THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.. PORTLAND,' FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 4, 1909. 18 acreage: CHOICE fruit liind Jn 10 and 20 acre tract; $75 an acre, on easy terms; at Lyle. Wash., the eqtlal of Hood River in every respect. Let us show you. SHAW & ZE1GLKR. 420 Lumbermen sdr.6th and Stark. iS a ?re. 2 miles ftom S:os:er; 10 in fruit. 4 in bearing: acres a-i lanu. beautiful bi.'ildins Kit.-; - wells. If sold this week, $ -0i Call Wolvcrton Lum ber Exchange. Phone Main 4949. EXt'H A G E K E A L ESTATE 24 Sell or Trade room boos.. In St. Johns, new, lot 60x100, cast Trout . price J On; will take I $500 rush, ,u will t.k horses, rone. harness. Mud lumber that ,.n i jlouO worth of- 1 a mi murhincry i used mi a farm, , balance S 1 f ..nth. This is a snap, ,i .m his (arm. nit .isi.ington st . room as owner ini A- (roiiicn, :,z 214. ANYONE Having vacant lots or close-in acre age to exchange for a nice, mo.lern little cast fide home can net Hi' best trade of his or her life by ' ailing on or addressing W. N. Carter, owner, lis Klllingsworth avenue. No objection to small shaittv on premises. TO TRADE for a 5 passenger aato, must be up to date car. Hood River orchard, 20 acres, 5 acres in yellow New towns and Baldwins; :t room summer ,.a-a ,.t.,M iiwm Itnve.s value 16500 ' Also 1 10 room house at 14th! en.l ,t, hi 1'KiiM M-412. 1 Journal. A FINE brick block located in a good town on main line of S. P. Ry. This property is all occupied and is paying 8 Tier cent net on $26.00. Will take good mproved farm up to $20.u0n For fur ther particulars. George W. 1 urner. rooms 416-417 Rothcbilil bldg. 440 ACRES. Finest alfalfa and stock ranch In Mor row county-, to exchange for Portland real estate; Includes stock and machin ery; best bargain on the market. Price $20,000. 7 BOARD OF TRADE. 14 acres on the Salem electric; 9 acres garden land, tiled, balance easily. cleared; cash price $4200. MortKigj! $2025. 6 per cent; want residence $4000 or less, pav difference. E. E. Aldrich, Hillsdale, Or. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE My equi ty In 160 acres fine Red Rivers valley, Minnesota,-wheat land; 80 acres been lowed: no buildings. Room 22, Hotel Prgslln. SELL or swap $200 eiuitv in two , 'Swlnton lots for team and wagon or eordwood or woodsaw; wha 'offer? Courtols. 1422 In What you got to ion ave. N., phone woodlawn 439 U0 ACRES fir timber to trade for Port land property, value saooo. owners only. X-410. Journal. WANT auto, '08 or '09. In good condl tlon, for fine fruit land, close to rail road and river. X-413, Journal. EXCHANGE 40 acres fruit land, five miles from Ashland, Or. 614 Swet land bldg- Portland, or. $6600 S houses, modern; Income $50 per month: might trade for farm. Call Tabor 803. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 LOTS WANTED. If you own a desirable residence lot I will build you a 6 or 6 room house and jrou pay me back In installments; a 6 room modern costs $20 a month.; 6 room modern cost $25 a month. Laldlaw, 6tli floor Commercial block. WANTED We will pav cash for lot within 2 blocks of Hawthorne ave.; must be east front, good elevation and a bargain. L. F. Clark & Co., 411 Couch bldg. M- 6522. HAVE $400 to pay on lot or house and tot; must be reasonable and not too far out; give location and lowest price. H-413, Journal. CHOICE homes and building lota our greatest need- we can sell them. COLUMBIA TRUST COM PANT, ' Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To hear from parties who wish to build. We can build you mod dern bungalows and cottages from $800 tip. 411 Couch bldg. M. 6522. WE are In touch with buyers looking for homes. Yours might suit If for sale. Let us list It for you. The Shaw Fear Co.. 245 H Stark st WANTED From owners, homes In any 1 part of the city, we have buyers ror i . T , -1 x ...... " , t QAC ppot cash. What can you offer? 205 Wells Fargo bldg. WANTED Lot close in, on river, suit able for residence and private boat landing. 218 Lumbermen's bldg. WANTED Comfortable Portland home under $2600; modern with good lot. 212 AHsky bldg.. cor, 3d and Morrison. MODERN 6 or 7 room house or vacant lot; owners only; must be bargain. -fajrnerj zP4 Ablngton bldg. I WANT one or two lots In Piedmont district from owners. Phone Sellwood 1173. List your properties with Benson In vestment Co., 204 Wells-Fargo bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 Everett & McLecd FOR in: Room 206 Rolhchild bid g. HERE is a. chance to get 160 acres of timber. 3.000.000 feet of pine, at a bargain, as the owner is badly In need of money. $2700 will get It. Voigt A Golden. 3264 Washington St.. room 214. Main 6810. DO" YOU want a good timber claim? If so see me at "tic. I can locate vou. C A DjUiean 71! ttoird of Trade bldg. 1 1 EA V Y t i mbcredVl a imsatidf i rsTTlass relinquishments for -sale. ". JJ. Sjone, 4 25 'ha mber of 'oninicrce. ilOMF.STK A 1 1 relinquish rtwy i l7 ' 7 . 6 Ofl'. 