The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 27, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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c. a IACKSON. ...
Pea Pictuee of AWul
. . .'" Ha mid ;; .''vf
leaving the net mfcratlon nearly I through do fault of their own. and
640.000. . There are several muses I there are 'often excuses worthy of
or ima great movement, chief among I charitable consideration In the caae
mem oeinj the superior fertility of J of men. :
line Virgin Riherlan anil srhlh liVal flnma ir rnmtlliitlntiillf anil nnt
renin Piiod.Tl and i that rvf i- ... . I .i i. 4 .. . .
, , snndar sanmlna- at 1 na journal tin 11 a-1 M vnuau win urvuun I iviuuv, nuinwiiuu., aw.u a-m.. .. ... . ,.
lV,?i?Jj,K228i Ztrlm. ru.Mt or. farce crona r,t ,v. n.ktT.i.j ti. tv.t ta . I Bm1,n blandly. Sultan Abdul Hamid
I I W UOakt al HO V U1VQU I VI "MkVUUlDIAUVVtJ VMM I f Tae, fc .,. V aw 4..-4k t M 1 --.....
"". . .rrv- rxTtuad. cTt State, consul at Odessa 7 estimates of average foresight could not con-It,,,... .
. timk u. i that the Immigration Into Siberia troL and in theae later rear, men I restion that thev atatt whtia h wailhava I -, tn -n Turk, are old
' " ' i, I will be greater this rear than last I scarcely elderlr are crowded out of I and n'i .i .1.. i.j thai
aifraK.!A thla movement continues, and ex-1 position, that they bad expected to Mi of freedom are again elogg ed, 1 1.?., .. can afTerd to take a
- ... .vaaaataaBMi 1 m 4
low? Whn Wh4t At1"' ""i louf toh
the I And even if there U no re.ll good r?n5 tth .TDUn Turlt mawment. . maJIar loaf f bread may not
nam piitt-iwi ini inaciiDi iromi" .......... , .
111 ':L 11 I will K i . '
tnunni a nttiTiBiNO HiraKSBNTATiTa. i iio increase
ET "tiiifiui; tZTi&toZir01?'' h6Et Pfoduct,on' .xcu.f forold age poverty. It I. well lhffi" holding
Bniidii.. Cbtcaa ' ' J .7 lutreo or.iuppiy in yro-110 rouieiuDer, wjin wurna, oi Turica. U hereafter to b claaaed wlthwaVi "
nun inn m rv .1 . .1 - r n ai tr n "wnar'. a a ai wa Anna mav.inn Bona wm m ih a m .i iaami&. w
compute, we know not what', re-1 ma,l"r ror reminiscent comment, (but
cltsa of the Toun.l
Tti Jnnrnat ( im (11 la liondna. nlait
t th fOra of Tba Joorutl'i EngUah rnr
rntttlTM. a J. Hardy Co.. . M Vlrrt
imt hm rabacrlptlraa aad dTrtlaaroBt
-IH or MWT1, -' -..-I -'
. SulMcrlritlan Tsrma br aall a to ar addnaa
ki tbf Kniud Btataa. Canada r Maxtooi .
, , war. . .
Oaa rar.n....fS.0 Otm mactb f JSC
' .tJKDAT. i . y : .
Oa fa-..,......J0 f Ora onth....V.t
An rr...l.....f7.40 vita ot. .....I M
.Vi L". U',!. that Ta,t ,lk9B bbaai M
T. - . . . . . .
. .1 :. I . . x.rTii iobi no tlma in Tiaartnnlnar in
.... ..u. i. v.. i v, , vuimii. innnn, : J ia raorriy i k-iii k n. v.. . w
ioietu, ma .'. w aiep aaiuo a ni. another Droof th. I.. h , " "lMl
I iiiui , mil " onur uuriona 11 crm WU DM Mr'iMul Otn.l m.. .... ... .1
ITRTfP'V. VXTAQ. K' . V...K1 Ihrnthor .man '!! . mantlor allt a. I nun Of Turktr had Kaaf rn turn hla I .tnn. ! 1 t" Vr-Trr" .' 0ng another
v v Te.awr . rJi ia a. w vi vuiio l b . a , ' - - - t . aa ,uw levinv VMM 9,
Trouble la in the air . there. I woman..' : ,
had,-.-A lot of the'thlnaa thev aav
bdoui. tna auitan are true but ha atlll
' Ot all thieves foole are the
worst; they rob you of ttmel'
. and temper,oethe.',,J;i,i;
Turkey la situated to be a cen- So it I. a fraternal, noble act tllZ -r rl.
ter of trouble. . la rich man. whose life ud to old agelbrids. Ha looks wearied and biaaaandl .
Switierland passe, "along peace-1 has been above the average success-160' death but all the time it is Corn has bean keepinf eomparatlvelv
fnllv from iWrl A, ' frr.rr. fnl. to nrovlde thua far the .listen- .'1 "" . 91 . ' .w Known jo..i. ye, k a not so slow. .Ither, ;
" 7. .7. 1 . j . . .u.j Ulnn ramuy wno is caarunr in- I, . v . . ' :
generation to generation: it ha. ho ance and care of Impoverished old I whenever the muckrakara atari on I Of Murm iim im i' .
army, no1 navy; it Interferes vwlthlsge, and it la to be hoped, that In I the orient It' a cinch that the flretht,ooo fine, indirectly, aome
AWr'nl r.n i.atl.n ttttl. if ' b I everv larca Ht v ther will he wealthy I hook w11' be on "The Shame-of Con-J . .
pobody "and no nation with t. " So. I every large city there will .be wealthy
to a areat. extent, neacefullv nros- men wno will prov ae ' for . .ucn
pers Denmark.. Rfllgion Is not theinonies.
dominant Idea, Nejther 1. it; , now. I
In Great Britain, -or In Japan. . It
is in Russia,' and in Turkey, where
religion constantly runs into oolitic.
