THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1909. 17 DOTT WASTE- TIME LOOK3NO . FOB RAFFLES BUT COMB AND SEE US AND WE WILL SHOW YOU KLAMATH FALLS BARGAINS THAT WILL MAKE YOU MORE MONEY THAN CATCHING RAFFLES WE CAN BELL YOU LAN!) FROM $12.50 T P WHEKK THEY RAISE THE CROPS THAT TAKE THE PRIZES WHEREVER SHOWN. Some of Our Farm Buys Worth Reading 422 Acres , 1 miles from Cottage Grove; rood road, good buildings; a good orchard In be. wing and 10 acres new orchard pet out to Spitxen bergs 1" fine hape; SO acres In cultivation, and crop and a good dairy ami stock ranch. Price $22 per acre, Vi cash and balance at ( per cent to suit purchaser. 125 Acres On S. P R R ; sehoolhouse on jilace; 20 acres in cultivation; 8 room house, good orchard. In bearing, 10 acres seeded to grass, balance of land covered with tim ber for piling and saw timber and wood, all fenced and water piped Into the house, 2 Rood springs and creek on the place. Price (50 per acre. . 158 Acres 1 Same as above; county road running through place; 6 room house finished and 2 large barns and other buildings, all fenced and cross fenced; water piped into house, and 50 acres In cul tivation and now in fine crop; 2.000,000 feet good aw timber and the balance seeded to pas ture. Price $60 per acre. 96 Acres, 2 M miles from Cottage Grove; 15 acres in cultivation and crop; good buildings, good orchard in bearing, fine pasture. 3 fine spring branches on the place, can be used for Irrigating, 2 horses, 2 cows, chickens, buggy and all machinery: also cream separator. Price $3500. 80 Acres In Clarke Co., 6 miles from Ya colt. 12 acres cleared, house, barn, a fine young orchard, good soli, only $1500. 40 Acres Close to Amboy, 10 acres cleared, small new house, well fenced, small orchard, fine land, only $1150. 40 Acres On Chllatchie prairie, good build ings, 20 acres cleared, good or chard, well fenced and the best buy in the county, price with stock and 'machinery, $2100. . The Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. These Are Good Buys 58 acres good, level land; 26 acres under cultivation, 20 acres fine green saw timber, balance easily cleared; 6 acres in bearing orchard of assorted ; fruits in full bearing; new two story modern 7 room house, with porches, hall, etc; barn 54x60, chicken, hog and 11 outhouses; good well and running stream through land; SO acres fenced and cross-fenced. Personal property: Team, wagon, ft2 eeartd spring wagon with top, top buggy, plows, harrow, cultivator, all small tools, 4 milch cows, 8-year-old heifer, 9 head of hogs, chickens, cream separator, etc, This 1 place Is "situated 1H miles from coun - try town and 9 miles to Vancouver, In good locality., Price,' $5000; terms on part. 21 acres, 12 miles from Vancouver, on fine graded road; 176 acres under fine state of cultivation: living stream ' and springs; family orchard of assort ed milts in run Dearlng; 7 room house, barn with room, for 70 bead of stock, granary, stone dairy house and other necessary buildings. This is an A No. 1 stock and dairy-ranch: 4 miles from , two railroad and river towns, close to school, churches, etc. Price, $60 per at' re, lr sola soon. 5 acres, cleared, level land, under fine state of cultivation; the place is fenced with picket fencing; and cross-fenced into chicken and turkey yards with woven wire fencing: new. modern room plastered house; besides halls, Closets, ouiit-in china closet, pantry, pressed brick fireplace, large window in .-parlor, 3 front and a rear porch, 3 chimneys, hand finished, barn 24x28, shingle roof, rustic, painted; well at rear porch; chicken, turkey, wood and fruithouses; family orchard of all kinds of fruit In full bearing; 10 English wal nut trees, all kinds of small fruits; in fine community; R. F. D. and telephone service, and 4 miles from Vancouver, on rood road Price, $3500; easy terms. - Thompson & Swan Citizens' National "Bank "bldg., Van couver. Wash. 101 ACRES Washington county, 12 miles from Portland. on graveled county road: Tualatin river bottom land, 11 in cultivation: level. thoroughly tiled, not a foot of waste land; extra good black soil, in a high state of cul tivation; a fine crop growing on same; electric line survey, Tlgardvllle to New berg, crosses this farm; all fenced and cross fenced, in 6 separate fields; fine 8 room house, well built and nicely painted; nice lawn and shade trees, 2 good barns and other outbuildings, fine orchard and other small fruits: personal property consisting of 4 good horses. 4 cows. 6 heifers, 1 bull, 10 hogs, 4 dozen chickens, harness, wagons, hack, hay racks, binder, mower, rake, plows, har iotvs, cultivators, disc harrow, roller, drill. spray pump, some household goods in fact, everything necessary to have, on a fine furm of this kind, which is among the r.est in Washington countv. Price $20,000. $6000 cash. balance 10 years' time at 6 per cent interest; op tional pavmunts. Pioneer Realty Co.. 1K9 4th g'. 