The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Town Topics
Hellia; "Toodlea In Holland."
Bungalow "Merely Mary Ann"
Star i .MovlDg Pictures
Orpheum Vaudeville
Grand Vaudeville
Pantagea Vaudeville
Trial for Banuujii Today a Jury In
Judge Gantenbeln s department of the
circuit court in hearing evidence in the
17600 damage suit brought by Joseph
Khalainen. administrator of the estate
of Antii Joatinell. against Paquet. Oel-
Discn & jopnn, a contracting rirm wnicn
did considerable work on the Brooklyn
sewer. JoMtinell was killed, with two
others, while working in the sewer.
The present case Is the second of a
series of three brought by Khalainen
who acts as administrator for the three
men killed against the contracting com
psny. In the case of Frank Mattson,
the first tried, the Jury brought in a
verdict for the defendant.
Mrs. Dunlway to Speak Mrs. Abi
gail Scott Duniway will address The
Peoples' Forum tomorrow evening at
8 djclock. Her subject will be "The
Taxlpaylng Woman's Suffrage Amend
ment." Mrs. Duniway is famed all
overUhe United States for her deter
mines stand on woman's suffrage. She
la a charming speaker and always nan
dies her subject exhaustively and com
prehensively. The usual discussion will
follow Mr. Dunlwav's address. Dr.
Zlegler will address The Forum next
Sunday night. May 25. HIS subject
will be "The Blanket Franchise and
No Light on Steam Boiler Some of
ficial ot tne city of Portland is to be
arrested on a charge of leaving a steam
roller out on the streets without having
a light at night. Officer Maddux has
sworn out a - John Doe complaint
against the responsible party for tho
roller and it will be served as soon as
Chief of Police Qrltzmacher and City
Attorney Kavanaugh decide who Is at
fault. Hither the mayor, the chief en
gineer, the street superintendent the
operator of the roller or the roller it-
seu will he haled into court tomorrow
to answer the charge. The roller was
en u.i nramey Btreet, uttween Twen
tieth and Twenty-second streets.
Simply Case of Drank. An Investi
gation by Detectives Craddieklaml -Mal-lett
Int., the alleged drugging-, beating
and robbing of H. W. Case of Pecos,
li xaj, reveals that Case was on a spree,
engaged in a card game and lost his
mony partly there and partly In buv
lug drinks. Instead of having 1 85 on
his person. Case now says he had but
1S. He engaged in a card game witti
three men, who have since been located
Tney state that Case was drunk and had
struck his face against a railing. The
detectives discredit, the report that
Case was drugged.
Motorcycle Thief Caught Word was
received today by .Sheriff Stevens of
the capture t Sacramento, ml.. of
Peter Brozat, who is accused of having
stolen a $260 motorcycle from J.
Bsslg at I.ents, Or., April 22. The
capture of Brozat has won for the sher
... ftic' the approval of local author
ities In that It was accomplished so
quickly and notwithstanding serious
difficulties. .Sheriff Stevens will send
a deputy to bring the prisoner to Port
land, some time tonight.
Dtunp Garbage at Klfht That a num
Deror people are dumping garbage trash
ana decayed vegetable matter on the
lower part of the Montgomery street
drive Is the complaint of Forrest Fhiher
attorney, of the firm of Angell Fisher!
In a communication to the chief of po
lice. Mr- Fisher states that this has
been going on for some time, and that
the offenders have been working at
night when unlikely to be seen. Chief
of Police Grltzmaoher has detailed a
special officer to investigate.
vision committee Meet. Council
man Rushlight. chairman of the liquor
law rev'sion committee, called that body
to order yestcrdav for Its first session
to consider the result of the Joint la
bors of Mr. Rushlight and Deputv City
Auditor Joe Hutchinson. The revision
thus far suggested has been taken from
the statutes of cities all over the i'nlted
States and many of the new amend
ments sre taken liodlly from the stute
Pilgrim Congregational Churoh. This
morning Rev. . T. -Thomas, pastor of
tne Pilgrim Congregational church
cotm-r Shaver street anil Mississippi
avenue, will preach the first sermon in
the new building. In the evening Rev
Irvin A J. Kolsntn.' state superintendent,
will preach. He will also conduct serv
ices every evening next week, except
Baturnay. Indicatory services will be
held May 23.
Soolallsts Bsgla
Campaign The Sn-
niallsts of Portland wll
1 fire the first
gun of their city campaign at Socialist
nan, .ins. iiavis street. Sunday night.
May 1, at 8 o'clock. H. Langerock will
speak on "Socialism and Local Govern
ment In the I'nlted States." Mr. Lange
vt'Ock Is the author of a work on Social
Ism and local government In continental
Europe, which Is a classic amongst So
cialists. Puneral Held TtrdaTTlie funeral
of Mr. Lydla 01mler who died at th
home of her son. Mark timber, Thurs
day, from the residence. Mrs. (Iruber
was $4 years of age and had been a resi
dent of this city for 22 vears She Is
survived by six children.' Mrs. Middle
miss of Minneapolis; Mark (Jruber. Adam
timber, W. F. ("Smber. G. S. Jruher of
Alaska, and John Gruher of Florida.
