The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1909, Page 20, Image 20

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A Swell iftttc Coantiy
Hose oi Electric
in acre of line black loam. V
mile from Hit- mutton, on Salem
electric line ami on K"l county
road; nil in cultivation, nicely
fenced, plenty of good water, a
good house ami harn ami hop
house, a nice f.imlly orchard: 1
COW, 225 chickens, wagon. - setn
of harness, cultivator and all
small tools: prt - only 1-500.
Room 6"5 'crhett bids
A Dairy Farm to Tras
We have a largo dairy farfrt.
which will run more than 2nni
cows, to trade foi Portland prop
erty. The Boll Is fust class and
the price is right. What have you
to trade? Call and see us
Ralp AcMey
605 Corbett bldg.
1 10 acres near Amboy. Wash, some
Cleared, small orchard, $2000, will sell
half of place.
SI 9 Lumber Exchange bldg
60 ACRE home, cheap. If taken at once.
G. W. Bonn. Battle Ground. Wash.
FOR FRUIT and lurrr. lands, see Dll-
lard & Clayton. Roseburg. Or.
Everett & McLeod
Room 206 Rothchlld bldg.
FOR SALE Cheap, or exchange, two
homestead relinquishments In Mor
row county. Or. Write W. D. Haeye,
Fairbanks. Or.
DO YOU want a good timber clalmT If
so see me at once. I can locate you.
C. A. Duncan. 719 Board of Trade bldg.
-"SEE me quick for two good relinquish
ments; will cruise 6,000,000 each on
Sllels river. Box 266, Arleta. Tabor 104 2
ON account of sickness I will sell my
40 acres relinquishment of fine fruit
land, good soli, mestly level, in the
White Salmon district, 4 mile to school,
good road. 6 miles from Columbia river;
price $150 If taken at once. Q-397,
WE can locate you on land In central
Oregon, level as a floor, finest soil
on earth; plenty of water; near tim
ber and town; close to railway survey.
401 Merchants' Trust Bldg.
I HAVE some extra choice homestead
locations in central Oregon; call any
afternoon between 2 and 6 and let fne
tell you about them. Chas. F. Wallace.
874 Washington st.
WE CAN now locate you on 320 acre
. homesteads, level, rich soil, good wa
ter. See us for full Information. Sta
ples Land Co., 218 Worcester Bldg.
EIGHT homesteads, joining, near Port
land: locating: fee. $1 per acre. Room
14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
Minlns: Engineer.
Mines and mineral deposits examined
and reported upon.
S3 6 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or
""MuHlgraph letters, envelope address
ing. Rose City bub. :oiiege. Mam szzi.
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
old. C. 6. Fletcner, izo ADtngton mag.
CAMPBELL'S Automatic Safety Gas
burner. Great snap for a few days.
Fletcher. 225 Ablngton bldg.
IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 268 SUrk
nt.. room 19.
BLACK EAGLE (Santiam) stock; small
block at bargain counter prices.
Fletcher, 225 Ablngton Mdg.
FOR SALE 2000 shares Inyo-Coso,
Look this up. F. L. Schott, 404 E.
$350 secures half Interest In cash pro
duce business clearing ijoo per
month: rapidly growing business. Call
room 307, 242 H Alder st.
PARTNER wanted for light manufac
turing; extra large profits: duties
easily learned; small capjtal required.
Particulars 248H Btark st.
GREATEST chance to step into estab
lished and best general merchandise
business In southern Oregon. Inquire
' Box 635. Roseburg. Or.
FOR RENT liutc-her shop In a grocery
store; everything furnished, good lo
cation for German; rent $15 per month.
735 Williams ave.
26 ROOMS on 6th; rent $100. Best
transient house on street. Clears $200
monthly. $1600. easy terms. Peters A
Hill. 16 N. 6th st
1 HE Hotel News. Portland's new paper,
distributed free daily on overland
passenger trains. 216 Oregonian bldg.
Phone A-3792.
PARTNER wanted used to farm prod
uct; owner will guarantee good sal
arv, slso share profits. Particulars
24RH gtark St.
3" cow dairy for sale, plenty of pas
ture, retail rout-: close in; easy
terms Must be sold at once. Phone
Main 77iv
W ANTEI--- Salesmen fv Rngue River
orchard trac ts; good proposition. Hen
son Investment "o. 204 Wells-Fargo
$2 for 1 000 business cards, 100 for 60a
Rose City Printery, new management.
192H 3d st. Just above Baker theatre.
FOR PALE Small rocTrv sTTTre Tn
good residence district, will set! cheap
on account other business. 33 F.. 26th.
CLOTHES cleaning and pressing shop
doing good busineps. at Hillsboro Or'
See owner. 173 E 7th st , Portland Or'
run yni'h SALE Restaurant
Washington st.. Jt;?.. als
flee hiislness. only J7S 2
irood ..f. c
WANTED A gr.K-ery st .re r good ei
gr and conf-ction-rv store tor about
$12"0 V Kii'-) s. 22 11, Morrison M
furnished massage and
manicuring parlors r
sule cheat).
Phone Main 3145. or Main Wei
POOL and cigars at 293 Alder st
money for
will sacrifice.
Miuai go ijisi Ule 1st.
c 'all afternoons.