000 feet yellow fir. !. inlles from villnge. good roid.Mnall house and barn; price 2QQQ 6 17 tic. a r dr. f Tra.le bldg ' HOMESTEADS 47 Homestead Headquarters fir tr.e i;r,mf sr. aris some as close as 1 to 3 nil and town In uregi-n; s to It. It JOHN- Y. JOHNSTON i '( i tni Buchanan hldg::2jKj, Washington IMPROVE thtsoH'ortuiil'y V,7T,,iii. steading 320 a, res gond" wheat Imo-I under new ruling Embody A- P.ra11rv (i 615 Lumtie-rmen's bklg Main or -3itir, WE can locate vou witnln 150 miles of railroad station 7 to 25 feet 1 n 1 M O IT II me rt Ian.. so i 1 . u n'.s T. i I bind ' lull, s i'r i'i I bld- f .it l;-.orn srs f r rtoc EIGHT homesteads.' .lot.ifnjr." n land: locating fee. t ;1rT 14 Mulkey bbip.. L',1 !,n-i Morris MIXINti STOCK 58 FOR SALE AM) K.VCHAMiK THE CALUMET LI'KNA lT. M 1 N 1 5 MILLING Ai S.MKI.TI i; 11. ' " 109 AHsky bldg . 3d and Mum is-,,,, Kts offer to tbe public tin- first .io,-x of Ihefr copper stock in Die .cec Devils mining district at g Hock and concrete businesi 5 Ceils Per Sbsattm-ms This offer lasts for n few dnvs cnK Don't ' dflay. Phone Main 966 Offlc open evenings from 7:30 to o'clock. . INCREASE BUSINESS. Multlgraph letters, envelope address-' tng. Rose City Rus. College. Main 8225. ,. MINING and industrial stocks; tele ' phone end other bonds bought and sold. C 8. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Purcell. 2(8 Stark ., room 10. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 HITTER, fro It. produce, etc.; reliable partner wanted; will guarantee good talnry. also share profits. Particulars J44 Ptstk st. chance; coffee and ta business; partner wanted; $400 required; extra rod, clean business. Particulars 24H cui k at. ... , 20 .j.,-. - WANTED A few Rood, reliable men i with $1000 or more, to Invest In a gocMl. incorporated lumber company, well located, within 20 minute ride ' rari or me city. They can give steady employment, at fair wages, to tha flrit , ; A., . I more machinery and increase their stock, so will sell a few thousand dol oi siock. This proposition will stand close investigation. Write at once. Riving; amount to Invest, name and BUSINESS CHANCES address, telephone number, if you haveiKOR SALE Furniture 25 rooma house- phone. Address your letter to J-413, Journal. STORE BUILDING FOR SALE 22x40 on carline and main thorough fare, a splendid opening for general store business. It would pay from the st.irt and an excellent future. Price., including lot, $1400; $500 down. Owner. 502 McKay bid., 3d and Stark. Grocery Store for Sale l-'or a rapidly growing district, no op position, large store with living rooms attached, built 1908, corner lot. 50x10", owner leaving citv, must be sold quick; price less than $2000. terms if desired. J THE PATTERSON GIBBS CO, 341 Sherlock bid 1 1 WANT a man who lias from $250 to If.uo cnah tn in,-.t in a si i hs t -a n t in i proposition for the summer months; chance to mcke from $10 to $150 a day Icar profit. Don't call if vou are broke. I mean business and with a live partner can rel big money during the i next four months. See Newman, 526 4 Washington st. BEST chance ever offered for one or two men to get into real estate busi ness; well established, well located, cheap rent, fine list of property, con tracts and buyers are doing the business; don't bother us unless you mean busi ness. We have reasons. L-415. Journal A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. A 16 room rooming house with S5 regular boarders, store in connection, with same doing good business; cause of wishing to sell have business out of state that must be looked after. Apply at 375 N. 19th st. - SALOON First class corner, remodeled, everything new; doing a business from $40 a day aud 'Up, must leave at once on account of sickness; license included: very reasonable If taken quick. Part cash. Apply Scott hotel bar. WANTED Partner for real estate bus iness, no experience necessary and very little money required; active man can make $150 to $200 per month. Par ticulars. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washington St.. room 516. MOTION picture machines for sale, latest independent films for refit. If you want to get service preventing re peaters In your town, here we are. the Leammle Film Service, 214-216 Wells Fargo. Portland. WOULD like to meet live party with some means with view of interesting him in manufacturing enterprise of merit: state when you can call. X-411, Journal. WE have good business openings In two new townsltes. Property free to those who will go Into business. ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Excellent cigar and confec tionery stand In connection with amusement place; steady trade ye:ir round; trolley terminal. M-400, Journal office. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE An up to date drug store. in best sawmill town In Willamette valley, at invoice owner going to Eu- rope. Address Druggist Journal. H-4 406. RELIABLE real estate man wants steady partner to show land, etc.; energetic man can clear $200 month; lit tle money required. Particulars 248 4 Stark st. HAVE you money to invest? A new ar ticle Is to be placed on the market; greatest money maker of today; $5000 required. Write for particulars. X-414, Journal. FOR sale or trade, grocery store at In voice price, choice location, rent rea sonable, exclusive neighborhood; sales $65 per day. Call up Woodlawn 2333. BOARDING house, 23 rooms, must sell account sickness, newly furnished, 18 food boarders, $650. Take S car, get off ,ane St., 974 Macadam. Main 4802. FOR SALE cheap, the Second German M. E. church building; must sell this week. Give us an offer. Phone Wood- 'awn los4 or cai at ais Stanton. CONFECTIONERY, good location, cheap ..... . . . . . i , rent, 4 living rooms; win sen cneap on account sickness. Owner. 731 Will iams ave. Woodlawn 1862. I WOULD like to buy a small paying business In or near Portland; no agents, prefer to deal with owner; give particulars. R-405. Journal. 24 ROOMS on Washington St., brick bldg., long lease, always full; $1600; will trade for valuable property and part cash. 16 5th St. N. RESTANRANT Rest buv in cltv, one worth $1000 for $400: free rent. ltKht and water: or will trade for anything of value. 15 N 6th st. '1 'E Hotel News, Portland's new paper, distributed free dally on overland passenger trains. 215 Oregonian bldg. Phone A-3792. PAINTER'S opportunity: Well equipped shop for sale In growing suburb, lots of work on hand, must leave town. L 414, Journal. CIGAR store doing $SiiO(i business year ly. .Invoices $475, 2 years' lease fine location, t'all 178 Madison st. Phono Main 036. 23 ROOMS well furnished, tenants in every room; will sell reasonable: 2 4 years' lease. See owner at the Elwood, 343 4 Morrison st. 56 ROOM lodging house. $350 month business; reasonable figure for half : interest; Investigation Invited. H-411. i Journal. I PARTNER' wanted in good established business; $125 requTred. C. P. Arnold . f'n . 3:.l 4 Morrison st ! PWn f N ER W A XT ED in a good established reel estate busi ness; $250 required. K-413 Journal ! POOL ROOM, best location In city. cheap rent, clearing $10 per day: $3000 ; terms 3264 Washington at., room 414. j W ANTED to buy some second hand mo tors, either direct or alternative, also shafting and hangers 413 Fenton bldg. $2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 60c i Rose City Frintery, new management : 1924 3d Ft., Just above Baker theatre i ,7 COW dairy for sale; plenty of pas-j tore, retail route, close in: easy terms; ' 'oust be sold at once. Phone Main 776. ' SIXTEEN room boarding house, 5 years' j standing: 20 boarders, good location; j bargain Phone B-2106: . l-'i 1 1 It SALE Meat market, cheap if inker in a few days, owner leaving itv 1,-413. Journal. SALE - O10 eery i stock: good P 4iM. Journal. store at lo. ation Invoice; cheap 1. I 1 V w.-mts t yin 'ir.uit : jv. 2-1 st. n pa finer in little money well payjng ; down; snap. KI' : 111" room bouse. completely fur-1 nl-.ii.. 1 10, mis. full, for sale. 91 Park st N. I.AR'iK and snuill lodging houses and !! taut-ants sold on the installment: pirn. H H tilgley. 2S9 2d St. l-'i ill SALE 4 Interest In cement i I. lock and concrete business. Address e business; half Inter- ! ; DENTIST- Splendid city opening; finest : outfit. $500; reasonable rent. Q-47, I Journal. ROCEFIY- Dall v sales $50; for sale at Invoice or lump. Phone C-1270. $1.00 will handle a 40 room lodging bouse H lllgley, 289 2d st. SMALL restaurant for sale, with lease. CJj at once and see it. 33 N. 2d St. I $500 will handle a restaurant wttbHUv"-' Ing rooms. H. H. Higley, 289 2d St. j 18 room house on 6th st.. clearing $100! mommy, lor lob"; terms. 15 N. 6th TWO chair barber b-iod for sale. 1100: terms. Call Ifotel ITovt. 10th snd Hoyt. FOR RENT Hotel with 32 rooms7lB good ioc-ulon. ?.! Hood st FOR RKNT Hotel building., 90 rooms. Inquire 204 Macleay bldg. N . 1 FOR SALE Brickyard In city. Apply McMahon Bros., 43d and Division sts. 20 RESTAURANT ONLY $760, CLOSE TO WASHINGTON ST.. AND CENTRAL LOCATION; DAILY RECEIPTS $80. of , OWNER GOING TO CALIFORNIA. 208 FENTON BLDG I u jtu ot p . i CASH business clearing, $200 per month; - L 1 ou-npr will ftell hplf Interest to- rleht man who can devote his time, for $100 per month; small amount of money I needed. 807 Oerllnger bldg keeping, cheap rent, long lease, worth $2000: price for 3 days $1200. 320 Swet land ridg.. tun and vvasn. $250 Partner wanted; strictly cash business; pay energetic man $4 day experience not necessary. Particulars 244 Stark St. OLD established real estate man want! partner to show land, $150 per month and better. Call Saturday 10 to 11 o'clock, 307 Oerlinger bldg , j WANTED Small transient house, cen I tral. with lease. 1 floor, cheap. 320 I Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. KOOMIXG HOUSES FOB SALE 53 28 ROOMS Housekeeping; rent $85; lease, price $1250. 10 rooms, house keeping. 13th St., rent $40, price $550 rooms, v asblogton. nouseKeeping; cheap at $500. 1 1 rooms. 12 men I boarders. good income, price $500. Terms on most of these and all bar- -Rains. 320 Swetland bldg.. cor. 6th and u-Hiiingion bis. MRS. LENTS' AGENCY. ROOMING HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. 