Blyitone Jurors DlsagTee o. r' lily
stone acctised of tittering a forged
check, must stand trial again. The
Jury which heard the evidence In the
rase against him in .lodge Cleland s de
partment of the circuit court, disagreed
and was discharged last night. Seven
tood for conviction and five for ac
quittal. Mother Aski to Be Guardian- Appli
cation is made in probate today to have
Harsh E. Smith, mother of 16-year-old
Faye Smith, appointed guardian of her
daughter, who, beside having an inter
est amounting 10 tiaini in real estate.
in neir iu toe puiHie or ner rather K
1.. Smith, deceased.
Poster Puneral xoday-The funeral of
rtoneri . rosier, city street Inspector
and son of the late James H. Foster of
Ainany. ur., wno men nt his home J02U
Corumhia street. Thursday afternoon. Is
being held this afternoon from Holman's
unaeriaKing estaoiisnment.
Johnson Arrested Again Kdwarrrt
jonnson. proprietor or tlie Delmonico
restaurant at Seventh and Alder
streets, has again beetle arrested on a
chnrge of keeping open after hours.
.ne was arrester late last night by Of
Preaches twice Sunday at .the
Twelfth and Taylor Streets.
10 130 A. K.,
Solo. Mias Kathleen Iawler.
, rao r. au 1
Gospel solo, Mis Ethel Shea.
"Toodles in Holland" Keeps
Audience in Continu
ous Uproar.
Zeb. L.Martin, who plays Officer !
Harrigan in
Toodles in Holland."
Thev took Macalovilch Levi from a'
good Job In the pnwnshon In Vancou -
ver, Wash., because he told a Joke about
rlt 'ijL' ' III
II i .v, : ,w .wit : II
II jl- ' II u . I in rni rr o,-i w .-ii n ""i,, Hiram PViiilkea 1ft TO nod 7 K
chlclien. Hecuuse a woman can lay an ,'am. lUr. c, ' " , V .. ,
eag on a stove without hurnnlg herfeet ! TAlic?: Th! M ls," ,he S"er' 8n,i
is the answer. So they told Levi he had! B 2" Vf.K
talent "for the theatre.
Hut Levi was only one of the several
comie characters In "Toodles in Hol
iaiH." the Travelers' Protective associa
tion show which opened under the direc
tion of Thomas F. Getz at the Hcllig
theatre last night. "Toodles" will make
her last appearance tonight.
til . 'i,i.Ht ,.f trio and thpti-
tve ar.H svLeethenrtf. ami other oeo-iald
ni,. . wlvva and sweethearts, and every :
one else crowdfd the theatre last night
the first night at ihe benefit for the
drummers. , And every one and every
body sang and trilled and whistled
themselves hoarse applauding.
"Toodles.'' jiiwt r little girl Baby
Patsv in real life made the lift of ihe
piece, and mere were otners wno roi
r.'wed closely. Sherma Dana as Bessie,
a, las Ladv Bountiful, Mary Cardiff as
Mlsr Riley, J. W. Shaw as the General
Cranston (Foxv Crandpai. Eddie Weln
steln s Levi, and many others received
their due slmre nf applause. H. Tedg
nai Minor as (Jfflcer Harrigan made Ills
dlatinetive hit, and Marguerite Cnllgnn
as the Merry Widtw and in several
specialty oaris. did exceptlonarly well.
Clinrlcs . Rli'gler as Dr. Ferdinand
Schapskoff Va laughable us a species
of Dutch comedian.
i.,l,l.,n nhnrn. rtC "rnl,'' ana hritt--
iri." ti. i.ler cmud not well o-cane
lining a suicesi Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. 10:30
Toodles in Holland." like manv nf ! , ".P'S "ThP nd the
Its Ilk. revolves around Just the hare True. and Witnesses to the Super
skeleton of a plot. Toodles has a mania natural. ......
for pictorial postal cards and an amhl- AnabelRev. A. Hurd. 11 and 7:45.
tlon to visit Holland. Two brain-storm- j Hope Montavllia; Rev. S. S. White.
Ing actors are engaged to rig up made-I 11 nV, ' ' v.:
to-order Holland for her. Rut Toodles. ' ,Kn',wrtr. East Thirty-seventh and
who has qulte'a bunip of Intellect her- j
self, turns the tables By going to the
Hellig tonight you can learn all about
"Toodles In Holland."
fleers White. Evans and
These officers found his place of bus
iness ooen at 2:10 a m. and claim that
he was selling beer in teacups to C. E. , Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young
Freeman. K. England and F. W. Kel- 'D. I).; 1O:.10 and 7:45: K. S.. 12:15; E. L.
lar when they entered. The rase wss!fi:45. Topics. "The Faith of Men." and
set for hearing for May 20. .
imnr. n. n.l.hratton.
Exposition building. Nineteenth and 1
Washington streets. j
Mrs Rose V Reed Miss Lawler and '
F. T Crowther. M ' j
Acmlsslon25 cenn ,
It r.a A .1 1 T-amtwa P1.a I I . , .
...ri" w-..r"'r.,"Tr,V i
.r.T." r'V'r. ,7. .'ul' . r".""
