The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
Helllg ..
lir and . .
Htir ....
. : , . ."ClassmateB.-
The Private heinrlary."
............ V'audvllle
...... Vaudovtlle
Motion flcturoa
Better KUlUnf PaolllUee.--Postmaster
John C Younir reuulved a letlur .from
the Dostrifllee denartmnt at Washing
ton thU morning slating -that every
riLt.iiihiA ft. .. holiio- mad to Sti-
nir ,bI1Im fucll tlt-s for the
d,... Altliouah the lo.
i.atinn Kiwr ii. i..i,i wlilrli waa thought
rii'MlrahlA haa h.n dovotod . to other
purposes, other place fully aa good era
being considered and permission to la
additional quarters will UD..1 ,"
t-cimlnir. . The alalement from . the !)
'ortland's negosHity for Increased pos
tal facilities was recognised and tnt
efforts would, be made to maka noues
aary additions. . 1 . . ,''
Br J. V. 8
After wandering all the way from
ruonard Carle mimical comedy to I.H
nan Kuanell and her r-lng play. Hi
Helllg threw open Ha doyra to good
pni American drama again last night,
Melodrama might have been nearer to
rt. out yoiina Norman Hackett. In his
curtain peuh, told us between Ma
gnwps or starvation that he had for
n tne old achool of tights and ra
inera ror tne new one of dress unl
rorms and qulxotlo adventure. In short,
he said he had taken up the modern
America drah-ma and with the aid of
juiee Murray, Hoped to make it an un
qualified success. Change Is. largely a matter of
"""uu" ana locale. "Classmates" be
12??" tQ. th? Knights of the Roundtable
"''? ao venture tales.' Its a very
R 0!:,Style.thouFh Bomewhar more old
;frhiioneiJ.wthan r- Hackett seemed to
think. The hero starts with a handi-
his hea t colors of his lady over
-.T..I" "rL ",lu moment, or defeat
nrrowed by these three. 1 They R iVi
it to leave when Stafford come, f " P",01
and the horrors redouble. Let's fl;- "T, I?'n"?.S :
.V.1" -tnf. "Pints of evil and trlumohs
something im
A Mad Orow(L ThouBam s ot people
bought tm-keta for Po'nf" R!n
the United Railways Una ye
(terdav and all could not .
. - a ' rrurt rfOWrt IW'I
. . . u fliomhtt Of COtH
trifrrA ii mt rnno r I '
witin i vninto find room on W
, t 1 n .... j vfnni vpii uum- 1 wjiu bjhu inv
died fttre-i to disappoiniea PVlp- TAI r:7;."tt"' Pe?P', -too. . ,Th tn
borton was the objocuve yum v v;'"7'- u ui rather drink. We'll
-dred( and a ncore of om without any jfurth.r
- Mvl; tne b,
townsite neiow uii"""'- . jr-z nt IaiV... r."Vi " rirai ciasa man at
ink nar advantage oi v"" i" . 10 oecome a
discount, good for a few a&y. , K toid-by his enthuslaatln chuma.
Dect- rt fanaoipa, HO does
iun , . i i . i5 earne xvortn
wun a Kiss. There Is
""f'ct'va about this sort of
ctiiu fin un. I .
, ""ni.uuw or smaller sing. - .
. yiBBamaies ' to bea-ln -wllh
must y?rTAJP,e0pl" iM mo"t "
rnorherr8 ?Siy .TO""
-j.eiii, una ne ratnee nf i
ives the lovely girl. They are
people .too. . The mother Is
Wlna Bull Ag-alnst
Bchwaner, master
Tiberius, a
wno comas
Carolina town as
master or to "jv : ine rirsi round that ensues
gainst Kern Glfford CO;, Irving hag It oyea Stafford easilyVhat
was given. In favor or iV. "0-f."Bec.0' ''"t class man
iV. awarded in eo" i th. second.
.morning, and damages
um of 1531. Thl3 was suit '""
ih!-?,j!?.r'u" edla.yenhHStma.n?.oHn-
I day s oFl 9b?r Them were alao a num of rainy day atTth)B time, which
reused delay, and J"l8a ;;Wojverton
ruled that this
however, It s all the otber wsy. Try
nig and Stafford have It out and Irv
ing ruins Stafford's eyesight by a well
directed blow on the Jaw and they all
leave the 1'olnt . ,
The lovely girl, of course.' could not
stand for thla. She sends Stafford off
to eiplore tne upper Amason and prom
Isea to marry hloi when he returns,
lie gets lost and Irving has to look
for him. The connection In spots is a
trifle haty, but he start out on his
Act S is the "big" scene. Upon It
the Bcenlo artist haa evnended all Ma
blandishments. It's really some Jungle.
btarrord lurcbea In dying of tarva
tlon. lie harrows us 'with his expe
riences for a time, rtlaanneara to tha
trlght and the three T rescuers, Irving.
