THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 29. 100 'STORES .AND OmCEH H fink offices for rent. I Wro lib lil front riim in ne of the beat Mii.l uiuat centrally lorated building In th., HI. Kent Include Unlit. In-at, Janitor service, lint and cold water and la very rraaunalila. U-3i 3. J""1'""!- ' ; ' 1 story brU k " building and b.i n-t iVl poxlOO. with larae electrla Hfvntitr, I ym 1st st, between Taylor and Kalmon. I , S u 1 1 a tl for wholesale or retail bunl- Vtm fiA,I-M!K( f.I.L.Nl:OrS 1 to W. E. Grace, care Coin- v ne.e. Apply merclal club. STOREROOM, 20x20 ft., with ani-x 20x14 foot; will lv lease; rent $20 per month, pioneer Heaiiy to., 181 4th at. PUBLIC HALLS "AND WOOD FRONT O. FICE ROOMS, REASONABLE 1 PRICKS. ALIHKX LLDQ.. THIRD AND MUnKISUN BIS. VlA&T claaa outside office room fori SUPPLIES rent In new - bulldlne: attain heat eleotrlo anu gas light, with Janitor rv-l Ice. N. K." cor. Id and FURNISHED of fit. Wc Are FlgtUn? the Trust 2 entrances, free waltiner room: lle-ht. heat and tola-1 tinone; no real estate agents; rent fiv. Cair 622 Wrootor hlk, FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 0"tENTFor rer?od of 2 years! . basement second and third floors, with . elevator, suitable for storage or I warehouse, brick bulletin, 60 reet troiu. . age,, centrally located on Front at. In quire 14 and 14 Front at. ' " ' . YE SELL TO ALL WANTED TO KENT '7 WANTED FurnlBhed housekeeping rooms, cottage or house lor family oil tnree, prefer eaat side or out -eai vn.r- line; must nave yard ana cooin a Phone R-1862, before noon., . . " VviNTKD to rent for hotel purposes, 40 to' 85 unfurnished rooms, must be (rood location. F-329. Journal. r M: 1 " ; HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 1 Guaranteed Horses For Sale , l.fpan bay geldings, 8 years, 2,650.. 1 span gray mares, I and 7 years, 1,100. t 1 . ... 1 span bay, geldlnga, years, 2.8 00. 1 apan bay geldings, 4 end years, 1,000. 1 hlarlr hnrsn. II years. 1.200. . , . 1 bay horse, JO years, 1.200. ' 1 span mars . and gelding. 9 years, 1 sorrel mare, 13 years, i.iuu; cneap. 1 black horse, 14 years, 1,200; cheap. 1, gray saddle horse. No 1. . oay saauie noise, o years, wen viou. Licensed Plumbers Furnished J. SIMON &' BR0 .144-24 FRONT. ST. GENERAL MACHINERY BULLETIN. , ' BKLT1NQ - CABLE Anything In tho Iron or kindred' lines. ju. bahuis hujm, EIGHTH. GLISAN AND HOTT BTS, ''The House of a Million Bargains.' TO BUILDERS . w " . -, I H - i i ( Minmti- '. r P"';' . h 'i ' ' I tub witn mahogany casing; porcelain sits Datn. marble wasnstana. Apply m is. zucn et. ' fine driver. 1 bakery wagon, 178. ' I S -seated spring back, new, $74. 1 Democrat wagon, new, $55. ( buggies, new and second-hand. l mountain ouggy. 1 camt waeron. f lumber wagons, i 1 'fine goat. t seta double harness. ' - 420 Hawthorns Av Phone A-13 or East 72. WILL sell you a 1, 2 or S burner gus plate at special price, a good orrer. only rew left, also carded votton com I blnatlon mattress. Call 230 2d. NICE Wol ton rug, 4 box seat chairs, very near new: steel range, nice Iron bed, dresser, sundry other articles, xsa f Jii. Aider sc. GOOD kit of blacksmith's tools for sale. cheap; 1 motor, a H.-F.; one SO Inch 'FOR SALE One Stimpson, barrel com puting scale, cheap. . 83 , 3d at, O. Bonnyca ske; A CARLOAD of horses just arrived from GlUlam county. Now, where ro jriu press, anvil, sledges,, tongs, emery mares in wis carioaa, irom iiou-xo lbs., Including 2 Percheron gray marea, one i860 lbs, the other 14S0 lbs., 4 and t years old; heavy In foal, bred by a black Fercheron horse. We also have all purpose horses from 1100 to 1UO0 lbs. Please, give us a call. Take L car. 606 Albina ave. BURNZKL'S SALK STABLE!. WHIT buy a second hand vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at bout-the same price as you wouM pay i or an oia oner FOR SALE Handsome houseboats, fullv eoulDned: with moorlnar rlchts. F. A. Spencer, manager Allen & Lewla. SKWING MACHINES rented b week or month. R. Morrison. Phone K 23C 1 the 383 : CliKAP Showcases, desks, carpets, fur nltiirAj: Wa :iilftn AyrhantfA srooda: fill we are locatan oucsiae i a-n.1 suit vmnt at i Main i mV fh. n.-trm- Mvlnr vnrnn. hii. OK B A LIli ..tlna pneaeant gies. delivery wagon, ind farm wag-j pg"'"''- ' ' R, M. WADJ3 A CO . IFOR SALE One Stimpson, barrel corn- 322. Hawthorne re. - puting acaie,. cneap, sc., w, egga for in. starK. 4F yOir outsFile liveryman attend 'to nriZSiii. this next week's sale and are looklns-1 COMPLETE motion picture theatre out- tor good saddle norses or drivers, come i-whi.i"8 uj. """.j-ni"i and take a lpok at my drivers and drive pnonograpns, etc. a snep. tzH wastt. behind them at 605 Albina ave. I FOR SALE Draar saw,: Inquire at 415 HORSES and bua-Kles for rent by day.j J; Morrison or phone Eaat 5i!0 or B- week' end month; special rates to 1 it. . . ' . . nualneRS houaes. 