?? VV-'-,'r1
W. C. Blue heard three mysterious
shots at Mississippi and Beach streets
late last nlgit. but an Investigation
bv him failed to assign any cause for
the shooting.
Beginning May 1, we reduce the price
of all our Australian coal to 18.60 per
ton delivered; 60 cents per ton reduction
on five ton lots. Pacific Coast Coal Co..
249 Washington. Main 229; A-2293.,
Sunday Excursion To Cascade Locks
on steamer Ralley Oatiert; $1 round
trip. Leaves 9 a. m. from. Alder Street
dock; returns 6:45. Phone Main 914 or
Bat Wr Steamer Nome City sails
direct for San Francisco Monday even
ing. Cabin $10. berth and meals In
cluded. Frank Rollam, agt., 128 Third.
Mr. Blngler's Dancing' Parties every
Saturday evening. Most enjoyable. Ad
mittance by card only. Rlngler's Hall,
East Side. Prasp orchcsra.
Staamar Jessie Harklna. far Camas,
Washougal and way landings, Jally. turn
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m.
J. O. Bohasfar B Co., merchant tailors,
corner Sixth and Washington streets,
Raleigh building, rooms 10 and 11.
Baayar Bill Coal Portland & Subur
ban Express company exclusive agents.
Main 5625.
John M. Mann, Printer. C8 Fourth St.,
bet. Oak and Pine. Both phones, 4088.
Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street,
ranch 11:10 to 2; business men's lunch.
Shanafalt, commercial, view, flash
light photographer. C-1099. East 633.
Dreamland Dancing Academy opening
tonight, formerly Merrill hall; by card.
Batar at St. Patrick's Hall, Savler
street, will close Saturday. May IS.
Bohsa'a Park Opan for Bnt tn lodges
and family picnics. Both phones.
W. A. Wis and associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
. , . .
American Bask B Trust Co. Sixth
and Oak.
Sal Deposit Boxes. Gor.-Amer. Bnk.
Pr. Xayaas, optician. Balmon.near (Ut.
First White Temple, Twelfth and
Taylor, Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher. V
1. 10. "One Accord" prayer meeting
services, 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school 12:
topics: "Eyes, or the Upward X,ook.
and "Fault Finding; or Knocking the
Neighbors." ' .
Arleta Rev. E. A. Smith, 11 and 8;
8. R, 10; B. y.'P. U., 6. Topics: "Com
mon Salvation" and "Kadesh-Barnca. '
Highland Alberta and Sixth. Rev. K.
A. Ieonard, pastor. 11 and 7:30; B. T.
P. V.. :30; S. S., 10.
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev-.
IX W. Thurston, pastor. 11 and 8: 8. 8 ,
10; Y. P. V.. 7. Topics: "Making a
Man," and "Many Questions: God An-
Calvar- East Eighth and Grant. Rev.
3. N. Monroe 11 and 7:30; 8. 8. 10: B
V. P. V., 6:30 Topics: "The Model
Prayer," and "God's Property."
i lmmanuel Meade ana econu,
'A. B. Minaker, 10:30 and 7:30; .S. S.. 12:
8. Y. P. IT.. 6:30. Topics: "Service"
I mnA "T.mnlatlnna '
(Tract Montavllia.; Kev. a men c i
Patch. 11 and 7:S!: S. S.. 10: Y. P.. I
U., 8:30. Tonics: "Saving Some" and
"Take Heed That Ye i.ove Ood."
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny:
Rev. W. T. Jordan. 11 and 7:30; S. 8..
9:30; Y- p- 6;30- Topics: "Separation
and Service" and "Fear Not."
University park Rev. A. B. Waltz.
8. 8.. 10: 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30.
Topics: "Dry Bonej Made to Live."
and "Foolhardy Swearing."
Mnnnvslfia Kitrmanl Forty-first and
Hawthorne; Kev. C. Feldmeth. 11; & 8.
St. Johns (German) Rev. C. Feld
mctli. S. 8.. 9:46; services 11 and 7:30.
Second Seventh and East Ankeny.
10:80 and 7:30; Bible school, 12; B. Y. P.
V.. 6:30.
St. Johns Rev. John BentzieTt.- 11:30
and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; Y. P. U., :30.
Chinese Mission 352 H Oak street.
8. 8., 7; -preaching. 8, by Rev. Fung
First German Fourth and Mill;
Rev. J. Kratt n and 7:30; 8. 8.. :4o
a.rm niMomV'rtr.d and
Rod"-v avenue; Rev. F. Buermann. 11
and 7'30- S 8 9 46
' East Forty-fifth street Corner East
Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. 11 and 7:3u;
Bible school, 10; B. Y. P. U.. 6:45.
Lents Rev. J. F. Hepcock. 8. S . 10;
11 and 7.30; B. Y. P. T. 6:30. Topics.
"Faith" and ' The Fatal Sting."
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett;
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev.
8r8k rCBryrpnlT -ao a"d 7 4 5;
' Union" Avenue Mission' (Swedish)
Corner Skidmore S. 8.. 10.
Thlrd Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R.
Khwertlr 11 nrf 7 30 Tonic: 'God's
' Anointed" and "Saving Faith." 8. S.,
j 10; B. Y. P. I.. 6:45.
i Presbyterian.