2864 Washington St., rooms 406-407. HELP WANTED MALE WE -want live real estate salesmen for new subdivision; most liberal contract Issued in the city; salesmen are making from. $500 to $1000 a month. ir you are not familiar with the work, come and we Will teach you. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See P. E. Cleland. Call bet. 9 and 11 a. m WANTED Boy 15 or 16 for of fice work. Apply Journal busi ness office. WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof fice clerks, mall carriers, salary $600 to $1600, examinations in Portland soon, 8000 appointments coming, prepar ation free. Write immediately for sched ule. Franklin Institute. Dept S32B, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 o $160 ier month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address. Wali Ington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. MAIL clerks and carriers; Last call. Application must be filed at once. Examination next month. No fee un less qualified. Information free. See Gastonguay, 527 Lumber Exchange, day and evening. WE teach how to operate motion pic ture machines. When competent you can earn from $25 to $50 weekly. We will tell you how. Class now forming. See Newman, 6264 Washington st. WANTED A turned chair factory gen eral repair man who can sharpen knives and set up back knife turning lathes. Oregon Chair Co., 110 Macad am road. WANTED Married men with families can obtain work at Crown Columbia Pulp and Paper Co., Camas, Wash"; steady work for right parties. Apply at mills. DON'T work for wages- make money for yourself; $250 will put you on easy street. For particulars call 626 4 Washington St. near 17th. FINE opening for young man, experi ence not necessary, only small cap ital needed. Call 6 to 8 p. m. 326 4 Washington St., room 416. WANTED Young men to study rail road telegraphy: day and evening classes; ,'ow tuition. Oregon College. 83 6th St., 6th floor. MEM wanted to call and get liberal - terms on stilts to order. Portland Credit Tailors, rooms 309-310 Macleay bldg; take elevator. 286 Washington. WANTED A farm hand for all around work near city, $1 per day and board. Apply 489 Commercial st. WANTED Strong boy about 18 or 20 to learn hardware business. 4 4 3d St., between Ash and Pine. SALESMEN for Rogue river orchard tracts Benson Investment Co., 204 W e 1 1 s Fargo Bldg. MATTRESS maker wanted, Portland Furniture Co., 1249 Macadam road; take Fulton car WANTED A-l furniture salesman; no other heed apply. Martin Furniture Co., 166 1st st. WANTED Elderly man to help the Janitor around the house. Call Helns Apartments. 14th and Columbta. KXPERIENCED shoe salesmen wanted. Sample Shoe Store Co., 1 42 2d near Alder. SOLICITOR wanted and collector 31 0 Macleay bldg. 309- A NO. 1 lanltor. married, J-410, Journal. wants posl- tlon. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership Y. M. C. A. WANTED Men to have their shoes half soled for 50c. 222 2d st. CONCRETE workers wanted. Glenooe schoolhouse. Apply HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 ALL kinds wanted, and supplied. Washington st. room 30. 326 4 WAITRESS wanted Call flwetland's, '1 Morrison st. 269 end 2 WANTED Girls for tailoring, st.. room 2. 109 2d FEEE2 TO BUSINESS CHANCES riCKETS OAK Amusement Park Next Slunday June tli With Cash Want Ads FOR Sraudlay Jomureal Only one to a customer with a Want Ad under any classification. No tickets will be given out on an ad later than S o'clock Saturday night. PHONE YOUR ADS MAIN7173 A 6051 OFFICE OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:30 A. M. to 11:00 P. M. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GIRLS 16 to Id years of age to work in factory. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO, 5th and Davis Sts. I WILL furnish office, desk, typewriter and phone free to experienced business stenographer in return for small amount of work and give privilege of her doing public work. 605 Commercial blk.. from 10 to 12 only. WANTED Good girl for light house work, family of three, no children; nice new home, German, Swedish or Swiss preferred. Call at 93 E. 69th St.. Tab .r Heights, or phone Tabor 1635. STENOGRAPHERS. experienced and beginners, should take our special drills for positions; have more calls than we can fill. Electric Business University, 629 Worcester block. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. LADY partner wanted for dancing school business; little money required Right party can make $100 to $150 per month. Particulars, National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 4 Wash. St.. room 616. WANTED Young girl for housework in small family; must be .willing to go to seaside for the summer. Apply at once 300 Park St. WOMAN for permanent position; must have knowledge of mechanical draw ing. Apply The ' Needlecraf t Shop, 147 4 6th st., near Morrison st. WANTED Al ludy pastry cook to bake for store; must be neat and compe tent; none other need apply. Phone 1-1509. J H A NSKN'S LA DIES' AGENCY. $43 4 Washington st. tot. 7th. tn stairs. Phones A and Main 2692. Carefully selected help free. WANTED A sewing girl, steady posi tion. Call Angeles Dressmaking Par lors. 326 4 Washington St., room 216. COMPETENT girl for cooking and housewoik; small family; one willing to K" co corki fo k.. uavis. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook and good house keeper. 626 East Burnside. GOOD sensible girl, or middle aged woman, as mother's helper; good home, fair wages. 744 1st. WANTED Experienced girl for gene ral housework; no children. 260 Grand ave. N., cor. Multnomah. FOR" GENERA iT housework-at once! small family. Call 261 E. 3d st N., c or. Multnoma h . WANTED Ladles, we bleach, sew. dye remodel hats; dye plumes at 4 price' 3S7 Yamhill st. YOUNG -Irl for housework, small fam- ily. pleasant home. 174 E. 15th st cor. Yamhill. WANTED A housework. young Phone girl Tabor for 867. light WANTE1 Ijdy barber; none but ex 66 4th st. N. perienced need apply. WANTED Girl oi middle aged woman. I. ii noiifieworK. 44 i Kith st. w AM KD- Woman to Dewey Mouse. 26 4 N. niake 3d st. beds. HELP W A NT ED MALE AND FEMALE 20 WANTED Experienced agents to sell photo coupons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Washington St. EXPERT seamstress wanted. Portland Tent and Awning Co, 16 N. Front, THE THE FEEE2 HELP WANTED MALE lfD FEMALE 20 10,000 POSITIONa- . For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $15 to $26 weekly; expert instructor; tools free: write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. $6 N. 4th St.. Portland. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED The new Singer darner, sv thoroughly practical attach ment for any lock stitch sewing ma chine; darns hosiery, underwear, etc.; easily operated, eaves . time; does smooth, durable work; big commissions, tremendous seller: needed In everv I home; splendid proposition for energet ic canvassers, particulars ' at Singer Hewing Macinne stores. 402 Washington, ROSE FESTIVAL window decorations; beautiful rose boquet, sprays of roses and wreaths, eleeant decalcomanlaa. for sale by Eastern Mgrs. Co.. 83 6th; live agents wanted; can make big money. SALESMEN WANTED To book busl- ness In the most promising, popular, paying proposition of the present Out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 03 CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Street Entrance Citjr Hall. Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge. Main 36S6: A-5624. C. R. Hansen Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men, 26 N. 2nd. Main 162. Women. 343 4 Wash. st. Main 269J. Help supplied free to employers. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 MAN just arrived from, east, able to do any kind of . -work, honest, well recommended, speaks 10 languages; fill position aa Interpreter, watchman, rail road or station work, factory, hotel, restaurant saloon or store; thorough business man; can furnish bond and references, for farther information write Nicholas Christoff. General Delivery, livery. SOBER, reliable man, German; wishes position In warehouse. Have good reference from large storehouse In port of New York. Not afraid of any kind of work. LK-29, Journal. WANTED Position as fireman or en gineer, eitner side or river; a vears experience; just from the east; steady and sober. Address E. Mason, Vancou ver, vvasn. t-iDi-rtL,! man wants light work as janitor, watchman or care of horses and cows; no phone. L. K. King, Ar leta, Or. WANT Job as doughnut baker, pies and cakes; good prorit maker; lunch coun ter or coffee house. Williams, 206 Couch st. RELIABLE man wants odd jobs house cleaning, painting, caring Tor lawns, any work. Main 6427. room 11. DRUG clerk wants position, city or country : can handle soda fountain and postal station. L-411. Journal. TWO carpenters will build your houc, plans furnished, Jobbing. Campbell & Strlne, 294 5th st. Main 7268. WANTED Any kind of work bv young man, 22 years oldJ good habits. M 413, Journal. I WOULD like to have a Job in a press ing shop; one year experience. Phono Main 6073. WANTED Work by a steady young man. Address C. E. Potter., Lents, Or. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 LADY with 2 obedient small children will help with household -duties, as sist delinquent pupils, do stenography for board, In or out of city, for sum mer. M-410, Journal. WANTED Nursing by experienced middlo aged woman; maternity case preferred, phone Main 4110. HONEST Japanese girl wishes situa tion at general housework in small family. H. K.. SO 4 3d St.. N. PRACTICAL nurse with several years' experience. Phone B-2060. 132 E. 47th. WANTED Situation as experienced mangle girl. G-414. Journal, MUSIC TEACHERS 46 M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452. Sal mon. Main 7340. Beginners specialty E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Bevcik: A-4160. SS4 Pine. M. 3045. PIANO, Violin. Trombone. Saxaphone Prof, a A, Smith. 292 12th st DRESSMAKING 40 MAN tailored skirts, $3. your own ma terial; suits and costumes. The Elite Tailors, 546 Wash., near 18th St. DRESSMAKING and ladies- tailoring, prices very reasonable, work guaran tecd. East 3376. 