7 FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 10 FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 10 FOR SALE- RFIAIi ESTATE 16 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 POR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 THE OREGON SUNDAY , JOURNAL, "PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING; MAY 30, 1909. 'SOME G00B BOYS A new 8 room house. Ga, bath and electricity. Nice basement Small fruit treea. Nice flowers. Lot 80x100. Only 1 block to car. , Will sell this place for $3000, cash, balance terms. This home will be worth one third more in very short time, ,ow ing to its fine location. Call and see this and you will see that It Is going at a sacrifice. Nobby Home New 1 room house. Has, bath, cement basement. Wash trays. Nice lawn. Fine shade trees. And lovely flowers. Only 2 blocks to S.-S. carline. A splendid location and a modern and very nicely arranged home. I must sell this beautiful home Immediately, bo it's going at a very low price, only 12700. H cash, balance terms; don't over look this, as you can't afford to miss a real snap. A Bargain If there ever was one. Brand new 7 room house. Gas, bath and electricity. I'll 11 cement basement. Wash trays. . Woodlift. Trimmed for furnace. Two toilets. , Sleeping porch. Built In china closet. Pantry nice and large. Walls tinted in beautiful colors. Bathroom with Imitation tile. Fine kitchen. Imitation tile. Burlap In panels. This is a fine modern home and the best buy In Sunnyslde. See this place while I hold it at this low figure of J3800; $1600 down, tlwr balance terms. Homeseekers will, find this to be a good buy, only 3 blocks from, Sunnyslde sr. It will pay vou to look this place up. Call and see Ti, C. Saline. 37th and Belmont. Take Sunnyslde car. Phoned Tabor 164. Are You looking For a Speculation? Here It Is Finest location to be found In tlie Sunnyslde district, and "lily 1 block from the SuiinvNkle carline, a 100x200 int Into 6 individual lots. This is OWNED and ADVERTISED by .MR. SAI.INCi. who will sell name for $6500, liHlf cash, balance terms. I will also sell a Int. 3xl00, 4 blocks fruni Sunnysidr carline for $N0O; half cash, balance terms. For prices and terms on other houses and lots call and see D. C. Saline;. 37th nnd Belmont; take S. S. car. Phone Tabor 161. See If You Like This ' New 7 room house on K. Salmon, be tween 24th and 26th. X"w a few tilings about ' this house: It Is In the best neighborhood on tho east side. And all fine houses around. Lot 4ixl 0 Improved street. Large parlor and dining loom. Fireplace In parlor, Btiiltin sideboard. line pantry, with water cooler in. Two toilets, one up and down. Tinted walls all through, Full basement. Pipe for furnace, All large rooms upstairs, Fine attic. Large, hull with siMit Now if you are looking fur a home, come and see this at once, and only $1700, and $1501) cash, balance like rent. R. Ci. Conklin 1046 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 35th st. Phone Tabor K06 $ S 0 (1 5 roum house, full lot. fenced, a good little home, $200 cash, balance $1" per month 6 per cent Interest. $2000 New 5 room Strictly modern home, fine neighborhood. 1 block from car. $150 rash, balance $20 per month. $2500 Beautiful fi room modern bun galow, beamed celling, paneled walls, fine reception hall, full basement, full lot. 2 blocks from car; terms. $2500 New 6 room V bungalow, mod ern home, full lot with fir trees, fine lawn, riifes, etc; completely furnished f r housekeeping, house alone worth tho price asked for both: terms; must be sold parties leaving oitr. l.lfc&O Elegant 7 room bouse, slrlct h modern, fine lot, fine neighborhood, some fruit, home worth at least $4500. This Is on the market for a few davs more at this price: vou will find it at ion F.. 27th st. F J STE1NMET7. Xr CO, The Homesellcr. 193 Morrison st. RIVER VIEW. 2 lots Willamette Boulevard. 1U blocks to car. $1 250 FuK THE TWO" $:ion ('ASH COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY S S4 4th Bt. Roard Trade Bldg. WANTED --Client to build through me on a fine lot In one of the best ad ditions In the eity. Will offer Iho best of Inducements to client desiring a home built to suit him. We have the 1" st facilities for building, arid give tho benefit of our prices to'cllont. Basement already dug and a slock of lumber on hand now. Will build on installments ' block from ear. X-40S, Journal. $5 500! Corner on Northrun st , 50x50. with two 5 room flats nnd one 4 room cot tnire. Northrop st . runs through R R district to the river. For particulars see 8TEE1. SMITH A MARSHALL. 04 Board of Trade. Warehouse Site 212VJ by about 150. practically block, trackage both sides. $75,000." part cash, balance to suit. STEELSM1TII & MARSHALL. 604 Board of Trade. II (.600. ; l ine 12 room house. 6 fireplaces, mod- ! ern. corner 100x70. on 2td St.: good business proposition: $000 cash, bal- ! Hnce .t veartf at t. per cent STEELSM ITH & MARSHALL. 604 Board of Trade. Nob 100x100 Hill For sale, by owner; fine shade and fruit trees, house, for price of groiyid. Come, save commission. Make offer Cnll 660 Lovejoy st. $10,000. ROitlOO corner on Northrnp St.. with 2 cottages. 5 rooms each, and 2 S room flats: total rental. $61: part cash. STEELSM ITH & MARSHALL. 604 Board of Trade. CORNER. 100x100. on Portland boule vard, near carline. for sale by east ern owner, at present In city. With the bright prospects for Portland you can make $500 in very pliort time" on this Investment. E-406, Journal. Home for $1700 . R room house with full lot, near Clin ton Kelly school, on carline, only $100 required. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce OVERLOOKING "THE OAKS." 5 room modern house, only $1200. 7 room extra fine house. $2500. 1194 Mtlwaukie st. Phone Woodlawn P69. NICE lot. 40x100, 14 blocks from car line; city water; all fenced; good burn: price 1400; nloe shads trees. See owner. 96 8. Taylor. Laurel wood station, Mt. Scott carline. $2200 5 room modern cottage, corner, 51x100, choice fruit and shade trees, north ML Tabor bark. 16S K. 69th; Mon tavllla car. 3 blocks north. r 1400 SEVEN LOTS. 7 lots adjoining Gregory Heights. snap, call 61 Hwetiana Bldg. ll.ANDY lot In Woodstock, $10 down, $5 1 monthly. M-406, Journal. I Farm Bargains v A fine investment in .the fa mous Waldo hills; rich, soil and about 165 acres cultivated, most ly in crop; the balance pasture and timber land, oak and fir; more can be cultivated if cleared; excellent dairy farm, or for rruit or grain; all fenced and cross fenced, mostly with woven wire fence. There is good 1 room .house with bath and pantry, wood shed, smokehouse, chtekenhouse, milkbouse and other outbuildings; barn 50x70; school. R. F. D. and phone; down grade to market, without hills; 2 wells, springs and streams; beautiful rlew; team worth 1500; 2 wagons, 1 hack, harrow and othr imple ments, cows, hogs, goatsj all goes for $15,000, or without i&tock and implements, $14,000. Here Is a farm worth while and a bargain. 132 Acres Of good deep soil, no waste, nearly level; 35 acres In cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture; fine fruit land, house, barn, out buildings, fair condition; school, phone. R. F. D. ; cheap at the price, $3000. i If It is value you want, come and let us show you 160 acres of unimproved rich land, about one half beaverdam; all level, forest land with fir, ash. made and al der timber, which will pay for clearing; 1 miles from good railroad town on river; R. F. D. and phone connection. You can't mlKs it In buying this at $40 per acre. A speculation 34 acres adjoin ing city limits of North Yamhill; can be subdivided and sold at big profit. Alfred A. Raker 212 Ablngton b)dg. GOOD BUYS ON WEST Sf.DE. 40 room apartment house, lot 50x100. on 14th St.. thoroughly modern; will pav 10 per cent Interest on the asking price besides rapidly Increase In value. Price $25,000. Another splendid corner on Clav Bt.. 101x100; very cheap at $16,500. Business lot on Flanders St., 35x75 feet; hard to beat for $10,000. 1 neat, modern nouses, lot 50x100; splendid location for renting and in-iTi-ase in value: $10,000. Nice lot. 50x100, on Montgomery St.; fine location for residence or apart ment house; $51100. Business lot 100x100 on Jefferson st.: buildings rented at gno,j interest on ask ing price. Will sell ti. Interest; $4750. NOWMN en. Room .'! 1 X Allsky bldg. WHY NOT BK VOI R OWN LANDLORD? Pay the rent to yourself and be Inde pendent: wo have some great snaps in n cozy, comfortable R room cottage well furnished; nice garden, basement, full lot. fine plumbing; only $IMO0. $500 down bnlince like reasonable rent. $1700 for l,i block with new 6 room house: terms. $2700 buys highly Improved orchard on Re carline; terms. $1600 buys 1 acre with fruit trees and small buildings; terms $650 buys 3 full lots, small buildings; Mt Scott line. $000. corner lot near Alberta and Voron sis. $2250 biivs B room bunenlnw $350 down nnd $15 a mnnl'i See golpschmidt . 25:!'' Washington st. only 2 lots, nicely Improved, 5 rooms, finished In wcntherel .oak, fine veranda, affording splendid view of city. Take VY carline to Hnlgute station and Inquire for Mr. Franke at the brown shiriirled lu'ngalow. or call up Sellwood H22 or Main or A-3055. A bargain at your own terms. See It today; It must go this Week. Would con sider piano. Jewelry or lot ni: flrM payment. Goidsehmldfs agency. 253 Va Washington, corner 3d. Some Bargains 7 room cottage. This-house is mod ern in every particular; bath and toilet; built In pantry: wood lift: full cement nasemmt. T.ils can be i; be had at a bar- gain and on terms. room cottage Lot 75lflO; 1 block from Ktrecloitr; we can deliver this I . m 1 . I 2 .... . or ii'm iiiu Hcuiai value arid on easy " on, ii , ou are limning tor a better see us about this.. snap , 1 room house--This is brand new-and right in every particular. Full cement basement. Dutch kitchen, wood lift fire place; lot 50x100; close In and on' good , st reel. ; . 401 MerchantHTnist bldg. j T"PKE acres in Mllwaukic. nil fruit" gnrden and potatoes, small house' I cbickenhouses, etc. A nice place for a I home. Hi acres on countv roa 1 arr rreek 3 miles to store and station on O w' 1 V Ry.: fruit trees and berries, house' liarn. chick, n houses and yards with ; running water in all vards; I Incubators 1 -and brooders' 100 bens, for $150n 1 4 acres, all fenced; small box 'house ncn r .-a r; $51111. ' ' ' tj"1H'l tiMcts at MPwaukl.. Heights. ' . nio ein. t-.ngie reek. -De 1. en juiki. ana l-.staead sec us. Call and O. W. P. LAND CO Woi t lmrRj2orn1 st s ml A Id' r. FIVE ROOM lUNCrALOW ' Sunnyslde; strictly modern in' every rcsnert with fireplace, beamed ceilings and built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen nnd stationary wash trays. large pore!, I bis Is an exceptional bargain; $2Soo' with $50(1 down, balance like rent 1'ok r. i;mr sr. between 4"th and 4 1st srs. I'hone Fast 1020. Take Sunny- side car lo 39th st I NORTH IRVINCTON. I ,, rw fi room bungalow, fireplace and I si! modern Improvements. $3250- easy i terms. Call at house Kundnv f u.i, and (iolng sts O. W. BRENNER, 600 ("ouch bldg. LOOK "AT" THIS'. " 1 1.01 niii nil. rn 1. lln nnt location, $1050. Another snan 60100 corner, in Suanvsido 35th st price 11500. call for terms Main 64IS 3'" Abington. ,T W Tacirart . IRVINGTON. Fine level lot. E. 13th st.. between Knott and Stanton: a bargain for H $1 400 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY s 4 Ul st. Board of Trade bldg. WHY do you pay rent when vou can buy a home fur $1200? 4 rooms toi let and pa.ntrv, lot 50x100 feet ' one ...v n 11, on cur, six oiocKS from car- oarn. j.-.m cash. $15 month. 104 Kllllngswortb ave ( Da via, BEST buy on west side. $2500; line lot -and 2 houses on 4th St.. very close, j In: sewer, sidewalk and nil street Im provements in and paid for; $500 will handle this. Dement & Co., 242 Mor- ' rison. Nine Lots. $1000 Cash High, sightly, level building lots; 5c carline: water In. Adler & Kurns. 227 Lumber Exchange bldg. 15 ACRES on Pleaeant View ave., 1 mile from Linnaman station: 300 fruit trees. S acres berries. 4 room house S hftrns: place will pav for Itself In a few years. F. Broetze, 31 E. 61st city FOR BALE New 5 -room modern cot tags, just completed; small payment down, balance same as rent. w B Moore, owner, one block west Tremont Station. Mt. Sjt-ott car. 1875 for quick sale, 6 room house and 11 Teet . tmntasra L" 1 1 . . . graaeu ana cement walks all paid. De all p n st.f k. 8tV infill tx o., i2 inorrison TWO lni In CoHoi. D.,i very cheap. If taken at once Land Co.. 4th and Stark. Santiam A LOT at Montavilla. 3 blocks from carline. - for 1250. for few days; a FOR SALE Equity in fine business - corner, on Sandy road. N-400. Journal ,-. FPU SALE REAL ESTATE, 10 $2700 for -a 9 room house ' on Rodney ave.; $1000 down, balance 2 years, 6 per cent , .'.'-. M , . $5000 for a room house and lot 100x100, down, balance 6 per cent S years. ' $11,000 for a fine business corner, 75x100, on Union ave., rents for $62.50 a month; $4000 down, bal. 8 years. $1050 for a fine lot on Borthwlck st; terms. $4000 for a modern 8 room house; cor ner lot 100x100, fine location; hi down, or will take $3200 for the house with one lot 50x100. $750 for a corner lot on Borthwlck st. $200 down. $5000 for a fine lot, 50x125, on Union ave. $3000 for a new modern 7 room house, i lot 50x100, facing east on Rodney ave.; $200 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. $5500 for improved property on Union ave.; brings $47.60 in rent monthly; Vs down, balance 3 years 6 per cent. $2800 for a 5 room new modern, up to date .pottage, large attic, full concrete basement, lot 60x100; terms, $800 down. We make a specialty in trading eKy property for farms; if you have any thing to trade, see us. We can suit you. Stites, Peper & Stowe Realty Co. 620 T'nlon aye., N. Phone East 4285. $100 Cash $100 down, $15 per month, 8 room house, close to car; a bargain; $750. $100 cash, $10 per month; 6 room house; 1 block from car, at Laurel wood; $1500; 2 lots. ' . $200 cash, $16 per month, new, mod ern 4' rooiri bungalow; good location. This Is a bargain. $1600. $200 cash, $20 per' month: 6. room modem house, near Alberta car; all in good shape; newly tinted; $2680. $425 cash $175 yearly, 4 room house, 2 lots, 10 bearing fruit trees, fine gar den, chicken house and woodshed. A bargain for anyone; $1200. $260 cash, balance monthly; new 5 room modern bungalow, close to car and school, well finished, wired, base ment. Dutch kitchen, etc.; $2250. Phones Main 8101 or Tabor 674. Ross 408 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. REAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOMES. 60x100. 7 rooms, $6500. 60x100. 8 reoms, $8500. 50x100, g rooms, $10,000. 60x100. 10 rooms. $16.(100. 100x100. 10 rooms, $20,000. Call at office for description: several are corners; all are desirable. The above are a few of the beautiful homes we have for sale in the most de sirable locations, well built and excel lent value: have beautiful homes on T'ortland Heights that are delightful; if you are hunting a homo or investment see ZIMMERMAN. 621 Hoard of Trade Bldg. j Alberta Street I If you have ever invested there you ! know there Is nothing belter; If not. now is your chance for tills is $250 cheaper than any that can be had on I Alberta Street I Investor "Why so cheap?" I Agent "Must be sold bv Tuesday!" j That Is all there Is to it. so the price , is only $1050. JDHX B. MATTHEWS. ; 27th and Alberta sts.. ' And 722 Chamber of Commerce. j Bargains in Small Homes I 1 room cottage, pantry and closet: chicken paik and barn. 4 bus. 1 dozen I fruit trees, 600 strawberry pi ints. sonic i blackbcrro it; price $1600; $5"U down. ! rest monthly. i I loom cottage plastered, wired, hath. I cement basement. $K"i'l. Improved Int, I $i;,Mi ( ash, rest 2 years. 6 room house, two 40x100 font lots; price $ 1260, $100 down, $10 monthly. other fire bargains In small homes. Call 31 I Allsky bldg. . 3d and Morrison'. Lovely Homes 5 room new modern house on Con stance si , between I'tiion ave. and E. 7th: all Improvements. j block of car. : $2.0O; terms. 0 loorli new modern house, 75 feet of Sellwond cir ui) Harold M, $2250. half cash, balance $15 per month. 7 loom n w modern house, furnace and everything to make home pleasant, on K. Yi'tt'liill i. car 25th: terms. THE JOHN" W. JOHNSTON CO., .till Buchanan bids . 26W Wash st. ' A Will ONE " " 20 acres within 20 miles of Portland. 14 acres cultivated, balance slashed and seeded. All fenced and cross fenced, bouse, barn and outbuilding, uooc well. ' 50 fruit trees. acre strawberries. no 2-ear-old walnut trees. 2 cows and calves, hack, farming tools and 4 tons I of hav. ALL FOR $2600 Terms. H COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, M 4th St. Hoard of Trade Bldg. 210 ACRES. $3000. $4 $425 cash, $175 yearly, 2 fine lots all, fenced. In bearing fruit trees, gar.b n of: .ill kinds, good poultry house, woodshed ; and nice 4 room house, sink and water ; Inside, newly painted nnd papered, close : to school and car. J"i00. Room iOA li.T- linger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. Phone, Main 61 ''1 or Tabor 674 i HERE is a chance to buy a home hy paving rent. Nice 4 room house on . F. 4th st..' $2000 $200 down, balance' $20 per month 7 room house on E. 21st at.. $1300 $3H0 down, balance $15 per month. , 4 room house on E. 33d St., $1 500 $"U0 down, balance $15 p.-r month. ! MARCCI.1S v SCHUBAC.H. ! 62? Board of Trade ! North Irvinerton ! New 6 room bungalow, fireplace nnd all modern improvements. $3250. easy terms Call Sunday at house E. Kith and Going. O. W. Brenner, 609 Couch bldg. Sacrifice Owner will sacrifice eond 6 room house, modern, good location, fine lawn nnd roses. Make your own price. Phone Main OMl or Tabor 674. I COSY. 3 room cottage, near Swift's : townsite. lot 75x100; will sacrifice fori cash; would take team of horses part payment See owner. 1318 Williams ave. Phone evenings, C-15S3. or A-2S44, from 0 to 5; through the day. : FOR SALE. $2100-1 IS acres, trees.: small fruit and gar.bn; good 5 room, house, barn, well and citv water; two blocks north W-W carline on E. 39th st.:-' small payment, balance to suit. Inquire' 736 F. 39th st j Mast Side 1 funic I 6 room modern house, lot 33 1-3x60. Holla. lay's additb.n; price $:;00. J. J. 0"der. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankenv. Good Home Well built, new. modern 7 room bouse, lot 50x115; for sale by owner. 7t.6 Crli- snn, neat 2lth REAUTIFI'L modern 7 room home, on fine grounds. 50x320, right in Irv- Ington: you will never have this oppor- j tnnily figaln Price $ 1750; Vj cash. 522 1 Worcester Idk. Main 5179. ' I IRVINOTON. ' Sightly corner, 100x100. on Thompson1 ' St.. west of 16th. Prl.-c $3750; 14 cash.,1 522 Worcester blk. Main 5179. I-aTRE, all set to fruit, good 5 room house, cement basement. 2 blocks from W. V car. near S9th St.. snap;; $2 200: easy terms. Phone Main 5179. i IN Irvington. west of 2 KttisL, fTmnS"- j ern 5 room cottage, and b!k.. 9:ix j 232, big snap: $3200; V, cash. 622 Wor- cester blk. Main 5179. J 2 NEW, neat 4 room cottages, on finej corner 50xlOS. near Union ave.. close i In. Price $250; good terms. 522 Wor cester blk. Main 5179. BARGAIN $1750 For sale, 3 room house, full basement, gas, bath, hot and cold water, $250,cash, Dalance terms. R59 E. 11th St., N. i'OH SALE Good 6 room house and lot 25x100, cheap for cash. See owner. Hajry Holmes, Oh Joy theatre, 3d and MorrlRon st. 6 ROOM house, very modern, near car, west side, $4250; small payment down, balance like rent K. Hatfield. I6514 4th $50 DOWN, $75 monthly, "takes rhyS room cottage. M-404. Journal. t'OR'SALE A nice home on. Clav st. Ee the owner after I p, m. 268 Clay. FOR SALE! REAL ESTATE 16 PI I MM TO FAST GO TO AND SEE THE NEW HOMES BUILDING ACTIVITY THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT IS R E M A R K A R L E THIS MEANS ' INCREASING VALUES P.UY BEFORE TOO LATE 50x100 RAISED TO $500 ON JUNE 10. THOMPSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE in) c $5500 A beautiful home in Walnut Park on Williams ave., near Killings worth, it rooms, nicely finished, every thing modern, full corner lot. $4800 8 room residence In Sunnyslde on 28trt St., near Belmont, large recep tion hall, beautiful, large, light rooms, pillars between dining room and living room, outside sleeping porch, furnace, attic and full cement basement, 3 min ute car service $3700- This is a beautiful home on a corner lot with improved streets and sidewalks In, 1 nloek from car, 7 rooms and outside sleeping porch, reception hall, pillars between living room and dining room, full basement, piped for furnace and gas. $3250 6 room bungalow, with gas and electric lights, cabinet kitchen anil wash tray, oh Improved street. Sunny slde. 2 blocks from car. $25008 room house on quarter block of ground, roses, fruit and shrubbery, 1 block from car. $2400 New room bungalow, beauti paneled dining room. fullv located. built-in window mcnt and. wired block of ground. seat, rireplace, nase for electricity; quarter 2 blocks from station. $21007 room house, full lot. beautl- ful lawn, abundance of roses, shrubbery, berries and fruit, half block from car. $1000- Large corner lot O'xl20 feet. In Woodlawn, with 2 roomed house and woodshed. THE I l NX-LAWRENCE CO . 21 Alder St $250 Down Main noe $15 per month. 14TH AND ALBERTA STREETS. Brand new 5 room modern cottage. 80 FEET FROM CARLINE. 4 minute service morning and evening. ROOMS ALL G HIM S17.I-: Reception ball, parlor, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, and bathroom. KILL CEMENT P.ASEM HNT. This house is well made and FINELY FINISHED. Party who built it must sell, nnd for anyone wanting to secure a good home with very little money Invested that will Increase In value every day, we would advise you to look tills one up. $2700. MOORE HALL. 512 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main S02. Resbb-rice phone. Tabor f . 1 1 . Money Makers Business location in the c the lareest restricted district city. Tills is a profit maker. 11 ter in of tho A'icw lots eluding imp! 1 n Meilow only in- emcnl s Quarter only Jf.'I'i block in Willamette addition, Quarter lib PORTLAND S E. f ak in Woodstock. $5, TRUST COMPANY OK EGON, or .Id and Oak Sts. OF St. Tolins Specials I F Cmmore. 113 ,Ierso- st. Car 1 Pee stops at d furnished. I interest. oor A 42 t m l-.olel. well 10 1-. A 4 2 r 11 art of citv $1250. price $2500. or I Fine corner lot. Ivanhoe st . St ; Lot f.OxlOO, ou West aic . East land, all for $2600- cash. Johns l'orl- ! Some choice lots. ; ! easy terms Good buy choice blocks on o. R itli St John in houses, lot & N. tr.icl woolen mills. Also agent for ml stocks $5500- - Fine business propirty on Mis- I sissippi ave. $42001(111x100 with roum house on , j Com men ial st . $2noo --ioo feet on "T," carline. I $1 700 -1 H0 1 1111 on Kerhv St. ! $2." 00- Store ' on Mississippi ave. leased for two years at $2'i per month I $4o00 -Nice home on Kerby St., ln I eluding furniture; e,iv trrins. $R00- 50x1 0 0 in jlunih.iiiit st.; easy ternis. JAMES P. OGDKN. SIS Mississippi Ave.. Phones: Woodlawn 202. Homo C2 " Walking I )rstance Cosy little 4 room mento, lad w ecu ( uio cottage on Sacra itv and Ttii St.; person wanting a close In. ' .ins! the pla e for a I medium priced pta $1S00. MOORE & HALL. 512 Abincton bl.lir. Phone Main Residence pi. one. Tabor ." 1 1 802 SPLENDID HOME 7 room, modern house and barn; with or without furniture; east side: close in; carline; sacrifice. Main 45. East 19BS. NEW ideal home, f, large rooms, ha Hi. toilet and lavatory, etc., complete; SOxlOit lot. 1.1 assorted fruit trees, all bearing. 4 1!' E :ilst. Owner living In house; deal with owner and save com mission. Phone Sellwood Pil. G. H. Ronville. j I $25 per month 1 house on Rodney mento st. Price $2 ; 130. buys fi room modern ave.. south of Sa' ra 100. Phono Woodlawn EASY TERMS Nw 4 room house, $1511 down. Modern 5 room bouse, lino down. c v t room house, Jton down. New 2 room house, $'25 down. Call nt .111 Hill st. Myrtle Park. NEW 7 room eorn-rete bimg.iTow. in Raid's add ; 5u foot front on Larch St.; s.-vr.e as eorncr lit, ouiv $.ton; this is $l"eo below anything of its kind In the lleicbbi)'. hood. Illy,, seen Vou will buy It. P per. Fast 12 4" NEW ni",i i n f rconi letiikraiow . fii -place, fine Dutch kllehen, beamed ccil inii, pur.ele.l dining-room, buffet, wtisa I'nv, gas and ele. t rid ly. will- sell for J500 cash, balance like rent. L. K. Moore, ;u (-'wetland bldg. M 'I EI. rooms, t.irv sle colonial Ishe.-l to .loarna! bono-, magnificent view, 7 bath ping fin-pi suit and reception hall, snni- rooms, hot water heat, ace. h st plu mh I n g, f 1 11 -purchaser, terms, c -3 J 7 , 1 Must sell at once. I built this Cu.l for a r Him home: my Ions .Is ur gain. Site Boa id j'f 1 , IT ..". 1 DO a frul trt-e. Trad.- bUlg. 1 I room li.c:: !:b ken vavl. Mat j mm hill: 11 ba rg in for -:"iii NS1.N in M M I'.L d M"i I Main S.M , SE l.N r. j "l.lte. OH rison ml up . $::." II. a r :1 si $ 1.0 J bnla: II I I MAR '111 RA Board of Tr-idc. (KM EN brbk pl.o es. 1 Main 1 si-iev:'lks mul iiascrn nt bui It ; f 11 e gi .01. 2 ! Stark ..-.late . full 0.1k of all kinds do , i 11 . Iie s. etc . es 1 I in" 1 1 '!. ilickiuan A Hii I.umt on n t.i.ig , er ,M h a $3'o'i cash, b.-ilan url l;l up bung-now, ha seine nt: c streei. 1 bloc' er, 1120 E. for" sale stridly m Fargo, wber, excellent buy ion ave. N .1 rooms.. 1 -a 1 11, 1 1 .-1 i 1. hob e local top. impr to car; price 1 on, . Veil W It - rant Phone Tabor v;.-, B owner. 1; r.'cni lions i.'.-rn. c. irn r I 'n i. 01 a c P I'erty is ill denial'. p:. one c-p.;:ii 1 U: 10 R' 11 i.M bouse. west side. $'-'.Vh; for $25 per monlii. Sunday; week days '"se in. large Jot, 1 birg.iln. wiil rent Call 2 Ul Meade st. if ter 6 p ni ( iN 1 . S" S 5ett down balance like rent lor bungalow. 1 block of room car in Vctuo $2oo. N : ! 1 , ea:;t front, corner lot, J.i'i 1 ml. FOR information regard'ng F!o;ue rlv. crch.ard tracts, call or writ' Bensn Inx I'S'tii'tit 2Q Well. Fargo bldg TWi 1 bus in Vernon 14xlnn.. 2 l.io,li from Alberta car, $250 each. N-3;t Journal. CORNER l"t. city. 100x150, terms. owner. IS minutes' ride from part cash, balance easy 411 Fenton bldg. BEAUTIFUL quarter block on ridge, Woodstock, near ear, cheap. Phone owner. Sellwood 2H4. FOR SALE. $1100 Nice home; easy terms. 341 E. Montavilla car. suburban Slst st SALE or rent. 6 room bungalow, corner Shaver and Cleveland ave. Inqulrif S4! rtoss si. . CALL at Room 19, 268 Stark st. and see ore and assay from Princess Pan ama mine. The Ex-President RECOMMENDS REAL ESTATE! INVESTMENT. 4 lots. 50x100 each, store 24x50. dwelling 14x48, Implement room. 20x50. barn, henhouse and yards, oilhouse and all store fixtures; $2800. About $3000 stock; a good stand, close to depot, from $1200 to $3000 trade per month, a good general store, does a large busi ness In machinery and imple ments; owner must sell on ac count of 111 health; cash for stock, balance on terms 40 acres. 10 acres in crop; 20 acres pasture. 1.2'bi.iiOo f-,, of saw timber, well and spring, all kinds of fruit and berries, large f, room bouse, barn :iSx70. other outbuild ings, one Jersey cow. 2 heifers, wagon, buggv. plow, harness, one (rood mare. 35 chickens, close to millsite, mile from proposed electric railroad; $25u0; terms. 40 acres, all bottom land. 20 acres In crop. $.r,0 woith of s:i u timber, 2 story. 7 room house, largo barn, cellar ami chicken bouse, close to school, store and R. K. H. l'rlc.i $'J70ij, terms. A first class and ideal loca tion for colony; 27'M) aci-s. about 2200 in cultivation, all 1:1 ci-c.s. good buildings, all kimN of ;.il;n ing implements, stock, fine build ing sites, can be divided and suh divided. each tract can face 011 a. good cuunty rond, laiul vt-ry near ly all level, 2 miles from r.nl road. on level road, good schools and stores, well fenced: this land is not prairie land, but has been cleared from large growth timber. Price. Including stock, crops, im plements and all Improvements. $10. per acre. , This is the best adapted situation for fruit and dairying in Oregon. Schooley & Cadell 606 Main St.. Oregon City, Or. FINE new modern 8 room house. E. ?.5th, on carline; lot 50x133, a snap; $5750; $1000 cash. Finn modern H room hotufe, E. 17th. walking distance and well located: $5500. Fine new modern 7 room house, fine furnaci : a good buy; E. Sal mon. Fine tract near Eagle Creek. 45 in cull i va t ion . some orchard, run ning water, good soil, lots of good timber: a rial snap; $50 per acre; w i 1 i take some t raile. Good 5 room cottage, fine lot. E 47th st.: lot 5tixlK0: iust the place for a nice home; $1750. $300 cash, balance $15 per month. Fine corner lot, E. 37th; two good ho.ii.scs: on carline: $4750 Three houses, small lot, west side, rents $21 Tier month; $2250; will take vacant lot part pay. Fine 10 acre tract near Eaglo Creek; running water; easily cleared: $lu'iO; $100 cash, balance 1 ns ';i 1 1 inej it - Fine 1 e. acre tract: fine orchard, runniriK water; no stone or gravel; the best soil in Oregon: 10 miles from Portland: 15c carfare; $250 per acre CHARLESON & CO, 411 Commercial Bldg., Phone Main 8UC5. PICK YOUR Hd.ME. BEAUTIFUL little 5 rm. cottage. E. 9th W MoDEISN and elegant fi rm . Ladd's Add. SPLENDID 0 i tic. near W'ttlnut Park. HANDSOME corner, it rm., E. Clinton. ELEGANT II rm , modern, E. Madison. BIG and modern S rm.. on Klickitat. IMPOSING 7 1111 in Piedmont ATTRACTIVE S rm. qr. blk, Piedmont. COMFORTABLE 7 rm. modern, Kern Park 1 OUGHT to be able to satisfy the most fastidious and can arrange reason able terms. Nil t these are NoT the $100-ilown-l o-cents-a-tnonl h K I N I . Send for mv HOME BULLETIN, giv ing PICTURES and full deseriptinns. Studv it at your leisure. IT'S Till-: BEST WAY' S T. WALKER. M' I Corbet t Bldg. jONE of the best houes. on f-ill lot. In 1 best part of Irvington; on very rea- sonable terms. i lit HTEL KERNS. 1 3S0 E. Morrison st. $5 Down, $10 a Month, Buys an extra fine larire home site in WELCHPiORt U GH. THE NEW ADDI TION. At the end of the Sutinyside and Mount Tabor carline; lines1 view and best of fruit and garden soil; some lots in this addition nte the size of two 50x100 lots. Price $'5-00 and up. If you want t he , best your nionev will buy. don't fall '.o . ,-ee this property. Take Mount Tabor' car to end of line, go one block south.1 two block east gent on erounds Sundav G. I. Webl). .141 Sherlock bldg.: Main 5053. A 1 7 e BUNCO. Biingo. w;ho wants a I've 1 of the nicest ou ever One on Mt. Tabor. One riear Alnsworrh. One on line to .lonesnior-ee. Tiie prices in hundreds Twenty five; t went v-eigbt . And 1 would vou believe iPi : For terms and description, conn S T WALKER. l Corbet! BUNCO? cm- 1 did SEE. see ME. Bldg LOT FREE Tin flit person who Kuesses what lot the M sti'ibnis Mr Raffles selected 1 East St Johns will be given n lot In :.isi St J.i: -i's free -Ke plat at our I flee and register ' ' guess The panion eorup.MV. 1 tdeaiS subdivision . 1 ' "; ' 14 ' A1 m S el!V(r3tl 0 is.. J.d.r strictly modern, ion creek, in the : laied is. 1 l.aig' f an acre of ground, at J.i.'.Oii. KERTCHKM CO.. , of Trade bldg. one. in first class con- Mel .IP il .:. t i DAN I d:t i. flower ) re. lot .111 h" ell Improved, plenty of . fruit trees. Jierries. etc.; this irgain, can ie bought for $2750; ish. t'Uiince as rent CI I A PIN & HERl.OW, IS 322 ci imlier of Commerce o scli-t your home froin DON'T try to s. newspaper ads nulVtin. giving homes and their Send for mv Home full particulars of plct urea. IT'S THE BEST WAY. Write or phone Main 55S8. S T WALKER. Q4 Oorh-Mt Bldg SF.VEN lots adjoining carline at Berk Ie . $0oi: terms. bond 5"xl00 lot on 5c carline. $320; terms. OREGON REALTY CO . Room 2. Hlcks-Chatien Bldg. M'lDF.RN room house, lot 75xK'0. on Willamette Heights. $725rt$3500 cash will handle. This is a snap. MARGULJS SCHURACH. 27 Board of Traxle. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lot 110x110 on Patton road, head of Hth st Price. $1 500, on terms of $500 cash, halance $500 year and Interest. : X-100. .Journal. FOR anything in Portland real estate. See COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Roard of Trade bldg: VOU SALE 7 room bungalow hard wood floors, hot wafer heated, in re stricted district; from owner, 1177 Haight ave. C-17S9. TWO good, light, outside second floor offices for rent; will give lease. Apply room t, Hicks-Chatten Eng. Co.. 14$ Vk M st. ' - - f WE TRADE anything. H. F. Le til Hoard or I r,(i Main CHOICE Jot in Lents, fnr al by owner, cheap. -409, Journal, r . s FOB SALE REAL ESTATE la 7-ROOM modern buugalow, Sunnyslde, . $4000; 2-story modern home, iwimi, block, near car and school, $3ov; 6- room cottage, bsth, toilet,-- hot mi cold water, iut Iu0xl6i chicken yard, barn, abundance fruit, ruses, $ blocks J car and school, price $3000. terms; nev 40-room house, E. 21st st., full lot. $1100, terms; J-romi house, E. loth st , modern, $Jo00; new 6-room modem bungalow, full lot, 2 blocks tu cwr and school, $2000, $6uo down. balanc easy: 7- room modern bungalow. Grand av.( close In, full lot, fru l, 7 On. $lot) cash, balance easy; 7 -room house, Michigan , ave., full corner lot. $2700, terms; 1 room modern house, full lot, E 2iith at. . $2250, terms; 8-rooni house, beautiful quarter block, near car, school, church, fruit, roses, lawn, $250'V terms; 5-room ' modern bouse. E. Alder St.. $2mi0, terms; One Sixtli st. home, $12.uU0; uarter block, Woodstock, $1)50. If these don't suit, call and see othef properties with prices ranging up and down. If you want to sell, see us. V have, buvers for all ktnds of properties. KEYSTONE REALTY CO.. 212 Aliskv bld., cor 3d and Morrison. SNAP. A BEAUTIFUL VIF.W OF THE RIVER, lot r.oxliU. I BLOCK TO CAR; SEW ER WATER, OAS. ELECTRICITY. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. lin i prowd street, cement curbs and 1 walks. 2 ST11RY. S ROOM HOME. well built. NEW. MODERN. $5, O'Mi - 1 1 oo c.si i. 1 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, i S 81 Itli St., Board of Trade Bldg. Read This Over Twice We have five or s'.x 5 room cottages for sale- at lemarkably low prices. Soma of ibem you may have for a small pay ment down, balance: sa.nu: as rout. It ou want to own your own home, you v. Ul never hav.j 11 better opportunity. Come up to our office, it costs noUl lug to tulk .it over. The I'atierson-Cibb.s Co. office :: II Sherlock Bldg DON'T wsie your time looking at cne'tp undesirable shucks. Conic today or lumoi row to E. Jeiii and Yamhill and inspect 2 fine new modern homes. Ona i room and otu- 5 room with sleeping porch, furnaces, fiieplai-e, i-abinet kltch ii. gas and electric fixtures, etc. For sale by oru-r on desirable terms. This is an opportunity to get a well built, stylish home at a very reasonable price. BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOME CHEAP. Home too large fur owner. Lt block parked, concrete walk, hue lawn, 1U0 tinest roses, fruit, 1 block from best ear line; prettiest pait of city; all tlnj iiomes, 2 pariois, 5 bedrooms, attic, J toilets, laundry, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors. Heiltnun & Lathrop, 51S Abington bldg. NEW HOME OF Full 50x100 lot, .1 f large porch. Hue view, 7 ROOMS. et above grade; nice, light bath- ruiiiii, 2 toilets; ever;, tlilug modern; close In, east- side; $3300. terms can be arranged to suit. This is a genuina bargatn. See Heilrnan & Lathrop, 51 Arlington bldg. LOTS, LOTS, $2.75. Two nice, level lots, 50x100, with new sidewalk, tlty water, graded street. Just riRlit for nii'-e Inexpensive home. Take Sellwood car 12 minutes' ride) to 1194 Milwaukle ave. mear South ave.). Will show Sunday or Monday. $2100 California bungalow, 5 largo rooms, bath, toilet, sink, wood lift, large pantry and hall; wired for lights; lot 50x100; on carline; fine view of citv. $300 down and $20 per month. F. A. Beard & Co., 3 '2 ti Va V ashington St., room 215 Main 4ii2'.i. $8500 3 cottages, good condition, closa in cm east side; good investment. $2600 Cottage, Sunnyslde. $300 cash,, $1400 6 room house, Highland Park. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 430 Wo rcestor b liUx 3d and Oak sta. HiJLLAPAY PARK LOT $1200. This is just right for a nice homo; above grade; paved street, sidewalk and curb; finest surroundings. This is next east of !04 Wasco. Go look today, then call at room 51H Abington bldg. $1500 5 room bungalow, bath, toilet, sink, basement; wired for lights; lot Mixioo; 1 block to car. $150 down and $15 per month, or will take a good lot as part. F. A. Heard Co.. 32H Wash ington St .. room 215. Main -4629. A SNAP 2 lots, 40x100. In. restricted district, including all improvements, sewer, gas. water, cement walks and hard surfaca streets, $1500 for both lots. Terms. K- 40.1, Journal. $S0O cash, bulance as rent, 5 room cot tage. with fireplace, plate rail, gas, electricity, large attic and basement: nice lawn and garden; all kinds of small fruit. Phone B-1541. Call 847 K. Pine. TWO SSxlOO corners on HanjlhOine, $2000 each; one 100x99 coiner on Hawthorne, $2fi00; one 09x100 corner oil Hawthorne, $1000. T. V. Marshall & Co., 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 864. I-YIR SALENowT room story and half bungalow. illamelte Heights, cement. basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood, floors: beautiful view. Inquire 617 Cor- bettbldg. Phone Main 657S, A-1978. TO REAR estate dealers: Liberal com missions jiaid for selling lots owjiod by ni" in Tabor Place, Capitan Slid Montlcello additions; easy installments. McCoy. 737 chamber of Commerce. i-TVE room cottage, large porch, high lot. on Improved street: fine view of river nnd hills; bargain at $1400. Take Oregon City car to Spokane ave,, anil go one block east to 425. $1500 to $5000- High class cement and concrete residence construction work to exchange for lot or lots in district with building restrictions. P. O. box 5.10, city. ; ntMT"TAC'KK7GE. We have a few Improved acre tracts. 1 with houses and fruit, .in city limits, i each a bargain. 305 3d st. 1 RVlNGTi 1N." : ' $1250 takes east front lot, 24th and Knott; Is a snap; terms. .las. C. Logan, 12U2 Wash jRl.rooin-4JM. IRVINGTON. 100x100. only $1800; $600 down: 2 beautiful lots with nice shade trees; high class, close in district. Ja. C. Logan. 326H Wash st. room 404. FOR SAIPV-2 lots. 25x100, E. 46lh, near Lincoln, cheap; $50 down, $ per mnnth. It. A. Taylor, cor. E. 4Sth ' and Hawthorne. Phone B-1518. I FOR SALE New Irvington home; 541 E. 17th st. N : six rooms and sleep , ing porch. Owner on property. Sun i day afternoon. Phone East 197S. j MODERN 5-room house, furnished. It ' fine neighborhood, on East 21st, closa , to 2 car lines; $2500, $450 cash, balance ! monthly. Owner, K-40fl. Journal, j 10 PER CENT discount from present prices for a choice residence lot near E. 24th. Cash, or will sell on terras. , Phone Sellwood 103i. FOR SAI.E -Lots. ri 20th or 21st; 50 I feet south Clinton; $100 down. $14 j per month. Owner, Max Smith. 88 N, 16th St.; nojjihoiie MODERN 5 room cottage. earner lot. ; nice lawn and gnrden. proved. 10M E. 13th N.. cash: by owner. street Hn $25'i0; part j $900 $300 cash, takes Irvington lot, j high and stphtlv. In Irvington proper, 'on 20th. Jas. C. l,oran, 3--'0'3 Wash. t-, ; mom 404. '-. - $2700 cash buys two fine lots. Stanton, west of Union ve : easily wort $3500. J. P. Kennedy. 3l t'nlon ftve.N. FOlTSAI.E -Choice b't in Vernon. est front: rensonable; part cash. Main 1S13 or Main 'i30. A-l'Lr ; .' CORNER"""" 50x1 00." 3 room no'tss sndf barn, walking distance, on' terms, bjr , owner.' 194 E 22d n.-rth. 1 ; - FOR SALE - 7" room bouse, corner lot, 50x100. S75 E. ltb U cor. Brook. lyn. See owner. .' ' ,. ' - - ' FOR SALE -Bv owner. ? rm boiiw., comer lot. 60xl0. 7J K. 1IU t, cor. B rooklyn. .','" - 5 ROO'if house, bath, psnlrf, 2,'l.',, loU fine view; $1425, terms. iiH K. lUth N. ; - .-'.:..: . . i ROOM cottSgej 1 or J "'. cor tier i;!;, and Beech st., t hlwks from I 1,1, .1 nvr. boll.J Jl...(i t' S'I't Union ave.. . - .- 4 7-