NE OF the significant features to the curse and destruction of tnan-
of the present Portland Is the kind.: France has v largely emanci-
mnow or foreign capital and jpated herself; even-Spain show. In
ti. irnnu i i i i. . I J 110.0 .LAndla recently fined a rlefanrl.
eVth. orVln h.VV"W with " nt" This time the fin. .
bells on and alortfylna; Gladstone called a a '
him "that .reat aseasstn," i and the "Why marry a brute anyway r aska
Yournr Turks called him a dead one. and suffragette. To torture him. we aup-
he has modestly admitted that, meaa- Pse.( , N
It will be fjulte awhile before we will
0 THE people' of Portland want I urd by other folks' standards, he has
;a strictly partisan admlnistra- the of srafUn- down ao fine that haVe To put VOrlft'on producti tfom
.Uon of manlcipal affairst Have .i!-llS out of Mw t""r ,ro,uct ,rom
wumwyw ....u. I . Pmahnrv aM.rrrx.n-a mn.ih AA .1
sucn aaminBirauons prwvcu iot 0f neoole who don't know have called
New York city'a net debt Is $B9,00e.-
llva vrti-A man Tt to Dn ji . j-i tn-i i- . I honflplal In lrlna that bnvai tola-1 him a. noward. Rut ha lan'f that tt I 000. The CltVla nvtrntd bv a nartv
- . . uitmiuua ui uuiux bo, U(ie is a I - - . - . . - - " ' mwklna - r
lent as to rise to the proportion, of storm center of mediaeval passion. V rated - . . .
a movement It Is observable in the The troublea in Turkey inst now on necessitates the operation of a I' hav. it?J,l ,7 ,p!l":L..p.att"i,,ay'Mt. the game .differently
talA nrila T.aM tro. I, M.l, C. J. i i n v.. I nartv marhlna linrlAr n hns or a hi. k.-ii .1. t.i... I Sf "?T OUS pernape ne TIM a net-
' tlo mn ' ara Inln r I - it-im j . tt, . rllnnn nf hnsnoa nf whom the mavor I a murmur . For he's one of a nromlnent I
tor. Tt ha. bln T7 Z v - It 1 trT mav he the nrinclnai hoM or only a Othman family of Turkey, and they're V Oregen Is also free from lightning rod
tors. It has been observable In Francis Joseph; uthey are almost as my he), the principal bossy or omy a .am, He-, 60 y.arB oW Bow. and peddlers, to say nothing- of being nearly
'vwie ui uuBi;uuu. . vopi i airaiu . as ineir-- ancestor, were oil"" "a""3""- . v , . ";.im naant nad neattn enough to take i- .
They have come from Spokane. They cratic rule; and of course the czar operated chief ly for the benefit, the h. wa. . ot J. and for J 7 JlWt?p"llCt$
i ji., t I . . . . . . .. - I . j.. v I years ne nas aepi me roiieneai empire .,...Hn. v.. r,.,,nn.
iiavo wjuio nuia vuicago. . xney nave i or itussia is or me same notion; ana ouijs,
come from Philadelphia, New York Abdul Hamid was atlrred tin to Jflake those who
and everywhere.. : Their Invoafmcnto I anntSor aniiui tamiu-raMf I comoaratively
have been a giant factor in the ad- ; Then there are internal 4ifflculi quires for campaign purposes a good I to,!" hvwvvJTih I h" d0M "k om "orJ- i "!tlon
vanceof Portland values. They have ties;: grafting, civic corruption :i' dis- deal of money, which 1. largely ob- M may be that ,om TCUse may be Two Japanese warsh'lpa ar in (an
oettn a rorce in ioriiana aeveiop-1 eases a tnousand jrears.oid. sun ies,-.l yj. wbitihiiuoiw ui "-i rouna, ior mm wnen one reiiects tnatipedro harbor and will visit ail pacino
ment. They are now an active and terlng. It is doubtful if the Young ciai interests, public utility corpora-1 ine way nia peopie m ,.e mix' wimico( pons, now.woni ui .w.ttoo
most powerful agency for Portland's Turks reallv Intend or desire to re- tlOlis and others, In return for these him la on the baa
future. ' , t . -k form these ancient abuses. They contributions the xnaxhine grants They wouM llke to u
It Is not difficult to guess why surely cannot , do Tgo .unless they are these special and . usually corporate aoup atock. Hardy riflemen romp care- kry But nobod y e ver claimed that it
they have come. ,The men behind wiser and truer reformers than they interests whatever favors ; and ad- .
nit.i i. -rn. i, u i nnti in tatirtn onri thorwlae; Bosporus, hoping they may add an Im-1 .
uMauwou.,. , auey w' "" w 4al' LT V' . Tn. 'w a periai head to their score by night ? People whose religion teaches' them
ploy their means with discernment.' Meanwhile, Edward of England, a they - desire j5 Thus the masses Of I jater on the aulUn's spiea catch them that it is praiseworthy and helps their
Many Marion eounty1 hopyards being
renewed. , a
A stallion bousht by Joaeph parties
weighs 1160 pounds.
' There Is cement building stone around
Echo, says the egister.