TO buy, sell, rent or exchange, houses,
farms or business. Phone Main 6766
room 1. 205 4 Washington st
WANTED Experienced stove salesman;
state age ;md line of stoves handled'
references. M-393, Journal.
REST.M'RANTfoTsai''Tfor Jsftfl a,-roi7nt
of health: good location; good busl
ness. Inquire 31 N. sth st.
66 ROOMS on Washington; long lease
clearing $260; $2000, easy terms, or
will rent. 16 N. 6t hs t.
ATTENTION We hare cash huyers for
city property, rarms or paying busl
. 64 H 4th St.
FOR SALE Cigar ami confectionery
, store. 18J4 E. 19th st. Phone Sell-
woodt 1183.
FOR SALE Restaurant in a good loca
tion for sale by owner. 693 Washlng
r ton at..'
TWO chair barber snop for sale, $100:
terms. Call Hotel Hoyt. 10th and Hoyt,
GROCERY, best In East Portland, for
J st invoice' or lump. Phona &1Z70.
MUST have partner at once; $160 re
qiilrwl. Room 6 Hamilton bldg.
CASH grocery with living rooms, rent
East 1115. B-1437.
FORRENT Hotel with 32 rooms. In
- rrxvcj location- ezi Hood t.
FOR. RENT Hotel building, $0 room
i-xieuits jot Aiacieajr mac
30 i
SAIIO.V R P.GA1N Fine 6th st. prop
osition. Rood lease, corner, fine, clean
stock. Individual license. National cash
n-glster. safe, new piano, pool table,
etc.: Rood business. Will ,;land closest
investigation and i. offeiel at bss
than actual alue, as owner's other bus
iness demands immeliste attention.
Speak up quick If you want something;
Bool. y fiih pt.
Best paying hotel proposition In the
city for the money; ( heap rent, lease:
can tke it on trial; owner must retire
account of sickness; better see this at
113 Xi tith st. N. Main 43X1.
A.N rub Party for one-of the best
litrht manufacturing businesses on the
coast to take interest and manage
same; no competition. JiftO required;
will guarantee J200 per month stilaJry
to right party. For Information call
room 302. Swetland bldg. cor. 5th and,
Washington. 1
WANTED Paitner for real ,-state bus
iness, no experience necessary and
very l..tle cash required. Guarantee
sales of last month 127.000. Coming
month looks still better. Call today. Na-
rlnn Realty Trust Co. 32SW Washing-
ton. room 516
4 7 ROOMS, well furnished, best loca
tion In city. Will sell for $3500 cash,
or trade for city property. Will sell
H lsterest to honest lady to run the
Hotel Brokers. 35H4 Morrison.
GROCERY STORE Well located in
good suburb, old established partner
ship business; will sell at Invoice for
cash. This Is well worth looking into,
as owners have other business desiring
their attention; no agents. M-3H5, Jour
Cannot attend to volume of business,
need partner to look after office while
I am out; cleared $600 since first of
month; established business
lnvestl- i
gate. 3 1 8 Ablngton bldg
WANTED At once, active partner to
take charge and manage one of the
best light manufacturing businesses In
city; will guarantee $200 salary; $750
required. If you mean business call
room 302 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash.
PARTNER wanted, must leave on ac-
count of sickness; remodeled; every
thing new; doing business from $35 up
every day; -fine chance for good man If
taken at once. Apply Scott hotel bar, "7
Btirnslde St. '
FOR SALE Two lots, store building, i
grocery shelving, counters; So. Port
land; suburbs; Investigate: snap: must
sell: good chance for speculation or
business; old lime location. Apply 186
Madison &t.
MOTION picture machines for sale,
latest Independent films for rent. If
you want to get service preventing re
peaters in your town, here we are, the
Leammle Film Service. 214-216 Wells
Fargo, Portland .
DAIRY business In city on carllne; 25
cows, 1 bull. 3 horses, wagon; every
thing complete; 600 route delivered in
R V,.iim frnm Vinn.' BrlnnctU nrortOai.
tinn- nurner hs, other huKlnpsa 128 1
I'nlon ave ' I
WE have good business openings In two
new townsltes. Property fre? to those
colvmbia trust company.
Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE At a great bargain, the
Valley Hotel, Woodburn, Or. Doing
good business; renter's time has ex
pired. Come or write for particulars to
T. P. Soules, Woodburn, Or.
STRICTLY cash business Owner tired
of hired help, wants reliable partner
$600 cash required; energetic man can
clear $140
month. Particulars 248ft
Stark St.
First class country store; will ex
change for farm or city property or sell
on easy terms. Frank Blair, Fall Creek,
32 ROOMS, brick building, centrally lo
cated; rent $100, long lease; will
guarantee It clears $135 to $250 above
expenses; t7t)0, terms. Peters & Hill,
15 N. 6th st.
$500 and services secures position that,
will pay you $160 per month; also
business; Particulars room 307,' 242 '
Alder st
oin or saie ror nair or siock; casn
bakery" restaurant confectionery and
stock, no opposition In town of 900.
Address C. A. Rainwater,,
I 'v' 1, .... 1 . 1. T . ..
14 rooms, fine furniture, best location.1, rooming noise or rent or nouseKcep
brlck bldg.. rent 150. clearinir ISO , Ingroom 115 Mill.
month, price, Including fine piano. $1400.