6th and HawthorniLl wiMti'n siin.r iiuin.i. u,mhti, Fast 72. t ' and irulnea eggs, for hatching. Wood- FOR BALK A No. 1 light driving mare, lawn itii. . . good harness arid buggy, city broke, j FURNITURE for sale at less than suitable for family use. B, F. Tyler, price If taken In the next 2 days be- Lents. tween 8 and 12 a. m. A-1949. uk oALW itue family or general MOVING picture machines, films, sup horse and buggy., Anderson Bros., 2d piles, etc.; lowest rates. Newman. mil jMuiwii. . lai Washington. Mam 8)5J. FOR SALK I rifgs. Kast t.AxTj.1 . " Jr. 1 .' 1, r. . ALMOST new, pool table, oompleto HORSES shod. Stewart & McBrlen. etiulpment, a bargain. Phone B-1741. Handmade work if preferred; both I ci a:,-iJ I..i nlionM. 413 Bnrr,ild Sr. ror. inn, new Superior steel range for sale, I'lug team, wagon and hari JEiTHE and blacksmith vise, nearly end of Caion it, Monta- nw. b. T. Randall, Woodburn, Or. or cRh. K. F. DeBord. I TV ' ,k. ,L,Z ; i . .... ran. OR SALE Buggy (Henneyi and sin. f TvrTtn'" ytriaaM gn,.'in. i,.r' rim urrin' ruhh.r (Imi)' Kn.h n W " w ireiess, te genu ni e sum. gle carriage; rubber tired': both in good condition. 307 Oregonian bldg. WAGONS, buggies, phaetoom, harnesses, milk wagon, saddles. 186 Madison. at snap prices. P. O. box 640. JIOXKV TO LOAN 27 MONEY! MONEY! WONKY! BO CHEAP THAT NO ON hi BllOULD Rlfl WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT ' I rlKl.MIIUTY. . t YOT7 CAN REPAY. I'H IN BMALL WKKKLJf OP, MONTHLY PAYMENTS Rebate Olvmi If paid Bore Due. CALL AND BEE I'B. BTATK Bi:Cl'KITlf COMPANY, 808 KA1L1NO BLI0. ; ri;itso.vAii month TIIM CUP'fiCh-rJ-v IJUU AflKNCY, 402 Rothohlld bldg., cor, 4th and Wash. The reoognUed bank of the wage earn er. A rltl hnnlli.i,n Of. h 1 n 1 tTt glnenr or employe can obtain money of ii on nis note without security. $16 return to us. ...... .3 4.00 a ISO return to us., ...,,.$ 8.00 a $60 return In ui .Ill 3( a Confidential; no Unpleasant Inquiries Bpwlal rates on pianos, f urnltuje. etc. TSu can get tTTe money you need from u all you ask for in cash and re pay in small weekly or mommy pay ments arranged to suit you. N We loan ineney on household furni ture and pianos without removal you have use of both money and goods. MUTTON CREDIT CO., '., , 61j fith floor) Deknm Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. ,; installment loans on nlanoa. .furni ture, warehouse recelots. horses. Insur ance policies, salaries and all kinds of securities. , , . NEW ERA LOAN A MTOv CO., 414 Ablntrlon bids'. . : , MONEY advanced salaried people and othera unon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest psy ments; offices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms nrsi. loirnwn, til juumoer jocnungg. WE loan ruonev on Jlamonjs and Jewel rv at reasonable Interest for long or snort time. a. & l. xeiovage, jaweiera, z yvaHinngton st. , . , Da ALICE A ORI1F. Plaeaaes of women ami children etr Clualvely. Women are often aavd ae Vere surgical operations by conuultlng me. Nervous diseases of children a siKHTlalty. .Morphine habit cured. All the .latest electrical treatments given. Corraiondfliice sulldled. No chrire for consultation. phones Main SMS. A-6807. Office, room 10, Urand Theatre b hi gJVab h I n k ton end Park. LADIES $1000 rewaros 1 positively guarantee my great aucceaaful "monthly" remedy, Safely relieves some of the longest, moat obstinate, ab normal caaea In 8 to 6 days. No harm, !aln or Interference with work. Mall 1.60. Double strength $2. Dr. M. io u t h I n stun H. Co.. Kane a a CI ty. Mo. LADIES! Ask" your druKKist for Chichester's Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best, safest. Always retluble. Take - no other. Chichester's Diamond Brand PlUa , are old tiy aruggmm everywhere, VAPOR and electric baths; vibratory massage for colds, la grippe, nervous troubles. Bulte 14, 383H Waah--jiBOS. MANICUIUXO AND MASSAGE 45 QEOROIE LA PETITE Newly opened electro therapeutic Institute. Tub and shower batns a specialty. 848 M Wash, bet. 6th and 7th.t room SOS. Main U20. ciimorouisTs l)It." Ff.KTCIIEIt, the painless foot sie clallot. truals all Ills of the feet with out (In ii,tor of Infuctlon. Lady aml"t ant Up to date inaniourlng; shampoo ing, facial and m-alp musaage, 306 All- KV UIO. Mum . 63 WM. DKVKNY and Ewtelle Deveny, the only scientific chlroiollts In the City. Parlors 802 Uerlliiger bldg., H. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CH I KOT'Cli V, '" nianTcurln g, scalp treat ment Mrs. F, E. Dunton, room 304 I'lirorcl.r 10th and Morrlaon. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO Mrs. M. I. Hill. 830 FWdjiarJidf; .: . 'REAL ESTATE '.DIRECTORY RKAL K STATU) AND TIMBFR IAT.KRS A f PIleTltrTir ALLY AHHANUED FOR Tlitt .CON V ENIKNCbJ tJlf' JOUHNAL$ FCRTLAND 1912 Realty valiea hava gona up steadily for years and will rnflmi to Increaae from year to year. The man of 'xxl Judgment m tint delay securing a home of his own. It la poor economy to pay rent. sThe same amount you pay in rent ali on your own home would V prove a prolUable investment Talk it over with a realty dtaUr. prove a prolUable COMMISSION MERCHANTS WE PAY SPOT CASH for dressed veal, hogs. beef. eves, poultry, butter. cheese, hides, furs, wool, caacara, hay, irraln. Write us what you have to sell. Ruby & Co., 284 Couch st. iJPojlamLOr. MIS3BNOWDEN and assistant, 146 etn st, room vapor oatus, yDra lory massage, rnone A-bl. K'EWLY opened massage parlors. 