PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 22, 1909 .V. A V J A P'f - 1 TJW K I "I r on a BE AO MAMS .A CHEST VO-MO-MO A BP A 01UI - Of GinJtR.ft " rMl 1. "Land, ho! upon the starboard bow!" and Dingleberry barked ,4Bow wow!" Tip takes a look through spyglass and exclaims, "Hooray! is Pirate Land! There's Captain Kidd, and Morgan, too; besides, each has a pirate crew!" 2. The pirates were a motley crew, with noses painted red and blue. While tankards passed around the throng, the pirates started up a song. A treasure chest, and on the lid sat fifteen men and Captain Kidd. i " ' """ " """"""" 1 3. Upon a table, worn and old, the pirates counted up their gold; And, as if each feared for his life, in one liand he did grasp a knife. And watched his neighbors closely while his golden doubloons he did pile. 4. Said one old pirate with-a snort, "Help! Thieves! I'm ten gold pieces short." The rest rose to their feet as one, and every pirate drew a gun. "Who is a thief? Take that for yout" And, bingo! how the bullets flew! v ' U - "?V" n 5, Said Captain Kidd. "Belay.the fight! Here's visitors; let's be polite! And in a trice they stopped the row; each pirate mad a courtly bow; ' With courtesy on everj, hand,.tbeyfcwelcomed .llcm,tp. R "it 'Vu-r f rtAl- tlt;rf?t;irViiW vtt tr, "round"-' Were chests of genis and sacks of gold it .was the.pirates. treasure hold. " ' Fiercerlookingsentries;stood.inAline4 '-'HaltJ WUo.gaes. there The.countersisnl