Owner. 146H Grand ave. Phone M 5179. ;
RELIABLE real estate man alone wants
partner to show land, etc.; energetic j LADIES, we bleach, sew, dye and re
man can clear $200 month; little money! model hats, dye plumes at H price,
required. Particulars 24S Stark st. ! 387 Yamhill.
BOARDING house, 23 rooms, roust sell 1
account sickness, newlv furnished, 18
f ood boarders, $650. Take S car, get off j
ne St., 974 Macadam. Main 4802. !
...... i... .. . At . ;
ANYONE desiring a restaurant we have
62 on our list and can sell you one 1
in any loca ty; took our list over.
Peters Hill. 15 N. 5th st.
Buy It on Trial.
You can pay down $500 and take pos-
session. Try this place, and if not as ,
repreeenieu you can iictj jiiui money i
back. This Is located In a fine place
for both permanent and transient room-i
ors; good hrlrk building, hot and cold
running water in all rooms, steam heat,
cheap rent, good lease. 45 rooms, ele
gantly furnished, list $in,000, our rrlce
$5000. See my agent.
28fi4 Washington st
HALF Interest 77 room rooming hou.
near Chamber Commerce, long lease,
low rent. Will rent completely furnished
or exchange. Owner. P. O. box 227.
Portland. Or. Agent 291 H Morrison St.
Main 6766.
286 V, Washington St., rooms 406-407.
TRADERS' agency, room 3, 291 V Mor
rison; make a specialty of rooming
htuss. See their list. Main 6766.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof
fice clerks, mall carriers, salary $600
to Jlfino, examinations In Portland
soon. Rooo appointments coming, prepar-
'atlon free. Write Immediately for sched
ule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 83ZB.
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Salesmen; many make $100
to $150 "er month; some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards; cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. Address. Wash
In gtoriNurseryCo;Topper
MAZAZINE solicitors send stamp for
sample and terms; best 60c clubbing
niag.-izine proposition ever offered!
Agents making over $5 per day. Ar
cade Subscrlition Agency, Minneapolis, i
WANTED Lady or gentleman to In
vest $300 to $400 In paying husiness;
one willing to accept pleasant position
preferred; references given and re
quired. Address box 1S5, Central Point,
$500 MONTHLY profit and up placing
Premium Vending Machines; no ex
perience, no soliciting; small capital.
Premium Vending 'o.. Seattle, Wash.
DO YOir want to travel and seei the
wot Id? For Information, 612 Bti
ohanun bldg. No one but of a good per
sonal appearance need apply.
SALESMAN wanted -Two first class
stock salesmen, capable of handling
large deals. C. B. Cavanagh, 413 Fen
ton bldg
W A NTED Tailor, must have experl
WANTED All around Jobber foF farm
and team work; wages $3.50; must be
sober man. W. P. Scrlver, Heppner, Or.
WANTED Maii, good milker that can
. miik 10 cows, and general farm work.
A. W. Kooher, Washougal Wash.. R. 1.
WANTED Honest young man. services
and small capital required. Inquire
j:6 Wasu. it, room 406. No f&k,.
WANTED SiHier, honest young man as
partner, Tittlewoney reouired. to work
in office or shopropertuE 225 6th at.
SALESMEN, city and cOTntry. all lines.
bookkeepers and stenographer. 3n
Wash., rooms 29-30. P. A. & C. Co.
! UOY to (hive wagon and work in uro-
eery; one living on the east side pre
fcrr u. Apply. 127 Grand ave.. S.
WANTED Carpenters to contract to
build cottage at Seaside. All material
furnished. 0-398, - Journal.
KRKDKRICK & NElJSON, Seattle, have
positions for a number of carpet lay
ers, day or piece work.
WANTED A man and team to do some
.. , I lit lk' O 1 . .. M I
-- 2 !
secure positions for our members,
Special membership Y. M. C. A.
ANTED Delivery bov Id years old
for a grocery. Address 415 5th.
half soled for 60c.
have their
222 2d st
WANTED First class tailor; good pay;
steady work. 347 Yamhill st.
WANTED A good meat cutter to help
on Saturdays. 260 Russell st.
1 A YOUNG man for stock and shipping
clerk U-3X4. journal
I :
GIRLS 16 to 18 years of age to work
In factory. Apply at once.
6th and Davis Sts.
A REDUCTION of $10 on a full course
in millinery given pupils entering
their names for the summer term, com
mencing June 1. This course enables
VOll to n Into hi l cCi n .w u fnr vnnraoie r
prepares you for a good position for
early rail trade. Bailey School of Mll
llnery. 32S Williams ave.
I WILL furnish office, desk, typewriter
and phone free to experienced business
stenographer in return for small amount
of work and give privilege of her doing
public work. 60S Commercial blk., from
10 to 12 only.
WANTED At Mrs. Howe's Ladies'
agency, 326 H Washington St. Cooks,
9 waitresses at $35. $30, $25; chamber
maids, $25. $20; kitchen helpers, $25;
second girls, nurses, canvassers, house
keepers WANTED Cook to rent and conduct
hotel dining room at Long Beach,
Wash.; good proposition to right party.
Inquire, R. B. Whltegl ver. Log Cabin,
16f 3d, 11 a. m. to 3 p. m.
