' J- 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 2. 1909. 11 FOR RALF FARMS DON'T WASTE TIMK I.OOKTM. FOR RAKFM'.S UT T '''.- : and see us and 'K .i. SHOW YOU KLAMATH I'AIXS BARGAINS THAT WILL J'A'st YOU MORK MONEY T 1 A CATCHING RAFFLES WE AN SELL TOC LAND FliOM JU UP WHERK THEY RAISE J. CROPS THAT TAKE PRIZES WHKREVKl: SHOWN. .Some of Our Farm Buys Worth Reading 422 Acres 1 miles from Cottage Grove; (rood road. gooj btllMin-'s; orchard in beariiig and 1" ttcies new orchard set out io Ppitzcn bergs in fine shape: acres in cultivation, and . :p and ;i pond dairv and stock r;tn. h. Price $..' per sere. :4 ms'i nn.l balance at 6 per cer.t io suit :ur. Laser. 125 Acre.s On 8. P. R. R. ; schoolhouse on place; 20 acres In cultivation; 6 room hous, Rood orchard. In bearing, 10 acres s.-dnl t. gras. balance of land i o ei ed with tim ber for piling and kh1 timber and Wood, all fenced and w ater piped Into the house. 2 icod springs anil creek on tlie place. Price $50 per acie. 158 Acres Same as above; county road running through place; B room bouse finished and 2 large barn and other buildings, all fenced and cross fenced; water piped Into house, and f.o acn-s In cul tivation and now In fine crop; 2.000.000 feet pood saw timber and the balance seeded to pas ture, i-rlce $60 per qcre. 96 Acres 5 miles from Cottage Grove; 15 acres in cultivation and crop; pood buildings, good orchard in bearing, fine pasture, 3 fine spring 1 ranches on the place, can be used for irrigating. 2 horses. i cows, chickens, buggy and all machinery also cream separator. Price $3500. A Banner Dairy Farm 700 acres In 'Willamette valley: SCO acres in crop and .clover and alfalfa: 2 large -new houses, 3 large barns and one is 137x71 feet.' and has two silos in and gasoline rig for cutting silo and feed and sawing wood; also 2. 600. 000 feet of fine saw timber. Price $45 per acre. Might consider some trade. The Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. Wealth in Strawberries READ THIS CAREFULLY. fltrn tt'horrifa ac In rvA a a ft ViAn'M frSTSt and in flavor as delicious as the famous Hood River product are being sold on the streets or Portland every nay ny A GILT-EDGE mortgage of $4750, bear i. P. Walking. From Ms acre of Marshall ng e per cent Interest, on a highly berries Mr. Marshall marketed last sea- i improved farm in the famous Logan son 1SI6 boxes and this was the first ' country. Clackamas onntv, Oregon. Ad crop they had ever borne. Journal, June dross fj. D. Nicolai, Great Falls, Mont. 1st, '09. He Is .farming near Portland. l business nmno In two .1 i . : ..v., ?f j?e ."1,'St e,.r1y ."5 SO acres a crow ever fjew over, all In a high i state of cultivation except 4 acres or ffrnutf with n iee tit'ln? stream and spring, richest loam soil, laving Just as ' A PARTY wanted able to take $3000 you would have it, no rock or gravel. I worth of stock In a water power com nroduces abundantly anv crou. only ll pany and take position at salary of miles from Morrison bridge, right at school : only $120 per acre small amount . down, balance easy, l per cent. LISTEN AGAIN. 10 acres, all in cultivation. 15 room house, 2 acres fine orchard, right ut school and church, store, and only 4 mites Trom ac canine, icve giaveieu MAcHlNE repair shop, partner wanted, road all way richest of land, no rock I ,500 require,!, profits very large, ex nr gravel, ideal for berries or any crop ,lerlt,m,e llot meessar.y, as owner will for that matter: price onlv $2400. terms. 'farh V(,u (he bugn,,SH. Particulars 5 acre, all In cultivation, richest of i lpL st- . land, no rock or gravel. 3 room house. RELIABLE real estate, man, alone, barn, chicken houses, etc.. 9 miles cen- j wa its partner to show land, e o.; en r ..it,. k.1aH mart rttrht at.Prgetie man can clear $200 month: llt- mall town. 1 horse. 1 cow. new buggy and harness, 5 dozen chickens, all im plements, etc. ; only $1600. terms. Hargrwe acdl Seas 113 6th st. N. cor. 6th and Glisan. Also Arleta. Main 4381. LITTLE FARMS. 8 acres 3 under plow. 5 in small house and barn. I pasture, 2 miles from Hillsboro; $1450,, terms. I acres mostly cleared, family orchard, buildings poor, 2 miles from Forest Grove; $1250, terms. 10 acres 9 acres cleared and in crop . Including 1000 grape vines, no buildings; $1650, terms. 12 acres 8 under plow. 16 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric; $2600. 20 acres 6 acres cleared, 1 acre or chard, 6 acres clover, small house and barn and good well, 175 apple trees. 1 acre straw- I net ries, fs niuea num in- couver; $2350. A DANDY PLACE 15 acres 60 acres under cultivation. 5 acres timber, balance in pas ture, good 7 room house, barn 40x60, well at house and w'ell at barn, also springs. All fenced with good fence. Largo family orchard. Quarter mile to district school, 2 miles - from Forest Grove; an. excel lent dairy farm; price, includ ing crops. $85"0. terms. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Kouth St. H Board of Trade Bldg. 7; ACRES; choice countrv borne, C5 I shop for sale In growing suburb, lots bearing fruit trees, grape's, all kinds ' of work on hand, must leave town. L- of berries; 5 room house and barn, level i 41 4. Journal. . land, all cultivated, , 5 minutes to R'y. I WANTED-- Partner; best opportunity station. 