241 W Morrison at. suite 1 and 2. c. Miss Clavdon. ' MORTGAGES, contracts or other real estate securities purchased. . E E. wobie, commercial blocK, MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; lire in surance. W. O. Beck, 812 Failing. SALARY LOANS Strictly confidential; easv to rt and easy to pay.- x. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city prop erty, wra. MacMaster. aua .Worcester DIOCK. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. Tne ioan co 4it) uenum. FINANCIAL 51 $ I I I $111$ $ Money loanea quicaiy ana pri- vately on real, personal and chat- f tels, diamonds and jewelry, ware- $ house recslpts, furniture and pianos,' $ and all valuable collaterals. t ' MORTu AUEb AND UUKIKAUH BOUGHT. This company Is organized for the $ purpose of providing ready money 3 at the rawest cost. You can arrange $ to repay monthly or weekly. . All business strictly confidential. ' f Call or phone Main 20R4. . I V. B. REAL ESTATE & , $ BROKERAGE CO.. $ Room 12 Hamilton bldg.. 131 8d t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CTENT1F1C masseuse, alcohol treat ment, chliopojist, manicurist young graduate. Kaieign oiqg., tftrt ana watm. ALICE JJOOT11BY, formerly of 208 6th st, now locavea at me jviuner Diag. iitv Morrison st., suite ig. MISS GRANT Tub ana vapor baths, mawnage treatments au. A-oiao fcdytue Bryue-fjj asuago. A-60S3. 6. 3St W Wash, st LUCY MORTON Bath and massage, vieuiliu ircaLiiicnu &vb Din VI. NELLIE SPRING Tub baths, maasage ana ciuropouy. suite i, zuift Aider, MAY ADAMS ana astilstant, inanicur- lng, vapor baths, mansage. Sd, MISS Daily; manicuring and massage. M liner bldg., aGuyj Alorrl son, room 7. MXSS Alice Puget and auslatunt mas- sajrer tub hatha MAY ADAMS at Room 1, 878 Wash, ine asalatant manlcur- vapor patna, niaaaage. -61' Sd. , liUiJlNlS DilliiCTOIlY ASSAl'EUS IXDST AND FOUND 21 LOST $10 . reward, . Ught bay mare. about S00 Dounds. ble left knee, wnlte spot on forehead, white back foot, new toes, orana c. is., aiso piaca con, year old, 1 white foot behind, white spont on forehead, both had haulters when they left. R. M. Wagner. R. F. D., No. 2, box canny, or. iOST Female fox terrier, head well marked, black on lnft side of neck; black across back, bob-tailed, partly bald; answers name Dixie. Please . no tify poundmaster, 16th and Jefferson sts.. reward. ' . LosTsclack pony. whlte spot on fore head, Saddle was on when it got away. Finder, will be rewarded If returned to 85 E. 78th st. Montavllla. or phone Tabor 1228. ... MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labora tory and ore tenting work. 186 Mor rison st PORTLAND analytical laboratory. 623 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. M. 6180, WELLS & FROEBSTEL, aasayers, ana- lyucai cnemistB. ivt m. vtius. ACCOUNTANTS E. H. COLLIS CO. Public accountants and estate agents, commercial, county and municipal audit ing, investigating and systematizing. 8 Worcester block, phone Main Hbm, AKCU1TECTS P. CHAPELL BROWN, 406 Marquam bldg. Pnone Main. 30l. ATTOKNK1S LAWYER EBNER. charges reasonable. 421 Lumber Exchange, Main x22S. . J. J. JbliKiiili&ElMER, pa lex..-, and pea lons; offices HO Laobe bldu.. ..I. i3S, LOST Water spaniel, brown with white on breast, license no. 14S4: return to 44 East 30th or phone Home R-1329 for reward, - '- "' ' .- jOST Between Trov Laundry and 6th and Washington, envelope containing check for 149.90 and other papers. Call i rov jirfiiinqry; rewwra. BICYCLE liEPAHUNG APEX Bicycle Co.. second hand motor cycles and bicycles. Buy, sell, ex change and repair. 12tt 12th at. A-330B. LOST Pair of glasses with gold plnc- ers and chain, between 3d: and Glisan and Cherry at.; finder telephone Main 7!isa and owner win can; reward. LOST New Brooks hat, tan color, on or near Yamhill st, between 6th ana th: return to Journal office; reward. FOUND At the Grand Leader Shoe Store. 6th and Alder.- M. Marks Jr.. formerly with Marks Shoe Co. v BUSINESS CAiiDS, t HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d St Blank books m i a; agta. for Jones' improved Loose-Leuf leugera; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183, Main 103. CLEAN towels daily; comb, brusa, soap. a yer uiuuun rui uunu jLAiuiary at Towel Supply Co 3 th and 4Jouci sts. Phone 410. CONTItACTOltS AND KUIU)EK3 A. H. YORK & CO.,' contractor and builder plans, specifications and e- umaiea. jobbing, a speciuuj'. Waahlnsrton st East 4f6l; Bellw'd 18. jAtjuiiSEM & OHTiiE, carpenter con tractors; Jobblna- promptly done, i- oor 03 1. KAMI " ,f-;": . ArtDRIfS. - ' TVLRrtlOfft. atlaa tend Oompuny. ...............iio Lumber ttrhinf ........... Maa A-1334 Raker, A. A.. ................................MIS Ahlnrtnn Bid ....!.! 