. rJT- ; .. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY : MORNING', MAY' 23, 1909, . 3 iiie EIIIT FROM BAY CITY Steam Schooner Thomas L. Wand Encounters Some liougli Weather. WILL TAKE LUMBER FOR BETUEN CARGO Steam Schooner Northland Goes to Mills to Load Lumber Evidence of Serious Wreck Found Along California Coast. . The-: steam schooner Thomas I. Wand, Captain Peterson, arrived at Oak Btreet dock last night , loaded down until her decks were nearly awash. Her cargo cuiiBisis or zu.uvu aacifs vi comtui mm a large consignment of miscellaneous merchandise. It will be unloaded to morrow and the Wand will leave on her southward trip, plcking up a cargo of lumber for San Francisco at mills down the Columbia river. . f. ' Captain Peterson reports very unfa vorable winds on the trin. havlnir been delayed by strong northwest winds. He saia tne waves ran unusuany nign ana piling up against the bows of the deeply laden vessel progress was necessarily slow. The steam schooner Northland, Cap tain Erlckson, which arrived earlier In the day and went to Couch street to dis charge general freight, also had a rough trip coming north. She will shift to the Portland mills tomorrow to load lumber for a return cargo. CREW BELIEVED LOST Derelict Vessel Sighted Near Faral lon Islands, Bottom Up. Captain P. C. Rasmussen of the bark Star of Scotland, reports to the hydro graphic office sighting on April 24. 1909, In latitude north SG degrees, 19 minutes, longitude west 127 degrees, 66 minutes. (267 miles south, 69 degrees west true from South Farallon) a dere lict bottom up, about 100 feet long, The liottom was painted dark brown and no barnacles were visible. A number of logs and a lot of lumber was also reported adrift yesterday off the entrance to the Golden Gate, and it is believed that possibly this flotsam ame from the overturned vessel, which evidently Is a small coaster. The crew is believed to have been lost. , TO JO on dky1kk;k Steamer Argo In From Tillamook With DamnKed Propeller. Steamer Argo. Captain Snider. ar rrlved here at noon yesterday, after a Kenerallv pleasant trip. She ran Into rather heavy gale, but the nea ,wai not bad. The Argo cai ru-d 11G5 boxes of i liefse. and after unloading she will go Into Urydock where repairs will be inade on her port propeller, which was sllnlitlv damaged a couple of trips ago. She will make her usual trip, leaving t 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. The Argi brought a full list of passengers as far as Astoria. Sl CCESFl'L LAUNCHING Artillery Tenders Leave Slips at Willamette Iron & Steel Works. The shipyards of the Willamette Iron Steel works were the scene of the launching of the two new artillery ten ders. Captain James Fornance and Cap tain Gregory Barrett, yesterday morn ing. The former was launched at 10:06 o'clock sponsored by Miss Grace Bax ter, and the latter left the ways at 10:30 o'clock, having for sponsor Miss Kathleen Carroll. Both vessels entered the water easily and were enthusiastically greeted with Auction Sales AT Wilson's Salesrooms 173-175 SECOND STREET Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. We will offer at public sale a valu able lot of parlor and library furniture, select dining room furniture, couches, sanitarv bed couches, bedding, bed linen, etc.: elegant mirrors, pictures and win dow hangings: desirable carpets, rugs ni llnnlAiirn: fine willow chairs, reclin ing couch and a complete assortment of nen room, Kitcnrn nu imuui iU, stel and gas ranges, office desks, res taurant equipments and other goods too numerous to mention. r , , Extraordinary Sale Tuesday, May 25, on the Prem ises, 280 Poplar, Corner East Nineteenth and Hawthorne, at 10 a. m. Turkish Rugs, Cut Glass, Bronzes and Elegant 'Furniture. Having instructions from W. A. Fire baugh, we will sell the magnificent fur nishings of his palatial home, compris ing very choice Turkish rugs, costly leather Turkish rocker, fine mission carved chairs and rockers. In leatfier upholsturv; brass, andiron set and ser vice complete; fine steel engravings and dining room pictures; mission dining room suite, comprising pedestal exten sion table with chairs and lovely buffet to match; sterling cutlery, cut glass water set, fine table linen, etc.; elegant Haviland china dinner set,- glassware, etc. BRONZES, BKABBSS, TABES. Teak wood jardinieres, stools, largd French plate mirror, Imported portieres, malve Iron beds, silk floss mattresses. irlncess dressers in manogany ana oa' .irdspve maple, chiffoniers and dining table: fine down pillows, wool blankets, bed linen. Not The furnishings throughout are vpry choice. We call your special at tention to the Oriental rugs. Sale prompt at 10 a. m. cheers , from' Jhe assembled people and whistles from thehearby steamers. Af ter the launching, the guests were In vited into the-of floes of the company, were a lunch was served. ., Many of the guests were army officers and their families. t,-t --.---t--'.i SNAKE RIVER RISING Warm Weather and Rains Respon ; . eible. for High Water. Warm weather and rains in the 8nake river drainage " area" have caused th Snake river to rise from half a foot to nearly a foot in the last 24 hours. The Columbia river has been rising very slowly, the greatest rise, 4 feet, being at Kennewlck. As a consequence, the local weather office reports a probable rise at Portland about Tuesday, ALONG THE 'WATERFRONT The hydrographio office has received a 1222' page book upon commerce and navigation of the United States, which la open for public Inspection. The steamer Alliance, Captain Par sons, railed last night from Couch street dock for Coos Bay. - Thp Harrlman liner Rose City, Cap tain Mason, sailed, for San Francisco yesterday morning, carrying 250 passen gers and a full cargo of 'freight. The steam schooner Claremont sailed from Linnton yesterday for San Fran cisco with a cargo of lumber. MARINE NOTES ' Astoria, May 22. Condition at the mouth of the- river at 6 p. m.f smooth, wind northwest. 18' miles; 'weather, clear. Arrived at 4:40 and left op at 7:S0 a. m., steamer Thomas I Wand, from San Francisco; sailed at 10:35 a m., steamer Maverick for San Francisco; arrived down at S:50 and sailed at 6 p, m., steamer Rose City, for San Fran cisco. San Francisco, May 22.-iArrived at 8 a m., and sailed at 2 p. m.. steamer Geo. W. Elder, from San Pedro, for Portland; sailed at 10 a. m.. steamer F. 8. Loop, for Portland; sailed at 12 noon, steamer State of California, for Port land. Cherbourg, May 22. Arrived May 18, French bark La Rochejaqueleln, from Hull, for Portland! Queenstown, May 22. Arrived, French ft r ImportantAnnouncement It will pay every person interested In saving money to visit our variety retail snne adjoining our salesrooms, corner Second and Yamhill. We have the larg est mixed stock In the city to select from. Vou will find everything in the merchandise line, including office fur niture, store fixtures and everything that you use. eat or wear, at less than wholesale cost. If. B. If you want cash for your be longings, phone Main lfi!S, A-4343. J. T. WILSON, Aaetloasar. RESIDENCE SALE THURSDAY, 2 P. M. 389 25th St. N., cor. Upshur St. Having received Instructions from Mrs. Robb. I will sell the furniture of her five room house as follows: Brus sels sod other rugs. ' bed davenport; rockers, settees, extension table, dining chairs, S iron beds, springs mattresses, cook stove, kitchen utensils, lace cur tains, etc Terras ensh: no reserve. - r. WttSOBY AaeMoneer, To levers of Genuine Antique Turkish Bag's and Costly European Furniture, Etc.! ON TUESDAY NEXT At Baker's Anotlon House will be sold the following costly goods removed from King's Heights: An imported teak wood cabinet, beautifully carved and Inlaid fcost $700); solid mahogany writing table, Chippendale period; very old an tique mahoganyvsofa; French mahogany drawing room chair; genuine antique Turkish rugF. viz.: Kurdlstans, Beloo rhititans. Khlvas, Moussels, camel hair runner, etc.; very fine and costly English perambulator: drawing room easy chair In brooateHe silk: cherry parlor set In beautifully carved frames and uphol stered In Knglish bedford cord; brilliant tone upright piano In satin walnut case; handsome dining room suit in quarter sawed oak. highly polished; English chiffonier, very attractive; polar bear skin rug, large size: blrdseye maple par lor table, and several other odd and antique pieces; all brass bed. steel bed in bronse. pretty Iron beds, all complete with best springs, silk floss and felt mattresses; handsome dressers and chif foniers; wool blankets and quilts, velvet rug 11.8x12 and Axminster rugs 9x12; modern davenport In green verona, wicker chairs, parlor couches, saddle seat rockers. Monitor steel range, new- style Garland gas range with high oven. and other useful lots for domestic use. Connoisseurs and others looking for renulne antique rugs and old pieces of rare furniture, and also parties furnish ing who want good clean and rename furnishings, etc., are invited to inspect the goods tomorrow (Monday) at 152 Park street, between Alder and Mor rison streets. Investigate and know the facts which the old reliable auctioneers are always pleased to give. Sale on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock (sharp). ON THURSDAY NEXT We have Instructions to sell the fur nishings of eight room private home. These goods can be seen on Wednesday afternoon. Sale Thursday at 10 o'clock. BAXEB 8t SOW, Auctioneers. bark Marechal de Noallles. from Port land. Canton, 22. Arrived. British steamer M. S. .Dollar, from Portland.., Tides at Astoria Sunday High water, 2:47 a. m.. 8.9 feet; 4:27 p. m., . feet Low water. :67 a. m., 0.T feet; 10:00 a m., M feet, -:. ' E00T MAKES ENTRANCE; CHILDREN MAKE EXIT Not a broken sewer, but an ambitious root has been the cause of the report coming from Sellwood school during the ast week that the cellar of the school ulldlng was flooded with sewage. Act ing on this report, more than half of the pupils have been withdrawn from the school, Borne of them to attend other schools, others to be absent during the rest of the year. Principal Clifford L. Strong of the school was forced to give much of the time which he usually devotes to the school to the task of ex plaining the situation to angry mothers who adopted a policy of visiting him en masse. So far as can be learned no particular Investigation of the condition was made, the report that the cellar was flooded being accepted without question, until ?'esterday a small boy possessed of an nqulrlng mind entered the basement and made investigations on his own account. First he found that the amount of sew age was very small: next he discovered that the root of a tree had grown Into the vent of a cesspool near by' and caused it to flood slightly. Many are of the opinion that the trouble could have been discovered before any child ren were withdrawn from the school had a proper Investigation been insti tuted, j MANSPORTSMEN TAKE OUT LICENSES FINEST PARADE HEXt SATURDAY Police Band Will Head Fine Appearing Battalion in Summer Uniforms. Hunters and fishermen of Multnomah county made the office of County Cle.-k Fields their Mecca yesterday, and when the office closed more than 700 licenses had been Issued. The new game code went into effect yesterday, and It became necessary for all those who desired to fish or hunt tw de.y to secure licenses. Consequently there was a big rush and before night Deputy Clerk Schneider was the pos sessor of a whole box of gold and silver. NEW TODAY. Ardenwad "WOODS OF ARDEN" So named because of the lovely, grove, beautiful trees and surround ings. Call at our office and let us tell you about it. Phone or write us ffr plat, and photo views of the ground. Next Saturday at 10:30 a. m. the pub lic will have a chance to see the semi annual inspection of the police force by Mayor Harry Iane In the Arnory building. The officers have been work ing hard and drilling several times a week under the direction of Captain J. T. Moore for the coming Inspection. For the first time the force has been taught battalion formation, the size of the force having now become such as td make that possible. The police band will also make its first appearance in public at the Inspec tion. The band was organized about six months ago and has been practlc lng right along under the leadership of orricer Kd Mannng. The new service stripes, a white hand on the arm for each five years of serv ice, will also be worn, these having just been ordered by the police com mittee. The entire force, headed by the band, will march through the streets at the close of the inspection at the Armory and the new formations which have been taught by Captain Moore will be executed, not only In the Armory, but In the street parade. Owing to the fact that the horses be lonartnr to the mounted no lice cannot be taken Inside the Armory this part of the inspection will be held outside the ; 1 m 1TEW TODAY. COVELL A BEAUTIFUL ' SUBURBAN TRACT Situated right on the Oregon City car lihe. An Opportunity to buy acreage all In cultivation at the price of a city lot. A place to enjoy a country home, yet be In touch with the city theatres, lectures and churches. Price $350 to J500 an acre. Small payment down, balance at l 6 per cent. I The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 348 ALDER ST. Knapp & Mackey 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. Vote We have Just received another car of eastern dressers, buffets, dining tables and chiffonieros. and dally expect a enr of brass and iron beds far our retail department. The quality and price keeps our business lively. We keep no shoddy goods. GEO. BAKES ft CO., Both phones. 162 Park St. Ford Auction Co.'s Auction Sales AT 211 FIRST ST. Tomorrow at 10 a. m. we will hold another genuine auction sale of house hold goods. No reserve; and there an' lots of nice furniture. Oak dressers valued up to 145. pretty Iron beds, best of springs and new floss mattresses, new and used steel ranges, new lino leum, all kinds of gas ranges, ward robes, kitchen safes and cupboards, new wash machines, round and square ex tension tables, carpets. luce curtains, centre tables, couches, library tables and Hundreds of Rockers left with us to he sold. No reserve. So they won't last long. And we will have another AUCTION SALE AT 211 FIRST ST. Thursday Next At 10 A. M., All Kinds of Furni ture. So be sure and come. Tou will find what you are looking for at less than what you expected to pay. A complete shoemaktv's outfit will be offered for sale at our Monday's sle. FORD, Auctioneer. Phones: A-2445, Msiin .8951. 75 LOTS Staked and Platted Inside city limits. At the price I am able to quote, this is the biggest snp in the city. For further information address H-398, Journal. We Have Homes for Sale In Montavilla, Arleta, Firland, Lents, St. Johns, Waverly Height?, Wood stock, Sellwood, Alblna, Tre mont Station, Brent wood's Addition, and in the city. Call and look over our lists. You will be sure to find just what you want. The Patterson-Gibbs Co. Office 341 Sherlock Bldg. building. The citizens of Portland are especially requested by the chief to avail themselves of the opportunity next Saturday morning. Chief Grtta mocher's orders concerning the inspec tion follow: . "Captains of Police: You will call the attention of the officers of your re spective commands to the semi-annual inspection of the police force to take place lp. th Armory. Tenth and Couch streets on Saturday, May 29, 1909. This inspection will be In the summer uniform Including pistols, and also the mounts and accoutrements of the mounted squad and for that purpose the whole command. Including the band, on the day set forth will assemble at police headquarters at 10 o'clock a. m. and from there march to the Armory to be Inspected by his Honor, Mayor Lane and the police committee of the. ex ecutive board. " 1 "On this occasion the force will turn out in battalion formation with Captain J. T. Moore In charge as battalion com mander, aided by Captains Bailey, Slov er and Baty and Uteir sergeants com manding their respective companies. Sergeant Crate will be In charge of the mounted squad. After Inspection the whole command will march back through a few of the principal streets to oollce headquarters, there to be dis missed. During the time of inspection Officer J. C. Malonev will he in charge of police headouarters. aided by the detectives' office, with Officers Quin ton. King. George Adams and J. P. Jones as reserves. "C. ORITZMAOHER, Chief of Portland." COLUMBIA ASHORE; ALT HANDS SAFE (United PreM lotel wini.) Seward. Alaska, May 1. The ship Columbia, Captain Cameron, from ' Ban . Francisco to Nushagak. Is ashore tight miles east of Scotch Can Ughthoun and will be a total loss. The crew and cannery employes aboard, numbering li men, all reached" shore safely by mnana of the breeches buoy. They made their way to the lighthouse, where thev were picked up by the steamer Dora and brought to Seward. The Columbia went ashore in a terrific snowstorm while trying to make Cnamak Pas. (IN ALL THE WORLD NO VIEW LIKE THIS) o rl II si i II II f i ' I I ires Para THE IDEAL RESIDENCE SECTION OF THIS CITY Twenty minutes distant from the heart of the city, over a winding scenic road which lands you at COUNCIL CREST PARK, 1200 feet above city level. From this spot, midst the greenery of nature, view five snow-crowned mountain peaks, grand and imposing, set like so many sentinels above the spires and sky scrapers of the bustling city below. The Columbia and Willamette rivers wind their way across the landscape, finally joining their waters at historic old Van couver, just below Portland. View Oregon City, the beautiful Tualatin valley, its broad fields and rolling wooded hills, dotted here and there with comfortable farms- and budding orchards. Here is rest and inspiration for the nerve-racked business man, health and strength for the tired mother, rosy cheeks and bright eyes for the young child, a bracing and invigorating atmosphere, sparkling with the lifegiving electricity of mountain air, for all. BULL RUN WATER ON TH1L TRACT Cement sidewalks, sewers, graded and paved streets this summer, electric lights, telephones, building restrictions and unexcelled car service. Buy While Prices Are Low LOTS $750 UP LAST TERMS Wheat Lands I Platted Acreage 17 lots in one block, 3 blocks from the car; Bull Run water; section I where lots are selling for $350 each. ' Can be sold at $200 a . and make jgood money. Trice $2$f0; $1500 cash, balance terms. Hickman & llindle Holladay Park HunRalow. modern, ' fi rooms, ce ment basement, fireplace and furnace; lot 50x100 feet; rents fur $30. Price $3500; $2500 cash, balance terms. Hickman & llindle i 218 Ll TMBKHMKXS 15I.IKJ. . Cor. 5th and Stark. Phone M. 3799. PLATTING ACREAGE Two acres on Mast 34th and Grant streets. A money maker for some one. ' i Tom M. Word Real Estate Co. 413 Board of Trade Bid. Some of the best, and within the reacn or an. J'rices ironi ?IU to $JU Cor. 5th and 'Stark. per acre; terms very easy. HH COME AND SEE US. The Patterson-Gibbs Co. Office 341 Sherlock Bldg. 218 hl MKKUMEXS HLDti. Phone M. 3799. Visit the Tract Today Prices Will Be Advanced Soon ONLY A FEW SITES LEFT J NO. Main 550 P. SHARKEY CO 12254 SIXTH STREET AGENT ON THE TRACT O A-1550 i':'-.'--v'--rm:::.--- ')' J ' - - 1 ' v - " WORD-CONTESTS How many words can you make from GEARIIART PARK, Using the letters GEAR H T F K masiBizuiamssirnaai EaKEnxKxssESKBsianiiKH H H M H a a n M H a M U n m m M Cheap Land That win grow Walnuts, fruit and grain of all kind. Cheaper than a honjestead. Can sell you from 40 to 640 acres at $8.50 per acre; near railroad, school, R. E. D. and telephone; easy terms. Yaquina Valley Land Co. ROOM 7 BOARD OF TRADE H M N H M m H Rules Governing Contest: 1 Contestant shall be over the age of 15 years. 2 No letters other than those used in the spelling 'f GEARIIART PARK may be used; no letter appearing m word more than miff. 3- -Words must be written on one side of paper, and in single column neatness of same will be considered in the awarding of gifts; in case that more than one shall have the same number of words, on first or second gifts, the one presenting the neatest list will be given the preference. A No word will be counted which shall be spelled the same but of different pronunciation EXAMPLE, USK. 5 Words not found in WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY WILL NOT be considered. 6A1I lists must be addressed, care Word Contest, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Gifts: a H H s n M H .. .. H kX:zxszzs2xxz::ss7zzxziiKxzszszzss3zzs3Z2s::sza rt M 1 To person ' sending in the largest and neatest list of words will be given a choice corner lot on Cottage Avenue, f.icing the GOLF LINKS (valued at $300) in GEARHART PARK. -V 2 -To person sending in second largest and neatest list will be given ; a fine lot in Block 2, GEARIIART PARK, valued at $125. 3 To the next ten sending in the largest and neatest lists will be given a certificate valued at $10, same to be applied as part of first payment on lot, to the value of $400. 4 To the next five largest and neatest lists will be given certificates to the value of $7.50, same to be applied as part payment on lotl in GEARIIART PARK, to the value of $300. J;r?; 5 All lists over 600 words will be given ce rtificates to the ?j $5, same to be applied as part payment on lots in GEARIIART PARK, to the value of $200. t . , . All lists must be in before June 20, 1909. Awarding will be July 1. I H m M U M Mi Ml' IS OREGON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACH RESORT OVERLOOKING THE GRAND OLD PACIFIC OCEAN. WHERE ALL IM PROVEMENTS ARE IN AND PAID '" Lots 50x100 6125 Up ILLUSTRATED FOLDER FREE ,j CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chaihber Ibf Commerce