THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 1 FRIDAY ' EVENING, MAY 28, 1909. 17 DISPLAY LICENSE . IF SPIRITS VISIT State Spiritualists' Associa tion Claims Sole Right s , to Privilege . Trouble U brewing for any on who ay -they belong; U they , do nolL. It wilt be aft; right tor the jiplrlU of dead to ' pay , friendly, or otherwrse,?.vls IU to people, on tills earth, but unless these people are under the shadow of the bit gilt .Incorporation teal ot ' the State Spiritualists' association of Ore gon these visitors will have to refrain from intimating hat the visits from the other land were other than mere in formal and not at all official visits. To make the faot plain the following" letter has been sent to The Journal, duly deco rated with the blc eal of the associa tion : - 1 : s "Portland, - May I6.T0 the Church Editor of The Journal You are hereby notified that the State Spiritualist' as sociation of Oregon la not, and ha not keen, holding- any meetings under Us auspices; not sending in any notices to your paper to that effect; that parties so doing are illegal using the name of the-- state spiritualists' association for the purpose of misleading-the publio in order to benefit financially thereby. 'You are further -notified that any such notice coming into your hands signed ; by anv one besides the under signed prealdent and secretary, or by any of the following) named executive . -. , " " . ,2?,n,une,!iLA- Cowperthwal W. H. ton J STMfAv l?a. J- .F- .Taylor and Mrs.sAlthea V. Bailey, Is illegal and unauthorised, and you are hereby requested to not publish the same in The Journal. . ' "Reapectf ully, "MART A. tONODON. "President State Spiritualists' Asso clation of Oregon. Si "Attest: EMILY I DRISCOLL, "Secretary State, Spiritualists' Asso ciation of Oregon. Columbia street." Mrs. eophia B. Selp, who is really the person at . whom the letter quoted is aimed, contends, that -the use of the seal attached to the document is grounds for prosecution by her of those signing the letter under the apparent authority of the seal., According to Mrs. Selp she Is the president of the Stats Spiritual ists' association of Oregon. She says she -was elected president In 1907 and reelected at the convention held in Port land in 1908. Mrs. Selp alleges that those now in possession of the seal broke- into her room and forcibly -took away the seal and . a portion of the books 'and docu ments of the association' and are now holding them without warrant of law. She contends that these people are not authorized to use the name of the asso ciation, and says the contention is now pending In the- circuit court before Judge Gantenbein and that In past liti gation Bhe has been successful at all points. She will continue to act under the authority of the association, as Us president, she says. - , ,,Jt. Death Roll of , the Northwest - John A. Oelsendorffer. v:., .. . (Speciul OUpttch to Tbe'JonrasH , The Dalles, May 28. Dr. John A. Oelsendorffer. who died at St Vlnoint's hospital. Portland; yesterday, was for many years a leading physician of thin city, and was one of th proprietors of The Dalles sanatorium. Dr. Oelsendnrffam. vu.hnm A.M bany, Linn county; H years ago, and graduated fftJm Albany college In 1881 nw iinisnmg a literary course at Albany he went to Philadelphia and entered Jefferson Medlral college, from wbich institution he graduated In 1890, and in took a degree in Marlon-Sims Medical college, St Louis, Mo. Returning to Oregon, after, having completed hia course in, medicine he located at Arlington. Eleven years ag.i he came to The Dalies, and became one of the leading physicians of the city. As a surgooif of marked ability Dr. Oelsendorffer was recognized by the members of his profession throughout the state. . 1'lve years ago he associated himself in business with Dr. J. M. Lowe, and realizing the need of another hospital In ihia city they built The Dalles sana torium, a modern and up-to-date hos pital, which was opened In September 1U07, and under their management it has been one of the leading hospitals of eastern Oregon. Fourteen years ago Dti Gelsendrof fer was married to. Miss Nettle Rem ington, and to them were born two daughters. Besides his wife and two children he leaves an aged father re siding at Albany, three sisters, and one brother, George Gelsendorffv, proprie tor of Cascadia health resor " at Lower Soda springs. Linn county. Peter, Groshong. Sn-lil niRBUtrh tr The Journil t White Salmon. Wash., Msy 28. Peter Groshong, one of White Salmon's oldest pioneers, died this morning of old age. He came to this valley 22 years ago and homesteaded. A few weeks ago he moved from his homestead to this city. He had done a great deal toward the development oi mis vaiiey. He was so years old. lie leaves a wire ana nine cnnaren. Mrs. Emiiie Wood. - (SDeelal rH-Mteh to The Journal t Newberg, Or.. May 28. Mra. Emllle wood aieu nere iasi nignt at the aga tv 28 years and was hlrhlv estem4. Her remains' will be -taken to Port land xor Duriai. Vlto Tansl An-fstod. (Special Dispatch to The JoorntH Roseburg, Or., May 28. Vlto Tunsl one of the 20 foreigners taken for tne post office robbery rfat Sutherlln, was 6 laced under arrest this morning by ieputy United States Marshall WU1 G-Jffith of Portland. Griffith