The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 30, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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Itls Supposed the Columbia,
Leased at San Fran-
i Cisco, Is Theirs.
, v"Dnltd Press Ltued Wire.)
San Franclsoo. April SO. It la b
'4lerad her today that W. B. Prlngle's
,! of tha former site of the Columbia
theatre u secured at the Instigation
of the fihubert Interests.
Prlngle, who Is the local representa
tive of the Bhuberts. , would neither
confirm nor deny the report that the
eastern theatrlcaJ magnates Intended
-. to erect on the site one of the hand-
. somest playhouses In the weat. II
. .'stated, however, that work on a class
A building- at thla location would begin
, In the near future, and It la generally
attppnaed the building will be the noma
, of the fihubert production.
t The lessees agree to pay for a 20-
year lease, 1432.000, or flSOO'a month
The deal will be closed today. .
Los Angelcs.'Cal., April to. "Eat Cal
Ifornla, ralalna" was the ; slogan today
throughout a large section of the, coun
try. Advices received from many points
."give evidence of a widespread observ.
anee or "Kaisin aay, as a result or me
concerted effort of the raisin growers
of California to advertise their product
and promote a larger consumption of the
; fruit, which they claim. Is fully as nour
ishing' as. oeei. -
In order to acquaint -the people at
larga with the value of retains as an ar.
tlcle of food, thousands of pounds of the
most delicious raisins grown in Cali
fornia were distributed-free throughout
- the United States and Canada. Boxes of
ml sins were presented to President
(Taft, his eablnet, to members ' of con
gress, governors of states and, other
publlo men throughout- the, land. The
: Southern Pacific, the Santa Fe and oth
i er railroads observed the day bv making
raisins a free Item on the bills of fare
In all their dlnlncr cars, and to further
extol the virtues of the California prod
, tint millions of stickers. - posters and
folders wera distributed broadcast from
, the Atlantic to the) Pacific, and from
Canada to the llulf. California at pres
ent produces abuul 1 Su.uoo.OiiO jiounda
of raixlns a year, but the growers !
lleve that as a mult "f Hie publicity
campaign now under way thev will l
able to find a profitable market for at
tast twice that amount.
A bill of the Pennsylvania stale leg
Islature how awaiting action of the
governor Is of much Interest to Qfegon
railroad people as It confers upon elec
trio railroads the right to make arrange
ments 'for 'the ' fult Interchange of
freight with steam railroads, and a com-
fan Ion measure which has progressed
o the same stsge permits electric rail
roads of the slate to carry heavy freight.
It these two Mils become a law the
1 " - -J
London Dramatic Sajs She
Had 3foney and Jewels,
but Hints at Theft
(Culled Trtee Leased Wire.)
London, April SO. That Olive Logan,
the American authoress, died a pauper
In the Banetead asylum la Indignantly
transportation situation In Pennsylvania denied by Corllsa Claflln, the London
dramatic agent who befriended her at
proimbly will be greatly affected, and
good In any
::; .;y a nrocm
ts a man who can't see
person or thing. It s habit caused by
a aisoraerea liver, n you una that you
are beginning to see things through blue
spsotacleg, treat your liver to a good
cleaning out process with Ballard's
.Herblne. A sure cure for constipation,
-dvspepsla, Indigestion; sick headache,
" biliousness, all liver, stomach and bowel
troubles, gold by Skidmora Drug Co.
a number of new and radical changes
in freight arrangemente at several
points are expected to be put In force at
Senator Wolf, who la a director of the
Philadelphia Rapid Trannlt . company,
was the actual sponsor of the bills, ami
It Is understood to be his onlnlon that
the department stores of Philadelphia
will at once use the subway to get their
foods delivered to the residence dls
riots at night, snd In that event within
a year and a half the Income of the
transit company will be Increaaed nearly
$1,000,000 through the freight depart
ment alone.