Tlie Child'. Garden. '
RB you not touched by the sl.tit.
not uncommon at this time of
year, of a little child trying,
against most adverse conditions.
a nower airdenT- It al-
one way-o-.-nother. of fTtVUXi oTVZ .g'-ct
run It and support it, a a lot of things but he Isn't a coward. pi,-,. i ii.l. i; " iii,.n Iit
vely -few people. It re- The , Toung Turks hava complained thrdev?l..ava "f h." DmocratT Do,'bi:
They saw-In Portland fan'orderiy potent figure if he choses to move, people, the ; citizens generally, are and aw a leg orr wtm irritating pro- neaveniyxeucny to eiaugnier .peopie or
city. They iaw In it a city immune remains stationary, mum. and this wronged and In effect robbed by the "" VuniXinoX erSnfent" tZWtf?
rrom distracted politics and: machine will not redound to his credit In the very people elected to .serve them, the Young Turk movement was to de- x. '." J' "7 B, .
rule. Nothing is more attractive to ultimate report of the advancement Such a government is necessarily ex- clare an open season on auitana and Mttiia? ?Wri" twiTwiiP iS.
capital, and capitalists, t They BaW a of civilization.; .iThehi'.WH .never a pensive,:; too, ' for. every subordinate that official - has Just closed the - sea- a shortage of them. But we can safely
city of possibilities by reason of posi- greateF opportunity for a great head and' scrub boss or ward, or precinct h?
nun aua environment, ixie uoium-I 01 a state 10 Biriae a oiow.ior man-1 uociei , uiudv uo auwtiu pumuuu ;w ormttlon Is to be relied on. v
bia river from mouth to source and kind than Edward of England Jias I profit somehow, and ; permitted vto I Abdul came into power, when ! hi
tha UMHamotta n 4ta an,a tn h nn v - , i ' ..- , ., V I hentnw like favnra In ft amAller -de-1 brother and . uncle were murdered. He
standing forests of an enormous re
Kion. Water facility means- that
. i , . i . . i
s-roiui-vu i, . ..wuvjs . .u h hllvea that ha tha atnlA fnn.
ICiaquers.' ,-i I aequently he can do no wrong, and an I
It Is almost universally acknowl-1 act which annoys him is high treason, I
(From a speech- against imperialism
ARMONY THINNERS serve noth- edged, even by party papers, except to 09 punished accordingly. He-lives in
..'i - . i.. . . t momentary rear, or assassinauon dt i n, - t u ti oi.,..
-ang. ,i,e auring.a municipal campaign, tnat p0i3on,rknif, i;t b0mh, Hia one amuse- a tT ,0; ' "
irozen wgeiuoi uy Bucna. ui 1 party ruie in municipal aiiairs is-a 1 ment- la ' revolver -practice, aod he ; is I ," .y-"-
' annshlne. There mar be a hart'thlnir Tt is o-nnarallv admitted aaid to be the best ahot In Europe. The 1 once my good fortune 10 wit.
these forests In time will be moved
to Portland and he here transformed
from the- raw to the finished state.
It Is a stupendous possibility. Equal
ity .,,nu,. in h .t,-f nJ . U .
. enm f bottr temnerat.nrn. bnt their. .rMo.,. ir. ;.atinai a,iar.Hrtr.a palace servant who makes an nnexpect- ness kn Impraalv-r spactacla in this
r.".! . UUI " ' ' 7'' 7;!T. :;.V, ir,- . . . . vvv.T . d movement la apt to be ahot dead chamber, when senators answered to
wnich, in the. obvious fitness 1 of MuerBs . ....a. ,..,, iM, partyism snouia De exunguisnea by hls nervous master. He's done that their namea In renderlnr solemn 1udg-
things, must be assembled at Port- tw0 In number. , , ., : . or minimized in the government of I more than once.- But when called on ment In a great sum trial. By a ape-
land, here to meet the commerce of Momentarily tne plans or Mr. i- a city.' There is properly no na-J Invariably displayed an abundance clal provision each senator was per
the nations. It is these and kindred l P ra-Wul hirfaaon 1 h&
' v ivvtvuu vvu ms v uiuniugv vu J , , . 1 . . . I I ----- - - j au moil -caj.ia "3 aa scia wiuuig ajlisi . 1 JLClllV. Iff ilia b ui" 4 uvwiiun vctviv ue iv vr
Portland enormous capital and live The Pmary lw,ust be aestroyea. ,.en out of J00 will be benefited inlof . its own weight for centuries, and might be decided not 1 alone by the
wire men " ' ' '' - I iuwio mc cci,iy f iw. 1 slightest degree "by having local i iuii"ura, ui iuut wmon 1 tows 01 us wno u nre . wuy, uui
to useir musr. oe taaen away u uo i officials of otie nartv or "the other I KUU'. ""'" u,i'u"'' '' m iv. meu, wo.w.ra vui
given to a machine. So far there is . " - . K -J. ??. I"" "SLU" .",.B" v"
Frnlt prospects j' around 'v Tfewberg ways strikes a parUoularly resDonslva
never better at tht. tim, of year, . ohor1 t0 M a J,JtC
A Yamhlil man ha. a lemon 'mtaur- VB.rrtUtaM l"
in, nine Inches 1 ylrcumf erenc.. , f , ; to getlm'gnThCt
A JosPh mi ZlU mov'a his sawmill ?laht!' "hab: " la so evt-
to Whiskey creek and will out-16,000,- ih "'f ' the soul against tba
000 feet of lumber on on contract . .ordld conditions of llf. .