had a warrant Issued from the federal court charging Tunzl 'with robbing the post office at Sutherlln. Tumi Is the Inter preter for the gang of section hands, and had $1.08 worth of stamps on his person when arrested at Sutherlln by Sheriff Fenton. Two dollars and thirty flvff cents worth of stamps were stolen, and two other foreigners are being held for trial at some future term of cort. . This would -conclude the criminal cases that will be tried at this term of court. The grand Jury is still in aession and will probably not finish until Saturday. The Jury trial in which Steve Short was being tried for for gery found Im not guilty. ' Jury Returns Murder Verdict. (Sneclal Dlnpatch to The Journal.) La Gfande. Or., May 28. Damian Alonzo is the name of the Spaniard who was killed at Teloeassett Tuesday night The coroner's Jury decided that he had beert murdered and then placed on the track. The motive is believed to have been murder. Letters indicate he occu pied a position of some Importance among his countrymen. He was a na tive of Albox province. Almena, Spain. His passport was signed by the vice Consul at New York In October of last year. - - Utilizing the principle of expansion and contraction, a New York'-artist has patented a gas burner that remains open when the gas is burning but auto-, matlcally closes should the flame ba ex tinguished, i .,...:, ; MEETIXG NOTICES 41 M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 8466. meets ' Wednesday evenings, Ailsky bldg.. Sd ana wrnnBon bib. il. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp, No. 97t, Mondays. Selllng-Hlrsch block. 10th and Washington sts. .. . CLASSIFIED AD BATES . . ..' Jn EffectMay i, 10I;--" AH Previous Hates Canceled, f. . f eU - f C,' 'CASH ADS: IS words or less 15o per Insertion; 1 to tO words, 20c) 21 to 26 words 35c. Lost and Found, Help Wanted, Situa tions "Wanted, To Rent Ads and Wanted to Rent ads. three Insertions for the price of two, All other classifications Seven Inser tions for the price of six. Manicuring and Massaga ads lOo per line..:,.'.. .. , t. ; ' CHARGB AD8: ' ' Other than ' contract To. per. counted line, t , . , ' i . - Open space contract y-be used In 11 months: - ' t ' - 1,000 lines. ,.,..;.c per counted line -1,000 lines .,, .... 6fte per counted line 10,000 lines or pertsounted line All classified advertising charged by the line actual counts -. :: ;. ADS BUN BY-TRB MONTHt 1 month... i.,.. $1.80 per line per month t months. . ; ....$1.25 per line per month IS months. . ..... $1 JO pertlne per month ' COUPON BOOKS: ? : ' I C Cash on Delivery of Books. 1 , ISO line book.. . ...6fto per counted line 600 line book. . t . . .5c per counted line 1000 Una book.. .. .4 Vie per counted line . Coupons must accompany copy, .or ads will be charged at the regular one tune rate of "7c per line. COUNT SIX WORDS TO, THE LIKE. ShodM - any, j, ad appear Incorrect on first insertion. The Journal will ot be responsible for' subsequent insertions." The Journal's business office Is open from. 7:30 a. m. to 11 p. m. dally, except Sunday. . , Phones Main 7173, A-.6051 WEATHER REPORT lnreo low pressure rn mw uv 'thl, mornljrg over the western half the United Itatea; one is central o -.-th-... rith another overlies Three low pressure areas are noted Ol over southern- ITtslt. another overlies the eastern slop of . the northern Rocky mountains and the third- is central at sea off the Washington coast. zounn disturbance is central -over the lower lake region. The barometer is relative ly, high, along the California coast, and a ' high pressure area of considerable magnitude overlies the Mississippi val ley and the south Atlantlo states. This distribution Qf pressure has resulted in general rain throughout the north Pa cific states and the rain area has reached portions of the adjoining states, including British Columbia and Alber ta. The eastern disturbance has caused light to moderately heavy rains in the lake region, the Ohio valley and tho Atlantic states, from Maine to South Carolina It is cooler in all portions of the Columbia river drainage area and much warmer in the Missouri valley. The.' indications are for rain in this district tonight and Saturday, with mod erately hleh southerly winds along the coast, shifting to westerly by Saturday. Temp. Max. Mln. Preclp. Abilene. Texas 90 68 .06 AmarlUo, Texas 86 60 .-.4 Atlanta, Go- 80 64 .06 Baker Cltv or. 64 as ..4 Blaine, Wash. 62 4 .02 Boise, Idaho 66 44 .28 Charleston, S. a... 84 68 .R8 Cincinnati, Ohio ... 76 60 .12 Detroit. Mich 72 B4 0 Edmonton, Alb 76 52 .16 Elklns. W. Vs. 80 58 .06 Eureka. Cal R6 48 .16 Havre, Mont. ...... 70 60 .28 Kalispell, Mont .... 62 46 .12 Kamlooos. B. C... 64 46 .28 Lewiston, Idaho. . 70 62 .28 Marauatte. Mich. .. 60 44 .60 Miiontgomery. Ala... 84 64 .16 NOW xora, m. x .... e - o Norfolk, Va. 82 70 .12 North Head. Wash. 64 48 .03 Philadelphia, Pa.... 70 62 .24 Pooatello. Idaho,... 68 44 .16 Portland, Or. 64 49 .03 Roseburg, Or. 62 46 .12 Salt Lake.. Utah... 68 46 .08 Scran ton, pa, ..... 66 60 .72 Seattle, Wash.- .... 2 50 T. Siskiyou. Or. -46 24 .52 Spokane, Wash, .ti 6ft , 48 .72 Tatooshs Isl. Wash 6f TP tl .02 Walla Walla Wash. 68 ,g . Washington, D. C. . . 82 , 66 .42 Yuma, Aria. ...