THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY ,26, 1909. RAFFLES AND HIS PRETTY CAPTOR i :' V lX VAA- A'-i v , i A . A A --x; : v' ;-S iA: 1 ';?A J : fvv:;;. WxM f t y - v, 1 , -",- v -. v ( ' '- ,v 'J jlill.'MIt ! 1a 'a ' ; 'Ml It f; ! i! r. !A :. A,-AV-:';A " " , At . Picture Showing Capture of Edward P. Girard, the Mjreterloua Mr. Raffles, by MUs Gertrude French. Sheriff Alleges Suspicious ' Actions on Part of Printer Ponnay. (United Prca Letwd W1t.t Loa Anueles, May 26. With the cap turc of the much wanted Ben Elliott at Redondo and his absolute elimination from the Poltera myfctery, the quest to day changed from a man hunt to a. cold Diooaed pICKing or a man or men irom the Griffith park locality to be put through the most rigid examination known to police. i With this In view. Sheriff Hammcl and others from the sheriffs office left early this morning for the scene of the tragedy. t, . l The various examlatlons to which young Elliott was bubjected after his arrest convincea eveiyone who ma uo active In the search that the 18-year-old boy frankly confessed He was the robber of Tropico and Glendale stores that have been pillaged during ine lasi six week. He also admitted that he left ths camp near Tropico the morning after the child murder Is supposed to have been committed. He started for Redondo, he says, about 4 o clock, r rom his statements, given In a straight forward manner. It weuld eeem he had not been in the part of the valley where the"flme was committed. The sheriff this morning said he was not entirely through with his examina tion of Henry V. Ponnay. the Los Angeles printer, who discovered the missing lunch box of the dead school girl and a few playthings she had with her. Joseph Dyson, a Griffith park em ploye, declares Ponnay's actions were suspicious, and If not suspicious, un canny. "When Ponn-iy renched here Xonday afternoon," Dyson says, "he came up to us directly and said without hesita tion: " T have a premonition I am going to And something important.' "Ponnay went north." assert Pysoti, "and very shortly came back with the missing articles. Ae he showed them to us, he said: "'Look behind the brick house and youH find a little tliirt ' " The second trophry was not fulfilled, though the place mentioned as where the body wa.s founi. PQLTERA CASE AT BODY OF Mill FAILS TO RECOVER : Body Found on Trark. lAt Qwuide. Or.. Mav 26. Word reached this city this morning of the death of a tramp at Telocasct. 20 miles east, evidently by being run over by an extra eastbound freight. . The body was lying on the track. Papers Bliow he was from Key West. iThose Corpuscles fit vau, Mnnrf irnH and ufcilt i tmi you wall if they ara healthy, cause you aicknest if diseased. i To make and keep them healthy and (Btrongr.'ls to have pure blood, freedom from disease and vigorous health. Tb chief purpose of Hood's Sarsa parllla, la to do this, and Its success Is attended by thousands of wonderful cures. Cures of all blood diseases, ecrofula. ecsema, rheumatism, catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla effects these cures, not simply because It contains earsa parllla but becauae it combines the utmost remedial values of onore than : 20 'different Ingredients, each greatly strengthened and enriched by this peculiar combination. A Get It today In the usual liquid form r 1ft chocolated tablet form called 4.rsatba, 160 Poses One Dollar. A FOUND Oil ROCKS Unidentified Victim of Rash ness or Murder Washed Up Near Cliff House. (United Press Leased Wtre.l "San Francisco, May 26. The body of a woman found In the ocean near the Cliff House today was Identified this afternoon as that of Mrs. Delia Hlnes of No. 884 Sixty-first street, Oakland. San Francisco. Mav 2. Washed upon the rocks near the new Cliff house by the Incoming tide, the body of a well dressed, comely woman was found, early today by Junius Schmidt, a night watchman. TKe woman apparently was about 38 years of age. The body had oeen in me water but a short time. The police believe the woman was murdered and the body thrown Into the bay. On this theory. Detectives Black and De La Ouerra have been detailed upon the case. They will be reinforced by half a dosen other operatives from the police department. The woman's hands were small and well kept and her features gave every evidence of refinement Her hair was dark brown, slightly threaded with gray, ghe was five feet, five Inches in height and weighed about -120 pounds. About her neck was hung a scanula of the Roman Catholic faith, and two medals or the Blessed Virgin. The short time that the hodv had been washed about the waves has led the police to believe that the crime was committed at a late hour last night. The fact that a strong current from the Marin county side of the bav washes over the rocks where the bodv was found, frequently carrying driftwood and other debris, adds weight to a the ory that the body was thrown Into the water near Sausallto or another trans bay town. The only clew that offers Identification Is the murk of' the Rn. enthal company, a local boot and shoe nouse, upon tne ro. & shoes the woman wore. The fact thnt-tho hnriv a in light kimono and ntherwtHA warn nm rtiTeSwed for ,ne B,r?t' ''os strengthened ueiifi oi ine police mat the woman was murdered. She wore two black silk petticoats of excellent quality, with a "!.11ArorseJ. C0VeT- Her stockings were oT black lisle, and were fastened with Mack silk bows at the knees. There W,pr1 "" vlsible marks of violence on nic uuuy, TWO LUMBER CASES BEFORE COURT TODAY The case of the Arleta IjUmher mm. pany against F. W. Burger, Instituted to recover 11S on a lumber bill. Is on trial In Judge Cleland's deDartment nf th circuit court Judge Morrow Is trying the case or the Portland Sash A Door company ?f?in,it MlM K- K- Barker to recover building of a house. Judge -Oantenbein today dismissed the case of Mrs. A. L. Stephens against the ..ijr vi ivimiHi, wincn came up on ao- ti d ! frnm th. w. I , . . . . .... ..,ui,.,jiu i:uuru Jinn W?8ac,a,e her Oscar N. Blair and W . C. Blue, plain clothes men, awore to A rnmtll.lnt rharvtnv U O . v. . . . practicing palmistry and fortune telling I, ' viiiuai com - . n ... . " uU ucit.v u,n id inu ii aiQ not charge that fraud was used In securing the comnlAlninr wft n, -., SUva-Hawktos Case Again. (Cnlred Pnm Leutd Wire.) Treka. CaL. May 28. For the fourth time in 18 years, the Sllva-Hawkina caae. involving water rlahta in Hev- brook and Barker rulrhes. near this city, came before the superior court to day 'for retrial. The case has been be fore the auDreme court three tlmea Ww parties to the original suit are now llv-in. R RAILROAD Judge Cleland Rules Against Baldwin Sheept and Land Company. In a decision rendered by Judge Cle land today In the case of the Baldwin Sheep & Land company against the Co lumbia Southern Railroad company to recover $446.60 for an alleged overcharge on a shipment of sheep from Shaniko to Rawlins, Wyo.. the court held that the shipper must show that the freight rate claimed by the shipper is not in violation of the interstate commerce tariffs. The comnlalnt of the Baldwin Sheen & Land company sets forth that the company shipped 14,000 sheep from Shaniko to Rawlins in June, 1905, and that the company's agent at Shaniko quoted a rate of $116 per can but that before the shipment was concluded, the railroad company notified the plaintiff that the quoted rate was too low and that the railroad company would not abide by It. The shipper paid the higher rate demanded bv the railroad company, which amounted to $446 more than would have been paid under the rate quoted by the Shaniko agent. Suit was Instituted to recover the sum of $446, and was defended by the company on the ground that the low rate quoted was in violation of the freight tariffs of the company as filed with the Interstate commerce commission. Judge Cleland held that it was in cumbent upon the shipper to show that tne rate quoted by the local agent or the company was the legal rate allowed by the interstate commerce commission. and that because of Its failure to make such showing, It could not recover. Steel plates polished by a process in vented by a Swedish engineer to a de gree of smoothness . heretofore Impos sible to attain, when laid together ara. said to be separated by a space of less man or a millimeter. 1 3 ELEVEN JURORS IN HANLEY CASE Edward Zimmerman Ex cused to Attend Bedside of Dying Mother. INSTANT RELIEF FROM DREAD CATARRH Why don't you get rid of that nastv. humiliating disease catarrh? you can do It if you really want to. -. But you canH cure catarrh In a few days, that's an utter impossibility, be cause there Is no remedy known that will kill the catarrh germs in that short time. But you can cure catarrh if von will have a little patience and breathe Iq Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) three or four times a day. Hyomel cures catarrh by killing the germs and it kills the germs because it gets where the germs are. Hyomel is a powerful antiseptic and germ killing air; it is made from the fluid extracted from the eucalyptus trees of Australia where catarrh is un known. It gives relief instantly, stops hawk ing in a few days and is guaranteed by Woodard, Clarke A Co., to cure catarrh, asthsna, croup and bronchitis or money back. A complete outfit, including in haler, costs $1.00, and extra bottles of Hyomel cost $0 cents. "Hyomel certainly saved my life ana I accord it the credit which it deserves and merits. There Is nothing too strong for me to say regarding Hyomel." Mrs. Ada Hopkins, 8 Cutter Ave., Coldwater, Mich.. August S3, 10$.- Curndteestfon s Y riHninssi aMnVt Si I T II SI AWlt tafcstm. ach, belching, and cores all stomach dis ease or money buck,, Large box of tab let 60 "cents. Druggists In all towni Hearing of evidence for the govern ment In its caae aealnst William Han ley, charged with Illegal fencing of pub lic lands in Harney county, is nearlng a close. Testimony given this morning went toward sustaining tbe govern ment's contention that lands have been barred against entrance by private in dlvluVuals, working for their own bene fit The burden of protlng that Han ley la ths man directly responsible seems still to rest with the government. At the beginning of the morning ses slon Edward Zimmerman, one of the jurors sitting on the case, presented to the court a telegram announcing that his mother, living at Salem, was dying and asking on this account to be freed from further Jury service that he might go to her bedside. With, tbe consent of counsel both for the government and the defense the exouse was granted. The verdict will therefore be returned by the 11 renwlnlng jurors. . Oeorge C. Sherman of Appleton, Wis., a witness ror the defense, was intro duced out of turn, be having found It necessary to return to his family. Dur ing 107. Bherman testified, he had planned to bring; a colony of Scandina vians to eastern Oregon ana nad con sidered a location on tne lands now un der litigation. After looking over ths country and noting the absence or trans portation - facilities he gave up thH Droiect. Tie further stated that his re' view of the lands had left with him the impression that the fences were in places not In the best of repair. frank c uavey, receiver ror tne gov ernment land office at Burns, pointed out for the government the sections of deeded land and the land which still remains as part of the publlo domain. A chart in the possession of Davey CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldren. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature This Is the best tints of ths yeai to bars you teeth extracted If such is ths necessity and have PLATE OR BRIDGE WORK Done as- there is less troubts from sort gilms or other roublta - ia j? V showed clearly how ths original pur chaser, Peter French, had, bought a se ries of 40 acre tracts so connected that they completely circumscribed the SS.OOO acres of government land, which it is alleged Hanley has been keeping others from settling upon; H. A. Hunter, one of ths purchasers of the Oregon Central land grant, from Minneapolis, Minn., stated in behalf of the defense, he also having been intro duced out of turn, that he had coma to Harney county a year ago with the Intention of purchasing- some of the Hanley holdings. Hs gave up this, In tention after viewing the property; but While looking it over he observed here and there gaps in the fence, through which stock might have been driven. R, A. Smith and Charles Wells, sheen growers from eastern Oregon, were the last witnesses examined berore the noon recess was taken. They stated that the. government lands enclosed by the lianley rence were not easy or access under present conditions, and that the: had found it safer to grase their flocks outside. Oak galls, heretofore thought to he ofpurely vegetable growth. Lava been determined to be due to insect attacks by a coterie of British scientists. o r m(av.lnADea.d E4I36 a- (MS) n ! i VI v. poison oax roxsomata. . Ballard's Snow Liniment cures it. Mr. 0. H. P. Cornelius. Turner, Ore., writes: My wife has discovered that Snow Lin iment cures "Poison Oak Poisoning." a very painful trouble. SHe not only cured a case of it on herself, but on two of her friends who .were poisoned y this same ivy. Price, I6e, SOo and, $1. Sold by Skidmore Drug Co. - You've proof of its genuine, unques tioned Purity. It costs no more enjoy this safe Surety. ' '.' , . DEMAND IT OF YOUR DEALER PieKee-r P.ckara Pai ft JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST DR. W. A. WISE President aad Manager. a Tears Established In Portland We will give you a good 22k gold or porcelain crown ror g 3.50 Molar Crowns - 6.00 22k tfridge teeth 8.00 Gold or enamel fillings 1.00 Silver fillings SO Inlay fillings of all kinds 0.60 Good rubber plates 0.00 The be St red rubber plates 7.50 Painless extractions. JO Painless extractions free when plttes or bridge work is ordered. Work guaranteed for It year a THE WISE DENTAL CO., Inc The Palling Bldf., 3d and Wash. Sts. Offloe hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. at, Sundays, to L Phones A aad Main 80S The First Person Who Guesses the Lot He Selected Will Be Given a Lot in East St Johns ABSOLUTELY FREE Mr. Raffles has sealed the number of the lot and the number of the block it Is in, in an envelope which has been deposited in the Merchants National Bank. This sealed envelope will be opened on TUESDAY, JUNE 8th. at our offlse by Mr. GEO. 'W. HOTT, Assistant Cashier of the Merchants National Bank, in the presence of the fol lowing well-known real estate men: H. W. Fries. Prest Realty Ass'n: E. J. Daly and Oeo. D. Bchalk. The first one guessing the lot Mr. Raffles has selscted will be given a lot in East St. Johns ABSOLUTELY FREE. In addition to the free lot the lucky guesser will be allowed 10 per cent additional discount besides ths 10 per cent discount now being allowed on lots while' Improvements are going on, making a total discount of 20 per cent on any other lot or lots he may buy In East St. Johns on or before Monday, June 7. No one will be allowed more .. than one gueia. Plat of property can be seen at our office. HO DOT SB WTXI. BB MOTIVED OB DOWSED EKED APTSB 1HOZTDAT, JTTIOJ 7th, AT MZOITZOKT. (UU 1AUT AJtD UATI TOUM OCXBS. THE SP ANTON CO. leading Subdivision Agents 270 Stark St. Phones A-H 2828 ft ;th3 Disrorcnni btobx-woodasp, cxabxs oo td Biamorm rroma: zip! ."jssi GRAPE JUfiCE Makes the most cooling, delightful and refreshing of all drinks for this warm weather. "Woodlark" brand of Grape Juice is the pure, unadulterated juice of selected Concord grapes. QUART BOTTLES 25 ONE DbzEN BOTTLES a .$2.50 Order what you want sent to your home or office. BIG REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK Celluloid Hair Brushes, Combs $4.00 Celluloid Hair Brushes...: $2.50 $3.50 Celluloid Hair Brusnes tV. $2.00 $3.00 Celluloid Hair Brushes $1.75 $2.50 Celluloid Hair Brushes. .$1.50 $5.00 Celluloid Military Brushes... .$3.00 $4.00 Celluloid Military Brushes. .." . .$2.75 $1,00 Celluloid Combs 84 75c Celluloid Coml5s .: ..69 35c Ctflluloid Combs 23 FOR THE, M1LN $2.00 Razors all this week only 97c T15 Don't Drink Disease . Be sure of the purity of the water you drink this summer. "i, THE, WOODLARK . WATE.R STILL Placed on the kitchen stove, will give an abundance of pure, distilled, aerated water at less than a cent a gallonr PRICE ONLY $8.00, DELIVERED ANYWHERE Obesity Belts for fat folks Worn constantly, they will reduce your girth and relieve that exhausted sensation which is always experienced by fat people during warm weather. We can fit the most portly person in Portland and guarantee satisfaction. Experi enced lady and gentlemen fitters in attendance. These Belts Are Valuable to Wear After an . ' " Operation. , WE DO ARTISTIC PICTURE-FRAMING A A ft yV tTV A ffkfTV A-'-AH . A mtuo. -AGENTS MARK CROSS LONDON GLOVES :-7...