100 Acres $4750 5 miles east of Canby; part In culti vation, go"rt hnusi'. barn and outbuild ings, orchard, running water; anme stock; tools go with place,- you can't beat it. Let us show vou. JV ALLEY LAND fO. 212 4th. FOR SALE. Farms, dairy, stork and fruit land, im proved and unimproved, large and small tracts, some extra good bargains this week. Don t forgei the number. George W. Turner. 416-17 Rothchlld bldg., 287j Washington st. 40 acres fine fruit land, new 8 room house, barn and other buildings; a bearing orchard, fine water; mile to school: good roads. R. F. D.. 6 mil. s from Columbia river, in White Salmon district, $200n; by owner. D-3S9 Jour rtaL 14 ACRES on the Salem Electric, 9 acres garden land, tiled, balance easily rleared: cash prlr $4200, mortgage 2026, 6 per cent; want residence $4000 or less, pay difference. E. E Aldrlch Hillsdale. Or FOR SALE TIMBER 28 Everett & McLecd FOR TIMBER Room 206 Rothchild bldg. (AVE HAVE 160 acres of yellow nine HA VI county cruise 8.000,000, near sawmill. eily artcesslble. for only $2700, be- -auee owner is hard up and must sell. vntgt uoiaen. it waFDington st. mom 21 1. "OK PALE ,heap, or exchange, two homestead relinquishments In Mor row county. Or. Write W. D. Haeye, Fairbanks.'- Or. HEAVY timbered claims and first class relinquishments for sain. C. . E. pi one, 42& Chamber of Commerce. US YOU want a rood timber claim ? If mo aee me at once. I can locate you. V A. Duncan, fit Hoard ef Trade bldg. hKK mm ajulclc for two good relinquish men; -will cruise 6.000,000 each on Sllelifc'ver. ltox lt5, Ariel. Tabor 101 FOR SALE FARMS 47 WE pan locate you on land in central Oregon, level as a floor, finest soil on earth; plenty of water; near tim ber and town; close to railway survey. DENNIS BEAMER CO., 401 Merchants Trust Bldg. Mini extra choice homestead locations In central Orea-on: call anv afternoon between 2 and 6 and let me tell you aboutr-rfhem. Cnaa. F. Wallace, 874 WashingtimXjB't GOING out Monday to locate some good timber and farming land. If this appeals to you. Join - us. .superior In- vrainipnt i:o., aiy Worcester rung EIGHT homesteads, joining, near Port land; locating fee, jl per acre. Room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. MINING STOCIt 88 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE COLONEL KIT CARSON, Mining Engineer. Mines and mineral deposits examined and reported upon. 836 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. INCREASE BUSINESS. Multigraph letters, envelope address ing. Rose City Bus. College. Main 8226. MINING and industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. CAMPBELL'S Automatic Safety Gas burner. Great snap for a few days. Fletcher, 226 Ablngton bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. a. rurceii. zes stark St.. room 19. BLACK EAGLE (Esntlam) stock; small block at bargain counter prices. Fletcher, 225 Ablngton bldg. IJI'BINESS CHANCES 20 SALOON BARGAIN Fine 6th St. prop osition, good lease, corner. Tine, clean stock. Individual license. National cash register, safe, new piano, pool tabid, etc.; good business, will stand closest nvestigatlon and la offered at 14 less than actual value, as owner's other bus iness demands Immediate attention. Speak up quick if you want something good. 75 N. 6th St. HOTEL BARGAIN $1200. CLEARING $250 PER MONTH. Best paying, hotel proposition in the city for the money; cheap rent, lease; can take It on trial; owner must retire account of sickness; better see this at once. .. HARGROVE & SONS, 113H 6th st. N. Main 4381. WANTED Party for one of the best light manufacturing businesses on the coast to take interest and manage same; no competition; $750 required; will guarantee $200 per month Balary to right party. For Information call room 302. Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Washington. WANTED Partner for real estate bus iness, no experience necessary and very l..tle cash required. Guarantee sales of last month $27,000. Coming month looks still better. Call today. Na tion Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Waahina- ton, room 616. GROCERY STORE Well located in good suburb, old established partner ship business: will sell at Invoice for cash. This is well worth looking into. s owners have other business desiring their attention: no agents. M-395. Jour nal. MOTION picture machines for sale, latest Independent films for rent. If you want to get service preventing re peaters in vour town, here we are. the Leammle Film Service, 214-216 Wells Fargo. Portland. DAIRY business In city on carline; 25 cows, 1 bull, 3 horses, wagon; every thing complete; 600 route delivered in 6 hours from nous; splendid proposi tion; owner has other business. 128 Union ave. PARTNER wanted for saloon doing business from $35 up every day; can not look out for business on account of sickness; fine chance for good man; very reasonable If taken at once. Ap- nh Scott Bar. 7th and Burnslde. A GILT-EDGE mortgage of $4750, bear Inir 6 ner cent Interest, on a hlehlv improved farm in the famous Logan , country, Clackamas county, Oregon. Ad dress G. D. Nlcolaf, Great Falls, Mont. Wanted to Buy Two second hand motors, 600 voltage; also shafting and hangers. 413 Fenton bldg. WE have good business openings In two new townsites. Property free to those who will go into business. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of TracTi bldg. FOR SALE At a great bargain, the . Valley Hotel, Woodburn, Or. Doing good business; renter's time has ex pired. Come or write for particulars to T. P. Soules, Woodburn, Or. RELIABLE real estate man, ajone. wants partner to show land. etc.iEn- ergetlc man can clear $200 month; lit tle money required. Particulars 248 Stark st FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FirBt class country store; will ex change for farm or city property or sell on easy terms. Frank Blair, Fall Creek, Or. $500 and services secures position that will pay you $150 per month; also bill of sale for half of stock; cash tin ntnnaa Xa rt tci la r mnm HA7 Alder st! ' BOARDING house. 23 rooms. m,,,t .ell! HOMESTEADS annntnt cfplrnAO nawlv L mlWAEh. St.. TOOm 307. good boarders. $650. Take S car, get off ' Lanest, 974 Macadam. Main 4802. I $400 buys 8 room rooming house, nicely I furnished, within walking distance, i or will exchange for lot of equal value. i i AiisKy mag , ,a and Morrison. HOTEL arid bar. 25 sleeping rooms. 26 j miles from Portland; 8 sawmills near! it's an A-l money maker. Main 3510, ill Rothchlld bldg. $350 secures half interest in cash pro duce business clearing $200 per month; rapidly growing business. Call room 307. 2-12H Alder st. RELIABLE partner wanted, used to farm products; will guarantee Kood salary, also share profits. Particulars 24 84 Mtark st. FOR RENT Butcher shop In a grocery siore: everything furnished, cnort 1n- catlon for German; rent $15 per month. 6r w iiiiHflis ave. 'I HE Hotel News, Portland's new paper. distributed free daily on overland passenger trains. 215 Oregonian blda. Phone A-37P2 37 cow dairy for sale, plenty of pas ture; retail routt-; close in: easy terms. Must be sold at once. Phone Main 7S76. $2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 60o. Rose City Prlntery. new management 192 3d st, Just above Baker theatre. FOR SALE Small grocery s'ore in good residence district; will sell cheap on account other business. 83 E. 26th. BEAUTIKl'LLy furnished massage and manicuring parlors for ssle cheap. Phone Mnln Si 4a, or Main 8566. LEANING and pressing business, transfer corner, paying well. Phone Main M,33. Call 1!I5 21st north foul, and cigars at 2!(3 Alder st., big money for 2, must go east the 1st will sacrifice. Call afternoons. ' TO buy. sell, rent or exchange, houses, farms or business. Phone Main 6766, mum i, ivoyi vvasnington St. WANTED Experienced stove salesman state age and line Of Moves handled' references. M-393, Journal. RKSTA 1 'RANT for sale for $800, account of health; good location; good busi ness. Inquire 31 N. 6th St. ATTENTION We have cash buyers for city property, farms or paying busl ness. 64 4th St. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery Btore. 1634 E 19th st. Phone Sell wood 1183 TWO chair barber mop for sale, $100; terms, can Motet noyt. loth and Hoyt. GRIK'ERY. best in East Portland, for sale at invoice or lump. Phone C-1270, TOBACt O and news concession for rent no ag'.'nts 606 Board of Trade. WANT to buy a large or small lodging house on terms. X-394, Journal. SVS'V have partner at once; $160 re paired. Room 26 Hamilton bldg. FOR RENT Hotel with 82 rooms, , in good Jocatlon, 631 Hood at FOR RENT Hotel building. 90 room a Inquire 204 Macleay bldg. 20 FROM owner, 14 swell PQna, brick. rent $60, clears $80 month; 'price with fine piano $1400. 146 Grand ave. M. 5179. $200 takes a good-grocery and confec tlonery store, if sold at once; living rooms; owner going east. 194 E. 36th. ROOMING HOUSES FOB SALE 53 HALF Interest 77 room rooming house, near Chamber Commerce, long lease. low rent. Will rent eompletely furnished BUSINESS CHANCES or exchange. Owner, v. t. dox zzifli Portland. Or. Agent 391 hi Morrison sti II Main 6766. MRS. LENTS' AGENCY. ROOMING HOUSES, REAL ESTATE. 286 H Washington St.. rooms 408-407, TRADERS' agency, room 3. 291H Mor rison; make a specialty of rooming; houses. See their list Main 6766. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof fice clerks, mall carriers, salary $600 to $1600, examinations In Portland soon. 8000 appointments coming, prepar ation free. Write Immediately for sched ule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 332B, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to $150 ner month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advance week ly; choice of territory. Address. Wash ington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. MAZAZINE solicitors send stamp for sample and terms; best 50c clubbing magazine proposition ever offered. Agents making over $6 per day. Af cade Subscrli tion Agency. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Lady or gentleman to in vest $300 to $400 in paying business; one willing to accept pleasant position preferred; references given and re quired. Address box 185, Central Point, Or. ' SALESMAN wanted Twdv first class stock salesmen, capable of handling large deals. C. B. Cavanagh, 413 Fen ton bldg. - BOY wanted. 15 years or older, wages $1.60 per day. L. E. Kern brick yard. E. 34th and Tillamook; take Rose City car. WANTED Salesmen for Rogue River orchard tracts; good proposition. Ben son Investment Co., 204 Wells-Fargo bldg. SALESMEN, city and country, all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. 323 Wash., rooms 29-30. P. A. & C. Co. FREDERICK & NELSON, Seattle, have positions for a number of carpet lay ers, day or piece work. WE secure positions for our members. special Bieraoersnip x. w. J. a. WANTED Men to have their shoes half soled for 50c. 222 2d st, WANTED A good meat cutter to help on Saturdays. 260 Russell st A YOUNG man for stock and shipping clerk. G-384, Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GIRLS 16 to 18 years of age to work in factory. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis Sts. WANTED Cook to rent and conduct hotel dining room at Long Beach, Wash.; good proposition to right party. Inquire R. B. Whlteglver. Log Cabin, 167 3d, 11 a. m. to 3 p. ra. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. MIDDLE aged lady wants position as housekeeper, or would take charge of rooming house; best of references; would take care of children. 27 N. 9th. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th. up stairs. Phones A and Main 2692. Carefully selected help rree. GIRL or woman, good home place, light work. familv of 2. 292 Portland boulevard. Arbor Lodge station, St. Johns car. Phone Woodlawn 126. GIRL to assist in care of child. 3 years, with references. Phone East 3448. 714 Tillamook. Irv- lngton car. WiNTfin FTnerienced girl in mangl room and one experienced ladies' shirt waist ironer. 231 Arthur at. WANTED Girls to learn machfm washing and ironing. Yale Laundry, 600 E. Morrison St. GIRL for housework and tend to phone calls. Call at First consri-wouni" church, rear door, J ark and Madison sts. WANTED Waitress to wail tame nui- sell Oyster and cnop Mouse, in sell st. FEMALE help of all kinds wanted. La dles' employment a specialty. 194 4th., corner Taylor. WANTED Girl or woman for Rental housework; good wages. 212 E. 30th. Tabor 1768. B-1634. WANTED Young woman to do altera tion work or! ladles' suits and coats. La n g, rooms 614-616, Marquam oiag FEMALE help wanted and furnished at Mrs. Howes l.aaies Agency. oD WANTED Girl to wait on table and asrlst in housework: no cooking, 452 Morrison st corner 13th. wnwiftXO woman's helo in small rooming house for rent of housekcep- ling room. 185 Mill . LADIES, we bleach, sew. dye and re model hats, dye plumes at price. 387 Yamhill. WANTED Iady cook. one who has about $200 to invest in a restaurant In suburban town. M-390, Journal. A COMPETENT girl for general house work. 790 Fianners. WANTED Lady cook, small restaur ant. 70 N. etnsi. WANTTTD GirL 83 N. 3d. Can make from $1.50 to $3 per day. TAiLORESS wanted; must have expe rience. Ben Selling, leading clothier. WANTED fir for general housework; two in family. 780 Corbett st. GIRL to do general housework; no laundry. Apply at in t-iancoca. cny. OPERATORS and finishers on pants. 109 2d st., room 2. GIRL to learn manicuring; position se cured. Main 1935. WANTED Girls to trim and Iron shirts. Inquire 78 1st st HALF CENT Al WORD Looking fop a Situation? Fill this form and mail to THE JOURNAL RATE 20 Words, 'One Time, 10 Inclose Ten Cents and Describe the Position You Seek TEN : CE5NXS . - ;;; . j This expenditure brings you to the attention vof the-employers of Portland PHONE YOUR .ADS. t II 1 IU MAIN 7173 A6051 OFFICE OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY " 7:30 A. M. to 11:00 P. M. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 A REDUCTION of $10 on a full course in millinery given pupils entering their names for the summer term, com mencing June 1. This course enables you to go into business for yourself or prepares you for a good position for early fall tiade. Bailey School of Mll- nnery. 3ia Williams ave. I WILL furnish office, desk, typewriter and phone free to experienced business stenographer in return for small amount of work and give privilege of her doing public work. 605 Commercial blk., from 10 to 12 only. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year,; men and wo men learn fcarber trade in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $16 to $26 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. 36 N. 4th St.. Portland. 2000 PEOPfJl wunted to pick, and pack strawberries: plenty or work; pickers are scarce and crop Is large. Families should come prepared to camp. For fur ther particulars write Hood Klver Tult- growers' union, lloodfitiver. ur BO i S and girls, here s your chance; big money selling Rose Carnival souvenlr hat pins to friends and acquaintances; only 50c investment; unsold pins re purchased, call at 34 uan. can Del. 4 and 6 p. m. WANTED Experienced agents to sell photo coupons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Washington st. WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN WANTED To book busi ness in the most promising, popular, paying proposition at the present- Out fit free; cdsh Address Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oi KISS Me Babe, circus at home; no fake; patented novelty. Agents wanted, sam ple lOo. Dime Novelty Co., Oshkosh. Wis. PHOTO coupon agents; best seller In the city. Rembrandt s Studio, 625 Ablngton bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 63 CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Street Entrance City Hall. Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge. Main 8665: A-6624 C R. Hansen Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men, 26 N. 2nd. . Main 1626. Women. 343 H Wash, st Main 2692. Help supplied free to amployers. SITUATION WANTED MALE 8 MAN with family wants position as bookkeeper or clerk in grocery, either in or out of city; 10 years' experience, best of references. F. H., Lock Box 426. YOUNG married man who recently broke arm desires work so liciting; would act as agent for some useful household article. 857 E 13th N. W. M. BURDEN undertakes all kinds of house and Janitor worki punctual ity and satisfaction guaranteed. 268 Jefferson St. Portland, Or. Main 6920. SOBER and reliable engineer and ma chinist desires any work in his line; best references. Address Wm. F. Hedln, National hotel. Front and Yamhill sts. CHAUFFEUR from east, expert with car. does own repair work, rumlsn good references, wants position driving private car. E-891. Journal. HARDWARE Middle-aged American desires position: salesman, clerk. country store: experienced; reliable; ref erences. P-393, Journal. A SOBER, experienced engineer for sta tionary, locomotive or donkey work. Address. J.AV. Bowers, Merchants YOUNG man. 20, wants a Job; refer ences. Peninswla hotel, university Park station. Richmond 831. YOUNG man wishes position as ship ping clerk or assistant, w-384, jour nal. YOUNG married man would like Job as rook In private family or hotel. 0-395, Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 WANTED Housekeeping room in room ing house for work during morning. L-408, Journal. - j CHILDREN'S sewing a specialty; prices reasonable. 770 H. 20. rnone Main fcSUb SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 WANTED AU kinds of day work, washing or house cleaning. . - Apply after 5 p. m 467 K. Ash. , , YOUNG ladv wants oosltlon t as clerk. some experience; references. Phone A-8906. ' " - : ", '-. '' : j EXPERIENCED woman wants work by qay. rnone iiiti. icmukp. WOMAN with girl wants- position a housekeeper. Call 61 E. 28th. STENOGRAPHER, reliable, duairea po- smon. t'none ranor - PRACTICAL nurse with several years' experience. Phone B-206Q. 132 E. 47th. MUSIC TEACHERS 46 60o PIANO, guitar, banjo.', mandolin. V violin, phone Mrs. Martin, 43 1st st. v iano ss. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 463 Ual- mon. Main isip. 'Beginners specialty, B THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Bevcik; A-4io. xs fine, m. ioib. PIANO, Violin, Trombone, Saxapboae Prof. G. A. Smith. 292 ltth st DRESSMAKING 40 MAN tailored skirts. $3. your own ma terial; suits and costumes. The Elite Tailors, 646 Wash., near 18th st. DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring, 270 join st. in . , summer prices. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE CLUB MEN'S APARTMENTS. - Luxurious bachelor's apartment in pri vate home, well shaded fawn, with ham mocks, verandah; rooms famished for gentlemen who want the best; 2 bed rooms and sitting room, sideboard, etc. Should be seen to. be appreciated; refer ences required. 334 14th and Market Main 3301. T 205 Wash., between Morrison bridge 'and Chamber of Commerce New Market Hotel Newly furnished rooms $2 week, near depots, cars, boats and business; we can accommodate you Main 7315. Front and Washington. WASHINGTON. Alder and 17th sts. The Morris Absolutely new, all out side rooms, strictly modern conven lences. $4 to $7 weekly. HOTEL LEH0X UL?$X- furnished rooms at reasonable prices; modern conveniences. ) NEWLY and elegantly furnished rooms; electric lights, fine bathroom, every thing up to date, moderate rates. A-6280. Main 5435. 31 N. 17th st. near Wash. Clean neatly furnished rooms, large closets, bath, heat, electric light Call tnornmera. 225 15th. Large room, new furniture, private family, beautiful quiet sur roundlngsS very reasonable. Main 8528. 742 Lovejoy. near 23d st. car. pleasant rooms with or without board; nice location; all modern. A-1396. Main 4368. 361 10th st Furnished rooms. single or en suite, first floor, private family, residence district, walking distance. 162 2d St., cor. Morrison The Drew bldg.; newly furnished rooms, also housekee ping room; ne wly rem odel ed . 343 Yamhill. The Temple, opposite Hotel Portland, nicely furnished rooms; rates reasonable; transient. 314 6th Front room, downstairs, mod ern, cool, quiet, close In; 2 beds if desired. 18TH and Wash., The Rex. modern fur nished rooms. $10 to $12 uer mo-nth: a'.Ho transient; gentlemen preferred. FOUR men. partners, can get large, ele gant room, extra clean: 2 fine beds a.t $1 per week each. 169H Front st. 22 NORTH 11th Famished rooms in exclusive private house, transient or permanent near business district. 167 17th st, N., near Irving 3 nicely furnished rooms, choice location: ea- peciany suitable ror gentlemen. 424 4 fith Newly f urnished bedroom with large sleeping porch; cool, quiet every convenience, private nome 292 12th Iarge alcove room, suitable for 2; reasonable: modern, running water; private family; central. Hotel Mascn it7B 6th st: rooms uu bur weak. Fr 185 N. 12th St. 3 furnished rooms, also housekeeDlnr rooms, nrlvate familv pHHuy niace, io cniinrep. " 853 12th No other roomers; all home like conveniences, front room, bath, pnone, gas, jviain H643, 269 Montgomery st. modern front room clean, new bed. private family, gent 306V4 1st st. The Newland Hotel GooT clean beds; electric lights, tj.60 to ( weetv. 561 Davenport St. Portland Heltrht 4 room furnished flat Phone A-1751. NICELY furnished room, beautiful prl- vaie iiomw. warning aistance. A-5723 300 6th st. front room sulta.h1a fnr 9. ooaro ir qesired; 5 blocks from P. O. 294 5th Large sunny furnished rooms r-none wain 7268. 272 6th at. cor. Jefferson The Angelui iimm-m rmims ana apartments, 428 Hall st. large front room, elegantly juiuiwmr, young laaies. 41 6. 7th, furnished rooms, with all con veniences, corner flail. st. 416 7th st, cor. Hall Furnished rooms wiin an conveniences. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE Ir- 152 446 E. Clay 1 or 2 newlv fWnh.i nnmn tiath anil nhAni in ..i...,. - , , . ' . iri40 lainiiy ciusw in. 10 . 26th Nice front room, rnu bath, near carline: rtrlvate familv n. cnuaren. 312 Tillamook st A nice furnished room in private German familv tnr mny or gentleman. U N FURX I S If KD ROOMS fO UPPER floor, brick building, 12 rooms, and Market. 3 room flat $10 ROOMS AD BOARD 10 414 H Jefferson, pleanant room mittM. for 2, with board; home cooking; mod el n, rcnsiiiiH uio. main oyn&. 872 Hawthorne ave. Capital Hotel first ciass worxmi mens hntoi- ti per uay vr o ner wet k. 455 eth Neatly furnished, airy room convenient; $25. 552 Morrison Furnished rooms with or without beard nrlvnt i - uuiua 1 1 V 1 ICg ED. 15 IF YOU - want , first class room and hoard $5.60 and t ner week, all con veniences; also- table board $4 iweek, good home cooking, -call at . Aster House, fin ana maaiwon hup, J. 4 60 Grand ave. north, modern room with board, home ; cooking, a .min utes from Burnside and "union ave. beautiful- place, -for summer, ;. Terms very reasoname LARGE front room with alcove for t, breakfast and dinner; private; reason able; west side. 761, Kearney, on 23d carline. A-4379. - 800 Holladay ave Room and board, with bath and phone; private family; walking distance. - '- $08 Grant, (near Portland Mills), fur nished rooms with good board, free Phone, ."B" ana r cars, tath. etc. $78 YAMHILL Nice sunny front room, onewsjae room; free phones, free baths; cneap rent; meais it prererred. 88 4th st, nice, large, well furnished room, suitable for 2: best home cook ing. $5.50 week. '' : , . . S04 Madison Front rooms and board in private family, near cltv halt 16 per ween. 183 E. 7th, near Yamhill $5 week for first ciass room with. board, all mod- WANTED ROOM AND BOARD SO YOUNG lady employed duringr day wants room witl) or without board, private family, close in, on west side.1 M-S91, journal. . HOTELS 64 RICHARD'S GRILL, latest New York styles of dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor. Park. THE CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park"; Eu. ropean ana American plan. HOTEL PORTLAND. European plan oniy; p nay. , BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 321 7th. cor. Clay Furnished house- Keeping rooms with rree use or tatn and telephone, and they are outside rooms with lots of light and close In to central part of the city. Phone Main 1799. HOTEL OHIO, corner Front and Madi son Three large suites of choice housekeeping rooms: vacated Sunday: also other large rooms cheap. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping In suites of two, $7, $8 and $12 per suite. 681 Hood st. cor. Grant. Phones: A-4422. Main 9089. 109 N. 18th St. Nicely furnished house keeping rooms en suite: running water, walking distance, fine location, reasonable. THE COLLINS rl nlshed suites housekeeping rooms, $1.75 up. 846 Harrison, well furnished front room, downstairs; private home; suit able for 2. Quiet. refTned surroundings. IS4 Sherman. South Portland $1.60 week up. large, clean, furnished house keeplng rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. NI( ELY furnished housekeeping and transient rooms- prices reasonable. Graham hotel. 645 H Washington st 660 WASHINGTON 2 rooms. 2 en trances; bath, light, phone; near Mult- noman chid. Nob Hill district 505 Everett, near 14th Large bay wln dow front room, birge closet alcova kitchen ; suitable for 2 ladies. 18y W. PARK Furnished housekeeping suites; also transient rooms, verv rea- ni'iiiime- cocm. uuiei. central. 188 11th Furnished light housekeeblu rooms: gas for cooking and light; tio small children, reasonable. SUITE of 3 rooms. $16 per month; 1 single room, $6 per month, bath, laun dry, phone. 