(,...101 J 60 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES J. A. Morgan, St Johns, , 18, and Ornetia Ann Mayes, 17. Arthur Z. Meader. 1079 Holgate street 30, and Anna Marie Anderson, 26. John C. Fleming, Centralia, Wash., S3, and Alice B. Cunningham," 26. Arthur B. Carlson, 70 Buchtel street 20 and Victoria a Llndholm, 18. Thomas William Ward, 28 North Tenth street $1. and Alice Elisabeth Fox, 26i WEDDING -cards. W. Q. Smith A Co.. Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Washington ats. CLARKE BROS., florists: fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison at MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 6th st, op poslte Meier ft Frank's. Main 7216. FULL DRESS suits for rent; all slzea Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st DEATHS DRUSCHEL In this city. May 27, at his late residence, 794 Corbett street Samuel G. Druachel, aged 28 years. 11 months, 7 days. The deceased was a member of Harmony lodge, A. F. & A. M. The remains are at Flnley's chapel Funeral notice heTreafter. HOHNSTIEN John Hohnstlen, Port land. May 27. age 15: meningitis. MICKELSON Christina Mlckelson, Portland, May 26, age 49; sclerosis. HANSEN Harry Hansen, Portland.'May 26, age 2; gastritis. RTERSE Arley Ryerse, Portland. May is, age 2; peritonitis. SYLVESTER Clara Sylvester, Port land. May 27, age 76: insufficiency. YOUNG Baby Young. Portland, May 25: inanition. GILBRETH Kate OUbreth. Portland, May 25, age 78; pneumonia, JARGER Baby Jaeger, Portland, May 25; etui oom; . FUNERAL NOTICES VAN RENSSELAER On Thursday, May 27, at 8 a nv. Anna Jenkins Van Rensselaer, widow of James Courtlandt Van Rensselaer, aged 78 years. Funeral will be held at her residence, 205 King street, on Saturday, May 29, at 2 o'clock. Services at the grave private. Please omit flowers. AiDany, x. papers please copy. WHALEN In this citn May 28. at the family residence, 828 Commercial st., Fannie Whalen, aged 75 years, 7 months. Friends respectfully invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above reafdence, at 2 p. m., Satur day, May 29. Interment Riverview cem etery, ; FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING, M'ENTEE GILBAUOII, undertakers and embalmers; modem In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady .assistant. J. P. Finley & Sen MadiUnd Lady attendant Main A-15tt. iELLER-BYRNES CO, undertakers, 270 Russell; East 1068. Lady assistant M'ENTEE-ERICKSON CO.. undertakers; lady ass't o Alder at. Botn pnonea EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 220 8d st ROSE CITY CEMETERY. - Phones C-3114 and A-4444,. F. S. DUNNING, eat side funeral di rector. $14 E. Alder, corner ith st REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS PACIFIC Title & Trust Co, the leading abstractors. . 204-5-s-T failing otag. tore John B. Miller and wlfa to Phil Metschan et at, lot , block 1 76, B. Portland $11,000 Riverview Cemetery aasocUUon to Effie V. Eatey, lot 88, sec tion 12. said cemetery ......... 100 Anna; L. Smith and husband to John H. Haak, land In section 6, township 1. south, range I east 8,350 Mildred Snyder and husband to,. Emma D. , Berry,, lot 4, block 8, .Creston v .......... . (60 Anna Gudden to Fred Wolf et al, ' lot i. block t, Shlnna addition. 1,000 .REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS " '-j Homer'Prouty and wife -to P. D. Lang, lot t. block 19. Mount . - ... Tabor Villa. .1,860 Ladd Estate- company to Jqhn' Lockhardt. lot .80, . block TSi ' Ladds addition ............... 1,900 Ladd Estate company to. John - Lockhart, lot , 4 block, 20, Ladds addition 2,000 May T. Campbell to Margaret Brent, lots t and T, block 14 . ... Portsmouth - ,.77. ..... i . . . . ... J.000 Fred-Calgar at al t Hugon Tan n en sea, lot 1, block 8; lots 9 said 10. block 4, Bertha .. . . . . . $00 Minnie Woodward to Lucy A. , Van Hoomlssen, lot 4, block 805 Aikens addition ......... . 4,000 Grace C. Dempsey and husband to Myrtle E. Auer et al, a par- , - eel 87 feet wide off the north- . westerly side of lot 8. block 12, .Elizabeth Irvlng's addition.... 4,800 William A. Roberts and wlfa to Frank 3. Schuldt et al, lots 22, 83 and 24, block 2, . Terminus . addition -. t i .... . l.tfOO H. W. Rand and wlfa to Rudolph Schnider et al, lot 28. block 1, Marlon Park addition 5,000 Frank Hill and wife to Mabel Burghduff, lots 28, 29, 30. $1 and 32, block 24, Point View. : 200 T. S. McDanlel end Wife to K. W. Reder, lots 12 and 13, Mock 9, Park View extension ...... 1,100 Mabel Harrington and husband to C. H. Weltzel, lots 1 and Z. block 4, Kern Park ...... M0 Rugh Johnson to Alberry L. George et al, east 40 feet of lots 7 and 8, block 7, Ken- worthy's addition 1,500 J.' R. Caples and wlfe to Vero Matin, west 40 feet of lot 4, block 215. Holladay's addition .2,500 George Albert and wife to John Schmauder et al, lot 10, block 13. Lincoln Park 660 Portland Trust Company of Ore gon to John A. Peterson, lots 17 and 18, block 84, West Port land Park 100 C. O. Wilson and wife to. Marco Rose, lot 8, block 2, Clark Ter races .t 70 Charles A. Sumner to Grace Field, lot 2, block 14, City View Park 626 J. S. Wolfer and wife to Has L. Schultz, east hi of lot 18, block 17. Alblna 2,700 William Klaetsch and wife to Mabel H. Ireland, lot 4, block 84, Woodstock 450 Jennie Spalding to 8. L. Doble, lot 12, block 6, Chlpman's addi tion T 730 Fred H. Frulht and wife to Clyde R. Selts, lots 60 and 61, block 7. Lee Bow Park addition... 