The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 22, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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A Fine Farm Buy
J60 acres deeded land and 160
' feres relinquishment, on O. R. &
.'. R. R. ; 330 acres under cultiva
tion and has own Irrigation ditch
nd plenty of water; good build
ings; house cost $1S00; all ma
chinery and stock, including
head luvrses and cattle and 30
acres of alfalfa now ready to cut;
might consider general merchan
dise store In deal or any pood
business. Price. Including every
thing, $14,000.
1 60 Acres '
M well fenced and in culti
vation; all but 15 ai res under Ir
rigation, and can sell for (35 per
160 Acres
Farm In Lane county. Or.. 3 miles
from Cottage Grove. 100 acres
fine river bottom in one field,
balance pasture and timber.
Price $45 per acre.
The Ccast Realty Co.
220 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
80 Acres
$60 Per Acre ,
3200 Cords Wood
12 miles from Portland. 3 miles from !
railroad; finest fruit and walnut land in
Willamette valley; let us show you this
piece of land and prove to you that
what we say about fruit and nut land j
In thin vicinity is absolutely true. We ,
have the proof. Call at our city office
and arrange to go out and investigate.
The Stroud-Fry Co.
E19 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Portland
and Beaverton, Or.
80 acres, 12 acres all cleared, fenced;
stood 6-room house, several chicken
houses, good barn; 2 cows, 3 heifers,
fine team horses, 10 dozen chickens,
about 100 young chickens; running wa
ter through place; R. F. D. ; mile
from school house and church; all farm
Implements; price $2500, half cash. Par
618 Board of Trade Bldg. .
100 ACRE farm, fine soil, all In grain;
adjoining Hillsboro; $125 per acre.
614 Swetland bldg.
Timber! Timber! Timber!
114,000.000 feet of yellow pine. This
) all good timber and In good location;
la all situated on deeded land; we have
relinquishments running from 3,800,000
to 8,000.000 to the claim; all locations
guaranteed correct or money refunded.
Cord Wood
10 acres with 2000 cords of big fir
that can be cut for $1 per cord; can be
delivered on car for 60c per cord, situat
ed 2 miles from Hillsboro; you can sell
the wood for a good profit and have the
land clear. This is a fine proposition,
and we will convince you of this fact If
you will Investigate.
Room 206 Rothchild bldg.
4th and Washington sts.
90 per cent yellow fir and balance hem
lock, cruise 72,000 per acre, price $1
M. ; this is one of the best buys in
Oregon; also very close to R. R.; this
Is a snap and has got to be handled
quick if at all; If you mean business
call and I will have the man that
cruised tract. '
838 Chamber Commerce. Main 3476.
Everett k McLecd
Room 206 Rothchild bldg.
TIMBER for sale; 3.000,000 feet fir
saw timber, 4 miles from mill, all
down grade; make me an offer. Mary
A. Pay. Toledo, Lincoln Co., Or.
DO YOU want a good timber claim? If
so see me at once. I can locate you.
C. A. Duncan. T19 Board of Trade bldg.
WE can locate you on land in central
Oregon, level as a floor, finest soil
on earth; plenty of water; near tim
ber and town; close to railway Burvey.
' 401 Merchants' Trust Bldg.
1 HAVE some extra choice homestead
locations in central Oregon; call any
afternoon between 2 and 6 and let me
tell you about them. Chas. F. Wallace,
$74 Washington St.
$66.00 for locating you on a homestead
in the best fertile land in Eastern I
Oregon; $15, balance when located.
411 Swetland bldg., 1 to 4 p. m.
HOMESTEAD locations on Columbia
river- relinquishments. Hood River;
also Jackson. Douglas counties. 61S
Ablngton bldg.
WE CAN now locate you on 320 acre
homesteads, level, rich soil, good wa
ter. See ub for full Information. Sta-
ples Land Co.. 218 Worcester bldg.
CAN locate j'ou near my homestead
Eastern Oregon ; level, rich ground;
near new town; call and pee maps. etc.
Alvln S. Hawk. Printer, 88 Third st
SIGHT ' homesteads, joining, near Port
land: locating fee. $1 per acre. Room
14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.
TWO good homesteads, near R. R.. by
homesteader. Lock Box No. 4026.
THE Hotel News. Portland's new paper.
distributed free daily on overland
passenger trains. 215 Oregonian bldg.
Phone A-3792
BOARDING house, 23 rooms, must sell
account sickness, newlv furnished. 18
food boarders. $650 Take s car, get off
tio St.. !i?4 Maendnin .Main 4S0:.
FOR SALE At a bargain, a room I
nouse, noing good nnsinss: rent $40.
For particulars Inquire at 107 Egle
House, 4th st.
$2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 50c,
Rose City Prlntery, new management
192 8d st. Just abov e Baker theatrs.
GROCERY", Invoice $2100; must be sold
at once. Phone East 709 for particu
lars. PLUMBING and tinning plant in tpvn '
of 15.000; large plant: must sell at :
GROCERY, gem ral store .ind feed' buVl-
nass wnn .'. aires i-cm; In MilemMrl
valley neighborhood T-
CLOTHES cleaning and pressing shop,
doing good business, at llliisbore i
Bee owner, 173 E. 7th st , Portland. -r'
BEAUTIKUI..LV furtiislie.i ma ssagV" and
manicuring parlors for sale cheap
Phone Main 314", ur Main 8F.66
RESTAURANT for sal" for $000. account
of health; good location: good busi
ness. Inoulre ;t 1 x. fith Kt.
FOR bALE- Interest in machine shop ;
sinlne n srooil hiicirunsw tVOnft m-ill
InvesticatfT.n P-3S0. journal'. !
. v wj. orii, irm vi -A!:n;niKe. nouses. ;
farms or business. Phone Main 6766.
room 1. 205 Washington St. j
rrr w , . -n . . .., .
FOR SALE A good paying corner sa
loon," bears closest investigation, a
rsre chance. A-395. Journal.
GROCERY stock for sale, good business !
cheap, rent living rooms above, will
Mand Investigation. Ph c me Wd In 214 9.
1IOTEL bargain; growing towni good
business, owned by old people, cant
rtin It Owner. Bast 8946.
NOTIONS, drygoods. confectionery; In
voloe between- $1600 and 1700.
Union sve., N.
ALL rgom'ng house at a big bargain.
ir sotci st ran izy rv. iu.n si.
Toil RENT Hotel building. 80 rooms.
Inquire 204 Macleay bldg.
TWO chair barber siop for sale. $100:
terms. C11 Hotel Hoyt I Oth and Hoyt
' ONK large and 1 small restaurant for
sb le on installments, 7i N. th st
p7x7. and cigars! best stand In city, but
... must st'JL Owner, T-380, Journal,
FtlRvKN'IMIIutel with a2 rooms, iu
good iocatijdjv CI Hood L t
We are not very (rood on a
"horse swap" but wo can place
you where you can make a bar
rel of money, as the following
will testify;
We will sell a completely
equipped livery stable contain
ing the following goods, together
with a L year lease, at a very
nominal rent: s carriages. 1
Victoria. 2 ambulances. 1 tailyho,
6 surreys. 11 open buggies. 5 top
buggies. 38 horses. $1:000 harness,
will invoice about $18,000. Will
sell to quick buyer at about fiiie
on the dollar. Good and sufficient
trial given.
If you are in the market for a
first class stable. imX'T c,erlok
American Ires! Co,
200-H04 Chamber of Commerce big
See Hi. M.-th r-ion.
Store Building
Just completed, 22x40 on carline and
Improved well traveled road; price $1350
for building and lot; an excellent loca
tion, for general store, no competition
witfcn hall a mile in either direction;
will pay from the start and good future;
$500 will handle; take mount Scott car
and get off at Section Line road and
you will find our representative there
or call cm us for particulars. Brubaker
&Ben ed I t, 5 0 2 M c K ay bid g.
RESTAURANT doing the biggest busi
ness on the street; rent only $20;
every seat full at meal hours, besides
steady stream between meals; National
cash register alone cost $175, refriger
ator $35. gas plates and oven $35; all
the furniture Is finished in oak. mak
ing It a neat, clean place; all utensils
are complete; price $475, or half tnter
est $300. See owner, 292 Burnslde st .
47 ROOMS, well furnished, best loca
tion In city, will sell for $3500 cash.
or trade for city property. Will sell
Interest to honest lady to run the
C. 8. ARNOLD & CO.,
Hotel Brokers, 361 Morrison.
w Sale or Rent
40 room hotel, furnished, corner Grand
avenue and E. Ash. Inquire owner at
hotel, city.
LIST your property with C. 3. Arnold
St CO., "original Hotel .brokers. Ho
tels. rooming houses and business
changes bought, sold and exchanged.
Hotel Brokers, 351 Morrison st
FOR SALE Two lots, store building
grocery shelving, counters: So. Port
land; suburbs; Investigate; snap: must
sell; good chance for speculation or
huslness; old time location. Apply 186
Madison lit
MOTION picture muchlnes for sale,
latest Independent films for rent. If
you want to get service preventing re
peaters In your town, here we are, the
Leammie Film service, Zl4-zit wena-
rargo. Portland.
FOR SALE Dry goods, shoe and fur
nishing business in growing town
Irrigated district. Price property $1900;
stock at Invoice, which Is about $-500
Address T. V. Long. White Bluffs,
WANTED At once, active partner to
take charge and manage one or the
best light manufacturing businesses In
city; will guarantee $200 salary; $750
required. If you mean nuainess can
room 302 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash.
HAVE an Investment of merit that will
net big returns on your money. This
propisitlon Is well established and In
a very healthy condition. Drop me a
line and let s talk it over. F. L. Schott,
404 East Morrison st.
A PRACTICAL cabinetmaker and sash
and door man with a little money can
secure a good situation in a good com
pany; safe investment! guaranteed 8 per
cent on money Invested. M-011. Jour
WE have good business openings In two
now townsltes. Property free to those
who win go into Dusinesa.
Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE At a great bargain, the
Valley Hotel. Woodburn, Or. Doing
good business
renters time has ex-
Pired. Come or write for particulars to
T. P. Soules, Woodburn, Or.
HONEST man wanted as partner in
light manufacturing business, guaran
teed $150 per month; $500 needed to put
I to the business. Particulars room 307,
242 Alder st.
First class country store; will ex
change for farm or city property or sell
on easy terms. Frank Bliflr, Fall Cieck,
STOCK of general merchandise; invoice
about $5000, new stock, mill town In
Polk rountyi big pay roll; good reason
for selling; direct from owner. A-39S,
A GOOD paying grocery and confec
tionery for sale in Portland suburb,
stock and fixtures will go about $."J50;
best of reasons for selling. Write W. P.
Johns. 403 Hkidmore St.. city.
HAVE you property close In, suitable
for factory; established, located and
doing a large business; quarters too
small; must take stock in company.
M-020. Journal.
0 room rooming house, all full. $75
rent. 2 years' lease; party going on
bis tanch; also half Interest In good
real estate business, all for $1350. Call
275 Burnside st
1 HAVE for sale restaurant on busy
street doing a good business. Owner
has to leave city at once: a big bar
gain to some one. Inquire of C. S.
Wood. 411 Corbett bldg.
FOR SA-LE Interest in old estab
lished real estate office on Washing
ton st, one of the finest lists in city;
small amount of cash handles. Phone
M3in ' Y'-i'in- Journal.
MUST sell tailor shop, cleaning and r-
pairing, good business, fine location.
'ow rent: going out of the ritv. Trice
$200. 7.-391. Journal
$1700 Grocery store, by owner, st IrT
voice, no books; daily saleH $50 to
$100: 6 vear lease; rent $33. including
6 room cottage Y-381. Journal.
PARTNER In good paving printing bus
iness, person capable of taking man
aeement preferred; $800 to $ 1000 re
quired E-393. Journal.
$11:00 Grocery and meat market. 5 liv
ing rooms. 5 years lease, money mak
er. Northwest Timber Co. 5L'0 f.nmhr
Exchange Mdg
FOR SALE Blacksmith
shop, tools,
room house, part cash and
terms' 1 snan
fi(.ci W ish
T. O.
hayer. Ridge-
piiiivbv: ii' lrS
;'K6 Washington st. rooms 406-407.
lave Yon Heard -tbc
- I have Just returned from investigat
ing the property owned and operated by
the Princess Panama Mining Co., at
Sandpoint Idaho. I found this to he
all .and more than represented, and
brought back with me numerous samples
of ore. This property will bear Inves
tigation. For samples of ore and fur
ther Information cal on .1. B Purccll,
. v Iroom 19, 28 Stark, st cAf
1 ' v
MINING and Industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Abtngton bldg.
Multieranh letters, envelope address
ing. Rose City Bus. College. Main 8226
Blocks, call on J. B. Furcell. 268 Stark
Ft., room 15.
INSURANCE men and men who want to
change from being confined to orrice
or store work and get out in tne open
Also elderly men who can put In an
hour or two a dav and make $100 per
month or better. City and country men
wanted. Fidelity Mutual Aid Assocla
t ion. H04 Worcester blk.
U' lK'TKIi HmIIwhv mail clerks. iot of
fice clerks, mail carriers, salary $600
to $lfii'0. examinations in Portland
soon, isooo appointments coming, prepar
ation free. Write immediately tor sciieii-
ule. Franklin Institute, Dept. Jiiti,
Kocheslor, N. T.
WANTED Salesmen; many make I0'J
to $160 -er month; some even more:
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards; cash advance week
lv: choice of territory. Address, Wash
ington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash.
Cutter, (ilazicr and Beveler
only first class men wanted; getting
rid of hot nir artists every clay; good
situations for the real thing. Pacific
Art Glass Works. 151 Front st
WANTED Salesmen to represent one
of the leading nurseries of th- north
west; large stock, choice territory, com
mission nsl.l weekly. If you are a
hustler and can sell, wrlto us. Albany
Nurseries. Albany. Or
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for
out of town, good chance for promo
tion, give experience, age and state If
married or single, s.-ani, journal
SALESMAN wanted TWO first class
stock salesmen, capable of handling
large deals. C. B. Cavanagh, 413 Fen-
ton bldtf.
WANTED Good size boy to herd rows
and chore, Mount Scott car to Lents,
first windmill east Kelly Butte. Powell
Valley road
'A NTKH Solicitor for cleaning and
pressing business; must be first class.
Call Monday morning. The Home. 153
N. 17th st.
WANTED Experienced first helper In
cream room. Modern Conf. Co., 13th
and Hoyt sts.
A YOUNG man who can use typewriter
and do some office work; best refer
ence. (i-384. Journal. ,
WANTED Experienced woodturners
and band saw men, Portland Sush &
Ioor Co., East Taylor and Union avo.
WANTED Experienced hard candy and
cream candy helpers. Apply at J. N.
Matschek Candy Co,. 270 1st st.
IF vou want easy work, short hours, big
pay learn to operate motion pictures.
Terms reasonable. 526 Washington.
HEATING engineer to figure and lay
out work for steam and hot water
heating. G-3S7, Journal.
WANTED First class metal polisher.
Apply Oregon Plating Works, 16th
and Alder sts.
e a t .FSMKM. cltv and country, all lines.
bookkeepers and stenographers. 323
Wjish, roojns29jo! 0 P. A. & C. Cte.
MATTRESSMAKER wanted. Portland
Furniture Co., 1249 Macadam road.
Take Fulton car."
WANTED 2 first class hands on sash
and door machinery. Apply 927 Ma
cadam St.. Pacific Coast Door Co.
FURNITURE salesman. with experi
ence In all lines; good thing for hus
tler. X-395. Journal.
WANT an ice cream maker at the
Bo n bo nlet-e. 33 2 Wu s liln g ton st.
W ANTED Men to have their shoes
half soled fur 50c. 222 2d St.
WHITE help only, and ' rice, most and
best. Owl Rice Kitchen, CSH 4th St.
WE secure positions for our members.
Special jnernJbershlpY M. C. A.
WANTED- Ladv to solicit orders;
World's Star hosiery; liberal commis
sions. Apply Monday. A mggersiarr,
11 Pearl st.. Montavllla. Or.
WANTED Woman to do sewing at
home. Ca 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at
tove factory. Grays Crossing, Mt
Scott car line.
343 V4 Washington st, cor. 7th, up
stairs. Phontj A and Main 2692.
Carefully selected help free.
WANTED Chambermaids, waitresses,
nnnk and dinner cook : also a number
of other good positions. Frazier Bros.'
Employment Co.. 291 Morrison sc.
AN experienced girl for general house
work and cooKing: smaii lamuy. guuu
waees. Phone ii-zil; ts r. layior.
near E. 14th.
COMPETENT girl, good cook and gen
eral housework; family of three. 568
Chapman St.. Portland Heights.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work in small family and help care
for baby; no cooking. 487 West Park.
$20 Wranted girl for general house
work; two and baby in family. 212
E. 30th st. Tabor 1T6S.
WANTED Competent nurse for boy 4
years old. assist second work. 781
Marshall st.
AN elderly woman can find a good home
hv calling rrorn 0 to s p. m. at
Mississippi ave.
GOOD cook and assist in some house
work, good wages. Apply in morn
ings, 340 Hassalo st
COMPETENT girl for housework; two
In family 54 Hancock st.. Irvlngton.
GIRL for general housework, willing to
go to heacn ror summer. ;ot overton.
GIRL for general housework. Phone
Main 2937, or A-634S.
WANTED Girl to work in shooting
gallery. 25 3d it. N.
WANTED Girls to trim and iron shirts.
Inquire 75 1st st.
-' 1 V - Mr
1 1
No pitcfiers will be given out on an ad later than 8 o'clock Saturday night. '
These China Cream Pitchers are 32 in. high and 5 in. wide, finely decorated.
GIRLS to 18 years of age to work
in ractory. Apply at once.
6th and Davis Sts.
A REDUCTION of $10 on a full course
In millinery given pupils entering
iiiecr names ror tne summer term, com
mencing June 1. This course enables
you to go into business for yourself or
prepares you for a good position for
eariy iaii iraap. Kalley School of Mil
nnery. 3za wiiuams ave.
I WILL furnish office, desk, typewriter
and phone free to exDerleneed business
stenographer In return for small amount
of work and give privilege of her doing
puuuc worK. 606 commercial blk.. from
10 1 -j. oniv.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.
WE secure positions for stenoranhers.
Special drill classes, anv system of
snorinanci, day or evening. Husiness uni
versity. 6Z Worcester blk.
WANTED Girl typewriter, willing to
go out or town: good wages. Call at
room 6, 241 1st st., cor. Main. Call
irom lu to JZ.
A UIRL wanted for housework. 2 In
family, no washing, good home, rood
waises. l zotn st.
For graduates last year: men and wo
men learn barber trade in 8 weeks: help
to secure positions; graduates earn $15
to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools
free: write for catalog. Moler System
of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St.. Portland.
WANTED Experienced agents to sell
pnoto coupons, u. Elmore Grove, Mi
Washington st.
ness in the most promising, popular.
paying proposition of the present. Out
fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital
11 y Nursery Co.. Salem, JJr
NEW Invention: exclusive territory for
sale to gent; small Investment and
large Income. Call and see sample at
room 63 Rlumauer bldg , 273 Morrison.
Free Employment Office
Fourth Street Entrance City Hall.
Male and Female Help
Furnished Free of Charge.
Main 3565: A-6624.
C R. Hansen Jr.
Men, 26 N. 2nd. Main 1526.
Women. 343 Wash. st. Main 2692.
Help supplied free to amployers.
COMPETENT engineer wants position
to run marine or stationary engine;
ave condense license tiom the old
ountry. 1 am good blacksmith and nm-
lilnlst, understand great deal of plumh-
ng and steam fitting; also dynamo. Z-
390. Journal.
MIDDLE-AGED man. single, sober, good
worker, handy all round man, good
milker and care horses, handy with
tools and have my own tools, handy
round house, lawn and garden; can give
references. L-394. Journal.
YOUNG man would like position at
summer resort, preferably coast; ca
pable of assisting in office or else
where. L-397, Journal.
ACCURATE stenographer, excellent
spelling and English, wishes legal
work forenoons; $20 monthly. F-3U2,
A SOBER, experienced engineer for sta
tionary, locomotive or donkey work.
Address, J. W. Bowers, Merchant's
hotel. j
W A N T E D Position as e i ecTri ci a n , col
lege graduate, thoroughly understands
electrical machinery. 4 years' practical
experience. (-385. Journal.
YOUNG married man Just from east,
experienced bookkeeper, best refer
ences. L-396, Journal.
WANTED I'osition as hardware or
grocery clerk; state wages willing to
111 iiisc iBiier. A-aja, journal.
BOOKKEEPER, can run typewriter,
single, young man of good address;
out of town preferred. B-393. Journal.
POSITION by a thoroughly reliable gen
tleman as collector. Phone East 5061.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenogra
pher desires position, law office pre
ferred; best references; state salary.
1102 Van Buren st. Oregon City, Or.
TUTORING By experienced teacher
for nervous and backward children.
Particular attention to mathematics and
English. Main 1 579.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work
washing. Ironing, cleaning; good work
er. Phone Main 6427. Room 2.
WANTED Position by stenographer
needing experience, small salary. X
397, Journal.
LADY' desires to help about rooming
house for the rent of 2 housekeeping
rooms. B-894. Journal.
WANTED Position by experienced
stenographer and bookkeeper. Phone
East 4760.
LACE curtains washed and stretched;
40c per pair. Phone 5598 or 4092.
WOMAN with girl wants position as
housekeeper. Call 51 E. 28th st.
PRACTICAL nurse with several years'
experience, rnone h-zobo. 13 i E. 4ith.
SEWING done by the day. Phone Tabor
1380. '
China Cream Pitcher
1 A i- f
YOUNG lady, wants position as book-
scpei , Buiiw Jcirirriico; rvivi truer! .
salary no object to begin With. - Phonjr
Woodlawn 1343.
MIDDLE aged woman with girl would
like position as housekeeper or nurse;
wages $20. Phone Sellwood- 602.
NURSE Nursing by the day or week;
best of reference. E-394, Journal.
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 453 Sal
mon. Main 7340. Beginners specialty.
K. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil
Bevcilc; A-4160. 334 Pine. M. 804S.
PIANO. Violin. Trombone, Saxaphone
Prof. O A. Smith. 292 12th st
MISS 8. KARY, fashionable dressmaker.
Zb Grant st. Phone Main t041.
rAKLUKn, 242 5TH ST.. MAIN 113.
Tfce Hartford
N. W. ear. 2tst mid Plunder newlv
furnished suites of 3 roo,.-,. wit hot
and cold water in everv ulte, hatlu
Phones and Janitor service. Apply to
205 4 Wash., between Morrison bridge
and Chamber of (Vimmfti'ce Now
Market Hotel Newly furnished rooms
$2 week, near depots, cars, boats and
business: we can accommodate you
.wain 3it. Front and Washington.
has every modern improvement; steam
heat, hot and cold water in every room;
rooms With nrivate hath rates rerifcon-
able; S cars from Union depot pass the
uwr. o. jonnson, prop
490 Morrison Newly and elegantly
lurnistlfcfl rooms- eloetrle llohts T nil
Da tn room, everything up-to-date, home
like, moderate rates. A-6280. Main 6435
or can at npartment 4
WASHINGTON. Alder and I7th sts.
1 ne Morris Absolutely new, all out
side rooms, strictly modern conven-
ences. $4 to $7 weekly.
furnished rooms at reasonable prices;
modern conveniences.
8th and Washington sts.; The Rex,
modern, furnished rooms. $10 tn 112
per month; also transient: gentlemen
70 N. 9th St. Nicely furnished front
alcove room, suitable for 1 gentlemen
bath and gas.
376 Yamhill, St., corner West Park
1 nicely furnished front room cheap;
one side room ; boajdifpref erred.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room, ail mod-
ern, walking distance; $2.50 to $3 per
week. Phone 6698 or A-4092.
31 N. 17th st. near .Wash. Clean
neatly furnished rooms, large closets,
hath, heat, electric light. Call mornings.
225 15th. Large room, new furniture,
private family, beautiful quiet aur
roundings; very reasonable. Main 3528.
1 42 Loiejr.y. near 23d St. car, pleasant
rooms with or without board; nice
location; all modern, A-1396. Main 43HS
361 10th st. Furnished rooms, single
or en suite, first floor, private family
residence district, walking distance
162 2d st, cor. Morrison The Drew
bldg.; newly furnished rooms, also
housekeeping room; newly remodeled. .
22 NORTH 11th Furnished rooms In
exclusive private house, transient or
permanent, near business district.
167 17th st, N., near Irving 3 nicely
furnished rooms, choice location; et-
peciany sintame tor gentlemen.
209 4th The Keys Housekeeping and
transient rooms, neatly and well fur
nished. Mrs. Etta Keys. Prop.
FRONT and Madison Hotel Ohio
Furnished rooms $2 per week and
up; transient trade solicited.
Hotel Mason 7$
Fre rihone and bath.
st: rooms
per week.
353 12th Nc other roomers; all home
like conveniences, front room, bath,
phone, gas. Main 8643.
306 1st St. The Newland Hotel O00J.
clean beds; electric lights, 11.50 to
13.00 week.
269 Montgomery st, modern front room,
clean, new bed, private family, gent
preferred, $9.
664 VANCOUVER ave.: furnished room
for rent for 1 or 2 persons. Call aJter
6 p. m. or Sundays.
394 EVERETT Furnished and house
keeping rooms; modern; gas, bath,
phones, etc.
684 THIRD st Newly furnished rooms
private family, $1.50 up; also house
keeplng. A-1927.
308 MILL, large light well furnished
room, suitable for 2; phone, bath gas
Main 3123. ' '
133 12th. corner Alder. 2 front rooms
suitable for 2 gentlemen, $22 month
371 12th st; pleasant front room; mod
ern; use of parlor, bath and phone;
desirable location; $10.
230 10th st; furnished, rooms with or
wiuiuur poarq; rererences required.
NICELY furnished room, beautiful prl
vate nome, walking distance. A-5723
3 'Il.m.unTtT. !
uiiuiu ij citrnirfMi. 11 n nfiKfl rrnm l f
, - ... x . .
306 4th Larre front alcove room, mod- '
ern; free phone, hath, close In.
207 14t.t st. Maxwell Hall; all modern. I
ciuKB in. rnone aiain il!3.
1 ') 0 1 1 .. ! i i i , . .T. i-r :n . r 1
luui ok., isige nunc, room, elegantly
furnished, for 2 young ladles. !
561 Davenport st Portland Heights. I
- mum luinmiieu mi. rnone A-17SK. I
6th st, cor. Jefferson The A
modern rooms and apartments.
33 E. 3d st N., nice front room on first
floor; use of bath and phone.
with Cash
Want Ads
Only one to a cus
tomer -with' a Want.
Ad under any clas
sification EXCEPT
Real Estate and
Business Chances.
446 E. Clay 1 or 2 newly furnished
rooms; bath and phone. In private
r .1 m 1 1 y. ciese,in.
610 East Ash at.. nicely furnished
rooms with all conveniences; private
10 26th Nice front room, use of
bath, near carline; private family; n-j
615 E Couch, nicely furnished rooms
for gentlemen or, ladles employed our
Ing the clay.' - '
TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for
light housekeeping; no. children. 07
Shaver St. Take "TV car. '
609 Jefferson, 3 room housekeeping flat,
t unfurnished, $10 per month. Phone
Main 7004.
497 Columbia st.: 4 unfurnished houe
keeping rooms; modern. Main 2464.
IF you want first class room and board
$5.50 and $6 per week, all conven
iences; also table board $4 week, good
home cooking, call at Aster House, 7th
and Madison.
170 North 16th Fine front parlor, with
board in private family; beautiful lo
cation; strictly modern; walking dis
tance; reasonable. Main 1134.
456 6th Neatly furnished, airy room,
with board, home cooking; modern,
convenient; $25.
446 3d The Holly wood Large front
room "downstairs, suitable for two;
home board.
FURNISHED rooms with board for 2
young ladles; $4.50 per week: gas,
bath and phone. 395 E. Davis. B-1808.
208 Grant (near Portland Mills), fur
nished rooms with good board, free
pnone, "B" ana f cars, bath, etc.
CLAY and 2d The Clay; suite of rooms
with board for i gentlemen; comfort-
aoie anci homelike; per week..
414 Jefferson, pleasant room suitable
ror z, with noara; nome cooking; mcd
ern, reasonable. Main 6983.
372 Hawthorne ave. Capital Hotel
First class working men's hotel; $1
per aay or a per went
652 Morrison Furnished rooms with
or without beard ; private family,
home privileges
304 Madison Front rooms and board
tn private family, near city hall, $8
per week.
491 Everett st, nice front room, suit
able for two; convenient; with home
183 E. 7th, near Yamhill $5 week for
first class room with board, all mod
RICHARD'S GRILL, latest New York
styles of dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor.
ropean and American plan.
European plan
only; $3, $5 day.
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder.
12th aand Marshall sts. The Bcavor
Newly furnished or housekeeping. I
eluding gas ranges, electric llchts. ho
water, baths, laundry, reception room,
an tree; rurnishecl apartments $10 or
month up; single housekeeping room
$2.50 week up; best in city for money
snort distance from union depot lax
"S" or 16th st. cars north, get off a
Marshall st Positively no dogs.
321 Tth- cor. Clay Furnished house
keeping rooms with free use of bath
and telephone, and they are outside
rooms with lots of light and close in
to central part of the city. Phone Main
CORNER 27th and Thurman Th
Sutherland Newly furnished houo
keeping rooms, hot and cold water, elec
trie lights, gas ranee, free baths ftnl
phone. 16th or "V' carline. Phone
64 20th st. N.. near Washington; nlc
sized front room with kitchen; newly
furnished for housekeeping; reasonable
rates; bath, phone, furnace. Phone
Main 7472.
THE ANNEX. 146 Front St.. unde
new management, single, light house
Keeping and transient rooms.
347 MARKET st; 1 very desirable room
with or without housekeeping; walk
ing distance; no cntiaren.
631 MORRISON 2 furnished housekeep
ing rooms. In cottage, gas, phone and
184 Sherman, South Portland $1 CO
week up, large, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms: parlor, laundry, bath
260 N. lth, near Marshall, furnished
housekeeping flat; also room, modern
tile natn, steam neat; rent reasonable
628 Morrison st, small room and
kitchen In attic, suitable one person
Clean, modern residence.
164 and 166 N. 10th st, nicely furnished
housekeeplngrooms, also unfurnished
room, rnone Main 4bt.
629 RALEIGH st, light housekeeping
aiso steeping rooms, private lamuy, $i
per wee anci up.
. . "
shed rooms. Main 6375.
8.: 2 basement rooms for
tral; good neighborhood!
nouseKeeping witn gas, phone; cen
RK7 ?d st - 0 i,..r waaW- 0 lUfrA 1
. - . . e- . - . o yir-
ni iurmsnea nouseKeeping rooms
adults. Main 9470.
.202 14th St.; 2 nicely furnished house'
Keeping rooms; gas range, bath
phone; quiet, comfortable.
431 Salmon st, near nth; front and
back parlor; well furnished; modern.
r ree pnone, natn, gas.
402 4th st. 2 double roomed housekeep
ing suites, down stairs, modern, gas,
"gin iusc 111, i-iy leHnonanie.
406' 4th., near Harrison, housekeeping
msic iui'ui, m private ramlly
sll conveniences.
11 of 3 rooms- 1 Per month; I
single room, $ per month, bath, laun
dry, phone. 308 13th st.
603 Alder The Collins Large light
..t.j . u. ,1.., W ingi nouao
v - o ii g luuiiiH, tr, 10 1 p,
8d and Morrison sts. Housekeeping
tilt T II Tn 1 11 V. al I4A
bridge bldV: ;oom 88 '"
372 1st 2 turntshed housekeeping
rooms, light and airy; $2.60. $3 50
Phone Main 7490.
421 6th 2 light, cool rooms, gas and
wood stoves, bedroom, pantry; nice
490 Morrison The Hyland Two suites
first class furnished housekeeping
apartments. '
313 14TH, corner Clay, clean, light, con
venient 1 and 2 room housekeeping
144 11TH ST. 2 furnished housekeep
ing rooms, gas range.
268 Front st A suite of 3 unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. $2.60 a week.
682 E. 6th St., near Brooklyn st, fur
nished' housekeeping rooms, modern.
Sellwood 133: in view of the river.
60 Grand ave. N. $3 a week house
keeping rooms, complete. Call at
Winters block, upstairs.
474 E. Washington st. $15 per month.
4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement
and yard; no children.
160 37th st. E-, cor. Belmont 2 nicely
furnished, 1st floor, front rooms, for
light housekeeping.
36 E. 7th st. N.. 2 large housekeeping
rooms, with alcove-, $16 per month;
near car line. .
203 Stanton, $10 month, 3 furnished
housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath,
yard.- "tf" car. . - --
134 North Grand ave., corner Hovt 4
. rooms, nartlv furnished. rdunri floor:
also 8 unfurnished rooms upstairs, 1
431 E. Ankeny, S furnished housekeep
trig rooms, $12 per month; on oar line.
23 1 E 6th st. S. 2 room suite of house-keeping-
rooms, sll modern, rinse 4n.
804 E. Morrison The Leonard House
Housekeeping and furnished rooms.
171 Russell st. -3 large furnished
housekeeping roomi accommodations
for adults; large lawn;. 2 blocRs frj 11
carline; olectric lights and fre9 phone.
Inquire at 181 Tvussell t
411 E. Washington st 314 per month;
3 room cottage, unfurnished. blocs
from carline. In East Side business ten
ter, no children. .
654 Williams ave corner Monroe
nicely furnished housekeeping romn,
all modern conveniences; - no children;
private family.
40.3 RODNEY ave.. 3 nicely furnished
. . nniiBflrninv rnnrnu for familv of
$20 per month. Including gas for light
and cooking. Phone East 2197. ,
CORNER Union and Fremont, 5 nice
modern, unfurnished rooms, $12 per
month, water rent Included.
Hawthorne and Grand ave. "he Hel
ler Furnished rooms, t or 3 en suit.',
all modern conveniences; both phones.
132 V, Grand cor East Morrison S'x
upstairs rooms, good place for office
or living roo ms. Inquire canay sior-.
978 E. YAMHiLL 2 newly furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, phone.
Tabor 1810,
607 MISSISSIPPI ave.. Alblna; 2 fur
nished housekeeping rooms, use of
phone and bath, Tent cheap.
301 WATER St.; housekeeping rooms.
lowest rales; electric lights ana ptione
203 Stanton st. U. car $1.25 week up,
clean furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, 'sundry, furnace heat, yard.
WHEN you move you always need new
Buy at no rent prices; the savings
'ill exceed cost of moving.
We own our own building; occupy
one half; collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone IE. 2929.
New, modern 7 room house, with den,
wash trays, concrete basement and
walks; nice neighborhood; 1 block from
cars; corner of Tlbbitts and E. 20tU.
Phone Sellwood I.
1099 E. 24th St.. N. For Rent 7 room;
new modern bouse, full basement, fur
nace, wash trays, fireplace, electric
lights, window shades and rods in. 1
blocks fro-m car.
FOR RENT 6 room cottage at 65
Everett st, on west side; gas, elec
tric light 2 bedrooms; no children;
can be seen afternoons or evenings.
Phone A-2863-
11th and E. Harrison Modern 6 room.
cement basement, furnace, 2 carlines,
large porches, side yard; use of gas
range; something nice. Sellwood 69.
PART elegant residence. desirable
couple, owner leaving; also 10 East
15th; also 14 rooms. Alblna, cheap. East
FOR RENT Modern new 6 room
house on E. 29th st. near Ellsworth;
sightly. Phone Sellwood 765. Sam He-M.
$14 Mllwaukie, opposite new Ladj
Addition; rine view; n rooms, garden.
Sellwood car. Phone Sellwooil 69.
SEVEN room house, 210 Broadway.
near Ross, furnace, cheap rent; walk
ing distance. East 4597.
740 Mississippi ave. South s4de of
double house. 6 rooms, nice yard, all
modern. $15 per month.
2lii BROADWAY. 7 rooms and bath, $20.
6 Minutes to steel bridge. Parrish it
Watklns. 250 Alder st
20S Broadway, near Ross Seven room
house, furnace, cheap rent; walking
d I s t a nee. East 4507.
191 Shaver st. 7 room house, modern;
on carline: $25. Parrish. Watklns &
Co.. 250 Alder st.
NEW modern ." room house. Denver
ave., 1 block from carline. Phones C
1770. East 4354
FOUR and 6 room house, Mount Scott
ear, close In. barn, large yard, $10 and
$12. Phono Sellwood 908,
93 E. 10th $15 a mcnth, 5 re om cot
tage, gas. gas range, close in. Apply
7D0 E. S t a r k
124 N. 17th, 60 feet rlorth Gllsan For
Rent Cottage. Max Smith. 88 N. 16th.
No phone,
9 ROOM house fjr rent, reasonable.
N. 13th near Hovt. Inquire 711 Cor
bett bldg.
391 Sacramento Couple to share small
furnished house, reasonable to right
8 Union ave.; furnished 6 room house
for rent; price 335 per month. Phone
East 89.
SEVEN large rooms, 4 blocks Holladay
school: gas. electricity, fireplace. Ap-
ply 48 6th St., N.
SIX room house. $10; back of 766 E.
Oak st. Phone B-1040.
150 Page st, neat 4 room cottage, rent
$10 month. Phone E. 656.
493 MILL st. 4 room cottage, bath and
gas; furniture for sale cheap.
FOR RENT Modem room
clean and nicely tinted. East
774 Michigan ave. 6 room house clean
good order with bath: $15.
151 N. 13th st. 4 room cottage. $14 per
FIVE room cottage for rent, upper Al
blna Inquire ttzs Williams ave.
185 N. 21ST For rent.
a 7 room cot-
FOR RENT Two 5 room cottages, all
modern. 110. Phone Richmond 1451,
150 Page st Four room cottage, rent
$10. Phone East 65S.
344 GRAHAM ave.. 1 8 room house for
rent, bath and gaa
WELL furnished cottage. $20 monthv
or iinrurnisned, lib; west side river.
737 Chamber of Commerce.
PLEASANT furnished bouse for rent.
Phone Woodlawn 1920.
BETTER Investigate Columbia Beach
the seaside capital or the northwest
Board of Trade bldg.
SEASIDE For sale or rent, a new S
room eottaae, near the beach. Tel.
East 5799 or call 70 E. 18th St. N.
FOR RENT Completely furnished cot-
WANT to leave city; must sacrifice fur
niture 10 rooms; excellent location;
price $276. Call 178 Madison st. Phone
Main 8096.
611 GLISAN ST. 14 rooms, nice.
light and clean, low rent, lease, mod
ern conveniences, 2 carlines. sacrifice
account accident.
NICE 8 room house, close In, suitable
for roomers, for rent, furniture for
sale, cheap. 737 Chamber of Commerce.
WILL sacrifice 7 rooms of new furni
ture; house for rent $22.60 per month,
rooms rented, $27. 672 Belmont.
BARGAIN in 40 room nouse, ' good
business, furniture for sale chcaD:
long lease. Phono East 3376i
liH 13TH ST. New furniture, 5 rooms.
oak. and blrdseve dressers, aoori tran.
lent location; rent $20.
FOUR rooms, rent $26: furniture very
reasonable. Inquire 267 3d st phone
-4 i ween oays.
HOUSE for rentT furnrturefor ssfeTll
rooms, good location. Phone owner.
Main 9577.
308 10th Furniture of 15 rooms for
sale by owner. Rooms all full; easy
211 12th 10 room house, completely
furnished, roo ns full; opposite the
White Temple; reasonable.
20 ROOMS, close in, west side; good
proposition; no agents; cheap rent
A 1 161.
1208 buys furniture of 6 room flat hear-
u "-. r-imn A-f-'Bg or call 300 4th.
S4Tjaeli8on; furniture of room eotta
"' ii iafn at once; rent $15.
614 Commercial t 4 room flat, fur.
- lhed complete; gas, bath, etc. 28.
Woodlawn 832. . . ,
MODERN 3. 4 an I E room flura
walking- distance: west sjde. M. K.
Lee, 4ii Corbett bldg.
' v. v v U .