Dubby Dumhle and Clay, come In. They
have been starving too. If we were
hnrrowed by Stafford, we are threa
times ha
are about
in again.
hurry up and say that they are saved
bv a holloaranh. Irvine--cllmba a treai
ruljy is feet above the stage and fas
tens his cpat sleeve to it. Ten miles
away a rescue party sees thla lofty
signal and fastens it with the helio
graph. '
, Hut let' not cavil at the way they
are saved.. If the feelings of the au
dience were considered 'Irving might
have tied thai' slirnal to a. around vine
and If 't had been picked up br the
heliograph we would have cheered. Wo
were distinctly In favor, of having that
crowd aaved at whatever cost In the
dictates of reason.
Mr. Hackett la an attractive and
steadily improving actor. He does good
work In "Classmates." He restrains the
desire of the voting" romantic actor
to rant, with considerable success. Will,
ard Loalsi as Bubbv Dumble. tha 'fat
cadet, was good and scored a good many
laughs. Doris Mitchell, as the lovely
girl, was quite charming, and Mae Ber-
ton. who wbb Stafford's Bister, ha a an
unusually Irritating buby talk voice.
ny f. D. r. '
James GleaSou, than 'whom there Is
none more versatile In the Baker stock
Company, seems to have met with his
affinity In the role of the Rev. Robert
Bpaldlng, the milk bottle parson In
"The Private Secretary ," that quaintest
of English comedies which la at the
uungaiow tins week.
Chariea 1 law trey. In the days when
humor was young and virile, bulldeU the
piy which orougni mm rnme. lie In
enrporated a laugh sometimes a dou
bio. and a triple In every angle, crook
and corner. The years have Increasod
their strength. Of course there had to
be anme exouae for tha laughs. There
is a plot.
Hut it s James -Gleaeon who constantly
In the background
even witn tiinocu
Sweet Daace. We
)iavt all applauded' oieaaon's varied
character work even down to that Chi
nose pipe mender but his Interpretation
of the role made famous by Beerbohm
Tree and William Gillette la beyond an-
. In vain we sought to detect by the
turn ox any eye lasn, perhaps; by the
characteristic twitch of the-mouth one
little trace of Jamea .Gleaaon. Gone.
Scores of Portland Citi
zens Have Learned It
Nowl.are to be found. ' As the Re.
Itobrrt Kpaliilng, who wears overshoes,
white so and "an all is Iobi" face,
tilt-anon, the men, Is absent.'
Kemdt'a the plot there are the mem
bers of the Hfther stock company. Hid.
ney Ayrre, Howard Uuserlt mid Mlas
Jewell and Mini Hcymour derive a great
deal of enjoyment out of ' aunt who
believes In .plrlte. , the ethereal kind,
aire. Uleaaon Is the aunt. William (ilea.
IV -L ..! ..J, I-
son Is BUnay Glbaon, a tailor. Tl ' i
there Is William lula, win. fero.
with al) the trimmings a Mr. Catui
niole. ,
And the riot la something like thf;
Cat tri mule, the unrle, haau't seen In
nr.tiiw auire he Utter was a ni-
ch-e-ild. The nephew la plre.l lV
A vrea. Cattermola giee to 'London.
mneis Bpaldlng. nilalakB Mm for hl4
nephew and the laughs begin.
ttii ;'.SWSl0u ddfeeg ' unlor
S2eti?th?i-eebyterlan.young peo.
a rr o'clock hir:w2it, hure!
10. Miss Brehm Is
er in , me w. f t
prominent worke
Hied Ithit this delay was hot temp-eriSce 'irgrni.atlo'n-. nd in, oth?I
nd that the damage resultant should be fSrotfS? anri t.f"! " ' lald
aid b the defendants. , , ;-.. ! Dr. K. w All 'i0?t"PWkeis
paid by the defendants,
- nmmera jiffaia 1 I'0'..?'" I latlni'J?.?elca' View' of the
. xnMa . i na ni !! i
n.w. .""..VTrrek through the
ji. ueselhracht nf liKn
to the , Gala-Uans,
Woman's Club Depirtwants. '
: IHraPII Willi Vlirj iii' - . I n a (Ml nil a tlUu v
from the bar and a warroiit-CMrn?
v. i....n )! .helm issueu. no i... l. r
'""" ' k.i.l h. an1 o clock.
mm Willi laitwij " . mnA IM.6U O
!" Jh. barkeeper -t the hotel peutlcs.
Ivrhn Aw url.. . .
r.'"- Duojeci. 'svcno-Thra.
last week waa arrested on a cnarge or jr--; i?nt, torms or depression,
ISrTby bSflef Jnd was releaBedupon anjrer hope Joy faith .xnlained.
payment or giwjf i. 'v."MVu.l chanra h.m V.'Vrr "
who.had him charged wun taxing 1 , " " " eisier.
amount of money. - ,1 All Par STeaHno- tv,. i,'.i. .,,v.
fc.M '.f : wnaband. Mrs. Alma I Nfl;arene and the Oregon HolinenB asso-
artnhiTS llvinc- at the southwest cor- I """"" WI" bo d an all day meeting to
uonanue. uvmi ' f"r j..,, f morrow. Service at to-an ".
or Bumner street am. p. m. and 7rsn .itl V.f" "'l.;f"
nue. has appealea xo tne meetlne- wi I h rf-h.H "'
eaJigenst, will have
rvices every
a locaterl ' at 1 fiavAnth nA tr.
Couqh streets.. . .
protection from her husband whom b? r";?.'" ""f.
states ehe Is BUlng . w ?,"Z charge of 7(ZiiWZZ?
tatea that her busoana is e,i7'"'' day tb s waik VTft .S
angerou.when he ,1. dHnkmg and that j week . and
he has reneatedlv beat her. She Btatea
that a revolver which Bbe. had nag been
aken by him and that as he ha keys
for every' dortr In the house she fears
eioient . treatment ana umctuio
appealed for protection.
Damages for r.oat snraltnm t,m.
ment for 1600 In favor of Mm &
Welcome aa-alnat thm fin,i xr-,i.
Railway company waa given by Judge
Jury Bocke Wext Monday Judge
jury oocaeu riuw ithot .h. u 5 i" . t.vt"
Gatens tn the circuit court this morn
i"T because of the loss of furniture
Iforman Hackett In wClagsmatc."
The favorite actor,. Norman Hackett
and his SDlendlrl nunnortlno- romninv
will present the brilliant comedy-drama
ailOCMatt, "TltHmalan" -f . K . UAI11.
Streets tonight and tomorrow night
If jrou suflTer from headache, ,
There is only one war to cure it.
The perfect way Is to oure the kid
neys. , -, ,.. . ' - : ,
. ' - , - v .
. Neglect It, urinary troubles follow.
Doan's Kidney Fills are made for
kidneys only. . ' ' ' '
.Are endorsed by Portland people. ,
David Campbell. 170 North Eighteenth
street,. Portland,. Qr says: "My faith
In - Doan's Kidney Pills toddy is just
as great as when I recommended them
several years aero; the cure they per
formed in my case having proven per
manent: i I suffered constantly: from
pains, on my back and often was so
lame and sore that It was quite diffi
cult for -me to stoop or lift I tried
various remedies and was treated by a
physician, but the relief I obtained was
only temporary and I was at a Ions to
know how to get rid of my trouble. I
New Bill at Jie Star. I read so much about doan's Kidney Pills
Two eolendld romantic nlcture dramna i that I was induced to try them, pro
"A Faithful Fool" and ."The Legend of I cured a box at the Laue-Davis Drur
CO. ; The contents of this box helped
. New Grand Bill.
There is a new collection " of VAiine-
ville specialties at the Grand today and
the new program looks attractive. The
Quaker City Four is a musical act in
which the performers appear In a
blacksmith shon, Kita Allen and her
associates oners a sketch by Will H.
BULLETIN 110. 15
the Forget-Me-Not."- are features of the
Star theatre's new . bill, which ooened
yesterday., "Sentenced to Heath" in a
heart-gripping 'picture play. Dow
Brink sings "While You Are
pretty sentimental ballad.
Mine," a
tnat date, ait cases rwiwni yui l-fenee . " "
i.n.tir.Hnl. indictments of the fie,,BB.
lng of the Independent Order of Odd
reapwshlp, a meeting was last night
o a-,. . i.iaieiico true wuson de
livered a sermon on "The Three Unk."
: a 8 lar attendance by both
vuc ua xveueaan lodges
.AJ$? Speeders Are rined. Two fines i
.require a jury trial. A number of in
teresting cases are to ob
docket and Borne of them are -of con
siderable , Importance.
- Stolen. From The Journal office,'
jrifth and Yamhill streets, a National
'blrycle. No. 84369. Bicycle is fix months
ol(L. has dark blue frame, bins striped
rims, good tires, narrow chaster, brake.
extension nanaie oars,
witnout any 1001s ;
stolen from The Jon
S-S1 ?dhoir5wt5 v-?an'?,c,In EL3IAX GREAT
imal office between 1 1"" ' ?op sP?edlng automobiles. H. I l - . An ittattt
5 and 6 o'clock: on Friday evening, Apra f."'" " -were ootn JlAOlliiV UX , ? 1UXXJ.
'r anTlnto' ,0 Wock w' .11 forVaV fo
' Infnrmatlnn iMlllnl
of wheel' or thief.' Address Journal of
fice, or phone Main 7173 or A-S051.
Case Against Pick Dismlaied. C. O.
pick, arrested on complaint of U. 1
Jobson. for violation of the city ordi
nance prohibiting stables for more than
six horses within certain restricted dis
tricts, was dismissed in "police court
this morning. Mr, Pick's stable Js lo
cated at' Eighteenth, and Pe";0
and has only recently,, come within the
restricted-district, on account of an en
largement of that district .. -
- : antii nmna Tnto Hole Careless driv
ing caused automobile bearing the nunc
ber Oregon 954 to run into a hole where
work la being carried on by the Port
land Railway. Light & Power-company
at the corner of First and Jefferson
streets yesterday. Mrs. F. Joplin, of
Nineteenth and Clackamas streets, an
rccupant of the automobile, was thrown
nut and considerably Jarred and bruised,
but otherwise uninjured. , .
ArresUd fo OambUng.--The cases
against the 1 6 colored men arrested on
Fundav morning for gambling and fre--.
ouenting a gambling house bv Officers
Velnlen. Swennea. . Hanev. White and
Jnskeep, after a raid in the-colored j
were both
inst C. C.
for hearing
until April . 29.
arouna on street ou-i. rtnnii. t.,..
pall, 20 umbrellas. 2 hand bara." munis
rack, envelope sealed, paid gloves, 4
lunch boxes, kev. 9 anU r o
paint brush. 7 nakiiM. hnnir ' 1 time. Is making, his firat American tour.
shoes, roll of maps, shoe, brace and bit I nd plays at theHellig theatre Monday
letter, roll 1 of , papers, roll of plans. j evening. May M." JElman is considered
me so much that I continued taking the
remedy and was soon cured.
vA. ;, '.
For sale by all dealers. Price t6
cente. ' Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, K.
T., sole agents for the United States.
Hemember the name DOAN'S and
take no other. , . '
And those afflicted with heart
weakness may now have no
fear of the dental chain
I had 19 teeth extracted at the Har
vard Dentists' without tha least naJn.
aiiu uigui.r recommena tnem.
R& HANLEY. 144 6tb St
Whalebone Plate $10
A Oreat BiBoOTsry,. tba JTew Whale- I
Imiia , Plate Hhinl. ) . -V.A ll.ltul J !
strongest set Known; does not cover th
llnlst whose marvelous successes In I rofif of the mouth: bite corn off the
London, ; Berlin, Paris and other Euro- cob! uarapteed ,10 years.
pean art centers have placed him amdng tXOOO Wl CHAXJCEirai: TSfi WOSX.S.
the greatest violinists , of the- present w will forfeit 11000 to ativ eharltahl.
Orpheum Opens New Bill,
The Oroheum D resented "Ha new bill
for the week at the matinee todnv. Tha
bill is. pronounced one of the best seen
there in some time and will doubtless
do a big, business, for there Is two
hours of good laughter in the bill.
RusseH ... Brothers in "Our , Servant
Girls", are the feature.
- "The Private Socretafy.M
"The Prlfate Secretary," , in which
the Baker Stock company opened the
week at the Bungalow yesterday, is one
of the most noted of all comedies, and
was first played In America by William
Gillette, with William Gleason of the
Baker 8tock company as stage director
and understudy to Gillette.
anclag a Biarlev hall every Tuas
i hursday and Sat eve. Refined dancing
for patrons of the better class only.
uuutiuBs niugier, manager.
living violinists, although he is but 1
years of age. ,. - ..-,
One of the most remarkable features
of his playing la his tone, glorious in rich.
ness and strength, the quality of it has
vivnn lump mi, tnorougnjy screened, I Deen surpassea py tnereatest mas.
for furnace, range or stove, prompt de-Iters of the violin. Besides this loveli
llvery: weight guaranteed. Oregon FueJ I nc"s ot tone there is a sweeping breadth
Co., Mala S, A-1665. . I and boldness about his nhraalnar. and hla
.The ta dies' Aid ocley of the First
Presbyterian church will hold their reg-
uii uiuiniMjr meeting Tuesday at i:so
p, m. at the church. .
Steamer Jessie HarMns. for Camas,!
.monuunni uu vay mnsings, oally, ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington stseet
own at n. m.
latrlrt were set for hearing foo- APrl
J!. -'Three of tb" negroes arrested will
1'sve to face another charge of holding
lottery tickets in their possession.
- '- sjaetenes for VarrancT. J-'haHes Ilite,
'arrested on Sunday on a charge of
varrancv. was sentenced to 0 days In
1al! hv Judve Van Zante this morning.
Ifite was ricked up. at Ttilrd and Pine
atreeta and It waa shewn that he had
old a pawn ticket for a "phoney" ring
to tjt O. Smith and defrauded him out
SytglasBea that fit rotir eyes, your
face, your nose and your poeketbook Is
what we guarantee yott Dr. George
Jtubensteln. expert optician,' 189 . Third
treetr opposite Baker' theatre.
lOsa Brehm to lecture At the
meeting of the Preabylery, at the First
rreahvter an church, this' morning, ar
rangements were made to have MIs
- Sadies' Sample Suits See Lang, sixth
floor Marquam, rooms 614-15, Vou can
buys one nair. . , -. i. . . .
interpretations have an air of authority
which la usually a-aJned onlv thrmnb
long years of experience. Elman's eon
cert at the Hellis- is under thn direction
of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. and mall
orders are now being attended to if
sent who. cnecK VO sus Columbia bldg.
institution for tha dentist who can make I
a plate lor lis aa good as we maka for II.
, 10 Year Guafantea
- A bank account is
your friend. It en
ables you to buy
' cheaply. It strength
ens your credit. It
encouriges economy.
We invite your de-
posits and offer you
every banking con
venience. .
170 DEPOSITS , ;
Open 8 a. ra. to 5:33 p. m.
Saturdays 8 p. rru
Seats are now aelllnv of VU&rm PUnn
House for the second annual Musical
Festival. This big event wlU be given
at the Armory, Tenth and Couch streets,
next Friday, Saturday and Sunday
nights, Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
April SO. Mav 1 and 2. The fnatival
will be given by the Chicago Svmphony
orchestra of 60 musicians and the Port-
oasoima ana Coal ell T T.i.nt. n & n.j nuk..... j 1 1 . . .
Tank Oil Co. ISO First street 1 shin of Adolnh Rfuvnh-Ir. th.
J - . " icnorus under vv. H. Boyer. - .
Co fine oil and gasoline. I . Comlnar from tha unl lth thla fU
I organisation will be the foUowlng cele-
AmeHoam Bank a. ini. o,..w V J
sftni rmr biiawii uIBiiw, ai isi riaunur, cuniraiio uavia
Br bitih. ...M.. o.,' 2 .'.v . I bsso. The orchestra will Include 10 In-
optician. 8almon.near lth. I strumental soloists. Added to the
"' ' ' ' " " ' ' " hi si.i a i , I ihAtfa am -p-at t at al 1 1 W j
ORE0OY TS TV AY famous PianiBt Myrtle Elvyn. Buy
XO lil -i - . . Jvour seats earlv. S.U nnen fm i a
Woman's SzohaDire. 1SS Tenth ir..
unch 1:S0 to t; business men's lunch.
; Biianareit, commercial, view, flssh-
gt pioionrapner. .u-10B, ast S338..
VT. A. Wise and assoclatea. painless
ut.mi.ij, iiiuu ana wasningron.
' " Aema OH
Phone Main 1288, A-123.
Gold crown, extra heavy..., 15.00
Tall Set Taata (whajeboni B. B. W.)f 8.00
Bridge Work, peg tooth, bast gold..8.00
White Crowns .s4.oo
Teeth Ke-enamejed ...............t3.00
Ool riUiags ...81.00
And not excaedinr.... .......... $t. 00
Best Silver PlUings..,.. . ...... .o.M
Platinum FUliags ....tlXO
Teeth Cleaned .................. .SO JO
Tra Win Otnei Work Is Ordered. I
By our now system ot painless dentistry, j
used by us alone.' Our success Is due to
the nign-graoe wotk oono oy our expert
gentlemanly operators.. . ,,.,
Oorne Bark and WashlngtomJlta -:-
. uni xu jiaxary.
largest and best-equipped rental estab
lishment in tha world; SO offices la
United States. Open Sunday, I to 1
Daily until a.
"Ha v Inewlsftei the
. T"?V '-nl''- w Tork. Boston,
Philadelphia. Baltimore, Cincinnati,
fictanurr. Txilila rtotrntt . nA mh..
minor points, i return to Oregon with
i a ri 1 'orti"r"' than I ever had.
Tvi h...,:i -L.: ' i "., " x weniiein Btreet, oetween
. .".t known wh. dull times and Bratnard, T. K Griswold. e
nke- th. an?"."U.",',', -JI W 'ram.
,Tr r" -iin; r.aei Harrison street,
ample, tha Baldwin Immni iv n'nrk. I itli.,.. j i..J
I J Illlll'lnyilU VIIU lUlllT-l lLll.
un to the dey of depression were em
ploying upwaras or jj.OftO skilled men.
VTT'!:-'' I'.'W-'.'"
they ere only emDlovine- a tm
mora man ou. nut are preparing tn
open un with nearly their full quota of
opera Uvea.
"The clothing factories are running
"T' Vj1" nmnum wtum or tneir com
plete lack of reserve stock. On the
other hand, the manufacturers nf planes
were not ohllreat tn enroll en...
nr oneranves as much ss otber line,
showing tbst the mueleal taate of the
people has dev. lope I wonderfully dftee
' i- rnmiar nerre-sjon in tma country
Tm know mimical instruments were
Bt ene time livkM upon ea lTiTtirlea.
but that day haa forever gnne ty. Mute Is
iwfiiiijr, man. mo fcr the musical col
tore of th iv.pi.
'Rrardtna the Pealtle fair, f hrtieva
JH ati?ni1iC'- wl"l ererll that pf our
land Oar fair I II tell vm
why., The nMm of p-.! vloltiv
tf rai i vrun Br.atee than it w
t the time we .H our i't'wi. yrr
I : nee. tne r'-hr er tonrita that
Ira-r-a to lxe fn.' t p wltit'T
. miyh str than v.- h f-r., a).
' tHoiieh wMir Mn'.iidt r,r. sr' fRr
t-e wnrst ever Trrier-4 n f-ifr.rnia
i i-rn a"l Tn,nA ran wiih tn--.-.
dertltn at-'l rpre.-"iSn at Rtt! l f ;
r t rfw,lr1f.f-aKi it rf (i rn'far inert I
' limn rwf fa fir1 I.
. Building rrrmlt".
Holmsn street corner Ha!a-ht avert no
K. H. hitnev. erect two storv frm.
dwelling. fi'OOv; Wattt street between
ueiaware and Brandon, Buttarworth-j
Stevenson company, erect four one story
rrame aweiungs, earn f l&uo. total 16000:
rect one !
dwelling. I
net ween j
erect on .
story frame dwelHng, I1S00; Fast Yam- j
riiii r r-r-L, urmwn ronifio ana '
East Thlrty-nrnth. W. B. Russell, erect!
Awva mr,A mi ilnr er.m. jt...lll.. '
ij-."u; uii i niriTvirei street, between
Killlngswortri and Jarrett Oliver An-
oeraon, erect two story frame dwellinr.
1 ? O 0 O T n I rn iv.nn. rflrnr Oiilnv IT T
Sixty-ninth street corner Hoyt H. i
lfontaln. erect one story frame dwell
ing, uarneid avenue, between
h-ortiana pomevaru ana iKum avenua. i
W. O. PtiHweti. erect one story frame,
dwelling. Sioee, A
CTAD Tl.n. obb
I Mil Iflllft'
ntB " ' sna
OCX Art tATTTT xo- rs.
now ncTrapn v
as. row panrx.
Fntir Chanaa Pl'-tarea WMlneutv.
Section 1 f numerate s the streets on which franchise rightr are
granted tnd provides that the company cannot change from a dou
ble track to a single track without the consent of th council ex- -pressed,
by ordinance, and , ho change shall be made, during the
pendency of a street improvement withoutthe consent of the coun
cil, unless the company shall pay its full portion for such improve
ment upon the basis of a double track. Also provides that the'
consent of the council must be obtained to put in connecting curve
at street intersections with other lines of railway. Last part of sec
tion 1 provides fhat' the railway company shall not abandon any ;
part of its railway lines constructed (under authority granted by
this ordinance without the consent of the council expressed by :
ordinance. . ..i'''r;":."."v". . " , -
Section 2 provides tfiat no change shall be made in the motive '
power without the consent of the council expressed by ordinance.
. Section 3 provides that the weight and pattern of rails shall be
approved by the city authorities and that all construction and '
reconstruction shall be upon plans approved by the city authorities,
a copy of which is filed-with the auditor of the city of Portland,
and , specifies that the weight of rails shall not be less than 60
pounds to the yard upon streets not having hard surface pavement; f
that when hard surface pavement shall be laid the railway com
pany shall put down fails weighing not less than 60 pounds to the
yard and cannot be compelled to put down rails weighing more .
than 90 pounds to the yard. , '
Section 4 provides, among other things, that the passenger cars .
shall be of the construction suited to the comfort, convenience
and safety of passengers and shall be subject to reasonable r egu- r
lation by the council. It further provides for fenders as provided -by
law; also that cars shall be run not less frequently than 15
minutes apart and between certain hours, and excepts lines running
into car bans, yards, etc., and tracks leading to Country Club
grounds from the 15-minute operating provision. Also provides a
""fine except in case of riots, accidents, etc., for failure to operate
cars regularly and for such failure to operate for more than -30 '
days during any 90 consecutive days subjects that portion of the
franchise not operated to forfeiture by action of the council. The
speed of cars is limited to 12 miles per hour? penalty provided for -stopping
cars on street. intersections; freight cars are prohibited,
from being operated without the consent of the council, excepting
on East Eighth street and East Yamhill streets in East Portland . "
and on tracks leading to the proposed Golf Links car barn and
streets runnirtg through the east side freight yards. ' .
Section 7. specifies that the railway company shall pave and
keep in repair such portion of the streets as laid between its tracks
4nd one foot outside of its outside rail; shall pay for one-quarter
' of the dost of all bridges on the lines granted and for its section of ;
all fills. And provides that in case the railway company fails so io
do the city of Portland may do such work and the cost of same
may be entered on the docket of city liens and enforced against
the real and personal property of the grantee. Section 7 also pro- '
' vides that the railway company shall donate to the city of Portland ,
any private rights of way along the lines granted by the ordinance
which may be required by the city for street purposes, subject, of
course, to the railway company's right to operate cars, to construct .-
uacKs, ercci wires, etc, ana tne railway company uau uc uuuycu , -to
pave the streets laid out on land so dedicated. - '
Section 8 provides that in case of any abandonment of tracks ,
that the railway company shall restore the streets in as good con
dition as the balance Of the street. It further provides that no
abandonment of any portion of the franchise shall be made without .
v-the consent of the council of the city of Portland expressed by
ordinance and that in case of the abandonment of a portion of the
franchise, the balance shall not be affected, , ,
Section 9 provides for the forfeiture to the city of Portland of ,
the franchise and tracks. in case of failure ot the railway company
to comply within a reasonable time with any of the provisions or
conditions Of the franchise.' x
Section 10 provides for the forfeiture of the franchise in case
the railway company does not maintain its roads and tracks-in
good order and repair and render efficient service during the entire'
term of the franchise. ' , J . .
" Section 11 provides for annual payment to the city varying from
$500 to $1500 per year, and amounting for the whole franchise
period to $23,40Q.
Section 12 provides for a fare not exceeding five cents (5c)
excepting observation and other special cars. , -
Section 13 provides that the line to the Swift plant shall be
constructed inside of one year and all other lines inside of three '
years excepting lines leading to car barns and terminal yards, etc.,
on which a five-year period is allowed. ; -- .
Section 14 provides for the confining of electrical currents to
the rails of the railway company, r . ;. ' i
Section 15 provides for the option' of the- city -toacquire the
property constructed under the franchise at the end of the fran
chise period in accordance with the terms of the city charter .and
provides for the method of fixing the valuation at that time.
Section 16 and 17 provide penalties for obstructing the construe- ;
tion of tracks or operation of cars and provide penalties for the use
of offensive language on cars. i
Section 18 provides-for the estimated total cost of worly to be
done under the franchise and' the yearly sums of money tb be ,ex-"-pended
thereon as provided by the city charter.
Section 19 is a general clause making all the terms, provisions
and conditions of the present city charter absolutely applicable to .
"this franchise. -;- - c - .'.;, :- '
Section 20 provides that the-franchise rights shall expire De- ,
eembeY 31, 19o2, being the same time that. the franchise rights,
enjoyed by the railway company on other streets expire.
Section 21 provides that the jower and right at all times to
reasonably regulate in the public interest the exercise of the rights '
and privileges granted by this franchise shall be and remain vested
in the counril of the city of Portland. ,
Portland, Oregon; April 12, 1909.
This is the fc., time cf th. yr t
hare J"'ir tm tatractaA tf au, a
is th t.Hy aad hat
DUiBGE .17032
Pone aa there Is leas trouble from sir
gums or othrr troubles.
President and Manager.
S3 Years Established la Portland
We wilt give you" a good 311c gold
vr punj.tmin crown lur .,., .q
Molar Crowns . ... .1 ... .X .
22k bridge teeth
uoia or enamel rilllnga
Silver fllllna-a
Inlav fillings of all kinds
Good rubber plates
The best red rubber plates
x Hiiucaa extractions.....
3.0 )
Painless extractions free when plates
or bridge work Is ordered.
Work guaranteed for 15 years.
The Tallinn Bldg., sd and Wash. St a.
oinoe nonrs a a. VL to a P.
Sundays, to 1.
' Phones A and Vain S089
niVlsUlVJr , , Nth and Wash.
t Phones Main 1 and A-112S.
Tonight and Tomorrow Wight
, .1 In the Comedy Crania Success
raicrs, si, 7BQ, soc.
Main 117; A-4224.
Empire Theatre Co. (Inc.), Lessee. Ceo.
I Baker,. Gen. Mgr. All this week fa
mous Baker Stock Company In the noted
Evenings, 26c, 86c, tOc. . Matinee Satur
day.' lftc, 25c. fext week "When
Knighthood Was In Flower." '
KAnr e, A-ioaa tfata.
Sx. Sundays and, SEoUday
Week of April 86 Knasetl Brothers la
"Our Servant Girls" i Pivs haggling JTor.
maus : Baal Color Pbotograohv: Tran-
I elnl-OUoxns ; Prederiok Allen Co.j Andy
Bioe; JDelmore Sister; Orchestra) pio
tures. -
Advanced VandBvflle, Star of all Vatlons.
Sensational European character Changs
artist, presenting -a Hcanaai in ft.
. Restaurant", and impersonations of
famous musicians.
Special Added Attraction, "Tha Poor
Doraeeas, wonaorrul acrobats, per
forming daring acrobatic stunts and
sensational somersaults.
Matinees daily, 15c; two shows at night.
- lao ana Zbc.
The GRAND VandevHIe De Luxe
Week of April 38.
Kits, Allen, ft Co,
Prank Ensh
Xiwls ft Tonng
Bo&nla Oaylord
Barry McDuffee
VW Open May 29
All persons wishing to seenre
concessions for the coming sea
son will apply at The Oaks"
between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.
F. W. Suites
and Company
invito your
inquiries for
pi..., Main 165
First and Oak
J r if
ASK. wxDIAMOSD f- , !
L, i -s"at amis saw w I -w-- 1 i ff - . v-j
i 'a'v i r ' ' . . . ' ' '
f Oir (di k 't - .
I Ml ,
u va 1 v -11
-BsaBBBBaasBSBBa-. as MT .
rn siaruw
Tea Caa tHt Pre I. sons
'tin'-' r v-.j"3-.
Ga. uaaua, arta
f SOU! rOBTtATD af.f.r
" , I U.A. Waits BjOfc.N.BTiiaa
$cbii'db Printing Co.
Ileilig Tliealrc
TrrsaxssAT XTximro, apxtl aa
(Oe to all parts at theatre.
Bests majr be rrrd beginning
Mondar. April I.
tltT a-ejr.
H S T A R. K
f) 1
an i i
mm f ,u, I m 4 a- tr t-
s Baa a ml CWiam Mi traa tmt rm nil
rrmmt mm Taaakill sta. Peruana bv.
rcnATioir fa hk.
Corns Vang as aad Twaaty-rcon f .a.
0AU.T3 vs. VZ?MIj
AprU ST. SS, 29. -O; Ksr 1. S.
Hum ria ffHiri I !) r r- :
A 1 BJrmy. J 1 r m
tABirr Bit 11 f'