, , ' . t e . : , ' . " 80 nedlea that la the pity
a KI- Kam aav Kaarharir.' aavs Of ' It. " Any slrona. abla hnrllaa pa,.n
the Oraohlo. Is being celled and it would I with a spade could In ll mlnuin nut a.-
make a residence that many people I little plot: of .ground into condition an
would be .lad to occupy, j, .,. ...... I that some hardy slant, would fin.t
xt vT-. ' -a ri'.va mean or "Ubslatence. And a very few
Newberg Oraohle: So far wa naval eantB .rr)nHH ...... .
haard nn mentinn tnada of tha nam Of I . . . . . . . '""'.'"
ou7 fr endT. Walter I- Toose, for gov- Tutv hu Zr .hn . " Jr t? tnat utu
ahnort, , Poulbly. U-Is a -little ,early ;yefc 1 7?SS b,?Bfrjr cbJld 'u
' - a . . I uui, yciimpa necessary to
win...!, .'...'u. t.a.' a naa, 9K aha I organise another souletv or aaanniaiinn '
college building and Columbia, college to supply giants and seeds to tagls-r
a modern two story and a basement -adr little children; we do not need by-law. :
ministration building. ? tha -aagle. or offioera or' aues or equipment Wt
A normal department will be added to do not even need a constitution. All wa
tha college course. need la that those who have should be
: ..... . 1 generous to those who have not And
M naor.1. would kick at a reserved I navar mlnH ... r .v..
seat In heaven, aaya tl.e Echo Reglater. ,r that la tr'ue of all the other needed
We have soma kickera In Echo. A I reforms In the world or not This Is
kicker Is all right In tha right place, merely a -oliioo.iv 1 A,.,!.
but a-knocker and kicker, groucher anaiohid to make a flower garden. 7
beat In Echo la out of place. ; jf ,ou h... . -&hhTanH ri
1 1 ' ' y 't ' ' v ' I member that term is very elastic) a lit-
rtnlrl "Hill News; . Prnnertle& contain. I tie Wistful vounaratar who. naara iki,h
na? dnn arrna. Tvlna lust west Of the I the fenoe nallnaa at vnu whan vm,
corporate limits of Gold Hill, and near J transplanting and digging, pruning and
oaraine crrnn, iiava urrn iamj uiuuuir in juur own wen qraered gar-
and gas mining. - A home company will den, ado in the name of humanity, hand
develop tha properties. They will overt to him some cuttings, seeds or
organise at once and aa soon as possible slips and tell him he may have them for
the erecting of a derrick will begin, hla very own. And If you know that he
, , cannot, by any possible chlldlah effort
Hermlston Herald: Within tha paat make a place where they will thrive lit
week the Umatilla project has made the hla hard beaten or tangled weed choked
record of planting more trees within a yard, take a few minutes' time to be a
specified time than anv locality in tha real friend. Help him clear a little -Paclflo
northwest 60,000 having been space. If you can't dig It up aak soma
set out. On every street and avenue big boy to. Ha will help If you enlist
and within a radius of several miles of hla Interest Be a real neighbor and In
Harmlalon man. women, and children friendliness - ask Dermiaslon of hla
could be seen aiding In thia united ef-1 mother or father to help the child in
fort to beautify and enhance tha value I his efforts, and give him a start
of this ones barren waste. I It paye better than almost any other
V a .. - . . i. ! 1 "ivia umgnooruneas. it sausiies tne
-v.'a v... 1- . v. ..-.i a-aa I desire for nractlcal work: it cultivates
In tnV v clnlty of Young-i 'rivarT wher. th, . child a apprwiatlon of the beautiful;
boring for oil or gaa 1. now In progress, It arouses an Interest In growing things
is an established fact saya tha Astoria which none may miss and live a cora-
nw whan a dnth of 1Z6 feet h ul pletely useful life.
been reached on Thuraday afternoon thel And you Ured mothers who bava too
presence of gas waa noticeable coming much to do to be watching every mln
L"i .T. 1. 1 . Z.a K. r. .n .ffnrt wri I Ut what tha reatless Uttfa oebnle are
made to Hunt It It was found to burn doing, sea whether It Is not worth whilff,
oulte freely in an almost colorlese aa an experiment, to sUrt your children
flame Jn th gardening Una. They will make
There Is no doubt but Lane county I learning, and, tha actual outlay la so
rapttaliats might build the Eugene- upe.
irinranna alar-trie railway were they dls-1
nosed to do ao. saya the Guard. Enough And then it la inevitable that the
money to build and equip the llrst 10 suggestion should creep In don't deal
miles would be all that la necessary, harshly with, a little child who unknow-
since bonds could then ba easily floated Ingly plucka a few flowers from your
for each additional section until the Una own r your neighbor's garden. Re-
was completed. t 1 member that small children have only
mo mvDi rudimentary iuu oi property
rights. If they may pick wild flowers ,
thejr can aee no earthly reason why
they should, not pick flowers In any
other place.
