THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. MAY 10, 1909. 'SPORTING MEWS Ring, Tracft, Field, Diamond 0F. THE. WORLD h Ml HI IP INTO LEAD OF LEAGUE PORTLAND CAM Bidding Mohlerites Win Hamn in TnniniV-.. Jlome Run for Ryan. Batting Bpeck Harkness out of the box in the first Inning; for three runs. En,! then slamming Carson for a two hjiBger and two more runs, San Kran i fv,-() supplanted Portland as leVler In f'aeifir Coast league yesterday. .VTter that Carson was a puizle to the Seals and they secured but one more run during the eight Innings. On the other hand, iOastley stingy with his hits, allowing: only five, but one wan a home run by Buddy Ryan that brought in three scores. 1 'esplte the soft going, there were a number of brilliant plays; one when Kvmi picked a fiv off his shoe laces, h riot her when Zeider picked up a bunted hall with one hand while going at full snon.1 unH threw the batter out at first and sfill another when Mohler did the um uTiinf run .InhnNnTl'H crOUllder. Whllu the Hen vera illd not bat often. thev batted heavily, every bingle being for better than one base. Ryan's homer of course wag the longest, anfl men rAma rtrt' threA hnarcrer and doubles by ( arson, Breen and Ort. Speas made home from first in the eighth Inning on Ort's double, which waa a very cred itable performance when the slow going between the Dases is consiuen-u Open TJp on Haiku. San Francisco opened up on Harkness riirl.t off the reel. Zeider led with a iincri nn4 took mnH nn Mohler's sac rifioe. Then Tennant singled nnd Zeider stored. Following came Bodle with a two bagger Into center field. Tennant would have been caught at the plate, but Olson on a relav threw the ball over Armbruster head. Meleholr got a base on balls and Bodle scored on J. Wil liams' single. Nick Williams cleaned tie bases with a corking double off (. 'arson, who had replaced Harkness at thl. hinctnre That ended the runget tinir for McArdle went out, Breen to Tj,.r,,iv on ir.QHtlev whiffed. The Seals made one more In the fifth on a fielder's choice, a single by Nick Williams and a double by Mc Ardle. Portland got Into the run column In the last half of the fifth. Breen dou bled into right field and Kennedy was Bdfe on N Williams' error. Then Ryan came through with the four bafrger that cleared the right field fence, with plenty of room to spare. The fourttr run of the locals was the result of a bane on bulls in the eighth to Speas, followed hv Ort's ripping two bagger into left field Ort stole third and things looked promising after Johnson passed, hut Breen was an easy out, Mohler to Ten nant. The game yesterday gave San Fran cis' o the edge on the series: Score: SAN FRANCISCO. A B. R. H. PO CHAMPION FRANK GOTCH IN ACTI0X Zeider. Sb. ... Mohler, 2b Tennant. lb. Bodle. If Meleholr. rf. J. Williams, If. N. Williams, c. McArdle, ss. . . Kastley. p. . ... r & 4 ( r- f njt .iwiine wttm.mivm jmwAwV . . i S ). - 5 " iH Mi? 4 tzjS "A -2U Upper plctur shows start of fa mous Gotch Hackenschmtdt wrestling match In Chicago April 3, 1908. Lower cut was reproduced from a flashlight taken one minute before the Rus sian Lion quit af ter two hours and 15 minutes of wrestling. 2" ZZl'z ' ,i, fc'f ' - r GOTCH HERE FOR WRESTLKIG BOUT Cltanipion of "World 3reet O'CoiuipH, Coniell and 'est Tuesday. VANCOUVER JUMPS IFi TRI-CIR LEAD 8 :10 27 IS 1 Hyan, cf t ijson. ss. . . . . Sitf-aw, If ( in. rf .lohnson, 3b. . . B i ecu . 2h. . . . , KrttTledy. lb. . A i TTihi iiHter. c. Hiirkncsp. ji. 'r rson. p. . . . Jrancv McCr die . . . Totals v4 PORTLAND. All. R. H. PO. 6 3 3 ... 4 ... 3 ... 3 ... 