC. 8. Chnroh sTonth. 171 U Becond. Rav. K. HI Mowre. 11 and 8; S. 8., 10; E. L., 7:30. .' Kisosllsseous. '"'i First SDirltual Society. Chrlstensen hall, Eleventh - and - Yamhill streou. ll. 1:30 and 7:4.- - Swedish Corns Salvation Army 430 Burnalde, 11, 4:30 and 8. Aieaiums- ana Ministers' Associstios Auditorium building. 11, 3 and 7:45. nweaisn . mree Mission Mississippi and Shaver, 19:45 and 8, Rev. August Ol son. , . : T. M. C. Aj Fourth and Tamhlll, 8. Sumner R. Vinton of India will speak; music. a-'.'' ' '! Dlvfne Truth 201 Alisky " building, Thaddeus M. Minard, 11; Martha G. Powell will speak on "Freedom, Knowl edge and Practice of Truth." Millennial Dawn Odd Fellows" hall, corner East Sixth and -Alder, Blbls lee son, 1:30; services, 3:16. Latter " Day Saints (Mormons) East Tenth and Sherman. J. C. Westergard, presiding eider, 11 and 8. 8., 10. New Thought Rev,. Henry Victor Morgan.': Alisky hall: lecture in even ing. 'The Law of Mentalism.' - Olive Branch Mission Corner Second and Ankeny streets; meetings every night at 8 o'clock, also Sunday at S p.'rri. A Wells, superintendent, . , Advent Christian Second ' between Hall and Lincoln. 1 Wallace fihepard; ' 10:80 and 7:30. ; .: -,. f r Believers In the Atoflement-rOdd Fl- ' lows' hall, East Sixth and East Alder Streets, 1:80. 2:45, 8:15. Volunteers of America 285 Burnslde street 3:30 and 8:80. A TXT At POXJTT. The most delicate Dart of a babv tn It's bowels. Every ailment that It suf fers -with attacks, tha bowels g Ii infant. Mcuee - Baby Elixir cures dangerini is also an- tn most eases the life of the diarrhoea, dysentery and all derange. ments or tne stomacn or eoweia, gold by Skidmore Drug company. . ' Costs More to Malce Than Other Whiskies The annual whiskey production of Kentucky ! about 30,000,000 gallons, consisting of good, bad and Indifferent whiskies principally indifferent.' By indifferent, we mean whiskies used for making so-called "blends' ' and concoctions, and usually sold by unscrupulous dealers as "fine Kentucky wbis-. kies." The cost of raw materials in 0 ; W. a McBnTyer't 1847 &Sttn 1909 Bottled in Bond using the original fotmnla of 62 year ago, prohibits the dealer from handling- it for cheapening pof poaes. Cedar Brook is allowed to remain 8 years In wood before being bottled in bond, which makes it . renowned as the best whiskey Kentucky produces. Tha Cedar Brook Distillery is in Anderson County heart of the Bine Grass region home of fine whiskey. Cedar Brook is sold wherever good liquor is sold, W. R McBrayers Ctidar Brook Distillery i LawTsnceburf , Ky. . . , z 0 i 7 of' C-1 ) : -fa 'iik K r. ' ' Cnlted Brethrea la Christ. - First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. H. C. Shaffer. If end. 7:80: J5. S 10: C. H.. :30, Third Routh Mount Tahor? Tta T- C. 8haffer; Bible school 3. ' 1 Radical Sixth snd Mechanic. Bey T. J. Cock'ing, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8, 10; C, E.. :30. , : Alberta East Twenty-seventh " mH Mildred, Rev. B. E. JCmerlch. 11 and 8; 8 a. 10. ... . ... ; XVsformed. First German Tenth and Stark streets, " O. Hafner pastor. Services 19:f& a. tn. and 8 p. mS. B., 8:30 a, m.; X. P, 8.. 7 p. m. 5 TTnlted Ires1jytertan. t Church of the Btraniers Wi; and Grand. Rev. B. Earl DuBols. 10:30 and 7:80; 6. 8 18. Berrnons translated for tne dear each Sunday morning. l -zzz-.. t- 1 Cobs Havana cigar, a ripe Havana : cigar, sold : in bundles of nine for) 15 cents.' Don't sniff at the price before you've sniffed the cigar. You can't find a better piece of leaf in any Havana tngar, or a piore,-; fragrant Jeaf or -a smoother srrioke. Cobs aren't pretty to' look at they're not made to be looked at you can't smoke looks. youT can't smoke 'fancy labels, you can't smoke ornamental boxes all thajT you can smoke is tobacco and Cobs are only - tobacco, only good tobacco. Havana tobacco. Nine Cobs are in each bundle. The price of the nine is 15 cents. , Each one of the nine tastes like a lfccent cigar because it's v. maae ot tne same leai inat goes in a lu-cent cigar. ; FOR.SALE EVERYWHERE 9a ,d DISTRIBUTORS, Portland, Seattle and Spokane. '