308 13th st. 628 Morrison st, small room and kltchon In attic, suitable one person, clean, modern residence. 603 Hi Alder The Collins Large light, nicely furnished suites, single house- Keeping rooms, $1.76 i p. 8d and Morrison sts. Housekeeblnir suite, furnished complete,-$20. Cam- I. vl .1 . l.i.i.- m,.m ft a . J "Tii ,,.",u?r"TKV,? Th,O.B,l,Jth,t05nd ,ry; ,2 !9- 3'69 629 RALEIGH St., light housekeeping also sleeping rooms, private family, $2 per week and up. 531 Morrison, 2 cool, shady rooms In cot tage, gus. phone, bath. Between 16th and '17 th. 355 SALMON Nicely furnished house keeping rooms; modern; reasonable. Phone Main 3961. 421 8th 2 light cfeol rooms, gas and wood stoves, bedroom, pantry; nice neignoornooq. 2 7 5 V, R ocsell. corner Williams, 2 fur nished housekeeping rooms, with gas. Call 181 Russell. East 2299. 490 Morrison The Hyland Two suites first class furnished housekeeping apartments. 6b0 GLISAN 3 housekeeping roams. furnished; phone, bath, gas, strictly modern. 68 7th, 2 furnished front rooms for housekeeping, modern, with gas. Near Pine st. 313 14TH, corner Clay, clean, light, con venient 1 and 2 room housekeeping suite. r 268 V, Front st A suite of 8 unfurnished housekeeping rooms $2.60 a week. 294 6th -st. 2 large sunny housekeep ing rooms $14. Phone Main 7268. 129 N. 10th st. T Clean housekeeping rooms; gas, phone, bath. 414 5TH Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone A-l 522. .HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - EAST SIDE 48 THE Otis rooms, 871 H East Burnslde Nicely furnished rooms, single or en- suite, with or without housekeeping, baths, free phones. East 8013, B-1613. 411 E. Washington st. $14 ner month - 8 room cottage, unfurnished, H block rrom canine, in Kast eiae Business cen ter, no children. 668 Williams ava, corner Monroe nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern conveniences; no children; private family. Hawthorne and Grand ave. Ihe Hei ler Furnished rooms. 2 or 3 en sulto. ail mooern conveniences; potn pnoms 132 V4 Grand, cor East Morrison S'x upstairs rooms, good piace ror office or living ruuina. xnnuirc puiqy siore. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms in private residence modern, reason able. Phone B-1949. 61 H Grand Ave. Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms modern. 2 or a room suites. East 4449. 203 H Stanton st, U. ear $1.26 week up, clean furnisfied housekeeping rooms. bath, ?aundry, furnace. heat yard. 60H Grand ave. N. $3 a week house keeping rooms, complete. call at Winters block, upstalts. 474 E. Washington st $16 per month, 4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement and yard; no children. 203 Stanton. $10 month, 8 furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath. yard. U. car. . . 804 E. MorrisonThe Leonard House Housekeeping and furnished rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 tr- 9S E. 10th $16 a mcnth, 6 worn coc tage, gas. gas range, close in. Apply 700 E. Stark. FIVE room modern cottage. $15 per month, inquire nan jacason. BIG bargains In homesltes. Go out in auto. See Gregory's ad. page 11. . FOR RENT Modern 6 rora house; Clean anq niceiy tinted, iast 7. 774 Michigan ave. ; room house clean good order, with path; $16, 344 GRAHAM ave.. I I room house for SIX room house Woodstock; nice fruit n ear car, $12.60. Phone Sellwood 264. 408 E. Yamhill, I room house. Inquire " E. 6th and Brooklyn. ' Phona 6087. 925 E. Stark st, modern 6 room ootiage! -.. Responsible party only inquire. 161 N. 13th st, 6 roomcottage, $12 per montH ItOOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT HOUSES WHEN you move you always need' nY furniture. . " Buy- at no rent prices; the savlngsj rdll exceed cost of moving. -' : We own our own building; occapj one 'half; collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone E. 22. ONE E room cottage, 410 East Everett . one 4 room house, 822 Union avay $17; also store room,-' good for meat ' market, at Peninsular ..nation, $12. By owner. Phone Woodlawn 602. 11th and E. Harrison Modern 6 room, cement basement furnace, 3 carllnes. large porches, side yard; use of gas range; sometblng nice. Sellwood 6. WE have houses, furnished and unfur nished flats to rent - Main $799. Hick man A Hindis. 118 Ljimbermea'a bldg corner 6th and Stark. ; Fs o kisnt-Modern , new rooni house on E. 29th st, near Ellswortn: '""J' ""in CTiiTunn, ma. gam tiei. FOR RENT 8 room house with bath, good condition, furniture for. sale; "' "uy. .apply dob front St. 1006 Sixth at. N. For rent $20; Hew, modern, 6 room house; nice yard. fruit, etc. Phone Woodlawn 1783. t:n.M1)wau,k, opposite new Ladd . Addition; fine view; 6 rooms, garden. SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment SIX months' rent free to lot huvera In Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment -u., vwrier, i yoroeti Piog. SIX room modern house, tinted, nice yard, Alblna. $20 per month. Pioneer nenuy yu iv vi 4tn. jaoth phones. 749 Mississippi ave. South, side of . nouoio nouse. o rooms, nice yard, all SEVEN room house; 210 Broadway. near Ross, furnace, cheap rent; walk In g distance. East 4597. SIX months' rent free to iot buyers In Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment Co,, owner, 418 Corbett' bldg. ' . 7 ROOM .modern house on corner of B. -10th sod Sherman. Phone East 1803, 489 E. Sherman st SEVEN large rooms. 4 blocks Holladay school; gas, electricity, fireplace. Ad-' ply 48 6th st. N. 191 Shaver St. 7 room house, moderns on carline; $25. Parrlsh, Watkina si Co., E60 Alder st 124 N. 17th, 60 feet north Gllaan fo rent cottage. Max Smith, 81 NJ 16 th. No phone. $12.50 6 room modern cottage, new: snap, tizz i nam per commerce, A-g41jJ FOR RENT 5 room cottage, $16. quire at z wuiiams ave. BIG bargains In homesltes. Go out loj auto. See Gregory's ad, page 11. i SIX room dwelling, 689 Kearney Su Main 628, C-1366. . FURNISHED HOUSES 86; 614 E. 21st.. newly furnished cottajre. rooms and bath; also 3 room irons flat, bath and gas. W.-R. car. 391 Sacramento -Couple to share small furnished house, reasonable. Call! evenings and Sunday. PLEASANT room cottage, lawn, fron June 17; references required wood lawn 87. WELL furnished cottage, $20 month or unfurnished, $16; west aid liver. 737 Chamber of Commerce. 1122 R Grant st Nicely furnished room bungalo,w. cheap. SUMMER RESORTS. BETTER Investigate Columbia Beaoh ! the seaside capital of the nortnweau COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bldg. , SEASIDE 7 furnished rooms, cottag fronting ocean, opposite Necanlcum Inn, best location, city water. ApplJV to Andrew Kan, 246 Washington st SEASIDE For sale or rent, a new I room cottage near the beach. Tel. East 6799 or call 70 E. 18th St. N. FOR RENT Completely furnished cot tage, Seaside. Main 9591. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 I FURNITURE of 3 rooms for sale cheap i and apartment for rent. Apply apart- !ment 26 Wellington Court Annex. 87 15th st Phone Main 1245. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished 5 room flat, everything new, bargain If taken Immediately; owner going cast; 2 blocks steel bridge. 287 Holladay ave. STRICTLY modarn. 60 rooms, all light long lease. Owner retiring from ness; a bargain; termgi C.-i54. Journal. NICE 6 room house, close In, suitable for roomers, for rent, furniture for sale, cheap. 737 Chamber of Commerce. WILL sacrifice 7 rooms of new furni ture; house for rent $22. 6t -per month. 8 rooms rented. $27. 672 Belmont. A BARGAIN In 40 room nouse, good business, furniture for sale cheap; long lease. Phono East 3375. 211 12th 10 room bouse, completely furnished, roo -is full; opposite the White Temple: reasonable. . 12? 13TH ST. New furniture, 5 rooms, oak and blrdseye dressers, good tran- wlent location; rent $20. ' THIRTEEts room house, close In; good furniture; clears $60; sacrifice if sold today. Main 4308. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, 1J rooms, good location. Phone owner. Main 9577. 308 10th Furniture of 15 rooms for sale by owner. Rooms all full; easy terms. 2) ROOMS, close in, west side; good proposition; - -io agents; cheap rent A-1161. 34 9 Jackson, furniture of 6 room cottage for sale cheap if taken at once; rent 815. FOR RENT FLATS 13 336 Mi Cook ave., 8 rooms and bath, at tic, basement, wood hoist plate rack and china closet, $16 monthh. Apply 696 Williams ave. UNFURNISHED 3 room flat H block from Grand ave., $13 per month, water rent Included. 413 E. Morrison. IF YOU want to rent new, up-to-date flats, go to 6th and Wasco; best loca- ' tion in Holladay. W. A. Reldt 627 E. Salmon, between 16th and 17th sts. Beautiful 6 room flat, close In, walking distance. 614 Commercial st 4 room flat-furnished oomplete; gas, bath. etc.. $28. 1 Woodlawn 882. - NICE clean 6 room cottage, walking die- . tance, modern. 32 E. 3d st, near Fine, $16. - 498 Mill, near 14th, west side 7 room modern flat for rent; gas range for sale. 872 N. 29th st New 6 room flat; will make excellent permanent home. "W" car. SIX room modern flat $15. Key 42 4 Williams ave. 854 E. 11th St. 5 room house, corner Stephens; walking distance; price $10. 491 Market st, 5 room Hat for rent; newly tinted, gas anq nam. , f is. MODERN 6 room upper flat, no small children, inquire 4rt bin st. 116 N. 18th st, 7 room flat, modern. "S" and 16th st cars pass door. 809 N. 18th st Newly modern 6 and 7 room, flats Main 3670. 426 H E. Market St. 6 room flat, mod ern, $16. eeiiwooa 6. 67 1st st, corner Grant 5 rooms, $16. t-'none a-oozu. . FURNISHED FLATS SO FURNISHED and unfurnished steam - heated flat and 4 rooms; modern. Cottel Drug company. . APARTMENTS 43 JEFFERSONIAN Completely furnished 3, room apartment hot and cold water, furnace beat bath, free phone, walking distance to P. O.; modern; . summer rates: up to date. .You cannot dunllcnta our prices in the town. Cornter 16th and Jerrerson, THE MARLBOROUGH- room apart ment list and Flanders: Nob- urn district, every convenience. Main ffsis THE COLLINS New management fur- - muiicu puuw,. nquseKeeping rooms. $1.76 tin. f 60$ "TAlderw y "". ia ' . ' V , .- '. " . T A: