18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1DC9, FOR S A MS FARMS 17 A Fine Farm Bay SfiO acres deeded land and 160 creg relinquishment, on O. R. A X. R. R.; 330 acres under cultiva tion and has own Irrigation ditch and plenty of water; good build ings; house cost $1800; all ma chinery and stock, including- IS head horses and cattle and 30 acres of alfalfa now ready to cut; might consider general merchan dise store in deal or any good business. Price, including every thing, $14,000. 160 Acres All well fenced and in culti vation; all but 15 acres under Ir rigation, and can sell for J35 per acre. 1 60 Acres Farm In Lane county. Or.. 3 milea from Cottape Grove. 1D0 acres fine river bottom in one field, balance pasture and timber. Price $45 per acr The Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 25 ACRES, all level, 16 acres under plow. 1! acres in pasture. All fenced. Rood well, 40 fruit trees. fair house and good barn. mile to school and church, tree dellv ery, milk .route and phone, within ' mile of t nitcd Hallway survey; I12; Dtr acre. cash. 18 acres, all level and fenced, 17 acres under Dlow. good well, ram ily orchard, S room house and new barn, free delivery. milk route and phone, right at railroad station, 18 miles rrom i'ortiaua 13700. Hi cash. 10 aeres, 6 miles from Vancouver, all cleared, fine soil, .some fruit and good water, fair house and fine barn, team, harness ana wagon all for $4200; terms. 10 acres, 6 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, some small fruit and ber rtes, balance of cleared land In potatoes, new 5 room house, team of horses and light wagon and 1 cow go with place; 8 miles from Vane; a snap at $2600: terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY". 14 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. lomeseelers, Attentions Good land cheaper than homestead. Can sell you from 40 to 640 acres of line land at $8.60 per acre; land well watered and close U railroad; R. F. 1)., good roads, telephone and school; land adapted to fruit, walnuts, grain and dairy purposes; easy terms. Montana Realty Co. Koom 7, Board of Trade bide 140 ACRES, 35 in cultivation, 10 room house, barn, hophouse. balance of land In pasture and light timber, on river, S3 miles south of Portland, price $35 per acre; $2500 down, balance to suit purchaser. This Is an exceptional bar gain. 92 acres of first class piling, has not been touched, on Willamette river, 22 miles from Portland, land good, price $15 per ac,r, $2000 cash, balance to suit R. M. GATEWOOP & CO , 253 Washington st. Stock Ranches. $40 acres, 16.60 per acre. Wolf creek, IS feet wide, running through this land, never' dry, Lincoln county. 240 acres at $9 per acre; choice merchantable umwr, suoo wamr; i i cm county. 121) acrea in Tillamook; dairy farm. Big list of farms and timber lands. North west Timber Co., 620 Lumber Exchange bldg. Write for particulars. IS acres, easy driving distance from Portland, 11 acres in cultivation, 2 acres pasture, 2 acres timber, new 7 room house, barn and other outbuild ing, all fenced; price $4000, half cash, balance easy. Spencer & Co. 102 2d st. Fifty Acres SO Improved, good house, fine ham. large orchard, plenty berries, flowers, etc., extra well watered creek and springs, soli can't be, beat, some beaver dam land, ideal for fruit and gardening. See owner at 610 E. Ash Bt. Take E. Ankenv car to 16th st. A BEAUTIFUL 200 acre dairy farm. high, sightly, healthy; well stocked; well watered; well equipped dairy farm, new house, new bam, fine orchard; some timber; standing crop, paying $60 a month: $4000, cash, easy terms, on long time. G. B. WooldrUlge, Wood land, Wash. 260 acre, black bottom, farm In cultiva tion, some beaverdam and timber, good buildings, family orchard, fine spring, on Tualatin river 2 miles from I Forest Grove, will sell as a whole or ' cut in smaller tracts; price and terms' easy. Allen Buoy, 511 Board of Trade BARGAINS in acreage, farms dalrv ! ranches, timber lands, .fruit lands, Island ranches, factory sites, near Ffol- brook. Burlington, Pcappon.se. Write what you want. Joseph Parker, Hoi- j h roo It, WE have a 40 acre farm, 4 4 mllViTfToTn Oregon City. 10 acres In cultivation. In crop, good new 5 room hnus barn; plenty of water. See us and let us teil you the rest. Voigt Golden, 326 1 Washington St.. room 204. 14 ACRE farm, 9 miles from Portland, 2 miles fro-n good car service, fine land, all In fruit and clover; good Jipine. an ideal home; ran give (cond term;-. Wade Real Estate, 14 Swetland bid g. 40 ACRE bargain; all good plow land; te;ini. colt, harness, wagon, 8 head cattle. Implements, buildings, all In cluded. $3000. Angeles Trust Co.. 326 Washington St., room 416. 1 acres, part hay and oats, rest pasture 6 room house, barn, 6 dalrv con s and separator, situated 8 miles of Rowland 8 miles of Hsrrisburg: nrlco J2R0 ft A t W. Riley, Rf F. D. No. 2. Harrislmrc. Or. I BIG snap; 63 acres, 43 bottom land" ' only $3000; 9 acres alone nts shout ' wuv-; nurry. Angeles Trust r0.t 326 4 " m m n mf isu ot,, i win Tl TJ. 100 ACRE farm, fine soil, all in grain" adjoining Hlllsborn; $125 per ncie WADE REAL ESTATE, 614 Swetland bldg it ACRE snap; Polk c ounty, cTosiT to R, R.; small house, voung orchard only $600. Angeles Trust Co, Snu,' Washington sc. room 416. ALL GOOD ONES KEEulr COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY t5oarq oi Trade bldg ,a5!LE0ULt.ry.. Ur1' only 260: good ' Trust Co.. Ange es 3Z6 Wash. St., room 41K. hoH. WtonradfleMw . ?,"?'' P'acKstone, RldgeflejdWash FOR SALE rTIAIBKR 28 . .. , . . i I imber ! 1 imber ! 1 lfn her 114.000.000 feet of vellow nine Thl is all good timber and in good location ! is all situated on deeded land: we i,ov rennquisnments running from 3,500000 to 8,000.000 to the claim; all locations guaranteed correct or money refunded. -; Cord Wood $9 acres with 8000 cords of big fir that can be cut for 81 per cord: can be delivered on car Tor 60e per cord, situat ed 1 miles from Hillsboro: you can sell His wood for a good profit and -have th land clear. This is a fine proposition, and we will con vinos you of this fact if you Will investigate. ' . EVERETT M CLEOD. Room S8 Rothchild bldg;. v 4th -and Washington sts. TIMHER-for !;- 8,000.000 feet fir w ttrober, r 4 miles from mill, all tin wo graiie: tyinke. tn an offer. ' Mary A.- fa, Toledo, Lincoln Co, Or, 28 90 per cent yellow fir and balance hem lock, cruise 72,000 per 'acre, price $1 M.; this 1 one of the best touys in Oregon; also very close to; R. R. ; this is a snap and haa got to be handled quick If at all; if you mean business call and 1 will have the man that cruised tract. GEO. X. ECKLER, 838 Chamber Commerce. Main 3476. Everett '& McLecd FOR IMBER Room 206 Rolhchild bldg. Do" YOU want a good timber claim? If bo see me at once. I can locaU you. C. A. Duncan. 718 Bonrd of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 WE have the cream of the homesteads in all parts of Oregon; 3 claims 3 to 5 miles from R. R-,' 140 milesvto Port land, creek running through place: enough to irrigate. The John V. John ston Co., 301 Buchanan blug. WE can locate you on land In central Oregon, level as sv floor, finest soil on earth: plenty of water; near tim ber and town; close to railway survey. DENNIS BEAMER CO.. 401 Merchants' Trust Bldg. $66.00 for locating you on a homestead In the best fertile land in Kastern Oregon: $15. balance .when located. 411 Swetland bldg.. 1 to 4 p. m. HOMESTEAD locations on Columbia river' relinquishments. Hood River: also Jackson. Douglas counties. 513 Ablngton bldg. W'E CAN llow locate ou on 320 acre homesteads, level, rich soil, good wa ter. See uh for full Information. Sta- ples Land Co.. 218 Worcester bldg. CAN locate you- near my homestead. Kastern Orecon: level, rich ground; Lneur new town; call and see maps, etc. in o. uawK. rniiu'r. w i xiinu gu EIGHT homesteads, joining, near Port land: locating fee. $1 per acre. Koom 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. TWO good homesteads, near R. R., by homesteader. Lock Box No. 4026. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 HAVE an investment of merit that will net big returns on your money. Thi proposition is well established and In very healthy condition. Drop me a line and let's talk It over. F. L. Schott, 404 East Mdtrison st. A PRACTICAL cabinetmaker and sasl and door man with a little money can secure a good situation In a good com pany; safe investment: guaranteed 8 per ent on money i uvea tea. ai-vii, jour nal. SALOON First class corner, remodeled, everything new: doing a business from $40 a day and up; must leave at once on account of sickness; license and rent Included: very reasonable If taken quick, n-163. Journal. FOR SALE Good cash business, con sisting of crockery, tinware, dry goods etc.. In .one of the best towns on the coast; owners leaving on account of health. Address box 233, Marshfleld, Or. WE have good business openings in two new tnwisttes. property free to those who wm go into business. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE At a great bargain, the Valley Hotel. Woodburn. Or. Doing good business; renters time has ex ireq. Come or write ror particulars to T. P. Soules, Woodburn, Or. HONEST man wanted as partner in light manufacturing business, guaran teed $150 per month; $500 needed to put .to the business, particulars room 30 1, 42 Alder St. , HAVE you property close in. suitable for factory: established, located and doing a large business; quarters too small; must taKe sioctc in company M-020, Journal. WANTED Young man with little money as partner, to show property am alone and tired of hired held. Call between 6 and 7 p. m. or 11 and 12 a. m.. 826 Washington St., room 414. SO room rooming house, all full, $75 rent, 2 years' lease; party going on his ranch: also half Interest in good real estate business, all for $1350. Call 275 Burnslde st. FOR SALE interest In old estab lished real estate office on Washing ton st.. one of the finest lisis in city; small amount of cash handles. Phone Main 7599. Y-880. Journal. WANTED Sober, honest man tor part ner; butter, eggs and cheese stand. Best location In city. Owner has other business; cannot give attention. $650. V-283. Journal. FOR SAjvE Hotel Stevenson. 21 rooms; kitchen dining room, furnished com plete, bar in connection, at county seat I,! . .... I , - , ' TVT I ' 1 1 Utovontam Wash. - $1700 Grocery store, by owner, at in voice; no books; dally sales $50 to $100; 5 year lease: rent $33, Including 6 roo m cot tn ge. Y-3 SJJou rna h WANTED -Young man to take half In terest In old established business, small capital required, experience unnec essary. 326 "6 Wash. St.. room 416, hurry. ji00 Grocery and meat market, 5 liv ing rooms, 6 years lease, money mak er. Nofthvvest Timber Co.,' 620 Lumber Exchange bldg CONFECTIONERY, best up-to-date in town of 1700 population; soda foun- i tain, candy kitchen, cigars and fruit. first class fixtures. 311 Alisky bldg FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, tools, stock, 6 roam house, part cash and terms; a snap. T. u. unayer, mage- field Wash, i R w'arits partner er8mn can real estate man. alone. to show land, etc.; en- fffltif man can near -uu mourn. iiin FOR SALE TIMBER an(1linoney required. Particulars 248' Stark. 'WANTED To purchase interest in a good, rellahle Insurance agency; would like a good Blzed proposition. A-382, Journal. MAN to take part interest In good pay Ins; old established business; must be a good steadv reliable man; $40" re quired. For particulars,caU 1 02 2d. st. BNAP--li room rooming house, clears $35 month, 3 rooms free rent your selves, $250 cash, balance terms. 47 N. 7th st. RELIABLE partner wanted, used to farm products. Will guarantee good salarv; also share profits. Call 248 Stark st 'rui.' T7rtol aw Portland's nw rarnr distributed free daily on overland passenger trains. 215 Oregonian bldg. T'hone A-3792. FOR SAUK At a bargain, a 16 room I nouse, noing guoa nusincss; rent i For particulars inquire at 107H Egle I Mouse, 4th st. $2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 60c. Rose City Prfcitery, new management 192 't 3d st.. Just above Baker theatre GROCERY, invoice $2100; must be Bold ;it once. Phone East 709 for particu lars. PLUMBING nnd tinning plant In town of l.'.fMiti, lame plant; must sell at nlicp M-:iSf, Journal GROCERY? general store and feed busP ness with 3 acres lan,: in si.Undirf !vnl1ev iioifhhorhood T-.1R .Tnri,o cToWlKSTTe - ag and pressing shop. doing good business, at Hillsboro, Or! See owner. 173 E. 7th St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Inti-rest in machine shop u'Jing a huou numos, iuuu; will Dear Investigation. P-3S0, Journal. TO buy, sell, rent or exchange, houses. farms or business. Phone Main 6766, room 1. 0FH Washington st. FOR SALE A KOod paying corner sa loon, bears closest Investigation, a rare chance. A-395. Journal. HOTEL bargain: growing town; good business, owned ty old people, can't run it. Owner. Bast 3946. 8-k-ALL rooming house at a big bargain. if sold at on;e. . 129 N. 10th st. FOR RENT Hotel building. 90 rooms. V . . I Mil, K I , , , i aimuus m macieay Piqg. TWO chair barber snop for sale, $100; terms. i an Hotel Hoyt. 10th and Hoyt ONE large and 1 small restaurant for sale on installments 70 N. 6th st. POOL and claaw: best stand In cltv hut L. must sell. Owner. T-gW, Journal. FOR RENT Hotel with 32 rooms. In good iocajJoo. 631 Hood Mt. 20 GROCERY and delicatessen, fine loca tion, doing $40 per day; win sen a Invoice or lumn: long lease, rent $60 about $1800. A dandy little place, do ing iile business, about $600. Nice clean place, on east side, fine location will sell or exchansre for house and lot: about $1500. Many others. See us be fore you decide to buy. Young & Co. 5 12 Oerllnger bldg. ... RESTAURANT doing the biggest busi ness un the street: rent only $20; every seat full at meal hours, besides steady stream between meals; National cash register alone cost $176, refriger- . . . i .. . a "J K -II iimi .a;, aa iiiuies utcii . . . the furniture Is finished in oak. mak ing it a neat, clean place; all utensils are complete; price $476. or half inter est I30H. see owner, wurnsiae at. ROOMING house, 13 rooms, everything in fine condition, modern in every wav. and a beautiful Home. $900. 11 rooms, one of th finest places in the city, fine yard. lots of flowers, moaern houHK: nnce 1 1000. terms. 9 room dandy little place, very cheap rent, only $oUO. Many others and price is ngm; and can make terms to suit. Young & t'o.. 512 Oerllnger bldg. FOR SALE One of the best news paper and ioh printing offices in the Willamette valley; town 1600; no competition; net profit more than $200 per month: price $3500. half cash. Call upon or address K. B. L., 615 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or. APARTMENT house, 24 rooms, on good corner, all to itself, dose In. All extra, fine furnished In 2 and 3 room suites, and a money maker, must b seen to be appreciated. Voigt & O'fciryant, 204 Merchants Trust bldg., fith and Washington gta. 47 ROOMS, well furnished, best loca tion In city. Will sell for $3500 cash, or trade for city property. Will sell H interest to honest lady to run the house. C. 8. ARNOLD & CO.. Hotel Brokers. 351 Morrison. LIST your property with C. S. Arnold & Co.. "Original Hotel Brokers." Ho tels, rooming houses and business changes bought, sold and exchanged. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., Hotel Brokers, 351 Morrison at. FOR SALE Two lots, store building, grocery shelving, counters; So. Port land; suburbs; Investigate; snap; must sell ; good chance for speculation or business; old time location. Apply 186 Madison &t. MOTION picture machines for sale, latest Independent films tor rent. If you want to get service preventing re peaters In your town, here we are, the Leammle Film Service, 214-216 Wells Fargo. Portland. FOR SALE Dry goods, shoe and fur nishing business In growing town. Irrigated district. Price property $1900; stock at Invoice, which Is about $2500. Address T. V. Long, White Bluffs, Wash. WANTED At once, active partner to take charge nnd manage one of the best light manufacturing businesses in city; will guarantee $200 salary; $750 required. If you mean business call room 802 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 58 MRS. LENTS' AGENCY. ROOMING HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. 286 y. Washington St.. rooms 408-407. MINING STOCTt 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING and industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. INCREASE BUSINESS. Multigraph letters, envelope address ing. Rose City Bus. College. Mflln 8225. IF YOU wish to ouy or sell mining Btocks, call on J. B. Purcell, 268 Stark St., room 19. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Janitor 6 hours' work daily, large downtown offices, $40 month; so ber, industrious man with references only. A-399. Journal , WANTED Good sl:o boy to herd cows onri clmr. Mount Scott car to Lents, first windmill east Kelly Butte. Powell Vallej' road. EXCELLENT opportunity for young man with small capital to get half Interest in old established business, 326 Washington St.. room 4ii; nurry. WANTED Solicitor for cleaning and nressine business; must be first class. Call Monday morning, The Home, 15J N. 17th Bt. EXPERIENCED clothing nnd rurnisn Ing goods, snlesmon for Saturday; no dead ones need apply. 61 N. 3d ft ' WANTED Experienced first helper in cream room. Modern i onr. i.o., mn and Hoyt st A YOUNG mini who can use typewriter and (In souie office worn; Desi reier- ence. (i-SM, journal. WANTED Experienced woodturners and band saw men, i-ortiana oasn oc Door Co., East Taylor and Union ave. IF you want easy work, short hours, big pay. learn to operate motion piciuies. Terms reasonable. 626 V, Washington. SALESMEN, city and country, all lines. bookkeepers and stenograpners. az3 Wash., rooms 29-30. P. A. ft C. Co. MATTRESSM A KER wanted. Portland Furniture Co., 1Z4 Aiacaaam roaa. Take Fulton car. WANTED 2 first class hands on sash and door machinery. Apply 927 Ma cadam St.. Pacific Coast Door Co. WANT an ice cream maker at. the Bojiboniere, 3 32 as hi n g ;tonst BARBER WANTED 700 WMUlams ave., r i iuay ana oct i ui u . . . WANTED Men to have their 222 2d st. shoes half 3oled for !(c. WHITE help only, and rice, most and best. Owl Rice Kitchen, B6Vfr 4tn sr. HEATING engineer, steam and hot water heating. 0-387, Journal. WE secure positions for our members. Special memberHhlp Y. M. C. A. WANTED Stock salesmen; a good proposition. Apply 406 Couch bldg. leautiful BUSINESS CHANCES r JZ ' . . a . m vW VV' P No pitchers will be given out on an ad later than 8 o'clock Saturday night. These China Cream Pitchers are 34 in. high and 5 in. wide, finely decorated. HELP WANTED MALE FIRST CLASS advertising man - and Dedal an leu nanutr. must be a bleb class man and thoroughly understand the merchandise business, with bestot references: no boose cr cigarettes con sldered in this deal. Apply to Elliott Bros., advertising -and sales specialists, 4i4Marquam bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks, postof- nce cierxs, man carriers, aaiary ouu to $1600. examinations in Portland! soon. ROOO annointments comlnar. nrenar atlon free. Write immediately for sched uie. Franklin Institute, Dept. ssits. Rochester, N. Y. WAITED Salesmen; many make $100 s to $160 ner month: some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far rrom old nrcimrns: casn anvance week ly; choice of territory. Address, Waah Ington Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. Cutter, Glazier and Beveler - Only first class men wanted: getting rid of hot air artists every day; good situations for the real thing. Pacific Art Glass Works, 161 Front st. WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the leadline nur3enes or tin nortn- west: large stock, choice territory; com mission paid weekly. If you are huBtler and can sell, wrlto ua. Albany Nurseries, Albany. Or. WANTED Honest man to travel with vaudeville show; put up paper and get Jontracte; $500 cash security re quired; $35 per week and expenses. 613 Ablngton bldg. WANTED A barber to rent a complete ly furntehed shop. 10 days free. Apply Gevurtz, 173 1st,, corner Yr.mhill Bt. WANTED Honest young man as part ner In established business: small capital required; Investigate this, eve ning or tomorrow. 326 H Washington st., room 405. WANTED Young man with little monevi as tiartDer. to show DroDertv. am alone and tired of hired help. Call between 5 and 7 p, im or 11 and 12 o. m:. 326 Washington St.. room 414. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for out of town, good cnance ror promo tion, give experience, age and state if married or single. Z-381. Journal. WANTED Young men to study tcleg ranhv: nositions when competent. Day or evening classes. Oregon College, 3 6th st.. otn Tioor. FURNITURE salesman, with experi ence in' all lines: good thing for hus tler. X-395. Journal. WANTED An upholsterer with $60 to start in repair shop with cablnetmak- r and finisher. M-SS8, Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GIRLS 16 to 18 years of age to work In factorv. Apply at once. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., Eth and Davis Sts. A REDUCTION of $10 on a full course In millinery given pupils entering heir names for the summer term, com mencing June 1. This course enables ou to go Into business for yourself or rer.ai'CK von for n pood nonttion for early fall trade. Bailey School of Mil linery. 328 Williams ave. WILL furnish office, desk, typewriter and phone free to experienced business stenographer in return for small amount of work and give privilege of her doing public work. 605 Commercial blk., from 10 to 12 only. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. WANTED Woman to do sevvfng at home. Call 10 a. rp. to 3 p. m. at stove factory. Grays Crossing, Mt. Scott car line. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 ft Washington St., cor. 7th, up stairs. Phones A and Main 2692. Carefully selected help free. WANTED - - Chambermaids, waitresses. cook and dinner cook; also a number of other good positions. Frazier Bros. Employment Co., 29V1 Morrison st. WANTED Young ladles to study teleg raphy; positions when competent. Day or evening classes. Oregon College 83 Rth St.. 5th floor. A GIRL wanted for housework, 2 In family, no washing, good home, good wages. 401 IRth St. WANTED; Tadies, we bleach, sew, dye, and remodel hats, dye plumes at 4 price. 387 Yamhill. EXPERI ENCED girl for general hmise work In small family and help care for baby; no cooking. 487 West Park. $20 Wanted girl for general house work; two and baby in family. 212 E. 30th st. Tabor 1768. WANTED Competent nurse for boy 4 years old, assist second work. 781 Marshall st. WANTED Competent cook, references required. Apply 787 Overton, morn ings. AN elderly woman can find a good home by calling from 6 to 8 p. m. at 846V4 Mississippi ave. A GOOD strong girl for general house work. 248 N. 20th St.. near Northrup. GIRL for general housework, willing to go to beach for summer. 705 Overton. GIRL for general housework. Main 2937. or A-531S. Phone WANTED Girl to work in shooting gallery zs'4 ai st. rn. WANTED Tailoress. at once 401 Tourney bldg, 2d and Taylor sts. WANTED Girls tn trim and iron shirts. Inquire 75 1st St. HELP WANTED MALE AM) FEMALE 29 WANTED Experienced agents to sell photo coupons. C. Elmore Grove, 362 Washington st. China Cream Pitcher - " i . V r HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE v SO 10,000 POSITIONS. For irraduatea laat year; man and wo men learn barber trade tn S weeks: help to secure positions: graduates ears 15 to $25 weekly: .expert Instructor: tools free; writs for catalog. Moler System of Colleges, 86 N. 4 th st. Portland. WANTED AGENTS 6 SALESMEN WANTED To book busi ness in the most promising, popular. paying proposition or me present, uue fit free! oish weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Sulem, Or. NEW invention: exclusive territory for sale to agents: small investment anu large income. Call and see sample at room 63 Blumauer bldg., 273 Morrison. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES B5 CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employmeit Office Fourth Street Entrance City Halt Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge. , Main 3566: A-5624. C R. Hansea Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men. 26 N. 2nd. Main 1626. Women. $43 H Wash, st Main 22. Help supplied free to employers. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 COMPETENT engineer wants position to run marine or stationary engine, have condense license from the old country. 1 am good blacksmith and ma chinist, understand great deal of plumb ing and steam fitting; also dynamo. 'Z 890. Journal. " WANTED Position as electrician, col lege graduate, thoroughly understands electrical machinery, 4 years' practical experience. G-385, Journal. VK secure positions for stenographers. - Special drill classes, any system of shorthand, day or evening. Business uni versity. 629 Worcester blk. YOUNG man wants position as secretary and treasurer to theatrical company, age 26; good education. A-169, Journal. WANTED Position as hardware or grocery clerk; state wages willing .to pay in first letter. X-399. Journal. BOOKKEEPER, uin run typewriter, single, young man of good address; out of town preferred. B-393, Journal. 144 11TH ST. 2 furnished housekeep ing rooms, gas range. STRONG young man seeks any kind of steady work. 654 Vaughn St.. Portland YOUNG man desires position, outdoor work preferred. 8-381, Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 YOUNG lady .wants position as book keener: some experience; references; salary no object to begin with. Phone Woodlawn 1343. EXPERIENCED young lady stenogra pher desires position, law office pre ferred; best references; state salary, 1102 Van Huren St.. Oregon City, Or. WANTED Position by stenographer needing experience, small salaqy. X- 33 i . journal. PRACTICAL nurse with several years' experience. Phone B-2060. 132 E. 47th. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40ca pair. Phone M. 6598. A-4092. SEWING done by the day. Phone Tabor loHO. MUSIC TEACHERS 46 M. C. 8MITH. teacher of piano. 463 8al mon. Main 784.0. Beginners specialty. E. THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Bevcik: A-4160. 334 Pine. M. 8045. PIANO. Violin, Trombone, Saxaphon. Prof. G A. Smith. 292 12th st DRESSMAKING 40 TAILORED shirtwaists, $1.50; special for one week only. Main 3862. 295 10th. corner Columbia. MTSH 8. KARY, fashionable dressmaker. 226 Grant st. Phone Main 6041. CALL ON ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 243 ETH ST.. MAIN J. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 35S 12th No other roomers: all home like conveniences, front room, bath, phone, gaB. Ma I n 8643. 3061,4 1st St. The Newland Hotel Goo J. clean beds;- electric lights. J 1.60 to $3.00 week. 29 N. 9TH. Large front room, newly furnished, central, gas, bath, phone. Main 7392. 2 or 3 desirable rooms, completely fur nished for housekeeping; modern: 641 6th. 269 Montgomery St., modern front room, clean, new bed, private family, gent preferred. $9. 684 THIRD st. Newly furnished rooms, private family, $1.60 up; also house keeping. A-1927. 308 MILL, large light well furnished room, suitable for 2; phone, bath, gas. Main 3123. 133 12th. corner Alder, 2 front rooms, suitable for 2 gentlemen, $22 month. A-3230. NICELY furnished room, beautiful pri vate home, walking distance. A-5723. 3p0 -5th St., front room suitable for 2; poarq it aesirea; 0 diockb rrom P. O. 306 4th Large front alcove room, mod- ern; Tree pnone. bath, close in. 207 14t.i st. Maxwell Hall; all modern, close In. Phone Main 1153. 428 Hall st., large front room, elegantly furnished, for 2 young ladies. 221 1STH "The Hawthorne, well fur nished rooms from $2 to $5 per week. 661 Davenport St. Portland Helahts. 4 room furnished flat. Phone A-1786. 343 Yamhill The Temple Nicely furnished rooms, low rent, transient. FREE with Cash Sunday Want Ads Only one to a cus tomer with a Want Ad under anv clas sification EXCEPT Real Estate arid Business-Chances. FUBNTSHKD ROOMS WEST SIDE . - - Tbe Hartford N. W. car, 21st and Flanders, newly furnished suites of I rooms, with hot and cold water In every suite, bath, phones and Janitor service. Apply to janitor. , 205 Wash., between Morrison bridge and Chamber of Commerce Now Market Hotel Newly furnished rooms $8 week, near depots, cars, boats and business; w can accommodate you Main 7316. Front and Washington. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 208 3d St. has every modern Improvement; steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; rooms with private bath; rates reason able; S cars from Union depot pass the door. J. Johnson, prop. 490 Morrison Newly and elegantly furnished rooms; electric lights, fino bathroom, everything up-to-date, home like, moderate rates.' A-6280, Main 6435, or call, at apartment 4. WASHINGTON. Alder 'and 17th sts. The Morris- Absolutely new, all out side rooms, strictly modern conven iences. 84 to $7 weekly. 4T&H Washington st, apartment 2, nicely furnished room, private ram Ily. modern, reasonable. Call after 6 p. m. HOTEL IJEWOXM-.? furnished rooms at -reasonable prices; modem conveniences. ' 51 Ni 17th st. near Wash. Clean neatly furnished rooms, large closet. bath, heat, electric light. Call mornings. 225 16th. Large room, hew furnltuge. private lamny, oeautirui quiet sur roundings; very reasonable. Main 8528. 742 Lovejoy, near 23d st. car, pleasant rooms wun or without board; nice location; all modern. A-1396. Main 4368 361 10th St.- Furnished rooms, single or en suite, first floor, private family;. resiqenre qistrict. warning qistanop 162 2d st.. cor. Morrison The Drew bldg.: newly furnished rooms, abio housekeeping room; newly remodeled, 22 NORTH 11th Furnished rooms in exclusive private house, transient or permanent, near pusiness district. 167 17th st, N., near Irving 3 nicely furnished rooms, choice location; ea peclally suitable for gentlemen. 209 '4. 4th The Keys Housekeeping and transient rooms, neatly and well fur- nisneq Mrs. Ktta .Keys, rrop FRONT and Madison Hotel Ohio Furnished rooms $2 per week and up; transient trade solicited. Unt1 l4cnti MTU 6th st: rooms AJuiw tuao-uu $1.68 up per week. rr- qnone and path. 4&5 ALDER Nicely furnished rooms, private, modern. Phone A-1499. 272 6th st., cor. Jefferson The Angelas, modern rooms and apartments. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 446 E. Clay 1 or 2 newly, furnished rooms; bath and phone. In private family, close In. 610 East Ash st., nicely furnished rooms with all conveniences; prlvata famiry. - 10 ... 26th Nice front room, use of bath, near carllne; private family; no children. S01 Halsey st. Newly furnished room In new modern house. Phone East 5289. 615 E. Couch, nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen or ladles employed dur ing the' day 33 K. 3d st N.. nice front room on first floor; use of bath and phone, UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; no children. 67 Shaver St. Take "L" car. 609 Jefferson, 3 room -housekeeping flat, unfurnished, $10 per month. Phone Main 7004. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 170 North 16fh Fine front parlor, with board In private family; beautiful lo cation; strictly modern; walking dis tance; reasonable. Main 1134. 465 6th Neatly furnished, airy room. with board, homo cooking; modern, convenient; $25 446 3d The Hollywood Iirge front room downstairs, suitable for two; home board. FURNISHED rooms with board for 2 young ladles; $4.50 per week; gas. bath and phone. 895 E. Davis, B-1S08. 208 Grant, (near Portland Mills), fur nished rooms with good board, free phone, MS" and "F" cars, bath, etc. CLAY and 2d The Clay: suite of rooms with board for 2 gentlersen; comfort able and homelike; $6.60 per week. 414 Jefferson, pleasant room suitable for 2, with board; home cooking; mod ern, reasonable. Main 6983. 372 Hawthorne ave. Capital Hotel First clans working men's hotel; $1 per aay nr per we a. WANTED Room and board. German familv, between Marshall and 24th sL N. M-S84, JournaX 652 Morrison Furnished rooms with or without beard ; private family, borne privileges. .104 Madison- Front rooms and bosrd - in private family, near -city hall. $6 per weeK. 491 Everett St.. nice front room, suit able for two; convenient; with home cooking. 183 E. 7th, near Yamhill $5 week for first class rooyi with board, all mod ern. ' 37R Rth Furnished rooms with board; home cooking, close in A-3622. GENTLEMEN to room and board, 2 in a room; gpod cook. 608 E. Ash. R-2157. 229 13TH Near Salmon; well furnished room, suitable for 2; home cooking. HOTELS 54 RICHARD'S GRILL, latest New York styles of dainty dishes. 360 Alder, cor. Park. . THE CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park; Eu- ropean and American pian. HOTEL PORTLAND. European on 1 y; $3, 45 day. plan BELVEDERE, European. 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 628 Morrison St., small room and kitchen in attic, suitable one person, clean, modern residence. 164 and 166 N. 10th St., nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, also unfurnished room. Phone Main 4519. 629 RALEIGH St., light housekeeping also sleeping rooms, private family, $2 per week and up. 191 7th St., housekeeping rooms, single and en suite; also nice single fur nished rooms. Main 6376. 402 4th St., 2 double roomed housekeep ing suites, down stairs, modern, gas, bath close in,- very reasonable. 406 4tu.r near Harrison, housekeeping and single rooms, in private family; all conveniences. 86 N. 17th St Three large connecting housekeeping rooms, walking distance, nice neighborhood. Main 60i6. SUITE of 3 rooms, $15 per month; 1 f single room, $B per month, bath, laun dry, phone. 808 13th St. 603 Alder The Ool'.ins Large light, nicely furnished Suites, single hou.io- Keeping rooms, ji.io vp. 3d and Morrison sts. Housekeeping suite, furnished complete; $20, Cam brldge bldg., rooms 3 6. 872 1st 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, light and airy; $2.60, $3.60. pnone Main , 421 6th 8 light, cool rooms, gas and wood stoves, bedroom, pantry; nice nei gn pornooa. 490 Morrison The Hyland Two suites first class furnished housekeeping apartments, SUITE of nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms. Apply 91 1st St., near Stark st. $13 14TH, corner Cloy, clean, light, con venient 1 and 2 room housekeeping suite. . 268 Front st A suite of 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. $2.60 a week. 9 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' v''':WEST 81PE ": ' ' 12th aand Marshall sts. The iteavor .Newly furnished or housekeeping, in cluding gas ranges, electrio lights, hot water. Itaths, laundry, reception room, . all free; furnished apartments $16 nrr month up; . single trousekeeplng rooms $2.60 week up; best In city for money; short distance from union depot Tak-i "S" or 16th t. cars north,' get Off at Marshall st. Positively no dogs. 5H 7th, oor. CTay Furnished house keeping rooms with free use of bath and telephone, and they are outside rooms with tots of light and close In to central part of the city, Phone Main 1798. CORNER 27th and Thurman Th Sutherland Newly furnished house keeping rooms, hot and cold water, oleo tric lights, gas range, free baths nnl phone. 16th or "W oarllne. Phone A-4174. 184 Sherman. South Portland I1.D0 week un. laree. clean, fnmlnhari hnnu. Keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. 60 N. 19th, near Marshall., furnished housekeeping flat; also room, modern, tile bath, steam heat; rent reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 171 Russell st. 3 large furnishe.l - housekeeping room, accommodations for 6 adults; large lawn; 2 blocks fron carllne; electrio lights and free phone. Inquire at 181 Russell st. 411 E. Washington st. $14 per month; 3 room cottage, unfurnished. V4 block from carllne. in East Side business center;- no children. 658 Williams ave,. corner Monroe nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern conveniences; no childreu; private family. Hawthorne and Grand ave. Th HI lcr Furnished rooms, 2 or S en sulfa, alp modern conveniences; both phones. 132H Grand, cor East Morrison 8'x upstairs rooms, good place for Office or living rooms, inquire candy store. 978 E. YAMHILL 2 newly furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, phone. Tabor 1810. 203 Stanton St.. U. car $1.25 week up, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, 'aundry. furnace heat yard. 682 K. 6th St., near Brooklyn St., fur nished housekeeping rooms, modern. Sellwood 133; in view of the river. 60 Grand ave. N. $3 a week house keeping rooms, complete. Call at winters blocK. upstalts. 474 E. Washington pt. $15 per month. 4 unfurnished rooms, bath, basement and yard; no children. 160 37th st. E., cor. Belmont 2 nicely furnished, 1st floor, front rooms, for light housekeeping. 36 E. 7th st. N., i large housekeeping rooms, with alcove, $15 per mouth: near car line. , 203 Vi Stanton. $10 month. 3 furnished Housekeeping rooms; laundry, oath. yard. "V" car. 134 North Grand ave., corner Hoyt. 4 rooms, partly furnished, ground floor; also 3 unfurnished rooms upstairs. 431 E. Ankeny, 3 furnished housekeep Ing rooms. $12 per month; on car tine. 231 E, 6th st. 8. 2 room suite of house keeping rooms, all modern, close In. 93 Union ave. For rent Furnlsh'id housekeeping looms. Phone East 5344. 304 E. Morrison The Leonard Hou Housekeeping and furnished rooms FOR RENT HOUSES 12 WHEN you move you always need new furniture. Buy at ' no rent prices; the savings --'111 exceed cost of mwvlng. We own our own building; occupy one half; collect rent on balance. M ORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand ave. and R. Stark. Phone K. 2929. 1099 E. 24th St.. N. For Rent 7 room, new mortorn bouse, full basement, fur nace, wash trays, fireplace, electric lights, window shades and rods in.' 1 blocks from car. FOR RENT 6 room cottage at 659 Everett St., on west side: gts. elec tric light, 2 bedrooms; no children; can be seen afternoons or evenings. Phone A-2862. 11th and E. Harrison Modern 6 room. coment basement, furnace, 2 carllnes, large porches, side yard: use of gas range; something nice. SellWood 69. PART elegant residence, desirable couple, owner leaving; also 10 East 16th; also 14 rooms, Albina, cheap. East 6222. FOR RENT Modern new 6 room house on E. 29th St.. near Ellsworth; sightly. Phone Sellwood 7fiR. Bam Hem. $14 Mllwaukle, oppoalte new Ladd. Addition; fine view; 5 rooms, garden. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 69. SEVEN room bouse, 21,0 Broadway, near Ross, furnace, cheap rent; walk Ing distance., East 4597. 749 Mississippi ave. South side of douhlo house. 6 rooms, nice yard, alt modern. $15 per month. 210 BROADWAY, 7 rooms and bath, $20. 5 minutes to steel bridge. Parrlsh A Watkins. 250 Alder st , 208 Broadway, near Ross Seven room house, furnace, cheap rent; walking distance. Fast 4697. 191 Shaver St., 7 room house, modern; on carllne: $26. Parrlsh. Watkins & Co., 350 Alder St. NEW modern 5 room house. Denver ave., 1 block from carllne. Phones C 1770. East 4354. 93 E. 10th $16 a month. 5 rcom cot tage, gas. gas range, close in. Apply 700 E. Stark. 124 -N 17th, 60 feet north Ollsan For Rent Cottage. Max Smith, 88 N. lth. No phone. " 9" llOOM house for rent, reasonable! N. 13th near HovL Inquire 711 Cor bett bldg. E. 46th, near Llncol.i 160x100 good- V. . , , r n ham atK 19 A 'V n 1 r- rr ner 49th and l"lawthnrn. Phone B-151. 391 Sacramento Couple to share small furnished house, reasonable to right parties. 150 Page st., neat 4 room cottage, rent 310 month. Phone E. 666. 493 MILL st. 4 room cottage, bath and gas: furniture for sale cheap. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house; clean and nicely tinted. East 798. 774 Michigan ave. 8 room house clean good order, with bath; $16. FIVE room cottage for 'rent, upper Al blna. Inquire 628 Williams ave. 648 Hood st. For Rent 4 room cot- tage; Hood and Caruthers. FOR RENT Two 5 room cottages, all modern, $10. Phone Richmond 1461. 160 Page st. Four room cottage, rent $10, Phone East fi&a. 344 GRAHAM ave., 1 8 room house for rent, bath and gas. 427 E GRANT Near 6th; 6 room House for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 WELL furnished cottage, $20 month, or unfurnished, $15; west side river. 737 Chamber of Commerce. PLEASANT furnished hotlao for rent. Phone Woodlawn 1920. SUMMER RESORTS. BETTER investigate Columbia Beach the seaside capital or trie nortnwesu COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Roard of Trade bldg. SEASIDE For sale or rent, a new 6 room cottage near the beach. TeL East 5799 or call 70 E. 18th St. N. FOR TRENT Completely furnished cot tage, Seaside. . Main 9591. . HOUSES FOR RENT. ' FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. II rooms, good location, Phons owner. Main 9677. . " 808 10tH Furniturs of 16 rooms for IF sals by owner. Rooms all full; easy terms. . - . . . ., til 12th 10 room house, completely furnished, roo is fulls opposite the White Temple; reasonable. f 20 ROOMS, close. In, west side; good , proposition; -to agents; cheap rent. A-1161. '..'.' 149 Jack son.f furniture of room cottage - for sale cheap If taken at onje; rent $16. i A -