370 E. Morrison st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 0 126 14th between Washington and Alder, nicely furnished rooms; modern; ac- commodatlons for transients. Reasonable 494 MORRISON. Newly furnished house keeplng and single rooms, hot water, modern, third floor, flat 10. Main 7252. 162 2d St.. cor. Morrison The Drew bldg.; newly furnished rooms, also housekeeping room: newly remodeled. 1STH and Wash., The Rex, modern fur nished rooms, $10 to $12 per month; also transient: gentlemen preferred. 22 NORTH 11th Furnished rooms In exclusive private bouse, transient or permanent, near business distrl c t. 292 12th Large alcove room, suitable for 2; reasonable: modern, running water; private family; central. 07 6TH Nicely furnished room: gas. bath and phones; centrally located near postofflce. Main 6255. 672 Relmont FrorTt room, well fnr nlshcrf; gas. bath. 10 minutes' walk to business center: reasonable. Hottl Mason VPh Fr- chone and bath. st; per rooms week. NICE cool front room, neatly furnished, i bath and electric light Call 445 S.I 11th, or telephone Main 6S05. THE TEMPLE, 343 4 Yamhill, opposite Hotel Portland. Visitors will And pleasant transient rooms, reasonable. 185 N. 12th st. 3 furnished rooms, also housekeeping rooms, private family; shady place, no children. 363 12th No other roomers; all home like convenience, frdnt room, bth, phone gas. Main 8643. 413 MAIN. Front room, best of furni ture, modern, bath,, phone. Suitable for 2; gentlemen only. LISLE-TALBOT 334 Yamhill, opposite Hotel Portland, block to postofflce, $1 snd up; transient. 289 Montgomery st, modern front room, clean, new bed. private family, gent preferred, t9. NEWLY furnished rooms, 644 Qllsan st, corner 16th; walking distance. 8 or 16th st. car. 306 4 1st st The Newland Hotel Ooo.l. clean beds; electric lights. fl.BO to $3.00 week. 175 14th One furnished single room; all conveniences, $2 per week. Call after 7. , $48 N. 20th st, 1 block 21st st car Nicely furnished cheerful rooms and board; homelike;' modern. Main 8649. 376 YAMHILL Nice sunny front room, one side room; free phones,' free baths; cheap rent; meals if preferred. . 129 14th Desirable -board In private fi modern room and board In private family. Best location; permanent or transient. $31 14TH ST. Small room, light and airy, $1.60 week. A-3158. .410 11th ' st Neatly furnished attic room, wain 6854. 6l Davenport st Portland Height. 4 room furnished flat Phpne A-1789. NICELY furnished room, beautiful pri vate home, walking distance. A-5723. FL'RNISUED rooms, heart of olty, 600 m. wni ami Aiuer, upstairs. 272 6th at, cor. Jefferson The Angelus, modern rooms and apartments. , FURNISHED ROOJUS WEST SIDE 105 4 Wash., between Morrison bridge and Chamber of Commerce New Market Hotel Newly furnished rooms $2 week, near depots, cars, boats as J business; we can accommodate you Main 7315. Front -and Washington. . ilANHATT AH HOTEL 811 Stark, st Center of city, modern, single or en suite. $$ up; transient 6 WASHINGTON, Alder and 17tb ste. The Morris Absolutely new. all out side rooms, strictly modern convea lences. $4 to $7 weekly. . HOTEL LENOX fSk&JTtZHZ furnished rooms at reasonable prices; modern- conveniences. NEWLY and elegantly furnished rooms; electric lights, fine bathroom, every thing up to date, moderate rates. A-5280. Main 543S HOTEL OHIO Large furnished rooms $2.50, housekeeping rooms $3.60, other rooms $2 up; unfurnished suites also. Transient solicited. ' , 750 Lovejoy, corner 23d, opposite Good Samaritan hospital, modern well fur nished front room, private home, $2.60 per week. SI N. 1 7th st near Was'.. Clean neatly furnished rooms, large closet. oatn, neat, electric light. Call nornincra, 742 Lovejoy, near 23d st car, pleasant rooms with or without ooara; nice location; all modern. A-1396. Main 4368. 604 4 WASHINGTON Cool, well fur nished front rooms, near Helllg the atre. Rate to transients very reasonable. 428 Hall st, large front room, elegantly furnished, for 2 young ladles. 415 7th st, cor. Hall Furnished rooma with all conveniences. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE fi2 The T jrrlhP(a' Modern rooms iJUC LxdIIdDCC 227 4 Larrabi s, sin- 227 4 Larrabee St gle or en suite, very convenient, home privileges, everything ' new, prices rea sonable. THE LAMBERT. 23 4 Union a;e. Single rooms, $1.60 to IJ.ffO; right housekeeping rooms, $2.00 . to $3.00; transient, zsc up. , - 244 4 Russell A nicely furnished 2 room suite, phone and bath. Call or phone East 6840. 446 E. Clay 1 or 2 newly furnlshod rooms; bath and ' phone. In private lamuy close in. 331 LARRABEE 3 nicely furnished rooms upstairs for housekeeping; reasonable rates. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 67S Washington, cor. 21st 6 room apart ment; bath, etc. Inquire at grocery store. 171 KING, suite 12 Modern quiet un furnished room, beautiful view. ROOMS AND BOARD IS YOUNG men, If you want first class room and board, $5.50 and $o per week; all conveniences; also table board $4 per week; good home cooking; call at Aster House, 7th and Madison. NICELY furnished room with or with out board. In private home, no board ing house. Phones and bath. Z-19. Jour- HAVE nice large room, with board: home cooking, all conveniences. 