67A4, Ilronir Strrl Onwiif .....110 ttmui tt w...Mln and A-8'.ie Biirtrwartli-BtpbBMa Comp7, Iae. as Utfaette Bltlf eta ao4 Wh Hju.j nr. a. K. and Cook. I. W... .' .'. a DnrnrA at TrmA Main 340T. A-lr?l ' Cook tt Co.. B. ....... ......... ,....t.........tvvrl Orbett Ulilir. ..... ...Alula SA. A-''1 . Chapla 4k Jlerlow 2J Chamber of Comnwr Mala 1tt ColuDibla-Truae Company (Iwtntoa) .....T 14 Condi Blrtf ......Main AW1, A.lll . Coaat Realty Company. .....820 Luobw XxcbaBga ..Mala 1&U8, A-41.K r Daan-Lawreare Osmpaay, .M AI0r ...Mala 418, A Oil ttolibchmldt's Ageaey.. .....23SH Waihlngtoa t..........Ula and A -11053 Rolhrook Co.. I. B.. (Irrlngtoa Part) 1 Wemmtar BMA................VlB Bawtbarse Baalty Ce, 1021 Hawthorn Ala., aornar Mtb.. .....,.T41 ' yacoba-atloe 0...... E MELTON Of nec, store fixtures; general lobbing. 67 1st st M. 8lu. viv"A:".'"i"w ntih "t ... (Belle Creat, Barkalay. Oom.) .klaln 8S09, A -2811 RYAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. 04W Williams ave. Hiasi uu. fCllllnirswnrth. W. If.,..., ....421 f1tamnr nt mmrre.,,,, kfals ivnf Knapp Mtrtey , 1 Chamber of OnnmaKe Main A-?"' Kaaaey , Co., D. U. (Balghts property) Of flea .on Balfhts ...A-1574 EDUCATIONAL LAUE'S Preparatory School of Phar- inacy. - n iu st7 rortiano, vr. ' leag,' W, ' .H. ............... Man Tea Borstal I M...Maln23R8 r 4? ELEC Morrison Eleotrlo Co.. fixtures, wiring. repairing. 281 13. Morrison, East 8m. PAClD AC H,lectrio Avngiueeriug . Co. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st ..."rana am. anq miiiiaoniaa. . ..sats nr. v ...ira aa aiuar sia.........,..,.....aaais ELECTKOLYBIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re-I moveu. Mrs. Allll. 48V leianer. 414 Ablngtoa bldg....... " iaj .ue . . . . . ... .......I1-, oemno ht. ................. .main m j--i-i Monre Inreatment Co....... .......BISl Vv'aahlnrton Ht.. ........ ..Mala A A-TToT uoiitn. u. u.. ........................... ....ia usw Kxcnange a-oTir Oekmn Real Fata fa Cn. Tba...... O. W. P. Land Co. ImmlcraUoa Bortaa... Parrhb. Warklns b Co 250 Aldar Bt...... ............Main JS44 Balaton, L. 0. (Balstoa Balfhts).... Amerloaa Bank, th and Oik it..... Mala 184 Bnramlt Tnaeatmeut Oonpaay.,,', , 1! gminirtwnrtn At.,, ....... Woodlawn 1(tlf Sweet, glnathan 4 Cor butt Bldg Main MM Rohalk. Oaorra D. .- I'M Stark St ..Mala 8l3. A-Ztoi Btar Real Fatalkt Ce. .........ITOVt Third It.... Mala 82T BbleUa, J. B......... Sue darling Bldg... ...Mala MM Taylor, J. B. (Timber Landa). White, B. r.. ...$- Labbe Bldr. 42T Worceater Blitg. ...Mil T8341 A -12-11 UAJSOUNE ENGINES WILLAMETTE Gas Engine Works; we build ' and repair anytning in uao KNUlWEii and AIR COMfREeiBOKt; AU'xu reualruiar t'easonable. E. Wash- mgton ana vaer. iaaiit pop; -at.. . BANKS. STATIONARY and marine; electric : euuipments; . launches, accessories, wholesale and retail: en nine repairing. rceiwraun Maeninery CO., ab jiorriBuu. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 26c LASTO mantles Barretts. JUNK, HIDES AND PELTS L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts, wool furs, tallow, old rubbers, metala and sacks. 312 i'ront at Phone m. loaa. LEATUElt it FINDINGS r , . v ... u. 1 . 1 U1AO. to. nJiBl.W. V., Ti .... I leather of eveiy description. , tap mtrs. findings. . A FIB8T NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Oregon. .-.'.. CAPITAL 8UBPM7B. $1.(100.000. - KO IKTKItBHT PAIP OW ACCfftTNTB UNITED BTATIB NATION ' Zi BANK OF POBTLAND. OREGON. ' Northwest Corner . Third and . Oak . Street. . , ' r -nucta s 0nrl Banklna; Bnatsra. DRAFTS ISSCKD AeariabU In All C1t1a of the rolttd Btatts and Europe. Honrknngand Manila. Collactlona Bade on favornM term, ; Prldnt ............J. 0. AINBWOflTH Caahler ...... W. BCHMKK11 Vic President.., R. LEA BAKNL3 Aaalatnnt Caahler ..W. A. BOLT , . Aaalatant Caahler A. M. WRIGHT ; GEBMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or, Cortiw Btxtb and Waahlngtoa 8t. , . Tranaaets a general banking bnalne. Drafts tanned avathiblo ra all the prlnetpal - ' cities of th United Bute and Europo. . fonr per cent Inter aat paid ea utIdm aeemmr. Bafa uepoolt vnnlt. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS, HOBBIS BROTHERS, Cbambcr of Commere Brjlldlcf:. . ' ' lf..l.i..1 mw.M Oeakll ai nmmm lmAm r iwriiiiii. 1 1 id i, avsi i ii "aa 41 si iiu a u"iiu i -. nn m t inriiuw, , . D LIVEKJiAND SALE STACXlES OWNINO-BOPKIN8 COMPANY Eatablhbed 1 802 BROKERS. Phone Main SWI; A-2STT. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bnagbt and Bold for Ch and on Usrtla. Kootna zoi to tone canning. prlato Wlrea. HESSIAN stabler Hacks, livery, board- - lng and aaie; lurnlture-uioving. iat un. ion ave. Ar-none n,. aosz. nigniu. avo. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TDIB CARD. OSTEOl'ATHIO PUxSICIANS DR. LLLLEBELLE PATTERSON will reduce rates on - treatmeots one hail for 30 days. 217 Fenton, Main !. UK, K J. BARK, A, & O., 207 Mohawk btair.. a ana. Morrison, ' Main it to. LEAVING PORTLAND. Ronehnrg Paaaencer ....... Cottar Grove Panencer. California Kxpre ............ Rao Francisco Brprea n iai Biiisj. Corritllli Paaaenaer ... PherliUn Paaaerier . . . Fnreet Grove Paasenger...... Foreat Grove Pnser ..... Foreat Grove Paeaenaef . . . . . Ronthern Pacific. ai.,M . ...... 4:1ft n. m, ...... T:4S p. in. f i :su nigoi 1 1 .M - . ., :M a. m$ l p. on. B:0 p. n. ARRIVINO PORtLANB. Ore eon Expreas .................. 7:1S ah m. ,: Cottar Grove Paamfer. ....... ..11:30 . m. Roartrara; Tanenger ............. 5:1" p. n. Portland Ixprea ...........11:18 pi m. WEST BIDB. rVirvallts Paaaenger .............. 6:90 p. ro. Pherldan Panaenaer ......... .....10:S0 a. m. Foreat Gro Paaaenter 80 a. i. Foreat Grovs Pasaenrer, ... ....... ,11 :IM a. tn. Foreat Grove Ptaaencer..... ...... 4:80 p. tn. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN & CO.. "HlKh Standard" paiat N-E. cor, ad as Taylor, ai. A-i7ii. F. E. BliiACli He CO Pioueer Paint Co. I W lnoow Kiaaa, s;laii,lng. 136 1st. U.1JB4 THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book--sellers, office outfitters, ; engineers', draughtmen's supplies. 123 3d cor. Alder. LOST Two keys. "H. M. 8. Co." "2721 inscribed on keys. Return to Journal office and receive reward. BEST harnews at low eat prices at Kel ler Harness Co., 49 N. 6th et LOtsT Oliver medal; lull name en ..- .rA nn Kbi.1t ITInew nliAn. Tthn, fituv, Brrov.-.. or anaresa r iov Mann, zoo k. 4htn . dog. white spot on chest. License No, 16.14. Call Sell wood 298. Reward -GOOD homes ror sale; Oregon Horee Bale Co.. N. 17th and Qulmby sta GOOD pony for sale, cheap. Fashion Stables, 20th and Washington, M. 45. FRESH cows. 6 gallons, fine heifer calves. $46 E. Madison. East 2991. .FOR SALE Furniture" of 7 room cot- tags on a corner. 3i sa at., cor ciay. $60 buys brand new Royal typewriter. Enarle Printing Co., 165H 4th st. SET Cf 'double hack harness for sale, cheap. Call 3D4 E. Clay. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 LxTESTOCK AND POULTRX S3 I AUTOMOBILES WASHED. Geo. E. Evans, automobiles washed and polished white you wait: also tire season, 1 work. Charges reasonable. Phones Main 6269, A-26S3. Will open Bat, May 1. START right this hatching . Conkey'a Lice Powder tood for net ting hens; .won't Injure bird or taint eggs. Prices, loc, 26o. soe and I. laciflo Reed Company, 801 Front st. CONKEY'S Roup Cure in the drinking j PIANO to exchange for a horse and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 PAINLESS extractions 60c; fillings 60c Harvard Painless Dentists. 862 Wash. NOTICES 6 THE ftpectaltst. Dr. Arnold Lindsay, on rheumatism, stomach and all female diseases, has removed from Failing bldg. to 206 Tilford bldg.. 10th and Morrison. Phones A -41 63, Mai n 735 0. ED GUDHART Will not be responsible for any charges against Gudhart & Tauben after today. . . ED GUDHART. water cures those sneezing, swollen. headed fowls. A 60 package makes 25 gallons medicine.- Money back If fails to cure. Prices, 25c, 60 and $1. Pa cific Seed Company. 201 Front st. buggy. Inquire 311 Front st- EXCHANGE MISC. 23 ONE fresh cow and -calf. 6 erallona per day; one cow a gallons per day, 36, ling butcher shop doing a cash business. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE On account of sickness, a good pay- if taken at once or trade for fat cattle. 7th ave. N.. Mount Scott car. FOR BALE One family cow. 335, If taken at Once. Glisan. j Corner E. list and rood Investment. WESTERN REALTY ft INVESTMENT COMPANY, 603 Buchanan Bldg. M. 6384, A-241T TWO fresh milk cows, for sale. 827 E.I . 6th St.- N. - TVVO fresh rows for sale, 613 Clay at, or pnone 4ns. . . . AVANTED MISCEIJLANEOUS 8 PERSONAL 22 . rR. Minr i.pwts - Late of the Woman's Ttospltal. Chicago, 111., treats diseases of women only; con sultation free and confidential. Phone Alain 4047. A-2411. Room- 606 Common wealth bid;. 6th and Ankeny. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross in gg. 814 Lumber Exchange. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J. Losli. Xli seller son st. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT FA VINO CO.. Portland office. 404 Worceater bldg. donnerberg' & ' hajjemaTThkrT plumbers. 803 BurnsMe. Main 2318. JAS. McI. WOOD & CO., all kinds of la surance, surety bonds, j McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANINQ JOYCE BROS., proprietors of the Elec tric Cleaning Works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and compressed air cleaning; carpet refitting bur specialty: work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672. 370 Grant St- PAINTING AND PAPERING Pacific Wall TtotiBg Co. Woodlawn 2168. $3 to '$4.60 per room. Jefferson Street Depot. Portland 4n Dallas , T-.40 a. m. I Dallas to Portland ....v....I0:1 a. ei. Portland to Dalla. ....... ........ 4:15 p. m. I! DaDaa to Portland 8:.10 p. m. Portlann-naweco Hiionroan uwving roniann, a. m.. p:u, man. T.utn :u, n:oo, iu:xai and p. m H1:IW. 2:0". 8:HO. B:g. S-BI. T:4B. 10:10. 11-30. Northern Pacific. ' f , ft:)M a, tn, If North Ooaat Limited. ...... f-.m a. m. . 9:00 p. m. H Portland Erpreaa ................ 4:18 p. nt. .11:48 p. m. I Overland Bipree .......... v.... ,.B:38 p. m. Taeora tt Seattle Kxpreea. . .... North Coaat A Chicago Limited. Overland Erpreaa ROSE City Paint Co., 418 Union ave. K, I paiiuinK, paperiianging ana - tinting:. ties, pnone, fcatu 3404 evenings. FOR best wora, prices right, call P. A. Doane. J04 Union. Both phones. PATENT ATTORNEYS K. c. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents1; lnrringement rases, out DeKum. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. wenAtetnn Paaaenxer a. m. II nnokane Fiver a. n, Chlcaxo-Portland Bpeel-.l.. ........ wrM a. ea. ff Chi.. Kan. City or Portland Expreaa T 5oa. m. Bnokne Fiver 70 V. 1 J Chlraao-Portland Special -1" P. m. Ranaa Cttv Chleaso Bxnrea... 6:00 p. m. ft Pendleton Paaaenser 6-4,1 p. m. Astoria & Colombia River. Ltavine Portland. Arriving Portland, romanff Ratnfee T.oeal 0:01 a. m. Portland, A Aatoria Pamnger...12:t.t p. m. Portland Rainier Local..,.;.,.. R-1A p. m. Seaalne V Portland Frnreme. .... 4.10:00 p. m. Antort A Beailda' Bxpreas Rainier T.oel ............ Aatorla Reaild Expree Rainier Local . . . Lravlna Portland. treas :00 a. m. II Pn 1:16 p. m.J Pc preea. ...... g:00 p. nJ.Tt Po 11:20 p. m. ( Be PRINTING THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In I trust; close figures, good work, 86 Rusaeil bldg., corner 4tn and Morrison, Spokane. Portland ft Seattle Railway. Ef.EVBVTH AND HOTT STREET rASCWVnT'R TATfrtf. ' ' LEAVING POBTLAND. ARRIVING PORTLAND, MODERN Printery, 7 Raleigh bldg., 6th OtiiLBEE AfAtoB., printers Cards, bill- I beaaa, etc Main ABoa. Atatk 1st st PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Tjp T Pneumatic Renovator Co. By a (St. 1 suction avnd compressed air we clean: carpets, rugs, furniture and draperies. DUntley'a Electric Vacuum Cleaner. ' Main 8682. 606 8 wetland bldg. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO . compressed air and steam cleaning, mattresses and ' feathers - renovated. East 280, C-1260. . - - - Mf C mnfiie1 1 Imperial hoteL Inland Bmrdr Evnre-.......... B:18 la. si. r rv,in.m. St. Pant. Omtha, Banna Cltr St. Lnnl. W!1 Walla, Paaeo, Rooe I. GranddaUe. Goldendnle. White Salmon, Ptevenaon, Yaneoove ' and Intermediate eta- i tton. . . ' : North Bank Limited ........ i. ..... :' v. M nt , t,it IVtnah. Kan i OtT. St Loahi. flpokan. Bproene Uf " ' Llnd. r. Kooeven. n fialmon. Wtevenaon and vanmnver. From Chleaeo, St. Panl. Omaha, Fant Ott"v, H. IiiiK Walt Walla. Paaeo, Hooaw. '. re It. Graiiddalle. Whit falmon. atevenaoe. Vanooover and Intermediate atatlona. Worth .Went, T.l-ntfeit. ..." V.I3A :.. From Chlearo, St. Paul Omaba. ITniwt CMv. St. Loo If. Bnokane. Snrarue. Bltav'lle. ' Llnd. Peo. Roosevelt. Granddallna, Whit . Salmon, Stevenaon nd Vancouver. ., Inland Emptr Expreaa. ........... B.'BI p. m. lain 6670. Miss Deasem tdaain M1"1" b,dt- c. p. Canadian pacific Railway Co. R. Short Line via Fnotan. . T:nw p. sa, i! v.-tr.K. wnorx jine via ppexami.. : a. tn, . REAL ESTATE J, W. OGILBEE. real estate and loans; estao. iau, room a A. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lOj most reliable dealers in second hand goods, juoenfttetn, tne tiome iirnlsner. Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles. etc. w. a. Aiowara, M. i.. 304- jiotn child bldg., 4th aad Washington. ASK 178 TO SEE , -I PROF. J. C & MRS. MATIE CHAUIlU YfillM PITkMTITRI-! . have removed their ved Oil and 20th - lUUil rUmllUIVJB Century HalriTonlc laboratory and of- iieiore you-sen, we are tne largest ana nice iron, sail ramniu st, to row 100 N, 17tn st. cor, f ianoers. 176 Front Main 6901. GAK I0SE GAEBENIOSE: GARDEN I0SE WANT public stenographer to share of. nee room on good liberal basis; loca tion yet to be selected. :- Phone after-6 p. m. B-1S:, or B-S28, Journal. WANTED Stores and office fixtures. showcase, counters. , phonographs sates, cash registers, scales, etc. 628Vb Washington. Mam 4S8. 0.CCD FEET, ALL 1TEW 4 Per-Foot j. mm h BRO. :tt :t rno.YT bt. & L. N. G1LMAN. auctioneer, 411 Wash ington st, between lvtn and. 11th. Cash paid for household furniture. Main 2473; A-4750. H IG HEST prices Daid for cast off cloth lnr, hats, shoes, furniture, eta. Alain 3143. 68 N. 3d at WANTED Houaehold goods, ladles' and gentlemen's clothing. The O. K. Store, 213-213 H Front at. Hh.ilKtiT caan prices paid for ail kimls of Junk. J. Leva. 136 Columbia st Main 6188. -'- ... - WANTED A eerond hand phonoeAph, with fill entflt. Apply 203 Main at. liiUHfctiT price MM for furniture. " kw $!ft4. IS4 Orand eve., cor. tC Taylor. CASH for hou-holj good a. Bavage at PennelL 34Q-347 1st st Main 340. CASH for Wc-ond head furniture, fi-2644. K-1661. 