0 ... a ... i ... l 5 l i 3 1 10 4 Total .33 6 27 10 2 "Batted for Arnibruster in the ninth. Batted for Carson In t lie ninth. SCORE BV INNINGS. San Kranrisco. ...5 0001000 0 6 Hits 5 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 010 Portland 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 4 Hits 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 6 SUMMARY. Struck out By Kastley 3, by Carson 2. Bi'fcs on balls Off Kastley 4. off ("nr fnn .'i, off Harkness 1. Two bawe hits liodle. N. Williams. Curson, McArdle, Brei'h, Ort. Three base hit Ort. Home run Ryan. Sacrifice hits Mohler, N. llllams. Stolen bases McArdle, Ort Hit by pitched balls .Mohler by Car son. First base on errors Portland 1. left on bases San Francisco 8. Port land 6. Innings pitched Bv Harkness 1-3. Base hits Off Harkness 4; runs 3. Time of ;vrrie 1:50. Umpire Toman. Vernon 4-0, Oakland 1-4. San Francisco, May 10. Vernon and Oakland broke even vesterdav. Vernon won in the morning, 4 to 1, and Oakland In the afternoon, 4 to 0. Scores- Morning game R. H. E ernou r, ,,,, , .... -, : . 440 Oakland 1 3 g Batteries Hitt and Hogan; Bridges, Bolce and Iewls. Afternoon game R. H E Oakland 4 7 jj Vernon 0 1 Batteries-.WIggs and t."k'lng; Has- Aina uiiu jviiikc Ijos Angeles 4-5, Sacs S-O. I.os Angeles. May 10. Los Angeles made It two from the senators yester day, winning the morning game, 4 to 3 and the afternoon affair, 6 to 0 Scores' Morning game K. H E Los Angeles 4 g 2 Sacramento 3 5 3 Batteries Thorruson and Orendorff Ehman and Ryrnes. Afternoon game R. h. E Los Angeles 5 j j Sacramento 0 8 1 Batteries Briswalter and Orendorff Fitzgerald, Baum and Oraham. Seattle 3, Aberdeen 1. Seattle, May 10. Seattle made It one more over Aberdeen venterdnv Vtv T.)n ning, 3 to 1. Pernoll was touched ud mi units hub. nuviuuna accepiea seven chances at short, his work being sensa- Monal. R.H. E. Seattle " 1 u 11 0 1 1 0 3 9 Aberdeen ...0 0100000 0 1 3 1 Batteries Allen and Shea; Pernoll a na U Brien. Vancouver jumped Into first place in the Trl-City league ruc yesterday when, bv laniiina on pitcher Elmer Stone In the eighth Inning for six run, they easily captured the game with the St. Johns team at t. Johns, II to I. inly a small crowd was present at the game owing 10 the rain and cold. Probably a harder day on the pitchers could not have been than that which presented Itself to the twlrlers at Ht. Johns vesterdav. The diamond was dry. for the hard rain wnlch fell in Portland missed Ht. Johns altogether, but a bard, cold wind blew directly across the Held. depriving both pitchers of their con trol and many or tneir curves. Pitcher Troeh had all the better of the game for his stock In trade Is his speed and drop ball neither of which was effected much. Stone, however, de pends largely upon his Quick curves and a deceptive ' underhand bull, neither of which could be used yesterday. He got off fairly well until the fifth, when the Washlngtonians jumped on him for three runs. Then aRain In the eighth thev started after him and with four runs already over the plate, he was taken out atid I). Stone, a lanky twirler, put In. This second Etoue was hit safely again before the inning ended, making the total six runs for the In ning. The fielding of both teams was fast and fairly accurate, ulthough the Saints did contribute four errors to the mati nee. Vancouver fielded beautifully while the hitting of Gains and Sudds of the Washington team was especially good. Oalns got a triple, double and single out of four times at bat. while Sudds got a double and single The score: R- H. E. Vancouver 11 13 1 St. Johns 2 6 4 Batteries Troeh and Sudds; Elner Stone. I). Stone and Pembroke. Umpire Rankin. A HAP FT FATXZX is soon turned to a sad one if he has to walk the floor every night with a crying baby. McOee's Baby Elixir will make the child well soothe Its nerves. Induce healthy, normal slumber. Best for dis ordered bowels and sour stomach all teetlrtng babies need It. Pleasant to take, sure, and safe, contains no harmful drugs. Price, 25c and 50c per bottle. Sold by Skidmore Drug Co. 1 1 MM. GAftlE AND BRIDE (United Press Leaned Los Angeles. Cal., May 10. Little An dy Brlswalter, one of Uncle Prank Dil lon's crack boxmen. is the happiest man In the Pacific Coast league today, and to his proweKS a a pitcher he owes his happiness. Rrlswalter Is to be married. By winning yesterday afternoon's game against Charlie Graham's Sacramento crew, he "ilso won the consent of Altss Lela Bruin of Whlttler