HKLP wanted. Vnlon Laundry Co,
WANTED Experienced girl for general
house work In small family and help
take care of baby; good home; no cook
ing; wages $15 per month. 487 W. Park.
MIDDLE aged lady wants position as
housekeeper, or would take charge of
"nfjl"!!?i i?L li'ViZ
would take care of children. 27 N. th.
843 H Washington st, cor. 7th, up
stairs. Phones A and Main 2692.
Carefully selected help free.
blRL or woman, good home place, light
work, family of 2. 292 Portland
boulevard, Arbor Lodge station, St.
Johns car. Phone Wood lawn 126.
ATHLETIC girl to take tickets;
one that can play baseball to
traveling ladies' team. Room 626
perlal hotel, tonight.
Gl RL to assist in care of child, 3 years,
and second work, with references.
Phone East 3448. 714 Tillamook, Iry
Ington car.
WANTED Competent experienced bon
bon dipper, good wages, steady work.
Aldon Candy Co., 12th and Gllsan sts.
WANTED Good German girl for gen
eral housework in small family. Call
todav or Friday h. tn . 80tt Park st.
i Wl'Tirn F.vneripneed B-irl tn nmnir!.
rfK)m an1 one experienced ladles' shirt
walst Ironer. 231 Arthur st.
WANTED Girl to wait on table and
assist In housework; no cooking. 452
Morrlton st.. cor. 13th.
I FALE help wanted and furnished at
I, (Howe. f?iee Aency. 32H
I Wash. St.. room 307. .
i WORKING woman's help In small
'FEMALE help of all kinds wanted. La
dies' employment a specialty. 194 4th,
I corner Tayior.
LADY to take charge of rooming house
at 181 6th St. Applegate Realty Co.,
2H N. 6th. .
cnMPF!TET iHrl for roniril hmme.
work. Apply 186 East 16th. Phone
East 2007.
WANTED Competent skirt and waist
nana at onse. v. an npft ju si. r'lione
WANTED Girl for general housework.
o )n family. 1165 Thurman. Phone
CMRL ' do general housework; n
laundry. Apply at 774 Hancock, city
WANTED Girl for housework; small
family, good home. 504 Davis St.
YOUNG girl wanted for light house-
work. Apply 46.1 4th st
FIVE room modern cottage. $15 per
month. Inquire 330 Jackson.
OPERATORS and finishers on pants.
109 2d st.. room 2.
GIRL to learn manicuring;
cured. Main 1935.
position se-
W ANTED Girls to trim and Iron shirts.
Inquire 75 1st st.
For graduates last year; men and wo
men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $15
to $25 weekly: expert instructor; tools
free; write for catalog. Moler System
of Colleges. 85 N. 4th St., Portland.
BOYS and girls, here's your chance; big
money selling Rose Carnival souvenir
hat pins to friends and acquaintances;
only 60c investment; unsold pins re
purchased. Call at 34 Oak. Call bet.
4 and 6 p. m
WANTED Experienced agents to sell
photo coupons. C. Elmore Grove, 363
Washington st.
Looking for a Situation ?
Fill this form and mail to THE JOURNAL
RATE 20 Words, One Time, 10
Inclose Ten Cents and Describe the Position You Seek
This expenditure brings you to the attention of the employers of Portland
MAIN 7173
A 6051
7:30 A. M. to
11:00 P. M.
ness In the most promising, popular,
paying proposition of the present. Out
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
KISS Me Babe, circus at home; no fakF;
patented novelty. Agents wanted, sam
ple 10c. Dime Novelty Co., Oslikosh. Wis.
PHOTO coupon agents: best seller In
the city. Rembrandt's Studio, 525
Ablngton bldg.
Free Employment Office
Fourth Street Entrance City HalL
Male and Female Help
Furnished Free of Charge.
Main 3556: A-5624.
C. R. Hansen Jr.
Men, 26 N. 2nd. Main 1626.
Women. 343 H Wash. st. Main 2692.
Help supplied free to 3mployers.
WANTED By young man, position as
salt smar. for u live real estate firm:
will work 6 days a week only; prefer to
handle high grade property such as
Irvlngton or Holladay; can furnish very
best references an will want the Mine
in return. P-395, Journal.
MAN with family wants position as
bookkeeper or clerk In grocery, either
In or out of cltv; 10 vears" experience,
best of references. F. H.. Lock Box 426.
YOUNG married man who recently
broke arm , desires work so
liciting; would set as agent for some
useful household article. 8Ti7 E. 13th N.
W. M. BURDEN undertakes all kinds
of house and Janitor work; punctual
ity and satisfaction guaranteed. 268
Jefferson St., Portland. Or. Main 6920.
SOBER and reliable , engineer and ma -
icuiiiBi cienires any wotk in ms line;
best references. Address Wm. F. Hedin,
rxauonai notei, front ana Yammil sts.
CHAL'FFEUR from east, expert -with
car, does own repair work, furnish
good references, wants position driving
privaift car, ivsyj. journal.
HARDWARE Middle-aged American
desires position; salesman. clerk.
country store: experienced; reliable; ref
erences. P-393. Journal
A SOBER, experienced engineer for sta
tionary, locomotive or donkey work
Address, J. W. Bowers, Merchant'!
hoteh .
POSITION as collector by a thorough
ly reliable gentleman. Address R, J.
( .. 230 Renton. Phone East 5061.
RELIABLE man wants odd Jobs house
cleaning, painting, caring for lawns.
any work. Main 427. room 11
YOUNG married man would like job as
cook in private ramlly or hotel
0-395. Journal.
L11AI Pi r.l R wants private car to
drive; can keep car in repair. H. A
J.. B-15.12.
CARPENTER, finishing or contract;
estimates free. Phone Woodlawn 285
WANTED Position as nurse, governess
and plain sewing, by sensible) woman
28 years, prefer country or suburbs;
will expect good salary; references.
P-396. Journal.
WANTED All kinds of day work.
washing or house denning. Apply
after 5 p. in.. 467 E. Ash.
YOUNG lady wants position asTerk
some experience; references. Phono
PRACTICAL nurse with several years'
experience. Phone B-2060. 132 E. 47th.
60c PIANO, guitar, banjo mandolin,
violin. phone Mrs. Martin, 43' 1st
st. Piano $S0.
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Sal
mon. Main 7S40. Beginners specialty.
E. THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil
Sevc.k: A -4 160. $34 Pine. M. 8046.
PIANO, Violin. Trombone, Saxaphone
Prof. O A. 8mlth, 22 12th st
MAN tailored skirts, $3, your own ma
terial; suits and costumes. The Elite
Tailors, f.46 Wash., near 18th st.
DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring. 270
i b Tn st. summer prices.
205 Wash., between Morrison bridge
and Chamber of Commerce New
Market Hotel Newly furnished room"
it week, near depots, cars, tu-iai ana
business; we can accommodate you
Main 7315. Front and Washington.
490 Morrison Newly and elegantly
furnished rooms; electric lights, flno
bathroom, everything up-to-date, home
like, moderate rates. A-5280, Main 64J5,
or call at apartment 4. J
WASHINGTON, Alder and 17lh sts.
The Morris Absolutely new, all out
side rooms, strictly modern conven
iences. $4 to $7 weekly,
HOtBLTENOX furrn.snedndM
furnished rooms ' at reasonable prices;
modern conveniences.
HOTEL OHIO, corner Front and Madi
son Three large suites of choice
housekeeping rooms; vacated Sunday;
also other large rooms cheap.
31 N. 17th st. near Wash. Clean
neatly furnished rooms, large closet.
bath', heat, electric light. Call Mornings.
225 15th. Large room, new furniture.
private family, beautiful quiet sur
roundings; very reasonable. Main 3528.
42 Lovejoy, near 23d St. car, pleasant
rooms with or without board; nice
location; all modern. A-1396. Main 4368.
361 10th st. Furnished rooms, single
or en suite, first floor, private family,
residence district, walking distance.
162 2d St.. cor. Morrison The Drew
bldg.; newly furnished rooms, also
housekeeping room; newly remodeled.
314 SIXTH sU Large, clean, nicely fur
nished room, all conveniences; easy
walking distance: two beds If desired
1STH and Wash., The Rex, modern fur
nished rooms, $10 to $12 per month;
also transient; geritlemen preferred.
22 NORTH 11th Furnished rooms in
exclusive private house, transient or
permanent, near business district.
167 17th at., N.. near Irving 3 nicely
furnished rooms, choice location; es-
pecially suitable for gentlemen
424 V 6th Newly furnished bedroom
with large sleeping porch; cool, quiet,
every convenience, private home.
2J"2 12th Large alcove room, suitable
for 2; reasonable: modern, running
water; private family; central.
Hotel Mason $1$
Fre- vhone end bath.
5 th
st-: rooms
per week.
353 12th Nc other roomers; all home
like conveniences, front room, bath,
phone, gas. Main 8643.
269 Montgomery st.. modern front room.
clean, new bed. private family, gent
preferred. $9.
306! 1st st. The Newland Hoiel Goo.l,
clean beds; electric lights, $1.50 to
$3.00 week
561 Davenport st. Portland Height.
4 room furnished flat. Phone A-1788.
NICELY furnished room, beautiful pri
vate home, walking distance. A-5723.
300 6th st., front room suitable for 2;
board if desired; 5 blocks from P. O.
FINE opportunity for 3 or 4 men to get
cheap room rent, lfipv Front st.
272 tlh St.. cor. Jefferson The Angelua,
modern' rooms and apartments.
42f Hall st.. large front room, elegantly
furnished, for 2 young ladles
415 7th. furnished rooms, with all con
veniences. Corner Hall St.
415 7th st., cor. Hall -Furnished rooms
with all conveniences.
VERY comfortable, nicely furnished
modern room for young man on East
Ankeny carllne. within easy walking
distance. Excellent board adjoining.
References required. Phone East 1175.
3'J3 K. YAMHILL St.; 1 furnished flat
and 2 furnished rooms. Phone East
6330. Call between 7 and 9 p. m.
446 E. Clay 1 or 2 newly furnished
rooms; bath and phone, in private
family close In.
10 u. 26th Nice front room, use of
bath, near carllne; private family; no
UPPER floor, brick building. 12 rooms.
Fr nt and Market. 3 room flat, $10,
190 Market st.
IF YOU want first class room and
board. $5.50 and $6 per week, all con
veniences; also table board $4 week,
good home cooking, call at Aster
House. 7th and Madison sts.
1450 Grand ave. .north, mocjern room
with board, home cooking. 2 min
utes from Btirnslde and Union ave.;
beautiful place for summer. Terms
very reasonable.
208 Grant, (near Portland Mills), fur
nished rooms with good board, free
phone. "S" and "F" cars, bath, etc.
367 YA MHlLLr Nice sunny front room,
one side room; free phones, free baths;
cheap rent; meals if preferred.
414 hi Jefferson, pleasant room suitable
for 2. with board; home cooking; mod
ern, reasonable. Main 6983.
372 Hawthorne ave. Capital Hotel
First class working men's hotel; $1
per day or $5 per wetk.
475 Morrison Rooms, with or Without
board, northeast corner 14th and Mor
rison. Main 4613.
300 HOLLADAY a e. l?oomand board;
with bath and phone; private family;
walking distance.
455 6th -Neatly furnished, airy room.
with board, home cooking; modern!
convenient; $26.
652 Morrison Furnished rooms with
or without beard : private famll.
home pritleges
304 Madison Front rooms and bord
In private family, near city hall. $6
per week ,
183 E. 7th. near Yamhill $5 week for
first class room with board, all mod
YOUNG lady employed during day wants
room with or without board, in private
family, close In, on west side. M-391,
RICHARD'S GRILL, latest New York
styles or dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor.
ropean ana American plan,
HOTEL PORTLAND. European plan
orn.y . a. o uay.
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder.
CORNER $7th and Thurman The
Sutherland Newly furnished housekeeping-
rooms, hot and cold water, eleo
trlc lights; gas range, free baths auj
phone. 16th or "W carllns. Phono
321 7th; cor! Clay Furnished house
keeping rooms with free use of bath
and telephone, and they are outside
rooms with lots of light and close in
to central part of the city. Phone Main
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping
In suites of two, $7, $8 and $12 per
suite. 681 Hood st, cor. Grant Phones:
A-4422, Main 9089.
109 N. 18th st. Nicely furnished1 house
keeping rooms en suite; running
water, walking1 distance, fine location,
362 PARK 2 furnished housekeeping
rooms, clean, modern; laundry facili
ties; walking distance. Nice summer
345 Harrison. well furnished front
room, downstairs:-private home: sult-
able for 2. Quiet, relTtied surroundings.
184 Sherman. Soijth Portland $l.t0
week up. large, clean, furnished lious-
keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath.
NICELY furnished housekeeping and
1 1.) it. U. . .w,.,. u . C mauiinn.itA
Graham hotel, 64&4 Washington st.
233 MARKET, cor. 1st The Eureka
Well furnished housekeeping suites;
cool and light; very reasonable.
660 WASHINGTON 2 rooms, 2 en
trances; bath, light, phone; near Mult
nomah club, Nob Hill district.
506 Everett, near 14th Large bay win
dow front room, large closet, alcovj
kitchen; suitable for 2 ladies.
189 W. PARK Furnished housekeeping
suites; also transient rooms, very rea
sonable- cool, quiet, central.
188 11th Furnished light housekeeping
rooms; gas lor cooking and light; no
small children, reasonable. '
SUITE of 3 rooms, $15 per month; 1
single room, $6 per month, .bath, laun
dry, phone. 308 13th St.
628 Morrison St., small room and
kitchen In attic, suitable one person,
clean, modern residence.
503 H Alder The Collins Large light,
nicely furnished suites, single housd-
keeping rooms, ji.7t vp.
3d and Morrison sts. Housekeeping
suite, furnished complete, $20. Cam
brlrige bldg., room 36.
372 ft 1st 2 turnished housekeeping
rooms, light and airy; $2.60, $3.50.
Phone Main 7490.
N. 17th corner Marshall 12.60
"Front room suite for housekeeping; 3
ooms, i -
"b week.
529 RALEIGH St., light housekeeping
also sleeping rooms, private family, $2
per week and up.
355 SALMON Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms; modern; reasonable.
Phone Main 3961.
421 6th 2 light, cool rooms, gas and
wood stoves, bedroom, pantry; nice
490 Morrison The Hyland Two suites
first class furnished housekeeping
301 H WATER St.; housekeeping rooms,
lowest rates; electric light and phone
560 GLtSAN 3 housekeeping rooms,
furnished; phone, bath, gas, strictly
housekeeping, modern, with gas. Near
Pine st.
481 W. Park, 2 neatly furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Light, bath,
313 14TH. corner Clay, clean, light, con
venient 1 and 2 room housekeeping
268 't. Front st. A suite of 3 unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. $2.50 a week.
129 N.
10th st. Clean housekeeping
gas, pnone. natn.
414 5TH Furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. Phone A-1522.
THE Otis, rooms. 87U4 East Burnslde
iviceiy lurnisned rooms, single or en-
suite, with or without housekeeping,
baths, free pfrnnes. East 3013, B-1613.
ill l.-" TX ' ,. .. I. I ..... : t ....
"J """"'':"" "J- V? Her. .ny"t'1
3 room cotuige, unrurnisnea, block
from carllne. In East Side business cen
ter, no children.
658 Williams ave.. corner Monroe
nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
all modern conveniences; no children;
private family.
Hawthorne and Grand ave. The Hel
ler Furnished rooms, 2 or 3 en sultj,
all modern conveniences; both phones.
132 Grand, cor East Morrison S'x
upstairs rooms, good place for office
or living rooms. Inquire candy store.
203 H Stanton St.. U. car $1.25 week up,
clean furnished housekeeping rooms.
natn. aundry, lurnace neat., yard.
91 Vi GRAND ave., nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; modern, 2 or 8
room suites. East 4449.
60 V Grand ave. N. $3 a week house
keeping rooms, complete. Call at
Winters block, upstairs.
474 E. Washington St. $15 per month.
4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement
and yard; no children.
203 H Stanton. $10 month, 3 furnished
housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath,
yard. U. car.
304 E. Morrison The Leonard House
Housekeeping f nd furnished room 8;
MODERN 6 room house. 447 Ilalsey St.,
swell residence district, $22.50 per
month. W. K. 8. Ross Realty Co., 706
Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2478. A-4563.
11th and E. Harrison Modern 6 room,
cement basement, furnace. 2 carllnes,
large porches, side yard; use of gas
range; something nice, Sellwood 69.
WE have houses, furnished and unfur
nished flats to rent. Main 3799. Hick
man & Hlndle, 218 Lumbermen's bldg.,
corner 5th and Stark.
FOR RENT Modern new 6 room
house on E. 29th at., near Ellswortn;
sightly. Phone Sellwood 765. Sam He-is.
FOR RENT 8 room house with bath,
good condition, furniture for sale;
must leave city. Apply 668 Front St.
1015 Sixth st. N. For rent, $20; new,
modern, 6 room house; nice yard,
fruit, etc. Phone Woodlawn 178$.
$14 Mllwaukie, opposite new Iadd
Addition; fine view; 5 rooms, garden,
Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 69.
$7 Two story house on Johnson creek;
Bell station; 25 minutes' ride, Caga
dero car. Phone Sellwood 128.
SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In
Gregory Height. Gregory Investment
Co.. owner. 418 Corbett bldg.
SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In
Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment
Co.. owner. 418 Corbett bldg.
749 Mississippi ave. South side of
double house. 6 rooms, nice yard, all
modern. $15 per month.
SEVEN room house, 210 Broadway,
near Ross, furnace, cheap rent; walk-
Ing distance. East 4697.
FOR BENT Space for tent In timber,
Portland Heights; wood and water.
314 Wells Fargo bldg.
SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In
Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment
Co.. owper. 418 Corbett bldg.
7 ROOM modern house on corner of. E.
10th and Sherman. Phone East 1802.
489 E. Sherman st.
SEVEN large rooms, 4 blocks Holladay
school; gas. electricity, fireplace. Ad
ply 48 6th St., N.
191 Shaver st.
7 room house, modern:
on carllne; $26.
Co., 260 Alder st
Parrish, Watkins
124 N. 17th. 50 feet north Gllsan for
rent cottage. Max Smith, 88 N.
16th. No phone.
93 E. 10th $15 a mcnth, 5 rcom cot
tage, gas, gas range, close In. Apply
700 E. Stark.
$12.60 6 room modern cottage, new; a
snap. 9ti Plumper commerce, A-1641.
FOR RENT Modern 8 room house:
clean and nicely tinted. East 79.
774 Michigan ave. 6 room house clean
good order, with bath; $16.
344 GRAHAM ave.. 1 8 room house for
rent, hath and gas. '
SIX room dwelling. bS9 Kearney st
Main 628, C-135
7 room house, ML Scott carllne, 100x
100, modern; $15,
A room cottage, close In, furnished; $85.
rooms, sleeping poroh. Urge yard,
etc.; furnished; $50.
- room comer flat. Williams swe.; $20.
4 rooms, elegantly furnished, outside,
center of city; $56.
7 rooms, strictly modern, large base
ment: $20.
200-204 Chamber of Commerce.
WHEN you move you always need new
furniture. .
Buy at no rent prices; the . savings
Till exceed cost of moving.
We own -eur own building; occupy
one half: collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone H H2t.
NEW modern 8 room house, Albina,
walking distance, 1 block from car.
189H 4th st?
WELL furnished cottage, $20 month,
or unfurnished, $16; west side river.
787 Chamber of Commerce.
294 6th st. Furnished flat of 4 rooms.
$20. Phone Main 7268.
1122 E. Grant St. Nicely furnished 4
room bungalow, cheap.
Over 16 per cent profit on Investment;
a bargain; hotel, dining room and sa
loon, arranged so that they can be
rented separately; net profits about
$1809 a season; everything in running
shape; choicest block on the beach;
Lrice $11,000. Address P. O. Box 96,
ong Beach, Wash.
BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach
the seaside capita of the northwest.
Board of Trade bldg. 1
SEASIDE 7 furnished rooms, cottage
fronting ocean, opposite Necanicum
Inn, best location, city water. Apply
to Andrew nan, 4 wasningron St.
A SMALL number of adults or chil
dren boarded for the summer near
Elk City; pure mountain water. Ad-
dress, Mrs. J. T. Calkins, Glen, Or.
SEASIDE For sale or rent, a new S
room cottage near the beach. Tel.
East 579 or call 70 E. 18th st. N.
FOR RENT Completely furnished cot
tage. Seaside. Main 9591.
NICE 8 room house, olose in, suitable
for roomers, for rent, furniture for
sale, cheap. 737 Chamber Of Commerce.
WILL sacrifice 7 rooms of new furni
ture: house for rent, $22.60 per month.
3 rooms rented. $27. 673 Belmont.
A BARGAIlt tn 40 room house, good
business, furniture for sale cheap;
long lease. Phone East 3375.
211 12th 10 room house, completely
furnished, roc is full: opposite U.e
White Temple; reasonable.
128 13TH ST. New furniture, 6 rooms,
oak and birdseye dressers, good tran
sient location; rent $20.
THIRTEEN room house, close in; good
furniture: clears $50; sacrifice if sold
today. Main 4308.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 13
rooms, good location.
Main 9677.
Phone owner.
308 lOthwrFurnlture of
sale by owner. Rooms
16 rooms for
all full; easy
20 ROOMS, close In, west side; good
proposition; 10 agents; cheap rent,
349 Jackson, furniture of 6 room cottage
for sale cheap If taken at once; rent $15.
335 4 Cook ave., B rooms and bath, at
tic, basement, wood hoist, plate rack
and china closet, $16 monthh. Apply
69 Williams ave.
UNFURNISHED 3 room flat, block
from Grand ave.. $12 per month,
water rent Included. 413 E. Morrison.
IF YOU want to rent new, up-to-date
flats, go to 6th and Wasco; best loca
tion In Holladay. W. A. Reidt.
I in' u "o-i t--. fV...
i ' """ uciwocu jum unu mn
sts. Beautiful 6 room flat, close In.
walking distance.
614 Commercial st 4 room flat, fur
nished complete; gas. bath. etc.. $28.
Woodlawn 832.
NICE clean 6 room cottage, walking dis
tance, modern. 32 E. 3d st.. near
Pine, $liv
498 Mill, near 14th, west wide 7 room
modern flat for rent; gas range for
354 E. 11th St. 5 room' house, corner
Stephens; walking distance; price $10.
491 Market St.. 6 room flat for rent;
newly tinted, gas and bath,.
MODERN s room upper flat, nd
children. Inquire 471 6th st.
115 N. 16th St.. 7 room flat, modern.
"S" and 16th st cars pass door.
809 N. 19th st. Newly modern 6 and
7 room flats Main 3670
426 E Market st. 6 room flat, mod
ern, $1. Sellwood 669.
676 1st St., corner Grant
Phone A-5620.
-5 rooms, $16.
FURNISHED and unfurnished steam
heated flat, 3 and 4 rooms; modern.
Cottel Drug company.
MODERN-? room flat, -everything rora.
plete; this Is a beauty. Main 7673.
624 Marshall St..
(21st st. car.)
.Inst onened. Beautiful concrete build-
'ing, magnificent view and surroundings;
both pnones in everv suite, electric ele
vator. Very reasonable, furnished or un
furnished. Call and be shown the new
est, most modern apartment house In
Portland or phone landlady, Main 3851,
also Main 2657; A-2667.
JEFFERSON I AN Completely furnished
$ room apartment, hot and cold water,
furnace heat, bath, free phone, walking
distance to P. O. ; modern; summer
rates; up to date. You cannot duplicate
our prices In the town. Corner 16th
and Jefferson.
FOR RENT Nice 4 room apartment.
unfurnished, newly tinted walls, gas
electricity; private; bath; $16. 604
Borthwlck st.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5 room apart
ment. 21st and Flanders; Nob Hill
district, every convenience. Main 7816.
THE COLLINS New management, fur
nished suites, housekeeping rooms,
$1.76 tip. 603H Alder.
4 story brick building' and basement.
60x100, with large electrio elevator,
on 1st st., between Taylor and Salmon.
Suitable for wholesale or retail busi
ness Apply to W. E Grace, care Com
mercial club.
DRUG store or grocery location, plate
glass front, cement basement; rent
reasonable. Modern flats above, 2 car
lines. 11th and E. Harrison. Slwd. 69.
FIRST class outside office rooms for
reqt In new building; steam heat,
electric ar.j gas light, with janitor servo
ice. N. E. cor. 8a and Madison.
FINE STORE or office, half block from
P. O.; good display windows, reason
able rent, lease. Call for Mr. Spath, Bay
City Market, cor. 4th and Yamhill.
OFFICES In Rothchlld bldg.: light,
heat, elevatdr service furnished. Ap
ply superintendent, room '216 4th and
Washington sts.
FOR RENT 4 story and basement brick
store bldg.. 100x166, S-E corner Front
and Pine sts. Apply to C. A. Dolph, Mo
hawk bldg.
UK?. - . .. ..... .. . .. . pi ' J viiilv
on ffrmt floor. Tnr r.nt 917 Rtl -. O
Phone Main 1770. -
STORE, 30x40, best business location
on lower Russell street.
S. Collins
Phone E. S027.
THE DREW bldg.j 2d and Morrison;
puuiio ami onicea ior rent.
FEW- nice offices in the Couch and
Chambers bldg. 801 Couch bldg.
FOR RENT New store and flat, itS.
vau a a. ., e p. m., vii Williams ave,