17 miles from Portland: this i to get real estate business In Port is an extra nice place. Price $3200. j land; investigate this. 1 422 Union ave. N. f.T. acres. 43 In cultivation, some fruit, 6 room house, barn and hop house, 3 ' miles to good town, 17 miles from port land. Price $7000. . 21 acres, 10 acres In cultivation, 700 i f'uit trees, S roora house, barn, water, good soil, 4 miles from town; $2000. 40 acres, 25 In cultivation, fruit, house and barn, 2V miles from town, 17 miles from Portland; $36'."). 140 acres. mill from streetcar line. fit acrtb in cultivation, nrjw house. Iiatu. dry kiln. liing wat plements rind stock ko with piai is extra good; $15,000' Terms can be made on a!; above R. M, GATEW' ml ' & ft I. H.'.f.Vj 4t!i s'. room i, liii ; soil the MultBpmah County Lsnls 160 acre's hi Sarin v river, i.iilcs east f roin coo i t lii'use, mile sunt!, from Base Line road. 4 aens under eu!ti a tion: 4" acres fenced : good w , 11. smull bearing orchard, small house, birn. :;.. acres richest Kind of onion land, about 3500 cords, of woo! can be cut c. the place; can be hauled to Troutd.iie for 0 wnts per cord; will net a profit of $2 per cord; will pay twice what the land cost; this land is fine for fruit or potatoes: land sells In this part of Mult nomah county for $150 per acre. Price for the above land is only $3500; terms. 88 acres on the Base Line road. 22 miles east of courthouse, splendid land for fruit, potatoes, or dairy, fin drain-i age, plenty outside range for cattle; i onlv $20 per acre: j cash SWEDISH LAND A COLONIZATION' COMPANY, -: - 211 Worcester bldg. ; A SNAP 10 acres, 38 In crop, good" 9 room house, born and outbuildings; stock and Implements; mile from ! 8. P. depot, echoolhouse ami church. Apply to Bok-1, Reedville. Or. KLAMATH Falls additionISO ares, I milt from town, S. miles of build-Ins- frontage. flOO nor acre- T. O, Hague, $17 Worcester Mrtg.. I'ortland. CHRKF county, arm for sale by Th"i H. Blacks. me. Ridgtfield. Wash POR F1UMT nd rrrr, lands. Dil- lsr4 Clayton. Ropbnrr Or. JvilRY Tor sale rhwiPi must aell at Once, I 'hone Sell wood 219 FOR SALF FARMS A Snap fcr Someone .'. acres, all in cultivation, nice nil level; good house and barn, ..r. hard. household furniture, horse hnegv, cow. chickens and all small t.iols. At edge of city limits: price $25'''0 -$.rn0 down, tialn'hre on easy terms at 7 per rrni. Ec P. Elliott & Co. Stratton bldg., Oregon City, Or. !a FEW arte tracts in Reaverton; all gnrot'ii lini; small amount, balance j easy l mis. f. a c 1 1 if heaver dam at Beaverton; ! annual production J2.',on per year; $4200, i soni-i terms. j , THE STROUD-FRY CO, 5 1 : Lumber Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE TIMI5ER 28 j Everett & McLeod FOR UMBER Room 206 Rothch lid bldg. WE HAVE 160 acres of yellow pine, county cruise 3, 000.000. near sawmill, easily accessible, for only $2700, be cause owner Is hnj'd up and must sell. Volgt A: Golden, 326 Washington St., room 214. DO VOU want a good timber claim? If so see me at once. I can locate you. C. A Duncan. 71!i Rnird of Trnde bldg. HEAVY timbered claims and first Class relinquishments for sale. C. E, 8lrtne.426hamberof omBlSrS. Oil ES T E A D felin y. u i s lui ien U 7,500,000 feet yellow fir. f miles from village, good roid, small house and barn; price 20(i 617 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 HEADQUARTERS for homesteads; 2 claims in Hood River valley, 1 to 3 miles from R. R. and town; several fine claims In I.ake county; come In and see what other people say about their claims we located. The John P. Johns ton Co.. UOl Buchanan hldg., 286 Wash. WE can locate you on land In central Oregon, level as a floor, finest soil on earth; plenty of water; near tim ber and town; close to railway survey. DENNIS & BEAMKR CO.. 401 Merchants' Trust Bldg. EIGll T homesteads. Joining, near Port land: locating fee. $1 per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. CLAIMS located In Lake county of 320 acres: fine soil, no rocks; fee $100. Ty-410. Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 MOTION picture machines for sale, latest Independent films for rent. If you want to get service preventing re peaters in vour town, here we are, the iLeammle Film Service, 214-216 Wells- I i.eammie film bervlce. 1 largo. Portland. new townsites. Proierty free to those ! who will go into business COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade- hldg. $2400 yearly to start with. A. N. Searle, E . G 1 i k a n s t . an d 76th st. M. V. car. PARTNER wanted for store to check goodsy kerp plain accounts; will guar antee good salary, also share profits; small capital required. Particulars 2 8 Vte Stark st. tie money required. Particulars 248 4 sitark St. Ft M SALE An up to date drug store. In best sawmill town in Willamette valley, at invoice; oVner going to Eu rope. Address Druggist. il-40fi, Journal. BOARDING house, 23 rooms, must sell account sickness, newlv furnished, 18 good boarders, $650. Take S car, get off Lane St.. 974 Macadfim. Main 4802. FOR SALE cheap, the Second German i M. E. church building: must sell this week. Give us an offer. Phone Wood lawn 1094 or cal" at 318 Stanton. CON'KE."TIONERY, good location, "cheap rent, 4 living rooms; will sell cheap on account sickness. Owner. 