THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. : PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 29, 1909. SEES i ll HOD BUI RESTRICTION Xew Jersey Student of Liq uor Question Finds Pro hibition Failure. "Hish license and restriction furnish the . nly " a" method of P""1" r',f - the liquor question said I'.'h.r nJ private aecretary to hie irnor Fort of New Jersey while at the Portland this monrninK Mr. Fort, accompanied tiy Mi n. liaa come went to represent New Jere hTthe openln of the A - Y.-P. '"P"ln end ts 'spending the VmLi?rbr 1h2 Until compelled to go to 9ea tip b the penins; of the fair. He 1s "'7, a tour of the country, studying condi tions. In various states and on!m,1.n'' with a particular reference to the ' Question. After leaving Vflsh.ngim. he will return to Portland. KOinK theme to San Francisco and then easr New Jei- '. mey has for the past year heen facing the serious problem whether the state Bhall be ruled by their famous summer resort. Atlantic City, or whether the ad ministration shall Y.e. the rulinB power. Th question approaches a .Umax as the data for the summer opening draws ' bear. "The people of Atlantic City are mor ally blunted." said Mr. Fort. "The place Is a blot on the map of New Jersey. It Is the resort of gamblers and vice and wickedness reigns. The city controls : tha county, having nine tenths of the population. So they elect all county as well as cltv officers. Consequently the county officers feel safe in boasting that no Indictments shall be found gainst gamblers until such t1mo as lies ' in their good pleasure. "Prohibition will not dlsposs of our " lfficulties. The governor must be . given power to remove disobedient offi cers before Atlantic City can be made at place where decent people can take their outings. Why, do you know, when the resort is opened the worst people from New York and the other nearby towns flock in. Decent women dare not .walk on the streets. It Is a serious State of affairs and one that demands . 4s settlement. "I have been greatly interested in (watching Portland's fight on the liquor 'question. I am not so familiar with what would result from an adoption of -the McKenna amendment or their cor- f oration of the Oothenberg association, feel sure, however, thnt if either of ftheso ., measures is intended to accom Jllsh other than the installation of the -filgh licensed, decently regulated saloon. It will be a failure. If adopted. "Creed, an anti-saloon league man, .who has been the stre.igth of that or ganisation in the east, recently returned Xrom a visit to the Prohibition states t tha south. Hs said their last condi tion is worse than their first, and truly miserable are they. Portland people "want to keep on the safe side. too. if .they desire to remain prosperous and happy.'" MR. RUDDY SAYS HIS . -POSITION" IS NEUTRAL ' "I hid letters belonging lo Mrs. 8am iftel Flint, but I was justified In doing '.. I did It with the purpose of frus trating Mrs. Flint's vicious designs 'igalnst her husband." 1 . This statement was made this morn ing by Thomas H. Ruddy, accused yes terday by Mrs. Flint of having hidden a bundle of letters, an act whkTi caused lier to be assaulted by her husband, Samuel E. Flint, a teacher In Clackamas county., "Mrs. Flint enlisted my wife, who ap pears to be the only neighbor she could 'Induce to help her accomplish her pur pose against her husband." said Mr. Ruddy "but I do not approve of It." "I do not become the defender of .Flint, but I do denounce anv such, what I calL plotting. Flint has been living with his wife as a close, neighbor of 'mine for a year past. I know little of him as he is away teaching most of the time. "I will cheerfully return those let ters and give all trufhful and impartial evidence or Information to the prose cuting attorney. I was commanded to appear today before the prosecuting at torney, at 10 o'clock, at which time I am a witness in a justice court in Ore- on City, this case being postponed last uesday because other witnesses and myself were unable to be present when court was called. I will serve the pros ecuting attorney as soon as possible af ter released there." Flint's wife charges him with polyga my besides assault and battery. She de clared yesterday that he had been mar ried on three former occasions and that he does not believe he ever secured a divorce. Mrs. Flint says that she gave letters and money which she bad taken from her husband's pockets into the custody of Mrs. Ruddy, and that Mr. T? i..l.. 1, 1 j 1 v.i 1 -.'.: Willi., ,,. I 11,111 , t ,r. 