It is also believed In- some quarters
that the Pennsylvania railroad Intends
to make use or trolley roada to sections
not now resrhed by the system, and
that the Pennsylvania may endeavor .to
obtain exclusive Interchange' with the
trouey companies in Philadelphia and
. .;
Chicago, April I0. Orchestra hall,
spacious though : It Is, promises to bo
entirely Inadequate to accommodate the
crowd that will seek admission tonight
the Hrltlsh capital. He stated that at
the time of hr death she possessed con
siderable money and Jewelry and hints
at a mystery surrounding their disap
pearance. Mrs. Logan waa a member of the T.y.
ceum club of Plcadllly. It la stated that
several hundred pounds was awaiting
her at the club rooms.
to hear,: the debate, oh the
Death Roll of
the Northwest
James McCord. V
(Special bUpatch to The Journal.)
Eugene,' Or., April 88. James Me
Cord, a Lane county pioneer and a mem
ber of the Moldiera' home at Roseburg,
died at Marcola, in this -county, this
week. He was visiting relatives. He
wss born In Cass county, Missouri,
September 14, 1834, and came across
the plains to Oregon In 1861, first ad
ding in Lane county, where 'he had re
sided up to the time of entering the
home a few years ago. He served In
company D, mounted Oregon volunteers,
during the civil war. He leaves a wife,
a son and two daughters.
. Louis J. Sexton Hunter.
Drobi bit ion
question - . between .' President Samuel
Ilckle of - Albion ' college and Mayor
David S. Rose of .Milwaukee. No eveDt
of a similar netnr- the hmm ever talr-n
nlnoo In r?hlc m , li.a llr.Ktnl an ni.nh " Brrl1 Platiatrh tO The JoOrn.l.l
attention. o In order to Inatire-a r.nro. I Brownsville, Or., April 10. Mrs
sentatlve attendance the , tickets were Louisa J. Sexton Hunter died at her
riven for' distribution to the board of nome in urawrorasvliie, uregon, Mon-rade-and
other commercial organlza-H day. after a week's Illness of pneu-
tions and to the -leadlna clubs. : The
supply of tickets was exhausted Several
days ago, and though liberal premium
are being freely offered none Is to be
had today. Many requests for tickets
were received from points 'throughout
Illinois, y. Wisconsin, . and .-.; neighboring
states. -- '-,.
The debate ton I eh t will be the second
In series between Ur. Dickie and Mavor
Rose In which the former - speaks In
favor of " the total prohibition of tha
liquor' traffic and the Milwaukee execu
tive; takes the opposite- view. ; The agree-
mem proviaes to
bates. . , The first was held, in Milwaukee
several weeks aeo and the third and
final debate will probably: be held In
some cltv In the south the latter nrr
of May. -;. '
monla. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter moved to
Orawfordsvllle about a month ago from
Junction City, w here they had lived for
about three years, having moved there
from Kansas. - ' --.'-.,
(Pnlt'd rro teased Wlr".V '
Oakland. Cal.. April 30 That
or a series of three de- i firm' of Abrahntnson Brothers or
Ul I W 1 1 . .1 ' AW
You Knowhtat it;Means
to Get Satisfaction in Clothes;
You Might Care to Know
What It Means to Give It
It means here, the test qualities .
obtainable; poor stuff doesn't sat
isfy anybody. It means not only
good clothes, but nothing else. A
big variety and all the time you v
want for choosing We try to "
help you buy, not merely try to
sell. It means the. best skill we
can command jn making the
clothes fit.
; After all that, when you say
you're pleased with fabrics, style, '
' fit, price, and go away satisfied, it
meais much to us. You have a
, right to change your mind -un-
, reasonably, if you want to; we can
still give you your money back.
" We give it back as cheerfully as
we take it, if it comes to that.
We are always willing to pay for
our self-respect.
Our great line of
Stein-Bloch Smart
meets the requirements of the
greatest possible number of care
ful dressers,' and a wonderful va
riety of fabrics to choose from.
$20 to 40
city, one of the largest dry goods houses
on me coast, was an innocent victim
of the gigantic .smuggling plot recently
revealed In New York became known
here today.
Two weeks prior to the discovery that
the Smugglers had sliipoed goods to
California In the name of Miss Nellie
Grant, granddaughter of Ulyssea 8.
Grant, a valuable consignment of Roods
arrived at the local customs house for
Abrahamson brothers. The firm e
' pected no European shipment and the
goods were brought here under bond and
examined. The case was found to con
tain much costly bric-a-brac and other
dutiable merchandise. ; -
Special Agent .Frank Johnson was put
on the case by the customs officials
but waa unable to clear ud the matter
I and the goods were returned to New
. York. '
r Following fhe exposure of the plot to
get goods into the country bv consign
intf" ah1rmmlii''tn well known imnnrtern. 1
i--.h k.u.. t.Hlr. t lha rrt.
I elusion that the name of the local-firm
i was used By the gang ana a report naa
been made to New York.' - .. ;
Paris.' April 80. France Is looking
I forward m-lth undla:ulsed apprehension
i to- the May day demonstrations tomor
row; .Not m years nas sucn a general
condition of unrest prevailed among the
working classes in all parts of the re
public. The strikes of late have been
both numerous and disastrous, notably
those of the postal employes, and tele
graph operators In the government
service and the button workers at Meru,
where the strike was accompanied by
bloodshed. ...
That serious labor disturbances will
b Inaugurated tomorrow appears cer
tain in view of the action of the Gen
eral Federation of Labor and the United
Unions of Paris In calling . upon thej
unions throughout the country to Join 1
In a general demonstrative strike. The
authorities In Paris and other Indus
trial centers of France, acting on gen
eral orders from the central govern
ment, are taking every - precaution to
suppress the threatened riotous out
breaks. - - . j
' (Sperlni Dispatch to Tbf Journal.)
Walla Walla, Wash., April 18. Quite
a (eitiDeit haa been stirred. ub In the lo
cal school teapot by the announcement
that the board or education would asx
for the; resignation of Superintendent
O. S. Jones and Principal E J. Klemma
of the hia-h school. Both are known to
have a large number of enemies, as well
as a powerful coterie of friends.
Superintendent jones last spring se
cured the.nismlssal or rroreesor tsnep
herd of the high scbpoL member of
the statdl board of education. In this he
was assisted by Klemme. Jt was gen
erally reported that Jonea waa afraid
Shepherd would succeed to his place.
if (several Otner teacners werw mio oin-
thissed throujrh the Influence of the two .
and now It Ts thought that tha friend j
of those who were oustea wui get ousy
and even up the score. 'v
Both Superintendent Jones knd Prin
cipal Klemme claim to know nothing
of the matter. . '.
; 1 Institute t White Salmon. 1
(gpecuil Trlipatcb to The oornal.
White Salmon, Wash., April JO. A
farmers' institute, -conducted - by Pro
fessor w. & Thorn ber. Air. ana Mrs.
D. P. Ashburn and O. M. Olson of the
state college at Pullman, was tieia nere
Anrii 7 and 18. There was a repro-1
ntatlva attendance from all parte of ;
the valley and western Klickatat county.
New Route East. ;
On May S the Canadian Pacific will i
I Inaugurate through fast service
rween a-oriimna nu ot- r.s 1
n. N. to !ookane, 8. 1. By, C P. TL, an-1
Poo Line. Time between St. Paul am!
Portland. 3 days It hours. These trains j
are made up of tne rinest equipmept i
money can buy. For full particulars
apply at local office. 141 Third street.
Finds $5. - j
The man or woman who buys f S
worth of 6xlne Pills finds II worth of
the best tonic In the world. When one '
needs s tonic one bos of this greet ton-j
it- which imh 11. ia rrallv worth the I
I price of the six boxes. Address or call ,
i The J. A. ClmnoB Irug company. !
Jcomr Front and Morrison streets, the
famous PL Charles hotel corner.
Perkins Hotel Building
Off the Beaten Track.
Our new store ! Jncated
r-rothing dlatrtct. He
rat away
from the reruiar
raee of that we give better valuta
The extra steps -ntt tak wiil be well
repaid. J. I- P"b ar "o . popu r
fine clothiera. Hfth and Alder.
, House Rent Free
twn't par arrthr rrnth'S Ter-t. b'it
mm Crfimr for Ms fr rit.crfr t
r.-.. n Crrfrv Virlrta t:l lit
vrt-t b'fig. liat ihone. tee ml
Tills oiler las! Saturday overtaxed our sales .force many
unable to secure Oregon Wool Suits will
repeat the oiler for three days
ill' M
Five Dollars worth of MEN'S FUR
NISHING GOODS, all new and up-to-date
merchandise, including HATS,
NECKTIES, etc. Choose
your own articles, take them
home tomorrow, or we will
issue you a credit slia srood
And Others More Expensive
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only
This is done to introduce our Oregon-Grown Wool Goth, which
is the finest wearing material in the world. We guarantee our
cloths to be of pure wool fabrics, designed and made up by expert
craftsmen. Consequently they wear. better and look better than:
any other sold at similar prices. ' , ' ,
Seventh and Sf arlc
twu. Bms
men s
k lp
Our regular lines
ace on display at
our temporary
Cor. Second and
AVashington Sts.
Of the Great Cash
Clearance Sale of
Broken tines
Seven days more of sensational ' bargain-giving in
n's and women's absolutely dependable Footwear,
and then this great sale will have passed into history.
The one great factor that makes this sale
well worth while is the nigh character of the
shoes on sale there is none better to be had.
::- ; V; i-T'-v ---- y
. " Many have taken advantage of the op
portunity and provided for present, and fu
ture footwear needs. Were you one of the
provident ones?. If not we can't for your
own good urge you too strongly to come aV
quickly as possible. ' , 1
$5.00 Shoes $3.85
Men's and .Women's Shoes and Ox
fords" S o r o s i s," "Walk-Over" and
other high-grade makes; patent and
black and tan vici kid. - . -
$3.50 Shoes $2,95
Men's and Women's Shoes and Ox
fords "Soros is," "Walk-Over" and
other high-grade makes, in black and
tan vici kid. ' '
$4.00 Shoes $3.35
Men's and Women's Shoes and Ox
fords "S o r o s i s," "Walk-Over" .and
other high-grade makes; patent and
black and tan vici kid.
" - ' "' . 1 - '
Slippers fori Little
We've made particularly sweeping re
ductions in our Slipper stock. You can
buy yomc for as little as 50 a pair.
Ksiiglit S!i02 Comps
267 Washington Street
Between Third cri Tc::ih
And those afflicted - with heart
weakness may now have no
fear of the dental chair.
1 had 1 teeth extracted at tha Har
vard Dentist' without ths Inaal pain,
and highly recommend them.
MRS. HANLET, Sit 85th St.
Whalebone Plate $10
Great Dlsoovsxr, tha Jfsw Whals
i ia ths lightest and
strongest set known; does not cover th
bone Plata, which
roof of the mouth: bita corn off ths
eob: guaranteed 19 years.
W will forfeit $1000 to any charitable
Institution for ths dentist who can make
a piaie lur ia mm tow as we mass lur sis-
10 Year Guarantee
(told Crown, extra heavy. ....... ,.f 5.00
Tall Se Teeth (whaleboas S. S. W.)$t.00
Vrldg-e Work, pac tooth, hsat goU..i.oo
Wait Crowns 4.00
Teeth me-raamaled ti.00
Oold riUinfs .!(
ant aoi exeeeaiar. ............ .82.09
Vest Silver Filllnga f ).BO
PtetlBam VlUtafS
Taotk Cleaned
Pras When other work la oraersd.
By oar new system of painless dentistry,
nsed by as slone. Our success is due to
tha high-grade work dona by our ax pert,
gentlemanly operators.
' Corse Park aad Washlnrtoa Sts,
Orix Keyai Bakery.
Largest snd test-equipnd Dental estab
llsbment In tha world; 10 olrlcea JO
United States. Opes Sunday, ts 1)
Dally until s.
f s . " II.