4 O rand eve. Bt'uT cash pnld for aconl Jbnd cioth- lns. Call Eaat 1051 B-204 4. SPOT ch for your rurDiture: pro rapt . attention always snni. t-ast i' i47. EXCHANGE furniture hou. 203 M. 42.. Pt. ell everything 1st BKS boegttt la large and small lota. Old Book Btore. ill M. near BaJmon. - MONEY TO ttJAN 27 BITMS ef $16( vipw-ard eft- reel esteta d3ar4 AV WIMrV-k. lie Id et HcMTlAG'r,l.i'4Nt 4 AND I PER i t NT. lU'lJi CI.'M"N. ill ptarn. ISAAC 1- WHITE, tn. r. to Umm. fire ln-irr.e-e g 1 1 Ftierlora: r-;-1r ESTELLE: Meet me this afternoon at I o'clock to have your teeth filled at the Harvard rainless uenusia, ti .wasBington st. " . DICK. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.; German, EiHrli ah.. French, BftanisA. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for- eigf dooks oi au ainaa. Bcnmaie Co- gaTlst st i " Mrs. Scptie B. Seip Menial Srientlst 312 Allsky bldg. M. 283S. Wed, eve, meeting:. DR. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cotton Root Ft is. sure remeoy Tor delated periods; $2 per box, or 2 boxes for $& , in t. J. Pierce, Alinky bldg. SK.XOID A marvelltMts cure for weak neaa in men; money returned If It falls; price $1. T. J Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg MEN. Dr. Ketchuro will promptly cure all your private sexual aliments: ad vice free. , 170 3d. near YanihtiL Jdaia 8770.' - - - ... i LADIES! Dr. La France's Compound; SANITARY blue wagon suction , compressed air. carpeta cleaned floor. Main 6634; A-6070. ind o 3. HUNTER, mattresses, feathers ren.j vated, carpets refitted. M. 314; A-4413, CLEANINQ AND DYEING SUNNYSIDE Steam Cleaning and Dye Works, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Work called for and-dellvered. Tabor 1057, B-2067. 206 E. 34th sL CITY of Paris French hand laundry, 667 Washington st; all kinds of fine washing, laces like new; all work guaranteed. H. W. TURNER. Dyer Carpeta dyed a ltlDINQ LESSONS R. 3, STEPHEN SON, 6 N. 16 th. Phone, Main 1126. Riding; lessons; ail hours; pent oi nMciyuua. ROOFING Via Seattle, Yletorla V Vaneoovr 9: n, m. 1 1 Via Vaneoover. Victoria Seattle p. m, VI Snm .............. p. n. t) . puniaw inn wrani...,..,.i,,..T:mf I. py Portland Ry.. Light & Power Co. ! p..t Water and Morrlaon atraats, I. ham . eiw, 4:06 6:SS a. .. and every 80 mlnnte after S mlnnte after mo nonr . hoor. to and e",",n,Ji? m'i;V. io-oS 11:06: tt er 12:0n mldnlrht. 6V.$CAj fi-rui 9'TKt. J'r -D" . i.ww, a. Filrvl.w and Trootdale S:B8. T:4j;. 8:48. f)-4n. 10-43 a. S.5 J:. . 6-45. a-411 . in. FOB TANCOrVKR ' Ticket offlca - and wafting tons). Bte oed nd Wahlnfftn streets. A. M. :15. :), T:23. 80, 8:85, 4110. W:30. 11:W. P. V 13:90. 1:10. J1W. . t:l. , - 4:80. 0:10. BtftO. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. 1 . MS5.". 11:4S. On third Monday ta every month lad ear leavea at T.-06 p. m. DHt exeept Snnriav. Dny ateent kfoit. OLYMPIC Rooting Co. (inc.), 820 Cham. of Com contractora, repairing all kinds ot rooiing. Main aom. A-4220. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS . ALSO all office stationery. P. IX Co., 231 Btark at Tel. 1407. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES specialty.-' 60S Jefferson 2613, A-261S. i, . at Mala CLOTHES cleaned and pressed, l.6 tw-r monta.' unique Tailoring- Cau. aai Stark at COLLECTIONS DEMTS collected, bonded reipreaenta- tives everywhere; Interstate Adiuat. ment Co., 601 Gerllnger bldg. SHOWCASES of every deacripUon; bank. bar ana nor iixiiuv maute is eiraes. Th. .utk Mfft- Co. THk JAMES L MAKSliALL HFO. COt new and old showcases, cabinets, store ! and onice fixtures. voucn. at. i7Qt. SHOW cases and fixtures, new and see- otxi nana an i."'"i. aaain 7617. reaving Portland . T .... B,aa UMI pa lent 1.1 H111hor-Foret oroyo local Salem, Int. t HIllaDMForeat 'J!S HIHaloro-Foret. ?roTf, Salem. lot -" HlUaboro-Fort Orov loci Salem. Int St, local ... K.lem. "t ta.. e' Blllabnro-Forert Grov loeal Wllaoovllle. ini. a.-. Hinanoro-ljre '', Salem. Int. Salem. I"t i'aa.. kteai Timo Card Oregon Electric Railway Company. , arriving rwtiantl Wtlaosrllle. Int. 8ta,, local .. S M .. r RHIahoro-Foreat Grove, local ... SiSO a.m. ' Salem, Int. Sta.. local ......... 8:4n a.m. nillaboro-Foreat Grove, local ...10 00 a.m. - Salem Int. 8ta., Vml.. .ln iij a. m. Flllaooro-Foreat Grove, local .....12:18 n.m. Salem Int. Sta.. local 1-1 p. m. Hlllahoro-Forewt Grove, loeal ....... 2:50 p.m. Salem. Int 8taa.. local ......... :4n p.m. H-lem-TnalatlB nly, limited . ..... :4 p.m. HIIIaboro-Fareat Grove local ...... 6:00 p.m. Salem, Int. Sta.. local ......... 6:00 p.m. Rlllaboro-Foreat Grov local t.Slp.. Salem. Int Staa. keal ......... S: p.m. aaim. Int. Sta.. local ..10:40 p.. '........ S a. si. .... r'"" a.m. .... 8-O0 a.m. ,., S:SA a. m. :1(l .m. ... .10:26 a.m. ...11:00 a.m. ... 1:80 p.m. ... K p-m. ... 8:48 p.m. ... :10 p.m. ... B:Ot p.m. ... 8:SO p.m. 6 SO p,au ... 