731 Wlll lams ave. Woodlawn 1862. ' I WOULD like to buy a small paying , business in or near Portland; no agents, prefer to deal with owner; give j particulars. R-405. Journal. iRSTA NRANT -Best huv in city, one worth iat") ror Mt: free rent, light and water; or will trade for anything o value, in N. 5th st. WANTED Hardware store in Jive WTT amette valley town; must do good business; all particulars In first letter. I Box 3, Lebanon. Or I RELIABLE partner wanted, used to j farm products; will guarantee good j salary, also share profits. Particulars' 248H Stark st. j 1 4E Hotel News, PorTTand'B new paper, ! distributed free dally on overland i passenger trains. 215 Oregonian bldg. j Phone A-3792 PAINTERS opportunity: Well equipped WANTED 'to buy some second hand mo tors, either direct or alternative; also shafting and hangers. 413 Fenton hldg $250, partner wanted, must be satisfied with $18 to $25 a week; experience unnecessary. Particulars 248 H Sturk. $2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 50e7 Rose City Prlntery, new management. 192H 8d st.. Just above Baker theatre. FOR SALE Small grocery store In good residence district; will sell cheap on account other business. 33 E. 26th. 37 COW dairy for sale; plenty of pa.s- ; ture. reran route, close in; easy terms; i must be sold at once. Phone Main 787S. $200 takes a good grocery and confec tionery store. If sold at once; living rooms; owner going east. 192 E. 35th. Kit; snap, restaurant, well north $ 400 ; yours if taken quick. $200. 326 Washington St., room 414. SIXTEEN room boarding house, 5 years', standing: 20 boarders, good location; lvirsaln. Phone B-2106. FOR SALE Meal market, cheap if taken in a few days, owner leaving ; c;! L-413. .journal : I t IR SALE Grocery store at invoice; ! clean stock; good location; cheap rent. D-404. Journal. I ATTENTION- We have cash buyers for ; city property, farms or paying busl ; ness. MU 4th St. DOWNTOWN restaurant and lunch I 1 counter, $600, worth $1000. Inquire 4 til st EMPLOYMENT and real estate office: good location; want partner. Phone Main 6766. UNE $15)0 berta st.. Morrison. grocery store. North AI for $1200. Trader. 291 Va LADY wants a partner in well paying restaurant: little money down; snap. 289 2d st. TWO chair barber siiop for sale, $100; terms. Call Hotel Hoyt. 10th and Hoyt. 18 room house on 6th St.. clearing $100 monthly, for $550; terms. 15 N. 5th. Lj.Y wants partner In pressing and cleaning business. 271 Taylor st. LARUE and small restaurant for sale on Irstalltnf-nt plan. 289 2d st FOR RENT Hotel wtfh 22 rooms. in I good iocMion. 631 Hood i j BUSlk'EPB clearing $50 per j sale cheap. A-100, Journal. $31 Hood st week, fqr 20 SALOON BARGAIN Fine 6th st. prop osition, good lease, corner, fine, clean stock. Individual license. National cash teglster, safe, new piano, pool tabid, etc.; good business. Will stand closest investigation and Is offered at '4 less than actual value, as owrier'wther bus iness demands Immediate .ttention. Spina k up quick If you want something good. 73 N. 6 111 st. Howls This? Old established grocery, connected to 4 room dwelling, on improved choice quarter block; $1600 only for buildings and ground, slock at invoice. Falling health reason for sale. Investigate, Its a great snap. Keystone Realty Co., 212 Allsky bldg. Grocery Store for Sale For a rapidly growing district, no op position, large store with living rooms attache.!, built lit", corner lot, 50x10(1, owner leaving city, must bo sold quick; price less Hum $2000, terms If desired. THE PATTERSON GIBBS Ct.. 341 Sherlock bldg. . I WANT a man who has from $250 to $500 cash to invest in a substantial proposition for tho summer months; chance to muke from $10 to $150 a day elear profit. Don't call if you are broke. I mean business and with a live partner can get big money during the next four months. See Newman, 526 Washington st. REST A (.'RANT ONLY' ONE IN BOOM TOWN; CLOSE TO PORTLAND; EL EGANT FIXTURES; CLEARING BIG MONEY; JEST THE PLACE FOR MAW AND WIFE; OWNER HAS OTHER IN TERESTS; ONLY $960. 208 FENTON BLDG., 84 6TH ST. GROCERY STORES WE HAVE THEM IN" ALL S12ES AND PRICES, AND EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. COME IN AND INVESTIGATE. BUSINESS INVESTMENT CO., 208 FENTON, BLDG., IL-TiLJT- BEST chance ever offered for one or two men to get into real estate busi ness; well established, well located, cheap rent, fine list of property, con tracts and buyers are doing the business; don't bother us unless you mean busi ness. We have reasons. L-415, Journal. SALOON First class corner, remodeled, everything new; doing a business from $40 a day and up; must leave at once on account of sickness; license and rent included; very reasonable If taken quick; part cash. Apply Scott ho- iei nar. GR K'EKV STORE Well located in good suburb, old established partner ship business; wi'l sell at Invoice for cash. This Is well worth looking into, as owners have other business desiring their attention; no agents. M-395, Jour nal. GROCERY on east side, close in; first class location; has good trade; will Invoice about $3300. Spencer & Cc 102 Second St. ROOMING HOUSE, ELEGANT FUKNl TUKE. CLOSE TO WASH. ST., 14 ROOMS: 2 ROOMS PAY RENT; ONLY $350 DOWN, BALANCE $25 A MONTH. .' 208 FENTON BLDG., M 6T1 1 ST. ROOMING house, well located for either transient or permanent roomers; well furnished, clean and modern; now clear ing $90 a month Prica Including good upright piano. $1400. Astor rooming house, 146 Grand ave. CONFEli'TlONtORY AND ICE CREAM PARLOR, FINE LOCATION, GOOD FIXTURES; DOING BIG BUSINESS ?S50. 208 FENTON RLDG. 84 Sixth St. FOR SALE Patented automobile cir cle, entirely new amusement, suitable for parks, big money maki r. particulars address. Walter Harling, Tunncr, Wash., King Co. ' 24 ROOMS on Washington St., brick bldg., long lease, always full; $ltf0U; will trade for valuable property and part cash. 16 5th St. N. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 BRICK BUILDING 77 room rooming house within 3 blocks of 3d and Alder St., rent $250 month. 2 years' lease; want partner: half interest $1500. Main 6766. Trader. 291 H Morrison. MRS. LENTS' AGENCY. ROOMING HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. 286H Washington st.. rooms 406-407. MINING STOCTt 08 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE THE CALUMET BUENA VISTA MINES MILLING & SMELTING CO.. 209 Aitskv bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts.. offer to the public the first block of their copper stock In the Seven Devils mining district at S Celts Per Share This offer lasts for a few days only. Won't delay. Piione Main 966. Office open even i rigs from 7 :3to 9 o'clock. INCREASE BUSINESS. Multtgraph letters, envelope address ing. Rose City Bus. College. Main 8225. MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and ofd. C. S. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bids;. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 268 Stark st.. room 1 9. HELP WANTED MALE Lathers Wanted Wood and metallic lathers wanted. Apply at 4tn and Oak, or phone Tabor 706. Kittle X- A,msdcn. WE teach how to operate motion pic ture machines. When competent you can earn from $25 to $50 weekly. We will tell vou how. Class now forming. See Ne wjrn a n 526V4 Washingt on St. WANTED 1 6 first class advertising solicitors; big money for good men. Call 424 Mnrquam hldg., bet. 9 and 12. WANTED Experienced window shade maker and hanger. Inquire drapery d e pa r t m ent. Tu II ft Gibbs Co. WANTED A farm hand for all round work, near city. $1 per day and board. Apply 4f9 Commercial st. SALESMEN for Rogue river orchard tracts. Benson Investment Co., 204 Wells Fargo Bldg. WE secure positions for our members. S pec ial m em bershlp Y. M. C. A. 2C A II PEN T ER S wanted. E. 27th and Clackamas. C. C. White. GOOD painters wanted, lamook st., early. Call 31? Til- BUSINESS CHANCES HALF CENT A. WORD Looking for a Situation ? Fill this form and mail to THE JOURNAL RATE 20 Words, One Time, 10 Inclose Ten Cents and Describe the Position You Seek TEN CENTS This expenditure brings you to the attentiqn of the employers of Portland 'HONE YOUR AD! MAIN 7173 A 6051 OFFICE OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:30 A. M. to 11:00 P. M. HELP WANTED MALE WK want live real estate salesmen for new subdivision; most liberal contract issued in the city; salesmen are making from $500 to $1000 a month. If you are not familiar with the work, come and we will teach you. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200-204 Chamber of Commerce. See P. E. Cleland. Call bet. 9 and 11 a. m. WANTED Railway mall clerku. postof fioe clerks, mail carriers, salary $600 to J1600. examinations in Portland soon, 8000 appointments coming, urepar ation free. Write immediately for sched ule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 332B. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN earn $2000 to $10,000 year ly. We teach salesmanship by mall in 6 weeks and secure you position as trav eling salesman with reliable firm; write for free book "How Salesmen Succeed." Bradstreet System, Dept. 15, Rochester, N. Y. " WANTED Salesmen; many make $105 to $150 ier month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address. Wash ington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. IVLVL73 clerics and carriers; Last calf. Application must be filed at once. Examination next month. No fee un less qualified. Information free. See Gastonguay, 527 Lumber Exchange, day and evening. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GIRLS 16 to 18 years of age to work in factorv. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO.. 6th and Davis Sts. I W ILL furnish office, desk, typewriter and phone free to experienced business stenographer In return for small amount of work and give privilege of her doing nubile work. 605 Commercial blk.. from 10 to 12 only. WANTED Good girl for light house work, family of three, no children; nice new home, German, Swedish or Swiss preferred. Call at 93 E. 69th St., Tab ir Heigh t s. or phone Tahor 1635. STENOGRAPHERS. experienced and beginners, should take our special drills for positions; have more calls than we can fill. Electric Business University, 629 Worcester block. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43 H Washington St., cor. 7th, up stairs. Phones A and Main 2692. fareful 1 v bp I ected help free. WANTED By young married couple. with no children, lady to do house work In 5 room bungalow, reasonable salary. 1082 E. 13th St. N. WANTED Girl. 14 to 16 years old, to care for 2 small children and to help with housework; $10 per month, room and board. 306 '- 1st St. WANTED Young men to study rail road tel'.-graphy; day and evening classes; low tuition. Oregon College, 83 5th .t . 5th floor. WANTED i oung ladles to study com mercial telegraphy; day and evening classes; low tuition. Oregon College, 83 ."th st.. 5th floor. COMPETENT girl for cooking and housework; small family; one willing to go to const, 495 K. Davis, WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook and good house keeper. 626 East Hurnslde WANTED Experienced girl for gene ral housework; no children. 260 Grand ave. N, cor. Multnomah. WAJED SaTeslady'that knows howlo alter suits; none but experienced need apply. L-412, Journal. WANTED Girl or Woman for general housework; good wages. 212 E. 30th. Tahor 76S, B-1634. WANTED A middle aged woman to do chamber work; unencumbered lady. 13 IS North 6th st. WANTED Girls to learn machine washing and Ironing. Yale Laundry, 500 E. Morrison. FOR GENERAL housework at once: small family. Call 261 B. d St. N., cor. Multnomah. WANTED Indies, we bleach, sew, dye, I remodel hats; dye plumes at U price. 387 Y'amhill st. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 YOUNG -M for hoiiaePwofkV smalt-fit rn ily, pleasant home. 174 E. 16th st., cor. Yamhill. 251 6th Nlcelv furnished bedroom; cool, small. Just right for one; $1.75 week. WANTED Glii or middle aged woman, general housework. 447 10th st. DRESSMAKER wants experienced help; also apprentice. u I mamooK st. WANTED A young: girl for light housework. Phono Tabor 867. WANTED Girls for tailoring. 109 2d St., room 2. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduate laat year; men and wo men learn barber trade In t weeks: help tx secure positions; graduates earn $15 to $26 weekly: expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalog;. Moler System of Colleges, 36 N. 4th St.. Portland. 2000 PEOPLE wanted to pick and pack strawberries; plenty of work; pickers are scarce and crop iz large. Families should come prepared to camp. For fur ther particulars write Hood River Fruit growers' union, Hood River, Or WANTED i-Boys and girls ao sell rose carnival souvenirs; no money re quired. 848 Oak, corner 7th. Call be tween 4 and 6. WANTED Experienced agents to sell photo icoupons. C. Elmore Grove, S62 Washington st. EXPERT seamstress wanted. Portland Tent and Awning Co.. 16 N. Front. WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN WANTED To book busi ness in the most promising, popular, Faying proposition or the present. Out it free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Street Entrance City HalL Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge. Main 8666: A-6624. C R. Hansen Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men, 26 N. 2nd. Main 1526. Women, 343 H Wash. st. Main 2692. Help supplied free to employers. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 MAN just arrived from east, able to do any kind of work, honest, woll recommended, speaks 0 languages; fill position as interpreter, watchman, rail road or station work, factory, hotel, restaurant, saloon or store; thorough business man; can furnish bond and references, for fi.rther Information write Nicholas Christoff. General Delivery, livery. MIDDLE rged man, first class en gineer, would like to get position as engineer or fireman; sober and steady; have held one position for 11 years In the east. E-4 0 4 , Journal. A SOBER experienced engineer who passed engineer's examination, with license for stationary hoi sting: engine; have knowledge of electric motors. W. C. 274, Journal. W7 "M7" B U RDE N-tin d e r t a k esa7rH k 1 n 1 1 s of house and .lanltor work: punctual ity and satisfaction guaranteed. 268 Jefferson St.. Portland, OrJMaln 6920. YOUNG man, good education and best of character, would like to get In touch with you on dairying farm, pro duce or real estate.- F-407, Journal. WANTED Position as practical man Vlth " ence, 3 years as office class references. H-408 bookkeeper, by years' experi manager; first . Journal. WANTED Position with brick mfg. company, by sober, industrious man with 5 years' experience as manager of brick plant. H-407, Journal. WANTED Position by all around com petent carpenter, forer: an or super intendent, 15 years' experience handling men. C-392, Journal. POSITION in real estate office by first class office man, can furnish desk antl typewriter, best of references. M-411, Journal. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, wide expe rience, wishes to make change; will go anywhere. Best of references. D-408, Journal. ELDERLY man wants light work as janitor, watchman or care of horsts and cows; no phone. L. K. King, Ar ieta, Or. JAPANESE structural draughtsman, university graduate, IT. S.. with ex perience, desires position. F-405, Journal. WANTED By young married man. po sition as carpenter's helper, experi enced bridge carpenter. X-406. Journal. YOUNG man wishes to join with party or parties having dramatic sketch for road vaudeville. Q-401, Journal. E)RUG clerk wants position, city or country; can handle, soda fountain and postal station. L-41L Journnl. TWO carpenters will build your house. plans furnished, lobbing. Campbell & Strine, 294 5th st. Main 7268. YOUNG man, high school graduate, wishes active employment. Main 8275 or F-406, Journal. WANTED Any kind of work by young man, 22 years old. good habits. M 413, Journal. WANTED Bv voting man, a steady Job. Phone Tabor 1316. YOUNG man wants H-404. Journal a job; references. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 LADY with 2 obedient small children will help with household duties, as sist delinquent pupils, do stenography for board, in or out of city, for sum mer. M-410, Journal. LADY wants work 1n summer resort; cooking or other work where son can work at soda fountain and ice cream stand. R-407. Journal. EXPERIENCED demonstrator wants position; references; make appoint ment when answering. F-401, Journal. BUSINESS woman, experienced traveler, wants position as same for wholesale house. A-393, Journal, or Main 7857. WANTED Nursing by middle aged, ex perienced woman; maternity cases preferred. Phone Main 4110. GIRL wanted work in ice cream parlor or confectionery store. 445 N. 22d st. Phone A-4749. LADY desires light housework In small e ,. i,.. rot . , . . . . , . itiiuiiy. v.a.ii urn overiwn, Deiween 18th and 19th. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 LACK curtains washed and stretched, 40c per . pair, Phones .Main 6694. A-4092. PRACTICAL nurse with several years' experience. Phone B-2060. 132 K. 47th. WOM.N with girl wants position as nouneneeper. lau at fj. zsin. STENOGRAPHER, reliable, desires po sition. Photle Tabor 447. ' MUSIC TEACHERS 46 50c PIANO, guitar, banlo. msndolln violin. Phone Mrs. Martin, ii 1st sc. riano isti. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 461 Hal mon. Main 7340. Beginners specialty. E. THIELHORN. violin teacher, duU Bevctk; A-4160. 4 Pine. M. 804 PIANO, Violin. Trombone, Saxaphone- Prof. O A. Smith. 292 12th at DItESSMAKIXG 40 MAN tailored skirts, $3, your own ma terial; suits and costumes. The Elite Tailors, 046 Wash., near 18th st. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring, prices very reasonable, work guaran teed. B-1395. 364 H E. Morrison. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring, 70 ititn st. N. ; summer prices. FUKXISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 205 4 Wash., between Morrison bridge and Chamber of Commerce New Market Hotel Newly furnished rooms $2 week, near depots, cars, boats and business; we can accommodate you Main 7315. Front and Washington. MANHATTAN HOTEL 31 1 Stark st. Center at citjv modern, single or en suite. $3 up; .transient. WASHINGTON. Alder arid 17th sts. ! The Morris Absolutely new, all out- IfW rooms, strictly modern conven iences. $4 to $7 weekly HOTEL LENOX ?urrnl8?eradndMunn: furnished rooms at reasonable prices; modern conveniences. NEWLY and elegantly furnished rooms; electric lights, fine bathroom, every thing up to date, moderate rates. A-5280. Main 5435. HOTEL OHIO Large furnished rooms $2.50, housekeeping rooms $3.50, other rooms $2 up; unfurnished suites also. Transient solicited. 31 N. 17th st. near Waat. Clean neatly furnished rooms, large closets, bath. heat, electric lteht. Call mornlriga. 225 15th. Large room, new furniture. private family, beautiful quiet sur roundlngs: very reasonable. Main 3628. 742 Lovejoy, near 23d St. car, pleasant rooms with or without board; nice location: all, modern. A-1396. Main 4368. 504 WASHINGTON Cool, well fur nlshed front rooms, near Hetlig the- atre. Rate to transients very reasonable. 125 14th between Washington and Alder, nicely furnished rooms; modern; ac commodations for transients. Reasonable 494 MORRISON. Newly furnished house keeping and single rooms, hot water. modern, third floor, flat 10. Main 7252. 361 10th st. Furnished rooms, single or en suite, first -florr. private family, residence district, walking distance. 162 2d st. cor. Morrison The Drew bldg.; newly furnished rooms, also housekeeping room; newly remodeled. 1STH and Wash., The Rex, modern fur nished rooms, $10 to $12 per month; also transtontj gentlemen preferred. 22 NORTH 11th Furnished rooms in exclusive private house, transient or permanent, near business district. 167 17th st.. N, near Irving 3 nicely furnished rooms, choice location; es pecially suitable for gentlemen. 292 12th lrge alcove loom, suitable for 2; reasonable: modern, running water: private family; central. 207 6TH Nicely furnished room; gas, bath and phonos; .centrally located near postofflce. Main 6255. Hotel Mason W.ti Kr "jhone and bath. 5th up St.; per rooms week. 185 N. L2th st. 3 furnished rooms, also housekeeping rooms. ' private family; shady place, no children. 353 12th Nc other roomers; all home like conveniences, front room, bath, phone, gas. Main 8643. 413 MAIN. Front room, best of furni ture, modern, bath, phone. Suitable for 2: gentlemen only. - 269 Montgomery. St.. modern front room, clean, new bed, private family, gent preferred, $9. NEWLY furnished roo 544 Glisan st. corner 16th; 16th st. car. walking distance. S or 306 1st st. The New land Hotel Goo-!. clean beds; electric lights. ' Jl. 60 to $3.00 week 561 Davenport st Portland Heights. 4 room furnished flat. Phone A-17S6. NICELY furnished room, beautiful pri vate home, walking distance. A-5723. 272 6th st. cor. Jefferson The Angelua, modern rooms and apartments. 42S Hall st furnished large front room, elegantly for 2 young ladles. 415 7th st, cor. Hall Furnished rooms with all conveniences. FURNISH E I ROOMS EAST SIDE R2 VERY desirable furnished room; Irving ton, close in. near Broadway car breajefast If desired. Phone E. 1171. 2444 Russell A nicely " furnished ! room suite, phone and bath. Call or phone East 6840. ttl E. Clay 1 or newly- fornish-M rooms: bath and phone, in private family close in. 10 26th Nice front room, use of bath, near carline; private family; no childre n. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 414 Jefferson, pleasant room suitable for 2. with board; home cooking; mod- ern, reasonable. Main 5983. 28S 4TH Clean, well furnished rooms. with strictly home cooking; reason able rates. Near City hall. Mnri.iin-.1?iirnl,hA rrnn m ,t,V. or without beard ; private famll, nttme privilege 466 6th Neatly furnished, airy room, with board, home cooking; modern, convenient; $26 427 3L Ttnnm with or without htm rH ' suitable for 2 gentlemen; no other boarders. 314 Hollatlay ave., room and board, phone, hath, furnace heat, walking distance. " 183 E., 7th. near Yamhill $5 week for first class, room with board, all mod ern. ROYCREST. 175 12th St. First class rooms, en suite or single, with boarl. . ; ; r-2 GOOD board and room, $5 per week. 29j Columbia st. WANTED ROOM AND BOAHD 89 TWO young ladles employed during the day, would like room and board. V-13, Journal. WISH to have board and room with Norwegian famtly. H-403. Journal. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 107 N. 17TH 3 unfurnished rooms, with alcove, or will rent separately; gas, bath, phone, walking distance. NEW 3 room flat; gas; $10. Single rooms, $3.50. 190 Market' Main 6864. HOTELS 34 RICHARDS' grill, latest N. T. styles of dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor. Park. THE CALUMET HOTEL, 160 Park; Eu- ropean and American plan. HOTEL PORTLAND. European., plan only: $3, $6 day. BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 10s N. 18th st. Nicely furnished house keeping , rooms en suite; running water, walking distance, tine location, reasonable. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -I WEST SIDE j WELL, furnished housekeeping- roomavf west side river. 2 rooms 8 month; t for $13 to $16; front part cottage, $16? cottage," 6 rooms, J20. Apply 364 N. 26tlu lth et. car on Washington to 2th, south half block, , ROOM and kitchen suitable for person occupied during day. clean and quiet, modern residence. ' 628 Morrison, near 16th st. ; THE C01LWS -EJSr nlshed housekeeping rooms, $1.75 up. 184 Sherman. South. Portland $1.50 week up, large, clean, furnished hound Keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. 269 COLLEGE at. Three pleasant fur nished housekeeping rooms, sink. Phone Main 6069; rent reasonable. 256 11th near Main One large bay win dow housekeeping room, gas plate; suitable for two working girls. 660 WASHINGTON 2 rooms, 2 en trances; bath, light, phone; near Mult nomah club. Nob Hill district. 189 W. PARK Furnished housekeeping suites; also transiont rooms, very rea sonable' cool, ouiet. central. SUITE of 3 rooms, $15 per month; 1 single room. $6 per month, bath, laun- dry, phone. 308 13th st. 628 Morrison stT small ' room and kitchen in attic, suitable one person, clean, modern residence. 503 Alder The Collins Large light. nicely furnished suites, single hou.io keeplng rooms, $1.76 i p. Sd and Morrison sta. Housekeeping suite, furnished complete. $20. Cam bridge bldg., room 36. $8 3 rooms, furnished for housekeep ing.,' Haversllc & Galeger, Lumber Exchange, room 328. 349 12TH ST. 3 large unfurnished rooms, with light and heat, sink In kitchen; reasonable. 245 N. '17th., corner Marshall, $2.50. Front room suite for housekeeping; 3 rooms; $3.25 week. 629 RALEIGH St., light housekeeping also sleeping rooms, private family, $3 per week and up. , . 366 Salmon Nicely furbished housed keeping rooms; modern; reasonable Phone Main 3961. 236 12th 2 rooms, light, well furnished, modern; select neighborhood, close in ii no children; $22. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, freed gas, phone, cheap rent. 194 lbta st corner Kearney. - 490 Morrison The Hyland Two suite first class furnished housekeeping apartments. 474 Washington iTi 14 room house toil rent and several housekeeping rooms Main 2607. . 313 14TH, comer Cloy, clean, light, con J venient 1 and 2 room housekeeping1 suite. 268 Front st A suite of 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. $2.60 a week. , 164-166 N- 10th Nicely furnished housed keeping rooms. Main 4519. 103 10th St., furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, phone, gas - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE THE Otis, rooms, 871 East Burnside J Nicely furnished rooms, single or en- suite, with or without housekeeping,! baths, free phones. East 3013, B-1613.J 411 E. Washington st. $14 perMnonth;! 2 room cottage, unfurnished. blocks from carline. in East Side business esn ter, no children. 658 Williams ave.. corner Monroe nicely furnished housekeeping roomsJ all modern conveniences; no children private family. Hawthorne and Grand ave. The Hel ler Furnished rooms. 2 or 3 en sultA,, all modern conveniences; potn phones. 132 Grand, cor East Morrison S'x upstairs rooms, good place for office or living rooms. Inquire candy store. 203 Stanton St.. U. car $1.25 week up. clean furnished nouseneepmg rooms, bath, "aundry, furnace heat, yard. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, electricity. 1212 Moore St., Pied mont. Phone Woodlawn 10SG. THREE furnished- rooms for light housekeeping. In private residence, modern. Phone R-1949. 60 Grand ave: N. -43 a week house keeping rooms, complete. Call at Winters block, vpstaii s 474 E. Washington st. $15 per month. 4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement and yard; no children. 304 E. Morrison The Leonard House Housekeeping and furnished rooms. 426 E. Burnside st, cor. 6th. furnished housekeeping rooms In modern flat. ! 273 Hassalo st, 4 unfurnished house keeping rooms. Phone 19h4. FOR RENT HOUSES 112 WHEN you move you always need new furniture. Buy at no rent prices; the savings 'ill exceed cost of moving. We own our own building; occupy one half; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and K. Stark. Phone E 2929. HOUSES FOR RENT. We have daily inquiries for houses., If vou have one for rent let us list it for" you. Terms very reasonable. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 245 Stark St. RENT -Good modern 7 room house, also use of barn; fine location on Mal lory ave. Only $20. DEVLIN & FIREBATGII, 610-511-612 Swetland Bldg. WHEN you find the house you will want a nice piano. We rent new pi anos at $1 and $5 per month; all rent monev later applied toward purchase. Sherman Clay A Co.. opposite postoff,lce. Ilth and E. Harrison Modern room. cement basement, furnace, 2 carlines, large porches, side yard: use of ga range; something nice. Sellwood 69. WE have houses, furnished and unfur-' nlshed flats to rent. Main 3799. hick- I man & H'ndle 218 I ! corner 5th and Stark Lumbermen's bldg.. MODERN 6 room house and barn fort rent. 914 Milwaukie st, corner Hol gate. Selrwood carline. Inquire 6241 Holgate st. I RENT Modern new room house on E 29th st. near Ellswortn: sightly. Phone Sellwood 766. Sam Hm.1 SIX room modern house, tinted, niceji yard, Albina, $20 per month. Pioneer Realty Co.. 189 4th. Both phones. tinted, nlcsv .r"""1" -" ' yard. Albina. $20 ner month. Pioneer Realty Co.. D9 4th. Both phones. 1005 Sixth st. N. For rent, $20; new modern, B room house; nice yard, fruit, etc. Phone Woodlawn 1783. $14 Milwaukie, opposite new ' Ladd Addition; fine view: 5 rooms. garden. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 69. """-,' ,7 ' j -.,' hot anj co)d water; large yard. .0J Kearney. Fox & Co.. 209 st gIX montns. rnt fr(.e lo lot buyers In Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment Co.. owner, 418 Corbett bldg, SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment Co., owner. 418 Corbett bldg. SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment Co., owner, 418 Corbett bldg. 10 ROOM house, large, pleasant grounds, fruit, free water. 227 E. 49th st. Phone Tabor 623. 749 Mississippi ave. South side of double house. 6 rooms, nice yard, all modern. $16 per month. 7 ROOM modern house on corner of E. LOth and Sherman. Phone East 180. 489 E. Sherman St. SEVEN large rooms, 4 blocks Hollatlay school; gas; electricity, fireplace. Ap ply 48 6th St.. N. 124 N. 17th, 60 feet north Glisan for rent cottage. Max Smith, 88 N. 16 th. No phone. 93 E. ( 10th $15 a mcnth. 5 rcom cot tage, gas. gas range, close in. Apply 700 E. Stark. 6 ROOM house, corner llth and Steph - ens sts.,- east side; walking distance. Price $10. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6 room cottage. Call 431 Alder or 351 Mor- rlson. ' . ' 244 GRAHAM ave.. 1 8 room house for 'rent, bath and, gaa.