First Twelfth and Alder: Rev. Wll-
Mlzpah East Thirteenth and Powell
Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and 8; S. 8.. Jft;
C. E. 7. Topics: "The Harvests of
Munificence" and "A Heal Reason for
Alt rnlsm."
Calvarv Eleventh and Clav I'.ev
Thomas H. Walker. 10:30 and 7:30 8 8..
Fourth First and Glhbs: Rev. Don-
Mackenzie. 10::3 and
:30; S. S 12;
C. r... 6:.1
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
70 S SPV12 (- E o"8
Forbes Sell wood and Oantenbeln.
Rev. Harrv H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; S. S..
10: C. E.. 6:S0
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett;
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; S. S..
Chinese llbbi first. l:tt; H. b.. 6 a.
Westminster East Tenth and Weld-
i 'in-
ler: Rev. Henry Marcotte;
1:70: H 8.. 12: t,. k. b:;iii
V-iV' o.V." j
BJViJIVi ,7.. , -
Seventeenth Rev C W H, vs. 11 and
Holt D sS H a m C F
u Jn. t.L 'p.' m.. . R. ...rt.
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pie, t v-
man: Rev. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and i
Seilwnod-Eflst Seventeenth and Son-
kane; Rev. I). A. Thompson. 11 and
O., I". V . r-j , I
Third East Thirteenth and
,lad",0"e Rev
!- r.. t
ivooinsc-n, ii; .
Millard Avnue Rev John A
S.. 10
i send. Services 11 and 7:30: S
a. m.
I Trinity Dakota street. Rev. A. Rob
Kelnleln j tnson. 7:45 p. m. ; C. E., 6:45; S. S., 11.
tiodliness vs. (iodlessness
East Yamhill near Thirty- I
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30; J. E.
L... 3 ; 1 K L.. 6:15, S. S.. :50.
st- John" S. H. Dewart; 11 and 8;
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Bavler;
Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 1 1 and 8. I
oV tinir ' Kvin. sermbn'lfy
Kev. w. m. tioinngsheail
Centenary East Ninth and Pine: ;
Centenary East Ninth and Pine
:Clarence True Wilson. D. D. ; 10:30 and!
F. Smith; 11 and 7:30: S S. 10: E. U,
6:30. Topics. "A Holy Ghost Church."
and "Pictures From Life "
Central 3.14 Kussell. Rev. C. 1 Ham-
tlton. 10:30; S. S.. 12; E. L.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal; 11.
and 7:30. I
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John i
H. Cudllpp. 10:30 and 7:30: S. S.. 12:16;
E I... 6:45. Topics. "The Old Land
marks." and "The Young Man and His
Vancouver Avenue 11 and 7:S0.
I.aurelwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11
and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; E. L., 6:30
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and
Davis; H. P. Nelsen; 10:45 and 7:30;
E. I... 7.
First German Firteenth and Hoyt; X3.
A. Waasa: 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev
John Ovall. 11 and 8; S. S. 10: E L. 7.
Topics. "Signs of Christ in the World."
and "The Firm Dependence for the
Second German Stanton and Rodnev,
Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; S. S., 9:45:
B. L... 7:30.
Japanese Mission 121 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Eileen Rlbara, 9:30 and
8:30: S. S., 3:30.
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Ta
coma, Rev. Lester C. Toor, 11 and 7:30;
J. R L.. 2:30: E. L., :30.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thlrtv
nlnth .and Powell, Rev. S. J. Kester, il
and t: 8. S., 10; E. L 7: J. E. L.. 3.
Montavllia Mohle and Hlbbard, Rev.
Harold Oberg, 11 and 7:30: S. S., 10;
clasa meeting, 12; J. L., 3; E. L.. 6:46.
Woodlawn William J. Douglass, 11
and S; S. S., 10; E. I. 6:30.
University Park Dawson and Flske,
Rev. W. R. Jeffry, J., 11 and 7.30.
African Zlori Thirteenth and Main.
Rev. W. W. Matthews. 11 and 8. Topics,
"What and Where is Heaven." and
"What and Where Is Hell?"
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, D. A. Watters, 11 and 7:30: S. S., 10
K. L... 7. Topics. "The Best That Man
Can Do," and "The Light That Is in
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first, J. W. McDougall. 11 and 7:30.
Woodstock J. D. Voce, 11 and 7:S0;
a S.. 10; E. L, 6:80.
" '
St. Mary'a Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie. D. D.
Low mass. 6. 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon, 11. Vespers. Instruction and
benediction, 7:45.
St. Staindaus. Maryland and Failing.
Rev. C. Eeroskt. Low mass 8. high
mass and sermon 10.
SL Francis', East Eleventh and Oak
Rt. J. II. Black. Low mass. (. 8:39
Suggestive .Questions on
School Lesson by
The International Newspaper Bible Study club Is for the purpose of pro
motlng in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible,
the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into ever
man's life. It is dfcmposed of all those who Join a local club, and take up the
eimple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who have
not joined are warmly Invited to do so and to competa for the prizes.
Persons may Join the club at any time during the year, but must of
course, answer the 62 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the
prizes, and the back questions mav be obtained bv addressing this office.
This paper has. secured the right to publish' the International Sunday
School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Linscott, which have aroused so much
Interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly in both the Saturday and
Sunday Issues of The Journal. One of these questions each week Is to be
answered In writing and upon these answers the prizes . are to be awarded.
Conditions of the Contest.
1. Each .contestant, or his or her family, mast be a subscriber to this
gaper, in order- to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible
tudy club and this local club.
2. hAch contestant In this local club must answer each of the written ques-
lions for 52 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday. Mnrch 14. and ihe answers .
must all be In the possession of this paper within two weeks of the close
of this period. I
3. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on i
one side only. No answer must exceed 100 words in length and mav be less. I
Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom i
of the answer. , (
4. The answers must be delivered to this office, and they will he 'ollated ;
at the close of the contest and forwarded to headquarters for independent ex- f
amlnation by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded ac- i
cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International I
Newspaper Bible Study club. i
The prlzss. i
First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants.
Second Series A silver medal to each of the next five contestants.
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price J5.50, to each of the next five con
testants. Fourth Series The hook "The Heart of Christianity." price $1.60. to each
of the next 35 contestants.
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and
for what it Is awarded and in like manner each Bible and book will be In
scribed. All who can write and have Ideas, are urged to take up these studies re
gardless of the degree of their education, as thejtipers are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of the
cogency of their reasoned Ideas.
May 16, 1909.
Paul'a First Missionary ' Journey.
Ieontum and I.ystra. Acts xlv:l-2S.
Golden Text All the gods of the na
tions are idols: but the Lord mad.; the
I heavens. Psalm !fi:5.
Verses 1-2 Point out on the map in
your Bible where Iconlini Is situated.
Can two missionaries working to
gether do more than they could work
ing separately
Has the story of Jesus lost or aalnetf.
J" its harm upon the multitude. ,ln,e
1 , , . - , ,. . .
' Was the unbelief of theso Jews a mat-
I ter of h intellect, through hick of
I evidence or , was it a matter of the
i ,e?r,: 'j' " rpsult ,lf ll"'lr rc"
hellion against (,od
I Verses 3-7 How do yon account for
1 1 th fact, that the sams evidence, and
... ' . .
Pirltual demonstration, which
part of tho multitude turn to Ood with
t heart, made the other part
angry In heart, and murderous In-their
actions? (This question Is to be an-
t , , ,fc -
' n WTltlnj hy members Of the
j club.)
. Would v.mi juiige from this sinrv. that
I all the good people were on the side of
ithe apostles, and all tl.e hail Hiid .lis
' hnnesi people on the oth-'i' siil
: "... i wi.-ir-
i run awav fron
ened the apostl
! and face ,T-
Will h wise and tirave man, sometimes
run awav from such danger as thriat-
es. or will he alwavs stay
The apostles fled to l.vptva and
. Ilerhe: where are these places situated?
Verse S-- Is there ever su.v blame to be
, attached to those who are born with
I either physical, or moral defects?
Are parents ever to he hlarnid for
Ministers, Sunday school teachers and othera Interested nre Invited to
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "questions,''
particularly If they consider them of value In their work.
d 9 30 ,,, h a89 and sermon. 10:30.
" "s',ers' Instruction and benediction.
St. Joseph's (German':, Fifteenth and
I Couch Rt. Rev. Jairies Rauw, V. U.
Low mass, 8. High muss and sermon,
I 10:20. Vespers, benediction, 3:30.
' St. Lawrence's, Third and Sherman
: Rev. J C. Hughes. Low muss. t, 7 and
R:30. Hleh mass and sermon, 10:30.
.. - i .,1 . i n
s-liers Him uriirun lion. I .tf".
i Ascension. Montavllia. Kev
J. P
l-'ltzpatrlck. Mass and sermon 9 in
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
, g Patri.'k's. Nineteenth and Savler
: Rev' E' P' Murphy. Low mass. 8. High
masg iin(1 sermon. 10:30. Vespers and
, hi,.rtiI-ttnn i til
! "u Ckel s , Lallan, Fourth and
i ,7 sermon lOO Tespes
; "'f "fi 7 m ' Vespers
) Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
, J atantnn Pav W A Halv 1 nim
! mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and ser
10:30. Vespers and benediction.
Holv Rosarv, East Third and Cnlon
Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low mass, 6,
7 and 8:30. High mass and, sermon,
10:30. Vespers and benediction. 7:30.
Sacred Heart, Mllwaukle Rev. Gre
gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10. Vespers and ben
ediction, 7:30.
Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J.
P. Thlllman, C. S. C. Low mass, 8:30.
High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers
and benediction, 4.
Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van
couverRev. Ed K. Cantweil. C. SS. R.
Low mass, S. High mass and sermon.
10:80. Benediction. 4.
St Andrew's. Ninth
and Alberta
T?ev Thomas Klernnn. Low mass. s.
High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, In
str.ictlon and benediction. 7:30
st. Stephen's. Forty-second and East
Taylor Rev. W. A. Waitt. Low mass.
St. Ignatius. Forty-second And Powell
Valley road. Kev. F. Dillon, d. J. Low
mass 8 ana :su; mass,
benediction 10:30
sermon and
Trlnitv Nineteenth and Everett. Dr.
,n'lon.' 7:30 a. m.
I' of St. Steohen the Mar-
tvr Thirteenth and Clav. Kev. Ii. M.
Ramsay. 7:30. 11 and 7:30 p. m; S. ri.,
9 45
gt Andrew's-Portsmouth. Rev: J. E
Forsvthe. 11: S. S . 10
t Mark's Twentv -first and M ir
ph'nli. Rev. J. E. II. Simpson, S, 11 and R
S S., l.V
St. John's Church Multnomah
Tavlor, 11 and 7:30; S, a. 10.
Church of Our Saviour Woodstock,
Rev. J. C. Forsvthc. 11 and 7:30.
Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van
couver. Rev. John Dawson, 8, 11 and
7:30; S. S., 9:45.
St. Davids East Twelfth and Bel
mont, Rev. Henry Russell Talbot, morn
ing prayer and sermon, 11, evening.
7 30; communion, 7:30 a. m.; S. 8., 9:15
n. in
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights,
S S 9 .10.
Ail Saints' Church Twenty-second
and Reed. Rev. Rov Edgar Remington,
11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10.
Grace Memorial East Seventeenth
and Weldler. Rev. George B. Van .Wat
ers 10:45. S. 8.. 12.
St Paul Woodmere. Rev. J. C. For
svthe. 11 a. m.; S. S.. 9:45.
First Corner Park and Columbia. W.
F. Reagor, minister. Services nt the
usual hours; subjects "Illustrious
Church." "Jesus' reasons why then should
accept him ss the Christ." Bible school
9:45. J. F. Emrlch, superintendent. C.
K. st 6:45 p. np.
Rodney Avenue Rodney end Knott;
Thomas O Plcton. 11 and 7:45; S. S.,
9:45; C. E., 7 p. m.
Central--East Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev. J. F. Ghormley. D. D. 10:30
and S. Themes, "Infidel Testimony for
the Inspiration of Ihe Bible" and "Re
formers and the Bible."
Kern Park Rev. E. M. Patterson, 11
and 7:45; S. S , 10; C. E. 6:45.
Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla.
JO:30 and 7:45. '
Woodlawn 11 and 7:30; Clark W.
First Madison and Park. Rev.
Luther R. Dyott. V. D. ; Rev. Guy L.
Dick, assistant; 11 and 7:45; S. 8.. 9:45.
Toptcs. "The Cure of the Withered
Hand." and "The Place of Religion !n
the Life of the City "
Snnnyslde -East Tavlor and East
Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 and
S; S. S.. 10;. C. E.. 7. Topics "The
Divine Partnerships" and "A Pattern
of True Brotherhood."
University. Park Haven and Dawson.
the Sunday -
Rev. Dr. T. S. Linscott
either physical or moral defects in their
Are prenatal Influences as powerful
In shaping a child's destinv as post
natal? In our present national condition,
should the state provide for and main
tain all those who are horn in an lin
pi.tent condition?
Verses 9-10 Is faith, like this man
had. possible for all. or is it a gift of
God. the same as the resultant grace and
Was this a miracle, and whether or
not, does God intend to run this world i
by law or by miracle?
Verses 11-13 What was the idea that!
these people had of the Deity?
How would it he likely that Barnabas t
resembled Jupiter, and Paul Mercury to
these people? j
Is it a trait in human nature to be
lieve in some popular supers! lion, rather
than the plan truth of God?
Verses I4-I,'i If a man of God Is be
ing regarded in some superstitious way,
Is It his duty to admlnlst. r a rebuke?
Have the host of men got the same
natural passions as the worst of men?
What comfort Is iliere to us In thei
fact, that God made "the heavens and'
the. earth"?
Verses li-li - Does God pay the same
att ''in ioiA to the crops of the sinner, as)
he does To the crops of a saint? ;
Verses l!i-?u Was it the sam" people;
that stoned Paul, who before this want-
erl to do sacrifice to him?
Chii there be anv reliance placed up-'
on the applause of I lie multitude?
Verses L'l-Jh What kind of a man is.
he who. laid out for dead through slur - i
inK. starts mi his way the next day)
preaching his story of mercy and love
Lesson for Sundav. .Mav j;;. 1 90H The
t oiincll at Jerusalem. Acts xv l-.'IS. :
tl. W. Rifgs; S. S .
10; C. E.. 6:30;
H. Myers; 11
Laurel wood He v.
S. S. 10. C. E. 6:30
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi and
Fremont. Rev. Daniel T. Thomas; 11
and 7:3": S. S.. 10; C. E.. 6:30.
Hissalo Street East Seventh and
n, nev. cam nauer; ii and i 30,
S. S . 10; C K . 6.30.
Highland East Sixth and Prescott, I
Re'. E. 8 Bollinger. 11 and 7: IS S S 1
10; C. E . K : 4 f. . Topics. " ,.- Most Ex I
cell, nt Way." and "Driven From M
Eden Garden '
St. Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and
8, S. S. 10.
First German East Seventh and.'
mamon, Kev John II. Hopp; 10:30 and
7:J0. 8. S. y.15. C. E. 6:30.
Z. ii the ran.
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving. 11 and 8; S. S.. 9:45
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:30;
S. S. 9:30.
Belania Danish Union and Morris-
Kev. J. Scott. 11 and S. S S, 1 (. Topics.
"How Did Jesus Glotitv the Father :
and "How Shall W e Glorify God "
6t. James' English West Park and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas. II :nd 7 4... S
S. 10. L. L. 7 p in Topics. "Rest
lessness in the Church." and "The Days
of An Id Lang Syne."
I'nlted Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth;
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 9:45
Zlon's German Chapman and Sal
mon; W. H. Behrens, 10:16; 7:46; S. a
St. Faul'a German East Twelfth and
inn' kiv a k rnitse-iii-x unn 7-:o
is. S . 9 :to.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbach
9:15; S. S., 10; 7:30. ;
Swedish Augustana Rodney and
Stanton; Rev. C. A. Tolin. 10:45 and
7.45: S. S.. 9:30.
Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
5llsan: Rev. M. .1. Thoren, 11 and 8; i
r. M.. 10; . )' . 6 .in.
Ellin Chapel---.Michigan avenue and
Skidmore. Kev. B. J. Thoren, 11; S. S.
St John's- Peninsula avenue and
K i Ipat rick. 3 p m-
United Brethren In Christ.
First East Fifteenth ami Morrison.
Rev. II C. Shaffer. 11 and 7:30; S. d..
IU; C. K.. 6:30.
Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. H.
C. Shaffer; Illble school 2.
Radical Sixth find Mechanic. Rev. T.
F "'.io''"18, 11 ",,d 7 3- 8- 8 - 10; c-'
"Alberta East Twenf-aevsnth and 1
Mildred. Rev It F! Fn.erieh 11 8-
! S. S.. 10. " 'I
Evangelical Associations. 1
First EnglishEast Sixth and Mar-j
get r. jt. culver. 11 and 7:30; Y. P. A.,
i:3f: fi. s.. 10.
First German Tenth and Clav. F.
Benz, 10:45 and 7:46; S. S.. 9:30: Y. P.. 7.
Topics. "Results of a Year's Ministry"
and "W.-ilkhig in th.- Light."
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb
I'rtts, Morris Heverllng, 10 and T.S0'
S. S 11.
United Evangelical.
First East Seventh and Stevens. Rev.
IT A Deck. 11 and 7:45: S S. 10 Topics
"nlking by Faith" and "The Reliever
iiii'1 Mvstertous Prov Idences."
Second Fargo and Kerby. Rev. C C
Poling. 11 and 7:30.
St. John's Ivanhoe and John, Rev.
C. P. Yates. S. S , 10
Ockley Green Gay and Willamette,
Rev. J. Bowersox, 11 and 7:30; S S.
10; C. K.. i.30. Topics. "The Cain vf
Godliness with Contentment' and "i?od
in Nature and Revelation."
German Tenth
and Stark
streets. G Hnfner paster Services
l"'4-i a. tn. and S p. m ; S. S, 3:30 a. m.; 9:30. 10:1 A. ' '
Y. P. S.. 7 p in. t Grace English Rodney and Ivy Al-
bina. II. c. Rbellng, 7:30.
United Presbyterian. New Thought Rev Henry Victor
Church of the Strangers Wasco and Morgan, I'nity hall, Selling-Htrsch build
Grand. Kev. S. F.arl DuBols. 10. .10 and l' m
7:30; S. S., 12. Sermons translated fori Advent Christian Second hetween
the deaf each Sunday morning. Hall and Lincoln. K. Wallace Shepard;
First-Sixth and Montgomery. 10 30 : 1 rt rtnJ Topics. "The Gospel of
and 7.ti. Morning. Rev. J R. Knodel-'Matthew XIII" and "The Newer Critl
evuiing. Rev. Charles A Phlpps 'jclsm; Did Jesus Die?"
Third Marguerite hall. Marauerite ! Believers In the Atonement Odd Fel-
and Hawthorne; Rev. J. L. Acheson 11
:30. S S., 10.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ Scottish RIti
cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale, 11
and X, S. S.. 12. Topic, "Mortals and
Second Woodmen's Hall, East Sixth
and Alder. 11 and 8; S. S. It. Topic:'
"Mortals and Immortals."
Church of Our Tamhlll and
Seventh. Rev. W. G. Kliot Jr.: Rev. T.
,5 "Jt Contarvativm Cuttodlan" c
4 Per Cent.
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Cor. Washington, Port
land, Oregon.
Corner Third and Taylor.
SEKTICSS 10:30 AOT) 7:45.
Will preach In the morning on
"The Faith of Men"
"Godliness vs. Godlessness"
Will Speak at
Grace Methodist Episcopal
"The Old Landmarks"
'The Young Man and His
n ..m
-juartet Choir .Morning and Evening
linr1 Male Chorus in the Evening,
William Mansell Wilder, Organist and
The Cause
ofCfjlds, "Grip" and Head
ache is quickly reached by
Health Restored Sickness
Averted. Thousands know
it why not you ?
Baker Theatre Maln 1
Or. Theatre Co, Inc., Lessee.
Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Man.
Sale of seats now open for the big
"", S5 Engagement. First performance tomor
. , . I row Mat , "It Happened In Bordland."
Eliot. D. D.. minister emeritus; Rev. kI slc. girls, scenerv, costumes and fun
A. Baker, assistant. 11 find 7:46; S. li?siore
S. 9:15; kindergarten. 11; evening ad-
dress, "The Proposed New Charter" by
Ruhanl W. Montague.
Church of the Good Tidings 1'nlun
hall, corner Grand avenue and East Plue.
Ret. J. Ii Corhy. 10:45; S. S, 12. Topic,
"The Right l's. nf Power."
M. E. Church South.
171 '4 Second. Rev. E. H. Mowre, 11
an.! S; S. S . 10; E. L . 7.30.
Prienda' Church. !
,.L",ny!;,,,,i, X,,n. H'lx- , s! , Tll, ' v" I
fifth Ll.ldlev A. Welis, 11 and S;
Bible school. .l; C. K-. 6 30. j
I.ents. ( enter street, .VI ra u Mnun
11 11111 y
s. hi.oi. in.
First Spiritual Society. Western Acad- ,
emy hall. Second and Morrison. Meet- ,
Ines, II and 7.45. evening, lecture bv ,
I'o William Whitehead. The Voice of
the Dead." :
State Spiritual smiet)-- Ahsky build-
III).. , . . .. I' III , r, , ( , . I. II llllll .1111.
Spiritualists Drew hall. Dr. W. T.
Allen 3
Mediums' and Ministers' Association.
.' uditoriuin hulintnp:. 11. 3 and i.4a;l
eenhiK leiture hy l.ucile Kenworthy.
Swedish free Mission Mississippi!
and Shaver. ).i:45 and 8. Rev. August Ol
son. .
Y. M C. A. Fourth and Yamhill. 3. !
Swedish Corps Salvation Army 430 !
Burnside. 1 1. 4:311 and S. I
Divine Truth 201 Alfskv
Tl addeus N. Mlnard. 11.
bunding. ;
Millennial Dawn- Odd Fellows' hall,
corner Fast Sixth and Alder. Bible les
son. 1 .1.1; services. 3:15.
Latter Jiav Saints (Mormons)-8. S.,
10; 11:30 and 6. Corner E. 10th and
nimamiel German Corner 15th and
Leo i Sellwood). H. C FllnB- R a
lows' hall. Fast Sixth find Fast Alder
streets. 1:30. 2 45, 3:15; "Science and
Religion in the Great Pyramid." .
Is soon turned to a fcad one, If'he has to
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! Painless extractions 80
l Painless extractions free when plates
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Work guaranteed for 15 years.
The Falling Bid?., 3d and Wash. Bta.
Office hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. it
Sundays, 9 to 1.
Phones A and Main 3099
Write for catalogue and prices on i
sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile,
water, well and culvert pipe, pipa tot
Beptlc tanks, etc.
Oregon & Washington Sewer Pipe Co, :
FBJCES 33o to $1.00.
Seats New Selliig
At Hellig Theatre Next
Monday Tuesday Wights; Wed. Mat.
Wednesday Wight
Thursday Wight, the Comedy
"ComUm Coquette"
Prices Entire lower floor. 12; bal
cony. $1.60. $1. 75c. Gallery 50c.
Phones Main 117; A-4324.
Empire Theatre i'o. line.) Lessee Geo.
L. Baker. Gen. Manager. Tonight, all
this week,
Stock Co.
matinee Saturday. JUaker
in Eleanor Robson's great
Evenings. 25c. 35c, 60c. Mats. lac. 25c
Next week, starting tomorrow Mat.
"The Little Minister."
Evenings 26c to ; Matinees 25c. 60c.
' " :
BCAXV 9, A-1080. Mt.
Ex. sunaaya ana mauaaya
j Week of May 10 Thoa. H. Inoa, In
"Wise Mike"; Boaina Caaselli; Sunny
South (10 People); Combs B Stone;
! WeUa 8c Sells; Baader LaVelle Trioj
I Dorothy Drew; Orchestra; Pictures.
Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of AU Ha
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Lucas
The well
known English artists, in
"Scenes Prom Dickens," with special
scenery and Old English Furniture.
Matinees daily. 15c: two shows at night,
15c and 25c.
X,aat Chance to Be the Ores test Plo
tnre Show Ever Seen In Portland.
And a Oraat Fraa Outside Spectacle.
the GRAND Vaudeville DeLnxe
Mr. and Mrs. j "nleu
Miller ft Tempest.
Cal Stewart,
T1i V m v I a V ff..,.
Presenting Harry MoDnffea.
WTXiD BOSS." Orandaacopa.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Bta,
May 11. la, 13, 14. IS, IS. k
Games begin weekdays 3:30 p. fl I
Sundav. 2:30 p. m.
Admission Bleachers. 35c; Grand
stand. 50c; Boxes. 36c extra. CMidronJ
Bleachers. 10c; Grandstand. S5.
Boys under 12 free to bleacher- wed
neaday. .
Schwab Printing Co
A m T Jk. n. k aTKCK