6:40 P-m. TRANSFER AND STORAGS "BANK FAXlURAwi, SilOrVCABAtii- SIGN AND SHOW CARDS iyWE GET THE MONEY." Collections anywnere. neua a. ere agaocr, 604 Board of Trada COAL AND WOOD STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Special prices In carlo ta on fir cord- wood, cut from heavy, live Umber. Prices reduced on green slab and block wood. Prompt delivery. . Phaa: u-i in, I. 4it. JL. safe, speeay, regulator. Ii cents, drug, j ara; epectai prices ta largo all; MWIl arww f UT. - jm xyr-",. Mr ,, booklet free. nee, Philadelphia Fa. by V. D. SMITH deliver: fir wood etrwet frora -ars to yon: all wood A' No. 1 Out ef big live trees, fitst growth, thick amoaiit-a. rtats or m Fra LtUT powers restored Kola Nerve Tonic Tablets. Ike a box; J 1 ZT T "7" I boxes 31. Leee-Davla Dni Co.. egtia. a ln 6,6T. Foot of Carry 1 CfcarccaJ DELIYERED BING .CHOONO. Importer CI. I new wd. 1 BOCTli Portland Slab wood Co. Aiata einoa; sens vnineoe im. cure iar aw; oiw-awmn, ory d1eeee. 1S Flanders et j fwide wood. 4-e; greoa Mwi- FJR. MARY KRAMER, woman apwrlal-. ? ii let; ave, SIGNS Prompt service, fine work, rea sonable. Griffin. I be Is Morrison. Mala 602. at. iron ..a Pino ta. .able: wwthwt aormw " ( Main 600: A-lfwo. WHOLES ALE JOBBERS BVERPINO 'A FABRELL, prodse and on. axUwlos merchanie. 140 rroat at, Portland. J!88 M,la 179- WADIIAMS A CO.. wholeule grorer. siaa. faetarrr sad ceaatSlaaiea mercsaata. . 413 e Oak at. rOSTEA SvAAio-av. isi Aargaat alga aaeaera ut u. j - . mm sverott at, t'kwae r". - ow .a-iiae. pRvMPT rvice, fine work, reasonable, Ortlfin. lh Morrlaon. Main 02. TUAT ATTkACT IWtla4 mimrn C- T Stark. PclflelMe. SAFES D IX BOLD BUoraiK safes, large stock; lockouts opened; Jails. Davis &Ue 4 lck Co- 4 3d st Mala 1466. THE Moeler Safe Co, 168 2d st BWfoe at factory prices; repeira, lockouts pened. barxalns in second hand oafeo. SPRAYING JLiCHINES examinations frea. 341 Misse1p4 I l Cit TCOC Phone K. ll. one .awn 1473. - unA.ii.iw 47 Helm t et wrioi-eeje. retail nil I e -!a g'imraivt Air .N S ki-cUU ) treated, mtvrlera me it, eonnoeotut. Lxe. ' . 6T6H Waehtrf-t st THK HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of band and prr snrayera r"!. rc-1. eto. it Frcet ft, pnrtlaed. Or. - STOVES W"Ol AND COAL in any quantity. 1 f j " F. . ttl Brd of Trade. Mt- 4 ,.J1 DAN CINQ 1- vti .V P - for all f vatvaio dial aeea. Curve when others faii. LA.o-L-.vk rrua Cot. arenta. 1 GRAY hair rtorwO. mC-cn guar- rr-r. wai. v. ii.i-9 .LA.1I. aateefl or BKmtt rTinien ? iiii .--- ....... . v - c ( ,.-e. AM khMt f t aprtat XX I ra I . e-. TTPEWIUTERS M 'N F.T to lose i ll kind of a-v-urity. W. lo'il. rtm W n,fctrtwi tWr Q!'l .K.l.-a in a'-l orille B W. Ki-e s ' '-r'-n e V1t ls. .. I N 1 . . r A 1 t f ' ''" '. l!wi Kwt V arj. i. Ai'.5y ti-Jg 144.! . rwvu ismra-r opening cutwae-o. ; ,e -,z T- hrmmnn. lnciaJ1ns ladr and geoti--, ' 1 tv.ew I ec , private leeei ey Lt J fr win,-, afera"n emf v-ni-a- 2t4 Pacific itroj uf-m c-v r -t io t' r-QT'e: ei.reo!.f me. t?H MRS- tl Ci'RNK.JrS, er . et- Rmh, et AY"Nt.K'. Wi it earbea r 4 read lr. T, R r, TH A 1U '- Fh M'- . I mmr. Ataky h.Ag. ii ar-4 Mo- a, ?r H het. V. I -erk and lvth eta. 7417. A-l-417. i - - R;KETT3 I-pcin ALL enak 11 tod. rw pel 4, ao'd. D C. Cox. til titer. Tel. 14T. OREGON TRMSFER ; CO. , Corner of Bwveatk as Irvtag sts. PEOKES - - OLSAN-ROB TRANS FEB CO. I transfer and ag. "tea, aaoved. parked and ... eaealt a aaoed. prkd Qk t Mta 647; A-2S47. Bias a. ahippwa. 1RKLAKD M'MILLAR Mevlsg od eaprMIna. tNl46 841 S4S Wiala raarne East 661; INDEPCDE'T Barrage Tranafae Co. tor- g. 824 Stark, klaia 4QT. : FOR storage raern Inquire C H. Eliton. 874 Water at Main 3iL - TRANSPORTATION XVovtV OPEN RIVER CO. OAX BT. XOC- rrwtght rw 4vd dar.r for all ptr,t en f'niumbia and Bnaae river a far l-sjaoo, JRfelfk and .w M. A. OCN9T CO. DISTEIBI'TORS or Flfg CldABS PORTT.ANn. OS, ALLfS A LEWIS CROCtRIKB. TRANS PORT ATIO X Sao Francisco ft Portland 8. S. Co. Only airert ateamev . da.llrtit aatH. From Abwwerth dor-k. Prlle4. 4 a. a. SB. Seaator, Kay 1, 15. eta. BS. BVose City, May B. SO, ete. Fri Lomoard t.. Sve -, 11 a. am. BS. mvoeo City Mir 1 18, a. S3. Beaatar, May 4. BO. t. W. Raaaw-i, Owe Agent, X. nt : at. I. KmIm. elty Urkt agent. 13 li,r bUia ena. A leX - COOS BAY LINE ThO etentner BREAKWATER leave. Port land 4 ertnenrtay at 8 r. ml frw Alfiworth d vrk for BTortk Bid. f ra flald aad Ce Bey yotste. 1 r-. ' r oeivd Pa. m. a- oay ft PaMener faee. ftrrt cl. $16; rlawn, t . vt lnnf krit od rn l-i-Oiil fitv t k-t T), l'lM r"l v . t-.n , er Alnworta do. J Mutt : Nor.Tir rAcint, - CO.'S ST f :.". VETERINARIAN b a. thovj-aov. P. v. a nrrv '1- i tmwrm w, 3 Hawtkw. . . ( l'SJK-01, k'flfl eni ew l tleBr J. N. 1t )me T't'e-I I ' !a w M--.VSed mdr1, "-'- !, j a t Thl)'e 1 wv I..-. s l- i H. I fcee. .era erev e I I e , . ' I , r- .-- ,U.. 1 - r I.V F '!" for i feriAMi 'et. , 6f 0..Aav Mais 8116. aa'eed ia t ventre. walta. iwe aeiew u.el n;i. ei a 4 l"ore. Itmt les-ur. e.,y I n . iew I rM a. ers rcv t el I'fn w , : 1 tag, age. v. ck f