'and refused to give it up. Mr. Ruddy .declared this morning that he could upport his standing and reputation for food Judgment when the case came to Trial, giving as an instance the fact that he was one of those appointed on pjie cnarier commission. iSAM L0TAN WILL BE . ! TRIED IN SEPTEMBER Sam Lotan, ex-deputy city auditor, .and S. Breslauer and M. Relnsteln, the brewery employes charged with forging Jiamea on the excise Petition, are to be Htried on September 13, unless a vacant place is found on the calendar of the circuit court In June. it is expect. -.1 tthat the men will demand separate 'trials, and that other dates will have to be chosen for two of them Alien G. Ross, who was ai rested a iTew days ago on a warrant charging tjilm with perjury in swearing to certain signatures on the excise petition, was en the list of those against whom in dictments were returned by the grand iflui v yesterday Rost was one of the circulators of the jxcise petition and Die investigation set Jn foot after the discovery of what Ureslauer ajid Relnsteln had done, in dicated that whole pagrs nf the petition irculate.1 by Ross were fictitious The ilndictment charges Mm with swearing falsely to ons pae. to which 10 names were attached, among the number being fthat of Judge Tlionia-- U'Dav. The wit Desees examined before the' grand Jurv 'were Robert Black, W. C. Lander and r IX. Egbert. FREE TO YOU MY SISTER '" rVa o oontlnue. It will cost yon only about Ucenta a week or less t han two cento a day. It erl II do taterf ere with your work or ooeupatlon. tmi in m kst asm ui sMrass, tell me how you enffr If yon wish, and I will aend, yon the treatment for your caw. entirely plain wmp-H-r. by return mail I will also send you frwsf cast, ray book "W8SM IW1 MEDICAL UltSCJT with explanatory illtut rations showlna; why women suffer, and how thev can easily cure themselves nome. Jtrery woman snouia oave n. ana learn 'Yon must have aa operatloa." yon can decide Ihrimselee witJiiny nome remedy. It corea t aM ar reC Ti KeMMrt rl BmcWm. I will explain a Simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cores Leucorrboee, Green oVkneseand gainful or Irraralar M 'whareTer you Bve. 1 can refer yon to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly .-.ft any snfferer-that uiia om Tmhseal really cssn all women'sdi-ieases. and makes women well. r: nm g, pi amp and mhoea. Jul an aa ftar wttnn, and the free ten day's treatment is yours, also toe book. . V rite to-day, aa yoa may avi see thie offer arsln. Address l,tR3. M SUMMERS, BoH tiotro Dame. Ind.. U.S.A. CHURCH SE,RVICE.S Baptist. First White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher. D. t. 10, "One Accord" prayer meeting services, 10:30 and 7:S0: Bible school 12; V. P. V.. 6. Tonics. "Mv Heart's De sire" and "The Flag.''' Two G. A. R. poms in attendance- Arleta Rev. K. A. Smith. 11 and IT! .S. S. 10; B. Y. P. U.. 6. r Highland Alberta and Sixth. Rev. K A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. V.. 6:30: R S 10 Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev. it. w. J nurston. pastor. Ji ana j . a. o.. 10; Y. P. V., 7. Topics, "Watch'" an.l "The Social Evils." Calvar- East Eighth and Grant, Rev. J. X. Monroe. 11 and 7:30: 8. S- 10: B. Y. P V.. 6:80. Topics. "Colonizing New Territory" and "The Hope of God " ImmanuH- Meade and Second. Rev. A. H. Minsker, 11 30 and 7:30; h. ., M; B. Y. P. V, 6:30. Grace Monta ilia; Rev. Albert E. Patch. 11 mid 7:3'J; S. S.. 10: V P.. I'. 6:3". Topics. "A Nations True Greatness" and "Learning by I oing the Will." Central East Twentieth and Ankeny; Rev w. T. Jordan. 11 and 7:80; K. 9., '9:30; Y. P., 6:30. Topics. "The Last of the Loval Ones" anil "Joseph's Bones." i:ntvr.-s!tv Park Rev. A. H. Waltz. P. S . 10; 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Topics. "Divine Doctrine Adorned" and "The Future of the Nation." fiunnvsUo (German) Forty-first and Hawthorne; riev. C. Feldmeth. 11; S. 8. :45. . St. Johns fGerman) Rev. C. Feld meth. S. S . 9:45: services 11 and 7:30. Second Seventh and Fast Ankeny. Rev T. D. Krior. 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school. 12; B. Y. P. IT.. 6:30. St. Johns Rev. John Bentilen, 11:30 and 7:30; 8. S., 10; Y. P. U., 6:30. Chinese Mission 352 U Oak street. S. S.. 7; preaching, 8, by Rev. Fung Cbak. First German Fourth and Mill; Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:30; R. 6., 9:46 Second German Morris street and Hodr-'v avenue: Rev. F. Buermann. 11 and 7:30' S. 8., 9:46. East Forty-fifth street Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. 11 and 7:30; Bible school, 10; B. Y. P. U., 6:4 5. Lents Rev. J. F. Keacock. 8. S.. 10; 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. U 6:30 Topics The Fruits of Personal Reliirlon" and ! "Learning by Doing His Will Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30. Swedish Hnvt and Fifteenth; Rev. Erlrk Seherstrom. 10:45 and 7:46; S. S., 12. B. Y. P. TT., 6:80. T'nlon Avenue Mission (Swedish) Corner Sklclmore p. S.. 10 Thlrd-Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R. Schwedler. 11 and 7:30. Topics. "A Safe'".1" ""PP'r me neear Investment" and "God's Counsel to; Which person more nearly resembles Men Presbyterian. Flrst Twelfth and Alder: Rev. Ham Hiram Foulkes. 10:30 and 7:45. If a man helps the needy to supply Morning sermon by Rev. Thomas Cre-j their own need, Is that as Well or bet rar; evening sermon by Rev Francis ' ter. than mipplvlng the needs direct' E. Clark. D. D. , Mlzpah East Thirteenth and Powell: Rev Harry Deeds, 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10, C. E.. 7 Calvary Eleventh and Clav, Rev. Thomas H Walktr. 10:30 and 7:45; 8. S. noon. Topics. "The Making of an American Citizen" and "The Man and the Vision." Fourth First and Olbbs; Rev. Don ald Mackenzie. 10:30 and 7:30. Tonics. "A Living Sacrifice" and "Is Memorial Day Permanent or Passing?" S. S.. 12; C. E.. 6:30. rry 10; C. E.. 6:30. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett; Rev. J. E. Snyder. 11 and 7:30; 8. 6.. 12:15. Chinese 145H First. 7:45: 8. 8., 45. Westminster East Tenth and Weid ter; Rev. Henry Marcotte; 10:30 and 7:30: S S.. 12; C. E.. 6:30. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays. 11 and 7:3ft. Mount Tabor Belmont and Preltv m Re and 7:45. Topics. "The Still Small Voice" and "The Great Mvsterv " Anabel Rev. A. Hurd. 11 and 7 45 Hope Montavllla; Rev. S. S. White. 11 and 7:30. Kenllworth East Thirty-seventh and Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. S, 12; Y. P.. 7. Millard Avenue Rev. John A Town send. Services 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10 a. m. Trinitv Dakota street. Rev. A. Rob inson. 7:45 p. m.; C. E., 6:45; S. S., 11. Methodist. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young, D. D. ; 10 30 and 7:45: S. 8. 12:15- E. L 6:46. Topics, "The Bethany Blessing" and "The Meaning of the Civil War" Siinnvsidf East Yamhill and Tlilrtv flfth: W. T. Euster: 11 and 7:30. Top ics. "The 1'nselflsh Sacrifice for the Emhlem of Liberty and "Optimism v Pessimism in the Cure of Humanity " J. E. L.. 3: E. L., 6:15: S S., 9.60. St. Johns S. H. Dewart; 11 and 8; E. L.. 7; S. S . 10. Epworth Twentv-slxth and Savler: i i. , v uai i. itai i.e. Sim. ii anu n, 8 S. 10: E. L.. 7. Topics, i!, v. John Fllnn In morning: evening, "Flowers for the Dead and Cheers fir the Living" Centenary East Nlnth and Pine; Clarence True Wilson. 1) D. ; 10:30 and 7:30; evening address to voung men "The Call of the Hour" S S, 12 E' L. 6:30. Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis F, Smith; 11 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; E. L, 6.30. Central 334 Russell, Rev. C L. Ham ilton, 10:30 and 7:45. S. S, 12 E L 6:30 Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11 and 7:30. Gra-e Twelfth snd Taylor. Rev. John H. t udlipp. 1). I'. lO.-.tii and 7:45: S. s 12:16; E I... 8:45 Rev. Thoma s " Wo- ' Clarv of New York In the mornlnr Evening; topic, "The Twentieth Century KnlKht." Vancouver Avenue 11 and 7:30. Ia'urelwood Rev K H. Bryant; 11 and 7 so: s. iu: r. 6:30 Norwegian Danish Thirteenth and I Hawthorne Park Twelfth and Tnt . TVnl0S Ir i-11CFPrnS; 10:30 First German Fifteen th Forbes -Sellwood and Gantenbeln; Second Oe r m an S ta n ton nev. riarry 11. rrmi 11 ana i:su: b. b.. I a n Pov VA tt'arrl AT Hliarn 11 a wt t I Sellwood-East Seventeenth and Soo- j , Jrt7nr 'J' "nlemoH1 ! .R:8.R10 EA-7.ThOmP8On- 11 "''ice 'morning! , M' mo'M ..... - - . . K. a.uu I . mOAt nv 1 I I. V T CiC Third East Thirteenth snd Pine: l; nlZVVly, '1 ,",w,""" ,"- v . nuicw a . 11 ii 1 1 iKuiiiBrv. iu ; AM a t f e,.A nev. w . rv. .jriii y, j., 11 ana .ou. Davis; Rev. C. J. Larsen, 11 and 7 45 -i "i"1' ana sermon, iu. v espers and ben S p i " ' i edlctlon, 7:30. ' 'Swedish Borthwlrk and Reach, Rev i IlolY,,Cr08B'rn,,v"slty Park Rev- J John Ovall. 11 and S. fl. S, 10 EL 7 p Thlllman, C. S. C Low mass. 8:30. ----- HiKn mass ana sermon. 1U;JU. vespers . " " , and benediction, 4. Fre to TOU and Every Sister Sut Holy Redeemer Portland and Van- erlng from Woman's Ailments. couver Rev. Ed k. cantweii. c. S3, r. , . Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, Ismewoman. ;!0:30. Benediction. 4. 1 know woman s snffertngs. ! st. Andrew's. Ninth and Alberta 1 have lotmd the cure. , Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass, 8. 1 will mall free of any charge, my ksMtntl- i Hiph mass and sermon. 10. Vespers, ln Btirt with fuU lnstructiona to any enfferer from strucUon and benediction, 7:30. woman s ailments. 1 want to U-Ui women about : St. Stephens. Forty-second and East this cure pa. my reader, for yourself, your Taylor Rev. W. A. Waitt. iow mass, daughter your mother, or your suiter. I want to g:so. High mass and sermon. 10.30. nV,. ,l.i,Z. j , yo"eiTe. st Home with- J h elP' doctor Men cssntunderstand r,-. krv,' TV,6 womBn iff: 71lW bTttr t"n,ny doctor. I , --- uwiur ii i,uinin u naif ana sure ' cur 'or Lcmniw! at Whitltk ixdurftt. HcrttM. Bi. WmM r ftit tf m Mt. rrahm. Ictetf r hittal Nriots, UterlM w Itmih Ttmoft, er firwtlit; llu hw Ima. kact kenK, kttnH ttmm Hti, Mtnmmu. cmtf Hmt M MM, swImkImIt, Hun to ciy, M flnett. esenetn, kMotf. tnt ktsMw trantlM strara caassi I want to aead yon i csmalttt bi 4if't (rtthsnrt MKratf Ins to prove to you that you can cure yourself at borne, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, rill cost ytm bsKhm to rive the treatment & mmrtlot. trud .wt . v suaa m smtit. men when the doctor sayi for yourself. Thousands of women have eunvl roauoa in youns unoim, riumpness ana neaitn always reeolta from Suggestive Questions on School Lesson by fMlnistera. Sunday school teachers and. others Interested are Invited to write The Journal briefly their views to the worth of these "questions," particularly if they consider them of value In their work. The International Newspaper Bible Study club la for the purpose of pro moting in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It is composed of all those who join a local club, and take up the simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who havs not lolned are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prises. Persons may loin the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the 62 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the prizes, and the back questions may b obtained by. addressing this office. This paper has secured the right to publish the International Sunday Fchoo Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Linscott, which have aroused so much internet eisewnere, ana mey win appear weexiy in Dotn me naiuroay anu Munciny issues or i ne journal. jne or tnese questions eacn wee is to om answered lo writing and upon these answers the prizes are to be awarded. Conditions of the Contest. 1. Each contestant, or his or her famllv. must be a snbaoriber to this paper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible Study club and this local club. 2. Each contestant in this local club must answer each of the written ques tions for 62 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14, and the answers must all be In the possession of this paper within two weeks of the close of this period. 3. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on one side only. No answer must exceed 200 words in length and mav be leas. Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer. 4. The answers must be delivered to this office, snd they will be collated at the close of the conteat and forwarded to headquarters for Independent ex amination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded ac cording to the highest number of marks, won by member of The International Newspaper Bible Study club. Tlie Prises. First Series A gold, medal to each or the first five contestants. Second Series A silver medal to each of the next five contestants. Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price $6.60, to each of the next five con testants. Fourth Series The hook "The Heart of Christianity," price 11.60, to each of the aext 85 contestants. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and for what It la awarded and In like manner each Bible and book will be in scribed. All who can write and hare ideas, are urge to take, up these studies re gardless of the degree of their education, an the papers are not valued from an educational or literary standpoint, but Irom the. point of view of the cogency of their reasoned ideas. . May 30, 1909. (Copyright, 1909,"by Rev. T. S. Linscott, d. rx Relieving and doing James 11:14-26. Golden text J-'alth without works is dead.-j James 11:20. Verse 14 What does James mean here by, "faith"? Can a' man have true faith If he is not filled with love for his fellows and doing all he can to help them? If a man "say he hath faith." what is the test of whether he Is telling the truth? Are there those today who say. and probably think, they have faith, but jacking loving hearts and the fruits of love, are deceiving themselves? What is a Christian's proof to him self that he Is not a deceived man in claiming to be In the favor of God? Verses 15 and 16 How do you class tnose wno see people in need or rood Ia,,d nd do not do all they l.tna tha sina ). , 1 1- ...... I ...... i . . and prays with the needy, but giving I them no help, or the one who gener ously supplies the need without any re- Wll-lliglous nretensions? Is it possible for a church 4n he Hntncr full Christian service which is not heln Ing the needy, either In Its own. oi ome oilier community? erses 17 and 18 Is It possible to show faith without works? Have all those who, with loving I Power of the Tongue James 111 1-12 .1.rMn!lsttn'' "nday school teachers and others Interested are Invited to write The .Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "quesUona." particularly If they consider them of value In their work 1 questions. Topics, "The Descent of the Holy Ghost" and "Sacrifice That Brings the and Hoyt; G. and Rod nev. Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; S. S., 9:46: E. l.. r.JD. Japanese Mission 121 North Fif teenth, Rev. Eilsen Rlbara, 9:30 and 8'30 n & 330 Sellwood East Fifteenth and Ta coma, Hev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:80; J. E. L., 2:30; Jfi. L,., fl:30. The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty ninth and Powell, Rev. S. J. Kester, 11 and 8; S. S. 10; E. L.. 7; J. E. L.. 3. Montavllla Mohle and Hlbbard, Rev. Harold onerg. 11 ana 7:30; s. S.. 10 African Zion Thirteenth and Main. Rev W. Matthews, 11 and 8. Pafton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter. D A. Waiters'. 11 and 8: S. S., 10; E L.. 7. "Topics. "In Memoriam" and "The Heroism of Self Masterv." Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty first. J. W. McDougall, 11 and 7:30. Woodstock J. D. Voce, 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10; E. L.. 6:30. OathoUo. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass. 6, 8 and 9. High mass-and sermon. 11. Vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:46. St Stainslaus. Maryland and Failing, Rev. C. Seroskl. Low mass 8. hlirh i mass and sermon 10. St. Francis', East Eleventh and Oak ; Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6. 8:80 and 9:30. High mass and sermon, 10:30. ; Vespersr. Instruction and benediction', 7:30. ! St. Joseph s (German), Fifteenth and Couch Rt. Rev. James Rauw, V. G. rVn low mass, s mgn mass ana sermon. espers. benediction. 8:80. St. Lawrence's. Third and Sherman Kev. j. .:. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 7 and . uign mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:30. Ascension, Montavllla, Rev. J. P. Fitzpatrlck. Mass and sermon 9 in chape) of Sisters of the Precious Blood. St. Patrick s, Nineteenth and Savler Kev. t;. f. Murphy. Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:30. St. Michael's fltallanl, Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams and Stanton Rev. tV. A. Daly. Low mass, , 8 and 8. High mass and ser- m?' 10:30' VesPers benediction, 30. Holy Rosary, East Third and Union Very Rev. A. . I-awler Low mass, (, 7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rev. rtr. eory i00.le- ow mass, 8. Hlh St. Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell Valley road, Rev. F. Dillon. S. J. Low ma.S and 9:30; mass, sermon and benediction 1:30. Bplsoopai. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett, Dr. A. A. Morrison. t, n and 8. S. S. 9:45. Evening topic. "The Emmanuel Movement.-' St. Matthews First and Caruthers, Rev W. A. M. Breck, 11; 8. 8., 10; com munion, 7:30 a. m. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar tyr Thirteenth and Clav. Rev. H M Ramsay, 7:30, 11 and 7:0 p. m: S s' :45. , St. Andrew's Portsmouth. Rev. J. E. Forsythe. 11: S. S, It Rt. Mark's Twenty-first and Mar shall, Rev. J. E- H. Simpson, 8, 11 and 8 8. S., 10. St. John's Church Multnomah and Taylor. 11 and 7:30; a 8.. 10. Church of Our Saviour Woodstock. Rev. J. C. Forsvthe, II and 7:30. Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van- TsJ-'b aev J6ohn DaW,on 11 an1 a As"cen"J)on Chapel Portland Helgfcta St." David's East Twelfth and Bel mont, Rev. .Henry Russell Talbot, morn lr.gY prayer and aermon, l; evening. tk Sunday Rev.' Dr. T. S. Linscott hearts are engaged In good works, also got savins- faith whether thev nrnfess to have it or not, and whether they are j mernners or the church or not, and whether or not they are even orthodox In their views? Have any who attend church regu larly and profess to be religious, but are harsh with the poor, giving nothing to charity and care nothing for the needy, got saving faith? Have those got saving faith who pray for the poor and needy and for the sick and suffering, anu yet do nothing to feed the poor or comfort the sick? Verses 19 and 20 Is there any moral merit In mere orthodox or Is there anv essential moral blame In mere hetero doxy? (Jranted a man with the spirit of Jesus, engaged In good work, what does he lose by being heterodox and what does he gain by being orthodox? Verses 21-26 When God told Abra ham to leave his own country and to start for another that God would show him. was there any other way that he could have faith In God, but by actually starting on the journey? What ts the meaning of "and Abra ham believed God and It was Imputed unto him for righteousness"? Love la an essential part of faith, and love Implies action, or rood works, henoe la It at all possible for a person to hay faith who is not engaged in good works 1 cx-nia question must be. answered la writing' by mem bars of thl elnh t Lesson for Sundav l.m. lona v. 7:30; communion, 7.30 a m.; S. S.. 9-45 a m. ' All Saints' Church Twenty-second and Reed. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. No services. .r,HrweMen3,or,a,rEast Seventeenth and Weldler, Rev. George B. Van Wat ers. 10:45; S. S., 12. St Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. C For sythe; 11 a. m.; S. S.. 9:45. Xiatheraa. Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth Irving. 11 and 8. fi fi am nd Norwegian Synod East Tenth and Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes. 11 and 7:30; o. o.. 9:30. Betania Danish Union and Morris Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8; 8. S.. 10. Topics' "Housecleaning anil Salvation." St James' English West Park and Jefferson; J. Allen Leas, 11 and 8 S S.. 10; L. L., 7 p. m. United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth; Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; S. S 9-45 .lon s oerman Chsnman and Rol. mon; W. H. Behrens. 10:15: 7:46: S R 10:15; S f Pnlil'a Horm ra.t 'P 1 . . v. , Clinton; Rev. A. KrauBe. 10:30 and 7:0; S. S.. 9:30; confession, 10 a. m. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) , Williams and Hellwood; J. A. Rimbach 9:15; S. 8.. 10: 7:30. Swedish Augustana Rodney and Stanton; Rev. C. A. Tolln. 10:45 and ,7:45; S. S.. 9:30. Swedish Mission Seventeenth and Glisan; Rev. B. J Thoren. 11 and 8; S. 8 10; Y. P., 6:30. Elim Chapel Michigan avenue and Skidmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; S. S.. 10 St. John's Peninsula avenue and Kilpatrick. 3 p. m. Immanuul German Corner 15th and Leo (Sellwood), H. C. Ebeling, 10:30; S. 'S., 9:30. Grace English Rodnev and Ivv Al- blna, H. C. Ebeling. 7:30. Congregational. First Madison and Park, Rev. Luther R. Dyptt, D. D. ; Rev. Guy L. Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45; 8. 8. 45 Morning sermon py Kev. Francis E. Clark. t. D. Sunnyslde East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub: 11 snd 8; P. S.. 10: C. E . 7. Topics, "Christ's Commentary on Himself," and "In Me moriam." University Park Haven and Dawson. Rev. G. W. RiftKS. 11 and 8; evening, union Memorial service, sermon by Rev William R. Jeffery Jr.; S. S., 10; C E 6:30. Iaurelwood Rev. W. H. Myers: 11 S. S. 10. C. E. 6:80. Hassalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo. Rev. Paul Rader; 11 and 7-80. S. B.. 10; C. E., 6:30. Highland East Sixth and Preseott nev. E. 8. Bollinger, 11 and 7:46. 8. 8 10; C. E. 6:45. Morning sermon by Rev. J. R. Knodell; evening. Memorial service. "Universal Peace." g St. Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and First German East Seventh and Stanton, Rev. John M. Hopp; 10:30 and 7:0 S. 8. 0:15. C. E. 6:10. Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri ave R'v nnlPl P Thomas. 11 and , 30. Communion. Evening sermon bv Rev. A. J. Folsom. ' Cnrlitlan. First Corner Park and PnlnmM. w F. Reasror. minister. 11 and 7:46- g s' 9:46: C. E., 8:45 r. m. ' Rortney Avenue) Rodney and Knott; ! i numus vt. ricion. ii ana 7:4B- s S 9:45; (.'. E., 7 p. m. ' Central East Twentieth and Sal mon; Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. D 10-30 and 8. Themes: "After the Conflict What?" and "The Potter and the Clay" Kern Park Rev. E. M. Patterson. 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 10; C. E., 6:45. Topics "Memorial Day and Livlna- Sacrifice" and "The Old Book and Modern I,ife.' Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla. 10:30 and. 7:45. Woodla-wn 11 and 7:30; Clark W. Comstock. United Brethren in Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison. Rev. H. C. Shaffer. 11 and 7:30; S. 8 10: C. K.. 6:30. v Third South Vfonnt TW- T. tt C. Shaffer; Bible school 2. itaatcai sixtbaand Mechanic. Rev. T J. Cock'lna. 11 and 7:30: S. B.. 10-. fi E., 6:30. ..A!bcr,l;rEa,,t Twenty-sevonth and Mildred. Rev. B. E, Emerlch. 11 and (; S. S.. 10. Iff ormed. First German Tenth and KtarV streets. G. Hafner pastor. Services 10:45 a. m snd 8 p. m.; 8. 8., 9:30 a. ra.; Y. P. S., 7 p. m. rjnrtariaa. Church of Chir. Fatier-Tamhill anil Seventh. Rav. w G. Eliot Jr.; Rew T. I j. Eliot, r. D., minister emeritus; -ReT. N. A. Baker, assistant. 11 and 7:45; 8. 8., 8:46; kindergarten, 11.: Morning .topic, "The- Nation and the Church: a. Memorial Day Sermon" evening, "The Proposed New Charter"; concluding ad dress; Y, P. F., 1:10 p, m. ;t Christian Science, First Church of Christ Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 12. Topic, "Ancient and Modem Necromancy, or Mesmerism and Hypnotism. Second Woodmen.' Hall, East 8lxth and Alder. 11 and ; . a. iz. -ropar: "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, or Mesmerism and Hypnotism, United Fresbyterlan. minreh of the Stransrers-Wasso and Grand. Rev. 8. Earl DuBola. 10:30 and 7:80: S. 8.. IZ. sermons translated lor the rtaf each Sunday morning. First Sixth snd Montgomery. 10:30 and 7:30. Preaching by W. W. ooraon. Third Marguerite hall. Marguerite and Hawthorne; Rev. J. U Acheson. 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10. Evangelical Assoclsttons. First English East Blfth and Mar ket, F. B. Culver, 11 and 7:80; I. P. A :30; S. S., 10. First German Tenth and Clay, F. Bens. 10:46 and 7:46: 8. 8.. 9:80; Y. P.. 7. Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb betts, ' Morria Heverllng, 10 and T.S0; S. 8.. 11. United Evangelical. First East Seventh and Btevena. ReT. H A. Deck, 11 and 7:46; 8. g 10. Second Fargo and Kerby, Her. C C Poling, 11 and 7:80. St. John's Ivanhoe and John. Re. C. P. Yates. 8. S.. 10. Ockley Green Gay and Willamette, Rev. J. Bowersoz, 11 and 7:30; S. 6 10; C. E., 6:80. Friends' Church. Sunnyslde, Main and Eaet Thirty fifth. Llndley A. Wells. 11 and 8; Bible school. 10; C. E., 7. Lents, Center street. Myra B. Smith, 11 and 8; Bible school, 10. UnlTersallst. Church of the Good Tidings Union hall, corner Grand avenue and East Pine. Rev. J. D. Corby, 10:45; S. 8., 12. Topic, "The New Army of Patriots." X. S. Church South. 171 8econd. Rev. E. H.vMowre, 11 and 8; 8. S.. 10; E. L., 7:30. Morning. Miscellaneous. First Spiritual Society, Christensen hall. Eleventh and Yamhill streets. Evening lecture by F. E. Coulter, "A Modern Frankenstein." State Spiritual society Allsky build ing, 7:46 p. ni. Mediums' and Ministers' Association Auditorium building, 11, 8 and 7:45. evening lecture by Dr. William White head. Swedish Free Mission Mississippi and Shaver, 10:45 and8. Rev. August Ol son. Y. M. C. A. Fourth and Tamhlll. S. Dr. J. M. Glass of California, Swedish Corps Salvation Army 480 Burnside, 11. 4:30 and 8. Divine Truth 201 Alisky building;. Thaddeus N. Minard, 11; S. S.. 12. Millennial Dawn Odd Fellows' hall, corner East Sixth and Alder, Bible les son, 1:30; services, 8:16. Latter. Day Saints (Mormons) S. S.. 10; 11:30 and 6. Corner E. 10th and Sherman. New Thought Rev. Henry Victor Morgan, Unity hall, Selllng-Hlrsch build ing, 8 p. m.; subject, "Old Age, Its Causp and Cure." Advent Christian Second between Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Shepard; 10:30 and 7:30. Believers In the Atonement Odd Fel lows' hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. 1:80. 2:46. 3:16. Spiritual meetings, Drew building. Second and Morrison. Dr. Allen, 3 and 8. Feel lanquld. weak run down? Head ache? Stomach "off 7 Just a plain case of lazy liver. Burdock Blood Bit ters tones liver and stomach, promotes digestion, purifies the blood. Soothes Itching skin. Heals cuts or burns without a scar. Cures piles, ec zema, salt rheum, any Itching. Doan's Ointment Your druggist sells it "X suffered habitually from constipa tion. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A. E. Davis, grocer. Sulphur Springs, Texas. Cheapest accident Insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Stops the pain and . heals th wound. All druggists sell It. STEWART SAN FRANCISCO MARY STREET ABOVE UNION SQUARE JUST OPPOSITE HOTEL ST. FRANCIS EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 A OAY UP AMERICAN PLAN $3.00 A DAT UP 4 A nsv down Uwn hotel, Steal Mid brlok glruoturt. Furnished at i oott of $150,000, Etorj oomfort snd oomanl wice. On oar lines transferring to all parts of city. Omnibus meets all trains and ateamers. 4 If jou want oomfort, convenience and luxury at a wj reasonable price, stop at the ssleot HOTEL STEWART PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CImum and toatlflM th. halt Pramotaf a laroriMt growth. Never Tails, to Beaton Oray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cam aealp dlMaaca hair ialllBS. 0e. and SI JO at Dniniita " C o c o a F a c t No, 17 Voung- cocoa plants are extremely delicate. Thev are reared in nursery grounds till about 15 inches nigh and frre then I trans planted in shaded ground. Often rubber frees are used for shading the young-cocoa plants, and ' these two wonderful tropical pro ducts come from the same fields. -- ROBERT GLEN SR. ! ; , JXPIRES SUDDENLY Robert Glen Sr, ona of the oldtlme residents of Portland, died at h! home at Mount Tabor yesterday from the ef fects of general disability incident to old age. Mr. Glen had been sick but a short time when he died. He has been a resident of Portland for the past 2 years, and during the early part of that time was engaged in tne printing ousi ness here. Lately he has been serving as an Immigration inspector. Mr. Glen waa born in New York 88, years ago. He came to Comstock, Nev., In the early days, and afterwards went Strong Healthy Women If a woman is atronf and healthy In a" womanly wy, moth crbood means to bar but little suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted for motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Care the weaknesses and disorders of women. It eota directly on the delicate and important' organs oonoeraed in motherhood, making them healthy, strong, rigorous, virile and clastic "Favorite Prescription" banlshea the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby 'a advent easy end almost painless. It quickens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insure healthy and robust baby. Thousands ol women have testified to it marvelous merits. It Makes Weak Women Strong. tt Make Sick Women Well. Honesty druggist do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as "just a good. Aocept no secret nostrum in place of this irrf remedy. It contain not a drop oi alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious drug. I a pur glyceric extract of healing, native American root. OREGON HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. Centrally Located Modern Imperial Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Washington Phil Metschui & Sons. Prop. Tjona: Distance Phone In Bvery moom. Rates, $1.00, THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome" CORNER PARK AND ALDER Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the Traveling Public European Plan. Single $1.50 and up. Double $2 and up. Our Free Omnibus Meets All Trains. C. W. CORNELIUS , Proprietor TI-IK PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. ITuropaaa Pla Xoaara aca-Uarant. 1 isssiisirW' -- cost ome nsrxuoir soluu Amkrtoan It takes but a teaspoonful to the cup when the cocoa's pure. Va COCOA. is most economical be cause it is perfectly pure and goes farthest. Don't ask merely for cocoa ask for GkirarJelPs. to Sacramento, where he "became state printer. He came to Portland from Sacramento. Mr. Glen leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter. Robert Glea Jr.. jicwi editor of the Spokesman-Review; Hugh Glen of Portland, and Mrs, F. A. Shogren of this city. Funeral ar rangements will be completed today. :,- a,"jAwjrr fatsxs -Is soon turned to a aad one if ha has to walk the floor every night with a crying baby. McGee'a Baby Elixir will make the child well soothe its nerves, InCuce healthy, normal slumber. Beat for dis ordered bowels and sour . stomach all teething babies need It. Pleasant to take, sure, and safe, contains no harmful drugs. Price. 25c and , 60c per bottle, old by Rkldmore Drug Co- HOTELS Improvement $1.50, $2.00 'l" V5w- NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Sta. Portland, Or. OPENED alUISB lt, 1Q08 "Modern luxury at moderate prices." In the heart of business and shopping district Exquisitely furnished. All modern conveniences. Liberal num ber private baths. Sample rooms. Handsomest Cafe and Grill in northwest; music. Bus meets all trains. Rates $1.00 and up. FRANK A. CLARK, Manager. lib . i Hadqartrs for Toatists n4 Com mercial Trvalra. Special ratea made to families and In fie gentlemen, Tha management will be pleased at all time to ahow looma and give prices. A modern Turkish bath es tabliahment in tba hotel. K. C. Bavin, Urr. rv NORTONIA HOTEL SLBTEITTH OPT WABKOrOTOV IT. Portland's Only Roof Garden Bates to T and Baropeas Oat Bus Mta All Trains ample BnlSaa. with Baths, tot Traveling Mas Ba 1 m 9