460 The Lee-Bowdler companv to Clyde R. Kelts et al, lots 60 and 61, Lee Bow Park addition... 460 Emma J. Yocom and husband to P. A. Worthington, trustee, lot "F," School Park 660 Harvey S. Merrlman et al to P. A. Worthington, trustee, lot "E," School Park 650 Sarah Wentworth to Lena E. Miner, east 50 feet of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 48, Sunnyside... B. M. Lombard and wife to W. J. Lyons, lot 2, block 2, Hancock Street addition 700 HAVE your abstracts made by the Title ft Trust company, 7 Chamber of Com merce; LAWYERS Abftrnct & Trust Co., room Boarl of Trade bldg. : abstracts a specialty. NEW TODAY For Sale by Owner rars lots, iu cuaked ajtd GKXTBBXS, Off GOOD OAJtXXNll, 8s MmnrrEs out. $150 and Up $5.00 cash and $2.50 month, or will build home and sell on terras same as rent. No forfeiture If payments are deferred on account of sickness or loss of em ployment. We flleo furnish 6 months' rent free to lot buyers. 1 We also furnish 6 months' rent free to lot buyers. Call at our office and let us talk It over with you. If you are interested we will lake you out in one of our auto mobiles and show you the property. I INVESTMENT. CO. LjF Office 418 Corbett Bldg. WE WANT TO TALK WITH YOU ABOUT A HOME IN OUR t. Joe Tract .The Price Is Low The Terms Are Right Ed. C. Allen & Co. 512 Buchanan Bldg. Hood River Bargain Extraordinary 17 ACRES A No. 1 apple and berry land in young orchard and berries; on main county road, 2Vi miles from town. Almost new house and barn; 8 inches of water. Similar property across the road aold for $1000 per acre. We can deliver this until June 1 for $8150. Only $480 per acre. After June 1 the price will be $12,000. If you want a small place, Deautlrully located in this famous little valley, at a .bargain, this Is It Will sell to the first person see ing it YouWIll have to step lively. S II Main Offloe wetland Bldg., rortlano, Oregon. Brandt OfSoa Sood Blvsr, Oregon. Ninth and Weldler St. The cream- -of Holladay Beautiful resi dence, the home of one of Portland's leading men., who makes a great sacri fice by selling at price asked, due to health. LOT 60x100 Fronts east Una shade.' street Improve ments and sidewalks made and paid for. House has eight spacious rooms, large halls, splendid heater, modern plumb ing, two fireplaces. . , - Exceptionally Well Built Price 16500 Cash $3500 iThe Spantoxi Co. V . .. 370 STAJUC ST. DEVLIN riREBAUG 3TEW TODAY; .-'?5K Windsor Heights : ' Directly, on Carlinc 47TH, 48TH, 49TH AND DIVI SION STREETS LOTS 50x100 . "EASY TERMS . Come out and see the new houses going up and the improve ments under way. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT 502 McKAY BLDG. $22,000TRACKAG1L Warehouse site, 40x200, on S. P. and O. W. P., 1 block from Madison bridge; will lease at $100 month. R. HOFER 874 Oak, Oor. 4th. Main 6465. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 Meal Home - Fine 6 room houaa. Enameled kitchen. Fine large modern bathroom. Stationarv washtraya. Walls tinted in fine colors. Full cement basement Nice lawn and roses. Oas and electricity. Fine large closets. Floors varnished for art squares. On best car service in city. This beautiful home is in the center of Sunnvside. It costs you nothing to look this place over. Will sell now for $3260; $1200 cash, balance on terms. See Mr. Ba ling, 37th and uelmont. Phone Tabor 164. Take S. S. car. BUY from owner and save commission, one 7 room house, with den. sleep ing porch, paneled stalrwasy. with largo mirror, best of plumbing, full cement basement laundry trays, gas, and elec tricity, piped for furnace; 50x100 lot, east front, corner, 891 Klrby St., also 6 room house 897 Klrby St., built and arranged name a 7 room; on account of sickness will sell at a sacrifice price. Call at 1004 Commercial st, or at the house. SPECIAL Finest lot in Sunnyside for a bunga low, $900; this is a good buy; Improved street. D. C. Baling, 37th and Belmont. Phone Tabor 164. Take S. S. car. FIFTEEN minutes' walk from 3d and Washington, 8 room modern house; bath, sleeping porch, laundry, china closets, wood lifts; on corner com manding a view of the whole east side; if you aro looking for a good buy nn the west side. In walking distance, hern It la 852 Price $4000, terms. HARTMAN ft THomrSON, Chamber of Commerce. Pay Me $85 And take this beautiful lot 60x100, east front, near fine homes, cement walk, wide parking. Bull Run wator. graveled streets; all paid for; price $860; balance can be paid in monthly installments; this lot Is located on Council St., 1 Liock from car. Postofflee box 16, Station C, Portland. LOT FREE The first person who' guesses what lot the Mysterious Mr. Raffles selected In East St Johns will be given a lot In East St. Johns free. See plat at Our office and register your guess. The Spanton company, leading subdivision agents, 270 8ark. 4 PORTLAND lots, $800 each; five MontavlUa houses and lots, for sale or exchange; 10 lots In Peninsula cheap; house and lot near city hall. $8000; 20 acres near Reedvllle. $175 acre; elegant home on car line only $5000; 99 other places to trade. Main 6766. Traders' Agency, 291 Morrison. ' A Cozy Home See It at 806 Halaey st., 5 room bun galow, 46x123 lot 2 blocks from Broad way car. $8200. Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d St. In Yamhill County ICO acres, good land, 3, 000,000'feet yel low fir blr timber, 10 acres In cultiva tion, house, barn, spring water, for $3200; very easy terms; might sell. Henry F. Cover, 64 Union ave. HA VH YOU $150 CASH And $10 monthly? If you have you can buy almost half a block of ground and a good 2 room hovse with cement base ment, chicken and woodshed, right on carllne, 6c fare. The Patterson-Gibba Co., 841 Sherlock bldg. NEW Ideal home, 6 large rooms, bath, toilet and lavatory, etc., complete: 60x100 lot, 12 assorted fruit trees, all bearing. 419 B. 31st. Owner living In house; deal with owner and save com mission. Phone Sellwood 461. G. H. Bonvllle. $500 Down $25 per month buys 6 room modern house on Rodney ave., south of Sacra mento st Price $$600. Phone Woodlawn 190. n NEW 7 room concrete bungalow. In Ladd's add.; 60 foot front on Larch st; same as corner lot; onlv $5600; this Is $1800 below anything of Its kind In the neighborhood. Once seen you will buy it Phone owner, East 1247. - IRVIKGTON HOME Must sell at once. I built this for a home; my loss Is your gain. Call room 8 16.. Board of Trade bldg. $950. Good house and lot, east front on 5c carllne; your own terma. A T. ntrNTIAS. 228 Lumber Exchange, 2d and 8tark. FOR SALE 1 new 5 room bungalow, modern, full concrete basement. 24x 40, 1 block to Brooklyn car. small pay ment and terms. Address 240 E. 36th st Phone Tabor 1662. NEW, modern 5 room bungalow, full consrete basement, lot 60x100 or more, orchard, berries, $1600, or trade for pay ing business, a. w. Lorstedt 2034 !. salmon. BARGAIN. Must sell: am srolng east; I mean business; rooming house. Call Mam 67 48; A-6096. WHOLE half block 93x232, and modern 6 room cottage In lrvlnaton. west of 28th lt.. sacrificed at $3200. half cash. 628 Worcester blk. Main 6179. C-N'LY $500 down, balance like rent tor modern 8 room bungalow, 1 block of car in Vernon; east front corner lot. izttuv. r-aai, journal. PROMINENT corner, 60x100, on busl ness st, tn Swift's townslte, Kenton.! Inquire at 608 Washington St, Vancou ver, Wah. FOR SALE A nice home on Clay st - Be the owner after C p. m. 268 Clay. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 $6600 F!i8 business propertyy on Mis sissippi ave. "' $4200100x100 with T room house on Commercial st 82000 100 feet on "L" carllne.; $1700 lOOxlOC On Kerby st, $2600 Store on Mississippi ave.; leased for two years at $20 per month. $4000 NlceJiome om JCerby it in cluding furniture; easy terms. ; ' $800 60x100 on Humboldt at; easy terms., JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi Ave., Phones: Woodlawn 202. Home C2008. , Walking Distance Cozy little 4 room cottage oi Sacra mento, between Un!6n' ave. and 7th st. Just the place ;for a person wanting a medium - priced place close in. N Moore & Ha 612 Abington Bldg. Phone Main 802. Residence I'hone, Tabor Hi. A BARGAIN. 5 roojwsT of solid comfort. A bunga low built for a home; Dutch kitchen, rustic fireplace, wood lift, cement walks around the house, in fact everything is thoroughly modera; one bleck to car; $500 down, balance like rent. THE JACOBS-STINB CO., 148 -6th St. , Applegate Realty Co. 2 N. 6th st Bargains In rooming houses, lots, acreage, farms. timber, machinery, horses, wagons, saloons, restaurants, confectioneries, cigar stands. Buy, sell or exchange. Quick results. Main 4854. . SUNNYSIDE 6 room modern house, close to car llne, all improvements and modern con veniences; this will be business property before very long and will be worth dou ble. Price $3250; terms. (341) HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. . Gurdoa's Addition Lots $185 and up.' $5 down, $5 per month. H ACRE $6 down, $3 per month. Mt Scott Real Estate Co., Lenta Tabor 1433. E. 16th and E. Stark Sts. We have here a most complete home of 8 rooms which we offer to the care ful buyer for a few days at $6500. Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d st. SPLENDID HOME 7 room, modern house and barn; with or without furniture; east side; close in; carllne; sacrifice. Main 46. East 1968. IRVINGTON SNAP. 100x100, corner of- Thompson; close in, price $3500; rIho 100x100 on 16th near Tillamook, $3000; good terma on either of these. 522 Worcester blk. M. 6179. EASV" TERMS. New 4 room house, $150 down. Modern 5 room house, $100 down. New 4 room house, $100 down. New 3 room house, $125 down. Call at 343 Hall St., Myrtle Park. NEW modern 6 room bungalow, fire place, fine Dutch kitchen, beamed cell ing, paneled dining-room, buffet, wash tray, gfa and electricity, will sell for $600 cash, balance like rent. L. K. Moore, 718 Swetland bldg. ONUY $160 down takes 3 nice lots on earner, 1 block to E. Ankeny car, 20 minutes' ride; snap for home or Invest ment; no building restrictions here; price $850. Jas. C. Logan. 3116H Wash ington St.. room 404. MODEL home, magnificent view, 7 rooms, bath and reception hall, sani tary sleeping rooms, hot water heat, colonial flreplaoe, beat plumbing, fin ished to Bull purchaser; terms. Q-397, Journal. BUY from owner, a modern 6 room house with den. sewing room, linen closets, furnace, Tull cement nasemem, with cement walks, block to carilne; faces east with beautiful view. X-398, journal. ' SACRIFICED, beautiful 6 room home, pretty grounds. 60x320, on Multno mah St., near 20th; act quick; price $5000, half cash. 622 Worcester Dlk. Main 617 9. $300 ' down, balance 6 per cent buys beautiful lot In lrvlngton proper, the close In. high class residence district; price $900. Jas. C. Logan, 826ft Wash ington St., room 404. PIKDMiINT LOT $750. Nice building lot "In Piedmont, 60x100, for only $750; owner needs money. HARGROVE & SONS, 118H 6th St., N. Main 4381, I HAVE some good bargains in smnll houses on easy terms; prices from $750 lo $1600; first payment low as $100 down. Thompson, 311 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison st. CEMENT sidewalks and basement built; brick work of a"ll kinds done; fire- S laces, chimneys, etc.; estimates given, lain 3799. Hickman & Hindle. 218 Lumbermen's bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. 100x105, 5 room house; bath; garden planted to vegetables, close to street car. Owner will take $1500, easily worth $1900. The- Patterson-Gibbs Co., S41 Sherlok bldg. PENINSULAR Addition lots Lots 35, 36, 37 and 38. Will soli for $300 each. Or will trade for bouse. M'hat have you? Traders' Agency, 291ft Morrison. Main 8766. FOR SALE By owner. 6 .room house, strictly modorn, corner Union and Fargo, where property Is In demand; excellent buy. Phone C-1691. 671 Un ion ave. N. NEW modern home, west side. 3 blocks cement walk to car; finest view; will sell or exchange for timber. Price $4000. OX-95. Journal. FOR SALE or trade strictly modern 6 room cement block ho'ine, cast side, close in. full lot; price $3250. $500 cash; snap, 622 Worcester blk. Main 6179. Etna Lots for Sale Mount Scott Real Estate Co.. 27th and E. Ankeny. East 704. $1050 Snap $1050. Lot and a half In the heart of Sun nyslde. Inquire of owner at 9 E. 30th. $975 for quick sale, 6 fhom house and 72 feet frontage on E. 21st street grade and cement walks all paid. Dement & Co.. 242 Madison st $375 takes triangle worth $600, suitable for paying suburban store: faces 3 streets: for two days only. Jas. C. Lo gan, 326ft Washington St.. room 404. Etna Lots for Sale Mount 8cott Real Estate Co., 27th and E. Ankeny. East 704. FOR anything in Portland real estate, see COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade bldg. FOR information regarding Rogue river orchard tracts, call or write Benson Investment CO.. 204 Wells-Forgo bhlg. TWO lots In Vernon 34x100, 2 blocks from Alberta car, $250 each. N-392, Journal, CORNER lot. 18 minutes' ride from city, 100X150, part cash, balance easy terms. Owner, 413 Fenton bldg. $1000 LOTS on Mt Tabor, 50x133; fine view, fruit trees, two room tent house. Main 8040, Tabor 122. NINE rooms, close to Southern Pacific shops, suitable for boarding house, 82BUU. ynone senwouu iu ROSE City Park 2 lot with improve ments, easy terma. Roy J. Phillips, 304 E. 1st st N.. city. TWO modern cottages. 1454 Morris it, between Albina ave. and Borthwick. Phone Woodlawn 1203. BEAUTIFUL , quarter block on ridge, Woodstock, near car, cheap. Phone Owner, Bellwood 264. FOR SALE, $1100 Nice suburban home; easy terma 841 E.' 81st st MontavlUa car. FACING river 5 lots; something fine, Sellwood car; native grove. ' Sellwood BIG- bargains in homesltes. Go but in ..... Q. f 1 1 . NEW, modern, 6 room bungalow on WE TRADE SMythlne. H. F. Lee At Co S8T Board of ffrada Main $84$., FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 - . $oX)0 ? '. -- Will handle a beautiful modern bunga low on 33d st.; one block from i HAWTHORNE AVE. .'Reception hall, parlor, dlningroom. . CABINET KITCHEN, two bedrooms with large closets,-av BATHROOM AND TOILET ' between bedrooms, connected by hall; woodwork finely finished, walls tinted; cement basement and walks. LARGE ATTIC, double walla and floors, large porch, nice shade tree in front yard. Must Imake quick jsale; will take $600 down, balance $15 per month. In quire of owner during office hours, 6l2 Abington bldg. Phone Main 802. Eve nings and Sundays, 303 E. 34th. Resi dence phone, Tabor 511. ONE of the best houses, on full lot In best part of lrvlngton; on very rea sonable terms. BUCHTEL A KERNS, 360 E. Morrison St. $300 Down Balance $15 per month. A GENUINE SNAP. 5 room modern bungalow. Reception hall, p.'irlor, dining room, kitchen, BATH ROOM, Light fixtures, also window shadea, LOT 60x100, On E. 8"th' between two carllnes. This is a beautiful little home and It would be worth your while to look it up. $2700 MOORE & HALL. 612 Abington bldg. Phone Main 802. BUNGALOW Built for a home. 5 awell tinted rooms, reception ball, pantry, bathroom, best full plumbing, concrete foundation, basement, gas. electric with fixtures, sewer, walk and street work paid, Sunnvside and Hawthorne cars; would take lots or acreage as part: price $2800: $1500 down. Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morrison st. GOOD BUYS. Mt. Tabor' Heights lots, 60x135. $600; $25 down, $10 per month. 20 acre tracts, Woodland, Wash., $25 to $35 per acre; i down, bal. 1, 2 and 3 year payments. PIONEER REALTY CO., 189 4th st Fine lot 48x100. near 3 carllnes, a bargain at $850. Ross English Invest ment :o., 31'. MonawK man BEST buy on west side, $2500; fine lot and 2 houses on 4th St., very close in; sewer, sidewalk and nil street improve ments In and paid for; $500 will handle this. remcnt & Co., 242 Morrison. - . ....... T-, T . , T , TT' New, 5 rooms, paneled dining room; lot 60x150; fine view: terms. See owner. 1936 E. Taylor st. W.N. CARTER " BEIT. 1TSTATFV 409 Swetland bldg- & 712 Williams ave. furnace, barn; ground 100x158; fruit and shade trees. Price, $3000, terms. Add ressF. MGate8. Roseburg, Or. 8 ROOM modern house with barn, close in lot 60x104; 3 nice bearing fruit trees, street Improvements all in; $5000 cash. Phone East 5793. . Etna Lots for Sale Mount Scott Real Estate Co., 27th and K. Ankeny. East 704. 100x100 and 3 ruom house In Sellwood. close to car. nice lawn, garacn ana plenty of roses: this is a snap. Valley l,and A O-, ziz tn 14006 room house, small lot, 60 yards from Williams ave., on Improved at; cash: owner leaving city. Inquire 409 San Rafael. FOR a short time $2700 will buy mod ern 6 room house on carllne, corner lot. East 25th st. $600 cash. See owner. 93x232, or ft block in lrvlngton, twest of 2Sth St., with modern 6 room cottage, sacrificed at $3200: ft cash. 622 Wor cester blk. Msffn 6179. 648 Williams ave. FIVE room house, lot 100x100, best loca tion in city, cneap, on terms; an Kinus fruit; must be seen to be appreciated. N-3'J3. Journal. INCREASE BUSINE8S. Multlgraph letters, envelope address ing. Rose City Business college. Main 8225. Etna Lets for Sale Mount Scott Real Estate Co., 27th and E. Ankeny. East 704. $200 down and $20 monthly buys a 5 room bungalow. 1 block from carllne. The Patterson-Gibbs Co., 341 Sherlock bldg. GOOD lot 50x100. near Villa ave. car, In Montavllla. $350; a bargain. Cul ver, 623 Chamner of Commerce. CAIL on the Mt Scott Real Estate Co., 840 E. Ankeny, before purchasing property elsewhere. Phone E. 704. LARGE 6 room house, modern; Corner lot. 31st and E. Couch. Phone East 4403. WK own choicest lots on Council Crest, Kettenbaugh Volrror. 822 Board of Trad a LEAVING town, will sell 2 houses and 9 Int. nn H R t h " n. hHrraln 1? nL.AH at once. 688 E. 8th. Robert Refer 1 Real estate, loans, 274 Oak. cor 4th. INVESTORS, go to tho Owners' Realty Assn. Buy direct of owners and save commission. 206 Abington bldg. C. R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 338 C. of C BIG bargains In homesltes. Go out In auto. Mee uregory s ad, page n. IF YOU own a lot will build you a bouse to suit. Mam 6604., ACREAGE 57 10 ACRES Choice land at Multnomah station, all cleared and in cultivation; lies on Sla- ven road; Income $20 per, month. Price $600 per acre, part or all. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Cbeap Acreage 6 acres, level. 10c carllne, hourlv service. H mile station electric line; 9 miles out on improved road. Price $1260. Owner, 502 McKay bldg. SEE us about that one acre at Court ney station, on the carllne: all cnlH. vated and planted to all kinds of fruit and berries; new modern 6 room house; Dest oi sou; an lur a reasonaDie price. 822 Chamber of Commerce. YOU can buy from owner at your own price and terms a very fine 5 aero tract all cleared, suitable for chicken ranch, gardening or fruit raising; run ning water, near carllne and city. Call Old Wn.uat'Kl FOR SALE 33 acres, or part of It: good new buildings, close to electric line; cheapest buy near Portland; car to Whitford station, Oregon Electrlo line; mi. soutn. uua Richardson;. no agcius, WE have some attractive buys in Port land acreage. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. xsonrq oi i rsuc PHlg. FOR" SALE 80 acres of farm land. 82000: running water. 11 acres olJr balance easily cleared. 13 miles from ane-ouver, gooq roaq. z7t Knott. E. 339. Ib'ALITY, net quantity; 1 acre, very ue.i ciwtiwj inu , oc rsr fare; zv min ute ride: $800. terms. Phone Miller, Sell wood 803. evenings. . TRW , acres iniDroved: htifldlnira niH.h. ard. near Hllljsboro carllne. Ownirr, 1 ;t m. itinsi. 10 acres of good fruit land near Kta rada; price $1200. Address owner, 91$ B. Irving st, Miss Pearl Stevens, 67 Tust Look at This cellent land, about all elard. fenced in iota, iv room nouso, large nam, emeu. An hnilw. and run . rw , t Lin,. .11 springs and running ilrwm; 60 young apples and fine family orchard bearing, small fruits, roses, etc. The price is ifit diifi .ivuv win -iianqie, . . vwaer, 1065 E. Taylor st Tabor 1091. Yamhill Orchard Land 20 40 ir ' more acres orchard land, near the Lonsdale, apple orchard, the finest land in the Willamette valley, 25 miles from Portland, hk mile from It It. We are offering this for a few days at a great bargain; see. owner at one. Owner. 1065 E. Taylor St.. Tabor 1091. EXCliAXQE? REAL ESTATE 24 HALF acre of fine garden land, good water, nice fence, chicken yards, all cultivated, ritfllt on carllne: new S rooifl house, modern finish. Exchange for S room home north of Hawthorne, south of Morrison, west of 49th.. Kendrlck St Calavan. 142 2d, room 3J. I WANT to trade my new and modern 4 room house and lot 60x100, for about S to 4 acres of land with small house: must not be over 8 miles from Port land. Call at 343 Hall at, Myrtle Park. or iy Arieta. SAVE commission, buy of owner, $100 cash; will exchange for lot; balance monthly; new 6 room house, modern, Ce ment walks. Improved street, on carllne. Call at 474 E. Ash st.. morning or.even Ing. Phon e East 3837, B-103 7. , ' HOUSE of 5 rooms and 50xl00 lot, fully equipped, at Long Beach, near Center vllle; will trade for good automobile oi" cny iois. r. Li. xacuuire, ais rtoara of Trade. ; EIGHT Y t ACRES near Stevenson. Wash.. to trade for residence; 15 acres culti vated. 6 orchard, 66 timber: mile to sawmill, close to school, good house, etc., $3000. Ross. 408 Oerllrfger bldg. GOOD paying confectionery and Ice cream business; value.- $650; to ex change for small house and lot. 311 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison stB. TWO cylinder, 20 h. p., A-l condition, automobile to trade for real estate, at Funks. 331 Everett st; $600. FOR EXCHANGE 5 acres Hood River fruit land, small business or clear lot, price $600. Phone Main 6549. TWO houses In East Portland for Til lamook property. B. T. Randall, owner,, Woodburn, Or. AT ONCE, good valley farm to trade for acreage on Orea-on Citv carllne. L. K. Moore. 71 Swetland bldg I WANT to trade for a good launch. Phone Main 4377. P. O. Box 60T. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED 40 to 80 acres uncleared. anywhere between Boring and Estaca da, and not more than 4 miles from O. W. P. line, east of line preferred or near Sandy P. O. Give full particulars and price for spot cash. Must be cheap. 0-391, Journal. I WANT to build immediately and will buy a reasonable priced lot or lots on Portland Heights, Greeaway or Smith's addition. Can pay about 44 cash. A-407, Journal. WANT to rent good 4 or 6 room cot tage, furnished, with the privloge of buying same later. Location must be good and house neat. Give full par ticulars, uwners only, v-48. journal. I HAVE customers waiting for houses on Mt. Scott line on terms of $100 to $200 down. I can sell them If yon h ave t hem. Call 311 Allsky bldg. WANTED Houses and lots on easy terms. We have"" customers waiting. MARGULIS & SCHUBACH. A-3341. 627 Board of Trade. Main 8658. CHOICE homes and building lots our greatest need we can sell them. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, ,,,,,,1,1 VI . , 1 WANTED At once, from owner, a S room cottage on terma of $100 cash, balance monthly payments. L. K. Moore, 718 Swetland bldg. - WANTED From owners, homes In any part of the city. We have buyers for spot cash. What can you pffert 80S Board of Trade bldg, wells f argo Diag. MODERN 6 or 7 room house or vacant lot; owners only; must be bargain. -Palmer. 204 Abington bldg. FOR SAL: FARMS IT A S ic m Electric " Carllne 10 acres of fine black loam. M mile from the station, on Salem electric line and on good county -road; all In cultivation, nicely fenced, plenty of good water, a good house and barn and hop house, a nice family orchard; 1 cow, 226 chickens, wagon, 2 sets. . of harness, cultivator and all small tools; price only $2500. Room 606 Corbett bldg. A Dairy Farm to Ink, We have a large dairy farm, which will run more than 2000 cows, to trade for Portland prop erty. The soil is first class and the price is right. What have yoa . to trade? Call and see us. 605 Corbett bldg. Special lG-Acre Snap Right In front of good school, employing1 2 teachers, and right at stores, church, etc.. Is the nicest and cheapest 10 acre corner lot you can find if you look all summer and pay $1000 more than we are asking for this place. Only miles from center of city, level, wide graveled road all the way, 5 room house, splen did orchard, all In cultivation, no rock or gravel, choicest fruit, berry and veg etable land, in a splendid community. Price only $2400. . HARGROVE, ft SONS. 113 ft Sixth st N.. corner Sixth and tillsan. Also vnia. main 40 ACRES close to Portland, on county road, fine soil, good water, one third cultivation, balance pasture, 4 room house, good barn and other buildings, all new, on milk,, meat and mail routes: rood team, harness, wagon, implements. hay, grain, furniture of house and every thing on the place goes; price $1600, $2600 cash; balance easy, or will take a house worth about $1600 as part of first payment. Ross. 408 nernnger pmg. 20 ACftBS fruit land for $500; 12 miles west of White Salmon, creek on place. I mile from boat and R. R. transporta tion. Surrounding property selling at $50 to $80 per acre. This offer last only a few weeks. Owner, A-405, Journal BARGAINS In acreage, farms, dairy , ,lt.A In Am ' l-n.4 ranrnru, uuimi island ranches, factory sites, near Hol brook, Burlington. Scappoose. Write what you want Joseph Parker, Hol- brook. Or. ' " .'-r- 100 acres, ft mile from station, on Oregon Electric; 50 acres in nlh state of cultivatiou; good buildings aud orchard. . -.. ED C. ALLEN ft CO.. 612 Buchanan bldg. . , "a ' 168 ACRES FOR $$500. 2. 500.000 feet good saw timber. S acres clear; will make good farm when. cleared.""' " "' ..... ROOM 7. 181H FIRST, ; 1 " 0 ACRES near bonalT" station on th Oregon Electric; $2000 worth of ... and ash timber on the placa Very cheap. ED C. ALLEN CO.. , SI Rurhanatl Hid. CHEAP land, J 5 to Yamhill cdunty, owner. , fy i J-nr--i, ' 1'itone Scil- wood 264, arter s. ; ALL GOOD ONr-M-.f. 4 r COLUMBIA TRUJsf C, PANT, . : Board of T rd'bi CLARKK cunt fnrm for . 17 Tho II. Bttjtnn'rJ?''-' v " FOK ifti'IT and TrH. UmU, .- 1 ii- lard tJ!3Z"";'?-- P a .. DAIRY 7-r siii ."-l.i-o, ;. once. ior t"ia'"i Jlw. ACREAGE V