to be his wife. Brlswalter and Miss Bruin are child hood f ri nds. Soon after his successful work with the - Los Angeles team as sured his baseball future, Brlswalter asked the young lady to be his wife. She partially consented, but made a de termined announcement that the mar riage should not bo celebrated unless Andy won a certain number of games within a specified period of time. Yesterday's game Andv had to win to fill the requirement, and he pitched masterly ball from start to finish, keep ing the few hits allowed the Senators well scattered. Miss Bruin and her father occupied a box in tha grandstand, and after the game a ring found its way to the young lady's finger. The wedding probably will occur in six weeks, when tl his majority be young pitcher attains STANDING OF THE TEAMS Palfic Coast Ianc. Pan Francisco Portland . Los Angeles . Sacramento . . Vernon ...... Oakland Won. 10 1 7 15 Lost. Hi 1fi 1 9 20 2:1 P.O. .tiOo .57:i .53 7 .4h7 . 4 : .375 Northwestern r,eapue. Won. Lost. PC. Seattln 1 6 .727 Spokane 15 K fifi) Vancouver 12 .571 Tacnmn. ! 14 .3 91 Portland S 14 ,34 Aberdeen 6 15 .286 Wo Have Moved To 14 4-146 Fourth, opposite lloneyman Hardware Co We have no connection with any other stoivs. Goodyear Shoe Company. Frank Gotch, champion of everything that performs on canvas, and his man ager. Emil Klank, himself a wrestler of national reputation, arrived In Portland last night, for Uotch's appearance on the mat here tomorrow nlgjit in the Heilig theatre against Eddie O'Conne), welterweight champion of the world; William H. West, one of the greatest light heavyweights in the country seven years ago, but now a resident of Med ford. and Roger Cornell, former middle weight champion of the coast, but now trainer for the Portland basubaJl teams Gotch looks, the picture of health, and stated last night at the Oregon, ' w here he Is stopping, that his western trip Is more for the sake of resting up than for the financial end of It. Gotch has seen fit to cancel his tentative dates In Taconia, Belllngham. Everett and Van couver, and will hurry back east by way of Salt Lake. Several messages awaited the big fellow last night, urging him to reconsider and continue his tour to the sound, but he would give thnj no favorable answer. "The long trip out here." said Gotch has been an excellent thing to keep me from getting too fine T am In championship condition now. and I feel that I ought not to do anything that will take the edt;e off me. I have only two weeks on the coast, and must get back to my engagements In the middle west, which will keep me going until August, when we sail for Australia to meet (Jeorge Hackenschrnidt. Sly busi ness interests in Iowa make it impera tive that I return as soon as wo show In Spokane. May 18. We catch Salt Lake going back. , Big Job Cut Out. "Three wrestling matches In the Wil lamette valley In four nights are all I that 1 want In fact thev are ton much." Roger Cornell, who is one of the great est wrestlers ever developed on the coast, will be one of tho Gulch's oppon ents tomorrow night. West will he brought up from Med ford to give the big fellow some more worry. West weighs about 1X0 pounds ami In his prime was feared by every middleweight In the country. Memorable among his mat battles was one with Coleman, former middleweight champion. Eddie O'Connell is tcip well known locally to comment on his abilltv at the mat game Abornathy nnd Arndt will furnish the preliminary. The two voting rivals will make a side bet of $50 on a straight match, provided Arndt agrees to make 130 pounds for the street car mun. Joe Acton, former ohampioVi of the world, will be the referee at the match between the champion of them all and the ( iregon grapple-rs. Thursday night Gotch will wrestle with a couple of hlc fellows at Sulem nnd on the following night, the big fellow will go on Into Eugene to show the townspeople nnd university students what championship wrestling Is like. Portland Colts. The Portland Colts will be guests of the management at the big event tomor row nlkrhl. e ery one of them being an enthusiast at the wrestling game. One of the most disappointed baseball "layers on the coast last night was Ed ward Kennedy, first baseman of the Heavers. Kennedy and Gotch used to train together years ago. and Frank sent Ed a message from Pendleton, telling him to remain over tin t i 1 the 1.30 train, but. Manager Mac had made arrange ments and couldn't break them Mao was disappointed also, for he and Gotch grew up on adjoining farms hack In Humboldt. Iowa, and were kids together Mac thought Gotch was to iret In this morning instead of Inst niKht, or he would have fixed it up so thai he ami Kennedy could meet the big champion again. Mae told some of the boys to give Frank his regards, however. T I Lflll unojpoE Great Tlans Made to Receive Casey's Colts Preceding Tomorrow's Game. Rein fHofm Game. ' Vancouver, B C, May Th Port land-Vancouver Kama, scheduled tier yesterday to test tha Sunday anti-baseball law, was postponed on account ti rain. Portland left for home last night and Vancouver we.nt to Aberdeen. Everything is In readines for the re ception to the Portland team of the Northwestern league, upoji the occasion of the opening game here tomorrow be tween Portland and Taeoma. The wel come, promises to equal if it does not exceed that given to the Coast team. Manager Casev and his Colts lane a big following in Portland, and It Is ex pected that tho youngsters will strlk" their gait on the Vaughn street grnunds. The automobile narade. for n lib ii the Auto club and Portland dealers have generously donated their automobiles, will start at 1:30 o'clock tonmrrow afternoon from Sixth street, hetwe.n Waahlrgton and Stark, proceeding through the principal parts of town. Added Interest was given the game when It was announced that Frank A Gotch. the champion wrestler of the world, and an enthusiastic baseball fan, would umpire the first hall pitched in it the plate by John F. Carroll, the hon orary pitcher. Sherifr Bob Stevens will 1 essay tn catch thin first ball. Judge ' Cunrira , u i,u r.Mi ..ill ii'tl. Oral K-.o.. I during this ceremony., judge Gemgo H. Williams, the greatest baseball fun In tha world, will oversee the raising of the national colors on the tall pole at the grounds, being assisted by Secre tary George S. Shepherd of the Portland clubs. The committee has worked hard to make the opening day exercises a suc cess. Chairman A. L. Mitchell of the fans' committee has been very success ful In making arrangements for the re ception, lie has been assisted among others hy Mr. Shepherd. William Orr. W. T. Pangle and others. GARAGING Studebaker Service In Every Detail Chapman and Alder Stt. StudcbakerBros.Co.N.W. Phone Main 1853 YEE YOKK CHINESE SPECIALISTS ON COMPLI CATED DISEASES. Diseases of long standing permanent ly cured. No poisonous drugs used In our remedies. We use only herbs of the highest curative qualities known only to eminent Chinese medical men. We ar successful when others fall. CONSULTATION FREE. TEE It TOBX MEDICINE CO. 145 Sixth St. MEN YOU CAIN BE CURED Nature's Remedy for Disease Men and Women Cured By Drogless Treatment Spokane 12, T aroma 6. Spokane. May 10. The Indians wal loped the life Out of Taconia yesterday. 12 to fi. Score: R. H E Tac ima ...OOOOOJ00 n 6 8' j tpokane ...4 0 S'l 3 0 0 0 II li 2 Batteries CTaflin. Ward and Bender' Killllay and Stevens. 1 i 1 rCTO.NIGHT B 1 I 0 WRESTLEMG FRANKf GOTCH Obamploa of tha World vs. EDDIE O'CONNELL BOOKS COBJTEXX. AND WXU1A1C WEST. DEILIG TDEATRE, TUESDAY. MAY 11, at 8:30 GOOD PRELIMINARY Tickets on sals at Theatre, and Schiller Cigar Store. Admission. Rlneslda and Bo Seats. 12.60; Lower Floor. J2; Balcony, 1.50-ij UaUery L If you want to get rid of pain or disease, you must help nature conquer it. You can't do that by doping' your system with poisonous, nauseating drugs. tt is sickening to think of the nasty, filthy, foul smelling, brain-benumbing and nerve-wrecking poi sons that are thrust down the throats of deluded sufferers. The poison bags of rep tiles are drained of their venom; the entrails of ani mal are taxed for their imptirities; mines are emp tied of their 'cankering minerals, and these abom inations, together . with noxious weeds and herbs and putrid masses of filth ' furnish the material for making the stuff that is bottled up and sold to sick and suffering people for medicine. Is it any won der that drugs have de stroyed more lives than all the wars and famines of earth f Yet doctors who prescribe poisons brarenly assert that they cure disease. Yon demt have to be a acteTAist or a college pro fessor to understand how foolish it is to expect a cure from (trugs. You've seen men drink whiskey to drown their troubles. Didthey succeed in doing so? For a time, perhaps, but they had to suffer for it afterward. It's the same way with drugs. You can get relief jtret as long as you care to drown your physical ills with doses of morphine, cocaine or any other drug that ttupeftes the nerves. However, at soon as you stop, your ailment will return. If you want to get well and stay well, you most take something that will help nature remove the cause of your trouble. Nature needs strength, new lite, something to build up vitality, not drugs which only tear down. Erectricrty, as ap plied by Electro-Vigor, is na ture's medfcme. It . removes the cause of disease by giving to .Te)r organ of the body the power to do fts work as natfire intended. -Yhrn tne machinery of your body is in perfect working order, weak ness and disease cannot exist. I don't claim that every ailment under the sun can be cured in this manner, but I do say that Electro-Vigor does by natural means what you expect drurs to do by unnatural means. Electricity At .the power' that bc-dy. It it tke basts of all life. Yemf foot! is di gested by eleetrJfe enerry Ihi stune force keeps your heart pwnping. your blood circulating and the vari ous organs performing their functions like. so many machines. When your body has pleftty of electric energy, it has the power to eliminate disease by the natural process. You may have tried doctors batteries, shocking machines and similar contrivances, without receiving any benefit, but that is no argument agamst Electro Vigor. Electricity must be applied a certain way to accomplish what I claim for it. I know how to ap ply it the right way, and that is why my method is such a sticcesi. Electro-Vigor is a scientific body battery which saturates the nerves and vitals wtth a steady, tin broken current of electricity, for hours at a time, without the least shock or burn. Electro-Vigor makes its own power and requires no charging, no bother of any kind All you have to do is adjust it correctly and turn on the current to the proper de gree of strength. Words of Praise From (he Cured "Words cannot expre tro--v gor has done for ma. I used It three months ajicl ress my gratltud for what Eleo- HI my rack is euree. my stomach acts better and I have aramea in slrenrcn." n. B - PETERSON. ISO liallaxd Atea., Ballard, Wash. "I am a different woman to what I ws a few mouths ag-o, suffering from serious organic and nerve trouble, and especially from the effects of a weak sluggish circulation. Ilec tro-Vlgor has cured me and I am anxious to bring knowledge of its value to others '' Colby. Waah. MRS. CHARLOTTE STOKES "T hae used RJeetro-Vigor every night for three weeks and the aithma la cured. I feel firie and my digestion is Improving." C. K. SEA VERS. 174 Van Houten St. Portland. Ore. "After two months' application of Elector.-Vigor J no longer suner rrom pains m nry back and kidneys, my food digests properly and all the symptoms of weakness ana varicocele are gone. Joseph. Oreg. CHAS. FICKARD. I want every alltng man and woman to write to me and let me thoroughly eirplain my method of electric treatment If I oan't cure you, I don't wsnt Tour money, ana I n tell yon so at ttif iitri. vrrnni ygu pay lor js.iec tro-Vlsw you pay for r. eure.l Thatta all you want. CUT OCT THI8 COUPON and mail It to rue. I'll send you a beauttfnl 100-pag book. wnicn iua all aoout my treat ment. This book is Illustrated with pictures of fully developed men and women, showing horn Electro'-Vigor is applied, and ex plains many things you should know regarding the cause and cure of disease. I'll send the book.: closely sealed and prepaid, free, if you will mall roe this coupon. Why Suffer From a Single Ailment in the List of Men's Maladies? Yhv Re Less Than a Perfect, Strong and Well Man? Why Walk the Streets an Old Young Man, Always Conscious of Your Weakness? Strength, Vim, Happiness and Ability to Fight Life's Battles Are Before You. Will You Take Them or Will You Go : vr T 1 x,.i. Uii 111 luui impel ictuuu auu it ca- DB. TATLOB, ness? The Leading- Specialist. I feel that I have a right to speak emphatically in regard to the diseases and disorders that constitute my specialty all the ailments peculiar to men. Twenty-five years' experience in cur- , r i ii -f.l:l: t nig diseases 01 men nas given me a Knowledge nt mis nnc 01 ailments that enables me to make direct and definite statements, and it furnishes me with incontrovertible proof that my state ments arc correct. I sav that vou can be cured. I stand ready to back up this statement with positive proof. T ask you to call at my oYfice and. talk with me about it. Examination and consultation will cost you nothing, and I will explain to you my methods of curing. The methods I will tell you about are unlike those employed by any other doctor. They are, in their chief essentials, methods of my own devising. They are founded upon a knowledge of the truth in regard to the diseases of men. That's why they cure, and why they are the only methods that can soundly and thor nughly cure. WHEN CURED Varicocele My treatment for Varicocele Is a painless one, and In most Instances the patient need not be detained a slngl day from his business. Even In advanced cases a cure by my method Is a matter of but a very few days. There is no doubt or guesswork but absolute certainty of a thorough and lasting; cure, with complete return of that degree of health and vigor that existed before the disease began. YOU CAIN PAY Contracted Diseases Fully one fourth of the cases nf organic weakness with whirh I come in contact are a direct result of the Improper treatment of some con tracted disease. This should he suf ficient warning against patent nos trums nnd other uncertain methods. I never dismiss a patient until I know that every possibility of re lapse or evil result has been re moved. The remedies I employ are known to myself alone, and I have reason to regard them as the surest and safest ever devised for the cure of contracted diseases. CONSULTATION FREE No man Is too poor to receive my best opinion. It is absolutely free. If .Mm cannot rail, write for symptom blank, as many cases yield readily to home treatment. urs 3 a. m. to 9 p, m. Sundays, 10 to 1. DR. TAYLOR Co COKNEB MOKRISOJT AND SECOND STBEErS. Private Entranoe 234 1 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. in a nan i 1 1 I I ti I 1 1 1 nxn-ri airv WntlN IN rUKILAINU ii ri ii r an mm mm S. A. HALL, M. D. 1314 SECOND AVE-, SEATTLE, WASX. Please send me, prepaid, your frQe 100-page Il lustrated book. 4-;4-9. NAME AODRKSH. If VISIT OUR FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 291 MORRISON ST. (UPSTAIRS). Bet. 4th and 5th Sts. X t : : : : A GREAT COLLECTION OF LIFE-LIKE SUBJECTS DEMONSTRATING PERFECT AND DISEASED CONDITIONS OF MEN. WE CURE Suickly. Safely and Thoroughly WEAKNESS F MEN. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, SORES. ULCERS. 'SWOLLEN GLANDS, KIDNEY. BLADDER AND REC TAL DISEASES. PROSTATE GLAND DIS ORDERS AND ALL CONTRACTED SPK-; CIAL DISEASES OF MEN. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. If you cannot Call, write for question ? list and free book. J . .:''v . t I t MEN: IF IN TROUBLE CONSULT US TODAY Hours from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., and Sundays from 10 to 12. Xhif Crfrrrrt Mtfitrni In ct Stuff e a a a a vt wis tuv a a wv iiiiimiw e T fO f. - v e J , Morrison St Bet 4th and 5th, Portland, Orfon ""r -:'. 1