And they love them so. ? I think we
forget after yeara and real sorrows and
burdens - have somewhat encased tha
.1-,.,,. r.n -A,,nt an an. spiritual In us, how we used to thrill
which al way a tend to corrupt and en- wjtn pleasure over the 'color or acentof a
feeble and ultimately to break down flower. How the beauty Of it used to
the parent state.' move us, almost to tears. Oh. we for-
""Aaron Burn 'Yes. Tou are -repeating get bo much that Is worth remembering,
my buccaneering expedition down the .But to alan , a child's hands, to aeptd
Mississippi. I am to b. vindicated at ft:,
...V ,. . ' , T ri called him so with Its beauty that ha
"Abraham. Lincoln: No. I said la In- could not reaist that la to be a brute,
dependence - hall at Philadelphia, Just wn nr. a has a rirht to wound a child an.
before I entered upon my great office, But you say the child must be taught
The Roll Call oftU FatKerZBy Geortf. F. Hoar
unity. But when - the machine is
This.' is known and said, by nearly credit W the. 27 years of his reign. He I the continental congress from s tha be-
HE SENTIMENT In" favor of a
aouDteqiy grown greauy in rr"., " wlT1 V " t rna. Bmni
JflDt,leT VA. BC,rr?.elJ tions of Mr. -Simon and Mr. Fulton
checked by the decision of the United w,u come In conflict. Both will
, States supreme court,, one of .the nu- f ha, bleher-iins.- Each will
, merous five-to-four .decisions, one of want the full and entire service of
me -live justices naving econsioerea the machine all the time.; Each will
n is opinion before tne judgment was j want to be master.
definitely announced. Many. emM -a machine, cannot serve two mas
nent lawyers, Including President Iters, ' The row that will ensue will
Taft, believe that an Income tax law! shake. Oregon. History "repeats, lt-
could now be passed that would he self. The name -causes always pro-
held constitutional.' . Senator Borah duce the same effects The harmony
of Idaho is of this opinion; and he that la catalogued now; will be ten
recently said: . . thousand furies 'r then.' Havins the
It seems to me that in the light of power then that . the "people now
. the decisions of the supreme court of have, . Ihe big chiefs and their ; re
the Vnited ; States. -rendered -slnoe the spective - retainers will battle over
Income, tax decision. . it . must be held the Issue of which shall use it to ma
.' that an Income tax would now be held I own ' advantage. ' Hermaphrodite
constitutional y that court , The - conventions will be held. -Rump
oeriying . and fundamental principles conyentlons will be held. vRi0t and
upon , whtehthetaooine 1 tax decision wa. bedlam In the Republican party will
-.w!,,:. " be resumed. - For order and decency
.ion. .VTh,ere 1. n way. to my mind. W,,L, be : b-tltnted .the
hv ,H ti, At i battle. ..of the cl.quers and their
" J " avct vv.Diuiie vtall 1 Kits ' - t J t - 41 M
reconciled in .principle with the. Joeom master.. Public- affair. In Portland
tax ideclsion while oa tha other hand, torn by" It'. 'The legislature
the later decisions are all In harmony will be -riven by ItrWThe state, will
with the principles underlying an in- be xiDDed ToDea .by ; IU" All of the
' come ux. Yoa cannot change j rotten political past, from which for
a consuiuuonru pnncipia by. calling tt a. few year, we have nad giaa sur-
an excia tax ona day and a direct tax cease, will be restored with Increased
the next day, whet the -sources of-to ftfry v it is a program for the people
eoma are precisely tha-ame. , -,: of PortUn(i to tarn from 'With , af-
t , uououuj ir not lm- frighL- TheJiarmony dinner mean,
probable that Ihe supreme court, future of colossal inharmony for
woa.u now sustain it. - former de-J Portland if the .people allow them-
cision, based a. tt sems on a J selves to be tricked into Tehdiiig
Birniuw ana exceetungiy. .technical their sanction.
construction of the constitutional in. I . . . - " 1
hibltlon of direct federal taxes. Re-j ' OLD AGE PENSIONS
sides, the supreme court ha. been
known to reverse itself, in effect, tol . SEATTLE mag who died late-
riieet changed, condition, or to be 1n f ty.. Richard Jeffs, left 1100,
' harmony 1th large poUclea. of the f 000, about hall of hi. estate,
contemporaneous administration. ,td provide a home for aged
But if Mr. Aid rich can prevent it people in King county. A moder
thtre will be no income tax and no ately wealthy man who died recentr
tai 03 securitie. pf corpora tlona, nor lx, in Portland. Mr. P. J. Mann, had
snr more tax on wealth than he Is already made a like benefaction
i ra4 to consent .to. -His poJU"jr is shortly before hi. death. Few bet
to tax the man with f 100.000.00u bo ter charitable nae. can be made of
more than tha man with xlbftn lanr-nlna wealth. -
Tt'i are objection to aa Income! It may be .aid that everybody -who
Ul wnB me " mrvhnil ownnf the. marhlna nrH. I is a reformer, too. by Turkish -atand-l a-innlna- of the rerjubllc
built; as it. will be built, - division ; nomto,M anA not. An nnt ards, for he has done -away with the The roll la called; .
national Income tax has nn- d f the peot)l6 t0 the . bosses denrit cept when a campaign comes to by should wa quit our own, to stand on
' dOllhtprllV ttrn-arn firrontlv In PaJU irum IW'I'Wpre i vw,.u"B,a . . t- hali W mirruibaa tha th. kaMa f tha thrnna tn hi. I , .
seek to make voters believe that thel position more -secure; and he has bet-J "Alexander. Hamilton: 'No. Tba dec
,, . 7h. riminan ,. J tered the condition of womankind lnflarattdh of Independence la the funda
rule Of the dominant -party IS -Very domlnlon. and has been a inraui Lu.Ma, ..tllnHnn nf av.rv atata'
important in tne city as, wen as in 1 patron nf art. and so far as possible has "Thomas .Jefferson: No. -Oovern-
the nation. -Some such are trying! been a. liberal ruler..,
to make party the one . greatly im-1
portaat thing riqw. :r With them it is
party, Toot this ir that policy; party,
sot fair, good government; ! party,
Letters From tlie People
raents are instituted among "men de
riving thalr just powers from the con
sent of , the governed. ' Every people
ought to have that separate and equal
station among tha nations of the world
to which the laws of nature and of
nnt th c-rnarpsr trnnd in tho, ereat-1 la Jonmai anoum ae written oa nature s goa enuua tneiB. ...c s
Dot tne. greatest gOOa lO tne great- . . side-of -the Diner enlv and boold be act . . . - .. 5
D'b' lh: nr?.? ?D? .". Of th. w.W-t-r. tin Vndar -an.
k- " i -a I T'ter.. ine nam win not 09 nraa - ir in . . - . -.