107 16th st., near Flanders. Phone M. 6513. 414 4 Jefferson, pleasant room suitable for 2, with board; home cooking; mod ern, reasonable. Main 6983. 652 Morrison Furnished rooms with or without btard ; private famil, home privileges 434 BURNSIDE Nicely furnished rooms with or without board, free bath and phone. Main 667. 455 6th Neatly furnished, airy room. with board, home cooking; modern, convenient; $26. 427 3D Room suitable for with oV without board: i gentlemen; no other boarders. 314 Holladav ave., room and board. phone, bath, furnace heat, walking distance. 18S E. 7th, near Yamhill $5 week for first class room with board, all mod ern. ROYCRE9T, 176 12th st First class rooms, en suite or single, with board GOOD board and room, $5 per week. 293 Columbia st. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD HO FURNISHED room wanted, must be cool and quiet, permanent. H-412 Journal. HOTELS 54 RICHARDS' grill, latest N. Y. styles of n.unty ensnes. 38U Ainer, cor, park. . THE CALUMET HOTEL 150 Park; Eu ropean and American plan. HOTEL PORTLAND. European plan oniy; 3, 10 aajr BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished Or housekeeping. In eluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water. Paths, laundry, reception room. all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms -'.ni) weeg up; Dest in city for money; short distance from Union depot. Take "h or 16th st. cars north, get off at aiar3nan st. rosmveiy no dogs. ROOM and kitchen suitable for persons occupied during day. clean and quiet mou-ern residence. 6Z5 Morrison, near 16th rt. 184 Sherman, South Portland $1.5.0 weeK up, large, c;ean. rurnlshed house keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. 269 COLLEGE st. Three pleasant fur nished housekeeping rooms, sink. Phone Main 6069; rent reasonable. FIVB modern housekeeping rooms, with bathroom and gas; good loca tion. 126 Oaines st. Main SS IS. 255 1 1th near Main One large bay win dow housekeeping room, gas plate; Biiiiaoiw ior two wonting gins. 660 WASHINGTON 2 rooms. 2 en trances: bath, light, ohone: neae Mult nomah club, Nob Hill district 189 W. PARK Furnished housekeeping suites; also transient rooms, very, rea- sonahle- cool, quiet, central. 250 N. 19th, neRr Marshall Furnished housekeeping rooms, also rooms, mod- ern; steam heat; reasonahl e. SUITE of rooms, $15 per month; 1 single room, $ per mon dry, phone. 308 18th Pt th. bath, laun- 628 Morrison st, small room and kitchen in attic, suitable one person, clean, modern residence. 603 4 Alder The Collins Irge light nicely furnished suites, single Keepmg rooms, t't rp. 208 13TH 2 small rooms. 3d floor. Ill- desirable suite, same floor, $9; bath. phone. 3d and Morrison sts. housekeeping suite, furnished complete, $20. Cara brtdge bldg., room 36. $83 rooms, furnished for housekeep ing. Haverstlc A Galeger, Lumber Exchange, room 828. 348 12TH ST. 3 large unfurnished rooms, with light and heat, sink in kitchen; reasonable. 629 RALEIGH st, light housekeeping also Bleeping rooms, private family, $J per week and up. 355 Salmon Nicely furnished house keeping rooms; modern; reasonable. Phone Main 3961. 490 Morrison The Hyland Two suite first class furnished housekeeping- apunmnnta. . 606 Davis Cool front rooms, veranda single or- en suite, 8 blocks north of Washington. ' 474 Washington st, 1 room house to rent and several housekeeping rooms. Main 2607, $H 14TH. corner Clay, clean, light" con venlent 1 and $, room housekeeping suite. .' - . '..; 2(8 4 Front st. A suite of 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. $2.60 a week. ' t keeping rooms, t Main 4519. .- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . ' . WEST SLUE WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, west side river. 2 rooms $8 month; S for tit to $16; front part cottage. $ln; cottage, 6 rooms, $20. Apply 364 N. 26tn; 16th St. car on Washington to 26th., south half block. 10S N--18th st Nicely furnished house keeping rooms en suite; running Water, walking distance, fine loeation. reasonable. THE C0LHKS Alder, new management. Fur- nlshed housekeeping rooms, $1.75 tip HOUSEKEEPIXG ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 814 Grapd ave.. corner of Washington, finely furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance; gas ranges. bath, phone, electricity; reasonable. 411 E; Washington st $14 per month; 3 room cottage, unfurnished, 4 bloc'.c from carline, in East tide business c-.-n-ter, no children. Hawthorne and Grand ave. Ihe H.'i ler Furnished rooms. 2 or 3 en nit.!. all modern conveniences; both phor.-a. 132 4 Grand, cor East Morrison S'x upstairs rooms, good place for office or living rooma. Inquire candy store. 208 4 Stanton fct. U. ca-r" fO"5 week up. clean furnished housekeeping rooms. bath, 'sundry, furnace heat, yard. FOUR furnished housekeeping roomy; gas, electricity. 1212 Moore st.,. Pied mont. Phone Woodlawn 1035. 60 4 Grand ave: N. 13 a week house keeplng rooms, complete. Call at Winters block, vpstalis. 474 E. Washington st $15 per month. 4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement and yard; -no children. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 269 Wheeler, bet. Clackamas and Wasco. TWO house.kfteplng rooms, bath, and gas, reasonable. 623 Kerby St. 304 E. Morrison The Leonard House- Housekeeping and furnished rooms. 425 E. Burnside at. cor. 6th, furnished housekeeping rooms In modern flat. 273 Hassalo st, 4 unfurnished house keeping rooms. Phone 1854. FOR KENT HOUSES WHEN you move you always need new, furniture. Buy at no rent prices; tbe saving "Mir exceed cost of moving. We own our own building; occupy) one half; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and B. Stark. Phone B. 2929. HOUSES FOR RENT. We have daily Inquiries for houses,, If you have one for rent let us list it for you. Terms very reasonable. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 2454 Stark St. tuK RENT Good modern 7 room house,. also use of barn; fine location on MaU lory ave. Onlv $20. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 610-611-612 Swetland Bldg. WHEN you find the house you will! want a nice piano. We rent new pi-1 anos at $4 and $5 per month; all rent money later applied toward purchase Sherman Clay & Co., opposite postofflce. 11th and E. Harrison- cement basement. furnaVe. 2 carllnea. large porches, side yard; use of gas ra n ge; somethl n g nl ce. Bel Iwood 69. WE have houses, furnished and unfur nished flats to rent. Main 3799. Hick man & Hindle. 218 Lumbermen's bldg.. corner 6th and Stark. FOR RENT Cottage, furnished or not. cneap. 76 1st, cor. uibbs. 668 QUIMBY, between 20th and 21st sts. 8 large rooms, bath, hot water heater. fire place, gas stove, $30. M. 1765. Ref erences required, FOR RENT Modern new b room house on E. 29th st. near Kllswort sightly. Phone Sellwood 765. Sam He. SIX- room modern house, tTnTecT nice yard. Alblna. $20 per month. Pioneer Realty Co.. 1 89 ,4th. Both phones. $14 -Mllwaukie, opposite - new Ladd Addition; tine view; 6 rooms, earden. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 69. FOR RENT 4 room house with bath, hot and cold water; large yard. 70$ Kearney. Fox & Co.. 209 2d at. 10 ROOM house, large. pleasant grounds, fruit, free water. 227 E. 49th st. Phone Tabor 623. 749' Mississippi ve. South side ddiiblo house. 6 rooms, nice yard, modern." lift per month. 3 all 7 ROOM house, partially furnished. across steel bridge, $25. Owner, room 320, Worcester blk. SEVEN large rooms, 4 blocks Holladay school; gati, electricity, fireplace. Ap ply 48 th st. N. 44f MAIN ST. For rent, modern S roomed house, with bath. Inquire 394 Salmon st. MODERN 9 room house. 211 N. 234 st. Key at corner stand Phone Main 8023. ' 69 ROOSEVELT Modern 6 room house. Inquire 771 Roosevelt st. 6 ROOM house, $10, back of 765 E. Oak. Phone B-1040. CHERRY orchard and house for rent or lease. I'hone Jersey 311. St. Johns. 828 4 Mill st. near 7th Up to date flat of 6 rooms, for adults.' Main 7839. MODERN 6 room cottage, close In. Morris st. Phone V00dlawn 862. 100 FOR RENT Modern 6 clean and nicely tinted. room house: East 798. 769 ROOSEVELT 6 room modern house. Inquire 771 Roosevelt st. 647 E. 21ST $16; modern 6 room cot tage with gas. Main 7740. 1i Michigan ave. 8 room bouse clean good order, with oath; $16. 844 GRAHAM ave., 1 8 room house for rent, bath and gas. MODERN 6 room cottage, 446 Union ave. N. $22. K. 46Z. 446 E. Clay For rent a 6 room house In good condition. FURNISHER HOUSES 80 FIVE room newly furnished house. lawn, roses, fruit, garden, near car and 20 minutes' walk to town; rent' cheap to right party. 365 Sacramento st. WELL furnished cottage, $20 month or unfurnished. $16: west side river. 737 Chamber or commerce. SEVEN room modern house furnished. full lot, fruit trees, lawn. Home pnone B-10I6. . HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SAIiE S3 NOTICE. Furniture for 4 room flat for sale at any reasonable price. Call A-3215 be tween 1 and 6 p. m. . BOARDING house, 7 rooms; good fur niture; ell the boarders you want. Rent $30; furniture $300. 344 4th St. Main Z309. TEN room house for rent, furniture of same for sale; excellent location; win sell cheap. 446 3d st A-1725s or Main 63. GOOD 40 room rooming house, good business, long lease, furniture tor sale; a bargain If taken quick. East 3375. . FLAT to rent, furniture for sale, of rooms, $350; piano $150. Phone- A-d;w:i. 886 4th st. 211 12th 10 room house, completely furnished, roo 's full: opposite tne White Temple; reasonable. 128 13TH ST. New furniture. 5 roo m s. oak and blraseve dressers. Eood tran sient location; rent $20. 77 PARK 9 rooms, all occupied; well furnished: choicest location. Baraa n for cash; no agents. 29 14th Small rooming house for sal by owner, cheap for cash, if taken Immediately. . S ROOMS, modern bungalow, lawn, etc.. new furniture ror rent or sale. Owner B584 Yamniu, $08 10th Furniture of 18 rooms for sale by owner. Rooms all full: easv terms.' c' - 20 ROOMS, close In,' west side; good proposition; agents: cbeao rent. A-1181. . .-- , $4 Jackson, furniture of ( room cottage tor bhib cneap n innen st onee rent 116. IOUSE for rent, furniture of 10 rooms 8