The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Corset Covers
, Best Value at 65c
A sale of odd lines of Corset Covers
made of very fine .quality nain6ook
and daintily trimmed with : embroi
deries, laces apd ribbons. Regular
$1.00 and $1.25 - values. Specially
Scarfs and
; 75c alues at 50c
At this salt; you" have choice of
Scarfs and Squares ia a number
of new styles, made of fine Aus
trian linen, in drawnwork pat
terns. They are priced at one
third less than regular.
The Most in Value
Lisle Gloves
40c Values
at 25c
A special offering of women's fine
Lisle Thread Gloves in colors,
black and white. They come in
all sizes and are fully worth 40c
a pair.
Vests Pants
40c Values 25c
Women's fine summer weight Knit Un
derwear, Vests and Pants, in all sizes;
vests in high neck style with long or
short sleeves; low neck sleeveless " or
short sleeves; all are neatly trimmed;
pants shown in ankle length, tight fitting
and knee length, lace, trimmed; all art
regular 40c values.
priced to close out odd lines
The Best in Quality
Fourth and
Last Week
Our Animal May Stock Reducin
Fourth and
Last Week
r t
r ; - ' . v ' .. ... : - t -v
I i . . i . i . ii i i i i ii . I, , i
g Sale
Muslin Gowns
See Third St. Window Display
W.e are offering a big special in Wom
en's Nightgowns in all styles high,
square, V-shaped or low-rteek slip
oVer models. These gowns are made
of fine quality materiaf, in the cam
bric, nainsook, longcloth or muslin.
All daintily trimmed with very fine
embroideries, laces and ilk ribbons.
Made very full and extra long, all
seams felled and finished very neatly.
Regular values to $1.50. QQr
Special at y OC
Always a Great Event at This Store
It is on -an occasion of this character that we reveal our unusual VALUE-GIVING facilities. It is then we em
phasize the advantage to our store friends of our far-reaching methods; Come compare our values with all
Others; You'll find that every offering is an exceptional one. You'll realize that you cannot afford to let such
a money-saving opportunity pass without taking advantage of it. This is the last week, so don't delay coming.
Muslin Drawers
Seat 50o Values qq
Special for . ... OtC
A line of Women's Drawers, made of
good quality cambric or muslin and
trimmed with neat pin or hemstitched
tucks and deep embroidery ruffle;
other styles trimmed with fine Val.
lace insertion with ruffle to match.
They are well made and extra well
finished throughout. Reg. 3Q"
50c value. Special OVC
Women's Stylish. Hew -Suits
$32.50 Values Priced at $22.50
An elaborate showing of new suits received direct from the best New York manufacturer brand new
suits in styles never before shown in Portland. Beautiful serge and Panama fabrics, in the new shades
of gray and tan, so much in demand, and other colors, including blue and brown in the new tones; plainly
tailored effects but remarkable for their smartness in appearance. Real $32.50 values CA
on sale at only vuutuU
We are showing many other exceptional values at $10.00, $12.50, $16.50, $17.50 and $18.50.
A Tablefull of Waists at 05c
Regular Values From $1.25 to $1.75 On your
next visit do not fail to look over this table full of
splendid waist values. You are sure to find the very
style wanted in this great showing, broken waist
lines of many descriptions constitute the lot; made
of fine lawn, dimity, nainsook and black sateen;
plain, colors, dainty figures and stripes; some with
tucked and pleated fronts, some embroidered, and
others with yokes ol lace. V alues from $1.2o
to $1.75, at one price
Sateen Petticoats
Petticoats of black sateen, excellent in quality and
style. Two styles, 15 inch flounce, plain effect with
straps ; another with three rows of shirring, strap
and feather' stitched ruffle; underlay of or
same material; exceptional petticoats for. ylD
Silk Petticoats, All Colors
Stylish petticoats of a fine quality, good weight, non
splittable taffeta. One of the widest ranges of col
ors ever shown black, navy, brown, tan, red, green,
Copenhagen, French blue, gray and old rose. These
and other colors in a variety of shades. About six
different styles from a deep flounce in the severely
plain effect, trimmed Avith strap, to a mpre elaborate
flounce with shirring, straps and double A j ff
ruffle; $5.50 to $7.50 values 3)4. 5U
Children's Wash Dresses
Made of fine quality percale, gingham and chambray.
Colors are plain blue, pink, gray and pretty stripes
and checks. Dresses of two styles and jaunty
sailor suits. Just the proper thing for Ai
summer wear; $1.50 values ,)
25c Beauty- Pins
Only 17e
An extra special showing of fine Gold
Beauty Pins. They come two on a
card and are guaranteed to wear well.
They have patented fasteners and are
regular 25c values. A great assort
ment of these pretty pins to choose
from. Your choice during
this sale 1 V
19c Shell Hairpins, 6 in a box. . . .15
10 pieces Cotton Tape
15c large rolls Toilet Paper 10
25c Women's Scissors 13
15c Finishing Braid IO&
Large cake Gylcerine Soap 5
25c Elastic Belts ,.19
50c Fancy Beltings, yard . .39
Skirt Chemise
$1.50 Values $1.18
A fine showing of Women's Long
Chemise, made of excellent quality
nainsook and trimmed with fine .em
broideries, laces and ribbons. Extra
well made and neatly finished. Reg1.
$1.50 values. Specially
priced for this sale
There Is Style, Beauty and Yalue dSs? lew Wash Fabrics
Our stock is immense the largest we have ever shown. The prices are fair, and in many instances surprisingly low. But it is the exquisite beauty of the new fabrics the fact that they repre
sent the very choicest patterns and weaves from foreign and American mills that puts this showing in a class by itself. And how impressive it is in variety may be gathered from this partial
list. How charming it is in detail can only be realized by the personal inspection which every discriminating and fashionable woman owes to herself.
Dress Ginghams
At 10c
A full showing of the new season's
best styles and colorings. Over
300 pieces to select from. Extra
good quality at this price.
Dress Ginghams
At 12e
New Dress Ginghams of the best
standard quality. Fine domestic
goods shown in every wanted style
in both light and dark colorings.
Over 1000 pieces in this lot.
Sootoh Ginghams
At 25c
Pine Imported Scotch Ginghams
shown in a large variety of styles.
Neat check, plaids, stripes and
plain shades in all the new color
ings. Fancy Batistes
At 15c
An unusually attractive line of
fancy Batistes of splendid quality
shown in a large variety of new
bordered effects in pretty colorings.
New Poplins
At 20o
One of the most popular wash
fabrics. New Poplins, shown in a
full assortment of alt the wanted
plain shades. A special value at
this low price.
Madras, Per Yard
15c 18c 25c
An unsurpassed showing of Shirt
ing and Shirtwaist Madras. Comes
in white ground with neat stripes,
dots and figures, in all desirable
Shirting Madras
At 10c
New Shirting Madras of good
wearing quality. Shown in me
dium and dark colors. Comes in
all size checks and stripes.
New Percales
At 10c
A showing of over 5000 yards of
New Percales of standard quality.
Shown in a complete assortment of
styles in medium and dark colorings.
Tussab Pongee Silks at 75o
A sale of 27 inch Tussah Pongee Silks, war
ranted all pure' silk, has a high brilliant finish
and is always in style ; comes in colors, gray,
black, natural, slate, taupe, rose, light blue,
pink, wistaria, reseda, brown, etc.
Wonderful Silk Values
Black Taffeta Silk at $1.25
Comes full 36 inches wide and guaranteed not to slip, crack or
break; shown in a perfect black in beautiful new weaves, Swiss,
Peau De Cygne and Directoire, soft and graceful, especially
adapted for the new season's gowns.
New Summer Silks
We have just received a large invoice of Cream and White Japanese
Silks our own direct importations, bought at special price concessions,
the best values we have" ever offered these qualities to choose from:
27-inch 60c Japanese Silks, priced at 45
27-inch 85c Japanese Silks, priced at 65?
27-inch $1.00 Japanese Silks, priced, at 75
27-inch $1.25 Japanese Silks, priced at 95
27-inch $1.50 Japanese Silks, priced at ? 1.00
Shan Tung: Pongees at $1.25
A new and very beautiful silk, now shown for
the first time; comes full 27 inches wide, is
hand-made from the finest silk fiber; perfect
in weave and color. It is white and must be
een to be appreciated.
Women's Silk Lisle
Silk Embroidered, Neat Designs
50c and 65o Values, Tomorrow
LATEST STYLES Another great lot just received the last of a very special
purchase of about 500 dozen women's, fine silk-embroidered lisle Stockings, made
with full-fashioned leg, and foot and reinforced heel and toe, hand-embroidered
in silk; shown in a -large variety of styles .in the most popular Spring shades,
light blue, Copenhagen, navy, dark green, light green, lavender, tan, brown, 9fl.
black, pink, etc, "Stockings that sell regularly at 50c and 65c a pair, now at OJQ.
50-Inch Flouncing-
Beautiful New Patterns, Embroid
ered on Extra Fine Grade Swiss
S1.25 to $1.75 Qualities. Per Yard SOc
You will travel far before you find Embroideries as dainty and attractive as those you
will find here, and still farther before you meet with prices as low as ours for embroideries
of such splendid quality. This lot consists of 50 inch Flouncing Embroideries, suitable for'
dresses and fine underskirts. They are shown in beautiful patterns, 'running up to 18
inches deep. Regular values are from $1.25 up to $1.75 a yard. All are priced r"f
for this sale at )UC
22-Inch Embroideries, 85c Grade
Tomorrow at 43o
A special offering of 22-inch Baby Flouncing Embroideries in
neat small patterns, made of fine grade Swiss. Regular 75c
and 85c kinds, specially priced for this sale JO
at only :....hJC
18-Inch Embroideries, 45c Grade
Tomorrow at 20o
A special offering of 18-inch Corset Cover Embroideries,
Flouncings and 8 to 14-inch sets, with insertions to match.
Values up to 45c a yard, priced for this sale
at only
Taffeta Ribbon, Yd. 15c
25c QUALITY A very important sale of taffeta and satin
taffeta Ribbons of splendid quality ; they come full 44
inches wide and shown in all the popular new shades, plen
ty of black and white. Ribbons that cannot be bought any
where at less than 25c a- ylard, at the special
price of ' 1 DC
Wonderful Showing of Lace Yokes
for This Sale at 50o
VALUES TO $1.25 A wonderful showing and sale of lace
Yokes, shown in a full assortment of the latest shapes and
patterns of excellent quality Baby Irish and Venise UcsT4a
white color. Regular $1.00 and l.SJovalues, priced A
for this sale at ........ .............. r. DUC
1 -