NO, the people 00 not want O need I writer uka tbat It be withheld. Tha Journal I Btitutlon there can be no dependencies.
a wholly partisan government Ini' andemtood as ladarsfng the view; I Wherever there is In tha Christian and
Dn.H. vrhas .Km w. ! f C SrS'aL."1, TV.J clvtllaed world a nationality of charac
arnlnc: hark to a rule of the machine th,lr "turned whan not oatd sboold in. ter. then a national governmenlT la the
going. Dacjr to a ruie 01 me macume,! poataaa. necessary and proper result There Is
the bosses and the partisan lacqueys i CtorrMpondent ire notified that .lettws . 1 not civilised and Intelligent man on
and s claquers. It: will . be ,- bad; for o.w
MHalMW VVMUl a, A, .. ' 4, s w .. aa w aaaaw a
: ; 'w- Kot Tta THwt. nffanaat I the government ' of bis own nation, hla
t th JMttnr r Th- t 1 t- .vl country.- A nation can only be
-v- " aswaaa a mm a aa If Iff
them. . It will be a descent, a retro
gresslon, and a great Injury to this
Oregonian of April J 2 appeara an edi
torial entitled, "A Modeat Request" In
happy .under a government of Its own
Christians., relying largely on a which the author quotes or conies dl-L. 1 V" i?.!"? A-I.L
. .. a . f .A-tit. mm -. ,, . , , I Of. vnvj cunsiiiuiiuu. I1C w i- wntcuiuiaiou
single sentence in the Bible, believe jrect 'ii jw coWnle.--or provinces at alL ; .They
It is their duty to 'ao Into all parts W.-V.J only;; nothing less
of ,he- world and convert; adherents ..vereradltTx 'KTt
of mother, religions to cnrisiianuy,eay,requ to quit p0lulci, mUAtm - , thls pro.
inis oenei at ieaBi maaee veniaoiei " r: J" :
another text : ," "Behold, I am not j rf 7 Aaothe Way to K1U Flies,
come to bring peace Into the world. . Waldo. Or, April . To the Editor
VUI a muia.; V"' mumtAva v , ui iimuuruai m remrucf to taa I I a- I . nn .lu.l 111 , a.,I.. f tha
Christian nolcy and duty, many pec- tnictlon of common bouse file, which ?? Ta,?.h.. Vj?? .T lUl Ji
vision of - -the constitution excluding
colonies,' which are alwaya subject to
oppression, and . excluding provinces.
that I rested ' upon the truth Thomas
Jefferson uttered. 1 And X was assassin
ated In order to maintain It'
"Charles Sumner: "No. I proclaimed it
when I brought in Alaska. 1 sealed my
devotion with my blood also. It was
my support and solace through those
many long and weary hours when - the
red hot Iron pressed upon my spine,
tha very source) and origin of agony,
and I did not flinch. He knows our
country little, little also of that great
liberty of ours, wno supposes that we
oould receive such a transfer. On each
side there Is Impossibility, Territory
may be conveyed, but not a people,'
. Mr. President: I know how feeble' Is
a single voice amid this din and temp-
eat thla delirium of empire.' It may
be that the battle for this day la loat
But I have an assured faith In the
future. . I have an assured - faith In
justice and the lova of liberty of the
American people. The stars in their
courses fight for' freedom. The ruler
of the heavens Is on that aid. If
tha battle today go against 'It, I ap
peal . to another day, not distant and
aura to come. ' I appeal from the clap
ping of hands and tha stamping of
feet and tha brawling and tha shouting
to tha quiet chamber where the fathers
gathered In Philadelphia. - I appeal from
tho spirt t of trade to the spirit of lib
erty. I appeal from the empire to tha
public. I appeal from tha million
aire, and the boss, and the wirepuller,
and the manager, to the statesman of
the older time. In whose ayes a guinea
never glistened, who , lived and died
poor, and-who left to hla children and
te his conntrymen s good name far bet
ter than riches. I appeal from the pres
ent bloated with material prosperity.
drunk with the lust of empire, to an
other aad a better age. I appeal from
the present to tha future and te tba
most skeptical that we are in the road
roller business and our stock In trsds
constats of a little something more sub-
.,..11.1 ah. . hanHful . rt italnariiaa
tlanity. Which 1. a sufficient reason I band cut In two.- I have killed 400 ef (representing something made 1000 miles
for their slaughter on any possible ?iew TO,"uie": "aver enow 1 away.
I t Pft BeWt f JV " 11 eafa ' Iff". W MA tn ak It. Sa enva . la awaa a. I a4
v . w aa aaa savwsw w ltl UIJk
nia In Tnrktah rovlnrea. esneciallv ?h J?.rnal has taken up, I will aay
7 - , 7 ' T. jm sii, i f tnat tne nest remedy l nave found Is
in Armenia, have professed Chris-1 to : shoot them with" smell rubber
excuse or' occasion by the more rad-
This Is a quick and efficient remedy .By O. W. EVAW8. Manager.
leal Of the Mohammedans. Who also and there Via no walUna- for tham ta
regard it a. a religious duty to ex-1 bite. . Besides tt la one way to go hunt-1 King Otto of Bavaria'. Birthday.
t.m,liiala nannl il ffarlnr from ln M a in anuounar tnam Decomes 1 - Jung miQ ot tjararia, whom Ilia
.7, 7 1- 1,1. a science. .A large band makes tham story Is one of the most pitiful la mod- religion. , Every., christian wQd and they taks te the celling, but era history, was bora April J7. 1841,
killed or tortured adds to' the fa- a email one Is O. K. 7 REAPER. and succeeded Us brother,, Ludwlg II,
ture felicity of the Musselman la the . ; " . , 3 ' ' ; June It; ISM, when that mad monarch
Mrvh.mmavl.n h.-ran ' .rwirrlln tn . 1 StUn Rollers. . - committed suicide by drowning himself
" " - - - , . ,, . . ' . I. h 1. V. rttt al la ta.
his belief, which may be as sincere tjK irrl 1o7 of an.Tbot Th.a i hi. broker dleTltw;.
as the Cnrlstlan. . II not SO reason-1 your paper an article appeared In re-1 decided, after much discussion, that
able or humane, - 80 though nomln-1 IJZ.SJ kVJT, 1 1 ?Uo'r e,a'" 0,h.thrr.M J?
ally the .Cross and the Creacent have city of Portland, and it -u stited tail rvlarded king" bu7 Z
ceard. a. great religious, political jj k .v.. erpwaed. and hi. nncl Luit-
and military lorcea, 10 wage fierce 1 company had sold 11-too rollers to thel P"io- " appomiw "nnt w nm arar-
ar against each; other., many fol-f HttJe y. aom:''vn,a mBmr . " 'a'
. - imu 11 n 1 wat ii"w npn iiiw vai 1 w va rwn- 1 ivuu, own ew in w u w w w m-m. rr
lower, of the crescent are yet ear-ilan 13150. We d--lre to state to tha moved to the mountala ralace of Fur-
but it f mi to be made to work
Uklht if t.?!ftflori!y In Er.flaad, and
:t w; i almost surtlr bccurr.e a. fea
) '. : e f foderal taxatioa in this coun-
'i - x- ! , ( r.rtk
: i-r years.
''-t r-r, Dt r.fgT.-tion cf Ea
i: r.s t-.'o A'.Iatic 6:i-rla
) m t f 1-1 ifss attta-
" ! t . j i7 fr'Tree. pur-
Jir j'ar lit! at-oct
; ' , ' rf F:!r',p'sa rtu'a
n t 1'1'M ..f El.
i : '.' ' ? irf.CC? rtturxed.j
lives to old age xrmt have had op
rKrtnoltrei to provide wfncfcntly for
UiaX period of his life, and If he
doe not do ao he deserve, no help
or sympathy. It la trae that la
many caae. an old -man', conduct
has been ao improvide-Bt and rerhape
TicioTji that -a. a matter of strict
JaaHf-e eotlety or wealth wee htm
cmbL-.g. fcut to make ttU a oniveraal
or even a grnal rule would be a
tartarpua fciloophy, la the ease
of vomn la r-articular. many are
I U!ab'y iTripccEEloal In tbeir c'.i age
haronaly cruel and murderous, and Public, that the statement of Mr. Raadr I stenreld. and there he atlll spends hie
It U on. of the wonder, of HteJet
clvfilsaUon that It ha. M.loag per- h.a a.v.r sold the lty of geattie e J " 5" J "l.?
1 realm rotiar or uir msf r nsoa or ma. 1 - - . w ...
mltted such atrociUes In iho realm
of the Tork
No person with an osly Itxvklng rva
Iiaa eer puabed the same beneath my
Ar 1 Imroilta'f rchhed ma of mr ma."
ITS a' ran re never happened, I
tirpoae -
Bat Te a wife and daurhters. te say
nnt hi r a of my aTea.
And t n'i-rt e riaht thrnsa'i ma,
thwf H l Wt do rot rarrT rata
I am r.eon-4 oiit wxira c-ompetiy ty
th-ir tM-'eaile r-ian
Tkaa a"r -ri't -4 vtctim of tha va'amr
koidop caaai.
-Kansas City S'ar.
- Mr. Reader thinks he should be award
d the- business .because ha was the
lowest bidder, bnt because. a thing is
cheap Is no reason why If should be
purchased. A steam road roller Is sub
jected to tha moat severe teat of any
flee of road building machinery and
the kind ef rollers that we offer to
th ciy have been folly tested al Port
land for seven yeara, and bare always
m-t the requirement
The Pitts company has been estab
Tlaf.ed In Portland with a reriraeen ta
tive alnr-e the year 1&. We hare a
uielantlal establishment nere and sre
In a pnaitten to make gtw ra what
ever we pronna to do and a ceil at
our warehouse aud prerolsea at JTo
: -7 -. r .
alace died away. The father of Otta
waa Maximilian It, and bis mother a
Princess Marie ef Prussia. It 1s front
his father's side ef tha house that he
Inherited the taint ef Insanity which
has made the ancient hmjae ef Wlttels
bach ona of tba moat decadent dynasties
In Europe, .
From 1100 tn a day. lit ra te
t1" a mnnth and 1mm IHMIO ta
IJH.eo a year Is the nrrretimau ati
nf money rUit Inieircuiatinn aa was-e
hv tha Pi:nidlns Iorlna; rnrrtan a
Mlem hranen. aaya the SulMmar..
Ahnut It men tn ail r-et-a their Mr
thmugh tba 6aiera f9ce of this core-pacy.
- v This Date In History.
- Ml Patent for Newfoundland gives
to Earl of Northampton. I
1777 British raided Danbury, Conn.
111 America army under General
Pike took Tork"(Toronto), th. capital
of Upper Canada,
1 1 Zl General n yeses . Grant born.
Died July II. list.
1ISI United State, volunteer troops
defeated the Indiana near Fort Brook,
III Large section ef 'Charleston, B.
CX. destroyed by fire.
1111 Farraaut's fleet anehnrad ff
New Orleana.
14 Aaderaonvllla eiiaoa m-sad for
laoerai prisoners.
l7 3ueen ; Victoria' declared era-
press of India. .
Ill Ralph Waldo Emerson, boat and
KMrlat died at Concord, Mass. Bora
la rtneton. May tt. 1101.
HIT Sir Msckansie Bowefl reelaned
the premiership of Canada.
I III American equad roe aadar Ad
miral Sara poos bombarded Matansaa.
11 United states urrma 'court
sastal-r the clauaa te the Alabama
aenatltatloe disfranchising negro.
HOt Andrew Came at awr,
00 as a pension fund for collega pra-
reawors la tft united Btatee aad Caaada
Rewulta frnrs the pbtWty carnpalra
Which waa launrhed In Milton rac-eni.y
are belra realised every day ta a man
ner en-onrf ing t thoe f thie el'y
and community who are Barr-nrtlng the
mo-vetnetit ho N with their tflrj-nc and
fnn-ia! hawking Althrrasil the worlf
hea oT-lr been In prcrreas a few weeks.
Interest baa be i-reated aer thla ennj.
munlt a4 t-e airrMinding rmint ry tn
rr.nv pans ef the t'ni-ed e-ateax and
l-oulr1fa aakief after the rnorcea of
" " and Vrrlnlty are being received
daily v
not to touch other people's possessions.
Vaa hut htr a. rentla explanation, and
bv being taught to care for his own. If
your child has no beauty at horn and
has to go afield ln search of it the
fault is yours, not his.
Give -nlm his own garden and makn
him happy. It la not much trouble, and
It pay. well. , V
Easy Luncheons.
Veal milk aoup. ' Deviled bread.
Stewed prunes. Cocoa-
Bread and butter.
Corn chowder.
Molded salmon. ' ...
Lettuce and -cheese' sandwiches.
Preserves. Gingerbread.
Lamb and macaroni.
Stewed rhubarb.-
Hot biscuit
- Cookies.
Veal Mllir Roud. Cook a knuckle of
veal from which all fat has been re
mnvaA nntll tha meat falls artart When
It la cold remove every particle of fat
and set aside to Jelly. On the follow-ina-
dav, add tn three nints of stock
one quart of milk, butter the else of a
walnut a little mace and a few pieces
of celery. Thicken to, the constatencv
of cream, and when the aouo has cooked
-below the boiling point pour carefully
ever- three well beaten eggs, stirring
constant!: reheat carefully, season and
serve. (Half quantity ample. Stewed
knuckle of veal with dumplings mav
be aerved one day and enough Block
et aside for next day's soup.)
. Deviled Brad.Cut stale bread, bak
er's bread' preferable. Into neat altcea,
and "trim off : the Crust. Snread tha
slices lightly with butter, sprinkle with)
r rated cheese, a dust or paoriKa ana a
little aalt and put Into a .baking pan.
Set In a quick oven long enough te
melt the eheeaa a little, and crian the
Corn Chowder.-One can ef com, one
half can tomatoes, one onion, one tea
spoon aalt a dash ef pepoer, two table,
snoona butter, ona beaDtnar tablespoon
flour, nee -qwart milk, one pint pota
toes, allced. Heat corn and milk to
gether, rarbntl potatoes and add tn the
rrn-n and milk. Frr the onton. sliced.
In butter or eork drlpntngs. end add to
tha corn and potato". Melt the but
ter and stir In the flour till It la a
smooth paste; add the tnmatoee. Just
before servlne: poor tomato and tner
Ingredients together. Do not leave on
th fire. .
Lamb and Macaroni. Boll tn mac
ron i. broken Into Inch nieces. In salted
water till tender then drain, nut a lev
er In buttered haklnar dish, thee a layer
of choon-d lamb fand flnel chopped
onion ml ed with It If voti llkel,- Re-
peat lavers. ria vine- macaroni on ton.
Then add hot Inmb bmth. nona-h fo
show throueh Cover with breadcrumbs
and bake until brown.
The Pitcher
fOmtrthated ta Tto Jaai 1 1 hf Walt Maaow.
tb fa an in Kimm sntt H p" aiiraa rfl
he a rrUr faarara at tkla cwiaaa la Tk
Dally aoursaL) . . .
I'd like to be a pitcher end on the
diamond stand, a cap upon my fore
head, a ball within my hand. Before
applauding thousands. I'd throw the
cur-r1n g sphere, and front th eyea of
batsmen, bring forth tha - briny tear.
I'd make my occupation a thing of
pomp and dread. I'd tie myself la bow
knots, and stand epos my head: a
string or wild eomnrtions would mark
my every throw, end all th fans wtrold
morraur: "Oh, girls, ain't be a Jo-
And wba 1 left
or plea aura ben t
behind m. and
and all th apenrty gmwwup would
ear: "!' warm nntijar" artd fair and
c-ui tared ladles would cry: H,l-te
staffr 14 lik t b a pttcher. while
f ransaln betnw; by eav to gather gar
lartda. by r'fht t count tt dtroah.
Canrea lialtWw
girls, ain't N 1 Jor . I
rt th diamond, oa rert X f
t th kids would trail I
worship aa they went: