The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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47 i
HOMESTEAD" location on Columbia
river relinquishments, Hood River;
also Jackson. Douglas count k g. 51 i
Abjngton bldg. t .
WE CAN MW Iwate you, ,on 320 acre
homesteads, level rl'-h soil. Rood wa
ter. See US for full Information. Ma
ples sLand Co., 21 V rcc s'r b Id g.
EIGHT homesteads. fTrfiiing. ..-:tr Port- .
land: locating fee. $1 p.-r a. -re room
14 Mulkey bldg., 2dn nd M o r : i s. .n ts. .
I have Just returned from Investigat
ing the property nunnl and operated by
the Princess Panama .Mining Co., at
Bandpoint. Idaho. 1 found this to be
all and more than represented, and
brought back with me riunt':ons samples
of ore. This i.ropcrty will hear inves
tigation. For sau.p'cs of ore und fur
ther information .-all on J. 13. I'urctll, j
room 19. :fiS Stark st -Hy j
MINING and Industrial stacks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
old.' C. 8 Fletcher 125 Ablngtoji Jildg.
Multlgraph letters, envelope address
ing. Rose City Bus, College. Main 8225.
IF YOU wish to miy or sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 26S Stark
St.. room 19. .
47 ROOMS, well furnished, best loca
tion In city. Will sell for $3500 cash,
or trade for city property. Will sell
ft interest to honest lady to run the
bouse. '
Hotel Brokers, 351ft Morrison.
A FINE line of rooming houses and
business chances; special good bar
fain in a good rooming house for sale
cheap on easy payments, small payment
Room 338. Chamber of Commerce.
For Sale or tent
40 room hotel, furnished, corner Grand
avenue and E. Ash. Inquire owner at
hotel, city. . .
LIST your property with C. S. Arnold
b Co., "Original Hotel Brokers." Ho
tels, rooming houses and business
changes bought, sold and exchanged.
Hotel Brokers, 361 ft Morrison st
FOR SALE Two lots, store building,
grocery shelving, counters; So. Port
land; suburbs; investigate: snap; must
ell; good chance for speculation or
business; old time location. Apply 186
Madison st. '
MOTION picture machines for sale,
latest Independent lilms for rent. If
you want to get service -pfe Veil ting re
peaters in your town, here we are, the
Leammle Film Service, 214-216 Wells-
Fargo, Portland.
FOR SALE Dry goods, s,hoe and fur
nishing business in growing town;
-Irrigated district Price property $1900;
stock at Invoice, which is about $2600.
Address T. V. Long, White Bluffs',
Wash. ;
WANTED At once, active partner to
take charge and manage one of the
best light manufacturing businesses In
city; will guarantee $200 salary; $750
required. If you mean business call
room 303 Swetiand bldg.. 6th and Wash.
IF YOU are a sober, capable salesman.
., you can get an interest in a concern
manufacturing, an automobile attach
ment which shows big returns; little
money required. It's the man we want.
Call 603 Commercial bldg.
MEAT market in Sunnyside doing good
business, steel smokehouse and every
thing first class.
Spencer & Co.
102 2d st.
DAIRY business In city on carllne; 25
cows, 1 bull. 3 horses, wagon; every
thing complete; 600 route delivered in
5 hours from house; splendid proposi
tion; owner has other business. 128
Union ave.
FOR SALE By owner, 60 room hotel,
well filled, modern and nicely fur
nished, good, with west side location,
long lease; owner retiring from busk
ness. C-396, Journal.
WE have good business openings in two
new townsltes. Property free to those
who will go Into business.
Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE: At a great bargain, the
Valley Hotel. Woodburn. Or. Doing
good business; renter's time has ex
pired. Come or write for particulars to
T. P. Soules, Woodburn, Or.
OWNER going east; $350 will buy ft
interest In a small cash business; ex
perience not necessary; can teach you
before I leave; trial given before you
invst a cent. E-395. Journal.
First class country store; will ex
change for farm or city property or sell
on easy terms. Frank Blair, Fall Creek,
6TOCK. of general merchandise; Invoice
about $6000, new stock, mill town in
Polk county; big pay roll: good reason
i for selling; direct from owner. A-39S,
FOR SALE ft Interest in old estab
lished real estate office on Washing
ton St., one of the finest lists in city;
small amount of cash handles. Phone
Main 7599. Y-380. Journal.
T HE Hotel News, Portland's new paper,
distributed free daily on overland
passenger trains. 215 Oregonian bldg.
Phone A-8792.
$1200-Grooery and meat market. 5 liv
ing rooms. 5 years lease; money
maker. Northwest Timber Co.. 520
Lumber Exchange bldg.
..'t rooms, must sell
account sickness, neaiv furnished. 18
ood boarders, $650. Take S car. get off,
ne st.. 974 Macadam Main 480
$1700 Grocery store, by owner, at in
voice; no books; dally sales $50 to
$100; 6 year lease; rent $33. Including
rorn cottage. Y-381, journal.
PARTNER in good paying printing bus
lness, person capable of taking man
agement preferred; $S00 to $1000 re
quired. E-8S.1. Journal.
$1200 Grocery arid mft market, 5 llv
lng rooms, F years lease, money mak
er. Northwest Timber Co., 6-0 Lumber
Exchange dg.
RESTAURANT and luncti"c7,uni-r .'"ev
erything new: paying Dullness; 3 vear
ltae rent $50 K-39". Journal.
A FIRST class general rnoi!,aii.w
business in country town, a money
maker. Room 26 Hamilton bidg
$2 for 100 business cards. 100 for 56cT
Rose City Printery, new management.
192ft 3d st. just above B&iter theatre
TWO chflir barber "hop. natli. K'''d
trade, in good locality, ill health. 6'M
Dawson St.. city.
?OR SALE (".gar and confectionery'
store. 1634 E- 19th st. Phone .Sell-
wood 1183
GROCERY, Invoice $2100; niusT7e'-!i77Id"
at once. Phone East 709 for partli-u-!
lars. j
GROCERY, general store and feed busL
ness with 3 acres land in splendid
alley neighborhood. T-382 Jourral.
CLOTHES cleaning and preisin"g " sTiop"
doing good business, at Hillsboro, Or'
See owner, 173 B. 7th St.. Portland. 'Vr '
RESTAURANT for sale for $800. account !
of health; good location; good busl- j WANTED Experienced alteration
ness. Inquire 31 N. 6th st. ! hands. New York Outfitting Co.. 165
tO buy, sell, rent or exchange, housea. I 1st st.
,rBl' Sntb18-eJ"'1;i-P.hone .MaJl 676S' i COMPETENT girl, good cook and gen
room 1, 205ft Washington st. eral housework; family of three 668
J-OQL and elgars at 293 Alder et., big i Chapman St.. Portland Heights.
mr'7,Joi 2Vl?li"if5?n- th" ,St' I GOOD cook and assist in some hoose-
wtll sacrifice. Call afternoons. work good, wages. Apply in. morn-
TW5 dllr barber sriop for sale. $100; : Ings. ::4 Hassalo st.
term Ctl Hote.1 Hoyt. 10th and Hoyt. ; La'dIes-wTTTeach. sew. dve and re
ONE large and 1 small restaurant for model hats, dve plumes at ft price
sale on Installments. -70 N- 8th St. S87 Yamhill
SxAI.L rooming house at a big bargain, !
if sold at on. v. 129 N. 10th Bt. : I
FOR RENT Hotel building, 90 rooma
Inquire 104 Macleay bldg.
FOH RENT -Hotel with 82 rooms, in
good location, 621 Hood sL
Store Buildin
Just completed, 22x40 on carllne and
improved well traveled road; price $1350
lor building and lot; an excellent Una-
tion for general store; no competition
niiii.u nun a mue. in euner direction.
I"1-.. . " If
$500 will handle; take mount Scott car
n!id got off at Section Line road and
you will find our representative there
or rail on us for particulars. Brubaker
.v Benedict, 5r2 McKay Jldg.
REST A URANT doing the "biggest busi
ness on the street; rent only $20:
every seat full at meal bmirs, besides
steady stream between meals: National
cash register alone cost $175, refrlger-
a tor $H5. gas plates and oven $36; all;
inn lunmure is nnisneci in ouk. "ia-
lug it a neat, clean place; all utensils
ai-o complete: price $475. or half inter
est $3(i0. See owner, 292 ft Burnslde st,
ANTEI' Party for one of the best
light manufacturing businesses on the
const to take ft interest and manage I
same; no competition; $750 required;
v. in guarantee jou per inomn Kamrv
to r i k 1 ' t party. For information call
room 3i. Swetiand bldg , cor. 5th and
$loo tak-s paint shop doing good busl
i s. P-3'.ik. Journal.
2St'4 Washington St., rooms 406-407.
WANTED Man of good address and
fair education, possessing ability as a
successful salesman, a fluent and con
vincing talker, to act as special travel
ing representative for a popular weekly
newspaper. Very liberal arrangements
will be made with the right man who
will be required to furnish security
bond for $200. For full particulars,
state age. nationality, whether married
and business experience, address Busi
ness Manager, "The American Weekly,"
7 4 deary st., San Francisco,- Cal.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof
flce clerks, mall carriers, salary $600
to $1600, examinations In Portland
soon, 8000 appointments coming, prepar
ation free. Write immediately for sched
ule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 332B.
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Salesmen; many make $109
to $150 ner month; some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards; cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. Address, Wash
Ington Nursery Co.. Toppenlah, Wa s h.
WANTED Saleemen to represent one
of the feadtng nurseries of th-i north
west; large stock, choice territory; com
mission paid weekly. If you are a
hustler and can sell, write us. Albany
Nu raerles. Albany. Or.
MAZAZINE solicitors send stamp for
sample and terms; best 60c clubbing
magazine proposition ever" offered!.
Agents making over $5 per day. Ar
cade Subscriitlon Agency, Minneapolis,
WILL exchange good suburban lots for
clearing land and planting orchard, or
fiapcr hanging and painting. 737 Cbam
er of Commerce.
SALESMAN wanted Two first class
stock salesmen, capable of handling
large deals. C. B. Cavanagh, 413 Fen
ton bldg.
WANTED 2 good live men to sell stock
of. a productive coal mine. Call at
268 Stark st., room 19, 11 a. m. or 2 to
4 p. m.. tomorrow.
WANTED Neat, honest young man as
partner to show property; little money
required. Call between 7 and 8 p. m..
326 ft Washington St.. room 414.
BOY wanted, about 16 years old. willing
to work. Portland Paper Box Co.,
208 Oak st.
WANTED Partner. good thing for
young man, small capital. Call Mon
day, 326U Washington St.. room 406.
A YOUNG man who can use typewriter
and do some office work;
best refer-
ptifd. G-3M, Journal.
IF ypu want easy work, short hours, big
pay, learn to operate motion pictures.
Terms reasonable 526 H Washington.
HEATING engineer to figure and lay
out work for steam and hot water
hoatin gJ G -387, Journal.
SALESMEN, city and country, all lines,
bookkeepers and stenographers. 323
Wash., rooms 29-30. P. A. & C. Co.
WANTED Lively hustlers to sell to
hotels and rooming houses, good com
mission. See R. M. Plummer, 260 3d st.
WANTED A man who has piles to
phone A-2972 and get cured free. Ask
for McAfee.
DELIVERY boys wanted.
87 and 89 Park st.
Bushong Co.,
PAINTER, A-l. Tuesday morning. 168
23d N., west side
WANTED Men to have their
half soled for 60c. 222 2d st.
WANTED Reliable, boy with wheel.
Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder St.
PAINTER and $50 takes half Interest
In shop. P-398, Journal,
WHITE help only, and rice, most and
best. Owl Rice' Kitchen. 66ft 4th st.
THREE carpenters wanted; ISth st.
twei-n Thompson and Hrazee.
WANTED Woodchoppers. $1 25 per
cord, at Woodburn, Or. O. D. Newton.
V,E secure positions for our members.
Special membership Y. M. C. A.
GIRLS 16 to 18 years of age to work
in factory. Apply at once.
6th and Davis Sts.
A REDUCTION of $10 on a full course
in millinery given rniplls entering
their names for th summer term, com
mencing June 1. This course enables
you to go into business for yourself or
prepares you for a good position for
early fall trade
Bailey School of Mll-
linery, 328 WilHams ave.
I WILL furnish office, desk, typewriter
and phone free to experienced business
stenographer in return for small amount
of work and give privilege of her doing
public work. 605 Commercial blk., from
10 to 12 only.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.
WANTED- Middle aged woman or girl
to do light work at beach this sum
mer in exchange for good home; keep
other help. Phone B-1901, or through
WANTED Retoucher and assistant In
studio, live country town, young
Lilly preferred. Can offer good propo-sii-on.
F-3!K. Journal.
- secure positions for stenographers.
Special drill classes, any system of
shorthand, day or evening. Business uni
verslfy, fi'J9 Worcester blk.
WAN! ED- Lady to solicit orders;
World's Star hosiery; liberal commis
sions Apply Monday, A. Biggerstaff,
11 Rearl St.. Montavllla, Or.
343ft Washington St. cor. 7th, up
stairs. Phones A an! Main 2692.
Carefully selected help free.
WANTED--A good girl or woman for
housework in a email family. 494
E. 23d st. Tcleph one Sellwood 334.
W A N'i'El Com pel en t girl. Swede or
German preferred; wages $25. Phone
Tabor 1611.
S'EAT plrl to assist with house work,
No children. 321 6th st.
COMPETENT girl for housework: two
in family. 764 Hancoc k s t .Jrvlngton.
W A NT ED G 1 r Is to trim and" I rorTsFi rt sT
Inquire 75 1st st
10,000 POSITIONa
Wit yindiiBfft mmt va r m An in A
' men iarn barber trad In 8 weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $15
to 26 weekly: expert instructor; tools
free; write for catalog. Moler System
; 0j colleges, 86 N. 4th St., fortlana.
wITW1R.rrli1l wrtr famllv f
2, apartment ro. n, ti Norm zsa
Call mornings or evenings after 8.
WANTED Experienced agents to sell
photo coupons. iiumore urove, sx
Washington St.
j SALESMEN WANTED To book bust
ness in the most promising, popular,
nav n proposition or tne present, uut
ru free; cash weekly. Address Capital
City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or.
Free Employment Office
Fourth Street Entrance City Hall.
Male and Female Help
Furnished Free of Charge.
Main 3665; A-6624.
C R. Hansen Jr.
Men, 26 N. 2nd. Main 1526.
Women, $43 Wash, st Main 2692,
Help supplied free to amployera.
Home A-6624 Phones Main 3565.
We will supply you With any help
you may need on very short notice. Wo
have the following male help today, who
want worn:
6 bakers.
10 carpenters.
32 clerks.
10 cooks, camp, hotel and restaurant.
15 engineers.
S housemen.
8 bookkeepers.
1 bill clerk.
4 stenographers.
30 Janitors.
10 night watchmen.
15 teamsters.
1 barber.
1 butcher.
1 brass molder.
1 bartender.
3 blacksmiths.
1 boiler maker.
1 cabinet maker.
4 cuffers.
1 cigar maker.
6 collectors.
6 cement finishers.
2 chauffeurs.
1 candy maker.
1 chain man.
1 foreman for planing mill.
1 gas titter.
10 machinists.
1 pattern maker.
8 plumbers helpers.
6 steam fitters.
7 timekeepers.
Veterinary surgeon wishes to take
charge of livery stable. Man and wife
for farm. Farm hands, loggers, mill
men, concrete men, common laborers
can be furnished promptly at all times.
MIDDLE-AGED man, single, sober, good
worker,- handy all round man, good
milker and care horses, handy with
tools and have my own tools, handy
round house, lawn and garden; can give
references. L-894, Journal
DRAFTMAN wants steady position wita
civil engineer; 4 years experience in
mechanical, electrical and map work an!
as inspector of dock construction work.
I C. S. student. Phone C-2229.
EXPERIENCED manager and buyer In
drygoods, ladles' and gents' furnish
ings, desires to change his position;
best of references. Q 396. Journal.
A SOBER, experienced engineer for sta
tionary, locomotive or donkey work.
Address, J. W. Bowers, Merchant's
hotel. , ,
YOUNG married man Just from east,
experienced bookkeeper, best refer
ences. L-396. Journal. .
FEMALE help wanted and furnished at
Mrs. Howe's Ladles
Agency. 326 '
Wash, st., room 807.
WANTED Girl for general housework
2 In family. 1165 Thurman. Phone
YOUNG girl wanted for lipht house
work. Apply 453 4th st.
POSITION by a thoroughly reliable gen
tleman as collector. Phone East 5061.
WINDOW washing and house cleaning.
H. Sproull. Main 9224.
Home A-5624 Phones Main 3566.
City Hall. 4th st. entrance.
We will supply you with any help
you may need on very short notice. We
have the following female help today
who want work'
6 chambermaids.
6 cooks.
18 women for day work.
1 housekeeper.
4 bookkeepers.
4 cashiers.
6 girls for general office work.
1 waitress.
4 nurses.
1 r.urse girl.
1 lady compositor.
1 governess.
12 stenographers
2 exchange operators.
2 clerks.
I vltrOittn helner
1 elderlv woman for light work
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work
washing. Ironing, cleaning; good work
er Rhone Main 6427. Room 2.
CURTAINS carefully laundered at
home 40c pair: will call for. Phone
Sellwood 134. Mrs. Ward.
LADY desires to help about rooming
hoi -se for the rent of 2 housekeeping
rooms. B-394. Jouraal. ;
W ANTED Position by experienced
stenographer and bookkeeper. Phone
East 4 750. ,
MIDDLE aged woman with girl would
like position as housekeeper or nurse;
wages $20. Phone Sellwood 602.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by
day or hour. Home pnone. h-iu.i
NT'RSE Nursing by the day or week;
best of reference. E-394, Journal.
LACE curtains washed and stretched;
40c per pair. Phone 6698 or 4192.
WOMAN with girl wants position as
housekeeper. i;au oi ,. sm sr.
PRACTICAL nurse with several years'
ex perlence. r-none o-onii. i.u: r. tn.
SEWTNG done by the day. Phone Tabor
Looking for et Situation ?
Fill this form and mail to THE JOURNAL ,
RATE 20 Words, One Time, 10
Inclose Ten Cents and Describe the Position You Seek
This expenditure brings you to the attention of the employers of Portland
MAIN 7173
A 6051
7:30 A. M. to
11:00 P.M.
TUTORING By experienced teacher
lor nervous and backward children.
Particular attention to mathematics and
English. Main 1679.
ACCURATE stenographer, excellent
spelling and English, wishes leeral
work forenoons; $20 monthly. F-392,
PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 168 12th St.
Piano lessons 60c. Phone Main 4663.
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Sal-
mon. Main neginners specialty.
E. THIELHORN. violin teacher
Bevcik; A-4160. 334 Pine. M. 804
PIANO. Violin, Trombone. Saxaphons
Prof. G A. Smith. 292 12th st
MAN tailored skirts, $3. your own ma
terial; suits and costumes. The Elite
Tailors, 646 Wash., near 18th st.
rAKLUKfl, 242 5TH ST.. MAIN 982
0 Vi N. 9th St. Nicely furnished front
alcove room, suitable for 2 gentlemen:
bath and gas.
876 Yamhill, St., corner West Park
1 nicely furnished front room cheaD:
one side room; board if preferred.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room, all mod
ern, walking distance: $2.50 to 13 Der
week. Phone B598 or A-4092.
2 2d St., cor. Morrison The Drew
bldg., newly furnished rooius. also
ousekeeplng room; newly re modeled.
2 NORTH 11th Furnished rooms in
exclusive private house, transient or
permanent, near business district.
167 17th St., N., near Irving 3 nicely
furnished rooms, choice location; ea-
peclally suitable for gentlemen.
MFKltiAHI.F. mom for pentlemgn r.m.
nlna water and other convenlencea
$9 a month. 347 Hall st.
Hotel Mason W1
Fre- chone and bath.
6th st: rooms
up per week.
36S 12th No other roomers; all home
like convenlencea, front room, bath,
phone, gas. Main 8643. '
306ft 1st st. The Newland Hotel Gool,
clean beds; electric lights, SI. 60 to
$3.00 week.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
private family, gentlemen preferred.
161 15th st.
185 N. 12tb st, 3 furnished rooms, also
housekeeping rooms, private family,
shady place, no small ch lldren.
ISTH and Wash., The Rex, modern fur
nished rooms, $10 to $12 per month;
also transient: gentlemen preferred
269 Montgomery St., modern front room.
clean, new bed. private family, gent
preferred. $9. .
A NICE front room for one or two gen
tlemen. Also one housekeeping room.
Main 7431.
SI N. 17th st. near Wash. Clean
neatly furnished rooms, large closet,
bath. heat, electric light. Call mornings.
226 15th. Large room, new furniture,
private family, beautiful quiet sur
round I n gs; veryreascmiableMaln
742 Lovejoy, near 23d st. car, .pleasant
rooms with or without board; nice
location ; all modern. A-1396. Main 43HS.
861 10th st. Furnished rooms, single
or en suite, first floor, private family,
residence district, walking distance
664 VANCOUVER ave.; furnished room
for rent for 1 or 2 persons, ( all after
6 p. m. or Sundays.
394 1 VERETT Furnished and house
keeping rooms; modern; gas, bath,
phones, etc.
371 12th St.; pleasant front room; mod
ern: use or parlor, bath and phone;
desirable location; $10.
750 Thurman st.. near 23d. newly fur
nished rooms, modern, cheap.
230 loth s.: furnished rooms wlTh or
wlthout hoard; references required.
NICELY furnished room, beautiful prl
vnte home, walking distance. A-5723.-
300 6th st, front room suitable for 2;
board If desired: 5 blocks from P. O.
207 ltd 6t. Maxwell Hall; all modern,
close In. Phone Main 1153.
448 YAMinLL, small room, clean, quiet
place, bath, phone, $1.50 week.
428 Hall st. large front room, elegantly
furnished, for 2 young ladles.
416 7 th st., cor. Hall Furnished rooms
with all conveniences.
206 H Wash., between Morrison bridge
and Chamber of Commerce New
Market Hotel Newly furnished rooms
ti week, near depots, cars, boats and
business: we can accommodate you
Main 7315. Front and Washington.
has every modern Improvement; eteam
heat, hot and cold water In every room;
rooms with private bath; rates reason
able; S cars from Union depot pass the
door. J. Johnson, prop.
490 Morrison Newlv and elegantly
furnishbd rooms: electric lights, fiao
bathroom everything up-to-date, nome
like, moderate rates. A-5280. Main 6445,
or cell at apartment 4.
WASHINGTON, Alder and I7th sts.
The Morris Absolutely new, all out
side rooms, strictly modern conven
iences. $4 to $7 weekly.
furnished rooms at reasonable prices;
modern conveniences.
HOTEL OHIO, corner Front and Madi
son Three large suites of choice
housekeeping rooms; vacated Sunday;
also other large rooms cheap.
18th and Washington sts.; The Rex,
modern, furnished rooms, $10 to $12
per month; also transient; gentlemen
168 12 St., nicely furnished room for
gentleman; also nice clean beds in at
tic room,' suitable for working man. (1.25
a week.
561 Davenport St. Portland Heights.
4 room furnished flat. Phone A-1756.
27! 6th st, cor. Jefferson The Angelua,
modern rooms and apartments.
464 U 1-1 Hurnside. near 8th. single
room neatly furnished, bath and
phone, $ii.50 month.
424 E. 6th st. Furnished rooms for
rent; ladles or gentlemen; modern;
near carllne.
446 E. Clay 1 or 2 newly fvjrnlslwd
rooms;' bath and phone, in prjvatd
f am 1 1 y. close in. .
610 East Ash St.. nicely furnished
rooms with all conveniences; private
10 j. 26th Nice front room, use of
bath, near carllne; private -family; no
NICE new rooms, unfurnished, for light
housekeeping; all modern, on carllne;
hot and cold water. Call Woodlawn
112 or 6S0Vi Dawson St., city. Also a
few houses for rent.
3 NEWLY papered rooms, gas and wat
er; $10.60; 2 small rooms. 85. 340 hi
Front s t.
609 Jefferson, 3 room housekeeping flat,
unfurnished, $10 per month. Phone
jv.ain iuu
497 Columbia st.T 4 unfurnished house-
keeplng rooms; modern. Main 2464.
IF vou want first class room and board
$5 50 and $6 per week, all conven
iences; also table board $4 week, good
home cooking, call at Aster House, 7th
and Madison.
456 6 tli Neatly furnished, airy room,
with board, home cooking;
convenient; $26.
446 SiWho Hollywood Large front
room downstairs, suitable for two;
home board.
208 Grant, (near Portland Mills), fur
nished rooms with good beard, free
phone. "S". and "F" cars, bath, etc.
746ft Union ave. N. Gentlemen to rooin
and board in a private family, 2 in a
room, $6 per week.
CLAY and 2d The Clay; suite of rooms
with board for 2 gentlemen; comfort
ahle and homelike: $5.50 per week.
414 ft Jefferson, pleasant room suitable
for 2, with board; home cooking; mod
ern, reasonable. Main 5983.
372 Hawthorne ave. Capital Hotel
First class working men's hotel; $1
day Or $5 per Wfik
552 Morrison Furnished rooms with
or without beard ; private famll,
home privileges.
304 Madison Front rooms and board
In private family, near city hall, $6
per week.
183 E. 7th. near Yamhill $5 week for
first class room with board, all mod
ern. WANTED Lady room mate
Morrison st. by young lady.
a; 475
RICHARD'S GRILL, latest New York
styles of dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor.
ropean and American plan.
only; $3, $5 day.
European plan
BELVEDERE, European. 4th and Alder.
202 14th st; 2 nicely furnished house
keeping rooms; gas range, bath
phone; quiet, comfortable. '
431 Salmon st, near 11th: front and
back parlor; well furnished; modern.
L.-.C i A8,
St ITE of 3 rooms. $15 pernmonth- 1
single room, $6 per month, bath laun
dry, phone. 308 13th st.
503ft Alder The Coll Ins IsTg-iTTThT
nicely furnished suites, single houae-
3d and Morrison sts. Housekeenin.r'
suite, furnished complete. $20 Cam
bridge bldg., room 36. '
372ft 1st
2 furnished hnnutlraAninn
rooms, light and airy: $2.60. la sT
Phone Main 7490,
421 6th 2 light, cool rooms, gas and
wood stoves, bedroom, pantry; nice
490 Morrison The Hyland Two suites
first class furnished
313 14TH. corner CI35-, clean, light, con
venient 1 and 2 room housekeeping
suite. "
SUITES of two j-ooms each, for house
keeping; well furnished; clean; gas
electric lights. 313ft 1st St. "
493 DAVIS. 2 nicely furnished house
keeping rooms. Phone A-S927.
$7.00 2 housekeeping rooms, phone and
water, included. Main 4629.
36B SALMON St., 2 basement rooms for
light housekeeping. Phone Main 3961
268 ft Front st A suttVof 3 unfurnlhd
housekeeping rooms. $2.60 a week.'
WELL furnished' housekeeping rooms,
.West side river. 1 rooms $8 month; 3
for $12 to- $15; front part cottage, $15;'
cottage, S rooms,: $20. Apply 84N.
26th; 16th st, car on Washington to
26th. south h alf block. .
321 7th, cor. Clay Furnished, house
keeping rooma with free use of bath
and telephone, and they are outside
rooms with lota of light and close In
to central part of the city. Phone Main
1799. ' r
CORNER 27th and Thurman The
Sutherland Newly furnished hou-JO-keeplng
rooms, hot and cold water, elec
tric lights, gas range, free baths an I
phone. 16th or "W carllne. Phone
64 20th St., N., near Washington; nice
sized fcent room with kitchen; newly
furnished for housekeeping; reasonable
rates; . bath, phone, furnace. Phone
Main 7472.
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping
in suites of two. 17. 18 and 112 cer
suite, 681 Hood st, cor. Grant. Phones:
A-4422. Main 9089. '
228 13th st 1 nicely furnished front
room: also 3 Unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping; walking distance. Main
THE ANNEX, 146ft Front at, under
new manaa-emeTit. slns-le. lleht house.
keeping and transient rooms.
347 MARKET st; 1 very desirable room,
with or without housekeenin?: walk.
lng distance; no children.
631 MORRISON 2 furnished housekeep1
ng rooms, in cottaee. aras. tihone anrt
84 Sherman. r South Portland tl.tO
wreK UD. larae. clean, furnished honiu
keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath.
4t N. 16TH Front parlor, regular
kitchen, furnished comnlete: walklne
distance; cheap. Main 6173.
628 Morrison St.. smsll room mnA
kltoben in attic, suitable one persorai
clean, modern residence. 1
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $5
per month. 72, one block south of
Arieta station; Mount Scott car.
164 and 166 N. 10th st, nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, also unfurnished
room. Phone Main 4619.
629 RALEIGH St., light housekeeping
also sleeping rooms, private family, 12
per week and up.
88 17th st. North Furnished house
keeping rooms in private family, nice
yard. Phone Main 7857.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, fur
nished, water in rooms. 328 Front
neat Market.
68 7th st, S.; 2 basement rooms for
housekeeping, with gas. phone; cen-
tral; good neighborhood.
667 2d st; $2 per week; 2 large, pleas
ant furnished housekeeping rooms:
adults. Main 9470.
171 Russell st. 3 large furnished
housekeeping rooms rmmi;nitin0
for 6 adults; large lawn; 2 blocKs fro,n
carllne; electric lights and freo phono.
inquire at 181 Russell st. I
THE Otis, rooms, 871ft East Burnside
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite, with or without housekeeping-
"""'s, free phones. East 3013. B-1613.
411 E., Washington st. $14 per month
S room cottage, unfurnished, ft blo'-k
from carllne, in East Side business c-n-ter,
no children.
668 Williams ava.. corner Monro.
nicely furnished housekeeping rooms
all modern conveniences; no children:
private family.
4b4ft L. Burnslde. near Eighth; 2 front
rooms, furnished, newly papered
phone, bath: $12.50.
Sk? E. YAMHILL 2 newly furnished
TaborSl810P rooma- as phone.
CORNER Union and Fremont, 5 nlr-e
modern, unfurnished rooms, $12 per
Hawthorne and Grahd ave. The H.d-
ier rurmsneo rooms, 2 or 8 en suites.
....ii. ..ii.ciiibiicm. ootn pnon-s.
132ft Grand, cor East Morrison Sx
upstairs rooms, good place for offU-e
or living rooms. Inquire candv store
FURNISHED rooms for llirl.t ho..-..
keeping, also single room; bath, phone.
electric lights. Phone East 168.
507 MISSISSIPPI ave., ATblna;2f7:
nlshcd housekeeping rooms, use of
i""" uain. rent cneap.
301ft WATER St.; housekeeping rooms
lowest rates; electric lights and phone
Included. y
-03 ft Stanton St.. L. car $1.25 week up
clean furnished housekeeping rooms
bath, 'sundry, furnace heat yard.
582 E. 6th St., near Brooklyn st , fur
nislied housekeeping rooms, modern
Sellwood 133; In view of ho river
60 ft Grand ave. N. $3 a week house
keeping rooms, complete. Call at
Winters block, upstalts.
4i4 E. Washington st. $15 per month.
4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement
and, yard; no children, .
382 Hawthorne ave. Furnished h Oil MA
keeping rooms from $10 to $15 per
THREE clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms on carllne; modern; call 95 E
30th at; adults. East 6505.
304 E. Morrison The Leonard House
Housekeeping nnd furnished rooms.
new 6
house on E. 29th St., near EUswortn;
sightly. Phone Sellwood 765. Sam He-si.
$1 4 Milwaukle, opposite new Ladd
Addition; fine view; 5 rooms, garden.
Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 69.
SEVEN room house,' 210 Broadway,
near Ross, furnace, cheap rent; walk-
Ing distance. East 4697.
749 Mississippi ave. South side of
double house. 6 rooms, nice yard, all
modern, $15 tier month.
191 Shaver st. 7 room house, modern;
on carllne; $26. Parrish. Watklns 4
Co., 250 Alder st.
PARTLY furnished 6 room cottage, rea
sonable. Phono B-2446. Call 1275 E
732 MIS8OURI ave. Nice 4 room cot
tage, large lot and fruit trees; two
oiocKB rrom car, .fnone Main 6891. $8.
SEVEN large rooms, 4 blocks Holladay
school: gas, electricity, fireplace. Ad
ply 48 6fli st. N.
$10 per month Nice 5 room -cottage,
near car. Co nan t Realty Co., 260 4
Alder st.
NEW modern 6 room house, Denver
ave.. 1 block from carllne. Phnnex r.
1770. East 4364. I
SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In
Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment
t o., owner. 418 tjoroeit nieig
FOR RENT Modern 6 room upper flat.
673 ft Gllsan st. Apply to W. WMnter.
with Tull & Glhbs.
FOTTR and 6 room house. Mount 8cott
car, close in. barn, large yard, $10 and
$12. Phone Sellwood 908.
7 ROOM modern house on corner of E.
10th and Sherman. Phone East 1802.
489 E. Sherman St.
FOUR room cottage, small barn, some
fruit, near car, $10. H. Hatfield,
165ft 4th st.
124 N. 17th. 60 feet north GliSan for
rent cottage. Max Smith, 88 N.
16th. No phone.
SIX months' rent free to lot buyers in
Gregory Height. Gregory Investment
Co.. owner,. 418 Corhett bldg.
FOR RENT Convenient 6 room, hard
finished cottage, newly papered, $12,
Apply 661 4th st.
93 E. 10th $15 a mcnth, 5 rom cot
tage, gas, gas range, close In. Apply
700 E. Stark.
FOR RENT 8 room house, modern, ex-
cent furnace. 734 E. Burnslde . at
Phone B-1736.
SIX months' rent free to lot buyers In
Gregory Heights. Gregory Investment
co-owner, 418 yornett pmg.
SIX room hours), $10; back of 755 E.
OaX st Wiaie B-1040.
493 MIL st 4 room cottage, bath and
gas; fttmtture for sale cheap.
FOR RENT Modern room house;
clean and nicely tinted. East 798.
774 Michigan ave. room house clean
good order, with bath; 3 1 5.
185 N, 21ST For rent, a 7 room cot
tage, .
WHEN yoir more you always need new
- Buy at no rent prices; the savings
'Till exceed cost of moving.
We own our own building; occupy,
one half; collect rent on balance.
Grand sve. and E. Stark. Phone E. 2929.
iuCii. 6 and 6 room cottages, furnished!
or unfurnished, close in, west side
river, at teasonaole rentals; also good,
furnished housekeeping rooms. 7S7
Chamber of Commerce. '
FOR RENT Furnished 5 room cottaga
at 659 Everett, on west side; gas, elec
tric light, 3 -bedrooms; no children; can
be seen afternoons or evenings. 140
per month. A-2862.
I.vrvo Di-ur . Tr.... .i '. "
twij viiay, new a room
cottage in Woodstock; bath, plumbing
modern; 1 block from carllne. Inquire
jammuu mug.
914 MILWATJKIE at, cor. Holgate S
room modern house for rent; concrete
basement, electric lights. .Inquire 624
Holgate st (16.
1068 E. Alder, 6 minute ear service, &
rooms, electric lights, modern. $18
pr month, ill Rothchild bldg. Main
Ilth and E. Harrison Modern 6 room.
cement basement, fujnace, 2 carllnes,
large porches, side yard: use of gas
range: something nice. Sellwood 69.
151 N. 13th st 4 room cottage, $14 per
844 GRAHAM aye., 1 8 room house for
rent, bath and gas.
WELL furnished cottage, $20 month
or unfurnished.' $15; west1 side river.
737 Chamber of Commerce.
870 ALB.INA ave., well furnished 6 room
modern house. Call 617- River St., or
Phone C-1998.
187ft 4th st Furnished housekeeping
room, light and gas. Inquire at
butcher shop on corner. '
COTTAGE, west side river, $16; will
furnish for $20.
787 Chamber of
ROOMING house, 9 rooms furnUhed, for
rent. 211 Columbia st, between 1st
and Front sts.
FOR RENT 7 rom, furnished house;
privilege of boarders. 1120 Michigan
BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach k
the seaside capital of the northwest.
Board of Trade bldg.
SEASIDE 7 furnished rooms, cottage)
fronting ocean, opposite Necanicum
Inn, best location, city water. Apply
to Andrew Kan. Z4 Washington st.
SEASIDE For sale or rent, a new $
room cottage near the beach. TeL
East 6799 or call 70 E. 18th st. N.
FOR RENT Completely furnished cot
tage, Seaside. Main 9691.
SIX rooms of almost new furniture for
sale, flat for rent; will give terms.
Payment down and so much a month..
9 ft 10th St.. between Stark and Burnslda
NICE 8 room house, close in. suitable
for roomers, for rent furniture for
sale, cheap. 737 Chamber of Commerce.
WILL sacrifice 7 rooms of new furni
ture; house for rent $22.50 per month.
3 rooms rented, $27. 672 Belmont.
A BARGAIN fii 40 room house, good!
business, furniture for sale cheap:
long lease. Phone East 3375.
8 Union ave.; furnished 6 room house
for rent; price $36 per month. Phone
East 89.
128 13TH ST. New furniture. 5 rooms.
oak and blrdseye dressers, good tran
slent location: rent 320.
FOUR rooms, rent $25; furniture very
reasonable. Inquire 267 3d at phone
A-4444 (weekdays )
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, 13
rooms, good location. Phone owner.
Main 9577.
308 10th Furniture of 16 rooms for
sale by owner. Rooms all full; easy
211 12th 10 room house, completely
furnished, roo -is full; opposite the
White Temple; reasonable.
20 ROOMS, closo In. west side; good
proposition; 10 agents; cheap rent.
FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent. 284
Park st, Phone 902.
FIVE room house, furniture for sale.
489 Alder, after 3 p. m.
349 Jackson, furniture of 6 room cottage)
for sale cheap If taken at once; rent $15.
335ftCook ave.. 5 rooms and bath, at
tic, basement, wood hoist, plate rack
and china closet, $16- monthli. Apply
696 Williams ave.
614 Commercial st. 4 room flat, fur
nished complete; gas, bath, etc., $2 8.
Woodlawn 882.
UNFURNISHED 3 room flat, ft block
from Grand ave., $12 per month.
water rent Included. 413 E. Morrison.
IF YOU want to rent new. up-to-date)
flats, go to 6th and Wasco; best loca
tion In Holladav. W. A. Reldt.
627 E. Salmon, between 16th and 17th,
sts. Beautiful 6 room flat, close In.
walking distance.
FIVE room flat, large bright rooma
with yard. 2d and Clackamas. $22.50.
Phone c-1001.
4 ROOM flat. bath. gas. shades, 674
Mississippi ave., $10. Phone Wood
lawn 686: key upstairs.
491 Market St., 6 room flat for rent;
newly tinted, gas and hath. $K.
MODERN 5 room upper flat, no small
children. Inquire 471 6th St.
115 N. 16th st, 7 room flat, modern.
"S" and 16th st cars pass door.
372 N. 29TH 6 room flat, excellent
home, reasonable rent. W car
309 N. ?9th st. Newly modern 6 and
7 room flats Main 3670. ,
FURNISHED snd unfurnished steam
heated flat. 3 and 4 rooms; modern.
Cottel Drug company.
FIVE room modern flat, clean, nicely
furnished, piano Included; references)
requl red. 878 Grand ave. N.
The RE-UKAN Wca'.V
Just opened. Beautiful concrete build
ing, magnificent view and surroundings;
both phones in everv aulte. electric ele
vator. Very reasonable, furnished or un
furnished. Call an-l be shown the new
est most modern apartment house in
Portland or phone landlady, Main 3861.
also Main 2657; A-26i7.
JEFFERSON I AN Completely furnished
3 room apartment hot and cold water,
furnace heat, bath, free phone, walking
distance to P. O.; modern: summer
rates; up to date. You cannot duplicate)
our prices in the town. Corner 16th
snd Jefferson.
THE MARLBOROUGH 6 room apart
ment 21st snd Flanders; Nob Hill
district, every convenience. Main 7616.
THE COLLINS New management fur
nished suites, 1 housekeeping rooms.
31.75 up. 603 ft Alder.
FIRST class outside office rooms for
rent in new building; steam heat,
electric tK gas light with Janitor serv-
Ice. rN. E. cor, id and Madison.
FINE STORE or offlce.-half block from
P. O.; good display windows, reason
able rent lease. . Call for Mr. Spath, Bay
City Market, cor. 4th and Yamhill.
FOR RENT 4 story and basement brick;
tore bldg., 100x1(5, S-E corner Front
and Pine sts. Apply to C. A. Dolph, Mo-
nnwi picg.
DESK room and window in large offu-e
on first floor for rent 247 Stark et.
Phone Main 1770.
THE DREW bldg.. 2d and Morrison;
public halls and offices for rent.
FEW nice offices In the Couch and
Chambers bldg. 601 Couch bldg.
DESK room with phone; also store 11
by 24; most cheap rent East 1115.
FOR RENT New store and flat' $S6J
CaU. $ a. m., p. m., f IT Williams